Methods for planting strawberries in pipes. Strawberries in PVC pipes: planting and care, growing horizontally and vertically. How to build a shelf out of pipes for strawberries

I love strawberries, but on 6 acres it’s impossible to allocate a lot of space for a plantation of this delicious berry. I recently became acquainted with an interesting technology for growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally, which allows limited space get a large harvest of berries.

This article discusses issues related to the use of ordinary plumbing pipes to create original strawberry beds.

Gardeners who are willing to experiment use a wide variety of containers to place plants. Convenient and economical way growing strawberries and wild strawberries in plastic pipes allows you to create beautiful compositions in the garden.

  1. Pipes with flowering and fruiting plants are placed on the fence and walls; they can be placed on the balcony and placed in a greenhouse. Pipes placed vertically form picturesque columns. Horizontally laid PVC pipes form compact beds.
  2. Strawberries grown in a tube are not clogged with weeds and do not suffer from soil pests.
  3. The berries do not touch the ground, they do not get dirty and are not susceptible to gray rot.
  4. The bushes are easy to care for: trim the tendrils and dried leaves, pick the berries.
  5. Placing strawberry bushes in pipes allows you to expand the usable area of ​​the garden plot.
  6. When bad weather conditions Plantings can simply be transferred to a greenhouse and protected from bad weather.

To create unusual beds, you can use scraps of plastic pipes left after renovation or construction; you will need:

  • Pipes with a diameter of 15 - 30 cm with plugs for the base;
  • Pipes with a diameter of 5 cm for supplying water;
  • Geotextiles;
  • Drill with an attachment for cutting round holes;
  • Hacksaw for metal.

Before planting, you must first treat the PVC pipes. Preparing pipes for cultivating strawberries is somewhat different depending on the chosen growing method, horizontal or vertical.

How to grow strawberries in horizontal pipes

At a distance of 20 cm, several holes with a diameter of 11–15 cm are drilled in the pipe; they are located on the side of the pipe that will be at the top. An easier way is to cut off the top of a horizontal pipe using a hacksaw.

In the middle part at the bottom, it is advisable to drill a small hole to drain excess water; it can be closed with a stopper. Both ends of the pipe are closed with plugs.

Drainage (expanded clay) is placed at the bottom. To ensure drip irrigation, a specially prepared narrow pipe is laid on the drainage: several holes are drilled into it. large holes and wrap the tube with geotextile.

The pipe is filled with soil, leaving the top small space. Strawberry seedlings are planted in the prepared holes or in the open part of the pipe.

How to grow strawberries in vertical pipes

IN this option It is preferable to place holes with a diameter of 11-15 cm in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface of the pipe, maintaining a distance of 20 cm between them. A plug is installed at the bottom and the drainage is filled in.

To ensure uniform distribution of water during irrigation, a narrow pipe with several holes, wrapped in geotextile, must be additionally placed in the vertical pipe.

This pipe should be slightly longer than the main planting pipe. The holes in it should be located at a level of 30 cm above the ground so that the water does not stagnate.

Soil is carefully poured into the pipe and plants are planted in the holes, placing the roots vertically. The prepared pipe with strawberries must be securely fastened; to do this, it is placed in a bucket of sand and secured with a cable.

WITH step by step guide By vertical growing strawberries can be found by following the link:

Strawberries grown in tubes do not cause much trouble for the gardener. But if you follow certain rules, you will be pleased with a good harvest of aromatic berries.

  • For cultivation, it is advisable to use remontant or ampelous varieties of strawberries/strawberries, then throughout the summer your mobile beds will be covered with flowers and berries.
  • The soil should be light and nutritious. It is recommended to use a mixture of soil, peat and sand in equal quantities. You can add perlite (no more than 10% of the mixture) and wood ash.
  • Seedlings are planted in the usual way, leaving the growing point above the soil.

  • The soil in the pipe dries out quickly, so you need to water it regularly.
  • Over-watering should not be allowed.
  • It is advisable to use drip irrigation.


  • Only liquid fertilizers are used; vermicompost can be used.
  • Spraying will help plants in early spring ammonia(1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Pest protection:

  • From aphids and spider mite the bushes are sprayed with biological products (Fitoverm).

  • For the winter, pipes with strawberries can be placed in an unheated greenhouse and covered with spunbond.
  • In places with a mild climate, it is possible to place the pipe for wintering on the south side of the greenhouse or house.
  • Strawberries grown in tubes have little chance of surviving a harsh winter. Beautiful beds restored by growing seedlings in early spring.

Mobile strawberry beds created using PVC pipes will help give a unique look to your garden.

Instructions for growing strawberries in PVC pipes.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is one of the unusual interesting ways obtaining a good harvest of berries. It is worth noting that many summer residents use this method if the space is own dacha not enough and all the beds are occupied, but I want to enjoy a tasty, sweet berry.

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries in PVC pipes: list of productive varieties

The most simple option making strawberry plantings in PVC pipes - the base of the bed is on stands. Some summer residents install PVC pipes with strawberries directly on the fences, or under them. Although this is not the most the best place. Since berries love warmth and a lot of light. In this case, they turn out bright, juicy and tasty.

It is worth noting that not all varieties are suitable for growing in pipes. It is best to choose early species. They take root as quickly as possible and do not require serious and painstaking care.

List of varieties:

  • Yellow miracle
  • Pomegranate
  • Desnyanka
  • Troubadour
  • Baby elephant

In order to acquire such beds with strawberries, it is necessary to equip pipes. That is, places to plant strawberries, as well as purchase seedlings or seeds. You can use root or tendril propagation. The fact is that not all types of strawberries are suitable for planting in pipes, but only remontant ones. That's why ideal option Only some varieties will become. Hybrid varieties are not suitable for cultivation.

Planting strawberries in a PVC pipe

Choosing a place for vertical and horizontal planting of strawberries in PVC pipes: tips, recommendations

The place for growing strawberries should be bright and have good air circulation. Quite often, berries are grown in greenhouses in this way. This method saves soil and simplifies plant care. They are also often installed in special supports along fences or directly on them. Often they decorate beds with other plants, installing pipes with strawberries around the perimeter.

What pipe diameter should I choose for planting strawberries horizontally and vertically?

To grow strawberries, pipes with a diameter of 10 and 15 cm are used. You can use not only new, but also old pipes that were removed during repairs.

Planting strawberries in PVC pipes

Preparing PVC pipes for planting strawberries in PVC pipes: description, tips

Well, some sensors say that this growing technique is quite expensive. In fact, there are many options to reduce the cost of growing strawberries and not use drip irrigation.

In order to grow strawberries in pipes, you need to prepare them properly.

Tools and materials:

  • Pipe plugs
  • Special cutter
  • Pipes for drip irrigation
  • Drainage systems
  • PVC pipes


  • In order to prepare the pipes, you need to cut into them round holes under the bushes. The diameter of these holes is 15 cm. It is in these holes that the strawberries will be planted.
  • Next, you need to install a drip irrigation system with a fine water pipe, having first made several holes in it using a drill. Next, the irrigation pipe is inserted into a large PVC tube and closed with plugs.
  • There are many ways to reduce the cost of the system and therefore sometimes drip irrigation is ignored and each bush is watered directly on its own. This helps to significantly reduce the cost of constructing the structure.
  • They do not use special ones as plugs, but use ordinary ones. wooden mugs. Several holes must be made at the bottom of the pipe so that excess water does not accumulate, and the roots do not rot, fungus, powdery mildew, or root rot do not form.
  • After the holes are cut, the pipe itself is closed with plugs and filled with soil. After this, the soil is moistened and the strawberry bushes themselves are planted.
  • The holes must be made at a distance of 20 cm from each other. As for preparing the pipe for vertical planting of strawberries in PVC pipes, the holes must be made in a checkerboard pattern. In this case, their diameter should be approximately 10 cm. In this case, drainage should be installed up to the irrigation pipes. After this, the pipe is filled with soil.

What should the soil composition be for growing strawberries and wild strawberries in PVC pipes with soil?

It is worth noting that the soil for growing strawberries in PVC pipes should be light and turfy. Required condition is drainage, its layer should be 2-3 cm. Pebbles or expanded clay are used as drainage. After filling each hole, a drainage layer of about 2-3 cm is filled in. You must remember that such soil will be poor, because there are no natural elements and the strawberries themselves will not be able to take nutrients from the soil. Therefore, quite often fertilizing and watering with special fertilizers, as well as growth stimulants, will be necessary.

You can prepare the soil from a mixture of garden soil and peat. Only after preparation, it is necessary to pour boiling water over the soil and treat it with some kind of fungicide to prevent pathogenic microorganisms and pests from multiplying and growing.

How to put soil in a pipe for growing strawberries and wild strawberries vertically and horizontally?

Filling soil into pipes is a time-consuming and complex operation, because you need to constantly compact the soil and prevent a thin or loose layer. Because during the watering process this layer is compacted, voids are formed that will negatively affect the yield of strawberries.

How to properly plant strawberries in a PVC pipe with soil: step-by-step instructions, tips

Below in the video you can learn more about how to properly plant strawberries in a PVC pipe with soil.

VIDEO: Planting strawberries in PVC pipes

Strawberry watering system in a vertical and horizontal pipe: device diagram, tips

There are several options for watering strawberries planted in PVC pipes. The fact is that many gardeners save money and do not care about drip irrigation at all. Therefore, water the plants directly under the bushes, in the holes where the strawberries are planted. But you can do everything a little differently.


  • To do this, take a pipe of small diameter for cold water. Holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern, they are wrapped with agrofibre or fabric that allows water to pass through well.
  • Next, the pipe is placed in a larger diameter pipe with holes, which will serve as the frame of the structure. If this is a vertical planting method, then the irrigation pipe is placed clearly in the center.
  • If this is a horizontal position, then the pipe is placed from below, directly on the drainage layer, that is, you first need to fill in the drainage layer, place the pipe and only then fill in the prepared soil.

Strawberries in PVC pipes

How to properly do drip irrigation of strawberries with your own hands?

More information about drip irrigation of strawberries in PVC pipes can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Drip irrigation of strawberries in PVC pipes

Fertilizing strawberries, wild strawberries planted in pipes through drip irrigation: description, composition

The soil must be watered regularly and mineral fertilizers applied. Since there is no direct access to the soil, all fertilizers and fertilizing are introduced in liquid form along with watering. For this purpose, additives such as boric acid, cobalt nitrate, manganese sulfate, ammonium nitrate, and urea are used. You can also feed strawberries organic fertilizers. This is a solution chicken manure or mullein. Fertilizing is carried out directly several times before flowering. There is no need to fertilize during flowering. As the berries ripen, you can apply mineral and organic fertilizers.

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries in PVC pipes vertically and horizontally in hydroponics: description of planting, watering

It is possible to grow strawberries in PVC pipes using a hydroponics system.


  • To create it, you need to fill the pipes with substrate. Use expanded clay or coconut fiber. Next, you need to prepare a nutrient solution in a separate container that will circulate throughout the substrate.
  • To do this, dissolve 1 g of a substance prepared from potassium nitrate, superphosphate, magnesium sulfate, zinc sulfate, ammonium nitrate, copper sulfate, ferric chloride, boric acid. All this is mixed and 1 g of dry powder is diluted in a liter of water.
  • To set up the system, you will also need an aquarium pump, which will pump the nutrient solution through the filler layer.

What should be the composition of compost for growing strawberries and wild strawberries in hydroponics?

It is also recommended to water with compost for growing strawberries and wild strawberries in hydroponics. Please note that fertilizing is carried out infrequently. If you use complex fertilizer and minerals, then in principle it is not necessary to supplement or feed with compost. A ten percent solution is usually used. Feeding can be done approximately once every 3 weeks.

What should be the composition of the nutrient solution, what fertilizers should be used for growing strawberries and wild strawberries in hydroponics?

If you do not want to prepare the nutrient solution yourself, you can buy ready-made ones. They are called Yara, Kristalin. They contain varying amounts of nitrogen and potassium. They must also be dissolved in an amount of 1-1.5 grams per liter of water.

Growing strawberries and wild strawberries on the balcony, in a greenhouse, on the street: features

You can grow strawberries in PVC pipes not only on the street, but also on the balcony or in a greenhouse. This requires constant temperature conditions and high humidity. From time to time, before flowering begins, it is necessary to spray the strawberries with a sprayer. clean water room temperature.

It is worth paying attention that there is no need to reduce the temperature to below 20 degrees Celsius, because the growth of the bushes slows down and the formation of berries stops. Therefore, temperatures of 23 and 25 degrees are considered optimal. If cultivation is carried out in winter time, then for a good harvest it is necessary to additionally illuminate the plants. Often, a sodium lamp is used for these purposes, which is installed above the pipes with strawberries.

strawberries on the balcony

Strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally and vertically: how do they winter in a pipe?

If you are growing strawberries in open ground, then in winter you need to move the strawberry beds to the balcony or cellar. Exactly the same processing is carried out as for strawberries in the garden. It is necessary to prune the bushes, water them, and treat them against pests. Then the pipes are removed into the cellar. It is necessary to water from time to time. Optimal temperature The temperature at which cut strawberries overwinter is 4-5 degrees. But if you constantly maintain in conditions high humidity At this temperature, the development of fungal diseases is possible. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the cellar from time to time, and also carry out antifungal treatment, immediately before you take the strawberry beds out into the open ground.

Beds, beds for strawberries, wild strawberries made of PVC pipes for horizontal and vertical planting: ideas, photos

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is not only a way to get good harvest berries, but also decorate your personal plot. For this, various decorative techniques are usually used. Below are photos showing how you can grow strawberries in horizontal and vertical PVC pipes.

Strawberry beds

Strawberry beds

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is a rather complex and painstaking process that requires some skills and experience. So don't hesitate to ask and ask questions. experienced gardeners, and also consult with them about fertilizing, pruning and watering strawberries.

VIDEO: Strawberries in PVC pipes

Recently, they have become increasingly popular unusual ways growing vegetable and berry crops, including strawberries. To organize original plantations they use car tires, barrels, boxes, plastic bags and other available materials. Interesting growing method garden strawberries in PVC pipes.

Features of growing strawberries in PVC pipes

The method of growing strawberries using PVC pipes has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this method are as follows:

  • Significant space saving in the garden.
  • Mobility of the structure. If necessary, it is easy to move or rebuild.
  • Cleanliness during harvest. The berries do not come into contact with the ground, therefore they are less susceptible to rotting and loss of presentation.
  • No weeding. Strawberry plantings practically do not need it.
  • Convenient watering and fertilizing of plants.
  • Protection from diseases and pests. If the soil is properly prepared and processed, then there are no pest larvae or pathogenic bacteria in it.
  • Originality. The ridges will be the highlight of your site and will give it a well-groomed appearance.

Planting strawberries in pipes saves space and perfectly decorates the area

This method also has some disadvantages:

  • Strawberry plantings in pipes need to be watered regularly (at least once every 3-5 days). Having an automatic irrigation system or filling an irrigation pipe with hydrogel filled with water, which will gradually release moisture to the roots of the plants, will greatly facilitate this task.
  • The soil in PVC pipes has virtually no opportunities for natural enrichment, so plants need systematic and frequent feeding.
  • Plants planted using this method do not tolerate frost well, so in the northern regions and in middle lane there is a risk of freezing. In this case, you can use the mobility of the structure: vertically located pipes are moved to a horizontal position and covered. It must be taken into account that in this case, plants that are on the lower side of the bed may be damaged.

Manufacturing of pipe structures

Vertical or horizontal design without special costs and effort, you can make it yourself.

Necessary materials

To make beds from PVC pipes you will need:

Preparation of pipes for vertical construction

Creating a vertical structure for growing strawberries consists of the following steps:

Preparation of pipes for horizontal construction

When preparing pipes for horizontally located beds, you need to pay attention to some features and differences from vertical structures:

Video: making a pipe for a horizontal bed

Installing the structure and filling it with soil mixture

It is very important to choose the correct soil composition and correctly fill the pipes with soil. Backfilling requires a drainage layer and fertile soil. Expanded clay and pebbles can be used as drainage. At vertical installation the watering pipe is inserted inside the main one, securing it in the center. This arrangement will ensure an even supply of moisture to all planted plants. A drainage layer is poured into a wide pipe, which should reach the lower holes of the narrow pipe. This not only prevents waterlogging of the soil, but also gives the structure additional stability.

You must first insert an irrigation tube inside the wide pipe, then add a drainage layer and fill it with soil to the top.

When placed horizontally, drainage is poured through each planting hole and leveled on the bottom of the pipe in an even layer of 2–3 cm. An irrigation pipe is placed on the drainage layer. Then the structure is filled with soil. It should be:

  • fertile;
  • light;
  • permeable;
  • with slight acidity;
  • disinfected.

The best basic basis Such soil will be humus (obtained from the decomposition of organic matter) or turf soil. To destroy larvae harmful insects, as well as fungal and other infections found in the soil, it must be disinfected. The soil can be spilled with boiling water and then dried or treated with microbiological preparations (Fitosporin, Trichodermin, Alirin B, Baikal EM-1 according to the instructions). Peat and small sawdust from deciduous trees are added to the prepared soil for planting strawberries in equal proportions.

Backfilling the soil is a lengthy procedure that requires care and patience. The soil is poured in small portions, carefully compacted, leveled, and periodically spilled with plenty of water. If the earth is not poured tightly, then after a while due to air jams it will settle, voids will form in the pipes, and this will negatively affect the berry harvest.

The wide planting pipe must be tightly filled with soil without air pockets.

You can add crushed polystyrene foam to the soil. Its balls will prevent the soil from compacting and will provide free access of air.

Video: finished pipe for a vertical bed

Video: harvest in a vertical bed

How and where to place pipe structures

Such beds can be placed vertically or horizontally. Advantages of vertical arrangement:

Horizontal beds with planted strawberries are also effective way growing crops and decorating the site. They can be hung in a greenhouse, on a fence, or installed in an isolated area, placing the pipes in several tiers.

As a support for horizontal beds Hanging or ground-mounted racks can be used

Features of growing strawberries

The methods of caring for strawberries on vertical and horizontal ridges made of pipes are practically no different from the agricultural techniques of traditional cultivation of the crop. They consist of watering, fertilizing and controlling pests and diseases, and strawberries planted in this way practically do not need weeding.

Variety selection

When choosing strawberries for growing in pipes, you should focus on varieties with long fruiting periods. These can be remontant varieties:

  • Albion;
  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Moscow delicacy;
  • Evi 2;
  • Diamond;
  • Temptation.

They are attractive due to the following features:

  • early ripening of berries;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • repeated fruiting at the end of summer;
  • harvest of annual plantings.

Hanging varieties of strawberries are perfect for growing in pipes. This is a variety of remontant garden strawberry, characterized by long tendrils. Young rosettes are capable of forming berries even without rooting. In addition to high productivity, these varieties are distinguished by excellent decorative properties. The plantings are a cascade of leaves and shoots, strewn with bright berries and delicate inflorescences.

Rosettes of ampelous strawberries can form berries even without rooting

Planting seedlings

Strawberry seedlings can be planted while the pipes are being filled with soil or at the end, when the structure is fully assembled, secured and watered. For planting, healthy strawberry seedlings are selected, the roots of which are recommended to be dipped in a mash of equal parts clay and manure. This treatment will help the plant retain moisture better. A vertical depression is made in the soil, where the roots are placed, making sure that they do not bend. The root collar of the seedling is placed at ground level.

Strawberry seedlings are planted into planting holes so that the root collar is at ground level.

Between strawberry seedlings (with vertical landing- at the bottom of the structure), it is recommended to plant marigolds that can repel harmful insects.

Seedlings cannot be planted in every planting hole. This arrangement will make it possible to root the emerging young shoots, renew and rejuvenate strawberry plantings.


The crop needs to be watered frequently, as the soil in the pipes dries out quickly. The need for moisture is determined by the condition of the soil in the planting holes. Watering is carried out through a narrow pipe, which must first be filled to the top with water (if placed vertically), and then gradually release moisture to the plants.

Over-watering should be avoided. It leads to the spread of fungal infections.

Top dressing

Fertilizing strawberries planted in pipes differs from fertilizing plants grown in the usual way:

  • The soil in the pipes is quickly depleted, so the plants need frequent and effective fertilizing. They must be carried out at least once a week.
  • On beds made of PVC pipes, liquid fertilizing is preferred, which must be combined with watering. The nutrient solution is poured into the irrigation pipe and through it reaches the roots of the plants. To prepare liquid fertilizer, you can use complex fertilizers or dilute organic matter with water (recommended proportion 1:10).

Pest and disease control

Strawberries planted in PVC pipes may be attacked by the following pests:

  • Colorado beetle,
  • weevil,
  • whitefly,
  • strawberry mite,
  • slugs,
  • snails

Sufficient lighting and moderate watering will prevent the spread of snails, slugs and centipedes. If these pests have spread en masse, then the plantings must be treated with Metaldehyde (according to the instructions). A solution of Karbofos (50 g per bucket of water) will help cope with strawberry mites, weevils and whiteflies. It is best to apply these drugs after harvesting.

When strawberries are attacked by the Colorado potato beetle and May beetle larvae chemicals it is not recommended to use, since they all have long term actions and are unacceptable for quickly ripening berries. These pests must be collected by hand.

Growing strawberries in PVC pipes is not only a simple and economical, but also quite a practical way to get a good harvest. A garden plot will surprise you with its originality and uniqueness.

To obtain a bountiful harvest of berries every year, you need to regularly update planting material, from a small plot you can get about 6 kilograms of berries is possible only with proper cultivation, and this does not depend on the variety. So even regular weeding will not give the desired result. Feeding, removing tendrils and proper watering are important.

It is worth paying attention to modern method growing strawberries without. There are already popular modern methods growing.

Artificial soils used:

  1. Coconut substrate.
  2. Expanded clay.
  3. Gravel.
  4. Vermiculite.

Power supply is forced, for this purpose pumps are used supplying nutrient medium or drip irrigation. All components of the nutrient medium for proper cultivation can be purchased at the retail chain.

How to make a structure from pipes?

Use to create this “strawberry heaven” small containers are possible - plastic pipes , intended for laying sewerage. They have a sufficient diameter, are durable, reliable and light in weight, which is important when disassembling the structure for wintering. Take into account all the features of such planting systems.

The designs themselves can be like vertical as well as horizontal, It’s up to the owner of the garden plot to decide.

Vertical structures made of wood look beautiful, but the material is susceptible to rotting, which means it is short-lived.

As for PVC pipes, horizontal and vertical structures from this lightweight material serve for half a century, make work easier, and planting gives a rich harvest.

You can use forced irrigation using pumps, drip systems have proven themselves to be excellent(they exempt from work in summer time). Another advantage of such systems is that they can be easily disassembled for winter storage.

It is important to remember that strawberries require a lot of light, so you can quickly install ready-made pipes in the most advantageous places for the owner.

Build it yourself

Why were pipes chosen as the basis? Strawberry has a convenient compact fibrous root system, the depth of which does not exceed 30 cm.

The bush itself takes up little space - its diameter can reach 50 cm, it is compact and will give a good harvest, all that remains is to choose the right variety.

Be sure to choose, such varieties can bear fruit several times during the summer, without requiring any special work from you.

To create one structural element you will need pipe (you can take even a narrow one, minimum diameter 150 mm), drill, grinder and fasteners.

You determine the length of the pipe in the design yourself; it is important to remember that the distance between the holes for the bushes should be approximately 15 cm.

The diameter of the hole cut should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the pot with the plant placed in it. You also need to make plugs for the pipes; no matter what irrigation method you choose, they will prevent the outflow of nutrient moisture.

When hydroponics is used, it is necessary to install both inlet and outlet pipes in order to save nutrient solution; the tightness of the structure is also important.

How to install - horizontally or vertically?

Collect both vertical and horizontal systems even a novice gardener can do it. The pipes are light, do not overdo the height so that maintaining the system is not difficult for your height.

They are connected using fastening materials; pots with seedlings must be placed in the prepared holes after installing the structure and checking it for leaks.

The choice of vertical or horizontal placement depends on the room in which the system is installed and your preferences.

Planting and growing technology

You can grow strawberries not only in hydroponics, but also in the ground. You just need to prepare it using a certain technology:

  1. The basis for each bush is virgin soil, which is easy to find in the field.
  2. Pieces of virgin soil are treated with ammonium nitrate (20 g of composition per 10 liters of water).
  3. A pile is constructed in which the turf is brought to readiness.

We cut pieces of turf on virgin soil. We stack the squares of turf with grass next to each other, constructing a cube. Each layer must be moistened with a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters.

Until the turf is completely ready, the preparation “Baikal M” is also used - it helps to quickly process the compost and turn pieces of land into black soil.

Everything grows very well in this specially prepared soil. To speed up the process of “ripening” the soil, it is worth covering the workpiece with a black film. The result is a highly acidic soil, which is what strawberries love.

This is the base that should be placed at the bottom of each pot. Next, a forced watering system is installed and you can install pipes with ready-made, already planted plants.

It remains to add that the soil must be compacted tightly, because it will sag and begin to be washed out with water.

The best varieties

Which varieties is it worth choosing for such cultivation? Definitely remontant, you need a harvest during all the warm weather. By the way, The varieties listed below can be grown all year round , with sufficient lighting they will produce good sweet berries even in winter.

Just a few of the most popular varieties. Start with just a couple of bushes; even a beginner can propagate them with the help of mustaches:

  1. , begins to bear fruit quickly, but also quickly becomes obsolete.
  2. Hornei grows well in greenhouses and is convenient for storage.
  3. It’s easy to care for the finished structure; regularly remove excess tendrils that you don’t need to propagate the variety, water it, try to keep it sunny side– strawberries love good light.

    Wintering in PVC pipes

    With the onset of cold weather, all the pipes with seedlings removable from vertical stands and lay on the ground.

    If possible, try to help the strawberries overwinter in the cellar or at least in the barn; it is best to insulate the pipes a little.

    Straw mats, a high-density material, are suitable for this.

    Grow strawberries in polypropylene pipes convenient - the berries always remain clean, it’s easy to care for the rasters, watering is almost one hundred percent automated.

    Just compare advantages and disadvantages, and you will forever prefer planting strawberries in pipes. Such designs, both horizontal and vertical, take up little space and look decorative. The disadvantages include large preliminary work– pipe preparation and hydroponics.
