Practical work "Individual lessons as a special form of organizing speech therapy work with children." Smart guys and smart girls Algorithm for speech therapy classes with preschoolers

Before starting voice restoration classes with children, it is necessary to obtain anamnestic information about the child, as well as systematize and summarize the data from a clinical, psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy examination (organizational point). The child's voice and speech are recorded on a tape recorder, and breathing is recorded on a kymograph or electroencephalograph.

As already indicated, in children with diseases of the larynx, an asthenic state of the body, changes in the structure and function of the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx, a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, a delay in speech development and a long-term disorder of voice function were revealed. All this information makes it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the child’s development, to develop ways and means of restoration work, the initial link of which is psychotherapy.

Goal of psychotherapy- conscious, active, volitional inclusion of the child in the process of voice restoration. Psychotherapy helps to re-educate the child’s personality as a whole, stimulate and activate it to overcome difficulties and fight for a speedy recovery. Psychotherapy involves an individual approach to a sick child, taking into account his age, the course of the disease, the child’s personality characteristics, the nature of his speech and voice disorders. Psychotherapy is carried out in the form of a conversation, during which the child’s complaints are identified, an idea is formed about the range of his interests, attachments, inclinations, and attitude towards the defect; personal and work contact is established.

All children with long-term and severe laryngeal disease require active and targeted psychotherapy, carried out in the form of single or, more often, multiple conversations. Psychotherapy is an important activity that contributes to the improvement of the child’s personality and the success of restorative education.

Concurrently with psychotherapy articulation gymnastics. As noted, articulation is given great importance in the process of phonation, because thanks to it, the timbre of the voice is formed, vowels and consonants are formed. In addition, the better and more precise the articulation, the more appropriate and accurate the function of the vocal folds.

When the activity of the upper resonating tube is disrupted, articulatory movements lose their coordinated accuracy and become sluggish, awkward, and clumsy. Therefore, the voice does not fall into the “oral position”, into the “resonator position”, it sounds guttural, hoarse, and constricted.

The purpose of articulation gymnastics- develop clarity, dexterity, correct movements of all parts of the articulatory apparatus and its coordinated work with the respiratory and vocal organs. It is necessary, on the one hand, to free the articulatory muscles from tension, stiffness or, conversely, from lethargy, weakness, and paresis.

To relieve tension in the articulatory apparatus and increase its tone, hygienic massage is used. Stroking is done with your fingertips:

a) from the middle of the forehead to the temples and around the eyes to the bridge of the nose;

b) from the bridge of the nose to the parotid cavity;

c) from the tip of the nose along its back and back;

d) around the tip of the nose with transition to the upper and lower lips, helical movements.

Vibration massage involves tapping the wings of the nose while simultaneously pronouncing a sound. m .

Massage activates the movements of the facial muscles and improves facial expressions. The child learns to independently wrinkle his forehead, nose, frown, move his eyebrows, puff out his cheeks, and smile. All these exercises improve the color of the voice, its strength and timbre, since, according to physiology, the work of facial muscles and irritation of the facial skin increase the tone of the vocal muscles.

Simultaneously with the massage, articulatory gymnastics are performed, differentiated for different parts of the articulatory apparatus.

Each articulatory movement is carried out clearly and slowly in front of the mirror, observing a certain rhythm (counting).

Sample articulation exercises

I. Tongue movements:

1) protruding tongue;

2) turns the tongue left and right;

3) licking the upper and lower lips with the tip of the tongue;

4) placing the tongue behind the upper and lower lips;

5) clicking the tongue;

6) strengthening the tip and root of the tongue when pronouncing sounds T And To.

II. Lip movements:

1) pulling the lips forward with a tube;

2) folding the lips in a circle;

3) stretching the lips to the sides (smile);

4) strengthening the lips when pronouncing a sound P- P- P- P (silently).

III. Jaw movement:

1) opening and closing the mouth;

2) lowering of the lower jaw;

3) imitation of chewing (during the process of chewing, vigorous contraction of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, palate, tongue, and lips occurs).

IV. Movements of the soft palate:

1) coughing;

2) yawning;

3) swallowing drops of water;

4) pronouncing a vowel sound A on a firm attack in front of the mirror, counting (the child’s attention is fixed on the ability to raise and hold the palate in this position).

V. Relaxation of the neck muscles:

1) lowering the head down;

3) turning the head left and right; later these movements are combined with the pronunciation of sounds and - e - o - u - a - s .

1) stroking and vibration massage of the larynx: rhythmic, energetic movements of the fingers along the front surface of the neck in vertical and horizontal directions with light pressure on the area of ​​the thyroid cartilage;

2) coughing movements, imitation of a pigeon cooing, moaning, mooing, which can be combined with vibration massage of the larynx.

VII. Exercises for developing clear, coordinated work of all parts of the articulatory apparatus with simultaneous breathing training (work on diction):

1) Pronounce vowels slowly, first with one articulation, then in a whisper and loudly.

a - o - y - y - e Pronouncing the vowel series

o -u a - e - o a - e - o - u

a - o - y - e

o - y - a - and

2) Pronouncing syllables and words while exhaling, in a whisper, which prepares the articulatory, respiratory and voice-forming apparatus for subsequent intense vocal exercises.

pa - po - pu - py - pe

pop - pop - pop - pop - pop

pat - sweat - put - torture - pat

ta - that - tu - you - te

tat - that - here - tyt - tet

tap - tap - tap - tap - tap

ka - ko - ku - ky - ke

kat - cat - kut - kat - kat

kap - kop - kup - kip - kap

fa - fo - fu - fy - fe

puff - puff - puff - puff - puff

sa - so - su - sy - se

pass - pos - pus - pys - pes

sha - sho - shu - shi - she

Words with t sound:

Words with the sound k:

3) Pronouncing proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters with one articulation, in a whisper and loudly.

Practicing sounds n - b

Hit or miss.

Buy a pile of spades.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under the cap.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

1. We will hit!

Beat the drum!

Beat the drum!

Beat the drum!

(V. Mayakovsky)

2. A pair of drums,

A couple of drums

Pair of reels

A couple of drums

A couple of drums

A couple of drums

(I. Selvinsky)

Sound testing m

I call a lot, but it's of little use.

Small small less.

The miller is not afraid of noise; he feeds on it.

Mom washed Mila with soap.

Mila bought mimosas for my mother.

Where there is honey, there are flies.

1. The bear found honey in the forest -

Not enough honey, too many bees.

(S. Marshak)

2. ... Interferes with smoke

Cloud of dust

Firemen are rushing


They click loudly

They whistle in alarm

Copper helmets

They shine in rows.

(WITH. Marshak)

Sound testing n

Our spring is red with difficulty.

One head is not poor, but only one head is poor.

Our fidget is neither at home nor at a neighbor's.

She is for us, and we are for the pineapple.

Nanny Petya endlessly

Soft sponge soap,

To wash it off his face

Blue ink.

I washed off the streak with a sponge.

On the cheek and nose.

Just finished bathing -

He's covered in ink again!

(S. Marshak)

Practicing sounds f -V

The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

Live and learn.

Everything has its time.

Anyone who has not been to Moscow has never seen beauty.

The water truck was carrying water from the water supply system.

Let's take new rifles,

flags on the bayonet!

And with a song

in rifle

let's go mugs.

(V. Mayakovsky)

Practicing sounds t - d

The master's work is afraid.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

A quitter and a slacker - Monday is their holiday.

I love to play the trumpet in the garden:

Dudu! Dudu! Dudu! Dudu!

I'm going, I'm going, I'm going

And I blow the trumpet!

Dudu! Dudu! Dudu! Dudu!

Dudu! Dudu! Dudu! Dudu!

Practicing sounds k - g - x

Not every bast fits the line.

The waders have finished their walk: there is no bread or flour.

Buy a pile of spades.

Geese are cackling on the mountain, and a fire is burning under the mountain.

1. Shark Karakula for us

Never mind, never mind

We are the Shark Karakul

Brick, brick,

We are the Shark Karakul

Fist, fist,

We are the Shark Karakul

Heel, heel!

(K. Chukovsky)

2. Here are geese with a brood of goslings

They cackle and hiss like snakes,

They threaten the truck

Stretching our necks.

But not scary for a truck

A flock of loud-mouthed geese.

He threatens the gander with his horn,

Clearing the road.

(S. Marshak)

3. Really, kids, am I good?

It looks like a big bag.

On the seas in years past

I overtook steamships.

And now I'm here in the garden

I swim quietly in the pond.

(S. Marshak)

Practicing sounds s - z - c

One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

The tit bird is small, but smart.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled;

Sleigh - hop,

Sonya is off her feet,

Sanka in the side,

Senka in the forehead,

Rubber Zina

Bought in a store

Rubber Zina

They brought it in a basket.

She was gaping

Rubber Zina, -

Fell from the basket

Smeared in mud.

(A. Barto)

Practicing sounds w - w, h, sch

Murder will out.

Write, but don’t rush.

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

1. I clean the puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

(S. Marshak)

2. The mouse whispers to the mouse:

You're still awake, rustling.

The little mouse whispers to the mouse:

I will rustle more quietly.

(S. Marshak)

3. - You tell me, our little lamb,

How much wool will you give us?

Don't cut my hair yet

I'll give you three bags of wool:

One bag -

Another bag -

And the third is for small children

For warm sweatshirts.

(S. Marshak)

4. Thin girl

White skirt

Red nose.

The longer the legs,

The shorter it is

From burning tears.

(S. Marshak)

Sound testing l

The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

Near the bell stake.

Malanya the scrambled milk chattered and chattered,

I chatted and chatted, but didn’t blurt out.

The blue sky is bright,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

(F. Tyutchev)

Sound testing R

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

Without fish, even cancer is a fish.

Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

Throwing piles of bodies upon piles,

Cast iron balls everywhere

They jump between them, strike,

They dig up the ashes and hiss in the blood.

Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts.

Drumming, clicks, grinding.

The thunder of guns, stomping, neighing, groaning,

And death and hell on all sides.

(A.S. Pushkin)

4) Pronouncing vowels, syllables, proverbs, tongue twisters with changing stress and speeding up the tempo of speech (in a whisper and loudly).

a - o - y - s - e

a - o - y - s - e

a - o - y - s - e

a - o - y - s - e

a - o - y - s - e

pa - po - pu - py - pe

ta - that - tu - you - te

ka - ko - ku - ky - ke

fa - fo - fu - fy - fe

sa - so - su - sy - se

ba - bo - bu - would - bae

yes - do - do - dy - de

ga - go - gu - gee - ge

for - zo - zu - zy - ze

Buy a pile of spades.

Buy a pile of spades.

Buy a pile of spades.

Murder will out.

Murder will out.

Murder will out.

Without fish, even cancer is a fish.

Without fish, even cancer is a fish.

Without fish, even cancer is a fish.

Changing the pace of speech

1. Vowel sounds and syllables with faster tempo:

a - - - o - - - y - - - s - - - e Slowly

a - o - y - y - e Average

aouye Fast

pa - - - po - - - pu - - - py - - - pe Slowly

pa - po - pu - py - pe Average

papopupype Fast

ay - - - ay - - - ay - - - ay Slowly

ay - ay - ay - ay Average

awwwwww Fast

2. Tongue twisters with faster tempo.

3. Poems with faster tempo.

Let's go, let's go, let's go

For ripe nuts,

For nuts and mushrooms,

What will be born under oak trees.


What grows under the maples

Under the green linden trees.

Thus, the specificity of articulatory gymnastics lies not only in the fact that special attention is paid to the strength, clarity, and even some exaggeration of articulatory movements, but also on the ability to combine movement with a whisper, and later with a loud sound.

Of great importance is the increase in the mobility of the soft palate, the development of movements of the lower jaw and vocal folds.

Simultaneously with articulation exercises (from the 2-3rd lesson), breathing exercises are carried out - static and dynamic. When performing breathing exercises, you must follow a number of rules:

1) classes are held before meals, in a ventilated room;

2) it is necessary to strictly dose the number of exercises and the pace of their implementation;

3) you need to ensure that the baby’s chest does not overflow with air;

4) the child should not strain his shoulders or neck; exercises are aimed at developing movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and muscles of the lower abdomen;

5) the child must make movements smoothly, counting.

Static exercises are performed either with complete immobility of the body, or are accompanied by slight movements.

The purpose of static breathing exercises is to develop differentiated breathing through the mouth and nose, to acquire the skills of speech lower costal-diaphragmatic or thoraco-abdominal breathing with predominant training in extended exhalation.

Exercises include blowing on cotton wool, blowing on water, blowing soap bubbles, rubber toys, balls, playing a children's pipe, pipe, harmonica (which develops the lip muscles and gives a kinesthetic sensation of a long-lost sound); The duration of exhalation is recorded using a stopwatch.

a) vowels (whispering and loud):

u _______ au ______ uo ______ ua ________

o _______ ou ______ ao ______ oa ________

e _______ iu ______ io ______ ia ________

and _______ eu ______ eo ______ ea ________

b) fricative voiceless consonants isolated and in combination with vowels (whispering and loud):

f ________ uf ______ us ______ ush ________

with ________ of ______ os ______ osh ________

ts________ ef ______ es ______ esh ________

x________ if ______ is ______ is________

af ________ as ______ ash ______

fu ________ su ______ shu ______

fo ________ with ______ sho ______

fe ________ se ______ she ______

fi ________ si ______ shi ______

fa ________ sa ______ sha ______

c) voiced fricative consonants isolated and in combination with vowels:

in ________ uv ______ uz ______ already _______

s ________ ov ______ oe ______ cool _______

f ________ ev ______ ez ______ ez _______

iv _______ from _______ izh ______

aw _______ az _______ as much as ______

d) voiceless plosive consonants only in combination with vowels in straight syllables (whispering and loud):

pu _______ tu ______ ku ______

by _______ then ______ to ______

pe _______ te ______ ke ______

pi _______ ti ______ ki ______

pa _______ ta ______ ka ______

e) voiced plosives only in combination with vowels in straight syllables:

bu _______ do ______ gu _______

from _______ to ______ th _______

bae _______ de ______ ge _______

bi _______ di ______ gi _______

ba _______ yes _______ ha ______

So, in a combination of articulatory and simple breathing exercises, speech breathing skills are formed.

To develop phonation breathing, exercises are also selected that train differentiated inhalation and exhalation through the mouth and nose. These exercises prepare the respiratory apparatus for phonation and help to feel the work of the respiratory muscles, especially the diaphragm.

For example:

1) inhale (5 s) - hold (3 s) - exhale (5 s);

2) inhale (6 s) - hold (5 s) - exhale (8 s);

3) inhale (8 s) - hold (6 s) - exhale (10 s);

4) “Flower Shop” - training in deep, slow inhalation through the nose (a pleasant feeling from inhaling the wonderful smell of flowers);

5) “Candle” - training for an even, slow exhalation while blowing on an imaginary or real candle flame;

6) “Stubborn candle” - training for intense, strong exhalation. The child feels the movement of the abdominal muscles;

7) “I’ll put out the candle” - training intense, intermittent exhalation while saying: ugh! ugh! ugh! ugh! (The candle went out);

8) “Pump” - training for a long, strong exhalation while pronouncing a sound for a long time sssss.

After static breathing exercises, dynamic breathing exercises are performed.

Dynamic exercises involve walking, slow running, movements of the arms, legs and torso and include elements of physical therapy.

According to the physiology of higher nervous activity, in the process of physical therapy, a restructuring of the nervous system occurs according to the type of formation of the conditioned respiratory reflex. In addition, physical exercise has a positive effect on the patient’s mood and emotions, causing a feeling of joy, cheerfulness, and creating a more balanced neuropsychic state. In children, physical therapy is more effective due to the extreme plasticity of the children's brain. They quickly create new conditioned reflex connections, suppress pathological reflexes and restore nervous regulation of the breathing process.

The goals of the physical education are to educate the patient in proper breathing skills, overcome respiratory failure, improve the health of the whole body, develop chest mobility, and increase the vital capacity of the lungs. To do this, it is necessary: ​​1) to accustom the child to breathing through natural pathways (mouth and nose), thus preparing him for decannulation and subsequent closure of the stoma; 2) develop the mechanism of speech breathing, paying special attention to exhalation training; 3) physically strengthen the child’s body; 4) increase the motor and physical activity of the body and the patient’s performance. It is important not to overtire sick children and alternate gymnastic exercises with games.

When compiling a set of breathing exercises for children suffering from papillomatosis and cicatricial stenosis of the larynx, it is necessary to take into account the state of their vocal and respiratory function, since performing respiratory and vocal exercises is complicated by the lack of voice and breathing through natural pathways; In addition, asthenia of the child’s body requires a strict dosage of exercises, a certain tempo and rhythm of movements.

The initial form of physical therapy is hygienic gymnastics, which increases the general tone of patients. After 10-14 days, special gymnastic breathing exercises are introduced, which alternate with general strengthening exercises.

A course of speech therapy physical education includes exercises based on a combination of movements of the torso and limbs with the utterance of sounds while exhaling. The purpose of these exercises is to train lower costal-diaphragmatic breathing, as well as general strengthening of the child’s body.

Sample course of physical therapy exercises

I. Introductory section

The goal of the introductory section is to gradually involve the child in classes, developing differentiated exhalation through the mouth and nose.

Exercises are used that include formation, uniform walking, inhalation and exhalation alternately through the mouth and nose.

II. Main section

The goal of the main section is gradually increasing training of the body, staging speech breathing with an emphasis on prolonged exhalation.

Exercises used:

1. Starting position - lying down (this relaxes the muscles of the whole body, including the larynx). Inhale and exhale through the mouth and nose. When you inhale, the anterior wall of the abdomen and the epigastric region rise and protrude, and when you exhale, they fall. The upper shoulder girdle is almost motionless.

2. Starting position - standing, legs together. Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, lower your arms - exhale.

3. Starting position - standing, legs together. Raise your hands to the back of your head - inhale, lower your hands - exhale.

4. Starting position - standing, legs together. Turn the torso and head to the right with the arm moving to the side - inhale, starting position - exhale.

5. Starting position - standing, legs together. Tilts of the torso to the sides: the arms alternately slide along the torso to the armpit. When exhaling, sounds are pronounced for a long time s, f, w , sound combinations pf, psh .

6. Starting position - standing, legs together. Tilt the head alternately to the left and right shoulder.

7. Starting position - standing, legs together. Tilt the head back and forth along with the neck.

8. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms up through your sides, sit down, clasp your knees with your hands and say uh, uh .

9. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Take your arms to the sides and raise them above your head. Interlace your fingers - inhale. Quickly bend the torso forward while pronouncing as you exhale wow (exercise “Lumberjack”).

10. Starting position - standing, legs together. Hands up through the sides - inhale, hands down while pronouncing consonant sounds as you exhale s, w, sch, v, z, g, f , vowels u, o, and, uh, a, a , as well as syllables uh, uh .

11. Starting position - standing, legs together, boxer pose. Moving your arms forward with force and making an exaggerated sound ljj .

12. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms slowly to the sides, clap your hands - inhale, lower your arms while pronouncing as you exhale ah, oh, uh .

13. Starting position - standing, legs together, hands on hips. Lunges alternately with the right and left leg with arms raised to the sides.

14. Starting position - standing, legs together. Raise your left and right legs alternately with a clap under the knee.

15. Starting position - standing, legs together. Squats with arms extended forward.

16. Exercises with the ball:

a) throw the ball up while pronouncing the words uh, uh ;

b) throw the ball, sit down, catch and make sounds h, f, c ;

c) the ball is on the floor, bend down, take the ball, lift it up, put it on the floor

with pronouncing a syllable while exhaling ugh ;

d) ball game: arrange children in a circle at large intervals and

pass the ball to a neighbor while pronouncing words; build children in

column, put one child opposite the column and give him a ball

(he is a driver). The driver passes the ball to the person in front, saying

any sound, he returns the ball to the driver and runs to the end of the column.

Whoever drops the ball becomes the driver.

Thus, most exercises involve pronouncing vowels and consonants simultaneously with movements of the upper and lower limbs. Prolonged pronunciation of vowels and consonants develops an extended exhalation. Usually, at the initial stage of learning, children can pronounce these sounds for 5-7 s; exhalation gradually lengthens to 15-20 s. In the future, the exercises become more complicated - combinations of two or three consonant sounds are pronounced on one exhalation (vzh, hedgehog, zhz, vzzh etc.), then syllables (wo, wo, zu, etc.).

III. Final section

The goal of the final section is to reduce general physiological load and relieve fatigue.


1) breathing exercises,

2) distracting exercises (with clapping, singing),

3) walking with a gradual slowdown.

From all the listed exercises of the course of speech therapy physical education, sets of exercises are compiled for 5-6 days. The dosage and pace of exercises vary depending on the age of the child, the nature and course of his illness, and the state of speech and voice function. Therapeutic physical education is carried out throughout the entire process of treating a child, being an essential link in the overall chain of therapeutic measures.

As a result of speech therapy physical therapy, the child’s body is physically strengthened, its performance increases, the function of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles improves, and the vital capacity of the lungs increases. In addition, tracheotomized patients are prepared for decannulation by developing natural breathing and establishing lower costal-diaphragmatic breathing.

We present kymograms of children's breathing during speech before and after speech therapy sessions for voice restoration.

In the future, as you practice phonation breathing, the breathing exercises become more complicated. The child is offered exercises to lengthen exhalation:

1) counting while exhaling in a whisper and loudly;

2) pronouncing proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters with more air;

3) reading one, two, three and four lines of poetry on one exhalation;

4) reading a short (3-4 lines) paragraph of prose text in one exhalation.

Such exercises involve a combination of breathing movements with training a strong, ringing, modulated voice.

Thus, carrying out articulation and breathing exercises, speech therapy exercises is a preparatory stage in the process of voice restoration. During the preparatory stage of speech therapy classes, the child’s articulatory and respiratory apparatus adapts to subsequent intensive voice exercises.

The essence of speech therapy is to develop correct and inhibit incorrect speech skills with the help of a special system of pedagogical influence. The formation of correct pronunciation skills is carried out by a speech therapist in specially organized individual lessons.

When preparing and conducting them, the speech therapist must:

· formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson;

· determine the stages of the lesson, their interdependence and sequence;

· gradually complicate the lexical and grammatical material presented to children;

· diversify the lesson with the help of games and gaming techniques;

· take into account the child’s zone of proximal development;

· implement a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, age and individual characteristics;

· briefly and clearly formulate instructions given to children;

· use varied and colorful visual material;

· be able to create a positive emotional background of the lesson, planning emotional upsurges taking into account the increasing complexity of the material presented.

Since speech is associated with the movements of the speech apparatus, articulatory gymnastics plays an important role in eliminating defects in sound pronunciation. Its significance is fully justified, since the pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Developing correct, full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs and combining simple movements into complex articulatory structures of various sounds are necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Depending on the form of the sound defect, one or another set of articulation exercises is used. Their type, duration, and single dosage depend on the nature and severity of the speech disorder. The dosage of the same exercise should be strictly individual both for each child and for each period of work with him. In the first classes, you can limit yourself to only two repetitions of the exercises due to the increased exhaustion of the exercised muscle. In the future, the number of repetitions can be increased.

The complex of basic movements for the development and exercise of the articulatory apparatus includes the simplest and most characteristic movements of all organs of articulation during speech - lips, jaws, tongue. When correcting individual sounds, special complexes are used. The principle of selecting movements each time will be the nature of the defective pronunciation and the appropriateness of the recommended movements for the correct pronunciation of a given sound.

It is not enough for a speech therapist to select appropriate movements; the child must be taught how to use them correctly, i.e. make certain demands on the quality of movements: accuracy, purity, smoothness, strength, pace, stability, transition from one movement to another.

Equally important is the development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. This task may turn out to be a priority if the defects in sound pronunciation are caused by the immaturity of the operations of processing phonemes according to their acoustic parameters, when the discrimination of the phonemes included in the word is impaired or difficult. Tasks to develop the ability to hear, recognize sound, isolate it from the stream of speech, distinguish sounds that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics, exercises to develop skills in elementary sound analysis and synthesis are an integral part of correctional work to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation.

The process of correcting incorrect sound pronunciation is divided into three stages: sound production, sound automation and differentiation of mixed sounds.

Experts note that sound production is in most cases a more complex artificial process than the independent appearance of sound in a child, since from a physiological point of view, sound production is the creation of a new conditioned reflex.

Preschoolers often imitate the sounds of the surrounding world or the articulation of the speech therapist when including children in a play situation. In other cases, as a workaround, preserved sounds are used that are close in place and method of articulation to those sounds whose correct pronunciation needs to be taught to the child. In more complex cases, mechanical assistance is required.

Automation of sound from the point of view of higher nervous activity is the introduction of a newly created and consolidated relatively simple connection of speech sound into more complex sequential structures - words and phrases. Work at this stage should be considered as inhibiting old, incorrect dynamic stereotypes and developing new ones. This work is difficult for the nervous system and requires very great caution and gradualism, which are expressed in the transition from an isolated sound to various types of syllables and sound combinations, then to words with a given sound, sentences, and then to various types of expanded speech.

If defects in sound pronunciation manifest themselves in the form of substitutions or mixing of sounds, it is necessary to move on to the stage of differentiating the newly produced sound with the sound that is used as its substitute. Work on differentiation can begin only when both sounds can be pronounced correctly in any sound combination. The sequence and gradual complication of speech exercises during differentiation are the same as when automating sounds: differentiation in syllables, then in words, phrases and various types of expanded speech. In cases where the child had a distorted pronunciation of a sound, and not its replacement with another sound, differentiation is not necessary.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, pronunciation impairment in its “pure form” does not occur. The concept of “general speech underdevelopment” is applied to this form of speech pathology in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence, when the formation of all components of the speech system is disrupted. The correctional system of education and upbringing of children with special needs is based on the following principles:

Early impact on speech activity in order to prevent secondary deviations;

Speech development and reliance on ontogenesis (taking into account the patterns of normal child speech development);

Interconnected formation of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical components of the language (unity of these areas and mutual preparation); - a differentiated approach in speech therapy work to children with ODD who have a different structure of speech impairment;

The connection of speech with other aspects of mental development, which reveal the dependence of the formation of individual components of speech on the state of other mental processes.

During classes, a speech therapist needs to pay great attention to enriching, activating the vocabulary, developing inflection and word formation skills, and forming a grammatical structure. At the initial stages, this work is carried out on the material of preserved sounds. Subsequently, words with assigned and automated sounds are introduced into lexical and grammatical exercises.

Activation of children's mental activity, development of attention and memory are necessary conditions for successful and comprehensive education of preschoolers. And due to the specific state of mental processes in children with ODD, the development of memory, attention, thinking, and imagination is a mandatory component of an individual speech therapy session.

Children with OHP have features in the development of fine motor skills of the hands, manifested primarily in insufficient coordination of the fingers, accuracy and dexterity of movements. Targeted work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers accelerates the maturation of speech areas and stimulates the development of the child’s speech, allowing for faster correction of defective sound pronunciation. Therefore, a speech therapist should include in his classes exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, which, on the one hand, can play the role of physical education, and on the other hand, will contribute to more effective automation of sound when combined with speech work.

Thus, the goals of an individual speech therapy session include:

Development of articulatory motor skills, formation of correct articulatory patterns;

Formation of pronunciation skills (depending on the stage of work on sound);

Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis skills;

Improving lexical and grammatical structures;

Development of non-speech mental processes;

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

When preparing and conducting an individual lesson, it is very important to remember that throughout the entire lesson the child must have a persistent positive emotional attitude, which is expressed in the desire to study. This is achieved by using surprise moments, game fragments, exciting tasks and exercises, during which the learning process turns into an interesting game. During the lesson, interesting stories are built, in which the children themselves often become participants.

During the lesson, the child develops the ability to listen, hear and evaluate not only the speech of others, but also his own. For this purpose, it is effective to record individual exercises on a tape recorder during class. In this case, the child gets the opportunity to hear himself not only at the moment of speaking, but also, as if from the outside, to hear and evaluate his speech.

When drawing up a lesson summary and thinking through its content, it should be taken into account that the speech material during the lesson needs to be complicated gradually, sequentially, depending on the stage of work on sound (for example, at the stage of automation in words, the sound should first be practiced in isolation, then in syllables, and then in words). When selecting lexical and grammatical material, games and exercises for the development of mental processes, it is necessary to take into account the child’s speech capabilities, i.e. at the stage of sound production or at the stage of automation of sound in syllables, speech work must be built on the material of preserved sounds. At further stages, all speech exercises should include a practiced sound. (The lesson notes given in the manual will allow readers to clearly illustrate this author’s approach to the selection of speech material.)

When determining the content of an individual speech therapy lesson, selecting speech and practical material, one should strive to ensure that the lesson is not only interesting, but also as productive as possible, with high speech activity of the child. It is important to include a series of training exercises in classes, teaching children to freely use new sounds in spontaneous utterances.

If the structure of a lesson at the automation stage is determined by the sequential complication of speech material, then in an individual lesson approaches to sound production are carried out repeatedly during the lesson (at least 3 times). They should alternate with tasks to achieve other goals. An entertaining form of classes, game techniques, changing types of tasks, and a reward system make it possible to maintain children’s interest over a certain period of time.

A complete set of speech therapy classes for children should be aimed at developing the child’s communication abilities. All language systems he has acquired must be included in communication. It is especially important to teach children to apply practiced speech skills in other situations and to creatively use the skills acquired in class in a variety of activities.

The optimal number of children in a frontal lesson is 6-8 people, children of the same age with the same type of impairment, since speech therapy work is built taking into account the defect and age of the child.

Frontal classes are conducted with all children in the group. They simultaneously perform one job, the same for everyone. Individual and subgroup classes are a kind of preparation for frontal classes. That is why lexical material should consist of sounds that are studied and correctly pronounced by all children.

Frontal classes in speech therapy groups take place in several stages, which are closely related and interdependent. At the first stage, the correct pronunciation of the studied sound is consolidated. The lexical material used at this stage should be varied, rich in the sound being studied. However, defective and mixed sounds should not be used.

At the second stage, differentiation of sounds occurs, both aurally and in pronunciation. The course of mastering pronunciation should be based on active cognitive work on observing speech sounds, words, etc.

These 2 stages must run parallel to each other, since the correct reconstruction of the structure of words depends on how correctly the child perceives and pronounces the sounds that are in his speech.

The structure of frontal lessons on automating pronunciation and differentiation of sounds includes the required elements:

1) organizational moment;

2) message about the topic of the lesson;

3) characteristics of sound based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics;

4) pronunciation of the studied sounds in syllables and syllable combinations;

5) pronunciation of sounds in words;

6) physical training;

7) work on the proposal;

8) pronunciation of sound in coherent speech;

9) teaching elements of literacy;

10) the result of the lesson.

In addition to the mandatory elements, additional ones are introduced: tasks to develop the function of language analysis and synthesis; literacy preparation; lexical and grammatical tasks;

imitation of movements and actions occurring as the plot develops; creative tasks; word creation; games and exercises to develop cognitive processes; poems, dialogues, etc. The number, type and nature of additional elements are determined by the objectives of each specific lesson. Their introduction, moreover, is determined not only by the topic of the lesson, but also by the nature of the characters used in the lesson. They complement the content of the lesson and are aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child. Physical pauses, for example, in which speech and movements interact, help relieve tension and switch, if necessary, to the next task.

1. The first stage of the lesson is organizational. Its goal is to introduce the topic of the lesson, create a positive attitude towards learning, awaken interest in learning new sounds, as well as correct psychophysical functions. The main task of a speech therapist is to include children in work from the first minutes of class. Organizational moments are carried out in different ways, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, facial expression and imitation exercises.

2. Report the topic of the lesson. The tasks offered in this part allow you to smoothly and imperceptibly move on to the topic of the lesson. Toys, flat figures or images of characters participating in the lesson are usually placed in front of children.

Children get to know them, highlight the sounds they are learning and the names of the characters.

Characteristics of sounds by articulatory and acoustic characteristics. At this stage the following tasks are implemented:

Articulation is clarified - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;

The sound “profile” is shown in the figure;

The acoustic characteristics of sounds are clarified: whether the voice is “sleeping” or “not sleeping” (dull or voiced); whether a sound is sung or not (vowels or consonants);

There is a figurative comparison of sound (sound - the growl of a tiger, the sound sh - rustling leaves, the sound l - spring drops);

Sounds are indicated by color symbols;

Their place in the Sound-Letter City is determined (they will live in the Blue, Red or Green castle).

3. Pronunciation of the studied sounds in words and syllable combinations. The main task is the development of auditory-verbal memory and phonemic perception, facial expressions and prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress and intonation). The pronunciation of syllable series is usually combined with the development of intonation expressiveness of speech and facial expressions.

4. Pronunciation of sounds in words. At this stage of classes the following tasks are solved:

Development of phonemic awareness and phonemic representations;

Clarification and expansion of vocabulary;

Development of auditory attention and visual memory;

mastery of simple and complex types of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis.

E.A. Pozhilenko

The magical world of sounds and words


For speech therapists

UDC 376.36 BBK 74.3 P46

Reviewers: professor, honored worker of higher education

Russian Federation,

head Department of Correctional Pedagogy

and special psychology MPGU

IN AND. Seliverstov; candidate of pedagogical sciences,

head Department of Special (Correctional) Pedagogy, Yaroslavl State University named after. K.D. Ushinsky

N.V. Novotortseva;

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology MOIRRO PC A.V. Ovchinnikov

Pozhilenko E.A.

P46 The magical world of sounds and words: A manual for speech therapists. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. - 216 p.

ISBN 5-691-00159-0.

The manual presents methodological developments for speech therapy classes, which are based on the complex game method, fairy tales and lexical topics. In each lesson, correctional tasks to eliminate violations of sound pronunciation are organically combined with the expansion of children's vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of the function of language analysis and synthesis and, in addition, contribute to the improvement of psychophysical functions, creative activity and initiative.

The manual is intended for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers and students of pedagogical colleges and universities.

UDC 376.36 BBK 74.3

© Pozhilenko E.A., 1999

© Humanitarian Publishing House

VLADOS Center, 1999 © Serial cover design.

Humanities publishing
ISBN 5-691-00159-0 VLADOS center, 1999

Speech disorders are a fairly common phenomenon not only among children, but also among adults. The causes of these disorders are very diverse. But they are the result of untimely or ineffective treatment. The most complex are organic disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia) and, to a lesser extent, functional disorders (dyslalia). Against this background, in most cases, such children have, to varying degrees, disturbances in sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, phonemic processes, etc. All these violations, if not corrected in time in childhood, cause difficulties in communicating with others, and in the future entail certain personality changes in the development chain “child-adolescent-adult”, i.e. lead to the development of complexes in children, preventing them from learning and fully revealing their natural abilities and intellectual capabilities.

Many years of practice show that a child with speech impairments (a speech-language pathologist) can be brought out of this state with systematic work with him. Therefore, the search for techniques and methods in speech therapy, psychological and pedagogical practice of speech correction has not lost its relevance.

The required amount of assistance to a child speech therapist depends on the nature of the diagnosis. Some speech disorders disappear with age, some of them can be eliminated with a little help from a speech therapist working with parents or at a speech center, in a children's clinic or in a regular preschool institution. Children with the most severe speech impairments require long-term systematic help from a speech therapist in speech groups of special kindergartens.

Correctional work with children in these institutions is aimed at overcoming their speech and psychophysical disorders by conducting individual, subgroup and frontal speech therapy sessions.

In individual lessons, work is carried out on the development of articulatory motor skills, production of sounds, development of phonemic perception, correction of impaired functions, taking into account the capabilities of each child. Articulation exercises are related to a specific topic, such as “Birds”, “Beasts”, or a game. At the stage of sound automation in syllables, a complex method is implemented, since work is simultaneously being done on prosody and facial expressions. Children transform into aliens, fairy tale heroes, animals, etc., and thus develop imagination, creative imagination, practice intonation expressiveness of speech, and strengthen facial muscles.

In subgroup classes, children with similar speech disorders are brought together. Work is being done with them to automate sounds, expand the vocabulary, and develop coherent speech. Each lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical forms of language includes tasks on the formation of the psychophysical sphere of children. These are psycho-gymnastics, relaxation, games for the development of fine and gross motor skills, voice and breathing exercises, games for attention. All tasks are united by one lexical theme or the plot of a fairy tale, a story that children sometimes compose during the course of the activity (lesson).

The system of frontal classes for correcting pronunciation in preschoolers, developed by the author, differs from the educational-disciplinary model. This method is based on complexity and gaming techniques. Attempts at an integrated approach using game techniques in creating programs for speech development were once carried out in the speech development laboratory of the Research Institute of Preschool Education under the leadership of F.A. Sokhina. The same problem was dealt with by E.M. Strunina, O.S. Ushakova, A.I. Maksimova, A.G. Tambovtseva, G.A. Tumakova, A.I. Maksakov. To some extent, an integrated approach was also indicated by G.A. Kashe (1985). Game techniques were proposed to be used in eliminating stuttering (Volkova, 1983; Vygodskaya, Pellinger, 1984), in developing sound culture in children in kindergartens (Gening, German, 1980; Maksakov, 1982; Maksakov, Tumakova, 1979; Tumakova, 1983 ; Shvaiko, 1983) and to a small extent - in speech therapy work with children (Gening, German, 1980; Seliverstov, 1987).

The proposed system of classes implements the basic principle of special education - the principle of correctional education.

management while observing the triune task, namely: correctional education, correctional development, correctional education. Corrective development is carried out in the main areas:

Development of sensory and motor functions;

Formation of the kinesthetic basis of articulatory movements;

Development of facial muscles;

Development of intellectual functions (thinking, memory, imagination, perception, attention, orientation in space and time);

Development of the emotional-volitional sphere and gaming activity;

Formation of traits of a harmonious and uncomplicated personality (friendship, love, respect and self-esteem, criticality and self-criticism, assessment and self-esteem, etc.).

All classes are focused on the child’s mental security, his comfort and the need for emotional communication with the teacher. The main difference between this system and those used in practice is that classes on studying one sound or differentiating sounds are subordinated to one topic or plot, all tasks and exercises are interrelated and complement each other. A varied structure of activities is proposed: in one case it is a game, in another it is a performance activity, where children are both participants in the performance and spectators, in the third they are teachers, not students, etc. Various options for activities have been invented using: literary characters, specially made panels; fairy tale plots; elements of a plot-didactic game; plot and landscape paintings, etc.

It should be noted that this structure of classes allows you to achieve sustained attention and maintain interest throughout the entire lesson. And this is important if we consider that, on the one hand, children with speech pathology often have an unstable psyche, on the other hand, in the conditions of the Far North during the period of “biological darkness” and “weather leapfrog”, children experience an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance and fast fatiguability.

Thematic and thematic organization of classes and variety in the presentation of educational material contribute to the spontaneous development of coherent speech, maintaining a positive emotional state of children, interest and attention, and therefore better

our effectiveness in acquiring knowledge. A positive point is that the tasks are aimed at including all analyzer systems in operation. The repeated use of visual material on all lexical topics contributes to the transition of images of ideas into images-concepts, which is important for subsequent stages of learning.

The sequence of familiarization with sounds is mainly proposed in accordance with the recommendations of G.A. Kashe (Moscow, 1985). However, it should be remembered that in each specific case there should always be the possibility of varying the sequence of studying sounds, changing the number of lessons devoted to one or more sounds. This is due to the given composition of the groups and the nature of speech impairment in speech-language pathologist children in these groups.

The structure of classes differs from the generally accepted one in the following points: a) the organizational moment of classes includes relaxation and psychophysical exercises, psycho-gymnastics; b) during classes, facial, vocal, breathing and physical exercises are provided; c) at each lesson, work is carried out on mastering the lexical and grammatical structure of speech; d) physical pauses and physical minutes, in addition, carry an additional speech load due to the topic of classes; e) tasks are given for children’s word creation; f) tasks are provided for the correction of psychophysical functions.

Methodological recommendations and proposed lesson notes take into account the requirements for correction of all aspects of speech: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, semantics and prosody. The classes were tested in preparatory speech groups of kindergartens in Apatity and received good results.

The proposed manual did not aim to provide lesson notes for all sounds. The main thing is to show the principles and possibilities of an unlimited variety of structure of classes. True, the latter requires complete dedication, impromptu, and the ability to be an artist and director from the speech therapist.


Many years of practice and the search for new ways to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work have shown that it is possible to achieve a positive result in correctional work with children with speech pathology if you change the form and content of training sessions and use a comprehensive game method for organizing frontal lessons. Thematic and thematic organization of classes is more appropriate for activating speech, developing cognitive processes and corresponds to children's psychophysical data, since the game maximizes the potential of children.

The purpose of this brief methodological presentation is to show the many variations in organizational forms of training, its developmental nature and the variety of methodological techniques used in each part of the lesson.

In addition to tasks aimed at developing speech, classes include tasks to develop the function of language analysis and synthesis, i.e. preparation for literacy training is carried out. All this, thanks to the specifics of childhood, is easier to assimilate within the plot of a fairy tale, travel, adventure, game or one lexical topic. As the actions in the plot unfold, children, through play, comprehend the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”, “letter”, reinforce the correct use of sounds in the pronunciation of proverbs and sayings, participate in composing fairy tales, poems, pure sayings.

The organizational and plot basis of frontal classes can be infinitely diverse. It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the speech therapist, his readiness to impromptu. Here are some options for organizing classes using:

Fairy tales;

Elements of folklore;

Imaginary travel, excursions, trips, adventures;

Literary characters;

Known and invented games;

Elements of a plot-didactic game;

Subject and landscape paintings;

Specially made manuals - drawings, collages, mosaics, panels;

Board and printed games;

Cartoon stories and characters.

It is not necessary to use only well-known plots and themes. You can come up with the entire plot yourself, or you can use the basis of the plot and develop it during the lesson, if the possibilities of joint impromptu and creativity between the speech therapist and the children allow.

Most of the lesson notes offered in the book are based on invented stories. For example, some feature characters from familiar fairy tales “Cinderella” (sound l), “The Adventures of Kolobok” (sounds l, l"), “Our Guest Chippolino” (sound h), “The Three Little Pigs” (sounds n, n"); in others - the heroes of the cartoons "The Treasure of Leopold the Cat" (sounds l, l"); in others - fictional characters from the plots of "Flight on a Starship" (sounds z, z"), “Journey to the Blue Country” (sound l), “Our Guest is an Alien” (sounds l, l"). In some activities, children themselves become protagonists of the plots: “The journey of sounds s, w”, “Like sound R came to us", "Theft of a letter V"(sounds in, in"). Sometimes children are participants in mini-performances: “In the Upper Room” (sound c),“Postman Pechkin brought a parcel” (sound h). In classes built in the playful form of travel, trips and excursions - “Travelling the North” (sounds l, l", r, r"), “Journey to St. Petersburg” (sounds r, r"), children themselves are performers, choose their own transport, route, fantasize “at rest stops,” etc. These activities broaden children's horizons.

Classes conducted and organized around a single theme or plot contribute to:

Development of all components of speech;

Formation of the skill of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;

Development of cognitive processes;

Development of children's creative abilities;

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings.

Thematic and thematic lessons are addressed to the child’s soul,

his feelings. They awaken kindness in children, teach them to understand “what is good and what is bad,” evoke a desire to do good deeds, and cultivate a sense of beauty.

The structure of frontal lessons on automating pronunciation and differentiation of sounds includes the required elements:

1) organizational moment;

2) message about the topic of the lesson;

3) characteristics of sound based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics;

4) pronunciation of the studied sounds in syllables and syllable combinations;

5) pronunciation of sounds in words;

6) physical training;

7) work on the proposal;

8) pronunciation of sound in coherent speech;

9) teaching elements of literacy;

10) the result of the lesson.

In addition to the mandatory elements, additional ones are introduced: tasks to develop the function of language analysis and synthesis; literacy preparation; Lexico-grammatical tasks; physical pauses, voice, breathing, facial exercises; imitation of movements and actions occurring as the plot develops; creative tasks; word creation; games and exercises to develop cognitive processes; poems, dialogues, etc. The number, type and nature of additional elements are determined by the objectives of each specific lesson. Their introduction, moreover, is determined not only by the topic of the lesson, but also by the nature of the characters used in the lesson. They complement the content of the lesson and are aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of the child. Physical pauses, for example, in which speech and movements interact, help relieve tension and switch, if necessary, to the next task.

Let us consider in more detail the tasks and options for organizing elements of plot-thematic frontal lessons.

1. First stage of the lesson - organizational. Its goal is to introduce the topic of the lesson, create a positive attitude towards learning, awaken interest in learning new sounds, as well as correct psychophysical functions. The main task of a speech therapist is to include children in work from the first minutes of class. Organizational moments are carried out in different ways, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, facial expression and imitation.

Exercising exercises. For example, a lesson on the topic “Stealing the letter V" begins with reading the telegram: “Children, I received a telegram. Listen to what is written in it: “Girls and boys, I was kidnapped by an evil demon. Welcome, your new beech.” Have you guessed which letter the witch stole? Let's help her out. Pronounce the sounds that this letter represents. The path will be difficult. I suggest working out on exercise bikes. (Children imitate riding.) I see you have enough strength to help out the letter V".

In another version, a lesson based on the plot “A Walk in the Woods” (sound “l”) begins with a riddle: “The sun is baking, the linden tree is blooming, the rye is ripening. When does this happen?” (In summer.) This is followed by relaxation exercises: “Imagine that it is summer. Stretch your hands to the sun, turn your face. You feel warm and pleasant (relaxation). The sun hid. Hunch into a ball, show how cold you are (tension). The sun is shining again (relaxation).” Relaxation exercises help relieve increased muscle tension in children with dysarthria.

The third option uses psycho-gymnastics. This can be considered using the example of the lesson “The gnomes Gena and Gog are visiting us” (sounds g, g"): “Children, do you remember the fairy tale about Snow White? Who was she friends with? (With gnomes.) Now we will begin to depict different gnomes. Show what the gnome Grumpy was like. How do you imagine the gnome Veselchak?” (Children portray grumpy, cheerful, sad, kind and evil gnomes.) Facial exercises improve the functioning of the facial muscles and promote the development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

Elements of psychophysical gymnastics are used, for example, in the organizational moment of the lesson “Treasure of Leopold the Cat” (sounds l, l"). Children portray cunning, hungry and greedy little mice, showing how they sneak up on the sleeping Leopold, how sadly they wander after their failed pranks. Then they depict a sleeping cat, his good-natured appearance, soft gait, etc. Psychophysical gymnastics helps children to emancipate, express their “I”, develop imagination, and overcome motor awkwardness.

2. Report the topic of the lesson. The tasks offered in this part allow you to smoothly and imperceptibly move on to the topic of the lesson. Toys, flat figures or images of characters participating in the lesson are usually placed in front of children.

Children get to know them, highlight the sounds they are learning and the names of the characters.

For example, in the lesson “Our friends - Brownie and Brownie” (sounds d, d") The topic of the lesson is reported as follows: “Today the mischievous Brownie and grandfather Brownie came to us. Where can they live? What is the first sound you heard in words? house, brownie? (Sound d.) Today we will study sounds together with them d, d».

In the lesson “A trip to Prostokvashino” (sounds r, r"), children talk on the phone with the cat Matroskin, then they are told: “Today we will go to Prostokvashino to Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin, Sharik and repeat the sounds r, r."

In other classes, children are asked to repeat and guess a riddle, all the words of which contain the sounds being studied. For example, in a lesson on the plot “Flight into space” (sounds s, s"): “It shines, sparkles, warms everyone. What is this? (Sun.) Talk about him kindly. (The sun is shining.) What sounds are in these words? (Sounds s, s.") Today we will travel to the solar kingdom, the cosmic state and repeat the sounds s, s"".

In a lesson on the theme “The Three Little Pigs” (sounds n, n") the topic message is: “Today we will compose a fairy tale about Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf and study the sounds n, n"".

Thus, the playful form of communicating the topic of the lesson not only awakens children’s interest in the lesson, but also achieves the main thing for this stage - children’s attention is directed to the sound being studied, to the perception of new or repetition of sounds they have learned.

3. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics. At this stage the following tasks are implemented:

Articulation is clarified - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth when pronouncing the sound being studied;

The sound “profile” is shown in the figure;

The acoustic characteristics of sounds are clarified: whether the voice is “sleeping” or “not sleeping” (dull or voiced); whether a sound is sung or not (vowels or consonants);

There is a figurative comparison of sound (sound R- tiger roar, sound w- rustling leaves, sound l"- spring drops);

Sounds are indicated by color symbols;

Their place in the Sound-Letter City is determined (they will live in the Blue, Red or Green castle).

Since the characterization of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics follows the same plan, only a part of these tasks is presented in separate notes.

As a particular example, we can cite the sequence of solving these problems in a lesson on the plot of “The Three Little Pigs” (sounds n, n"). First, it is determined whether the first sounds in words sound the same Naf-Naf And Nif-Nif, those. the softness and hardness of these sounds is specified. Then the signal designation of sounds is given and it is decided in which castle of the Sound-Letter City they will live. When comparing sounds, not only signs of hardness and softness, sonority and dullness are highlighted, but also questions are asked that promote the development of imagination: “How do you imagine this sound? What does he look like? What color would you like to paint it?”

4. Pronunciation of the studied sounds in words and syllable combinations. The main task is the development of auditory-speech memory and phonemic perception, facial expressions and prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress and intonation). The pronunciation of syllable series is usually combined with the development of intonation expressiveness of speech and facial expressions. Syllable combinations are pronounced by the character of the lesson: with Winnie the Pooh, children repeat “screams” and “teases”, with Kolobok they sing songs, with Domovenok they listen and reproduce the ringing of bells, with aliens they speak their language.

For example, here is a fragment of the lesson “Journey of Sounds” With, sh": "Sounds decided With, w make a trip. We will go with them, pronounce them correctly and learn to distinguish these sounds. The sounds came With, w to the Red Castle. What sounds live in it? (Vowels.) Let's make them friends. Sound With made friends with sound A, what syllable did you get? (Sa. A similar task is given for matching other syllables.) Now listen to how the syllables talk to each other.

sa-sha-sa-sha(say hello)



sy-shi-sy-shi(make up)

sho-so-sho-so(say goodbye).

5. Pronunciation of sounds in words. At this stage of classes the following tasks are solved:

Development of phonemic awareness and phonemic representations;

Clarification and expansion of vocabulary;

Development of auditory attention and visual memory; mastery of simple and complex types of sound-syllabic

analysis and synthesis.

To solve these problems, the principle of selecting speech and visual material is important. The first selection criterion is determined by the topic and plot of the lesson, the second - by the task. In work to enrich children's vocabulary and develop phonemic awareness, objects, toys and pictures must be displayed. In the process of developing phonemic awareness, visual material is not demonstrated, and if it is displayed, it is only after children name words. Here, children's phonemic representations, based on previously known images of objects, make it possible to activate thought processes and develop memory in children. This option is well developed in the lesson “Traveling the North” (sounds l, l, r, r").

Using words in one lesson that include one or more generic groups (birds, animals, dishes, food, etc.) promotes the development of logical memory. And the use of speech material - words rich in the sound being studied (at the beginning, middle or end of a word) - develops sound sense.

In parallel with solving the listed problems, at this stage work is being done on mastering the grammatical categories of the language. The questions are posed in such a way that children can repeat the same word in different cases, singular and plural, in the present or past tense and with different prefixes. The principle of teaching children to master prepositional case control and understand the polysemy of words is well developed in the lesson notes “A Walk in the Forest” (sound l"). Speech tasks here go well with the development of fine motor skills.

The development of auditory attention is facilitated by verbal games “Sound Lost”, “Sound Got Lost”, as well as tasks to restore words with rearranged sounds, guessing words by the first and last sound and syllable and restoring mixed up syllables.

Visual memory and attention are well developed in the games “What has changed?”, “Who hid?”, “Who stood or sat between them?”, “Who flew away?”

Language analysis and synthesis is complex mental work that is carried out in every lesson. Tasks are introduced in different parts of the task - where it will cause the greatest interest in children. Sometimes these tasks are given in the middle of the lesson, or exercises on sound-letter analysis and synthesis are given in the final part, for example, in the lesson “In the Upper Room” (sound c). But most often, tasks are included at the beginning, for example, in the lesson “Journey through the North” (sounds l, l", r, r").

Of particular interest to children are tasks in which scattered sounds are “collected” or, conversely, they are “scattered”, accompanied by action. Compiling word schemes from color symbols alternates with selecting or searching for suitable words for a given scheme. At later stages of work, children solve puzzles and crosswords. At the same time, it is important to teach children to independently ask questions about sounds, syllables and words. Children perform creative tasks - ask questions to the characters in the lesson, each other and the speech therapist. Mistakes intentionally made by the speech therapist in answering these questions arouse special interest in children; they respond emotionally, wanting to help correct the mistake and find the correct answer.

6. Physical exercise is closely related to the topic of the lesson and is like a transition bridge to the next part of the lesson. The main tasks of physical training are:

Relieve fatigue and tension;

Add an emotional charge;

Improve gross motor skills;

Develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech.

When planning a physical activity, it is necessary to remember that outdoor games and physical exercises in combination with speech help improve gross motor skills. Exercises to simulate labor actions also serve this purpose. Music and rhythmic movements relieve fatigue well and have a beneficial effect on children's mood. That is why various forms of physical training are offered. This can be an outdoor game (activity “Chicken Little” - sound c), imitation of labor actions (lesson “Trip to the dacha” - sounds r, r"). Pronunciation-

the use of invented proverbs is accompanied by action (Or-or-or, we sweep the yard clean; tso-tso-tso, we repair the porch and etc.).

Sometimes the development of a plot in a physical lesson is connected by a situational chain with a word from the previous stage of the lesson. So, in the lesson “We have the gnomes Gog and Gena visiting us” (sounds g, g") word rook is the initial one in the poem, which is read in chorus with synchronous imitation of movements according to the meaning (“The rook was swinging in a hammock, the geese- in the waves on the river...").

Physical exercise can also be carried out in the form of psychophysical gymnastics, when children use facial expressions, gestures and movements to depict the state of different animals (the bunny was scared, the tiger was angry, the bear was attacked by bees, etc.).

It is advisable to conduct physical exercises to music related to the topic of the lesson. So, in the “Forest School” lesson the song “What they teach at school” is played; in the lesson “A Trip to the Circus,” the physical exercise is accompanied by the song “Circus, circus, circus”; in the lesson “Pets” (sounds k, k") the children themselves perform the song “Kitty”, “Horse”, in other classes they sing the song “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden”.

7. Work on the proposal. Children's successful mastery of the patterns of necessary connections between words in sentences is facilitated by preliminary work on tasks on word combinations. And in many classes this is work on sentences. So, in the classes “Flight into space” (sounds s, s"), “Journey to the Blue Country” (sound l) children practice correctly agreeing adjectives with nouns (apricot orchards, pine forest, birch grove, blue dress, blue blanket etc.). In the lesson “Balloon Travel” (sounds s, w, h, g) a task is provided for the formation of relative adjectives and their agreement with nouns (leather bag, crystal vase, silk scarf, plastic salt shaker etc.) Some fun and interesting tasks are those asking you to identify objects by touch, which develop your sense of touch.

Establishing patterns in the assimilation of the necessary connections of words in phrases is the basis for the formation of lexical and grammatical constructions of sentences.

At this stage of classes the following tasks are solved:

Establishing lexical and grammatical relations between members of a sentence;

Updating the accumulated vocabulary;

Formation of coherence and clarity of statements;

Working on a sentence as a means of developing thoughts
telial processes, in particular inferences;

Analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of a sentence as a means of preventing dysgraphia.

The methods for working on a proposal are varied, but in any case it is necessary to remember that the tasks must comply with the basic rule - from simple to complex. At the initial stage, these are answers to asked questions based on pictures. Then the tasks become more complicated: children are asked to compose sentences using a set of words or reference words. At a higher level of speech development, tasks are offered to restore the deformed text of a sentence. The development of thinking is facilitated by tasks in which children are asked to compose a sentence from a set of words connected by a situational chain. For example, “fox, bush, hare, hole, lie, in, under, sit” (The hare was sitting under a bush, and the fox was lying in a hole).

The creation of a lively and creative environment is facilitated by tasks in which, in “unfortunate things” and “unprecedented things,” you need to correct semantic errors intentionally made by the speech therapist. Here is a fragment of such a lesson - “Visiting Grandmother the Riddle” (sounds s, s", z, z"): “Give me an answer quickly - does this happen or not? Winter has come, snowdrops have bloomed. In autumn the gardens bloomed. Strawberries grow on a birch tree,” etc. The same principle of tasks was used in the lesson “Our friends - Brownie and Brownie” (sounds d, d"), where the children correct Domovenok’s “useful” advice: “Salt frogs in tubs. Iron your laundry with a frying pan. Fry the melon in a bucket,” etc.

Questions such as: “What will you do if you find a freezing kitten on the street in winter?”, “What will you do if someone offends your brother (sister, mother)?”, “What happened?” what if all the birds and animals disappeared? and others.

A prerequisite when choosing principles and techniques for organizing tasks at this stage of work on a proposal should be a logical and playful connection with the plot of the lesson.

In parallel with the assimilation of lexical-syntactic relations between the members of the sentence, work should be carried out on the analysis

lysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of a sentence. In this case, stripes are usually used to indicate words, diagrams are sketched in notebooks, and tasks are given in which children correct the speech therapist’s mistakes.

8. Pronunciation of sound in coherent speech. The main part of the stage is improving the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds in connected texts, i.e. bringing the pronunciation of sounds to automaticity. At the same time, the following tasks are solved:

Development of imagination and creative imagination;

Development of word creation;

Development of melodic-intonation and prosodic 1 components.

A necessary and mandatory condition for tasks at this stage is a semantic and playful connection with the topic or plot of the lesson and with the tasks of the previous stage.

The methods for the main and associated problems are varied. In some cases, tasks with well-known pure sayings and poetic works - dialogues and poems - are used. Moreover, it is necessary that they be rich in the sounds being studied, be entertaining and accessible, and, in addition, have a variety of intonation characteristics (interrogative and exclamatory). For example, in the lesson “Piglets Pik, Pak and Pok are visiting us” (sounds p, p") the dialogue between two parrots, rich in exclamatory intonations, was used; and in the lesson “How Zhenya and Dasha were looking for Pushka and Jack” (sounds w, f) The dialogue is full of interrogative intonations.

Tasks for composing phrases and poems contribute to the development of rhythm, a sense of consonance, and rhyme. Children usually enthusiastically accept the speech therapist’s request to compose or correct pure sayings or poems that for some reason the characters in the plot do not succeed in. First they suggest individual words and rhymes, and then whole phrases. Here is a fragment of joint creativity between a speech therapist and children during the lesson “Our guests are toys” (sounds h, t"):

Monkey... (Chi-chi-chi) Selling... (bricks). I ran to her... (little bunny):- Would you sell the “brick”?

1 Prosody- a system of pronunciation of stressed and unstressed, long and short syllables in speech.

The development of coherent speech is facilitated by planned or impromptu construction of the plot of the lesson. As the lesson progresses, children predict the actions of the characters, come up with dialogues and lines for them, answer questions and find a way out of problematic situations, for example, in the lessons “Flight to Mars” (sounds s, s"), “We are tourists” (sounds l, l", r, r"). Solving problem situations here, among other things, is aimed at forming logical conclusions.

If time permits, you can arrange for children to retell fairy tales on behalf of the characters with possible theatricalization of actions (imitation of movements, acting out skits, etc.) developing as the plot progresses. For these tasks, the most suitable book, for example, is G. Yudin’s book “Little Book” (1980). In addition, the problems of moral and aesthetic education of children are simultaneously solved.

9. Teaching elements of literacy- this is the final stage of classes, which involves solving the following tasks:

Introduce the letter that represents the sound being studied;

Learn to write a letter in printed font, as well as syllables and words with it.

When solving the first two problems, it is necessary to connect the audio (phonetic) image of the sound with the visual (graphic) image. This is possible only when children clearly understand that the main difference between a sound and a letter is that we hear the sound, but we see and read the letter. The options for solving these problems are very different.

Acquaintance with the letter denoting the sound being studied usually begins with children being shown capital and lowercase printed letters. Children look for a new letter in the Sound-Letter City and at the letter booths. Lowercase and capital letters are compared - their similarities and differences are noted. Then it is determined what a particular letter looks like, i.e. through joint creativity or on the initiative of a speech therapist, a visual image of a letter is created. For example, in the lesson “Chicken Chick” (sound and letter c) a figurative quatrain by A. Shibaev about the letter is given ts from the book by V.V. Volina “Entertaining ABC studies” (1991):

This is the letter ts Claw - scratch,

With a claw at the end. Like a cat's paw.

For a more durable and imaginative memorization of the letter, a technique is used in which the elements of the letter are located in geometric figures superimposed on each other. In addition, children represent the letter with their fingers or show the configuration of the letter through poses. For example, the letter f- hands, bent at the elbows and turned to the sides, are placed on the belt; letter n - two children join hands; letter s- between two standing children, the third child, in a bent state, leans against the first, etc.

Tasks for reading letters, syllables and words with the letter being studied should use only letters already known to children. This is determined by the principle - from simpler in the initial stages of classes with children at the beginning of the school year to more complex in the later stages - by the end of the school year. You can use a variety of techniques in your classes. It is imperative to work with the split alphabet, and in such a way that children develop a conscious perception of the syllables and words they are composing and reading. Children are asked to form words from letters in a certain sequence: words with one given missing letter, words from rearranged or mixed up letters, as well as words in which one letter is replaced by another in order to change the phonetic sound and meaning (cat- porridge, jackdaw- stick, kidney- barrel etc.). In addition, words are composed and read from known “scattered” letters or syllables. More complex tasks for children are crosswords, puzzles and games like “Field of Miracles”.

As reading is mastered, word reading tasks are already given at other stages of the lesson.

Naturally, the most acceptable form of organizing a lesson is a game one and one in which a more complete set of tasks is solved with minimal costs. For example, in the lesson “Stealing the letter th Baba Yaga (sound and letter) j) children, overcoming all the obstacles on their way, meeting different characters, completing all the speech exercises, find the stolen letter, become familiar with it, read the syllables and words. And in the lesson “Our Guest is an Alien” (sounds l, l"), cognitive tasks are also solved. Children, as listeners and storytellers, learn basic and accessible information on geography and space.

The solution to the problem - to teach children to write the letter they are studying in printed font - is carried out mainly by performing

Homework Research Institute. First, children lay out an image of a letter from counting sticks, “draw” it with their finger on the table, then learn to write a printed letter in notebooks.

10. Summary of the lesson. At the final stage of the lesson, the results are summed up, i.e. determined his effectiveness. Naturally, it is not carried out in the form of “This Fine, is that bad". Rather, there should be a positive emotional assessment like: “Thank you, children, you made me very happy with your answers! I was pleased work with you. And it’s a pity that the lesson ended so quickly and we have to leave.” A prerequisite is the transfer of positive emotions.

For an individual assessment, you need Mark activity, luck, even a small one, or just a good mood of this or that child. And the reaction to failures should be with the hope of success in subsequent studies, with the conviction that there is no need to despair. If you work actively, everything will work out.

It is equally important to find out the children’s assessment of the past lesson in answers to the questions: “What did you like? What tasks did you find interesting? What was the most difficult task? What would you like hear next time?" etc. The answers will help you find closer contact with children sch select a successful principle for constructing tasks for each stage of subsequent classes.

The outcome of the lesson can be presented in a playful way. For example, in the lesson “Treasure of Leopold the Cat” (sounds l, l") there is a surprise - children find chocolate, help themselves and | treat the speech therapist. And in the lesson “Flying on a starship” (sounds z, z" and the sound being studied z" ended up in the words “raisins”, “marshmallows”, which the children treated the “star children” and each other to.

The final “chord” of the lesson should be a positive assessment and confidence that tomorrow you will do even better. It is important to end the lesson so that the children look forward to the next meeting with the speech therapist.

But the main thing to remember is that the lesson from beginning to end must be kind!

LESSON SUMMARY BY TOPIC Topic: “Formation of ideas about sounds”


Material. A mirror for each child, a screen, musical instruments, paper, a hammer, scissors, pictograms 1 symbolizing a person’s emotional state, animal masks.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment

Psycho-gymnastics Look at these faces.

Children are shown pictograms. How different they are!

Children call a person’s emotional state: happy, sad, sad, angry. Mimic exercises.

Depict the evil Baba Yaga, the good wizard, the sad Alyonushka, the saddened Ivan Tsarevich. Take a mirror, it will help you.

Forms and methods of speech therapy work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the program is the use in the educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their psychological, age and individual characteristics.

The main form of correctional education in a specialized kindergarten is speech therapy classes, in which the development of all components of speech and preparation for school is systematically carried out. The program for raising and training children with speech impairments involves solving correctional problems in the form of:

Frontal (subgroup) classes;

Individual lessons;

Classes in mobile micro groups.

Classes are conducted by a speech therapist after the children in the group are examined at the beginning of the year.

Frontal (subgroup) speech therapy classes allow you to effectively solve those problems of speech development and correction of its deficiencies that are a priority for all or most of the group’s pupils. This type of activity develops their ability to get into the general pace of work, follow general instructions, and focus on the best speech patterns.

Thematic and concentric approaches are the basis for planning classes with children with special needs.

Thematic approach organizing the cognitive and speech material of a lesson involves focusing it on any topic from the objective world surrounding the child. This allows for a close relationship in the work of the entire teaching staff of the group. The topic is studied in parallel in classes of different types of activities: when familiarizing yourself with the environment, developing speech, in drawing, modeling, appliqué classes, and in games. The selection and arrangement of topics are determined by the following conditions: seasonality, social significance, neutral character.

One of the most important factors in the implementation of the thematic principle is the concentrated study of the topic, which ensures repeated repetition of the same speech content in a short period of time. Repeated repetition is very important both for children’s perception of speech (passive) and for its activation.

In accordance withconcentric approach program content within the same topics deepens and expands from year to year.

When planning and conducting frontal subgroup speech therapy sessions:

The topic and goals of the lesson are determined;

A subject and verb dictionary, a dictionary of signs that children must learn in active speech are distinguished;

Lexical material is selected taking into account the topic and purpose of the lesson, the stage of remedial education, an individual approach to the speech and mental capabilities of children, while non-normative phonetic formatting of part of the speech material is allowed;

A gradual complication of speech and speech-thinking tasks is ensured;

When selecting program material, the zone of proximal development of preschool children and potential opportunities for the development of mental activity are taken into account;

Regular repetition of learned speech material is included in classes.

Optimization The content of the classes is ensured by their integrated nature, when different lines of work are implemented in parallel and organically complement each other to correct certain components of the speech system of preschool children, as well as deficiently developed mental and psychophysiological functions. For example, in classes on the formation of the phonetic - phonemic side of speech with the older group, when studying sound, we work on the clear pronunciation of this sound, at the same time we work on the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception, and we begin the formation of language analysis and synthesis when children work with symbols of sounds, trying to “read” them together.

Reliance ongame as the leading activity of preschoolers and the mandatory inclusion of various types of games in speech therapy classes provide a pronounced positive effect both in overcoming speech disorders and in the development of cognitive mental processes.

Based on all that has been said, the following requirements should be met for frontal exercises:requirements :

1. The lesson should be dynamic.

2. Game fragments and surprise moments must be included. You can include funny situations in which children will be participants.

3. There should be a frequent change of different activities.

4. It is necessary to develop a communicative orientation in children, teach them to communicate with the teacher and with each other.

5. During classes, it is necessary to teach children to listen, hear, and correct mistakes in other people’s speech and in their own.

6. Use a variety of teaching materials, colorful and convenient.

7. The most important thing is that children should talk a lot during classes.

The technologies used in the classroom should be arranged in order of increasing complexity and be varied.

Depending on the specific tasks and stages of speech correction, frontal classes are divided into the following:types :

1. Classes on the formation of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech.

2. Classes on the formation and development of coherent speech.

3. Lexical lessons with elements of grammar.

4. Classes on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

Main tasksclasses on the formation of phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech are: the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception, skills of pronouncing words of different sound-syllable structure; control over the intelligibility and expressiveness of speech; preparation for mastering basic skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

The specificity of this type of lesson determines the selection of lexical material rich in studied and correctly pronounced sounds.

The objective of the classes isformation and development of coherent speech is teaching children to express themselves independently. Based on the developed skills of using various types of sentences, children develop the ability to convey impressions of what they saw, about the events of the surrounding reality, to present the contents of pictures or their series in a logical sequence, to compose a story - a description.

Onlexical lesson with elements of grammar a “lexical” approach is used. With this approach, children’s knowledge and information and their vocabulary are replenished. The speech therapist selects games that can be used to reinforce some grammatical form that is already present in the children’s speech.

In classes onformation of lexical and grammatical categories a lexical-grammatical approach is used. With this approach, the most typical forms of word formation are studied in the classroom, as well as the basic models of constructing phrases and sentences characteristic of the grammatical system of the Russian language. Thus, preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment develop grammatical concepts. The main objectives of these classes are the development of understanding of speech, clarification and expansion of vocabulary, the formation of general concepts, the formation of practical skills in word formation and inflection, the ability to use simple common sentences and some types of complex syntactic structures.

In our kindergarten, in the second junior and middle groups, lexical lessons with elements of grammar are held. In the senior and preparatory groups, classes are held on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

What is the reason for what is useddifferent types of activities ? In the younger groups in the speech therapy kindergarten, the main emphasis in the speech therapist’s work is on enriching the children’s vocabulary. And here we need lexical classes. Those. in accordance with the thematic annual planning, a lexical topic is selected, the attention of the speech therapist and children in the lesson is completely focused on the dictionary, lexical and grammatical categories, if taken, are only those already known to the child. In this type of lesson, the study of lexical and grammatical categories plays a secondary role.

In older groups, the study of lexical and grammatical categories takes 1st place, that is, in one lesson the speech therapist plans to study only one lexical and grammatical topic. This is due to the fact that not a single grammatical category can enter the independent speech of speech-language pathologists without repeated conscious use of it in different phrases and sentences. Topics for lexical and grammatical lessons are not chosen randomly, but in accordance with the physiological and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the formation of a child with OPD.

Classes in mobile microgroups provide the speech therapist with the opportunity to vary their goals and content depending on the tasks of correctional work, speech and individual typological characteristics of the pupils. At the beginning of the year, when more time is allocated to producing sounds, children who have more or less homogeneous defects in the pronunciation of sounds are usually grouped together. Later, when the emphasis moves to consolidating the given sounds, the opportunity to include exercises aimed at expanding the vocabulary and mastering grammatically correct speech increases; it is advisable to regroup the children taking into account the entire volume of speech work. This approach helps differentiated work with children whose deficiencies are expressed mainly in the sound aspect of speech. Also during classes in mobile microgroups, lexical and grammatical categories are consolidated, work on the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception.

Individual sessions constitute a significant part of the speech therapist’s working time each day. They allow for the correction of speech and other deficiencies in psychophysical development, which are deeply individual for each student.

The role of such activities is especially great in working with children of primary and secondary preschool age, whose characteristics make it difficult to establish productive contacts with adults, and even more so with peers. Nevertheless, a gradual move away from individual lessons to lessons in small subgroups during the school year makes it possible to optimize time expenditure and move on to the formation of some skills in the joint productive and speech activity of children.

There are certain requirements for individual speech therapy sessions.requirements. When preparing and conducting them, the speech therapist must:

Formulate the topic and goals of the lesson;

Think through the stages of the lesson, their connection with each other;

Plan a gradual complication of the speech material of the lesson;

Carry out a differential approach to each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, age and individual characteristics;

Formulate instructions briefly and clearly;

Use varied and colorful visual material;

Be able to create a positive emotional background in the lesson.

The main task of individual lessons is the initial formation of the sound side of speech, which includes a set of preparatory articulation exercises, correction of the pronunciation of defective sounds, the syllabic structure of the word, the development of phonemic hearing and the formation of phonemic perception.

When determining the content of an individual speech therapy lesson, selecting speech and practical material, the speech therapist should strive to make the lesson not only interesting, but also as productive as possible, with high speech activity of the child. To do this, you can select lexical and grammatical games and games for the development of the higher mental function with words rich in automated sound.

Individual lessons usually include the following stages: firstly, articulation gymnastics, then finger gymnastics, then work on staging or automating sound. Lexical material should contain the maximum number of fixed sounds. It is necessary to increase the pace of speech exercises from leisurely, exaggerated pronunciation to faster pronunciation and, finally, to tongue twisters. The requirement here is for a gradual complication of lexical material, a transition from simple types of speech activity to more complex ones - from elementary repetition of words with a speech therapist, to naming objects, descriptions, poems, retellings, compiling stories from pictures.

health-saving technologies . Health-saving technologies are very important for our children with disabilities, because... These are usually children with poor health. The selection of elements of various health-saving technologies depends on the age and psychophysiological characteristics of children.

Health-saving technologies include visual gymnastics, changing static and dynamic poses, voice and breathing exercises, outdoor games of a speech nature, exercises for the correction of general and fine motor skills. Gradually incorporating various types of massage, dynamic pauses, finger games, and eye exercises into each lesson, the speech therapist creates the necessary atmosphere that reduces tension and allows you to use the entire lesson time more effectively. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child.

Speech therapy intervention is carried out using various methods, among which visual, verbal and practical ones are conventionally distinguished.

Visual methods are aimed at enriching the content of speech, verbal methods are aimed at teaching retelling, conversation, storytelling without relying on visual materials. Practical ones are used in the formation of speech skills through the widespread use of special exercises and games. Practical methods include the recently widely used modeling methods and the project method.

The modeling method is one of the promising areas for improving the process of correctional and developmental education and is actively used in our kindergarten. The use of substitutes and visual models develops children's mental abilities. A child who masters forms of visual modeling has the opportunity to use substitutes and visual models in his mind, use them to imagine what adults are talking about, and foresee the possible results of his own actions. The introduction of visual models allows for more targeted reinforcement of skills in the process of remedial training. For example, when preparing to teach literacy, the visual modeling method allows you to solve the following problems:

Introduce children to the concept of “word” and its extent;

To teach how to distinguish sounds in a word intonationally, to find the position of sounds in a word and correlate them with a diagram, to depict vowel and consonant sounds using visual symbols;

Develop skills in analyzing and synthesizing words and sentences.

When teaching coherent speech, modeling can be used to work on all types of coherent utterances. At this stage, the visual modeling method contributes to:

Mastering the principle of substitution (the ability to designate characters in a work of art as substitutes), conveying events with the help of substitutes;

Mastering the ability to identify fragments of a picture that are significant for the development of the plot, determine the relationship between them and combine them into one plot;

Developing the ability to create a special idea and develop it into a complete story;

The use of visual models in working on the monologue speech of children with special needs allows us to more successfully teach children how to compose a coherent speech utterance.

Thus, the results of the ongoing correctional training indicate the wide possibilities of using visual modeling in speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age who have general speech underdevelopment.

Recently, the project method has been actively used in our garden. The use of this method is a fundamentally different approach to building the educational process, based on the active research position of children, taking into account their personal interests. This is a way to achieve a goal through a detailed development of a problem, the result of which is a product designed in one way or another. This year, the preparatory group developed and then presented a project on the topic: “Motives of Autumn.” This project develops the emotional sphere and musical and aesthetic feelings of older preschoolers with speech disorders. By exploring the world around us, the child gains generalized experience in the development of speech, cognitive, musical and aesthetic abilities.

In order for children to show musical and aesthetic feelings, it is necessary to instill in them a love of good music and teach them to understand this music, and this is impossible without the development of musical abilities.

The activities of teachers in this project were focused on introducing children to a highly artistic and accessible musical repertoire, and on developing the creative activity of children.

Another innovation in the work of our kindergarten is the use of such a method of correcting speech disorders in children as logostories. We are just beginning to develop this project, the goal of which is to create conditions for early propaedeutics of speech disorders in children through play activities. With the help of logostories, we hope to solve the following problems of speech therapy correction of the communicative sphere of children:

Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere during educational activities;

Enriching the emotional and sensory sphere of children through communication with a fairy tale;

Development of dialogic and monologue speech;

Increasing the effectiveness of play motivation of children's speech, its artistic and aesthetic orientation;

Introducing children to the beauty of artistic expression and folklore;

Development of cooperation between teachers, speech therapists and educators with children and with each other based on a person-oriented model of interaction.
