Why the dishwasher does not wash dishes, what to do. Reasons why a dishwasher doesn't wash dishes well Kandy dishwasher doesn't wash dishes well reasons

The bulk homework goes, as usual, to the weaker, namely women. But there are still gentlemen who are always ready to help. They invent more and more new machines that should make the hard work of women easier. After automatic washing machine, in second place you can easily put a dishwasher, which washes dishes. She really is a great helper, especially in large families where there are a lot of children.

When we purchase such things, we hope that they will work for a long time and without breakdowns. But, unfortunately, technology sometimes fails; even machines from around the world can fail. famous manufacturers, such as Bosch, Siemens, Hansa. Why, or does it not wash at all? There can be many reasons for breakdowns; most often this occurs through the fault of the owners themselves.

Dishwasher- a complex mechanism that requires care, and if you do not follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, its performance may deteriorate.

In this article we will look at a number of the main reasons for bad machines, when the dishwasher does not wash dishes properly. We will also try to explain how to deal with this without the help of a specialist, as well as how to prevent serious damage to the unit.

The machine does not wash the dishes - what is the reason?

While the machine is new, it will do its job perfectly – washing dishes. But eternal mechanisms have not yet been invented, and those that we have need maintenance. Also with kitchen appliances, if you do not carry out preventive maintenance on time, over time you will begin to find food remains on the dishes, which means that the machine is malfunctioning, and it’s time for you to look into it. By the way, the reasons for poor work are most often banal, and the owners themselves are to blame for this. As practice shows, this is mainly:

  1. When purchasing a car, you did not fully read the instruction manual, or perhaps you ignored it altogether.
  2. In the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs, you have forgotten that the equipment that washes also needs to be cleaned.
  3. They did not buy detergents in time, and for some time the machine worked without them.

Next, we will take a closer look at the reasons mentioned above, as well as some others, and we will also try to figure out whether it is possible to cope with the problems on our own. The inside of a dishwasher looks something like this. Read your machine's instructions - details may vary.

Reason 1 – you haven’t cleaned your car for a long time

The dishwasher has become difficult to clean, and you need to figure out the reasons. Whatever model your car is, no matter how reliable it may seem to you, but, like any mechanism, it needs to be looked after. Your car needs regular preventative cleaning.

What exactly needs to be inspected periodically and cleaned if necessary:

  1. Filters need constant inspection, as they can become clogged with food debris.
  2. Check the coarse water filters from time to time, especially if the water flow is dirty.
  3. Inspect the nozzles; they can become clogged not only with food debris, but also with the formation of limescale.
  4. If your water is hard, then scale will soon appear on the heating elements.
  5. Also, similar deposits can form in the water tank.

Now let’s look at the above points in more detail:

  • In the lower compartment of each dishwasher there is a waste water drain, which is covered with a fine mesh (called a filter). You need to take it out, clean it, and rinse it at least once a week, but you can do it every day after use. It gets clogged very quickly with leftover food, napkins, labels, or anything else, and the drain becomes clogged. This operation is simple and does not require any special knowledge or skills; any housewife can handle this operation.
  • There is another filter that also needs to be checked, but much less frequently, maybe once a month. This is a coarse water filter, usually installed at the inlet, designed to retain large particles, which appear in pipes after various repairs. There are always enough of them in the pipes, and if this filter is not there, your machine may fail in the first days of operation. If this filter is not cleaned for a long time, then over time the water pressure will weaken and the quality of washing dishes will deteriorate.
  • The third position is the nozzles; food waste can also fall on them, but in addition, their narrow holes begin to become covered with limescale over time. The injectors may become clogged. Again, the pressure of the supplied water decreases, and dirt may not be completely washed off from the dishes. To clean the injectors, use special detergents and wash them carefully.
  • The same trouble awaits the heating elements and the tank; they also need inspection and cleaning. It is easier to remove limescale when there is still a little of it and it has not hardened; later it is much more difficult to do this.

Reason 2 – violation of operating rules

Even if your car is perfectly clean, malfunctions may still occur in its operation, what can provoke them? What mistakes do the owners of these devices make, what causes them to malfunction, and how this can be avoided. Three main mistakes that are made when operating dishwashers:

  1. The cookware is not installed correctly.
  2. There may be more dishes than the permissible limit.
  3. An inappropriate operating mode is activated.

The operating instructions for any model of machine must specify how to arrange the dishes correctly. Therefore, before turning on your unit, carefully read the user manual.

The basic rule for all dishwashers: plates and mugs are placed so that the water always drains. The plates are placed on edge, and the mugs are placed upside down. Also, a minimum gap must be maintained between them so that water from the nozzles can reach all objects.

If you have a lot of dirty dishes and you use both baskets, try to arrange the dishes so that the items on top do not block the rinsing of the bottom ones.

Dishes placed too tightly together won't wash, the plates will remain soapy, and you'll have to run the machine again or twice. And if you stacked the dishes this way to save time, water and electricity, then after the first time you will understand that you were mistaken, water does not wash away the soap. Another important requirement for successful dishwashing is the correctly selected mode. Soup plates are one thing, and pilaf or roast plates are a completely different matter. Greasy and dried dishes quick wash It may not wash off, and you will again waste both time and use up extra kilowatts.

Be sure to remove any leftover food from your plates so you don't have to clean the filters after every wash.

Reason 3 – using cheap detergents

After purchasing an expensive dishwasher, some owners of these units, in order to save money, take cheaper products. And as a result: the dishwasher begins to clean poorly, dried food will remain on the plates, the water pressure drops, there is no appropriate temperature, and the filters clog faster.
It would seem that there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just not the product recommended by the manufacturer, but the problems are way over your head. But you don’t need to worry too much, all this can be easily solved if you refill the dishwasher with the right chemicals.

If your region has hard water, then you definitely need salt to soften it; this is necessary for the stable operation of the ion exchanger.

In some cases, even when using the products recommended by the manufacturer, the dishes may not be washed properly, what is the reason? The reason is most often elementary - attempt to save money, incorrect dosage of the product. Therefore, if the dishwasher began to wash dishes poorly, after washing you notice stains on the plates - this means you need to change the dosage of the food served. detergent. But don’t overdo it - because if there is a lot of product, it may not be completely washed off with water from the surface of the dishes, and subsequently you will have food with a chemical taste.

How to use a dishwasher correctly, and what products are best to use - in the video.

A dishwasher helps in the kitchen by eliminating hours of scrubbing and making your dishes sparkle. Some housewives are lucky and their dishwasher works properly without any problems. Other owners of this equipment complain that the dishwasher does not wash dishes well. The reasons for the latter may be different, in this article we will look at them.

Causes of poor dishwashing

The cleanliness of washed dishes is influenced by several factors, which are described in the instructions for use. But some housewives do not consider it necessary to adhere to it. Of course, at first the equipment will work properly and show good results. However, over time, after such careless use, stains will begin to remain on the dishes, white coating or even leftover food.

So, the reasons for poor dishwasher performance may be the following:

  • lack of timely cleaning of equipment and its parts;
  • lack of special detergents when washing utensils in the machine or their small dosage;

Important! It is very important to use quality detergents, so be sure to check out our.

  • improper operation of equipment.

Delayed cleaning of the dishwasher

Any kitchen appliances requires constant care and mandatory cleaning after use. If this care is not carried out, the equipment will very quickly become unusable and cease to function.

The following parts of the dishwasher should be cleaned regularly:

  • bulk filter for coarse cleaning from large particles of impurities - once every six months;
  • filter at the bottom of the equipment from existing food residues - at least once a week;
  • water sprinklers against possible blockages;
  • anti-scale heating element;
  • internal casing from plaque.

Important! The holes in the rocker arms, heating elements and tank of the machine are cleaned at least once every six months by starting an empty machine using special detergents.

Errors during operation

When answering the question why a dishwasher does not wash dishes well, one cannot rule out typical mistakes housewives, which include:

  1. improper placement and placement of plates and cutlery in the basket;
  2. a large amount of loaded dishes;
  3. wrong mode selection.

The main focus of the dishwasher instructions is on the correct placement of dirty dishes. Therefore, it is very important to familiarize yourself with it before using the technology, and also read our following articles:

Important! The most important rule for washing pots and plates in the machine is to arrange the dishes so that the water flows downwards, that is, upside down. In addition, you should not place objects too close and overload the machine; you must leave enough clearance for water to enter.

Here's what else to pay attention to:

  • When placing dishes in the basket, make sure that the spray arms and detergent compartment are not blocked by kitchen utensils. A compartment with a tablet that does not open during the process causes dirty dishes.
  • An incorrectly selected washing mode will also not give you good result. For example, a dishwasher does not wash dishes with dried food in the quick wash mode. A description of all modes and their corresponding degrees of contamination are also set out in the instructions for using the equipment.

Quality of dishwasher detergents

Another reason for the poor quality of washing dishes and pots in the machine is the small dosage of detergents. Most often this happens due to a change or purchase of a non-original tablet or powder. IN in this case An effective cleaning agent is selected simply by trial and error.

If there was no change in products, and the dishwasher began to wash dishes poorly, then this could be the reason:

  • A small amount of rinse aid, the consequences of which are manifested in stains on kitchen utensils. To fix the problem, you need to slightly increase the supply of the product in the settings.
  • The presence of salt in the tank of the machine, which can leave white streaks on pots and plates. Check that the dishwasher's salt compartment lid is tightly closed.

Important! Remember that completely refusing to use salt is dangerous due to equipment failure. The presence of salt is necessary to soften hard water, which can clog the ion exchanger.

A dishwasher is a wonderful assistant in the kitchen; it saves you from hours of labor at the sink, delighting you with the shine of your dishes. For some, the dishwasher works great for years and does not cause problems, while others, after some time, begin to complain that the machine has become worse at washing dishes. What happens to the equipment, why the quality of washing decreases, how to eliminate the malfunction if it occurs. Let's try to deal with these problems.

Causes of poor dishwashing

The quality of washing dishes depends on many factors, which some of us for some reason simply neglect, saying that the dishwasher already washes everything well. However, at first the machine will actually show excellent result. But gradually, from time to time, you will notice food residues on the dishes, stains or a white coating. The reasons for this may be the following:

  • user errors when operating the machine;
  • untimely cleaning of the dishwasher and its parts;
  • refusal to use special detergents or their incorrect dosage.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons, and also figure out what to do to make the car wash better.

The dishwasher was not cleaned in time

A dishwasher, like any other kitchen appliance, requires constant care. And if this care is not carried out, then it will simply stop functioning. The dishwasher needs to be cleaned regularly:

  • filter for food debris;
  • coarse filling filter;
  • rocker arms (water sprinklers) from blockages
  • anti-scale heating element;
  • plaque tank.

The filter located at the bottom of the dishwasher, which is a fine mesh, must be washed at least once a week. It’s very easy to do, just don’t forget. The coarse flow filter, located at the entrance to the dishwasher, to which the inlet hose is screwed, also needs to be cleaned, although not as often. There may be large particles of impurities in the water, especially after cleaning the pipes in the house. If water flows through the filter mesh, then over time the particles will clog it, and the water supply pressure to the machine will be weaker. This will lead to the machine being less able to wash dishes.

Not only the filter, but also the nozzles (holes) in the rocker arms can become clogged with food debris. If the machine is not thoroughly cleaned in a timely manner, limescale may form inside the openings. All this will lead to a decrease in water supply pressure, and dishes may not be washed well. To clean the rocker arms, you need to run a dry wash (without dishes) with . Such a wash will also rid the heating element of scale, and the tank of the machine from plaque, grease and other contaminants.

For your information! You should wash your dishwasher with detergent at least once every six months, no matter how often you use the machine.

After each wash, you need to check if the tank of the machine is dirty, if there are any food residues under the door, this happens in some models of Bosch dishwashers. And be sure to wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Errors during operation

If the dishwasher does not clean well, then the reasons for this may be typical user errors, these include:

  • improper placement of dishes in baskets;
  • there are too many dishes loaded;
  • Wrong mode selected.

Placing dirty dishes in baskets is one of the instructions. Machine manufacturers such as Bosch, Siemens, Electrolux pay Special attention this issue. Therefore, before folding dishes, you need to read at least once how best to do it.

The most important rule is to place the dishes so that the water flows down and does not remain in the dish itself; there must be a gap between the items to ensure access to water.

Make sure that the dishes in the lower basket do not block the access of water to the items in the upper basket. Also, the dishes should not interfere with the free rotation of the spray arms and compartments with detergents. If the compartment with the tablet does not open during washing, the product will not get into the water, and the dishes will remain dirty. Loading dishes is directly related to their quantity. The more dishes, the more densely they are arranged, the more difficult it is for water to get into hard-to-reach areas of plates, cups and other items. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the dishes will have to be washed again.

Another common mistake made by users is that the selected mode does not match the degree of soiling of the dishes. Many people launch a quick wash in order to save time. However, in this mode, the water temperature, as a rule, does not exceed 45-50 0 C. If you wash plates with dried food, pots and other items in this mode, then most likely they will not be washed. The instructions also describe very well what dishes to wash and in what mode.

Important! Don’t forget to clean the dishes from food residues, this will improve the quality of washing and the filter will become less clogged.

Not using dishwashing detergent

The next group of reasons why a Bosch, Hansa or any other dishwasher has become worse at washing dishes is related to detergents. The most common occurrence is changing dishwashing detergents, such as powder or tablets, or counterfeiting them. But this problem can be easily resolved if you wash the dishes again with the detergent you used before, or change it to some other option until you find something acceptable and effective.

But if the detergent has not been changed, and the dishes become harder to clean, then the cause may be an incorrect dosage. We list the possible problems:

If you refuse to use special salt, over time you may also notice that the dishwasher becomes worse at cleaning. Salt is necessary to restore the ability of the ion exchanger to soften hard water. If the machine is operated for a long time without salt, and the water in the region is hard, then the ion exchanger becomes clogged and may generally fail. Therefore, you should not neglect this remedy.

Important! If the water is very hard, 3-in-1 complex tablets will not replace salt; it will still need to be poured into the machine.

So, if your machine of the Bosch, Electrolux, Candy brand, no matter what, has begun to wash dishes poorly, then pay attention, first of all, to the conditions of its operation and the rules prescribed in the instructions. Still, most often rules are written in order to be followed. We hope our article helped you figure out what to do with this problem.

If the BOSCH dishwasher does not wash the dishes, dirt remains on its surface, do not rush to contact a specialist. Perhaps the problem is due to improper use.

Before calling service center, check the following.

  • Is the mode set correctly? Perhaps the water temperature and washing intensity do not correspond to the contamination.
  • Are you overloading the car? If there are too many dishes, the quality of washing will be poor.
  • Do you leave food on dishes? Leftover food should be thrown away, as manufacturers warn.

Poor performance of a BOSCH dishwasher may also be caused by poor-quality solvent or dishwashing detergent. If you load too little or too much product, the equipment will not cope with the contamination or will not be able to wash away the remaining solution. It is important to use special composition. Regular dishwashing detergent will not work.

If everything is in order with the product, and you follow the operating instructions, the problem may be a malfunction of one of the components. It may break:

Errors in the BOSCH dishwasher control system are also possible.

What to do if the dishwasher won't clean?

First, make sure you follow the operating instructions. Perhaps this is precisely the problem: you put dishes with frozen food into the machine, overload the equipment, use the wrong mode or the wrong product. If you are a rules-based person, try to figure out what the problem is. In particular:

  • failure of the heating element leads to washing cold water. The water simply does not heat up and the machine cannot wash the dishes well. If the heating element is broken, the dishes will be cold;
  • Due to a broken pump, the washer does not start at all. Water does not circulate in the system, and the dishes remain dry and dirty;
  • a failure in the control unit leads to operational errors - the duration and intensity of washing do not correspond to the selected mode.

Having understood what exactly went wrong, you can more accurately describe the problem to the technician.

What repairs will be required if the dishwasher doesn't clean well?

The type of repair depends on the breakdown. So, it is possible to replace the sensor, circulation pump, heating elements, reflashing the control system, as well as other types of work. The exact cost and duration of repair of a BOSCH dishwasher can only be found out after diagnostics. It is carried out by a master who comes to the call.

Low prices

Service Price
When ordering repairs For free
In case of refusal of repair 1 standard hour
Full product diagnostics (functionality check) 2 standard hours
Major renovation
Replacing the recirculation pump 2.5 standard hours
Replacing the electric motor 1.5 standard hours
Replacing the electrical harness 2.2 standard hours
Replacement of housing elements 2 standard hours
Repair of medium complexity
Sealing or replacing pipes 1 standard hour
Replacing the drain pump 1.2 standard hours
Removing clogged drain pumps and hard-to-reach pipes 1.2 standard hours
Replacement solenoid valve 1.5 standard hours
Replacing the heating element 1.5 standard hours
Replacing the drying fan 1.9 standard hours
Replacing the level sensor 1.1 standard hours
Replacing the display unit, electronic module 1.7 standard hour
Repair electrical diagram 2 standard hours
Configuration (firmware) of the electronic unit 2 standard hours
Replacement of signal lamps of the dispenser, front panel 1 standard hour
Belt replacement 1.1 standard hours
Cleaning the dryer 1.5 standard hours
Replacing the drying heating element 1.5 standard hours
Replacement of thermostat, drying timer, door lock 1.5 standard hours
Removing Foreign Objects 1.6 standard hour
Minor repairs
Replacing the hook, hatch handle, hatch fastening, glass 0.8 standard hours
Replacing the door seal 1.6 standard hours
Opening the door 1 standard hour
Replacement of the power button, capacitor, surge protector, power cord, repair of the KSMA indicator 0.7 standard hours
Replacement drain hose 1.2 standard hours
Replacing the aquastop (hydrostop) 1.2 standard hours
Minor repairs (without disassembling the machine) 0.5 standard hours
Maintenance 1 standard hour
Repair of units, modules 50% of the price of new
Installation and dismantling of the built-in device 1 standard hour
Cleaning the system 1 standard hour
Markup coefficient
Embedding 1,8
Premium model 1,8
Urgent departure (within 15 minutes) 1,5
Cramped working conditions 1,5
Any repairs involving complete disassembly of the product 2,5
Basic values
Standard hour (rounded up to half an hour) 1000
Final provisions
● When repairing the control board, the technician takes the board, returns it after repair and installs it
● Spare parts and Consumables are paid separately
● Travel outside the city - 40 rubles/km
● The final repair price is determined by the repairman, based on the complexity of the breakdown and the amount of work performed

Why doesn't the dishwasher wash? Have you loaded the dishes, started the wash cycle, which ended successfully, but when you opened the door, you found the plates covered in dirty stains or completely unwashed? The dishwasher may not be picking up detergent or drawing water but not washing the appliances. Read the article on how to find and fix the problem.

First you need to understand how exactly the machine performs the cycle. Each sign may indicate a separate breakdown. Please note your dishwasher:

Why did the PMM begin to work poorly? The reasons may be varied, here are some of them:

  • errors during operation;
  • problems with water supply;
  • water does not circulate in the system at the proper level;
  • no detergent collection;
  • malfunction of the sprinkler (upper or lower).

Only a thorough inspection will help determine where the breakdown occurred. Let's look at everything in order.

Incorrect operation of the dishwasher

Each dishwasher (Ariston, Bosch, Kuppersberg) comes with instructions. The manufacturer really expects you to read it, because most problems arise when the basic rules for using the PMM are not followed.

The arrangement of dishes in baskets also matters. Here are the mistakes users make:

  1. Place large dishes and plates in the upper section, and small cups and glasses in the lower section. This blocks the access of water to the appliances.
  2. Place objects in the tray, near the sprinkler, which may block its operation.
  3. Place the plates so that they cover the detergent compartment.

Important . The drain must be cleaned 1-2 times a month, and chemical cleaning cycles must also be run every six months.

The reason that the equipment fills with water and does not work may be scale. This is not noticeable from the outside, but inside it settles on metal parts. It can clog the nozzles in the rocker arm, blocking the flow of water. Therefore it is important to use special salt. It reduces the level of water hardness, and therefore the amount of harmful impurities.

We fix problems in PMM with our own hands

There are also more serious problems that need repair.

No water intake

Why does the system heat water but not wash dishes? The control board “thinks” that there is water in the tank, since it receives such data from the pressure switch. As a result, the heating element turns on for heating, but without water it overheats and burns out. This means you need to check the level sensor.

Observe the dishwasher in action. If you see that the equipment is working, but do not hear the characteristic murmur when drawing water, then you need to check the inlet valve.

What to do:

  • stop the program;
  • check the shut-off valve;
  • check the valve.

It is usually located below the front panel. But different manufacturers may place the valve on the side or rear.

We will describe general sequence works:

  • turn off the water supply;
  • disconnect the inlet hose;
  • behind it there is a valve;
  • check electronic part parts with a multimeter, connect the probes to the contacts and look at the value;
  • if the valve is working, it will show from 500 to 1500 Ohms;

  • check the mechanical part by applying a voltage of 220 V; if the membrane opens, the part is in good condition;
  • to replace, disconnect the hose and wiring from the valve;
  • install a new element.

Also check the inlet hose and mesh filter. Cleaning is carried out under pressure from the tap.

Water does not circulate well, problems with detergent powder

If water is being drawn normally, but the equipment does not start washing or does not wash away dirt from the dishes, it means that the circulation system in the PMM is disrupted. Check:

  1. Injectors. Open the hopper and pull out the baskets. Remove the lower and upper spray arms. Clean the injectors with a toothpick and rinse under the tap.
  2. Circulation pump. The machine takes on water, but then stops. For diagnostics.

Important! The circulation unit (or motor) is an expensive part. Sometimes it is better to entrust the work to a master.

What do we have to do:

  • disconnect the PMM from the network and communications;
  • put it on free place and lay down an old blanket (towel);
  • turn the case over onto the back panel;
  • remove the bottom panel under the door;
  • Unscrew the screws around the perimeter and remove the tray (first disconnect float sensor, which is located on the pallet);
  • in the center you will find a circulation block;

  • inspect the pump, test the electronic part with a multimeter;
  • If there is a malfunction, the element will have to be completely replaced.

If you are convinced that the water washes the dishes normally, but there are stains and food residues on the surface, check the detergent dispenser. Unscrupulous manufacturers make cuvettes from cheap material.

When exposed to hot steam, the plastic expands. That's why the compartment jams. The tablet cannot dissolve properly. The solution is to replace the cuvette or adjust the compartment yourself.

Heating problems

Depending on the PMM device, failure can manifest itself in different ways. In more modern models There is a built-in temperature sensor that controls the heating temperature. If you set the program to 70 degrees, then when the temperature is reached, the sensor sends a signal to the module, which turns off the heating element.

If the heater burns out, the machine (Bosch, Siemens, Ariston and others) takes in water, starts heating and stops. Models without a sensor continue to work with cold water, so the devices are difficult to clean.

How to understand that washing is happening in cold water? Open the door after the cycle ends. The walls and dishes should be warm. You can also feel the pipe when draining for the first time.

Usually installed in cars flow heater, so if it breaks, you will have to replace the entire unit. The sequence of work is the same as when replacing the pump. Just first you need to unscrew the mounting screws inside the camera.

When the equipment does not turn on or start, the problem may be in the control module. This is the most serious damage that cannot be fixed on your own. An electronic board controls all processes in the dishwasher. You can check it, but it is better to leave the repair to a specialist.

We have listed possible reasons reducing the quality of dishwashing. If you notice something like this, start troubleshooting the problem. After all, why do you need a machine that does not perform its main function?
