Ways to get rid of mold on walls. How to get rid of mold on the walls in a private house: secrets and rules for destroying fungal colonies. Causes of mold in the apartment

Lingonberry, this ripe berry, has always attracted city dwellers. Since childhood, we have associated it with jam and baked goods, and now interior designers are using this rich berry shade and saying that it can change your home.

Why lingonberry color?

It's all about a unique shade that emphasizes the luxury of even the simplest living room, bedroom or kitchen. Lingonberry color in the interior is a timeless color that takes its rightful place among berry tones.

The brightness and richness of the shade of this berry will always enliven a monochrome home solution, correctly place accents and emphasize your taste. Agree that even in high-tech, which excludes everything superfluous, you can add some zest by choosing a lingonberry-colored watch.

Lingonberry color in the interior of the home

If you are not a fan of modern styles, but prefer the luxury of the Victorian era, then the color of lingonberry is perfect would be better suited for the design of window openings, in particular for curtains. Choose textured, heavy materials - they look luxurious and expensive.

Use the shade of this berry in the bedroom - choose lingonberry pillows that will create accents. By choosing lingonberry color for your little thoughts, you will bring something new to your bedroom, and spend a very small amount. Don’t forget about other little things – tiebacks and tassels for curtains, which will become important details.

The color of lingonberries will add sublimity to any, even the most modest interior, which designers advise to combine with simplicity. Furniture selected for apartments should be simple, with clear, straight silhouettes, but of good quality and reliable.

Light and color

For flooring choose neutral tones and soft textures that will give a cozy atmosphere to this somewhat cool shade. Don't forget that lingonberry color is heavy and dark, so compensate for this with light. Take a closer look at a lamp with a light lampshade or a scattering of LEDs on the ceiling, which will dilute the regal and luxurious coldness.

Bright accents

The color of lingonberry is a noble shade, but at the same time it is considered quite complex and sometimes even pompous. One of the designers’ discoveries was a lingonberry-colored kitchen, which is the key accent of the entire home. The first question that is asked when using the shade of this berry indoors is furniture. Everything is simple here: choose kitchen cabinets, tables and chairs, as well as household appliances of simple, even ascetic shapes.

In addition, the color of lingonberries in the kitchen interior is an opportunity to play with color combinations. Dilute the royal shade with white, flesh, pistachio, gray, beige tones, and you will see that the kitchen will be transformed. However, take another advice from designers: the colors chosen for combination with lingonberry, like it itself, should not be glossy - this way the entire effect of luxury is lost.

As for the flooring, a lingonberry kitchen will accept a light laminate or floor tiles– shortbread, creamy or milky. Avoid using dark colors or other shades for the flooring as they will weigh down the room and make it appear smaller.

Lingonberry color in kitchen design is another way to play with textures. For economical options for this room, use MDF facades covered with plastic, and if you have sufficient funds, choose wood. Aluminum or chrome frames will go well with the color of your kitchen cabinets.

As you can see, lingonberry color is worthy of choosing for interior design. Use this shade and it will highlight any style - from modern to baroque.

Lingonberry color in clothes: combination, shades

Do you want to keep up with the times? Then you urgently need to buy a lingonberry-colored outfit. Many designers used the trendy shade in their collections this year. The cool color of the northern berry will help you attract the admiring glances of passers-by and emphasize your individuality. What color combinations with lingonberry color can be considered the most successful?

The northern berry will ripen surrounded by green foliage. It is not surprising that the natural combination is considered the best for lingonberry shade. If you want to attract the attention of others, then feel free to make a combination of a dark shade of pink and rich emerald. It should be noted that this combination will be more appropriate in the cold season than in the warm season. Heavy shades make the look noble but earthy. At least in a 50/50 combination. If you like the combination of lingonberry and green, you can choose a dark pink shade with a purple undertone as a base, and use green as a complement. But don't overdo it. Choose only one green accessory, such as a bag. In this case, shoes, hats and jewelry should be neutral, for example, black or cream.

Think about where you could see lingonberry color in nature? Sometimes you can see it at sunset. The magnificent combination of rich pink-violet shade against the darkening sky looks inimitable. You can choose a similar color combination for your outfit. Deep colors are in fashion today, so give preference to sapphire in shades of blue and velvet in material. Lingonberry color will also look good in noble material. An outfit like this is not suitable for every day; it would be more appropriate to try it on for a special event.

For a casual look, consider pairing a lingonberry turtleneck, T-shirt or sweater with blue jeans. This combination looks stylish and unobtrusive. You can use a pink-violet shade not only as the main one, but also as an additional one, for example, choose accessories of a noble color.

Lingonberry color looks good in combination with light shades. Take a closer look at the combination of lingonberry and white shades. The combination looks bright and festive. This color scheme is often chosen by athletes for their uniforms or formal suits. But even in everyday life, the bright combination looks harmonious. It can easily be worn every day. If a girl doesn’t have a dress code at work, she can wear a white shirt and an A-line sundress that is fashionable this season. Accessories for such an outfit should be chosen either in a light shade or in lingonberry. You should not mix anything unnecessary into this combination.

A winter look can be composed of trousers or jeans, a white shirt and a lingonberry turtleneck. Ankle boots in color will help to support the bright detail. You can also try on jewelry with lingonberry details. These can be necklaces, rings or bracelets.

The combination of lingonberry color looks good not only with bright, but also with muted base shades. For example, a fashionista can turn her attention to gray. If you can’t dress brightly for work, no one is stopping you from transforming yourself outside of it. For example, you can wear a gray dress to the office, but as an addition, choose a lingonberry-colored bag or long boots.

Lingonberry color looks good in clothes. For example, you can go on a date in a bright dress. The dark pink shade looks much more noble than red, and attracts attention no worse. A lingonberry dress made of lace or guipure looks beautiful. Tenderness and nobility play in contrast in the image.

Do you want to create a gentle and at the same time passionate image? Then consider buying a lingonberry-colored coat. Such outerwear will help you diversify your wardrobe and look attractive in cool weather. Lingonberry color goes well with most shades, so you don't have to work hard to create a good combination with outerwear. What color does dark pink look best with? If you don't want to create an image based on contrast, create it based on nuance. Use several shades of pink in your outfit. To make the set look harmonious, try to choose shades that are close to each other. In this case, your outfit will look like a beautiful color stretch. For example, you can make a gradient that goes from pink to lingonberry through a rich pink-violet hue.

With pastel shades

A girl who prefers to dress feminine should not be afraid of bold shades. They can always be combined with something pastel. For example, a lingonberry-colored dress can be complemented with milky shoes and a clutch of the same shade. The combination is quite trivial, but this does not make it a losing one. To add some zest to your look, try playing not with shades, but with textures. Today, unusual fabrics with pile, smooth textures, as well as all kinds of fabrics with perforations are at the peak of popularity.

Any pastel shade can complement the burgundy color. You can choose something white, pink or milky, something lemon or peach, blue or lime. When choosing colors, you should first of all focus not on fashion, but on your color type.

With contrasting shades

The lingonberry shade is considered one of the most noble, but it has earned the sympathy of fashionistas for another reason. The color can be easily combined with many bright shades. For example, you can easily put together a set of a lingonberry skirt and a blue blouse, yellow trousers and a lingonberry sweater, purple tights and a lingonberry top. The color of the northern berry can be divided into many shades. There are pink, blue, purple and even yellow. For this reason, it is easy to combine with something bright. But keep in mind that you should not mix more than three shades in an image, otherwise others may think that you have no taste. This rule applies not only to basic clothing, but also to accessories.

What color goes with lingonberry?

Lingonberry- the color is very noble. It is no coincidence that this color is often used by icon painters. But for us mere mortals, if we want to look elegant, we need to have clothes of noble colors in our wardrobe.

Lingonberry is one of my favorite flowers. This color is a little heavy for spring and summer, but just right for the autumn-winter season.

Let's add a little blue to the palette. I think it turned out great!

And lingonberry with blue jeans is a symbol of the dynamic urban Casual style.

The combination of lingonberry with universal classic colors - gray, white and black - will undoubtedly look very dignified.

For example, a strict black dress, complemented by a lingonberry-colored stole or scarf, will turn your outfit into an evening dress.

The same category includes rich graphite color in combination with accessories the color of ripe lingonberries.

Lingonberry goes well with woody shades.

Burgundy tones of lingonberry color can be diluted with light pink and beige shades.

Sophistication along with extravagance is for self-confident women who strive to attract the attention of others. For such persons, a bold combination of contrasting colors is recommended. For example, lingonberry with juicy green.


Lingonberry color and its combination

lookcolor.ru » Pink colors » Lingonberry color and its combination

Since lingonberry (berry) is common in the north and has a distinctive rich color, it has become widely used as a name burgundy shade pink.

If we consider the meaning of color in connection with its origin, then I will note the special value of lingonberries (before the development of centralized farming) in the infertile northern land. Lingonberries were harvested for the winter, and they served not only as a delicacy and medicine, but also as one of the points of survival.

Lingonberry color is used in icon painting. For example, they depict the Blessed Virgin Mary in lingonberry taffeta, thereby expressing her love and care for people. It is not uncommon for saints to be depicted in lingonberry vestments, since this color also signifies spiritual strength, will, and purity.

Varlam Shalamov wrote:

I am a prisoner in prison:
Fourteen years old
I only knew lingonberry
The only color.

But it's not absurd
Not a dream of existence
Mental fortress
And my will. (Habakkuk in Pustozersk).

Lingonberry color combination

With the color fainting frog (2) – calm and life-affirming. Red and green color and opposite in meaning, but in in this case they balance each other.

With rosewood color (3) it gives a soft contrast. The color of rosewood against the background of lingonberry can emphasize the shape, although the contrast will not be striking, due to it harmony is built and the darkness of lingonberry is diluted.

You can dilute the color scheme with white pink, pale protective and anthracite gray colors.

Lingonberry color in clothes

This color will make you look slimmer, emphasize elegance and brighten your complexion.

Lingonberry is more suitable for such color types as “Summer” and “Winter”, since it is more of a cool shade of pink than a shade of red.

Lingonberry-colored clothes are worn mainly in winter; in summer, lighter shades are preferred. Also, this color is more office-business than festive, but it is quite suitable for winter holidays (for example, New Year).

In clothes of this color you are seen as a strong-willed person, however, without any arrogance. They may seek your protection or turn to you for help.

Fabrics of this color are preferably warm: wool, viscose, mohair, angora, corduroy, satin.

Lingonberry color in the interior

Lingonberry color will make any interior sublime, but in this combination simplicity will be appropriate: not carved furniture covered with silk, but simple, with straight lines, but this does not mean cheap. The atmosphere should feel good and solid.

It is better to choose upholstered furniture upholstered with fabric. Cover the floor with neutral-colored carpet.

Compensate for the lack of light (after all, lingonberry dark color) is due to lamps with lampshades (table or floor lamps).

In such an environment, a massive desk and an extensive bookshelf, preferably made of mahogany.


Fashionable colors in clothes for the spring-summer season

The color scheme of clothing has many characteristics according to which colors are distributed and combined. One of the important components of color, necessary for the harmony of an image, is its temperature.

All colors and shades can be divided into warm and cold. Like ice and fire, blue and orange are strong representatives of cool and warm colors. It is worth understanding that not only colors can be classified as cold or warm, but the shade of any color belongs to one of the types depending on what kind of undertone it has - cold blue or warm orange.

When choosing clothes in cold or warm shades, you need to focus on your color type. So, girls of a summer or winter color type, whose appearance has an icy tint, should choose clothes for their wardrobe from cold shades. Spring and autumn color types, which are characterized by a golden tint in the hair or eyes, are best suited for warm-colored items.

In order to choose clothes, correctly determining the type of a particular shade, it is important to learn to distinguish between warm and cold tones.

Warm colors in clothes - all colors and shades with the presence of red-yellow or orange. Cool blue color will also become warmer when orange is added; this rule applies to all colors.

Cool shades in the wardrobe are all things whose color has an admixture of blue. Any color, even very warm yellow, becomes noticeably cooler when blue is added. This trick does not work only with the color orange, which in any case will belong to warm shades.

However, even if you have clothes in your wardrobe in colors that match your color type, you may encounter complexity and limitations in choosing images. For such cases, every wardrobe must contain things in neutral or basic colors. Although such clothes are not full of colors, due to their versatility they can be combined with almost all other things of any color.

Neutral or basic colors include all achromatic colors - black, white and gray, as well as dark blue and shades of beige and brown.

For cold shades in clothes and for the winter color type of girls, dark blue, white and black basic colors are the best choice.

Brown and beige, gray and dark blue colors will be a good solution for a summer color type.

Beige and brown neutral wardrobe items in all sorts of color variations are ideally suited to warm tones in clothing, as well as spring and autumn color types.

Now you can not only create a spectacular look in cold or warm colors, selected in accordance with your individual appearance, but also diversify your wardrobe with basic items in neutral colors.

Colors and their meanings

In addition to the fact that the color must be selected according to the color type, it is very important that the selected shades are to your liking. After all, everyone has favorite colors that match their character or aspirations. The chosen color schemes in clothing are a kind of signal to the people around you. It’s not in vain that they say that people are greeted by their clothes. Therefore, the choice of color in clothing for a particular occasion should be taken responsibly, taking into account its meaning and perception for others.

White color in clothes symbolizes purity and closeness to the ideal. It’s not for nothing that the bride’s dress is traditionally white. People choosing White color neat and pedantic, decent and honest.

Another achromatic color – black, gives the image restraint and elegance. However, the overuse of this color in the wardrobe can indicate some kind of mental crisis and even depression. By choosing black, you can disguise not only figure flaws, but also your emotions.

Basic gray color helps you blend in with the crowd and go unnoticed. But thanks to its neutrality, it goes well with other colors and allows the image to sparkle with new colors.

Red is one of the brightest colors in the wardrobe. It carries within itself a huge vital energy. This energy can be directed both in love - to express passion and attraction, and in business - to symbolize perseverance and struggle in achieving goals. The choice of red is for passionate and enterprising people.

The choice of pink in clothing speaks of romance and sentimentality, sometimes even vulnerability of a person. Lovers of pink do not tolerate aggression; they are gentle and kind. IN " pink glasses» the world seems comfortable and hassle-free.

With the help of pink, you can easily defuse the situation, directing the situation in a peaceful direction.

Green color in clothes symbolizes self-confidence. This color in the wardrobe is chosen by people seeking universal recognition and sympathy. But at the same time, green is a stability that does not tolerate and avoids change.

Many people associate the color blue with peace and constancy. Blue color in clothes allows you to relieve tension and achieve harmony. Expressive and nervous people usually avoid blue in their wardrobe.

Shade of blue – blue color also symbolizes calm and tranquility. An excellent color for clothes on vacation, in which you can easily relax and abstract from problems.

Brown is a fairly conservative color. A tribute to traditions, family foundations, an established way of life - all this is appreciated and respected by lovers of the color brown. Therefore, young people who are in search of themselves and their path in life usually do not choose this color for their wardrobe.

One of the most light colors- yellow. It is usually chosen positive people with an optimistic outlook on life who are used to being the center of attention. Yellow color indicates a willingness to make contact and curiosity about everything around you.

T Those who choose orange for their wardrobe strive for success. This color has very strong energy and helps to maximize a person’s potential.

Orange color helps get rid of depression, relieve tension, gives strength and helps to gain freedom.

The color purple symbolizes unconventional thinking. This color is chosen creative people imaginative people who love to dream and fantasize.

All these meanings of this or that color must be treated with some convention and remember that each of the listed colors has a huge number of shades that reveal the color in a new way and give a different emotional color to the female image.

Pantone Spring Trends

Every season new shades and completely unexpected color solutions come into fashion. It is not random people who set the tone for the color scheme of the next season, but real experts in their field. Pantone Color Institute is a team of European experts in the field of color and color mixing, whose opinion is authoritative for many designers and fashion designers around the world.

Having analyzed modern tendencies and trends in fashion, experts from the Pantone Color Institute offered the top 10 current and fashionable shades that will set the tone for the spring-summer collections of the coming season. Mustard, shark skin and other colors that are popular in the fall-winter season have been replaced by new trendy and bright colors.

In a woman's wardrobe there can be: individual elements clothes, as well as bright prints of these colors on calmer tones - the use of any of their fashionable shades in clothes speaks of sophistication of taste and commitment to fashion.

  • Spring green. A juicy and rich light green shade reminiscent of the appearance of the first green leaves in spring. This color sets you up for success and is designed to dilute the boring gray mass of everyday work. Experiments with light green in the collections of Michael Kors, Trina Turk and other designers showed that this color miraculously Combines with other blue and green tones from the Pantone fashion line.
    • Niagara. Ash blue, named after the famous waterfall, is very reminiscent of classic denim shades. This color is the most popular among all fashionable shades. color range from Pantone. Due to its versatility, clothes of this color can be easily combined with other colors, just like jeans.
    • The simplicity and convenience of this color appealed to many designers who successfully used it in their new collections. Dresses for formal occasions from Carolina Herrera in this color look chic; at Zac Posen, translucent details in Niagara color decorate spring-summer looks.

    • Hazelnut. The true color of hazelnut or hazelnut is much darker than the fashionable neutral shade presented. Such base shade beige will be an excellent alternative to darker black and blue colors for everyday looks. The Hermès and Baja East collections present different uses for this versatile shade.
    • Blue lapis lazuli. A deep and rich blue color, reminiscent of the color of a dark, choppy sea on a rainy day with blueberry or plum notes, is popular in the spring-summer collections of fashion houses. Outfits of this blue shade will highlight the graceful curves of the body, and at the same time will become a bright and stylish solution to a woman’s image.
    • This charming ultramarine blue color goes well with other fashionable shades from the house of Pantone, as well as with basic colors.

    • Dogwood flower. The plant after which this shade is named blooms with dusty pink flowers, very delicate and sensitive. This color echoes the color of an old dry rose. Summer outfits made from light fabrics of this shade will be an excellent stylish solution for walking or the holiday season, and a coat or cardigan in pale pink will allow you to stand out from the crowd this spring.
    • This color pairs well with other pastel colors such as Niagara or Island Paradise. Banana Republic actively uses this color in its collections.

    • Flame. The bright terracotta orange color does not combine easily with other colors as it is quite self-contained. Like a flame, this color engulfed fashion shows. Designers such as Gabriela Hearst, Tory Burch and others have chosen this expressive and energetic shade and successfully added it to their collections. Spring looks in this color from loose-fitting casual clothes look juicy and catchy.
    • Pink yarrow. A rich and at the same time so feminine carnation pink color. A bright and bold color can be used in monochrome looks, it does not require addition.
    • The rich pink hue appears in the collections of Nanette Leopre and Roberto Cavalli.

    • Island paradise. Gentle and at the same time cool shade blue with a turquoise tint similar to the shade of an agave flower or heavenly blue. Perfect for weightless summer chiffon dresses or a bright coat for a spring walk. Sensual ice with notes of aquamarine in this shade will add femininity and airiness to the image.
    • Trendy velvet dresses from Victoria Beckham and lace from Lela Rose in this color have captivated even the most discerning fashion connoisseurs.

    • Primrose. A very bright and rich shade of lemon yellow will charge you with energy and positivity for the whole day. Catchy and bold, this color goes well with blue and walnut shades. Having barely appeared on the catwalks of fashion houses, the lemon yellow shade has gained popularity among connoisseurs of style and beauty.

  • Cabbage color. In fact, this color is more reminiscent of broccoli or even the familiar khaki color. Camouflage motifs in military style, stylish solutions for safari and casual wear - the most comfortable clothing styles cannot do without this shade of green in the coming season.
  • The collections of DKNY, Balmain, Altuzarra presented interesting models in army colors, relevant in the spring-summer season.

  • In addition to the top 10 shades presented by color experts, designers add several more colors that are also relevant for the coming season. The Versace and Carolina Herera collections suggest that silver metallic, reminiscent of foil, will be an excellent option for bold people.
  • Snow-white outfits from Chloe and elegant black dresses from Alberta Ferretti remind us that classics are forever doomed to be in trend.
  • In addition to the presented fashionable shades of pink from Pantone, other shades of this color will also be relevant. It can be the delicate color of a tea rose, or lilac-pink, or its smoky shade, or a delicate color pink cherry– the designers’ imagination in relation to this color has no limits in the spring-summer season.

    Another trendy color for the coming season will be red. Bright and juicy berry shades of raspberries and lingonberries, the color of ripe tomatoes - rich red colors in the spring and summer wardrobe of extravagant people are recommended by leading fashion designers.

    Although Pantone declared the fashionable color of lilac for the fall-winter season, many designers are in no hurry to write off this shade. A lilac shade, perhaps with amethyst notes, is relevant not only for spring and summer clothes, but also for stylish accessories, which, with their richness, can set the tone for the entire look.

    Color compatibility in clothes

    How stylish and successful a particular look will turn out depends largely on how well the shades are chosen and how they combine with each other. Combine wisely various colors in the image is not an easy task, because it is a whole set of rules and principles. If the colors are chosen incorrectly, it will be noticeable not only to knowledgeable people.

    Any person on a subconscious level will have a feeling of some kind of imbalance associated with color perception. So, a few principles that will help you learn how to successfully select images for any occasion and look harmonious:

    Combine neutral base colors with bright and rich shades. This method of combining colors will always look advantageous. However, do not overload the image with black, which is also the base color. To make the look more sophisticated, use other neutral colors.

    You can use several basic colors at once, for example, white and milky beige. This image will not look colorful, even if more than three tones are used in combination with the base colors.

    If the selected image turns out to be too bright and needs to be toned down, then you can add an item of clothing in a base color.

    Use a combination of complementary colors. This term refers to the shades that are on different sides in the color spectrum. If you combine complementary colors in your image, you can achieve greater brightness and saturation of the chosen colors. Typically, this method is used to add some detail or accessory to a monochromatic outfit of a complimentary shade.

    A combination of these colors will also look stylish if one of them is bright and the other subdued. As a rule, two bright complementary colors in one image do not look so harmonious.

    Use different shades of the selected color to create an image. This method of combining colors in clothes can be complemented with neutral shades, which diversifies the color scheme of the image. For example, the fashionable cabbage color can be combined with pistachio, marengo or marsh, and hazelnut looks great with cocoa, cappuccino and even chocolate shades.

    Compose your image using similar colors. These colors are located next to each other on the color spectrum, with the other being used to create one of the colors. For example, orange is made by mixing red and yellow. Therefore, red and yellow will be close colors to orange.

    How to choose the right one?

    There are many ways to determine the appropriate colors for your wardrobe according to your appearance. Many people consider the most convenient and simplest way to select the color scheme of clothing according to the color type of appearance.

    For fair-haired beauties with peach skin who belong to the spring color type, refreshing warm tones are perfect. Red and orange shades, turning into coral and light rust, salmon and apricot, as well as pastel colors such as camel, milk and ecru, green and yellow tones, turquoise and aquamarine - all these shades should be present in clothes of the spring color type.

    For girls with light or ash-colored hair and soft pink or even pale skin, who belong to the summer color type, the color palette for choosing clothes is quite wide. Melange, anthracite or graphite, as well as others gray shades, blue in all its manifestations, cherry or the color of red wine, cold shades of green - representatives of the summer color type will be irresistible in clothes of these shades.

    Red-haired girls with freckles and fair skin correspond to the autumn color type. The best colors for this color type would be soft gold shades, red-orange tones, olive or khaki, corn or mustard yellow, as well as various shades of brown and beige.

    A contrasting winter color type is a brunette or brown-haired woman with cool, pale skin. Cool reds, pinks and purple shades, including cyclamen and cold orchid, dark eggplant or blackberry, gray tones like summer to black, as well as dark brown - all these tones will help emphasize the coldness in the appearance of girls of this type.

    Stylish looks

    This image is created using a combination of complementary colors. Muted shades of blue in the sweater and lilac in the handbag are chosen well and make a fashionable pink pencil skirt a bright accent of the entire look. In this outfit you can go to the cinema or cafe on a warm summer evening.

    Combination of gray with pink is one of the winning color solutions for fair-haired girls. A gentle look in casual style with a muted pink jacket and a voluminous stole, casually wound around the neck.

    Combine a bright lemon shade of yellow, fashionable in the coming season, with basic gray things - good decision to tame the colors of yellow. You can even wear this skirt with a gray striped turtleneck to work and bring a sunny mood to everyone.

    For more formal office outfits, you can choose an alternative in the form of a coat in a trendy red shade - after all, everyone takes off in the office outerwear, under which there will be a formal formal suit in a checkered suit in neutral gray tones.

    Color in clothing and its meaning

    There is still no complete understanding of the mechanism by which color influences a person’s mood. However, none of the psychologists denies the existence of such a fact. Considering that we are surrounded by a space filled with color, the choice of its shade can mean a choice of mood for a person, including in clothing.

    Color meaning

    We rack our brains almost every morning, deciding what to wear. We choose the color of our clothes depending on our mood, how we feel or how we want to present ourselves on that particular day.

    But to understand which colors to choose, you need to know how a certain shade affects us. When a woman says that she feels like a “bluestocking,” it may mean that she is depressed and sad for some objective reason, but it may also mean that the color blue actually provokes a person to feel sad.

    Colors are divided into warm, cool and neutral. They all affect our mood, so the choice is important.

    The first scientist to study this issue was Isaac Newton, who invented the color wheel and the basic principles of color theory. He collected all the colors visible in nature into a single complex and placed them inside a circle. Modern designers also take advantage of this discovery, creating attractive and interesting palettes using the color wheel.

    According to his theory, blue, cyan, green and violet, as well as most of their derivatives, are classified as cool colors, also called shades of winter.

    It is believed that cool colors have a relaxing effect on a person.

    Warm colors, or shades of summer, include anything that reminds us of the sun: orange, red and yellow. It is believed that warm colors have a stimulating effect on the human psyche.

    The exceptions are black, white and gray, which are called basic or neutral.

    Black represents the complete absence of color. And white consists of the entire visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, collected in equal proportions.

    Classic medium gray is a neutral color used to set dark and light points in art and design. Adding more white than black to the mixture produces a gray tone that is lighter than average gray. By adding more black you can get a gray that is darker than the average grey.

    The influence of the primary colors of the spectrum on the human psyche has been known for quite a long time.

    1. Red is a strong, hot color that evokes powerful emotions of passion, sex, energy, blood and war.
    2. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color, it signifies happiness, sunshine and other light and playful feelings.
    3. Orange- it is also bright and warm color. It symbolizes fire, sun, fun, warmth and tropical imagery.
    4. Green is the color of nature and health, it symbolizes growth, development, fertility and security.
    5. Blue is a cold and soothing color, the color of the sky and sea, the color of constancy, strength, wisdom and trust.
    6. Violet symbolizes mystery, magic, power and luxury.
    7. Black often used to depict something evil, it depresses, frightens and is even the color of death in the traditional sense of modern man.
    8. White often associated with clean, fresh and positive. The color of fresh snow, which evokes in people raised in traditions Western civilization gentle and pleasant images.

    But these basic colors are not limited to the bright and diverse world around us. There are other color options, many of which are a fusion of cool and warm tones.

    Using them in clothing will allow you to attract additional attention, make a bold statement or create a mood.

    This color is also commonly called cranberry; it is classified as a cold color. This is a darkened shade of red-violet, which is considered universal. It is not as bright as red, so it has a more delicate and softer effect.

    The predominance of lingonberry in clothing is associated with chic and an evening out; this color adds elegance even to office clothes.

    It can be worn all year round, it is well emphasized by black, gray and white. In clothes it is combined with beige, brown, blue, green and turquoise.

    This cool color is a shade of purple, but more vibrant and dynamic. It is generally accepted in society that smart and spiritual people like him.

    This color is self-sufficient; in an amethyst outfit, a girl will be the center of attention at any party.

    You can carefully combine it with gold or classic yellow and milky shades. Mixes of amethyst with blue-green or turquoise look elegant.

    The color, called cyclamen, is a very bright version of pink with a cool purple undertone. There are several modifications of this color; it can be brighter or paler, but it always remains expressive and effective. This is a catchy and daring color, which is usually classified as a neon color. The girl who wears it becomes bright and expressive, she attracts glances and makes a candy-sweet impression.

    Cyclamen does not like competition. The background for this rich shade can be calm neutral tones, such as brown, gray, dark blue or denim; and of course, white and black.

    Combining cyclamen with pastel versions of purple and blue will give unexpectedly interesting effects.

    Mauve, which is a pale shade of violet, can sometimes have a reddish tint. This is a cold, classic pale lilac shade, it carries a touch of tenderness and mystery inherent in early youth, it is a reflection of youth and spring.

    I am not able to solo the color lilac; its abundance in clothes will give the image a faded and strange look. But it goes well with the same simple and natural tones: pale green, peach and brown. The purple will be decorated with blue and light blue accents.

    The grace of lilac is emphasized by black, white, cherry, or navy.

    The greenish-blue color, as if diluted with water, is called aquamarine. It is elegant and looks very elegant, gentle and self-sufficient. It creates the impression of youth, romance and freshness characteristic of youth.

    This cool color can decorate any evening outing, but it requires either a complex cut or an outfit with a spectacular finish.

    A delicate combination of aquamarine with white or pale gray is suitable even for a summer office option, and will undoubtedly be appropriate on a warm summer evening.

    Aquamarine also goes well with blue and cold colors. green tones, dark blue, denim, and also with peach. In the youth version, combinations with pale pink or coral are interesting.

    This color can be called a charcoal shade of black. You could also say that anthracite is a very dark grey. Alone, this shade will look too restrained and boring, but it can always be diluted with bright accessories or, in the case of an evening out, jewelry.

    Anthracite goes well with the same neutral colors: black, white and gray. Blue will give anthracite depth, and variations with brown tones or beige tones will emphasize its practicality.

    Anthracite combines well with almost all light tones and at the same time looks calm, noble and appropriate for both an office option and an everyday outing. Mint, pink, lilac, blue or pale yellow will relieve the image of gloom and smooth out the heaviness imparted by a shade of anthracite.

    This is a shade of pastel light brown, close to lilac-beige, located on the border of cold and warm tones. This color very accurately conveys the drink that has the corresponding name. And just like the drink of the same name, this color can have different shades depending on the concentration of brown or pink undertones.

    This is a very restrained and noble tone; its presence in clothes gives the appearance confidence, restraint and calm charm. It is considered an attribute of an elegant formal style, but it can also become romantic and sophisticated and make the owner sweet and serious at the same time.

    The classic combination is cocoa with white or black and similar tones of chocolate. Wine shades, fuchsia, ruby ​​or purple are successfully selected. Shades of gray, such as lilac gray or graphite, or purple tones would also be appropriate.

    This is a complex gray-black shade, often having a steel or pearlescent tint, similar to the color of a pencil lead. This rich and noble shade is as categorical as its black counterpart, therefore it gives the impression of seriousness and formality.

    Perfectly complemented by neutral white or black, but will look bland and will require bright accessories.

    Darker graphite is very suitable for combination with turquoise, red or coral. Light graphite shades are combined with lavender, light yellow, light green, Tiffany blue and pink-red.


    This is one of the shades of blue, a little darkened, but not at all faded. Cold and deep ultramarine gives its owner seriousness and status, and is suitable for both a young lady and a socialite.

    It can be solo, but also looks great as a basis for a basic wardrobe.

    Combinations with red, orange and yellow are suitable for a young girl; lemon, mustard, tangerine, pumpkin shades will create a cheerful and active range in combination with ultramarine color. Sets of this shade with things in pastel or powdery tones will be calmer.

    old rose

    Old rose, ashy, or dusty rose are all names of muted pink color with a lilac, beige or grayish tint. It is very calm and elegant, but at the same time chic and luxurious color. It looks sophisticated and mysterious, while harmoniously combined with many shades.

    In combination with khaki or slate gray, dusty rose will add softness to the look, and when paired with chocolate, gray or blue, it will create a romantic mood.

    This name combines several subtones. Pale lilac, lavender (with a predominance of blue shades), lilac (in which pink drowns out blue tones) - all this is lilac.

    This color is chosen by creative, smart and sensual women. Thanks to the sophistication of the lilac color, they manage to create non-trivial and mysterious images. Lilac has strong internal energy, so it is good in solo variations.

    But, if desired, you can combine it with green, brownish-beige and white.

    A beautiful shade of gray with a hint of bluish undertone is called smoky color. It is associated with modesty, decency, integrity and diligence. In general, a woman who knows how to wear things of this shade invariably makes an intelligent impression.

    Smoky, like its gray counterpart, is the basis for a basic wardrobe, as it comes with almost all known shades.

    A complex mix of white and black, which bears some resemblance to the pattern on birch bark, is commonly called birch shade. It attracts attention with its unusualness and evokes associations with purity and innocence. This is a universal color, it suits blondes, brunettes, and redheads.

    Perfectly shaded with black and white, combined with pastel tones or muted dark ones. A bright orange or red accessory will refresh and decorate an item made of birch-colored fabric.

    This is a juicy and rich version of pink with purple notes, very feminine, gentle and delicate. It will give the owner brightness and charm; she will not look flashy, but will never go unnoticed.

    This shade will look great in cocktail or evening dress, but can also decorate an office suit or casual wear.

    It is most successfully combined with pastel and powdery tones, denim, pale blue or dark blue.

    Two exquisite shades, violet and burgundy, mix to give plum color, so named for its association with the shade ripe plum. This warm tone, rich and thick, it looks mysterious and enigmatic. A woman dressed in plum looks majestic, romantic or exciting, depending on the depth of the shade, which can range from dark plum to close to lavender.

    Light plum will give the owner romance and airiness, dark ones will show her spirituality and nobility. But in any case, he will demonstrate her courage and self-confidence. However, it is advisable to dilute this shade, avoiding overload.

    Plum goes well with basic black, white and gray. Looks great in combination with milky, beige-brown, chocolate, blue, as well as pink, lilac and red.

    This is what the French call the shade of unbleached silk or linen. This is a pale brownish-gray tone very close to beige, belonging to the luxury class, precisely because of its association with natural aristocratic fabrics, historically available only to the upper class.

    Accordingly, this is exactly how a woman dressed in ecru is perceived; she is always restrained and elegant. This shade is preferred by balanced, calm and dreamy people who are somewhat old-fashioned in relationships.

    This color is typical for wedding fashion, evening dresses and business style, and is also good for summer clothes.

    This shade is very convenient to combine with a similar brown palette, but it will also look advantageous with cherry-red tones.

    How to choose the right color

    All the numerous diversity of human appearance is divided into four main color types: Winter and Summer, which are classified as cold color types; Spring and Autumn, considered warm types.

    Such a division has absolutely nothing to do with the date of birth, and is not calculated according to the horoscope. The division by color type is suitable for both brunettes and blondes and redheads.

    To determine your color type, you need to use one of the methods based on visual testing. The influence of pink and peach shades of fabric on appearance is usually compared. If pink tones help to decorate your appearance, then this is a cold color type, if peach is a warm color type.

    Inside, the subtypes are divided according to the same principle: gray-pink muted shades are suitable for Summer, and bright pink ones are suitable for Winter.

    A warm, muted peach color close to orange will emphasize the Autumn color type, and a bright, warm color will emphasize Spring.

    You should complete your wardrobe in accordance with your color type.

    Natural warm colors are suitable for the Spring woman. These are cream, mustard, ecru, caramel, light beige. Orange-red, peach and, interestingly, lilac and soft light blue tones.

    The Autumn woman will emphasize her beauty with outfits of muted shades, close to natural: shades of earth, foliage or tree bark. These are coffee, red, brown, green, pear, marsh, coral.

    A Winter woman should use cold and bright colors. These are blue and pink shades, gray, purple and blue. Neutral colors are perfect: black and white.

    The Summer Woman will look good in muted blue, turquoise, light green, burgundy, and crimson.


    Entire dissertations have been written on the compatibility and compatibility of colors in clothing, and designers have compiled complex tables compatibility of shades with each other. All of the above tips can be briefly summarized into a few recommendations:

  • When composing a set, it is worth using from two to four colors; a larger number of shades is undesirable, as it breaks the visual impression;
  • You can combine only those colors that are either related to each other or contrasting; other options are unacceptable, because they will look inharmonious;
  • Colors that differ in shade are classified as related, while absolutely opposite colors are called contrasting; You can find out about this using the color wheel;
  • All pastel colors can be combined with each other;
  • It is necessary to take into account your individual color type and select shades in accordance with it;
  • When creating monochrome sets, especially for overweight ladies, you should carefully use the color pink, which can visually add excess volume.
  • Color can be used to improve or cool the attitude of others towards its wearer. Using color options, you can create an atmosphere of elegance, warmth and calm, or convey a mood of enthusiasm and youth. Color can be the most powerful element of your wardrobe if you learn to use it effectively.

    For example, a combination of three shades of clothes will help create a light and airy mood on a summer morning: blue jeans, a bright green jacket and an airy powder-colored chiffon blouse.

    Another summer set exudes a tropical breeze and a vacation mood: a pale blue dress with a floral print along the hem is set off by a bright, lightweight cyclamen-colored cardigan. The look is complemented by the noble pastel shade of ecru from which the shoes and handbag are made.

    An option that is suitable for an informal meeting on a hot day, combining a serious and frivolous summer mood: a bright mustard-colored dress is decorated with a milky jacket with a pattern of delicate summer flowers, lilacs and petunias. The look is completed with milky high-heeled sandals and light metal jewelry.

    For shopping, a friendly meeting or even a date, it is appropriate to wear light trousers in a pale pinkish-peach shade and a soft pink silk blouse. A playful mood in this pastel look will be created by shoes with high heels, more than 10 cm, decorated with leopard print, a black handbag on a chain and the presence of jewelry in an informal style.

    For a modest person, a set of a plum-colored chiffon pleated skirt, decorated with a thin golden belt and combined with an equally light blouse of a complex blue and white pattern, will seem interesting.

    Warm summer rain is not a reason to give up an elegant outfit. Brighten up a gloomy day with the bright notes of a coral-red outfit, and your mood will instantly improve! A mustard-colored dress goes well not only with a coral umbrella, but also with tights, gloves and shoes of the same joyful color. A short anthracite-black jacket, complemented by a neckerchief, will add a touch of seriousness. Handbag beige tone will complete the image.

    A well-chosen color combination of an outfit allows a woman not only to feel more confident, but also inspires new experiments, revealing the talent of color perception in each of us.

    No one wants to pick up wolfberries and get poisoned. Therefore, those to whom lingonberry meadows are still a curiosity should read what this berry looks like, remember it from photographs and find out when and where it is best to pick it.

    Lingonberry is a wild shrub of the Heather family. It grows up to 25 cm, has a very branched root system, so one shrub can take up to 10 square meters. meters of forest or dry swamp.

    By age of lingonberries we mean the age of the root system, which sometimes reaches three hundred years. It grows underground, branches and comes to the surface with curved stems.

    The lifespan of the stems is about four years, half of which they bear fruit, and then, as the leaves fall, they are replaced with new ones.

    Differences between lingonberries and cranberries

    These berries can be called sisters, they are so similar in their beneficial properties and characteristics. They are united by a love for acidic, marshy soils, from which they happily absorb and fill themselves with useful substances. So what's the difference?


    • The shoots of cranberries are up to 15 cm high, creeping along the ground, while those of lingonberries are erect, up to 25 cm high.
    • The leaves of cranberries are narrow (up to 6 mm) and short (up to 15 mm), noticeably smaller than those of lingonberries (width up to 15 mm, length up to 30 mm).
    • On the contrary, the berries of cranberries are almost twice as large (up to 16 cm).
    • Both berries have a bitter-sour taste, but cranberry will be more bitter, it has less sugar and more acids. Sugar in lingonberries is up to 9%, in cranberries - up to 4%.

    Where does it grow?

    Cranberries grow exclusively in the acidic environment of swamps. Lingonberries have a wider habitat. It also likes moist, marshy soil, but can be found in coniferous and deciduous forests, alpine meadows and mountainous areas.

    Calorie content

    Lingonberries have a higher calorie content - 43 kcal. per 100 grams of berries. Cranberries have only 26 kcal.

    Visual difference between cranberries and lingonberries in the photo

    cranberry                    lingonberry

    Both berries belong to the same genus Vaccinium of the Ericaceae family. Therefore, the differences between external and internal characteristics are insignificant. From here beneficial features Lingonberries and cranberries are also similar.

    Dressing monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad taste.

    There are few exceptions to this rule - if you are not a bride or in mourning, then your clothes should contain three shades - the main color, an additional color that harmonizes and shades the main one, and, possibly, a contrasting detail, an intriguing color accent.

    Selecting and combining them correctly is often a very difficult task. We already talked about this in the post

    There are colors that are most flattering for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. A lucky few, endowed by nature with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose color scheme wardrobe, relying on your intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylishly and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules.

    White color goes with all colors. White lifts the mood and is used to treat diseases of the central nervous system. White is the color of purity and clarity. The color of justice, faith, innocence and beginnings. This is a blank slate from which history is written. By giving it preference in clothing, you are entering a new time for yourself. It is better suited for creating contrast than any other.

    White with black - best combination flowers in clothes: photos of women in them always look solemn. When combining it with other colors, it is worth considering the fact that white casts glare and visually enlarges things.

    Beige color combination table

    Beige color boldly combines with calm tones, and can also be perfectly combined with more saturated and bright colors. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, marsh, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow-green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

    Pink color combines with white and soft blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

    Red color combination table

    Red color combines with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, lilac and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones are now boldly mixed with each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

    Bordeaux color combination table

    Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her worth. Bordeaux goes well with black and dark blue, as well as with colors: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with Bordeaux: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

    Raspberry color combination table

    Fuchsia, crimson, purple colors combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white colors.

    Coral color combination table

    Coral color has twelve varieties, these include pink-orange shades and rich red-orange. Combines with colors: white, beige, gold, nude, brown, dark brown, khaki, shades of gray, scarlet, pink-peach, lilac, lilac, hot pink, orange, yellow-orange, pale yellow, dark blue , gray-blue, black.

    Yellow color combination table

    Yellow- represents the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Golden color- This is the color of fame and wealth.

    Yellow color goes well with colors: marsh, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.
    Golden color goes well with colors: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, violet.
    Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without decoration or addition to it is unattractive.

    Orange color combination table

    Orange color- cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the brilliance of the setting sun.
    Bright orange color goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, navy or taupe.
    To orange and yellow flowers The contrasting black color is very suitable.

    Brown color combination table

    Brown color goes with sky, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac and faded pink.

    Brown color is combined with olive, golden, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, color Ivory and gray. And the unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make an excellent impression.

    Rusty brown combined with plum and brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

    Green color combination table

    Green color- with brown, orange, light green, yellow and white flowers and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

    Olive color combination table

    Olive color harmonizes with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

    Mustard color combination table

    Color of mustard goes with colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

    Blue color combination table

    Blue color goes with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry with splashes of brown, light brown and tomato; greyish-orange and purple.
    Combine night blue with caustic pink and pine green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

    Blue color comes in light and dark tones.
    Light blue- with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

    Dark blue- with light blue (cyan), gray, red,
    denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, purple.

    Blue color combination table

    Blue goes with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige.

    Turquoise combines with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

    Table of combinations of purple and lilac colors

    Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. Pairs best with blue.

    Purple- with white, yellow, orange, pink colors, is intermediate between red and blue.

    Bright hues purple are called purple. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.
    To lilac color They include the colors of violets or dark lilac inflorescences, violet. Lilac is the color of femininity and is associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. The color lilac goes best with dark neutral shades - black, gray or dark blue.

    Purple colour and all its various shades are considered one of the sexiest, mysterious, mysterious and sensual flowers.
    Lilac color goes well with colors: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, faded rose color, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and violet.

    Lilac pink goes well with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with pink-red; brown with light brown; silver with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

    Gray color combination table

    Grey colour- the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, calms contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

    Gray color is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige color. Light gray color is best combined with pastel colors: soft pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.
    Gray-blue goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

    Apricot blossom goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and splashes of pink; gray-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

    Camel color combines with gray-blue and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

    Khaki color combination table

    Khaki combines with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white fur color; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, soft green and peach; purple, red and peach.

    It's even better if you pair a solid khaki with a printed garment in these vibrant colors.

    Black, white and gray colors

    Looks good black color

    Here are examples of some successful color combinations

    1. light and dark olive, dark pink and magenta

    2. burgundy, dark blue, black

    3. pink, blue, sepia tones

    4. light blue, blue, beige and dark brown


    6. ash pink, anthracite, blue majolica, ocher
    A rare example when the light contrast in an active multi-color combination looks organic:

    7. shades of beige and brown, ash lilac, gray

    8. blue, dark olive, dark blue, deep purple

    9. Two looks are based on the same color combination - terracotta, khaki, turquoise, nude

    10. terracotta, carrot, dark cherry

    11. cherry, blue and plum, complemented by achromatic shades

    12. indigo, lingonberry, dark orange and burgundy

    13. taupe , burgundy, dark orange and brown

    14. plum brown, cinnamon, dark olive

    15. saffron and turquoise with red-brown shades

    16. mustard, burgundy, dark orange, taupe


    Green and with blue, orange.

    Brown and black, bordo, lilac, pink.

    Red Andpurple, brick, orange, olive, pink, brown, chestnut.

    Pink and with blue, olive, red, chestnut, ultramarine, lilac.

    Orange And purple, red.

    Dark blue and black, sgreen, pink, brown.

    Fpurple and with lilac, red, brick.

    Lavender and parma color.

    Golden And pink, lilac

    Yellow and burgundy, pink.

    Grey And brown, beige.

    Black, white and gray often used as decoration.

    Looks good black color in the vicinity of orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, lush green with azure, pale green with bright green.

    General rules color combinations in clothes

    The right combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

    • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, lilac - lilac, green - light green. Such combinations are used in various types clothes.
    • P olutonal colors, for example, soft pink - soft blue, soft salad - soft lilac.
    • solid colors, for example, brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in everyday clothing and clothing for overweight women.

    All pastel colors are combined with each other, regardless of shade.

    Pastel colors- beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that add a lot of white. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that is fattening.

    Use from 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and paleness. If you use more than 4 colors in your clothes, then when they see you, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

    Can be combined with each other either related or contrasting colors. All other options are inharmonious.
    Related- these are colors that differ from each other in shade (red, pink, dark red).

    Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (purple - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red. You can find out which colors are related and which are contrasting using the color wheel.

    Choosing the right color of clothing and correctly putting together a style ensemble is a very difficult task, but very necessary. The ability to do this stylishly and successfully will save you from questions about whether this scarf will suit my look, what jewelry to choose today, whether my bag matches my shoes, etc. It would seem like such simple questions, but they require solutions every day. Just look at these diagrams like a cheat sheet - and everything will be fine.
    Based on materials from izuminka-club.ru, fashion-fashion.ru
