What exotic animals can you make money on? Notes from a successful farmer: which animals are profitable to breed?

Livestock farming business

With the right and responsible approach to business, you can build a profitable business, which will open up prospects for growth and development for you.

But before you start farming, you need to clearly understand that it will not be possible to recoup and return your investment instantly; this can only be done after a couple of years.

Livestock farming is quite a profitable and profitable business; its income directly depends on the attitude towards the process and the scale of its development. Many factors depend on this, one of which is the cost of feed for livestock.

If we consider this aspect, then raising cows or pigs is not suitable for entrepreneurship, because they are very expensive to maintain.

What to choose? Where to stop?

When choosing livestock in livestock farming, you should not be guided by the principle of “what is cheaper”. You should choose those animals for which you do not have fear or feelings of disgust, because you must clearly understand that animals are living beings that need constant care.

After all, in order to develop a successful and profitable business, you will need to invest not only your money, time and effort into it, it is important to treat it with soul.

Animals that are beneficial for breeding include:

  1. Chickens;
  2. Turkeys;
  3. Chinchillas;
  4. Rabbits.


Breeding chickens is a very profitable type of livestock farming. The main investment in this business is the purchase of feed, chickens and the construction of a chicken coop. The chicken coop can be built from any available means and materials; the main task of this room is to be warm and well ventilated.

Chickens begin to lay eggs from the age of six months; if the eggs are going to be sold, then the presence of roosters is not at all necessary. You can breed chickens from scratch by purchasing a laying hen and a rooster, or you can buy already hatched chickens; an adult chicken will not be much more expensive, but will be more expensive.

You need to buy chickens so that among them there are future roosters and laying hens, so that the farmer has the opportunity to sell eggs and expand the farm. The chickens' diet consists of grains and grass, and they can also be fed table scraps.

Each chicken will receive three to four kg of special feed per month; the benefits of raising chickens are obvious.


Turkey meat contains large amounts of iron and protein, while it has a low fat content. Therefore, it is considered dietary and very useful for people on a diet, nursing mothers and people engaged in heavy work.

Turkey breeding is very profitable due to its high profitability with low investment. For proper organization This industry needs to select the right breeds of turkeys and create a poultry complex. The main costs are the installation and adjustment of equipment, the construction of a turkey farm and the purchase of feed.

Production will pay off in two to three years. The main thing is to correctly decide on the breed; some breeds gain maximum weight, others grow very quickly.

Breeding these birds reaches 98% profitability, and in order to increase it further, you can open a workshop for processing meat and producing sausages, frankfurters and other semi-finished products.


But when breeding this animal, it is worth considering that about half are discarded due to the quality of the fur, flattened nose, or coat color. Therefore bring good income Not all animals can. Pets that have not passed quality control are sold in pet stores.

There are very expensive individuals, the price of which can be several thousand dollars. They are valued for their rare color, length and thickness of coat. In order for the offspring to be strong and healthy, farms must exchange males, or buy new individuals.

The food for these animals is not expensive; a chinchilla can eat one spoon of special food per day, but additional feeding will be required in the form of dried fruits, rose hips, carrots and hay. The profitability of this business reaches 300 percent.


Breeding rabbits is quite profitable for breeders, but requires initial costs. To breed this type of animal you need to purchase one rabbit and two mature female rabbits, they can quickly multiply in a short period of time.

Investments in this business also include: construction of spacious wooden cages, arrangement of drinking bowls and feeders, purchase of dry food, grain and hay. In summer, rabbits can eat freshly cut grass.

Rabbit meat is considered dietary; the fertility of these animals is very high; in a year, a female rabbit can give birth six times, up to thirty rabbits. Such breeds as Flanders and the Giant. In addition to meat, there is a good demand for rabbit skins; there are separate downy breeds.

You can also be engaged in breeding decorative breeds of rabbits; they are very valued by city residents; they can be kept in a private house or apartment as a pet.

In order to achieve success, you need not to stop there and work very hard. If your business goes well, then after a while you will be able to open several farms and hire staff who will do all the work of caring for the animals for you.

Breeding animals at home is becoming a profitable and widespread type own business. To organize a profitable household it is necessary to have sufficient space and initial capital, and have the necessary knowledge in the field of livestock farming.

It will help the entrepreneur determine the profitability of the enterprise comparative analysis conditions for breeding the species, its demand, payback periods. Choosing which animals to raise on your home farm, it is necessary to take into account the available free space, the amount of initial capital and the ability to organize comfortable conditions for the reproduction of the species.

Different types of animals, birds, fish and even insects can become a profitable type of business when breeding them at home, if you follow certain rules:

  1. Purchase young animals from required quantity and from reliable suppliers;
  2. Preliminarily study the issues of breeding the species;
  3. Prepare the premises by creating all the necessary conditions;
  4. Use high-quality feed, monitor the health of animals;
  5. Determine the sales market, find regular customers.

Which animals are better and more profitable to breed depends on the location of the mini-farm, natural and climatic conditions, the demand for the species and the preferences of the entrepreneur himself.

View:Cost of an individual for breeding, rub/pieceReproduction timePaybackSeasonalitySales marketProfitability, rub/year
(explanations in the text)
Fish100 - 150 Caviar - after 6 years, grown individuals for sale 7 - 9 months.10 - 12 monthsSummer autumnFrom 300,000
Cancers50 - 120 10 - 12 months2 - 3 yearsAll year roundFrom 130,000
Poultry (chickens, turkeys)150 - 300 6 - 8 months10 - 12 monthsAll year roundFood markets, shops, wholesale organizationsFrom 150,000
Rabbitsfrom 2008 -12 months8 - 10 monthsAll year roundCafes, restaurants, grocery storesFrom 300,000
Pigsfrom 150010 - 12 months2 yearsAll year roundFood markets, shops, wholesale organizationsFrom 500,000
Worms (bloodworms)50 - 80 rub/kg2 - 3 months3 - 5 monthsAutumn, winter, springFish breeders, fish farms, fishing shopsFrom 300,000

Sturgeon, sterlet, commercial fish

Growing fish at home is beneficial if there is sufficient space on which artificial reservoirs can be installed. The minimum area of ​​the pool is 3 meters in diameter, depth 1 - 1.5 meters.

On initial stage required:

  • Several containers for raising fry, each 2 - 2.5 cubic meters;
  • Heated room for breeding sturgeon at home;
  • A generator that provides uninterrupted power supply to the farm;
  • Water pump connected to a well or well;
  • Automatic feeders that ensure timely and uniform distribution of feed;
  • Compressor for saturating water with oxygen.

In addition to equipment costs, investments will be required in the purchase of feed, payment for electricity, and costs for the purchase of fry. The minimum quantity of purchased young animals is 1000 pieces; a smaller quantity will be unprofitable.

Breeding sturgeon fish is especially profitable when the entrepreneur uses all options for making a profit. Sturgeon is grown for sale to grocery stores, restaurants and cafes. The second option for increasing business profitability is breeding females to obtain caviar, which is considered a delicacy and brings maximum profit. And the third option for extracting benefits is sturgeon breeding for the purpose of further selling the fry in industrial quantities.

Breeding domestic animals is a promising and quickly profitable area of ​​entrepreneurship. Starts with a small investment and minimal experience. At the first stages, unpretentious animals are brought in: chickens, turkeys, rabbits. As knowledge expands, farmers begin to breed more exotic animals - indo-ducks, nutria, ostriches.

Livestock farming as a business from scratch: main advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of livestock farming as a business:

  • high demand for environmentally friendly products;
  • quick payback, profitability;
  • it is not necessary to hire staff and incur expenses necessary when running another type of business;
  • starting capital from 5,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Breeding animals as a business from scratch has one main disadvantage:

  • lack of active cash flow immediately after creating a business.

To determine deficiencies, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the animals. Individuals can be highly productive and low-productive, egg-laying and not able to lay eggs well, prone to diseases and disease-resistant.

Popular types of animal breeding business

– the most popular and profitable branch of livestock farming. Pork is a sought-after meat. The demand for environmentally friendly products is growing, so pig farming is very popular. The payback period for a business is 2-2.5 years. Pigs gain weight in a short time and reproduce quickly. Their meat is tasty and nutritious.

profitable and quickly pays for itself. Goat milk is successfully used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Milk is a tasty and nutritious product with low calorie content, hypoallergenic, recommended for consumption during diets and for children. Also, in the process of breeding these animals, soft wool and meat are obtained.

Before organizing livestock farming as a business from scratch, it is necessary to consider (draw up) a business plan, assess profitability, level of demand and competition. Competition in the goat breeding business is low, and goat milk, wool, and meat are in demand. From here we can judge the profitability of the activity.

Bird breeding business– a profitable and promising type of activity. The demand for meat from chickens, ducks, and turkeys is always high.

There are two areas of business in poultry breeding:

  • Raising chicks for further sale. They are hatched in an incubator and sold at the age of 3 days to 2-3 weeks.
  • Raising chicks for sale of meat and eggs.

If you do not have experience in poultry farming, it is better to start with and. These birds are unpretentious, egg-laying and do not require special conditions content.

It pays off quickly, but requires a lot of effort on the part of the entrepreneur, creating special conditions for keeping birds. Turkeys grow up to 20 kg, so market price one individual is higher than chickens or ducks. In addition, poultry meat is less commonly found on sale and is highly prized.

Farmers with sufficient experience start,. Birds have high egg production and rarely get sick.

Even farmers without experience can do it. The fur and meat of these animals is of high value, so the demand for products will be high. Rodents do not require special housing conditions: it is enough to purchase cages and food. The rabbit breeding business is expanding rapidly, and we have to gradually purchase new equipment.

– a new direction that brings stable income. The main consumers of the products are pet stores, terrariums, zoos, pharmaceutical companies and people who want to start a vermi business. Entrepreneurship requires minimum investment and is suitable for new farmers with no experience in farming.

When implementing a business in animal breeding, it is important to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, you are entitled to receive state grant to create Agriculture or funds for household improvements.

Sooner or later, moment X comes, at which a person begins to think about what’s next. It is not so important that he came to this idea on his own or under the influence of external factors (loss of job, low salary, dissatisfaction with work). One of the options for what to do next could be the answer - start a business, but what kind?

There are not so many options for starting a business from scratch; in this article we will analyze one of the most effective ways (from my subjective point of view) of searching for an idea in a village business.

To be fair, I can say that I myself am now organizing such a village business project, I think in the near future I will describe the areas that I have mastered, do not forget to subscribe to the blog. I personally think this is the most the best option creating your own business with prospects for the future.

In this block we will talk about breeding, that is, animal husbandry. There is a misconception that you can start breeding any animals from scratch and immediately make a big profit.

To be honest, in reality you can really breed anything, even hippos (they are bred in the zoo), but in practice, not all types of such cultivation are profitable and, moreover, will give a return in a relatively short period (a year or two).

Breeding as a village business from scratch

First place is predictable. Alas, in Russia there is no more profitable livestock sector for small business in the village. Of course, I will seem banal, but to open a profitable village business, it makes sense to start pig farming. It is worth noting that there are two directions (although they can be combined): raising for meat and selling piglets. It is the sale of piglets that is much more profitable, but also more labor-intensive.

  • - high speed payback. The normal growth period for a pig to market weight is 6 months.
  • - the highest meat yield per square meter area in relation to feed consumption (with normal technology). It’s higher only when breeding rabbits, but they have a whole bunch of their own nuances.
  • - high level manual labor or the need to invest in mechanization
  • - the need for initial investments in the construction of premises
  • - high costs for feed, without the possibility of diversification

The second place is occupied by nutria. By most indicators, growing nutria can be considered one of the most attractive for starting your village business from scratch. You can make cages and pens for them using scrap materials; animals tolerate cold well, relatively fast growth, strong immunity, the presence of both meat (dietary) and skin. Practical experience shows that a family of nutria (3 females and a male) in one year (with offspring) completely pays for the construction of pens, food, and even makes a profit.

  • - high yield of meat per square meter of area
  • - consume food that can be grown independently, which makes maintenance very cheap
  • - don’t get very sick (in relation to rabbits they’re just lively)
  • - low costs for premises
  • - rather unstable demand for meat. Not everyone is ready to buy nutria meat

Third place - ducks. Raising ducks as a business in the village has only one big advantage, if you start from scratch, then they will help you earn money quickly, maybe not very much, but they can guarantee a profitability level of 30-40% in 2.5-3 months.

  • - high turnover rate. Ducks grow very quickly, with good breeding, they reach marketable weight in 3 months.
  • - stable and good demand
  • - high costs of feed; to ensure high profitability, you can use various tricks, such as adding green mass, sand, and so on to the feed.

Fourth place - beekeeping. In terms of profitability, one of the most profitable business ideas in the village, but in terms of the level of “headache” and nuances when keeping bees, they also rank first. In fact, raising bees is quite a troublesome task; the presence of “blooming” fields, large farms in the area (acquaintances of mine last year, after treatment with herbicides, half of the bees fell off), care (so that the swarm does not fly away), wintering (feeding) and so on are also important. Further. Breeding experience has shown that there are both very successful seasons and completely unsuccessful ones, it all depends on the owner and approach.

  • - the opportunity to run the entire business yourself
  • - a large number of different conditions

Fifth place – quail breeding. The main advantage of this village business idea is the minimum requirements, both in terms of space and the level of investment. Actually, you can successfully breed quails in a room with an area of ​​20-30 square meters for 500-700 pieces, receiving 150-200 eggs and 2-3 kilograms of meat (in carcasses) every day.

  • - high turnover rate. Quail quickly reach marketable condition, both in live weight and for laying eggs
  • - low start-up costs
  • - stable demand for products
  • - high feed costs
  • - the need to create special conditions (maintaining temperature, silence)


Working in agriculture, it is worth knowing that there is one big and pleasant surprise; in fact, for mini-businesses in the village, the most preferential system has been established in which there will be no need to pay taxes, and quite officially.

In the legislation, there is such a thing as private household plots (personal subsidiary plots), which allows everyone working on this system to work officially without paying taxes. . Now let me just remind you that all of the listed ideas fall under the law on subsidiary farming and you can sleep peacefully.

Myths of some popular business ideas

I’ll say right away that other ideas in the field of livestock farming are also cost-effective and profitable, but in terms of the speed of payback and ease of doing business, they are much inferior to those listed above. And now about the disadvantages of the advertised ideas:

KRS (cattle) – to successfully run a business in this branch of agriculture, you need large areas (for pastures), plus premises and time. As an example, a bull is raised for meat for at least a year, with a carcass yield of 45%, and a pig grows for 6 months and the yield is about 70%. Regarding the dairy direction, from the moment of birth to the moment of receiving milk, a cow grows for 2 years! And it’s far from a fact that it will be dairy. Profitable, but very long.

Ostriches– large expenses are required for arranging the pens, plus large areas. So for one family of ostriches (1 male and 2 females), the pen should be at least 4 meters wide and 40 meters long. As for ostrich meat, the ostrich grows for at least a year, again it is profitable, but you can earn money faster.

– the problem is in the sale of products, if you have the opportunity to separate skins and make fur coats yourself, then the business will be just golden, if not, then you need to very carefully calculate the maintenance costs. The main problem is the high cost of feeding.

Sheep, goats- Problem in large areas for grazing animals, if you have pastures, you can try to do business, but it is worth remembering that in most regions of Russia this type of meat is not very popular, which reduces their attractiveness to the market. It is from the point of view of attractiveness that pig farming looks more promising.

Rabbit breeding– by all indicators very good business, but rabbits themselves are very fragile animals, if an epidemic begins, then the mortality rate may be 90%. To organize an effective rural business it is necessary to organize the closure of barns with a strict quarantine system. Such premises cost money and are not suitable for all beginning entrepreneurs.

Other blocks of the most successful business ideas in the countryside

Video example of a village business

Business idea for the village!!! HOW TO MAKE EARNING IN THE VILLAGE!!!

about how people have achieved success selling natural food

Now I will write about which animals are most profitable to breed in your own backyard. Moreover, first I will talk about what is the most profitable bird for breeding on a subsidiary farm, then, in the second part of the article “THE MOST PROFITABLE ANIMALS ON THE FARM. PART 2. MAMMALS”, about livestock and other animals.

I give signs of profitability based on the conditions of my farm. Perhaps the most profitable pets for some people will be different.

Based on the PHILOSOPHY AND WORLDVIEW of my project, the high productivity of a particular animal species must simultaneously correspond to the condition of maximum autarky. First of all, this will relate to the issue of providing feed, and secondly, to the issue of veterinary support for life.

Stern. Alpha and Omega of any animal husbandry. The two main types of feed used in feeding are concentrates in the form of grain, various compound feeds and green or roughage. You can mention here grass, hay, silage, branches.

In the conditions of a small farm, without its own fields and grain-growing equipment, the supply of any significant amount of grain is possible only from the outside and, naturally, for money. In addition to spending, I’ll also add here just an unpleasant dependence on someone. If a crisis occurs, grain prices rise accordingly. This means that our well-being is tied to economic conditions to a very large extent. And the more the farmed animals are grain-oriented in their gastronomic preferences, the more the economy is dependent on price fluctuations.

Even if fields and equipment for their processing are available, there is always a dependence on fuels and lubricants, spare parts, and components. In the event of an oil crisis, which is now predicted by many, large-scale grain production modern techniques will become impossible.

For skeptics who do not believe in the future of the crisis, but want to move to the countryside and take into account the profitability of raising livestock only in the current economic and raw material conditions, I note that the minimal dependence of the economy on external factors is always useful, in my opinion. If we talk about highly intensive methods of animal husbandry, for example, raising broilers, then yes, they require a lot of feed and preparations. And yes, intensive areas and methods are often the most profitable and quickly buy investments. Indeed, intensive livestock farming on a commercial scale is profitable as long as the current raw material and feed base is available. For example, I breed a number of species and breeds of birds specifically for sale, although this particular example, broilers, has never attracted me. Despite this, I consider it strategically correct to have at least a small set of exactly those economical animals to which I am dedicated this material. In the current conditions, they will be useful for personal consumption, and in some cases for sale. And with the advent of the post-technogenic era, the notorious raw material crisis, they will become the backbone of the economy. Broilers will die of hunger if you don’t slaughter them right away, regardless of their age and degree of unprofitability. To focus on them and other intensive species and breeds of livestock, farms where grain feed, antibiotics, and other drugs are not regularly imported, in the absence of gasoline and diesel fuel, electricity, refrigeration equipment- impossible.

Thus, the most efficient farm animal for a private farm cannot have grain and the combined feed produced on its basis as a priority diet.

The second category of feed actively used in livestock farming is rough green feed. I think the first part of the article demonstrated that it is this type of nutrition that the most profitable farm animal should accept. The larger percentage of your pet’s diet can be grass, hay and other feed, the better.

Why greens?

1) Firstly, there is a lot of it. True, not every herbivorous creature is ready to eat any grass. Everyone has their own tastes. There are two reasons for this selectivity: taste preferences and consistency are considered by the masses. A plant, any one type, can be poisonous to another. A large ruminant or rodent can easily overcome the tough branches of trees and bushes, but give small birds tender young grass that is under the control of their beak. All this must be taken into account when choosing the most profitable pet for breeding in rural areas.

2) Secondly, in standard rural conditions, green feed is free. Anyone can cut a certain amount of grass and make hay absolutely free, without any sanctions, permits or money. The only resources needed are labor and hay for storage. Let me remind you that grain also requires a barn, which is, as a rule, a fairly capital structure. The hay, at correct installation, it is permissible to store even in the form of a stack. Not to mention such exceptionally beneficial cases as the ability of other breeds of sheep to graze year-round, with the exception of the time of deep snow, or rabbits to gnaw the bark of non-leafy branches.

3) The availability of roughage, procured independently, is not subject to the market. No matter how prices rise, oil runs out, or electricity goes out, grass and its derivatives will always be available. At the same time, the cost of livestock products also increases during the crisis, reimbursing the livestock farmer for other expenses.

4) The fourth advantage is low competition and accessibility. By this I want to say that you can pick grass for chickens or cut branches for goats in any forest belt or even on the side of the road and no one will object or claim rights. And try in the same way to thresh a couple of acres, or even a hectare or two of someone else’s field, or sow an ownerless clearing with barley. It's unlikely that anything good will come of this. So, grain is an artificial resource, and grass is natural. Except for anecdotal cases when you graze a cow in someone else's clover field.

Rough feed also has its disadvantages. Their calorie content relative to grain is low, which means they require more by weight. Harvesting them takes time and effort, whereas you bought grain, poured it into the barn, and it’s ready. I don't remember any other cons. If the reader finds them, please indicate them in the comments.

Having considered the food supply that the most profitable domestic animal should prefer, I will move on to assessing compliance with this factor different types and, in some cases, animal breeds. I will mention the most common in our country and, if I remember, interesting rarities known to me. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I did not personally raise the entire range of listed farm animals and birds. However, I went through a lot of information on almost all of them in order to argue reasonably. Actually, the reason I didn’t start other living creatures was because I considered them ineffective in my conditions.

Chickens. The first building block of any small household. Nowadays, meat crosses and breed lines - broilers - have become widespread. Regarding eggs, lightweight egg-laying breeds are common, laying over 300 eggs per year. The trouble is that such results are only possible when feeding balanced feed, which the vast majority of poultry farmers even now do not undertake to produce themselves. You have to buy or prepare grain mixtures without taking into account their balance. Intensive meat and egg chicken farming cannot exist without a huge amount of antibiotics, vitamins, and premixes. Someone will think that they can do without them and thereby obtain environmentally friendly products. However, in practice, highly efficient varieties of chickens without the appropriate veterinary feeding regime either die almost all of them, or give productivity almost less than that of a village crossbred bird. Highly productive chickens are demanding in terms of temperature and light conditions. In the conditions of modern raw material and feed base, such chickens could be called the most efficient birds for the courtyard. When food is limited, they become less productive and sometimes simply unviable. Let me separately remind you that products grown on antibiotics and other drugs are not as healthy as those obtained in ordinary yard conditions. The media is full of information about the dangers of industrial meat and eggs. Let's draw conclusions. For a farm that is primarily focused not on the market, but on personal consumption, independence from the market and striving for maximum self-sufficiency, modern highly productive breeds, lines and crosses of chickens are not suitable.

What about simpler breeds and simple outbred chickens? To be fair, I will say that in our time, I think there are no simple village outbred chickens. The chickens that we regard as such are actually crossbreeds. Their properties depend on the origin and composition of the breeds in the pedigree. Large, clearly defined meat-type chickens in subsistence farming, in my opinion, are not far from modern industrial chickens. But I think small ones, meat and egg oriented, will be quite useful. But there are a number of caveats.

A population of chickens that is useful to us must preserve the gene for incubating eggs and raising chickens, which is absent in many, if not most, modern breeds. Of course, eggs of chickens of the same breed can be hatched under others, or ducks. But this is not the level of bird versatility that we should strive for.

Second point. The diet of chickens is varied. These are mainly plant seeds, insects, and grass. To reduce the percentage of grain in the diet to a minimum, give the bird the opportunity to forage and collect seeds weeds, bugs, worms, fruit drops, peck grass. And this is already a certain area. Corrals are not suitable for this; free grazing is needed. At the same time, the bird must stay indoors so that it does not run wild, rush into the barn and become a victim of predators. In other words, chickens should hang around the yard. This means that their feeding territory will be small. In such conditions, large flocks of chickens are unrealistic, only small numbers. There will be enough eggs for yourself, but not for sale without reorienting the diet to grain. In other words, chickens must be kept, but in such a way that they can feed themselves and only receive a little grain from the owner in the evening and in the morning. The chicken must be adapted to yard keeping, hatch chicks and forage well.

Ducks. Let's start with mallards, our Eurasian ducks. With fast-growing meat breeds, the situation is similar to broiler chickens. True, ducks are more resistant to diseases and manage with a small amount of drugs. But it’s impossible to raise ducks without grain. There is one significant exception to the above - the presence of a reservoir. If he is, everything changes. On a reservoir with good aquatic and coastal vegetation, the duck will grow quite well. However, she needs to be taught to return to the yard at night. This can be made into something delicious for an evening seaside meal. This will come in handy a small amount of grains, vegetables and other feeds that are not available in the reservoir. The disadvantage of modern duck breeds is the absence of the egg incubation gene. Here you need to either find a population that sits on eggs, or take domesticated wild mallards. Great option- cross domestic breeds with wild mallards and breed their offspring. So, for ducks - yes, if there is a reservoir with aquatic vegetation.

Muscovy duck. About them separately. The bird has a stronger beak than mallards, and is much more adapted to consuming grass. Little ducklings actively catch insects. And if there is also a body of water, then the Indian duck may well become the most profitable bird for breeding. At the same time, pay attention to the species composition of the grazing grass. Consider whether your ducks will have enough grass in the second half of summer, when most of the vegetation burns out. What will mute mules eat in winter? Corn. Here we come to the conclusion that the flock of ducks should also be small, no matter how abundant and juicy the spring grass is. Is it true, musky duck not voracious like mallards, not prone to obesity. The advantage of Muscovy ducks is their excellent maternal qualities. She even hatches chicks of other bird species well. The bird also has tangible disadvantages. It is clearly inferior to the mallard in terms of resistance to cold due to low fat accumulation and origin from warm latitudes. In northern regions, without a shed with plenty of bedding, frostbite will only be a matter of time. To this I will add the unpleasant fact of the extreme volatility of the Indian duck. It will increase enormously in lightweight birds raised on pasture. However, timely and correct pruning wings will solve this problem. The main thing is not to miss it. The law is that these ducks rarely get sick and are very hardy.

Let's move on to the geese. In my opinion, geese may well lay claim to the title of the most profitable bird for personal farming. Their main food is grass. At the same time, the goose willingly eats coarse, sun-dried greens and dry spikelets of wild cereals, which is extremely beneficial in the conditions of the arid southern regions. It accepts goose and hay, which is extremely beneficial in winter. It makes good use of the pond, although it is not as dependent on it as ducks. The goose is a good hen. Due to its size, the goose is less likely to become a victim of small predators such as weasels and ferrets, which are very difficult to fight, and the gander is by far the best defender of its family than a rooster or drake. To prevent geese from flying away, trim their flight feathers on their wings. In addition, geese are quite resistant to diseases. There will be geese in the yard. And you can keep them in significant quantities. The only negative is that geese are prone to long journeys and, if you don’t have the time and desire to herd them or look after them, they can go quite far and then disappear.

Turkeys, they are turkeys. In general, here you can repeat the tale about chickens, but with a number of additions. The turkey is a wonderful hen, some even read that she is the best. This bird is very flying and mobile. This cannot be done without significant grazing. And hence, as with geese, there is a need for control. I can’t even imagine what you can feed turkeys in winter, other than grain. It is widely believed that the turkey is an extremely sick bird in its youth. Based on my little experience of growing it, I dare to disagree. They don’t get sick for me, although the same chickens show a deplorably high mortality rate.

Quail, they are also quail. In conditions of food and raw material abundance, other breeders claim that quail is the most profitable agricultural bird for the farm. The production of quail meat and eggs is possible in a warm and ventilated room, feeding with specialized feed and balanced light mode. Violation of the regime leads to a sharp decline in productivity. Efficient Breeding As far as I know, quails are not found using other methods. Hence the conclusion - the raw material crisis will make quail farming an anachronism or a less common decoration.

I’ll finish with birds and move on to mammals. Reading the material "THE MOST PROFITABLE ANIMALS ON THE FARM. PART 2. MAMMALS".
