Proper dietary nutrition menu for the week. PP. We create our menu for the week. Intuitive eating, reviews from those who have lost weight

We continue our conversation about nutrition for weight loss, and today we’ll figure out how to create a menu for weight loss.

To make the topic clear to you, read the article dedicated to weight loss.

Now let's get to work!

Menu for weight loss. Basics

First, let's remember the basic principles of nutrition during weight loss:

  • hunger is prohibited!!!
  • regular meals at intervals of no more than 4 hours;
  • the food is tasty and varied;
  • stick to the optimal caloric intake (read how to calculate) or use.

When developing a meal plan for weight loss, remember that food, in addition to satisfying hunger, also gives pleasure. This is how it should be during weight loss. There is no need to eat tasteless food. It won't do any good.

If you now think that the easiest way is to boil buckwheat for the amount of daily calories, or buy low-fat cottage cheese and eat it until you lose weight. Stop! It is not right.

Don't rely on your willpower in hopes of holding out. Will not work! It doesn't matter sooner or later. In order to lose weight, there is no need to “choke” on food that you don’t like. It is much easier to eat varied and tasty food.

Also, do not prohibit yourself from eating after a certain time. Eat when you are hungry. Just don’t confuse hunger and appetite - read more. Focus on physical manifestations - nausea, weakness, suction in the pit of the stomach, discomfort in the stomach. Believe me, it will do much more harm if you go to bed feeling hungry than if you have a snack before bed so that hunger does not bother you and prevent you from falling asleep.

My only wish is to try not to have dinner as your main meal. You yourself know when your body has the greatest need for food, focus on this, distributing the daily calorie intake in accordance with your needs.

And before we move directly to creating a menu for weight loss, let me remind you that nutrition for weight loss involves 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 1 or 2 snacks, if required. We distribute the entire daily calorie intake over these 3 to 5 meals.

We are developing a menu for weight loss

We create a weight loss menu based on the lifestyle you lead.

If you are a housewife, then you spend most of your time at home, which means you have more options for food. If you work, it is best to take the food you planned before dinner with you. It’s not difficult: think it through, prepare it, package it in containers, and you’re done!

Ideally, during the period of weight loss, you should strive for the following distribution of the main food components:

  • Fats approximately 30% of daily calories, include fats of animal and plant origin in the diet;
  • Proteins are about 30% of the daily calorie intake;
  • Carbohydrates no more than 40% of daily calories, give preference to medium and low carbohydrates.

Let's use a real example to try to create a weight loss menu for one day, based on the fact that we need to fit in 1400 kcal (read how to calculate these indicators for yourself).

Breakfast 7:00

For breakfast, a great combination of proteins and fats of plant and animal origin with vegetables growing above the surface of the earth. By the way, it’s very good if you have breakfast within the first hour after waking up. This will set the right tone for the whole day.

  • Omelet - 2 eggs, butter - 10 g, milk 2.5% - 40 ml
  • Boiled green beans - 100 g, olive oil - 10 g
  • Green tea or coffee (without or with sugar)

We count calories (see how to do this), it turns out 382,0 kcal

First snack 11:00

Most likely, he will already be at work, so you need to take with you from home something that won’t spill and something that doesn’t need to be heated. I suggest this option.

  • Suluguni cheese - 50 gr
  • Fresh carrots - 150 gr

178,0 kcal, let's move on.

Lunch 14:00

At the beginning of weight loss (the first month), it is best to refuse food that was not prepared by you.

The main task of the initial stage of weight loss is to count calories as accurately as possible. The more accurately you calculate the calorie intake, the faster you get the first results. At first, this is very important, because you see real results from your actions, and this greatly strengthens your ability to continue the weight loss program.

Therefore, at the very beginning of a weight loss program, it is best to eat food that you have prepared at home and. If this is completely impossible, then try to take simple, monosyllabic dishes in a canteen or cafe - meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables. All of them, as a rule, are sold by weight, so you can at least roughly determine their calorie content. To do this, you can use a simple and convenient phone application.

And we continue to consider the option when you took food from home.

  • - 250 gr
  • Vegetable salad - fresh vegetables 100 g, olive oil - 10 g
  • Mandarin - 100 gr
  • Tea coffee

We calculate the calorie content, we get 388,1 kcal

Second snack 17:00

  • Cottage cheese 5% - 150 gr
  • - 2 pcs
  • Tea coffee

We count calories, we get - 253,4 kcal

Dinner 20:00

You are already at home, there is no strong hunger, so you can have dinner calmly. Hot first courses are perfectly filling and, as a rule, low in calories. Keep this in mind when planning your dinner.

  • - 300 gr
  • Vegetable stew without potatoes - 150 gr

We count calories, we get 195,0 kcal

If you feel hungry before bed, eat a small piece of chicken, meat or fish. A boiled egg works well. This will relieve an attack of hunger and allow you to fall asleep comfortably. Cottage cheese, yogurt and other fermented milk products are not very suitable for late-night snacks.

Let's sum it up

So, for the day we got 5 meals with a total calorie content 1396,5 kcal

Let's check how well the way we organized our diet for weight loss corresponds to the ideal option:

  1. The calorie content of our diet was 1396.5 kcal, and the required 14,000 was good. Please note that reducing calories below 1200 kcal per day is not recommended.
  2. We check whether there was animal protein in the diet. Yes - eggs, cheese, turkey, cottage cheese.
  3. We check whether fats of animal and vegetable origin were present in the diet. Yes, we were present.
  4. We check whether there were fruits and vegetables in the diet. During the day we ate 4 servings of vegetables and fruits.
  5. The food was quite varied and tasty.
  6. The breaks between meals were no more than four hours.
  7. Plus, during the day you drank clean water and tried to drink at least 1 liter of it.

Everything turned out great!

Now I would ask anyone who found this difficult to raise their hand! I know that there are such people.

Especially for you.

Imagine that everything you should eat to lose weight in a day is placed on one plate, in this case that plate would look like this.

Half the plate is occupied by vegetables and fruits. We divide the remaining half into two parts: one of them is filled with a side dish (carbohydrates with a medium and low glycemic index), the other - mainly with protein products - meat, poultry, legumes, fish, dairy products. Add to this 2-3 tablespoons of high-quality olive oil (not thermally treated) and at least 1 liter of water.

This is exactly what your ideal weight loss menu will look like. All you have to do is calculate the total calorie content and distribute it over 3 to 5 meals.

P.S. Right now you can download a sample weight loss menu for free. To do this, simply enter your email address in the form below.

Getting your figure in order without starving is quite possible. A well-thought-out, balanced, healthy diet and weekly menu for weight loss will help, which implies a diet of 1500 kcal per day. And to be more precise, then calorie corridor - from 1400 to 1500 kcal.

Judging by the test, the majority of our readers share the same opinion.

Why exactly 1400-1500?

In general, such calorie content is not a panacea, as we know, everything is individual and depends on height, weight, age, lifestyle and gender. The older, shorter and thinner a person is, the fewer calories they need, and vice versa.

Typically, this norm is suitable for a girl of average height, middle age, with a body weight of 60 to 80 kg, subject to a couple of gentle workouts in the gym.

How much weight can you lose and how quickly?

The most pressing question is the numbers.

If you don’t mess around, follow the drinking regime and go strictly according to plan, then I guarantee that you will lose 10 kg in 3 months! Moreover, exactly 10 kg of fat will be lost!

Weight loss will look something like this: 2-3 kg in the first or second week, and then 300-400 g each next.

Yes, there will be jumps, there will be plateaus, but focus not only on the scales - the volumes will steadily decrease!

A balanced menu of 1400-1500 kcal per day can also be used to lose 2-3 kg before some event. Of course, I don’t welcome this, but it’s still better than strict diets, after which there is a steady return to the previous numbers.

For example, now there are 3 weeks left until the New Year! And if you buy groceries now and eat only what’s on the menu, then you’ll definitely see minus 4-5 kg ​​on the scales on December 31st.

But that’s not even the most important thing! Already within 3 weeks of eating this way you will get used to it, It’s not for nothing that they say that a habit is formed in 21 days!

Briefly about the principles of the pp menu for weight loss

As soon as you understand the principle, get used to the multiplicity and volume of portions, you will be able to compose a continuation yourself.

The first day

Well, with the beginning of a new life!


Oatmeal with berries, cottage cheese, coffee or tea, of course, without sugar. Add stevia in powder or liquid form to your oatmeal.

In general, stevia powder is an excellent saxam that you can add to any dish. There are no calories in it, it’s natural and it’s a real lifesaver when you want something sweet.


It’s easy to cook porridge: 3 tbsp. Bring the flakes to a boil in a glass of a mixture of water and milk (50/50), add a little salt, stir, turn off.

Coffee\tea, a piece of low-fat cheese, for example, suluguni (25% fat) - 30 g

KBZHU: 357/15/9/56


Take 2 times less ingredients for 1 person!

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


Fruits (1 small each, grapes - 100 g): banana, apple, pear, grapes. Their fruits can be made into a salad, or you can simply eat them. Coffee Tea

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


Buckwheat with (about 300 g of side dish and 100 g of gravy), cucumber or tomato.

KBZHU: 305/21.5/5.2/44

Afternoon snack

Sandwiches with pate (three loaves or slices of bread, each with 1 tablespoon of pate), tea.

KBZHU: 244/24/5.2/25.5


(serving - about 300-350 g), a glass or fresh vegetables.

KBZHU: 330/55/5.3/15.2

Total for the day: Proteins 120 g Fats 34.3 g Carbohydrates 147.7 g 1388 kcal
35% – 22% – 43%


Let's start the day with a chocolate treat.


Banana-chocolate oatmeal (already prepared on the second day), coffee or tea, a piece of suluguni 30 g.

KBZHU: 357/15/9/5


Salad of carrots (1 large), raisins (1 tbsp, pre-steam with boiling water for 10 minutes, rinse well), apple (1 large). Season with 2 tsp. sour cream (fat content 10-15%). Coffee.

KBZHU: 231/4.5/2.7/47.4


Buckwheat soup (you can take pearl barley, bulgur, brown rice, lentils - whatever you like) with meat. Cook it the same way as chicken with noodles, but without the egg. I advise you to cook it again for a couple of days. A slice of bread with the same slice of low-fat cheese. Don't forget - a serving of soup is about 300-350 g!

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


Cottage cheese (150 g), grated small apple, mix, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can add any calorie-free sakhzam. Green tea.

KBZHU: 267/25.4/13.5/11


Which is ideal for dinner - light, filling and tasty. A serving is 350 g, so you won’t be able to go hungry.

KBZHU: 256/28/10.5/10.5

Total for the day: Proteins 111 g Fats 44.5 g Carbohydrates 169.6 g 1516 kcal
29% – 26% – 45%

Day #7

Weigh yourself before breakfast today! What's the minus on the scale?


Today we will have a protein breakfast again - an omelet with vegetables and cheese.

Let me remind you - take 2 times less food! Tea or coffee.

KBZHU: 250/16.7/18/3


A variety of fruits that you can eat just like that, or you can make a salad. 1 small apple, banana, pear.

KBZHU: 259/3/0.6/60


If you cooked enough soup yesterday, then today we don’t cook lunch, but finish what we have.

KBZHU: 405/38/8.6/45


50 grams of any nuts - walnuts, cashews. Maybe peanuts.

KBZHU: 275/13.2/22.6/4.9


For the evening, I suggest stewing cabbage with chicken breast.

KBZHU: 351/39/18/12

Well, aren't you hungry?

How delicious!

As you can see, this is not a sample menu at all, but a very detailed one!

If you have any questions, please clarify, ask in the comments, I will answer within 2-3 hours.

Let's buy for a week

All of the dishes listed above are usually made from affordable products that are not difficult to find on store shelves. To make it even easier for you to decide, here weekly grocery list:

  • chicken fillet – 1 kg
  • low-fat sea fish (hake, pollock, etc.) - 1 kg
  • chicken liver - 0.5 kg
  • tuna in its own juice - 1 jar
  • low-fat cheese, preferably 2-3 varieties, to make it tasty. A couple of pieces of 100-150 g will be enough not only for you, but also for your family.
  • any nuts - 200-300 g;
  • vegetables - cabbage, onions, carrots, pekin, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes) - see for yourself, if you take only for yourself, then 0.5 kg each. There won’t be enough, it’s better to buy more at the end of the week so that you have something fresh;
  • a small piece of red fish.

You will also need durum wheat cereals and pasta, oatmeal, milk, vegetable oil, spices and seasonings, cinnamon, vanillin, cocoa powder.

You will then see for yourself that this entire list of products will cost less than regular food for a week with sausage cookies. That is, you Not only will you lose weight, become healthier and more energetic, but you will also save money.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Maintaining a normal weight that corresponds to your body type, age, and body condition is important and necessary. This matters not so much for external attractiveness, but for preserving the functionality of the body, promoting health, and longevity. There is a huge amount of information about healthy ways to lose weight. To achieve and maintain a positive result without harm to your health, learn to analyze weight loss options and choose the right ones.

A new level of metabolic control has been achieved with the release of the drug Reduxin ® Forte. The unique combination of sibutramine and metformin allows you to increase the effectiveness of weight loss, because... the drug reduces hunger, breaks down fats and carbohydrates, and enhances metabolism.

During the course of taking Reduxin ® Forte, the body of the person losing weight is reconstructed: new habits of proper nutrition are formed. That is why it is very important for patients engaged in weight loss to follow the duration of the course prescribed by the specialist.

Diet for weight loss

No matter how much newfangled weight loss products are advertised, you should not rely on their miraculous powers. Miracles must be created through your own actions. The basis of losing weight is unshakable - proper nutrition and physical activity. All this can be organized at home and fight extra pounds on your own.

The path to losing excess weight is long and difficult; it is different for everyone, so it is individual. There are no perfect options when it comes to losing weight. The main task of those losing weight is to have the right psychological attitude, clearly see the goal and not give in to difficulties, stock up on endurance and a good mood. A properly organized process of losing weight can become an exciting learning experience, self-development, and self-education for everyone.

To create a diet, a specific goal is important - how many kilograms you need to lose, and what parameters you need to achieve. Body weight is not the only indicator that needs to be monitored. The volumes of the chest, waist, and hips are no less important. You need to take all the necessary measurements and record them, you can take a photo. With regular exercise, adipose tissue disappears and muscles begin to grow, so at a certain stage the mass may increase or remain unchanged. Reducing volumes is a more indicative and significant result.

Nutritionists advise everyone starting healthy weight loss to keep a food diary and plan all meals. To proceed, please consider the general rules. Necessary:

  1. Determine the number of meals and portion sizes.
  2. Create a diet plan and strictly adhere to it.
  3. Leave enough protein in your diet. This is important for maintaining muscle health. They are the main fat burners; loss of muscle mass should not be allowed. Protein foods help maintain healthy skin, which should maintain firmness and elasticity while losing weight.
  4. Organize (about 2 liters of clean water).
  5. Strictly exclude sweet pastries and any other junk food from your diet while losing weight.
  6. Choose healthy, healthy food that is tasty and easy to enjoy. Understanding how much vital energy and benefits it will bring to the body will make eating healthy food a good habit, a way of life.
  7. Weighing and measuring volumes will help you monitor the effectiveness of your weight loss program. This procedure should be carried out once a week. There is no need to be nervous and worry again. It is better to rejoice at even the smallest victory, to praise yourself for your perseverance and determination.

It is necessary to part with some foods and dishes for a while, and then minimize their consumption in the future. Foods that interfere with weight loss:

  • salt, sugar;
  • white bread, muesli;
  • White rice;
  • confectionery;
  • mayonnaise, margarine, ketchup, sauces;
  • sausages, canned food, any semi-finished products;
  • hard cheese (fat);
  • sweet fermented milk products;
  • meat broths;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • packaged fruit juices;
  • alcohol.

Proper nutrition

A person can obtain nutrients exclusively from food. They are necessary to maintain the vital functions and vitality of the body; it draws energy from them and recovers from them. How to start eating right? You will need to plan and analyze your diet, schedule your meals, and keep a diary. What information to analyze in the diary:

  1. Write down the times of all meals and the meal “menu” (even if it’s crackers with tea). It is so easy to determine how many times and what food was consumed.
  2. Record the amount of food eaten (approximate weight of dishes or “goodies”).
  3. Reason for eating food. Everything is very clear with main meals and snacks in between. What about the other times?
  4. Calculate the calorie content of foods eaten per day. You can find calorie counters on online websites. They make it easy to control the calorie content of your daily menu.

Analyzing your diet for several days will help you decide on a list of healthy foods. The transition to proper nutrition should be gradual. Replace fried with stewed or baked in the oven, sweet with fruit, white flour bread with bran or whole grain. Eating for weight loss does not allow for strong feelings of hunger. This is stress for the body; it will begin to store rather than give away. A glass of kefir at night will not do any harm if your bedtime is later. And for those with a sweet tooth, you can sometimes allow a spoonful of honey or a slice of dark chocolate. A positive attitude is more important.

Proper (or rational) nutrition involves only three main tasks. They must be taken into account and implemented:

  1. Daily caloric intake must correspond to energy expenditure.
  2. Nutrition should be varied and balanced to meet the body's daily needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins.
  3. It is important to comply. This improves digestion, absorption of what you eat, and improves metabolism.

Diets for weight loss at home

Weight correction techniques have a rich arsenal of diets. None of them guarantee 100% results. Any diet means restrictions, a violation of the principles of rational nutrition, and stress. Every organism is individual, and it is difficult to predict its reaction to a stressful situation. Each diet has pros, cons, and contraindications. Analysis of several popular diets for quickly gaining a slim figure:

  • . The basis of the diet is proteins, and fats and carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. One of the most effective. Allows you to quickly lose weight by digesting proteins, the body burns calories. There is no painful hunger. It has a lot of contraindications. A large amount of protein in food is an additional burden on the stomach, liver and kidneys, increases cholesterol levels, problems with blood pressure, and possible joint diseases.
  • . The calorie content of food is reduced as much as possible. The diet lasts no more than three days. Weight loss happens quickly. The menu requires strict adherence to the chosen diet; it is not recommended to consume additional liquid, as this provokes an even stronger feeling of hunger. Weight loss is largely due to fluid loss rather than fat breakdown. Extreme diets are carried out no more than once a month.
  • . An interesting technique not only for losing weight, but also for cleansing the body. For 30 days a person consumes only liquid foods. In the first 10 days, the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, and in the next 10 – the circulatory, respiratory and urinary systems. The last 10 days help cleanse the cells of the entire body from waste and toxins. Weight loss – up to 15 kg. Going without solid food for a long time can lead to digestive problems.
  • . They are easy to implement and do not require large budget expenditures. You need to choose one of the permitted foods, which you can eat in any quantity. The weight will decrease. Any mono-diet causes metabolic disorders, because the human body is adapted to digest a variety of foods. With its long-term use, part of the digestive glands atrophies, which leads to disruption of food absorption. Side effects will be minimal if the diet is short and a product suitable for a particular organism is selected.

Set of products for weight loss

With properly organized nutrition, the body receives all the necessary organic substances (or nutrients). It is important to maintain their balance, calculate the quantity and calorie content. A proper diet for weight loss should include:

  • Squirrels. These are the basic substances. They regulate metabolic processes and the body is built from them. Lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products are protein foods.
  • Fats. Their number needs to be reduced, but not completely eliminated. They are important for building cells and are the basis for the formation of many hormones. Omega 3, 6, 9 are healthy fats. There are many of them in sea fish, seafood, and olive oil.
  • Carbohydrates. Source of energy. To lose weight, simple carbohydrates (sweets, white pastries, potatoes) need to be replaced with complex ones (cereals, dark flour products).

It is important to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Spices and drinks are good for weight loss. List of natural fat burners:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • grapefruits, pineapples, apples;
  • figs;
  • nuts;
  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • green tea;
  • red wine.

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss

The best way to lose excess weight is proper nutrition. It involves a tasty, varied, inexpensive, accessible balanced menu for the whole family, which helps reduce body weight and improve health. For most people who have struggled with excess weight, following the principles of PP, it has become a way of life. General rules:

  • cooking methods: boiling, steaming, baking, stewing;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits should make up at least 20% of the daily diet;
  • sweet fruits should be eaten in the first half of the day, sour ones - in the second;
  • It is impossible to exclude fats from the diet, but they must be healthy (from the group of unsaturated fatty acids), they contain salmon, trout, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocado;
  • eat “slow” carbohydrates;
  • carbohydrates are suitable for breakfast and lunch;
  • potatoes and pasta (from durum wheat) should be included in the menu with fresh vegetables, and not with meat, as independent dishes;
  • proteins must be present in the diet daily (their presence is mandatory on the dinner menu);
  • It’s better to start your meal with a salad of fresh vegetables (if it is included in the menu);
  • Place food in small portions on small plates (it is advisable to weigh everything that is in the plate);
  • the total portion weight for main meals is no more than 350-400 grams;
  • you need to eat slowly (the saturation center is triggered after 20 minutes), concentrate on eating, chew thoroughly;
  • the break between meals should not exceed 3 hours, so between main meals there should be healthy snacks, ideally breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner;
  • you should not skip main meals;
  • You can have breakfast 30 minutes after getting up, it is better to plan lunch between 13.00 and 15.00, have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • the break between dinner and breakfast should be at least 12 hours, so it is unacceptable to overeat in the evening (also because metabolism slows down during night sleep);
  • Eating food at the same time improves its digestion and absorption.

How to compose

Before you start drawing up a healthy nutrition menu, you need to determine the body's energy costs. The total calorie content of the daily diet depends on this. 2000 poops are necessary for a person with moderate physical activity. People with a sedentary lifestyle have an energy requirement of 1500 kcal. The diet is compiled taking into account the rules of dietetics:

  1. With 5 meals a day, 30% of the daily amount of calories should come from breakfast, 5% from the first snack, 40% from lunch; 5% – for the 2nd snack; 20% - for dinner.
  2. BJU should be presented in a ratio of 1:4:1.
  3. The required amount of organic substances depends on body weight. For 1 kg of weight you need 1.5-2 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat, carbohydrates - 2.5 g for women, 3 g for men.
  4. All meals should contain nutrients, but they must be distributed taking into account the activity of the digestive system:
    • In the morning, the body needs energy, vitamins and minerals. Porridge, light protein products (for example, cottage cheese), and fruit are perfect for breakfast.
    • By lunchtime, the digestive organs are ready to process large volumes of food. The menu includes vegetable salad, meat dishes with a side dish of cereals, soups, and borscht.
    • By the end of the day, digestion processes slow down. Fish, stewed vegetables, and lactic acid products are suitable for dinner.
  5. Fruits, nuts, sandwiches based on whole grain bread are the best option for snacking.
  6. Calorie content and nutritional value of dishes are calculated based on special tables that can be easily found on the Internet.

Sample diet for a week

Of the 5 convenient ready-made options for a detailed menu for a week for weight loss, study the first one. The transition to PP will definitely give a positive result. A scheduled menu of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week may look like this (this option can be used as a basis and adjusted taking into account further advice):

Day of the week

Meal time


Calorie content (per 100 g)

Nutritional value (per 100 g)



Wheat toast

Boiled egg

Cauliflower salad

Green tea

Boiled chicken breast

Chinese cabbage salad

Meat broth

2 green apples

Boiled turkey fillet

Herb tea

Oatmeal with honey

Tea with lemon


Green tea

Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers

Green tea

Natural yogurt

Boiled hake

Green leaf salad

Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers

Baked pork

Hard cheese

Boiled egg


Herb tea

Vegetarian pea soup

Rye bread toast

Hard cheese

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins

Sour cream 15%

Baked pollock

Green leaf salad

Boiled eggs

Tea with lemon

2 oranges

baked potato

Baked apples


Boiled beef

Vegetable sauté

Boiled squid

Tomato juice


Diet menu for the week

Making your own diet is the best decision. The menu depends on the desired result, financial capabilities, lifestyle and other factors. The previous example of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week helps you understand the principle of menu planning and introduces you to the nutritional value and calorie content of healthy foods. Online calorie counters will help you with your calculations. Although data on the calorie content of individual products varies, weighing and measuring volumes will show the effectiveness and correctness of the dietary menu.

For beneficial weight loss in the diet, it is important to create a small calorie deficit (100-200), while ensuring the supply of all nutrients, the amount of which depends on body weight. You can find a weekly diet menu with recipes on the Internet and at the same time improve your culinary skills. Spend a little time and create an individual weight loss menu for every day, using a few tips.

Simple diet

An inexpensive and simple weekly weight loss menu will help you correct your weight. This daily diet is convenient for those who do not have time to prepare complex dishes. This is the second of 5 ready-made menu options for weight loss. The emphasis is on limiting daily calories to 1300-1500. In this version of the diet, the nutritional value is balanced:

Day of the week

Meal time

Dish/product (weight, volume)

Calorie content (in kcal)

Monday Breakfast A cup of coffee 0

Crispbread (2 pieces)

Whole grain bread (1 slice)

Chicken ham (2 slices)

Cauliflower soup

Fish balls (4 pieces)

My principles of nutrition when losing weight. Menu for the week. What do I eat to lose weight

Hello, dear Readers! Today we will talk about proper nutrition for weight loss. You will learn how to deal with extra pounds without following strict diets.

Excessive fatness does not decorate anyone. It is especially unpleasant when, on the eve of warm spring days, beautiful dresses, blouses, trousers are taken out of the closet and it is noted with horror... Beautiful things have become a bit cramped.

Obesity can be the result of certain diseases. Don't hesitate. A qualified doctor will help you solve your problem and improve your body health.

But most often, obesity is dictated by excess nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. This is where everything depends on you. There is absolutely no need to run to a nutritionist. You can independently develop proper nutrition for weight loss at home.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and make every effort. And very soon the new rules will not seem like hard labor to you, but will become a pleasant moment that brings pleasure.

Methods and principles of effective weight loss

Rapid weight loss with strict diets leads to rapid positive results. However, not many people can maintain these levels after returning to a normal diet.

After all, when you quickly lose excess weight, the body experiences enormous stress. It is not surprising that, frightened by such a hunger strike, he gives the order to accumulate supplies for future use.

By choosing the right diet for weight loss at home, you will protect yourself from stress, depression and anxiety. At the same time, you will develop an adequate attitude towards your health, food and even appearance.

The hardest part of losing weight is getting started.

  1. The right attitude. Live life to the fullest. Take even the smallest result as a victory. Don’t beat yourself up if you allowed yourself a small piece of pie after 6 pm the day before.
  2. Set the right goals. Few people manage to lose 10 kg in a month. Don't put too high demands on yourself. Let it be 2-4 kg, but those that will go away forever.
  3. Find support. If you lack willpower, find help from your household. Believe me, your little daughter or son will be happy to play sports with you. And your husband, in order to support you, will refuse a rich fried dinner and eat a salad with you.
  4. Introduce changes gradually. Don't cut from the shoulder. Introduce all innovations gradually. This way you will protect yourself from breakdowns and protect your body from stress.
  5. Drinking water. An adult should drink at least 2 liters daily. This will fill the body with vigor and energy.
  6. Choosing a weight loss program. If you are a supporter of diets, then choose those that fully correspond to your taste preferences and will be healthy. It’s even better to coordinate them with your doctor.

By adhering to the above rules, you can easily turn proper nutrition into an exciting and enjoyable moment.

Nutrition without diets

Once you've decided on the right diet for weight loss, first find out what concepts it's based on.

A healthy diet requires following these recommendations:

  1. Avoid sweets. You can use honey instead of sugar. Sweets and halva are excellent substitutes for fruits.
  2. Replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones. The latter include buckwheat porridge, millet, wholemeal oatmeal, unpolished rice, whole grain or rye pasta, bread without sugar and yeast. Bread made from whole grains is healthy. Complex carbohydrates are also vegetables and fruits that are low in sugar.
  3. Avoid baked goods and wheat bread. Your companions should be rye bread and crispbread.
  4. Watch your portion sizes. You will need special scales. They will help control your appetite. It is recommended to consume no more than 200 g of food per meal. The serving size should be about the size of a fist.
  5. Do not eat smoked or fried foods. Food that is steamed or cooked in the oven is considered healthy. Products can be boiled or stewed. Fried food is completely unhealthful and even harmful.
  6. Reduce your intake of animal fats as much as possible. It is allowed to add a small amount of butter to food. Olive oil is the most beneficial for food; you can bake and stew foods with it, and season salads with it.
  7. Eat vegetables. You can prepare a wide variety of salads from them. However, do not use mayonnaise or sour cream as a dressing. Use olive oil or Greek yogurt. Don't get carried away with salt.
  8. Be sure to eat proteins. But choose low-fat foods. For meat, give preference to turkey, chicken, veal, and rabbit. Include low-fat white fish in your diet.
  9. Low-fat dairy products are healthy. Be sure to use kefir. It will improve the functioning of the digestive tract. This means that the intestines will digest food faster and more thoroughly.
  10. Avoid alcohol. It is not only harmful to health, but also causes a “brutal” appetite.


If you want to balance your menu for weight loss, then you will have to completely reconsider your food intake. This is not as easy to do as it might seem. After all, you will have to change something in your schedule.

Are you used to eating 3 times a day? Now you need to increase the number of meals up to 5-6 times.

Eating five meals a day allows you to reduce the gaps between meals. Your body will not have time to experience hunger. Consequently, fat reserves will not be stored for future use.

  • 7.30 – first breakfast;
  • 9.30-10.00 – second breakfast;
  • 12.30-13.30 – lunch meal;
  • 14.30-15.30 – snack;
  • 18.30-19.30 – dinner.

Remember, after dinner you are allowed to drink only water.

Drinking regime

There is an important rule on which dietetics is based: drinking clean water in sufficient quantities. A weight loss menu requires adherence to a drinking regime.

Water takes part in most processes occurring in the body. It is simply necessary to support his life. In addition, it is water that stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

The daily amount of water for an adult is at least 2 liters.

If you are interested in nutrition for quick weight loss, then use a few tricks:

  1. Drink 1 glass of water at room temperature before meals, 30-40 minutes before. This will have a positive effect on intestinal function. Plus, the liquid will fill your stomach a little. You will eat significantly less food during your meal.
  2. Try not to drink food. Especially when it comes to sweet tea. Let 20-30 minutes pass after your meal. Now is the time to drink tea. Otherwise, food entering the stomach, in combination with a sweet drink, can trigger the fermentation process.

Sample menu

We looked at the basic principles on which dietetics is built. It’s not difficult to develop a menu for weight loss yourself. The main thing is to eat natural and healthy food.

Nutritionists offer the following menu, which can be used as the basis of a diet:

meal Recommended food Example menu
1 breakfast Protein foods, complex carbohydrates Oatmeal, boiled in water, with the addition of nuts, a couple of pieces of fruit or 2 tbsp. l. berries; cottage cheese (100 g) or yogurt (up to 5%) with cinnamon; 2 boiled eggs; coffee or tea
2 breakfast Fresh vegetables, fruits Fruit or vegetable salad (100 g), seasoned with yogurt; 2 loaves of bread
Dinner Complex carbohydrates, fiber, animal proteins Soup with vegetable or meat low-fat broth; boiled meat; vegetable salad with olive oil
Afternoon snack Vegetables, vegetable fats Vegetable salad (for example, avocado and carrots) – 100 g; dried fruits, nuts
Dinner Vegetables with animal proteins Baked (boiled) fish with stewed vegetables; vegetable salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (1 drop)
Before bedtime Fermented low-fat food 1 glass of natural yogurt or kefir

And here is a convenient table with 5 options for each meal:

1 option Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
Breakfast Oatmeal, apple, green tea Steamed egg white omelette with tomatoes, banana Curd casserole with dried fruits, tea Crispbread with cream cheese and red fish, coffee without sugar Cottage cheese with fruit and honey, tea
Lunch Banana Yogurt Vegetable salad Cottage cheese Oatmeal cookies with honey and tea
Dinner Vegetable soup, buckwheat with boiled beef Fish soup, chicken baked with vegetables Chicken soup, celery puree, baked fish Vegetable soup, beef meatballs with rice Diet borscht, pilaf with chicken
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction Kefir Fruits Vegetable salad Yogurt
Dinner Grilled fish with vegetables Warm vegetable and beef salad Rice with stewed chicken and vegetables Steak with vegetable salad Vegetable stew with veal

Remember that the menu should take into account the individual characteristics of those losing weight - gender, age, weight, presence of chronic diseases.

If the above menu is ideal for a woman, then for a man who wants to lose weight, the following points should be taken into account when developing a diet:

  1. The male body needs an additional portion of protein. However, do not forget that meat and fish must be lean. In the morning you can use red fish in small quantities.
  2. Carefully monitor the presence of fruits and vegetables in your diet. After all, the strong half of humanity often considers the only necessary vegetable in the diet to be potatoes.
  3. Include natural prebiotics in your diet. Healthy: yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut.
  4. Watch your alcohol consumption. It is advisable to exclude it altogether. At first, the acceptable norm is: 180 ml of wine or 50 g of strong alcohol.

Nutritional features for children

The most difficult thing to provide for a healthy diet is for children and especially teenagers. After all, at this age the body needs foods of high nutritional value.

It is an extremely dangerous misconception that food for a teenager should be high in calories.

The diet should contain healthy, natural and vitamin-rich foods.

To ensure your teenager has a healthy diet, strictly follow the following rules:

  1. For cooking, use high-quality and fresh products. Do not use preservatives, processed foods, or fast food.
  2. Instill in your child a culture of nutrition. A teenager must eat regularly and follow a routine.
  3. Try to convey to your child that drinking and snacking is not a prerequisite for socializing in a group.
  4. Explain to your teenager the importance of giving up chips, sweets, and fast food.

Diet for athletes

The diet of athletes who want to lose weight deserves special attention. It should be remembered that people who play sports actively expend energy. Therefore, their diet must be higher in calories to replenish energy reserves.

  1. Avoid eating “empty calories.” We are talking about various sweets and sugar. Such foods do not provide energy, but easily turn into fat.
  2. Every meal should include complex carbohydrates and protein. These foods are important for building muscle tissue.

Proper nutrition while training is difficult to create on your own. Contact your trainer or nutritionist, a specialist will help you create an effective menu for weight loss.

Effective foods to help burn fat

Celery soup

You will need:

  • water – 3.5 l;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots (small) – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • celery - 1 pc.;
  • head of cabbage (small) – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • greens, salt, ground pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Cut all vegetables into strips.
  2. Place all ingredients except cabbage in boiling water. Cook the dish over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then add the cabbage and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.
  4. Add spices and herbs.

The dish can be served as a regular soup. This recipe makes a delicious puree soup.

Vegetable soup with broccoli

You will need:

  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • broccoli – 450-500 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Place the chopped chicken in boiling water.
  2. After 20 minutes, lower the potatoes into the broth. Then, after 10-15 minutes, add the broccoli florets.
  3. Simmer carrots and onions in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. 5-10 minutes before the end of the soup, add the stewed vegetables.

Nutrition for fast weight loss

Unfortunately, a healthy diet will not provide you with rapid weight loss. Strict diets allow you to achieve such results. However, as noted above, the effect of proper nutrition is more lasting.

But don't despair, there are several tricks to speed up the process of losing extra pounds.

Nutrition for quick weight loss at home is based on the following rules:

  1. Maintain drinking regime. Water perfectly dulls hunger.
  2. Eat food every 3-4 hours, but in small quantities. Eating frequently helps speed up your metabolism. The body, feeling the constant consumption of nutrients, does not “think” about the need for reserves.
  3. The main food should be vegetables, berries, and fruits. But this does not mean that you should give up meat, fish and dairy products. They just need to be consumed in smaller quantities.
  4. Spices perfectly stimulate digestion: cinnamon, pepper, coriander, cumin.
  5. In case of hunger, you can allow yourself a small snack of dried fruits or nuts.
  6. Green tea is beneficial. It forces the body to process accumulated reserves into energy.
  7. Your diet for quick weight loss at home must be supported by physical activity. Choose running for weight loss, walking, gymnastics, swimming. Any activity will be beneficial.

How to create a home weight loss program

Now let's look at how to create a nutrition program for weight loss at home.

Initially, you should determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the energy (in calories) that is necessary for the functioning of the body.

It is calculated using the Harris-Benedict formula for men:

12.7 x Height + 6.3 x Weight – 6.8 x Age + 66 = GEN

And for women:

4.7 x Height + 4.3 x Weight – 4.7 x Age + 655 = GV

The resulting indicator indicates the amount of energy that your body needs in a calm state. But a nutrition program for losing weight at home must take into account the degree of activity.

Therefore, when calculating the amount of calories used by the body, it is necessary to apply the following coefficients:

  • 0.8 – 1.0 – for people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • 0.9 – 1.1 – with moderate activity (regular walking or 2 sports workouts per week);
  • 1.0 – 1.2 – for the population leading an active lifestyle (about 3-4 workouts per week).

A nutrition program for losing weight at home involves creating a calorie deficit between energy intake and energy expenditure.

However, do not overdo it, the difference should be no more than 200-300 kilocalories.

Rules for saving results

You must remember that you will not get quick results from following proper nutrition. Therefore, get ready for long-term work on yourself. At the same time, you will see excellent results every month.

And so, when the effect is achieved, and in the mirror you see a beautiful woman with a sophisticated figure, the thought arises: I have achieved my goal, you can relax. This is the most dangerous decision!

Proper nutrition should become your lifestyle. If you decide to change, then change once and for all.

  1. You must continue to follow healthy eating habits. However, when calculating the required amount of energy for your life, do not underestimate the indicator.
  2. Don't give up physical activity. Sports will allow you to stay fit and protect you from gaining weight.
  3. Be sure to follow a daily routine. You should get a good night's sleep and wake up cheerfully in the morning.
  4. Don't forget to drink water.

Dear Women! As you can see, it is not at all difficult to develop and maintain proper nutrition for weight loss at home. The main thing is to set yourself up for success and be disciplined. And you will definitely succeed!

The rules of a balanced diet are sought by people who dream of ideal body proportions, as well as those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet helps a person stay alert throughout the day, receive a sufficient set of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and maintain a figure with ideal proportions of any age category.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: a sample menu for the week is given in the article below.

Useful information for losing weight

How to plan a menu from a nutritionist

In order to correctly design a menu that ensures weight loss, you need to take into account the features of forming a diet for each day for various meals:

Breakfast. In order to properly rid the body of accumulated fat deposits, it is important to remember that the morning meal is the maximum in density. Porridge cooked in water with chopped berries or sweet fruits is ideal.

Lunch (otherwise called second breakfast). If you exclude eating before lunch, the body will definitely react with an unbearable feeling of hunger, which is unacceptable, so lunch is considered as an unacceptable meal for exclusion. The snack is made delicious, but without bread and sandwiches. The optimal solution is fruits, which not only saturate the body with fiber, helping to lose weight, but also help normalize metabolism.

Dinner. In terms of richness it should be almost equivalent to breakfast. The menu each day consists of a first and second course. At the same time, if possible, they refuse meat, choosing lean vegetable broths, side dishes from salads and boiled vegetables.
Afternoon snack. A properly organized diet is a mixture of nuts and fruits.

Dinner. It is important that every evening meal consists of plant-based products. Delicate vegetable casseroles, vegetables prepared by stewing, with the addition of light homemade sauces are suitable. At the same time, you should not overeat, since the stomach’s processing of food at night leads to the formation of fat and toxins - a source of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

If you follow the recommendations of a nutritionist, in the first days of the diet you need to evaluate your feelings and, if necessary, adjust the regimen. It is important that before dinner there is no strong feeling of hunger. This symptom is a sign of malnutrition in the morning and lunch hours. To correct the situation and lose weight without stressing the body, be sure to review your planned diet.

Principles of proper nutrition from nutritionists

  1. The first principle of proper nutrition is to follow hourly food intake. Proper nutrition: the menu for every day for weight loss by the hour is based on the ideal number of times you eat food, equal to 5-6. Interval - from 2 to 4 hours. The last meal is at least 3 hours before going to bed.
  2. The second principle is the way the food will be prepared. As a basis, you need to take steaming, boiling, baking in the oven without oil. You should avoid frying. Salads should be prepared without the use of mayonnaise.
  3. The third principle is the replacement of some products with others, otherwise, unhealthy food is replaced with healthy food. Mayonnaise - low-fat sour cream, sausage and smoked meat - boiled meat, soda - green tea.
  4. The fourth principle is to drink two to three liters of liquid per day.
  5. The fifth principle is proper nutrition - a weekly menu of 1200 kcal eaten per day, a balanced combination of food on a plate (meat plus vegetables for better absorption).

Food with the right approach

Before looking at the menu, let's talk a little about the products. So, how should you eat to lose weight at home?

Here's what we eat:

The first is meat. “Healthy” meat does not include, for example, pork and other fatty varieties. Meat for proper nutrition is poultry, veal, beef. Sausage, frankfurters, smoked products are enemies whose consumption should be avoided. Fat and skin from pieces of meat must be removed. Stewing with a little oil, cooking with steam or water is how you should cook.

Helpful information

The second is fish. It is necessary to include it in the diet more often than meat. The cooking method is the same. Fish varieties should be low-fat (pike perch, pollock, cod, perch).

Third - eggs. Eggs are a high-calorie product. But they must be. The product is very difficult to digest. You need to eat no more than 3 pieces (per week). To lose weight, it is better to include quail eggs in your diet, which are much healthier than chicken eggs.

Fourth - dairy products. More precisely, the basis of the diet is fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir). Sour cream and cream are allowed in minimal quantities (but rarely).

Fifth - animal fats. We are talking about both butter and other fats. Fats are essential for the proper functioning of body systems. Five grams per day will be enough. The body’s needs will be replenished, and the weight loss process will be more effective.

Sixth - vegetable oil. Try to cook without oil. But if the recipe requires it, then let it be soy, olive, corn or sunflower. The best oil is cold pressed oil. For weight loss, it is best to cook in a double boiler.

Seventh - vegetables. You need to eat greens (cilantro, celery, green onions, dill), cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), peppers, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, garlic. Only potatoes are not allowed. Even a large number of the listed vegetables will not harm your figure.

Eighth - fruits (berries). They are a source of vitamins. Dried fruits are also allowed. The healthiest fruits are those grown in our climatic conditions.

Ninth - cereals and pasta. What to eat to lose weight quickly? What cereals? These are wheat, rice, millet and buckwheat. Pasta must be hard. A serving of cereal (pasta) is 200 grams.

Tenth - bread. The amount of bread per day is 30-40 grams. Instead of premium white bread, you should eat grain or bran bread. Eating baked goods is unacceptable during weight loss. You can afford it only at the maintenance stage and then in very small quantities. Be sure to follow the timing of food intake (unhealthy foods should be consumed in the morning).

The eleventh is salt. You need to salt your food a little less than usual. For taste, it is better to use seasonings: pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, coriander, curry, oregano, cloves, lemon balm, ginger.

And finally about sugar. We exclude it completely. Sugar is empty and completely useless calories.

Menu creation for the whole family according to nutritionists

A weekly menu for a family should be compiled based on the following factors:

  1. The age of each family member.
  2. Level of physical activity. For example, if you have a sedentary job, it is better for you to give up butter and fatty meats. And a man who does heavy physical work (for example, works in construction) will need much more calories than you.
  3. Individual characteristics: if your child suffers from gastritis, then for breakfast it is better for him to prepare oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) with a banana. The combination of oatmeal and banana has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa.
  4. Breakfast should be complete for every family member.
  5. After eating, it is important to feel full, but not overfull.
  6. Try to ensure that the dishes are always freshly prepared. This is especially true for salads.

If your family consists of two, three, four or more people, then the amount of food must be multiplied - according to needs - for each family member. For example, if in your family there are two adults under 40 years old, one teenager 15 years old and an elderly person aged 70 years, when preparing, for example, dinner, you will need 800 g of chicken fillet or breast (200 g each for everyone). These calculations are approximate, since the amount of food needed by each family member may differ significantly.

Menu for every day from a nutritionist for 7 days


breakfast - oatmeal, tea; snack - fruit; lunch - cabbage soup with a piece of black bread, a portion of baked meat; afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, tea with rosehip; dinner – buckwheat and grilled fish, salad.


breakfast - omelet, crackers, coffee; snack - berries; lunch – borscht, cutlets; afternoon snack - yogurt; dinner - vegetable casserole, turkey.


breakfast – buckwheat porridge (you can add milk), green tea; snack - fruit; lunch - fish soup, vegetable stew with potatoes; afternoon snack – cheesecakes, fruit drink; dinner - salad, baked fish.


breakfast – oatmeal, coffee (possibly with cream); snack – cottage cheese casserole; lunch – pea soup with crackers, hard-boiled eggs; afternoon snack – a handful of nuts, kefir; dinner - pilaf, salad.


breakfast – millet porridge, herbal tea; snack - fruit; lunch - soup with chicken and noodles, bread; afternoon snack – cottage cheese soufflé with berries; dinner - beans with meat.


morning – scrambled eggs with a slice of ham, coffee; snack - fruit jelly; lunch - broth with pies; afternoon snack - yogurt; dinner – turkey with fresh vegetables.


breakfast - oatmeal, tea; snack - a handful of nuts, berries; lunch - soup of your choice, black bread, broccoli casserole; afternoon snack – curd pudding, coffee; dinner – rice with meatballs, salad.

Now you know what proper nutrition should be for a week. It is important to hold out for this period, then it will become easier for you, since your stomach will decrease in volume and you will get used to the new diet. Based on the example given for a week, you can already imagine what proper nutrition will be like for a month. The main thing is not to include harmful foods in the menu and follow all the above recommendations.
