Original flowers for March 8th in pots. Official information. Caring for Kalanchoe

It is customary for us to give flowers for any occasion. And if official holidays - be it an anniversary, wedding or promotion - are not complete without cut flowers, then on more romantic ones - Valentine's Day, birthday and, of course, March 8 - potted flowers will be a wonderful gift. Such a gift can delight its owner for a long time. It will not only serve as a pleasant addition to the interior, but will also retain the most warm feelings donors who will not wither after the holiday is over.

It is worth noting that the fashion of giving flowers in pots came to us from the West and took root immediately. It is good practice, just like for cut flowers, to give potted plants with half-opened buds of delicate colors - for young girls and more intense colors, already fully opened - for adult women.

To give such a gift a special holiday spirit, it is beautifully wrapped in unusual paper, burlap, or pots of flowers are placed in wicker baskets, which emphasizes a special gloss and grace. Giving has become popular garden flowers, cultivated in unusual containers. Tulips, hyacinths and delicate crocuses grown in this way are very popular with many. And as you know, demand creates supply. It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the incredible diversity! To prevent this from happening, I have collected for you the 10 best holiday potted flowers for the March 8th holiday.

1. Crocuses

These spring flowers are among the first to bloom in the garden, but in a pot they are no less attractive and beautiful. On sale there are crocuses of various colors obtained by forcing. There is no woman who would not like the first harbingers of spring on her windowsill. There is no room where beautiful crocuses would not fit, especially if they grow in festive playful pots

2. Tulips

These flowers delight women for more than one generation, and if they are planted in a pot, then even after the holiday they will bring joy and aesthetic pleasure for a long time.

3. Hyacinths

Today hyacinth is the most popular plant from pots, obtained using distillation technology. It can be given to both a little daughter and her mother and grandmother. This flower will tell a woman about the romantic feelings and tenderness with which the gift was given.

4. Violets (Saintpaulia)

This cute plant is a fairly budget-friendly and completely unpretentious option. This gift is suitable for absolutely any woman - from the youngest girl to the sweetest grandmother. Saintpaulia is considered a “cozy” flower, so it lives in the home more often than in offices. Many people think that this is a fairly simple flower, but if you frame it in a suitable pot or package it in an unusual way, it can evoke the most intense emotions.

5. Cyclamens

Just by looking at these delicate light flowers, you can feel the approach of spring. Cyclamen are capable of creating not only home comfort, but also to decorate any, even the most ascetic office. Every woman will be pleased to receive an elegant pot of these spring flowers. Young girls should choose pastel shades, while older ladies should prefer a riot of colors.

6. Orchids

Such flowers are somewhat more expensive than those listed, but they have no equal in beauty and brightness. People love to give them for both offices and home. Orchids can lift your spirits and transform a room. There is no age limit for these colors, but they are still more often chosen for young women. And the choice of flowers of this species is huge: phalaenopsis orchids, cattleya orchids, coelogina orchids and many others.

7. Azaleas (rhododendrons)

In the last century, in the language of flowers, azalea was considered a sign of loneliness and sadness. Now fashion has changed, and the “language of flowers” ​​has become more multifaceted - now azalea means a secret hidden from others, sensuality and deep respect. It can be given to both a young lady and adult woman. Azalea will fit into both home and office workdays.

Anthurium represents the modern woman. This truly royal gift is suitable for both a lady of Balzac’s age and a young, confident woman. This plant will not only decorate your home, but will also fit perfectly into the interior of a modern office. Keep in mind that anthuriums should not be overwatered, but should be sprayed and maintained high humidity air.

9. Roses

Giving roses on holiday is a tradition. Abundant watering and direct sun will help the plant take root. They are suitable for both a young and an old man, a wife and mother, and even a sweet daughter. Roses, as an integral attribute of the holiday, “shout” about love and new impressions. The rose requires careful handling and has many varieties and varieties of indoor varieties. Roses are more suitable home furnishings than everyday office work.

Buy flowers in pots for March 8 - best gift

Many men want to give their loved ones and close women the best gift for March 8th. However, sometimes it is very difficult to choose something. After all, every woman is individual and special.
If you want to please your girlfriend on March 8th, then give her flowers. Flowers in pots for March 8th are the best gift. It is worth noting the fact that such a surprise is suitable for girls and women of any age. A beautiful indoor plant will delight absolutely everyone.
Indoor flower in a pot -a symbol of female beauty, sophistication, tenderness and grace. This is a universal gift that is suitable for both a work colleague and a mother or loved one. Therefore, you can without a doubt go to a flower shop on the eve of March 8 and choose a suitable house plant.
How to choose indoor plants for a gift
Before you buy a gift in the form of an indoor flower for March 8, try to study the taste preferences of the girl you will be giving such a surprise to. It is very important that she likes home flowers.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that some people have an allergic reaction to flowering indoor plants. Therefore, if you do not know the person very well, then it is better to give him a plant that does not bloom.

It is important to consider the dimensions house plant. If a girl lives in big apartment or home, then you can give her a large indoor plant in a pot. For example, a palm tree, a citrus tree, etc. If the place where the plant will grow is small, then it is better to buy a small flower in a pot. It will fit on any windowsill, shelf or table. Today you can find many types of very beautiful small indoor plants on sale.

Some give home flowers according to their zodiac sign. It is original and very practical. But to make the gift memorable for a long time, we recommend presenting it in an unusual way. You can come up with a special story or description for it. Also don’t forget about a beautiful pot.
When choosing a flower, do not forget to think about where it will stand. If you are going to give such a gift to a work colleague, then it is worth considering the fact that she may want to leave it in the office on her desk. This means that the plant must be shade-loving.

What houseplants to give to a woman
You can buy indoor plants on our website. Therefore, there should be no problems with the choice. To make it easier for you to make your choice, we will divide all houseplants into several categories.

Large indoor plants
As mentioned above, large plants for home use only for spacious rooms. In addition, they require special care. However, their beauty and effectiveness attract the eye.
Large indoor plants in pots include yucca, dieffenbachia, schefflera, fatsia, heptapleurum, abutilon, Japanese aucuba, araucaria, yucca, powerful, dracaena, zamioculcas, cordyline, citrus indoor plants, etc.

Each of the above plants has its own characteristics. Some are distinguished by their lush crown, some by their wonderful subtle aroma (especially citrus fruits), and some by the unusual color and shape of the leaves.
Spectacular decorative foliage indoor plants
Decorative deciduous plants for home-This is a wonderful gift for someone who likes unusual plants. They are able to decorate any interior thanks to their sophisticated appearance.
Indoor decorative foliage plants: aglaonema, calathea, clusia, ctenantha, sansevieria, strelitzia, etc.

Indoor decorative flowering plants
Often decorative flowering potted plants require special care. Without it, they will almost never bloom. However, we will recommend to you those flowers that are not picky in their care and will suit absolutely any woman.
Decorative flowering indoor plants: anthurium, cyclamen, spathiphyllum, begonia, azalea violet, roses in pots, etc.

Each of these plants blooms in a special way.Some produce 1-2 peduncles, and some bloom with a lush crown. Any such flower will not leave any representative of the fair sex indifferent.
It is worth noting the fact that flowering plants are always liked by romantic and feminine people. They are the best choice for a gift for March 8th. We recommend that you find a houseplant that blooms in March. It will look very impressive.

Houseplants blooming in March
Indoor flowers blooming in March are no worse than a lush bouquet. Their advantage is that they will please the eye for a long time. At proper care the plant will not only bloom, but actively grow for many years.
Flowers in pots blooming in March: orchids, violets, hippeastrums, hibiscus, gloxinia, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergera, crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, primroses, indoor roses etc.

Exotic indoor plants
If you want to please a girl who loves everything unusual, give her an exotic indoor flower. It will not only surprise with its beauty, but will also decorate any interior. You can’t even imagine how much such a plant can transform a room and its design.
Exotic plants in pots: pineapple, bonsai, sprekelia, lithops, Vanda orchid, cyclamen, aeschynanthus, cattleya, miltonia orchid, leptospermum, cambria, and others.

Unusual indoor plants
Unusual indoor flowers fill the house with colors and give good mood to its owner.
Unusual plants in pots: Venus flytrap, vriesia, variegated stapelia, small-leaved columnae, fluffy-flowered koleria, calathea, aloe vera lachenalia, naked hypocyrta, tiruccali spurge, blue tillandsia.

As you can see, there are many houseplants. They all have their own characteristics and differ in their appearance. Today it is very easy to find any indoor flower. The main thing is to make your choice in advance.

If you are still thinking about what to give for March 8th, choose a houseplant. This is an ideal gift for a friend, girlfriend, work colleague, mother, sister, grandmother or just an acquaintance.
Indoor plants in pots are a great gift that will delight its owner. long years. It is worth noting the fact that any flower fills the house with positive energy and brings peace. no benefit.

For every holiday, it is customary for us to present flowers as a gift or as an addition to it, and it doesn’t matter what kind of holiday it is, official or romantic. Cut bouquets of flowers are beautiful, but live flowers, grown and presented directly in pots, will be much more impressive. So what kind of flowers can you grow in pots by March 8th and give as a gift? Without a doubt, such a gift will please any housewife, because potted flowers will be an excellent addition to any interior in the house and will remain fresh after the end of the celebration and will delight you with their magnificent blooms for a long time.

The tradition of giving potted flowers came to us in Russia from the West and immediately took root, and this is natural. Giving cut, half-bloomed flowers has always been a good tradition; similarly, for potted flowers with buds of delicate shades, they are given to young girls; for older women, more is preferable bright colors and fully opened buds.

To give the gift a special holiday spirit, they are decorated accordingly, using burlap, special paper is placed flower pots in wicker baskets, which will undoubtedly give the flowers a more elegant look. Giving flowers for the garden grown in unusual containers is becoming increasingly popular. The most delicate crocuses, hyacinths and tulips are certainly to the liking of many, and many have a desire to grow flowers in pots by March 8th. However, at the initial stage, many may be confused by the fantastic variety of colors offered in stores. To prevent this from happening, we present a list of the ten best and most popular flowers grown in pots for the March 8 holiday.

What kind of potted flowers should I give for March 8th?

These flowers do not need any introduction; they are the undisputed leader among flowers that have delighted many generations of women. Planted in a pot, even after the March 8 holiday, they will delight your eyes with flowering for a long time.

Of course, they are one of the first flowers to bloom in the garden, but they are also beautiful and charming in pots. Today, crocuses of all kinds of colors are available in stores for sale, produced by forcing. Any woman will like these flowers by March 8th. In any home they will fit harmoniously into the interior, especially if they grow, they will be in unusual, cheerful holiday pots.


This is the most popular flower among potted crops obtained through forcing. The flower will undoubtedly tell about tender and romantic feelings; hyacinth is universal and can be given to both older women and young daughters.

Violets - Saintpaulia

The sweetest flower is absolutely unpretentious. Will a great gift for any woman from the elderly to the youngest. Violet is considered a flower for creating coziness in the home, so it is more often found at home than in an office setting. One might assume that this is a simple flower and unsuitable for gifting, but this is not at all true if you choose a suitable pot and package it in an original way the gift will be just what you need.


All it takes is one look at this light, delicate flower to immediately feel the imminent approach of spring. Cyclamen have been given the gift of decorating any home, and even business office. Absolutely every representative of the fairer sex will be very pleased to accept this spring Flower in a beautifully decorated pot. And as is customary for older women, the flowers are brighter, and for young girls the flowers are in soft bed colors.

These flowers have no equal in their brightness and beauty and their price is more expensive. Orchids have the ability to transform rooms and lift the mood - a delightful gift for both the home and office. Although there are no age restrictions, it is preferable to give to young women. From huge selection varieties, you can always choose an excellent gift for March 8th to suit every taste.

Video: Orchid - original gift for Women's Day.

The flower is the personification of a woman in the modern world. It can be given as a gift to both young and fairly self-confident women and older women. Great for placement in office and home interiors. It is worth knowing and remembering that the plant loves spraying and high humidity and does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil.

Azaleas - rhododendrons

In the old days, this flower was considered a sign of sadness and loneliness. However, time moves inexorably forward and everything changes, modern world its meaning has changed, now azalea is considered a flower that hides a secret, hidden from the outside world, sensuality and absolute respect. Suitable for March 8th as a gift for both a young lady and an older woman. The azalea flower is perfect for placement in the home and office.


It is traditional to give roses on any holiday. The flower is suitable as a gift for absolutely any woman, and is an indispensable attribute of any celebration, talking about love and fresh feelings and impressions. However, it is worth noting that the rose is demanding to handle, but direct sun and timely watering will help in maintaining the flower. As a gift you need to purchase varieties for indoor growing. Undoubtedly, a rose is best suited for placement at home rather than in the office.


It’s as if someone specially collected a riot of colors and feelings in this flower. The flower rightfully represents audacity and youth and will be an excellent gift for a charming young optimistic girl predisposed to adventurism. Before giving a flower on March 8, you just need to take care of the bright original packaging that matches the flower. The gerbera flower is perfect for any home and fits well into an office setting. The main success is to position the flower in such a way that the rays fall - direct sunlight.

Happy Holidays Dear women, Happy March 8th!

Absolutely all potted flowers for March 8 are excellent, are an excellent gift for the holiday, the recipients will be delighted if they know in advance about the taste and preferences of the woman being gifted. And even after the end of the holiday, potted flowers will bloom for a long time, and remind you of all the feelings and wishes desired when presented with them.

Do you have your own dacha, garden or vegetable garden? Please share this article with your gardening friends:

In Russia, it is customary to give flowers for any holiday. And if official holidays - be it an anniversary, a wedding or a promotion - are not complete without cut flowers, then on more romantic ones - Valentine's Day, birthday and, of course, March 8 - potted flowers will be a wonderful gift. Such a gift can please its owner for a long time. It will not only serve as a pleasant addition to the interior, but will also retain the warmest feelings of the giver, which will not wither after the holiday is over.

flowers in a pot as a gift
It is worth noting that the fashion of giving flowers in pots came to us from the West and took root immediately. It is considered good form, as well as for cut flowers, to give potted plants with half-opened buds of delicate colors - for young girls and more intense colors, already fully opened - for adult women.

To give such a gift a special holiday spirit, it is beautifully wrapped in unusual paper, burlap, or pots of flowers are placed in wicker baskets, which emphasizes a special gloss and grace. It has become popular to give garden flowers cultivated in unusual containers. Tulips, hyacinths and delicate crocuses grown in this way are very popular with many. And as you know, demand creates supply. It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the incredible diversity! To prevent this from happening, we have collected for you the 10 best holiday potted flowers for the March 8 holiday.

1. Crocuses

Crocuses are one of the first to bloom in the garden, but in a pot they are no less attractive and beautiful. On sale there are crocuses of various colors obtained by forcing. There is no woman who would not like the first harbingers of spring on her windowsill. There is no room where beautiful crocuses would not fit, especially if they grow in festive playful pots

2. Tulips

They delight women for more than one generation, and if they are planted in a pot, then even after the holiday they will bring joy and aesthetic pleasure for a long time.

3. Hyacinths

Today it is the most popular potted plant obtained using forcing technology. It can be given to both a little daughter and her mother and grandmother. This flower will tell a woman about the romantic feelings and tenderness with which the gift was given.

4. Violets (Saintpaulia)

It is considered a “cozy” flower, so it lives in homes more often than in offices. Many people think that this is a fairly simple flower, but if you frame it in a suitable pot or package it in an unusual way, it can evoke the most intense emotions.

5. Cyclamens

Just by looking at these delicate light flowers, you can feel the approach of spring. Cyclamen are able to create not only home comfort, but also decorate any, even the most ascetic office. Every woman will be pleased to receive an elegant pot of these spring flowers. Young girls should choose pastel shades, while older ladies should prefer a riot of colors.

6. Orchids

Such flowers are somewhat more expensive than those listed, but they have no equal in beauty and brightness. People love to give them for both offices and home. Orchids can lift your spirits and transform a room. There is no age limit for these colors, but they are still more often chosen for young women. And the choice of flowers of this species is huge: phalaenopsis orchids, coelogina orchids and many others.

7. Azaleas (rhododendrons)

In the last century, in the language of flowers, it was considered a sign of loneliness and sadness. Now fashion has changed, and the “language of flowers” ​​has become more multifaceted - now azalea means a secret hidden from others, sensuality and deep respect. It can be given to both a young lady and an adult woman. Azalea will fit into both home and office workdays.

8. Anthuriums

personifies the modern woman. This truly royal gift is suitable for both a lady of Balzac’s age and a young, confident woman. This plant will not only decorate your home, but will also fit perfectly into the interior of a modern office. Keep in mind that anthuriums cannot be flooded, but it is worth spraying and maintaining high humidity.

9. Roses

Giving on holiday is a tradition. Abundant watering and direct sun will help the plant take root. They are suitable for both a young and an old man, a wife and mother, and even a sweet daughter. Roses, as an integral attribute of the holiday, “shout” about love and new impressions. The rose requires careful handling and has many varieties and varieties of indoor varieties. Roses are more suitable for a home environment than a working office environment.

10. Gerberas

A riot of feelings and colors seem to be specially collected in one flower. The personification of youth and audacity, it is suitable for a charming young woman prone to adventurism and optimism. When you give, make sure the packaging is as bright as the flower itself. Gerberas will fit into any design from modern to classic with a bang. And the office will happily open its doors to them. The main thing is the presence of straight lines sun rays so that the gerbera enjoys the new day with its owner.

All flowers in pots are beautiful, choose according to your taste and the taste of the gift recipient, of course, if you know her preferences. And for sure the presented flowers will delight their owner for a long time.

In Russia, it is customary to give flowers for any holiday. And if official holidays - be it an anniversary, a wedding or a promotion - are not complete without cut flowers, then on more romantic ones - Valentine's Day, birthday and, of course, March 8 - potted flowers will be a wonderful gift. Such a gift can please its owner for a long time. It will not only serve as a pleasant addition to the interior, but will also retain the warmest feelings of the giver, which will not wither after the holiday is over.

Flowers in pots are a wonderful gift for romantic holidays

It is worth noting that the fashion of giving flowers in pots came to us from the West and took root immediately. It is considered good form, just as for cut flowers, to give potted plants with half-opened buds of delicate colors - for young girls, and more intense colors, already fully opened - for adult women.

Gift flowers in pots are usually beautifully packaged

To give such a gift a special holiday atmosphere, it is beautifully wrapped in unusual paper, burlap, or pots of flowers are placed in wicker baskets, which emphasizes a special gloss and grace.

It has become popular to give garden flowers cultivated in unusual containers. Tulips, hyacinths and delicate crocuses grown in this way are very popular with many. And, as you know, demand creates supply. It’s easy to become completely overwhelmed by the incredible diversity! To prevent this from happening, we have collected for you the 10 best holiday potted flowers for the March 8 holiday.

1. Crocuses

The harbingers of spring - crocuses are one of the first to bloom in the garden, but in a pot they are no less attractive and beautiful. On sale there are crocuses of various colors obtained by forcing. There is no woman who would not like the first harbingers of spring on her windowsill. There is no room where beautiful crocuses would not fit, especially if they grow in festive, playful pots.

White crocuses in a pot

2. Tulips

These flowers have long brought joy to more than one generation of women, and if they are planted in a pot, then even after the holiday they will bring joy and aesthetic pleasure for a long time. Tulips can easily be forced into pots, and therefore are one of the most common first spring flowers for gifts on March 8th.

Various tulips in pots

3. Hyacinths

We are used to seeing hyacinths blooming in the garden in early May. However, today hyacinth is the most popular potted plant obtained using forcing technology. It can be given to both a little daughter and her mother or grandmother. This flower will tell a woman about romantic feelings and the tenderness with which the gift was given.

Pink hyacinth in a beautiful holiday pot

4. Violets (Saintpaulia)

This cute plant is a fairly budget-friendly and completely unpretentious option. This gift is suitable for absolutely any woman - from the youngest girl to the sweetest grandmother. Saintpaulia is considered a “cozy” flower, so it lives in the home more often than in offices. Many people think that this is a fairly simple flower, but if you provide it with a suitable pot or package it in an unusual way, it can evoke the most intense emotions.

Violets on the window will add homeliness to any room

5. Cyclamens

Just by looking at these delicate light flowers, you can feel the approach of spring. Cyclamen are able to create not only home comfort, but also decorate any, even the most ascetic office. Every woman will be pleased to receive an elegant pot of these spring flowers. For young girls, you should choose pastel shades, and for older ladies, prefer a riot of colors.

The bright colors of cyclamens in a pot will bring a spring mood

6. Orchids

Such flowers are somewhat more expensive than those listed above, but they have no equal in beauty and brightness. People love to give them for both offices and home. Orchids can lift your spirits and transform a room. There is no age limit for these colors, but they are still more often chosen for young women. And the choice of flowers of this species is huge: phalaenopsis orchids, cattleya orchids, coelogina orchids and many others.

Orchid - an exquisite and sensual flower

7. Azaleas (rhododendrons)

In the last century, in the “language of flowers,” azalea was considered a sign of loneliness and sadness. Now fashion has changed, and the “language of flowers” ​​has become more multifaceted - now azalea means a secret hidden from others, sensuality and deep respect. It can be given to both a young lady and an adult woman. Azalea will fit into both home and office workdays.

Azalea no longer symbolizes loneliness

8. Anthuriums

Anthurium represents the modern woman. This truly royal gift is suitable for both a lady of Balzac’s age and a young, confident woman. This plant will not only decorate your home, but will also fit perfectly into the interior of a modern office. Keep in mind that anthuriums cannot be flooded, but it is worth spraying and maintaining high humidity.

Anthurium in gift wrapping

9. Roses

Giving roses on holiday is a tradition. Abundant watering and direct sun will help the plant take root. Roses are suitable for both a young and an old man, a wife and mother, and even a sweet daughter. These flowers, as an integral attribute of the holiday, “scream” about love and new impressions. The rose requires careful handling; it has many varieties and varieties of indoor varieties. Roses are more suitable for a home environment than a working office environment.

10. Gerberas

A riot of feelings and colors seem to be specially collected in this flower. Gerberas are the personification of youth and audacity; they are suitable for a charming young woman prone to adventurism and optimism. When you give, make sure the packaging is as bright as the flower itself. Gerberas will fit into any design with a bang, from modern to classic. And the office will happily open its doors to them. The main thing is the presence of direct sunlight so that the gerbera enjoys the new day together with its owner.

If you were given a gerbera as a gift, take the time to ask how to properly care for it. You may become a fan of this flower for its sunshine and wonderful variety. Here are our publications to help you:

  • Gerbera in your garden
  • Gerbera: cultivation, care, varieties and disease prevention

Gerberas - flowers for the young and energetic

All flowers in pots are beautiful, choose according to your taste and the taste of the gift recipient, of course, if you know her preferences. And for sure the presented flowers will delight their owner for a long time.

From the administration: We are hosting a home flower competition with excellent prizes from the Hoff online store.
Post photos of your home flowers and win prizes.
