Rules for gluing vinyl wallpaper with your own hands. How to hang wallpaper alone. Practical tips How to apply wallpaper correctly

Despite the abundance of finishing materials, wallpapering walls remains the most common method of decoration. By gluing wallpaper, you can very quickly transform the room: make the room bright, “revive” the interior or add style accents.

To get the desired result, you need to choose the right wallpaper and follow all the rules for carrying out repair work.

Choosing a finishing material: features of different types of wallpaper

The process of wall finishing begins with the choice facing material. If you make a choice in favor of traditional wallpaper, you need to decide the best option. All types of wallpaper presented on construction market, certain characteristics are inherent. Based on the qualities of the material, the conditions of their use and personal preferences, you need to make a choice.

Paper wallpaper- the most popular type of wallpaper in the world. Canvases have many advantages, but when using them, some disadvantages also appear. The main advantages include:

  • loyal price policy allows you to frequently update the interior of the room;
  • wide selection of colors and patterns;
  • environmental friendliness and hypoallergenic material - wallpaper is ideal for children's rooms;
  • the material allows air to pass through well, thereby preventing the formation of mold.

Disadvantages of paper products:

  • wallpaper quickly loses its original appearance- fade under the sun's rays, wear out and wear out;
  • majority paper wallpaper cannot be washed;
  • This material is not suitable for use in “wet” areas.

Advice. When planning to cover walls with paper wallpaper, it is better to choose modern duplex (two-layer) canvases. They are stronger and less susceptible to contamination. Some duplex wallpaper can be washed.

Vinyl wallpapers. The main advantages of the finishing material: moisture resistance and beautiful appearance. The basis of such wallpaper is non-woven or paper, upper layer processed with polyvinyl chloride. Vinyl wallpapers are available in a wide range of patterns and textures (embossed).

Vinyl coating protects decorative finishing from sun rays, humidity and reduces the attraction of dust. This wallpaper is best suited for the hallway, bathroom and kitchen. Most PVC sheets are suitable for painting.

The disadvantage of vinyl wallpaper is poor permeability. PVC film does not allow air to pass through, the walls do not breathe. As a result, the microclimate in the room worsens, the room must be ventilated more often.

Important! Some manufacturers use innovative technologies and produce wallpaper with a vinyl coating that has a porous structure. This allows the material to allow sufficient air to pass through.

Vinyl wallpaper is not cheap, but its high cost is fully compensated by its long service life - the coating retains its decorative effect for up to 10 years.

Today, several types of vinyl wallpaper are used:

  • hard vinyl coating - a hard base is applied to the base that can withstand significant mechanical damage;
  • smooth vinyl coating - forms a smooth, even surface that is more susceptible to damage;
  • silk-screen printing is one of the most spectacular types of wallpaper; hot stamping technology creates the impression that the wallpaper contains natural silk threads;
  • foamed vinyl - considered the most durable and dense, thanks to its deep relief structure.

Non-woven wallpaper are made on the basis of cellulose and consist of 2 layers: non-woven fabric and polymer coating. The combination of the two layers resulted in the following characteristics:

  • high strength - non-woven wallpaper is stronger than textile and paper wallpaper;
  • the ability to hide wall unevenness and microcracks;
  • wallpaper is easy to apply - if the technology is followed, the material will not deform or bubble;
  • air passage;
  • choice of wallpaper texture - embossed or smooth;
  • wallpaper fits well on plaster, wood, cement, slabs and other materials.

Important! Distinctive feature Pasting with non-woven wallpaper - fastening to a wall covered with glue.

Textile wallpaper are produced on the basis of flezilin and paper. On top, the base layer is covered with textiles (jute, polyester, linen, cotton, etc.). It is the top layer that largely determines the final cost of the finishing material. Fabric wallpaper They perform not only a decorative role, they have noise and heat insulation properties.

With the help of such wallpapers you can create original interior. However, they also have negative sides:

  • demanding when gluing - it will be difficult for an inexperienced craftsman to complete the work;
  • intolerance wet cleaning limits the scope of use of textile wallpaper.

Fiberglass wallpaper - wall covering, made from glass fibers of different thicknesses followed by impregnation. Fiberglass wallpaper is a unique finishing material that has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • fire properties;
  • naturalness and safety of use;
  • high strength and resistance to any damage;
  • durability - service life of about 30 years;
  • repel dust and are easy to clean;
  • Due to the fabric structure, air is allowed to pass through.

How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper: step-by-step instructions

Preparing the base

The process of pasting any wallpaper, including non-woven wallpaper, begins with careful preparation of the walls. This stage takes a lot of time, but the final result largely depends on the quality of its implementation. What events are required? The previous coating from the walls must be removed and the surface leveled.

Removing old wallpaper. To soften the coating, you can use a regular soap solution. To improve the effect, it is advisable to add a little wallpaper glue. Washable old or very thick wallpaper must first be trimmed a little, scored, and then moistened with soapy water. After this treatment, leave the wallpaper for a while - the coating will swell and can be easily removed with a spatula.

Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated several times. To make it easier to remove wallpaper, you can purchase special remedy, developed for this purpose - the solution is well absorbed and “softens” the material.

Enamel removal and old paint . In “Khrushchev”, “Stalin” and Brezhny era apartments, walls covered with paint are often found. If the coating peels off well, then it is cleaned off with a spatula. However, in the vast majority of cases, removing old paint requires a lot of effort. The enamel is tapped with a hatchet and cleaned off using a flat cutter or chisel.

Removing whitewash. Water-based emulsion paint or whitewash is pre-moistened with soap and water and then removed with a spatula. Thin layer old whitewash washes off easily with hot water.

The next step is leveling the walls. All irregularities, cracks and other defects must be plastered or puttied. If the surface crumbles and crumbles, it is advisable to treat it with a bonding primer.

Necessary tools

To complete the work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • laser level or vertical plumb line with cord;
  • roller with long pile;
  • brush for smoothing wallpaper;
  • plastic spatula with a soft edge for rolling wallpaper;
  • construction knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • metal spatula (narrow);
  • foam sponge;
  • glue tray;
  • pencil;
  • ladder.

Calculation of material and marking of walls.

For calculation required quantity wallpaper, you should know the dimensions of the room. As a rule, the height of the ceilings ranges from 2.5-2.8 m, the length of the roll is 10 m. That is, one roll should be enough for three strips. Knowing the width of the roll and the perimeter of the room, you can easily calculate the total number of strips.

Most non-woven wallpapers have smooth quality edges. That's why they are glued end to end. At the same time, the connection of the panels looks like a single solid surface. To facilitate further work, it is advisable to apply markings.

From the corner of the room, at a distance equal to the width of the roll (0.5 - 1.2 m), draw a vertical line. Use a level to check evenness. Lines are drawn along the entire wall.

Stages of wallpapering

Important! Before cutting the next panel, you should measure the height of the walls in different places, for example, every 30-40 cm. Very often the walls have differences and the length of different cuts can differ significantly from each other.

If the wallpaper has a large pattern, then it must be selected. You can check the fit size from the pictogram on the label. When marking and cutting, it is important to control that the image matches and that you do not have to add a piece of canvas from the bottom or top.

For example, if the required fitting size is 48 cm, and the ceiling height is 2.5 m, then the length of each blank will be 2.88 m. According to the rules for “cutting” wallpaper, the length of the blank must be a multiple of the fitting size, i.e. 48 cm, but not less than the height of the room.

After making the calculations, you can start cutting. Cover the floor plastic film and roll out the roll face down. Measure the length of the cut (in our example - 2.88 m) and make a notch with a knife. Using a long ruler, bend the wallpaper at the level of the notch, check the evenness of the fold and cut off the sheet.

Spread the next sheet and check the fit of the drawings of the two canvases. If the workpieces fit together well, then you can cut.

Glue preparation. For wallpapering you need to choose adhesive composition, corresponding to the type of material: paper, vinyl, non-woven fabric, textile or fiberglass. Before mixing the glue, read the instructions.

General procedure for preparing glue:

  1. Pour the dry mixture into a mixing container.
  2. Gently introduce water into the powder in a thin stream, stirring with a whisk.
  3. Leave the mixture to sit and stir again, removing any lumps.

Wallpapering. Direct pasting of walls is carried out in the following sequence:

How to glue wallpaper correctly: video

How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper: nuances of doing the job

The procedure for gluing vinyl sheets is not much different from gluing non-woven wallpaper. However, several nuances can be highlighted:

  1. The choice of glue must be approached responsibly. Vinyl wallpaper has the ability to stretch when glue is applied and shrink after it dries. A poor-quality adhesive composition may not cope with such a load and the seams will simply come apart.
  2. When pasting on the walls it is applied moderate amount glue to prevent excessive stretching of the fabric.
  3. In some cases, it is allowed to apply glue not only to the surface of the wall, but also to the canvas itself.
  4. Particular attention is paid to the seams. They must be carefully rolled out with a roller so that they do not come apart.

How to glue wallpaper correctly: photo of the joining of the canvases

How to properly glue paper wallpaper: features of cutting and gluing

The technology for covering walls with paper wallpaper depends on its type: simplex or duplex. Single-layer simplex wallpaper is only suitable for ideal smooth walls- the canvas is very thin and all the cracks and holes will be visible through it. The installation of such wallpaper is done with an overlap. Duplex is glued end-to-end only.

The main requirement that must be met when working with paper wallpaper: after applying glue to the sheet, it must be left to “mature” for 2-7 minutes (the time depends on the density of the material).

When cutting wallpaper, pay attention to the presence of an edge. Some foreign manufacturers produce wallpaper with an edge on only one edge, while domestic ones produce wallpaper on both edges. For thick wallpapers that are glued end-to-end, the border is cut off on both sides; for thin wallpaper, on one side. It is convenient to cut the edge on a chair - the unnecessary edge is removed, and the wallpaper is rolled back into a roll.

Another nuance when working with classic wallpaper is decorating walls with borders. You can glue the decor only after the wallpaper has completely dried. It usually takes 12-32 hours for the paper to dry. This period depends on the amount of glue applied, the density of the material and room conditions.

How to wallpaper corners correctly

Pasting the outer corner:

  1. Measure the distance from the last strip of wallpaper pasted to the corner.
  2. Cut a sheet of wallpaper whose width is 2.5 cm larger than the measured distance.
  3. Glue the strip, bending the excess wallpaper to the opposite angle.
  4. At right angle the remainder is glued end-to-end, in other cases - overlapping along the vertical markings.
  5. Use a sharp knife to go along the corner, applying a ruler. At the same time you need to press the edges. Remove trimmings.

Inner corner finishing:

The main rule: you should never lay a whole piece of wallpaper on a corner. If this condition is neglected, then folds and bulges are formed.

  1. Measure the distance from the corner to the last strip of wallpaper and add 2 cm.
  2. Cut the desired piece of wallpaper and glue it to the wall, taking the corner.
  3. Press the paper firmly against the wall by running a blunt object across it.
  4. Seal the remaining piece with a cut with a slight overlap onto the adjacent wall.
  5. Apply a ruler to the joint of the walls and run a knife, removing excess material.

How to glue wallpaper end-to-end in the corners: video

How to properly glue fiberglass wallpaper

When gluing with glass wallpaper, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. The glue is applied to the wall, not to the canvas.
  2. To work, you need to use glue for heavy types of wallpaper.
  3. At first glance, fiberglass wallpaper has equivalent surfaces, but this is not so. The front side, according to international standards, of the roll faces inward. The reverse side of some manufacturers is marked with a blue or gray stripe.
  4. The time for complete drying of glass wallpaper is 24 hours.
  5. After drying, the wallpaper can be decorated and painted. It is advisable to pre-prime the surface - this contributes to economical use decorative material and paints.

  1. Before wallpapering walls or ceilings, wet areas the surface must be treated with a fungicidal mixture - this will protect the coating from the appearance of fungus.
  2. The readiness of the walls before gluing can be checked experimentally:
    • Glue a piece of polyethylene to the wall with tape;
    • leave the cellophane for a day;
    • if after 24 hours perspiration appears inside the film, it means it is too early to start pasting; if the cellophane remains dry, then the wall is completely dry and ready for further finishing.
  3. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles and bubbles, pasting must be performed under the following conditions:
    • It is advisable to perform work at a temperature of 23-25°C;
    • walls that have just been covered with wallpaper must be protected from drafts until the coating is completely dry;
    • It is extremely undesirable for the wallpaper to be exposed to sunlight.

How to properly wallpaper a ceiling: video

Wallpapering is one of the most important stages in decorating an apartment. The entire appearance of the interior ultimately depends on how correctly and neatly the walls are decorated. Gluing wallpaper to walls is not that difficult. Knowing the basic rules and nuances, you can cope with this work even without the help of professionals. How to choose and stick wallpaper so that the room looks neat and the renovation lasts you long years– read on.

Preparing walls for wallpapering with your own hands

Half the success of wallpapering depends on proper preparation of the walls. This stage is important because under the thin sheet of such finishing material all the unevenness of the base is clearly visible.

Preparatory steps take even more time than the process of wallpapering itself. It includes two items: putty and primer of walls.

Putty allows you to eliminate all uneven walls in a timely manner. Without it, the room will look dirty and untidy.

Such a seemingly simple process as priming solves a lot of problems. The primer glues dust particles together, increasing the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall; it also reduces the amount of glue used and protects the walls from the formation of fungi and mold.

We prepare the walls for wallpapering with our own hands:

  1. The wall is covered with a special primer solution. Convenient

do this using a roller or wide brush. The applied primer is left to dry overnight.

  1. Next, gypsum putty is applied. With its help, all the unevenness of the walls is eliminated. It is best to start putting putty on the surface from the corners, extending the composition to the middle. Here your main tools will be a wide and narrow spatula. If you purchased dry putty, then it must be diluted with water until it becomes rich sour cream. After completing this work, the wall should become smooth and even.
  2. After the layer gypsum putty When dry, use a wide spatula to remove all unevenly dried particles from the wall. The surface is again treated with a primer.
  3. So that the wall becomes beautiful, and yellow or yellow does not show through the wallpaper. grey colour rough putty, a layer of finishing is applied to it. It usually has a white or slightly pinkish tint. Finishing putty diluted to a thin sour cream and applied thin layer on the wall. At this stage, the mixture must be applied especially carefully.
  4. Dried walls are sanded with a special tool, which is a rigid mesh inserted into a holder. Next, the surface is primed last time and left until completely dry.

Finishing layer There may be one for wallpaper, but if you decide to paint the walls, then this amount will not be enough. At first glance, these works seem quite complicated, but if you follow the sequence of actions, you can putty the wall yourself.

Choosing the material before hanging the wallpaper yourself

The market for finishing materials is constantly evolving, so at the moment there are a huge number of different types of wallpaper. Each of them has a different technology for mounting on walls, so before choosing materials, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties.

The most common types of wallpaper:

  1. Most old look Wallpaper is paper canvases. They are the cheapest, so they are still in demand. However they are no different good characteristics. This material is only suitable for finishing dry rooms. The paper gets wet quickly, so this type of wallpaper can easily be damaged when working with it. To glue paper sheets to the wall, you need to lubricate them with reverse side a thin layer of glue; the surface you are decorating can also be treated with an adhesive composition.
  2. Vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by its resistance to fungi and moisture. They have a beautiful appearance and can be used in absolutely any room. Such wallpaper can even be washed, and thanks to the relief of this material, minor irregularities in the walls are hidden. Vinyl can have a paper or non-woven backing; in the second case, they are easier and more convenient to glue.
  3. Non-woven wallpaper is made from a mixture of paper and mineral fibers. Due to this composition, they are not afraid of moisture and do not shrink after drying. To hang this wallpaper yourself, you only need to apply glue to the wall.
  4. Fabric wallpaper looks very expensive and costs accordingly. They consist of textile fibers mounted on a paper or non-woven base.
  5. Glass wallpaper is modern material with a long service life. They are made from fiberglass. To paste such wallpaper, you need to spread special glue only the surface of the wall.

Liquid wallpaper has a very interesting way sticking. They are sold in dry or liquid form and are applied with a spatula in the same way as putty.

How to calculate and hang wallpaper with your own hands

Another important point in preparing to work with wallpaper is calculating the number of rolls. If you perform such calculations incorrectly, then there may not be enough material and you will have to go to the store, where the required product may not be available, then your repair will freeze for several weeks.

There are two ways to figure out how much wallpaper you need to decorate your room. In the first case, you need to add the length of adjacent walls and multiply the resulting figure by two. Next, the length of the wallpaper roll is divided by the height of the room, and the resulting number is multiplied by the width of the wallpaper. Now all you have to do is divide the first result by the second. The result rounded up is the amount of wallpaper you need.

In the second case, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one roll of wallpaper. The first value is determined by multiplying the sum of adjacent walls of the room by two, and then by the height. For the second size, you need to multiply the length of the roll by its width.

DIY paper wallpaper wall sticker

First of all, it is worth clarifying that any wallpaper should not be glued overlapping, as was done before, but joint to joint. Only in this case will the renovation look neat and modern.

You need to start finishing the room from the door or from window frame. And you must always go in the same direction. The fact is that the walls and corners in the room may be uneven, but windows and doors are always installed strictly at right angles.

The technology for gluing wallpaper depends on the material from which it is made. Paper wallpapers are cheaper than other types, but they are also more difficult to work with.

DIY paper wallpaper sticker:

  1. The rolls are rolled out and the edges (if any) are cut off from the wallpaper.
  2. Next, the wallpaper is cut into sheets corresponding to the length of the room. To make the finish look neat, you need to cut the wallpaper with a margin of 10-15 cm. At this stage, the selection of canvases according to the design takes place.
  3. The reverse side is smeared with wallpaper glue, which, by the way, you can weld yourself, then wallpaper cloth sticks to the wall. If you use thick paper wallpaper, then apply glue to the canvas in two stages.
  4. Excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under the pasted piece of wallpaper using a dry, soft and clean rag. Remember that thin paper wallpaper is very easy to damage or stain.
  5. Excess wallpaper is cut off or hidden under the baseboard using a narrow metal spatula.

Pasting walls with paper wallpaper is a rather long and complex stage. Since the glue is applied directly to the wallpaper and not to the wall, gluing such wet heavy canvases is quite difficult. To complete everything as quickly as possible and without errors, we recommend hiring a second person as an assistant.

We glue vinyl wallpaper ourselves

Vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by its strength and durability. This option is less capricious in gluing than paper wallpaper, but has its own nuances.

When gluing vinyl wallpaper, it is better to remove the baseboards before finishing the walls.

To glue vinyl wallpaper, you will need a special glue. It is very durable and can withstand heavy webs of this material.

We glue vinyl wallpaper:

  1. We cut the roll into canvases that will be 10 cm longer than the height of the wall. The allowance is needed to hide all the unevenness of the walls. Also at this stage it is necessary to adjust the drawing.
  2. Next, depending on what base your vinyl wallpaper is on, the glue is applied to the wall or to the canvas itself. The first option is preferable; non-woven wallpaper is distinguished by this gluing technology.
  3. A strip of wallpaper is applied to the wall, and excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under it. This should be done with pressure, rolling the canvas with a clean and dry roller.
  4. Vinyl wallpaper is quite thick, so it is likely that you will have to additionally glue its edges.

Such wallpaper is glued exclusively joint to joint. When you paste the canvas on a corner, it is advisable that it extends at least 4 cm onto the adjacent wall.

Non-woven wallpaper: glue it yourself

Non-woven wallpaper is considered the most durable and modern version of all classic materials for wall decoration. They are glued to the walls from the corner.

How to cover walls with non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper should be cut into strips that are 10 cm longer than the height of the ceiling. Simultaneously with cutting, the canvas is adjusted according to the design and rolled into rolls with the front side facing inward.
  2. The area of ​​the wall on which the canvas will be glued is lubricated with glue. The layer of glue should be quite abundant.
  3. Next, you need to paste the wallpaper onto the wall, rolling the canvas from bottom to top. Having leveled the canvas on the wall, excess glue and air bubbles are expelled from under it.
  4. Excess allowances at the top and bottom are cut off with a painting knife.

Non-woven wallpaper is very easy to apply, which is why most professional builders prefer it. By the way, vinyl wallpapers also come on a non-woven base.

How to re-stick wallpaper with your own hands

Wallpapering is needed in two cases: if the old wallpaper is worn out, or if the wallpaper was applied to the wall incorrectly. The process of such work itself is no different from standard wallpapering, but the preparatory stage will need to be reconsidered.

You cannot re-paste wallpaper onto a layer of old material. In this case, canvases even from the most durable material will quickly move away from the base.

To re-glue wallpaper, you need to generously moisten the wall with water and remove the layer of old material. It is also advisable to remove the finishing layer of putty, if possible, and apply a new layer of the same substance to the wall. Next, the surface is primed, and new canvases are glued onto it, using the technology described above.

Knowing how to hang wallpaper with one person, you can avoid conflicts and complete the entire amount of work in a short time.

Most often, it is two people who are engaged in wallpapering a room. One stands on a raised platform (stepladder, stool) and waits for the second to cut the required strip and spread it with glue.

Then the wallpaper is applied to the wall and combined with the previous strip. Next, one smoothes it out, removes unevenness, and the other watches the process.

And everything would be fine, but in most cases such work is accompanied by disputes and often ends in a quarrel. Moreover, all stages of the process can be performed alone.

Preparatory stage

First you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • ladder;
  • large container for diluting glue;
  • cuvette for prepared glue;
  • wallpaper ruler, tape measure, pencil, level;
  • brush from 50 mm wide;
  • paint roller (width 250 mm);
  • rubber roller for smoothing wallpaper;
  • rubber roller for smoothing joints;
  • sponge, napkin for cleaning surfaces from excess glue;
  • pliers, screwdriver, electrical tape.

You will also need material to cover the floor. This can be cardboard or wide film. If the wallpaper is too heavy, you will need a cone-shaped roller with ribs. They smooth out the joints. When wallpaper requires particularly careful handling, the roller is replaced with a special wallpaper brush. You can purchase a plastic wallpaper spatula. It is used to form geometrically correct angles. If the wallpaper has a nasty texture, you can smooth it out with this spatula, replacing a regular roller.

How to prepare the surface?

On preparatory stage it is necessary to carry out a certain set of works with the surface. No matter how fashionable and attractive the wallpaper is, general form won't be perfect until finishing materials there is an uneven surface, replete with potholes and protrusions. That's why . Moreover, each layer requires a good primer. Such walls will last for many years, the wallpaper on them can be changed many times.

First, roll out 2 rolls of wallpaper. You need to make sure the floor is clean. From the first roll, measure a strip along the height of the ceiling, adding 10 cm. This strip is laid out on the floor. The second one is combined with it so that the pattern of one stripe continues on the second fragment. Marks are made on the canvas as shown in photo 1.

Photo 2 shows how to make marks using scissors. The alignment of the strip in the area where there is a cut is shown in photo 3. The bend is smoothed out by hand.

Next, cut off a strip of wallpaper using scissors. How to do this is shown in photo 4. The edge will be a little uneven. There is nothing wrong with this, because an allowance of 10 cm is left. It allows for more accurate and even cutting on the spot.

The strip that was previously used for marking must be put aside, but first you need to make a mark indicating the upper part. And put a number on it. How this can be done is shown in photo 5. Then the strip is folded as shown in photo 6.

It is more convenient to place the prepared strips near the wall for which they are intended. The vertical position will help save space. See photo 7.

Do the same with the next canvas. See photos 8, 9. This method preparing the wallpaper allows you to subsequently correctly join the pattern, quickly straighten the canvases, and save space and time.

At standard way Before preparation, strips cut to size are laid flat on top of each other. Next, the upper strip is smeared with glue, while the edges of the lower ones get damaged, get dirty, and then the overall picture deteriorates.

How can you mark the surface of the walls?

Marking the walls is an important stage. Usually the instructions say that you need to use a plumb line. But today the use of a plumb line is becoming a thing of the past. Use it. In this case, both a water level and a laser level are taken. Using this tool, mark where the first stripe from the corner should go. To do this, draw vertical lines. The level determines the direction of the position of the curb, which is attached horizontally, and coordinates the joining zones.

In photo 10 you can see how to use a water level. You need to pay attention to where the bubble should be. Experts recommend that when applying markings with a pencil, make light strokes without pressing on it. A clear bright line will show through the non-woven wallpaper and ruin the appearance. Even if you take a different type of wallpaper, it can also become dirty with graphite particles.

It is necessary to leave a width tolerance. If after measurements it turns out that the strip of wallpaper is 53 cm wide, you need to step back from the corner by 54 cm. In this case, the mark will be constantly visible. This way, the person who is pasting the wallpaper will be able to constantly see the landmark and will not allow any failures or distortions.

How to apply glue and stick canvases?

If the preparation was successful, you need to begin the pasting process. While work was being done on the last stripes, the first ones were already well straightened out. The glue is diluted according to the instructions on the package. Regardless of the type of glue, prepare a clean cold water. The glue should be poured little by little, in a small stream. In this case, the composition must be constantly stirred.

There is no need to rush and pour 2 packs of glue into the bucket at once. The mixture will gradually begin to thicken, and the resulting lumps will interfere with your work. When choosing glue, you need to take into account the characteristics of the wallpaper. Each variety needs its own type of glue. Wide cardboard or prepared film is spread on the floor. Wallpaper is laid on it, base side up. For more convenient use they are molded a small amount of glue into a ditch, into which the roller is then dipped. The most common application method is shown in photo 11.

When applying glue Special attention given to the edge part. Today they produce glue with an indicator. After breeding, it has a certain color shade, allowing you to know exactly where the glue has already been applied and where it has not yet been applied. If glue gets on the surface under the wallpaper, there is no need to panic. It can be easily removed later. When working, you need to make sure that the layer of glue is not too thick, and that the application itself is even.

When the glue is applied, the wallpaper is folded in half. You can see how to do this correctly in photo 12. The wallpaper should remain in this position for at least 3 minutes. This time is enough for the glue to be absorbed. You can increase the time to 5 minutes when the wallpaper is too thick. If the next section of the wall is smooth, without protrusions and various parts, you can immediately prepare the 2nd strip. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this. The number of prepared strips should not be more than 3. Otherwise they will begin to dry out and stick together.

When the strip is ready, it is unrolled, gradually ascending the stepladder. You need to hold the strip by the part on which there is a mark indicating that this is the top. When applying wallpaper to the wall, you need to take into account that you need to make an overlap on top. Its size is individual, depending on the characteristics of the room.

In photo 13 you can see where the pasting and fitting begin. First they work with the upper part. When everything is ready there, they come down from the stepladder and straighten it, applying the lower part. When everything is joined, you can start working with a smoothing roller, spatula or brush. Movements come from the top, from the middle. Then they go down. How to squeeze out the air can be seen in photo 14.

When the wallpaper is smoothed and the air has been removed, you need to roll the joints with a special rubber roller. However, seams do not like too active exposure. Therefore, you should not rub them or put pressure on this area. When excess glue appears, it is carefully removed with a sponge or napkin, and they are subsequently rinsed in water.

If you do not put unnecessary pressure on the seams, they will look almost perfect after drying.

How to cover areas with sockets and switches?

All sockets, switches, and other parts that violate the geometry of the walls must be removed before wallpapering. Firstly, this will allow you to later easily change them to smaller models. Secondly, the appearance of the switch installed on top of the wallpaper is more aesthetic and modern.

Some people advise cutting the part of the wallpaper that remains under the socket or switch crosswise and then bending the paper to the sides. This is unsafe in case of fire. It is better to make a cutout that matches the shape of the device, only smaller. This can be seen in photos 16, 17.

The slots are made immediately after gluing the corresponding strip. Firstly, you can later make a mistake with the place. Secondly, after drying the wallpaper will stretch, so making cuts will be more difficult. Before removing sockets and switches, you must turn off the current, and carefully insulate all contacts and put them inside the installation box.

How to trim off excess?

Here you will need a flexible ruler; this is a plastic tool 60 cm long, with a strip built into its body of stainless steel. It is flexible, so the ruler can be pressed tightly even against uneven surface. What such a tool looks like and how to use it can be seen in photo 18.

The peculiarity of using a wallpaper knife is that after each cut you need to break off a small fragment of its blade. In this case, it will always maintain good cutting abilities. When the excess is cut off, the surface is wiped. Photo 19 shows exactly this moment.

From photo 19 you can see that despite wet state wallpaper, the cut surface is smooth, does not have any lint or fibers. Such accuracy can only be achieved through the use of a flexible ruler.

How to cover the area where heating radiators are installed?

The installation location of heating radiators is considered the most difficult for the wallpapering process. To complete all the work efficiently, you will have to make every effort. In new buildings there are fewer problems; there you can find radiators that can be dismantled and, after pasting, installed in their original place. Photo 20 shows how radiators are dismantled. After its removal, wall fasteners and floor outlets equipped with American-type connections remain.

IN in this case pasting will not make big problems. However, the process of removing the battery and then installing it will take time. Before disconnecting, you need to turn off the water supply, then the return line, and drain everything that is inside the radiator. At the same time, we must not forget about pressure. It is reduced by unscrewing the shut-off screw located on the drain valve.

If the situation is such that it is impossible to remove the radiator, you will have to insert strips about 15 cm under it. If the battery is working, you need to additionally coat the surface under it with glue.

Video of wallpapering alone

  1. A stepladder is better than scaffolding and “goats”, which often damage the surface of the walls.
  2. or with fiberglass, glue must be applied directly to the wall. Therefore, there is no need to cut the wallpaper into separate strips in advance.
  3. A small allowance (1 - 2 cm) on the slopes will allow you to get a neat edge. You just need to wait until the wallpaper is dry, and then trim off the excess evenly.
  4. Joining the panels at the corners is impractical. Most often, a transition is made from one wall to another, leaving a large allowance equal to the vertical deviation of the wall. The second canvas is glued onto the first one with an overlap, guided by the level indication. Then both sheets are cut through and the excess is removed.
  5. It is better to lay the flooring after pasting the walls. The exceptions are tiles and parquet.
  6. The parquet is covered with cardboard before pasting. You cannot put film on cardboard.
  7. While working, you need to keep your hands clean. They are periodically wiped with a napkin, which is rinsed thoroughly from time to time.

Hanging wallpaper with your own hands is a task that anyone can handle House master. Accuracy and compliance with technical requirements are two components of success in this rather simple matter. Leveling walls requires professional skills and physical strength, but you can paste wallpaper on the wall yourself. Apartment renovation will cost less if you carefully study the rules for covering walls and strictly adhere to them.

How to hang wallpaper yourself: secrets of success

For a person who decides to perform redecorating on your own, many questions arise. Is it possible to hang wallpaper alone? How to choose the right glue? How to paste wallpaper evenly? How to glue wallpaper end to end? How to quickly hang wallpaper? How to glue wide wallpaper? How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room? These questions can be boiled down to one thing: how to properly glue wallpaper on walls.

Wallpapering walls with your own hands, as in the photo, will become a reality if you break the task into parts and follow the recommendations.

Preparing walls for gluing

How to hang wallpaper correctly so that the result does not disappoint? A good start is half the job: before gluing you need to be careful: it must be perfectly smooth, white, free of debris and dust. The main rule is that you can’t glue wallpaper on crooked walls, and it’s better to invite specialists for leveling. Plaster is applied to uneven areas.

If the walls have oil or water-based paint or old wallpaper, you will have to work hard before gluing new ones.

Is it possible? Many experts advise against doing this. To remove the old paper covering, just go over it with a wet roller or a rag with a soapy solution. After 10-15 minutes, the paper will easily separate from the walls.

As you can see in the photo, the old coating cannot always be completely removed. The residues are re-wetted and removed with a spatula.

If there is a waterproof film on the surface, it should be cut or scratched with a wire brush before wetting. When the surface swells, it’s time to clean it.

Removing old paint

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto sanded and primed oil paint? Professionals do not advise doing this: there is a high probability of detachment. Oil paint can be removed mechanically or using special chemicals. The lagging paint is removed with a spatula, and then options are possible.

Removing paint with a hammer and chisel is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, but relatively environmentally friendly. More often, a grinder with metal brushes or a hammer drill is used to remove old paint. The disadvantage of this method is a large amount of dust, which will settle for several days. Along with the paint, part of the concrete base is removed - as a result, the surface is strewn with irregularities, and it has to be well puttyed.

Removers are used to remove only paint. Removing paint using special chemicals is carried out in two stages: the remover is applied to the surface, and then the softened paint is scraped off with a spatula.

It should be remembered that paint removers are very toxic, so work is carried out in a well-ventilated area, be sure to use a respirator and gloves.

To paste wallpaper on walls covered with water-based paint or whitewash, it will have to be carefully removed using water and a scraper. Hot water will simplify the task.

Wallpapering walls can begin only after complete removal of previous finishing materials, correction of uneven areas, finishing putty and grinding. The importance of these stages cannot be underestimated: proper preparation is the key to an excellent result.

When the walls are leveled, putty and sanded, all that remains is to apply a primer that will protect the coating from moisture, prevent sagging and reduce glue consumption. The primer is evenly distributed over the surface with a brush or roller about a day before wallpapering the wall.

How to choose tools and equipment

How to glue wallpaper correctly, avoiding common mistakes? First you need to prepare the equipment.

To work you will need:

  • ladder;
  • tray;
  • bucket;
  • knife cutter and wallpaper scissors;
  • narrow metal spatula;
  • wide spatula;
  • plastic spatula / wide rubber roller;
  • small rubber roller;
  • brush/glue roller;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level or plumb.

The photo shows the most necessary tools: a special tray allows you to evenly distribute the glue over the roller, a plastic spatula or a wide roller is useful for pressing the canvas, and a narrow roller is intended for joints.

It is better to apply glue on the desktop. If there is none, this is done on a floor covered with film.

High-quality wallpapering: what to look for

Before starting work, the question naturally arises: what to glue the wallpaper on? You can select the adhesive composition yourself depending on the type of coating or seek help from a sales consultant.

Another problem is where to apply the glue: on the wallpaper, the wall or both surfaces? Pay attention to the special symbols highlighted in red in the figure: they will help you navigate.

The basic rules for wallpapering are simple.

Windows and doors must be tightly closed. Why is a draft dangerous? The glue will dry too quickly, which will lead to peeling of the glued canvases from the walls.

A prerequisite for wallpaper gluing is that the room must be de-energized. It is necessary to turn off the electricity when approaching an outlet or switch: glue, like any liquid, can cause a short circuit.

Before gluing, you need to cut the required number of strips and mark the top with a pencil on the back. It is convenient to place a mark on the edge, which will be cut off later. This will speed up the gluing process.

If the rolls are plain, the length of the strip is calculated based on the height of the ceiling with an overlap of 5 cm at the top and bottom. If there is a pattern, the length of each strip is increased by its step in order to properly join the pattern.

Work should begin with markings on the wall: to ensure that the lines are straight, you should use a level.

It is necessary to ensure that the glue does not get on the outer part of the wallpaper: if it is light, the stains will be noticeable.

But how can the glue not bleed through at the joints? You shouldn’t apply a lot of it; don’t be afraid that the joints will lag a little behind the wall: after drying, this defect can be corrected by spot-applying glue from a special tube.

Beginners are often concerned with the question of how to hang wallpaper in corners - internal and external. Wallpapering in the corners is done at the final stage, when the main area of ​​the room is already covered. It is especially difficult to wallpaper the corners if there is a window opening nearby: the canvas adjacent to the window is carefully cut.

How to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room?

There are several ways.

Method 1. One glued sheet is turned at an angle, so that a strip of about a centimeter is obtained on the adjacent wall, as in the diagram.

The second blade is cut so that the edge fits exactly at the corner. Go along the joints with a narrow roller. If the work is done this way, overlaps may be visible.

Method 2. To ensure that even the thickest wallpaper looks neat on the corners, both sheets are glued, extending about 2 cm onto the adjacent wall. Then both excess strips are removed using a cutter: to do this, a wide spatula rests against the corner, which is gradually shifted until the overlaps will be cut off completely.

The outer corners of the room are covered in a similar way. To cover the corner protrusions, one strip is placed around the corner by 1-2 cm, and the second is glued exactly along the corner. The pasted corner will look neat. If the wallpaper is very thick, use a cutter.

Features of pasting walls with different types of wallpaper

Modern wallpaper production makes it possible to produce products based on paper, textiles, polymer materials. Wallpapering different types has features.

Paper wallpaper

How to glue paper wallpaper? It is environmentally friendly and easy to work with decorative coating successfully competes with many new finishing materials. But how to properly hang wallpaper on paper based? This will help step-by-step instruction.

  1. Mark a starting line on the wall, retreating from the corner 30-40 cm. Place a dot at the top and, using a level, draw a strictly vertical line to the floor.
  2. The glue-coated strip is folded so that the glue is inside (this stage is relevant for those who glue without an assistant). If the glue is applied to the wall, it covers a slightly wider area of ​​the surface than the roll. Under the ceiling and near the floor, it is more convenient to use a brush rather than a roller.
  3. The glued strip is pressed on top with an overlap of 4-5 cm onto the ceiling (this will allow you to subsequently trim the wallpaper along an even line).
  4. The side of the wallpaper is leveled and pressed with a flexible plastic spatula or a wide rubber roller strictly along the starting line.
  5. By moving the pressure roller from the center of the strip to the edges, excess air is expelled.
  6. Using a wide metal spatula and a paper knife, cut off the excess part of the strip under the ceiling and at the baseboard.

A start has been made, all that remains is to decide whether to glue end-to-end or overlap. Previously, no one asked this question, because paper wallpaper could only be glued overlapping. Nowadays, overlapping wallpaper is rarely glued, and there are rules here. Wallpaper should be thin, and the overlap width cannot be more than 15 mm.

Some types of modern paper wallpaper, for example, duplex wallpaper, cannot be glued overlapping: due to the thickness of the paper it looks unsightly. But how to properly glue paper wallpaper end-to-end? According to the described scheme, only the role of the starting strip will be performed each time by the newly pasted area. Pasting wallpaper directly depends on the quality of the walls: if they are smooth, there will be no problems.

The following video shows how to properly glue wallpaper end-to-end.

At the final stage, the slopes can be decorated with plastic corners.

Vinyl wallpapers

Covering walls with vinyl wallpaper has its own characteristics.

You should only use special glue, having carefully read the instructions: it will indicate what the glue should be applied to.

The glue is applied to the walls in a thin layer. Before you start covering the walls with vinyl wallpaper, allow the glue to dry for about 20 minutes.

How to glue wide vinyl wallpaper? To mask the joints on them, work begins from the corner closest to the window. The bottom part of the strip is kept folded while the top part is smoothed out.

Non-woven wallpaper

How ? Non-woven fabric is a non-woven fabric that is wear-resistant and difficult to stretch: this feature determines the technology for wallpapering walls on this basis. When choosing, non-woven fabric is also often used.

You should glue the wallpaper yourself, not forgetting the following nuances:

  • the base must be well puttied and have a uniform White color: due to the thinness of the coating, the walls may be visible;
  • the glue is carefully prepared from powder according to the instructions and applied only to the wall;
  • non-woven coverings do not shrink, so they will not separate at the joints, but protruding glue should be immediately removed with a dry cloth, otherwise it will be noticeable after drying.

The non-woven base allows you to produce wallpaper 90-140 cm wide. But how to properly glue wide wallpaper? It should be taken into account that the walls must be very even: with a large width, even a slight curvature will affect the correctness of the joints.

How to hang wide wallpaper? To keep the canvas from moving, you need an assistant. As a rule, the glue is applied only to the wall, and the canvases are smoothed from top to bottom. Otherwise, the technology is the same as for narrower canvases. Wallpaper should be glued correctly, avoiding getting glue on outside. Hanging wide wallpaper is not as difficult as people who are accustomed to standard 53 cm wide wallpapers fear.

Armed with the knowledge of how to hang wallpaper with your own hands, and having studied many of the intricacies of wallpapering techniques, you can get to work. If the rules were followed at each stage, you can be proud of the result.

Pasting a wall may not be so difficult, but preparatory work not everyone can do it. For many, it is the preparation of the walls that is the most unpleasant moment in the entire process. There is only one piece of advice here: don’t complicate your task by guessing “will it pass or not,” and always carefully, slowly, using materials sparingly, prepare the wall for gluing. Then the coating will apply perfectly, and you won’t worry about the result.

It doesn’t matter whether you choose non-woven or paper wallpaper, the preparation of the walls will be approximately the same.

Your task is to create a very even surface of the walls, smooth, without defects. Only on such a wall is it possible to apply high-quality wallpaper. The process includes putty and primer.

Wall putty

You may need to buy some starter putty. Note that this is what the mixture is called. This is only necessary if there are serious potholes, cracks, holes, or openings on the walls.

What to do if the walls require several layers of putty:

  • Buy a painting net;
  • Using a mesh, you can apply the putty evenly and evenly to the wall;
  • Thanks to the mesh, the leveling layer will be durable and the surface will be smooth.

After starting putty you need to apply the finishing coat. Finishing putty is applied only to a smooth and even surface.

The starting putty is applied with a large spatula. Layers of the mixture are applied diagonally, not overlapping. The corners are treated with a corner spatula.

The finishing putty should have a maximum layer thickness of 2 mm.

If you plan to stick thick, for example, vinyl wallpaper, two layers of putty are enough. It is better to stick thin wallpaper on three layers of putty.

Surface primer

Primer is the final stage of surface preparation. Many people are perplexed, why is a primer needed, after such and such putty work?

Primary processing may still leave small particles of dust on the wall and other contaminants that negatively affect the wall covering. The primer makes the surface durable, and it stops getting dirty.

The priming process is similar to the process of whitewashing a ceiling. You can prime it with a paint roller. The priming material solution contains instructions on how to dilute it and how to apply the mixture. Stick to it, not always general tips equally fair.

Of course, both the primer and putty are applied to the “bare” wall; old wallpaper should definitely be removed.

How to prime walls with your own hands (video)

How to hang wallpaper yourself: glue wallpaper with your own hands alone

It happens that you have to “fight” wallpaper alone. For a small room or just one wall, a small area, this is quite normal, and you can handle it without outside help. You can wallpaper a small kitchen yourself.

Pasting wallpaper on the wall yourself:

  1. First, wash the floor, wipe it with a dry cloth;
  2. Make the markings and cut the wallpaper into strips according to it;
  3. Leave 10 cm for allowances, adjust the wallpaper with the pattern, leave marks with a pencil;
  4. Make sure doors and windows are closed and there are no drafts;
  5. Dilute the glue yourself, as indicated in the instructions;
  6. Unplug the outlets;
  7. Apply glue to the wall and to the wallpaper (if it is necessary to apply it to the wallpaper itself, this is indicated on the roll);
  8. The adhesive is applied precisely from top to bottom;
  9. Glue the wallpaper only end-to-end, overlapping at the corners;
  10. After gluing the first strip, smooth it with a dry cloth, expelling excess glue and air;
  11. The next strip is glued end to end with the first, also from top to bottom;
  12. The edges of the wallpaper are trimmed sharp knife, the places above sockets and switches are also adjusted.

First, whole strips are glued, and only then fragments near windows, radiators, etc. You don’t need to remove the extra sections (allowances) right away, but five to six hours after the wallpaper has been applied.

How to re-stick wallpaper with your own hands

Sometimes not the most pleasant things happen to wallpaper, and you have to re-paste it.

Wallpapering is needed if:

  • The aesthetic task was not fulfilled - the drawing was poorly adjusted, the rules of joints were not followed, etc.;
  • Yellow glue stains are visible under the wallpaper;
  • There are a lot of bubbles under the wallpaper;
  • Some of the wallpaper is coming off the wall.

How to work with peeled wallpaper - rules for re-sticking:

  1. Be sure to clean the back side of the wallpaper from dirt and glue, if any;
  2. Don’t forget to clean the wall itself either;
  3. If there are any cracks or defects on the wall, you need to repair them;
  4. Treat the surface with strengthening primer, this is necessary for good adhesion;
  5. Next, coat the necessary fragments of the wall or wallpaper with glue and that’s it, glue the sheet again.

If the sheets are already damaged, nothing can be done about such wallpaper; you will have to glue new ones.

Wallpapering with your own hands: subtleties

There are some nuances when gluing each type of wallpaper.

How to work with different wallpapers:

  • When gluing paper wallpaper remember, you can’t spread glue on them thickly, you can’t let them become limp;;
  • For non-woven wallpaper Only the wall is smeared with glue, and the dry strip is glued to it;
  • Textile wallpaper bring out all the defects of the walls, so preliminary preparation the walls must be perfect;
  • Liquid wallpaper can always be repaired - the damaged area is filled with the same liquid composition using a sprayer or an ordinary spatula.

In order not to suffer with wallpaper, or rather with gluing it, listen to the advice of the experts.

Tips from the masters

It is imperative, according to a specialist, that you need to de-energize the room and remove the sockets. Wallpaper will always stick better to an ideal, flat surface, and you won’t have to cut holes for sockets.

If possible, remove the baseboards; this also affects the quality of the wallpaper.

Don't skimp, choose good glue, which will definitely not leave traces. Types of glue are sold with a color indicator so that you have no doubt that it is applied evenly.

Wallpapering with your own hands (video)

Wallpapering has its own difficulties, but they arise due to haste and errors in the process itself. The wall must be clean and level, be sure to mark before gluing, and do not glue in hot weather or in drafts. If you don't need to apply glue to the strip, don't do it, the wallpaper may not withstand that much glue. Follow the rules, and then the renovation will delight you and your guests for a long time.

Happy gluing!
