Feast prayers for the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday Prayer

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday is one of the significant Orthodox holidays. On this day, April 21, 2019, prayers for Palm Sunday are read and sung in churches in Church Slavonic. We will present their texts with translation into modern Russian.

Prayers for Palm Sunday

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us, and we have all taken up Your cross and say: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.”
(Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian:
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us; and we all, having taken up Your cross, O Jesus, will exclaim: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.")

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Having heaven as a throne and earth as a footstool, God the Word of the Father and the Son co-essential, humble yourself on a wordless lot today, having come to Bethany. Likewise, the Jewish children, holding branches with their hands, praise with a voice: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.”
Having heaven as your throne and earth as your footstool, the Word of God the Father and the Eternal Son with Him, You humbly sat today on a dumb donkey, having come to Bethany. Therefore, the Jewish children, holding branches in their hands, praised You with the song: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the Coming King of Israel.”)

What other prayers are read on Palm Sunday?

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Come today, all the new Israel, even the Church, with the prophet Zechariah, let us cry out: Rejoice greatly, daughters of Zion, preach, daughters of Jerusalem; for behold, your King is coming to you, gentle and saving, and riding on the lot of a donkey, the son of a horseman; Celebrate like children, holding branches with your hands and praising: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.”
Let us also, all the new Israel, the Church formed from the pagans, now cry out together with the prophet Zechariah: “Rejoice with joy, daughter of Zion; Preach loudly, O daughter of Jerusalem, for behold, Your King, righteous and saving, riding on a colt, the son of a yoke, comes to You; celebrate and, like children, offer Him praise, holding the branches in your hands: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.”)

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Before the six days of Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, and His disciples came to Him, saying to Him: Lord, where do you want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover? He sent them: go into the hall, all of you, and you will find a man carrying a small amount of water; follow him, and say to the ruler of the house: The Teacher says, I will do the Passover for you with My disciples.”
Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, and His disciples came to Him and said to Him: “Lord, where do You want us to prepare the Passover for You?” He sent them: “Go to the village that is right in front of you, and you will meet a man carrying an earthenware vessel with water; follow him and tell the owner of the house: “The teacher says, I will celebrate Passover with you with my disciples.”)

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Before the six days of Easter, Jesus came to Bethany, called out Lazarus, who had died for four days, and preached the resurrection. Sretosha and his wives Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus, cried out to Him: Lord, if you were here, our brother would not have died. Then the verb to them: Did I not foretell to you: believe in Me, even if you die, you will live; show Mi where you put it? And the Creator of all cried out to him: Lazarus, come out.”
Six days before Easter, Jesus came to Bethany to call Lazarus, who had died for four days, from the tomb and announce the resurrection. He was met by women, Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus, crying out to Him: “Lord, if You had been here, our brother would not have died.” Then he said to them: “Didn’t I tell you before: he who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; show Me where you have laid it.” And the Creator of all called to him: “Lazarus, get out.”)

“God have mercy on me, have mercy on me.
Rejoice and be glad, city of Zion, rejoice and rejoice in the Church of God: behold, thy King has come in righteousness, seated on the lot, sung by the children: Hosanna in the highest, blessed art thou, having many bounties, have mercy on us.”
Rejoice and be glad, city of Zion, rejoice and triumph, Church of God, for Your righteous King has come, riding on a colt and greeted by the children in the song: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed are You, who have many mercies, have mercy on us.”)

“Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Carried on the Cherubim and sung by the Seraphim, you sat on the lot of David, O Blessed One; and the children sang praises to you, but the Jews blasphemed you lawlessly; obstinate tongues, the seat of the stallion is a prototype, transformed from unbelief into faith. Glory to Thee, Christ, the only Merciful and Lover of Mankind.”
Worn on the Cherubim and sung by the Seraphim, You, the Good One, truly sat on a young donkey, and, according to the prophecy of David, the children sang Godly praises to You, and the adult Jews lawlessly blasphemed You. Sitting on a wild donkey prefigured the savagery of the pagans, who from unbelievers turned into believers. Glory to Thee, Christ, the One Most Merciful and Lover of Mankind.)

“And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The multitude of the people, O Lord, spread their garments along the way; The friends cut branches from the trees and took the burden. And I call those who precede and those who follow, saying: Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed are you who come, and again he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Many people, Lord, spread their clothes along the road, and others cut branches from the trees and carried them, while those preceding and accompanying exclaimed: “Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he who has come and comes again in the name of the Lord.”)

A week before the Feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ? Easter, on the sixth Sunday of Great Lent, Christians around the world celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, known in Russia as Palm Sunday.

Palm, or Palm, Sunday is associated with the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, when He rode into the city on a young donkey and all the inhabitants came out to meet Him. As the Gospel says, people took off their outerwear and they threw them onto the road along which Jesus was traveling. They covered His path with palm branches and greeted Him with cries of “Hosanna!”, as they usually addressed only to the king. The reason for the rejoicing was the miracle that Jesus performed the day before, raising Lazarus and thereby proving his right to be called the Son of God.

In the Christian tradition, the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is considered a symbol of the future reign of God. This holiday is celebrated Christian Church from the 3rd century, but he came to Rus' in the 10th century. The holiday is also called the holiday "Vayi" (branches date palm, with which Jesus was greeted by the inhabitants of Jerusalem who greeted Him), the week of “Flowering”, “Flowering”. In Russia, this holiday is called “Palm Sunday”, since in the north the first plant that comes to life after a long winter is the willow.

On this day, believers stand at the service with willow branches blessed in the temple and lit candles in their hands, meeting the invisibly coming Christ. The consecration of willows takes place at the festive All-Night Vigil, that is, at the evening service on the eve of the holiday. After reading the Gospel, the priests burn the willows, read a prayer and sprinkle the branches with holy water. Usually the sprinkling is repeated on the day of the holiday itself, after the liturgy.

The willow branch symbolizes the victory of life over death - the Resurrection of the Lord. The people believed that consecrated willow cleanses and drives away evil spirits. Willow branches were placed in the front corner behind the icon and kept all year until the next Palm Sunday.
On Palm Sunday, believers observing a 40-day fast are allowed to eat fish and drink wine.

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, or week, the last week of Lent, preceding Easter, during which the Last Supper, presentation to judgment, suffering and crucifixion, and burial of Jesus Christ are remembered.

Religious reading: Palm Sunday prayer to help our readers.

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Palm Sunday. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

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What date is Palm Sunday in 2017? To answer this question, just open any church calendar. In 2017, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem will be celebrated on April 9. For believers Orthodox people In all cities of Russia this day has always been celebrated and celebrated with a special ritual.

Particularly noteworthy is the preparation of willow branches by people for this day. On the eve of the holiday, believers go to break willow trees. In the old days, all Russians, from ordinary commoners to respected kings, went to the banks of rivers for this healing plant. For example, Muscovites often visited Kitay-Gorod and Neglyanka.

History of Palm Sunday

On this great day, Jesus rode into the gates of Jerusalem on his colt. According to the Gospel, he was greeted by enthusiastic residents holding palm branches in their hands. Then everyone laid down these twigs, paving the way for the donkey.

Officially Orthodox Church introduced Palm Sunday - a holiday of God only in the 4th century. This custom moved to Russian territory only in the 10th century. It was in Rus' that this holiday began to be called Palm Sunday, since the willow played a very important role for the Russian people. Almost the same as a palm tree or palm branches for Jews.

Today, this great day is considered one of the twelve most important holidays of the church. It is celebrated a week before Easter.

People have several names for this day:

  • Palm Sunday;
  • Flower Sunday;
  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem;
  • Vai week.

Palm Sunday - customs and traditions of the great holiday

If you believe folk customs, then the Russian people chose the willow branch for a reason. The thing is that willow blooms very early in the spring. Believers often touch the branches to each other because people believe in its healing properties.

  • Following folk customs, applied willow twigs can relieve pain.
  • Previously, even these branches easily flogged children. They say it gives them vigor and a healthy spirit.
  • Also, special medicinal drugs, decoctions, baked goods, etc. are often created on its basis.
  • Willow was also often used to create amulets and talismans for young children. Such a talisman gives courage and courage.

Since the 10th century, the symbol of the holiday has been the willow. According to the Palm Sunday tradition, it is recommended to pluck branches only from young bushes and preferably near rivers. You cannot take branches with bird nests or those growing in the cemetery. This is considered a sin.

Why do people bring branches of this plant into their homes? The thing is that believers know about the power of this plant. It can protect the family from natural disasters: lightning, fire, fire, floods, etc. Willow also gives people strength, courage, health and allows them to survive all the difficulties, misfortunes and adversities of life. life path. The twig will bring good luck and success to the home where it is stored.

What to do with willow on Palm Sunday

  • In the morning after the blessing of the branches, you need to lightly hit or touch all household members with the branch. Especially, you need to touch on young children and girls of marriageable age. It is believed that willow will help girls find love and give birth. healthy child, and small children will be healthy and will not tempt themselves with evil thoughts.
  • Peasants actively consume the buds of the plant on this day. They are often added to special holiday porridge. This dish is prepared from barley with milk. It is believed that it gives longevity and health.
  • Many even believe that if on this day you eat three buds of the plant and wash them down with holy water, then the most difficult questions your life will be resolved or some cherished desire will come true. All this must be accompanied by sincere prayer to God.

But what to do with it after the holiday? Branches can be:

  1. plant (if you stored them in a vase or jar and changed the water at least once, the plant should take root);
  2. put in a coffin in memory of the deceased;
  3. sweep corners;
  4. thank you for your service and burn it.

The most popular signs for the holiday

  1. When is Palm Sunday rainy? good harvest;
  2. Think all day about a dear or close person - he will come to visit you or call you on a date;
  3. Hit your body with a twig and you will be healthy whole year;
  4. Plant a plant on Palm Sunday, if it survives, wealth will come to the house;
  5. What wind blows on holiday - such will be the future summer;
  6. If the “willow frost” hits, there will be a good harvest of grain.

What not to do on Palm Sunday

We talked about what Palm Sunday is, what it means for believing peasants, what signs, customs and traditions exist on this day. But what not to do during this time? great holiday?

Since the holiday is a very significant day of the church and Orthodox Christian, it has big amount rituals and traditions. But that is not all. During the celebration, there are certain prohibitions on certain actions. On this holiday it is not recommended to do:

It is also not recommended to perform work that requires great physical effort from a person. On this day it is forbidden to comb your hair. There are a lot of popular beliefs about this. After all, even birds show importance of this holiday without starting to create a nest.

You still can’t use foul language or swear at people. The Church categorically prohibits wishing harm to someone on this day. Not allowed in this great religious holiday think about bad things. This day should be spent in a calm and quiet atmosphere. It is best to visit church on this day and spend it with your loved ones and family.

Prayers of preservation.

Orthodox prayers. The power of the prayer you need. Text of the prayer.

Palm Sunday is the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Prayers on Palm Sunday. Weekend week. Palm week.

Prayers on Palm Sunday. Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday! The church celebrates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday - a week before the Resurrection! On Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014, Russian sabotage groups captured city administrations in eastern Ukraine, while killing a Ukrainian special forces officer and seriously wounding other officers of the Alpha special forces who were protecting civilians of Slavyansk - this means great grief begins for Russia - the end and complete collapse of the Russian state because of aggression against Ukraine.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Palm Sunday, Palm Sunday is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday preceding Easter.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is a great Christian holiday on the last Sunday before Easter. Its origins were biblical story Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey from Bethagia. People covered His path with palm branches, thereby welcoming the Savior. The “Palm Street” in Jerusalem is still preserved and is named after this event. In Ukraine, and in countries where the palm tree is not a typical plant, the holiday has a popular name - Palm Sunday (Palm Sunday), associated with the tradition of replacing palm branches with willow branches. This big celebration V Christian year belongs to the twelve.

Sunday marks the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The people greet him as a king and throw palm leaves at his feet (Matthew 21: 1-11, Luke 19: 28-40, John 12: 13-15). In the Middle Sea region, palm trees were considered a sign of life and victory, and in Israel, a symbol of the independence and victories of the Israeli king. Donkey (donkey) according to Western 9:9 is a symbol of the king's humility and his nonviolent authority.

Evangelist Matthew (Matthew) describes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem this way:

“And when they drew near to Jerusalem, they came to Bethphagia, at the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them: “Go to the village in front of you; immediately you will find a donkey tied and a colt with her; untied, bring me to me. And when someone tells you something, you will answer that the Lord requires, but he will soon return them back. “This happened so that the word of the prophet would be fulfilled, who said: “Say to your daughter’s daughter: behold, your king is coming to you, meek and riding on a donkey, a foal of a donkey’s son.” “The disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them: they brought a donkey and a colt, put clothes on them, and Jesus sat on it. The people, who were numerous, laid out their clothes along the road, while others cut branches from the trees and laid them out along the road. The people who walked in front of him and behind him called: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who walks in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest! “And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city began to bustle, asking, “Who is this?” “The people said: “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.” Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those selling and buying in the temple; He overturned the tables of the money changers, but also the benches of those selling pigeons, and said to them: “It is written: My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of thieves.” And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. The high priests and scribes, seeing the miracles he performed and the children, shouted in the temple: “Hosanna to the Son of David!” - They were indignant and said to him: “Do you hear what these people are saying?” Jesus answered them: “Yes, have you never read: Through the mouth of babes and those who piss you have made yourselves worthy of praise. “And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and spent the night there.”

Church ceremonies on Palm Sunday

Bethagia is the starting point on the route of the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

On this day, the Church remembers the royal glorification of Jesus Christ before His death on the cross in order to show that the Savior’s suffering was voluntary.

According to Christian interpretations, all believers, like the Jerusalem crowd, are sinful in that first they heard enthusiastic exclamations: “Hosanna!”, And then a terrible cry to Pontius Pilate: “Crucify him!”

Church services on this day continue the services of Lazarus Saturday. At the all-night vigil of the holiday, the prophecies of the Old Testament about the King-Messiah are read along with the Gospel stories about the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. At Matins, the branches are blessed (consecrated), which believers hold in their hands during the entire service. This testifies that they meet the Lord, who is coming invisibly, and greet Him as the Conqueror of hell and death, holding in their hands the “sign of victory” - willows with lighted candles.

A special procession takes place in Jerusalem on this day. Thousands of Christians follow a Franciscan procession decorated with palm branches from the Mount of Olives through Jerusalem's Lion Gate to Old city. After this, pilgrims traditionally receive a blessing at St. Anne's Church.

There are a lot of willow branches in the church in advance. In the morning, everyone - old and young - comes together for the Divine Service, because “it is a sin not to go to church, as they consecrate a willow.” When the service ends and the priest sprinkles the branches with holy water, the children - in front of each other - try to get the willow as quickly as possible and immediately swallow several “seals” - “so that their throats don’t hurt.” The custom of consecrating the willow is very old, because in the “History of Ukraine” (1073) the “Feast of the Willow” is mentioned. Daniel the Pilgrim (1095-1108), who visited Jerusalem and there saw “many tall trees along the banks of the Jordan, like the willow tree,” also remembers the willow. These were palm trees that reminded our fellow countryman of his native Chernigov “verbiya”.

... There was once a custom in Ukraine to carry the holy willow from church to church... So, in Kharkov on Palm Sunday, students, together with educators and teachers, solemnly carried the holy willow from the city parish church of St. Demetrius to the “collegium”. And in the settlement of Kotelva, Akhtyrsky district, the people, led by the clergy, annually carried willow from the Trinity Church to the Transfiguration Church. When the owners, returning from church with a consecrated willow, did not enter the house, but immediately planted several branches in the garden or - if it was close - then in the field, “so that it would grow for God’s glory, and for us, people, for consumption”; and the rest carried the rest into the house and placed it in the red corner under the holy images. If, upon entering the house, they found someone who had slept through Matins, they beat him with a holy willow, saying:

“I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits,

In a week of Easter,

There's a red egg nearby! »

The young guys also fought with the holy willow near the church, and on the road as they walked home; and while fighting, they said:

"Be big like a willow

And healthy as water,

And rich as the earth"

In some regions of Galicia they used to say:

“The joke hits, it’s not me who hits,

From now on in a week

We'll have Easter! »

“The vine hits - it won’t score

From now on in a week

There is a lot of evidence about the sanctification of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem in the week before the Great Day: Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus (403 rubles), having deprived two sermons on the holiday of Holy Week, Saint Ephraim the Syrian (373 rubles) dedicated to this a great anthem, as Kirilo Oleksandriyskyi says (386 rubles).

Jesus Christ brought his power and glory to the resurrection of Lazarus and his triumphal ride to Jerusalem. This is supported by the holy evangelist Matei: “And since the fall of Jerusalem, the whole place of food has become cloudy. Who is this?” The people said: “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee!”

Jesus Christ is stealing the integrity of Ukraine.

We have a lot of evidence about the celebration of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday before Easter: Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus (403r) left two sermons on the holiday of Colored Sunday, Saint Ephraim the Syrian (373r) dedicated a separate hymn to this, Cyril of Alexandria (386r) speaks about this.

Jesus Christ proved his power and glory through the resurrection of Lazarus and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This is emphasized by the holy evangelist Matthew: “And when He entered Jerusalem, the whole city began to bustle, asking Who is this?” The people said: “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee!”

Our Lord Jesus Christ completed his mission on earth with two great acts - such as the resurrection of Lazarus and the triumphal entry to Jerusalem.

Flower Week in our liturgical books may be called Flower Week, but among the people Palm Week.

All these names are connected with the blessing and distribution of palm and olive caps that day in the church. Through the marriage of the palm tree and the olive branch in our region, we may long ago call the vikory branches of the vine and the willows to develop in the spring.

Our Lord Jesus Christ completed God's mission on earth with two majestic acts - the resurrection of Lazarus and the triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Sunday in our liturgical books is called Colored Sunday and among the people Palm Sunday.

All those names are associated with the custom of blessing and distributing palm or olive branches in church that day. In the absence of palm or olive branches in our country, we have the ancient custom of using vine or willow branches because they develop the fastest in the spring.

Prayers on Palm Sunday.

The solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem six days before his death is commemorated. The fronds are sanctified, i.e. oil, palm or other branches, with which the procession around the temple is carried out.

When the wais are distributed by the priest, the choir sings the song: Pueri Hebraeorum.

The Jewish youths with olive branches in their hands came out to meet the Lord, exclaiming and greeting Him: Hosanna in the highest! The Jewish youths spread their clothes along the road, exclaiming and greeting Him: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

During procession with wais it is sung:

Glory, praise, honor to You, Christ, our King and Redeemer.

Entering the church, the priest places the Crucifix in the middle of the temple and, kneeling down, sings with the choir: O, crux, ave, etc.

Then the liturgy begins, during which, instead of the ordinary Gospel, the priest reads, or three deacons sing, the story of the suffering of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Matthew, ch. 26 and 27. You should stand all this time.

Prayer: Almighty Eternal God, who allowed our Savior to take on our flesh and the sufferings of the Cross in order to give us an example of humility, grant us grace so that we learn to endure and are worthy of resurrection for this. For the sake of the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Consecration on Palm Sunday. Consecration of willow on Palm Week

Vervichka to the Divine Mercy! Rosary for Divine Mercy!

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Feast prayers for the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday

Feast prayers for the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday

M Congratulations to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox site “Family and Faith”!

IN Today, when the Church remembers the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, one must offer intense prayers in order to spiritually approach this great historical event and see with spiritual eyes the procession of Jesus Christ to free suffering.

N The following are the prayers that are read and sung in churches on this festive and significant day:

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us, and we have all taken up Your cross and say: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian:

[Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us; and we all, having taken up Your cross, O Jesus, will exclaim: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest."]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Having heaven as a throne and earth as a footstool, God the Word of the Father and the Son co-essential, humble yourself on a wordless lot today, having come to Bethany. Likewise, the Jewish children, holding branches with their hands, praise with a voice: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.

[Having heaven as your throne and earth as your footstool, the Word of God the Father and the Eternal Son with Him, You humbly sat today on a dumb donkey, having come to Bethany. Therefore, the Jewish children, holding branches in their hands, praised You with the song: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the Coming King of Israel.”]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Come today, all the new Israel, even the Church, with the prophet Zechariah, let us cry out: Rejoice greatly, daughters of Zion, preach, daughters of Jerusalem; for behold, your King is coming to you, gentle and saving, and riding on the lot of a donkey, the son of a horseman; Celebrate like children, holding branches with your hands and praising: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.

[Let us also, all the new Israel, the Church formed from the pagans, now cry together with the prophet Zechariah: “Rejoice with joy, daughter of Zion; Preach loudly, O daughter of Jerusalem, for behold, Your King, righteous and saving, riding on a colt, the son of a yoke, comes to You; celebrate and, like children, offer Him praise, holding the branches in your hands: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed is the coming King of Israel.”]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Before the six days of Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, and His disciples came to Him, saying to Him: Lord, where do you want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover? He sent them: go into the hall, all of you, and you will find a man carrying a small amount of water; Follow him, and say to the ruler of the house: The Teacher says, I will do the Passover for you with My disciples.

[Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, and His disciples came to Him and said to Him: “Lord, where do You want us to prepare the Passover for You?” He sent them: “Go to the village that is right in front of you, and you will meet a man carrying an earthenware vessel with water; follow him and tell the owner of the house: “The teacher says, I will celebrate the Passover with you with my disciples.”]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Before the six days of Easter, Jesus came to Bethany, called out Lazarus, who had died for four days, and preached the resurrection. Sretosha and his wives Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus, cried out to Him: Lord, if you were here, our brother would not have died. Then the verb to them: Did I not foretell to you: believe in Me, even if you die, you will live; show Mi where you put it? And the Creator of all cried out to him: Lazarus, get out.

[Six days before Easter, Jesus came to Bethany to call Lazarus, who had died for four days, from the tomb and announce the resurrection. He was met by women, Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus, crying out to Him: “Lord, if You had been here, our brother would not have died.” Then he said to them: “Didn’t I tell you before: he who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; show Me where you have laid it.” And the Creator of all called to him: “Lazarus, get out.”]

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Rejoice and be glad, city of Zion, rejoice and rejoice in the Church of God: behold, thy King has come in righteousness, seated on the lot, sung by the children: Hosanna in the highest, blessed art thou, having many bounties, have mercy on us.

[Rejoice and be glad, city of Zion, rejoice and celebrate the Church of God, for Your righteous King has come, riding on a colt and greeted by the children in the song: “Hosanna in the highest, blessed are You, who have abundant mercies, have mercy on us.”]

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Carried on the Cherubim and sung by the Seraphim, you sat on the lot of David, O Blessed One; and the children sang praises to you, but the Jews blasphemed you lawlessly; obstinate tongues, the seat of the stallion is a prototype, transformed from unbelief into faith. Glory to You, Christ, the only Merciful and Humane.

[Beared on the Cherubim and sung by the Seraphim, You, the Good One, truly sat on a young donkey, and, according to the prophecy of David, the children praised You divinely, and the adult Jews lawlessly blasphemed You. Sitting on a wild donkey prefigured the savagery of the pagans, who from unbelievers turned into believers. Glory to Thee, Christ, the only Merciful and Lover of Mankind.]

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The multitude of the people, O Lord, spread their garments along the way; The friends cut branches from the trees and took the burden. I call those who precede and follow saying: Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed are you who come, and again who comes in the name of the Lord.

[Many people, Lord, spread their clothes along the road, and others cut branches from the trees and carried them, while those preceding and accompanying exclaimed: “Hosanna to the Son of David, blessed is he who has come and comes again in the name of the Lord.”]

On the first day of April 2018, we will celebrate a bright spring holiday that almost everyone knows - Palm Sunday. And in exactly a week, as usual, Easter will be celebrated.

Both dates have been celebrated for almost 2000 years. It is interesting that many people still wonder what to do on Palm Sunday and on the eve of this day. Let's try to cover this issue in detail.

The meaning of the holiday: past and present

Palm Sunday, like Easter, is one of the most favorite spring holidays of almost all people. Not every person goes to church these days, but willows with fresh buds can be seen in almost every home.

A historical events associated with Palm Sunday, we all know. The Savior, exactly a week before being resurrected, rides a donkey into the holy city of the Jewish people - Jerusalem. An enthusiastic crowd of greeters who believed in him as the Messiah carpeted the path with magnificent, lush palm branches.

In ancient times, people paid attention to symbols and signs, perhaps more than today. So Christ’s entry into Jerusalem was perceived as nothing other than a good symbol: after all, he was driving not a horse, but a donkey. It turns out that Jesus entered as a Savior, but not as a conqueror.

Today, all believers remember these interesting events with great respect. To understand the main meaning of the holiday, it is not even necessary to master all the subtleties of theology. It is obvious that Christ won the hearts of people through peace and not through war. So he entered the city as a winner. But the people who met the Savior were not his captives. They shared the joy of meeting someone in whom they sincerely believed.

Therefore, Palm Sunday as a holiday has not lost its relevance, and there is no reason to doubt that people will not celebrate it in 100 years. A pleasant spring day, fresh willows (after all, palm trees, of course, do not grow in our area) - all this is a visible symbol of the revival of nature after a long winter. And most importantly, this is the basis of our good hopes for the fulfillment of all good plans.

What to do before the holiday

Few people know that the day before the holiday is also revered in Christianity. It is called Lazarus Saturday, because according to legend, on the eve of entering Jerusalem, the Savior raised an acquaintance of his friends, Lazarus, from the dead. This event in itself is an interesting symbol. And the very fact of the resurrection allowed people to once again be convinced that Christ is the promised Messiah from God.

Therefore, on the eve of Palm Sunday it is better to prepare for the holiday. As a rule, they try to prepare a delicious table in advance (but, of course, without gluttony), and also tidy up everything around. If possible, all this work is done on Friday, since on Saturday it is better to be with family and remember God, perhaps, do some kind, selfless deeds.

What do they do on Palm Sunday itself?

Of course, the main symbol of Palm Sunday is fresh willow (willow) branches. It is interesting that this tree is the first to gain buds in our latitudes. You've probably noticed that whenever Easter is celebrated, the willows still ripen, because nature has no bad weather.

In Rus' there was a good tradition of going for willows with the whole family. On the eve of the holiday, households, neighbors, and entire villages went out to groves and to the shores of reservoirs and plucked fresh willow branches with budding buds. Willows were used to decorate the house, icons, and bright corners in every room. And of course, they were given to all relatives and friends.

What to do in church

The first thing on this day is to go for the willows and illuminate the branches in the church. It will be great to buy them in advance and go straight to the holiday service in the morning. In principle, it doesn’t even play a special role here how often a person goes to church or whether he is baptized. There are no prohibitions - the main thing is to do everything sincerely, from the heart, and not for the formal observance of custom.

In addition, it is in the church that you can feel a rather unusual, special festive atmosphere. This is especially important for people who are still single or going through difficult times. Sometimes you have to do it small step, and changes for the better can happen as if by themselves.

Of course, believers know what they do in church on Palm Sunday. It is necessary to go to worship services in the morning. If a person strictly adheres to fasting, he simply must be in the congregation of believers. Well, everyone else can just pay a little attention and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

What do they do at home

And here’s the most important question: what do they do at home on Palm Sunday? Of course, the first thing you need to do is to sincerely congratulate all your family, friends, guests and neighbors on this holiday. By the way, in Rus' since time immemorial there has been an interesting custom: the blessed branches of willows are lightly struck loved one and wish him health. And for those who are planning some important event, you can eat three kidneys and sincerely believe that the situation will turn out well.

You can make small bouquets from willows and place them in bunches in water - this is the most important thing to do on Palm Sunday at home. If there is an icon in the house, then several branches must be placed next to the holy face. This way we enhance the beneficial effect of willow and also recharge home environment, tuning in to all the best.

On such a beautiful day, it is better to try to devote more time to your family. Why not bake some delicious homemade cakes? After all, perhaps, there is no cozier smell than the one that comes from hot buns. By the way, in Rus' they baked flour balls (like koloboks) and hid willow buds in some of them. Children can still appreciate this fun today - try playing this interesting game with them.

For those who observe fasting, on such a day a small relaxation is allowed: you can eat fish dishes, and also a little good red wine (for example, church cahors). Of course, you shouldn’t have lavish feasts, much less abuse alcohol. After all, the meaning of the holiday is pleasant family communication, memories of the Savior, who will very soon, in exactly 7 days, be resurrected. Well, that, as they say, is another story.

The willow branch symbolizes the victory of life over death - the resurrection of the Lord. On weekends they usually go to the forest to break willow branches.

In ancient times, sacred branches were kept behind the images for a whole year, that is, until the next Palm Sunday. It is believed that the sanctifiedWillow branches protect the house and its inhabitants from all troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits, and bring grace.

You can find out what the church says about willow.

They sweep all the corners, windows, thresholds with an old willow that has stood for a year, thank it for its service and burn it.

The pious tradition of consecrating willows is performed at the festive All-Night Vigil. After reading the Gospel, the priest burns the willows, reads a prayer and sprinkles the branches with holy water. When consecrating willows, a prayer is read: “These willows are sanctified by the Grace of the All-Holy Spirit and the sprinkling of this sacred water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" (This is how you can consecrate the willow yourself if for some good reason you cannot go to church - only for women during critical days This cannot be done - it is better to ask someone from the household to read a prayer and sprinkle the willow).

Blessed willow has special healing powers.

For example, a sick person can take a willow branch consecrated in church and move it over those points of the body that are especially troubling, saying: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. The willow will come and the disease will take away.”

Be careful, neither in church nor after, do not give anyone branches from your already blessed bouquet - many knowledgeable people “steal” happiness and health this way.

But, if, say, someone asked you to consecrate a willow for him, there is no nothing bad, just make a separate bouquet right away. I have often seen how whole armfuls are blessed... This is of no use - here quantity does not turn into quality. Moreover, as I already mentioned, you cannot give out consecrated willow from your bouquet to anyone (this does not apply to your household).

Having blessed the willow, the owner returned to the house and lightly hit all the household members, saying:

“The willow is kind, God forgive me” or “The willow is a whip, it hits you to tears, the willow is red, it doesn’t hit in vain.”

Having struck lightly with a willow, you can say the following words:

“Willow whip

It brings me to tears.

Blue willow

Doesn't hit hard

The willow is red

It hits in vain

White willow

Strikes for the cause

Willow whip -

It brings me to tears!”

Or these words: “Be as strong as a willow,as healthy as her roots and as rich as the soil."

But know that the one who slapped you on the backside wishes you harm. Since, having lashed with willow on this great holiday, they may wish you harm, and it will come true.

Children benefited most from the willow - so that they grew up healthy, obeyed their parents and studied well, saying: “I don’t hit, the willow hits!”

Villagers also hit livestock with willow so that the offspring would not get sick the healthy one brought it, they said: “As the willow grows, so will you grow.”

It is curious that willow was often placed in feeders.

According to the beliefs of the peasants themselves, nine willow catkins could protect against fever.

Traditional healers advised infertile women to eat the buds of the blessed willow.

Set of books and workshops “The Magic of Important Days”

The set includes books and workshops with traditions, rites and rituals for Orthodox holidays: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Easter. And also the books: “Dreams of the Most Holy Theotokos” and “Icon in the House”

Once again I draw your attention: Be careful, do not give anyone branches from your already blessed bouquet - many knowledgeable people “steal” happiness and health this way.

An example of such negligence (From a letter to a healer)

“Sorry for distracting you from your business, but I really need your advice. On Palm Sunday, I went to church to bless the willow tree; I had three bouquets with me. In church a woman came up to me and asked for one willow sprig, and I gave it! And I know that you shouldn’t give anything to people in church, but for some reason I couldn’t refuse that woman.

That evening I felt bad, and I collapsed on the bed, helpless. I slept for a long time, but the sleep was very difficult. The next morning I had a heart attack, then had a headache all day and it got worse and worse. Natalya Ivanovna, I don’t understand how this could happen to me! I wear a cross all the time, and I have protection, but here is such a misfortune!”

In order to remove the damage caused in the church, take a handful of gray poppy seeds in your right hand and pour it into your left hand. Mac will fall from his hand to the ground, and meanwhile you say:

Just as this poppy does not stick to my hand, So that the damage does not stick to me From this hour, From God’s order.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Here are some rituals associated with Palm Sunday.

Love spell for blooming willow

On the eve of Palm Sunday, break willow branches, read a special spell over them and give them to your loved one. The plot is like this:

Just as Palm Sunday brings joy to the entire Orthodox world, so I would be a joy to My dear servant of God (name). As Christian people wait for the ringing of the bell for the festive mass, so the servant of God (name) would be waiting for me, waiting for me, looking for me in the crowd of people, looking out of the window, looking everywhere, and would rush, and rush on the oncoming path, and pull towards my hands are white. How it won't Palm holiday Forgotten by the Church, So the Servant of God (name) will never forget me. Amen.

Workshop “Slavic amulets - powerful protection. Getting ready for Palm Sunday"

Right now you can transform your destiny!

And we will help you with this with the workshop “Slavic amulets - powerful protection. Getting ready for Palm Sunday"

Palm Sunday in 2018 will be April 1

details here:

  • We will help you:
  • - magical embroidery;
  • - how to protect your child;
  • - symbols and talismans;
  • - a talisman from my grandmother;
  • - creating a spiral of prosperity and achievements;
  • - charge the talking doll;
  • - let's create space for palaces;
  • - activate amulets to attract happiness.

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P turn on the willow

On Palm Sunday they break a willow tree and say:

Until the willow

Behind the icon will lie,

Until then, my husband will not stop loving me,

He won't forget. Amen.

If your chickens are jinxed and they stop laying eggs, brew them some willow from Palm Sunday and give them a drink. There will be a lot of eggs, and to prevent them from being jinxed in the future, go up to the sleeping chickens early in the morning and say:

As the sun appears, so will the eggs be with you.

Whoever yawns, croaks,

He will take it upon himself. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Willow twigs also help protect livestock. In the spring, before you drive the animals out to pasture for the first time, say three times on a consecrated branch: “Holy willow, save and preserve my cattle, my animal from the fierce beast, from the evil eye, from the machinations of the black sorcerer.” Then stick the willow under the roof of the house.

For that to save crops and get a good harvest, you need to stick a willow twig into the ground (in the garden, in the garden, in the field) and say 7 times: “Take away black curses and misfortunes from my servant of God (your name) land. Holy willow, be a shield from any enemy.”

And if tormented by insomnia, then you need to put a willow twig at the head of the bed and before going to bed, looking at it, say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”

Buds and fluff from holy willow help for female infertility and with enuresis.

Today you can bake the fuzz of the holy willow into bread and give sick pets will be healed.

They ate nine willow catkins, counting it fever medicine.

And also as a remedy for other diseases.

They put the willow in the water, in which bathed sick children.

They baked willow catkins into bread, and in Kostroma villages they baked cookies in the shape of willow buds.

Many believed that a consecrated willow could stop a summer thunderstorm.and thrown into the flames - help in case of fire.

Any a coward who wants to get rid of his shortcomings, upon arriving from church on Palm Sunday, must drive a peg of a blessed willow tree into the wall of his house - if this means does not turn a coward into a hero, then, in any case, it should drive away natural timidity.

Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided.

If you have to go to important negotiations, or you're going begin a very important matter for you, and you are not sure of the result, then willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help. When going on an important task, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, washing them down with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, this property of a twig can only be used as a last resort. Constantly, don’t, it’s better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

On Palm Sunday, think about your loved one, he will come. Superstition? More likely. But before, a young girl, if she liked some guy and he didn’t pay any attention to her, would wait for this very day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who was dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensibly transmitted to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything we think about inevitably happens sooner or later. real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

But planting willow was considered a bad omen. They said: “He who plants a willow prepares a spade for himself.”(That is, he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow).

Palm bazaars were considered a special feature of Palm Week.

They were especially loved by children, because they presented a wide selection of children's toys, books, and sweets.

They also bought willow tied in bunches there.

A decoration - a paper angel - was tied into the bun.

He was called the “willow cherub.”

On this day you can plant a houseplant, to live in abundance.

Previously, it was believed that if you plant an indoor flower on this day, it would will attract money into your life. In cities, of course, they kept indoor plants, but in villages there was no time for that. But those who knew about this sign and planted indoor plants quickly got back on their feet.

When you plant a plant, stroke it (or the pot, if you planted a seed), reading the spell three times: “For you to grow, and for me to bloom in wealth. This is my will. Let it be so!"

And be sure to ensure that the plant is always healthy and well-groomed. Water it on Wednesdays, reading the same plot. If you do everything correctly, you will soon notice that your material wealth has begun to improve.

But this sign has several features that few people know about. Firstly, if the flower withers within a month, then you will have to live your whole life in poverty. And secondly, you only need to plant plants with large and fleshy leaves. By the way, one of these plants is now called the money tree. In order for it not to wither and grow well, you need to know the special rules for planting and caring for it. By the way, it was noticed that in the house where Money Tree grows well, there is always prosperity and there is no shortage of money.

Also with the help of a willow spell you can attract money.

holiday (on Lazarus Saturday), take a willow twig in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand and read “Our Father.” Then ask the Almighty to save you from financial problems and send prosperity to your home. The enchanted twig must be blessed in church on Sunday.

Family amulet (for Palm Sunday) It is done once a year on Palm Sunday.

To do this, you will need as many willow branches as there are people in the family. Early in the morning, at dawn, cut off the branches, then go to the morning service and bless them. Arriving home and drinking holy water, begin to weave a braid from the vines, mentally imagining at this time how all the household members joined hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the eldest member of the family, holding a wreath in front of the icon of the Mother of God, read: « Saint Paul waved his willow and drove away our enemies. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is celebrated, it is also true that evil people they won't bother you. Amen". 3 times. Keep the wreath near the icons for a year.

Willow in folk medicine

Willow bark contains vitamin C, carbohydrates, cellulose, salicin glycoside, lignin, anthocyanins, flavones, catechins, tannins... Willow bark is collected on the eve of spring or at the very beginning of March before flowering and during sap flow. The tree should not be old or too young. Trees 6-8 years old are considered the most healing. The bark is carefully removed, cut into pieces, dried in the sun, and then dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees until it breaks easily. The shelf life of the bark is 4 years.

For medicinal purposes, male catkins are also collected during flowering. Willow decoctions have hemostatic, disinfectant, astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties.

A decoction of willow bark prevents the formation of blood clots because it thins the blood.

In folk medicine, willow preparations are used for sore throat, fever, malaria, internal bleeding, dysentery, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and colon, gynecological diseases, rheumatism...

For inflammation of the mouth and throat, decoctions are used for rinsing.

For varicose veins and skin diseases, decoction baths are used.

Decoction for diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract: 2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of dry crushed willow bark with 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain. Take ½ glass 3-4 times a day.

For pulmonary tuberculosis and jaundice, drink 2 cups of decoction per day.

This tree has also proven itself in cosmetics. For dandruff, itchy scalp and hair loss, wash your hair with a strong decoction of equal parts of willow bark and burdock roots.

In France, young willow shoots, peeled from bark, were used to cook very healthy dish. The shoots are pre-boiled, then fried with sugar and onions, seasoned with flour sauce and vinegar. Tea is brewed from young leaves, buds, and shoots, which, according to fishermen and hunters, lifts your spirits and gives you strength

You will learn:

how to make Thursday salt, bread, candle and fire (Sacred Fire), which are then used throughout the year for various rituals

what to do on Maundy Thursdayfor health and wealth;

how to get married, be loved and beautiful;

rituals to get rid of negativity and bad habits(alcoholism, drug addiction)

a ritual to destroy the evil intentions of any enemy (I’ll tell you a secret that this ritual can be done not only on Maundy Thursday)

Book “Spells and rituals for Easter”

This is a book with rituals and conspiracies for Easter, which also includes rituals for Good Friday and Saturday.

You will receive spells:

  • For rich life, happiness and joy in the home,
  • for dough for prosperity and peace in the family,
  • attractive grooms to the house And for men's Love ,
  • from quarrels with relatives and to restore the world,
  • For return to health and in memory recovery, 60% discount for the set “Valbnoe, Maundy Thursday, Easter, Annunciation” here: