We create a hedge from spruce trees. Cut or give freedom? The main nuances of feeding coniferous hedges

Despite the fact that the advantages of coniferous plants can easily turn into disadvantages, many people prefer to make hedges from coniferous plants. In winter and summer, using the same color is, on the one hand, an advantage, because even in a dull winter, the site will stand out favorably with a dense green wall. But it will be like this in spring, summer, and autumn - no variety. Although if you like stability, then a coniferous fence is the ideal choice. Taking into account the fact that coniferous plants grow rather slowly and are expensive, before arranging a hedge from them, it is necessary to find out as much as possible about the types of plants and the technology for growing them.

Types of hedges made of coniferous plants

A coniferous fence reliably protects the area from dust, noise, exhaust gases and wind at any time of the year. The healing odors of resins released into the space serve as a kind of antiseptic, preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria and viruses. Also, coniferous plants live a long time, which means you won’t have to renew the fence soon.

There are many options for how you can organize a coniferous fence on your site. It all depends on several factors: the height of the plants, the type of plants, the shape of the crown and whether the hedge needs to be trimmed. Let's look at what kind of fence you can make at your dacha.

Depending on the height of the plants, coniferous hedges can be:

  • High. Plants are taller than 2 - 3 m. Usually planted along the border of the site.
  • Average. Plants from 1 to 2 m high. Used for zoning the area.
  • Low. Plants up to 1.2 m high. Planted inside the site for decorative zoning.
  • Curb. Plants with a height of 0.5 m to 0.8 m. Planted along paths or around a pond.

Taking into account the fact that tall coniferous plants may not sufficiently close the crown at a low height, quite often they are planted not in one row, but in several. Total can be identified 3 types of hedges depending on planting conditions:

  • Single row hedge. Planted if creating a dense green wall is not required. Arborvitae and juniper are commonly used.
  • Able to well protect the area from adverse factors: dust, exhaust gases and wind. Plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern, offset.

  • Three-row hedge. Typically, tall coniferous plants are not planted in three rows. The maximum number of rows is 2. So the crowns of both rows are well illuminated by the sun's rays. But sometimes conifers are planted in three rows. Only the outer row should be of low-growing plants.

Also plants in a coniferous hedge differ in the type of needles:

  • Soft. The needles are soft, like those of a thuja.
  • Spiny. The needles are prickly, like those of spruce or juniper.

A thorny fence can also serve as a living barrier; even the most desperate uninvited guest is unlikely to climb through it.

According to the method of care, a coniferous fence can be::

  • Molded fence. The crown of plants is trimmed into some shape. For example, a rectangular crown, triangular, square, oval, trapezoidal or artistic, in the form of some kind of animal or object. Such hedges require increased attention, and pruning them not only takes a lot of time, but also requires a certain skill.

  • . Plants develop in any form. For example, pine cannot be molded at all, so it must be given the opportunity to grow as it wants. For a free-growing hedge, it is necessary to select plants so that their natural crown is beautiful and looks well-groomed.

In order to plant a hedge of coniferous plants, you first need to decide what exactly you want to see and how much time, effort and finance you are willing to spend on maintaining the hedge. What height of the hedge do you want, how many rows should the plants be in, will you trim the plants regularly to form a crown or not? Answer these questions and start choosing plants that fit your criteria.

Coniferous plants for hedges

Coniferous plants differ in different parameters: height, crown shape, soil and sunlight requirements, frost resistance, or vice versa - susceptibility to frost. The easiest way is to start selecting plants for the hedge based on the desired height. Below will be presented the most common plants in their category with their characteristics and preferences.

Tall coniferous plants

Tall coniferous plants are usually used to create a high fence at the edge of the site to hide it from prying eyes and protect it from many negative factors environment. They can be planted either along the fence or instead of the fence. Depends on the method optimal distance between plants.

  • Thuja occidentalis.

Decorative coniferous plant 5 - 10 m high, undemanding to soil, frost-resistant. Due to its plasticity it is easy to mold. Prefers shaded areas. It is better to use seedlings aged 7 - 10 years as planting material. The fact is that up to 10 years, thuja grows very slowly, and after 10 it grows much faster and the annual growth is much greater. It is necessary to plant at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other.

Thuja seedlings should be formed in early spring, but not before the plants come together in their crowns. Pay special attention to the regularity of pruning. If the plantings below are thickened or, on the contrary, bare, it will be almost impossible to correct this. Even due to strong anti-aging pruning.

Please note that in some varieties of western thuja, the needles turn brown in the winter, becoming rusty. In summer, the normal color of the needles is restored. Two years after planting, thuja must be protected from the scorching sun; the plants can be covered with burlap or other non-woven material. Thuja varieties with unusual needle colors: "Semperaurea"- golden color of needles, "Smaragd"- emerald green, "Brabant" easily tolerates even radical haircuts, varieties are also good "Column", "Holmstrup". A hedge of thuja can be grown by planting mature seedlings, or you can also grow them yourself from seeds or cuttings.

  • Red cedar.

A pleasant-looking coniferous plant up to 3 m high. The shape of the crown is conical, the needles are soft blue color. Seedlings 5 ​​years old are best suited. It is necessary to plant at a distance of 50 - 80 cm to a depth of 60 cm. Suitable varieties:

"Skyrocket"- gray-blue needles.

"Pyramidalis"- almost columnar shape, green needles, needle-shaped when young, scale-like when old. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant plant, easily withstands heat. Looks great when planted as an alley.

"Pyramidiformis" also tolerates heat and drought well. The needles are gray, the needles are very small, scaly. Height up to 5 - 10 m.

"Glauca"- the needles are bluish-green. It grows quickly and is not afraid of drought and frost.

"Tsanaerti" (Сanaertii)- a narrow columnar plant, scaly dark green needles. The bright bluish-white fruits look beautiful against the background of dark needles.

  • Prickly spruce.

A decorative plant at any time of the year, up to 15 - 25 m high. The crown is pyramidal in shape, the branches form dense, even tiers, evenly spaced from the beginning of the trunk to the very top. The needles come in different colors: from green to light blue, almost silver. By the way, prickly spruce is sometimes called “silver spruce.” Spruce is light-loving and demanding on soil fertility.

"Argentea"- the needles are silvery-white.

"Glauca"- another name is “gray,” the needles are bluish-green.

"Hopsy" (Hoopsii)- the needles are bluish-white.

"Koster"- the needles are bluish-green with a light waxy coating.

Oldenburg- needles of blue-steel color.

"Spek"- blue needles.

  • Scots pine.

The difficulty with using pine is that it only grows upward and cannot be molded. Side shoots do not form on pruned branches, so it can only be grown as a free-growing crop.

"Watereri"(pictured above) - the needles are a pleasant blue color. A plant with a twisted spherical crown, grows to a height of up to 4 m. It is best adapted to the warm southern climate.

"Pinus sylvestris"- green needles, collected in bunches. The plant is columnar in shape and is not demanding on soil; any well-drained soil will do. It also withstands frost well.

Medium-sized coniferous plants

A hedge of medium-height coniferous plants looks good both at the end of the garden and near the fence or in the middle of the site.

  • Canadian spruce. (pictured below)

For example, spruce "Conica" It grows slowly, looks very attractive, and therefore enjoys constant popularity. It has a branched crown.

  • Yew.

Yews are ancient plants that look very elegant. They grow very slowly, so seedlings older than 10 years are used for planting. Yew is a shade-tolerant plant, so it can be planted both in the depths of the garden and on the north side of the building. Beautiful cone-berries delight with their bright orange or red color.

Yew berry "Fastigiata"(pictured above) grows up to 3 - 5 m. The crown has a wide columnar shape, and the top is slightly drooping. The needles are black-green, 2 - 2.5 cm long, arranged spirally on the shoots. This variety is best planted in a place protected from the wind.

Yew medium "Hicksii"(pictured above) grows up to 3 - 4 m. A shrub with a narrow columnar crown, which can reach 2 m in diameter. The needles are dark green shiny on top, and lighter below. This variety is considered relatively fast-growing.

  • Thuja occidentalis(pictured below).

It forms into a beautiful compact ball, the branches grow vertically in relation to the trunk. When pruned in a timely manner, it is a very compact plant.

  • Golden yew(pictured below) .

The crown is bowl-shaped, the needles are golden or yellowish-green. Shade-tolerant plant, gets along well next to tall and short coniferous plants.

  • Red cedar.

"Albospica"(pictured above) - whitish needles. Easily withstands high summer temperatures and dry air.

"Aureospicata"(pictured above) - golden needles. The bright color of the needles appears at the moment the needles bloom and persists until late autumn. Then the needles turn bright green.

"Burkii"(pictured above) - the needles on top have honey-blue stripes and a thin green edge, the color of the needles below is green. In autumn the needles turn steel blue, and in winter they turn purple. This is one of the most beautiful decorative species juniper.

Gray Owl- blue needles.

Low-growing and creeping conifers

Low-growing coniferous plants do not develop upward, but in width, so it is necessary to provide a lot of free space for them. In fact, a low-growing coniferous hedge looks more like a coniferous lawn.

  • Spruce "Lombers". (pictured above). A plant of extraordinary beauty with emerald-colored needles.

  • Thuja occidentalis "Tini Tim"(pictured above). After trimming the crown, it looks like a ball that has rolled out onto the road. Loves sunny areas, but does not require frequent watering.

  • (pictured above). It is growing in breadth. If it's frosty outside, the buds take on a reddish-brown hue.
  • Mountain pine "Mini Pug". Looks like a spectacular fluffy pillow.

  • Prickly spruce "Mall"(pictured above). The crown is broadly conical and highly branched. The needles are bluish-white.

  • Prickly spruce "Mongomery"(pictured above). A dwarf plant with blue-gray needles.

  • Juniperus virginiana "Silver spreader"(pictured above) - covers the ground, the needles are silver-green.
  • Juniperus virginiana "Reptans"- squat shrub. The needles on young shoots are bright green, and on old shoots they are blue.

Fast-growing conifers for hedges

Coniferous plants cannot be called fast-growing, such as willow or climbing annuals, which are capable of braiding a hedge in one season. It is difficult to quickly create a dense, high enough coniferous fence. However, there are coniferous plants whose development and growth rates are slightly faster than others.

  • Weymouth Pine(pictured above). The plant prefers well-drained soil and does not like dryness. The needles are bluish-green, needle-shaped and soft. The crown can be pyramidal or conical.

  • False Suga thyssolifolia(pictured above). Suitable only for warm-temperate, humid climates. Loves sunny areas. The needles are brilliant green above and slightly lighter below.

  • Glauca (Blue)(pictured above) is more resistant to frost, so it can grow in Russian cities.

  • Larch(pictured above). The needles are light green. Prefers fertile lands and sunny areas.

  • Serbian spruce(pictured above). It is exceptionally decorative. The needles are dark green with white stripes below. It is not demanding on soils, it is drought and frost resistant.

  • Thuja gigantea(pictured above). Prefers wet places, sheltered from the sun, there are no special requirements for soils.
  • Metasequoia glyptostrobioides. Also prefers moist soils. In the winter, the needles fall off, but during the season they change color, like leaves: in the summer they are dark green, and in the fall they turn red-brown.

When choosing fast-growing plants for hedges, be sure to take into account their frost resistance. After all, if at least one plant suffers from frost, the entire hedge will look ugly.

Coniferous hedge: planting and care

You can easily grow a coniferous hedge yourself, without the help of specialists. Some breeds of conifers reproduce by seeds and cuttings, such as thuja. It can be propagated on your own site by independently growing 200 or 500 seedlings for a large hedge, saving a lot of money. But a lot of time will be lost, so it’s up to you to choose - grow it yourself or buy it from a nursery. It is best to purchase seedlings from special nurseries, ignoring the market.

How to choose planting material

When buying seedlings for a coniferous fence, you need to pay attention to root system and crown. The root system should be sufficiently developed, this indicates that the seedling was grown in a nursery where technology was followed. If the root is short and cut, this indicates that the plant was simply dug up in the forest. Please note that plants from the forest practically do not take root in cultivated garden plots. The thing is that the forest is a whole community, a family, where the trees are helped to feed by the symbiotic fungus “mycorrhiza”. If such a plant is pulled out from natural environment, it will simply die, it will not be able to survive.

The crown of the conifer should be about 0.5 m. The age of the seedling is from 3 years, but the exact age depends on the breed and variety. More precise recommendations were indicated in the description of the plants.

It is best to buy a seedling in a container or with a lump of earth wrapped in a wet rag. You should not purchase a conifer seedling with an open root system. Most likely he won't survive.

Planting in open ground

Plant conifers in open ground possible in early spring or autumn. Also, seedlings in containers are allowed to be planted from early spring to late autumn, but it is better not to do this. If the weather is sunny and hot in the summer, the transplanted plant may die.

  • To plant a hedge, mark the area and stretch the rope to create a straight line.
  • We dig holes for seedlings along the rope. The depth and width of the hole should be approximately 2 times larger than the lump of earth on the seedling.
  • If the area is prone to flooding, we arrange drainage. To do this, we throw crushed stone or broken construction debris at the bottom of the hole in a layer of 10 cm.
  • We prepare a fertile substrate: garden soil, humus, sand. If the plant prefers acidic soil, then add peat, if alkaline, then add wood ash.
  • We remove from the seedling the fabric entangling the lump of earth.

  • Carefully lower the seedling into the hole, having first sprinkled the bottom with fertile soil.
  • The seedling should be placed in the hole so that the root collar is clearly at ground level.

  • Cover with fertile substrate. Gently trample the soil with your hand.
  • Water the seedling thoroughly to wet the root system completely.

This procedure is repeated for all seedlings in the hedge. The distance between coniferous plants should be at least 0.5 m, between tall spreading plants up to 1.5 m. Between rows of plants the distance should be at least 1 m.

Caring for a coniferous hedge

Coniferous plants for hedges require timely, abundant watering every two days, especially the first time after transplantation. By the way, for the first two years the plants must be protected from direct sunlight on a hot day with some light, ventilated material.

For the winter, seedlings should be covered with spruce branches or agrofibre. Even frost-resistant plants may be damaged by frost or cold winds if they are recently planted permanent place.

Important! Many conifers are afraid of cold winds, so try to protect the plantings.

Caring for coniferous plants also includes pruning and shaping the crown.

When and how to trim a coniferous hedge

Hedges made of coniferous plants are usually not cut after planting for 2 - 3 years. If the hedge seems too sparse to you, you can pinch the top and trim the crown slightly, but this must be done in late July - early August. If the plant is planted in the fall, then pruning must wait until next year.

We shorten the upper branches by 10 - 20 cm, the side branches - a little less. Dry and damaged branches must be removed.

A well-established hedge can easily withstand several haircuts per season. Usually they are cut twice a year: in the spring, even before the buds begin to open, and in the summer, when new shoots are in full swing.

Important! Spruce is trimmed only once per season. This can be done in the spring, when the growth is stronger. Also note that you cannot cut any coniferous plants later than August, otherwise the young shoots that grow back after pruning will not be able to grow stronger and will suffer from frost.

Free-growing coniferous hedges are not trimmed at all. If the plant has reached its peak height and the lower part of the crown begins to thin out, then you can trim the top. Remember, the lower branches of a pine tree, if they shed their needles, will never be green again.

In conclusion, I would like to give some recommendations on color schemes for coniferous hedges. If you combine plants with different shades of needles, you may get beautiful composition. If there are three components in a composition, then a maximum of two colors are allowed; if there are five components, three colors can be used; if there are many elements, 25 for example, then they must be combined in compositions of 3. By forming a coniferous hedge, you can create a unique harmonious picture.

Living hedges made of coniferous plants

Let's consider what coniferous trees and shrubs are used to form a hedge, the basic rules for choosing seedlings, as well as the compatibility of conifers and the characteristics of their cultivation.

Selecting seedlings of coniferous plants

Three-year-old plants no more than 1.5 meters high, purchased from a specialized store or nursery, are best suited for hedges. When choosing seedlings, be sure to pay attention to the roots - they must be sufficiently developed, without obvious defects or damage. If the roots are too short or have an unhealthy appearance, this may indicate disease and non-compliance with growing rules.

When purchasing seedlings with an open root system, give preference to plants whose roots are covered with damp cloth, otherwise they will not take root. When choosing a tree, be sure to check the condition of the needles. U healthy plants the needles stick well to the branches and have a uniform color - without signs of drying out, black or yellow spots.

Which conifers to use for hedges

Most popular plants Prickly spruce, western thuja, yew and Virginia juniper are considered to be used for creating a coniferous fence. They have a spectacular appearance, rapid growth and ease of care. You need to choose from them based on the growing conditions on your site, as well as general landscape features and garden design.

Prickly spruce (lat. Piceaepungens)

Prickly or blue spruce is a medium-sized tree with a slender, symmetrical pyramidal crown, with a diameter of 5 to 8 m. The branches of the plant are dense, located close to the ground. The bark on the trunks is thin, brown-gray.

The needles are evenly located around the shoot, dense, rather hard and prickly, pointed in shape. Its color can vary from green and blue to silver-white. It blooms and bears fruit profusely every 5-7 years. It begins to bear fruit when it reaches the age of twenty. The cones are cylindrical, light brown, up to 3 cm long.

Blue spruce is not picky about soil and lighting - it thrives in the shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Spruce has high winter hardiness, especially in the gray and blue forms. Adult plants can tolerate temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to cover young trees under 5 years of age for the winter so that they are not damaged by late spring frosts.

Among other representatives of the genus, the prickly spruce stands out for its slenderness and decorativeness. At a young age, it is easy to trim, which makes it possible to use it to create alley plantings.

Virginia juniper (lat. Juniperus virginiata)

evergreen shrub or a small tree reaching a height of 15 to 20 m, with a compact crown. The needles are dark green, small, needle-shaped on growth shoots and scale-like on lateral shoots. Flowers can be either monoecious or dioecious. The cones are spherical, dark purple (at the end of ripening), with a characteristic bluish tint.

This type of juniper has little demand for soil fertility and moisture, grows quickly and tolerates city conditions well. The plant is easy to trim and retains its true shape for a long time. Most often used to create molded hedges. It has several decorative forms, differing in color and shape of the needles. The most common ones are Gray Owl and Hetz.

Yew (lat. Taxus)

A tree or shrub with ascending shoots and needles arranged in two rows, 1-3 cm long. Home distinguishing feature - Strong smell, which produces needles and shoots when rubbed. Among other coniferous plants, yew is the most shade-tolerant and drought-resistant. Mature shrubs tolerate low temperatures well, while young ones require protection from spring sun.

Yew easily tolerates cutting and pruning; beautiful hedges and individual sculptures, which can transform any garden into a work of art.

Western thuja (lat. Thuja occidentalis)

An evergreen monoecious tree or shrub, 12 to 20 m high, with a crown diameter of 5 m. The branches are horizontal. The bark on the trunk is dense, smooth, gray-brown or reddish in color. The needles are tightly pressed to the shoots, small, scaly, dark green in summer and brown in winter. The cones are small, ovoid, up to 1 cm long.

Thuja is unpretentious, resistant to frost and urban environments. It can grow in the shade, but grows and develops better in good light. It tolerates pruning well, which allows you to create from it not only hedges, but also spectacular architectural forms.

Hedge care - pruning and covering for the winter

The intensity of cutting and pruning conifers depends on the type and location of their cultivation. Juniper is pruned as new growth appears, to prevent its growth and loss of decorativeness. Pruning is carried out all year round, removing only dry branches. Before winter, plants with a columnar crown must be tied to prevent damage to the branches. snow cover.

Dry branches of thuja are removed every year in the spring. Hedges are trimmed regularly using secateurs or hedge trimmers, cutting the shoots to a third of their length. In the first year after planting, the plants are covered using spruce branches, spunbond or craft paper.

Spruce also responds well to pruning. Thanks to shaping, the tree becomes slimmer and denser. Trim the spruce in the hedge 1-2 times per season, shortening the young branches by 2/3 of their length. The cut is made on one of the buds located on the young shoot.

Bottom line

A fence made of coniferous trees and shrubs will decorate your garden with its constant greenery and lushness, protect the site from drafts, and also saturate the air with beneficial essential oils.

Anyone who has been gardening for a long time and loves to populate it with greenery knows about the importance and undeniable beauty of a hedge. This is not only a way to bring beauty to the site, but also an opportunity to create a secluded green corner or green room. As practice shows, most people escape to their dacha from the outside world and isolate themselves from it there with particular pleasure. Basically, this can be done while sitting within four walls. country house. But those who know a lot about plants create living green fences, both large and small. We will try to arm ourselves with experience and create a hedge with our own hands.

Plant selection

The variety of hedge options is worth mentioning separately. If we start from the plants that make up its basis, then the fence can be coniferous or deciduous. It is also in your power to decide whether you will shape the appearance or let it grow freely. The height of the fence can take the form low curbs, quite noticeable waist-high fences or mighty green walls.

Low borders, for example, made of lavender up to 70 cm high, will visually highlight and emphasize any object on the site, and can also delimit the site into zones.

If we are talking about meter or one and a half meter plantings in the form of trellises, then we are first of all talking about dividing the site into zones. In addition, such plantings can protect the area from wind and dust. outside and get rid of the curious glances of passers-by.

A hedge can be planted in one or two rows. It all depends on what function it will perform - protective or decorative. For decoration, you can plant one row, but it will not protect from dust and winds. But two rows are already reliable protection.

When choosing plants for a green hedge, you can rely on plants already growing on the site. It is important to select all the elements so that the overall picture is harmonious, which depends on the shape and color of the foliage, as well as on the timing of each of the available plants blooming.

Fence made of deciduous plants (video)

Anyway, deciduous plants are used to create hedges more often than conifers. They let in more light, more easily withstand weather eccentricities and the owner’s attempts to create the appearance of a green wall.

If you take fences up to 1 meter high, then you can opt for plants such as Japanese euonymus, alpine currant or boxwood. If you prefer to give the border free reign, choose free-growing heather, chaenomeles, cinquefoil, spirea or holly magnolia.

But if your desires extend to a height of two to three meters, plants like privet, buckthorn or hawthorn are suitable.

To rejoice at a good altitude blooming species green wall, choose jasmine, forsythia or different kinds lilac. Especially good, which will please anyone with its friendly color and good annual growth. Syrian rose and tree hydrangea will also become good choice for planting a high hedge.

If you want something prickly and at the same time pleasant to look at, we are at your service various varieties rose hips, climbing rose, Amur barberry and purple-leaved hawthorn.

Annual and perennial climbing plants deserve special mention. What immediately comes to mind is the maiden grape, which can delight with its colors throughout the season, and various types of decorative beans, which can soar three to four meters in height (and there are plants that grow up to 6 meters). In addition to the indicated plants, your attention will be attracted by petiole hydrangea, common hop, spiny chingil and grape-leaved clematis.

Remember that most climbing deciduous trees have a fairly thin trunk, which means that the basis of such a fence should always be a rigid frame along which the plants will crawl and climb.

If you want something unusual, elegant and bright, arrange a combination of trees with beautiful colors and bright color bark. This could be mock orange, barberry and currant.

Giants in action

It is impossible not to mention tall plants exceeding the five meter mark. To arrange this type of fence, you will need to resort to the services of fast growing plants like hazel, black and white mulberry, hornbeam and holly. They will look good decorative apple trees and plums, beech, linden and maple.

If you plant at the base of a high hedge flowering shrubs or mixborders, you will achieve stunning decorativeness on your site.

Coniferous hedge

For those who prefer a strict and discreet design of their site, conifers are suitable. They require much more care behind them, but unlike deciduous trees they will delight you with their appearance not only in the warm season. In addition, coniferous plants are for the most part long-lived, so when planting them in a permanent place, remember that they are here for a long time.

If we take the plants of the bottom row, then these are, first of all, Pieris and Canadian spruce.

For the middle and high rows, they usually take tall thuja, common spruce, pea cypress and Canadian yew. Despite the fact that coniferous plants are demanding to care for, most of them easily tolerate pruning and allow you to shape the hedge the way you want.

Cut or give freedom?

Free-growing plants do not require special care. If we are talking about coniferous plants, then they try to combine them based on the texture of the needles and the shape of the crown. But the best option looks like a combination of deciduous and coniferous trees. For example, rowan and birch will make great company firs and pines.

Remember that compositions made from free-growing plants look quite natural, but require much more space Location on.

To cut it or not to cut it is up to you. Trimmed hedges look cultural and more aesthetically pleasing, while taking up less space. But you will also have to take care of them regularly. If you want your green hedge to easily tolerate periodic pruning, purchase white and red turf, small-leaved elm, multifloral cotoneaster, meadowsweet or Japanese quince or yellow acacia.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for compositions at your disposal. With the help of a hedge, you can hide not the most attractive areas of the garden or enclosing parts. In addition, this is another source of oxygen saturation in your area, so plant and breathe for your health.

The needles have long been known for their unique properties. It is not simple beautiful trees, it is also a source of useful essential vapors and useful elements.

By planting a coniferous strip of pine trees near your site, you can build a magnificent hedge that will not only please the eye, but also bring benefits.

Features of a pine fence

Pine hedges have won the admiration and recognition of many landscape designers and their clients. However, when erecting a pine fence, it is important to remember some nuances:

  1. It is rational to locate a strip of pine trees on the northern side of the territory. There, the precious seedlings will not be scorched by the sun, and when the pines grow up, they will become excellent protection from snow and winds. At the same time, on the site in daytime it will not be dark, since the trees that grow from the north do not create shadow.
  2. The choice of pine seedlings must be approached very carefully. Many people take advantage of the inexperience of buyers and, instead of quality-grown seedlings, sell specimens dug up in the forest. Of course, there is nothing wrong with forest pines, but they are not suitable for hedges. The difference between high-quality planting material is a well-developed root system.
  3. The ideal age of a seedling for a hedge is three years. If a hedge is erected from Scots pine, then the length of the tree should not exceed half a meter.

Preparing for landing

Once the planting site has been chosen and the seedlings have been purchased, you can begin preparing the soil. Pine cannot be called unpretentious; it needs comfortable conditions and light, non-acidified soil. If on the north side of the site there is clay soil, you can’t do without preliminary preparation.

Advice ! The soil must have drainage. It is better to make it from natural ingredients, such as sand and fragments of bricks. And for ideal growth, you can fertilize the soil with a mixture of peat, humus and sand.

The next stage is marking the site. It is important to maintain a distance between seedlings, optimally one and a half meters for dwarf varieties and about 4 meters for tall pines. It is better to plant pine trees in a checkerboard pattern. Holes for planting should go to a depth of 50 cm to one meter. It must be remembered that pine is a tree that grows mainly upward, and does not fluff out to the sides.

The seedlings are placed in holes, covered with a mixture of peat, sand and humus, buried in soil and thoroughly watered fresh water. When planting, it is necessary to carefully examine the specimen for damaged and diseased shoots. If any are found, it makes sense to carefully remove them with pruning shears.

The third stage of hedge formation is necessary in cases where the Scots pine variety is selected. Using a special frame, rigid wire or chain-link mesh, you need to strengthen the crown of each seedling, otherwise it will later become uneven and ruin the whole look.

Note! In order not to spend additional effort on forming the crown, it is best to use mountain pine for the fence.

After the planting is completed and the crowns are formed, you can lightly trim the pine trees, however, you should not get carried away. The pine tree does not become more magnificent after pruning; a new one grows in place of the removed shoot, but nothing more. Trimming is appropriate when some branches are damaged or stand out too much from the overall pattern, as well as when seedlings are growing rapidly.

Important ! Removing shoots that are not yet three years old is considered harmless to pine. The number of branches cut should not exceed 1/3 of the total number of shoots.

Further care of the hedge

When the pine hedge is planted, you can begin preparing for further care. As mentioned above, coniferous trees are not among the unpretentious ones, so it is necessary to carefully monitor their growth and follow a number of care rules:

  1. Regular weeding. There should be no weeds at the landing site. If they appear, you should immediately remove them from the roots. You should not use a hoe for this, as the roots will remain in the soil and there will be twice as many weeds.
  2. Watering the hedge should be done every two days.
  3. You can fertilize seedlings with nitrogen and phosphorus additives, especially if the trees begin to wither or lose color.
  4. Trimming shoots to form the correct shape of a pine tree is only permissible in the spring and autumn seasons. This should not be done in the summer!
  5. In hot weather, watering and irrigating the branches should be most intense.
  6. If some branches begin to dry out, they should be carefully removed using garden shears.

Features of cutting pine trees can be learned from this video:

Growing a pine hedge is not an easy task, but if you put in every effort, carefully monitor and care for the trees, the result will be simply amazing. A beautiful living fence will protect you from prying eyes, create an atmosphere of comfort, improve the area and purify the air.

Build a fence on plot of land is possible not only from artificial materials, like a metal profile or chain-link mesh, but also using natural material. made from bushes or trees will perfectly cope with the intended purpose of the fence, without harming the environment. Also, natural plantings help cleanse the air space and disinfect it. not only ionize the air, but also fill it with useful substances.

What varieties of pine to choose for a hedge

reaches a length of 40 meters, life expectancy is about 200 years. The bark is colored red-brown, peels off, and thickens closer to the bottom of the trunk. Prefers well-lit places. Young shoots have cone-shaped branches, which expand as they grow, forming an umbrella or flat crown shape. The branches are covered with bluish-green dense needles, forming small bunches of a pair of needles each. The size of the needles is from 4 to 7 centimeters, the appearance is slightly flattened. Closer to autumn, part of the covering of the branches crumbles, having previously changed color to yellow, which makes it especially decorative. appearance. In the second year of growth, cones of brown or brown shades ripen, 3 to 6 cm long and 2-3 wide. Unripe fruits are green, conical in appearance. During winter preparation It independently covers its needles with a wax layer, which avoids moisture evaporation at low temperatures. It is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, capable of growing in urban conditions, however, it is prone to suffer from gas pollution.

grows up to 8-15 meters, distinguished by a decorative, narrow column-shaped crown. It has a good growth rate: annual growth is about 20 centimeters, making it a fast-growing species. The branches are covered with bluish needles, which gives the plant a special showiness. It is not picky about the soil, it develops better in good lighting: in shady conditions it loses its decorative qualities. It is recommended to plant on loose, well-drained soil. Well tolerated negative temperatures, frosts, dry times. It has no special requirements for soil fertility, but on dense soil it develops noticeably worse. The first 12-24 months of growth require watering during dry periods. Mechanical restoration has been held since June. The procedure involves shortening the young shoots after the shoots have grown and pinching them.

otherwise called long-coniferous. The trunk size is 30-35 meters, with a diameter of 60-100 cm. The crown consists of sparse branches covered with bright green needles. The needles grow up to 18 centimeters. bears fruit with red cones brown tint, 10 cm in size. After 2-3 years of establishment in a new place, a selection of seedlings is carried out, removing the weaker and more painful ones. Plants bred by the seed method stand out from other growing methods due to their characteristics. Such pines are less demanding on the soil and tolerate winter, frost, and drought better. They grow even under unfavorable conditions, do not require regular care, look more decorative, and live longer.

Balkan , also known as the Rumelian breed, reaches a height of 20-25 meters. It stands out for its cone-shaped crown with a straight, even trunk. As they grow, the shape of the branches changes and can be umbrella-shaped or pyramidal. The branches are strewn with long dark green needles. The flowering period begins in May. Fruits with long cones of light Brown at 2-3 years of age, the seeds fully ripen by the end of August-beginning of September. The needles are replaced every 24-36 months. A single planting is recommended, since the subspecies does not get along well in the composition. Loves a lot sunlight, has a powerful, well-developed root system. Tolerates frosts well, planted in spacious places with clean air. Planting work is carried out late in the fall. The digging depth for planting is about 1 meter.

has an unusually gray bark color, with a trunk covered with brown spots. Reaches a height of about 40 meters, young shoots are colored rich green, gradually acquire a brown tint. The crown consists of triangular needles collected in bunches of 6 pieces, reaching a size of no more than 8 centimeters. The color of the needles is blue with a green tint. It bears fruit in small cones of red-violet color, 2-4 pieces at the ends of the branches. The size of the fruit is about 6 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide. Fruiting begins in the second year of flowering. The root system is taprooted with many lateral shoots. As the plant develops, the main root gradually dies off, which promotes more active growth of small roots.

Siberian breed grows less than 35 meters, has a dense, pointed cone-shaped crown, which expands with age. The branches are whorled, the root is taprooted with numerous shoots. The trunk of a young plant is covered with gray bark, which changes its color to gray-brown as it develops. The needles of the branches are renewed every 3 years, have a dark green tint, the size ranges from 6 to 13 centimeters. Fruits in cones on the upper branches, light brown in color, ovoid, 6-13 cm in size. Propagated by seedlings or saplings, more unusual subspecies - by grafting. Able to produce full-fledged seeds only from the age of 30.

European subspecies reaches a height of 10 to 25 meters, has a life expectancy of 800 to 1000 years. Very resistant to severe frosts, low temperatures. The light-loving plant tolerates dry times well, but every spring the soil needs to be moistened abundantly. The trunk of a young plant is straight, but as it grows it bends in an unusual way. The branches of the plantings are also bent, covered with long needles, collected in bunches of 5 pieces, the length is about 9 centimeters. It bears fruit in cones measuring 8 by 9 cm. planting material It is recommended to be inside pots and planted from mid-March until the end of November. Can be planted in extreme heat. You should regularly apply fertilizers, spray the crown, and systematically loosen the soil.

grows up to 15 meters, the trunk is straight or curved, covered with white-gray bark. The bark consists of short, stiff needles of green or yellow-green color, ranging from 3 to 9 centimeters in length. It has an average growth rate, growing by 20-25 cm every year, develops better in good light, but tolerates partial shade. Excellent experience winter time, unpretentious to soil composition and acidity level. Can grow either singly or in groups.

is a large representative of its species, whose length is about 10-12 meters, and the trunk diameter is 3-3.5 m. The crown has the shape of a cone, spreads widely, and has slight asymmetry. The branches are covered with blue or silver-blue needles, forming bunches, a couple of pieces in each. Fruits in ovoid cones. Prefers nutritious soil with moderate moisture, loose, with drainage. It copes well with negative temperatures and frosts. Unpretentious to the soil, capable of growing on sandy soil. Planting work is carried out in well-lit areas; a layer of mulch should first be laid.

grows up to 40 meters, prefers well-lit places. Lives up to 200 years, reproduces by seed or grafting. The crown is pyramidal in shape, the needles are a rich dark green hue, 7 to 14 centimeters long, collected in bunches of 2 pieces. Cones are tied yellow color with a shiny surface, hanging horizontally, having a short petiole. Perfect for creating a dark-colored hedge, it grows on almost any type of soil. is light-loving plant, but survives light shade better.

Subspecies otherwise called eastern white pine. The height of an adult tree is no more than 80 meters, most often 30-65 m, and can live for more than 400 years. It has no special lighting requirements and grows well on sandy-loamy soil with a laid drainage layer. The crown has the shape of a cone, the branches are whorled, which creates a decorative openwork, loose appearance. As it grows, it changes, the branches become sparser, uneven, wide-pyramidal, and located horizontally. Young shoots grow thin, green at first, later turn red, turn brown, and may acquire purple tint, completely bare, rarely slightly pubescent. The buds are oval-ovoid, no more than 1 centimeter long, slightly resinous. The flowering period begins in April-May. It bears fruit from the end of October with narrow cylindrical cones, 8 to 20 centimeters long, about 4 cm wide, colored light green. Does not require special care, is very resistant to pest attacks and diseases.

closer to the bushes, the crown consists of straight branches of a bluish-green color. The trunk length reaches no more than 2 meters. The branches are dense, vertically located, covered with long green needles with blue tint. It is recommended to plant in well-lit areas of the land; it tolerates partial shade. It survives winter well; young plantings can freeze slightly in severe frosts. It is picky about the level of soil fertility and develops better on acidic, light soils. It grows in polluted airspace, which allows it to be used for planting in urban environments. It should be watered frequently and abundantly, especially during drought, fertilization, and shoot growth. Every spring you need to carry out sanitary pruning.

refers to bushy plants whose height does not exceed 4-5 meters. There is a woody form, from 7 to 8 m long. Young shoots are short, creep along the surface of the soil, curved upward. The roots are located superficially and are highly branched. Dark green needles grow up to 4 centimeters, collected in pairs in bunches. The crown is renewed every 3-5 years. The cones begin to set, starting from 6-8 years of age, cone-shaped, 3-6 cm in size, light brown in color. Tolerates negative temperatures, frosts, and dry times well. It grows even in areas with strong gusts of wind and has a powerful root system. Strong branches can withstand a heavy layer of snow. Can be planted inside the city; it tolerates polluted airspace well.

capable of growing up to 50 meters. Without additional shelter, it tolerates frosts of at least 30 degrees and may not withstand a thick layer of snow. The wide pyramidal crown consists of flexible branches arranged horizontally. The needles are long, reaching a length of up to 20 centimeters, thin, forming bunches of 5 pieces, colored bluish, bluish-green, and have a silvery tint. Young needles stick out, but with age they become bent and drooping. The cones are cylindrical in shape, no more than 32 cm long, light brown in color, close to yellow. Fruits in April, but full ripening occurs closer to October. The seeds are easily released from mature cones, about 5 millimeters in size, and have a long wing of less than 3 cm.

How to choose planting material for a pine hedge

To get a high-quality wall, you need to take care of high-quality raw materials for placement on your plot. Purchases are carried out only in trusted places, specialized nurseries or gardening stores. Seedlings must have a healthy root system, no damage of any kind, and a rich crown color. Affected by illness or harmful insects, with broken branches or damaged roots, it is strictly forbidden to buy. A spoiled plant will die with almost absolute probability. For planting, use plants that are at least 2-3 years old, since younger varieties will not be able to take root in a new place. The height of young animals should not be less than 50 centimeters.

It is important to remember the differences between wild varieties and subspecies intended for planting private territory. There will be a difference in the development of roots, the degree of compatibility with other plantings on the land, and other care requirements. Before the pine tree is planted, it must be wrapped in a wet cloth or kept inside a special container. The sooner the purchase is planted, the better for its health.

Video material on creating a pine hedge:
