Water spray system for cafes. High pressure fog cooling. Maintaining the required humidity

What is the difference between fogging? high pressure from low?

You may be led to believe that systems low pressure 10-40 bar gives the same effect as a high 70 bar. It is not true. Low pressure systems spray people with water. This works on the beach, but on the restaurant deck you only need to use high pressure.

Can I install your equipment myself?

Yes, sure. Pumping unit Comes fully assembled and ready to turn on. You do not have to connect parts of the installation with wires and understand the nuances of the layout of the fog system.

On the page Instructions for installing a fogging system you will find a description and video of self-installation systems Vtumane.ru. Also, in the box with the pump there will be a paper version of the instructions. Installation is simple and takes 3-4 hours for a basic veranda.

On other sites they sell Chinese pumps for 50-60 thousand rubles, what is their difference from the equipment of Vtumane.ru?

  1. Despite all the assurances from sellers that the pump of Chinese pumps is made in Italy/Germany or “using Italian technology”, the service life of such pumps is 1 season. If you plan to operate the equipment in a busy project, then less than a season.
  2. An unpleasant surprise after a breakdown will be the complete absence of any spare parts for such pumps.
  3. The nylon pipes included in the Chinese systems are not made of durable polyamide PA11-12, but of low-quality plastic. Such pipes eventually burst from pressure, flooding the veranda or house with water.
  4. Over time, fittings from Chinese kits no longer hold the pipe, and the line breaks.
  5. Most Chinese systems use their own standard sizes of fittings and pipes. We tried, Italian equipment is often not suitable for replacement. This means that when you need to replace a leaking fitting or section of pipe, you will have to look for it for a long time.
Having saved 20-30 thousand rubles, you get equipment for 1-2 seasons. After this period, the Chinese equipment will have to be dismantled, and then re-purchased and installed a new set. It will be more expensive, checked.

If you understand the risk and purposefully choose a pump from China, use alibaba.com and aliexpress.com. There you will find the same pumps 2-3 times cheaper than buying them in Russia. The price for a set of 20-30 injectors starts from 18,000 rubles, including delivery.

Will the nozzles not drip water onto furniture and visitors?

Vtumane.ru systems are 100% protected from drops. AquaBreeze FOG70 pumps are required to be equipped with a drain valve that releases overpressure from the trunk during system downtime. Also, we only use nozzles with a built-in anti-drip valve. All this provides a guarantee against water dripping from the nozzles when the pump is stopped.

A method of cooling the environment called fog cooling is gaining popularity. And this is not without reason - it is an economical and environmentally friendly option for reducing temperatures. How to cool open areas is a very pressing issue not only for owners country houses and summer cafes, but also for various factories and enterprises. Let us immediately remind you that this cooling method is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Since the system uses ordinary water, and evaporation does not provide a humidifying effect, in fact, you only feel pleasant coolness.

Let's take a closer look at the fog cooling system.

What does a mist cooling system consist of?

The system consists of the following components:

1. High pressure pump, which is capable of pressurizing the fog system from 70 to 100 Bar. This is the basis of the system, because Since this is the only mechanical part of the system, the pump must be good quality, because its failure will make it impossible to use the entire system.

2. Tubes through which water moves in the system. They are metal or nylon. These tubes are connected to each other using special self-clamping fittings. This method of installing lines is very practical and allows you to install a fog cooling system on almost any object.

3. Injectors. High precision fog nozzles. It is through them that water acquires gaseous state. They allow the system to produce fine (from 3 to 7 microns) water mist, which cools the surrounding air.

Read more about equipment for fog systems in the corresponding section.

How does a mist cooling system work?

The pump supplies water through tubes to the nozzles and they, in turn, spray mist over (or nearby) the cooled object. The fog cooling system is based on the process of liquid evaporation. When crushed water enters the atmosphere, it gives the effect of instant evaporation, thereby taking away the temperature from the environment. It is worth noting that humidity is not felt. Those. the system simply cools the air. If (in the case of irrigation) you need to humidify the space indoors or outdoors, then nozzles with a larger sprayer are used.

How much can a space be cooled with such a system?

It all depends on the temperature around the object being cooled and the air humidity. If it is dry and hot, then the system can cool the air by 15 degrees, but if the environment has high humidity and relative coolness, then the use of fog systems will give insignificant results. Remember, the principle of operation of the system is evaporation and heat extraction. Those. if there is nowhere to evaporate, and there is nowhere to take heat, then the system will show minimal results. It's like morning fog. In warm areas it brings coolness, but near the river it is almost not noticeable. Therefore, before installing systems, we always analyze the object in detail and take this into account when designing. About successful and effective application fog cooling systems, read on.

Where can this cooling method be used?

Fog cooling can be used almost anywhere. Let's look at the most traditional options application of the system.

Fog cooling of open areas, verandas, terraces and gazebos.

The most popular application of the system. Because cool the space in outdoor cafe or gazebo air conditioning systems are expensive and ineffective, then fog cooling has gained immense popularity. Moreover, it is possible to cool large areas and stadiums (in Japan, such a system was implemented and showed excellent results at a football stadium). If you are the owner of a cafe with a summer terrace, or want to create a pleasant coolness on the terrace, then this system is for you.

Cooling of outdoor units of air conditioning systems

Air conditioning systems are often used in businesses and buildings. The principle of their work is clear to everyone - they take it from the street warm air, which, passing through the system, is cooled and supplied to the room. If it is 38 degrees outside, and the system needs to cool the room to 23 degrees, then it turns out that the system needs to cool the air by 15 degrees. But if you install a pre-cooling system in front of the air conditioner (in our case, it’s a fog system), then the air that the air conditioner will suck in will no longer be 38 degrees, but, let’s say, 30. This means the air conditioner will need to cool the air not by 15 degrees, but by 7 , which means 2 times less electricity will be spent, which leads to saving money. And there are many examples of such use of fog cooling systems.

Microclimate of display cases, counters and storages

Fish, vegetables and other perishable products in summer period very difficult to store. We all understand perfectly well that in the heat food can spoil very quickly. Especially when it comes to display cases - after all, the product must be visible and the buyer must have access to it. And here the fog system will also help us. The system can be carefully and discreetly installed along the display window, and in the cool haze the product will look even more appetizing. This also applies to warehouses, storage facilities, sorting points and other places where it is necessary to create a certain climate for storing food.

Cooling of farms, cattle and, pig and poultry farms

In the livestock industry, it is very important that animals and poultry are healthy and grow in a favorable climate. Not only the quality of meat, eggs and other products of this industry, but also the livestock depends on this. Animals, being in unfavorable conditions (as well as people) feel bad. As a result, they lose weight, their milk yield decreases, etc. Mist cooling systems have become a solution for such enterprises, because the system not only lowers the temperature, but also eliminates odors and promotes dust suppression. And the cost of fogging systems is significantly lower than standard air conditioning systems.

We can talk endlessly about the use of fog cooling systems. Their use is possible in almost all industries and areas of human activity. These systems have shown excellent results in both efficiency and energy consumption.

I still have questions about the fog cooling system

Just come to us, to the UKRSPETSSBYT company or call our consultants (contacts at the bottom of the page) and we will answer all your questions. We have been working in this direction for more than 17 years. Our specialists will conduct a detailed analysis of your facility, make all the necessary calculations and estimates, design the system, supply equipment and configure all parameters. You will receive a ready-made, working and effective system fog cooling. Also look at photographs and videos of our systems - they will more clearly show the operation of the system and its application.

An important property of high-pressure fog is the ability of small droplets of fog to quickly evaporate by absorbing heat from the air.

Due to their small size, water droplets evaporate quickly. It is evaporation, that is, the transition from liquid to gaseous state, that absorbs heat from the air. Specific heat evaporation of water at a temperature of 15 °C is equal to 2466 kJ/kg or 589 kcal/kg. The lower the relative humidity, the more water can be evaporated and, accordingly, more heat absorbed from the air. The specific energy consumption for evaporation of 1 kg of water ranges from 2.5 to 10 W per hour, depending on the size of the fogging system.

Only a pressure of 70–80 bar will provide a uniform and fine mist with a droplet size of about 10 microns, which evaporates immediately and does not fall out in the form of wet spots and puddles on surfaces and equipment. Such fog improves working conditions for personnel or increases comfort for visitors, maintains technological air parameters in production and warehouses, maintains the quality of raw materials and finished products, protects equipment and environment from dust or odors.


Our company works only with quality equipment, tested mainly by time. We have been working in this area of ​​activity since 2007 and have installed and supplied equipment to hundreds of facilities, so we provide a guarantee on our systems of 2 years. Beware of poor-quality cooling and humidification equipment, as the fogging system operates under high pressure and has high safety requirements.

You can find prices for the corresponding equipment in the sections -

In industry . Industrial systems cooling controls temperature and humidity levels to achieve maximum production potential.Many industries will benefit from installing a fogging system.Typical applications will include greenhouse farming, winemaking, wood processing, and textile industry, packaging production, food industry. MWe provide a wide range of professional high pressure fogging units and low pressure systems.We offer economical solutions for many industrial applications and promise exceptional performance and reliability of the final product. High differencetemperature and relative humidity can cause warping and cracking of untreated wood.To correct the problem, carpenters must properly maintain the equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of the wood.Ink application is much more difficult at lower humidity levels, and paper mills also benefit from constantly controlled humidity levels.Textiles require properly controlled humidity levels between 50% and 65%.Winemakers must confront the problem of excessive evaporation of wine through barrels during storage.Industrial cooling systems solve many of these problems. WITHMist cooling systems (fogging) available with or without option forced ventilation. Those who wishimprove cooling efficiency by increasing air flow using fans.They are widely used in warehouses, welding shops and factories.Fans with high speed increase the cooling distance to 15 meters, and to achieve best results, use cooling fans with adjustable head tilt.The overall effectiveness of industrial cooling and mist spray systems depends on the existing temperature and humidity levels.Excellent performance is achieved when natural temperatures fall between 30° and 46°C and humidity below 40%.

In the fight against insects. The anti-mosquito fogging system uses the same technology as the anti-mosquito fogging system. outdoors, but has additional effects on flying insects such as mosquitoes.And the high pressure of the pump creates tiny droplets of water through specially designed nozzles, which creates fog, like mist, which evaporates.By adding non-toxic, biodegradable insecticides to water, you can create a barrier that will repel mosquitoes and other insects. MWe provide proven technology that guarantees consistent, reliable results.For effective fight with mosquitoes and other flying insects, nozzles should be installed around the perimeter of the area.This system will include a pump, a series of nozzles that hold a reservoir of insecticide, and a timer that controls the operation of the fog system.Typically, this system will spray insecticide periodically throughout the day. These devices Provide effective insect control around homes, restaurants, recreational areas, and other businesses, and have the added benefit of cooler outside air temperatures during the summer months. Applicationsafe insecticides is a major factor.Pyrethrum, which is an extract from the chrysanthemum flower, is the most commonly used insecticide and is easily taken as effective solution in pest control in industry.It is safe for people and animals, but is strong enough to stop mosquitoes, wasps, bees and other flying insects.Family, friends, pets, and clients will appreciate the comfort of an environment free of nuisance insects.When purchasing an insect repellent fogging system, look for high quality materials to ensure uninterrupted operation for many years.At RainMaster we guarantee the efficiency and high quality of our fogging systems.Precision nozzles, filtration cartridges, pumps, drive pulleys, and a wide range of accessories provide high quality at very competitive prices.

In greenhouse farming. Steel mist irrigation systems necessary tool for efficient service greenhouse farms. Greenhouse performanceThe fogging systems we offer have already been tested to meet industry standards.Systems provide favorable conditions during the whole year.They also help control plant diseases by reducing stress and increasing germination and overall plant growth.Most greenhouse growers face a constant battle with low humidity and high temperatures.Plants can be seriously damaged if humidity drops below 30%; the growing process slows down and may come to a stop. NOur greenhouse fogging system can be set to evaporate mist to cool and humidify the air without noticeable humidity, can be left on when humidity rises, and provide high level moisture (mist irrigation).The temperature can be reduced by 15 °C.The relative humidity level can be maintained at 90%. Leavesplants are absorbed carbon dioxide and other substances from the air, absorbing moisture.An ideal environment that helps healthy plants realize their growth potential can be maintained through the use of a misting system.Another option is to introduce fertilizers through a greenhouse fogging system, which will be absorbed by the leaves of the plants.A properly planned and correctly installed system, coupled with high quality equipment allows you to consistently and efficiently deliver to plants chemical substances as needed.The benefits of using greenhouse systems are plant health, improved propagation and germination processes, reduced energy costs and more consistent cooling than conventional ventilation systems.Even those in dry, arid climates will achieve favorable results all year round.Let us help you produce beautiful and healthy plants with ease and convenience with one of our greenhouse misting systems. Mist irrigation effectively copes with the assigned tasks.

You can purchase a fogging system for rent from us. We introduced this service thanks to our clients who contacted us with a request to install fog cooling for a festival under open air. This is convenient if your event is short-term. You don't have to buy the system, maintain or store it. Our specialists will install the system at your site, taking into account your wishes, and configure it to optimal performance, will be on call 24 hours a day to resolve any issues related to the operation of the fogging system, and after the event they will come and dismantle the system.
