Comic skits for April 1st for adults. A party that prolongs life: preparing for a holiday of laughter for adults

This material will be useful for class teachers. It is designed for students in grades 6-8. The evening can be held by April 1, and it can also be held to organize leisure time at any time (with minor changes). Participants are divided into two teams.

Scenario for an Evening of Humor and Laughter.

Target: organization of leisure activities for students in grades 6-8.
Tasks: create a positive emotional mood in children;
teach to perceive humor;
cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards each other;
develop students' creative abilities.
Equipment: felt-tip pens, 2 Whatman paper, cards with cut-out wise thoughts, 2 balloons, a magnet, 2 scarves, 2 Whatman paper with images of a bodybuilder and Barbie (faces cut out), chips with numbers from 1 to 4, 2 each, 2 bottles of milk with nipples , medals for “Best milk sucker”, “Best dancer”, “For the loudest laughter”

The hall can be decorated festively.

Presenter 1: Good evening, beautiful girls!
Presenter 2: Hello, dear young men! We are glad to meet you at an evening of humor and laughter.
Presenter 1. Ladies and gentlemen! Today it is allowed to joke and laugh, fool around and play the fool. It is strictly forbidden to: be bored, offended, angry.
Together. So, we begin an evening of humor and laughter.
Presenter 2. To lift your spirits, let's do a warm-up.
Who loves to eat - raise right hand, who likes to sleep - left, who likes to eat chocolate and watch TV - stomp your feet, who likes April 1st - clap your hands and shout “hurray”.
Presenter 1. Well done, I'm in a great mood.
Dear players!
I ask you without delay
Greet the jury,
So that you are more impressed
We were able to influence them!
Presenter 2. The jury will take into account not only correct answers, but also humor and resourcefulness. Bribery of the jury in the form of sweets and valuable banknotes is allowed.
Presenter 1. Let's get to know the teams.
Team representations (name, motto, etc.)
Presenter 2. The first competition is a fun quiz. I ask each participant a question. Only the participant responds. Only the correct answer is taken into account.
1. What is another name for the holiday of April 1? (Fool's Day)
2. How long should you cook a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it’s already cooked.)
3. I came in once, came out three times, I thought: I left, but I just came in. What is this? (Shirt)
4. When they need it, they throw it down, and when they don’t need it, they pick it up. What is this? (Anchor.)
5. How many “g”s does it take to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (The letter “e”.)
7. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (Letter "b".)
8. Who is born twice? (Chick)
9. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
10. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet)
11. Which month is shorter than others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can’t speak.)
13. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (Zheleznodorozhny.)
14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
15. What is between the window and the door? (And)
16. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)
17. How should you correctly read the word “humorina”? (From left to right.)
18. Small, gray, like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Presenter 1. Second competition - draw funny man, using numbers from 0 to 9. (Whatman paper needs to be hanged). Participants take turns and draw one detail at a time. (Time - 1 musical composition)

Presenter 2. Gather your wise thoughts.
Laughter is the sun: it drives away winter human face. Hugo V.
Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose. Galsworthy D.
Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh. Addison D.
Only stupid people live without humor. Prishvin M.M.

Presenter 1. The next competition is “Team Spirit”. All participants are invited, do 2 circles, hands on shoulders. We launch the ball and try to keep it in the air for as long as possible without using our hands. (Time - 1 musical composition)
Presenter 1. What day is April 1st without a draw? It's time to check
Homework is to prank your opponents.

Presenter 2. Competition "Shoe the players"
6 people from each team are invited, 5 players from each sit on chairs, we ask them to remove 1 shoe. All shoes in one pile. The 2 remaining blindfolded players must put their shoes on.
Presenter 1. Competition "Let's overcome difficulties"
We ask the guys to take it off wrist watch or give us telephone numbers - we carefully lay out a zigzag line from this wealth on the floor. We let the first player in and tell him that he needs to walk along this line, but blindfolded. (As soon as the player is blindfolded, we remove all things)
We offer the second player from the other team to blow away balloon from the table. (As soon as the player is blindfolded, the balloon is replaced with a ball with a magnet)

Presenter 2. Competition "Who am I?"
1 player comes out. A Whatman paper with a figure (carved out face) is attached to it. The player asks questions to his team like “Am I human?” The team answers “yes” or “no”.
Then player 2 comes out and another piece is added.
The one who guesses with the fewest questions wins.

Presenter 1. Choose numbers. We invite players numbered 1,…
1. Try now
It's a pleasure to surprise everyone:
A radiant smile
Please show us a picture!

Presenter 2. 2. You need to laugh on this day
So that your whole stomach shakes!
That's why we ask together
Tell us a joke!

Presenter 1. 3. Remember all the sounds of laughter
And laugh out loud at them!
It will definitely be fun for everyone,
And your reward is a point!

Presenter 2. 4. Musical instruments
We'll supply you now
And you’re on it this very moment
Play the music jokingly!

Presenter 1.For this competition, milk lovers are invited from each team. Competition "Best milk sucker". Who will drink faster?

Presenter 2. Competition “Without words!” It requires 1 player from each team. They will be instructors. The instructor and the team are separated by a stormy river. Instructors are given the following task: they need to use facial expressions and gestures to explain to their students the information that: “Caution! There are ticks in the forest!”, and to another: “It’s going to rain soon, we need to go faster!” The winner is the team that first understands what the instructor wants to convey to them.

1st presenter: Well, our holiday today has come to an end. We say goodbye to you, but don't forget to smile. Laugh and joke every day.
2nd presenter: ...And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly it touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

It is very important for children. All schools must hold fun events dedicated to this holiday, and every boy and girl considers it their duty to organize a funny prank to amuse their friends, buddies and favorite teachers.

In particular, on April 1, schools often hold comic skits for children, which improve the children’s mood and charge them with positive energy for a long time.

Skits for April 1 for primary schoolchildren

As a rule, comic performances for primary schoolchildren are prepared by parents together with teachers. They are the ones who think through the scenario in advance, and also prepare the necessary costumes and attributes. The theme of such a scene is by and large, can be anyone, but it must be connected with school life.

For example, you can act out a short performance about the relationship between a student and a teacher, or how one of them pranked the other on the occasion of the April 1st holiday. You can also make a funny play out of a routine medical examination, during which one of the guys tries with all his might to avoid vaccination, but in the end he fails.

When thinking through the scenario of such a scene, be careful. It is unacceptable to stage such performances during which one of the children can see their behavior “from the outside” and be seriously offended.

Skits for April 1 for high school students

Funny skits for April 1 can be staged not only for primary schoolchildren, but also for older children. In addition, teenagers are already taking part in organizing the production, as well as creating the script and costumes, with great pleasure and interest.

You will only need to roughly think through the theme of the performance and distribute the necessary tasks among the children, and the boys and girls can easily do everything on their own. Such scenes quite often feature personal relationships between teenagers, final exams, as well as the future graduation from school and entry into adulthood.

In particular, you can open the show for children and their parents using the following skit called: “Where does a good mood come from?”:

Princess Nesmeyana: (crying)

Nanny 1: Nesmeyana Ivanovna, stop crying, I’ll give you some candy?

Princess Nesmeyana: (crying)

Nanny2: Nesmeyana Ivanovna, well, do you want me to do your homework in foreign languages ​​all year? Just stop it.

Princess Nesmeyana: Leave me alone.

Princess Nesmeyana: Who ever said that fairy tales are fun - boring.

Nanny2: Maybe we can take a carriage ride?

Princess Nesmeyana: we rode. Boring!

Nanny1: Or maybe there’s a ball?

Princess Nesmeyana: Boring!

Nanny 2: Isn’t crying boring?!

Princess Nesmeyana: It’s not fun, and that’s why I’m crying even more. Do something.

(The king enters)

Tsar: (shows that he has a migraine from crying) So, I’m already tired of tears every day. Something needs to be done.

I announce it throughout the kingdom until Nesmeyana learns to have fun, take her out of a fairy tale.

Princess Nesmeyana: No, I want to stay in a fairy tale.

Tsar: Nannies, what do you say, can I leave the princess?

Nanny1: Maybe he can re-educate her?

Tsar: Thank you, we’ve already brought you up.

Nanny 2: Maybe you can put her in the corner?

Princess Nesmeyana: (shakes her head) No!

Tsar: I am against physical punishment, and the rights of the child...

Princess Nesmeyana: Maybe there is some medicine for boredom?

Tsar: you already tried the drug last time, then the rash was eliminated by the whole kingdom.

Princess Nesmeyana: Well, it’s not my fault that I’m bored.

Nanny 1: Tsar Father, they say there is a holiday at school - April Fool's Day - can we send her there?

Nanny 2: The princess will have fun and be among other children. Maybe they know the secret of how not to get bored?

Princess Nesmeyana: (shakes her head) Yes!

Tsar: Well, I won’t send the princess there, but you go and have a look and find out all the secrets. Otherwise, I myself will soon begin to roar like a beluga.

Princess Nesmeyana: Come on, quickly, while I look through a fashion magazine and cry. I don’t have such a dress, I don’t have such perfume….

Tsar: The treasury is empty, period. If you cry, it’s as if I’ll send you out of a fairy tale.

Next scene "Tips on how to win a beauty pageant" can be placed for lifting Have a good mood schoolchildren and their parents, as well as teachers. Only one person reads the text, but each piece of advice is followed by a demonstration by another student:

  1. The first thing is the figure - you need to keep a tight rein on yourself, in other words, don’t eat anything.
  2. Show off your individuality with makeup.
  3. Mesmerizing gait.
  4. Cloth. Be as open as possible. (expose your shoulder by moving your sweater)
  5. Shoes should be elegant.
  6. IN intellectual competitions answer all questions briefly and clearly: yes, no, it’s not me.
  7. You must have good vocal abilities. But it is not recommended to perform Ramstain, Rasmus, Okean Elzy, etc.
  8. Don't wear too much or too heavy jewelry. Heavy earrings will pull down your ears and in old age they will be knee-deep.
  9. To win, you shouldn’t risk your health and do a lot of plastic surgery to improve your appearance - it’s better to go to school, they’ll scare you there, and that will better than any suspender.
  10. When entering a modeling school, do not run after the director and ask, “Well, take me.” A girl should know her worth.

And one more scene "Our cases" can help you organize a fun school holiday:

Characters: teacher and student Petrov.

Teacher: Petrov, go to the board and write down short story which I will dictate to you.

The student goes to the board and prepares to write.

Teacher (dictates): “Dad and mom scolded Vova for bad behavior. Vova was silent guiltily, and then promised to improve.”

A student writes from dictation on the board.

Teacher: Great! Underline all the nouns in your story.

The student emphasizes the words: “dad”, “mom”, “Vova”, “behaviour”, “Vova”, “promise”.

Teacher: Ready? Determine which cases these nouns are in. Understood?

Student: Yes!

Teacher: Start!

Student: “Dad and Mom.” Who? What? Parents. This means the case is genitive.

Student: Scolded who, what? Vova. "Vova" is a name. This means the case is nominative.

Student: Scolded for what? For bad behavior. Apparently he did something. This means that “behavior” has the instrumental case.

Student: Vova was silent guiltily. This means that here “Vova” has the accusative case.

Student: Well, the “promise,” of course, is in the dative case, since Vova gave it! That's all!

Teacher: Yes, the analysis turned out to be original! Bring me the diary, Petrov. I wonder what mark you would suggest you set for yourself?

Student: Which one? Of course, an A!

Teacher: So, an A? By the way, in what case did you name this word - “five”?

Student: In the prepositional form!

Teacher: In the prepositional form? Why?

Student: Well, I suggested it myself!

In addition, do not forget that the best performances are done impromptu. If the children have well-developed fantasy and imagination, they can easily come up with a funny dialogue and demonstrate it on stage in the form of a comic skit dedicated to the holiday.

You should prepare old postcards in advance. It's best to take regular rectangular single greeting cards and cut each one into two halves diagonally. Each guest should be given one half of the postcard at the entrance, so that the other half is necessarily given to a representative of the opposite sex. For example, you could put one half of each card into one box, and put the other halves into a second box. Distribute fragments from the first box to women, and from the second to men. To make it funnier, you can distribute one or two cards so that later you get two same-sex couples. Towards the end of the evening, a “Find Me” competition should be announced: guests will need to find the owner of the other half of his postcard. Sometimes the results are very interesting.

The host begins the celebration with poems appropriate to the occasion, for example, the following:

Today everyone is surprised

Game show!

Once a game, that is, an entertainer,

I have a “product” on the topic.

There will be time to buy.

Is everyone ready to answer?

Well, where should we start?

You can start like this:

All year, without lying to anyone for a penny,

We are waiting like heavenly manna,

The day when you can fall into a lie,

Innocently indulge in deception!

Having collected an arsenal of deceitful ideas,

With blasphemous trembling in the body

We catch gullible, honest people

Those who forgot about the first of April.

And we find them, humble lambs,

Simply hanging ears.

And the arrows of deception fly whistling

Into their bright, pure souls.

But April Fool's cheerful deception -

Our heartfelt fun.

And arrows do not cut blood from wounds,

And good sparks of laughter.

Oh, how cheerful and how good he is -

Coming to replace blizzards

That holiday that turns lies into laughter!

Fellow citizens, happy April 1st!

Pavel Khmara

While people are seated and getting used to the situation, the presenter can read “Comic tips for holding a home holiday on April 1.”

1. You can play a fun prank on a guest who has fallen asleep at the table - swap his plate with the salad bowl.

2. Yours favorite dish is it far from you? No problem - just pull the tablecloth towards you.

3. You have already joked, laughed, and almost all the guests have left, but you haven’t yet, and for some reason the hosts are looking at their watches? It’s not scary, it will be scary when the owners take you by the hands, by the feet...

4. Instead of real fruits, you can put dummies in a vase - however, there is a fear that the guests’ teeth may be damaged.

Telegram competition. Two large sheets of paper are hung on which it is written:

Participants of the competition - 2 people - must come up with the text of a telegram in 3 - 4 minutes so that each word begins with a written letter. It might look something like this:

I eat watermelons

Do you want to feast on

I'm waiting for you".

The participant who is funnier wins - this can be determined by the strength of the applause.

Competition "Who is faster". The presenter invites 3 women and 3 men, preferably not closely acquainted with each other. Cheerful music is played. Each couple is given a bright scarf and large family pants. The woman ties a scarf around herself, and the man puts on his underpants right over his suit. The participants’ task is to take off the scarf as quickly as possible during the dance and tie it on the man, and put the panties on the woman. Those who completed the task best win.

Leading. The famous Soviet writer wrote funny poems for children called “the furry alphabet.” Here are some of them: “the camel decided that he was a giraffe and walked with his head up. He makes everyone laugh, but he, the camel, spits on everyone”; “The turtle is in no hurry because he is not in a hurry, but why should he hurry who is always in his home?” You probably think that turtles live long? But in reality they live little, but slowly. And you and I will slowly but surely move forward, celebrating our wonderful holiday.

Leading. Let's play car rally. Fans of motor sports are invited to participate in the game. 3-4 participants are given small toy cars on strings. Everyone's task is to drive their car along a certain section of the road drawn on the floor. The one who does it better wins. The competition is held to cheerful music. Based on the results of the competition, comic licenses in the “Oh!” category may be awarded. and “Ay!”

The presenter goes around those present one by one and invites them to “check” the microphone.

Guests should, for example, quack, or grunt, or bark in the rhythm of the famous chant “Spartak is the champion.”

The most “erotic” or “fun” screamer is awarded a prize.

Quiz "Humorina"

The presenter reads out the questions, and the festival participants answer from their seats.

Can a cat call itself a tiger? (No, she can't talk.)

Why do wolves only eat raw meat? (They just don't know how to cook it.)

What's the easiest way to double your capital? (Look at him in the mirror.)

What fabric cannot be used to make a dress? (From the railway station.)

What travels around the world, always staying in one corner? (Mark)

What only turtles have? (Turtles)

Which street does a policeman go out to after the rain? (On wet)

Under what condition will a person and an ant weigh the same? (If the scales are broken.)

How many sandwiches can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest will already be on a full stomach.)

Long, green, full of hares? (Electric train)

What does a person do when he is not lying or sitting? (Costs)

What can be spoiled by words? (Mood)

What is “family champagne”? (When the husband drinks and the wife hisses.)

Meows, not a cat (Cat)

What was the name of the woman who was the first to fly into the night sky in a heavier-than-air craft? (Baba Yaga)

Which short story with a humorous ending everyone loves? (Joke)

Leading. And now I want to offer you how you can have fun on the first of April at the supermarket!

1. In the clock department, you need to set all the alarm clocks so that they ring every 5 minutes.

2. You need to take 30 packages of condoms and discreetly place them in the carts and baskets of other customers.

3. You should hide behind the racks of clothes, and when someone comes up and starts choosing something, you should quietly whisper: “Take me!”, “No, take me!”

4. You can go up to one of the surveillance cameras and look at it as if in a mirror, adjusting your hair and clothes.

5. You need to go into the fitting room and after a while shout from there, without opening the curtains: “Salesman! Please come here toilet paper it's over!

6. Using ketchup, you can make a “bloody” path leading to the toilet.

Musical break 1. It is held when all the participants in the celebration leave the table to dance. Everyone is given leaflets with the texts of ditties, and they perform them with pleasure to the music. Before the ditties, the host says: “Sing, joke, shine with your heart! Let’s fill your soul with wild fun!”

Ditties can be, for example, anti-advertising (the author of the ditties is G. Terikov).

➢ “Cheerfulness” - grandpa drank tea,

He became cheerful and blushed.

I took a hundred rubles from my grandmother

And he went to look for the prostitute.

➢ Anyone who drinks Pepsi often

He will not let you down in his work.

And I'll just drink Pepsi,

I immediately think about sex.

➢ We love coffee even at night

And we’re drinking Jockey today.

It smells very tasty -

Both jockey and horse.

➢ With the French, everyone knows

Chirac was the president.

This means up to Chirac

The president was “Doshirak!”

➢ At night we often dream,

That “Persil” came to us,

He lengthened my eyelashes

And I took a bite of Rastishka!

➢ About “Golden Lady” tights

No, these tights are not in vain

Ladies really like it!

➢ The fact that “Duru” is soap,

I couldn't make it out right away.

I foolishly took a bite,

Blowing bubbles all night!

➢ Vacuum cleaner “Elgie” on sale

Above all praise.

Yesterday he even had a neighbor

I got sucked in with the cat!

➢ Even though a friend wears a hat,

But he is drawn to wine.

While drinking, I ate Chappie,

Now he howls at the moon.

➢ Bosch stove generously gives us

Beauty and warmth.

Whoever doesn't believe, let him sit down

On the switched on stove!

➢ With the strength to perk up the masculine,

I drank Gentos without interference.

And my wife is happy with me,

But the neighbor is more than anyone!

Or ditties can be anti-family.

➢ I came home from work,

And my wife is trembling.

I look and on the bed

It lies unregistered.

➢ A clear sign: someone was

He smoked with her in bed.

I was in a fever,

Well, what if there was a fire?!

➢ I ask my wife:

“Whose pajamas are behind the doors?”

And she answers me:

“If you want it, take it for yourself.”

➢ They say at Aunt Valya’s

8 blacks spent the night.

The husband then cursed for 3 days:

“Where is the currency, admit it!”

➢ Amazing

My wife has a tailor

Calls my Verka

Even at night for fitting!

➢ I can’t convince my wife

That I'm not walking.

Raya can confirm,

She had me until the morning.

➢ I'm terribly bored

How I returned from the station.

There is no husband, the neighbor is at the dacha,

I should sleep alone, no other way.

➢ I asked: “Mish, and Mish,

Why are you sleeping all the time?

Well, he: “Mother is vigorous,

You wanted to sleep with me!”

Or they can be folk-love.

➢ Remember, remember, my dear,

How you stood idle with me,

And below us is white snow

It thawed to the ground.

➢ The boss whispered to me intimately:

“Don't stand with me, Nina.

When you're standing next to me,

You raise my prestige."

➢ Blackmailed by a rapist

Me, a young girl.

He shouted to me: “Darling,

If you scream, I’ll leave!”

➢ I asked my dear:

“Hug me, dear!”

My little one answers me:

“Today is my day off!”

➢ My darling down the alley

He walks nearby and is silent.

I have more fun with a cow -

At least she's humming something.

➢ Mom and Dad are golden,

I am the silver daughter.

Let me go for a party,

I'll hang out all night!

The presenter announces a competition of proverbs and sayings about fun.

After the obligatory proverbs “There is time for business, there is an hour for fun” and “Laughter without a reason is a sign of a fool,” there may be a pause, the presenter fills it with the following sayings:

There is no better fun than heartfelt joy.

When life is fun and work goes smoothly.

Anyone who loves jokes is loved by everyone.

To be afraid of the funny is to not love the truth.

A joke warms a person.

If you love a joke on Thomas, then love it on yourself.

He who makes people laugh has the whole world behind him.

Laughter creates cheerfulness.

Walk, dance, but don’t kill your soul.

Life is fun for a merry person.

Rejoice, have fun until your little legs become cramped.

Leading(approaching one of the guests). Let's find out who has already drunk too much. For example, are you a young man? Do not agree? Then try saying: “Mother-of-pearl eye-pucker with half-peeking legs.”

Competition “Make Nesmeyana Laugh”. The presenter invites one girl and three or four men to participate in the competition. You can wear a kokoshnik on Nesmeyana, and bright caps on the buffoons. The girl sits on a chair facing the audience and, at the prompting of the presenter, says: “I am sweet, rouge, Princess Nesmeyana. I have serious look, no one will make me laugh!” The men, who temporarily become buffoons, try to make Nesmeyana laugh. They can tell jokes, stories, funny poems, ask funny riddles, portray animals, even put on a mini-performance, the main thing is that Nesmeyana at least smiles. If the competition goes quickly, you can invite another Nesmeyana.

Leading. Today is April 1st - the day of laughter, deception and jokes. And yet, let's talk about the real thing - a real dacha, a real tree, a real son, a real businessman. Did you know that a real dacha must take 15 years to build, be attacked in winter, and burn down in summer? A real son should be a poor student, start smoking at the age of 12, drop out of college several times, do nothing, end up in the bullpen after a drunken fight. A real tree must be small, grow slowly, bear no fruit, and end up as a thorn. A real dog should bite its owners and chew all their slippers. A real cat should lick its owners and wet all their slippers. A real computer should constantly freeze and erase in 2 minutes everything accumulated over a year. A real businessman owes bandits, police, tax authorities, neighbors, rescue services, Vodokanal, Gorelektroseti and wear an expensive suit with a tie to match. The real key to the apartment should be lost and found only a year later, when the lock has long been replaced with a new one. A real hero must find the real villain who was plotting the destruction of the Universe and subject him to a painful death. A real gun must fire, and a real friend must take your wife away.

This is, of course, a joke, but, as you know, there is some truth in every joke.

Musical break 2. You will need recordings of several folk dances. The competition is called “Friendship of Peoples”. Everyone is invited to dance Russian square dance, Ukrainian hopak, Caucasian lezginka, Greek sirtaki, South American lambada, etc. For best performance dance prizes are awarded.

Leading. Now it's time to show your intelligence. The competition is called “Fun Explanatory Dictionary”.

Words are written in a column on a large sheet of paper. Then two or three volunteers are invited to “interpret these words.” For more excitement, you can hang two sheets of paper with the same words and see what options your guests come up with. The words could be:

The auditorium is a parking lot for Audi cars.

Archimedes is the chief physician.

ATM is a bank employee who uses obscene language.

Baranka is a sheep.

Breden is a tourist.

Sparrow is a watchman.

Goryachka is a resident of the mountains.

The loader is a small Georgian.

Goulash is a revelry.

The caterpillar is the wife of the goose.

Jargon - aspirin.

The priest is a glutton.

Zavalinka is an exam.

The bookmark is a sneak.

Knob - headdress.

Nightmare is a March cat.

Refuge is the finish line.

Leading. Even on such a fun day as April Fool's Day, in our country it is customary to give advice.

1. If you have nothing to wear on your feet, then old shoes can be used like new.

2. If you're not sure, don't hug.

3. To make the kiss sweet and hot, put 2 pieces of sugar in your beloved girl’s mouth, pour boiling water over it, stir with a teaspoon and you can kiss.

4. If you are determined to quit smoking, it is best to do it at an oil base.

5. A broken old VCR should not be thrown away - you can hollow it out from the inside, attach a handle and carry it like a case.

6. If you mix “Three Bogatyrs” beer with vodka, you will get the “Three Little Pigs” cocktail.

7. Study, study and study - you still won’t find a job.

8. Dear girls, if you want to quickly get rid of an annoying passerby who invites you to meet in the evening, say: “I have to see a venereologist at 15.00, and then I’m absolutely free.”

9. Tired critical days- change gender!

10. If something hurts you, and you don’t know what pill to take for it, feel free to drink whatever you can find. home medicine cabinet- one of the pills you take will definitely help!

11. If you constantly bet on the same horse during a race, it will start greeting you politely.

12. If you are very tired of late guests, you can, after glancing at your watch several times, turn your gaze to the gun hanging on the wall.

Leading. But we, dear guests, are not tired of you at all, so now we will definitely dance to wonderful music.

Musical break 3. Cheerful music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Leading. There are probably many hidden poets among our guests. The competition “I am a poet, my name is Tsvetik...” will help identify talents.

On a large sheet of paper, words are written in advance in a column, representing the endings of the poetic lines of any small poem, and only the last words in the lines are left. It will be funnier and more fun if you hang 2 sheets of paper with the same words and watch how 2 players come up with 2 completely different poems on the same topic and from the same words.

Funny competition. The presenter invites one male participant and, without showing, attaches a large sign to his back with the inscription: “Bathhouse.” The player turns his back to the audience, who begin to ask him leading questions. Questions could be: “Do you go there often?”, “Do you go there with friends or with your wife?”, “What do you definitely take there?”, “Does your dog like to go there too?” etc. The participant himself, not suspecting what is written on the sign, tries to guess about this inscription while answering. The game ends when he either guesses the inscription from the questions, or when the questions run out. You can hang signs with a variety of inscriptions: “Casino”, “Work”, “Shop”, “Bedroom”, etc.

Musical break 4. A competition is announced for the longest running rock and roll. Those who complete the dance marathon receive prizes.

The presenter announces “Believe it or not” competition", the central competition of the evening, as it directly corresponds to the theme: April 1 - I don’t trust anyone. Funny prizes can be awarded for correct answers. The presenter reads out the questions, and the rest must agree or not.

1. Is it true that the word “pun” comes from the name of the Hollywood film studio “Columbia Pictures”? (No, from the name of the German Baron Kalemburg, who lived at court Louis XIV and funny distortions of French words.)

2. Is it true that the inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco are called Monegasques? (Yes)

3. Is it true that the muse of comedy was called Melpomene? (No, Thalia.)

4. Is it true that a comedy in which they sing is called an opera? (No, operetta, or vaudeville.)

5. It's true that great commander Suvorov lost only one battle? (No, he didn't lose a single one.)

6. Is it true that the name Stepan translates as “wreath”? (Yes)

7. Is it true that the city of Cognac exists? (Yes, in France.)

8. Is it true that the largest island on Earth is Borneo? (No, Greenland.)

9. Is it true that the largest sea on Earth is the Coral Sea? (Yes)

10. Is it true that peony is a predator flower? (Yes, he really likes protein foods.)

11. Is it true that silverfish exist in nature? (Yes, it lives in deep water in Cook Inlet off New Zealand.)

12. Is it true that a penguin has scales instead of feathers? (Yes)

13. Is it true that the fastest bird is the swift? (No, falcon)

14. Is it true that the Kid from the fairy tale about Carlson was actually named Svante Svantesson? (Yes)

15. Is it true that schools in Australia use disposable boards? (No)

Leading. As it turns out, there are a lot of interesting things in the world, but you and I have gathered today to laugh, so let’s laugh!

The presenter announces a joke competition. All participants in the holiday are invited to tell jokes on a given topic, for example about the Chukchi, about Jews, about Russians, English and Germans, about fairy-tale and literary heroes, about Vovochka, etc. The last one to tell a joke on each topic receives a prize.

Reading competition. Any three newspapers will be required for the competition. The presenter invites three male participants, asks them to sit on chairs placed in a row facing the audience and roll up one of their trouser legs to the knee. After this, the presenter hands the players a newspaper and asks them to take turns reading a small piece of text as expressively as possible. It could even be an advertisement or a TV program. The men read with expression what was offered to them, trying to be as good readers as possible. After finishing the reading, the presenter announces that the one with the hairiest legs wins. True, the best reader can receive an incentive prize for the audience's choice - for the most erotic or loudest reading.

"Guess" competition. The presenter asks questions, and all participants in the game answer from their seats. The questions are turnaround phrases on a fairy tale theme.

1. “Pumpkin” - “Turnip”.

2. “Kilometer” - “Thumbelina”.

3. “Blue Pants” - “Little Red Riding Hood”.

4. “The Big Beggar” - “The Little Prince”.

5. “Sarayushka” - “Teremok”.

6. “Alexey in the village of simpletons” - “Alice in Wonderland.”

7. “Silver Fox and 14 Giants” - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.”

8. “Iron Opener” - “Golden Key”.

9. “Smart Masha” - “Ivanushka the Fool.”

10. “Mouse Hole” - “Cat House”.

11. “Collected from Peschany Lane” - “Scattered from Basseynaya Street.”

12. “Voblochka” - “The Little Mermaid”.

13. “Peasant Nezemünch” - “Baron Munchausen”.

14. “Hot Liver” - “Cold Heart”.

The most active participant is awarded a prize.

Musical break 5. A song contest is announced. All participants of the holiday are divided into 2 teams. Songs can be on a specific topic (for example, songs about holidays or songs about flowers). The team that remembers the most songs wins. You can sing one verse at a time, or you can sing the whole song.

Flower horoscope. The presenter reads out the original flower horoscope.

“Every birthday has a talisman flower. Now we will learn the secrets of everyone present. Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th have a sunflower as their talisman. These are brave, purposeful people, distinguished by their love of freedom and independence. Most often they have happy life, if they are not cunning and disingenuous. People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th have a peony as their talisman. These are reliable, devoted, serious people, but a little stubborn. They need more self-confidence. Those born on 3, 12, 21, 30 have multi-colored asters as their talisman. These are sociable people, but frivolous and change their minds several times a day. They do not like to obey, but go through life easily. Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st have cornflower as their talisman. These are reliable people, very fond of society, hospitable and faithful in love and friendship. They should be wished greater determination. The lotus is a talisman for those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd. These are dreamy, romantic people who love strong sensations and comfortable life. They need to be a little more modest and rely more on themselves. The mysterious poppy is the flower of those born on the 6th, 15th, 24th. The poppy serves as a talisman for discerning people, who often guess the thoughts of others. They are often disappointed in life because they approach it a little childishly. In the tender, sensitive, those who love beauty And home comfort The people's talisman is the orchid. They were born on the 7th, 16th or 25th. The advice for them is to be more optimistic, efficient and self-possessed. Those born on 8, 17, 26 have the daisy as their symbol. They are honest, brave, but slightly impatient. For them, the main thing is work, but close people want at least a little attention. Rose is a talisman for those born on 9, 18 and 27. These are brave and noble people who do not listen to other opinions. They are all strong personalities, usually getting their way.”

Competition “And in my pants...”. To carry it out, you need to pre-cut various headlines from old newspapers and magazines. Fold them into two large envelopes - in one those headings that are suitable as a continuation of the phrase “And in my pants”, and in the other - those that can become a continuation of the phrase “And under my skirt...”. The presenter, with the words: “You can live without food for a day, you can do more, but sometimes... You can’t live without a joke, the most unwise joke,” goes around all the guests sitting at the table and invites them to pull out one of the pieces of paper with the inscription from the envelope. The clippings could be: “Cheap and affordable!”, “Flood again,” “Everything at home,” “A chain of supermarkets has opened,” “Dyed hair,” “Accepted by a drug therapist,” etc. The competition is recommended to be held exclusively for adults tipsy company.

Competition "On the hike". The presenter invites two participants. Everyone else sitting at the table is divided into two teams. Between the captain and his crew there is a stormy mountain river. Captains are given the following task: they must explain to their team only with gestures and facial expressions the following information: “Beware! There are ticks in the forest!”, and to the second: “I found the cave of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.” The winning team is the one that first guesses what the captain wants to say.

Competition "The most dexterous". The presenter invites four participants and asks them to put on balloons. Speed ​​players must wear scarves on their big air balloons, suspended from the ceiling.

Musical break 6. Couples are invited and each is given a folded newspaper. The couple's task is to dance without leaving the newspaper. If after the end of the music there are still a few pairs left, the newspaper is folded and the competition continues.

The presenter announces competition "Horses". This is Russian folk game, and both children and youth played it at gatherings. To play you will need colored ribbons. 6 people are called. They are divided into threes, each of which has a coachman and two horses. The leader commands as the game progresses: “Right”, “Left”, “Faster”, “In a circle”, etc. The coachman, holding the horses with colored ribbons tied like reins, tries to make sure that the horses carry out all the commands correctly. When the command “Run” is given, the horses must run away different sides. And in response to the words: “Find your coachman,” they find their coachman as quickly as possible and again begin to follow the leader’s commands. The three that do everything better wins.

Competition "Bring it to me". The presenter calls 6 people: 3 men and 3 women - participants in the game. He gives them the task of finding and bringing a paper napkin as quickly as possible. The last person to bring the napkin is out of the game. Task two: bring a man's tie for the women, and a woman's jewelry for the men. The latter is eliminated again. Task three: men must bring a woman's shoe, and women must bring a man's belt. And again the one who acted the slowest is eliminated. Task four: men should find (or rather beg for! and bring a woman’s handbag, and women should bring men's shirt. There is only one person left. If it's a man, he should bring... a bra, if a woman - men's trousers. The winner is awarded a prize for his speed and ability to convince other people to undress right in the hall.

Competition for the funniest poem. The presenter can read a poem, and then invite those who want to strain their memory and also remember something funny in the poems. The poem is like this:

Kolya hasn’t read the books...

He simply swallowed them:

At meals and before bed,

In a boat with an oar raised,

Lying, standing, on the go.

At lunch he swallowed

"Gulliver" with "Pinocchio".

He took his coat from the hanger -

I ate Barto's poem;

While I was going to the pharmacy,

I ate a volume of Marshak.

They asked him at school:

“What did you read today, Kolya?”

And Kolya answered like this:

“Wrote the novel Marshak,

Like brave Robinson

Got into the uncoupled carriage

And I went to the Lilliputians,

Was entangled in ropes,

But he was saved from death

Dear Papa Karabas..."

Musical break 7. To play this game you will need cards or pieces of paper with song lyrics. The presenter invites several participants to stage the fairy tale “Turnip” or “Teremok”. All players depict the action of a fairy tale, and one of them sings, holding a card in his hands: “Grandfather planted a turnip. You need to water the turnip, you need to give the turnip something to drink. Grandfather waters the garden bed, grandmother helps grandfather, granddaughter and dog Zhuchka carry water. And behind her the bucket is carried by Vaska the purring cat. The little mouse doesn't lag behind the cat either. The turnip has grown big, a treat for everyone. Grandfather came with a big pick: there will be jam for you. It drags on for an hour and drags on for two - there’s no more urine. “Help me, friends,” he sadly asks everyone. So everyone took up the grandfather, pulling the turnip together: the grandmother, the granddaughter, the Bug, the purring cat and the baby mouse. They took out the turnip and sang a song: “It’s great that we are all gathered here today” (the last lines are sung by all participants in the fairy tale). In the same way, you can stage the play “Teremok” and other children’s fairy tales, using songs for children’s matinees.

Competition "Animal Lovers". The presenter invites 5-6 participants to fun game. All players are asked to decipher the names of recently bred dog breeds. The presenter names these breeds, the player tries to funny decipher them. Then the presenter invites them to read another option from the card. These are the options.

Russian moonshine - bred not to hunt someone, but simply to run around the fields, yell and bark. Simply irreplaceable for hunting and fishing.

A briefcase is a dog made of genuine leather (as a result of evolution, briefcases made of leatherette became extinct - they dried out and cracked).

The Second Hound is a practical, inexpensive dog for every day. For my own sake long life changes several owners.

The Stay Terrier is a guard dog. Barks in a human voice, the first time in the air, and the second time to kill.

Estonian Hound - bred to corral wounded turtles and snails. It carries out the owner’s commands very carefully, although only 20-30 minutes after they are given.

Pocheshire Terrier - these dogs are used to breed insects (fleas, ticks, etc.) at home.

Pudelman (still a terrier) - asks the teams again, then bargains for a long time. Loves fish and chicken. You should include a little more water in your diet than other dogs.

Barse/ter (gadget) - very cool. Electric leash, self-lifting leg, tinted coat. After 10 km the carpet needs to be replaced.

Firefighter (Moscow Firefighter) - bright red color, tail resembles a twisted fire hose, runs very fast, howling. Can lift his leg to the level of the second floor.

Massadav - was bred by mistake as a guard dog, in fact it is only suitable for guarding barrels of sauerkraut. It has a flattened muzzle underneath and is prone to bedsores. He can be angry if he doesn't get enough sleep. He loves when they bring him coffee in his bedding.

The American hot dog is a very beautiful dog: an elongated body ending on both sides with a sausage-shaped tail and head. It spreads a wonderful smell throughout the apartment.

Cerbernar - just very kind dog... One might say, soulful.

Bull bull terrier - Mumu.

Laboratory - the dog was bred so that scientists who do not leave their laboratories for weeks could also afford to have a dog. The laboratory may not eat if the owner forgot to feed him, or may not go for walks if the owner forgot to take him for a walk, without any harmful consequences for both himself and the owner. The dog is exceptionally clean, simply sterile. Because of this, evil tongues claim that cats were used to breed the breed. The laboratory is well trained to bark when something in the laboratory is boiling for too long, spontaneously combusts, or is about to explode.

Poker Spaniel. This breed was bred by a retired card sharper. It was assumed that a dog of this breed could keep company with a lonely lover of playing cards.

Leading. As I see it, you all love animals very much, but how do you feel about public speaking?

The presenter announces the “Cicero” competition. To conduct the competition you will need 2 large sheets or 2 pieces of fabric, as well as something similar to a laurel wreath. 2 participants are selected from the guests, better than men. Future speakers wear toga-shaped sheets. They are given the following tasks: the first must give a lecture to those present about the dangers of drunkenness as if foreigners were sitting in front of him, who understood Russian very poorly and knew only a few of the most important words. The second participant in the game must give a lecture about the dangers of smoking as if primitive people were sitting in front of him. The best lecturer is awarded the title “Cicero.” This can be determined by the strength of the applause that the festival participants reward the lecturers with. A wreath or hoop made of colored paper is placed on Cicero's head.

Leading. After such a serious competition, everyone just needs to dance. I announce a musical break.

Musical break 8.

The presenter announces the game “Ribbons”. You will need two blindfolds and several colored ribbons. Three people are invited to participate in the game: a girl and two men. The men are blindfolded and one of them is given several ribbons. He must approach the girl with his eyes closed and tie bows on her anywhere. The second man’s task is to approach the girl and untie the bows. Spectators can help the participants in the game by shouting “to the right”, “to the left”, “higher”, “lower”. Then the men can change places. The next stage of the competition can be held by inviting one man and two women. Women will now be able to tie and untie bows while blindfolded.

The presenter announces the “Finish the joke” competition.

He reads the jokes without the last line, and all the guests present try to guess this line (these lines are given in parentheses below).

➢ — What a restaurant! No veal! No chops! No seafood! Bring my coat!

— (Unfortunately, your coat is gone too!).

➢ When leaving the restaurant, a fairly tipsy client encountered a visitor in a gold-embroidered uniform.

“Doorman, taxi,” Hoxha ordered.

- Sorry, but I’m not a doorman, I’m an admiral.

- (- Well, then a boat!)

➢ There is a long queue at the pharmacy. A man bursts in screaming:

- Let me through! Skip the line! There's a man lying there!

The line parts. A man, breaking through to the cash register: (- A pack of condoms!).

➢ Two Russian biathletes are running along the Olympic track. Suddenly one takes off his rifle, turns into the bushes and shouts to the second: (- Yura, run, I’ll cover you!).

➢ Four women return home from the south in the same compartment. The first one says:

“I’ll come home and tell my husband everything!”

The second exclaims:

- Well, you are brave!

- The third says: Well, you are stupid!

And the fourth: (- Well, you have a memory!).

The presenter invites you to participate in competition "Living Pictures" 6-8 people. When they come out, he explains the tasks to them: they are divided into 2 teams and take turns depicting living pictures. One team is painting by I. Repin “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, and the other is “Bears in the Forest” by Shishkin. The team that earns the loudest applause wins.

The presenter announces the “Make a Word” competition. 14 people are invited and divided into 2 teams. In 1 minute, each team must assemble a word from the scattered letters given to them: one team - the word “pie”, and the second - “bun”. When both teams line up so that the given word is formed from the letters in the hands of each of them, the host says: “Oh, something, I see that our guests are all about food and food, let’s quickly get some hot food ( for dessert, for appetizers) and let’s play.”

"Find Me" competition. The host announces this competition, i.e. it is time to find the owner of the second half of the postcard that each guest has.

Musical break 9. All partners who find each other as a result of the “Find Me” competition must dance at least one dance.

The presenter announces that the most wonderful performance in the history of mankind will now be staged right in front of the public. 15 people are invited to the production. The rest are spectators. To stage a play called “Life is Hard in the Middle Ages” you will need 2 foil crowns, signs with the words “horse”, “stars”, colored ribbons and several scarves or bandanas that can be temporarily removed from the balloons. The performance takes place to pleasant, not very loud music.

Participants distribute the following roles among themselves: king, queen, princess, knight, stars (2 people), horse (1-2 people), bandits (4-5 people), curtain (2 people).

When the roles are assigned, the name of the play is announced.

Leading."Curtain, let's go!"

At these words, the two participants in the performance, representing the curtain, must go towards each other with one hand raised, as if they were dragging an invisible curtain in different directions. The audience is presented with the following spectacle: on both sides of the improvised stage there are two “stars” on chairs. In the center, the king and queen lovingly gaze at their beautiful princess.

Leading. Scene one is over. The curtain went up. The "curtain" has gone. Leading. The curtain went up. Scene two.

The audience is presented with a peaceful picture of medieval life: stars are shining, a princess is walking. At this moment, out of nowhere, a gang of robbers flies out, grabs the princess, ties her with ribbons and drags her out the door. The "curtain" has gone.

Leading. Scene three. The "curtain" has gone.

The audience sees the following: there are no stars, the king and queen are in deep sadness. A knight appears with a horse. He volunteers to save the princess from the hands of robbers. The "curtain" has gone. Leading. Scene four. The "curtain" has gone.

In front of the audience is a tied up princess, surrounded by a gang of robbers, and a knight with a horse. The knight explains to the robbers that it is much better to dance and sing than to steal princesses, it is much more profitable. The robbers dance and sing some funny song, perhaps to the music from the cartoon “The Town of Bremen.” After this, the knight takes the princess from the hands of the robbers, puts her on a horse and everyone leaves together. The "curtain" has gone.

Leading. Scene five, last. The "curtain" has gone.

Before the audience is a scene of a happy ending to the fairy tale: the king and queen hug the princess, who looks at her knight with adoration. The horse dances merrily along with the robbers.

The host invites everyone to join the dancers.

Begins musical break 10. Leading. Let me remind you all that we celebrate the holiday on April 1st. This means we continue to joke and have fun. Yesterday the gypsies came to us and taught us very simple fortune telling. Now I'll tell you fortune. So, stand up, those whose last name begins with any vowel. For them I inform: this creative personalities, even if you don’t write novels and paintings, at heart you are still artists and poets. Don't miss the opportunity to become famous. And now I am addressing those whose last names begin with the letters “b”, “v”, “p”, “f”. Gypsy fortune telling says that you are all connoisseurs of beauty. If you have never been to the Louvre before, be sure to correct this mistake. If you can’t go to the Louvre, try your hand at a ladies’ beauty salon as a makeup artist and cosmetologist. Do we have guests whose last names begin with the letters "g", "k", "d", "t"? Oh, you are all complete individuals, your style is punctuality and commitment. Money will flow to you like a river. But only if you get a job in a casino. Now it’s the turn of those guests whose last names begin with the letters “zh”, “z”, “sh”, “s”. You value fame and success, although you hide it. But the best specialty for you is a journalist in the “yellow” press or a TV presenter of the program “Unobvious - Probable.” Those whose last names begin with the letters “l”, “m”, “n”, “r”, as a rule, are animal lovers. Urgently change your profession to work as a veterinarian, ornithologist, dog handler, and success will not keep you waiting. And finally, those whose last names begin with the letters “x”, “ts”, “ch”, “sch”. They are fearless people who love sports, although mostly on TV. They are stuntmen at heart, although according to them appearance it's almost unnoticeable. Maybe someone didn’t like this fortune-telling? You can write a protest in 5 copies, certify it State Duma and take it to the kit, only in person at 12.00 on Friday, on the full moon.

Let's spend sports competition. To carry it out you will need 2 gymnastic hoops and 4 jars or 4 glasses of beer or lemonade. 4 people are invited to participate - 2 men and 2 women. Participants perform in pairs - a man and a woman. They try to spin a hoop and drink from a glass or jar at the same time. The couple that does everything better wins.

Contest " Great actor» . The presenter invites 5 participants in the competition. Each of them is given a task. One should depict a happy, well-fed dog, another - an angry cat, a third - a hunting predator, a fourth - a sad bear, a fifth - a frightened pig. The task can be completed using facial expressions, gestures and sounds. The “artist” who receives the most applause wins.

Musical break 11.

The presenter invites everyone to participate in the “harmful ponytail” competition.

Cheerful music is turned on. The participants of the game line up like a train and hold each other by the waist - it turns out to be a “caterpillar”. The presenter announces that the caterpillar must show how it sleeps, how it washes itself, how it dances, how it runs away from pursuit. But the “caterpillar” has a harmful “tail” - the last 2-3 players. The “tail” will constantly interfere with the “caterpillar” completing tasks.

Leading. Let's make another attempt to find those who have already drunk enough to make us laugh. Let's hold a tongue twister competition. Several guests are invited to repeat the tongue twisters after the host:

➢ Staffordshire Terrier zealous,

And the black Giant Schnauzer is playful.

➢ The water pipeline carries water - water from the water supply system.

➢ A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

The most fun story teller of tongue twisters is awarded a prize.

Leading. Well, it turns out you’re still going somewhere. We can continue our fun evening. I'm announcing a competition for the funniest story.

Those who wish to try themselves in the role of a storyteller are invited. The conditions are as follows: you tell any short story, even from life primitive people, and at the end you add: “Do you believe that this could really happen?” Your listeners will believe you or not - this is at their discretion.

Musical break 12. The presenter first invites only two captains, who quickly select their teams and cheerfully perform any dance according to at will or at the request of the presenter. Dancing “Apple” or polka can be funny.

The presenter announces Competition "Adam and Eve". Several couples or just the same number of men and women are invited. Each pair is blindfolded and given 2 apples, which each one holds in his hands, trying to feed it to the other. The pair whose apple is completely eaten wins.

The presenter announces a joke game and invites 10-12 people. The players stand in a circle, hold hands, and create a round dance. Then everyone squats down, gets up again, and walks in a circle. After that, each of them in turn, at the request of the leader, says: “I don’t know the rules of this game.” Suddenly, another player, warned in advance, flies up to them and says in surprise: “Why are you all gathered here then?”

Musical break 13. Foil stars or simply shiny lanterns are hung from the ceiling in advance, with one of the stars being a different color. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance. The music suddenly stops and the presenter asks the couples to stay put. He carefully looks at the dancers and finds among them those who stopped under the “lucky star” - the one of a different color. The couple is told that this is a happy moment in their lives and they should kiss. The dance continues, and other couples find themselves under the lucky star.

The host announces that it’s time to play blind man’s buff. All guests who are still able to play are invited to participate. According to the rhyme: “The bees in the field hummed, buzzed, and flew by. The bees sat on the flowers. We play, you drive!” - a blind man's buff is selected, he is blindfolded and given a rolled up newspaper in his hands. All players stand in a circle, hold hands and walk around the blind man's buff. When everyone stops, the blind man's buff touches any of the players with the tube, asking him: “Who?” He should meow, bark, crow or quack. Zhmurka guesses by his voice who it is. If he guessed correctly, the player he touched becomes a blind man's buff. If he doesn’t guess right, he continues to guess further.

The host announces the last competition. It's called Moonshine General. The one who shows more attention and obedience wins. The host begins to give commands to the guests: “The General of Moonshine is drinking” (all participants in the game take one sip), “The General of Moonshine is wiping his mustache” (everyone does the same), “The General of Moonshine is having a bite,” “The General of Moonshine is stomping his foot,” etc. Then the pace of the teams quickens, and the participant who lasts the longest wins. He receives the title of general of moonshine (or, if you prefer, aperitif).

Games, competitions, sweepstakes for April 1

We offer you pranks that can be evenly distributed throughout the scenario.

1. A homeless man suddenly enters the hall and tries to find a place for himself among the guests. The reaction may be unpredictable. The secret of the joke is that the host slowly asks one of the guests to go out and change into the prepared rags.

2. Several young men silently enter the hall, place a baseball cap in the center of the hall and begin to rap dance around it. After the guests have had enough of the dancing, the dancers take a baseball cap and begin to walk around those sitting at the table. The secret of the joke is that you need to agree in advance with young people from any dance club. As a rule, they take part in such events with pleasure, and thanks to the generosity of guests, they also earn money.

3. A policeman enters the hall, or better yet, two. Unexpected guests come up to the table and sternly ask: “Why are we drinking? Who allowed it? There will always be a guest willing to talk. The dialogue can continue like this: “There is a dry law in the country, and you allow yourself...”, “Immediately pour all the vodka into the toilet,” etc. The police may approach one of the guests and say: “Here he is (or she)! The entire police force in the country has gone crazy looking for him, and he’s sitting here drinking.” The secret of the joke is that the role of the policeman is played by real familiar law enforcement officers invited to the holiday, or simply a uniform is rented from one of the policemen he knows.

4. The postman enters the hall and begins to read the “telegram” with any comic text. For example: “I bring to your attention that the wanted robber Karabas-Barabas has been found in the city of Brahmaputra. He hid behind a Buddha statue for 10 years” or “The famous lover of women, Casanova, is coming to our city. Those who wish to become his loved ones, please sign up with the toastmaster,” etc.

5. The host brings 3-4 bottles of lemonade into the hall and asks them to open them immediately, since among the guests there are many people who are thirsty. They open the lemonade, and it comes out of the bottles like a fountain. The secret is that the bottles were shaken vigorously shortly before they were taken into the hall.

At the end of the evening you can say this:

Everything is drunk. Our dinner is over,

We drank a fair amount of wine.

They look fervently, unraveling their bodice,

My tipsy ladies.

Toasts for April 1

➢ Do you know that laughter is the joy of the mind, and a smile is the joy of the heart? So let's drink to the fun!

➢ In one village, when men sat down at the table, their gatherings always ended in a fight. They're tired of this. We decided: that’s it, we will never fight again! And so they sat down at the table, drank and ate. Then again. And further. And further. But the mood is not the same. There was a heavy pause. Finally the toastmaster stands up and says:

- Well, guys, don’t sit, but we need to start! So let's begin!

➢ Great people advise joking only with smart people. So let's drink to the smart ones!

➢ Let’s have a drink so that none of you can say: “I’m not sad, I’m sober!”

➢ Be cheerful in these moments,

in which you live

Love moon-faced beauties,

whose form is similar to a cypress tree,

Since you are not here forever,

try to be perfect

And rejoice if there are friends in the world

you will find perfect ones!

So let's drink to our perfect and not so good friends, as Omar Khayyam bequeathed to us!

➢ If you claim that the first rhyme that came to your mind for the word “Europe” is Penelope, you are an insincere person. Let's drink to sincerity!

➢ Pushkin says to Arina Rodionovna:

- Dear nanny, bring me some vodka.

- So we drank it all yesterday.

- You will tell me fairy tales again! For fairy tales!

➢ The wise Pythagoras once said: “Jokes, like salt, should be consumed in moderation.” But he didn’t say anything about wine.

➢ One great Frenchman said: “Let us laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing.” So let's raise our glasses to a moment of laughter.

➢ But answer me: what is the difference between alcohol and vodka? So-so. Correct, but not quite. In fact, you can drink alcohol, but you need to drink vodka. Let's have a drink!

➢ Friends, let us vow to be together at this hour,

Jointly taking up arms against sadness in joy,

And let's sit down to drink wine until dawn today!

Another dawn will come when we are not there, said the wise Omar Khayyam. So let's drink to us!

➢ Did you know that the term “sex shop” in Ukraine means: “it was sex”, and “sexual maniac” in Ukrainian will be “evil pussy”? Let's drink to the purity of the Russian language!

➢ The beloved Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy once said: “Humor is a great force. Nothing brings people together like harmless laughter.”

So let's drink to intimacy!

➢ King Solomon, famous for his wisdom, had a wonderful magic cup. Whoever drank from it perceived the world as something beautiful. Men forgot their duty and gave in to passion. But when the effect of the wine drunk from the magic cup wore off, they regained their reason and sense of reality.

So let’s raise the magic cups in our hands that can transport us to the land of beauty!

I drink so that everyone

Sitting at the table

On long term saved in your blood

And mischief, and this seething current

Wine, fun and love!

➢ Accomplices, drinking buddies, interlocutors, employees, comrades-in-arms, comrades, neighbors! Having gathered, let us crush hundreds of vessels and warm ourselves with the contents!

Let's figure it out!

➢ Once we asked the representatives different nations why they live in the world. The Frenchman, of course, answered: “For love.” The Englishman, after thinking, said: “For business.” American: “For money.” Russian: “For fun.”

Let's drink to the fun!

➢ We need to live easier, we need to live more simply,

All accepting what is in the world.

And let our heart laugh more often,

And let us have what it wants! Let's drink to your wishes!

➢ Mark Twain, as a newspaper editor, received a packet of bad poems entitled “Why Am I Alive?” Returning the manuscript, Twain answered the author: “Because they sent the poems by mail, and did not come to the editor in person.”

Let's drink to good humor!

➢ There are several good proverbs about fools: “A fool finds a fool, and it turns out two”, “Another’s fool is laughter, but your own is a shame”, “They will give honor to a fool, but he doesn’t know where to sit”, “Send the fool for a bottle , so he, the fool, will bring one.” So let's drink to April Fools' Day!

➢ Health, joy and laughter,

Always success in everything

And as much happiness as you need,

So that the soul would be glad,

And to have fun,

And everything I wanted came true.

For all the good!

➢ Today we have a festive feast and fun. There are different feasts: birthday, anniversary, New Year's, friendly, farewell, wedding, but the most fun of them are dedicated to the holiday of laughter.

Let's raise our glasses so that we gather for such feasts every year!

Jokes for April 1

➢ At the zoo Vovochka asks the teacher:

— Will this gorilla be released when it turns into a human?

Football match between the national teams of Colombia and Holland was disrupted, because during the warm-up the Colombians sniffed all the markings, and the Dutch smoked all the grass.

➢ My friends played trick-or-treating with me yesterday: they got me drunk and sold me to my own wife!

➢ Twenty-second century. An endless stream of cars rushes along one of the large streets. Two sad pedestrians are standing on the sidewalk. “How did you manage to get to this side of the street?” asks one. - “I was born here!”

➢ A man wakes up with a terrible hangover and begins to lament loudly: “What a mother-in-law, what a reptile...” The wife exclaims: “Darling, what did my poor mother do to you?” “You have to name your daughter something that a normal person can’t even remember in the morning!”

➢ The Russian State Duma banned the series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” It seemed to them that the name contained a hint of vodka propaganda.

➢ — Honey, I’ve decided: I’m quitting drinking!

- What you? And who will call me beautiful now?!

➢ — Do you have fresh fish?

- For mercy, Your Excellency, don’t you see: she’s alive.

- And this, my brother, doesn’t mean anything - my wife is alive, but that doesn’t mean she’s fresh.

➢ Two Chukchi are traveling in a tram. The first one asks the driver:

— Will I get to the station on this tram?

The second Chukchi asks:

➢ A Jew comes to the passport office and says:

- Excuse me, can I change my last name?

- No problem. What is your last name?

— Katzman.

- Which one do you want to change to?

- Katsmanaut.

➢ One cowboy says to another:

“Bill, you look like an idiot with that cigarette!”

- Okay, Harry, I'll swipe in the other direction...

➢ B village club There is a concert of the Cossack choir. The husband, wife, and mother-in-law are sitting in the first row. The presenter says:

- And now I’ll ask you to sing.

The husband pushes his wife in the side:

“It’s time for you and mom to go on stage.”

➢ In a mental hospital:

— Doctor, the patient from the 66th ward declared himself Caesar and is eager to fight the Gauls.

- Put him in a straitjacket!

— And in the 6th ward the patient claims that he is Don Juan...

- Put him in straight pants...

S Behind the bar:

“But I’m not afraid of terrorism.”

- Why?

“I’ve been married for 10 years, and my mother-in-law lives at home.

➢ - Do you respect me?

- I respect you.

Would you go on reconnaissance missions with me?

- Why?

- Yes, I’m reluctant.

➢ A Texas girl happily tells her mother:

- Mommy, Billy is still going to propose to me!

-Has he already told you about this?

- No, but he already shot his wife.

➢ Japanese scientists have determined how dogs spend their time. To do this, they attached video cameras to their heads. So: 90% of the time the dogs try to rip them off their heads, and 10% of the time they run away from Japanese scientists.

➢ Astrology is an exact science, everything said in horoscopes will definitely come true. It’s just unknown when, where and with whom exactly.

A little boy walks around his parents and says: “Who wants me not to crowd here, buy me a bike.”

➢ Husband to wife:

- Ever since we started giving our tomboy money for good grades, he began to take home only A's! What do you think about this?

“Looks like they're splitting the proceeds with the teacher.”

➢ — What charming twins you have!

- What are you talking about, I have one boy, he’s just very nervous.

➢ Wife to husband in bed:

- Why are you lying there like a log?!

— Have you seen what Romanian gymnasts do with the balance beam?!

➢ Scenarios for holding a holiday may be different, but in any case, the main thing is to have fun from the heart, to throw out negative energy. The good thing about the Laughter Festival is that it helps people take their minds off problems and worries and get a long-lasting good mood.

Our special correspondents interviewed educators at a number of high schools in the city, asking them the most pressing question: “How did you spend April Fools’ Day last year?” Today we are introducing you to the most interesting answers. (The video is turned on, which was recorded in advance. The schoolchildren themselves play the role of teachers):

Geometry teacher. The whole day of the first of April turned out to be a continuous vicious circle for me. I couldn't find the corner!

Geography teacher . I dreamed of going on a trip around the world, but they sent me to all four directions...

School doctor. Instead of injections there were continuous jokes.

Physics teacher. On this day I was doing something serious - writing poetry! After all, on the first of April, even physicists become lyricists!

Chemistry teacher. Displayed on clean water for all those who love chemistry...

Physical education teacher . Together with the physicist, he achieved a culture of speech.

Teacher foreign language . During the day, together with the physical education teacher, I proved to someone that a long tongue will not only lead to Kyiv, but also to the police. In the evening I gave preference to veal tongues.

Literature teacher . Instead of studying classics, he allowed the students to play hopscotch all day.

Labor teacher. I took students to the zoo to show how work turns a monkey into a man.

Drawing teacher . In the morning, students painted the walls of the corridor at school. In the afternoon I signed my fiancee's wedding. And in the evening some jokers tried to decorate my face.

Singing teacher. I'm so impatient with singing lessons!

Voenruk.On this day, I only had three in formation.

A history teacher. And I wasn’t at school that day at all, because they had a medical history on me.

There is a smile poster on the wall in the center.The emblem of the evening is a smile.
1. He who makes people laugh deserves the light.
2. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
3. Laughter is a great healer.
4. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
5. All genres are interesting, except boring ones.
6. It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.
7. Tears together, laughter in half.
8. If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people around you.
The evening begins with watching several frames from "Jumble", and then students of grades 5, 7, 8, 9 dance to the song "Dance of the Little Ducklings" with a switch to the song of the "Stagecoach" group - "New Year's".

A presentation for the holiday is included.

1st presenter: Good evening!
2nd presenter:
1st presenter:
We are glad new meeting and we welcome you all to our holiday. So, from April 1st!
2nd presenter:
As you know, this day is famous for cheerful deceptions and practical jokes, light-hearted jokes and laughter. And today we tried to prepare our evening in such a way that by the end of the holiday there would not be a single gloomy face left in the hall. We hope fun competitions, tasks, jokes, pranks, surprises will help in solving all problems.
1st presenter:
In Russia, April Fool's Day was introduced by Peter I. It seemed to Peter that in the mornings, and not only in the mornings, many of his contemporaries looked somehow gloomy, unable to speak smoothly among themselves, joke, or not be offended by jokes. April Fool's Day, Peter I decided, was the most suitable cure for this ineptitude. And on this first holiday of humor, everyone began to laugh.Pushkin wrote the following lines:

The king's eyebrows are furrowed,
Said yesterday:
"A storm has struck
Monument to Peter."
He got scared:
"I didn't know! Really?"
The king laughed:
"First, brother, April..."

2nd presenter: By the way, did you know that April Fool's Day is popular not only in Russia, but also in many countries. To find out how this holiday is celebrated around the world, we have given a task to our special correspondents, and they must contact us at live.
1st presenter:
Every connection is made. Live from our correspondent from Paris.(the correspondents' report was recorded on video and projected using a projector on the wall)
Correspondent (from TV):
Good evening, dear friends! In France, the day of playful deception is called “April fish”. In 1564, King Charles IV issued a decree moving the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the highest command on April 1, brought each other the traditional New Year's gift- fish. Gradually they came to terms with the king’s decree, but the day of the “April fish” remained. On this day, children secretly hang paper fish on strings on adults' backs. (He leaves, with a paper fish weighing on his back.)

2nd presenter: Thanks for the report, and we're in touch with London.

Correspondent (shouting): You hear me? Do you see? Live broadcast is always so unpredictable. Here in London they also celebrate All Fools' Day. From midnight to twelve o'clock in the afternoon on April 1, everyone can make fun of their friends and acquaintances, deceive them. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with cheerful laughter and shouts of "April Fool!" (He leaves, and they shout at him: “April Fool”).
1st presenter:
I’m already getting a call from the director’s office; our correspondent from Germany is in touch.
The Germans consider April 1 an unlucky day, since, according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children deceive each other, (At this moment a student runs up and hands him a task: buy a bicycle wheel at the pharmacy) and send them to stores and pharmacies with impossible orders... So I fell for it. (reads the task). See you soon. (Leaves).
2nd presenter:
Thanks to our correspondents. The hosts of “School News” should also get in touch with us. But they will be provided with airtime later. And we start our humorous evening with a very interesting competition entitled:"Frivolous questions."

A student comes on stage : We invite 4 people to come to us and split into two. Let's check what you know? Asks questions and answers one by one.

  1. 1. Name your friend Shapoklyak. (Rat)
  2. 2. Cool car of a forest dweller. (Mortar)
  3. 3. Name the master of clicks. (Bolda)
  4. 4. Pride of Marya-Beauty. (braid)
  5. 5. Which fairy tale hero can't you cut off your head? (Kolobok)
  6. 6. In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat)
  7. 7. Whose head is expensive? (the cow has a head and horns)
  8. 8. When does something appear in an empty pocket? (When a hole forms)

1st presenter: And the participants in the next competition will be girls. Now you will all see that girls are great car drivers. So, “auto racing” is announced.
Nina:Two girls are invited to the stage. (Children's cars have threads of the same length attached to them.) You need to wind the thread around a pencil. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - line. The winner is given a souvenir.
2nd presenter:
Our correspondents from the School News department contacted us. They have the floor.
Two commentators appear on the “TV” on stage.
1st commentator:
January 32 on pedagogical council student Ivanov made a presentation. According to him, during the second quarter, 4865 crows flew past the window of the physics classroom. This is 149 crows more than during the same period last year. Well done, Ivanov!
2nd commentator:
In a week, our school will host a presentation of the new locker room. It will be equipped with military equipment and a tracking system. The fact is that on December 13 our wardrobe was demolished.
1st commentator:
And in conclusion, the most important news of the day. From reliable sources it became known that this year our school will be doing summer work practice in Cyprus. Applications are currently being accepted in the director's office. Thank you for your attention! See you again!

The sketch “How Kirill Spoke” is performed.

Student Petrov Kirill
I killed everyone today:
I began to imitate animals -
Crow and squeal.
The teacher came to class:
-Who will go to the board now?
And Kirill Petrov:
- Ku-ku! Bow-wow! Ku-ka-re-ku
-Who was screaming there? I don't understand!
And Kirill responded to this:
- Moo!
-Is that you, Kirill Petrov?
Are you unwell today?
Maybe you need a doctor?
And Kirill responded to this:
-Give me your diary!
And Kirill:
- Tweet-chirp! Meow meow! Kwa-kwa-kwa!
- All! - said the teacher. - Two!
-Oh, for what? - Kirill cried.
He spoke again.

1st presenter: Now listen to the ditties, but on the condition thatYou won’t remove your hands from your stomach.

We are little girls who laugh
We are always cheerful:
We’ll sing ditties for you now,
Yes about school matters.

We decided to joke

And don't teach lessons.

After this joke

There are only “ducks” in the diaries!

I'm dancing at the disco

I could dance for a year.

And I'm going to the library -

I have a stomach ache!

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

We chatted in class
They didn't notice anything.
And then we searched for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga

Dima has developed good hearing.
Maybe without fear
Listen while standing at the blackboard,
Hints from distant desks.

Learned very quickly
Julia and Katya new verse.
And we got a four,
Unfortunately, for two.

We composed ditties
We tried really hard.
We only ask that you
They didn't take offense at us.

I'm a very quiet boy

Trust me, friends.

Once upon a time three dogs

I tied them with my tails.

I'm somehow off the tea shelf

I wanted to get some candy

But he fell down by accident

Buffet with dishes.

I'm getting quieter every day,

And no, kinder than me,

Brothers twenty cones

I gave instructions in the forest.

I'm meek, I'm not fast,

Not a boy, but a surprise.

Recently with a chandelier

I fell down.

I have become such a boy

That charmed everyone

I'm in a quiet time for the girls

I drew on the mustache.

I'm modest, I'm good,

I was visiting yesterday

All galoshes with nails

I nailed it to the parquet.

I'm a very quiet boy

Trust me, friends.

2nd presenter: Now on this stage they will perform a song in front of you Incity -Give me 7th grade students.

1st presenter: And now a sketch of children listening to a history teacher

Scene No. 3 “History Lesson”.

The history lesson has begun. The teacher explains new topic:
- ... The Persian king, before going to war against the Greeks, sent his ambassador to them with demands ... Petrov, stop talking, they are turning to you! ... with demands to put ... notebooks, Ivanov, they need to be placed on the table normally, and not upside down ... with demand to hand over weapons. The Greeks responded proudly... Sidorov, move to the side so that I have the opportunity to watch Karpov and his antics!... they answered: come and, if you can, take it. At that moment, when the Greeks were informed that the Persian army was so powerful and large that the sun was not visible behind them, Leonidas, the leader of the Greeks, said... Shakhov, if you don’t stop misbehaving, I will put you in a corner... Leonidas said that this is for the best , the Greeks will fight fiercely, a traitor named... Orlov, give me the rope, they don’t play in class... Yes, Ephialtes led the Persians through the mountains, and when the Greeks found out about this, they screamed in horror... what is this, who threw the chewed paper? ??

2nd presenter: We announce a song contest
Nina: We call 6 people to join us, 3 people per team. Assignment: remember and sing a line from a song on the theme: “Spring”

1st presenter: Let's look at how two people misunderstood each other.

Comic skit “Awkward things”

She. Hello!

He. Hello!

She.What are you talking about?

He.I carry different things.

She.Awkward? Why are they awkward?

He.You yourself are absurd, as I see it. I carry different things. Different! Understood? Here I bring chalk.

She. What did you fail?

He. Leave me alone!

She.But you say: “I couldn’t.” Why couldn't he?

He.I'm bringing chalk!!! ( shows chalk). You need to listen. I bring chalk to Mishka. He will need it.

She.And if his wife gets it, why are you talking about it?

He.Wife? Which wife? Is this Mishka’s wife? Oh, you joker! I said: “He will need it.” He will need it, that means.

She. That's it!

He.I also have good news for Mishka: I found the brand he had been looking for for so long.

She. Tamarka?

He. Yeah!

She. Cute?

He.Beautiful. So green.

She.Wait, wait. Is it that her hair is green or what?

He. Who has hair?

She. Yes at Tamarka.

He.Which Tamarka?

She.Well, you yourself said: “Tamarka was found...”

He.Ta! Mark! The brand, you know, that Mishka has been looking for for a long time. There's an arch drawn there!

She.Yeah! So, Tamarka was drawn after all! Drawn, right? That's what I would say!

He.Get rid of your Tamarka, you stupid head! The arch is drawn there! Arch! Can't you even understand this? I’ve been standing here for an hour explaining it to you, but I’m just wasting my time. I have no time! It's time to go.

She.OK, bye! Be careful not to lose your awkward things.

He.Yah you! ( leaves)

She. Yes! Stop! Stop!

He. What else?

She.Say to him hello.

He. To whom?

She.Known to whom: Tamarka, Mishka and Mishka’s wife.

1st presenter: Our evening today was very eventful, interesting and humorous. And at the end, we invite you to watch one more number - Acrobatic dance performed by Nikita Vermenichev, Nina Grebennikova, Valeria Knaus, Galina Tyunina, Anatoly Sheremetov and Stepan Efremov. After which another surprise awaits you. (Starts with the dance of little ducklings, then music from the movie “Step Up 3” and ends with music from the group “Commissar”)

2nd Presenter:So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful.


The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,
They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Remember this merry April Fool's Day,
And we won't forget about you.

All participants come out and sing V. Shainsky’s song “Smile”.


A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,
A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...
Share your smile
And she will return to you more than once.

And then for sure
Suddenly the clouds will dance,
And the grasshopper begins to play the violin...
From the blue stream
The river begins
Well, friendship begins with a smile. (2 times)


From one sunny smile
The saddest rain will stop crying.
The sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence
And claps his green hands.



A smile will make everyone warmer -
And an elephant and even a small snail...
So let it be everywhere on earth,
Like light bulbs, smiles turn on!



Of course, any festive event that takes place April 1 cannot do without jokes, games and fun entertainment.

Fun and funny pranks, games for April 1

How to behave correctly at the holiday table (comic tips)

If the owners glance at their watches, then they can sit quietly, but if they take off their watches, shake them and bring them to their ears, it’s time to leave.

If you see a dish that interests you not far from you, but you can’t reach it, just pull the tablecloth a little towards you.

A polite guest is not the one who eats a lot, but the one who does not notice that there is nothing left to eat.

How to make a friend laugh? Shake a bottle or can of sparkling water a few times and kindly offer it to a friend. A fountain of foam will splash everything around, including you!

Games for April 1 - April Fool's Day

Card game "Funny Nine"

The number of players is not limited. Any deck with nines is suitable for the game.

Players divide the cards equally and place them in a closed pile near them. Then everyone takes turns throwing one card face down into the center. The player who throws a nine must make everyone laugh. If this is successful, then the first person to laugh takes the entire deck formed from the discarded cards. If not, the one who tried to make you laugh takes it.

The first one to discard all the cards wins.

Discover your telepathic abilities

Invite your friend to think of a number. Let him name it. Invite him to look under the phone or under the vase.

Your friend will be amazed: he will find a piece of paper with the hidden number and a note: “I know what you are planning!”

The solution is simple: you need to place pieces of paper with numbers from 1 to 9 (or more) in different places in advance and remember where everything is.

There are no limits to your “telepathic” abilities!

An apple is suspended on a thread, held by one person. Another puts his hands behind his back and tries to eat an apple without using his hands.

Comic win-win lottery

Make 41 lottery ticket and hold a raffle where players must solve a riddle before receiving their gift

1. A thing that never goes out of fashion. (Laces)

2. For your kind eyes, a souvenir - read... (fairy tales)

3. Your winnings are still ahead, but for now, look at others. (Additional number)

4. Even the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears with this. (Brush)

5. Here's the ticket, so the ticket, don't rummage through the rooms,

Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

6. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen)

7. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride on it. (Car)

8. If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet)

9. The tulle was eaten by moths yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, in return we give... (package) - there is nothing else!

10. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon)

11. To keep the jar full, you need... (lid)

12. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, so keep it... (pencil)

13. So that the wind doesn’t blow your cap away, here’s a gift for Hebe... (paperclip)

14. Don’t be bored in the evenings - the aroma of pus is gay... (tea)

15. Oh, what a great fellow you are, get... a lollipop, Chupa Chups)

16. And this decoration is just a peek. (Beads from paper clips)

17. Come on, dear friend, have some... (pie)

18. I will not give up... (yogurt) for any good in the world.

19. For good people I don't mind anything

Get it quickly, comrade... (jump rope)

20. If you want to be strong, like a genie, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot)

21. Hit your heels into the ground,

there's no point in being angry

Instead of gingerbread... (cracker)

will be useful in life.

22. Vessel for consumption strong drinks. (Thimble)

23. Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror)

24. You and your companion will never

you won't get lost,

From any guests home hungry

you won't come. (Spoon)

25. It will help you remember an object from long-ago childhood years. (Dummy)

26. You are extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!

27. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat)

28. Pet control product. (Velcro for flies)

29. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can)

30. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope)

31. Seal of a small enterprise. (Eraser)

32. Washing machine"Little one." (Soap in a soap dish)

33. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins)

34. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle)

35. Antique hanger. (Nail)

36. You are desperately lucky - you will get... (sandwich)

37. There is no more important book than you, only you are the writer in it. (Notebook)

38. Dear comrade, get... (candy),

Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.

39. Lady of the heart. (Matryoshka)

40. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom)

41. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers)

Competitions on April 1

Create recipes for dishes with the following names: “Silent Ukrainian Night” salad, “Through Thorns to the Stars” pickle, “Aurora Shot” cutlet, “Hedgehog in the Fog” cocktail, “Nobody Wanted to Die” sandwich.

Write the texts of advertisements about the rental of a dog kennel, about the loss of moral character.

Often in performances there are lyrical or tragic scenes of farewell. Stage a silent scene in which they say goodbye:

- with the lady of his heart - a knight leaving for crusade;

- with his sister - a revolutionary who decided to shoot the Tsar;

- with his wife - a nepman going for interrogation at the GPU;

- with his daughter - a father going to a parent-teacher meeting.

Draw a person's gait:

- who has just had a good lunch;

- whose shoes are too tight;

— who has an acute attack of radiculitis;

- who found himself in the forest at night;

— whose shoe soles have peeled off.

Humorous riddles

What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (You'll have to eat with your hands)

To whom do all people take their hats off? (In front of the hairdresser)

What do elephants have and no other animal? (Baby elephants)

What kind of fabric can't you make a shirt from? (From the railway station)

Two teams conduct Operation “Farewell, Cheesecake!” for destruction through consumption of parent products.

"Jolly Travelers"

You will need thick newspapers; there should be exactly as many of them as there are players. The sheets in each newspaper must be rearranged, turned upside down.

This is a funny English competition. The fact is that many English people go to work by train. They sit in cramped compartments opposite each other, three people each. There is no way to move your elbows, but you have to read the newspaper - what kind of Englishman is he if he doesn’t look through the morning edition. You can turn pages only with your hands.

Two teams sit at a table opposite each other. Players should sit as closely as possible to limit arm movement. Those players who sit on the edge also need to limit their space.

Newspapers are handed out to the players. At the signal, the participants of the game must arrange newspaper pages in the required order, moving only their hands

The winner is the team that completes the task first.

From the headlines of various old newspapers and magazines (they must first be cut out), compose a short humorous story or crime chronicle, announcement or advertisement. All you need is blank pieces of paper (on which the headings will be pasted), glue, a brush and a sense of humor!

Hold a competition for translators from Russian literary language in the language of Ellochka the cannibal. As you know, this heroine of Ilf and Petrov managed with only thirty words. You can write down all these words in advance and remind them to the participants in the game.

Funny tongue twisters

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni. Once upon a time there lived three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpapony. So their children were born: to Yaktsedrak with Tsypa-Dripa - Shah, to Yak with Tsypa - Shah-Sharah, to Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpamponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharahsheroni.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

Tell us about your purchases.

What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping,

About my purchases.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them all.

How is your sense of humor? (test)

Surely few admit that they have no feeling

Surely few people admit that they have no sense of humor.

But is this really so? Let's check. Answer “yes” or “no” to each question.

1. Do you like to laugh?

2. Do you know how to get out of unpleasant situations with humor?

3. Do you agree with the opinion that marriage is the funniest thing in the world?

4. Do you laugh to yourself when you read or watch something funny on TV?

5. If you notice that you are being deceived, can you not show it?

6. Do your family and friends tell jokes and funny stories?

7. If you are in a company, do you want to look the wittiest and be the center of attention?

8. When you're in bad mood Doesn't the laughter of others annoy you?

9. Of all the genres, do you prefer comedy?

10. Do you consider yourself a person with a sense of humor?

Results: If you answered “yes” to 6 or more questions, then your sense of humor is fine. And it helps you even in the most difficult periods of life.

If you have 5 or fewer “yes” answers, then your sense of humor is rather poor.

Remember that a smile and laughter are an indicator of health, stability, and success in life. It's easier to overcome troubles with them. Try to change yourself and look at life from a funny side, don’t take everything too seriously, take some things lightly - not everything in life is worth serious worries.
