Homemade hanger. DIY wooden hanger (35 photos). From copper pipe

When we come home, the first thing we do is take pictures. outerwear and hang it in the closet or on a hanger. The last option has some significant advantages: takes up little space, provides quick access to things, easy to install, suitable for corridors various forms and sizes.

Thanks to the simplicity of the design, it’s not at all difficult to build a hanger in the hallway with your own hands.

Advantages of self-production:

  • N low cost of the product;
  • IN opportunity to achieve the best combination with interior;
  • AND individuality of the hanger: your friends and acquaintances will not have one like this;
  • R academic work is highly valued.

Original wall hangers in the hallway are an important and integral element of the interior.

Before starting production, you need to analyze the shape of the corridor. If it is quite elongated, it is better to give preference to a long hanger with compact shelves or without them at all. For large rooms, you can choose any model.

It is also worth considering the features of the interior: style, details, predominant colors.

The simplest type of coat rack is a wooden board with hooks attached to the wall. It is allowed to have a shelf for hats, sides located above or below it. The basis of the design can be taken as a homogeneous large wooden plank, and several smaller ones, fastened together.

IN traditional version execution wall hanger It is a bar on which hooks and pins are located.

If you want to show your creativity, you can make a custom model. For example, you can make an excellent hanger for a nursery if you create a blank in the shape of a cloud, tree or twig. For the corridor, it would be better to cut out something else: antlers, a fence or an inscription.

Wall hangers in the hallway and coat hooks are selected according to the interior style of the room.

Materials and tools

Now in almost every hardware store the buyer is provided with such a rich assortment that he can purchase everything necessary to create a wooden hanger with his own hands in as soon as possible, will not be difficult.

DIY wall hanger for the hallway - simple work happy with the result.

To do this, you should buy or prepare the appropriate tools:

  • Jigsaw
  • Hacksaw;
  • Blowtorch;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Screwdriver or hammer;
  • Awl;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette.

Tools that will come in handy at work.

Materials you will need:

  • A piece of wooden board;
  • Screws;
  • Hooks.

Materials for future hangers.

For decoration:

  • Primer;
  • Paint brush or roller;
  • Varnish or other coating;
  • Blanks for decoupage, scissors, glue, textured sponge.

Materials for decorating hangers.

The process of making a hanger

A classic hanger made by yourself for the hallway does not require significant effort. Manufacturing takes minimal time. Initially, you need to think through the design in detail; it is recommended to make a drawing on graph paper and calculate the consumption of materials.

You need to transfer the drawing using a pencil or marker.

Then you should take out a wooden sheet (or board) and place it on stable supports so that there are a few centimeters between it and the surface of the floor or table. Armed with a jigsaw, cut out the blanks required form, following the contour. If you want to make the edges embossed, you need to go over them with the same tool.

It is necessary to handle roughness, sand the cut areas and sand them.

Next step - giving the desired appearance. To fire the boards you will need blowtorch, which is successfully replaced by a gas burner. At this stage, you need to be careful not to injure your fingers or spoil the material. Then you need to get paint or varnish and cover all the sawn parts.

After drying, the product is assembled using screws.

The hinged method involves mounting small round metal strips called “ears”. Holes are drilled in them for fastening into dowels with screws. Moreover, reliability is determined by their length.

A DIY wall hanger can be attached in several ways.

Another, no less popular way is to do through holes. After they are created and processed, screws or nails with a long stem are passed through and the hanger is attached to the wall.

For fastening, as a rule, screws or small nails are used.

To complete the work you need to attach metal hangers. They can be arranged randomly, in one or several rows.

Fixation is possible with the following devices:

  • "Suckers";
  • Adhesive strip;
  • Magnets.

Such methods do not cause difficulties and take little time. In this case, the fastening is not very reliable and is only suitable for hats.

Any bold design options will favorably emphasize the relevance and originality of the interior.

Making a hanger from longitudinal and transverse boards

This design resembles a lattice and involves making a base attached to the wall from horizontally and vertically arranged elongated boards. In this case, two layers can be roughly distinguished: the first- with transverse arrangement, second- with longitudinal.

Drawing of a wall hanger with dimensions.

To create a wall hanger with your own hands, you will need to stock up on several long boards. It is better to give preference to lumber 10-20 cm wide and 1 m long. Having decided on the size, you should obtain the required number of blanks.

How to assemble a hanger.

After which it is necessary to process them so that there are no bulges, chips or roughness left, paying particular attention Special attention edges. Then you need to first lay out the first layer, maintaining parallelism and the same distance between the planks. If everything is satisfactory, it's time to move on to the second level. Armed with a screwdriver (or, if you don’t have one, a hammer), fix their position at the intersection points.

A simple hanger option for making yourself.

The hooks need to be attached to the top boards. If they have a vertical position, then it is better to place the hooks in the upper part in one row. For hanger, outer side which is formed by vertical planks, you can create several levels by attaching hooks to each of them.

Dimensions of hanger with shelf.


You can complete the production by giving the product an original appearance. The most interesting surface will be if:

Before you begin applying the coating, you should clean the wood from traces of dust, dirt and grease.

DIY materials for decoupage hangers.

We need to prime our wooden hanger with white acrylic paint.

Glizal is a transparent paint that, with some effort, forms a textured surface. Before starting work, you should dilute the glisal with water according to the instructions. Then the mixture is applied to the prepared workpiece and a pattern is created using a textured sponge. You must act quickly, otherwise the coating will harden in half an hour. To artificially age wood, a type of varnish called craquelure is used.

It is applied to a pre-painted surface, which as a result becomes covered with small cracks.

Decoupage allows you to create wooden crafts, suitable for any interior. Most often they resort to it when they want to get furniture with an antique effect and complex patterns. To decorate such a hanger, you will have to arm yourself with scissors and blanks with a pattern.

Having cut out paper patterns, it is better to lay them on the surface and evaluate how they will look.

If everything suits you- Spread the wrong side with glue, apply it to the wood and level it so that bubbles do not form later, then cover it with furniture varnish and leave until completely dry.

Which finishing varnish you choose is up to you. After the varnish has dried, screw the handles into place.

If you have artistic skills, you can apply a drawing acrylic paints. Initially, the background and large elements are created, then the details are drawn. It is better to complete the work by applying varnish and craquelure.

VIDEO: Stylish hangers for the hallway.

The hallway is a place where things are usually stored when going out, so it cannot be done without a hanger. Some people attach a board with nails to the wall, but it doesn't look very nice. Therefore, it is best to use a floor or wall hanger, which you can build yourself. A handmade product will not only save your budget, but will also add uniqueness to your home.

Preparation of tools and materials

When you are about to start work, you need to prepare everything necessary tools: drill, screwdriver, screws, hacksaw, measuring tape. It is important to have the skills to handle them so as not to make a lot of mistakes and harm yourself. To give the product a neat and aesthetic appearance, you will need varnish or paint.

As for materials, you will need:

  • Wooden blocks or metal elements, which will create a strong and reliable base that can support heavy jackets. You can use the base from unnecessary artificial spruce or from a strong floor lamp.
  • A post that fits the size and is easy to purchase from finished form. Most cheap option– dry and bare trunk young tree(without knots and bends), sanded. Its height should be 15-20 cm.
  • Hooks, the number of which should be sufficient to be placed freely on the base.

  • An adhesive designed for reliable fixation of all elements, including self-tapping screws.
  • To ensure that the hanger stands firmly on the floor and does not slip, thin rubber must be glued to its base.
  • To strengthen the center of gravity, it is necessary to make a shelf for storing accessories, which will need to be fixed above the crosspiece mount.

Manufacturing process

First you need to create the bottom of the hanger. To do this, pre-prepared bars need to be sawn in half, sanded and joined at right angles. To ensure that the joints are strong and do not wobble, you need to make indentations along the width of the bar and connect all the parts. Then you need to cut out four bars and attach them with self-tapping screws to the legs and trunk, which will become a reliable support for the hanger.

You can unscrew the screws only after the holes made with the drill are ready. This will help protect the future product from the appearance of cracks, which could render the piece of furniture unusable. The diameter of the screw must be larger than that of the drill.

For reliable fixation, you must first lubricate the holes with glue, and only then screw in the screws.

To make the upper part of the structure, you need to attach a pre-prepared square with hooks. You can also attach four bars to the trunk, which will be aligned with each other at the corners. It should be attached not to the very top, but a little lower. Holes are drilled with a drill, filled with sealant, and only then screws are screwed in. This will help the product hold heavy items.

Having finished creating the hanger, you need to start designing it. First, the entire structure must be processed using sandpaper. Then you should treat it with paint and varnish. The surface can be painted different colors or draw patterns to get an original product.

Original solutions

The following interesting options can be distinguished:

  • Making a hanger for the hallway can be much easier, if you have an old (quite heavy) floor lamp at home. It needs to be freed from unnecessary elements (wires), cleaned and painted. Metallic paint will look impressive. Iron hooks are inserted into pre-drilled holes. You can weave hooks bent from strong wire.

  • It will look very unusual hanger made from real wood. To do this, you will need to dry it thoroughly, remove the bark from it, and also sand it. IN in this case there is no need to make a stand, since the roots of the tree will securely hold the structure. But it is necessary to file and bring the roots into proper shape so that they do not interfere and look beautiful. You can use tree branches as hooks, shortening the strongest ones in advance to required sizes. Such a hanger will become a decoration of your home, and it will simply be impossible not to notice it. However, finding a suitable tree is not an easy task, which makes it very difficult to translate this idea into reality.

  • Save space while maintaining functionality a wall hanger will help. To create it you will need bars, two boards for making a frame, one board for creating a shelf, metal corners, slats and hooks. To speed up the process, it is better to use processed materials. To build the structure, you need to mark the mounting location on the wall and mount two boards to it, located vertically to the floor. The length of the fasteners depends on the length of the product. It should match the length of the shelves.

At a short distance vertical boards slats are attached. You need to build a shelf for shoes from the bars below. The height of the shelf should be sufficient for you to sit on it. All joints are secured with corners to increase the reliability of the structure. Covering with slats will help make the product beautiful and neat. Installation of the top shelf begins with the fastening points. Using a drill, holes are made into which screws will then be screwed.

For beauty, you can use forged corners and hooks, and the finished product can be treated with stain or paint.

  • You can combine a hanger with a small cabinet by making deep shelves and hooks. To do this, prepare several strong boards highest quality, which have been pre-processed. You can use boards from old bed or a sofa, because wood remains durable for decades. It is well processed. Before work, it is worth making a drawing that will show the dimensions and number of shelves. Following the drawing, you need to cut the boards, then attach them to the bottom shelf. Boards are attached to the back of the side boards, the height of which depends on the number of shelves.

You need to remember that the hanger will contain not only outerwear, but also various accessories, so it needs to be especially well attached to the wall. You can use iron corners and self-tapping screws, or you can screw them onto dowels.

You can decorate the finished structure with a small mirror, which will be located on the side. If it is frameless, then you need to attach it to a solid plywood panel. It needs to be fixed. The mirror itself is glued with special glue, and a shelf is placed closely underneath it, which will serve as additional support. If such a design does not seem safe, then you can build a frame for the mirror. It needs to be made from a textured board, having processed it in advance sandpaper and covered with stain.

A little imagination - and the simplest hanger will become an interior decoration. It can not only be painted one color, but also covered with fabric or wallpaper. The decoupage technique is well suited for this case, which will give the product an extraordinary look.

  • You can decorate the corridor with a non-standard product, which (in addition to storing things) will also perform other functions. A hanger in the shape of a chair will be designed to store outerwear and seating. There will be a shelf for shoes under the seat, and on the high back there will be hooks for clothes and a shelf for hats and gloves.

A strong branch found in the forest or park can become the highlight of the hallway. Just coat it with varnish and screw in hooks, and it will become a worthy element of the apartment.

  • Hangers made from water pipes. In this case, you can hang clothes on valves or taps.
  • It is very economical and original to use wooden hangers, which can be mounted into the wall on different levels. Already in the products themselves, you can make holes for hooks or use store-bought options that have a self-adhesive surface.
  • Old skis - another one interesting idea corridor design. By painting them a fresh shade and attaching hooks to them, you can organize your storage system in a few minutes.

The hallway, in a sense, is the face of the entire apartment. I want to feel coziness and comfort from the very entrance, so sometimes there is no point in cluttering it with massive cabinets. In this article we will tell you how to properly make a wall hanger with your own hands from wood and other materials, we will show drawings, photos and videos on how to create a clothes hanger in the hallway.

Some features

A wall hanger can be placed not only in the hallway, but also in the bathroom and kitchen, so you can make it design solution, which will add zest to the interior of the room. Basic requirements that can be presented to this element This:

  • simplicity;
  • ease;
  • simplicity;
  • strength;
  • availability of materials;
  • compactness.

According to the installation method, it can be:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • mobile.

In the first option, it makes sense to manufacture corner design. If you place the hanger on the floor, you can place more weight on it. Options can be combined, creating, for example, a wall-mounted hanger with floor support.

The floor structure is not usually used in bathrooms and kitchens. This is impractical: such a hanger takes up quite a lot of usable space.

Hangers are classified according to the method of hanging clothes:

  • with hooks;
  • with a barbell under the shoulders.

In the first case, the entire product will take up significantly less space, but you can hang any clothes on hangers without fear that they will wrinkle, stretch and thereby lose their presentable appearance.


Wood and metal are most often used to make hangers. Someone may decide to order a ready-made forged structure for themselves if it fits into the overall picture. Hooks can be attached to:

  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • magnets;
  • suckers.

If you plan to hang outerwear that is winter time is especially difficult, then the most the best option self-tapping screws will be used. The rest are perfect for the bathroom or kitchen, where towels, bathrobes or oven mitts are usually placed.

The simplest

This option is used most often and it has a lot of variations that can be combined and combined. In order to make such a design, we will need:

  • the material from which the hanger will be made;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • fastening material;
  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • level;
  • pencil or marker.

The most simple solution there will be a bar with hooks. To make it, we need a wooden plank (it must be free of cracks and chips, and also well dried); instead, you can use part of a sheet of chipboard or MDF. Its length is selected to suit your needs, and the width should be sufficient to place hooks on it. Wooden base can be coated with varnish or stain; the slabs do not need this, because They already have a laminate applied to them. After this, several holes are drilled in the wall (their number will depend on the total length).

The distance between them should be such that there is a 5 cm indentation from the edges of the board. To ensure that the holes are in the same plane, a building level is used. Dowels are inserted into the holes, and the base is screwed to them using self-tapping screws. Hooks are already attached to the bar itself. If you choose good fastening material, then this design can withstand heavy outerwear.

You can get creative with hooks. Instead of buying them, you can use, for example, old spanners. First they are cleaned and polished. After this they bend. Two holes are drilled into them, and the keys are screwed to the bar. For these purposes, you can also use forks. You just need to take steel ones, because... aluminum is very fragile. The cloves themselves can be given an interesting shape.

Tree twigs are also suitable: such a twig needs to be located on a small branch. To fix it to the base, you can slightly grind down the plane of the branch using grinding machine, after that the hook is simply screwed on with self-tapping screws. It is not necessary to place them in one row. You can do them at different levels. If you draw a staff, the hooks will serve as notes. A rectangular plank is not a requirement. On the round one you can hang hooks like numbers on a clock, and draw arrows in the middle. In addition, the base can be made in the shape of a heart, cloud, sun, etc.

It is important that the wall under such a hanger is finished, but not whitewashed. This is necessary so that things do not get dirty.

Let's complicate it

To prevent things from getting dirty on the wall, you can slightly improve the entire structure. You need to take two planks same size. Their length must correspond to the width of the planned structure. They are fixed in a horizontal position parallel to one another (one higher, the other lower). Next, we fasten several more vertical slats between them (we do this using self-tapping screws; the length of the fastening material should be twice the thickness of the slats in order to tighten them well together.).

In width they can be the same as the previous two or a little thinner, in length - 1-1.3 m. If this is a hanger in the hallway, then it is good to attach a shelf on top for hats and hats. To do this, you will need a board 25 cm wide (you can take several elements that are smaller in width and secure them together using two jumpers). It can be fixed to general design with help metal corners or wooden jibs.

There is one more interesting option. To make it, you will need a block with dimensions of 5x5 cm. You need 7 of them. 30 cm each. To begin with, the boards are cleaned using a sanding machine. Sharp corners can be smoothed out. After this, cover them with several layers of varnish. Next, they will need to be secured to the wall using a hammer drill and self-tapping screws. They need to be arranged in the shape of two letters P, which are connected at the bottom by a jumper.

We make two holes in each plank using a 15-20 mm drill bit. Next, we cut out cylindrical dowels with a diameter for our hole. We clean it and paint it to match the color of the hanger. We coat them with PVA glue and embed them, let them dry well.

Most likely, you will like a hanger in the form of a tree. To make it, we need a sheet of MDF, chipboard or plywood. Using a marker, draw the outline of the plant. Next, use a jigsaw to cut out the resulting shape. The ends are processed and painted over or edged (in the case of chipboard). Using self-tapping screws, the product is attached to the wall, and hooks are hung on the branches. Here you can use real knots, as in one of the previous options.

Ceiling and tramples

Hooks are not always the way out of the situation. Often you need to make things fun on trempels. In order to ensure this, it is necessary to provide a horizontal rod. In this role you can use, for example, wooden plank 50x50 mm. It is better to round off sharp sides using grinder, then the hangers can move freely and can be easily removed. If the bar is long length, then it is necessary to provide a horizontal jumper. Such a rod can be attached to the jibs of a hanger with a shelf, which was mentioned above. Instead of a wooden holder, you can use a special chrome-plated furniture tube. It is fixed using flanges.

You don’t have to use the wall for mounting at all. For this we need a chrome tube. We cut off two pipes 90 cm long. We attach two flanges to the ceiling (we select the distance between them as needed). We insert and fix these pipe sections into them. Next, we take another tube, its size will be such that it fits between the two hanging pipes. We mount the horizontal tube to the vertical ones using angles. The result is a minimalistic hanger for trempels.

This article is intended to give direction to your imagination, not to provide everything. possible options. We are sure that everyone has things at home that can be used in interesting ways.


See what kind of hanger can be made from just a few planks:


Today I want to tell you about how you can make homemade hangers for your home wardrobe at home. I have been practicing this technology for a long time. I hope that someone this option will be interesting.

I usually make hangers in batches of 15-20 pieces. In this case, they can be manufactured step by step, which greatly simplifies the entire process.

Materials and tools

To make it you will need:
  • A piece of plywood or fiberboard for making a template;
  • Cutting boards 15-20 mm thick without cracks;
  • Wire 4 mm thick;
  • Nut M4;
  • A cap from a felt-tip pen or a soft plastic tube.
  • Tools and hands.

DIY making

First, I made a template from a sheet of fiberboard by cutting it out with a jigsaw. I took the template size from a standard plastic hanger.

Then I transferred this template onto the boards with a pencil in such a way as to avoid getting into the cracks, and the existing knots were inside. They can then be cut out.

I drilled two holes from the inside using a Forstner drill with a diameter of 22 mm.

I cut out the contour of my future hanger with a jigsaw and cleaned it with a sander.

I marked the future hole for the hook and drilled it with a drill with a diameter of 5 mm. To drill the hole evenly, I used a vice when drilling.

From the inside drilled hole I used a rasp to make a groove into which the nut that will hold the hook will be placed. This is necessary so that the hook does not cling to clothing.

He clamped it in a vice and sawed off a 20 cm long wire with a hacksaw, rounded one end with a file, and chamfered the other. I used sandpaper to remove the rust from the wire.

From the outside chamfered I cut an M4 thread with a die, approximately 5 mm long.

To bend the hook, I made a special mandrel from a birch block. I drilled a hole in it with a diameter of 6 mm, clamped the mandrel in a vice, and then inserted the end of the wire into the hole and bent the hook.

To prevent the hook in the hanger from falling through, I made a stopper from a cap from an old dry felt-tip pen. I sawed off the top part of the cap and inserted the cap into the hook.

I then inserted the hook into the hanger and secured it with an M4 nut.

That's the whole structure.

Production video

You can see more details about the manufacturing process of this hanger in my video:

You can do without a hanger in the hallway or corridor only if you have a large closet, and even then not always. In private homes, it is more convenient to have “duty” clothes on hand - to jump out into the yard. Those that are mounted on the wall are more convenient: they take up less space. One thing is not encouraging: the prices for worthy specimens are considerable. Therefore, we will tell you how to make a wall hanger with your own hands. The models are different, different techniques are used, but they have one thing in common: they are easy to make, especially with detailed photos process and explanations. There are also diagrams and video tutorials.

From boards in the form of a tree

To our small hallway need a hanger. I don’t want to buy a regular one in the form of a bar with hooks - I don’t really like them, and my little daughter won’t be able to get them. Other options with a set of parallel boards are also not inspiring. There is a switch on this wall, so it won’t work without adjustment, and it’s not clear what it will look like. Therefore, it was decided: I make a wall hanger with my own hands in the shape of a tree - trunk, branches. It fits into the interior. I will treat the wood with stain and varnish water based, the color should be close to the color of the front door.

So, two were purchased at the sawmill unedged boards 25 mm thick. There are markings on them - on one there is a trunk, on the other there are branches.

We take an electric jigsaw and cut out the blanks along the marked contours. Next is a turn of very dusty work - we sand the wood, while simultaneously adjusting the thickness of the joints with the “branches”. We used a drill with a rubber attachment and sandpaper. First the coarse grain, then the medium and fine grain.

Sanding is a dusty business

Once the result was satisfactory - it became smooth and the grain of the wood was clearly visible - it was time to stain. This is a mahogany color applied in four layers. After drying, we coated everything with water-based varnish. Three layers were applied at intervals of three hours.

200 mm nails were used as hooks. They were cut to the required length (they were different - longer for the top of the hanger, shorter for the bottom). The caps and rod were sanded for smoothness, and threads were cut on the lower part to the thickness of the board (25 mm). Holes were previously made in the “branches” and “hooks” were screwed into them.

Now all that remains is to fix all the parts on the wall. The walls are concrete, so we fasten them with dowels. First we attach the barrel and drill holes through it. Set aside the wood for now and insert it into the holes plastic plugs for dowels. Having placed the “trunk” in place, we screw it. Using the same technology we attach the “branches”.

It turned out well, and the color matches the door almost exactly. There are plans to build a small shelf for shoes and bags. The entire cost of making this hanger was about $6 for the boards and $2 for the nails, about the same amount was spent on the dowels. There was stain and varnish, and the consumption was small.

Simple wall hanger made of laminated chipboard

The task is to make a cheap clothes hanger on the wall (for rented apartment). Two boards of wood were purchased from a hardware store. laminated chipboard() entitled " furniture board" Two, because the price turned out to be low, and in the accessories department, where they were looking for hooks, they found some good brackets for very little money. We will use them for the second board - we will make a shelf for small items.

Tools you will need are a screwdriver or screwdriver, a drill, and a set of drills. Also, use a tape measure and a pencil to mark the places where hooks and brackets are attached.

After unpacking the boards, glue stains and some other incomprehensible stains were found on them. All this can be eliminated with a solvent. Take a soft white (not colored) rag and wipe everything well.

Next, mark with a pencil the places for the screws. Remove the hooks and drill holes. Drill - 1-2 mm smaller in diameter than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. The hole is necessary so that the work goes easier, and also so that the surface does not crack when twisting. We put the hooks in place.

Now it's the turn of the shelf. I set aside equal distances on one side and the other, attached the brackets, and marked the holes for fasteners. Drilled holes and installed brackets. All.

Now we attach it to the wall. The technique is the same, but with dowels: apply, mark the attachment points, drill. The drill is the size of the dowel. We insert the dowel plug into the hole, attach the hanger/shelf to the wall, and fasten it.

This DIY wall hanger was made in two hours (including the shelf).

Hanger with shelf

You can take the idea as a basis and use any other “hooks” and stops. This DIY wall hanger is made from two 25mm planed boards, two carpenter's squares and five hammers.

The wood needs to be dry, otherwise cracks may occur. Instead of squares, you can even use triangular pieces of a similar board. Important condition- Availability right angle. And instead of hammers, you can even fasten knots or, for example, cut wooden hangers, or any hooks. This option is just a gift.

Spare parts - hammers and squares

The two boards must be the same length. An exact match is important. Having adjusted the length, we sand the edges. There is a drill - we take the attachment, attach the emery and sand first with coarse grain, then with medium grain. Then we start marking. First, we mark where the stops will be attached. We divide the remaining distance by six, put marks - there are five of them. Just according to the number of “hooks”.

We mercilessly cut off the handles on the hammers. We cut it slightly obliquely to create a slight slope.

Using a drill, make holes in the center. The diameter of the drill is 1-2 mm smaller than the fastener used, the depth of the hole is no less than the length of the self-tapping screw.

The two boards must be connected at right angles. The installation step of the screws is 10-15 cm. We mark the places on the sidewall and transfer them to the end. High accuracy is required. We apply one to the other and transfer the marks with a finely sharpened pencil. We make holes according to the markings.

Drilling holes

We fold the boards at an angle of 90° and connect them with self-tapping screws. First we twist the two outermost ones, then the one in the middle, and then all the rest. The length of the screws is at least 75 mm (triple the thickness of the board).

Using the markings, we drill holes for the hooks.

We install angle stops. Since carpenter's squares were used, there were no holes in them. They were drilled - two at the top and bottom on each plank. There are 8 screws on one stop. We take them small - more than 20 mm, so as not to puncture the wood. Therefore, a large number of them are required.

The wooden wall hanger is ready. All that's left to do is paint it and hang it on the wall.

Based on this homemade hanger, other versions were made.

With more voluminous shelves

Video lessons

Several simple homemade hangers for the “handy” in video format.

Drawings and ideas for DIY

A simple hanger option for making yourself
