Guides for learning spoken English. Real spoken English for free communication. Chernikhovskaya N.O

This textbook was created specifically for Russian-speaking students. It focuses on Special attention topics that traditionally cause difficulties for Russian-speaking audiences, and all explanations grammar material given based on their native language. Vocabulary on the most current topics, clear explanations of grammar, dialogues used in everyday communication situations, and practice exercises will help you learn to communicate fluently in English. Listening to a disc read by native speakers will help improve your pronunciation and teach you to easily understand English by ear.
The manual is intended for students of beginner and intermediate levels who study English independently or with a teacher, in educational institution or on courses.

Read the sentences by choosing the required form pronouns.
(My/Mine) name is Jack. - And (my/mine) is Tony. This is (our/ ours) teacher, and that is (your/yours). (Her/Hers) name is Lisa, and (her/hers) is Sandra. This is (my/mine) friend, and that is (your/ yours). (Her/Hers) last name is Griffin, and (my/mine) is Cage. This is (your/yours) teacher, and that is (their/theirs). (My/Mine) patronymic is Ivanovna, and (her/hers) is Sergeyevna.
Make up dialogues:

Make up dialogues:
a. ask one another your first and last name; ask a friend's first and last name;
b. introduce your teacher to your friends; introduce your teacher to your friends;
c. introduce your friends to your teacher; introduce your friends to your teacher;
d. introduce a new colleague to your co-workers; introduce your new colleague to your employees;
e. introduce yourself to your new colleagues; Introduce yourself to your new colleagues.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Spoken English for communication, Karavanova N.B., 2015 -, fast and free download.

  • 150 most important irregular verbs for perfect English, Karavanova N.B., 2016 - Irregular verbs are one of the most important topics English grammar, since they are the most common among all verbs in English. … Books on English
  • English for Russians, Course of English Sounding Speech, Karavanova N.B., 2017 - The manual is devoted to the development of listening skills, listening and understanding spoken speech by ear. Its task is to teach you to easily understand spoken English... Books on English
  • 500 rules and exercises for the error-free use of English articles, Karavanova N.B., 2016 - There are no articles in the Russian language, so why do the English need them? And most importantly, how to determine which one is needed when? These … Books on English
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The following textbooks and books:

  • English humor, Gachechiladze A.D., Passek K.F., 1991 - This collection short stories, jokes and anecdotes in English is intended to work on the development of oral speech skills. All stories... Books on English
  • English in the media, Drozdov M.V., Kuzmich I.N., 2011 - The manual is intended for the development of linguistic, discursive and social competence of those communicating in the field of English-language socio-political discourse. The book contains the following relevant topics: ... Books on English
  • English language textbook for senior years of physics faculties, Lepeshova I.D., 1985 - The purpose of the textbook is to deepen and expand the skills of oral and written speech, enrich the vocabulary, acquire and develop skills in translating original English... Books on English
  • Pocket Russian-English phrasebook for daily use, Svetlichnaya N.I., 2015 - When visiting English-speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and others, every person needs knowledge of the English language. For any... Books on English

Previous articles:

  • Practice of the English language, Vagramova N.V., Blinova S.I., 1998 - The manual contains reference materials and a set of exercises designed to teach the correct use of vocabulary when mastering the English language. Recommended for people… Books on English
  • The entire grammar of the English language in tables, 20 tables, Shalaeva G.P., 2004 - The book covers all grammatical topics, the study of which is provided school curriculum. The main goal of this manual is to help the reader quickly find and restore... Books on English
  • English for international cooperation, Bonk N.A., 1992 - The book is a continuation of the textbook “English. Beginner course? ON THE. Bonk and I.I. Levina. The textbook is intended for people studying... Books on English
  • English for philosophers, Arutyunova Zh.M., Mazurina O.B., 2008 - Tutorial contains authentic texts from English sources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks on philosophy, as well as works of philosophers, original lexical and grammatical exercises, ... Books on English

Choosing a textbook is not an easy task; it requires special concentration and developed intuition, as well as a lot of secret knowledge and magical rituals. This is why English language learners are usually not allowed to take on such a serious task.

This is all a joke, of course, but students really rarely have the opportunity to choose a textbook. Typically, schools have a developed methodology for teaching English and a set of textbooks with which they work.

The same applies to private teachers; they usually choose textbooks according to the “pike’s will, at my command,” that is, according to the level and needs of the student.

But if you decide to learn English on your own, or want to make a diagnosis using your avatar, i.e. check the selection of your school's textbook/courses/teacher, you are welcome. Because today we will talk about the top 10 English textbooks from English publishing houses.

If you still remember boring textbooks that tell us about the delights of developed socialism and the achievements of working people, you will be pleasantly surprised - modern English textbooks are colorful and contain interesting and useful information.

Usually they not only teach English, but also provide you with a variety of interesting facts about the lives of celebrities, culture and customs different countries and much more!

1. New Cutting Edge, Longman

For whom: adults
Level is designed for: 120-150 hours of training

Each textbook comes with a “Mini-dictionary”. One level consists of 15 modules. The course is designed mainly for the development of speaking skills; accordingly, there is an abundance of various “Speaking” tasks. New vocabulary is always accompanied by speaking tasks.

In addition, it is worth noting an important section found in each module called “Real life”, which discusses life situations and useful phrases for such situations.

One of the advantages of the course is a set of listening exercises, since in it you will find many tracks recorded not only by BBC announcers, but also by foreigners with their own pronunciation features, so that students learn to understand not only the ideal “Queen's English”, but English in everything its diversity. The grammar in the book is also accompanied by oral and written tasks, most of them are of a creative nature.

This course is perfect for people who want to improve their speaking skills and break down language barriers.

2. Enterprise, Express Publishing

Structure: 4 levels, from Beginner to Intermediate
For whom: adults
The level is designed for 80-120 hours of training

The Enterprise course consists of a Student’s Book, Workbook and Grammar book. Each level consists of 4 large thematic modules, divided into several parts. It has a very clear structure.

It starts with a short introduction to the topic (“Lead-in”), then a “Reading” section, followed by a “Vocabulary Section”, in which words found in the text are worked out.

The development of speaking skills in the course itself is quite limited, but there are very good written assignments with very detailed explanations of how to correctly write diverse essays, letters, etc.

3. New Total English, Longman

Structure: 6 levels, from Starter to Advanced
For whom: adults
The level is designed for 120-150 academic hours

This course consists of a Student's book and a Workbook. This is a relatively new textbook, appearing later than the aforementioned Cutting Edge and Enterprise, but has a number of advantages. 1st - this textbook is accompanied by a DVD with a video for each module, as well as tasks for the film watched. The plot of the film is related to the theme of a particular module.

Ideal for use in courses, as after each module it has a page with explanations of grammar and spree students with skills independent work They will be able to familiarize themselves with and learn a new grammatical topic on their own.

The textbook contains modern vocabulary and helps to harmoniously develop all four skills.

4. New English File, Oxford

Structure: Beginner - Advanced
For whom: adults
Designed for 60-120 hours

Standardly consists of Student’s book and Workbook. The publishers themselves position it as a textbook for those who learn English for themselves.

Allows you to systematically work on all skills, has a pretty good dictionary, all words and phrases are listed at the end of the book.

The advantage of this textbook is the system of cross-references and symbols, which makes it easy to navigate through the textbook.

5. New Headway, Oxford

Structure: from Beginner to Advanced
For whom: adults
Rated for: 120 hours

One of the most important advantages of this textbook is that attention is paid to both spoken English grammar and spoken language in general, which, as you know, is slightly different from the traditional one presented in textbooks.

In addition, Headway is considered a kind of classic for teaching English. Overall the course is good, but there are some disadvantages. It is not suitable for independent work, since it does not have a general structure or theme. Also the grammar is very fragmented.

The textbook itself is a bit academic, so some may find it boring, especially compared to Cutting Edge or Total English.

6. New Hotline, Oxford

Structure: from Beginner to Intermediate
For whom: for teenagers

A high-quality 4-level course designed for teenagers. The entire course is based on a photo story about the life of British teenagers who live on the same street. Each module begins with a photo sequence, which also introduces new vocabulary and grammar.

In addition, each module includes a “Culture Spot” section, which introduces teenagers to the socio-cultural phenomena of Great Britain. There is a “Grammar Reference” section that contains a clear and well-presented explanation of the grammar covered.

Very good course for working with teenagers, since they are really interested in it. The conditions for grammar practice are slightly limited, so it makes sense to additionally include a grammar textbook.

7. Face 2 face, Cambridge

Structure: from Starter to Advanced
For whom: adults

A relatively new, quite good English language course. Aimed at adults. Quite a lot of attention is paid to both grammar and vocabulary, general and thematic, dedicated to life situations.

The textbook is quite dynamic and interesting, the grammar is presented quite competently and coherently. Enough attention is paid to communication tasks, especially communication in situations close to life (section “Real World”). The Help with Listening section helps develop listening skills and understand spoken English.

8. New Opportunities, Longman

Structure: from Beginners to Upper-Intermediate
For whom: for teenagers

A good five-level course designed for teenagers who are seriously studying English. Good grammar and vocabulary base. Contains cultural information, the course also has a video called “Opportunities in Britain”, documentary stories telling about life in Great Britain.

The textbook is quite heavy, both in vocabulary and grammar. Good for preliminary preparation before taking the exams.

9. Oxford Team

Structure: from Elementary to Intermediate
For whom: for children: 10-13 years old

A solid three-level course based on communicative methods of language teaching, with much attention paid to language in real situations. The grammar is discussed in detail. Oxford Team consists of 12 sections.

Among the features of the structure of the textbook, it is worth noting that each section begins with a story about the journey of two children. Each section is united by one topic and contains corresponding vocabulary and texts.

The development of writing skills begins with a model text, which should initially be analyzed, and only then proceed to independent writing of the text. The sections end with a song that is in tune with the theme of the section.

10. Solutions

Structure: from Elementary to Advanced
For whom: for teenagers

A five-level course designed for teenagers. Convenient to use, since each page of the textbook is one 45-minute lesson. Good for working on grammar and vocabulary, but academic and dry, with adult themes, provides a good foundation, but is only suitable for very motivated students.

This is what a great 10 English textbooks looks like. And any of them will teach you English, if you just want to.

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Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Real spoken English for free communication. Chernikhovskaya N.O.

M.: 201 5 . - 1 92s. + CD

This guide will help you master modern spoken English and learn how to maintain a conversation on any of your everyday topics. The numerous dialogues that can be read or listened to on the disc present contemporary English in real life. life situations. Comments will help you understand the peculiarities of using phrases and grammatical structures, and exercises will help you consolidate what you have learned. Natalya Chernikhovskaya's author's technique is based on the use of ready-made speech patterns characteristic of a specific communication situation. By reading the dialogues, you will easily remember modern words and phrases, idioms and phrasal verbs that are useful in everyday and business communication on a variety of topics. Thanks to their use, the need to translate from Russian into English is minimized, the quality of speech is improved, and mutual understanding is achieved faster. The course is designed for students with beginner and intermediate levels of training and is intended for both independent work and lessons with a tutor.

Format: pdf

Size: 1.3 MB

Watch, download: yandex.disk


Format: mp3/zip

Size: 121 MB

Watch, download: yandex.disk

Dear people who want to speak English! 4
How to use tutorial 5
1. Meeting People (1) / Dating (1) 6
2. Meeting People (2) / Dating (2) 16
3. Talking about Self / How to talk about yourself 24
4. Talking about a Job and Education / How to talk about work and education 33
5. Talking about Free Time / How to talk about hobbies and leisure 44
6. Talking about Food / How to talk about food 50
7. Restaurants & Bars / Restaurants and bars 58
8. Talking about the Weather / How to talk about the weather 70
9. Traveling. Airports / Travel. Airports 19
10. Traveling. Hotels / Travel. Hotels 89
11. Money / Money 101
12. Shopping / Shopping software
13. Talking about Traveling / How to talk about travel 122
14. Asking for Directions / Asking for directions to 135
15. Arranging a Date / How to arrange a meeting 143
16. Useful Phrases / Useful phrases and expressions 152
1. Giving Thanks / How to express gratitude 152
2. Apologizing / How to apologize 154
3. Polite Request / How to express a polite request 157
4. Saying Good-Bye & Wishing Things / How to say goodbye and wish something 161
5. Time / Time 164
6. Exclamations & Short Words / Exclamations and short words 168
Key / Keys 173

The book you are holding in your hands is based on the Real English method - a method of using ready-made phrases and dialogues to learn spoken English. This technique has been tested by practice and time; in particular, secret service agents study foreign languages ​​using this technique. And for them, good knowledge of the language can sometimes become a vital issue! Using ready-made phrases is a fast and effective way to learn English, and those who speak English really well take advantage of this principle.
This book will help you master a large number of colloquial phrases on the most relevant topics for everyday communication. Learn ready-made phrases and dialogues and apply them in life, and you will see how quickly you will master spoken English!

Hello dear readers!

How are you progressing in learning English? What methods and systems have you tried? Have you already chosen what's right for you?

Currently on the market educational services so many different offers. And, of course, for beginners to learn the language, find your way around and do right choice It is very difficult for training to be effective and bring results.

This article provides an overview of the best tutorials and gives my recommendations for improving the learning process.

About teaching methods

It is believed that the English language self-teacher will help you quickly and without the help of a leader or mentor to master basic course . In addition, this is a less expensive way to learn a language, which is important. Therefore, quite a lot of people choose this method. Is all of the above actually true? Let's figure it out.

All English language tutorials can be divided into several types:

  1. traditional,
  2. to master spoken English,
  3. for an intensive course,
  4. copyright,
  5. art self-instruction books,
  6. tutorials from native speakers,
  7. online tutorials.

A good tutorial must include audio material.

Standard training

You can start learning from scratch using traditional methods, in which the presentation of material proceeds from simple to complex. Here you will receive information about the phonetic system, correct pronunciation, intonation, basic grammatical rules, and find useful tests and exercises.

One of the popular ones in this category is “The best self-teacher of the English language” by A. Petrova, I. Orlova.

Here one of the reviews on the popular website, which reflects the entire essence and content of the textbook: “I liked this book right away... the text, simple and understandable drawings, a clear structure for presenting the material... Everything is clearly laid out on the shelves: we start with the basics and end at a significantly advanced level!”

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Speech development

The following textbooks are suitable for mastering spoken English.

T. G. Trofimenko “Conversational English” . Without studying grammar, you can learn to construct the necessary phrases on your own. The technique presented here will help you remember the necessary words and expressions, as well as master pronunciation. This textbook is also suitable for children.

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N. Brel, N. Poslavskaya. “Course of spoken English in convenient formulas and dialogues” . This textbook is recommended for beginners and those who have difficulty speaking. It is designed to overcome the language barrier.

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M. Goldenkov. “Hot Dog Too. Spoken English” . A valuable guide from which you will learn about the features of modern language and slang, common idioms, business correspondence.

Short terms

Intensive methods are mainly intended for training narrow specialists in any field. Here, acquaintance with new material goes in parallel with the consolidation of covered topics.

Book by S. Matveev “Fast English. A self-instruction manual for those who don’t know anything” interesting because the author presents the material in an extraordinary way, taking into account psychological characteristics development foreign language, makes it work different kinds memory. In this book you will find great reviews. “Good book, helps you learn the language from the very basics. Complex topics are explained clearly and clearly, English words are easily given" By the way, I have information about this author’s books.

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To gain knowledge about business correspondence, negotiations and telephone conversations I advise you to use the manual S.A. Sheveleva “Business English in 20 minutes a day” .

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Author's methods

I would like to note the publication Dmitry Petrov, a famous linguist and polyglot. "English language. 16 lessons” is an initial language course that allows you to quickly start speaking English. You will learn basic algorithms language, learn to put them into practice and turn everything into a skill.

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Native speaker

Here you can highlight the textbook K.E. Eckersley “English Language Self-Teacher”. It is suitable for students of universities and colleges. Wonderful presentation, a lot of regional material, a cool selection of examples and exercises will make learning easy.

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Online tutorials

Lingualeo . This service can rightfully deserve the title of a tutorial. Therefore, feel free register and use it - it's free. And besides this - interesting, easy, effective! I wrote about this service on the blog pages - for example, here.

If you want to step by step work, then feel free to purchase a paid course « English from scratch». After this, you can switch to grammar by purchasing the course « Grammar for Beginners» . Also take the course « About yourself and loved ones in English». I am writing all this for those who do not know where to start the process here. I think you will succeed!

Another interesting and increasingly popular online tutorial is Lim-English. This simulator is aimed at the simultaneous development of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Study for 30 minutes a day and your English level will improve significantly! I tried it and really liked it - now you are sure you will enjoy it and get results!

Currently, almost all books have electronic versions. Of course, they can be downloaded for free, but the world does not stand still. Everything is changing, revised and improved publishing houses are coming out. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be a better decision to buy a textbook. You'll get quality material for a small fee and appreciate the author’s work. If you are not a beginner, choose audiobooks, they will improve your perception of foreign speech and pronunciation.

So, to the conclusions

Yes, tutorials can be used, it’s especially worth paying attention to those that come with audio reinforcement. But be prepared for the fact that during the learning process you will have a huge number of questions. And you won’t be able to find answers to all of them on your own. And the search will take up too much of your time. Is it worth wasting such a colossal amount of time? After all, time, as you know, also costs money.

In my opinion, for productive and effective studying, as well as achieving results as quickly as possible, work on the self-instruction manual should be combined. He will be able to monitor your training once every week or two and purposefully lead you to a new level.

Speaking Guide for average classes of gymnasiums and schools With in-depth study in English. Book, to present time, has undergone many reprints, but also to the proposed edition audio completely suitable. Amazing, but against the backdrop of wonderful music study became more interesting.

Year: 1998

Publisher: Publishing house "KARO", St. Petersburg
Format: PDF
Size : 5,4 Mb

Spoken English. A guide to speaking. Yu. Golitsynsky

2. Answer the following questions.
1. Do you live in a five-storey building?
nine twelve
2. What floor is your flat on?
3. Is there a lift in the house you live in?
4. Is your flat large or small?
5. How many rooms are there in your flat?
6. Is there a mirror in the hall of your flat?
7. Is there a hall-stand in your hall?
3. Practice reading the following words and words
combinations. Learn them by heart.
furniture [‘fa:mtla] furniture
a square table
a round table round table
a writing-desk

A manual on oral speech for secondary classes of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language

a coffee table
a cupboard cabinet, buffet
a sideboard [‘saldbo:d] sideboard
a wardrobe [‘wo:droub] wardrobe
a bookcase bookshelf
a bookshelf bookshelf
a cozy sofa
a thick carpet [‘thik’ka:pit] thick carpet
a cushion cushion
and ceiling [‘si:lm] ceiling
a curtain
a bedside table
a dressing table dressing table
a wall lamp sconce
and floor lamp (standard lamp) floor lamp
a wall-unit [‘w:o:l-junit] wall /furniture/
a piano [‘pjenou] piano

The book has now undergone many reprints.

10. Read the text.
Tom Brown Speaks about his Flat

Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storey building. In our flat we have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet. The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is a large mirror with a little table under it.

Our living-room is large. The floor of our livingroom is yellow, the ceiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown. There is a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too.
