Workplace according to Feng Shui: creating your own success. Feng Shui desk

People spend at least 8 hours every day in offices and offices. In this case, most often you have to eat and rest at your workplace. Thus, the harmonious arrangement of objects and furniture according to the teachings of Feng Shui in the office is no less important than at home. Of course, no one will let you move the furniture and seat the whole team, but to arrange your workplace According to Feng Shui, everyone can do it.

Feng Shui at work

In order to perform your functions in the workplace efficiently and competently and grow according to career ladder, the first thing you need to do is choose the right place for your desktop. Here are the basic principles of choice right place for the table according to Feng Shui:

  • Try to sit facing the door and diagonally away from it.
  • Try to position yourself so that your boss's desk is behind you. The face-to-face position is very dangerous. This is a direct road to conflicts and disagreements. When your boss is behind you, he becomes your rear.
  • Sitting right in front of the door means receiving a powerful flow of energy (not always positive) every day. Try to move the table to the side at least half a meter.
  • According to Feng Shui, all corners and shelves in the office are sources of negative energy. It's like they stab you in the back if you sit in front of them. Open shelves or the edges of cabinets can be “smoothed out” a little with colors. Place a flowerpot with a flower on a corner shelf, and keep a vase with fresh cut flowers on the table.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sit with your back to the door. This means inviting betrayal from your work allies. You should also not sit with your back to the window. You may lose support at work.

Houseplants according to Feng Shui

You should be careful when decorating your office with flowers. According to feng shui, flowers can bring a lot positive energy and contribute to the prosperity of the company, but can also cause discord in the team. Here are indoor plants that, according to Feng Shui, carry positive energy:

  • tree crassula;
  • ficus;
  • cyclamens;
  • geranium;
  • cissus;
  • bougainvillea;
  • Chinese rose;
  • lemon or orange tree;
  • chrysanthemum.

In order to achieve career growth and personal success, place a flowerpot with geraniums or azaleas nearby. Geranium will help soften the energy of anger and conduct productive meetings or negotiations.

If you feel insecure or simply want to become more firm in your decisions, you need cyclamen.

Ferns will help make the work atmosphere friendly and trusting. This plant helps develop a sense of tact and proportion.

For creative and ideological people, the Chinese rose is suitable. It transforms the energy of laziness into the energy of creativity and helps neutralize aggression.

If there is disagreement in the office, put it on the window bush chrysanthemum in a pot. The plant develops character and helps to separate what is desired from what is actually desired.

If you notice that there is a very vindictive or touchy employee in the office, place a cactus on his desk. This flower neutralizes anger and rage, helps to turn off emotions and act logically.

Dracaena helps to achieve stable profits in business.

Feng Shui figurines

Of course, attracting good luck in work and career with the help of Feng Shui does not mean that, having created the most favorable environment, you can sit back all day and wait for your career to take off.

On the contrary, the philosophy of Feng Shui can fill you with energy, give you strength for active work, help the emergence of new bold decisions and ideas, and, importantly, help ensure that your work does not go unrewarded. Therefore, you should learn how to use Feng Shui for your career.

The first and main rule is positive attitude! Work should bring joy and satisfaction from what you do.

From the point of view of Feng Shui philosophy, daily negativity can not only block career and financial flows, but also significantly worsen health. If it is not possible to change your unloved job, then it is best to change your attitude towards it. An eternally dissatisfied, gloomy employee, whining about how bad everything is, will not make a successful career.

Another important condition is the creation of a workplace conducive to work. Feng Shui experts advise removing everything that prevents Qi energy from circulating freely. Don't clutter your office and workspace.

In an environment where " creative chaos", an office overflowing with necessary and Not necessary things, folders and documentation, “extra” furniture, covered with stickers, it’s hard to work and develop. Take some time after work to review everything in your workplace and get rid of what is unnecessary.

For example, archive all old documents, make a small rearrangement of furniture. Put things in order: make a work plan and follow it without procrastinating.

Qi energy is needed Fresh air, therefore, regularly ventilate your office, get rid of dust and debris in a timely manner, do not smoke in the work area and do not allow others to do so.

Pay attention to how and where the desk and chair are located. The ideal location of the workplace is in the northern part of the room, since the north in Feng Shui is “responsible” for Career and success. A good location is also with your back to the wall, facing north. Not the best option is a desk in the corner.

The energy of the corners carries charges of destructive energy. To soften this impact, the table can be placed diagonally or, if possible, hang a “wind chime”; metal bells (symbol of the North) neutralize the negative impact of the angle.

You can’t sit with your back to the window or front door - the Qi energy simply “flies” to nowhere. It is bad if the workplace is reflected in the mirror, especially if the mirror (or other reflective surface) is behind your back - this will negatively affect your work. If possible, hide all wires behind panels or baseboards or under the carpet - a symbol of money outflow.

Make sure your work area is well lit. Sunlight must come from the side or front.

And don’t forget about Feng Shui symbols that can activate career growth, attract good luck, create favorable conditions for work and mental activity. First of all, it is water.

Feng Shui combination: North-Water-Metal patronizes career and success. Water in the workplace can be symbolized by an aquarium, a small fountain lamp, a transparent vase with clean water, a picture (or screensaver on a computer) depicting calm water - a lake, river, rain - but, in no case, a storm at sea, a waterfall, strong winds and violent water.

Another talisman that can be placed in the workplace is a turtle, made of stone or metal - a symbol of health and longevity, protecting from troubles, attracting good luck and financial well-being. Transparent crystals, especially glass lotus, will reflect any negativity and allow the Chi energy not to stagnate.

Wealth and increased profits will be attracted by a figurine of a three-legged toad sitting on coins or a small clay pot filled with coins. Living indoor plants “absorb” negative energy and will be a good talisman for career “growth”.

And one more secret: try to correlate your workplace with your boss’s office, even if it is located on a different floor. In Feng Shui, placing the desk “behind” the manager means supporting the boss, while sitting “face to face” symbolizes conflict and confrontation and, of course, does not contribute to career advancement.

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Have a good career and great rewards!

Sometimes we want changes in the house and we begin a large-scale rearrangement of furniture and things. By doing this in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, we will soon notice positive changes in our lives - our careers are skyrocketing, relationships with loved ones are improving, and our financial situation is improving. Arranging your workplace according to Chinese traditions will also have a positive impact on your business. If you decide to rearrange your desk or improve your office, it’s worth considering key points Feng Shui practices.

We spend a good third of our time working, so why not optimize this process? You will not be limited to an improved mood. Success, profit and career growth directly depend on the interior details you choose and their location.

  • Place the table so that your back is not to the entrance to the room. From an energetic point of view, such an arrangement is dangerous and can attract betrayal into your life. Please pay Special attention at this point if the door opens into the room.
  • Sit with your face, not your back, to the window. This entails difficulties in mutual understanding with work colleagues, as well as the inability to enlist the support of your boss.
  • Pay attention to the Water symbols. The table should be positioned so that they are never behind you. Water symbols include aquariums, decorative fountains, paintings depicting the water element, etc. They attract wealth and prosperity.
  • Make sure there are no structures above your head, such as shelves, large chandeliers or an air conditioner. They create pressure, interfere with thinking and creative processes, and also block the flow of positive energy.
  • Try to hide all wires. When they are in a visible place, they negatively affect the flow of profit and business success.

Office workspace design

In modern offices, in order to save space, workplaces are arranged very compactly: in separate cubicles or surrounded by partitions. The person feels pressure and discomfort, and the table turns out to be cluttered with computer equipment and office supplies. To visually expand this small space, hang a picture with a landscape or any symbol of Water on the wall near the table - sea, waterfall, mountain river, etc.

Lighting plays an important role. It is advisable to have a lamp on the desktop. Its light must fall from the opposite working hand sides or top. Blinds or curtains protect from bright sunlight and help you concentrate better. However daylight should fit into the room, as it brings harmony and comfort.

Any item that delights you will help to decorate a boring, gray place, thereby brightening up routine tasks. It could be a photo of a loved one, original stand for pens, decorative decoration on the monitor, in general, everything that comes to your mind. Looking at this, your mood will rise and fatigue will go away.

Feng Shui working area requires protection for humans. Indoor plants can provide such protection. It is most needed by people working for high floors or sitting near a window. By the way, the choice of plants should be approached responsibly. Fern will improve relationships between employees, chrysanthemum will protect you from unwanted conflicts, geranium will help with career advancement, cyclamen will help you gain self-confidence. But the cactus, which many people like to decorate their table with, should not be placed - its spines attract negativity and have a bad effect on your financial situation. Although every rule has an exception - place it in the center of the table and you will protect yourself from intrigue and betrayal.

If your office does not have windows, be sure to place an aquarium, flowerpots with plants and paintings of the natural landscape in it.

The table, according to Chinese practice, must always be tidy, clean and tidy. Try to get rid of unnecessary papers or at least diligently put them in folders. The office needs to be cleaned regularly wet cleaning and ventilate. Cluttering things and dust prevents the circulation of energy, so that luck and money always accompany you. Keep popular items within easy reach, and keep those you rarely use in shelves, nightstands and cabinets.

If you are a subordinate and cannot choose your workplace, at least try turning the desk. Having calculated Gua number, you will know your favorable location, and towards it you should sit. As a seat the best option will work chair with a straight hard back and armrests. Such support for backs and arms brings stability to work environment. Its mobility, that is, the presence of wheels, will come in handy.

It would be wrong to place subordinates opposite each other. Employees' views overlap, causing discomfort, distraction, and hindering career development. If a superior person is sitting opposite you, you can forget about the promotion for the near future. It is best for management to be placed behind the backs of subordinates, controlling the work process and not “pressing” with their gaze. This also symbolizes their support and providing you with a strong and reliable rear.

According to Feng Shui, the boss’s desk should not only contribute to his and the company’s success, but also help achieve a friendly atmosphere in the team. It is best for him to sit with his back to the wall, symbolizing support and support. Be sure to avoid a position with your back to the door; this can lead to a weakening of authority and significant discomfort. The effect can be enhanced by placing paintings depicting mountain peaks. If the room is very small, hang pictures of lakes, meadows and other open, peaceful landscapes. Avoid sharp corners in the office, otherwise all your luck in business will evaporate without a trace. Good natural and artificial lighting in the manager’s office will charge him with positive energy and relieve stress. bad mood and depressive conditions.

Furniture must emphasize the level and status of a person and his position. Strict design from natural furniture, plain walls in beige, light green or pale brown tones - best helpers. The chair must fit into general interior, be of the correct shape and preferably made of leather.

Any metal objects activate work activity, attract positive impulses and attract strength for a successful business.

Office decoration

When choosing a place in the house for an office, make your choice in favor of a room located close to the front door. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the room should have a regular square or rectangular shape, since each corner is responsible for one of the spheres of life. The absence of one of the corners in the room will negatively affect the area responsible for it. This can be corrected by placing a mirror in the corner. Diffused lighting and favorable colors will allow you to work with a clear mind every day.

Your office should not only be practical and in line with Chinese practices, but also reflect your character. Add a few of your favorite things to decorate it.

Clean your work area regularly. Get rid of unnecessary junk, carefully fold documents and wipe dust off your equipment. Don’t delay reading letters and other documentation, otherwise soon piles of papers will tower next to you and interfere with your work. Order is the basis of Feng Shui, remember this.

Use a metal table lamp for lighting. Place it opposite your working hand so that the light falls in the right direction and the shadow does not interfere with your work. Close window location and hit sunlight- this is of course good, but too bright rays will be distracting, making it difficult to see the monitor. Use blinds or light curtains to create solar lighting slightly scattered in the morning. You should not completely prevent the entry of rays and curtain the windows with thick curtains. The sun carries countless charges of positive energy necessary for thought processes.

For the right attitude At work, put photographs that highlight your career success - the presentation of a diploma and public speaking, and hang a nice picture of nature on the wall. Sit facing empty wall we do not recommend it, but when this cannot be avoided, it is better to see the fields and harvests in front of you in order to collect them in life.

When sitting at your desk, you should not see the sharp corners of other furniture in the room. Of course, in some apartments it is difficult to find a spacious corner for work, so brighten up sharp corners with fabric, decorations or indoor plants. The simplest option is to stretch a woolen thread along them so that all conflicts and troubles at work pass you by.

To ensure future opportunities and prospects, make sure you can approach the table from multiple angles.

An important decision is purchasing a desk chair. You will have to sit on it for long hours, so it should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. Adjustable soft wide chairs with straight backs and armrests will help minimize back fatigue and neck tension. Leaning back on it for a few minutes will be a real pleasure. The backrest plays an important role in protecting you from evil spirits. Upright posture characterizes a respectable business person.

There should be a minimum of furniture in the office. Choose brown and other natural tones, avoid dark shades. Black furniture will make your work completely fruitless. Avoid relaxing furnishings, such as soft sofa. It’s not even an hour before you forget about work and lie down on the sofa to take a nap, submitting to its magic. If you want to place it, choose a hard leather sofa that promotes control and work. Leather furniture fits perfectly into the work stream - it has “yang” energy and activates brain activity. An office cannot be complete without a cabinet for documents and other professional utensils. Make sure that its doors are always closed, otherwise it will be difficult to collect your thoughts, and you will often suffer from absent-mindedness.

At the time of the birth of Feng Shui, there was no trace of technology, so its electromagnetic pulses interfere with the work process. Nowadays it’s hard to imagine working without a computer, but still try not to clutter your office with it.

Accurate table location

The teachings of Feng Shui help determine the best location for the workplace based on your own date of birth. For correct calculation ignore the first two digits. Let's give an example. The lady was born in 1982, which means we take only the number 82. Subtract 4 from it, we get 78. Divide this number by 9. Subtract 8 from a hundred, we get 92. Divide by 9 again and get the number 10 - this is the desired number . A man born in 1982 first subtracts 82 from a hundred, getting 18. And then divides by 9, the resulting number 2 is his number. Pay attention only to whole numbers.

Once you have figured out your figure, all that remains is to refer to this simple explanatory table:

This will give you the optimal location for your desktop. It is worth noting that Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing it in the south side, as this contributes to conflicts and unpleasant working moments.

Desktop sectors

Chinese practice teaches us correct placement items on the desktop. Let's roughly divide it into three main zones:

  • The central part symbolizes good luck, a successful financial situation, possible future victories in professionally. This zone is also responsible for past victories, so for the right energy, place cups, frames with diplomas and certificates and other evidence of achievements here. If you don’t have them at all, then leave this sector empty, don’t clutter it with unnecessary things - then the path to a bright future will be clear.
  • The left side is the zone of wealth. Are you looking for more profit? Then we advise you to put a small Money Tree, attracting finance and success. Thus, you get 2 in 1: a plant on your desktop and an improvement in your financial situation. If for some reason you don’t want to see the tree, you can replace it with another Feng Shui talisman - a piggy bank or a frog with three legs. Place them on a red cloth and tie them with a red ribbon, because, as you know, this color attracts wealth.
  • The right side is responsible for creative direction. Post some of your results here successful work, any projects or documentation. But don't overdo it with a bunch of things! Everything should be compact and neatly folded. Install a telephone in the right area of ​​the table; this will help establish relationships with superiors.
  • The computer desktop is also important for beneficial work. Place a relaxing photo on your screensaver, such as a landscape or, better yet, any image of water (remember the influence of water symbols). Remove all unnecessary icons, documents and folders.

Color spectrum

Feng Shui teaches that each color and each shade has its own energy, so it is important to take into account the range of the work area. Color not only improves performance and improves mood, but can also have a positive/negative effect on human health.

Modern white and black or gray office rooms are a bad decision, since they are absolutely not in harmony - there are literally no colors in this design. Neutral White color does not carry any energy, and black only absorbs light rays. Gray shade- just a mixture of the first two.

The presence of many motley bright tones pleases in the first minutes of being in the room, but after a few minutes it begins to tire and even irritate. Therefore, try not to overdo it with monotony and saturation, choosing harmonizing shades.

Beige, soft green, marsh, light orange, and coffee colors contribute to a relaxed and productive atmosphere.

Talismans on the table

Let's take a closer look at the useful talismans that should be placed on the table, as well as their positive impact.

The three-legged toad, which we mentioned just above, is an ancient Chinese symbol of material well-being. Choose this unusual figurine with a coin in its mouth, place it in the left area of ​​the table and ensure yourself a stable financial position.

Any figurine in the shape of a pyramid is very strong amulet, which stimulates performance and has a positive effect on energy circulation. Place it in the right or central area of ​​the table to help your career take off. Make your choice in favor of a crystal product.

Indian elephant god called Ganesha increases your chance of promotion wages in particular and total income family as a whole. It also has a positive effect on relationships with business partners and the successful conclusion of transactions. From time to time, stroke the hands and trunk of the elephant god to activate its action. You can also put candy next to it.

A variety of pictures with hieroglyphs of wealth, success or fame will also have a beneficial effect on work. A dragon figurine helps develop your creative abilities and protects you from ill-wishers, and an old man with a bag of money Hottei is useful for attracting wealth.

Keep a lot of information in your head and constantly forget important details? Then be sure to keep crystals that have powerful energy for working at the computer.

Feng Shui above and below the table

Above your table in optimal option there should be a flat ceiling with lamps, without huge lamps, beams or other overhanging things that create tension and discomfort. Subconsciously, every person thinks that these pipes or lamps may fall on their heads, which means that working in such an atmosphere will not be productive.

The same discomfort is created by air conditioners or heaters, whose cold or warm air currents cause discomfort from time to time. If you don’t have the opportunity to change your place at work, stock up on an umbrella in advance that can block the air. It’s even easier to change the direction of the air conditioner air flow in the settings.

The space under the table needs to be given no less attention. Don't clutter it with countless "necessary" things just because no one will notice them. Get rid of boxes, tidy up wires, dust off dust, and remove lingering cobwebs from corners. The feeling of tightness will disappear and work will become easier. The system unit and the necessary things under the table should be on your left side.

The correct arrangement of furniture, the position of the table and the selection of objects on it contribute to a favorable and productive work environment, attract good luck and improve financial status. Support in the form of a wall at the back, space and opportunities in front. Tidy and clean table comfortable chair, the presence of talismans and relaxing objects helps to properly tune in to work, accumulate positive energy and achieve new heights.

Feng Shui for an office means a harmoniously organized workplace. It is advisable to sit with your back to a blank wall so that it is convenient to communicate with colleagues and clients entering the office. You can hang a picture of your favorite image on the wall. This will allow you to feel support coming from the rear.

If, due to insurmountable circumstances, you are forced to sit with your back to the front door, then you can fence yourself off with a closet or screen, and if there is a window behind you, place a plant on the windowsill. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a wide range of plants can be used in the office workplace, but the most common are Dieffenbachia, Croton and Chinese rose.

When you are at the table, sharp corners should not be pointed at you. Such objects, like a poisonous arrow, send you negative energy Sha Chi. This energy constantly interferes with your work, provokes various diseases and unfounded accusations directed at you.

Your desk should not be between closely spaced cabinets or in a corner of the office. Leave a clear path to your workplace. It will symbolize your perspective.

Even in limited space It will not be difficult to organize Feng Shui of your workplace. If you are forced to work in a cramped cubicle or there is a partition close to you, then you should expand your visual perspective. To do this, you need to hang a reproduction on the wall depicting the surface of the sea, a flowering field, etc.

Setting up your office according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of an office is a complex but fascinating process that is built gradually. Decorate your workplace with a figurine or symbolic image wise turtle and the mighty Dragon. To implement your plans, install in the eastern part of the room, which will be illuminated by sunlight for at least three to five hours a day.

The table should not be placed under an air conditioner, bookshelf or ceiling beam. A threateningly overhanging structure is a source of disease and adversity. It is unacceptable in feng shui at work.

Choose a chair with a high back and armrests. It is a symbol of confidence, stability and support. A chair that does not completely cover your back cannot bring good luck.

Keep your work area tidy at all times. All necessary papers must be stored in special folders. Shelves, cabinets and tables should not be cluttered. Otherwise, stagnant energy will begin to accumulate in the room. You can install it in the work area. This powerful Feng Shui talisman helps attract financial flows.

Keep all necessary papers and documents at your fingertips. If you hide them somewhere far away, you will subsequently have to look for them for a long time and lose the positive energy that comes from them. Never put off cleaning until later. Start right now and get rid of everything unnecessary!

Collect the wires used to connect office equipment into one bundle. Cables lying haphazardly create erratic energy flows.

The workplace must have enough bright lighting, but it is desirable that the light does not irritate the eyesight. Choose table lamps that are comfortable and well adjustable. Any metal object or desk lamp standing on the left side of the table attracts material well-being.

A Feng Shui work table for money should be relatively light (so that it can be easily moved), but at the same time quite stable. Place a photograph of yourself on the table showing you during your work process. This will help attract the energy of professional success.

Office windows that open outward will help career growth. Windows that open inward, on the contrary, will limit your prospects.

Feng Shui desktop to attract money

Many people use Feng Shui for work and career. There is a special hieroglyph that ensures well-being and activates monetary energy. This powerful amulet is suitable for any company that offers its services or products. It attracts clients like a magnet and helps you make useful connections. To make a talisman you will need two cards with its image.

You probably already noticed that in addition to the hieroglyph, the picture also shows three coins. This is a monetary symbol of wealth and material success.

A business mascot is used as follows. You need to print a couple of cards and then carefully cut out the image. On back side indicated given name and a wish. For example: “I am the best seller" It is recommended to print the image in the following format - width 2.82 cm, height 5.35 cm.

The resulting card should be placed in the most visible place - the desktop, so that it is always in front of your eyes and activates the positive processes of feng shui in the office. The second card should be kept with you at all times, for example, in your wallet or in any other convenient place. From now on, no matter where you are, the attention of customers will be drawn to you. Nothing more is required from you, trust the magical energy of Feng Shui!

Anyone who has encountered the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui in practice knows that it works great. Feng Shui of the desktop is very light a way to improve your life in all directions by tidying up your workspace.

Boss Position

People practicing feng shui at home , very often they want to apply it at work. If you are one of them, know that it is very simple. It’s even easier than decorating a house using Feng Shui.

Many businessmen, managers, influential personalities, politicians, in principle, all those who have the opportunity to manage their workspace, independently plan it, carry out redevelopment, successfully transfer and apply the knowledge of Feng Shui to the workspace.

If you don’t have a personal office yet, you can still probably arrange your own according to Feng Shui:

    work area,



If you are working Houses, the rules of Feng Shui can also be applied to the area of ​​​​the home where you work.

Good feng shui work zone is when you:

    at a large clean desk,

    sit with your back to a wall that has no windows (or at least not with your back to a window),

    you see a fairly large office/room space in front of you,

    to your left is a wall with a window,

    in the vision zone (best of all - in front) is the front door.

The office of the German Chancellor fully complies with the rules of Feng Shui

So, the front door should be visible; behind your back, as well as on the left, you need to feel the protection of the walls; the light should fall from the left side on your desktop, which in turn should be solid.

This arrangement is called “Boss position” because it is the most comfortable to work in. This is how you will feel:



    seeing prospects,

    controlling the process.



    to everyone who improves their qualifications,

    to everyone acquiring new knowledge.

What to do if you Not Do you have the opportunity to change anything in your office or rearrange your desktop? Symbolically compensate"flaws":

  1. If there is no wall behind, put up a decorative screen.
  2. If there is no open space in front (you can see a wall or even lean against it), hang a picture or photograph at eye level that has an exit perspective (forward into the distance).
  3. If there is no way to control front door, place a mirror on the desktop or next to it, in which the entrance will be reflected.

Feng Shui desktop: cleanliness, order, symbols

As for directly on the desktop itself, in addition to the fact that it must be large, constantly kept clean ( it is very important!), it is necessary activate, that is, arrange according to Feng Shui in such a way as to achieve maximum success in your work.

The Ba-Gua grid can be conditionally applied to the surface of the desktop, just like any other space in the Universe.

First, you will need to determine the cardinal directions on your desktop, and then select 9 treasured zones of Ba-Gua.

Attention! You should not activate all zones on the desktop at once! This is not necessary, because the desktop is intended for work, therefore, here activate only those zones that will be conducive to self-realization as an employee, a professional, a businessman, a person who has reached heights in his career, that is zones:

    Careers. North. Here you sit, write or type on the keyboard.

    Wealth, money, material wealth. Southeast, far left corner of the desktop.

    Glory. South, the far side of the table is opposite you.

    Assistants, patrons. North-west, right corner of the desktop closest to you.

Feng Shui symbols are placed in these sectors, indicating respectively:

    material wealth (SE) - a piggy bank, three Chinese coins, a money tree (crassula), a figurine of Hotei, etc.;

    glory (Yu) - own awards, horse figurine, red crystals, pyramids, etc.

    assistants (SZ) - images of deities (Ganesha, reclining Buddha), heavenly assistants, bell, etc.

Examples of desktop organization according to Feng Shui

More details on how to activate:

    all feng shui zones,

    wealth zone.

What could be easier than improving your life by doing good hair dryer Shui desktop? It is as simple, incredible, magical, miraculously effective as feng shui card.

Do everything possible for your well-being! Feng Shui of the desktop is so popular because it is incredibly simple to use. All that is needed:

    clear the desktop,

    keep it clean at all times,

    put a couple of symbols of success in your work on it.

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