We need to know history. Why and why you need to know universal history. Know the most prominent people

Many of us, especially schoolchildren and their parents, tirelessly wonder why we need to know history. What is the significance and relevance of studying events that happened many years ago? However, there are many varied reasons that indicate the need to study this subject, which is a combination of many other disciplines. Many arguments have already been made about the importance of history, but they still remain relevant today.

Virtual time machine

Raise patriots

A healthy social atmosphere in the country, a full-fledged society and peace is the goal that all people in general and each individual state in particular strive for. It is impossible to value everything with money and pay for everything. Therefore, the state rests not on businessmen, but on philanthropists, altruists and patriots. The whole world rests on them. History remembers them. Those who loved their country, who gave their lives for the happiness of others. These are fearless warriors, selfless doctors, talented scientists, and simply selfless patriots of their people.

Why is history needed? Because it popularly tells each next generation about what it owes to its ancestors. We will learn what ideals our great-grandfathers lived by, what feats they performed. We understand how their lives impacted our present. Fostering respect for the past with its reforms, struggles, victories and failures is the task of history.

Why study history?

Today is inseparable from yesterday. All people and nations live by history: we speak languages ​​that have come down to us from the distant past, we live in societies with complex cultures inherited from ancient times, we use technologies developed by our ancestors... Thus, the study of the relationship between the past and the present is undeniable basis for a good understanding of modern human existence. This explains why we need history, why and how important it is in our lives.

Getting to know the human past is the path to self-knowledge. History helps us understand the origins of modern social and political problems. It is the most important source for studying the characteristic behavior of people in certain social conditions. History makes us realize that people in the past were not simply “good” or “bad,” but were motivated in complex and contradictory ways, just as they are today.

Each person's view of the world is shaped by individual experience, as well as the experience of the society in which he lives. If we do not know the contemporary and historical experiences of different cultures, then we cannot even hope to understand how people, societies or nations make decisions in the modern world.

The very essence

Historical knowledge is no more and no less than a carefully and critically constructed collective memory. It is memory that makes us human, and collective memory, that is, history, that makes us a society. Why know history? Yes, without individuality, he will immediately lose his identity and will not know how to act when meeting other people. The same thing happens with collective memory, although its loss will not be noticeable so immediately.

However, memory cannot be frozen in time. Collective memory is gradually acquiring a new meaning. Historians are constantly working to reconsider the past by asking new questions, searching for new ones, and analyzing ancient documents in order to gain new knowledge and experience to better understand the past and what is happening. History is constantly changing and expanding, as is our memory, helping us acquire new knowledge and skills to improve our lives….

Humans need the science of history to understand the processes and laws by which society lives. Knowing history is useful for everyone, so as not to repeat the common mistakes of predecessors, to be able to compare situations, find their bearings and find the right solution.

Also, the science of history is very helpful in understanding other people: their historically established beliefs, traditions, habits, views. Even the worldview and mentality of peoples in general.

History gives us many living ready-made examples causes and consequences, connections like “what actions and actions lead to what,” examples of achievements and successes.

For example, the creation by Genghis Khan of a superbly equipped, combat-ready and disciplined army led to the conquest of “half the world,” including the ancient Russian lands. At the same time, the destruction of a mass of cities, the death talented people- artisans, scientists, artists of the Middle Ages.

The science of history also provides many successful role models that inspire and motivate a contemporary, pushing him to new achievements. History dots the i's: it shows who is right and who is wrong. Here's another example from history. Many Russians know the name of their compatriot, self-taught scientist, founder of theoretical cosmonautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. He, later called the “father of Russian rockets,” published his research in those years (at the end of the 19th century, more precisely) when almost no one on the planet had even heard of astronautics.

History in his person provides an excellent example of a man who worked hard, confident in his rightness, despite the long complete lack of recognition, who was ahead of his time, laying the foundation for the future, for a new development of society.

Why do we need history?

History, like chess, teaches us to be disciplined with time and analyze difficult situations with many circumstances and don’t despair when things don’t work out

I am sure that no matter what profession you strive to realize yourself in, you need to be interested in the experience of your predecessors. This will definitely help. This is the only way to achieve success. Actually, this is the story. Often, knowledge of history allows you to prevent mistakes, helps you build a well-thought-out strategy, and control yourself in stressful situations. Moreover, this works not only at the level of society, but also in the professional life of each of us. The experience of predecessors is truly enriching, we become stronger and wiser when we learn from the past.

History is a concentration of the experience of many generations. The roots go deep, they intertwine, spread out to the sides. Behind each person you can see thousands of predecessors, the chain goes back to ancient times...

The ancients considered history an art on a par with theater, music and poetry. Of course, since the time of Herodotus, scientific requirements for historical knowledge have become stricter. And yet, knowledge begins with interest, with passion. As a thousand years ago, so in our time.

Of course, studying history does not mean knowing the ultimate truth. Much is revealed to us in hypotheses, in discussions - and this is the essence of the processes of cognition. Each of us, sooner or later, experiences such a need - to leaf through the chronicle of the past, to take a closer look at its pictures. The first Russian chronicler asked the question: “Where did the Russian land come from?” In other words: what came before us? We see what a wise and prudent person he was, our first historian, how he loved his native land, how he called for reconciliation, for joining forces for the common good. This is the only way to withstand the trials that befall the country.

IN troubled times Nihilism about our past was imposed on us. IN last years we began to overcome this disease. The understanding has come: you can’t break away from your roots. There are forces in the world that benefit from presenting Russian history in a distorted way. Today the real information war against our country. I have not seen such intensity of Russophobia among the ruling elite in the West even in years cold war. And if we do not carefully study the past, if we do not know our history, a distorted interpretation of it will certainly be imposed on us.

We must not forget that we have something to be proud of. Our people built and defended a great state. During this time, many peoples simply disappeared, were unable to withstand wars, many states disappeared with political map peace. And our fathers and grandfathers defended the country in the most brutal war - the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the fallen, the soldiers, commanders and home front workers who did not spare their lives in that war is sacred to us. I think that in school we need to pay as much attention as possible to the history of our people - starting with the history of the family, with stories about our grandparents and great-grandfathers.

I can imagine the image of the future of our country only with a careful and thoughtful attitude to both our historical heritage and the nature that surrounds us. Tomorrow will bring new discoveries. Perhaps they will help to more accurately study archaeological finds, and we will receive new, more detailed information about the distant past.

But success comes only to those who have mastered knowledge. Everything begins with knowledge. As children, we are attracted to adventures and mysteries; we try to imagine what our distant ancestors looked like, how they defended their land, how they explored space, and built their lives.

To know the past of your country, your city, your people and the past of humanity - what could be more important? To know your predecessors, including distant ones, to know what goals they set for themselves, what system of values ​​they professed - conscious patriotism begins with this desire. This is the only way to enrich your mind with the experience of previous generations. It is in the past that often lies the answers to the questions that the present asks us. And the main thing that history teaches is that in our lives there is nothing more important and dearer than peaceful development, than enlightenment. And the foundation is school education, home and family education, with which each of us begins our journey into the profession.

Anatoly KARPOV,State Duma deputy, multiple world chess champion

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lyceum No. 5

“Why you need to know the history of your country” (essay)

student 3 B class MBOU Lyceum No. 5

Poludkin Alexey Ruslanovich


primary school teacher

MBOU Lyceum No. 5

Volokitina Elena Sergeevna.

Elets, 2012

When my mother asked me the question: “Why should we know the history of our

country?”, I replied: “Because we must know what to say to our


My grandmother often tells me about the difficult years of the Great

Patriotic War. How they, small children, worked together with

adults. How they experienced hunger and cold. How my great-grandfather died in the war,

defending the Motherland from the Nazis. Our Russian accomplished many feats

people during this terrible war.

And when I watched the film “Alexander Nevsky”, I realized that back in

in ancient times, people heroically defended their homeland from enemies. They are not

regretted their lives. Prince Alexander Nevsky and his army defeated

crusaders on Lake Peipsi. The glory of the great commander Alexander

Nevsky and about Russian soldiers thundered across Europe.

No less feats were accomplished during the Patriotic War

1812. Russian army led by Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

expelled Napoleon and his army from Russia. During this war people

They went into the forests, united in detachments and fought a guerrilla war. A lot of

suffering befell the Russian people.

Do you need to know the history of your country, your people? Why today

Is it so important to know and study history? Yes, because, without knowing the past,

It is impossible to comprehend and understand the present, or look into the future.

Only through history can one comprehend the spiritual world of ancestors, understand its language and culture.

You need to know history. This is basic respect for ancestors. The history of a country is made up of the stories of individual families. And from the history of our family - too. Knowing the history of your own country is self-respect. One of the great people said: “A person who does not know his past has no right to the future.”Every country should know its heroes. “Everything new is well forgotten old.” Studying history is great for developing memory, we will have something to talk about with erudite people, and besides, it is very, very interesting!

Any person other than parents must have a native history, a native land, native language, native culture. But the most important of these roots is native history.

I really like reading books on my native history. My parents buy me historical reference books and encyclopedias. They help me better understand the present and think about the future. After all, we must be grateful to those who sincerely served the Fatherland, who kept the faith, and developed science and art.

Why know history?

“Whoever does not know the past is left without a future”

History is one of the few words behind which entire eras stand. It contains millions of destinies, its subject of study is always Man and Time. Perhaps there is practically no person who has never heard about Alexander the Great, Christopher Columbus and Napoleon Bonaparte in his life. These people left a deep mark in the memory of the world and changed the course of all history. They have become a thin thread between the past and the future.

To understand the value of history for modern man, we need to turn to its origins. One of the first historical books is the nine-volume “History” of Herodotus (5th century BC), for us this is an example of the life of people in Antiquity; even Cicero, the ancient Roman politician, orator and philosopher, said about this book that it: “ ...witness of the past, light of truth, living memory, teacher of life, messenger of antiquity.”

Ukrainian historian Mikhail Aleksandrovich Maksimovich (1804-1873) was one of the first to study the history of ancient Kyiv; he devoted more than 25 articles to this topic. In them, he first showed the role of Petro Mohyla in the creation and development of Ukrainian culture. Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky (1866 -1934), he owns more than two thousand works on the history, sociology, literature, ethnography and folklore of Ukraine. He went down in history as a great chronicler and author of the History of Ukraine. And many other outstanding people who collected and preserved information about the past of our homeland for us.

All historical books, on which many years of work were spent, were left by the people of the past for their followers, for future generations, so that, based on the experience of the past, they would prevent mistakes in the future. Modern historian Agnes MacKenzie, in her book Celtic Scotland, writes: “History is more than the study of the past. It is the study of the origins of the present and the roots of the future.”

History preserves the integrity of the people. It's impossible to imagine at all globe a country that would not remember its past. You can't live on native land and not to know who lived here before us, not to know and not to remember their labors, glory, delusions and mistakes. Knowledge of history is gratitude to past generations for the heritage that we inherited from them. History is a human life that has already ended, no one will ever return it or redo it, but it continues in us. History is created with our every word and action. We unwittingly create it, through storing the old and creating the new.

Knowledge of the history of your state, your people and world history forms national dignity in a person, helps to see the origins national culture, understand and realize your role in it. Knowing history helps us not repeat it. This is the evolution of human consciousness, his nutrition and enlightenment.

To the talk that history has taught no one anything, the outstanding historian V. O. Klyuchevsky replied: “History teaches even those who do not learn from it: it teaches them a lesson for ignorance and neglect.”

The text is large so it is divided into pages.
