School psychologist. Advice for a novice psychologist

Tips for a beginning school psychologist

You have decided to work at school. Where to start?

1. Your boss is the director. It is to him that you obey, and it is he who gives instructions.

2. Find out from the director the goals and objectives of the school and draw up your work plan based on these goals and objectives.

Study the legal framework (Regulations on service practical psychology in the education system dated October 22, 1999 No. 636; rights and responsibilities of a school psychologist; code of ethics for psychologists (newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 44, 2001); recommended temporary standards for diagnostic and correctional activities (newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 6, 2000)

Find out how the director sees the work of a psychologist, discuss your job responsibilities(this is very important!), offer your version of the activity (what age group you would like to work with, the ratio of standard time to job responsibilities, justify your opinion).

Discuss in detail with the director: who will control your activities and how, the timing and forms of current reporting.

Discuss with the director your work schedule, the availability of a methodological day, and the possibility of processing data outside of school.

The director and head teachers take part in the discussion of your annual plan, since it is part of the school's annual plan.

The director must certify your annual plan with his signature and seal,

3. There are some nuances in choosing activity priorities:

If the school has a psychological service, then you work according to the existing annual plan, having discussed in advance the features of your activities.

If you are the only psychologist at school, then it is better to organize activities based on a plan approved by the school administration. Take “under your wing” the main points of a child’s development: 1st grade (adaptation to school), 4th grade (psychological and intellectual readiness for transition to secondary education), 5th grade (adaptation to secondary education), 8th grade classes (the most acute period adolescence), 9 - 11th grades (career guidance work, psychological preparation for exams).

4. Main activities:

Diagnostic- one of the traditional directions
Hint 1 : Before diagnosing, ask yourself the question: “Why?”, “What will I get as a result?” Carry it out only in extreme cases, because diagnosis, processing of results, and interpretation take a lot of time. Watch your children more often, communicate with them, teachers, and parents. The diagnostic results are discussed (within the limits of what is permitted - “DO NOT HARM THE CHILD”) at a pedagogical council, which includes head teachers at secondary and primary levels, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a school doctor (ideally), and ways are outlined that will be effective in solving the identified problems.

Corrective and developmental work

Advisory direction

Hint 2 : Don’t expect people to come to you right away with questions and problems. GO yourself. Conducted a diagnosis - discuss (within the limits of what is permitted - “DO NOT HARM THE CHILD”) with the teacher the reality of implementing the recommendations. If your child needs correctional or developmental activities, offer your help. If this type of activity is not provided for in your job responsibilities, then recommend a specialist who is ready to help.

Tip 3: Your work schedule, when and at what time you conduct consultations for children, parents, teachers, should hang on the door of your office, in the teachers' room, in the school foyer.

Tip 4: In the teachers' lounge, decorate your stand with an original name. Place a plan for the month there, a plan - a grid of parent meetings (empty, teachers sign up), an article from the newspaper “School Psychologist”, helping teachers conduct thematic cool watch, a popular test for emotional release.

Educational work (teacher councils, parent meetings, conversations with children, lectures, etc.)

Tip 5: Invite the class teacher of 7th and 8th grades to conduct, for example, communication, creativity or “Know Yourself” training with the class, intrigue both the teacher and the children. In the teachers' room, write an original announcement about holding parent meetings with approximate topics, hang up a plan - a grid (empty) for the month, where teachers can register their class. And they will be pleased that they are taken care of, and you will plan work for the month without overloading your time.

Tip 6: You can also work with the head teacher educational work Conduct school-wide parent meetings. Very effective.

5 . Documentation:
a) Folder with documentation (it’s convenient to have a folder with files):

Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the education system dated October 22, 1999. №636

Job responsibilities (certified by the seal and signature of the director)

Long-term planning for the year (certified with the seal and signature of the director, with the goals of the school, the goal and objectives of the psychologist or service, types of activities and deadlines)

Code of Ethics for Psychologist (“School Psychologist” No. 44, 2001)

Topics for parent meetings for the year.

Schedule of parent meetings (included every month)

Plan of the school's psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

Various orders, instructions.

B) Magazines

Work plans for the week, quarter.

Journal of consultations.

The consultation log can be formatted as a table that includes the following columns:
Date/full name of the applicant/Problem/Ways to solve the problem/Recommendations
TIP 7: In the journal under No. 2, indicate who asked for advice: teacher (T), child (p), parents (P) and class. This system helps save time when calculating the number of consultations per month.

Journal of group types of work.
The journal for recording group types of work can be formatted as a table that includes the following columns:
Date/Class/Type of work/Recommendations/Note

Folders with examination results.

Hint 8 : File folders are very convenient for storing examination results.

Folders with teaching materials
Hint 9 : You can arrange folders according to various sections: working with parents, working with teachers, working with students, methodological developments, fairy tale therapy, counseling. (Interesting materials will be copied from magazines and newspapers, and “School Psychologist” will be sorted by topic.)
Tip 10: To avoid routine documentation, fill out journals at the end of each working day and summarize everything on Friday. At the end of the month, all that remains is to analyze whether everything has been accomplished, the effectiveness of the work, and count the number of consultations, parent meetings, correctional or developmental classes, and trainings conducted.

6. Techniques
Use standardized methods, for example:

Diagnosis of a child’s readiness to learn in 1st grade (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

Diagnosis of a child’s readiness to learn in grade 5 (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

Diagnostics of psychophysiological properties (Tulouse-Pieron test)

Diagnostics intellectual abilities(R. Amthauer Structure of Intelligence Test, Koss Cubes)

Diagnosis of personal qualities ( Color test M. Luscher, Factorial Personality Questionnaire by R. Cattell, Test by S. Rosenzweig, anxiety test, to study character accentuations)

7. Features of building relationships.
a) Psychologist and school administration.
Difficulties may arise due to the “eternal question”: to whom do you report, to whom do you report. It happens that an administrator burdens a psychologist with work that is not part of his job responsibilities. What to do?
Carefully study point No. 2 of this article.

B) Psychologist and team of teachers.
The essence of these relationships is equal cooperation. Both the teacher and the psychologist have a common goal - the CHILD, his development and well-being. Communication with a teacher should be based on the principles of respect for his experience and (or) age, diplomacy and compromise. There will always be a group of teachers in the team who will be interested in joining you with her. joint activities. And you will have like-minded people.

B) Psychologist and students.
Openness, smiling, sincerity, the ability to get out of a sticky situation - all this ensures your authority. The style of your behavior is also important: how you invite children to come for an examination, how you walk along the corridor during recess, how you react to provocations, aggression, and the unexpected arrival of teenagers.
And finally, close the door to the office only in case of consultation or examination. During recess, you go out to talk to the kids, or the kids themselves (especially in the lower grades) come running to you.

Making a choice in favor of a certain type of activity, it already becomes clear what kind of work a novice psychologist would like to work in, what consultations attract him most, and in what field of activity he would like to try to gain a foothold. Moreover, it partially becomes clear where to look for such work.

How to start working as a psychologist - job search by profession

It is recommended that a novice psychologist search for a job by profession using the following algorithm:

  1. Determine the range of places where your professional skills, not yet supported by work experience, will be in demand.
  2. Send your resume to these places and also sign up for job interviews.
  3. Talk to your friends and acquaintances about possible employment opportunities.
  4. Look for vacancies on exchanges on the Internet, in employment centers and similar places.

This is a common search algorithm and is followed by many young people. But so that the solution to the problem of how to start working as a psychologist brings the fastest possible and, most importantly, good results, then you need to apply the following tips to your life:

  1. An aspiring psychologist looking for where to start should not set the bar too high for themselves regarding the vacancy. And, accordingly, it should not be focused on too high a salary.

In general, experience shows that the best option You will work for one year at some low-paid job, for example, at a school or a medical institution, gain experience, and then, having a good starting position in education and experience, apply for more prestigious positions.

  1. If circumstances require it, then to your diploma higher education, you can take advanced training courses that will provide additional advantages in the labor market. But it is better to select courses not academic, but practical, and even better - with subsequent employment. By the way, such courses for those who want to make a good career will need to be taken regularly.
  2. Stay organized. Make a plan on how you can start working as a psychologist, what places to visit, who to talk to. The more active you are in the search process, the greater the chance that you will be noticed somewhere and hired.
  3. Be flexible with your work. Agree to suitable options, even if at first you didn’t think about them at all. You need to gain experience, and a novice psychologist, who will then be lined up for consultations, cannot do without this.
  4. Create a resume that makes you stand out from the crowd and prepare well for interviews. Use our advice, arm yourself with optimism, and everything will work out for you!

According to new educational standards each educational institution must provide psychological support for its students. What this “escort” is is not entirely clear from the documents, but the schools habitually “took the show” and hastily introduced staffing table assigned position - psychologist.

The job responsibilities of a specialist with the dangerous prefix psycho- are defined very vaguely in the standards, so to begin with, the position was preventively bureaucratized. The school psychologist is subject to multiple local acts, some of which he composes himself, writes plans and reports. The paper side of his work is going well.

We talked about what the role of a school psychologist really is, why he is needed and what he should do, with Roman Zolotovitsky, a certified psychodramatist and sociodramatist, consultant at the Center for Autism Problems and teacher at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, psychologist at inclusive school No. 1465 in Moscow.

Roman Zolotovitsky

member of the British Association of Psychodrama and Sociodrama, teacher at Moscow State University, RATI (GITIS)

Despite the fact that psychologists have been working in schools for quite a long time, the profession of a school psychologist remains unclear, either functionally or methodologically. The situation at school in general is in a constant state of sliding, first in one direction, then in the other. Requirements for teachers are changing. Views and points of view change, and only in administrative terms of reporting does everything improve.

From the old understanding of the role of a psychologist, many tools are adopted that are absolutely unsuitable for school. For example, psychodiagnostics. At school, it can only be a diagnosis of the situation as a whole. Individual psychodiagnosis is not needed, and there is no time to do it. She is distracting, and the school psychologist needs to be in the center of things. He should not work on leads, on complaints, on appeals.

Appeal means that we are late, that we are trailing behind events.

But we need to work on warning. The school psychologist must be aware of any conflict between students, teachers and, of course, at the epicenter of any conflict between student and teacher.

He must walk along the corridor and not just say hello, but call everyone by name, exchange a few phrases, catch with his sixth sense the vibes of tension between people.

Twenty minutes of a big break is the most important start, the main immersion in work. If at this time the psychologist sits in the office, then he will not be able to do anything except ineffectively sort out “appeals”. His task is to be in the thick of what is happening, and to make this happening as transparent as possible for everyone, building communication and relationships with the help of his professional tools.

Children's situation: how to understand it

At school there are two completely different people- students and teachers. They have completely different motives, attitudes, desires and perceptions of what is happening. Our teachers often do not really understand what a child’s situation is. They exist separately, and it only seems to them that they know “who started it first.” It’s bad when students are aware of what is happening, but the teacher is not.

And the “declarative” system, when a psychologist responds to external signals, will never provide timely and reliable information. Even if a psychologist has an “extensive intelligence network,” this is not the same. Thus, only criminal information will flow to him. He will be within the system of presumption of guilt that reigns in our schools.

We live with post-traumatic consciousness, and the slogan of educational work in almost any school sounds like that of Chekhov’s hero Belikov - “if only something had not happened.” Hangs above the student sword of Damocles guilt.

Sometimes, in a panicky fear of problems, teachers even cross the line. For example, if there is a correctional class at school, then at some point an irritated teacher may intimidate a student whose behavior she is dissatisfied with - “look, if you behave like this, you will go to class with fools.” This phrase means that we have all lost very much, and it will take a long time to disentangle the situation, because, following adults, children can repeat many more nasty things for a long time, humiliating each other.

Of course, we need to understand our limitations, but still try to fit into a child’s situation. For example, let adults play children at some training. Let it be something spontaneous - a sociodrama in which different forces will meet, and everyone will be able to look at the same situation with different sides. In general, a teacher whose “inner child” somehow manifests itself is already an order of magnitude less anxious, since he has more life experience and is able to master group dynamics beyond the textbook.

In pedagogical institutes there is no emphasis on the relationships of children and to children, or on group dynamics. All these properties of relationships are very vague in psychology courses. But if you don't understand what a class is as a group, you won't be able to understand what's going on in it.

The learning process consists of at least two parts - the exchange of knowledge and the vibrant group dynamics of children.

An adult becomes part of this dynamic not only when a button is placed on his chair. A teacher who tries to avoid this dynamic finds himself in a very dangerous situation - he simply becomes a guard of the educational process. The situation is familiar to everyone: an irritable, incredibly tired teacher, not noticing how she barks at everyone who encroaches on her educational process, as the security guard rushes around the classroom and tries to force the children to listen - of course, ineffective.

But you just need to be able to look around.

Keep a large circle of people under surveillance. Look without focusing on one thing, but perceive the situation as a whole.

There are teachers who do not see or hear the group. I have met teachers who love their work very much, but do not know how to manage a group. If a teacher who does not master group dynamics is not confident in himself as a person, then his “I”, armed with professionalism, goes haywire, crushing both the children and himself. And here school psychologist must see this and take action.

We need to start with teachers...

And above all, with primary school. The requirements for a primary school teacher are higher, and the working conditions are more difficult. But pedagogical schools do not provide an understanding of what children are like now, and what types of complex behavior will have to be worked with.

For example, hyperactivity. Hyperactive child with a well-developed intellect, he easily masters knowledge, but at the same time drives the teacher to white heat. Not knowing any techniques, she tries to persuade her parents. Parents perceive this as the fact that she wants to shift her guilt onto them (which is often not without reason). Any analysis or diagnosis leads to an investigation. And here we move into the field of medicine and begin to “treat the diseased organ.” But we need to change the situation as a whole.

School psychologists should become teacher trainers.

It's no more difficult than working with children. Moreover, if a specialist can do it with children, then it will work with adults. But not the other way around.

When I train business coaches, I advise them to come to the school at least once a year for two hours and play with the children. After children, boards of directors are no longer scary.

Inclusion and correction

Soon all our schools will be inclusive. The logic of exclusion is doomed, if only because now, according to statistics, 1.5% of children are born with various autism spectrum disorders. This is a huge number. We are no longer dealing with an epidemic, but with a pandemic. This means that in every class there will be such a child.

The correction system does not correct anything. She can teach some household skills, but that’s all.

We got too carried away with specialization, began to create “types of children,” and divided them into eight types of specialized schools. But autistic people don't fit into any of them.

Creating another, ninth species is an absolutely dead-end path. Correctional schools are not suitable for them. Autistic children already have enormous difficulty communicating. By locking them in the social vacuum of a family/special school, we will only worsen the situation - we will raise thousands of people who are unable to live without the support of others.

The horror is that all of our correctional pedagogy considers itself the heir of Vygotsky, making him the founder modern defectology. Using a certain set of techniques and diagnostic tools, defectologists measure why a child is bad. It is considered a merit to study the complex structure of the defect, but in fact the nature of the processes occurring in the human brain is largely unclear.

Neurologists claim that modern hyperactivity, for example, is associated with various problems of the immune system, with the environment, with congenital pathologies, which cannot be recognized for a long time. Everything related to the brain remains a sealed secret. But no one wants to admit this and stop.

If a child has behavioral problems, sooner or later he will be sent to a psychiatrist. Then everything usually happens according to the standard scenario. The child is prescribed medications. They don’t help, so the psychiatrist increases the dose. When this does not produce results, the drug is replaced. This course of therapy can continue indefinitely. Parents are simply scared, and they no longer notice that an experiment is actually being conducted on their child.

What is our life? A game!

A school psychologist not only needs to be at the center of events - he must generate these events himself. A game - great tool, which helps to find out how things are, change something, prevent, improve, and even just “get to know” teachers and students better with each other.

I once asked the second graders to bring their favorite toys, and we spent the whole lesson building relationships between the toys. When the game ended and the children left, their teacher said, “Well, it turns out what they are like.”

By the way, I also asked the teacher to bring her favorite toy. It's a shame she didn't play. But she brought a toy.

One day, one teacher turned to me with a question - what to do if a child is afraid of the dark, when a projector is used in the class and the lights are turned off. It is impossible not to show films. Other children love them, but this boy cries, shakes, and becomes hysterical.

And then I suggested playing with him in the dark without turning off the light. And play honestly, observing all the nuances. First we made sure that the child felt safe, and then little by little we began to reproduce the usual procedure. The game could be stopped at any time at the child's request. It’s not at all a fact that everything would have worked out the first time. But a slow, gradual expansion of the child’s comfort zone still ultimately produces enormous progress.

I always invite some part of the rest of the class to these types of games. In the future, these children will become a support in the adaptation of the “main character” of our game. They will form a structure of assistants capable of preventing various negative phenomena in the classroom, such as bullying and discrimination against the weak.

Vertical informal subordination, dependent and non-reciprocal relationships, the struggle for attention, isolation, as well as the “stardom” of individual students are softened. Sociometry is generally concerned with these attractions and repulsions, but here I am talking in general about the mission of a school psychologist, who, through events in classes, not only greatly influences the positive dynamics of relationships and the development of children, but also allows him to control the entire, in fact, huge space schools.

To play effectively, a school psychologist needs to be proficient in sociodramatic techniques and technologies, know sociometry, group diagnostics, rehabilitation practice, relationship psychology, role theory, bullying prevention and much more.

School is a place where not only children study, but also teachers, parents, and indeed any person who ends up there.

Only by realizing the need for constant self-improvement of all participants educational process, we will make school a safe and productive environment for our children to grow and educate.

Published: November 11, 2005, 9:00 am
Site visitor rating: 8.88 (votes: 40)

You have decided to work at school. Where to start?

1. Your boss is the director. It is to him that you obey, and it is he who gives instructions. 2. Find out from the director the goals and objectives of the school and draw up your work plan based on these goals and objectives.

    Study the legal framework (Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the education system of October 22, 1999, No. 636; rights and responsibilities of a school psychologist; ethical code of a psychologist (newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 44, 2001); recommended temporary standards for diagnostic and correctional activities (newspaper “School Psychologist” No. 6, 2000)

    Find out how the director sees the work of a psychologist, discuss your job responsibilities in detail (this is very important!), offer your version of the activity (what age group you would like to work with, the ratio of standard time to job responsibilities, justify your opinion).

    Discuss in detail with the director: who will control your activities and how, the timing and forms of current reporting.

    Discuss with the director your work schedule, the availability of a methodological day, and the possibility of processing data outside of school.

    The director and head teachers take part in the discussion of your annual plan, since it is part of the school's annual plan.

    The director must certify with his signature and seal your annual plan and job responsibilities.

3. Your main assistant in work is . A lot of useful information can be found in magazines And

4. Books by Marina Bityanova help make a successful start: a) In the candidate's book psychological sciences, Associate Professor M.R. Bityanova outlines the author’s holistic model of organizing psychological services in schools. The publication introduces the reader to a scheme for planning the work of a school psychologist during school year, provides the author’s own versions of the content of the main directions of his work: diagnostic, correctional and developmental, advisory, etc. Special attention focuses on the interaction of a psychologist with teachers, the children's community, and school administration. The book will be of interest to school psychologists, teachers, and administrators educational organizations and methodologists.

b) The book outlines the system of work of a school psychologist with children 7-10 years old. Specific diagnostic, correctional, developmental and advisory methods and technologies are provided. The author's approach to organizing the work of a psychologist during the academic year, based on the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support, is proposed. The authors structured the book in such a way that psychologists could use it as practical guide to organize work with children, their parents and teachers.

5. There are some nuances in choosing activity priorities:

    If the school has a psychological service, then you work according to the existing annual plan, having discussed in advance the features of your activities.

    If you are the only psychologist at school, then it is better to organize activities based on a plan approved by the school administration. Take “under your wing” the main points of a child’s development: 1st grade (adaptation to school), 4th grade (psychological and intellectual readiness for transition to secondary education), 5th grade (adaptation to secondary education), 8th grade grades (the most acute period of adolescence), grades 9–11 (career guidance work, psychological preparation for exams).

6. Main activities:

    Diagnostic is one of the traditional areas

TIP 1: Having worked as a school psychologist for more than 7 years, before making a diagnosis I ask myself the question: “Why?”, “What will I get as a result?”I carry it out in extreme cases (M. Bityanova recommends diagnostic minimums), because diagnosis, processing of results, interpretation takes a lot of time. I watch children more often, communicate with them, teachers, and parents. The results of the diagnostics are discussed (within the limits of what is permitted - “DO NOT HARM THE CHILD”) at a pedagogical council, which includes head teachers at secondary and primary levels, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a school doctor (ideally), and ways are outlined that will be effective in solving the identified problems.

    Corrective and developmental work

    Advisory direction

TIP 2: Don’t expect people to come to you right away with questions and problems. GO yourself. Conducted a diagnosis - discuss (within the limits of what is permitted - “DO NOT HARM THE CHILD”) with the teacher the reality of implementing the recommendations. If your child needs correctional or developmental activities, offer your help. If this type of activity is not provided for in your job responsibilities, then recommend a specialist who is ready to help.TIP 3: Your work schedule, when and at what time you conduct consultations for children, parents, teachers, should hang on the door of your office, in the teachers' room, in the school foyer.TIP 4: In the teachers' lounge, I recommend setting up your stand with an original name. I put there a plan for the month, a plan - a grid of parent meetings (empty, teachers sign up), an article from the School Psychologist newspaper, helping teachers conduct thematic classroom hours, a popular test for emotional release.

    Educational work (teacher councils, parent meetings, conversations with children, lectures, etc.)

TIP 5: Invite the class teacher of 7th and 8th grades to conduct, for example, communication, creativity or “Know Yourself” training with the class, intrigue both the teacher and the children. In the teachers' room, write an original announcement about holding parent meetings with approximate topics, hang up a plan - a grid (empty) for the month, where teachers can register their class. And they will be pleased that they are taken care of, and you will plan work for the month without overloading your time.TIP 6: And the head teacher of educational work and I began holding school-wide parent meetings on parallels. One month - one parallel. Very convenient and efficient.

    Dispatcher work (a psychologist’s recommendation to contact parents and children for advice from a related specialist: speech therapist, psychoneurologist

7. Documentation: a) Folder with documentation (it’s convenient to have a folder with files):

    Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the education system dated October 22, 1999. №636

    Job responsibilities (certified by the seal and signature of the director)

    Long-term planning for the year (certified with the seal and signature of the director, with the goals of the school, the goal and objectives of the psychologist or service, types of activities and deadlines)

    Code of Ethics for Psychologist (“School Psychologist” No. 44, 2001)

    Topics for parent meetings for the year.

    Schedule of parent meetings (included every month)

    Plan of the school's psychological, medical and pedagogical council.

    Various orders, instructions.

b) Magazines

    Work plans for the week, quarter.

    Journal of consultations.

The consultation log can be formatted as a table that includes the following columns:Date/full name of the applicant/Problem/Ways to solve the problem/Recommendations TIP 7: In the journal under No. 2, I indicate who asked for consultation: teacher (T), child (r), parents (R) and class. This system helps save time when calculating the number of consultations per month.

    Journal of group types of work.

The journal for recording group types of work can be formatted as a table that includes the following columns:Date/Class/Type of work/Recommendations/Note

    Folders with examination results.

TIP 8: File folders are very convenient for storing examination results.

    Folders with teaching materials.

TIP 9: I have folders in various sections: work with parents, work with teachers, work with students, methodological developments, fairy tale therapy, counseling. (I take interesting materials from magazines and newspapers, and I organize “School Psychologist” by topic.)TIP 10: To avoid routine documentation, fill out journals at the end of each working day and summarize everything on Friday. At the end of the month, all that remains is to analyze whether everything has been accomplished, the effectiveness of the work, and count the number of consultations, parent meetings, correctional or developmental classes, and trainings conducted.

8. Techniques I use standardized company methods

    Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for learning in 1st grade (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

    Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for learning in the 5th grade (methodology by L.A. Yasyukova)

    Diagnostics of psychophysiological properties (Toulouse-Pieron test)

    Diagnostics of intellectual abilities (R. Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test, Koss Cubes)

    Diagnostics of personal qualities (M. Luscher Color Test, R. Cattell Factorial Personality Questionnaire, S. Rosenzweig Test, anxiety test, to study character accentuations)

9. Features of building relationships. a) Psychologist and school administration. Difficulties may arise due to the “eternal question”: to whom do you report, to whom do you report. It happens that an administrator burdens a psychologist with work that is not part of his job responsibilities. What to do?Carefully study point No. 2 of this article.

b) Psychologist and team of teachers. I think the essence of this relationship is equal cooperation. Both the teacher and the psychologist have a common goal - the CHILD, his development and well-being. Communication with the teacher should be based on the principles of respect for his experience and (or) age, diplomacy and compromise. There will always be a group of teachers in the team who will be interested in your joint activities. And you will have like-minded people.

c) Psychologist and students. Openness, smiling, sincerity, the ability to get out of a sticky situation - all this ensures your authority. The style of your behavior is also important: how you invite children to come for an examination, how you walk along the corridor during recess, how you react to provocations, aggression, and the unexpected arrival of teenagers.And finally, I close the door to the office only in case of a consultation or examination. During recess, I go out into the recreation area to chat with the kids, or the kids (especially in the lower grades) come running to me.

I have a collection of parables that have helped me out more than once, because teenagers love to test your competence and ability to get out of any situation.

I wish you GOOD LUCK, I sincerely hope that everything works out for you!


Practice is one of the most important components of a student’s professional training. Practice is integral part basic educational program higher professional education.

It opened its doors in 1901 on Dumnaya Street (now Fevralskaya, 65). Lyceum No. 5 is one of the oldest institutions in Podolsk. October 19 is the birthday of the women's gymnasium, the legal successors of which are: the women's gymnasium, the 1st Soviet school, the 2nd men's school, high school No. 5, and now municipal educational institution"Lyceum No. 5".

Names changed, years passed, but his credo remained unchanged - to release into the world worthy members of our society, many of whom are different years wrote more than one page in the history of our city. After all, in almost every Podolsk family someone studied at school No. 5, and, probably, in every branch of the national economy, science and culture they left their mark.

From the 1953-54 academic year to the present day, the school has graduated 3,954 students, of which 92 were gold medalists and 152 were silver. This lyceum is one of the oldest institutions in Podolsk. It opened its doors in 1901.

School psychologist - Natalya Yurievna Musatova, psychologist of the highest category. Work experience 36 years, experience as a psychologist - 17 years.

The purpose of this practice is to determine the school motivation of students primary classes, master the skills of working as a diagnostic psychologist and confirm professional suitability to perform duties in this specialty.

teacher psychologist teenager family

Features of the work of a psychologist at school

Species professional activity school psychologist are:

correctional and developmental,


scientific and methodological,



cultural and educational,


Main goals.

Performance Federal Law“On the basics of the system of prevention and juvenile delinquency.”

Diagnostics and provision of psychocorrectional and advisory assistance to children and their parents.

Providing assistance to students, parents or their substitutes, and teachers in solving specific problems.

Helping students choose a specialty or job that best suits their interests and abilities,

Psychological support for students who have difficulties associated with the adaptation process.

Development of the most effective methods training.

Helping teachers develop the psychological and social skills to create a pleasant and productive school environment.

Rights of a teacher-psychologist

To solve the tasks facing him and perform the functions assigned to him, the educational psychologist is given the right to:

Get acquainted with documents on labor protection issues, school life issues, regulatory documents/letters from the Department of Education of the Krasnodar Territory.

Have access to documents relating to minors.


The teacher-psychologist is responsible for:

for the confidentiality of information received about a minor school student;

for the objectivity of information, quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

In addition to psychology lessons, the psychologist’s competence includes diagnosis and correctional work. This can be a diagnosis of cognitive processes (memory, thinking, attention) and a diagnosis of the child’s emotional sphere. At low rates diagnostic methods, spend with the child correctional work. This work includes elements of play and drawing methods (it all depends on the age of the child). Carrying out extracurricular activities (Classroom hour, KVN) are also within the competence of the psychologist, drawing up a psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the child, which reveals the development of all spheres and mental processes, health. The characterization also gives a complete picture of the family climate, the interests of the child, etc. School counseling plays an important role. And you shouldn’t abandon this method. Because every parent has the right to contact a psychologist with a problem, or ask for help regarding a child.

For a child, school is the center of social development. First experience interpersonal relationships, learning, and much more - a child receives all this at school. This is where it is necessary to develop a unified line of work for teachers, parents, and psychologists. Only with mutual decision-making, with common goals, can a school claim the title social institution knowledge.

The psychologist helps the child to assimilate all this experience through mastering behavior and building his own position, in which the child develops a conscious perception of the world. Many people mistakenly believe that a psychologist only deals with testing, and that psychology lessons are held at the level of elective classes and do not represent anything valuable for a child’s knowledge. The main position of the psychologist is the creation of conditions for life systems for children and the choice of these systems. With the well-coordinated work of the psychologist and the teaching staff, the child develops the conditions for creating a personal position (awareness of his own self, confidence, own opinion). It is the psychologist who acts as the organizational link between children and teachers, which is necessary to address the interests and capabilities of schoolchildren.

From successful work psychologist depends on the conditions for the formation of pedagogical tasks. A psychologist can understand the reasons for poor academic performance and aggressiveness of children. This is where a close connection arises with parents who need to make contact with a psychologist. Who better to understand the behavior of children than their parents?

There are situations when a child needs the help of a more specialized specialist than a school psychologist. Then the psychologist at school can help parents make a choice and refer them to another specialist.
