About the dangers and benefits of dishes made of various materials. How safe is a cast iron skillet? Are cast iron cookware harmful?

Cast iron cookware popular at all times. There was a certain period in the history of the kitchen when, in the wake of the popularity of non-stick coatings, grandma's frying pans faded into the background, but now it is difficult not to appreciate the quality of cast iron cookware, because it has been tested for many decades. Today we will tell you which cast iron cookware is better.

Features of cast iron cookware

There are many opinions about cast iron cookware, but they all boil down to the fact that it is one of the best for preparing tasty and healthy food.

Cast iron cookware meets almost all the needs of housewives. She has long term service, easy to use, food does not stick to it.

An important fact is that products prepared in such dishes have a good taste and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time if there is an internal enamel coating. It is not recommended to leave prepared food in cast iron cookware without some kind of factory protective layer; food can cause corrosion on the surface of the cookware.

What types of cookware are made of cast iron?

Cast iron cookware is in good demand in the kitchen utensils market, because it has proven itself to be durable and convenient. The range of such cookware is expanding, many varieties are appearing, adding cast iron additional properties. Let's look at what it is like and which cast iron cookware is better.

Cast iron cookware for induction cookers

Many owners of induction cookers may be concerned about whether cast iron cookware is suitable for use on such cookers.

The peculiarity of the dishes should be that they are susceptible to magnetic attraction. This is the main indicator. Cast iron alloy has the property of attracting magnets, so it is excellent for induction cookers.

Another criterion is the evenness of the bottom, but, as a rule, cast iron cookware does not have problems with this.

Enameled cast iron cookware is also suitable for use on induction cooker, since the enamel layer is not so thick as to block the magnetizing properties.

Enameled cast iron cookware

Enameled cast iron cookware has a number of undeniable advantages before uncoated dishes.

Let's start with the fact that the dishes are enameled both inside and outside. On outside enamel gives cast iron cookware a beautiful, aesthetic appearance; it can be matched to the style of the kitchen interior.

The inside of cast iron cookware can be coated with glass enamel. This substance is approved for use in kitchen utensils because it is inert: it does not affect the products it comes into contact with, and food cooked in enamel cookware does not interact with the protective layer of enamel.

The food in such dishes does not spoil for a long time, and it itself does not need to be prepared for use for a long time; it is enough to heat it once and cool under natural conditions, lubricated with oil.

The enamel coating lasts a long time, but not forever. To preserve it as long as possible, do not cool the dishes under cold water, let it cool naturally.

The situation is the same with dishes from the refrigerator: do not heat the food right away, either transfer it to another dish and heat it in it, or leave it for a while at room temperature to prevent damage to the enamel due to strong temperature changes.

It is better to put abrasives, hard sponges, metal spatulas, spoons and other utensils that can harm enamel away if you do not want good cast iron cookware to become unusable. After all, chips and scratches on the enamel lead to the development of rust at the damage site. In this case, it is best to stop using this utensil for preparing and storing food.

Cast iron cookware with Teflon coating

Teflon coating is a cheaper and less durable analogue of enamel.

Firstly, it is applied only from the inside, and on the outside you still have a black, uniform surface.

Secondly, after the service life, as a rule, no more than 3-4 years of active use, or even less, the Teflon coating begins to peel away from the walls of cast iron, and not only, cookware, which makes it impossible to use it for cooking.

This protective layer is also quite easy to damage, so you need to take special care when caring for cast iron cookware with a Teflon coating.

However, the Teflon coating has 100% non-stick properties, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of your culinary dishes.

Cast iron cookware comes with enamel and Teflon coating

Caring for cast iron cookware

If the cast iron cookware you purchased does not have any coating, then before using it for the first time you need to take a number of measures to ensure that it lasts a long time, and that the food in it does not burn and has excellent taste.

Don't treat preparing dishes for use as a chore. This is rather a ritual from which your cooking creativity begins, together with the purchased kitchen utensils.

After you have thoroughly washed your brand new cast iron cookware with detergent, it needs to be annealed several times over a fire. The first time - just ignite and cool. Then heat it again by pouring salt into it. You will need a lot of salt, about a kilogram or a little less, depending on the type of container. Cool again. Last time You need to ignite the empty container, and immediately after that, generously grease it with oil and leave it. And you should leave it in a preheated oven for several hours. And only after this the new dishes are ready for use.

This way, cast iron cookware will acquire the non-stick qualities you need, will be less prone to oxidation and will serve you well. long years. And you can rightfully call it yours, because you contributed to its creation, invested work, strength and soul.

Subsequently, after each use of cast iron cookware, you need to follow certain simple care rules. After washing with detergent, pour hot boiling water over the dishes and grease with oil. There is no need to wash off the oil; it creates a protective barrier against corrosion.

Damage to cast iron cookware

The harm of cast iron cookware has not yet been proven or noticed.

The only thing that may cause concern to the buyer is oil coating from the factory, which must be removed before first use, as described above.

Cast iron cookware with an enamel coating can also be harmful if chips appear there and the rusting process begins.

During normal use, cast iron cookware is quite environmentally friendly, and even long-term use does not pose a health hazard.

What to cook in cast iron cookware?

Cast iron cookware has such remarkable properties as thick walls and relatively low thermal conductivity. Due to this, the entire cookware is heated evenly and acts on the products placed in it during the cooking process from all sides.

This feature, coupled with the non-stick properties of cast iron cookware, makes long-term simmering and stewing possible without compromising the taste and without the fear of burning the dish.

It turns out that cast iron cookware is ideal for people who adhere to healthy eating for any reason. If you have a desire to lose weight, cast iron cookware will help you. It will provide you with healthy, vegetable-based meals without a drop of oil.

If you are forced to follow a special diet for health reasons, then stewed food is just what the doctor ordered.

From the above it follows that in cast iron cookware all kinds of stews, stewed vegetables with meat, fish with stewed side dishes, julienne, pilaf and other dishes that require a long cooking time are excellent.

Cast iron skillets can be used to cook pie or other baked goods that are baked in the oven, because many models have cast oven-safe handles.

Pancakes in a cast-iron frying pan turn out especially thin and “lacey,” but if you wish, you can make thick pancakes with the same success; they will also fry evenly and have a ruddy, appetizing appearance.

Cast iron cookware is non-stick and durable

The best manufacturers of cast iron cookware

When choosing cast iron cookware, the manufacturer plays an important role. What is its reputation, production and supply conditions, product range, focus on which market - all these and many other questions need to be addressed for yourself.

We will present to you brief description the best manufacturers cast iron cookware both in Russia and abroad.


The Ukrainian company Siton has a wide range of cast iron cookware and occupies a stable position in the market.

IN product range Seaton company has both uncoated and enameled cookware. Please note that the enameled coating of Siton cast iron cookware has several colors, which is quite interesting style decision and diversifies the market offer.


Another Ukrainian company producing cast iron cookware is Biol. Here, cast dishes are produced, the so-called “workhorse”, which will serve you faithfully for many years.

At the factory, each unit of product is treated with oil, which prevents corrosion and has a non-stick effect.


The Lodge company has been originating from America for over 100 years. Cast iron cookware is produced here without special coating.

When choosing cookware from a given brand, you can rely on their many years of experience and desire to comply modern realities. Lodge are constantly modernizing their production, adjusting it to the modern wave.

Their main trump card in the market is adherence to traditions.

Kama dishes

Several years ago, Kamskaya Posuda LLC entered the Russian market. This company, one might say, is still on the threshold of development and is focused on the Russian consumer.

Products made from uncoated cast iron are produced here; the assortment fully meets the needs of customers.

Kamskaya Posuda LLC follows the principle that demand creates supply and does not deviate from it, especially since affordable price we get quite good quality.

Le creuset

If you're looking for something stylish and functional for your kitchen, consider Le Creuset cast iron cookware.

This company has its own large production in France and focuses on design and the durability of the enamel.

Le creuset juggles with all sorts of colors and external decoration of products, so that there is a stylish solution for every kitchen.

Internal glass enamel does not create restrictions in the use of abrasive surfaces and detergents, it is susceptible to temperature changes and wear.


A very young company, Ecolit, has Ukrainian roots and entered the market only in 2016.

Despite such a young production, Ecolit already has an impressive range. According to them, all products undergo mandatory quality control and meet all standards accepted for cast iron cookware.


The French manufacturer of cast iron cookware, Staub, is known throughout the world for its excellent quality and wide range of products. Staub cast iron cookware is prepared at the factory, so there are no special rituals that need to be performed before you start cooking with it.

The durable enamel coating is resistant to chipping - this is also one of the “pluses” for which Staub is so valued by both ordinary consumers and owners of expensive restaurants.

Staub has a large production base, strict quality control, and a development center that consistently develops various innovations for cast iron cookware.

Where to buy cast iron cookware?

It will be difficult for you to find cast iron cookware in hypermarkets. If you suddenly come across it, carefully study the manufacturer and reviews, since not all products from the “massmarket” series can be trusted. You should also not buy cast iron cookware from hypermarkets under the hypermarket’s own brand; it is better to spend money and buy a quality product with a good reputation.

Good cast iron cookware can be purchased in specialized cookware stores that stock the main brands, and a sales assistant will help you with your choice if you find it difficult to decide.

Also, one of the options to have high-quality cast iron cookware in your kitchen is to order directly from the manufacturer. Now in the Internet era, almost every production company, consumer-oriented, has its own online store where you can purchase branded products with a guarantee of quality.

If a defective batch is delivered to you, for example, with chips, you can exchange it by sending it back, because every manufacturer cares about its image. Although it would be a good idea to clarify the terms of return and delivery.

I have been asked to write about cast iron cookware for a long time. But since I am not a special connoisseur, the idea recently occurred to me to ask my friend Taras, who, in fact, owns a store of this very cookware - Frying Pan, to write about it. And he agreed. Everything is detailed, a lot and clear.

Everyone will go to load lumen, and the smart ones will go to load cast iron© unknown warrant officer


One fine day, tired, after work, you cook cutlets for your sweetheart, and “it” begins to remember what excellent cutlets his grandmother made, and she didn’t have such a kitchen, there wasn’t such a fashionable and expensive “tefal” and in general everything it was much tastier at his grandmother’s... although she used the simplest CAST IRON frying pan left by her great-grandmother..

You are overcome with righteous anger, oh you... thump-thump-thump... and you try to beat your dear one... with your expensive “tefal”... and the most you do is simply completely oppress him, hitting everything you can hit. But there is no sense, no pain, in a day, two... you will have to work off your entire impulse in the form of “sophisticated punishments” known only to “him.”

And you will spit and throw away a bent frying pan with almost erased non-stick coating, and run through the markets and CCCP-style industrial stores in search of that very... treasured CAST IRON...

Why is all this needed?

Everything is simple in the global tableware market. There are dishes for those who understand why, and there are consumer goods.

Consumer goods are a way to cook quickly, not healthy, tasteless and often even harmful.

Yes, throw away your Zepter and Berghoff... these are generally products of MLM structures.

There are benefits, and what’s good is that there is no harm in them. Steel and steel, a little aluminum inside, for better thermal conductivity - and ALL!!!

This dishware is not worth the money they are not asking for.

There are still a lot of myths and marketing tricks of various dishware companies to promote their products, but this is all nonsense. Everything can be classified as consumer goods except: ceramic dishes, cast iron and copper.

Regarding cast iron - You will never sear a proper steak without a cast iron skillet,

You will never stew, as you can do it in a cast iron pan or casserole dish.

Neither vessel can withstand the open fire of a fire, and in nothing else will you be able to cook for so long on the lowest fire. And grandma’s pancakes will be the cleanest only on grandma’s cast iron pan.

What can you buy from us?

The assortment in Ukraine, as well as in almost the entire CIS, is very, very limited:


There are factories, relics of our past, one in Russia (Tmutarakan), in Belarus (Slutsk),

in Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk, “Siton”) the plant is not a relic of the past, but is confidently striving for the past.

No matter what they say, I’m even happy and calm about Ukrainian cast iron - it really is the best from the CIS..

both the cast iron itself and its appearance... but all the same, for example, pots in appearance are horror and a nightmare...

All the pans are wonderful, buy them urgently. There is a very lack of assortment, and as for me, I would make everything thicker.

The only negative is that the dishes are processed in technical oil, that is, they at least need to be washed and thoroughly fried with vegetable oil and preferably salt.

China (Chinamade)

Metals are bad in China, but this applies to steels, but they all learned to make cast iron under the Great MAO,

for then everyone locality had blast furnaces intended for smelting steel, but they succeeded

only cast iron))), and shovels and axes broke and crumbled.

In fact, now all production of black cast iron in China is concentrated in Hebei province, the city of Shijajuang. Like everything in China, it is all semi-handmade. That is, the molds in all factories are made by hand (it looks rather lopsided), but there are still People there. The Taiwanese company Brico supplied an excellent factory to China, with an automatic molding system. Everything is beautiful and orderly. So if you buy something from an obscure manufacturer not described here, you will be lucky if this factory exists. I highly recommend enameled cast iron from this manufacturer. Optimal price/quality.

Special attention!!! China wouldn't be China if it didn't do something in every product category.

There is a so-calledgray cast iron. In his chemical composition carbon was partially replaced by silicon. The material retained all its basic properties of heat resistance, plus it became lighter, not so fragile, and not so susceptible to corrosion. This is a purely technical metal, for all kinds of pipe products, car brake calipers, and so on.

Therefore, never buy products made from “lightweight cast iron”, “gray cast iron” and so on.


Europe, a stronghold of traditions and tediousness, probably in everything. The further north you go, the more boring it gets.

So Swedish company SKEPPSHULT claims that everything that is not pure cast iron is heresy and disgrace, and produces only products from pure cast iron. However, these very products are very charming and quite affordable. The Swedes are concerned about the environment, the influence of dishes on food, and so on. The latest hit of the season from them is the fact that cast iron cookware saturates food with iron 5-10 times more, unlike other cookware, and this is especially important for aging women and throughout aging Europe. But I’ll tell you, the dishes are excellent, while they can be found in Russia, but Ukraine is not far off. It differs from the Ukrainian one in its cultural appearance and normal processing. Theoretically, it is ready to use immediately after purchase.

Le Creuset there is nothing to say here, you have to buy it. Expensive, but beautiful, practical and great. The French are true trendsetters, even when it comes to cast iron. The range of cast iron from this company is mostly enameled.

There is another French manufacturer - Chasseur. Very reminiscent of the American Shtaub. Old style, old school, not very expensive cast iron cookware. Almost the entire range was copied by the Chinese. It is almost impossible to buy it in the CIS.


Everything here is simple and old-school Lodge– pure cast iron (they make enamel in China) and Staubenamel cookware and cookware made of pure cast iron. Together with the prospectuses and booklets, you get a charge of real American energy and propaganda. “MADE in USA” brand managers shout, and you can trust them - this is a good product good dishes, with an appearance as if from a picture of the 20s - 50s of the last century. Lodge can be found in stores, Staub is almost impossible. The entire range has been ripped off by the Chinese - beware of fakes!

What to do with all this?

And then a joyful day came when you brought home tens of kilograms of iron called “cast iron cookware”

(yes, cast iron is heavy!!!, and we don’t want to listen to all those words that you said when you were carrying it all)

Let's figure it out. I’ll tell you a few “buts” right away:

1) non-enamelled cast iron cookware can only be used for cooking; under no circumstances should food be stored or heated in it.

2) freshly purchased cookware made from non-enameled cast iron requires initial (not complicated) processing.*

3) food in a “Fresh” pan and non-enameled cast iron will stick and try to burn, this will go away over time, after 10-20 cooking in this pan.*

4) cast iron itself is harmless, but the oil used in cooking produces carcinogenic soot...

It is better to remove it when washing. Plus it is better to use cleaner and better oil.

5) wash products made from pure cast iron with your hands; they will come out of the dishwasher rusty.

It is generally advisable to wash with just hot or warm water.

6) enameled cast iron, like all enamels, will release lead during cooking. A little, but still not very good.

7) enameled ones can also be washed in the dishwasher. Look carefully at the sides; they are not covered with enamel and may rust.

8) pure cast iron does not care about the temperature, throw it even into the fire, but not enameled cast iron, or rather the enamel will be “strongly against” - the temperature is no higher than 160-180°C, and no cooking without food/water/oil.

* this applies to cheap non-branded tableware made in the CIS. Brands (Lodge, Skeppshult, Chasseur, Staub, Le creuset) pre-treat the vessels with non-technical rapeseed oil. But extra processing won’t hurt; it’s almost impossible to ruin cast iron cookware.

As for the distribution among cast iron cookware (what to cook in what and how), everything is simple.

If you want to fry meat, then you need a frying pan made of pure cast iron; in extreme cases, a frying pan with matte black enamel inside (Seaton, Le Creuset) will do.

If you want to stew or bake something on/on the stove, an enamel casserole dish or pan will come in handy.

If you want to use cookware over a fire, then you only need clean cast iron.

...and the last main property of cast iron...

Remember, spouse, that a blow with a fancy 26-centimeter pancake maker to your spouse’s sciatic nerve will break the habit of doing all sorts of stupid things for a long time)))

but unfortunately this action may be punishable by law(

Cast iron cookware is making a comeback in our kitchens. About the advantages and disadvantages of heavy cookware, as well as proper care for her.

An important element kitchen utensils. This applies not only to glass plates, enamel containers and mugs, but also to products intended for cooking. Pots and pans are made from different materials, they all have their pros and cons. Most often you can buy items from of stainless steel, ceramics, aluminum or glass, but many families in Russia still have cast iron cookware.

A few words about cast iron

Cast iron is an alloy of iron with carbon, silicon and phosphorus. Products from this material are cast at a temperature of 1400 degrees, most often they do not have seams, as they are produced in special molds, which are split after production. The cast blank is carefully cleaned and processed, and then handles and other parts are attached to the body.

Cast iron cookware has been known since ancient times, approximately from the 4th-6th centuries. BC. It is impossible to indicate the specific area of ​​its appearance, since samples dating back to the same period were found in Europe, Africa, and Asia. In Russia, the first products appeared only in the 16th century. Previously, clay containers were used to prepare hot food, but later cast iron objects replaced them due to their more advanced qualities.

Food cooked in a cast iron frying pan has good taste, and the cookware itself is strong, durable and practical. Very often, such products were passed down by inheritance and were used by several generations, so even now you can find cast iron products in Russia.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron cookware

All items made of cast iron have a number of advantages:

  • Cast iron cookware has a long service life. It is one of the most durable and practically does not deteriorate. It can only be harmed if a frying pan or pot is thrown from a great height onto a stone floor. Then it will most likely split. But dishes made from other materials will not withstand such tests.
  • If you carefully care for the surface of the products, the food in them will not burn. Before cooking, it is necessary to warm up the dishes on the stove for several minutes. Then you don't have to worry about the food burning.
  • Items made of cast iron are not harmed by high or low temperatures, they do not deform and have good wear resistance.
  • Dishes prepared in cast iron dishes have high taste, health benefits and do not have any foreign odors or tastes.

Except obvious advantages, cast iron cookware also has a number of minor disadvantages:

  • Items made of cast iron are quite heavy. Therefore, before buying frying pans and pots, you should decide in advance on the set of dishes that you plan to cook in them. For example, it is better to buy a pan for pancakes from a different material, since cast iron will not be easy to constantly lift during the frying process.
  • If the basic rules for caring for such utensils are not followed, they may soon become covered with rust. This will happen if the surface is not wiped dry after washing. Rust is removed with a stiff brush, and then the product is calcined over a fire with salt and lubricated with oil. Enameled cast iron cookware does not rust, but care must be taken to ensure that it does not become chipped.
  • Some foods can harm the cast iron surface by oxidizing it, such as tomatoes or apples. Therefore, it is better to avoid preparing dishes with these ingredients.
  • Storing food in cast iron dishes is also not recommended, since the metal can absorb the odors of food that has been sitting for a long time, and the food may also darken. After cooking, it is better to transfer the leftover food into plastic or glass containers.

In addition to products made from ordinary cast iron, you can also buy items coated with enamel in the store. Enameled cast iron cookware is not subject to rust as long as it does not have defects on the surface in the form of chips, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon. After this, the uncoated area also becomes susceptible to corrosion. If the deformation occurred on inside frying pans or pots, it is better to get rid of such a product, as it can be harmful to health. In addition, the enamel coating deprives cast iron cookware of its non-stick properties.

What foods are best cooked in cast iron cookware?

Ideal for cooking in cast iron cookware are various meat products, fish, mushroom and vegetable side dishes and other dishes that require long-term simmering at low temperatures. Cast iron cookware is also suitable for cooking soups, cereals and various sauces.

Thanks to the components included in the alloy, the prepared food has excellent taste. Heating occurs evenly, due to which the dish is evenly fried or boiled on all sides. When the dish is almost ready, remove it from the heat and let it brew for a while. The low thermal conductivity of the material will prevent the frying pan or pan from cooling too quickly, so the food served on the table will have perfect taste, aroma and color.

Such products are suitable for any type of stove, both gas, glass-ceramic or induction. They can even be used on an open fire. If you remove the handle, the cast iron frying pan can be placed in.

Selection and care of cast iron cookware

Before you buy a cast iron product, you should look at the thickness of its walls and bottom; they should be at least 5-6 mm. Usually, such items do not come with lids, so to avoid problems later, it is better to select dishes of standard dimensions. The bottom of the frying pan and saucepan should be flat and fit tightly to the surface of the stove. Cast iron cookware, and especially its inner part, should not have any bumps, potholes, roughness or other defects.

Handles should be presented special requirements. It is better to avoid molded and too short ones; you need to pay attention to the reliability and strength of their attachment to the body. In Russia, it is customary to sell products with a protective surface coating; oil is usually used for this. Some items have an enamel layer.

Caring for cast iron cookware is simple, but you need to follow some recommendations so as not to harm the product during operation and preserve its appearance longer. Having purchased the dishes, before using them for the first time, they should be thoroughly washed under hot water using a soft sponge soaked in detergent. Then dry or wipe thoroughly and heat over a fire until the black color of the metal turns gray. After which the dishes must be rinsed with cold water and dried again over the fire.

Pour a thick layer into a heated saucepan or frying pan. table salt and fry it for ten minutes until it produces a characteristic shooting sound. After this, pour out the salt and rinse the dishes again in cold water. Put it on the fire again, heat until warm and then generously grease with vegetable oil. After this, the cast iron dishes must be calcined in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After three hours, the oil that has dried on the surface will create protective film, which will prevent food from burning and, therefore, will not cause harm to health.

It is better to wash cast iron products immediately after cooking, then dirt will be easier to remove with plain water and a sponge. You should not use detergents or rough brushes to avoid causing damage. protective coating, which will then have to be restored in a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming manner.

Russian-made cast iron cookware

In Russia there are manufacturers of cast iron cookware that have been operating for decades. The range of their products is huge, and the quality is in no way inferior to European standards. Numerous positive reviews are proof of this. The main cast iron items produced in Russian factories are:

  • frying pans,
  • cast iron,
  • cauldrons,
  • boilers,
  • ducklings and goslings,
  • pots, etc.

Everything you wanted to know about cast iron frying pans

The cast iron frying pan is a versatile workhorse, but there are many mysterious myths floating around it. Some people argue that having a cast iron skillet is like having a puppy at home because it is difficult to care for. Others say that it cannot be washed, but only wiped with a dry cloth... There are too many unsubstantiated claims in the world of cast iron, it’s time to dispel the myths and find out the truth.

Myth 1. A cast iron frying pan is difficult to care for.

Cast iron is a material that can rust, crumble, and crack. You have to be gentle and careful, otherwise it will break into pieces.

Reality: Cast iron is tough as nails! In almost every family there is an old, old Cast-iron pan, which was inherited from my grandmother. Such a frying pan can be passed down from generation to generation and remain in excellent condition. This material cannot be destroyed.

Storing cast iron pans is very easy: stack them on top of each other and don’t worry about them getting scratched. Can you do this with Teflon without damaging the surface? Obviously not.

Myth 2. Cast iron heats up very evenly

Cast iron takes a long time to heat up, retains heat well, which means it heats up very evenly.

Reality: No, in fact, cast iron heats up very unevenly. Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material to transfer heat from one part to another, and for cast iron it is approximately 3-4 times lower than for aluminum. What does it mean? Place the frying pan on the fire and after a while it will heat up in those places that are located exactly above the flame, and the rest of the part will remain cooler. Aluminum heats up more evenly.

To heat a cast iron frying pan evenly, place it on the stove over low heat and let it heat for 10 minutes, during which time you should turn it several times.

An important advantage of cast iron is not that it can heat up evenly, but that it has high thermal emission. Confused word, but now everything will become clear to you. Cast iron ability give away the heat is about 9-10 times higher than that of aluminum. If you raise your hand to a well-heated cast iron frying pan, you will feel the heat at a height of 10-15 cm. This means that when you fry something on cast iron, not only the part of the product that touches the surface is cooked, but also a significant part above her.

For comparison, bring your hand to a heated aluminum frying pan - you will have to almost press your palm to the surface to feel the heat. Cooking meat in such a container will not work: it will remain raw inside.

Myth 3. A well-seasoned cast iron frying pan is as non-stick as Teflon.

The more you heat cast iron, the more non-stick it becomes. A perfectly seasoned cast iron frying pan becomes perfectly non-stick.

Reality: A cast iron frying pan can be truly non-stick and will allow you to cook scrambled eggs or omelettes. That's true, but let's be honest. The non-stick properties of cast iron differ from those of Teflon. You can't throw a cold egg on a cast iron skillet, heat it slowly without oil, and then daintily whisk it into a plate like they do in the commercials.

By the way, in fairness, let's admit that most Teflon frying pans are also incapable of this trick.

So. Before you start cooking in a cast iron frying pan, heat it thoroughly, grease it thin layer fat, and then the surface will truly become non-stick - food will not stick.

Myth 4. A cast iron frying pan cannot be washed with detergent.

Detergents damage the surface cast iron frying pan and food begins to stick to it, so you can only wash cast iron warm water without adding any detergents.

Reality. In fact, the surface of a cast iron frying pan is not covered with a thin layer of fat, but with a thin layer polymerized fat, and this is the key difference. In a calcined cast iron frying pan (rubbed with fat and well heated), the fat molecules disintegrate and form a new substance - a durable polymer that fuses with the surface of the cast iron. The substance that gives a cast iron frying pan its non-stick properties is no longer essentially oil. Surface-active dishwashing detergents cannot affect or damage it in any way. Feel free to wash the pan with dish soap and scrub with a sponge as much as you like!

The only thing you shouldn't do is soak the pan in the sink. Try to wash it as quickly as possible and wipe it dry immediately.

Myth 5: You can’t use a metal spatula on a cast iron frying pan.

The non-stick layer in cast iron pans is thin and can be easily damaged with a metal spatula. You can only use wood, plastic or silicone.

Reality: In fact, the non-stick layer of a cast iron pan is very strong. This is not just a film glued to the surface, as is the case with Teflon, it is a substance chemically bonded to the metal, practically soldered into it. It is impossible to scrape off this layer with a metal spatula or fork. A fork is more likely to break than a frying pan to be scratched.

Have you sometimes noticed how black pieces break off from a cast iron frying pan? This is not a frying pan breaking into pieces, as many people believe. These flakes of a mysterious black substance are nothing more than charred pieces of food that have stuck to the surface without you bothering to wash them.

Myth 6. You can’t cook acidic foods in cast iron cookware.

Acidic foods can react with the metal, releasing a harmful substance and giving the food a metallic taste.

Reality: In a seasoned cast iron pan, food only comes into contact with the layer of polymerized fat, not the metal itself. So in an ideal world this shouldn't be a problem. But no one is perfect, and frying pans also have their flaws. No matter how well you bake them, there may still be a chance that there are tiny spots of bare metal left behind, and these may actually react with the acidic ingredients.

For this reason, you should not use a cast iron skillet to cook acidic foods, such as tomato sauce.

How to season a cast iron frying pan

Cast iron only becomes non-stick when it is properly calcined. In addition, new cast iron can rust easily. To solve both of these problems, coat the inside of a cast iron skillet with a thin layer of fat and heat it well on the stove or in the oven. Any vegetable oil or even lard will do.

At high temperatures, fat molecules are destroyed, oxidized and polymerized, that is, they form larger molecules and mix with carbon and other substances. This dense and durable compound adheres to the surface of the cast iron and fills the slightest cracks. The surface becomes non-stick because it acquires hydrophobic properties - it begins to repel water. When you place food in the pan, the hydrophobic surface prevents sticking.

The more you cook with it, the more new polymerized layers form on the surface, which means that over time the cast iron frying pan gets better and better.

So you bought a new cast iron frying pan. Most of them are sold already hardened, however, this usually only protects against rust, but not against sticking. Wash the pan well and wipe dry. Lubricate thoroughly with a thin layer vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180°C - 250ºC. Place the greased frying pan in the preheated oven and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then carefully remove and leave to cool. Repeat the whole process 2-3 times: wash, wipe, lubricate, warm up.

If over time food begins to stick to the surface again, thoroughly wash the frying pan with a stiff brush and detergent, wipe dry and heat again with a thin layer of oil.

How to care for a cast iron frying pan

What does it mean to care? No, you don’t need to give her flowers or take her to the cinema, but even such a strong material as cast iron needs care.

Wash your cast iron skillet thoroughly after each use. Scrape off any stuck-on food bits and wash the surface thoroughly with dishwashing detergent. Regular detergent and regular sponge. Nothing complicated.

Repeat calcination from time to time. Wash the pan and then place it on the stove over high heat. When the water in the pan has evaporated, pour in half a teaspoon of refined vegetable oil. Spread the oil over the entire inside of the pan using a paper towel. Continue heating until the pan begins to smoke slightly, then turn off the heat and let cool.

Fry, bake and stew! The more you use your cast iron skillet, the better it gets.

Wipe dry. Water is a natural enemy of iron. After washing, wipe the cast iron frying pan dry, otherwise water droplets will form. rust spots. Before putting the frying pan in the cupboard for storage, wipe it dry, heat it on the stove to evaporate all remaining water and lubricate it with a thin layer of oil.

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    Good afternoon. After calcination with salt and oil, on new frying pan black spots appeared. We did the process twice more. The surface is uneven in color (more or less dark spots in some places). The food seems bitter. What is this? Marriage?

To avoid many diseases, it is important not only to eat right, but also to know which dishes are harmful to health, because the material from which they are made can release hazardous substances.

Is there such a thing as safe utensils for health?

Among the wide range of products for storing and preparing food, cast iron, clay, enamel cookware and those made of stainless steel are considered safe. In all other cases harmful dishes can have a negative effect on the human body:

  • Release toxic substances when heated;
  • Cause severe allergies or food poisoning;
  • Oxidize, resulting in the activation of harmful substances.

Of course, when choosing any cookware, you should pay attention not only to the material from which it is made, but also to the composition, which is usually indicated on the labels. For example, low-quality stainless steel may contain nickel, which gives food a metallic taste when heated.

What kind of dishes can and cannot be used to cook food ^

Dishes harmful to health: myth or reality

Cast iron cookware: benefits and harms

Products made of cast iron are best used for frying or cooking, because food does not burn in it, and the material itself is environmentally friendly and becomes stronger and safer over time.

Aluminum cookware: harm and benefit

It is precisely such dishes that are considered the most harmful, because when heated they actively release metal ions. Under the influence of acids contained in milk or any other product, aluminum passes into food.

  • It is strictly forbidden to fry or cook soups or vegetables in such pans.
  • Daily use of aluminum utensils often leads to food poisoning.

Copper utensils: benefits and harms

Utensils made of copper are completely harmless to the body, because even if its ions enter it, they are eliminated very quickly.

  • Despite this, it has a significant drawback: when preparing fruits or vegetables, copper destroys most of the vitamins they contain;
  • If food contains acids, it can react with them.

Harm of crystal glassware

Most often, people drink drinks from crystal glassware, in which case it is considered safe.

  • If liquids are stored in it, it begins to release lead, which subsequently causes harm to the body.

Silicone cookware: benefits and harms

Despite the fact that silicone contains chromium, cobalt, copper and other components, bakeware made from it can be safely used:

  • Thanks to the special technologies and requirements for the production of such utensils, the release of harmful substances under the influence of temperatures does not occur.

Enameled cookware: benefits and harms

Initially, enamel cookware was designed specifically to protect against metal ions getting into food, but here it all depends on the color of the coating:

  • Blue, black, cream, white or blue-gray colors are considered safe.
  • From red, yellow or brown tint It is worth refusing - they contain a lot of dyes and have low protective properties.

Silverware: benefits and harms

Since ancient times, dishes made from silver have been considered the best: they not only look good, but also kill all kinds of bacteria, thereby preventing them from entering the human body.

  • More recently, some media reported that this metal is not able to retain useful elements and remove harmful ones, but there is no direct evidence of this.

Why are utensils made from polypropylene harmful?

Plastic dishes have three degrees of heat resistance:

  • high,
  • Average,
  • Low.

In the first case, we mean containers for food that can be placed in the microwave, and in all the others, we mean all kinds of bowls, cups, forks, spoons, etc. Regardless of the ability to withstand high temperatures, it is not recommended to reheat food in such containers, because when high temperatures plastic can melt and release harmful elements.

Polypropylene dishes should also not be used for storing food.

Stainless steel cookware (stainless steel): harm and benefit

Steel cookware can be safely used for frying and preparing entrees, but you should not store food in it because it can release nickel, which can leach into your food.

Cupronickel tableware

For several centuries, products made from cupronickel have been very popular, and for good reason: despite the fact that they are made from an alloy of copper and nickel, they are safe for human health - you just need to clean them from plaque in time.


In general, utensils made of tin are safe, but if they contain lead impurities, which cause them to darken over time, it is best not to use them.

Glass ceramic dishes

Dishes made from ceramics are harmless only if there are no chips or cracks on them, otherwise heavy metal salts may enter the body.

  • In addition, inside plates made of such material there may be designs made with paints containing lead, so for use direct purpose it is not recommended.

Galvanized cookware

  • Such utensils are not suitable for heat treatment of products, because... when heated, it releases zinc.
  • You should not store food in it for the same reasons.

Teflon coated cookware

Nowadays, not only frying pans, but also other kitchen utensils are coated with Teflon, but if the integrity of the coating is damaged, it is best to get rid of such utensils, because they provoke the development of obesity and cancer.

Melamine tableware

  • If such dishes are damaged, they begin to release a dangerous poison - formaldehyde. In this case, it must be abandoned.
  • It is also not suitable for frying or boiling.

Ceramic cookware: harm and benefit

  • Unlike Teflon, thermolon-coated utensils are more harmless because... her Negative influence There is no evidence of any impact on human health.
  • In addition, it can be heated to 400 degrees or more.

Glassware: harm or benefit

Like ceramic containers, glass casserole containers, mugs and plates do not cause any harm to health, because they are made without the use of elements that negatively affect the human body.

Acrylic tableware

  • If you do not heat food in such utensils, then it is quite safe.
  • Unlike harmful disposable tableware, it can be used repeatedly, and in this it obviously wins.

Opal tableware: harm and benefit

Thanks to modern technologies Opal glassware turns out to be very light and elegant:

  • Various designs can be applied to it, which does not affect its strength in any way.
  • It has virtually no pores, which allows it to be considered completely safe for storing food.
  • Tolerates temperature changes well, from high to low. Pots made from frosted glass, are ideal for use in microwave ovens.
  • It has low thermal conductivity, which allows you to keep food hot for a long time.
  • It is easy to wash and is easy to keep perfectly clean.
  • Resistant to the use of any detergents, they do not cause visible harm to it.
  • Having increased durability, these dishes can be stored in stacks, which saves space in your kitchen.

Which dishes are not harmful to health?

Nickel-plated cookware is considered the most harmful, because... it contains nickel, however it is the most common. It is best to prepare and store food in containers made from the following materials:

  • Clay;
  • Cast iron;
  • Stainless steel (to leave dishes in it for for a long time it is forbidden).

Can dishes be harmful to health: what should you store and cook food in?

Harm from plastic bottles and plastic film: what is the danger ^

Included plastic containers may contain Chemical substance bisphenol-A is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone, which is capable of penetrating into water or liquid, and then into the human body.

If you drink water from plastic bottles, thereby increasing the content of bisphenol in the body:

  • Scientists at Harvard University conducted a study and found that drinking cold plastic liquids for just one week increases the level of bisphenol in urine by 69%.
  • The release of bisphenol depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the more active water pollution occurs with bisphenol from plastic. That is, ordinary summer heat can increase the concentration of harmful substances in water tens of times.
  • If you fill plastic bottles with hot liquid or specially heat them, the release of bisphenol will increase up to 55 times! This fact should be known to parents who heat milk in plastic bottles for their children.
  • Increased concentrations of bisphenol increase the likelihood of prostate cancer in men and have a negative impact on men's health, as hormonal levels are disrupted.
  • Pregnant women are generally contraindicated to drink water from plastic bottles, since due to bisphenol poisoning, the child may be born with birth defects.
