Is it possible for liquid? Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom (20 photos). Important points in choosing liquid wallpaper for finishing a kitchen space

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By by and large, this type of wall covering can hardly be called wallpaper. Liquid wallpaper is more like paper plaster. Moreover, they are applied in exactly the same way. Today we will talk about all the features of this material. We will thoroughly discuss liquid wallpaper, reviews, disadvantages and advantages. After all, this is a difficult material to work with, but with its help you can achieve very impressive results.

Liquid wallpaper - part original interior

There is a version that liquid wallpaper was first invented in France and its appearance was historically associated with Charles VII. Allegedly, it was in the castle he captured that the walls were first covered with a mixture of crushed silk and flour. The king was impressed by this original idea masters and this technology were used in other palaces.

In fact, it would be correct to call the material paper and not wallpaper, but that’s the way it is. So, liquid wallpaper - what is it? E it is a crumbly dry multicomponent mixture, which is packaged in bags by weight, and for application diluted with water or an adhesive composition.

Included liquid wallpaper the following components:

  • Cotton or cellulose fibers. This component makes up 90 percent of the material. Recycled raw materials can be used for the mixture. The waste from textile and woodworking production and waste paper is used.
  • Decorative elements. Their main task is to decorate and give a special relief to the coating. For this purpose, sequins, silk fiber, small beads, wood chips or threads and various dyes are used.
  • Adhesive base. The binder composition can be PVA, ordinary wallpaper glue or bustilate, paste. Natural compounds, non-toxic and inexpensive are welcome.
  • Additional additives. To prevent mold fungi and pathogenic bacteria from multiplying on the surface of the material, antiseptics are added to paper plaster. If you plan to use the coating in rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to coat it with varnish.
For your information! Mixtures are available for sale, diluted with water and ready for application. They are sold in buckets. These wallpapers are a little more expensive.

How to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling? One of the main points is careful surface preparation. The ceiling is repeatedly coated with primer and dust-free. If you don’t do this, pieces of the mixture will fall on your head while you work.The composition is applied in small portions, thoroughly rubbing over the surface. Moreover, it should be applied by throwing it, with a sharp movement from bottom to top.

For this work you will need a compressor with a capacity of 400 liters per minute. The nozzle size of the tube should be about 1 centimeter, so the cellulose particles will not get stuck during application.

We have selected video instructions for you on how to glue liquid wallpaper to the ceiling:

5 ways to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall

Liquid wallpaper cannot be left on the walls if you plan to change the coating. No matter how firmly they hold, don't take risks. Firstly, they are not suitable as a basis for other materials. Hidden behind a layer of plaster or a sheet of new wallpaper, cellulose will become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. And secondly, paper plaster does not form a perfectly smooth surface; all irregularities will be revealed on the new coating.

Before you start cleaning the walls, turn off the electricity in the room and secure the sockets and switches with tape. The fact is that you have to do “wet” work, and current and dampness are a dangerous combination.To remove the coating you will need warm water, sponge, convenient scrapers. For a better effect, you can add a couple of spoons of dishwashing detergent or fabric softener to the water.

Wet the walls generously with a damp sponge and wait about 10-15 minutes. Then use a spatula or scraper to remove the composition from the surface of the walls. This process is not fast. There will be pieces of the dry mixture left in places; they will have to be soaked several times. Instead of a sponge, you can use a fur roller.

For your information! Wallpaper removed from walls can be reused after drying and grinding.

In addition to the usual soaking and using a steam generator, you can use an industrial hair dryer or a drill with a brush attachment. But all these methods require significant physical effort. Think about whether you are ready for such a load.

How to remove liquid wallpaper from a wall, video recommendations:

How to decorate paper plaster


Modern wallpapers have a textured surface and different patterns. Wallpaper with glitter looks especially attractive. Reflective particles make the interior light and shining, especially in natural light. Glitter for liquid wallpaper will help focus attention in a certain area, for example, on the far wall or on the ceiling.


Stencils will help you create unusual patterns on the walls. With their help, even a novice master can make a real painting. Multicolor compositions look especially original. To apply the mixture different color You will need to make several templates. With the help of liquid wallpaper, three-dimensional compositions are also created. To do this, the mixture is applied to the base coating through a template in several layers, achieving the creation of a three-dimensional figure.


Today, you can count up to ten types of wallpaper - paper, non-woven, vinyl, glass wallpaper, bamboo, metallized, etc. Although liquid wallpaper is called wallpaper, it has nothing to do with roll material. This is a very popular variety today. decorative plaster. We will talk about what liquid wallpaper is, where it is used, and its advantages and disadvantages together with the site.

Liquid wallpaper in the apartment photo

What is liquid wallpaper and its components

Many have already appreciated this coating on walls in residential and non-residential premises. But they have no idea what liquid wallpaper looks like before it is applied to the walls and ceiling. We have already mentioned that this is not roll material. They are produced in the form of a dry bulk mixture, which is diluted with water and, after swelling and the appearance of viscosity, is applied to the surfaces to be decorated. Read about how to properly apply liquid wallpaper.

What liquid wallpaper looks like photo

In the meantime, let's go further and figure out the composition of this finishing material. According to manufacturers, all components of liquid wallpaper are natural and environmentally friendly. They not only do not harm people during operation, but also do not harm the environment, since they are made from renewable resources. natural resources, and after disposal they can completely decompose.

The composition contains cellulose, cotton, silk, acrylic, various additives And adhesive compositions, acting as a connecting element, as well as decorative inclusions - sparkles, foil shavings, mother-of-pearl inserts, etc.

Liquid wallpaper for walls photo

If we talk about varieties, we distinguish:

  1. liquid wallpaper completely ready for use - the mixture is sold with all the necessary decorative and other additives, it only needs to be diluted with water, and you can start applying it;
  2. mortar white, which is sold without decorative additives, and to give it an attractive appearance the master finisher himself contributes required amount colored and other decorative inclusions.

If the first can be applied even by a person with no experience in construction, then only a professional can handle the second.

Liquid wallpaper photo

Where is liquid wallpaper used: can it be used in a nursery?

Due to its decorative and performance qualities, the scope of application of this decorative plaster is quite wide. Among the undisputed leaders in residential premises - liquid wallpaper is used in the interior of living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms, dressing rooms, hallways. But in non-residential buildings this type of finishing is also successfully used - public places, government and commercial institutions (recreation areas, hotels, restaurants, cafes, clubs, beauty salons, etc.).

The only nuance that does not allow applying liquid wallpaper to absolutely all surfaces of the apartment is that they are afraid of moisture (that is, they would be inappropriate in bathrooms), and due to their loose structure they absorb odors (therefore it is better not to use them in the kitchen either). apply).

Finishing with liquid wallpaper photo

Otherwise, all surfaces, including radius ones, can be decorated with them - they apply liquid wallpaper to the walls, ceiling, decorate arches, columns, bay windows, shelves, etc. This is their key difference - they allow you to decorate not only rectangular surfaces, but also rounded interior elements.

Try carefully and beautifully covering an arch or column with rolled fabric. This idea will fail. But finishing these objects with liquid wallpaper will go without a hitch.

We list the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Not every finishing material has as many advantages as liquid wallpaper. And this is not surprising, because thanks to its decorative and performance properties, the growth in popularity of liquid wallpaper is quite justified.



  • They are afraid of moisture. Water causes the coating to become wet, which is why liquid wallpaper is not used in the bathroom. You can, of course, after application, open the walls with varnish, which will give the coating moisture-resistant properties. But such a step will also not bring durability - at most such a surface can be subjected to wet cleaning.
  • A soft surface can absorb odors, so it should not be used in the kitchen.
  • Price. She still remains quite big. This is especially true for elite mixtures, the price of which reaches $70 per 1 sq.m.
  • If we talk about design, then in comparison with roll wallpaper however, liquid ones lose a little - this amount color variations there is no.

Finally, it should be said about small nuance– despite the fairly dense coating layer, which reaches several millimeters, the surface to be decorated should still be leveled. You can find advice online that liquid wallpaper can hide minor wall defects. However, if you really want to get high-quality coating, then the walls or ceiling need to be brought to perfection.

Surely, you have already heard about a fairly new finishing material for walls and ceilings, liquid wallpaper. Let's find out with you what it is? Liquid wallpaper is a mixture of filler, glue, dye and some additives. Various decorative additives can be added to the mixture: sparkles, marble or mica chips, etc. The filler can be silk or cellulose (for example, plain paper). Manufacturers usually add substances that prevent the formation of fungus and mold. As well as various additives that give the mixture of liquid wallpaper plasticity (for example, ordinary gypsum). As a result, we get a finishing material that is something between and regular wallpaper. If you are wondering which filler for liquid wallpaper is better, silk or cellulose, let's take a closer look at these types of liquid wallpaper.

Types of liquid wallpaper

Silk liquid wallpaper is so called because its filler is silk. Which is very logical.)) The undoubted advantage of silk liquid wallpaper will be its durability and beauty. They do not fade in the sun, unlike cellulose liquid wallpaper. But the cost of such wallpaper is quite high. However, silk liquid wallpaper can be made independently and in this case its cost will be much lower. But more on that a little later.

Cellulose liquid wallpaper contains one type of cellulose. Mainly paper is used. That is why cellulose liquid wallpaper is most often called liquid paper wallpaper. This material is not as good as silk, but it is very cheap and making liquid wallpaper from paper with your own hands will not be difficult for you.

Another filler can be wood shavings or sawdust. Liquid wallpaper made from this material is very original and quite durable.

But most often, in the decoration of premises they use a mixed type of liquid wallpaper: cellulose-silk. It combines the useful and practical qualities of both materials, and its cost is affordable.

What do liquid wallpapers look like? Photo various types You can see the liquid wallpaper below.

Liquid wallpaper pros and cons

As usual, let's talk about the bad first. The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper are few, but you need to know them.

Liquid wallpaper cons:

  • Price. High-quality silk liquid wallpaper is quite expensive. However, paper liquid wallpaper made independently is practically free.
  • Liquid wallpaper is afraid of water. It is not advisable to use them in bathrooms and kitchens. Even if you cover liquid wallpaper with varnish, there is no guarantee that it will adhere firmly to the wall or ceiling. Liquid wallpaper swells from water and moisture and is easily removed from the surface.

That's all the shortcomings. Now for the good stuff. After all, liquid wallpaper has undeniable advantages.

Liquid wallpaper pros:

  • Environmental friendliness. If you carefully read the composition of liquid wallpaper, you will see that the materials used are absolutely harmless to human body. Liquid wallpaper can be used in children's rooms without fear for the health of children.
  • Antistatic. Liquid wallpaper does not accumulate static electricity.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • They repel and do not accumulate dust.
  • Hides minor imperfections of the surface on which they are applied. Hence the ease of preparing the surface for applying liquid wallpaper.
  • Self-application. You can apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands, even alone, without helpers. Gluing liquid wallpaper is a quick and easy process.
  • Seamless finish. Liquid wallpaper is applied in a continuous layer without visible seams or breaks. It doesn’t matter from which side your room is illuminated. You will forget about the joints, as was the case with ordinary wallpaper.
  • Easy repair. Repairing liquid wallpaper if necessary is not difficult. It is enough to wet the area requiring replacement, remove it with a spatula and apply a new layer.
  • Variety for decoration. Liquid wallpaper can be textured, multi-colored, with a 3-D effect, etc.
  • Thermal insulation, sound insulation. Liquid wallpaper is warm to the touch and has some degree of sound insulation.

Liquid wallpaper in the interior

If you have decided to apply liquid wallpaper in your apartment, and have decided whether you need liquid wallpaper for the walls or ceiling, then it’s time to find out what design can be made with liquid wallpaper. The photos of liquid wallpaper in the interior of the apartment presented below will help you with this.

To begin with, you must understand that liquid wallpaper can either make the interior of a room unique or completely ruin the appearance of the room. Liquid wallpaper in a room should not only be beautiful in itself, but also harmonize well with the surroundings, furniture, and other decor. In addition, it is worth choosing a style for the specific purpose of the room. For example, in a nursery, blood-red liquid wallpaper will look ridiculous. And at the same time, drawings with liquid wallpaper on the wall in the form of flowers and fairy-tale heroes will bring joy not only to the children, but also to their parents.

It is better to choose decorative liquid wallpaper in the bedroom to match the main character type of the owner of the room. You should feel calm and relaxed here.

If you have a Nordic character, then feel free to use geometric figures and “cold” shades of blue and green.

If you are a “sunny” and cheerful person, then the palette can be absolutely rainbow. Large flowers, bright and rich shades, perhaps this is exactly what you will like.

Calm and balanced people will benefit from liquid wallpaper with smooth lines and neutral tones.

Decorating the hallway with liquid wallpaper means impressing guests unusual design walls Textured liquid wallpaper with a large fraction and fiber is well suited here.

If you plan to apply liquid wallpaper in the hallway, then take into account the lighting. The fact is that usually this room does not have natural light. And liquid wallpaper looks different in artificial light and natural light.

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom and kitchen

Liquid wallpaper in the bathroom, like liquid wallpaper for the kitchen, is not the best the best choice finishing material. These rooms are too humid for them. Here it is better to choose a different type of finish if you want a durable coating.

DIY liquid wallpaper. Manufacturing

We think you've wondered more than once whether it's possible to make liquid wallpaper yourself? Especially if we are talking about paper liquid wallpaper. We answer you - you can! The process is not tricky and anyone can do it. You just need to know a few nuances to understand how to make liquid wallpaper at home. In order to make liquid wallpaper from paper with your own hands, you will need knowledge about the composition and proportions of materials for them.

Liquid wallpaper composition

The composition of liquid wallpaper includes:

  • Paper. Choose fairly thick, but not glossy paper. The best option there will be office paper. But newspaper will also do.
  • Water.
  • Glue. PVA or wallpaper glue. The second one is better, because... it contains special additives against fungus and mold.
  • Dye. The color is suitable for ordinary water-based emulsion.
  • Gypsum.
  • Various types of decor. Threads, fibers, pebbles, etc. at your request.

In order to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, you will need the proportions of the components.

Liquid wallpaper proportions

  • Paper 2 kg
  • Glue 1 kg
  • Plaster 1 kg
  • Water 10 l.
  • Dye (according to the instructions for your volume).

How to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands

Let's now take a closer look at the process of how to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, made from paper.

  • Choose a large bucket. It’s better to use a large 20 liter construction bottle with a lid.
  • Pour it warm and clean water. Too much hot water Don't pour it, but cold water won't work either. The temperature should be slightly above room temperature.
  • Add finely chopped paper in small portions to the water. The finer you cut it, the smoother the structure of the liquid wallpaper you will get. Large pieces of paper will create a more textured surface. Here you must decide for yourself what you like best.
  • Mix the mixture with a drill, mixer or hands as you add paper.
  • Add glue to the mixture.
  • Add coloring and mix well.
  • Close the liquid wallpaper with a lid.
  • Now the mixture should settle and swell. This may take 12 to 24 hours. Stir the liquid wallpaper every few hours to avoid lumps.
  • Before applying liquid paper wallpaper with your own hands, you need to add plaster.

Tip: if you use a decorative additive in liquid wallpaper, add it to the mixture last. After this, the mixture can be mixed only with your hands, like dough.

Well, now you know how to make liquid wallpaper with your own hands from paper, let’s answer the question: liquid wallpaper, how to apply it to the wall? Applying liquid wallpaper to a wall is not a complicated process and you can do it yourself, alone.

How much liquid wallpaper do you need?

Before you learn how to work with liquid wallpaper, first, you need to decide how much liquid wallpaper you need. And for this you need to know the consumption of liquid wallpaper for square meter. It depends on the thickness of the liquid wallpaper applied. Recommended application thickness is 3-5 mm. Take average value 4 mm and you get 4 liters of liquid wallpaper per square meter. Now we know how to calculate liquid wallpaper, let’s move on to the question of how to apply liquid wallpaper at home.

Applying liquid wallpaper with your own hands requires not only the ability to handle a trowel and spatula, but also preparing the wall for liquid wallpaper. Take this issue seriously, because simply applying liquid wallpaper with your own hands is not a difficult task. But all the work can go down the drain due to poor preparation of the wall for applying liquid wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper preparation of walls

Preparing walls for liquid wallpaper includes checking the surface for cleanliness and evenness. We remember that liquid wallpaper copes well with small uneven walls. Small depressions, grooves and bulges up to 3 mm. Anything that exceeds this value must be removed or puttied.

Then the wall should be well primed. Any primer for liquid wallpaper will work. It's better if it's ground deep penetration. Primer for liquid wallpaper is very important, because... Without it, the wallpaper will not hold up well. This is especially important if you are applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling.

Liquid wallpaper application technology

So, the wall or ceiling is primed. Now we’ll learn how to properly apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands. Open the bucket with ready-made mixture liquid wallpaper and take a lump of the mixture with your hands or a trowel. We press it against the wall and smooth it until an even layer of 3-5 mm is obtained. Wet the trowel with water so that the liquid wallpaper does not stick to it.

Tip: It is most convenient to use a transparent plastic trowel. It will allow you to visually control the process and layer thickness.

That's all.)) This is a simple technology for applying liquid wallpaper. I scooped up some of the mixture and smoothed it onto the wall. Gluing liquid wallpaper is really a simple process. Just keep in mind that if you use decor in liquid wallpaper, then the direction of the pile, relief, etc. will depend on the direction of smoothing the wallpaper with a trowel.

It is much more difficult to make drawings with liquid wallpaper. Let's look at applying a pattern with liquid wallpaper with your own hands using the example of how to make a flower with liquid wallpaper.

Drawings with liquid wallpaper

Making a flower with liquid wallpaper on the wall with your own hands is more difficult than just gluing it. But that doesn't mean you can't do it yourself. To make a drawing with liquid wallpaper, we will need to make a stencil. Apply the flower design you like or any other onto a fairly thick material. For example, cardboard or thick thick paper. The stencil can also be made from thick film. The choice is yours. The drawing can be applied with a printer or by hand, if you know how. If the drawing larger size your stencil, break it into pieces and transfer it to the cardboard in parts.

Carefully cut out the design along the outline.

Now attach the stencil to the wall and fill it with liquid wallpaper. After the liquid wallpaper has dried, cover the design with the cut out part and apply the main part of the liquid wallpaper to the wall.

The order of application can be changed: first make the background, and then the drawing.

In addition, using a stencil can be simpler: outline the boundaries of the design, fill the contours with liquid wallpaper, cutting off the excess with a spatula or knife.

If you know how to draw, then you can do without a stencil at all.

So, we figured out how to glue liquid wallpaper on a wall, including the technology of applying patterns with our own hands. But there are still some questions that interest many. Let's look at them briefly.

Liquid wallpaper on drywall

How to glue liquid wallpaper onto drywall? Yes, just like on all other surfaces. Seal the joints between the sheets and the heads of the screws with putty, putty at the joints with mounting tape(serpyanka), prime and apply liquid wallpaper to drywall.

Do I need to completely putty the drywall before applying liquid wallpaper? If you plan to prepare a surface with high quality, ready to serve as a base in the future. different ways finishing, then putty plasterboard sheets fully.

Does drywall need to be painted before applying liquid wallpaper? If you need accurate color rendition of liquid wallpaper, paint the drywall with any white water-based emulsion and prime it. But this should only be done if the exact color of the liquid wallpaper is important to you and the drywall is not completely puttied! If you have completely puttyed the gypsum board, then you do not need to paint it.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto liquid wallpaper?

A strange, but quite common question. Let’s answer: no, you can’t glue wallpaper onto liquid wallpaper. Because liquid wallpaper will fall off from the moisture applied to it. And with them your new wallpaper.

How to remove liquid wallpaper

If necessary, complete or partial repair, the question arises of how to remove liquid wallpaper from the wall. To do this you will need warm water and a spatula. Well moisten the area of ​​liquid wallpaper needed for dismantling and scrape it off with a spatula.

By the way, removed liquid wallpaper can be reused. They just need to be diluted to a plastic consistency with water and can be applied to the wall again.

This property of liquid wallpaper is useful when you need to remove it for a while. For example, .

Make quality modern renovation your apartment with original design It's pretty simple these days. Construction and finishing materials offers huge selection finishing for modern interiors. Liquid wallpaper does not take up last place in this segment. This material is not new, and has been used for finishing for a long time. living rooms, office and utility rooms. But this material is rarely used for bathroom renovations.

Liquid wallpaper is a mixture consisting of cotton or cellulose fibers, acrylic or silk, as well as an adhesive composition. Manufacturers can add wood shavings, glitter, and other various additives to the composition, which increase adhesion to the surface and also create the original texture of the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper has a number of advantages that allow you to repair almost any living space with help:

  • Easy to apply, creating a uniform surface;
  • Have a wide color scheme and texture, which allows you to decorate the bathroom in any style;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Durable;
  • Protect from moisture, dust, and mold in the room;
  • Retain heat well;
  • Create additional sound insulation;
  • Easy to care for - washable a small amount water;
  • If damaged, it is easy to restore, without complete replacement coverings.

Using additional tools(for example, special rollers), you can get a variety of textures.

Important: in order for liquid wallpaper to last longer, the bathroom should be ventilated more often if it is not equipped with an exhaust hood.

All these advantages of liquid wallpaper undoubtedly attract people. But there are also disadvantages that you should also pay attention to when using of this material for finishing a bathroom: high cost of material, require careful preparation of the application surface, high cost.

Which liquid wallpaper to choose for use in the bathroom

The main criterion that you should pay attention to when choosing liquid wallpaper is moisture resistance. Manufacturers indicate on the packaging in rooms with what humidity a particular type of liquid wallpaper can be used. Liquid wallpaper is usually sold dry in plastic containers or bags. Before application, the dry mixture is mixed with warm water.

After drying, such wallpaper has the appearance of textured decorative plaster.

Tools you will need to work with liquid wallpaper:

  • Spatulas: metal, acrylic, plastic, plexiglass (for adjustments during the drying process);
  • Trowel(a special spatula for leveling wallpaper; use rectangular trowels, as well as triangular and oval ones for hard-to-reach areas) and grater;
  • Rollers– can be used for application, as well as to add texture or pattern;
  • Pistol hopper, spray– these tools are used, as a rule, by professionals.

But to receive best result, next to the bathtub, sink or shower, should be combined with tiles, mosaics and other standard bathroom materials. Or, in places where liquid wallpaper often comes into contact with water, you need to additionally coat the dried surface of the walls with water-repellent varnish.

Liquid wallpaper for the bath: how to glue

Liquid wallpaper is applied in several stages.

We offer step-by-step instructions:

  1. Surface preparation. Before gluing, you need to evaluate the composition and condition of the walls: in old houses the composition of the walls may be unknown, so there is a high probability of streaks appearing on the surface of the wallpaper. Old plaster, painting, whitewash must be removed, because... When applying wallpaper, all this can peel off, which means ruining the new wallpaper.
  2. The cleaned surface is plastered and primed twice.
  3. Important: the surface should be as smooth as possible, because... differences and unevenness after the wallpaper has dried will be very noticeable.
  4. Apply an antifungal compound and let the walls dry.
  5. Prepare the mixture: to obtain a homogeneous mass, the mixture is combined with warm (not lower than 30 o C) water and mixed thoroughly. To get started, the mixture must sit for 12 hours in a tightly closed container. As a result, you should get a plastic mass, similar to a very thick dough.
  6. Apply the wallpaper: using a spatula or trowel, distribute the liquid wallpaper in a circular motion. You need to move from the center to the corners. An hour and a half after application, you need to “go through” the spatula again, leveling the surface;

After gluing the wallpaper, it is necessary to dry the surface for 72 hours.

The best liquid wallpaper in the bathroom: reviews of manufacturers

According to customer reviews, when choosing liquid wallpaper, you should pay attention to some manufacturers.

  1. Senideco– made in France. Liquid silk wallpaper available in a wide range of colors.
  2. Cotex(Ave. France) – cotton wallpaper, which come in kits for self-cooking, which allows you to choose the color consistency yourself.
  3. Silkcoat– Turkish wallpaper, good quality and low cost.

Plaster – from Russian manufacturer. They have excellent quality, similar in characteristics to those of French manufacturers, and are easy to apply. Moreover, their cost is much lower.

Thus, based on your own needs, material capabilities and imagination, with the help of liquid wallpaper you can create a unique and inimitable interior in the bathroom.

Design of liquid wallpaper in the bathroom (interior photo)
