Hidden psychic abilities of the zodiac signs. What are the zodiac signs of psychics?

Absolutely all people, regardless of their Zodiac Sign, have abilities in magic and extrasensory perception. But each Sign has its own talents. Find out what magical abilities your Zodiac Sign is endowed with.


Aries - energetically strong sign Zodiac. His main ability lies in the fact that he knows how to charge other people with his energy. He is like a light bulb from which light comes. In addition, Aries can charge things, clothes and objects with energy. The main thing is that this energy is always positive.


Taurus is lucky with money. This Zodiac Sign belongs to material world. He succeeds in casting fortunes with money, money rituals and conspiracies. To achieve their desires, Taurus needs to write their financial desires on a piece of paper more often.


Geminis have a sharp tongue. They are the ones who have the power of the evil eye and damage. Just one look and an unkind word can do a lot of harm. But Gemini can influence people positively - it’s enough to sincerely wish the person good luck.


Cancer has a keen intuition. He is able to predict events. But often Cancer does not talk about his feelings to the people around him, and when his predictions come true, his phrase “I knew it would happen like this” seems somehow inappropriate. Astrologers recommend that Cancers talk more often about their feelings and fears, because by doing this they can help people avoid trouble.

a lion

Leo is great at love spells and spells. In general, everything related to love magic is subject to Leo like no other. It is not surprising that representatives of this Zodiac Sign very often have whirlwind romances.


Virgo definitely has a magical talent for fortune telling by cards and palmistry. If Virgo seriously begins to study Tarot cards and fortune telling, she will quickly succeed in this matter.


The magical power of Libra lies in their internal energy. It is believed that representatives of this constellation can control the elements. It’s easy to test your abilities - all you have to do is “order” the weather for tomorrow from the Universe and check whether it will come true or not.


Scorpio is the most magically powerful sign of the Zodiac. Almost all types of magic are subject to him. Scorpio's special ability is to fight negative energy, damage and the evil eye. With his presence, he can protect from troubles and misfortunes.


The main magic of Sagittarius lies in his intentions, thoughts and speech. This Zodiac Sign symbolizes an arrow, a goal, and determination, which means that in order to realize his desires, he just needs to clearly formulate his intention. Preferably on a piece of paper.


Capricorn can become an excellent astrologer, numerologist and palmist. That is, he is subject to those esoteric sciences where he could apply his analytical mind, math skills and logic.


Aquarius very often has prophetic dreams. He should pay attention to his night visions more often, since through them he can get a lot of useful information.


Pisces can excellently tell fortunes using coffee grounds, cards and runes. In addition, representatives of this constellation have the ability to cleanse space from energetic dirt. They also have well-developed intuition, which allows them to predict events.

Develop your magical talents! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.03.2015 09:16

At birth, each planet gives us special qualities. To achieve success in life, you need to develop...

Not every person is born with extrasensory abilities, hypersensitivity, which opens a person to the world of paranormal perception of the surrounding reality through clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, biointroscopy, extrasensory healing, etc.

Zodiac signs of psychics - psychics among us

However, astrologers claim that each zodiac sign is granted certain capabilities that can develop during a person’s life. Do you want to know if society is providing psychics? And what superpowers does your sign have?

Magical abilities of the zodiac signs - psychics of the zodiac

  • Magicians of the Aries zodiac sign have a unique instinct - they can sense danger long before it arises. They usually follow their feelings, but mostly unconsciously. Possessing a keen sixth sense, Aries esotericists often find themselves in in the right place V right time. If representatives of this zodiac sign are involved in extrasensory perception, then they need to behave more than carefully. It's all about the exorbitant ambitions of Aries, the desire to get what they want, to comprehend the unknown, to find out what others do not know. These impulses can lead Aries to sad consequences.
  • Mystics of the zodiac sign Taurus have little interest in esotericism. However, their strong energy gives them certain opportunities. The power of their words can destroy, representatives of this sign can or curse. Therefore, they need to be careful with their thoughts and words. The dreams of the Taurus zodiac sign are mundane, however, if their well-being is threatened, in a dream Taurus magicians may receive a warning of danger.
  • Magicians of the Gemini zodiac sign do not have the ability to occult sciences, this zodiac sign does not produce psychics. Magic and mysticism are alien to them by nature. It is difficult for them to concentrate, moreover, sorcerers of the Gemini zodiac sign have weak protection against the influence of others, they are extremely vulnerable to magical powers. They suffer more than others from love spells, damage and the banal evil eye.
  • Witches of the Cancer zodiac sign can achieve success in the occult sciences. They are very sensitive and feel subtly the world, they have phenomenal intuition that never lets them down. The dreams of the Cancer zodiac sign are very vivid, real, and often prophetic.
  • Leo is fixated on his own personality, so from the representatives of this zodiac sign rarely work out psychics. Preoccupation with oneself is a limitation that does not allow one to comprehend the meaning of higher powers. But mysticism is not alien to Leos, they are attracted by the secret mysteries of unknown worlds, and thanks to their powerful solar energy, Leo is able to make very strong amulets.
  • Virgo zodiac sign is not psychics, despite the fact that this Zodiac sign They have subtle intuition, but they are defenseless against magical influences, and often suffer from damage and the evil eye.
  • Healers of the Libra zodiac sign can develop the gift of healing. They are driven by the desire to help others, in addition, their natural magnetism helps them penetrate the world of other people.
  • Scorpio magicians are the most powerful sign of the zodiac, possessing powerful magical energy. He can achieve in clairvoyance, hypnosis and esotericism, which is facilitated by the gift of foresight and persuasion. But the healer of the Scorpio zodiac sign must use his abilities very carefully so as not to harm people.
  • Without a doubt, Sagittarius has the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, this is psychic zodiac sign. He is irresistibly attracted to everything new, unknown, and will spare no effort or time to study esotericism. However, having received sacred knowledge, he is unlikely to apply it in practice.
  • The strong zodiac sign Capricorn cannot even touch the occult sciences. Having acquired practical skills, they will not refrain from causing harm to others. But they will harm themselves just as much! Fortunately, Capricorns are rarely interested in magic.
  • Aquarius will unravel the secret meaning of words; the truth does not escape him.

Psychic abilities are not that uncommon. Probably, each of us can remember a case when a seemingly unfounded premonition prevented us from making a mistake, or an inner voice prompted us at the right time on how to act. However, not everyone knows how to use such talents. Fortune telling is a proven way for centuries to develop intuition and learn a little more about yourself and the world around you. But we will talk about which method of fortune telling to choose in this article.

All prediction techniques originate from ancient times. But before you get to know them better, assess the level of your psychic abilities by asking the Tarot cards in the “Balance” spread.

Your zodiac sign will help you choose the form of fortune telling that is right for you, since there is a close connection between the method of prediction, the personal qualities of the fortuneteller and his horoscope.

Like the first fire sign Zodiac Aries loves fire and therefore, better than other signs, is able to read the images that the flame draws and predict the future from them. Therefore, pyromania (fortune telling by fire) in all its forms is suitable for him: fortune telling by candles, fortune telling by a fireplace or stove fire, fortune telling by an open fire.

For Taurus, the sense of touch is an extremely important source of information; It is thanks to touch that representatives of this sign reveal many secrets to themselves. Palmistry, that is, reading fate along the lines of the palm, like nothing else, helps Taurus create a single image of the past, present and future.

People born under this sign are excellent at expressing their contradictory nature through writing; In addition, it is not a problem for them to intuitively understand the hidden meanings of any text. Add to this the fact that Geminis love to read, and you will understand why the most suitable way fortune telling for them is bibliomancy. By opening a book and intuitively pointing to a particular page or verse (paragraph), Gemini can easily predict the future from it.

For Leos, everything is centered around their own “I” - Leo loves the theater and is not afraid to be considered extravagant. Communicating with spirits is one of the most daring ways to develop psychic abilities, and it is through this that Leo can open the way to their higher self. Spirits appear and disappear, and Leo remains to express what they are trying to convey through him from the other world.


Virgo is an earth sign, and its representatives are mainly practitioners. That is why they need something tangible, such as tea leaves, to develop psychic abilities. By their location (note, different after each tea party), Virgo can predict the future or discover unexpected facets of the present. Tea leaves are a great way for Virgo to use natural components that have such properties in the development of extrasensory perception. great importance for the nature-loving Virgo.


Libras are distinguished by an extremely high ability for correct perception and versatile interpretation of artistic symbols, and therefore will certainly succeed in fortune telling with Tarot cards. Libra manages to notice in card images the smallest details eluding representatives of other zodiac signs.


Scorpio is a passionate and addicted sign, capable of “getting comfortable” in the world of spirits and making it a part of their life. A dull sense of fear and extremely high sensitivity make Scorpios unique mediums who not only communicate with spirits, but can also become guides to the world of the dead for those interested in the living.


Sagittarius is known for their open-mindedness, strong intuition, and lack of internal barriers. This gives representatives of the sign the opportunity to develop their psychic abilities with the help of clairvoyance. Sagittarius' optimism enhances his ability to visualize the future in great detail.


Capricorn loves order and logic in everything, so receiving information through numbers, i.e. using numerology, the most suitable representatives for this earth sign. The system of operations with numbers, rooted in the deep past, turns out to be a reliable basis for the development of extrasensory abilities of Capricorns.


As the sign that rules astrology, space and the future, Aquarius often "gives birth" good astrologers. With the help of the stars and planets, Aquarians, intuitively guided by the movements of the galaxy, can see the past and predict the future. With accurate initial data, Aquarians can make surprisingly correct predictions.


For Pisces, whose native element is water, the most in a natural way The development of extrasensory abilities is Voro, that is, the art of predicting the future by water, its slightest movements, vibrations, and changes. Water is the medium in which life originates, and it speaks to Pisces in a language known only to them.

Absolutely all people, regardless of their Zodiac Sign, have abilities in magic and extrasensory perception. But each Sign has its own talents. Find out what magical abilities your Zodiac Sign is endowed with.

Aries is an energetically strong Zodiac Sign. His main ability is that he knows how to charge other people with his energy. He is like a light bulb from which light comes. In addition, Aries can charge things, clothes and objects with energy.

The main thing is that this energy is always positive.

Taurus is lucky with money. This Zodiac Sign belongs to the material world. He manages to cast fortunes with money, money rituals and conspiracies.

To achieve their desires, Taurus needs to write their financial desires on a piece of paper more often.

Geminis have a sharp tongue. They are the ones who have the power of the evil eye and damage. Just one look and an unkind word can do a lot of harm.

But Gemini can also influence people positively - it is enough to sincerely wish the person good luck.

Cancer has a keen intuition. He is able to predict events. But often Cancer does not talk about his feelings to the people around him, and when his predictions come true, his phrase “I knew it would happen like this” seems somehow inappropriate.

Leo is great at love spells and spells. In general, everything related to love magic is subject to Leo like no other. It is not surprising that representatives of this Zodiac Sign very often have whirlwind romances.

Virgo definitely has a magical talent for fortune telling with cards and palmistry. If Virgo seriously begins to study Tarot cards and fortune telling, she will quickly succeed in this matter.

The magical power of Libra lies in their internal energy. It is believed that representatives of this constellation can control the elements. It’s easy to test your abilities - all you have to do is “order” the weather for tomorrow from the Universe and check whether it will come true or not.

Scorpio is the most magically powerful sign of the Zodiac. Almost all types of magic are subject to him. Scorpio's special ability is to fight negative energy, damage and the evil eye.

With his presence, he can protect from troubles and misfortunes.

The main magic of Sagittarius lies in his intentions, thoughts and speech. This Zodiac Sign symbolizes an arrow, a goal, and determination, which means that in order to realize his desires, he just needs to clearly formulate his intention. Preferably on a piece of paper.

Capricorn can become an excellent astrologer, numerologist and palmist. That is, he is subject to those esoteric sciences where he could apply his analytical mind, mathematical abilities and logic.

Aquarius very often has prophetic dreams. He should pay attention to his night visions more often, since through them he can get a lot of useful information.

Pisces can excellently tell fortunes using coffee grounds, cards and runes. In addition, representatives of this constellation have the ability to cleanse space from energetic dirt. They also have well-developed intuition, which allows them to predict events.

Develop your magical talents! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

You can determine your magical talent using a horoscope.

Some Zodiac Signs have pronounced extrasensory abilities, while others have mental power hidden until a special moment in life. You can determine your magical talent using a horoscope.


All Aries have a powerful energy field. The natural element of Fire charges the representatives of this Sign with its magnetic energy, which is embodied in the ability to intuitively sense ill-wishers and “burn” directed negative influences.

Aries are not afraid of most damage and evil eyes: your natural protection not so easy to overcome. The full power of your strength is revealed after 30 years, so if you don’t feel confident yet, then just give yourself time.


The earth element is capable of gifting Taurus with the ability to heal and herbalism. At the birth of every Taurus, favorite tree or a flower: they are one way or another present and are near the representative of this constellation throughout their entire life journey.

Inspiration and natural abilities are manifested through this symbol: if you want to reveal them fully, then first of all you need to seriously study the properties, origin and energy of your favorite plant.


Air Geminis are born with the ability to see prophetic dreams. If in childhood Geminis, who are not aware of their strength, perceive special knowledge as a game, then at a conscious age this talent, unfortunately, is often buried in the ground.

The frequent appearance of a feeling of déjà vu indicates that your talent is trying to get out of the subconscious to an explicit level. You can discover this power in yourself through the practice of lucid dreaming.


Naturally sensitive Cancers have the ability to clairvoyance. This talent justifies excessive vulnerability and often excessive isolation. A subtle sense of the surrounding world “tunes” Cancer to more global issues than everyday problems and life obstacles.

The ability to predict the future can be revealed quite easily in card readings, palmistry or meditation. Astrologers advise all Cancers to try various ways and choose the one you like the most.

a lion

Fiery Leos are often gifted with the ability to influence the people around them and circumstances in their favor. Unconsciously catching the mood the right person and by pressing the “secret buttons” of his subconscious, Leo can get what he needs without much difficulty.

Leos can reveal their talent and achieve unprecedented success in the field of hypnosis, parapsychology and psychology. Understanding natural mechanisms and the cause-and-effect relationship of actions on a karmic scale can give you a unique opportunity to influence the world around you and make it better.


Virgos have extremely powerful intuition and the power of words. Unlike other Zodiac Signs, Virgos are most often clearly aware of their ability to influence the course of events with the help of verbally expressed intentions. This is why most Virgos hate lies and insincerity, and almost never allow themselves to tell a lie.

Virgos can significantly develop their verbal extrasensory abilities through spell reading and visualization practice. With enough work, you can achieve success in a short time.


The air element of Libra often gives its representatives the ability to put their inspiration and sincere wishes into ordinary things, turning them into powerful amulets and talismans.

However, since Libra, like Gemini, is a dual symbol, the strength of intention can be expressed in both positive and negative ways. Bad wishes addressed to the enemy of Libra can reach their goal extremely quickly. To tame your talent, you can use relaxing meditations.


Scorpios have the amazing ability to attract the attention of people around them like a magnet. At the energetic level, this is explained by the talent for love magic. Among practitioners, it is rare to find a person who can overcome a love spell cast by Scorpio.

Knowledge of the meditative practice of attracting love will help you develop your magical talent and channel it in a good direction.


For Sagittarius, the element of Fire has given them an amazing opportunity to easily forget grievances and switch to other streams of consciousness. In terms of energy, this manifests itself in a high ability to protect: you can protect not only yourself, but also your entire family with your energy. Your presence alone can ease grief and pain, help find a way out difficult situation and attract good luck.

Many Sagittarius may not even suspect until adulthood that it is their energy that holds up the family tree. To strengthen and develop your talent, you can use practices of filling and harmonizing the energy field.


Capricorns most often come into this life with a certain karmic task and embody it throughout their entire journey. Such a conscious existence allows Capricorns to immediately identify lies and see the true essence of a person.

You can successfully develop your talent in the field of psychology by practicing mantras or runic art. Your love for truth and insight will help you easily distinguish the right direction and succeed in it.


Of all the airy Zodiac Signs, Aquarius is the most capable of verbal magic: the ability to think outside the box and creatively has positive influence on the ability to fulfill what you want both in your life and for other people.

At the same time, airy Aquarians strive for internal and external freedom all their lives, therefore they do not know how to tightly cling to the chance given by Fate. You can develop your talent by studying meditation practices and art therapy.


From birth, Pisces are endowed with the ability to influence financial flows. The water element helps representatives of this Sign easily find sources of profit and feel the slightest deception in the material sphere.
