Secrets of making a wooden window sill on your own. Presentable wooden window sill with your own hands Making a plastic window sill

Modern tendencies require innovations in every area of ​​life, including repairs. With the development of technology, new materials and products appear that have much better performance. If previously it was necessary to install two window frames to provide heat and sound insulation, now it is enough to install a thin metal-plastic window, which perfectly copes with the same functions, and is also more efficient. Instead of a heavy concrete window sill, PVC products are now used, which are important to be able to install correctly to achieve optimal performance.


Installation plastic window sill in an apartment or house can be done for various reasons. The simplest of them is the wear and tear of the old window and its complete replacement, including all its components. A long time ago metal-plastic windows have gained authority and are very popular, as they are easy to install, and their service life and performance characteristics very high.

Thanks to modern window is a universal product; you can add a wide variety of window sills to it that will meet the stylistic goal of the room and provide comfort.

The most versatile option is considered to be a PVC window sill, which fits perfectly with the window itself, creating a single composition. In addition, the cost of such a product is much lower than that of more sophisticated options such as natural stone. In order to accurately determine which window sill is best to install in the room, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this window element.

Among positive qualities you can note:

  • resistance to moisture and different temperatures - a PVC window sill does not change its shape or appearance in any way;
  • no need for serious care of the product;
  • light weight of the window sill, unlike similar options;
  • does not need painting to refresh the appearance;
  • does not shrink like wooden products;
  • the ability to install this element of any size, shape and even color depending on the wishes of the owners.

If we talk about the negative aspects, then they include:

  • Fragility of the product - if used carelessly, dents and even holes may appear on the window sill.
  • If upper layer has a gloss, it is susceptible to scratches, which will quickly deteriorate the appearance of the product.
  • Poor resistance to very high temperatures. You should not place hot pots and kettles on a PVC window sill, as this can deform the surface, ruining it forever.

There are quite a lot of options for materials from which a window sill can be made, but most often they choose those that look good and have the desired characteristics. If we talk about PVC construction, then important advantage is also that it is inexpensive, and does not require most additional work, which are inherent in other materials: treatment against corrosion, rotting, painting.

In addition, thanks to their excellent characteristics, these window sills comply with GOST, because they are not harmful to humans and have parameters that ensure the safety of residents.

Style and design

Since metal-plastic windows are often white, PVC window sills were initially made only in this version. With the growing popularity of this product, different color solutions for both windows and window sills began to appear. Most often a variation white is an imitation of wood, which is used in bedrooms or children's rooms. In addition, this option allows you to install modern designs V wooden house, which will not stand out externally, but fit into the concept of the building.

To produce this kind of product, laminated PVC films with a wood look are used. To impart the desired properties, additional impregnation with melamine resin is carried out.

This way you can give the surface the look of any wood, be it oak, alder or cherry.

In addition, window sills with finishes are also popular. a natural stone, most often it is granite or marble. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid buying an expensive and heavy product, but get an equally beautiful window design option. If you need to somehow decorate the room, which is especially often the case with a children’s room, then you can resort to using colored window sills.

They can have different textures and shapes, which are selected taking into account the wishes of the client.

If we talk about convenience, then for each type of house there are options of different lengths and widths, so that you can manage the space as correctly as possible. Brickwork differs in width from the walls panel house, that’s why we need different window sills here. If we talk about original design solutions, then you can make a window sill-tabletop that will perform two functions at once, thereby making it possible to do without buying a table.

This option will look good in small kitchens or bedrooms where you need to place a lot of space. functional zones in a small space.

Use of glossy or matte finish, original forms and dimensions - this is all that the owner of a PVC window sill can get. Often, such options are made to order and are a little more expensive, but the appearance of the room with such an accessory will be inimitable. Each owner decides for himself what to install in his home based on taste preferences and financial capabilities.

What to install?

Usually window sills are made standard sizes to fit the most common window options. But due to the fact that frames can often have atypical characteristics, very often it is necessary to trim the product on the spot so that it fits under the window as well as possible. To approach the process correctly, the first thing you need to do is take all the necessary measurements, and only then cut off the excess.

It is best to mark with a pencil or marker so that it is clearly visible.

Necessary tools and components

Any repair process requires correct selection tools to ensure maximum work efficiency, and right choice components will make the process of operating the product simple and not causing any problems or worries.

To install a PVC window sill, you need to have:

  • the product itself;
  • corner for determining the slope of the window sill;
  • level to check the evenness of installation of the product;
  • marker with tape measure for marking;
  • silicone sealant for sealing joints and seams;
  • polyurethane foam to eliminate cavities between the window sill and the wall of the house itself;
  • jigsaw for cutting off unnecessary parts;
  • hammer drill to dismantle the old structure and provide necessary conditions for new;
  • screwdriver for fastening the window sill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • cement mortar for leveling the surface under the new window sill and sealing the installation sites of the structure;
  • stationery knife and clean rags for cleaning window design finished look.

In addition to the basic tools and materials, you should also not forget about additional ones, which include slopes, thanks to which the window is transformed, creating a completely different perception of the room.

The cover on the window sill, which is put on both sides of the product, is necessary in order to frame it beautifully and close the cavities into which dust or moisture can get, from where it will not be easy to remove it. Usually it looks like a smooth strip with protrusions at the ends.

When installing it, you need to cut it in half and then measure it required amount so that it fits perfectly on the new window sill.

In order to cut a window sill, you can use several tools:

  • Hacksaw for metal, any home owner will have one. The process of cutting with it will be lengthy and will require considerable physical strength.
  • Jigsaw, which is best suited for such work, as it cuts off excess parts quickly and without special labor. For best result It is important to set the pendulum stroke to zero, and for the work choose a metal file with small teeth.
  • Bulgarian helps to trim unnecessary parts very quickly and accurately, but at the same time it is very noisy and dusty during operation.
  • Cordless saws are cordless instruments. It is easy and convenient to work with such equipment, but their disadvantage is the high cost of the tool.

When all the tools are ready, you can begin work, in which it is important to follow all the recommendations, otherwise the product may become distorted and the appearance of the window will suffer greatly from this.

It is important to remember that the places that need to be foamed must dry out for some time so as not to change their characteristics.

Preparatory work

In order to install a new PVC window sill, the first step is to dismantle the old structure. Depending on what material it was made from, and will be carried out certain works. It is best to remove old parts carefully so as not to damage the masonry and have to restore it. If it was not possible to carry out dismantling effectively, then additional procedures will be needed.

First of all, the surface where the window sill will be installed is cleared of debris and unnecessary parts. Next, you need to calculate what dimensions the new window element has and whether it is necessary to change the dimensions of the opening. If both designs had approximately equal performance, then the process will proceed faster. If there is an obvious difference, then it is necessary to carry out work to adjust the size of the window opening to install a new PVC product.

If the window sill is thinner than before, then the difference can be eliminated using cement mortar, if it is thicker, then the excess part can be removed using a hammer drill, after which you will have to make a concrete screed.

When calculating the height of the base for installing a new element, it is important to take into account the gap for the foam on which the product will be attached. It must be at least 2 cm. If necessary, additional work is carried out to adjust the grooves in the side slopes. In order for the window to keep the cold out, it is important to exclude any possibility of this, which is why the junction of the frame and the window sill is coated silicone sealant, after which the installation itself takes place.

When calculating the width of the window sill, it is important to decide where exactly it will begin and end. You can make it the width of the window or leave a margin of a few centimeters so that the edges on each side go into the wall. Typically, such gaps are four to six centimeters long.

Initially, you need to make cuts in the slopes into which the new PVC window sill will be inserted.

Installation subtleties

In order to install a new PVC window sill with your own hands, you need to correctly install the structure. The installation process of such parts can be carried out using:

  • polyurethane foam and special glue, which are used to attach the window sill;
  • brackets for fixation;
  • profile for installing PVC products.

The simplest and convenient option There will be an option with foam for installation. The first step is to prepare wooden wedges that will serve as supports for the new window sill. They are placed over the entire surface of the prepared base. It is important to check the levelness of the installation using a level and note the tilt of the product. It is necessary that the bevel be directed into the room in order to direct condensation not towards the stove, but into the room.

If any inconsistencies arise in these indicators, then the wooden wedges can be increased or, conversely, decreased depending on the situation.

All work is carried out in stages to avoid installation errors and unsatisfactory results. Once the wedges are of the appropriate size, the free space between the window sill and the base is covered with foam. To prevent the angle of inclination from changing, it is important to install a weight on the windowsill that will provide the required resistance, so the foam will harden correctly. For complete hardening, at least two or even three days should pass, after which you can remove the weighting and use the window sill.

The process of installing a window and window sill goes step by step, and it is important to take into account all the stages in order to get a decent result in the end. This process is inextricably linked with the finishing of the walls, therefore, when planning the installation option, you need to think in advance about how further work will be carried out.

  • If you plan to install a window sill before finishing it with sandwich panels or plasterboard, then there is no need to ditch the bottom. As the thickness increases, the slab will be pressed using the finishing material.
  • If the slopes are covered with varnish or putty paint, then in this case it is necessary to trench the surface.

If you plan to use massive elements in the form of wooden panels, lining, cork to finish the window, Venetian plaster, then it is important to take into account the protrusion of the slab, taking into account the thickness of the coating. Otherwise, it will be recessed inside the opening, which will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Thus, replacing a window requires that the old concrete window sill also be removed and replaced with a new one. For the convenience of further work, it is advisable to remove the old structure without causing any major damage to the masonry.

You can replace a heavy and outdated window sill with a modern PVC product, which is not only light and quite durable, but also has a varied appearance that can be matched to the style of the room, which is very convenient.

The work process comes down to the following steps:

  • Installation of a new product, inserting it into pre-prepared grooves.
  • Aligning the window sill relative to the window using wooden wedges.
  • The process of fixation, when the window sill can be secured using polyurethane foam, which will provide excellent performance characteristics for many years.
  • The use of plugs, which may have different shapes. Depending on the design features of the window sill, they can be without lugs, if the thickness of the product is quite large and there is a desire to make it look like a stone monolith, or with lugs if the thickness is minimal and simple version window element.

To change the window sill quickly and correctly, it is important to complete all the steps, which include dismantling old structures, installing new ones and finishing work. This is important because incorrect dismantling of an old product will add unnecessary work, inaccuracies in installing a new one will lead to operational problems, and improper finishing work will affect the final appearance.

To remove the foam that will remain after installation, you must first cut it off using stationery knife, and then apply a layer of tile adhesive, which needs to be puttied when dry. Only after this can the surface be painted or wallpapered.


To do high-quality repairs, you need to select the right materials for it. When replacing windows and window sills, it is worth choosing the correct dimensions of the latter. The standard width for it will be the following dimensions:

  • 50-60 cm, if installation will be carried out in a brick house;
  • 20-25 cm for panel houses.

The widest window sill that can be found on the market is 80 cm, and the narrowest is 20 cm. If we talk about length indicators, it can be from 1.5 meters to 6.

All unnecessary parts are removed during the installation process so that the resulting window has an aesthetic appearance.

If we talk about atypical windows, for example, small structures in a bathroom or other room, then in this case there is no need to use a large window sill, the best solution the width will be 10 cm. Almost all standard products have a thickness of 2 cm, which is sufficient for moderate loads and full use of the window element. There are also thinner products, where the thickness is 1.8 cm, which implies lighter loads on the surface.

If the window sill is planned to be used as a table, then its width must be sufficient for this, so products are produced in widths from 60 cm to one meter. This option can be used in almost any room where you need to minimize the amount of furniture and increase functionality.


Due to the emergence of new materials for the manufacture of window sills, color options for such products have also appeared. The simplest one is to use various colors and shades, which can either be transferred to the window itself or go separately as a decorative element of the room.

Often such accents are made in the kitchen, bedroom, nursery, where there is an opportunity to add color to the interior.

For something more sophisticated appearance you can use window sills imitating natural stone, marble and granite, or wood, which looks especially beautiful in wooden buildings. The variety of options for window sills can include not only color, but also texture, which can be glossy or matte.

For original style and to give the interior an expensive appearance, it is better to use gloss, but in a quieter room the matte version will look great.

Window repair is always accompanied by nuances that it is advisable to know and skillfully use.

  • If you need to use a hammer drill, it is important to protect your face and hands with glasses and gloves so that nothing gets on them.
  • When working on the base for a new PVC product, you need to clearly know its dimensions, so as not to knock off the excess part of the wall, but also not to make the hole smaller than necessary.
  • The gap that forms between the window sill and the surface on which it rests must be sealed with foam. To help this material adhere better, it is important to wet the surface before use.
  • When choosing the width of the product, it is important to know that its protrusion beyond the slope should not exceed 6 centimeters. If this is neglected, the circulation of air masses may be disrupted and the windows will fog up heavily.
  • When repairing a balcony and replacing windows with access to it, the thickness of a standard window sill will be 20 cm, but if you have suitable dimensions, you can use even meter-long products. You can also fix the product on the balcony using foam or glue, depending on the situation.

For useful tips on choosing and installing window sills and slopes, see the following video.

Successful examples and options

  • You can install windows both in a wooden house and in a brick one, and depending on this you can choose the color of the entire structure and design features certain parts.
  • The use of a wooden window sill in combination with a frame in the same color blends harmoniously with the entire house, which is finished with modern wood-imitation materials.

Plastic windows in last years have become an integral element of any interior. Regardless of the style of the room, it is equipped with energy-efficient plastic windows and window sills made of the same material. This is durable, and thanks to the large assortment of decorative films, very beautiful material has firmly entered our lives. This article will discuss how to properly attach a plastic window sill.

Advantages of a plastic window sill

The most popular materials for window sills are wood, plastic and stone.

  • Wooden window sills are too finicky and require constant maintenance. In addition, over time they dry out or become damaged from frequent staining.
  • Stone window sills are certainly durable and beautiful, but they are very expensive and you cannot install them yourself.
  • Plastic window sills are not just durable, light and beautiful, in their own way technical specifications they best match the windows made of PVC profile, which will make their maintenance easier.

  • In addition, the service life will be the same, so after installing the window, slopes and window sills, you will not have to replace or restore any one element.
  • If the window frame is laminated, then the same film is selected for the window sill.
  • Due to its properties, plastic is resistant to moisture, so even with possible condensation on the windows it will not begin to rot. With regular care, mold does not form on it, since the surface does not have microcracks.
  • More low price than a wooden or stone window sill of the same size.
  • Resistant to aggressive chemical environments.
  • Thanks to light weight and plasticity of the material, it is easy to cut and install independently without special tools.
  • A plastic window sill is not a cast slab. It consists of transverse chambers. This not only reduces weight, but also serves as additional thermal insulation.
  • More expensive models pvc window sill have a special coating that makes it resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

They have only one drawback - low strength.

How are plastic window sills made?

There is no official classification of plastic window sills, but they are conventionally divided into several types.

  • Standard plastic window sills. They are the most popular. They are made in white, width from 20 to 100 cm in increments of 5 cm. They have the lowest resistance to mechanical damage.

  • Thermo- and impact-resistant plastic window sills. It is rational to mount them in wide openings that perform the function work surface. For example, when kitchen window sill used as a table. Lamination with a special film gives the product particular strength.
  • Laminated window sills. They are more beautiful, but their characteristics remain the same. Films not only add color to the window sill, but can also imitate natural materials (stone, wood). Despite the fact that the lamination method is reliable, a number of manufacturers offer window sills that have an acrylic layer on top of the lamination. In this case, the surface strength increases several times (however, so does the cost and weight, which negates its advantages).
  • The panels are made by extruding PVC blanks with an extruder. The surface is laminated with a film, which makes the window sill smooth and further protects its surface from damage. The thickness of the window sill varies from 1.8 to 2.2 cm.

How to choose a plastic window sill

At first glance, all the window sills are the same and there is a desire to buy the cheapest one. But professionals know several nuances that will help you choose the best quality product.

  • A plastic window sill must be made from high-quality raw materials that have passed a quality test for safety for humans. This can only be tracked by the product certificate.
  • The store must also provide detailed specifications material. These include resistance to UV rays (especially important for colored products), mechanical strength and resistance to condensation.

Having received all the necessary information, choose a model that is suitable in design and size.

  • It is best to choose a white window sill. This is due to the fact that it is guaranteed not to fade when exposed to direct sunlight. And small scratches on it will be almost invisible, unlike colored models.

Advice: cheap plastic may turn yellow after a few years, so it is recommended to choose white window sills from the middle price segment.

  • A plastic window sill, regardless of price and manufacturer, is a panel containing 1.5 - 3 mm thick stiffening ribs and air chambers between them. It is the number of stiffeners that is responsible for the strength of the window sill. The higher their number, the more load it can withstand.
  • The panels have a standard length of 600 cm. You can buy and cut them yourself, or order ready-made ones according to individual sizes.

Advice: in order not to make mistakes in preliminary calculations, it is recommended to call a surveyor.

  • The width of the panels ranges from 20 to 100 cm. Initially, the increment is 5 cm, after 60 cm - 10 cm. Based on this, the internal size of the window opening (depth) is measured. Since the window sill should protrude forward (but not completely cover the radiator), add another 10 cm.
  • For example, the depth of the window sill is panel house 15 cm, add another 10, and you get 25 cm - the required panel width.

Preparing walls before installing a plastic window sill

Before installing plastic window sills with your own hands, you need to prepare the walls.

  • First, remove all debris from the window opening and remove dust from it so that the polyurethane foam has the best adhesion in the future. This is especially important if the installation is to replace an old wooden window sill.
  • The side walls of the window opening are called slopes. Often the window sill is laid simply from edge to edge, but this is wrong. The secret to installing a window sill is to bury it on the sides into the wall by 2-4 cm. To do this, recesses are made with a hammer drill.

What is needed to install a PVC window sill

If the work is carried out in a wooden house, then the number of tools will be minimal; in concrete and brick houses everything is more complicated.

  • Hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • level 1 m long;
  • polyurethane foam and a gun for it;
  • stationery knife;
  • wedges (made of MDF, laminate or wood).

How to install a window sill on a plastic window with your own hands

Important: the window sill should not cover the battery. Impaired air circulation will lead to the formation of condensation on the windows.

  • Having the exact dimensions, the window sill is cut with a grinder to required parameters, taking into account protrusions along the walls of 2-4 cm on each side. If the window opening has a complex configuration, first cut out a model on cardboard and do a fitting. If everything fits, then the outline is transferred to the panel.
  • If the house is not new, and the opening is much lower than the groove under the frame of the plastic window, which is provided for the window sill, first up to required height put wood on it. Then the prepared window sill is inserted into the groove between the window profile and the foam to a depth of 2 cm.
  • After this, using a level, they begin to regulate its evenness. You can make it higher or lower using thin wooden wedges, which either raise or lower the window sill to the desired height. They are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. In the future, they will remain inside the structure and will play the role of retaining elements.

Tip: you need to install the window sill with a slight slope towards the room, literally 5 mm. This will allow the condensation to roll off rather than remain against the frame.

  • Then you need to foam the space under the window sill. It is best to use two-part foam that does not expand. When using a regular one, you will have to fill the surface of the window sill with heavy loads. To do this, put heavy bags with construction mixtures, large jars of water, etc.
  • After 24 hours, the load can be removed and excess foam can be cut off with a utility knife.
  • As a final step, decorative plugs are placed on the sides of the window sills.

How a window sill is attached to a plastic window photo

Tips for installing a plastic window sill with your own hands

  • The process of polymerization (hardening) of polyurethane foam occurs much faster in a humid environment. Therefore, before filling the space under the window sill with foam, it is moistened with a spray bottle or any other sprayer.
  • It is not recommended to pour too much foam. Since it has the ability to expand several times and can push the window sill upward, despite the load. To avoid this, small gaps are left between the freshly extruded strips of foam, which are guaranteed to close when expanded.
  • If it is not possible to fit the window sill panel into the slopes and under the window profile, then it is adjusted perfectly precisely. All joints are treated with colorless silicone sealant.

DIY installation of a plastic window sill video

Most often, heating appliances are located under the window sill, so its width should be sufficient so that it can cover them. This is important not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also taking into account proper air circulation.

A window sill often functions as a shelf. If the space under the window is free, then niches with shelves and openwork facades can be placed in it. Together with the window sill, they form a mini-rack, which is an elegant wall decoration. In the kitchen, the window sill, connected to the countertop, is its continuation, significantly increasing the work surface.

We choose the material from which we will make the window sill

Chipboard laminated board– many colors and textures. Today this material is most often chosen for making window sills. The chipboard is covered on both sides with PVC film, which is pressed with the board; that is, the plate and film create a single whole. This increases its resistance to moisture.

The ends of the window sill are treated so that moisture does not get into it. Laminated boards do not require preventive maintenance and are resistant to UV radiation.

During transportation and installation with your own hands, the window sill is protected with film.

His maximum length-6 m, width -10-80 cm, thickness - 17-28 mm.

The price depends on the quality of the chipboard, its type, size.

If you do not do the installation yourself, but entrust the process to a team, sometimes you need to pay extra for trimming and pasting the ends of the window sill.

Stone window sill – noble and elegant. Stone window sills are strong and durable. The most effective way to finish their surface is polishing, which gives a perfectly smooth and shiny surface and fully reveals the color and structure of the stone. For safety, the corners and edges of the window sill should be rounded. The most durable window sills are made of granite. They are durable and do not change color. The surface of window sills made of sandstone and marble is coated with wax impregnations or film-forming polymer materials. This prevents the stone from tarnishing and staining.

The maximum length of marble window sills is 3 m, width – 1.2 m, thickness – 2-3 cm.

Windowsill from a conglomerate– in the role of natural stone. Made from pieces of marble or granite glued together with polyester resin; can be colored with pigments. If you add quartz during its manufacture, this will significantly increase its wear resistance and make it possible to obtain non-standard window sills, juicy color– green, orange, blue. Its surface can be matte or polished. This material does not show streaks and is stain resistant. When installing and transporting conglomerate slabs, care must be taken, because it can crack (especially for long and thin slabs). The maximum length of conglomerate window sills is 3 m, width – up to 1.2 m, thickness – 2-3 cm.

Agglomeramor– cheap “stone”. It is made from gypsum-marble flour (80-90%), color pigments and binders (polyester resins). Only the thin top layer (1-2 mm) has a texture reminiscent of the structure of stone. This is emphasized by the resin, an additional layer of which covers the window sill. The polished surface is easy to use and less susceptible to contamination. Matte has its own advantages - scratches are not visible on it.

Window sills made of agglomerate are resistant to impacts and means household chemicals. They can have different sizes; maximum length is 3.5 m, width 12.5-50 cm (up to 80 cm on request), thickness 17-30 mm.

The price depends on the color and size of the product, as it is cast in special molds. Payment for everything together (regardless of the size to which the window sill is cut) - from 540 to 6000 hryvnia per product (with a thickness of 30 mm). Composites are the materials of the future. These are mixtures of aluminum hydroxide and acrylic resins, with the addition of pigments. The window sill consists of a slab pressed with a composite. The properties of this material allow it to be given any shape.

Composites– warm to the touch, resistant to abrasion, but not scratches (therefore, soft detergents and special milk). Scratches are more noticeable on dark and glossy window sills. Such window sills have a smooth, non-porous surface on which dust does not linger. The price depends on the type of composite. There are “soft” materials (which, as a rule, are cheaper) and “hard” (somewhat more expensive).

Ceramic tile– a window sill made from it will never become outdated. To finish the window sill, clinker, porcelain stoneware, wall and floor tiles are used. The tiled window sill should be laid with a slight slope from the window. If it protrudes beyond the surface of the wall, the sill structure must be made of reinforced concrete. The joint between the tile and the window must be filled with an elastic fugue, for example, silicone for wet rooms.

Plastic– lightweight and practical. The core of plastic window sills consists of solid PVC, the top layer of which is laminated or coated decorative film. They can be white or imitate stone or wood. Plastic window sills are light and rigid, thanks to their multi-chamber design, their surface is resistant to scratches and the influence of atmospheric factors, which is why they are used as a material for. The price depends on the length and thickness of the product.

How to update an old window sill

A convenient way to update an old window sill is to apply a PVC trim to the window sill. It allows you to cheaply and quickly change its appearance. Designed for installation on terrazite or concrete window sills, it is durable, resistant to moisture, UV radiation and temperature fluctuations, does not burn, is easy to process, and does not require sanding or varnishing.

The film covering the pad makes it easy to keep it clean. Externally, it can imitate marble, beech, granite, but most often it is white. It is placed on a flat surface and smooth surface. The unevenness of the old window sill is leveled with putty compounds, and only then the window sill trim is installed the desired shape and size.

Window sill in a room, apartment, house

In the kitchen. Often serves as a working surface, so it must be resistant to moisture, scratches, household chemicals and stains. You can use the same material as for the countertop, apron over the countertop or floor. For modern window sills they often choose composite materials. They can be selected for any wall, regardless of its shape or curvature. They look good in combination with wood, stone, metal and glass. Such a window sill can be connected to a countertop, table, or have non-standard shapes.

In the living room. Here a material is used that will add prestige to other elements of the interior furnishings and will be in harmony with them. Therefore, noble materials are often chosen - wood, natural stone or composite materials replacing it. A window sill made of exotic wood will add warmth to the ascetic interior of the living room, designed in a minimalist style. A stone window sill will look natural where materials that are consistent with it are used in the interior decoration.

In the nursery. Here the window sill must be, first of all, safe. It is good to make it from shock-absorbing materials - soft wood or laminate. It is also important that its corners and edges are rounded or beveled.

In the bathroom. It must be waterproof and not absorb moisture. Therefore it is best to use ceramic tiles, stone or composite materials. A laminated window sill intended for a bathroom must be made of a board with increased moisture resistance.

In utility rooms. Since it is not noticeable here, you can use inexpensive materials: plastic or laminated chipboard. The latter imitates other materials well, but it is better to choose a light window sill with a uniform pattern, without imitating stone or wood.

Additional Information:

In bathrooms with several windows (corner ones, as a rule), they are combined by a common window sill. Together with the wide countertop for the washbasin and the surface into which the bathtub is built, it creates a single whole. A low window sill in the bathroom provides a convenient shelf on which to place toiletries and towels. It can serve as a seating area that allows you to admire the garden.

A dark window sill and window frame of the same color stand out well against the background of the wall. It closes the space of the window, forming a clear connection with it, and a wooden window sill painted green, for example, will merge with a wall of the same color. The effect of the “background” wall will help to enhance the cornice and curtains.

If a sink is installed under the window, its faucet may block the opening of the window sashes. Placing the window sill approximately 20 cm above the sink will allow this to be done without hindrance.

A marble window sill is a fairly common solution for a bathroom. Thanks to impregnation, it does not absorb moisture.

In the kitchen, the window sill often creates a single whole with the tabletop board, increasing its surface. It should match the color of the walls, furniture and window frame.

Granite is one of the most durable materials for window sills. Thanks to him, the interior becomes more sophisticated. If granite is selected as the material for the factory or (if we're talking about about the kitchen) then it is better to choose the same shades of granite.

A window sill made of laminated wood is beautiful and durable, it can be easily cut to the required size.

A window sill made of agglomerate is surprisingly similar to marble. The resin with which it is coated expressively emphasizes its texture.

Whatever one may say, everything develops in a spiral. More recently on window market there was a revolution in place wooden windows and plastic products came to the window sills. Three-chamber, five-chamber window profiles, super tight seals that leave no chance fresh air enter our home. But over time, many realized that artificial materials are not entirely beneficial for our health. The first to understand this were, oddly enough, wealthy citizens, and windows and window sills made of laminated timber, veneered with veneer, began to appear on the market valuable species tree.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made wooden window sill or window frame, so we decided to write this article, which will allow you to understand the intricacies and nuances of making a wooden window sill on your own, without the presence of special tools. I will try not only to show the process of making and replacing a plastic window sill in photographs, but also to explain why it needs to be done this way.

So, I’ll take a little more of your time and explain what personally prompted me to replace the plastic window sill with a wooden one:

Due to the birth of a child in the family, I began to take a more careful approach to environmental cleanliness finishing materials, and even having a hygienic certificate for a plastic product will not be a priority for me to purchase this product. I understand perfectly well how such certificates are obtained. And if there is nothing natural in the product, then what could be useful in it? So, the first reason is the environment in the house.

Looking at your furniture made from MDF, chipboard and other chemicals or pressed waste, after ten years you begin to understand that another year or two and the furniture will simply have to be thrown away, since it is practically impossible to repair chipboard, and holes in the operation in the form of spilled water , or chips do not add beauty to the aesthetics of kitchen facades or window sills. So, the second reason is durability and maintainability.

I would like to leave my heir something made with my own hands.

Wood products are good insulating materials, and even if a wooden window sill does not allow me to save significantly family budget, but save a couple of kopecks for a child’s chocolate bar.

Now you can go directly to our patient - the window opening. Like most residents of our country, I construction company I got a plastic window sill.

A little tired, evaporating formaldehyde when the radiator is on - they pronounced a sentence on it - dismantle it.
But to speed up the replacement work, it is necessary to make a new, environmentally friendly wooden window sill.
But first we need to decide on the type of wood, I recommend making a window sill from oak, despite the fact that oak and beech are very similar in strength and durability, the latter is very hygroscopic and is not entirely suitable for making a window sill. But I found out about this very late, two furniture panels made of spliced ​​beech 1520x450x18 had already been ordered, and they cost me about $25 plus shipping.

Why did I choose spliced ​​rather than solid:
- the first reason: a window sill made of a single piece of wood will definitely lead, in order to prevent it from leading, you need to make a “pie” with the direction of the fibers at 90 degrees;
- the second reason: naturally the price, a solid window sill will cost more than a jointed one.

Now let's look at the dimensions of our new window sill.

The length of the window sill should be such that the tree enters the body of the slope to a depth of 5 cm.

Why exactly this:

If you make it flush with the slope, then you yourself understand that it is simply impossible to guess the length in our version, and either gaps will remain, or somewhere the window sill will hide in the body of the slope, and somewhere a gap will still appear;

A very long window sill will bring us unnecessary costs and more diligent work with a hammer and chisel;

The depth is 5 cm, exactly the size that will allow us to avoid all the disadvantages outlined above, plus we will have two extreme points that will be fixed and will hold the window sill in place.

Again, I was in a hurry and did not thoroughly study the information on wooden window sills, and the old one was only 2 cm longer than the window opening, so I ended up with one centimeter per side. The width of the window sill, oddly enough, in order to make a high-quality window sill that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also does not interfere with the operation of the heating system, you need to know: that it should protrude no more than half the axis of the radiator.

If it is very wide, then warm air will accumulate in the space between the top of the radiator and the bottom of the window sill, thereby reducing the efficiency of the radiator or battery.

But you can narrow the window sill, it all depends on your taste and concept of beauty.

Window sill thickness - I chose two 18mm panels, and in the future I will glue them together into a pie, and the total thickness of my panel will be 36mm, which completely satisfies the aesthetic and strength characteristics.

You will ask why I didn’t immediately buy a shield with a thickness of 36..40mm, you will understand when you dismantle the old window sill. But more on that later.
In addition, by gluing two panels, I will have a checkerboard intersection of the panels both horizontally and vertically.

So, we’ve sorted out the dimensions, and I hope you don’t have any questions about why the window sill should have such a length or width, and this rule applies not only to wood, but also to stone and plastic ones.

We glue and finish the window sill.

The first thing I did was cut one shield lengthwise into two parts. The first part is 15 centimeters wide, and the rest is all that remains.


Below is a photo of the cut part with drilled holes.

Now, using a hand router and an end mill, I processed the front end, getting this edge:

This shield will be the top (facial)

Stocking up with clamps, PVA glue, and self-tapping screws, I glue one, the widest half of the second shield.
We lubricate one half with glue, carefully align it so that the lower shield does not stick out and is exactly flush with the upper one, we grab it with clamps, and be sure to place pieces of plywood or wood under the jaws so as not to leave dents.
I drive screws into the back side, which will finally tighten our cake into a monolithic product. We leave our product to dry.

After the glue has dried, using sandpaper we remove all burrs and wood defects, after which I recommend moving our blanks to a more comfortable room, in my case it's a balcony.
We thoroughly vacuum the room, as any speck of dust can ruin our work.

Using an antiseptic, we treat the entire back side and let it dry. The front side does not need to be treated, as most modern varnishes already contain the necessary additives; in addition, when coated with an antiseptic, the color of the wood may turn slightly yellow.

Now is the time to start applying the protective coating to the front part. In order to end up with an environmentally friendly product, we can use:
- water-based varnish;
- oil or oil-wax.

All of these materials are made from natural or environmentally friendly ingredients, and when coated have either virtually no odor or a pleasant waxy or oily scent.
I decided to cover my countertop with oil wax from OSMO. How long this coating will serve me - only time will tell.

The application technology is very simple: on a cleaned and prepared surface, I apply thin layer coating, wait about 20 minutes and with a piece of velvet towel I begin to remove the remaining oil and wax, and at the same time polish the surface.
After the final coat, I left the tabletop to dry for 24 hours.
This is what a beech countertop looks like after applying one coat of oil-wax.

In the photo on the left is the color of beech under antiseptic, on the bottom right is covered with one layer of oil-wax, on the top right is pure beech.

We dismantle the old window sill.

Due to the fact that there is a walking creature in the apartment with a weak immune system, in the form of a 4-year-old son, we will carry out the dismantling with minimal dust in the work area, without the use of TNT and a grinding machine.
Using a chisel and hammer, carefully remove the slopes; mine were made of cement mortar.

Then we try to move the old window sill from its usual place with light jerks.
If you are unable to do this, look from below the window sill; perhaps when installing a plastic window sill, you used a metal tape, which is attached at one end to the back side of the window sill, and the other end is immured in the plaster using dowels and screws.

If this is exactly the situation you have, then we try to cut this tape using any available means so as not to gouge the wall behind the radiator.
We try to move the window sill again from a dead point, and if you have dug out the recesses well in the slopes, then everything should work out for you.

If you are still experiencing difficulties, and the plastic window sill refuses to lick out of its natural place, and time is running out, we take a hammer in our hands and break it into separate parts. I succeeded without any problems, the only thing is: be careful, sharp debris can harm you, and dust will also enter the apartment during this operation.
The entire battlefield opened up before us.

As a rule, you should see remnants of the polyurethane foam that the builders used to attach the plastic window sill. It is advisable to cut it all down to the masonry or concrete, depending on what your walls are made of.
Now you need to pay attention to the gap, which should be under the lower part of the window opening and the wall, it is there that I will put the second part of the cut shield, but since this depth is unknown to me until the end of the dismantling process, I divided furniture board into two parts. Now I can measure this depth and, using glue and the same screws, set the required overhang of the lower shield.

The next stage is the most important, it is necessary to lay out the beacons using pieces of wood or cement, strictly according to the level! The work is painstaking, but necessary. You will have to install and remove the window sill several times before you achieve the result.

Now let’s pay attention to two points that “experts” very often recommend doing when installing windows and window sills: the slope of the window sill towards the apartment is 1%, and the drip edge (a recess in the lower part of the window sill located at a distance of 2 cm from the face of the panel). These two recommendations are intended to remove water from the surface of the window sill, it feels like we will arrange Niagara Falls on it, or we will wait until the water (if it got from the flower pots) drains and gets on our floor, what if there is parquet there!? Therefore, I recommend not to bother and set the surface strictly level, and not to make a groove due to necessity.

So, our window sill becomes level and falls into place quite easily.
We take a can of polyurethane foam in our hands, shake it and with all our hearts apply the foam to the brick base, paying special attention to the corners where the window frame meets the wall.
And as quickly as possible, before the foam increases significantly, we install our workpiece in place. We collect all the heavy objects (books, cans of water...), we need to collect at least 50 kg and put it all on top of our windowsill. If this is not done, the foam will bend your window sill and you will have a hump.

I didn’t wait for the foam to dry completely and removed the weights a little earlier; as a result, my front edge “lifted up” a little, it’s not visible to the eye, but the level doesn’t lie! I accepted this and continued working.
We wait for the foam to dry, cut off the excess with a knife, if necessary, blow it out somewhere else, and plaster, and then putty all the places that we disturbed during dismantling.

Now you can cover the window sill with a second layer of oil-wax; by the way, I used silky-matte, colorless, number 3032.
For reference, if you applied the first layer correctly, and in the process of installing the product in place, foam and putty accidentally got in - do not be upset, these flaws can be easily removed after drying with a nail.
That's all, our window sill is installed and pleases our eyes, all that remains is to repaint the slopes.

A window in an apartment, be it plastic or wooden, without such an element as a window sill, looks unattractive and bad. Therefore, architects provide this element in every house. When replacing a window, the board underneath is always replaced.

As a rule, the installation of a window sill is carried out by specialists, but you can do the work yourself. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules. Before installing a plastic window sill, you should read the instructions for the entire process.

Preparatory work

First you need to prepare the tool and material. Here's what you need to have:

  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • Building level;
  • Tape measure and pencil;
  • Perforator with a set of drills and chisels;
  • Polyurethane foam.
Linings ensure a snug fit of the window sill to the frame

In addition, wooden blocks or special PVC linings, as well as a spray foam gun, may be useful. Based on condition window opening, these elements may not be enough. In this case, you should provide perforated plates for fastening the window sill.

Fit to size

When all the tools and materials have been prepared, you can proceed to the next stage of work. It consists of taking measurements and transferring the markings onto a PVC board. To do this, you need to add 10 cm to the length of the opening. This measure is needed to create an attractive appearance for the entire window opening.

At the first stage, measurements of the window sill are taken

Once the markings are completed, you need to cut out the PVC window sill. This process is easily performed with a jigsaw, but if you don’t have one, you can use a regular hacksaw. But slopes require a lot of effort. Where the plastic window sill will be installed, it is necessary to make grooves. Their depth should be 5 mm greater than the length of the part being installed.

To insert window sill boards, grooves are made in the slopes

It is best to make grooves in the slopes with a chisel, which we install in a hammer drill. They should have an even shape that will not interfere with the entry of the window sills. After chiselling, the opening must be cleared of debris. And after that, proceed to the next stage.

Installing window sill boards level

The base and slopes are prepared, which means you can proceed to fitting. To do this you will need a building level. Before correctly installing a plastic window sill, pads should be placed on the base. For small windows, two supports will be enough, but for a balcony, at least three should be used. This operation is easy to perform yourself.

Plastic panel installed on pads

The pads should lie strictly at the level of the window, which will allow you to properly align the plastic window sill before changing it. When everything is ready, you should try on the part in a new place. To do this we insert plastic board into the grooves of the slopes. Next, move it all the way. Nothing should interfere with this process.

Next, the installation of the window sill continues to expose optimal slope. This is necessary to remove condensation naturally. It should not accumulate at the base of plastic windows. To do this, you need to lower the edge of the slab, looking inside the room, a couple of degrees. The building level will show how much the slope has changed. To ensure that the opening remains level, you need to check the position at the edges and in the middle.

The slope of the front edge of the window sill is 2-3 mm

The level is adjusted using pads. Without them, installing a new window sill will be very problematic. It is recommended to purchase special plastic elements, but they can be replaced with wooden linings. For work you should use an ax or chisel.

You need to install a plastic window sill with your own hands so that between it and window frame there was no gap. This is very important point, which should be given close attention. The gap is eliminated with wood chips placed under the product. It is recommended to fix the edges of the panel when the position corresponds to the desired one. Each change must be checked at the building level so that the PVC window sill does not change its position.

Fastening the structure in place

After fitting, when the correct position is achieved, proceed to the fastening stage. This action is carried out by polyurethane foam, which evenly fills the space. But before installing the window sill, the cylinder needs to be heated a little. Temperature allows for more efficient foam that fills better. free places.

The best way to heat the balloon is to place it in warm water. But you can also use the heating system if the installation of a plastic window sill takes place from autumn to spring. The heated container is shaken well, mixing its contents. Next, the space under the slab begins to be filled. There should be no voids left.

The space under the window sill is carefully filled with foam

The work doesn't end there. The fact is that polyurethane foam has enormous expansion. This circumstance has Negative influence on the position of the board between the slopes. In order not to spoil the work, it is necessary to strengthen the element. Many people use ordinary bricks for this purpose, which are installed on the surface of the slab.

There is no need to worry about the product, since there are stiffening ribs inside the product. They can withstand heavy loads, allowing an adult man to stand freely on window opening.

Installation of a window sill on a balcony

Modern loggias and balconies are now being actively glazed. This is not surprising, because additional effective area it will not be unnecessary for anyone. And everyone knows firsthand how much such pleasure costs. Therefore, a window sill on a balcony is no longer a curiosity.

Basically, the installation of a plastic window sill on a balcony is carried out at the time of glazing. But if this has not been done, then mount this element the interior stands on its own.

Before replacing the window sill, you should prepare the metal brackets. This is necessary if it is not possible to install it under existing windows. In most cases metal elements required, which greatly simplifies the process. The brackets are attached to the parapet using anchors. They also allow you to strengthen the window sill, which helps to increase the payload on it.

Fixed brackets should be no more than 1 meter apart from each other. The horizontal slope is checked using the building level. Before attaching the holders, you should tighten the thread. This will allow you to achieve levelness along the horizon and simplify the work.

When the brackets are completely secured, the installation of the PVC window sill with your own hands begins. It is secured using self-tapping screws, which are screwed into the bottom of the element. It is better to perform this operation with a screwdriver, because it significantly speeds up the process.

Fix the window sill using self-tapping screws

After installation, the window sill on the balcony must be treated with sealant. This measure is needed to get rid of a possible gap that is formed due to uneven edges. Unlike installation in a window opening, a balcony window sill does not need to be reinforced with polyurethane foam. All plastic elements quickly take their places, where they sit firmly, performing their assigned tasks.

Replacing a window sill in a wooden house

The installation scheme for a plastic window sill in a wooden house is very similar to the process performed in an apartment. First, the old one is dismantled wooden window sill, the foundation is being prepared. The side slopes must be put in order so that plastic part freely took her place.

In order not to cut and freely attach the plastic window sill, it is better to cut the sides from wood. For this work you will need a chisel and a hammer. This creates grooves where the fastening will be made. It happens that they may already be ready and have a wooden window sill in them.

The window sill panel is installed in the grooves

Once the grooves are ready, pads are placed on the base of the opening. Do-it-yourself installation of a plastic window sill into the opening is done only on them. The position of the stands can be fixed so that they do not move under the mounted element. Before fixing the product, you need to check the position of the plate. Afterwards it is fixed and the voids under it are filled with polyurethane foam. Many people ask the question of how to install a window sill in a different way. But foam is the best and most effective option.
