Show types of roofs of private houses. Types of roofs by design (photo). Types of gable roofs. Types of roofs of private houses with an attic. General information about the design of gable roofs

Installation of the roof is the final stage of construction. There are about a dozen main and more than a hundred other subtypes of roofs. The configuration of the house often limits the owner's choices. However, if possible, then it is worth paying attention to the issue of visual design of the roof. Unusual roof can decorate a country house, cottage or cottage. In order to draw up a project for a supporting structure, it is necessary to involve professionals in the field of construction and design, as well as experienced workers who can cope with a task of any complexity. All decisions must be rational. You need to stay within the budget, take into account climatic features, think about the role of the attic space, and take care of reliability and appearance. For a roof, such characteristics as tightness, strength, stability and functionality are important.

Classification and design options for roofs of private houses

Before making a choice among the variety of materials and forms, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the nuances of the structure of roofs and their functional features. Among the main criteria that form the classification of roofs are the type and general design of the structure, slope, and finishing materials. The roof can be attic or non-attic, flat or pitched. Flat roofs are not very diverse, but the second type is divided into many subtypes, such as conical, domed, hipped, mansard, multi-gable, hip, gable and single-pitch. The purpose, advantages and disadvantages of each of them need to be studied in detail. First of all, durability, cost and performance characteristics are taken into account. Every year a large number of houses with beautiful designer roofs are built around the world, so it’s worth using your imagination in the design process.

When developing a roofing scheme for a building with complex geometry, it is necessary to identify the main and adjacent parts of the roof.


The roof of a private house with one slope looks very simple in appearance. This type of design is rarely used, but can be seen on simple country houses. The disadvantage of this layout is the one-sided type of drainage - it bears a much greater load than double-sided or other types. The appearance of a roof with a one-way slope is not the most presentable. This design can be considered optimal solution when arranging various small extensions. This is how garages are finished and guest houses. Those wishing to install such a roof should think about a water drainage system. The main criterion is its throughput. This design copes very well with snow masses. A pitched roof is appropriate in cold climates, as well as in regions where there is not a lot of rainfall.


This type of roof may have:

  • Hanging or sloping rafters.
  • Various eaves overhangs.
  • Uneven tilt angles.

The gable roof structure consists of load-bearing beams and roofing material attached to the sheathing. The rafter system is usually made of beams connected metal parts. The upper part of the roof is formed by a ridge. It is located exactly in the middle or closer to some edge. One of the subtypes of a gable roof is multi-inclined (the angles of inclination on both sides are not the same). The design of such a roof looks original, but the design has a significant disadvantage - the attic space is used irrationally. A sloping roof not only eliminates this problem, but is also built specifically for an attic space. The folds of the slopes create additional volume for the attic. Aesthetics is another advantage of a broken gable roof. The symmetrical design follows the shape of an isosceles triangle.


This type of roof does not directly apply to gable roofs, since it can also be cantilevered or broken. main feature- dividing the slope into flat (upper) and steep parts (located below). A conventional gable attic roof has rectangular rafters lying parallel. The steep part of the slope copes well with snow loads. A mansard roof can also be classified as broken. Characteristic the latter - presentable appearance. Bends are made outward or inward. They are often combined: the result is a roof of an unusual shape with many internal and external kinks. The cantilever mansard roof combines the features of a gable and sloping roof. Its parts can protrude several meters beyond the walls of the building, creating a lot of space inside. There are also mixed attic structures. This type includes the characteristics of the three previous ones and additional features.


Another common type of roofing. The hip roof is composed of four slopes. The end ones (they are called hips) have a triangular appearance. They occupy the space from the end of the ridge to the cornice. The other two slopes have the shape of a trapezoid. Practicality is ensured by the peculiarity of the structure. First of all, this concerns the removal of sediments. But the implementation technology is much more complicated. Its construction will require a team of experienced builders. One of the disadvantages is that there will be no gables at the attic level, and more will need to be done to improve lighting dormer windows. This will add complexity to the design process, including step calculations rafter system. Although this design copes well with downpours, it is often used in dry tropical areas.

Hip roof useful if you need to trim:

  • house with veranda;
  • oblong building;
  • L-shaped house.


This type of roof includes the features of a classic gable and hip roof. The design has no sharp corners, and one of its main functions is protection from strong winds. In regions with snowy winters, such roofs are made with small overhangs and steeper slopes. If there is no heavy snowfall at the location of the house, then the canopies should be large and the slopes should be relatively flat. A typical hipped semi-hipped roof has a cut end slope. The free space is covered with a window (including a solid one) or a wall. However, a half-hip roof can combine elements of a gable roof. There are still four surface elements in this case. Unlike the previous option, the side slopes are devoid of the lower part, and the front ones have an appearance vaguely reminiscent of a trapezoid, but with six corners. With this design you will get a larger attic.


This is a hipped roof consisting of identical triangular sections. They must be isosceles. The slopes connect exactly in the center. Due to its strict geometry, this coating is not suitable for all homes. The name comes from the word “tent” - a mobile home rectangular shape. A hipped roof is also called a pyramidal roof. It can be installed on houses with a base in the form of a square or a regular quadrangle (not in all cases). The overhangs of such a roof are at the same height. Despite its simple appearance, the installation of this type of roofing is technically complex. Benefits hip roof are its ability to quickly warm up and resistance to strong winds. The main disadvantage is the presence of many connections in the rafter structure, which makes the construction process more complex and time-consuming.

Other cons:

  • Significant waste of roofing materials.
  • A small amount of space for an attic.
  • Cost.


It is characterized by great variability in execution, based on the number, shape, location and size of pediments (tongs). Its sunken corners require very careful, careful and precise finishing. On a multi-gable roof there are a large number of valleys at the junctions of the slopes. It is erected on sites with complex layouts, unusual architectural forms, two-tier attic compartments and attics. Precipitation and melt water will flow down the valleys. Snow usually accumulates there, so they should be made durable and as airtight as possible. Increase bearing capacity can transform valleys from the most vulnerable elements of a roof structure into the most functional. One of the main advantages of a multi-gable roof is the balance of the rafter system. The main problem is the complexity of its installation.


This is the name for a roof that is round, hemispherical or cylindrical in shape. The vault is usually made of stone or brick. Special rafter systems will be required, since the standard ones will be unsuitable for finishing a curved vault. As a material load-bearing structures use both curved metal forms and rounded ones wooden frames from laminated veneer lumber. Special ordering required. Strength should be the main quality of cylindrical beams. Sometimes lattice trusses with a complex pattern are used. This will be reflected in the final price. Design and installation cost much more than for roofs with rectilinear shapes. For this reason, the cylindrical roof is not widely used. Buy for decoration rolled materials made of polymer bitumen, seam metal coating; In some cases, flexible tiles are suitable.

Although the installation of a vaulted roof itself is much more expensive, the material consumption may be low.


The roof is made of four diamond-shaped slopes, brought together at one point in the center. Suitable for square shaped buildings. Diamond-shaped roofing is installed on small dachas and country houses. If desired, you can make a large high attic. Diamond roofing can most often be seen on one-story buildings. The most common subtype of diamond roofing is the Sudeikin roof. Its design consists of four triangular slopes (hips) in the upper half and the same number of adjacent triangular slopes, pointing downwards. Such a building will have four gables. A special structure of beams in the form of an octagonal dome is used as a rafter system. The classic diamond-shaped roof of G. Sudeikin provides for the presence of a central load-bearing pillar. However, you can install the roof without it.

For subsequent placement of decorative elements (original dormers and chimneys, unusual gables), roofs with a large slope, almost vertical in some places, are installed. This configuration can be used to arrange a full floor with a variety of design solutions. A slight slope provides better protection from the wind, since the contact area will be larger. However, this does not apply to roofs with very low slopes. Rainwater and snow drain from a low roof more slowly, which can lead to leaks. Coating with slight slope requires more careful care. There is no need to clean slopes with an angle of 45° or higher. A roof with a large slope (from 45°) is considered “self-cleaning”. A relatively flat roof is the most economical option, but space in the attic will be limited. This problem can be solved by increasing the height of the walls of the last floor at the design stage.

Roofing includes different elements. All types of roofs consist of slopes - surfaces that have a certain slope. These are several independent components, which are closely adjacent to each other, less often - one. A ridge is the upper line parallel to the horizon where several slopes connect. Ridge tiles and ridge strips may have the same name. Many roofs have an element called a valley. This internal corner at the junction of two slopes. The endova is the main unit in the roof structure. There are two types of overhangs. Cornice - located on the side of the roof surface protruding beyond the walls of the building; pediment - part of the roof overhanging the gable (pediment) of the building. Both options can have a strict linear form or be performed in an original manner. The basis for the construction of the roof is the rafter system - a supporting structure made of rafters, struts, posts and crossbars.

Shapes of the slipway system

Rafter structures are arranged in different ways. The lean-to configuration provides for the presence of two rows of posts or walls as support for the rafter legs. One wall should be higher. The gable structure performs a load-bearing function on roofs consisting of two rectangular pitched surfaces. In the vast majority of cases, the legs of such a system rest on two identical supporting walls boxes at home. Hip ones are designed for four pitched surfaces. The rafters create two trapezoidal and the same number of triangular bases. They rest on the long and end walls, respectively. The tent rafter system is supported by identical walls. Broken (attic) rafter structures are installed in a similar way, as in the case of gable systems, but the rafter legs are placed in two tiers.

The rafter system may include the following elements:

  • fight;
  • ridge knot;
  • run;
  • stand;
  • Mauerlat;
  • struts;
  • sill.

This design has strong support under the lower and upper heels. Manufacturing and installation occurs in a similar way as in the case of a pitched roof. Layer systems are erected over boxes with an internal supporting wall. It is necessary as a supporting structure for the ridge girder. The wall function can be performed by rows of columns or racks. In a simple layered structure with a five-meter span, the tops of the rafters rest on the purlin. The bench plays the role of support for the run itself. The strength of the structure is ensured by struts. Systems with large spans are equipped with additional runs and contractions. The latter ensure the stability of the structure. An inclined system can use one of two types of support. With one of them, rotation is possible and there are two degrees of freedom. The second option provides only one degree of freedom.

This type of structure has only a lower support. The tops support each other. The frame elements are made in the form of a triangle, which eliminates the need for a Mauerlat. Its role is played by the tightening (base). It is used to compensate for the thrust on the roof from the weight of the system, coating and snow that will be on it. The hanging configuration is suitable for small boxes without a supporting element for the ridge girder. If you need to finish a large span, the structure is equipped with ties, struts and headstocks. The use of two additional supports makes it possible to cover a distance of up to 15 meters. Hanging system rafters avoid horizontal loads. They create tension that is not transferred to the walls of the building. The tops of the rafters can be fixed end-to-end or laid on a purlin.

The choice of roofing coverings depending on the slope

Flat roofs are covered with multilayer roll materials, bitumen. If the slope is more than 5°, then three-layer roll materials that do not have protection can be used for finishing. Bitumen waterproofing with a coarse layer is recommended to be applied if the slope is more than 10°. When the slope is more than 15°, wave-shaped roofing sheets are installed. The materials used can be bitulin, ondulin, euroslate, asbestos-cement slate. Grooved clay tiles are used with a slope of 20°. Galvanized steel, copper, metal tiles, metal profiles and sheet steel are laid at an inclination angle of more than 30°. Seam steel is used with a slope of 18° to 25°, sometimes from 8°. Slate and asbestos cement tiles, as well as natural tile coverings, are appropriate if the roof is steep (from 50°). When finishing roofs inclined at an angle of 80°, wood chips and shingles are used.

Features of attic roofs

Attics can differ significantly in configuration. One of the fundamental features of the attic roof is the presence of outward bends, but there are also internal breaks. Broken roofs can be seen on buildings small size. This is a complicated version of a gable roof with a decorative purpose. A pitched mansard roof should ideally be inclined at an angle of 40°. The ramp is made on the leeward side of the building. Attics under a simple symmetrical roof usually have a fairly large “dead” zone near the junctions of the roof and walls. The recommended roof angle is 45°. A good solution is to create an attic floor with asymmetrical slopes. Tall objects can be placed there. The main problem is the complexity of design calculations. Hip mansard roofs must be made with a large angle of inclination. In the center of the attic space there will be plenty of storage space for tall, bulky items.

In regions where hurricane winds occur, it is better to place a pitched roof on the windward side, and strengthen the supporting structure with diagonal ties.

Insulation and waterproofing

The choice of material for waterproofing depends on climatic conditions. The most commonly used is roofing felt. This is a very strong material. Its advantage is its long service life. Recently, the use of waterproofing film has become popular to protect roof layers from water with the possibility of its evaporation. Thermal insulation is carried out by interior decoration the space between the legs of the rafter structure. This is done before the final finishing of the room. As insulating material choose fiberglass, glass or mineral wool. Glass wool is produced in the form of slabs and rolls. It is recommended to choose slabs. They are more durable, as they deform less, and their thermal insulation properties are approximately the same. In addition, foam sheets can be used to insulate the roof.

Parameters of insulation materials:

  • breathability;
  • compressibility;
  • vapor permeability;
  • compressive strength;
  • density;
  • thermal conductivity.

Design and color solutions for roofs

Over the last 15-20 years, flat roofs have become popular. This implementation allows you to shift the emphasis to the main part of the building. Houses with a flat roof can have unusual and geometrically complex shapes like modern styles, such as minimalism, biotech, hi-tech and avant-garde. Pitched roofing is more varied. Sloping roofs are appropriate in all kinds of building design projects. A pitched roof looks beautiful with transparent walls. A multi-gable roof can be designed in a unique French style or in the manner of traditional Russian architecture. The color scheme is selected depending on the color of the building itself. The roof is made darker, so the choice of shades is often limited to dark, cold and mixed tones. Roof original form Looks best in blue, bluish, black and gray colors.


The roof installation process begins with design. At this stage, various parameters are calculated and all wishes are taken into account. Much depends on frame structure. Optimal placement and size skylights determined before the start of its construction. After installing the rafter system, the main part of the work begins. The structure will be coated with a coating corresponding to its configuration. Roofing must be done using durable and durable materials. The main criteria for their selection are such indicators as the slope of the slopes, the windiness of the area, the amount and type of precipitation in the region. Over the past few decades, many high-quality functional finishing materials have appeared. After completing the external arrangement of the roof, you should start choosing insulation, hydro- and vapor barrier.

The roof is an important part of the house, without which it is impossible to do without. Most people give preference to practicality, completely forgetting about the external data of the house, its visual perception. Not everyone attaches special importance to the roof and its type, but in vain. Thanks to the roof, even a small one-story house can be significantly transformed, becoming more expressive and original.

Of course, it is clear that first of all the roof is reliable protection, because it must protect the house from external factors and their influences. Chasing beauty, many forget about reliability, and subsequently suffer from problems that arise during the first snow or heavy rain. That's why you need to choose best option, combining both visual appeal and reliability.

Roof structure of a one-story house

Roof one-story house consists of load-bearing and enclosing parts connected to each other, because they not only interact, but also maintain the balance of the entire structure. The peculiarity is that mistakes made in one component will lead to violations of the second, which means that the design as a whole will suffer and will not be of high quality.

In most cases, it is customary to use pitched roofs for a one-story house; the angle of the slopes depends on many factors. Slopes can be affected by both the type of pitched roof and the roofing material. The load-bearing part of the structure is the roof frame, which includes wooden rafters.

In addition to them, you can find a Mauerlat, which collects all the rafters at one point; the other side of the leg is connected to a beam intended for this. The rafter system should rest on the purlin, and special racks will evenly distribute the weight and make the load the same on everything load-bearing walls. To ensure that the rafters do not move, braces and struts are used, as well as wire, which ensures reliable fixation.

If the house is entirely made of logs, then the wire will have to be replaced with metal brackets, which must be attached to the second log (counting from top to bottom). The rafters must be laid with a distance of 0.3-0.4 meters from the ceiling; this will provide easy access to the rafter system in case urgent renovation work.
The enclosing part begins from the moment when they begin laying waterproofing that protects the house, protecting it from moisture and rotting of the roof structure. Between the rafter legs and the Mauerlat you need to put two layers of roofing material, after which you can perform wooden sheathing and roofing the roof.

If the house is large and its width is more than 6 meters, then the construction of supporting walls will be required, because the roof will need additional support. With such dimensions of the house, a layered rafter system is used; if the building is small, then a hanging rafter laying system is used.

Current types of roofs

If we take into account all roofs, they can be divided into two main categories: pitched and flat. In the case of a flat type of roof, everything is clear, because there are no special features here. It should be noted that one-story houses with a flat roof look very boring and unsightly, so its use is not recommended. The only option when a flat roof is better is to create extra space for equipping a swimming pool on the roof of a house.

Types of pitched roofs that can be used for one-story houses:

  • Single and double slope.
  • Tent, hip and half-hip.
  • Broken (attic).
  • Complex (multi-pincer) and combined.

A pitched roof is cheap, simple and reliable, but not particularly attractive. Generally pitched roof It is a slope mounted on walls with different heights. This option has rather become obsolete, since in the construction of modern houses a pitched roof is practically not used. It is better to use it on outbuildings or garages.

The gable roof is an undying classic. This option is optimal for a one-story house. This type of roof combines practicality and reliability; it is easy to build and not particularly expensive. With the help of this roof you can already emphasize the exterior of the house, express its individuality, using various styles and roofing coverings.

A hipped roof of a hipped type consists of slopes in the form of a triangle, the vertices of which converge at one point. This option looks interesting and is quick and easy to build.

An alternative option is a hip roof, this is also a type hipped roof. The main difference is that during the construction of the roof, two triangular slopes (end ones) are used, and the two main ones are made in a trapezoidal shape. Building a hip roof is a little more difficult, but it will also be very attractive in appearance.

The mansard roof is a structure with broken slopes, which is constantly gaining popularity. Thanks to such a roof, it is not necessary to create a second floor, because the attic can be actively used as a residential attic.

A combined or multi-gable roof is an expensive and difficult option to implement. Such roofs are mainly used for large cottages or houses with several floors, so the use of these types of roofs will not be entirely logical when building a small one-story house. These roofs are the most beautiful in appearance, however, only professionals can build them, and the cost will be very high.

Roof design and installation

Before you start building a house and roof, you need to develop a project, think through all the details in it and pay attention Special attention every little thing. At the stage of project formation, you need to choose the type of roof, resolve design issues, and also choose the material that will be used for the construction of the roof and its roof.

The end result should be successfully combined, harmonized, creating a single picture that suits both externally and functionally. When choosing materials, you need to focus not only on their external data, but also on functionality, especially installation. The roofing material should not only be attractive, but also reliable, because you need to live in this house.

You can carry out the work yourself, but you can hire professionals who guarantee the quality of work and reliability of the design. It will cost more, but the result will probably be good, which is very important when building a house.

The roof is considered as important in the structure of the house as the foundation and walls. It is classified as a load-bearing structure and therefore must meet a number of requirements: to be strong, reliable, durable, well insulated, and have good heat and sound insulation. Which roofs to choose is the prerogative of the poor homeowner. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing. The roof must also match the type of shape and be fireproof.

To make it easier to meet these requirements, before creating a house project, you need to select the shape in advance, calculate the height, and select the appropriate materials for its construction.

What forms are there?

There are several types of roof shapes. The choice should be based on design features:

  • Single-pitch. One roof plane resting on two outer walls of unequal height. Used for utility rooms (shed) and garages.
  • Gable. It has 2 planes, which, as in the first case, rest on 2 external wall structures, but of the same height. The planes are designed at a certain angle relative to each other.
  • hip. It has slopes on the end side in the shape of a triangle. Side walls also similar to a triangle only truncated or to a trapezoid.
  • Half-hip. Consists of 2 slopes. The surfaces on the end side have the shape of a triangle.
  • Broken. A very complex roof model. At the bottom the slopes are triangular, at the top they are connected, and always at an obtuse angle.
  • Tent. It is also not without difficulties. This is a quadrangular structure with 4 slopes of the same size.
  • Cross-shaped. Used when the house has a complex shape. The calculations and design of this type must be carried out by a design engineer. This is explained by the fact that the cruciform shape of the roof requires the calculation and installation of valleys. It is important to place them correctly in the structure. Otherwise, leaks cannot be avoided.

There are many roof shapes. Here you need to learn not only to choose a shape, but also to correctly calculate the roof structure. Only then will the roof perform the functions assigned to it.

Why do you need to calculate the height and how to do it correctly?

The roof is the part of the house that is most often exposed to atmospheric phenomena. If the angle of inclination, and accordingly the height, is incorrectly selected, there is a risk that due to exposure to strong winds and precipitation, its integrity will be compromised. You will have to carry out roof repairs to eliminate the problems - this is the best case scenario. At worst, you will have to build it from scratch.

The role of height indicators

You cannot neglect the standards when creating a project. The reliability of the structure and the health of those who will live there depend on this. Below is a number of arguments that can absolutely confirm the correctness of the above and the significance correct calculation roof heights for house construction:

  • Reliability and durability. A correctly calculated and selected height will allow the roof to be resistant to external influences, weather influences, and resistant to increased loads, for example, roofing, insulation.
  • Aesthetics. Appearance plays an important role. If its height does not correspond to the structure of the house, then such a roof will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Convenience. If the height is correct, you can build an attic.

The highest point is called the ridge. This is the point where all the inclined planes of the roof connect. If its height is chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk that the roof will not last the period for which the owner of the house intended. The ridge height parameters must strictly comply with the technological process.

How to calculate the height of the roof?

Video tutorial on finding

What determines the height of the ridge?

An important parameter in the calculation is the slope angle. There is a list of factors on which it is based mainly on atmospheric influences :

  • winds, if they are frequent in the region, then the slope angle should be 10-20 degrees;
  • precipitation in areas where it falls abundantly above 45 degrees;
  • snow - in very snowy winters, the angle of inclination can be similar to the previous point.


More detailed regulatory data can be taken from the requirements of SNiP 2301-99.

Selecting height by roof type

Here, height calculations are made taking into account the type of coverage:

  • If roof materials contain many piece elements, the angle of inclination should be chosen as large as possible.
  • If the roof structure is low, joints should be kept to a minimum.
  • For very heavy roofing masses, the largest inclination angle is selected so that the weight can be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Calculation parameters taking into account the width of the building

Here cross section The structure is represented in the form of an equilateral triangle. Where the height parameter is the leg. Next, the calculation is made as follows:

When purchasing roofing, you need to pay attention to the weight. For example, let’s compare two popular types – metal and ceramic tiles. The latter is 10 times heavier than the first. And this plays a significant role in the design of rafters.

Many buyers make the mistake of buying cheaper coverage - it is most often of low quality, which means it will not last long.

What materials can be used?

The list of coatings for roofing is quite wide. Each has its own advantageous characteristics and disadvantages.

Roofing materials

Metal tiles have been the most popular for years

Ceramic tiles

It has been produced for a long time - more than 100 years. Significantly improves the appearance of the facade in comparison with its clay counterpart. Counts:

  • Reliable coating.
  • Has a long service life.
  • Characterized by high strength.
  • Not affected by humidity.
  • Provides absolute UV protection.

With all the advantageous characteristics, it also has several disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • large mass.

Ceramic tiles - produced for more than 100 years


Enjoys a reputation. Occupies positions in quality and consumer demand:

  • reliable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • lasting;
  • protects against UV;
  • well tolerated high loads;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • endowed with waterproofing properties;
  • fireproof;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • has good flexibility.

Installed on a deck made of slatted strips.

Ondulin - has a reputation


The cheapest roofing material:

  • service life – 40 years or more;
  • moisture resistant;
  • withstands mechanical stress;
  • withstands high loads well, for example, a layer of snow.


  • During long-term use, its edges begin to crumble;
  • In places where it is constantly shaded, lichen begins to appear.

Slate is the cheapest roofing material

Corrugated sheet

Roofers often work with this material citing the fact that it is reliable and very durable. Compared to metal tiles, the sheets are wider, and also:

  • low specific gravity;
  • high strength indicators;
  • considered an environmentally friendly coating;
  • It has wide choose colors;
  • It can be installed in any weather conditions.

How to choose corrugated sheeting?

What should you pay attention to?


  • makes a lot of noise if it rains;
  • complex roof shapes require a lot of material;
  • susceptible to corrosion during operation;
  • drilling or cutting areas require additional processing;
  • requires laying a hydraulic layer to prevent condensation;
  • requires additional insulation.

Corrugated sheeting is reliable and very durable

Flexible tiles

Seamless coating based on glass fibers impregnated with bitumen. The outer part is treated with basalt, painted in different colors:

  • has high strength;
  • endowed with good sound and heat insulation properties;
  • Provides excellent sealing.

From this entire list, you can choose any roofing material. Which one will be best is up to you to decide.

Flexible tiles - seamless coating based on fiberglass

Choosing insulation – which one is better?

When choosing a good insulation material, refer not only to cost, but also to technical, operational characteristics. And also on the difficulty of installation. You can install the insulation yourself, although in some cases you will need to use special equipment. Criteria for choosing a good insulation:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient - the lower it is, the better;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lifetime;
  • stability of shape and appearance;
  • heat insulator weight;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • environmental friendliness.

Insulation - mineral wool


  • high thermal insulation coefficient;
  • price;
  • mineral wool does not burn;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • biostability - not subject to putrefactive phenomena, it will not be damaged by rodents or insects;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • the sound insulation coefficient is high;
  • does not lose shape.

Roof insulation

What is needed for this?

When installing mineral wool insulation, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier and waterproofing layers. And also take care of organizing ventilation gaps. This will prevent condensation from forming. If this is not done, the rafters will begin to rot over time.

Glass wool

Its thermal insulation properties are close to mineral wool, has been used as a heat insulator for a long time. Made from fused glass. Goes on sale at in roll form, is characterized as a good, environmentally friendly and non-flammable material.

When using this insulation, you should protect your hands, body and eyes with special equipment. When installing, follow the installation technology.

If you buy glass wool without a foil outer covering (this is an improved type that many manufacturers have been using lately), then you should take care of laying a vapor barrier layer from the same foil.

Expanded polystyrene

Foam plastic is also used very often in insulating walls and as a heat insulator for roofing:

  • It is characterized as a material with high thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • It does not absorb steam, which means it can be laid directly on the waterproofing; there is no need to create an air gap.

When laying foam plastic in pitched forms roofing, you must ensure that the edges of the material fit snugly against it. After installation, the seams must be treated with polyurethane foam.

The material is flammable and vapor-tight, which means it cannot be used in insulating flat roofs.

Polyurethane foam

Also good for roof insulation. The list of its advantages includes:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • small weight;
  • good sound insulation;
  • biostability;
  • good waterproofing properties.

The material is endowed with sufficient rigidity. It cuts and drills well. Does not lose shape during service.

Polyurethane foam insulation can be laid (tile form) or sprayed onto (liquid form).

Polyurethane foam - the material is endowed with sufficient rigidity


Made from paper. Refers to environmentally friendly roofing insulation. Endowed with good sound and heat insulation qualities. To ensure that the material is not flammable and is not damaged by rodents and insects, ecowool manufacturers treat it with defenseless substances and antipyrine.

Refers to the lightest and cheapest types of insulation. Sold in liquid form. when using it as insulation for the roof (between the rafters), it is necessary to create some kind of closed boxes. Ecowool is blown into them so that it not only fills the space, but also fills all sorts of cracks. Disadvantages - use in installation work special equipment.

There are other ways to insulate a roof.

Ecowool - made from paper

Painting the roof - nuances, methods, features

The roof is covered with different materials; the specifics of the work and the feasibility of using painting depend on this:

1 Slate. At first it looks good. Over time, it fades, and islands of lichen begin to appear on its surface. You can prevent these manifestations by painting it with water-dispersion or acrylic paint. They are resistant to external and weather factors. True, before this you should tint the coating.

2 Corrugated sheet. It is rarely repainted. During production, they are coated with a colored polymer-based coating. It is painted only during the process of restoration or restoration work.

3 Sheet metal. It can be painted, but before doing this you need to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion primer.

The roof is painted in two ways - manual or machine. Before the procedure, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Do not paint the roof in bad weather, especially during rain. It is best to do this in spring in April or May, in autumn in September or October. During these periods, the paint layer will have the best adhesion, which means it will last a long time.
  • In summer it is generally not recommended to paint due to the heat.
  • Painting should be done in non-slip shoes that do not scratch the surface.
  • If work is carried out at a high height, you need to take care of your own safety by tying yourself with a rope to the rafters or beam.
  • It is highly not recommended to attach a safety rope to the chimney - the support is unreliable and may not support your body weight.

How many coats should a roof be painted?

In order for the paint layer to be stronger and look appropriate, at least 2 layers of paint should be applied:

  • When applying for the first time, you need to take 700 grams of drying oil for each kilogram of paint, mix and only then paint.
  • When painting again, for every kilogram of paint you need to take 5000 grams of drying oil.

Application technology - or how long to wait between the first and second painting:

  • After applying the first layer, you need to wait a week for it to dry thoroughly.
  • The second layer will take 3 days longer to dry, that is, a total of 10 days.
  • If you decide to apply the 3rd layer, then you need to use and wait exactly this time.

How to choose a color for the roof and facade?

Can be ordered finished project turnkey, but such a service is not available to everyone. You can consider all possible options in another way - by creating a template. To do this, the flat projection of your facade needs to be transferred to tracing paper(you can also use plastic film), and then using the color substitution method, select the shade and manufacturer.

Even if everything goes well with the color, the chosen option will suit you in all respects; there is no need to run out and buy all the coloring material. First you need to paint a small piece of the facade and roof in the chosen colors.

The assessment of the final shade is influenced by:

  • surface texture;
  • base type;
  • lighting.

Look at them at different times of day and weather conditions:

  • in the morning before sunrise;
  • during the day in good light;
  • in the evening, when only the lights are on;
  • on a cloudy day.

The disadvantage of this selection method is that it can be used to test a limited number of colors.

The variety of roofs misleads the average person who is inexperienced in construction.

When considering roof options, it is difficult to determine what exactly is needed for a future structure and which one is appropriate to build in a particular case.

In addition, you want the roof to be not only beautiful, but also strong, durable, and meet all requirements. The variety of designs allows architectural designers to turn all the most unpredictable projects into reality.

There are different types of roofs of private houses, we will talk about them now.

A pitched roof is a rectangular plane resting on opposite load-bearing walls.

There is a pitched roof:

  • Ventilated;
  • unventilated.

Design Features

Directly depends on the slope. Since the slope of the structure is influenced not only by the finishing coating, but by the peculiarity of climatic conditions, then all these values ​​​​should be calculated correctly.

An important indicator for the design of any roof is also the total load.

Slope angle

Directly depends on the coating material: coatings differ in their ability to retain snow precipitation.

It is recommended to select materials for covering a pitched roof based on their ability to self-clean from snow.

Moreover, depending on natural features, in places where winds prevail, the area is not sufficiently protected by trees, it is recommended to change the angle of the slope.

Options for a pitched roof truss system

WITH tropic roof structure with one slope can be:

  • Sliding;
  • layered;
  • hanging.

Most often performed from wooden elements for various purposes.

Rafter system of a pitched roof

Installation features

The installation of a single-pitched rafter structure is carried out on the Mauerlat.

If a hanging type frame is being installed, then a truss is first made on the ground. The entire structure is manufactured according to a given template.

The roof can be equipped with an insulation system. To do this, install the elements necessary for a warm roof.

The final covering of the roof is a protective covering material.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pitched roof

Despite the ease of installation and simple design, the lean-to system has its own characteristics.


  • Inexpensive design;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to strong winds.

Repair work during operation at pitched roof It’s not difficult to produce and not too expensive.


  • The need for snow removal;
  • low height of the attic space. The advantages of this type are strength and reliability in terms of resistance to the vagaries of the weather.

Shed roof

Gable roof

The design, which consists of two slopes, is called gable.

Gable structures can be classified according to the location of the slopes:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical;
  • broken;
  • multi-level;
  • gable with a ridge on the slope.

Additionally, other configurations can be designed gable roofs: broken from one slope, double broken, with extended canopies or extensions.

Design options

Particular attention is paid to the load.

Besides, the angle of inclination is important in accordance with the coating.

Quite simple, with correct definition all indicators (angle, roof load, natural load) the roof will be reliable and durable.

Tilt angle

The average amount of snowfall in the region is taken into account when calculating the roof load. Besides, the strength of the wind currents affects the slope of the slope.

At different slopes for various materials corresponds certain . All materials have their own indicators.

Rafter system

It can have a layered, hanging, or combined design.

The rafter structure option is selected based on the span between external walls . In addition to the rafter beams, the structural elements of the rafter system are: ridge, Mauerlat, crossbar, tie rods, and other elements.

Each of the additional elements distributes the load, fixes or strengthens the more vulnerable parts of the structure.

Gable roof rafter system


When installing a gable roof basic steps need to be followed:

  • Install beams;
  • secure the sheathing;
  • install roofing.

If the rafter legs are lengthened, additional slats are installed under the overhang.

Advantages and disadvantages

The gable roof is the most common roofing model.

This is due to the advantage of this design:

  • Possibility of arranging an attic;
  • there is no need to clear the snow from the surface yourself;
  • simple project;
  • variety of coatings.


  • Dependence of roof height on span;
  • when arranging an attic room, additional reinforcement of the structure and the installation of window systems and heating elements are required.

A gable roof is not the most complex structure, and when fully equipped, it is the most in demand.

Gable roof

Hip roof

Represents hipped structure. The slopes consist of triangles and trapezoids.

Modified design hip system called half-hip. There are Dutch and Danish half-hip designs.

Design Features

The project has quite painstaking calculations, since the design itself is not simple.

Particular attention should be paid to the points:

  • calculate each slope separately;
  • correctly calculate the length of the rafters and ridge;
  • take into account the area of ​​windows and chimneys;
  • calculate the load correctly.


The same material should be used for the frame and ridge beam. This feature must be taken into account in the project.

Project costs should include additional elements and additional details for roofing.

Slope angle

The slope angle is affected by wind and snow. This type of structure can be arranged at an angle from 5° to 60°. The dependence on natural indicators is directly proportional.

You should remember about the features of laying roofing: the recommended performance of each coating directly depends on the angle of the slope.

In addition to the main rafter legs, it consists of elements: a mauerlat, a ridge, slanted legs, and other important parts that provide strength and participate in the distribution of the load.

Hip roof rafter system

Installation features

Includes sequence of fastening elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • racks;
  • mowed legs. Next, other elements are installed in order, including the sheathing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hip structures, in addition to their presentable appearance and structural strength has a number of advantages:

  • the slope of the ribs reduces the wind load;
  • Due to the design feature, the area increases, which has a positive effect on heat transfer.

The disadvantages of a hip roof are its complexity and cost..

Hip roof

Mansard (broken) roof

This is a type of construction in which the slopes are refracted with a change in the slope angle of the slope.

An attic sloping roof can have from two to four slopes.

It can be layered or hanging.

The schematic structure of the attic can be in the form:

  • Square;
  • rectangle;
  • a combined figure combining a triangle and a square.

The most common type of broken structure is a gable roof.

Design options

At should be guided by the requirements, which are provided during installation:

  • The roof height should be designed at least 2.2 m;
  • choose materials that are lighter in weight;
  • take into account struts and tightening due to the length of the rafters.

A sloping roof provides for the arrangement of an attic, so it is advisable to use quality materials for insulation and providing air exchange to the roof.

Tilt angle

When calculating the slope angle, it is necessary to start from the height of the attic.

  • Influence of atmospheric influences;
  • type of roofing.

The best option for a sloping roof with an attic is a project in which the upper slopes are located at an angle of 30°, and the lower ones at an angle of 60°.

Rafter system

In attic structures, the frame is equipped with the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • beams;
  • frame racks;
  • runs. These and other elements create a solid foundation for arranging the attic.

Mansard roof rafter system


When installing the rafter base, one part of the frame is first made, starting with the racks and layered rafters, and then, like it, all the rest.

After installing all the elements, they are fastened with purlins.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a sloping roof is the arrangement of additional premises.

Among the disadvantages of a sloping roof is its cost. Since this requires a lot of materials for insulation, installing special windows is not a cheap pleasure.

But the costs of arranging an attic cannot exceed the construction of an additional extension or increasing the area of ​​the house.

Mansard roof

Flat roof

A structure that is a plane lying on the load-bearing walls of a structure. This system does not have an attic.

Can be exploited or unexploited.

Besides, Depending on the characteristics of the coating, flat systems can be divided into:

  • inversion;
  • green;
  • breathable.

They all have their own characteristics.

Design Features

At the stage design you should correctly calculate the load of the snow cover, as well as all materials used, and take into account the drainage system.

Slope angle

The roof must have the necessary. Its angle is up to 5°. This feature contributes to high-quality drainage.

Rafter location options

The flat roof frame includes the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • support bars;
  • plywood or OSB flooring.

Flat roof rafter system


It is important to organize the arrangement of drains. Attention should be paid to the system being used: it is important to choose the right type of flooring and the right layers to ensure a favorable microclimate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Flat roofs are positively characterized by price and low labor costs, and the possibility of arranging additional recreation areas is a productive distribution of space.

The disadvantages are: accumulation of snow, inability to determine the condition roofing pie, the need to equip an internal water drainage system.

Flat roof

Hip roof

It is a system of triangular slopes connected at one vertex.

According to the characteristics of the frame structure, hip roofs can be layered or hanging. In addition, tent structures also come in other types.

Design options

The main directions of designing a tent system are:

  • Calculation of slope angle;
  • choice of roofing;
  • calculation of the height of the ridge connection.

An important step is to calculate the load on truss structure. If insulation is assumed, the load of the layers of the cake is calculated.

Tilt angle

The slope of the slopes directly depends on the type of roofing and climatic conditions. Reducing the slope should be done when strong winds prevail at the building site.

Rafter system

The elements of the rafter system of a hip roof are:

  • Mauerlat;
  • floor beams;
  • mowing boards;
  • props.

These and other elements together provide the strength and stability of the frame.

Hip roof rafter system

Installation features

Installation of a tent system involves arranging a rafter system and laying an insulation system for the roof.

The rafter system should be erected before installing the ceiling of the building.

Installation of the rafter system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat or strapping. Next, the system is built step by step, starting with rafter boards, installing racks and other elements, ending with trusses and struts.

Advantages and disadvantages

The attractiveness of a hip roof makes you forget about its shortcomings. The disadvantages are small area for the attic and complexity of installation. The advantage is the aerodynamic properties and strength of the system.

Hip roof

Multi-gable roof

The complex structure of a multi-gable roof consists of many parts, projections, and elements. Perhaps one of the most complex designs.

They are determined by a combination of certain types of roofs collected together. Roof corners can be pointed or hipped.

Design options

A difficult task for project development, especially if the roofing elements have different configurations. In this case, each element should be calculated separately.

Particular attention should be paid to the rafter system.

  • Use lightweight materials;
  • do not skimp on waterproofing;
  • take care of high-quality beams for the rafters.

The complexity of the project lies in planning the arrangement of window systems.

The structure itself is the covering of the attic of the house, so it is quite durable, practically not subject to atmospheric influence.

Rafter location

The stage of constructing a multi-tongue system is the most difficult stage. Each part must be installed separately. For rafters you should choose only high-quality wood.

The basic part of the structure is the Mauerlat. The remaining structural elements are attached to it: rafter legs, reinforcing beams and supports.

Multi-gable roof rafter system

Installation features

In addition to the complexity of installing the roof frame, the multi-gable system has a weak spot, which should be properly protected from moisture: This is the angle of connection of the slopes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of a multi-gable roof is originality and attractiveness. But you have to pay in full for such beauty: equipping such a system is an expensive pleasure.

Multi-gable roof

Conical roof

The conical roof structure has the shape of a cone. This is a rather rare type of roofing, since such systems are installed on round-shaped houses.

Cone-shaped roofs can be full or incomplete.

Design options

Most often, conical shapes serve as decoration.. They do not carry a functional load. You need to know the diameter of the base of the cone and the length of the slope. When calculating the area of ​​the cone, the amount of materials needed is determined.

Slope angle

The slope angle of a cone-shaped roof is calculated using the tangent formula. In this case, it is necessary to know the height of the cone and the length of the rafter leg.

Rafter system

The conical roof frame system is a hanging fan type. Use additional elements: beams, braces, sheathing, additional beams.

Conical roof rafter system


Installation is carried out by laying the rafter legs in the form of a fan. They rest on purlins, as well as a ring element at the top. The base is the Mauerlat. Next, the base is assembled in a certain way with the help of additional elements.


Boards as sheathing are not suitable for the cone type. In this case, install flexible types of PVC pipes

Advantages and disadvantages

Resistance to any weather conditions is one of the advantages of a conical roof. Increased strength and originality are the undoubted advantages of this type of roofing.

The complexity of installation, high consumption of materials, and the inability to install an attic due to the lack of windows make it possible to install such systems only to decorate the roof.

Conical roof

Which roof is better

The roof design, first of all, must correspond to the architecture of the building.

The choice of roofing is determined according to factors:

  • Financial opportunity;
  • climate features;
  • individual preferences;
  • the need for an attic.

Before deciding on a home protection option, you should consider different options.

Roof options

Useful video

In this video you will learn what types of roofs there are:

The roof not only protects the house from external influences, but also emphasizes the individuality of the house in architectural plan. It is worth noting that the types of roofs are varied, and a lot depends on their characteristics. First of all, the comfort of the residents of the house depends. The roof must be both visually attractive and reliable. Nowadays, architects offer a huge range of designs; one or another type is chosen depending on the location of the house, the volume of construction, general design structures.

Main functions

Naturally, the purpose of any roof is to protect the structure from external influences. The structure is the main element of any building. It must withstand various loads and also look attractive. The architectural design element must be impeccable, it must emphasize the overall style of the building.

It is worth noting that modern roofs are made of high-quality materials, the latest technical solutions, which should help improve the characteristics affecting the reliability of the design. Of course, the types of roofs are varied; each owner selects one or another option, taking into account numerous factors. And, of course, today the beautiful roofs of private houses in the photos that you will see in the article allow home owners to present their homes as not only reliable, but also visually attractive. It is worth noting that roof types are distinguished by design and external features. At the same time, you can see what kind of roofs of private houses there are in the photo, but it’s really worth learning about the characteristics in more detail.

There are types of roofs that are considered the most popular:

  • flat;
  • pitched.

The angle of inclination also determines what matters. If the slope is more than twelve degrees, then the structure is pitched and it also has subspecies. Knowing the types of roofs for a private house and their features, it will be much easier to choose the most suitable option.

Flat roof

It is worth noting that this type rarely used. And there's a reason for this. Flat coverings are more expensive. A durable reinforced concrete coating is not cheap, and without it the structure will not withstand, for example, snow loads. At the same time, if we talk about the service life, then a structure of this type will last longer. This roof design is very practical, because on a flat surface you can organize a sports ground, terrace, or a chic garden. Popular types of roofs for private homes include flat construction.


Roofs with a slope of more than twelve degrees are considered pitched. It is worth noting that the types of roofs of private houses, photos of which are presented by architects, are simply surprising in their diversity. By the way, pricing depends on the shape of the roof of private houses - in the photo you can see the obvious difference between them. Let's consider options for a pitched roof for a private house.


Previously it was believed that this type was only suitable for courtyard extensions. However, for example, in Germany and Scandinavia many houses of this type are now being built. This option is considered a budget option. In turn, the pitched roofs of private houses, photos of which are below, look great.

It is worth noting that the use of this particular subspecies in design allows you to create amazingly beautiful interiors. Installation of stained glass windows is a priority. Of course, this solution is relevant in the design of a room if there really is a picturesque landscape outside the window.


This subtype of roofing is more in demand.

Design Features:

  1. It consists of two equal slopes, they rest on load-bearing walls.
  2. The shape resembles a triangle.
  3. A classic solution for many.

The magnificent gable roofs of private houses in the photo attract many lovers of interesting and practical solutions. By the way, gable roofs of one-story private houses in the photo are often present even in children's books. Often the composition is complemented by a pipe and a neat column of smoke. And it’s not surprising, because the gable design is a simple a budget option. That's why he is so popular.

With attic

The attic acts as a kind of air gap between the living space and the outside. A house with an attic has many advantages. For example, if the roof needs to be repaired, there is access to the structure in the attic for carrying out necessary work.

The option of a roof with an attic is now common in modern cottage construction. At the same time, the cost of work increases, but the pricing policy does not affect demand in this case. After all, the use of roofs with an attic is quite common.

Mansard roof

Nowadays roofs are actually called mansard. various forms. But at the same time, they are united by a common feature - the shape of the slope itself is made as a broken line in order to increase the height of the attic ceilings. It is worth noting that the mansard roofs of private houses in the photo look fabulous and are popular among lovers of original solutions.

Thanks to this type of roofing, you can create a full-fledged room in the attic. Looking through the roof shapes for houses with an attic photo, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to these magnificent buildings.

It is worth noting that the installation of attic structures is complex, unlike roofs with a straight slope. That's why the work costs more. But at the same time the height attic floor will increase, which means that the owner of such a house gets another full room. Kinds mansard roofs private houses, photos of which admire many, so if the budget allows, no one refuses an additional room. The money spent is recouped by the space gained.

Gorgeous views of the roofs of private houses with an attic, photos of which now encourage many people to really fall in love with this type of construction. The building looks amazing.

Hip roof

It consists of two triangular-shaped slopes. In turn, the slopes are called hips. It is worth noting that the design is quite complex, so the construction of such a roof should only be trusted to professionals. By the way, it is very resistant to external influences (strong winds, precipitation), debris and dust are very quickly blown away from its slopes.


If the future owner of the house is attracted to interesting design solutions, a hip roof can be considered as an option. By the way, this species is considered a variety hip design.

Design Features:

  1. All slopes are even triangles.
  2. The roof is intended for square or polygonal structures.
  3. The design is symmetrical.

Interesting roof options for private houses in the photo include hipped structures.

Complex shapes

Attract lovers of original solutions and complex shapes . These types of roofs are rare, but those who really want to attract attention to the structure give preference to complex structures. The complex roofs of private houses look unusual in the photo, which is why fans choose this option exclusive solutions. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Broken line (attic type)

The design has a large angle of inclination, which allows you to increase the area of ​​the attic. The original sloping roofs of private houses look really interesting in the photo, so they cannot leave lovers of non-standard solutions indifferent.


Rarely used for furnishing a private home. Often rounded shapes decorate verandas. The coating looks stylish, but is mainly used for decoration various buildings.


The structure has a cylindrical shape. It is worth noting that the load-bearing elements of such roofs are made of curved metal or shaped laminated timber beams. The price for such an original roof is too high, so this type of complex shape is rarely used.

"Salt shaker"

It has an asymmetrical shape. Design Features:

  • two slopes;
  • one slope is longer than the other.

The “salt shaker” appeared thanks to thrifty Americans who tried to find a way to reduce taxes on their homes.

Nowadays, the types of roofing for the roof of a private house are varied, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, and it is worth taking into account some factors in order to make the right choice.

Which option to choose

The most popular are pitched roofs. They are quite common and have a number of undeniable advantages. What is the reason for such active demand for this particular type of roofing?

Firstly, the design is really reliable and durable. It is worth noting that it becomes an excellent protector of the home from various external influences.

Secondly, the service life of the structure is quite long, therefore, by giving preference to this option, you can forget about problems with the roof for a long time.

Thirdly, the appearance of the structure is magnificent; the architects offer truly diverse options to the attention of buyers.

And, fourthly, you can make an attic or attic under the roof.

Of course, the appearance of such a roof is already considered classic; it will not be possible to surprise with the originality of the design. Many strive for originality, so they prefer more complex forms. It is worth noting that you will have to pay significantly more for individuality. How more complex design, the more expensive its cost will be.

Tastes are individual, budget for construction works is also different. However, the main thing is that today you can really choose the optimal solution from a wide range of options.
