Renewing old bedside tables and bookcases. How to update an old wardrobe with your own hands with photos. Soft ottomans for the hallway

Often people don’t even think about how many pieces of furniture are nearby that are amazing in beauty and execution. Dilapidated chairs, tables, chest of drawers, inherited or bought for pennies, old sofa or a chair never fits into the interior modern apartment, so they often become a burden and are sent to the country. At the same time, a relatively simple refurbishment of old furniture, which only takes a couple of weekends, will return the rarities to their former shine and beauty. If, of course, you know how to properly handle such items.

What can you do with old furniture?

Until recently, old furniture was of interest only to connoisseurs, collectors and professional restorers. Today, remodeling interior items has turned into a colossal business, the existence of which many are not even aware of. Therefore, before throwing away or sending old furniture to the stove at the dacha, you can try your hand at restoring and remaking old items, at the same time increasing their value by an average of 10 to 50 times.

It goes without saying that for high-quality rework and restoration requires considerable knowledge, work skills and special tools. However, even for a non-professional restorer, remaking furniture with your own hands is quite an affordable activity, but in a slightly shortened version:

  • If old design has retained the strength and main details of the cladding and load-bearing elements, the paintwork can be restored, reupholstered and reworked soft upholstery and replace wooden parts, hidden from view;
  • If the objects being restored are in terrible condition, missing covering elements, cladding, legs, drawer faces, tabletop surfaces can be restored and remade using modern materials. In this case, you will get antique furniture, with obvious signs of a remake, but retaining the features of old rarities;
  • Complete refurbishment of old items. From old tables, chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, only the frames and drawers are preserved; everything else must be radically remade into stylish and modern furniture.

Any work on restoration and alteration of old interior items requires a separate, dry and well-ventilated room where the wood can be varnished and dried without the risk of harming the health of household members.

Important! The most difficult stage is reupholstery upholstered furniture, upholstery of chairs, sofas, ottomans. It is best to entrust such work to an experienced craftsman.

The simplest option for remodeling furniture is known to almost everyone. This is re-gluing the surface of old cabinets, sideboards, furniture walls, kitchen furniture Soviet-made laminated films. The old varnished surface of furniture boards made of chipboard has long faded and lost its attractiveness, so remodeling with film will significantly refresh appearance. It is enough to buy a self-adhesive film “for water”, stock up stationery knife, a set of rulers, a spray bottle, a dry cloth and a place for cutting the film.

We remodel the cabinet in the following sequence:

  • We free furniture from drawers and accessories;
  • For each item, we cut out our own film pattern, with an allowance of at least 3-4 cm per side;
  • Wipe off old surface from dust, spray it from a spray bottle and carefully stick the film on;
  • Using a napkin, carefully squeeze out air bubbles, as when gluing wallpaper.

For the most persistent bubbles, the film can be pierced with a needle. After drying, we install handles, fittings and return the cabinets and doors to their place. This method of remodeling old furniture will take a maximum of one weekend day.

Options for remaking old furniture

It's easiest to work with the old one lacquered furniture, remodel and restore the chest of drawers, coffee table or old chairs is much simpler and more affordable than you might imagine. To work with old paint and varnish coatings, you only need to remove the old varnish, polishing paper, high-quality varnish or paint, and sometimes repair compounds for veneer surfaces. It is worth making a reservation - only furniture made from solid wood or prefabricated structures lined with natural sawn veneer are subject to radical alteration. Any furniture options from Chipboard restoration are not subject to, the maximum that can be done is to cover it with film.

We restore old wooden furniture, chairs, cabinets, tabletops

First of all, it is necessary to disassemble the piece of furniture as carefully as possible and remove any contaminating paint or varnish residues.

The easiest way to remove old varnish is in three ways:

  • Chemical remover, most often a mixture of acetone, alcohol and 647 solvent;
  • Clean with sandpaper;
  • Heat with a hairdryer and gently scrape off sharp knife, then sand it by hand with sandpaper.

For your information! As a rule, old furniture is subject to repeated painting over a long life, so the most difficult thing in such a remodel is to carefully remove the old paint and varnish.

If you do everything carefully, then even a child will be able to do the further part of the remodeling. Will need to cover wooden surface varnish, preferably under mahogany or ebony.

When restoring countertops, the most common defect is a chip on the edge of the polished surface. In the old days, the defect was filled with acrylic paste and painted alkyd enamel. It is clear that such a rework is tantamount to destroying the table, so old polish It’s easier to restore with a special tool.

Often, during a remodel, it is necessary to replace some of the old rotted, cracked or lost pieces of furniture with new parts. For example, you can make new drawers for an old chest of drawers or cabinet.

To make the parts look old, you have to use an awl to apply marks of the bark beetle in dots, and use a bronze brush to imitate marks and abrasions.

After remodeling, the wood of the box is bleached and painted to match the old furniture.

Advice! If you do not have the opportunity to select during the rework the right coverage, then it’s better not to paint old furniture, but leave the natural, cleaned wood texture.

Sometimes during the rework you should not strive for complete authenticity of the restored copy; this can be done by professionals. If the old furniture is in extremely poor condition, then instead of an unsuccessful alteration, it is better to make an adapted version of the new furniture from it. For example, very good idea is to repurpose an old chest of drawers into a new sofa.

To do this, cut off the upper part that has become unusable - the lid and the front part, leaving only the frame with legs. After installing the stand and stowing soft pillows It turns out to be a very nice sofa.

The most successful examples of remaking old things

Not everyone can handle the labor-intensive cleaning, varnishing and polishing of wooden furniture. There are two ways to simplify the remodeling process - choose an unusual style for the new coating or refuse to use paint and varnish materials at all. Restorers, who are rightfully considered to be the trendsetters of style and rules in matters of furniture refurbishment, consider the worst solution to be conventional painting with paints, no matter what, acrylic or expensive powder compositions.

For example, old wooden furniture - a cabinet or chair, which has the style and beauty of varnished wood, after painting turns into dull monochrome trash.

The exception is black and white varnishes. If you like painted furniture, use glossy, non-bleeding white or black paints. This remodel will give style and a spectacular look to old furniture.

Sometimes several colors are needed to enliven the space of a room and interior, in this case good decision There will be painting, application of thematic drawings to the tabletop or front part. This will not only not spoil the item, but will also make it original. True, its price, as a rarity, will decrease several times.

The option of remaking an old bedside table by covering it with newspapers and varnishing can be called ingenious.

Such a product can be safely put up for auction of old items - demand and positive responses are guaranteed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning a very special category of old furniture - designer chairs with elements of carving and edges. If you still have similar items, know that they are worth reworking and being restored by the hands of a master. Firstly, walnut chairs are very beautiful in any setting and are highly prized. Secondly, any designer furniture from a famous master from the beginning of the last century can cost very good money.

Often, owners, starting with the remodeling and restoration of one chair or table, assemble entire sets of restored furniture. Interestingly, the results of a relatively simple alteration will only increase in price and value every year.

It is clear that it is not only old wooden objects that can be restored and remade. Ordinary office chair after reupholstery, it can also become part of the antique decor.


Restoring old furniture does not require special equipment or technology. This is the case when the main decoration of a table or an old chest of drawers is not the ideal shape or color, but the visible labor invested by people in the manufacture and restoration of the item. If you are lucky and the furniture has been preserved with minimal damage, then it is best to leave as many of the original parts, paintwork, and fittings as possible. The furniture will only benefit from such a remodel.

The apartment has a Soviet-era wall made of high quality natural wood. But over time, the facades became warped, the fittings failed, and the appearance became unpresentable. It’s a shame to throw away this piece of furniture, so many people have a question about how to update an old furniture wall with their own hands and they study photos before and after restoration.

Before starting any work, you need to prepare everything you need - buy material, tools. The list consists of the following:

  • Furniture fittings;
  • Putty material for wood;
  • Facades, if necessary;
  • Paint or stain (preferably spray);
  • Construction knife;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Iron;
  • Self-adhesive furniture film;
  • Wax for furniture of different consistency;
  • Candle;
  • Spatulas;
  • Rags, clamp;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wood varnish;
  • Felt pen;
  • Edge for processing ends.

This is not the entire list of materials and tools, since you can update old furniture in several ways, each option has its own specific set of necessary tools.

Types of update

If you don’t know how to update an old furniture wall with your own hands, before and after photos can be found on the Internet. In addition, we present several methods that can be used to give a second life to any furniture.

Restoration of an old wall

If old furniture is dear to you as a memory, but its appearance has been greatly damaged by time - chips, creases, deep cracks have formed on the surface - it can be restored. After spending a minimum of time, you will receive an updated piece of furniture. For repair work use a standard set of materials and tools. For quality repairs it is enough to do the following:

  • The working surface must be cleaned and washed with a solution of water and soap, and dried well - this will help increase the adhesion of the material to the wall facade;
  • To rid the plane of deep scratches, they are filled with melted wax. After the fill has hardened, you need to take a felt-tip pen to match the wood, apply strokes to the wax that will imitate the structure of the wall material. This is not difficult to do; just continue an existing drawing. After this, take a clean rag and carefully rub it over the frozen wax, slightly smearing the lines. As soon as the desired result is achieved, the plane is coated with furniture varnish;
  • If severe abrasions are visible on the facade, they are painted over with varnish of the desired shade from a spray can;
  • If there are cracks and delaminated areas on the facade, you can update the old wall using basic means - PVA glue, a medical syringe and a fixative. You need to fill the syringe with glue and inject it into the crack. required quantity composition. Then press the split and remove excess glue. Using a clamp, press the area and leave to dry for 24 hours;
  • Are there many chips on the façade? The same melted wax will help you deal with them. First, you need to use a spatula to trim the edges of the chip and fill it with wax. Once the wax has dried, buff the area well with a clean, dry rag. Then perform the same steps as when filling scratches and apply varnish.

After this treatment, the wall will not change its design, but its appearance will become much more attractive.

We remove dirt and dust from coatings

Treating cracks with wax

Repairing chips with glue

Painting over abrasions

Transforming a wall with furniture varnish

If the interior of your apartment has changed, and simple restoration you are not satisfied, then you can radically change the old furniture with your own hands. There are several ways to update furniture, the choice of which will depend on artistic skills, preferences and the amount of free time.

The most in a simple way is varnish coating. The process is not complicated, provided that the procedure and restoration technology are followed.

The tool set is standard, but for good result you need to follow the following algorithm:

  • Take a photo of the wall before starting work. This will help you assemble it later after the update without confusion;
  • Disassemble the structure. It is necessary to remove the fittings and doors;
  • Wash the wall and all components with soapy water;
  • Remove dust and soot deposits in the corners using a toothbrush or toothpicks. This stage should not be ignored, since the quality of the final result depends on preparation;
  • Inspect the condition of the facades. If the surface is not badly damaged, then it will be enough to simply coat it with varnish;
  • If the facades are in poor condition, there are a lot of chips and deep scratches on them - the old coating is removed without leaving a trace. To make the work go faster, you can use special compounds that help remove varnish, or use a regular spatula;
  • As soon as all the exfoliated areas are removed, the old varnish is removed, you can begin restoration with wax - how to do it is described above;
  • Using fine-grain sandpaper, sand the surface and remove dust;
  • Cover the wall façade and all components with 3-4 thin layers of furniture varnish. It is worth remembering that when applying a thick layer, drips may form that will spoil the appearance of the wall;
  • Once dry varnish coating, the wall should be assembled and the fittings replaced with new elements.

By updating old furniture in this way, you can add a few more years of life to the wall in your interior.

Removing dust and dirt

We remove cracks

Removing old varnish

Varnish in several layers

Installing new handles

Application of self-adhesive wallpaper

Today there are a lot of materials that can be used for restoration. Updating old furniture self-adhesive wallpaper- one of the most simple options. This material is easy to work with and inexpensive. In addition, the range is so wide that you can choose material to suit every taste. The film is waterproof, so it can protect the wall from environmental influences. The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  • Make preparations as in the previous method - remove the fittings and disassemble the structure;
  • Clean the facades, wash them, and after drying, treat the surface with white spirit to degrease;
  • While the facades are drying, we cut out the material. Sheets of film should be 10 mm larger than the original size on each side. This is necessary in order to eliminate gaps in the finishing;
  • The surface on which you plan to stick the material must be moistened. Apply the film to the top edge and carefully peel off a small strip of the protective layer. The film is pasted gradually, slowly moving down;
  • After gluing, you need to level the material with a soft rag, moving from the center to the edges;
  • As soon as the entire wall is covered, you need to heat the iron and iron the plane through the fabric - this will help the film adhere tightly to the surface;
  • Replace the doors and fittings and apply edge tape.

It is not necessary to use wood-look film; you can choose any color. And literate design combination different shades will help you turn an old wall into a real masterpiece.

We disassemble furniture

Cleaning the surface

We moisturize the coatings

We glue the film

Putting it back together

Restoration using staining

Repainting an old wall will change its appearance beyond recognition, while the main outlines will remain unchanged. You don't need any artistic skills or special tools. The work is not difficult to complete, just follow the basic rules:

  • The wall is completely disassembled and the fittings are removed - this makes the restoration process much easier;
  • The old coating must be completely removed, obvious flaws must be repaired with wax;
  • Sand the surface after it has dried with sandpaper or a soft rag;
  • Painting is carried out in several layers, and care must be taken to ensure that no sagging or smudges appear. As soon as the painting is completed, we leave the structure to dry, after which the wall should be assembled.

If a sagging has formed during the work, which was discovered after drying, it should be cleaned with sandpaper and additionally coated with paint. For a complete understanding of the painting system, watch a master class for beginners on updating furniture with your own hands.

Work technology

Carrying out work for any type of restoration has one thing in common: technological sequence– preparation and actual updating.

Preparatory work

Before you decide to remake old Soviet-era furniture, you need to understand that such a process is only justified if it is made of wood. It is not advisable to renew old furniture made of chipboard, since the service life of these structures is not long, and perhaps the wall is no longer suitable for restoration. So, there are preparatory activities that must be carried out before any restoration:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and dirt, while dismantling all decor and fittings;
  2. The old layer of paintwork must be removed. This can be done with coarse sandpaper or a sanding machine. A solvent solution can also be applied;
  3. Grout deep cracks with a special material;
  4. Fill chips and dents with wax and sand;
  5. Prime the surface with a wood compound. It is advisable to use acrylic compounds that fill all microscopic cracks.

The preparation stage is very important, since the final result depends on the quality of surface cleaning.

Removing dust and dirt

Remove old paint or varnish

We erase the deformations

Prime the surface

Update instructions

Before you restore old furniture, you need to decide on the design you want to get. Let's consider the most popular updating method at the moment - decoupage. The preparatory work has been carried out successfully, and restoration can begin. The algorithm for performing the work is simple and will not cause difficulties even for a beginner:

  • Cut out the desired design, or take special napkins for decoupage. If you are doing the work for the first time, take pictures of medium size relative to the surface on which they will be applied;
  • Apply PVA glue to the surface, you can use a blending composition. Do not coat the entire wall at once, as the glue may dry out while you are covering one area, so you need to work in stages;
  • When gluing a pattern, you must strictly ensure that the edges adhere to the surface. Drawings can be pasted overlapping each other, so the decor will be voluminous and original;
  • If you need to paste over a corner, the material just neatly bends around the corner, there is no need to cut anything. Smooth the picture with your fingers or a rubber spatula to remove air bubbles and leave to dry;
  • The next stage is varnishing. Apply a thin layer of clear furniture varnish with a brush or lint-free roller and let it dry. We repeat the process 3-5 times;
  • After last layer Once the varnish has dried, you need to rub the surface until it shines; this can be done with a soft cloth. Polishing should be done in a circular motion without pressing.

In the before and after photos you can see how to update an old furniture wall with your own hands. If you follow the instructions and apply designer methods of decorating furniture, you can get a great result that will be the pride of the apartment owners.

There comes a time when the furniture no longer harmonizes with the design of the room. The closet becomes a tasteless box and gets in your way. Bored furniture can be replaced or given a new style.

There are several simple techniques that allow you to update old wardrobe with your own hands. We will tell you how to repair vintage furniture or create it original item interior

Pasting with film or stickers

To make an outdated wardrobe fit into the updated design of the room, add ornate patterns of flowers. An unusual geometric pattern created using self-adhesive film will breathe life into old-fashioned furniture new life.

They are:

  • standard: matte or glossy surface with a variety of patterns and colors;
  • furniture for the facade, with a touch of wood or metal.

Step-by-step instruction working with self-adhesive film:

  1. Prepare the facade: clean from dust and stains with water and chemicals.
  2. Level the surface with plaster and primer.
  3. Mark the self-adhesive film from the inside out in advance, remembering to take allowances into account.
  4. Remove the protective layer from the inside by 2-4 centimeters.
  5. Stick with sticky surface to cabinet
  6. Using a rag and putty knife, smooth out the sticker.
  7. Carefully remove the protective paper.

Beautiful pictures will create a positive atmosphere in the room

Watch for bubbles to appear. To avoid their occurrence, attach the sticker carefully, straightening the film.

On a note. If the bubbles that appear do not smooth out, pierce them with a needle.

Photo printing and photo wallpaper

The equipment is suitable for restoring a kitchen cabinet or buffet. Photo wallpaper can be purchased at the construction department or contact a printing house.

Printing centers will help:

  • enlarge the image without losing the quality of the picture;
  • make a collage of several photos or pictures;
  • apply an image to a film for gluing to a specific type of surface.


Changing the color of the facades can decorate boring furniture. Instructions for tinting a wardrobe:

  1. Clean the surface from dust with a dry cloth.
  2. Also treat the inner walls with an antiseptic (vinegar will do). It will get rid of the musty smell.
  3. Use wood putty to remove defects. The color must match the details.
  4. After the composition has dried, sand the treated areas with sandpaper.
  5. Coat the cabinet with a texturizing wood stain. It should be darker than the color of the furniture.

The tinting technique is suitable for decorating a cabinet in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway.

Please note that this method is only suitable for surfaces made of natural wood.

Slate surface of doors

This type of decoration is becoming increasingly popular. Doors from slate board, on which you can write or draw.

Before and After - transforming an ancient chest of drawers

There are 3 ways:

  • Gluing slate film to a door or facade.
  • Buying a finished board.
  • Coating the door or inner wall with special paint.

Painting technique:

  1. Sand out any rough edges and scratches.
  2. Apply two coats of primer.
  3. Use a roller to apply chalkboard or chalk paint to the surface.
  4. After drying, apply a second coat.

Your cupboard or buffet will shine in a new way.

Mosaic decoration

Decorating with various small parts. Finishing base:

  • pieces of multi-colored glass;
  • ceramics;
  • shells;
  • beads;
  • sea ​​pebbles;
  • artificial flowers.

You can attach the elements to the cabinet with colorless rubber-based glue.

Expert opinion

Victoria Chernikova


Before starting work, draw a sketch of the future composition. Place elements on a flat surface for visual representation. This way the drawing will turn out neat.

Mosaic decor will add brightness and elegance to the interior. This design is suitable for any cabinet if the style of the furniture matches the design of the room.


Cabinets painted with a dry brush will look elegant, leaving behind only part of the paint, creating the effect of time (only for wooden furniture).

Artificial aging method:

  • Paint the surface a color that is several shades darker than the original color. Choose the shade accordingly color scheme rooms.
  • Wax some areas. You can use a regular candle.
  • Paint your cabinets a light shade, such as cream or beige.
  • Wipe the surface with sandpaper, so abrasions will appear.

A simple way to give a cabinet an antique look is to use craquelure. The varnish of the same name is applied to the surface. After drying, small cracks appear on the facade paint.

Kitchen drawers aged with craquelure


The peculiarity of this design is a smooth transition from the design to the color of the cabinet.
Use patterned napkins as materials for decoupage, this way you will create the feeling of painting on furniture. The composition can turn out clear, with watercolor gaps.

To decorate the closet:

  1. cut out the image or use the entire napkin;
  2. divide it into layers;
  3. glue the picture;
  4. coat the dried surface with varnish.

Decorative rivets

To add brutality to old furniture, you can attach it to the closet metal parts. For lovers of loft design or stir-punk, it is recommended to decorate the cabinet doors and facade with rivets or nails with decorative heads. With such accents, even standard IKEA furniture will look like a pirate's treasure chest or a cabin on a ship.

Glue the metal parts to the facades. If the surface is covered with leather or thick fabric, you will need nails to carefully attach everything. Combine metal hardware with other decorative techniques (paint or fabric) for a personal touch.


This is not finishing precious stones, and decorating furniture with overhead elements:

  • vinyl napkins;
  • embroidery;
  • lace

Furniture decor is creativity that does not like fuss. You've been thinking for a long time about how to update an old wardrobe, but you were afraid of ruining an out-of-fashion or familiar piece of furniture. let's consider different variants, ideas and techniques and choose something for ourselves. Simple wardrobes and sliding wardrobes may have similar decor, but as for a simple old wardrobe that has lost its former luster: you can make a unique piece out of it.

Decor options

You can make your own cabinet decor using interesting ideas and all kinds of techniques. Some of them, such as photo printing or color film, do not require special skills. And not everyone can do such things as matting or stenciling; certain skills are needed. Let's figure out what will help us decorate the closet and wardrobe:

  • Photo printing or photo wallpaper.
  • Colored stained glass film and vinyl stickers.
  • Frosting of glass or mirror.
  • Vinyl or regular wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster (screening).
  • Restoration and painting.

Photo printing or photo wallpaper

This technique is most often used to decorate wardrobe doors. Large format printing has long been used in interior design. A special printer uses a special printer to apply a design to paper or any other surface. The inconvenience is that this is an expensive service and you need to look for a special workshop for making photo printing. Photo printing on glass is called a tabernacle.

There are more a budget option- this is a photo wallpaper. Sold in construction stores or online stores. The cost is 300 rubles. and higher, depending on the size. The subjects of photo wallpapers are very diverse, from landscapes, flowers, animals, to fairy tale characters for a children's wardrobe. When gluing, use starch-based glue, so you can later remove the old design and change it to another.

The video shows how to properly place photo printing on glass:

Stained glass film and vinyl stickers

This is something that you can quickly, without special skills, stick with your own hands on the surface or glass of a cabinet or wardrobe. Add some presentability to your closet. Stained glass films are at the peak of fashion today. They can be bought both in online stores and in specialized repair hypermarkets.

In addition to beautiful decor, the film protects the wardrobe and just the wardrobe from damage. The stickers and film are very easy to remove.

No one will distinguish your imitation from a real stained glass window.

The cost of stickers depends on the size; this is an inexpensive decor. The self-adhesive base of stained glass film for glass allows you to often change the surroundings with your own hands.

Matting glass or mirror

Used for glass and mirror cabinet fronts. More suitable for a wardrobe. Industrial matting involves removing the top layer of a mirror or glass. This results in several levels and a three-dimensional image.

You can frost glass or mirrors with your own hands using a special paste. To work you will need a stencil and a rubber spatula. Place the stencil on the surface and apply the paste to it with a spatula. Leave for a while, according to the instructions. When using paste with abrasive, you need to rub the glass along the lines for about an hour. Wash off the remaining paste with water.

Video master class on matting:

Vinyl or regular wallpaper

You can update your closet with your own hands using wallpaper. This cabinet decor matches exclusively with old wood or " Soviet furniture" But this is good, solid furniture, it can still serve and please us. Simple ones are more suitable for decoration. paper wallpaper, since it is easier to coat them with glue and glue them. And the price of simple wallpaper is cheaper and lighter than vinyl. U simple wallpaper There are two drawbacks: they are not durable and the design is usually not interesting.

Vinyl wallpapers come on paper or non-woven backing. They are heavier than simple ones, vinyl with paper base glue better with glue based on starch, and with non-woven material - Methylane Vinyl glue.

Before applying wallpaper, be sure to degrease the surface. This can be done with alcohol, gasoline, or acetone.

Do not forget to press more firmly with a dry cloth or sponge and straighten the wallpaper so that the paper does not wrinkle.

Decorative plaster master class

This technique, with which we will decorate the cabinet, is called stenciling. With help decorative plaster and stencils we will get three-dimensional decorative elements. They can subsequently be painted in any color, gilded or tinted to suit your taste.

To work you will need:

  1. A stencil made of plastic or vinyl, or cardboard.
  2. Decorative plaster.
  3. Flat spatula.
  4. Painting tape.
  5. Old wardrobe.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sandpaper.

If the product that we will decorate is covered with old paint, it is necessary to sand the entire surface with sandpaper. We process until the wooden base becomes visible. If your old cabinet is not painted, then everything is simpler: remove it with sandpaper upper layer, remove dirt and old fat. If you see cracks in the wood, it is advisable to cover them with putty. We take our ready-made stencil or one made from cardboard and attach it to the surface of the cabinet door with masking tape.

Then we let the plaster dry, go over it with sandpaper and cover the entire cabinet with acrylic paint in several layers. Acrylic will not only decorate the closet, but also protect it from destruction. Between painting, give the cabinet time to dry. At the end of the work, coat the surface with varnish.

In the video, work with decorative plaster:

Cabinet decor master class

In our master class we are updating an old wall from Soviet times. See how your closet will be transformed after this decor.

To work you will need:

  1. Old wardrobe.
  2. Acrylic enamel paint.
  3. Acrylic varnish.
  4. PVA glue
  5. Brush and paint roller.
  6. Coarse and fine sandpaper.
  7. Paper wallpaper.
  8. Gold paint.
  9. New fittings.

We disassemble the old closet and take out the drawers. Let's take it grinder or sandpaper and process the surface of the parts. If you process with sandpaper, then do it first with coarse sandpaper, and at the end go through it with finer sandpaper.

Apply acrylic paint first in the corners with a brush or sponge, and then over the entire surface with a roller. You need to paint 3-4 times until the dark color disappears. Next, we decorate the drawers: use a brush and white acrylic to paint the front sides of the drawers. We are waiting for it to dry. Next, glue masking tape to finish the decorative element with gold paint.

We paint the decorative element with gold paint. We paint all the boxes with white acrylic paint and dry them. We remove the tape. Next, we proceed to wallpapering. Wallpaper is the simplest, paper. Cut into strips, spread with PVA glue and carefully glue. Make sure that the wallpaper sticks tightly, press it with a sponge.

In modern life, nothing stands still. Tastes, preferences, and home interiors change. Therefore, often after completing repairs, the main question becomes what to do with old furniture, this is especially true for cabinets.

Of course you can buy new model a chic wardrobe that would fit harmoniously into new design rooms, but if the previous version of the design is made of quality material or natural wood, you shouldn’t rush to throw it away. It is quite possible to give such furniture a chance for a new life; to do this, you just need to be patient and learn how to update an old cabinet with the help of decoration.

Today there are many ways to update items. This can be painting, painting, decoupage or sticking a film that imitates various materials. Each of the restoration methods will not require large material costs.

Thanks to such modern technologies finishing, the cabinet will acquire original look, and decorating with an ornament or pattern will allow you to install the structure in any room. It should be noted that anyone can try themselves as an independent designer, choosing the type of design and color scheme to suit their taste.

Advantages of manual design

New furniture is always fashionable, beautiful and prestigious. It can be purchased at finished form, and made to order. But lately, most home owners prefer to pick up paints, brushes and start creating individual masterpieces from old furniture models. And for good reason, as there are many reasons not to throw your outdated cabinets into the landfill.

Do-it-yourself restoration has many advantages, these are:

  • Stylish. The main reason for replacing furniture is its inconsistency with the new style. So, for example, if the room is decorated in a country or Provence direction, then even a newly purchased cabinet will have to be “customized” to suit general form premises. Therefore, thanks to the handmade style, a cabinet in use will be in no way inferior to an expensive new item from the store.

  • Fashionable. Recently, it has become popular not only to be the owner of restored furniture, but also to be able to transform old items with your own hands. Using your creative imagination, you can make a real work of art from unnecessary “junk”.
  • Exclusive. As a rule, all cabinet models are mass-produced, so there are often hundreds of similar analogues in stores. But if you restore the structure yourself, it will be in one copy. In addition, cabinets can be decorated with an original technique in the form of a palette fusion. After styling the furniture in suitable color, the interior of the room is either bright or neutral, it all depends on personal tastes.
  • Economical. You can't buy a new cabinet for free. As for the updated design, it will be affordable and economical. For example, to purchase a can of paint, a roll sandpaper and accessories will require a little money. In addition, restoration is considered in a great way for relax.

How and what to decorate with

Over time, all cabinets lose their original appearance and become irrelevant for home design. But don't throw them away right away. It is quite possible to give aesthetics and originality to such outdated models. In order to decorate furniture at home, you just need to be patient and purchase the necessary materials.

IN modern finishing The following types of recovery are distinguished:

  • Painting. This is the most effective and simple solution. It is possible to update the cabinet by painting different ways, using not only a chic palette, but also many options for applying paint. To transform the cabinet, it is enough to completely cover it with one color or update only certain parts: sides, doors, drawers, handles. Designs painted with ombre look unusual, when dull shades of paint smoothly transform into a rich tone.

For this type of finishing, as a rule, acrylic solutions are used; they do not leave an odor, are easy to mix and wash off.

  • Stickers and stencils. Thanks to a simple set of items, you can create your own beautiful decor without having the ability to be an artist. Complex flower arrangements, geometric figures will quickly transfer to the surface of the furniture and help it fit into modern design Houses. Decorative elements are applied both to a simply prepared surface and to a pre-painted background. The lines on the cabinets are created using adhesive tape.

  • Wallpaper restoration. Upon completion of the renovation of the house, there is no need to rush to throw away the remains of the wallpaper, as they will become an excellent material for restoring an old cabinet, hiding its many shortcomings. Paper cutouts are applied to a paint-coated surface. They can be placed both on the external parts of the structure and inside on shelves.

To ensure that the appearance of the furniture remains unchanged for a long time, it is recommended that the finished product be additionally coated with clear varnish.

  • Decoupage. Represents unusual look design, in which the pattern on the cabinet smoothly merges with its surface, decoupage of doors with napkins looks especially beautiful. The simplest napkins with a pattern are suitable for decoration. In this case, the composition can turn out to be contrasting, clear, or with gaps. This method of decoration is often chosen for a wardrobe and a furniture wall, but if the room has an outdated model of a chest of drawers, then it can also be updated.

When applying napkins, it is important to ensure that folds and bubbles do not form, and upon completion of the work, the furniture is covered with a protective layer of varnish.

  • Textile. To give a second “breath” to the closet, fabric is often used in the finishing process. For lovers of everything stylish and fashionable, designers advise choosing lace decoration. It is worth noting that each type of matter will correspond a certain style registration For example, silk is used for a more sophisticated interior, and linen is useful for Provence. The fabric is glued to the surface of the cabinet using PVA glue.

  • Mosaic. This type of decor looks aesthetically pleasing and bright, suitable for the art deco style. Broken multi-colored glass and ceramics are used as the main materials for restoration; sometimes the cabinet is decorated with a mirror. The particles for the future design are glued to the cabinet with regular glue.

  • Gilding. The furniture is covered with “gold” foil and fixed with varnish.

  • Aging. If the room looks in Provence style, then the furniture should be quite “old”. In design, this is considered a special art direction in which the cabinet gets an antique vintage look. Structures made of wood, painted with a facade using a dry brush, look special. If you want to create more noticeable reliefs on the surface of the cabinet, you can first cover it with acrylic, and then “walk” it with a regular sponge soaked in glaze.

  • Photo restoration. Application of film with photo print.

How to repaint a product correctly

The unpresentable appearance of an old cabinet can be easily corrected by repainting. At the same time, the furniture will not only become “fresh”, but also original. Exactly this type restoration is considered the most popular, as it opens up many ideas that make dreams come true. For the update process to proceed correctly, you must complete the following steps:

  • Preparation. The surface of the wooden cabinet should be well leveled and sanded. This also applies to structures made of chipboard. To do this, apply a thin layer of putty and primer. In this way, all visible defects in the form of chips and cracks will be hidden on the tree. After this, the furniture is carefully sanded.

  • Coloring. Select color and brushes. Often a special spray tool is also used to apply paint. It evenly distributes the color tone under pressure and makes the work neat. It is worth noting that the paint should be applied evenly in several layers, this way the cabinet will get a rich tone and the result of the restoration will last a long time. After the paint has completely dried, it can be additionally opened with a glossy or shiny varnish.

If you want to get a model of an antique cabinet, you can use colored tinting for wood. Before wooden structure carefully cleaned, puttied and opened with a colored solution.

DIY glass decor at home

In many homes you can find a cabinet with glass doors. It is considered an excellent subject for implementing design at home, since glass is decorative element, which is easy to process.

Today there are two popular ways of finishing it:

  • painting technique liquid glass;
  • decor without the use of paints.

In addition, craftsmen often use a combination of glass and metal, polymer clay, plasticine and other materials. In order to make the glass look unusual, you will need to prepare sea salt, grains not ground coffee, glue, acrylic paints. Coffee beans, as a rule, are glued either in a specific order or randomly. It is preferable to apply the composition to the bottom and top of the glass.

Cabinet doors will also look stylish if you decorate them with sea salt. To do this, coat the outer part of the glass with glue, and then apply salt and wait until it dries completely.

To ensure that such decoration does not lose its attractiveness during operation, it is fixed with liquid glass or transparent varnish.

Glass is decorated in no less original ways using plasticine. Before you start designing, you will need to draw design templates and select its color. Then a picture is formed from different shades of plasticine. Such decoration will fit well into the interior of children's rooms; it will help to unusually complement the marine theme, where sea ​​salt turn into drops of water, plasticine into fish and algae, and shells will serve as the seabed.

As for the broken glass finish, it is considered a real masterpiece and will decorate the doors of any cabinet. Broken pieces of material are glued using special glue.

Before applying the patterns, you will need to prepare glue, broken glass and acrylic paints, and the order of applying the decorative elements is thought out in advance. First of all work surface cover thin layer glue, fix the decorative pieces and wait for complete drying. Then the resulting ornament can be painted acrylic paints and open with varnish.
