Is it possible to give water to an infant? Should I give water to my baby? How much water should be given to a mixed-fed, artificial- and natural-breastfed baby?

Is there any benefit to supplementing with water? How are water and dysbiosis related? What to do if your child is hot? When to give your baby water?

Answering the question whether babies need water is quite simple. Let’s just try to mentally go back even if it were a hundred years ago. And let’s think, how many mothers always have enough clean (apparently boiled) water to give it to their baby without risking his health? For many thousands of years of human evolution, babies in the first months of life did not receive water, because this meant a direct danger to their lives. That is, it is unusual for humans, as a biological species, to give extra milk to small children. As, indeed, for other mammals, the cubs begin to receive water when they begin to eat the same food as their parents.If we talk not only about common sense, but also about medical justifications, the World Health Organization, as well as the latest instructions from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, suggest not giving additional drinks to children for breastfeeding without special medical indications, up to about six months. Why?
The first danger is malnutrition. The baby's stomach is the size of his fist, and he is able to accept and process a limited amount of incoming food (in the first month of life this is 1/5 - 1/6 of body weight per day). A feature nervous system a newborn is such that water gives him a false sense of satiety. Therefore, it is important for a mother to understand: if her child drank 100 ml of water, it means that he did not receive 100 ml of milk. At the same time, the growth and development of a child depends on milk, and water brings him absolutely no benefit.
The second danger is a decrease in milk production. Milk is produced in response to the baby's sucking, that is, as long as the baby sucks at the breast, so much milk will subsequently arrive. If the mother gives the baby water, he will suckle less. In this regard, supplementing the baby with water at night is especially dangerous, because during night feedings the production of the hormone prolactin is stimulated, which increases daily milk production. This means that a baby who feeds on his mother’s breast at night, thereby provides himself with the necessary amount of milk during the day. And if “well-wishers” advise the mother to “deceive the child with some water so that he doesn’t disturb him at night” - think that the child may be able to deceive, but you cannot deceive the natural milk production system...
The third danger is a disruption of the natural balance in the child’s digestive system. A child is born with a sterile intestine, and until about six months of age it is actively seeded with beneficial microflora. Mother's milk helps form and maintain the natural balance of bacteria in the digestive system, and everything that the baby receives at this time of life besides mother's milk worsens this balance. And if the practice of supplementary drinking becomes constant, then very often the child exhibits a predominance of harmful microflora over beneficial microflora - the very phenomenon that our doctors usually call dysbiosis. Research specifically conducted by the World Health Organization shows that most babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months are healthy and grow well. And children who received water or tea in addition to breast milk suffered from intestinal disorders three times more often than babies who were fully breastfed... Do you need this risk?
The fourth danger is the possibility of breast abandonment. Water is given, as a rule, from a bottle with a nipple, which often leads babies to “nipple confusion” - that is, a refusal to suckle from the mother’s breast in favor of a bottle.
Let's now look at the arguments of those who insist on the need to give the baby water.
“Water helps eliminate infant jaundice”
Jaundice is caused by bilirubin, which is a fat-soluble enzyme. Not water-soluble, but fat-soluble. That is, it is not excreted from the body with water, but is excreted precisely with colostrum and subsequently with milk, which, unlike water, contain the fats necessary for the child in optimal proportions.

“Milk is the same food as, for example, porridge. Hunger must be satisfied with food, and thirst with drink. Otherwise, the child gets extra calories!”
In fact, the consistency of milk and porridge is completely different. Milk is 85-90% water. If adults constantly ate equally liquid food, then they would not have the assumption that it needs to be liquefied even more... In addition, until a certain age, a small child does not make any distinction between hunger and thirst. That is why, as already mentioned, water creates a feeling of false satiety in him, displacing mother’s milk. Let’s shift the emphasis: since receiving water is not biologically justified, it is correct to say not that an exclusively breastfed baby receives “extra calories,” but that a child who is supplemented with water is deprived of the calories he needs.

“Water should be given if it’s hot outside and the air in the room is dry.”
Indeed, in summer, additional soldering is argued by the heat, and in winter - by the dryness of the air in a heated room. However, many studies have been conducted around the world in dry and hot countries (for example, in India at a temperature of 35-40°C and humidity from 10 to 35%; in Pakistan at a temperature of 27.4-40.7°C and humidity from 24 to 77%; in tropics at temperatures from 4 to 41 ° C and humidity from 9 to 60%), which clearly showed that children who were given only breastfeeding suffered less from dehydration than those who were fed breast milk and supplemented. The fact is that mother’s milk contains the optimal concentration of all the salts and minerals necessary for the child - by the way, if an adult suffers from dehydration, he is also recommended to restore the moisture balance not with plain water, but with a solution of specially selected salts... So, if the mother thinks that the child is hot - he should not be given additional water, but it should be easier to dress him and the room should be well ventilated! A baby who is thirsty will simply ask for his mother's breast more often. In extreme heat, you can wipe the child’s body with cool water, and a steam humidifier or a simple spray bottle will make the room air less dry, but even in this case, water is desirable outside, and not inside the child’s body...

“If a child is sick, you can’t do without water - it will restore the moisture balance, help eliminate viruses in the urine, and you can dissolve medicines in it.”
There is not a single function in the above that mother’s milk cannot cope with. better than water. The same medicine that a child will try his best to spit out diluted in water, he will much more favorably accept with expressed mother's milk, which will also help better absorption.

“My child sometimes calms down only when he receives a bottle of water.”
The key word here is “bottle”. For many different reasons, a baby sometimes wants to suck on something other than his mother's breast. The two simplest and most harmless ways to calm a baby, who right now is not enough of his mother’s breast, is to let him suck a cleanly washed finger or simply rock him to sleep, because most often this is how children tired of the day’s impressions behave before falling asleep.

“Everyone is thirsty, and children are no exception!”
There are many foods that adults can safely eat, but that will cause big problems in children, because they digestive system not yet mature enough. Trying to feed a child based on the needs of an adult stomach would lead to serious consequences. Most infants themselves refuse to drink the water that is offered to them and begin to quench their thirst with it only after 9-12 months.

Principles of supplementing water for breastfed newbornsBy Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC

Translation by Tatyana Vinnichenko, Rozhdenie Central Cultural Center

Remember that infants do not need extra water, breast milk contains 88% water. Even in the first few days after birth, before the “arrival” of milk, colostrum (colostrum) fully satisfies the baby’s need for fluid (if breastfeeding is organized effectively). The American Academy of Pediatrics states, “Do not give supplemental fluids (water, glucose water, formula, or other liquids) to breastfed newborns unless medically indicated... In the first 6 months of life, even in hot climates, there is no need to give newborns water. or juice, this may cause infection or allergies.”
Besides, Infants do not need additional water even in hot weather if they are fully breastfed. The baby can get the amount of fluid it needs from breast milk. At the moment, there are many studies that have determined that exclusively breastfed children do not need additional water - these studies were carried out in places with different climates (both humid and dry) with a temperature difference of 22-41 ° C (71.6-105.8°F) and 9-96% relative humidity (see links after article).
Note: Artificial babies usually do not need additional water (in routine supplementation). Some sources still suggest supplementing with water for newborns who are on artificial feeding, in hot weather (when the baby may prefer water to more frequent feedings) or in cases where the baby is sick and has heat(consult your doctor regarding additional supplementation).
For newborns (especially those under 4-5 weeks of age), additional supplementation may entail a certain risk

  • Children under 2 months of age should not be given additional water.

  • Supplementation with water increases the level of bilirubin in the blood in newborns with physiological jaundice.

  • Supplementation in large quantities can lead to a dangerous condition called oral water intoxication.

  • Supplementation does not contain the necessary calories, so it may lead to weight loss or insufficient weight gain in the newborn.

  • Children who receive supplemental water have less need for breast milk. If the baby does not breastfeed as often as he requires, this slows down milk production and makes it difficult to produce the required volume.
  • Children over 28 days of age

  • A large amount of supplementary feeding can interfere with the establishment of breastfeeding, as it gives the child a false sense of satiety and the child requires less breastfeeding. Babies need the nutrients and calories found in breast milk - water doesn't contain any of that.

  • Milk contains the amount of fluid a baby needs, even in very hot weather.

  • At 4-6 months of age, when your baby is learning to use a cup, you can safely encourage him to drink a few sips of water a couple of times a day (but no more than 2 ounces in a 24-hour period) for fun and enjoyment.

  • From the moment solid foods are introduced, you can offer your baby a few sips of expressed milk or water to wash down his complementary foods - some babies need solids to avoid constipation. Here about juice in the diet of children

One of the controversial issues regarding infant nutrition today is whether newborns are given water to drink? The older generation of women insists that a newborn should drink water almost from the first weeks of his life. In turn, modern pediatricians recommend doing without it. And the World Health Organization says there is no need to supplement infants who are fully breastfed in the first six months of their life.

What should a young mother do, whose advice should she listen to, so as not to harm the child’s body? We suggest we talk about whether newborns are given water to drink, and also what explains the refusal to supplement the child with water.

Why is it undesirable for a newborn to drink water?

Breast milk is a unique food product that is both food and drink. Thus, it turns out that a breastfed baby can safely do without water. But if the mother nevertheless decides to give the baby water, she should know about some possible problems related to feeding the baby. Among them:

  • Malnutrition. This is explained by the fact that the child’s stomach is small enough to accommodate and process small amounts of food. And due to the fact that water, like milk, causes a feeling of fullness, a child’s body may mistake it for food. But, unfortunately, there will be no benefit for development and growth;
  • Decreased mother's milk supply. The volume of milk produced by the mother always depends on how the baby suckles at the breast. If the baby drinks water, he eats less milk. Night feedings are especially important because the milk production hormone is stimulated mainly at night;
  • The threat of dysbiosis of the baby's intestines. Mother's milk is the ideal food for a newborn, which the best way suitable for the formation of intestinal microflora. At the same time, all other foods and liquids that are given to the child in the first months of life, in addition to milk, only worsen its natural balance.
  • Child's refusal to breastfeed. Due to the fact that a newborn is usually offered to drink from a bottle with a nipple, he may give preference to it, since sucking on a nipple on a bottle is much easier than on the mother’s breast.

Naturally, this does not mean that if a mother gives the baby a teaspoon of water, her milk supply will decrease or the child will immediately become malnourished. Everything is good in moderation. Therefore, we suggest considering when even some pediatricians recommend giving a newborn a drink.

When can you give a newborn something to drink?

As you know, an increase in temperature during illness is always accompanied by sweating and loss of moisture. Therefore, supporters of feeding infants give their arguments in its favor:

  • water helps restore water balance in the baby’s body;
  • Medicines dissolve well in it;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps eliminate viruses from the body through urine more quickly.

No one argues with the above arguments, but it should be noted that milk can easily cope with these functions. If the mother produces enough of it, then during the child’s illness she should simply apply it to the breast more often. And the little one will take medications diluted in mother’s milk even with greater pleasure than if they are diluted with water.

Also, starting from 2 or 3 weeks of a child’s life, he may begin to have tummy problems - bloating and intestinal colic. In such cases, to relieve pain, some doctors prescribe dill water to young patients, which is prepared from fennel (pharmaceutical dill). But before giving your child this remedy, as well as a decoction of any herb, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

Sometimes young mothers wonder whether to give their newborn something to drink when it’s hot outside and the air in the room is dry? Pediatricians say that while the child is very small, he does not feel thirsty, so it will be enough to simply offer him the breast. And so that the baby is not so hot, he should be dressed more easily, and in the house should be regularly wet cleaning. In addition, you can purchase an air humidifier or hang wet sheets in the children's room.

If, nevertheless, a young mother decides to supplement her baby’s food from the first weeks of his life, she may have a question: how much water should a newborn drink? IN in this case Pediatricians say that babies, like adults, have different fluid needs. They depend on the weight and age of the child, his diet, the climate of the area where he lives, as well as his general health.

On average, for a healthy baby the fluid requirement is approximately 100 ml per kilogram of weight. In this case, the word “liquid” implies both water and breast milk or formula.

In each specific case, it is recommended to look at the baby’s needs; if he drinks water with pleasure, then its volume can reach 100 ml per day. At the same time, it is recommended to give the newborn water to drink between or after feedings. Let the little one eat the milk first, and then, if he has a desire, drink some water.

Does water help get rid of jaundice?

Some mothers mistakenly believe that drinking water for their infants helps treat physiological jaundice. But it is important to say that jaundice in infants is caused by an increase in bilirubin, and since this enzyme is fat-soluble and is not diluted in water, it will be much more effective to give the baby breast milk. Thus, offering water to a child in order to eliminate jaundice is inappropriate.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the little one should decide whether to drink water or not, and the mother should focus on his needs, and under no circumstances give water against the wishes of the newborn.

After the birth of a baby, many mothers elevate the issue of water to one of the most important problems in care. The human need to periodically quench thirst with water is obvious, but does this apply to small children? At what age can babies start giving water, and in what quantities?

About water for newborns

A few months after birth, babies are required to drink water. However, is it worth giving babies a few weeks or days old to drink? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since each organism is individual. Experts do not recommend giving water to one-month-old babies, as this can cause a negative reaction.

What's wrong with giving water? There is a water balance in the body of every person. Well-being and health depend on its quantity. If in an adult it can be disrupted by drinking too much water or dehydration, then for an infant a meager amount of water daily is enough so that his appetite not only worsens, but also the water balance in the circulatory system is disturbed.

If the child is an infant

Mothers who breastfeed often suffer from this problem because they do not know exactly how correct it is. This is especially true when the weather is hot outside. It is known that in a summer climate, any person consumes a lot of liquid. But what about a child?

Experts do not recommend giving infants water as an auxiliary drink to milk. The fact is that the lactation product is ideal for the baby, it contains everything essential microelements, fully satisfying the baby's needs. In addition, in the heat, a child is unlikely to feel discomfort, since his body’s thermoregulation has not yet formed, therefore, he is more likely to be cold than hot.

It is best to give such children water during the introduction of complementary foods, at about six months. You can start with juices and then move on to plain water. It is best to feed the child with small spoons, gradually increasing the amount of water.

If the baby is artificial

When to start giving the baby water - this question is no less often asked by mothers of children who have been feeding almost from birth artificial mixtures. In this case, it is impossible to answer unequivocally, because no food from a pharmacy can replace a child’s
mother's milk in full.

Doctors recommend giving water to a newborn if he himself is thirsty. Be careful not to experiment with large doses. Why? The baby's stomach is still very small, therefore, after drinking water, he may become fed up and refuse the usual portion of feeding. This is bad because small children need to eat as much as possible.

How to determine if a child wants some water? To begin with, you can let him drink from a teaspoon, bringing the liquid to the baby’s mouth. If he spits it out or starts crying without swallowing it, there is no need for water. You should not start feeding him from the nipple, since this will be too much for a tiny organism, and water intoxication can easily occur.

How often should babies be given water?

You should not give water to babies in the first days of life; it is advisable to gradually accustom them to liquids

Ideally, liquid should be completely excluded from the diet for up to 4 months if we're talking about about babies. Artificial animals can be given water as needed, but not often. You should gradually accustom your child to drinks. From 2 months to a year, the baby needs 120 ml per day; at one year of age, the baby should be given 150 ml to drink per day. Remember, the child himself will determine how much water is enough for him. You should not force it in or not give it at all, especially if the newborn is crying a lot.

Critical situations

Sometimes situations arise when water needs to be given even infant. In such cases, you should not look at the age of the newborn and the feeding method. For example, when observed:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • constipation.

Many people mistakenly confuse a cold with a fever. It is worth knowing that at high temperatures you can only wipe the child with a damp cloth and periodically wet your lips in water. However, if there is a fever without a temperature, then you need to start giving water to the child, although Not large quantities.

Anyone can experience bowel dysfunction, but newborn babies suffer the most. Everyone knows that such problems with the gastrointestinal tract threaten total dehydration of the body, the risk is especially high in small babies. If severe diarrhea occurs in a month-old baby, you should immediately seek help. medical care, and also carefully give some water to drink. A doctor is needed to examine the baby, because such a symptom may indicate severe poisoning.

For constipation, which occurs in almost all children, you can dilute the juice with some water and give the newborn a drink. The main thing is in small quantities. This will partially help resolve the problem, but in the future you should use the appropriate medicine for this.

What water is suitable for newborns

Do not start giving your child tap water. The fact is that it contains microelements that are very harmful to the newborn body, which can negatively affect health. Also, you should not boil it for these purposes.

You can buy distilled water, which is sold in almost every pharmacy. Such a liquid is purified at the molecular level from pests and is ideal for six-month-old children, since their fragile bodies will not be exposed to harmful elements.

Water - required product, which the child constantly needs several months after birth. Fluid is necessary for the harmonious development of the baby. Therefore, young mothers are interested in whether their babies can have water and in what quantities.

The role of water in a child's life

Water has many benefits, so the role of this liquid is not exaggerated:

  • it actively participates in metabolic processes;
  • water regulates body temperature;
  • the liquid delivers nutrients dissolved in it to tissue cells;
  • Metabolic products are removed with excess fluid in the body;
  • water is a source of essential mineral salts and fluoride.

The human body consists of 80% water, so it is necessary for full development baby's body. Mother's milk consists of 9 parts water, and the remaining components (minerals, fats, proteins, carbohydrates) account for 1 part.

Do babies need water? It is usually not necessary to give water to 1-2 month old babies. After this age, it is already necessary to give children water to compensate for the loss of fluid in the body.

How to feed a newborn

If you give water to a breastfed baby, it must be done so that he does not refuse mother's milk. The simplest method (a bottle) is best left for later. 10% of children do not drink water from it at all.

Should I give water to my baby and how much? It is best to drink from:

  • spoons;
  • syringe without a needle;
  • cups;
  • sippy cup.

If the methods listed above do not work, you can use a bottle. It should be equipped with a tight nipple, reminiscent of a woman's nipple. This is done so that the baby does not get lazy. And you need to apply it to your chest as often as possible.

What kind of water should I add?

Most often, parents boil water for their babies. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky believes that it is not entirely useful for the child, because it loses its beneficial properties.

Should I give water to infants? Its quality is subject to special requirements:

  1. The best option It is considered to be specialized bottled water, specifically for children. When choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the special markings on the container.
  2. You can use filtered water. This is one of the acceptable options.
  3. Tap water is completely unsuitable for feeding newborns. Her condition can negatively affect the child's health.
  4. Excellent options include artesian or spring water from a proven source.
  5. Not good suitable option- boiling. After all, this method can kill not only pathogenic microflora. Water is not healthy because boiling kills all the beneficial substances.
  6. Sometimes herbal infusions can replace water. Not all, but specially designed for children: dill and fennel water for colic. There are ready-made granulated teas for infants that are easy to use and safe because they undergo strict control by the manufacturer.

You should not sweeten the water, because the newborn will not drink it. Sugar provokes thirst even more. And besides, it is difficult for the body to digest and overloads it.

Ideal temperature water for supplementary feeding of children under 6 months is considered to be at a temperature identical to breast milk. It is forbidden to give cold liquid to a child so that it does not provoke the occurrence of colds. After six months the liquid should be room temperature.

When can a baby be given water?

The optimal age for introducing liquids into a child’s menu is considered to be the beginning of 3 months. Should I give water to my baby? The lack of need for it in the first months of life is explained simply. Drinking water will take up space in the baby's stomach, and therefore he will suck less milk.

As a result, there may be Negative consequences for a child:

  • the mother needs to express excess breast milk;
  • The productivity of the mammary glands will decrease.

Mothers should not be afraid to give their baby water to avoid harm. If the baby does not need it, he will spit it out. To quench thirst, it should be applied to the chest more often. This is what contributes to the formation of the initial skim milk.

Water while breastfeeding

The benefits of water when thirsty are invaluable; it restores the water-salt balance and removes toxins from the body. But they give it only when necessary. If you give water in the first months of a child's life, it can be harmful. Even in hot weather, illness or other unfavorable situations, breast milk is the best way to cope with thirst.

Should I give my baby extra water? Teaching a child to drink, especially from a bottle, can cause the following harm:

  1. The baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  2. He will receive additional load on genitourinary system. After all, his kidneys have not yet become stronger, so subjecting them to increased stress is not recommended.
  3. The baby's bilirubin levels may increase. Because breast milk dissolves it, but water does not.

Can a baby have water? The main danger of supplementation is malnutrition. Water fills the baby's stomach, leaving very little room for required quantity breast milk. Even a small amount of liquid causes false saturation of a small organism. Regular supplementation leads to nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition. Sometimes the child even loses weight.

Along with the liquid, pathogenic microorganisms can be introduced into the child’s body. Regular bottled water does not prevent this; even boiling does not kill individual bacteria. Breast milk maintains normal microflora in the baby's body. Water can sometimes upset the balance of bacterial flora.

When breastfeeding, the newborn should be given water in the third month, and only if necessary. Water should be bottled or filtered at home. In the latter case, it is better to boil the liquid.

Water during artificial feeding

When feeding with formula, water is given earlier and the baby is given water more often. This is due to the fact that the food contains a significant amount of protein. A mixed regimen, including both breastfeeding and artificial feeding, also requires frequent supplementation.

How much water should I give my baby? It is introduced into the diet from the first day. Parents should give the baby something to drink after feeding when he or she is fussy. The natural need of a child up to 6 months is 200 ml, and during illness the amount of water increases to 300.

When starting complementary feeding, mixed and artificial feeding, water is given in large quantities. This period occurs at the age of 6 months. This is due to the consumption of vegetables, fruits and cereals.

A child needs at least 250 ml if he is healthy and it is not hot outside. At 12 months, the baby's need for water increases because the activity of movements increases. Mom should be prepared to replenish the fluid balance. She should also take water for the baby on walks.

How much water does a baby need?

There is a certain dosage of liquid for babies. How much water should I give my baby? If the baby was born in the summer, then sometimes they start giving him liquid from 1.5-2 months. First, the amount of water is 1 teaspoon. If the child tolerates the liquid normally, then the dose begins to be increased gradually.

How much water does a baby need? 100 ml for each kg of weight. This volume of water is taken into account along with breast milk. If the baby weighs 6 kg and drinks 600 ml, then it is not necessary to supplement him.

If the mother does not feed the child, then it is necessary to create conditions that prevent dehydration. First of all, this is the required level of air humidity in the apartment. It is affected by radiators central heating or dryness caused by heat. Good decision Will buy a humidifier.

How often to give water to a baby

The frequency of fluid intake largely depends on the type of feeding, the age of the child and his health. A baby who is entirely breastfed is given water only when thirsty. If he licks his lips and behaves restlessly, then he will be given water.

Should I give water to my baby? In case of fever and illness, it is necessary to give the baby water. The specialist will tell you how much liquid your baby needs to drink. Contacting him should be mandatory.

The normal mode of supplementation is in the intervals between meals.

If a child is sick, he needs fluid to remove harmful substances from the body, thereby accelerating recovery and improving well-being. Symptoms of an additional need for water include high fever, diarrhea, infrequent urination and excessive regurgitation.

Parents do not need to over-solder their baby. You should give him moderate doses, but often. This is similar to the drip method of administering medications.

This causes a rapid restoration of water balance. During illness, structured “living water” has a positive effect. You can get it yourself by freezing it in the freezer.

When the weather is hot outside, the amount of water for feeding the baby is increased. This will save the child’s body from dehydration and help tolerate extreme conditions without harm to health. This mode is maintained until the air temperature drops.

Should I give water to my baby in hot weather? There are signs that indicate dehydration in a baby's body:

  • dry mucous membranes;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • baby crying without tears;
  • retraction of the fontanelle;
  • problems with urination;
  • navel retraction.

If you discover such symptoms, you need to increase the supplementation regimen and be sure to consult a doctor. The minimum volume at a time is 30 ml in small sips.

Severe dehydration cannot be eliminated by supplementation alone. She is treated in the hospital with infusion solutions.

What to do if your baby does not drink water

If the baby does not want to drink water, but feels well, does not suffer from constipation and has no signs of dehydration, then the mother should not force him.

Should I give water to my baby? Komarovsky argues that in some cases additional drinking is simply necessary, especially when the baby is sick.

If a child does not want to drink water, but constantly spits it out, the doctor advises:

  1. Start supplementing with a small dose, just enough for him to feel the taste and gradually get used to it.
  2. Parents should not force them to drink water, so as not to discourage them from giving up water and complementary foods.
  3. You should not add sugar to the liquid, because it will not quench your thirst.
  4. Buy a bright sippy cup for your baby and pour some water into it.
  5. The mother should often offer water to the child, but not force it, and gradually the child himself will begin to be interested in the bottle.
  6. You can turn the drinking process into a game, then the baby will begin to swallow the liquid little by little.
  7. You can give the baby a drink from a pipette, then the water will fall into his mouth drop by drop, and this will not cause any negativity.

Should I give water to my baby? Komarovsky advises parents to give liquid based on the baby’s mood. If he categorically does not want to drink, then wait a little. After a while, offer your baby water again. It must be cleaned and intended for children from 0 months.


It should be present in the baby’s diet, but it should be introduced gradually, and depending on feeding.

All modern mothers know that a baby should not be fed until he is four or even six months old - breast milk is enough for him. But there are situations when it is possible, and even necessary, to give water to a newborn. This applies to both artificial babies and children who are completely on breastfeeding.

Why is water not recommended for newborns?

Inexperienced mothers should know that their milk contains a large amount of liquid, which 100% satisfies the baby’s need to drink. If you start regularly giving your baby even a little water, then a water-salt imbalance will arise in the body, namely, in the circulatory system, and this will not benefit health.

Babies who are bottle-fed are, in some cases, allowed to supplement their diet, since they cannot breastfeed and drink as needed. Bottle feeding does not occur on demand, and formula alone may not be enough for the baby. This is especially true during illness or hot summer.

When can a baby be given water?

As mentioned earlier, sometimes newborns can be given water when the situation requires it, and most often it is related to the health of the child. If the baby has a bowel disorder, vomiting, he is rapidly losing fluid and is in danger - in this case, you should definitely give the child some water using a small spoon or from a bottle.

Another situation when you can give water to an infant is a high temperature, and the higher it is, the greater the child’s need for additional liquid. Especially when, due to illness, the baby becomes capricious and refuses to breastfeed.

What kind of water to give to a newborn?

Now we know when a baby can be given water. This need does not arise often, but mother should know about it. Now is the time to figure out the quality of water that should be offered to your baby.

The best choice is bottled water for babies. It has a balanced composition and is free of harmful impurities. It can be purchased at a supermarket or pharmacy. But tap water should absolutely not be given small child, since it has a very dubious composition, unsuitable for a child’s body.
