According to feng shui mirror in the bedroom opposite the window. Rules for using a mirror in Feng Shui. Bad places for mirrors

Every home has such a piece of furniture as a mirror. However, not all owners know how to properly position this design. After all, it depends on how favorable the situation will be at home. Therefore, you should carefully consider whether you should hang a mirror in front of a door or window, or choose another place.

Masters of Chinese culture interpret their location of the mirror. In their opinion, an apartment or a house should be as comfortable as possible for living and staying. To achieve this, you need to learn the basic aspects of Feng Shui and follow them.

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the mirror is a special, magical object. It was a talisman against evil spirits, a symbol of mystery. In Russian villages, on Christmas Eve, girls guessed with the help of this attribute. However, it should be borne in mind that such a magical element can contribute not only to the development of positive energy, but also to an increase in negative actions in a person’s life. Therefore, Feng Shui masters are advised to carefully select a place for its placement.

According to Feng Shui, the mirror has a special energy. It is able to increase or visually reduce the reflected space. The streams of positive Qi rays that hit the surface can be reflected from a different angle. Therefore, the mirror can correct and change the visible situation.

According to Feng Shui, all positive energy enters the house through the doors. Therefore, use the area opposite the opening with caution. After all, if you hang a mirror there, then the energy can be reflected and disappear back into the door.

This attribute is a strong element of the interior. A feng shui mirror can change fate, correct a particular situation. Before proceeding to interior design, you should pay special attention to this product.

After all, the right location can not only improve the living space, but also change the fate of its inhabitants.

Unfavorable zones according to Feng Shui indoors

According to Feng Shui, a mirror should not reflect the doors of bathrooms and entrances. In this case, positive energy will not accumulate in the house. And this can negatively affect the health of residents, their relationships. In addition, such an arrangement can create unpleasant situations in the financial sphere of homeowners.

The level at which the Feng Shui mirror is hung has a great influence. Residents should be comfortable looking at the object and their reflection. When looking at an attribute, a person should not bend down, the posture must be kept straight. Therefore, the shape and size should be comfortable for the owner of the room.

Special attention should be paid to those construction works when they hang a mirror in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to reflect sleeping people. That is, you should not place this item opposite the bed in the bedroom. Modern designers often offer to make mirrored ceilings. However, such an interior will be contrary to Feng Shui.

Opposite the bed, you can place a small dressing table, which, if necessary, will be closed. Otherwise, this arrangement can bring negative energy into the room. This can be expressed in spoiled health, conflict situations in the family, disagreements, misunderstanding. There are separate areas in the bedroom where you can hang this attribute. Such places should not reflect sleeping people and be opposite the bed. It is necessary to take this fact into account when arranging the room.

In the children's room, as well as in the bedroom, you should carefully choose the location of the object. Feng Shui experts agree that it is recommended to reduce the number of products in this room. It is enough to hang one small attribute, in which there will be a reflection of the opposite wall.

Excessive accumulation of mirrors will interfere with the child's restful sleep, cause anxiety and irritation. In addition, the mirror reflection of headlights or glimpses can scare the little owner of the room.

A window, like doors, is a place where positive energy seeps in. And if you hang an attribute in front of the opening, then the Qi rays will not linger in the room for a long time. They will just reflect. At the same time, the shape and dimensions of the product do not play a big role. If a person wants to hang the product near the window, then it is better to choose side walls for this purpose. Such placement will not interfere with the circulation of positive energy inside the room and apartment.

There are many places in an apartment or house where the attribute will not only look beautiful, but also bring a lot of positive energy to the inhabitants. Feng Shui mirrors are able to multiply positive thoughts and events. Therefore, it is necessary that only favorable situations and objects are reflected in them.

It is believed that in the hallway you can hang this accessory. It visually increases the space of a cramped room. Due to the correct location, there is an increase in positive energy and hidden resources. However, in this room, it should be remembered that it is recommended to fix the attribute to the side walls, but not opposite.

Another favorable place to place a mirror object is the kitchen or dining room. In Feng Shui, the table is the personification of wealth, prosperity and good mood. Therefore, if you fix the product in front of it, then the well-being will increase, multiply. Thus, the yin-yang relationship will be calm and harmonious. However, it is not recommended to hang a mirror opposite the stove or work area. It can reduce vitality. As a result, the hostess will feel tired and tired.

The living room area has positive energy. In the room, the family gathers at a common table. People relax, meet guests. Therefore, in this area you can mount the product. It will increase the fun and positive mood of the people gathered. The shape of the attribute should be chosen in such a way that full-length people are reflected.

Features of placement and care

Although there are many inauspicious places to locate, feng shui mirrors are a symbol of increasing good energy. You need to take good care of your products. And then they will become a faithful assistant and constant companion in life. After all, a person sees his own reflection in the mirror. Therefore, taking care of the attribute, the owner takes care of himself and his house. Regular brushing and washing will promote prosperity and well-being in the family. Removing dirt from the surface helps to eliminate unpleasant situations in the apartment.

You can believe in various signs associated with accessories. So, it is believed that if you look into a broken product, then a person will have trouble. However, you should not panic. You don't have to look into the broken pieces. They can be washed under running water. Thus, all the information that has been collected over the years will be erased from the fragments. After this procedure, the particles must be packed in thick paper or cloth so that they can no longer reflect any events. It is recommended to do this event immediately after the breakdown.

The history of the invention of mirrors goes back into the mists of time. People have long attributed magical properties to their smooth reflective surface. Over time, a lot of signs have accumulated about where and why you can’t hang a mirror, because it can harm a person. And vice versa, there are some feng shui rules, following which you can place a mirror so that it will bring prosperity and health to all family members in the house.

So, let's find out how it can be placed so that it attracts positive energy into the house and brings prosperity to its owner.

The best places for mirrors

Following the rules of Feng Shui, mirrors can be hung in the following places:

  • Bedroom- not the best place to place a mirror. However, you can hang it in such a way that the reflection of sleeping people does not fall into it, because this can have a negative effect on their health. It is also impossible for the intimate moments of the life of a married couple to be reflected in the mirror, because this can affect personal relationships and lead to discord.

  • Hallway- one of the best places in the house where you definitely need to place a mirror. However, in interior design, it must be placed correctly. It is through the hallway that positive energy enters the house, and with it the well-being and well-being of the family. Therefore, the mirror must be hung in such a way that it visually enlarges the area of ​​​​the room, but at the same time it cannot be hung so that it reflects the front door. Otherwise, all the positive that enters the apartment from the outside will go into the mirror and completely dissolve in it or be reflected and leave the room.

  • Kitchen. In the dining room or in the kitchen, it is best to hang a mirror so that it reflects the dining table at which the whole family gathers. This simple rule will help to multiply the wealth of the owners of the house. But it is not recommended to hang a mirror in front of the stove in any case, because this way the hostess will be more tired during the cooking process.

  • Bathroom. Two small round mirrors should be hung on the front door to the bathroom - one outside and the other inside the bathroom. It is believed that such placement of mirrors can prevent the neutralization of positive Qi energy, which can run away with water into the toilet bowl and into the bath.
  • Living room. In the hall or living room, the mirror is best placed in such a way that it reflects beautiful decor elements - vases of flowers, beautiful figurines or family amulets. In this case, the power of the mirror will double the positive energy of beautiful things and bring prosperity to the house.

mirror shape

Feng Shui experts say that the shape of the mirror is absolutely irrelevant. That is, you can use round, oval, rectangular or square mirrors.

There are also mirrors in the form of a triangle or a drop. Depending on the style of the interior, they can also be used, but it is still better to choose mirrors with slightly rounded edges. If you bought a mirror, but its shape does not suit you, you can decorate the frame yourself using various materials.

At the same time, one should refrain from using angular, irregularly shaped mirrors with sharp corners in the form of spikes or a sharp break in the lines. It is believed that this shape of the mirror can bring into the room an atmosphere of irritation, anger and aggression.

The Bagua mirror, framed by a wide octagonal frame with applied esoteric trigrams, has an extremely strong positive energy. It is the Bagua mirror that can protect a person’s home from evil spirits and the influence of evil spirits.

Bagua mirror has a strong energy

However, such a mirror must be hung on the outside of the door in such a way that it does not reflect neighboring doors or windows. Therefore, the Bagua mirror can only be hung on the doors of a detached country house, but for city apartments located on a standard stairwell, it is categorically not suitable.

Each apartment or country house must have a large mirror in which all family members are reflected in full growth. This will help increase the health and well-being of each of them.

Rules for handling a mirror

Mirrors have an inexplicable mystical power - people have believed in this statement since ancient times. On this basis, many signs and superstitions arose. Consider the most common of them, as well as simple magic rules for handling mirrors.

  • Broken mirror. There is a belief that a broken mirror brings misfortune, illness, or can even lead to the death of a person. This belief arose because people considered the reflection in the mirror to be their double. And if the image of a double was broken, the person himself could suffer.

Folk signs warn: a broken mirror is not good!

However, do not despair if you break the mirror. It is necessary to carefully collect all the fragments, and then rinse them under running water. This will help wash away all information about the reflections in it, and there is nothing to fear in the future. Later, you can safely throw away the fragments, and forget about this unpleasant incident.

  • Dirty mirror. The surface of the mirrors needs constant and thorough care. In no case should it be allowed to become dirty, dust settling and streaks. On the contrary, the mirror should be washed or wiped with a special care product as often as possible. A clean mirror brings calm and soft energy into the house, but a dirty and untidy one can bring a lot of trouble.

Bad places for mirrors

Over the centuries of handling mirrors, people have found out which places in the room are absolutely not suitable for placing mirrors. Feng Shui rules largely support folk signs. So, mirrors are not recommended to be hung in such places:

  • Entrance door. It is undesirable to hang a mirror directly on the door leaf, and it is strongly not recommended to place it opposite the front door. It is believed that positive energy coming from outside is reflected from the surface of the mirror and immediately goes back, without lingering in the house.

  • Window- you can’t hang mirrors in front of the windows either, because the flow of energy gets a through direction and it leaves, leaving no positive in the house.
  • Marriage bed. In no case should a mirror be hung opposite the place of sleep and rest of a married couple. We already know that such an insignificant, at first glance, detail can lead to a breakdown in relationships in a couple, as well as cause serious health problems.

  • Desktop. The mirror is able to double everything that is reflected in it. Therefore, a mirror placed opposite the table in the office can increase the amount of work, and the person will be more tired.

  • Ugly items- any ugly, ugly or untidy things should also not be reflected in the mirror, as negative energy is doubled in this way.
  • Ceiling- there should also be no mirrors on the surface of the ceiling, no matter how fashionable and relevant it may seem. However, today the demand for mirrored ceilings has already decreased significantly, although earlier it seemed to be the pinnacle of design ideas.

  • Mirror- you can not hang one mirror opposite the other. There is an opinion that this is how a magical mirror corridor is formed, from which otherworldly entities and evil spirits can easily enter our world. Therefore, mirrors placed in this way will not bring anything good to family members.
  • Mosaic from pieces of a mirror or mirror tiles will also not bring anything good. A reflection, broken into many separate pieces, can not have the most favorable effect on the health of family members or all those who see themselves in a "fragmented" form.
Mirror mosaic - beautiful, but dangerous!

And in the end, I would like to add that signs come true only for those who sincerely believe in them. And those who do not pay attention to superstition can place mirrors at their own discretion, guided by their own taste preferences.

Among the decorative elements that are found in every home, the mirror is the most popular. The attribute is used not only to observe the appearance. Proper arrangement of this piece of furniture can change the proportions of the room, expand the space, increase the degree of illumination. But in the pursuit of style, few people think about the fact that an unsuccessful placement of a mirror can instantly destroy the pleasant atmosphere in the house, filling it with negative energy.

Modern designers use different objects to create coziness and comfort. Often their choice stops on mirrors. This attribute of the interior is placed on the walls, ceiling, doors for different purposes. Some people try to enlarge the space or eliminate the imperfections of the decor with the help of a mirror, while others want to let positive energy into the house. This magical item is used in divination, divination, and when removing spells.

The successful location of the mirror in the interior helps people:

  • attract money and increase your own well-being;
  • protect the home from negative external influences;
  • to know the future and communicate with the souls of the dead.

Improper placement becomes a common cause of sleep disturbance and loss of rest, the development of depression, and the deterioration of a person’s mental and physical health.

In this position, the magical object reflects positive energy coming from outside, preventing it from lingering in the surrounding space.

Feng Shui experts opinion

A reflective mirror surface does not always bring people good. If you hang a mirror in front of the window, then you can attract negative energy into the house. This opinion is shared by followers of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Through the window and door openings, the energy of the sun freely enters the dwelling, carrying heat and light. Her positive rays of Qi are scattered throughout the house, filling it with harmony. But the Feng Shui mirror in front of the window blocks the movement of positive flows. Reflected in its smooth surface, they do not linger in the surrounding space, but disappear to where they came from.

To prevent this from happening, the ancient Chinese teaching recommends placing a mirror in certain places. So, the location opposite the kitchen table can improve the financial situation.

Placing a mirror in the living room is for those who wish not only to create a friendly atmosphere in the house, but also to achieve mutual understanding between its inhabitants.

Modern interpretation of beliefs

Few people believe that the mirror in front of the window is able to let otherworldly power and negativity into the house. But by setting this attribute of the interior in this way, people give outsiders the opportunity to view their home. The reflected situation is able to attract the curious glances of those who want to profit from someone else's good. And the light of street lamps, reflected in the mirror surface, leads to sleep disturbance and the development of anxiety.

To follow modern interpretations of belief or not, everyone decides for himself. But sometimes it is worth listening to what our ancestors believed in.

What do the old signs say?

People have long been attracted by the mysterious power of the mirror surface. In folk Russian signs, this attribute of the interior personifies the line between two worlds - the visible and the invisible.

The magical power of the mirror is able to let both positive and negative energy into the surrounding space.

When the object is located opposite the window, the risk of attracting negativity into the home increases, which will disrupt harmony.

One mirror opposite the other creates a magical corridor through which evil spirits and other evil spirits can enter the house, deprive its inhabitants of protection and sleep.

To accumulate positive energy and attract other benefits, esotericists recommend following a number of rules for the location and maintenance of the mirror in the house:

  • You can not place this attribute of the interior opposite the front door and other openings, including window openings. Due to the reflective surface, positive flows coming from outside will not be able to linger in the dwelling, but will evaporate to where they came from.
  • The people believe that the magical power of the mirror surface is able to increase everything that is reflected in it. For this reason, it is impossible to achieve material well-being in the family if you hang a mirror in front of broken things, peeled wallpaper or cracks on the walls. Such an arrangement will only aggravate the situation, lead to financial difficulties.
  • Timely care of the mirror surface will also help protect the home and its inhabitants from the effects of negative energy. Avoid cracks, chips and scratches on the mirror. Remember that even the dull surface of this useful item in the interior, regardless of its location in the house, can lead to illness, scandals and conflicts.

Following popular beliefs, one should not forget that information about everything that surrounds it accumulates in the mirror. For this reason, the more positive this attribute of the interior sees, the more it scatters it into the surrounding space. Supporters of the teachings of Feng Shui and ancient signs agree that a mirror located opposite the window will reflect the positive energy entering the house, and with it good luck, wealth and happiness.

A Feng Shui mirror is an excellent item, very necessary from the point of view of this philosophy, and at the same time it requires great care when using - in order to avoid harm to the dwelling itself and to those who live in it.

Until the moment you are about to start a repair or rearrangement, think about what shape and size of mirror you want to buy, where to place them - this is important. The chosen location, shape, location in relation to the front door, bathroom, hallway affects the flow of Qi energy in the house.

The mirror is not just a reflector - it will visually expand the room, fill the room with light, work with Qi energy - attract new flows, and redistribute the existing ones.

But if you hang it unsuccessfully, then the mirror from a friend may well turn into an ill-wisher and ruin your life. To prevent this from happening, before decorating a house with them, it is necessary to study the positive and negative zones for its placement.

Bad Zones

Often, the layout of the space in the apartment from the moment of development is so poor that it is almost impossible to observe the laws of Feng Shui in it. Not to sell the apartment because of the irregular shape of the hallway, the unsuccessful bathroom, it is incorrect from the point of view of Feng Shui located door! The house has become yours, you bought it - now you need to take care of it properly. Mirrors will help diversify the interior and distribute the Qi energy as correctly as possible.

If a corridor leads from the hallway to each room, place several small mirrors in a checkerboard pattern on each wall, combining them with wall-mounted flower pots. Such an arrangement of mirrors will brighten up the negative effect of the corridor, help to distribute energy to the rooms from the corridors.

When the hallway is filled with cabinets - under no circumstances should a mirror be hung between the cabinets - this compresses the Qi energy and has a bad effect on you psychologically. It is better to let the mirror be on the closet door or near it (only the reflection of the front door was not visible in the mirror).

In the passage room, hang a mirror near each door - so that they do not reflect each other (bad Feng Shui, when the mirror "sees" the mirror).

Qi energy will flow in the corners in this way - delicately and efficiently distributed throughout the home.
You can not place mirrors against the window: opposite the window, the mirror will reflect positive energy, this is not good at all. The corridor that leads to the rooms should be reflected in a large full-length mirror - so the energy flows will freely flow through the apartment.

What is the best way to hang a mirror?

According to Feng Shui, a mirror should reflect nature (a beautiful landscape, a view of a forest or a lake, a winter garden, even a pot of begonias or an indoor fountain). It is acceptable that an expensive figurine, a beautiful vessel or other symbols of prosperity be visible in the mirror.

In the hallway, you need to hang a large, full-length mirror; in front of it, you can install the same signs of prosperity or images of nature.

It is better not to hang mirrors in the bedroom, but if it is necessary there, do not allow the mirror to be located opposite the sleeping place - people, especially sleeping ones, should not be reflected in it.

In the children's room, the mirror should reflect children's objects, for example, toys, books, a stroller, anything, so that all children's pleasures seem to "double". In addition, a mirror can also become a kind of subject of study, because kids love to make faces in front of it. However, be careful not to break the mirror.

A small round mirror can be placed on the toilet door. If the restroom is located in the hallway, then the positive Qi energy that entered the house through the entrance can disappear into the sewer, and the mirror will just return the Qi back and correctly distribute the flows.

In the kitchen, a mirror should be located at the table. This will improve the culinary abilities of the hostess, and increase the income in the family.

To heighten the effect, the mirror near the table can be tilted with its upper edge away from the wall.

In the bathroom, a square, rectangular or round mirror will not be superfluous, on the side of the entrance to the room. Visually, this technique expands the space, and at the same time does not allow Qi energy to flow away. If there is a restroom in the bathroom (in the case of a "combined" bathroom), the toilet bowl should not be reflected in the mirror.

Which mirror to choose?

Not only the location of mirrors in front of some objects and the inadmissibility of location in front of others is important for Feng Shui. In the case of a mirror, the shape is also important. It is important to avoid sharp corners - this rule applies, of course, to mirrors.

The best shape is circle, oval and rounded rectangle. To avoid negativity even from a properly placed mirror that you often look into, it should be a large and beautiful mirror - it should not cut off the figure.

An interior mirror is a mirror meant for decoration and should be small and delicate, as frilly as possible. From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is bad to sit for a long time opposite the dressing table, the mirrors of which reflect each other and opposite the window, which is reflected in the mirror.

Do not forget about the existence of the Bagua mirror - its round shape in a wide octagonal frame with special symbols of the elements will protect from evil spirits penetrating into a dwelling and into a person's soul.

Such a mirror should not be hung in the apartment - only on the front door from the outside! If you don’t want to make your door a place of pilgrimage for all neighbors who want to straighten their hair and look at themselves once again before going outside, you can place it on the outside of the inner double door: this way only the owners of the dwelling will see the mirror, and evil spirits will still remain on doorstep, unable to get into the house.

Mirror Care

If the mirror is cracked, otherwise damaged, or even broken into pieces, Feng Shui does not promise you many years of misfortune, do not be alarmed. Carefully collect the fragments and throw them in the trash in a separate bag. Mop the floors so that no one in the household is seriously injured. If the mirror is broken, then it is tired and retired. Buy a new one and don't worry about trifles.

Wash mirrors as often as possible. Mirrors remember what is reflected in them, and all the negative needs to be washed away. If this is not done, the mirror becomes a dangerous object. The accumulated negative force can break out through family scandals and all sorts of negativity. On the contrary, a clean and well-groomed mirror is a useful and convenient item that helps in Feng Shui and in everyday life.

If you believe the teachings of Feng Shui, a mirror is the most versatile tool for cleansing a room from negative energy. The Chinese also use it when it is necessary to change some aspect of life. However, in order for the talisman to work, it must be placed correctly and learn how to use it correctly.

The mirror is a very powerful tool that can work both for good and for harm. Today we will talk about these aspects of Feng Shui philosophy. We will tell you how to use the talisman mirror correctly in order to achieve the desired effect.

bagua mirror

The main purpose of this tool is to reflect and correct. Its shape is not so important, it does not play a special role. However, the Chinese themselves prefer an octagonal mirror - bagua. As a rule, a bagua mirror is placed in a special painted lining around which trigrams are depicted. It can be placed both inside and outside the building.

The Chinese use the talisman solely to protect their home from negative forms. It should be noted that the bagua mirror is credited with very powerful protective properties. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to direct it at the windows and houses of your neighbors, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to them. Before you venture to use a bagua mirror on the outside of your house, you need to make sure that it does not reflect your neighbors door or the windows of the opposite building. Otherwise, the mirror must be removed immediately.

It is impossible to bring positive energy into your life if it harms other people. You should always keep in mind a simple truth - we attract to ourselves exactly what we give, and in a multiplied form. If we give away goodness, it will definitely return to us, if we bring evil, life will put us in a situation where negative energy will go around like a boomerang.

Mirror Properties

Indoors, mirrors serve a variety of purposes. In the teachings of Feng Shui, they have the ability to reflect, attract and redistribute Qi energy. They are also able to correct the shape of the room, visually increasing the reflection of the non-existent bagua area and expanding the space.

The corrective properties of mirrors can be seen in the following example. The nature of Qi energy is such that it is attracted to water and moves after water. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep the doors of the bathroom and toilet open, otherwise all positive energy and luck literally go down the drain. There is no better tool here than a large door-sized mirror that hangs on both sides of the bathroom door.

In the first case, the mirror does not let the negative energy of the bath and toilet into our home, and in the second case, the mirror reflects the Qi energy, preventing it from leaving the house. However, in Russian conditions, there is often such a situation when the toilet is located directly opposite the front door or the door leading to another room.

Remember, the mirror opposite the front door, especially if it is large, is contraindicated! It will simply reflect the Qi energy back to the street. In this case, the best option would be a small mirror, hung on the outside and inside of the toilet door. Such a mirror should be at the level of the navel of the main member of your family. Feng Shui experts note the positive effect of this remedy.

The rule applies to all doors in the house. The mirror in front of the door will reflect all the good that will try to enter the room. This technique should only be used for defensive purposes. Visually, a mirror helps to increase the space surrounding a person. This optical feng shui technique can only be used if you sincerely believe in its action.

In no case do not use mirror tiles in your house - it symbolically cuts into pieces everything that is reflected in it, including people. Thus, a person and his environment are “destroyed”. The optimal size of the mirror should be such that all family members are reflected in it as a whole - from head to toe. It's even better if there's some room above your head for potential growth.

Rules for placing mirrors in different parts of the house

Never place a mirror in front of windows or doors, otherwise the beneficial energy of Qi will not linger in your house, as if by a draft it will be carried back to the street. And with it, the success and well-being of your family will fly away. It is not recommended to hang it in the bedroom. If it is simply vital for you, then try to do everything so that in no case does it reflect the bed and the people sleeping on it. The mirror in the bedroom draws a lot of energy and has a very negative effect on human health and relationships.

You can significantly improve the atmosphere in the house by correctly placing the mirror in the hallway. A small and cramped entrance hall instantly works to limit the family's resources. A person should not, opening the door, find himself in a nook where it is impossible to turn around. The hallway should be spacious and filled with light. In order to optically expand this space, the help of a mirror placed according to Feng Shui is needed. It is best to place the talisman on the side of the door - on the left side.

It is acceptable to use mirrors in the living room. If you are a happy owner of a beautiful landscape outside the window, hang a mirror on the wall that mates with the window so that it reflects the street at an angle. Do not hang a mirror in front of the stove. Otherwise, the hostess of the house will experience severe fatigue during cooking. The best option is to hang it opposite the table at which all family members gather. The mirror will double the amount of food and increase the wealth of your family.

We have already said that mirrors in the philosophy of Feng Shui are able to redistribute energy in space, directing its flow in the necessary direction. Example: your kitchen is located opposite the front door, and the corridor leading to the living rooms and living room goes to the right. With this arrangement of rooms, hang a large mirror on the left wall associated with the front door so that it reflects the corridor leading to the living room. In this way, you can redirect the flow of Qi energy towards living rooms.

Safety First

Each mirror is a carrier of the double of the person who is constantly reflected in it. In fact, the mirror in which we regularly look is our double, our second “I”. It involuntarily remains a part of our soul. For this reason, it is harmful to place this piece of furniture in the bedroom, especially opposite the bed. The soul of a person, as it were, leaves him along with strength and health.

A broken mirror also brings negative energy into the house, because with it the human soul shatters into fragments. However, here the trouble can be avoided. Feng Shui offers one sure way: carefully collect the fragments, rinse them thoroughly under running water and take them to the trash. Water washes away information about a person. Never try to fix a broken mirror or use a cracked mirror, throw it away without pity.

Mirrors should be wiped and washed regularly, as they collect heterogeneous information from the surrounding space, including negative information. Negative information becomes a kind of accumulator that causes a dull mood, scandals and quarrels. Even if your mirror is placed according to all the rules of Feng Shui, but there is a layer of dust on it, it becomes a source of trouble and poisons the lives of all family members.

We hope that with our help you were able to figure out how to properly handle mirrors in your home. The fewer around you, the better. Use this powerful tool only when you have no other way to solve a problem.

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