Rubber sealing for the door. Insulating a wooden door: secrets of professionals. Installing and replacing seals on various types of doors

Not everyone can afford expensive metal doors, and even in country house they are completely useless, so country residents install wooden doors with good heat transfer properties. The door, whether it is made of birch or pine, must first of all withstand cold air currents, street noise, and protect residents from strangers unpleasant odors or contamination with debris.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a door without a base - a box where it is ultimately installed, but it is very, very difficult to accurately bend all the dimensions of both parts, so gaps and cracks arise through which the cold will enter.

Seals for wooden doors will help you get rid of all these troubles, and our review will help you choose a decent option.

What are there

Wood itself is a very malleable material; it can both absorb moisture and dry out from sunlight or heat from a stove, so its dimensions can change in one direction or another. But doors can be both entrance and interior, so each of them needs its own seal, because what will be especially good at protecting from street noise and bad weather. It may be completely unsuitable for a door located between rooms.

  • Foam options. These are relatively cheap seals that look like tape. But they cope poorly with their direct task, resisting the cold, and in just half a season they can completely fail. But these materials are suitable for arranging the interior door leaf; they will stop slamming and creaking when opening and closing. But if there are no other options, then choose wide foam products and install them with glue or small nails.

    The photo shows a foam rubber seal for wooden doors

  • PVC products with rubber gasket. This is already a worthy option, polyvinyl chloride itself is resistant and durable, and the thin rubber gasket ideally flows around the contour of the door and does not let anything unnecessary into the house.

    The photo shows a PVC seal for wooden doors

  • Rubber products for entrance door seals. In fact, this is a universal option; they will suit almost any door leaf– and made of wood, plastic or metal. There are self-adhesive and simple rubber seals. Installation of the self-adhesive product is very simple - just remove the protective film, distribute it along the contour of the door, and press a little, and it will sit in place. They produce similar products from the most different sizes, and there is always wide choose the desired option. The cost will be low, and the service life will be very long. When purchasing, carefully study the label, the material can last either 3 or 9 years, it all depends on the composition, the label will definitely tell you how long this seal is designed for.

    The photo shows a rubber seal for wooden doors

  • Silicone products. Its main characteristics are very similar to the rubber options, and the installation is absolutely the same. But over time, the structure of silicone changes, it will somewhat resemble office glue, so it ceases to perform its main functions, and in some places even falls out of its place.

    The photo shows a silicone seal for wooden doors

  • Thermoplastic elastomer seals. These are very durable and at the same time elastic products, meet all accepted environmental requirements, and are not afraid of sudden changes. temperature regime, and remains with the same characteristics even with strong negative temperatures. Aesthetically pleasing and durable, it can protect the front door from the cold for up to 30 years without noticeable changes. But, as they say, you have to pay for pleasure, and this is probably the most expensive material. For installation, you need to make special slots in the door, that is, mortise seal, which may cause some inconvenience, the groove must be at least 5 mm. When installing, pay attention - one side has notches in the form of a herringbone, it is this that should be inserted into the groove, and when hit, it will immediately open, that is, it will be securely fixed and will no longer change its position.

    The photo shows a thermoplastic elastomer seal for wooden doors

  • Self-adhesive mainly used for compaction interior paintings doors, these are lightweight and at the same time practical seals that seal individual living spaces well - sound practically does not penetrate, the doors do not slam against the jamb, which is undoubtedly convenient. And they are quite cheap. Modern technological processes have made these materials resistant to sunlight, they can withstand any temperature changes well.

    The photo shows a self-adhesive seal for wooden doors

  • Special threshold seals. They will not only reliably protect the door from the penetration of cold, but at the same time they will be able to clean dirty shoes from large fractions of dirt - brushes will cope with this task; they are inserted into special profiles and laid along the contour of the lower base.

    The photo shows special threshold seals

This information will help you understand what polynor spray insulation is and how it is used:

Which self-adhesive insulation for doors should be used and how to choose it is described in great detail in this

A little more about mortise products

A distinctive feature of such seals at the installation site is that they are installed around the perimeter door frame, instead of the door itself. This is much more convenient than making cuts in the door itself.

But you can already find it on sale ready-made options– already attached to the door quality material, which will help the door to come into closer contact with the frame.


Let's look in detail at how to seal a door using a mortise rubber product:

  • Calculate the perimeter of the doorway; the material should be purchased with a small margin;
  • You will need a special milling tool to cut the size of the slot you need;
  • Carefully make the grooves according to the markings to the required size;
  • Take the seal, and slowly around the perimeter, sequentially tuck it into the groove in the desired direction (installation instructions are usually included);
  • Check your work, put the door on the frame.

If a simple sealing material is chosen, then it should be glued both along the door leaf itself and along the contour of the frame to achieve the best result.

On the video seal for wooden doors:

But how to glue a rubber seal to a metal door and how to do it correctly will help you understand this

How to use it correctly and how to choose it correctly is described in this article.

But this will help you understand what foam insulation for windows looks like and how to use it correctly.

Manufacturers and prices

  • Silicone guide seals, made in China, size 9x6 mm, cost per linear meter - 192 rubles, color scheme imitates door veneer;
  • Self-adhesive tapes, linear meter costs 665 rubles, made in China, various color shades;
  • Delivery in whips, type - combined, magnetic self-adhesive, manufacturer Russia, price of 1 piece of product - 100 rubles, various colors.

If suddenly a feeling of draft appears in the house or apartment or street or entrance odors begin to be felt, this indicates that the door has stopped closing tightly. You can solve this issue on your own by purchasing door seals doors.

Entrance doors often frustrate their owners by failing to cope with their main task - retaining heat in the room. Doors from the inside can be filled with insulation, but if they do not fit tightly to the door frame, then they are ineffective and play a minimal role in maintaining the internal microclimate.

What are seals used for?

The door seal is self-adhesive. Installation material

On modern metal and plastic doors Manufacturers install a special seal that can last from several months to several years, depending on the cost, the more expensive the door, the better the quality of the seal. Cheap exterior doors have poor quality plastic seals which soon become unusable.

Installing a self-adhesive door seal for doors yourself is not difficult - it is important to choose the right thickness of the material and its profile. To do this, you can use the method that our fathers and grandfathers used: wrap a piece of plasticine in polyethylene, put it in the gap and close the door tightly. After opening the door, you will get the approximate thickness of the future seal with the doorway closed.

Attaching the door seal for doors is quite simple: before installing the material, you need to degrease the attachment point, then gradually remove the protective film from the material from the sticky side and press it tightly against the door rebate. Some manufacturers skimp on glue for the sticky surface, and such a seal soon begins to lag behind the door. To correct this situation, you can use quick-drying glue, for example, “Moment” or “Second”.


Summarizing all of the above, we come to the conclusion that a door seal is a tool that can save a house or apartment from the penetration of foreign sounds, odors and drafts from outside. This is especially true for cheap doors, which are often sold without a seal or have cheap sealing material that quickly becomes unusable.

Seals vary in quality and appearance. Each of them is designed to close door gaps of different widths. Therefore, you should first decide on its profile so that you don’t have to reinstall it later.

Seals come from different materials: rubber, foam rubber, plastic and so on. Rubber ones are considered the most common, as they are more durable, better quality and more reliable. They are easy to install on doors and door jambs and just as easy to remove them. The most important thing to remember: before installing the material, it is necessary to remove debris, dust and degrease the surface where the seal will be glued with solvent or alcohol. Otherwise, it will definitely come off during use, and you will have to buy a new one.

Experts also advise not to pursue colored seals, since due to the color pigment added to the material, it loses its qualities under the influence of weather conditions.

Large heat losses in the house occur through the door block. The reason could be a skewed box, worn out seals, or simply a thin fabric. To insulate a wooden door in a private house, comprehensive measures are taken to eliminate all defects.

Wood has low thermal conductivity, but the disadvantage of the material is its response to changes in humidity and temperature. The door block dries out, swells, warps and even cracks. There are three main reasons signaling the urgent need to insulate a wooden door in a country house:

  1. Education gaps between the frame and the ends of the opening walls. Initially when installation work All gaps are foamed. Foam is good insulation, but loses its properties over time. Destruction occurs faster on the street side if platbands are not installed. Foam deteriorates from exposure to the sun. Another cause of cracks is the misalignment of the bowl.
  2. Education gaps between the frame and the sash. The most common defect in a wooden entrance door occurs due to poor wood, poor-quality installation and long-term use. Often the owner himself becomes the culprit when he trims the swollen sash so that it closes better. After drying, the product decreases in size and a gap forms.
  3. Wear of insulation. Each thermal insulation material is selected taking into account operational requirements. If they were not initially followed, the incorrectly selected insulation loses its effectiveness. For example, mineral wool quickly cakes, and due to dampness it decreases in volume.
    You need to insulate any old wooden door, as well as a thin sash.

Which insulation is better to choose?

To make an insulated wooden door with your own hands, you will need thermal insulation material, as well as material for the top decorative finishing. The gaps are sealed with a sealant. When the question arises of how to insulate a wooden door in a private house, pay attention to the following materials:

  • Styrofoam It is better to use it as internal insulation for wooden entrance doors. The slabs can be sheathed on the side of the room.
  • Foam rubber It is considered the most common insulation, which is covered with artificial leather on top. Porous material allows you to create a volume effect. Foam rubber loses over time and crumbles into crumbs.

  • Minvata does not burn, has good thermal insulation properties, but quickly cakes. When exposed to dampness, it accumulates moisture. Under the weight it slides off a vertical surface.

  • Foamed polyethylene– isolon has a structure similar to foam rubber. The material has better thermal insulation properties and a longer service life. Isolon does not tolerate long-term exposure to direct sunlight.

  • Polyurethane foam It is applied by spraying, firmly adheres to the wood, and penetrates into all cracks. The disadvantage is the impossibility of performing work without special equipment.

  • Expanded polystyrene resembles polystyrene foam, but has improved characteristics. The material has self-extinguishing properties when exposed to open fire.

When choosing insulation for doors wooden house It is important to consider the thickness of the material. Thick layers will weigh down the sash and create an obstacle to normal closing. Thin is useless. You need to find a middle ground between these two parameters.

Types of seals for door frames

In addition to thermal insulation, you will need a sealant to seal the cracks around the perimeter of the canvas. It is a tape that differs in thickness and material:

  • foam strip fixed with an adhesive base. The seal wears out quickly during the season.

  • Silicone strip resistant to dampness, elastic. Over time, it begins to stick and tear into pieces.

  • rubber rubber seal for wooden doors will last long years. The tape is resistant to wear, dampness, and mechanical stress.

  • Thermoplastic- the best in terms of wear resistance, but difficult to install.

  • Polyurethane strip sticks due to the sticky base. The characteristics are not inferior to a rubber seal.

Thermal insulation cannot be done without decorative finishing. Usually the insulation is covered with artificial leather. Fixed with furniture nails with a wide decorative head. WITH inside the fabric is sheathed with laminated MDF panels. Genuine leather trim looks beautiful, but the material is very expensive.

How to insulate a wooden door?

Begin insulating a wooden door with preparatory work:

  • weakened hinges are secured with new elongated screws;
  • if thick, heavy insulation is used, install an additional loop;
  • eliminate box distortions and fabric defects;
  • check the condition of the seal around the perimeter of the door frame at the junction with the walls;
  • replace broken fittings: lock, handles, peephole, latch.

After all defects have been eliminated, installation of insulation on wooden panels begins. entrance doors.

A frequently asked question is whether it is necessary vapor barrier when insulating wooden doors? When arranging installation joints door block- needed. The gap between the box and the wall is sealed with foam. To prevent the thermal insulation from deteriorating, the seam is covered from the street with PSUL tape. From the room side, the foam is destroyed by vapors. For protection, the seam is sealed with vapor barrier tape. A vapor barrier may be required for the product if it is installed in a damp room and mineral wool serves as thermal insulation.

Installing a seal on a door frame

The first salvation from heat loss is to install a seal on a wooden door to eliminate gaps between the sash and the frame. The tape is selected according to the thickness corresponding to the size of the gap. A thin strip is useless, and a thick strip will interfere with the normal closing of the canvas. Installation of the seal consists of the following steps:

  1. Measure the gaps between the sash and the frame and select the thickness of the tape.
  2. A self-adhesive seal is glued into the groove around the perimeter of the bowl.
  3. The silicone tape is fixed with the staples of a construction stapler.

If the gap size is different around the perimeter of the door block, which often happens during deformation, the groove in the frame is widened and deepened. The edge of the blade is passed with a grinder. A two-layer or three-layer tape is glued to the new groove.

A properly glued seal should fit snugly around the entire perimeter of the sash and not interfere with its free closing.

Sealing with rollers

You can insulate the joint around the perimeter of the door frame using leatherette rollers with foam rubber inserted inside.

  • Measure the length of all sides of the sash. According to the results, four strips of 100 mm wide are cut out of leatherette.
  • The strips are placed against the edge of the sash with the wrong side up. Near the edge of the door leaf, the leatherette is fixed with a stapler.
  • Thick foam rubber is placed inside each strip and a roll is formed.
  • Secure the second edge of the leatherette with a stapler.

The door block becomes more beautiful, and all the gaps are hidden under the rollers.

Insulation of the canvas

To maximize the insulation of a wooden door with your own hands, use the method of double-sided thermal insulation. The sash is lined externally and internally. From the street, the thermal insulation is covered with a material resistant to aggressive weather conditions. To insulate the front door from the inside, foam rubber and artificial leather are most often used. Insulation of a wooden door occurs in the following order:

  • To make the work easier, the canvas is removed from its hinges and freed from old insulation, handles, locks and other fittings.
  • From thermal insulation material cut out a fragment larger than the dimensions of the sash. It’s good if about 100 mm of foam rubber hangs from each side.

  • The insulation along the edge of the door is fixed with staples. The hanging ends are cut with scissors.
  • The foam is covered with artificial leather on top. Rollers are formed from the hanging edges and secured with furniture nails. General plane the canvases are decorated with a pattern. It turns out after nailing. The soft foam rubber between the wide caps forms beautiful bulges. Between the fasteners you can stretch wire or strips of dermantine sewn with a tube.

Upon completion of the work, install all the fittings and hang the insulated product on the box.

If polystyrene or polystyrene is chosen to insulate the door block, the final cladding is usually done with MDF. The sash increases in thickness and weight. The door block is additionally reinforced with hinges. A frame is nailed to the surface of the slatted sheet, forming cells. Foam boards lay tightly, and the gaps between the slats are blown polyurethane foam. MDF is fixed on top.

You can glue thin slabs of foam to the door leaf without making a frame. For decorative finishing, artificial leather is used.

Installation of double doors

A good way to insulate your home is to install a double entry door. Due to the formation of an air space separating the room from the street, heat is retained. The disadvantage of this design is the reduction in space.

For indoor unit set the threshold. Insulation is additionally laid on the slopes between the doors. There are designs where two doors are hinged on one deep frame.

When insulating entrance doors, you must remember that moisture affects the canvas from the street side. Treatment with impregnation, painting with paint or varnish will help protect against dampness as much as possible. Drying oil creates good waterproofing.

If you start to notice that there is a draft in your apartment, or an unpleasant smell begins to come from the entrance, this is a signal that the door needs to be sealed. This problem will definitely not escape those people who have a metal door installed in their apartment. For this reason, we invite you to consider how you can fix or prevent the problem by sealing the door yourself.

Selection and classification of sealant

Often metal doors do not cope with their leading role, namely by maintaining heat in the house. Although these doors are insulated, the result often leaves much to be desired. You can choose a special seal that can solve the problem of drafts and unpleasant odors coming from the entrance. There are a large number of seals that differ in type and method of application. For example, some are glued along the entire perimeter of the door. If the door has a double sash, then the seal is glued to each of them. At the same time, it is recommended to choose insulation in each individual case individually. So, for example, if you buy a very thick seal, it can cause obvious problems. Conversely, very thin material will not give the desired result.

Seals for metal doors classified according to several technical characteristics.

  1. Material type. It can be foam rubber, plastic, polyethylene foam, rubber, silicone.
  2. Design. The seal can be equipped with a metal clamping strip or made from one material.
  3. Fastening method and system. Seals can be self-adhesive or self-tapping. As for the latter, special strips can only be installed on wooden doors.

If you have a desire, you can make the seal yourself. To do this, you can use foam rubber, having previously wrapped it in artificial leather or leatherette.

For metal doors, seals are sold in rolls. One roll can be up to six meters. If the door is standard, then one roll will be enough to seal. Remember that for metal doors it is best to buy a self-adhesive seal.

Sealant for metal doors

The choice of sealant will directly depend on the size of the gap that needs to be eliminated. For example, if the gap at closed door is from one to four millimeters, then you can purchase a seal rectangular section, for example, from polyethylene foam, PVC, foam rubber. But in most cases, rubber seals are used for metal doors. They may have different shapes, the cross-section of which resembles the letters of the Latin alphabet:

  • C - profile is used for those cracks that are up to three millimeters thick.
  • K – profile is similar to the first.
  • P and V - profile can eliminate cracks with a thickness of three to five millimeters.
  • O and D - the profile is mounted in those doors where the gap is up to seven millimeters thick.

Seals are produced different colors. This allows you to individually select the color for your door. So, the aesthetics of the doors will not deteriorate in any way. The most common colors are white, black and brown.

Note! According to some studies, the dye can reduce the quality of rubber. For this reason, it is best to sacrifice aesthetics and stick on a standard black seal!

The main requirement for all seals is to seal the door. Based on this, the seal must comply high standards. The seal must be waterproof and airtight, and must provide excellent shock absorption for the door leaf when it is closed and slammed. When closing a metal door, a light and soft click should be heard, not rattling or noise. Among other things, the sealant should not freeze or harden in the cold. Regardless of the conditions in which it is operated, the seal must maintain its basic characteristics under all circumstances.

Installation on a metal door

If you have a branded door, then the manufacturer makes a profile that already has a specially designated place for laying the seal. From the point of view of tightness, such metal doors are the most reliable. Therefore, when purchasing them, pay attention to this detail.

In the event that you do not have the funds for such a door, you should purchase and install the seal yourself. Using self-adhesive tape this is very easy to do. The most important thing is to choose the appropriate thickness. We talked about this above. Gluing the seal is quite simple. Wrap the plasticine in polyethylene and place it between the door and frame. Afterwards, close the door tightly and open it. As a result, you will have a finished cast of the required thickness. As for the seal sticker, do not rush to immediately remove the protective layer from the entire tape. As the film peels off, glue the seal to the frame. At the same time, press it tightly.

Note! If the seal comes off after a few days or weeks, then glue it with Moment glue.

Wood door seal

For such doors today it is customary to use a variety of strips. They allow you to prevent drafts or get rid of them altogether. There are several types of them.

  • Wedge-shaped plank.
  • Plastic tube.
  • Plastic or metal strips with brush, etc.

Let's look at how to install them correctly.

Installation of the wedge-shaped strip. The strip must be cut to fit the top of the doorway, as well as the sides of the two sides. At the joints, the planks are cut at an angle of 45°. In places where hinges and door lock, the bar needs to be trimmed. Next, it is nailed down. All the work will not take you much time.

Installation of the outer plank. The plank, as in the first case, is cut strictly according to the dimensions of the doorway. But only now the bar is screwed on with screws. After its installation, a sheet of paper should fit between the closed door and the strip.

As for sealing the bottom of the door, a slightly different technology and method of using strips is used here. The strips are fitted to the inner front of the door. It should be noted that there are also several types of planks, each of which has distinctive features.

Flat threshold slats. They are made from a plastic or aluminum base. A rubber band or brush is attached to them, in turn. They can be used for both external and internal doors.

Planks with plastic shield. They prevent entry into the premises humid air. In most cases they are used to seal an external door.

Combined slats. They consist of a metal strip, as well as nylon brush. The strip is attached to the threshold, and the brush to the door. The bar on the threshold prevents water from entering the room, as it has a special groove.

So, some features of installing such planks.

Installation of a flat threshold strip. The strip is pre-cut to the width of the doorway. It is then screwed to the bottom of the door. This bar should be as close to the threshold as possible. But it should not prevent the doors from opening freely. Some types of such planks are equipped with special holes for screws, which makes them easy to adjust.

Installation of a combination strip. In this case, as in the first, the strip and brush are cut to the width of the threshold. The strip is screwed to the threshold, with the overhanging edge of the strip facing the inside of the door.

As for installing the brush, after installation it should exert slight pressure on the bar. The brush is screwed to the bottom of the door using self-tapping screws.

Installation of the rail on an external door. Similarly, as in all other cases, the plank is cut to size. The strip should be screwed to the door when closed. It is very important not to use screws that can rust - this can cause the doors to rot.

So, we have looked at the main methods of sealing both metal and wooden doors. If you know other methods of sealing doors, then write about it in the comments to this article.


Insulating doors using a seal:

Regardless of which wooden door you choose for your home, it must perform its functions 100%: protect your house or apartment from the intrusion of noise, smell, dust, and drafts. Canvas and box without additional elements they cannot fully ensure this.

Gaps and cracks are the main disadvantage of wooden doors due to the specific nature of wood. Seals solve the problem.

Wood tends to change its qualities under the influence of climatic phenomena and environment. Therefore, cracks and gaps for both the entrance and are provided even for expensive models.

Modern technologies make it possible to solve this problem either in a factory or with your own hands. The seal for wooden doors is of interest to many consumers who care about their comfort. Let's consider the specifics and types of insulation to eliminate gaps between any panel and the frame in the doorway.

Seal for wooden doors: specifics of use

Do not rush to run to the store immediately if your door does not fit tightly to the frame. Without knowledge detailed characteristics sealant, it is difficult to choose what suits your door. Just as door blocks are different, seals have their own classification.

A large assortment of seals can confuse any buyer.

Let's figure it out.

Based on the material used for production, door seals are divided into the following types:

  • rubber;
  • made of PVC material;
  • on a foam base;
  • rubber;
  • silicone.

How softer material, used for the production of the seal, the better its properties and the tightness of the junction of the canvas to the box. For self-installation Not all types of seals can be used, because the specific installation of each type has its own subtleties.

Seals are divided according to their installation location and their functional purpose:

  • threshold seals - hide the gap between the floor and the canvas;
  • fire protection - allow you to reduce the penetration of smoke into an apartment or another room during a fire;
  • contour - mounted on all sides of the leaf or door frame to prevent the influence of external factors.

Let's get acquainted with each type of insulating tape in more detail.

Threshold door seals

They are attached to the bottom of the canvas at the end. A seal that replaces the threshold improves the tight fit of the door if there is no threshold in the opening or the floors have different levels, different flooring was used in two adjacent rooms.

Threshold seal for doors allows you to hide the gap between the floor and the leaf in the absence of a threshold.

This seal only works when the door is closed, completely hiding the gap between the floor and the door leaf. Installation is carried out in the factory.

It is difficult to install threshold insulation yourself. It is better to provide for its installation when ordering from the door manufacturer.

In the lower part of the canvas, a special slot-profile is made with a milling cutter, into which a seal with a special button is mounted. This button is a specific lever that is compressed when the door is closed and lowers the seal brush down. When the door is opened, the button returns to its original position and raises aluminum tape with a brush inside the canvas. The button is most often installed on the hinge side.

If you do not want to install a threshold in your house or apartment interior opening, but there is a need for thermal, noise or sound insulation, use a threshold seal for.

Fire seals for wooden doors

This special kind a seal made of a material that has the property of foaming and swelling when exposed to high temperatures.

Fireproof sealant under influence high temperatures foams and blocks the path of smoke.

Typically, such elements are installed in institutions with high level fire danger. The seal does not allow smoke to enter the room, which increases the possibility of evacuation or saving lives. In apartments, fireproof material is fixed at the request of the owner when ordering a wooden door.

Contour seal for wooden door

Installed in two ways:

  • along the perimeter of the canvas;
  • along the perimeter of the racks.

The option is chosen by the client based on its features. It is produced in the form of a tape, which is in greatest demand among analogues. It can be included with the door when ordering or installed independently.

The contour seal is installed in the groove of the canvas or box. Can be glued to surface. The choice is up to the consumer.

When factory equipped, a groove is made along the end part of the box or canvas into which the mount (leg) of the seal is inserted. For better adhesion, the base is coated with silicone-based glue.

When installing it yourself, choose self-adhesive tape, which is easily attached with the sticky side to the surface. Needs to be removed protective film, stick the tape yourself, pressing firmly and holding for several seconds. The disadvantage of this model is short term services. Under constant friction, the tape loses its elasticity and the glue dries out. After a year or two, you will have to replace the entire insulating layer again.

You can install the seal in the groove yourself if you first make a special cut with a router.

The contour seal installed in the groove lasts longer and is more reliable. If the door was purchased a long time ago and there is no seal on it, remove the door leaf, make a groove with your own hands and install an insulating profile. This will take a little time, but will create comfortable living conditions without odors, noise, or drafts.

Choosing the right door seal

To purchase a product, it is not enough to know information about its varieties; it is necessary to clarify the parameters of the door block that needs to be improved. Slots and gaps are not the same, so each case requires a seal that is different in size and type of profile.

You may have noticed the similarity of the edge of the product with some letters of the alphabet: E, P, S, O, etc. This different types profiles that have their own purpose. Some products are universal and can be installed on both the entrance and interior doors. But some models are developed only for a certain canvas, its thickness, and the material used. The more information you know about your door, the easier it is to choose the right type profile.

Some products can be selected according to color scheme, corresponding to the color of the door: beech, alder, oak, wenge, etc. But there are also classic seals in black, white and brown shades.

You cannot use 1 mm thick tape if the gap between the sheet and the box is 9 mm. Pick up right size so that the result is positive.

When choosing a wooden one for your home, take care of the seals when ordering the product. Specialists will take into account all the nuances of installing the unit and select the necessary insulating materials. And you will enjoy the comfort that a reliable wooden door will provide.
