The first ten days of the month how many days. Is a decade ten days, ten years? The meaning and significance of this concept in the modern world

And for days. Each time period has its own designations. For example, a century, a day, a half year. Here we will look at such a concept as “decade”; it is not used as often as some other terms, but it is still necessary to know its meaning.

People who come across this definition for the first time often wonder: how many days is a decade of a month? In this article we will look at this topic in more detail.

Origin of the word

The term comes from the Greek words dekas, meaning "ten". Oddly enough, in many other languages, which are not related to Greek, there are words of the same root with the same meaning. There are certain assumptions on this score, the main one of which is that such a word as “ten” came to us from the time when the common Indo-European language was widespread.

Based on etymology, the words “decade” and “ten” mean counting, which is a multiple of gums - ten fingers. Previously, for some peoples, a week was equal to ten days, that is, a decade, while for others it was five days, as, for example, in Ancient Rus'. This unit of time was first used when using the French Republican calendar.

In ancient Japan, the division of the month into decades, which were then called the word “jun,” was widespread. This time measurement was introduced later in post-revolutionary France, with a period of ten days being the smallest indivisible unit of time.

From France this concept comes to colloquial many nations European countries and becomes a measure of time that divides the month into three parts.

What does the term "decade" mean?

A decade is a kind of group that contains ten units. This term is used mainly in relation to the month.

Based on the generally accepted definition, ten days of a month are units of time, each of which is equal to ten days. Currently, this definition is mainly used not in Everyday life, and, for example, in the economic field or in statistics. It should also be noted that it is also used in astrology.

Other designations

In addition, a decade sometimes means a specific event, for example, “a decade of English culture at a university” or “a decade of literature and art of the peoples of Russia.” IN in this case ten days of the month are certain events that last ten days, or otherwise a third of the month. Here this word is used in the context of a specific holiday or event public importance.

Based on the interpretation given in Ushakov’s dictionary, the ten days of the month are ten-day periods that replaced the week in the modern Soviet calendar. A period of time of ten days that is used in the training schedule. It is also a period used in the fields of statistics and economics. English word decade, for example, does not mean ten days, but a period of ten years. This designation is used in England itself and a number of other countries.

How many decades are there in a year and how many decades are there in a month?

A month has 30 (31) days and thus has three decades.

If we take into account that the ten days of a month are intervals equal to ten days, then in a year (365 days) there are 36.5 such decades, rounded - 36. In Ancient Rus', in order to remove five or six extra days, they used the Christmastide system Thus, there were exactly 36 decades in a year, each of which was equal to ten days.

Decades according to the dates of the calendar month

Accordingly, the first ten-day period lasts from the beginning of the month, that is, from the first to the tenth, the second ten-day of the month is the period from the 11th to the 20th, and the next one after it is from the 21st to the end of the month.

Decades in the form in which they should be exist only in a number of those months that have thirty days, namely April, June, September and November. In other months, the 3rd decade of the month is an interval that contains one extra day. The exception is the month of February, whose last ten days are less than ten days and are eight or nine days, depending on whether it is a leap year or not.

Zodiac decades

Like calendar month, which is divided into decades, each sign of the Zodiac to which a particular time period belongs is also divided into three parts, but this division should not be confused with that applicable to an ordinary month.

The division here is based not on a period of ten days, but on a period of ten degrees. The astrological decade, like the calendar one, most often contains ten days, but still its time boundaries can shift in one direction or another, that is, for example, be a couple of days more or less.

The astrological year, like the calendar year, is divided into 12 parts, only each of them in this case is not a month, but a specific sign of the Zodiac. It should be noted that the decades of the astrological month have great importance, because each of them is ruled by a specific planet, which, in turn, affects the zodiac sign.

Thus, one can trace some mystical meaning of the number ten (decade), because the number ten has been considered since ancient times as the Divine number.

And for days. Each time period has its own designations. For example, a century, a day, a half year. Here we will look at such a concept as “decade”; it is not used as often as some other terms, but it is still necessary to know its meaning.

People who come across this definition for the first time often wonder: how many days is a decade of a month? In this article we will look at this topic in more detail.

Origin of the word

The term comes from the Greek words dekas, meaning "ten". Oddly enough, in many other languages, which are not related to Greek, there are words of the same root with the same meaning. There are certain assumptions on this score, the main one of which is that such a word as “ten” came to us from the time when the common Indo-European language was widespread.

Based on etymology, the words “decade” and “ten” mean counting, which is a multiple of gums - ten fingers. Previously, for some peoples, a week was equal to ten days, that is, a decade, while for others it was five days, as, for example, in Ancient Rus'. This unit of time was first used when using the French Republican calendar.

In ancient Japan, the division of the month into decades, which were then called the word “jun,” was widespread. This time measurement was introduced later in post-revolutionary France, with a period of ten days being the smallest indivisible unit of time.

From France, this concept enters the spoken language of many peoples of European countries and becomes a measure of time, which divides the month into three parts.

What does the term "decade" mean?

A decade is a kind of group that contains ten units. This term is used mainly in relation to the month.

Based on the generally accepted definition, ten days of a month are units of time, each of which is equal to ten days. Currently, this definition is mainly used not in everyday life, but, for example, in the economic field or in statistics. It should also be noted that it is also used in astrology.

Other designations

In addition, a decade sometimes means a specific event, for example, “a decade of English culture at a university” or “a decade of literature and art of the peoples of Russia.” In this case, the ten days of the month are certain events that last ten days, or otherwise a third of the month. Here this word is used in the context of a specific holiday or event of social significance.

Based on the interpretation given in Ushakov’s dictionary, the ten days of the month are ten-day periods that replaced the week in the modern Soviet calendar. A period of time of ten days that is used in the training schedule. It is also a period used in the fields of statistics and economics. The English word decade, for example, does not mean ten days, but a period of ten years. This designation is used in England itself and a number of other countries.

How many decades are there in a year and how many decades are there in a month?

A month has 30 (31) days and thus has three decades.

If we take into account that the ten days of a month are intervals equal to ten days, then in a year (365 days) there are 36.5 such decades, rounded - 36. In Ancient Rus', in order to remove five or six extra days, they used the Christmastide system Thus, there were exactly 36 decades in a year, each of which was equal to ten days.

Decades according to the dates of the calendar month

Accordingly, the first ten-day period lasts from the beginning of the month, that is, from the first to the tenth, the second ten-day of the month is the period from the 11th to the 20th, and the next one after it is from the 21st to the end of the month.

Decades in the form in which they should be exist only in a number of those months that have thirty days, namely April, June, September and November. In other months, the 3rd decade of the month is an interval that contains one extra day. The exception is the month of February, whose last ten days are less than ten days and are eight or nine days, depending on whether or not.

Zodiac decades

Just as a calendar month is divided into decades, each sign of the Zodiac to which a particular time period belongs is also divided into three parts, but this division should not be confused with the one that applies to a regular month.

The division here is based not on a period of ten days, but on a period of ten degrees. The astrological decade, like the calendar one, most often contains ten days, but still its time boundaries can shift in one direction or another, that is, for example, be a couple of days more or less.

The astrological year, like the calendar year, is divided into 12 parts, only each of them in this case is not a month, but a specific sign of the Zodiac. It should be noted that the decades of the astrological month are of great importance, because each of them is ruled by a specific planet, which, in turn, affects the zodiac sign.

Thus, one can trace some mystical meaning of the number ten (decade), because the number ten has been considered since ancient times as the Divine number.

How many decades are there in a month?

    Approximately one month has three decades, since one decade has 10 days. Approximately because you know that not all months contain 30 days. For example, February has 2.8 decades, and most other months have 3.1 decades.

    Everything about autumn is simple. A decade is 10 days. If a month has 30 days, then it has 3 decades. The first decade is from the 1st to the 10th (starts from the 1st), then the second decade is from 11 to 20, and the third decade begins on the 21st day of the month and until the 30th day. An exception is the month of February, because it has 28 or 29 days.

    To answer the question, you need to know the meaning of the word decade.

    Decade is an ancient Greek word that has many meanings. One meaning is a group of ten units of something.

    Because each month has thirty days, then from the definition of a decade we find that there are three decades in one month. Each decade begins on the 1st, 11th and 21st.

    It’s somehow unfair that the months work out. Look, judging by the fact that there are 10 (ten) days in a decade, they are equally placed only in April, June, September and November, which have thirty days each and are proportionally divided by 10. In months: January, March, May, July (thanks to Caesar-), August (thanks to Augustus-), October and December due to 31 days, one day - the last one turns out neither here nor there, or according to the pattern we throw it into the third decade, violating the meaning of the word-). February is just a disaster. 28 or 29 days do not give a full third decade, it is somehow truncated

    It is officially recognized that, despite the difference in days, each month has three decades.

    There are 10 days in one decade, and 30 (31) days in a month, which means three decades in one month. The first ten-day period is from 1 to 10, the second is from 11 to 20, and the third is from 21 to 30 or 31. My mother made a report for each ten-day period of the month and she knows exactly when each begins.

    The ancient Greeks had not a seven-day week, but a ten-day week, which was called a decade. It follows from this that a month can only have three decades. And they begin on the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month, respectively.

    One month is three decades of ten and eleven days, depending on the number of days in the month. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate when each decade begins and ends. The first from 1-10, the second from 11-20, and the third from 21 to the end of the month.

    The word decade means ten. That is, a decade is a certain group that consists of ten units.

    In the most common sense, a decade is a time period that consists of ten days.

    Accordingly, in one month out of 30 days there will be three decades.

    The first ten days begins on the 1st day of the month; the second, accordingly, from the 11th day: well, and the third decade, quite naturally, will begin on the 21st day of the same month.

    In ancient times, in Japan, the month was divided into three decades (this period of a third of the month was called jun).

    This temporary dimension was then introduced in the rebellious French Republic, when everything in France was renamed.

    From there, the concept of a decade as a period lasting 10 days enters the colloquial language and becomes a measure of time, dividing the month into three parts, in many European countries.

    It is interesting that in England and in several other English-speaking countries, a decade is understood not as ten days, but as much as ten years.

    It seems to me that everyone knows that a decade is made up of ten days. This word comes from Greek language, where deca stands for ten. And each month has 30 days, so in total it fits exactly three decades.

    Months usually have three decades, since the word decade itself comes from ancient Greek language, means ten units of something, ten days. Thus, we find that every ten days in a month constitute a decade.

    Name decade derived from the Greek word soundboard, which means ten.

    The first ten-day period begins on the 1st day of each month and lasts ten days. From the 11th the second ten days began, also in ten days. The last, third decade of the month begins on the 21st.

    But the duration of the third ten-day period can be different, 8 or 9 days in February and 10 or 11 days in other months.

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What is a decade? Description and definition of the term

Decade- this is a period of time lasting ten days, a ten-day period, the third part of a month.

This term is inherently ambiguous. This unit of time, equal to 10 days, was adopted instead of the week in the French revolutionary calendar.

In ancient times, a decade was a group consisting of ten units (for example, when counting soldiers). This is what the Greeks called a period of time of 10 days, which corresponded to our week. A ten-day period of time in statistics and economics.

Let's take a closer look at what the term decade means.
A decade is a unit of reference in different dimensions.

Decade in statistics

For example ten days. Currently, decades are used mainly in economics and statistics. A decade is also understood as an event of social significance, the duration of which consists of the third part of a month, or ten days, for example, “a decade of English culture at the university.”

A decade is also a logarithmic interval that lies between two values ​​whose ratio is 10.

A decade also denotes a counter of 10 in digital electronics.

All system unit of private interval. The word ten itself does not apply, but in a broader sense, the word decade applies to many industries. In Russian, the word “decade” means “a ten-year period dedicated to something” and has been used at least since the seventies of the last century. The word itself is universal in application. It is important to understand the meaning, in which case it is better to use dictionaries.
A decade is a ten-day period of time dedicated to some special social event or phenomenon. We briefly examined the term decade and tried to reveal its features and essence.

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Origin and meaning

The word “decade” is very ancient and comes from a common word for all Indo-European languages root It is not difficult to guess that it contains the name of the numeral “ten”. In Greek, the number ten is deka. Latin- “decem”, which is very similar to its Russian equivalent. But what does the word “decade” mean today? A decade is a period of time equal to ten days or ten years. The first meaning of the word is the most common.

Modern use of the word "decade"

Although the term “decade” is rarely used today, any educated person still needs to know the spheres and areas of its application.

Most often, the term “decade” is used in economic sciences and statistics (for example, “the second ten days of September”, “ financial results third decade”, etc.). These disciplines operate with data that is relevant during certain periods of time, and therefore it is very convenient for statisticians and accountants to use in their work concepts that allow them to designate time periods more specifically and clearly, without being limited to the modern and most common units of time measurement, such as month and year. We are talking here about six months, quarters and, of course, decades. The latter is very convenient to designate a third of the month, because a decade is a period of ten days, with the help of which it is convenient to roughly divide the month into three parts.

IN public life a decade can denote any cultural or business event that lasts ten days and is dedicated to a specific social important event. Examples could be the “Decade of German Cinematography”, “Decade of Accounting in Yekaterinburg”, “Decade foreign literature in Moscow”, etc.

Decade is also a term found in physics and mathematics. It is used in topics related to logarithms (mathematics), the propagation of light, and the determination of frequency intervals (physics).

History of the use of the word "decade"

In ancient times, this concept was very popular. It was used in counting, mathematics, and also in trading operations. Moreover, a decade could denote both the number of people, objects or days.

The convenience of the decade was appreciated by the French, and during the era of the French Revolution, a calendar was introduced in which, instead of the traditional seven-day week, ten-day periods of time were used, which made it possible to divide the month into three equal parts (first, second, third decade). A similar system of decades in the calendar was also used in ancient times in Japan.

Symbolic meaning of the number 10

What were the reasons for choosing the decade as a unit of measurement? Why was it so popular in ancient times? The answer to these questions can be found in the information that the early Pythagorean mathematicians left behind. In their writings, they described the relationships between numbers and objects of the real world, physical phenomena, rhythms of nature and life processes. This esoteric knowledge has been preserved, and to some extent it can be found in mystical arithmetic, now called numerology, as well as in other sciences called occult.

Numerology and the Tarot divination system - the keys to understanding the meaning of the decade

Numerologists believe that the nine cardinal numbers (1 to 9) represent the nine stages of development that every person goes through in order to achieve growth and maturity. According to the Tarot system, the number ten is considered the transition between cycles. This is a situation that is in the process of ending. Ten means that one cycle has ended, and another phase of development has already begun.

Thus, the number 10 has a very important meaning. On the one hand, a person has come to a certain completion, results and stability, and on the other hand, he feels the need for change and strives to move to another, more high level.

So, the concept of a decade should not be overlooked, since a decade is not only a certain period of time equal to ten units, but also important evidence that cycles with a periodicity of ten days, ten years, etc. are important in a person’s life. Our ancestors knew about this cycle, and knowledge of its meaning will complement and expand the picture of each person’s perception of the world.

How many decades are there in a month?

    Approximately one month has three decades, since one decade has 10 days. Approximately because you know that not all months contain 30 days. For example, February has 2.8 decades, and most other months have 3.1 decades.

    Everything about autumn is simple. A decade is 10 days. If a month has 30 days, then it has 3 decades. The first decade is from the 1st to the 10th (starts from the 1st), then the second decade is from 11 to 20, and the third decade begins on the 21st day of the month and until the 30th day. An exception is the month of February, because it has 28 or 29 days.

    To answer the question, you need to know the meaning of the word decade.

    Decade is an ancient Greek word that has many meanings. One meaning is a group of ten units of something.

    Because each month has thirty days, then from the definition of a decade we find that there are three decades in one month. Each decade begins on the 1st, 11th and 21st.

    It’s somehow unfair that the months work out. Look, judging by the fact that there are 10 (ten) days in a decade, they are equally placed only in April, June, September and November, which have thirty days each and are proportionally divided by 10. In months: January, March, May, July (thanks to Caesar-), August (thanks to Augustus-), October and December due to 31 days, one day - the last one turns out neither here nor there, or according to the pattern we throw it into the third decade, violating the meaning of the word-). February is just a disaster. 28 or 29 days do not give a full third decade, it is somehow truncated

    It is officially recognized that, despite the difference in days, each month has three decades.

    There are 10 days in one decade, and 30 (31) days in a month, which means three decades in one month. The first ten-day period is from 1 to 10, the second is from 11 to 20, and the third is from 21 to 30 or 31. My mother made a report for each ten-day period of the month and she knows exactly when each begins.

    The ancient Greeks had not a seven-day week, but a ten-day week, which was called a decade. It follows from this that a month can only have three decades. And they begin on the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month, respectively.

    One month is three decades of ten and eleven days, depending on the number of days in the month. Thus, it is not difficult to calculate when each decade begins and ends. The first from 1-10, the second from 11-20, and the third from 21 to the end of the month.

    The word decade means ten. That is, a decade is a certain group that consists of ten units.

    In the most common sense, a decade is a time period that consists of ten days.

    Accordingly, in one month out of 30 days there will be three decades.

    The first ten days begins on the 1st day of the month; the second, accordingly, from the 11th day: well, and the third decade, quite naturally, will begin on the 21st day of the same month.

    In ancient times, in Japan, the month was divided into three decades (this period of a third of the month was called jun).

    This temporary dimension was then introduced in the rebellious French Republic, when everything in France was renamed.

    From there, the concept of a decade as a period lasting 10 days enters the colloquial language and becomes a measure of time, dividing the month into three parts, in many European countries.

    It is interesting that in England and in several other English-speaking countries, a decade is understood not as ten days, but as much as ten years.

    It seems to me that everyone knows that a decade is made up of ten days. This word comes from the Greek language, where deka means ten. And each month has 30 days, so in total it fits exactly three decades.

    Months usually have three decades, since the word decade itself comes from the ancient Greek language and means ten units of something, ten days. Thus, we find that every ten days in a month constitute a decade.

    The name comes from the Greek word soundboard, which means ten.

    The first ten-day period begins on the 1st day of each month and lasts ten days. From the 11th the second ten days began, also in ten days. The last, third decade of the month begins on the 21st.

    But the duration of the third ten-day period can be different, 8 or 9 days in February and 10 or 11 days in other months.



(Greek dekas, dekados - ten). This is what the Greeks called a period of time of 10 days, which corresponded to our week; They tried to introduce such decades in France after the 1st revolution, but unsuccessfully.

Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


Greek dekas, ados, ten. The ancient Greeks had a ten-day week. The French, during the revolution, also wanted to introduce decades, following the example of the ancients, but this innovation was soon destroyed.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(fr. decade ( gr. dekas (dekados) ten)

1) in ancient times - a group consisting of ten smb. units ( eg, when counting soldiers);

2) a unit of time equal to ten days, adopted instead of the week in the French Republican calendar,

3) a period of time lasting 10 days, ten days; third part of the month;

4) a ten-day period of time devoted to something, eg d. literature and art of the peoples of Russia.

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


decades, w. [ from Greek dekas – ten]. 1. In ancient times, a group consisting of ten smb. units. 2. A period of time lasting 10 days.

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


y, w.

1. A period of time of ten days, the third part of a month.

2. A period of time devoted to something. D. Russian ballet in France. Decade - related to a decade, decades.

Dictionary foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "DECADE" is in other dictionaries:

    - [de] ... Russian word stress

    decade- y, w. décade f. gr. decas ten. 1. A unit of time equal to 10 days, adopted instead of the week in the French revolutionary calendar. SIS 1985. French smart people: What do we need Sunday for? It reminds me of holy holidays! No,… … Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (from Greek δεκάς, gender δεκάδος ten): In ancient times, a group consisting of ten units (for example, when counting soldiers). A unit of time equal to ten days, adopted instead of a week in the French Republican calendar ... Wikipedia

    DECADE, decades, female (from Greek dekas ten). A ten-day period of time in statistics and economics. || A ten-day period that replaced the week in the modern Soviet calendar (modeled on the calendar in force during the Great... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Decade, ten; interval, ten days Dictionary of Russian synonyms. decade noun, number of synonyms: 4 decade (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    A period of time lasting 10 days. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from the Greek dekas, gen. dekados ten), 1) an off-system unit of the frequency interval, denoted by dec. Equal to the interval between two frequencies (f2 and f1), the decimal logarithm of the ratio of which is lg (f2/f1) = 1.2) A time interval of 10 days ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    DECADE, s, female. 1. A period of time of ten days, the third part of a month. 2. Such a period of time devoted to something. D. Georgian art in Moscow. | adj. decade, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from Greek dekas, gen. dekados ten), unit of frequency interval; equal to the interval between two frequencies (f1 and f2), the decimal logarithm of the ratio to рх log(f2/f1)=1, which corresponds to f2/f1=10. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. M.:... ... Physical encyclopedia

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