A collection of riddles about indoor plants. Folk signs and superstitions about the flower “mother-in-law’s tongue”

Riddles about houseplants

I'll tell you a poem

About different wonderful plants.

You will use your ingenuity

And show me the plant...
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
All year round bloom.(Indoor plants)

White juice is hidden in the trunk,

Like a piece of leather

Can it grow in a pot?

Maybe in the jungle, on the river.

Born in India.

What is it called? (Ficus)
Flat, long, not a beam.

Striped, but not a watermelon. (Sansevieria)

The gardener - the first fashionista

The dress has faded,

Either the paint has changed:

Everything was purple

It became cornflower blue . (Hydrangea)
The bush has grown lush,

Not superfluous on the window,

The leaves are invisible

And the fruits are forbidden . (Asparagus)

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

Bright red color

Burns tenderly... (Balsam)

Glass with water covered

With a hedgehog glove. (Sansevieria)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But it heals us at any hour. (Aloe)
From the mountain on cobwebs

Spiders are hanging -

Green bunches. (Saxifrage)
We have a plant

Pineapple is not pineapple.

Rigid sheet with arc, through

Just like a bone comb. (Tsikas)

Green, thorny,

Looks like a hedgehog

And the flowers are satin

White, yellow, red. (Cactus)

Crane nose

He brought us perfume. (Geranium, or crane's nose.)

Will decorate the house for a century,

That flower is unsightly in appearance,

But he is famous as a healer. (Aloe.)

Up the steep wall,

On cast concrete

The centipede crawls

Carrying leaves with you . (Ivy)
With milk, not a goat,

With bark, not vine. (Ficus)

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

Bloom all year round . (Geranium)

Glass with water covered

With a hedgehog glove. (Cactus)

To the sun through the glass

It wasn’t hot outside our window,

I'll hang a curtain

On a white spacer,

Not crocheted wicker -

Alive and green. (Tradescantia)


On a long thin leg.

The cakes are very sticky, needles grow on them. (Prickly pear)
Vanyok is standing wet,

And in the curls there is a light. (Balsam)

- What kind of tail started to grow:

Not in a pond, not in a river -

On the window, by the stove. (Sansevieria /pike tail/)
Window and balcony bush,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium)
Round ball

Like a hedgehog

But without a muzzle and legs.

It grows on my window,

I really like him. (Cactus.)
The ballerina came out:

The blouse is like a rowan tree.

Lilac skirt, cornflower blue ribbon.

Legs like chiseled ones

The shoes are gilded. (Fuchsia)
A houseplant popularly called "nettle".

She came to us from China,

I got used to it and, without knowing how tired I was,

It blooms all year round for joy, from the heart!

And the flowers are colorful and very pretty!

(Chinese rose hibiscus)

Not a pin cushion

Not a hedgehog, and not a Christmas tree,

But he won’t let himself be offended,

Because it's all covered in needles. (Cactus)

Green, prickly,

He is a hundred years old,

As soon as you have a runny nose

You were taken by surprise

Run to him as fast as you can! (Aloe)
I have a liana growing
In a tub near the sofa.
Its leaves are carved -
They have through windows. (Monstera)
The stem and flowers smell,
Hairy leaves.
Get up early in the morning
And water yours (geranium).
- What is another name for this plant? (Pelargonium)
The kids wanted to get away from their mother,
But mom managed to hold them all.
This is how those little bunches hang.
On the threads are green baby plants. (Chlorophytum)
It grows in our room,
It never blooms.
Its leaves are like feathers
But people have a belief -
Where in the forest it will bloom,
A person will find a treasure there. (Nephrolepis, fern)

Tree-like stems,

Leaves are xiphoid.
Maybe he lives a hundred years?
What do you say in response? (Aloe)

What do people call it? (Agave, rannik, medical)

The second name for this beautiful flowering plant– Saintpaulia, can be propagated by leaves. (Violet)

Surprisingly from a leaf

You can grow a plant.
I'll pick a flower, don't mind
There will be a new one... (violet).

There are lights among the leaves,

Vanka wet flowers.
That's what the people called him -
He drinks a lot of water.
What is the correct name?
Try to name it yourself! (Balsam)
On the window, on the shelf

The needles have grown.

Yes, satin flowers

Scarlet and red. (Cacti)

Entertaining experiments to introduce children to indoor plants

Experience “With and without water”
Goal: Identify factors external environment, necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat)
Material: Two identical plants (impatiens), water
Progress: An adult suggests finding out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered and the other is not (without watering the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose elasticity) The results of monitoring the condition of the plants depending on watering are sketched over the course of one week. Create a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that a plant cannot live without water.

Experience "In the light and in the dark"
Purpose: To determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.
Materials: cuttings of a houseplant in a pot, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with soil.
Progress: An adult suggests finding out whether plants need light for life. Cover the pot with the plant cuttings with a cardboard cap. Draw the results of the experiment after seven to ten days (the flower under the cap has become light and pale). Remove the cap. After seven to ten days, draw the result again (the flower turns green in the light, which means that nutrition has formed in it)

Experiment “Can a plant breathe”
Goal: Identify the plant’s need for air and respiration. Understand how the respiration process occurs in a plant.
Materials: Houseplant, cocktail straws, Vaseline.
Progress: An adult asks if plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Children determine, based on knowledge about the human breathing process, that when breathing, air should flow into and out of the plant. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole in the tube is covered with Vaseline. Children try to breathe through a tube and conclude that Vaseline does not allow air to pass through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To check this, smear one or both sides of the leaf with Vaseline and observe the leaves every day for a week. After a week, they conclude: the leaves “breathe” on their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside died.

Experiment “Does a plant have respiratory organs?”
Goal: Determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.
Material: Transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass.
Progress: An adult suggests finding out whether air passes through the leaves into the inside of the plant. Suggestions are made on how to detect air: children examine a cut of a stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). An adult and children conduct the “Through a Leaf” experiment: pour water into a bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty. Insert a leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water. Cover the hole of the bottle tightly with plasticine, like a cork. Here they make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, secure the straw with plasticine. Standing in front of a mirror, suck the air out of the bottle. Air bubbles begin to emerge from the end of the stem immersed in water. Children conclude that air passes through the leaf into the stem, since bubbles can be seen releasing into the water from the stem.

Experience “Who is better?”
Goal: Reveal favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on soil.
Materials: Two identical cuttings, a container with water, a pot with soil, plant care items.
Progress: An adult suggests determining whether plants can live for a long time without soil (they cannot); Where do they grow best - in water or in soil. Children place geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, with soil. Watch them until the first new leaf appears. Document the results of the experiment in an observation diary and in the form of a model of the plant’s dependence on the soil (a plant in the soil has a new leaf faster, the plant gains strength better, the plant is weak in water)

Experience "Labyrinth"
Goal: Determine how the plant seeks light.
Material: Cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth; There is a potato tuber in one corner and a hole in the other.
Procedure: Place a tuber in a box, close it, place it in a warm place, with the hole facing the light source. Open the box after potato sprouts appear in the hole. Examine, noting their direction and color (sprouts are pale, curved). Leaving the box open, continue to observe the change in the color of the sprouts and the direction of growth (they turn green, stretch in different sides). The conclusion is formulated: the plant grows better in the light.

Experiment “What do plants need to eat?”
Goal: Establish the need for light to feed the plant
Material: Indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, crassula), adhesive plaster
Procedure: An adult offers the children a riddle letter: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Children's assumptions are tested by experience: part of the leaf is covered with a plaster, the plant is placed near a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed, and the children conclude: without light, food cannot be formed in plants.

Food Factory Experience
Goal: Determine that the plant can provide its own nutrition.
Material: Pot with a plant inside glass jar with a wide neck, airtight lid.
Procedure: Inside a large transparent container, children place a cutting of a plant in water or a plant in a small pot. The soil is watered. The container is hermetically sealed with a lid and placed in a warm, bright place. The plant is monitored for a month. They find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow, drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear). The plant feeds itself.
Experience “What are roots for?”

Target : prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment : a cutting of geranium or balsam with roots, a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting.

Progress of the experiment : Students examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the plant needs roots (the roots anchor the plant in the ground), and whether they absorb water. Conduct an experiment: place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level, tightly close the container with a lid with a slot for the cutting. They determine what happened to the water a few days later (the water became scarce). The children’s assumption is checked after 7-8 days (there is less water) and the process of water absorption by the roots is explained. The children sketch the result.

A tall sprout grew in a pot,

On a gentle morning I opened the petals.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

Together they grow roots underground.
Experiment “How to see the movement of water through the roots?”

Target : prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment : balsam stalk with roots, water with food coloring.

Progress of the experiment : Students examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the ground? Children's assumptions are discussed. Consider dry food coloring - “food”, add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take up more than just water (the roots should turn a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in an observation diary. They clarify what will happen to the plant if there are substances harmful to it in the ground (the plant will die, taking away harmful substances along with the water).

Didactic games

“Where is the nesting doll hiding?”

Didactic task. Find an item using the listed characteristics.
Game action. Finding a hidden toy.
Rule. You can't peek.
Equipment. 4 – 5 plants are placed on the table.
Progress of the game. The children are shown a matryoshka doll that “wanted to play hide and seek with them.” The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How to find a nesting doll? – now, I’ll tell you where the nesting doll hid. The teacher tells what the plant looks like (like a tree, grass), describes its stem, leaves, flowers. Children guess where the nesting doll is hiding.
"Find the same one"

Didactic task
Game actions. Search for a similar item.
Progress of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes it characteristics, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
"Flower shop"

Contents of knowledge. Together with the children, remember the names of plants, their parts, features some of them.
Didactic task. Describe, find and name objects based on their characteristic features.
Rule. Name the department and describe the plant, without saying what it is called.
Progress of the game. Placed on the table houseplants so that children can clearly see each one. This is the Flower Shop. Buyers do not name the plant, but only describe it. The seller must recognize and name it, and then issue the purchase.
"What changed?"

Didactic task: find objects by similarity

Game action: search for a similar item

Rule: you can show a recognized plant only upon a signal from an adult, after listening to its description.

Equipment: 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables.

Progress of the game: an adult shows a plant on one of the tables and describes it characteristic features, and then offers to find the child the same on another table. The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.
“Find a plant by name”

Didactic task: find a plant by name.

Game actions: search for a named plant

Rule: You can’t look where the plant is hidden.

Progress of the game: An adult names a houseplant, and the child must find it. If it is difficult for a child to find a plant in the entire area of ​​the room, then you can simplify the task by placing the plants on the table. Then finding a plant in the room will become a more complicated version of the game.
“Guess what kind of plant”

Task. Describe an object and recognize it by its description.

Move. The plants are in their usual places. The teacher invites one of the children to choose one of them and describe it so that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. Consistency of description is necessary. When the children guess the plant, you can invite them to find representatives of the plant of this species in the group room.
"Find the same one"

Didactic task. Find objects by similarity.

Game actions. Search for a similar item.

Rule. You can show a recognized plant only upon a signal from the teacher, after listening to its description.

Equipment. Identical plants placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
“What flower did the butterfly land on?”

Task. Fix the names of the colors.

Equipment. Butterfly.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows paper butterfly on a thin elastic band that allows you to simulate its flight. A butterfly takes off and lands on a ficus. The teacher offers to name the flower.
“Whose flower?”/Author's development/

Task. Match the plant and the flower.

Equipment: pictures of flowers.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a flower, and the children find a plant that blooms like that.

"Third wheel"

Task. Pin distinctive features plants.

Equipment. Pictures or indoor plants.

Progress of the game. Name one plant that differs from the other two in some way.

Aloe, cactus, Cyperus.

Tradescantia, netkresia, Coleus

Chlorophytum, fern, balsam.

“Where are you from?”

Task. Find the homeland of plants.

1 option

Equipment. Illustrations of plants, cards of countries (or continents).

Progress of the game.

What a miracle this garden is -

You just can't take your eyes off it.

And where could they

Should we bring everyone here?

The teacher lays out illustrations and cards of countries (or continents) on the table; children must match them.

Option 2

Equipment. World map, pot mugs, map mugs

Progress of the game. Guys, do you like to travel? Did you know that plants are also travelers? Do you want to know where the birthplace of plants is? On flower pots mugs glued (on each pot different color) Children find the homeland of a plant on the map and glue a circle of the same color as on the pot.
"How do houseplants reproduce"

Tasks. To consolidate children's knowledge about methods of propagating indoor plants, the conditions necessary for young plantings, and teach how to care for plants.

Material. Punch cards depicting plants and methods of their propagation.

Game action. Connect a line with a plant with a symbol of its propagation methods, find plants that reproduce in one way.


A frosty day crunches outside the window
There is a flower called Ogonyok on the window.
The petals bloom crimson,
It was as if the lights had really come on.
I water it, I take care of it,
I can't give it to anyone

E. Blaginina

Indoor flowers

When you share shelter with friends -

Life is simple and easy,

Let them support not with words -

The radiance of delicate petals.

From the Alps came violets to your house,

From Africa - clerodendron.

Like a palm tree, it remembers the sky as hot

Tropical abutilone,

Greenery flows from the pots,

And they catch the hand of the sun

And the ubiquitous geranium.

Yes, they don’t have enough warmth and light -

They found shelter in the north.

But how important is this science:

What they have, they give away.

From all adversity your window

A living bouquet will obscure them.

And multi-colored by this sun

You will be gently warmed!
Wonderful, multi-colored flashlight -
What kind of magic is this?
He will bloom his flowers
right before Christmas!
Like droplets of leaves,
he is beautiful and radiant,
It will light up your apartment in December
with his radiance - a Decembrist.

Svetlana Titankova
What are plants for?

clean the air

are being treated

give oxygen

predict the weather

create comfort (beauty)

lift your spirits

Why do they loosen the soil?

Loosening of the soil is carried out in wet, loosening dry soil can damage the roots.

Loose soil helps to better provide the plant with water (water is better absorbed)

Loose soil retains moisture longer than compacted soil

It’s not for nothing that loosening is called dry watering.

...Let's walk slowly in a circle

And say “hello” to every flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.



  1. "I can help"
Look at the pictures. MazilaBabashkin suggests caring for indoor plants this way:

  • in winter, place them as close as possible to an open window so that they can breathe fresh frosty air;

  • water as often and abundantly as possible;

  • when the window is closed, remove at the earliest dark place- better under the bed; never loosen the soil.
Do you agree?
2 Task. The bear decided to water the plants, but again forgot what to do. Help him water the plant. Tell me what to do. Look at the pictures and say that you forgot to prepare the bear for watering. Draw it in the empty box.

Hint for adults. Children are asked to model the order in which the plant should be watered. The following question is asked: What did the bear forget to prepare for watering? (Water) After the correct answer, children draw a bucket of water.

3 task. Look what a beautiful balsam the bear has grown. Remind the bear what parts the balsam has, show them with arrows.

Hint for adults. First, children must look at models of plant parts and name them. Next, children are asked to draw arrows from the models to the corresponding parts of the balsam.

4 task. Draw what the plant lacks.

Hint for adults. The child must independently draw any container with water.

List of used literature

  1. Grineva E., Zeleeva S. “Workbook on the subject” the world" Magazine "Obruch" No. 2, 2001.

  2. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Workbook for children 3-4 years old Junior group. Part 2. – St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005. -32 p.

  3. Repnikova L., Fedorova G., Vashurina R. Games with punched cards Magazine “Hoop” No. 3, 2001 P.33


There is not much mystery in flowers. Flowers simply decorate our lives and delight the eye. But despite this, many mysteries are devoted to flowers. We offer a set of riddles about flowers for children. The answer to each riddle will be the name of a flower. These riddles will help bring not only an entertaining effect, but also educational elements into communication with your child. Because thanks to these riddles, the child will be able to get a lot interesting information related to flowers.

I - herbaceous plant

With a flower lilac color.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy... (Iris)

We smell the freshness of the forest

Brings late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush... (Lily of the valley)

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
And in two days
My head is bald.
I'll put it in my pocket

Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it blossomed,
Bloomed by summer
Became white like a bride
And red, lovely... (Peony)

On the window, on the shelf

Needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red...(Cactus)

In the flowerbed by the window

Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge
Both light and dark... (Dahlia)

Long thin stalk
Above is a scarlet light.
Not a plant, but a lighthouse -
It's bright red...(Mac)

Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire... (Geranium)

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
That flower looks like... (Tulip)

Leaf - arrow,
Flower - in a plate,
And the stem is a blade of grass
Curled like a spring... (Loach)

We'll film in the middle of the swamp
Great photo.
Very bright picture -
Bloomed here... (Water lily)

There is a dried flower,
The baby weed,
With velvet clothes
And with a cat's leg... (Immortelle)

I'm in winter garden

I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw...(Pansies)

Snow is cleared in spring

Both pine needles and dead wood.
And the first one to appear
In the thawed area...(Snowdrop)

Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And there is a beauty in thorns... (Rose)

Yellow, fluffy

The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches... (Mimosa)

On the sunny edge
She is standing in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here it will help us
savvy -
Everyone calls the flower... (Violet)

Here are the thorny bushes
It's better not to touch them.
Rose's relative
Hidden in the thorns is a threat.
At least not a cactus, not a thorn,
But there is a thorn in the garden... (Rose hip)

White basket -

Golden bottom,
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles... (Chamomile)

Beautiful flowers

Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner... (Asters)

On pieces of paper here and there

Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day

This flower is blue

Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun... (Forget-me-not)

Rye is earing in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant... (Cornflower)

On a winding path

The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains... (Sunflower)

There are flags on the pole,

Under the pole are swords... (Gladiolus)

The little blue bell is hanging,

It never rings... (Bell)

Vasya brought flowers to class

Unprecedented beauty.
Petals look like they're made of plastic
At Vasily's flowers.
Give me a vase quickly,
He will put...(Lilies)

Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild

Riddle about the bud
He was a tight fist,
And when he unclenched, he became a flower.

Riddles about pansies
I'm in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw...

Riddles about asters
Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner.

Riddles about cornflower
Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.

Riddles about water lily
A flower grows on the water -
Dressed in soft petal pink.
(Water lily)

Riddles about carnations
Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
(With carnations)

Riddles about dahlia
In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

Riddles about gladiolus
There are flags on the pole,
Under the pole are swords.

Riddles about iris
I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy.

Riddles about cactus
On the window, on the shelf
Needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

Riddles about bell
The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

Riddles about lily of the valley
We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush.
(Lily of the valley)

White peas on a green stem.
(Lilies of the valley)

Riddles about lilies
Vasya brought flowers to class
Unprecedented beauty.
Petals look like they're made of plastic
At Vasily's flowers.
Give me a vase quickly,
He will put...

Riddles about poppy
The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.

Little baby
Passed through the earth
I found a red hat.

Riddles about mimosa
Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches...

Riddles about forget-me-not
This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun.

Riddles about dandelion
Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
And in two days
My head is bald.
I'll put it in my pocket
Former …

There is a white ball near the road.
The wind blows, but the ball is intact.
How will the children blow?
Pooh is flying, and he is undressed.

Riddles about peony
Was shackled with chills
And slept under a snowdrift.
In the spring it blossomed,
Bloomed by summer
Became white like a bride
And red, lovely.

Riddles about snowdrop
Snow is cleared in spring
Both pine needles and dead wood.
And the first one to appear
In the thawed area...

Riddles about sunflower
On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

Riddles about rose
Look - at the fence
The queen of the garden blossomed.
Not a tulip or a mimosa,
And the beauty in the thorns...

Strict and evil beauty,
When they touch her.

Riddles about daisies
White basket –
Golden bottom,
There is a dewdrop in it
And the sun sparkles.

The sisters are standing in the field:
Yellow eye, white eyelashes.

Through the meadows of my sister:
golden eye,
White eyelashes.

Riddles about lilac
On pieces of paper here and there
Purple fireworks.
It's on a warm May day

Riddles about tulip
Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.

Riddles about violet
On the sunny edge
She is standing in the grass.
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly.
And here it will help us
savvy -
Everyone calls the flower...

Riddles for children and adults in poetic form about indoor, field and decorative flowers. The riddles will appeal not only to amateur gardeners, but also to children. With the help of riddles, children will become familiar with flowers and their names. In turn, this will help develop speech and enrich your vocabulary.

Flowers can have an exquisite or very simple aroma. They captivate with their variety of shades. Also riddles about and unlike. They are fun and joyful for children to solve.

Tasks about flowering plants by place of growth

It will be useful for children to classify them as indoor, field or garden. Because the first ones do not grow on our streets, they simply die due to unsuitable conditions. The latter turn out to be weeds in the beds, and the latter are specially planted for beauty. Therefore, the first ones are riddles on the topic “Flowers: indoor, field and garden”.

1. They are placed on a window or shelf,

Protect from cold and wind.

They give us spring in winter,

Because they turn green and bloom.

2. These flowers are appropriate on the field,

They are welcome in the forest, on the lawn and in the park.

And if they suddenly grow in the garden,

They are torn without mercy and taken to a landfill.

3. To make it beautiful in the garden, in front of the house,

Mom plants them carefully in the flowerbed.

Poems about indoor plants

This is the next stage to which the riddle about flowers moves on. With the answers "geranium", "cactus" and "aloe" the following poems are presented here.

1. Window in winter, balcony in summer.

Its leaves are fluffy and fragrant.

And bright flowers gather in hats,

They bloom in winter, spring and summer.

2. On the window in a pot

A bag of needles has grown.

3. On one side there is a sheet with a hump,

On the other hand, it has a groove.

It has sharp thorns along the edge,

But he doesn't know how to hurt us.

He's waiting for the time to come

To heal us with your juice.

Activities about some garden plants

There are many of them, but you can choose the brightest ones in order to be sure to understand what the riddle about flowers is about. With the answers “dahlia”, “asters”, “poppy”, “iris” or “gladiolus” the tasks turn out to be very suitable.

1. The bush grows near the window.

Its leaves are like potatoes

And the flowers, fluffy and huge,

There are light ones, there are dark ones.

2. Fluffy stars bloomed in the garden.

We filled the flowerbed with colors, and autumn is just around the corner.

3. On a thin long stem

The bud will burn with bright fire.

Time will pass, and on that stem

The box of grains nods peacefully.

4. In a bed with long leaves there is a plant

But if you change the emphasis a little,

Then it turns into gummy candy.

5. Flags are hung on a long pole,

And under this pole there are swords stuck.

Poems about spring flowers

They are most often small, but bright. Their appearance brings a lot of joy. Because everyone missed the variety of colors during the long winter. Children will certainly enjoy solving riddles about spring crocuses, daffodils and tulips with lilies of the valley.

1. This fragile little flower

It grows right out of the snow.

In spring the first sprout appears

And joyfully bows to the clear sky.

2. They, like snowdrops, bloom first

And they delight us with colors: yellow, blue, white.

3. Irresistible both in a fairy tale and in a flowerbed.

Tall and slender, wonderful and beautiful.

Standing aside in a golden crown,

Because he is important and very proud.

4. Beautiful and bright flower-light,

He grew in the flowerbed like a wick.

But he only stayed at home for a little while,

He opened the petals and lowered them down.

5. In a forest clearing in May

It will bloom in dense shade.

On a thin stem in an even row

White buds are hanging.

Activities about flowering shrubs and trees

Most of them delight people in the spring. Therefore, riddles about the flowers that bloom at this time of year can be continued with those in which the answers are rose, acacia and lilac.

1. You will see it in a wedding bouquet

And in a wonderful garden where nightingales sing.

Every lover on our planet

He carries it to the lady as a symbol of love.

2. We often call it mimosa

And they give it to all the ladies of the country in the spring.

She is not afraid of slight frosts.

Her yellow flower balls are very delicate.

3. This bush gave its name to the shade,

But its flowers are even white.

Tassels of flowers cling to every branch,

Filling the air with bold aromas.

Quatrains about wild flowers

Dandelion and chamomile are familiar to every child from early childhood. Therefore, it will not cause difficulties and you will not have to wait long for answers. They will be found immediately.

1. Drops of sun appeared in the clearing in the morning,

They opened like a bright ball and closed in the evening.

And then white balls appeared in place of the yellow ones,

The wind blew and they scattered to the joy of the children.

2. A curly hair grew in a field,

She's wearing a white shirt

With a bright golden heart,

To tell fortunes about love on it.

The next one for children is about cornflower. And then two more with the answers “forget-me-nots” and “marigolds”.

1. In the summer, when the rye is earing in the field,

You can easily find it among the spikelets.

It is blue, blue, every petal is fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant at all.

2. A beautiful meadow strewn with flowers,

They look like little blue dots.

I’ll walk through the clearing and dial for Anyutka

Bouquet of soft blue... (toothless flowers).

3. They have no fingers, legs or arms,

Just a lot of petals around.

They have very strange names

But they don't need a manicure.

A few more tasks about garden flowering plants

They are planted in the garden or used to decorate the dacha. Children recognize these plants, so any riddle about flowers is easy for them. There will be no difficulties with the answers “sunflower” and “carnation”. But if they haven’t seen the hydrangea, then the third riddle will be problematic to solve.

1. He's growing up big, just like daddy.

He has a golden hat on his head.

When its seeds ripen,

He lowers his head low to the ground.

2. This bud is full of sharp leaves,

From plain to incredibly colorful.

Look at him carefully

And guess what it is -... (clove).

3. This fashionista’s dress has faded.

From purple it suddenly became cornflower blue.

1. Her flowers are like petals on a flame.

The leaves are all green medals.

Eastern country in part of its name.

Of course, you guessed the flower a long time ago?

2. The bells were placed in a row,

IN Blue colour painted.

It's a pity the buds don't ring,

After all, this is... (bells).

Riddles about houseplants

I'll tell you a poem

About different wonderful plants.

You will use your ingenuity

And show me the plant...
Purify the air
Create comfort
The windows are green,
They bloom all year round. (Indoor plants)

White juice is hidden in the trunk,

Like a piece of leather

Can it grow in a pot?

Maybe in the jungle, on the river.

Born in India.

What is it called? (Ficus)
Flat, long, not a beam.

Striped, but not a watermelon. (Sansevieria)

The gardener - the first fashionista

The dress has faded,

Either the paint has changed:

Everything was purple

It became cornflower blue . (Hydrangea)
The bush has grown lush,

Not superfluous on the window,

The leaves are invisible

And the fruits are forbidden . (Asparagus)

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

Bright red color

Burns tenderly... (Balsam)

Glass with water covered

With a hedgehog glove. (Sansevieria)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

I'll hang a curtain

On a white spacer,

Not crocheted wicker -

Alive and green. (Tradescantia)


On a long thin leg.

The cakes are very sticky, needles grow on them. (Prickly pear)
Vanyok is standing wet,

And in the curls there is a light. (Balsam)

- What kind of tail started to grow:

Not in a pond, not in a river -

On the window, by the stove. (Sansevieria /pike tail/)
Window and balcony bush,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium)
Round ball

Like a hedgehog

But without a muzzle and legs.

It grows on my window,

I really like him. (Cactus.)
The ballerina came out:

The blouse is like a rowan tree.

Lilac skirt, cornflower blue ribbon.

Legs like chiseled ones

The shoes are gilded. (Fuchsia)
A houseplant popularly called "nettle".

She came to us from China,

I got used to it and, without knowing how tired I was,

It blooms all year round for joy, from the heart!

And the flowers are colorful and very pretty!

(Chinese hibiscus rose)

Not a pin cushion

Not a hedgehog, and not a Christmas tree,

But he won’t let himself be offended,

Because it's all covered in needles. (Cactus)

Green, prickly,

He is a hundred years old,

As soon as you have a runny nose

You were taken by surprise

Run to him as fast as you can! (Aloe)
I have a liana growing
In a tub near the sofa.
Its leaves are carved -
They have through windows. (Monstera)
The stem and flowers smell,
Hairy leaves.
Get up early in the morning
And water yours (geranium).
- What is another name for this plant? (Pelargonium)
The kids wanted to get away from their mother,
But mom managed to hold them all.
This is how those little bunches hang.
On the threads are green baby plants. (Chlorophytum)
It grows in our room,
It never blooms.
Its leaves are like feathers
But people have a belief -
Where in the forest it will bloom,
A person will find a treasure there. (Nephrolepis, fern)

Tree-like stems,

Leaves are xiphoid.
Maybe he lives a hundred years?
What do you say in response? (Aloe)

What do people call it? (Agave, rannik, medical)

The second name of this beautifully flowering plant is Saintpaulia, which can be propagated by leaves. (Violet)

Surprisingly from a leaf

You can grow a plant.
I'll pick a flower, don't mind
There will be a new one... (violet).

There are lights among the leaves,

Vanka wet flowers.
That's what the people called him -
He drinks a lot of water.
What is the correct name?
Try to name it yourself! (Balsam)
On the window, on the shelf

The needles have grown.

Yes, satin flowers

Scarlet and red. (Cacti)

Entertaining experiments to introduce children to indoor plants

Experience “With and without water”
Goal: Identify environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat)
Material: Two identical plants (impatiens), water
Progress: An adult suggests finding out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered and the other is not (without watering the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose elasticity) The results of monitoring the condition of the plants depending on watering are sketched over the course of one week. Create a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that a plant cannot live without water.

Experience "In the light and in the dark"
Purpose: To determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.
Materials: cuttings of a houseplant in a pot, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with soil.
Progress: An adult suggests finding out whether plants need light for life. Cover the pot with the plant cuttings with a cardboard cap. Draw the results of the experiment after seven to ten days (the flower under the cap has become light and pale). Remove the cap. After seven to ten days, draw the result again (the flower turns green in the light, which means that nutrition has formed in it)

Experiment “Can a plant breathe”
Goal: Identify the plant’s need for air and respiration. Understand how the respiration process occurs in a plant.
Materials: Houseplant, cocktail straws, Vaseline.
Progress: An adult asks if plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Children determine, based on knowledge about the human breathing process, that when breathing, air should flow into and out of the plant. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole in the tube is covered with Vaseline. Children try to breathe through a tube and conclude that Vaseline does not allow air to pass through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To check this, smear one or both sides of the leaf with Vaseline and observe the leaves every day for a week. After a week, they conclude: the leaves “breathe” on their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside died.

Experiment “Does a plant have respiratory organs?”
Goal: Determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.
Material: Transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass.
Progress: An adult suggests finding out whether air passes through the leaves into the inside of the plant. Suggestions are made on how to detect air: children examine a cut of a stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). An adult and children conduct the “Through a Leaf” experiment: pour water into a bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty. Insert a leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water. Cover the hole of the bottle tightly with plasticine, like a cork. Here they make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, secure the straw with plasticine. Standing in front of a mirror, suck the air out of the bottle. Air bubbles begin to emerge from the end of the stem immersed in water. Children conclude that air passes through the leaf into the stem, since bubbles can be seen releasing into the water from the stem.

Experience “Who is better?”
Goal: To identify favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, to substantiate the dependence of plants on the soil.
Materials: Two identical cuttings, a container with water, a pot with soil, plant care items.
Progress: An adult suggests determining whether plants can live for a long time without soil (they cannot); Where do they grow best - in water or in soil. Children place geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, with soil. Watch them until the first new leaf appears. Document the results of the experiment in an observation diary and in the form of a model of the plant’s dependence on the soil (a plant in the soil has a new leaf faster, the plant gains strength better, the plant is weak in water)

Experience "Labyrinth"
Goal: Determine how the plant seeks light.
Material: Cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth; There is a potato tuber in one corner and a hole in the other.
Procedure: Place a tuber in a box, close it, place it in a warm place, with the hole facing the light source. Open the box after potato sprouts appear in the hole. Examine, noting their direction and color (sprouts are pale, curved). Leaving the box open, continue to observe the change in the color of the sprouts and the direction of growth (they have turned green and are stretching in different directions). The conclusion is formulated: the plant grows better in the light.

Experiment “What do plants need to eat?”
Goal: Establish the need for light to feed the plant
Material: Indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, crassula), adhesive plaster
Procedure: An adult offers the children a riddle letter: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Children's assumptions are tested by experience: part of the leaf is covered with a plaster, the plant is placed near a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed, and the children conclude: without light, food cannot be formed in plants.

Food Factory Experience
Goal: Determine that the plant can provide its own nutrition.
Material: A pot with a plant inside a glass jar with a wide neck, an airtight lid.
Procedure: Inside a large transparent container, children place a cutting of a plant in water or a plant in a small pot. The soil is watered. The container is hermetically sealed with a lid and placed in a warm, bright place. The plant is monitored for a month. They find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow, drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear). The plant feeds itself.
Experience “What are roots for?”

Target : prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment : a cutting of geranium or balsam with roots, a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting.

Progress of the experiment : Students examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the plant needs roots (the roots anchor the plant in the ground), and whether they absorb water. Conduct an experiment: place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level, tightly close the container with a lid with a slot for the cutting. They determine what happened to the water a few days later (the water became scarce). The children’s assumption is checked after 7-8 days (there is less water) and the process of water absorption by the roots is explained. The children sketch the result.

A tall sprout grew in a pot,

On a gentle morning I opened the petals.

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

Together they grow roots underground.
Experiment “How to see the movement of water through the roots?”

Target : prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.

Equipment : balsam stalk with roots, water with food coloring.

Progress of the experiment : Students examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the ground? Children's assumptions are discussed. Consider dry food coloring - “food”, add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take up more than just water (the roots should turn a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in an observation diary. They clarify what will happen to the plant if there are substances harmful to it in the ground (the plant will die, taking away harmful substances along with the water).

Didactic games

“Where is the nesting doll hiding?”

Didactic task. Find an item using the listed characteristics.
Game action. Finding a hidden toy.
Rule. You can't peek.
Equipment. 4 – 5 plants are placed on the table.
Progress of the game. The children are shown a matryoshka doll that “wanted to play hide and seek with them.” The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the toy behind one of the plants. Then the children open their eyes. “How to find a nesting doll? – now, I’ll tell you where the nesting doll hid. The teacher tells what the plant looks like (like a tree, grass), describes its stem, leaves, flowers. Children guess where the nesting doll is hiding.
"Find the same one"

Didactic task
Game actions. Search for a similar item.
Equipment. Identical plants placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.
Progress of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
"Flower shop"

Contents of knowledge. Together with the children, remember the names of plants, their parts, and the distinctive features of some of them.
Didactic task. Describe, find and name objects based on their characteristic features.
Rule. Name the department and describe the plant, without saying what it is called.
Progress of the game. Houseplants are placed on the table so that children can clearly see each one. This is the Flower Shop. Buyers do not name the plant, but only describe it. The seller must recognize and name it, and then issue the purchase.
"What changed?"

Didactic task: find objects by similarity

Game action: search for a similar item

Rule: you can show a recognized plant only upon a signal from an adult, after listening to its description.

Equipment: 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables.

Progress of the game: an adult shows a plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic features, and then asks the child to find the same one on another table. The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.
“Find a plant by name”

Didactic task: find a plant by name.

Game actions: search for a named plant

Rule: You can’t look where the plant is hidden.

Progress of the game: An adult names a houseplant, and the child must find it. If it is difficult for a child to find a plant in the entire area of ​​the room, then you can simplify the task by placing the plants on the table. Then finding a plant in the room will become a more complicated version of the game.
“Guess what kind of plant”

Task. Describe an object and recognize it by its description.

Move. The plants are in their usual places. The teacher invites one of the children to choose one of them and describe it so that all the children know and can say what kind of plant it is. Consistency of description is necessary. When the children guess the plant, you can invite them to find representatives of the plant of this species in the group room.
"Find the same one"

Didactic task. Find objects by similarity.

Game actions. Search for a similar item.

Rule. You can show a recognized plant only upon a signal from the teacher, after listening to its description.

Equipment. Identical plants placed on two tables or photographs depicting plants.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables (photo), describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same plant in the group.
“What flower did the butterfly land on?”

Task. Fix the names of the colors.

Equipment. Butterfly.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a paper butterfly with a thin elastic band, which allows you to imitate its flight. A butterfly takes off and lands on a ficus. The teacher offers to name the flower.
“Whose flower?”/Author's development/

Task. Match the plant and the flower.

Equipment: pictures of flowers.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows a flower, and the children find a plant that blooms like that.

"Third wheel"

Task. Recognize the distinctive features of plants.

Equipment. Pictures or indoor plants.

Progress of the game. Name one plant that differs from the other two in some way.

Aloe, cactus, Cyperus.

Tradescantia, netkresia, Coleus

Chlorophytum, fern, balsam.

“Where are you from?”

Task. Find the homeland of plants.

1 option

Equipment. Illustrations of plants, cards of countries (or continents).

Progress of the game.

What a miracle this garden is -

You just can't take your eyes off it.

And where could they

Should we bring everyone here?

The teacher lays out illustrations and cards of countries (or continents) on the table; children must match them.

Option 2

Equipment. World map, pot mugs, map mugs

Progress of the game. Guys, do you like to travel? Did you know that plants are also travelers? Do you want to know where the birthplace of plants is? Circles are glued to the flower pots (each pot has a different color). Children find the homeland of a plant on the map and glue a circle of the same color as on the pot.
"How do houseplants reproduce"

Tasks. To consolidate children's knowledge about methods of propagating indoor plants, the conditions necessary for young plantings, and teach how to care for plants.

And the ubiquitous geranium.

Yes, they don’t have enough warmth and light -

They found shelter in the north.

But how important is this science:

What they have, they give away.

From all adversity your window

A living bouquet will obscure them.

And multi-colored by this sun

You will be gently warmed!
Wonderful, multi-colored flashlight -
What kind of magic is this?
He will bloom his flowers
right before Christmas!
Like droplets of leaves,
he is beautiful and radiant,
It will light up your apartment in December
with his radiance - a Decembrist.

Svetlana Titankova
What are plants for?

clean the air

are being treated

give oxygen

predict the weather

create comfort (beauty)

lift your spirits

Why do they loosen the soil?

Loosening the soil is carried out in a wet state; loosening dry soil can damage the roots.

Loose soil helps to better provide the plant with water (water is better absorbed)

Loose soil retains moisture longer than compacted soil

It’s not for nothing that loosening is called dry watering.

...Let's walk slowly in a circle

And say “hello” to every flower.

I have to bend over the flowers

Not for tearing or cutting,

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.



  1. "I can help"
Look at the pictures. MazilaBabashkin suggests caring for indoor plants this way:

  • in winter, place them as close as possible to an open window so that they can breathe fresh frosty air;

  • water as often and abundantly as possible;

  • when the window is closed, put it in the darkest place - better under the bed; never loosen the soil.
Do you agree?
2 Task. The bear decided to water the plants, but again forgot what to do. Help him water the plant. Tell me what to do. Look at the pictures and say that you forgot to prepare the bear for watering. Draw it in the empty box.

Hint for adults. Children are asked to model the order in which the plant should be watered. The following question is asked: What did the bear forget to prepare for watering? (Water) After the correct answer, children draw a bucket of water.

3 task. Look what a beautiful balsam the bear has grown. Remind the bear what parts the balsam has, show them with arrows.

Hint for adults. First, children must look at models of plant parts and name them. Next, children are asked to draw arrows from the models to the corresponding parts of the balsam.

4 task. Draw what the plant lacks.

Hint for adults. The child must independently draw any container with water.

List of used literature

  1. Grineva E., Zeleeva S. “Workbook on the subject “the world around us” Magazine “Hoop” No. 2, 2001.

  2. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Workbook for children 3-4 years old Junior group. Part 2. – St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2005. -32 p.

  3. Repnikova L., Fedorova G., Vashurina R. Games with punched cards Magazine “Hoop” No. 3, 2001 P.33

​Riddles about flowers open up an amazing and diverse world of flowers for both children and adults. Riddles tell about the types of flowers and their colors. It’s good if you have them at hand visual aids- pictures, herbarium, flower beds.

Flowers are varied. They grow everywhere - in gardens and orchards, in city flower beds and biological gardens, in forests, fields, on the banks of rivers and lakes. Breeders have developed a huge number of decorative raisins, striking in their colors, aromas and flower shapes. In tropical countries, very unusual flowers grow - they are larger, brighter, and have a distinct aroma. And it won’t necessarily be pleasant. Flowers provide food for many insects; they collect nectar and pollen from them.

Riddles about flowers develop memory, thinking and imagination. Children enjoy solving such riddles; they are easy to remember. And with what joy children’s eyes sparkle when they meet this or that flower in the flower beds!

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant.

I'm capricious and tender
Needed for any holiday.
I can be white, yellow, red,
But I always remain beautiful!

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?

The lush bush in the garden blossomed,
Attracting wasps and bees.
All covered in large double flowers -
White, pink, burgundy!

Window and balcony bush.
The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,
And the flowers on the window -
Like a hat on fire.

White peas
On a green leg.
(Lily of the valley)

I turn white like a fluffy ball in a clean field,
and the breeze blew - a stalk remained.

These river residents
The petals are hidden at night.
(Water lily)

On the window, on the shelf
Needles have grown
Yes, satin flowers -
Scarlet and red.

In the garden, on the path, under my window
The sun blossomed today on a tall stalk

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner.

From green chicken
Completely covered with fluff,
I'm getting proud
Scarlet cockerel!

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive.

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun

There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Heart of gold.
What it is?

We have neither fingers nor hands -
Only petals around.
We have an unusual name
But we don’t need a manicure!

In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Its flowers are huge
Both light and dark.

The little blue bell is hanging,
It never rings.

Yellow, fluffy
The balls are fragrant.
It will protect them from the frost
In its branches...

This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun!

Beautiful flowers
Bloomed in the garden
Full of colors,
And autumn is just around the corner.

It's very easy to recognize me:
By name I am related to tigers.
Speckled red is my flower
Among the greenery, like a light!
(Tiger Lily)

I'm in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw...

Even at night there is an ant
Will not miss his home:
Path-path until dawn
Lanterns illuminate.
On large pillars in a row
White lamps are hanging.
(Lily of the valley)

My flowers are orange flames
And the leaves are like green medals.
The name refers to an eastern country.
Well, guys, do you recognize me?

Our park has lawns,
There... gramophones bloomed!
Purple, white, cherry...
But you can't hear the music.

I'm climbing higher and higher
I'll climb all the way to the roof!
Let me not have arms and legs -
No wonder I'm called...

There is a cockerel in the garden -
Lilac comb,
And the tail is a fighting one,
Saber curve

Everyone knows us:
Bright as a flame
We are namesakes
With small nails.
Admire the wild
(With carnations)

According to legend, my flower
Opens treasures.
They say once a year
A miracle happens.
But I'll be honest:
I don't actually bloom!

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

In a field near a ravine
Little red porridge.

The spring flower has
Signs to avoid mistakes:
The leaf is like garlic,
And the crown is like that of a prince!

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch.
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.

I look good in a wedding bouquet,
And in the garden where the nightingales whistle.
All year round in many countries of the world
I serve as a declaration of love.

I'm in the winter garden
I'll spend the whole day.
I'll grab some watercolors.
I'll draw...

Yellow flowers -
Lacquered cheeks,
Quintuple corollas,
And the leaves are changeable.

I am not a flower of the field,
I am a water dweller.
And my girlfriends -
Green frogs.
(Water lily)

Although I am neither a beast nor a bird,
But I can defend myself!
I'll spread my claws -
Just touch my flowers!

Jugs and saucers
They don't drown and don't fight.
(Water lilies)

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.

Dandelion sister
Variegated hats:
Who's wearing white?
Who's in red?
Who's wearing pink?

Autumn has come,
Breathe cold...
And it burns in the flowerbed
The last star.

The gardener - the first fashionista

The dress has faded,

Either the paint has changed:

Everything was purple

It became cornflower blue .(Hydrangea)

The bush has grown lush,

Not superfluous on the window,

The leaves are invisible

And the fruits are forbidden .(Asparagus)

On the window in winter and summer

Forever green and beautiful.

Bright red color

Burns tenderly …(Balsam)

Glass with water covered

With a hedgehog glove. (sansevieria)

Leaf with a hump, groove,

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But he treats us at any hour.( Aloe)

From the mountain on cobwebs

Spiders are hanging -

Green bunches .(Saxifrage)

We have a plant

Pineapple is not pineapple.

Rigid sheet with arc, through

Looks like a bone comb.( Tsikas)

Green, thorny,

Looks like a hedgehog

And the flowers are satin

White, yellow, red. (Cactus)

Crane nose

He brought us perfume. (Geranium, or crane's nose.)

Will decorate the house for a century,

And he will heal everyone in that house.

That flower is unsightly in appearance,

But he is famous as a healer. (Aloe.)

Up the steep wall,

On cast concrete

The centipede crawls

Carrying leaves with you .(ivy)

With milk, not a goat,

With bark, not vine .(ficus)

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

Bloom all year round .(Geranium)

Glass with water covered

With a hedgehog gauntlet .(Cactus)

To the sun through the glass

It wasn’t hot outside our window,

I'll hang a curtain

On a white spacer,

Not crocheted wicker -

Alive and green .(tradescantia)


On a long thin leg.

The cakes are very sticky, and needles grow on them.( Prickly pear)

Vanyok is standing wet,

And in the curls there is a light. (Balsam)

What kind of tail has started to grow:

Not in a pond, not in a river -

On the window, by the stove. (Sansevieria /pike tail/)

Window and balcony bush,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window are like a hat on fire. (Geranium.)

Round ball

Like a hedgehog

But without a muzzle and legs.

It grows on my window,

I really like him. (Cactus.)

The ballerina came out:

The blouse is like a rowan tree.

Lilac skirt, cornflower blue ribbon.

Legs like chiseled ones

The shoes are gilded. (Fuchsia)

A houseplant popularly called "nettle".


She came to us from China,

I got used to it and, without knowing how tired I was,

It blooms all year round for joy, from the heart!

And the flowers are colorful and very pretty!

(Chinese hibiscus rose)

Not a pin cushion

Not a hedgehog, and not a Christmas tree,

But he won’t let himself be offended,

Because it's all covered in needles. (Cactus)

Green, prickly,

He is a hundred years old,

As soon as a runny nose takes you by surprise,

Run to him as fast as you can!( Aloe)

A collection of riddles about indoor plants

One day Maria planted two strange striped leaves in the ground. She had never planted leaves directly into the ground before. Neighbor Rose told her that these leaves would sprout roots and grow into a plant known as Pike Tail. This name made Maria laugh very much. The inhabitants of Maria's home garden did not like the two gnarled leaves sticking out of the ground at all.

What a rude creature - not a bit of grace. What a freak! - the queen of flowers, Tea Rose, thought indignantly.

And Geranium, spreading a dizzying aroma, said to her neighbor Chrysanthemum:

Poor fellow, no zest: no pleasant appearance, no fragrant smell.

How unattractive he is, - even the kind Azalea decided, looking with sympathy at the rough, leathery leaves of the Pike Tail.

And all the other inhabitants of the kindergarten thought about him in much the same way. None of them, unfortunately, knew that Pike Tail, despite his rough appearance, was a sensitive creature. He could read their thoughts from the leaves of plants. These unfriendly thoughts made him sad and timid. He shrank all over from self-doubt, afraid to even look at his neighbors in the kindergarten.

But Mary had a different opinion about it unusual plant. She carefully looked after its leathery leaves, watering them whenever she saw that they were thirsty. She knew how to guess almost accurately! She washed the leaves of the Pike Tail warm water, speaking affectionately to him: “How quickly you are growing! Your leaves become strong and strong! Soon you will grow and become handsome.” The inhabitants of the kindergarten always listened to Maria’s opinion. But this time they didn't share it at all. After all, they found absolutely nothing in their new neighbor.

And Pike Tail, listening to Maria, thought bitterly: “I’m not handsome at all, she just feels sorry for me. I saw my reflection in the window!”

Every day he became more and more withdrawn into himself, like a snail hiding in its house.

Soon Pike Tail turned into slender plant with many straight and stiff leaves sticking out of the ground. In terms of growth rate, he overtook many of his neighbors, but was still always silent. The light transverse stripes on its leaves were very reminiscent of fish scales, which confused the white cat, who was always not averse to eating fish. He often approached the Pike Tail, stood on his hind legs in fluffy trousers, sniffed its leaves and even licked them, purring under his breath: “It’s strange, it doesn’t smell like fish at all, but it looks so similar.” Yes, you are not a fish, but it’s a pity, it’s a great pity.” And the cat disappointedly turned away from Pike Tail to the general giggling of the inhabitants of the kindergarten. Pike Tail remained silent. He remained silent, even when the plants asked his opinion. At first they were offended by him, but then they got used to it and left him alone. Only the cocky Coleus pestered him sometimes:

Please tell me how proud he is! Why are you still silent? Did you swallow your tongue?!

Indeed, why was Pike Tail so stubbornly silent? After all, he has long grown up and become handsome and attractive. The fact is that he was unusually modest. His uncertainty and timidity grew day by day. He never smiled, he was sad and sad. And to his neighbors he seemed a gloomy and unfriendly plant. How wrong they were!

Playful Tradescantia, sometimes hanging out of her hanging basket, tickled him with her cool leaves, trying to cheer up the stern silent one:

Come on, laugh! Aren't you ticklish? Are you not even afraid of tickles? - the minx teased him.

But Pike Tail remained impregnable. Of course, he was ticklish, even very ticklish, but he bravely endured these playful attacks. Pike Tail was waiting for a miracle - he was waiting when he could finally decorate the garden with his flower and become worthy of all other plants.

And then one early spring morning the whole room was filled with an unfamiliar wonderful aroma.

Oh! What a subtle smell! Who is it that smells so tender? - the fragrant Tea Rose was the first to notice. The plants began to look at each other and gasped in surprise, noticing a fragile, long-legged flower, shyly peeking out from behind the tall leathery leaves of the Pike Tail. Its leaves, like silent guards, guarded the newly born miracle. The flower was lucky: behind such a strong wall there was no need to be afraid of the hot sun and drafts.

I'm the one who blossomed. I give my flower to our kindergarten. Now I look like you!

Why were you silent before and didn’t say anything about yourself? - asked Coleus, amazed.

You wouldn't believe me, because you were so hostile towards me! I wanted to prove in practice that I am worthy of you. I am so happy today that I want to tell you my real name. My name is Sanseviera!

And an unusual silence reigned in the kindergarten.
