Mini drills and engravers comparison. Electric engravers. Which to choose? Hitachi GP10DL prices

Electricity has given humanity a lot, and it is impossible to imagine life without an electric tool. A universal power source allows you to create universal tools, the need for which is amazing. One of the representatives of such universal electrical equipment is an engraver.

If you look at an electric engraver through a magnifying glass, it will turn out to be nothing more than a type of drill. It’s just that the dimensions of the tool are much smaller, and the functionality is significantly expanded. Like conventional drills, engravers are equipped with a relatively powerful electric drive. Electric drive not only creates sufficient torque, but also very high speed rotation of the nozzle.

The majority of engravers are based on the rotational principle. But there are also impact varieties in which electrical energy is transferred into the kinetic energy of the impact. A special nozzle made of a fairly hard material knocks out particles of the material, leaving the required pattern or inscription.

The main characteristics of engravers come down to several:

  • tool weight;
  • motor rotation speed;
  • number of universal nozzles.

The preference of craftsmen is given to a lighter tool, with a shaft rotation speed of up to 20 thousand revolutions per minute, with a set of a wide variety of attachments. Typically the weight of the engraver does not exceed 1 kg. This is due to the fact that engraving work is done by hand, and tools heavier than 1 kg are difficult to work with for a long time. It is better to work with a light tool for a long time.

The variety of attachments determines the range of functionality of the tool. Therefore, this range depends proportionally on the number of nozzles. The list of attachments may include:

  • collets, couplings, jaw clamps;
  • engraving attachments;
  • cutting and polishing wheels;
  • miniature drills;
  • burs of different configurations and sizes.

In addition to attachments, it is possible to attach flexible shafts, which allow, by lengthening the drive shaft, to perform additional work without experiencing discomfort.

For a home workshop, for household needs, an engraver with a rotation speed of up to 20 thousand revolutions per minute and a power of about 200 W is sufficient. Professional engravers have a speed of up to 30 - 35 thousand and a drive power of over 250 W.

Electric engravers are produced by many companies with famous brands: Dremel, Bort, Sturm, Einhell, Hammer, Bosh, Makita and many others. Such a serious attitude towards such an unenviable instrument is expressed in constant work to improve the design and offer new attachments.

Why do you need an engraver?

Engraving work is work that always requires special precision. Functionally, the engraver can drill, cut, mill, clean and polish, apply inscriptions and drawings. But all these works are connected with the jewelry of their execution. You can process wood, metal, various types of ceramics, glass and plastic. When using diamond-cut attachments, the functional range of the tool increases many times over.

Without an engraver, the work of jewelry workshops and enterprises producing souvenirs is impossible. Because in addition to purely technical purposes, an engraver can create works of art from metal, wood or other precious and decorative materials.

And the engraver’s technical goals exist at any industrial enterprise - from restoring parts to creating miniature units that cannot be made with any other type of tool.

When using diamond-cut attachments, the functional range of the tool increases many times over. But working with such a tool requires some experience and professionalism.

Engraver manufacturers we trust + (Video)

A good branded tool is worth the money paid. The best characteristics The manufacturers and their models included in this review have:

Model Rating Characteristics Rating indicators
Sturm GM2317FL 1 Power 170 W, rpm from 8000 to 32000, cartridges 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, weight 700 g, 120 attachments and accessories Tool for home
Dremel Hobby Edition F0130290JJ 2 Power 35 W, speed up to 6000, weight 310 g, 2 nozzles Handicraft tool
Skil 1415 LC 3 Power 125 W, rpm 15000 – 35000, cartridges 2.4, 3.2, weight 730 g, 25 attachments and accessories Quality-price ratio
Dremel 3000 – 1/25 4 Power 130 W, rpm 10000 – 33000, cartridges 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, weight 550 g, 25 nozzles Carrying out precision work

This rating list can be expanded, adding other manufacturers and other rating criteria. The market for engravers, their functionality and basic characteristics are changing almost every day. Each specialist can create his own rating list based on his needs and preferences.

How to choose an engraver + (Video)

When choosing such a tool, it is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of use. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the material being processed, the list of functional operations, the necessary and sufficient volume of attachments and devices. First of all, you need to decide what you plan to do.

A mini drill differs from impact engravers in that it can be used for more than just engraving. It can be used to cut and drill, clean and polish. You need to carefully familiarize yourself with the equipment, because for such work it will be more expensive to purchase attachments separately. For hard-to-reach places, a model with a flexible shaft is useful.

You also need to decide how often the engraver will be used. If the work will be performed every day, then you need to select the most reliable model. This could be Dremel, Proxxon or Foredom. And power reserve for professional work It is better to select from 250 W. The power reserve will allow you to work at low speeds due to the large torque. For handicrafts and hobbies, the Einhell, Hammer, Bort, Storm or Skil models are quite sufficient. Their declared power is in the range of 100 - 200 W.

The material with which to work is also important in the choice. Glass, wood and soft metals can be easily processed with a mini-drill with speeds up to 20,000. Precious stones, steel and hard alloy materials can be processed with a mini-drill with speeds of up to 30,000 and their mandatory adjustment. This will allow for precise tuning. Otherwise, you will have to use an impact engraver.

After determining the purpose of use, the tool is selected according to technical characteristics - power, shaft speed and weight of the tool. And the selection is completed based on such indicators as the noise of the tool, its ergonomics, workmanship and price. But, even without experience working with an engraver, you can choose a tool according to the above criteria.

Engraving, performed using special tools and electrical equipment, such as an engraver, dremel or dental drill, has been a popular type of decorative processing of products made from various materials for many years. The quality and efficiency of such processing are largely determined by which electric engraver was chosen to perform it. When purchasing such equipment for use at home or for professional activity, a number of its technical parameters should be taken into account.

Design features and main characteristics

Before deciding how to choose an engraver, you should have a good understanding of the design and operating principle of such a device. Structurally, the engraver is a modified drill, all constituent elements which are placed in a compact case, held with one hand.

Electric engravers, which operate on the principle of a dental drill, have an electric motor, gearbox and spindle placed in a compact and easy-to-hold housing. The spindle can be used both for fixing the tool and for installing a flexible shaft, at the end of which a working attachment with a tool is attached. Cooling of the engraver's electric motor during operation is ensured by a special fan that blows the drive mechanism through air intake holes in the plastic case.

Serial devices, with the help of which such a technological operation as engraving is performed, operate on the principle of conventional electric drill. Moreover, the weight of their body, as a rule, does not exceed one kilogram, which makes it easy to hold them even with one hand. When choosing an engraver, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • supply voltage;
  • spindle speed;
  • the presence of a flexible shaft and its length;
  • possibility of adjusting the rotation speed of the working tool;
  • the number of working attachments included with the equipment.

Areas of application

An electric engraver is sufficient universal device, which can be successfully used to perform various technological operations. It is suitable for both home and professional work, when the use of conventional power tools is not possible. Using an engraving machine, for example, you can carefully and accurately drill holes with a diameter of 0.2–0.4 mm, as well as grind, polish, mill and cut small parts. The most common areas in which engraving equipment is used include:

  • engraving on the surface of products made from almost any material;
  • production and decorative design of models;
  • repair, production and decoration of watch mechanisms;
  • production and design improvement of devices used for fishing;
  • performing various household tasks with small objects and devices;
  • polishing and cleaning of hard-to-reach areas on the surface of products.

Various accessories for specific work, included in the kit or purchased later, allow you to expand the functionality of the tool

The versatility of electric engravers and the wide range of working tools with which they can be used allow them to be successfully used to solve a wide variety of technological problems.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an electric engraver, buyers are guided by various criteria. Some rely on reviews from more experienced users or the rating of a certain model among professionals, while for others, an important indicator is the cost of the device or the brand under which it is manufactured. Meanwhile, it is necessary to choose a specific model of such equipment based on how intensively it will be used and for solving what technological problems. The answers to these questions will determine the required technical characteristics and equipment of the purchased electric engraver. Naturally, for intensive daily use and for use several times a week you need to purchase various models electric engravers.

There is a wide variety of electric engravers on the modern market, differing in their technical characteristics, functionality and, accordingly, cost. This allows you to choose a device that will cope with exactly the tasks that you are going to solve with its help. In this case, you should focus on the power of the purchased device. So, for household purposes and practicing favorite hobbies, engravers with a power in the range of 100–200 W are quite suitable, and for solving more professional tasks It is better to choose more serious units with a power of 250 W or more.

Evaluating electric engravers according to their functionality, you should be guided by common sense and the real need for certain options that the equipment in question is endowed with. For numerous functions of a professional device, most of which you may not need, you will have to seriously overpay.

Ergonomic equipment

When choosing an electric engraver that you will work with yourself, you should not simply rely on reviews about a particular model. It is important to understand how convenient such equipment is for you, so before purchasing an engraver you need to pick it up, evaluate its weight and ergonomics. It should be borne in mind that you will have to work with the engraver for a long time, so it should be comfortable and not cause fatigue during prolonged use.

When evaluating an electric engraver based on ergonomic parameters, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • quality of manufacturing and assembly materials;
  • convenient location of switches and other controls;
  • convenience and efficiency of changing working attachments;
  • reliability and ease of installation of a flexible shaft, if provided in the design;
  • smooth operation and noise level that the engraver creates.

Naturally, you should not choose equipment that operates with jerks, extraneous squeaks and clicks. The design of the body of the electric engraver is also important. Working with a device that looks beautiful is much more pleasant than working with unattractive equipment.

Modern models of engravers, especially those manufactured under reputable brands, emit very little noise during operation and differ low level vibrations. Working with such equipment, which is in good technical condition, is not tiring and does not cause any discomfort.

Which brands to choose?

The modern market offers products from many manufacturers of electric engravers. However, professionals advise choosing devices from the following brands:

  • Defort;
  • Bosch;
  • Makita;
  • Dremel

High-quality equipment with more modest technical characteristics is produced by Einhell, Skil and Sturm. Among electric engravers from domestic manufacturers, you can choose products from Zubr, Vikhr and Energomash.

Beautiful and unique decoration different surfaces is in great demand today. To satisfy the needs of demanding customers, you will need a special tool or equipment called an engraver. Since materials have different densities, the approaches to processing are seriously different:

  • The traditional way to create pictures on wood, metal, and plastic is mechanical engraving. Not only professionals, but also amateurs can handle such processing. The mechanical hand engraver is electrical appliance, battery or mains powered. The device is multifunctional; depending on the interchangeable tool, it can drill, mill, cut, or grind. Modern computerized machines are capable of making perfect engravings, both for individual consumption and for mass production.
  • The main competitor to the old classics was the laser engraver. This complex device uses the energy of a light beam to process different types of materials. Depending on the strength of the radiation, it is possible to engrave on materials with different densities. Simple laser engravers cannot work with PVC or pure metal or produce beveled edges. But a laser unit connected to a laptop will quickly transfer the image from the gadget’s screen to any object.
  • Sand engraving is used to process glass and stone. To work, it is enough to have a compressor, a gun and personal protective equipment. Most often, luxurious matting is done in this way. On to the pros sandblasting can be attributed to a wide range of applications, depth and speed of processing. And the initial investment required is less than when organizing other types of engraving.

The best engravers for hobbyists

Inexpensive electric engravers are suitable for decorating at home. This simple models low power, with a minimal set of options. But they are quite enough to occasionally engrave on various objects. Tool stores offer a fairly wide selection of inexpensive electric engravers.


The richest equipment
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: 2614 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The inexpensive kit is designed to carry out minor works– engraving, drilling, cleaning, grinding surfaces. Provided that the nozzle is selected correctly, it is possible to work with most materials. The set includes 100 attachments, which together with the device are placed in a convenient plastic case.

Thanks to the stand and flexible shaft, work is greatly simplified, more convenient and precise, even in the most difficult to reach places. The speed is not bad - from 8000 to 30000 per minute. The device is lightweight, so your hand does not get tired even after prolonged use. It operates only from the mains and has moderate power consumption. This is great a budget option for a home with the richest equipment in this price range.

3 Hammer Flex MD050B

A light weight
Country: China
Average price: 1299 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The easiest way to start engraving at home is with a lightweight and compact device. Hammer Flex MD050B is the best choice to get the hang of it and master the simplest machining techniques. With this inexpensive model you can reach the most difficult to reach areas. It is comfortable to work with the device due to the low vibration level. A network with a voltage of 220 V or 12 V can be used as a power source. The necessary adapters are available for connection. The device comes complete with a wide range of attachments, from cutting wheels to drills. Using the lock, the shaft is quickly locked and the attachments can be changed.

Many engravers learned the ropes with the Hammer Flex MD050B. They praise the affordable price, lightness, compactness and ease of operation. Among the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning that the clamping head is not centered, which makes it difficult to carry out precise processing.

2 Bort BCT-140

The most affordable engraver for home
Country: China
Average price: 1350 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

When the creation of masterpieces occurs sporadically and requires a model for the home, the inexpensive Bort BCT-140 engraver is suitable. This simple and convenient device allows you to perform grinding, cutting, drilling and polishing operations. An electric engraver can be called universal, since with the help of a set of interchangeable attachments it is possible to decorate different materials. The engine power is enough for most types of work, and smooth speed control and low weight make creativity comfortable. The set includes 40 attachments for the collet chuck. With the help of a lock, it is not difficult to quickly replace the equipment. A special bracket is provided for storing the engraver.

Home creators in reviews indicate the following: strengths tools, such as accessibility, maneuverability, light weight and ease of use. The engraver also has its disadvantages, such as strong heating and difficulty in processing hard objects.

1 Dremel 200-5

Best Network Engraver
A country: USA (made in Mexico)
Average price: 2990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best electric corded engraver for home in our review was the Dremel 200-5. This model is the most affordable in the line of the famous manufacturer. For many engravers, the name Dremel has become a household name. When compared with products from the Middle Kingdom for the same price, the model is inferior in terms of configuration. The device comes with 5 attachments and a collet wrench. But the engraver can boast of good power (125 W), low weight (0.55 kg), and speed (35 thousand rpm). The device does not overheat during long-term operation and does not tire the operator with vibration. This tool is popular among DIYers and artists who use their own attachments.

Users are happy that they were able to buy a high-quality electric engraver from a well-known manufacturer at an affordable price. It fits perfectly in the hand, working with it is convenient and comfortable.

The best mechanical engravers for professionals

Jewelers and professional engravers require tools that can easily withstand heavy loads and maintain high precision. At the same time, the device should be quite light and easy to use.

4 Proxxon FBS 240/E

Optimal ratio of price, functionality and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 6000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Multipurpose handheld device Ideal for delicate work. It is distinguished by wide functionality - it can be used to engrave, grind, polish, cut, drill, and clean. The speed is adjustable from 5000 to 20000 per minute. The tool can be installed in stands and clamps. You can work with any materials - metal, wood, plastic.

The device comes in a convenient plastic case along with a set of consumables - drills, burs and much more. In reviews, users note the ease of use of the device - the compact body, rubberized inserts are provided in the gripping area. Other advantages include quiet engine operation, lightness and long service life of the device. Many believe that this is the optimal solution in terms of price, functionality and quality if delicate work is regularly required.

3 Dremel 3000-1/25

The most accurate mechanical engraver
A country: USA (made in Mexico)
Average price: 5922 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An excellent tool for especially delicate and miniature work is the Dremel 3000-1/25 engraver. Moreover, the device is sold at an affordable price. You can even process jewelry and jewelry with it. The set includes 25 high-quality attachments and an original flexible shaft. The tool can be stored in a convenient case. The manufacturer has used a new EZ Twist function, which allows you to change attachments without a collet wrench. Among the operations performed are grinding, cutting, abrasive processing, engraving, etc. The network device has sufficient power (130 W), adjustable speed in the range of 10000-33000 rpm. The soft handle reduces stress on the hand, providing comfort during long-term work.

Master jewelers and engravers in their reviews note the high precision of work, convenience, and lack of vibration. Users are dissatisfied with the flexible shaft and speed controller.

2 Tornado EP-2/6I

Maximum precision, fine engraving
Country Russia
Average price: 7000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The drill is used for engraving, polishing and grinding work on any materials. You can engrave on any materials - metals, wood, stone, glass, plastic, bone. Thanks to high speeds and thin nozzles, it is possible to process plastic without melting, fragile materials without chipping, wood without burning, and metals without crushing.

In reviews, users write that the device is very convenient when very delicate and precise work is required. For example, engraving on small objects - for example, rings, watches, etc. Jewelry. The device is very compact, it is comfortable to hold, your hands do not get tired even after prolonged use. The attachments can be changed very simply and quickly, but they are not included in the package – you need to purchase them separately depending on the type of work required.

1 Dremel 4000-6/128

The most powerful and fastest engraver
A country: USA (made in Mexico)
Average price: 13566 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

When high performance and reliability are required from a tool, it is better to choose the powerful (175 W) and fast (35,000 rpm) Dremel 4000-6/128 engraver. With this model you can achieve high performance labor with minimal tool maintenance costs. The network device comes complete with a spacious case, flexible shaft, holder, angle attachment, and compass. The set contains 128 high-quality attachments to cope with any job. A distinctive design feature is the speed maintenance function. They change depending on the load level, but even at low speeds, powerful rotation is maintained.

Professionals in reviews highlight the following strengths of the Dremel 4000-6/128 engraver. This is high power and speed, versatility and rich equipment. There are some craftsmen who are dissatisfied with the noise of the tool during operation.

The best laser engravers

Thanks to the high precision and speed of engraving, lasers find their niche in decorating and creating unique documents. Professionals were the first to appreciate the benefits of powerful optics.

4 Photonim P3040

Excellent functionality and compactness
Country: China
Average price: RUB 198,659.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The compact and economical laser engraving machine Photonim P3040 is the optimal solution for start-up companies that want to produce high-quality products with a small initial investment in equipment. The engraver is perfect for extremely precise engraving on most materials other than metal. You can work with all types of plastic, wood, leather, paper, rubber, glass, fabric. Often used for making seals and stamps.

The device is used in the production of decorative items, business cards, notepads, signs, award boards and much more. Users love the high precision of this laser engraver, even for high-speed processing and complex imaging. They also include stable laser light, clear controls and the ability to work up to 24 hours a day. The only disadvantage is the high cost.

3 Fargo 88920

The most innovative laser engraver
Country: USA
Average price: 4096937 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The American company HID Global has created a unique innovative device for laser engraving of plastic cards. Using the Fargo 88920 engraver, you can apply reliable protective elements to the surface. This is a relief image, microtext, lenticular engraving. The device is compatible with printer-encoders and laminators. The equipment allows us to produce large quantities of the most various means identification of a person. The equipment is manufactured using high-precision parts and components; a strong metal body ensures the reliability and durability of the laser engraver. The manufacturer recommends engraving on polycarbonate cards; the use of composite materials is allowed.

Innovative equipment can be used in the most different areas where plastic cards are used. The high price of the engraver is more than compensated by the reduced risk of falsification and problems with personal identification.

2 LaserPro Venus II, V12

Best 3D Laser Engraving Machine
A country: USA (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: RUB 538,412.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The functional device is the laser machine LaserPro Venus II, V12. One of the most popular options in the device is 3D engraving. The device also boasts other functionalities, for example, automatic focusing, maximum resolution 1000 dpi. With the help of this equipment it is possible to produce stamps and seals, advertising and souvenir products. The machine is quite compact (620x435x460 mm) and light (37 kg). The four-line display shows basic information about the current file, indicating power, speed, operating time and other useful parameters. The emitter is cooled by air.

Office workers in their reviews note such advantages of the laser machine as ample capabilities, compactness, ease of setup, and cost-effectiveness. The disadvantages of the equipment are the low power and speed of the laser.

1 Raytronic 3040

Best Small Laser Engraver
Country: China
Average price: 118,200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Chinese manufacturers have managed to create laser engravers at reasonable prices. The best small-sized device was the Raytronic 3040 model. The equipment is equipped with software that allows you to automatically take accurate images of any complexity. Unlike others laser devices The Chinese is easy to operate and cheap to maintain. This ensures maximum rendering and detailing of all details. The device can operate continuously for a long time, maintaining a safe microclimate in the work area. Raytronic 3040 has such protective functions as a smoke removal system, safe opening of the lid, and table airflow.

Buyers rate the capabilities of the laser device quite highly. It is simple and safe, and handles engraving efficiently and quickly. The disadvantages include the low power of the emitter and the limited size of the table.

The best cordless engravers

The presence of a battery makes the device work independent of the mains. This is very convenient if you need to reach hard-to-reach places or work in a non-electrified room. Cordless engravers are usually distinguished by their compact size and ergonomic shape.

3 Hammer AMD3.6

Best package
A country: Germany (manufactured in China)
Average price: 2499 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Cordless hand engraver from the famous German company designed to perform a wide range of work - engraving, grinding, cutting, drilling, cleaning small parts. It is used for both household needs and handicrafts and other hobbies. A huge advantage over most models is the ability to adjust the speed over a wide range - from 0 to 18,000 rpm. This allows you to select the optimal settings for working with different materials.

The absence of wires makes work easier and more enjoyable. In this model, buyers are also attracted by the rich equipment - 118 different attachments are supplied in the case along with the engraver. Among them you can see drills, diamond drills, polishing attachments and much more. The battery provides autonomous operation devices within an hour. Another advantage is that the charge is not lost, even if the device is left idle for a long time.

2 Dremel 7750-10 Engraver

The most reliable and durable engraver
A country: USA (made in Mexico)
Average price: 3550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most functional battery engravers, allowing you to perform a wide range of different works - engraving, polishing, grinding, cleaning, cutting, sharpening. Thanks to its independence from the power grid, you can easily reach the most inaccessible places. The EZ Twist tip is used to quickly change attachments, which significantly speeds up the job.

In this model, the manufacturer has provided an ergonomic body shape with a rubber coating to prevent hands from slipping, a capacious battery, three rotation speeds and a lock against accidental activation. The device comes with a charger and ten different attachments. In reviews, users point out the convenience of the model for non-professional home use. Engraving machines of this brand are well known to specialists. In their opinion, they are one of the most reliable and durable.

1 Bort BCT-72Li

Engraver with light working area
Country: China
Average price: 1904 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An inexpensive cordless hand engraver from Bort is an excellent solution for the home. It has compact dimensions (length only 21.5 cm) and is equipped with a capacious battery that provides autonomous operation for up to 3 hours. Speed idle move ranges from 5000 to 25000 rpm. The device is very light, your hands do not get tired even after prolonged use.

The package includes a charger and a set of 20 different attachments. The speed can be smoothly adjusted at your discretion, which makes it easier to work with different materials. In reviews, users also point out one useful addition - illumination of the work area. Despite being made in China, the model is quite high quality, durable and comfortable.

To decorate the surface of metal or wood beautifully and professionally, artists need to use only the best engraver. You can choose it if you read our rating. The highest quality, reliable, convenient, functional and practical tools are collected here. By purchasing one of them, you can rest assured that your engraving work will be completed to a good standard!

The rating of engravers included products from the most popular companies on this market, which have a good reputation, have collected a large number of reviews and regularly receive excellent recommendations from experts in the power tool industry.

Here's about which companies' products we're talking about in this rating:

  • Vortex– the company is engaged in the production of electrical and hand tools. She has few engravers, and they all work from the network. On average, their power is 150 W, so these devices are more suitable for home use than for commercial use. Their disks rotate at a speed of approximately 20,000 revolutions per minute. The body of the product is made of high-quality plastic, characterized by increased wear resistance.
  • BISON– a well-known Russian supplier of high-quality electrical and manual equipment for home and garden. Devices of this brand for engraving are sold with two powers - 130 and 160 W. There are options with disk rotation speeds from 15,000 to 35,000 rpm. The company's kits are distinguished by their richness of components; on average, they include about 100 additions, which will definitely not be superfluous. This is one of the main competitors of the Vikhr brand. The manufacturer offers products with an optimal price-quality ratio.
  • Bort is a German brand that produces hand and power tools for the home and garden. Her engravers are presented in the form of small drills that can not only cut, but also drill and grind metal and wood. The company always provides a long-term warranty for its products, at least one year. The weight of the devices is on average 0.7 kg, they are compact in size and easy to transport. What sets them apart from their competitors is their low noise level and quality materials housings.
  • Sturm- This German manufacturer construction tools at affordable prices, while they are of good European quality. It has stood the test of time and is confirmed by the results of successfully completed product tests. Both amateurs and professionals can work effectively with the company’s devices. The company has provided a high level of service, which makes it easier to replace parts in the event of a device failure. Her products solve even the most complex problems!
  • Dremel– engraving devices from this company allow you to engrave on various materials with maximum precision, which guarantees a professional result. They make it possible to control the cutting depth, and this improves the quality of work. The sets include several special attachments, which makes the device universal and multifunctional. This way you can save a little money by not purchasing other tools for sanding and drilling wood and metal.
  • Hammer– the first instrument of this brand was produced in the 80s of the 20th century. The company's success is due to strict quality control, which is carried out in two stages. First, engineers monitor the creation of products; finished products undergo both automatic and manual testing. After it is delivered to the market, managers monitor customer reactions and complaints. For any negative reviews An investigation is being conducted and all measures are being taken to correct existing deficiencies.

Each company whose products are described in this rating of engravers is worthy of attention. All companies offer products with good quality, numerous functions and affordable prices, with the exception of some specific tool models.

Rating of the best engravers

When analyzing reviews and studying characteristics, we evaluated engravers according to the following parameters:

  • Weight and dimensions;
  • Case quality;
  • Convenience of form;
  • Noise level;
  • Functionality – the ability to additionally grind, cut, drill;
  • Practicality of use;
  • Easy to replace working elements;
  • Value for money;
  • The model is powered by mains or battery;
  • Length of cable;
  • Charging duration;
  • Focus on materials - wood or metal.

We also kept in mind the availability of these top engravers in stores while selecting suitable candidates.

The best networked electric engravers

This is the name for models that operate only from the mains; they do not provide for the use of batteries. Because of this, they are inconvenient to take with you for engraving away from electrical outlets. Unlike products of the second type, these devices have several big sizes and weight. This rating includes the 4 best network-type engravers.

This mini drill is designed for engravers to carry out decorative works on completely different materials - metal, plastic, wood. It is multifunctional, since you can connect a variety of attachments from the kit to it - for drilling, cutting, grinding. Conveniently, the set includes a plastic case for storing and carrying the device and its components. The device can drill both through holes and recesses, which makes it versatile.


  • Reliability;
  • Fast engraving;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Not bulky;
  • Flexible shaft included;
  • Possibility of switching speeds.


  • Not the thickest case;
  • After purchase, it is recommended to disassemble the tool and lubricate the parts.

One of the best engravers on the market “Vikhr G-160GV” has long term service, but to do this you need to avoid overheating and overloading.

...I bought an engraving device “ZUBR ZG-160EK” not so long ago, I’ve been using it for a little over 3 months, I’m happy with the result, the engraving is clear, smooth, professional...

Expert opinion

Introducing another versatile engraving device that can also be used for cutting, grinding, drilling, polishing metal, wood and other materials. It is convenient for them to work in hard-to-reach places due to the fact that this is a corner model.

This practical tool, since the rotation speed can be adjusted. True, it only works from the mains, so you will need an outlet. The device weighs a little - 0.8 kg, and is easy to carry. The kit includes 38 items - everything you need for engraving and more.


  • Power 160 W;
  • Possibility of changing the diameter of the collet;
  • Resistance to voltage surges in the network;
  • Protection against accidental activation;
  • Practical body color – gray;
  • Comfortable handle.


  • Not low noise level – 77.6 dB.

This top model is one of the best for home use; it is not heavy, weighing only 0.7 kg. Due to this, it is convenient to carry it with you, for which the set includes a special case. By the way, the equipment here is very rich, it includes 60 items. The device makes up to 32 thousand rotations per minute, which allows for high speed operation of the device. If necessary, it is easily adjusted. Locking the power button ensures a high level of safety when using the tool.


  • The collet does not jam;
  • Suitable for use in hard-to-reach places;
  • Small sizes;
  • Light weight;
  • Suitable for deep carving;
  • Convenient shape;
  • Sufficient power.


  • Hard plastic case;
  • The clips on the case may become loose over time.

According to customer reviews, the Bort BCT-170N engraving device fits comfortably in the hand, so it does not create any difficulties in operation.

The electric engraver from Sturm is characterized by quick and easy changeover of equipment. It has a spindle lock, which ensures safe engraving work. The ability to adjust the rotation speed allows you to choose the most optimal operating mode. For use in hard-to-reach places, a flexible shaft is provided. Thanks to the inclusion of all necessary items, you can use it immediately after purchase.


  • Availability of backlight;
  • Compact size;
  • Convenient shape;
  • Low noise level;
  • Lock the power button.


  • Weight 1.4 kg.

The Sturm GM2317FL engraving device is not very long network cable, so not suitable for use at long distances from the outlet, otherwise you may need to carry it.

The best cordless engravers

Compared to network models, these devices are less powerful, but they are quite sufficient for performing simple engraving work at home. They are convenient because you can take them with you, for example, on the street. The disadvantage of such devices is the need to regularly recharge them, which takes some time. The advantage is that there are no cables, which is certainly convenient.

Dremel 8220-5/65

Despite the battery operation, this is a fairly powerful engraving device. In one minute, the spindle can make up to 30,000 revolutions, while cutting is carried out accurately and precisely. Its movement stops immediately after the engine is turned off, which increases the level of safety and makes it more comfortable. It is noteworthy that the manufacturer added two chargers to the kit. In order to ensure ease of use of the tool for engraving in the dark, there is a good backlight.


  • The battery charges in one hour;
  • The presence of a comfortable handle, which increases the accuracy of work;
  • Product weight is 660 g;
  • High quality plastic;
  • Durable housing.


  • High price.

The best mini engravers

Such devices usually weigh a maximum of 600 g, which is why they are called “mini”. They easily fit in a small bag and are especially useful when you need to engrave in hard-to-reach places. They can work on both wood and metal, depending on the material. This category describes the advantages and disadvantages of one, the best, according to customer reviews, model.

This inexpensive mini-drill is called that for a reason; it is really compact, does not take up much space in the house and can be easily transported if necessary. Is it true, this device is relevant for performing short and not very heavy engraving work, since its power is not the highest in the rating. The battery holds a charge for quite a long time and charges quickly. The device, if required, is easy to carry with you. The engraver has a high-quality body that can even withstand a fall from a height.


  • The set includes 118 additions;
  • Good charger;
  • Light weight;
  • Small dimensions;
  • Fits comfortably in the hand;
  • Protection against accidental activation.


  • The maximum disk rotation speed is up to 18,000 rpm.

Due to the protection of the motor, during long periods of work the machine may stop periodically.

Which engraver is better to buy

For home use devices operating at a power of up to 100-200 W are quite suitable, but for professional use stronger power tools are needed. For rough processing of material, a mini-drill operating at speeds of up to 10,000 rpm is sufficient, but if you need to get an accurate cut and smooth surface, you will need to select a higher speed.

Here's the best engraver to choose, depending on the situation:

  • To perform wood engraving, you can buy an electrical device “Whirlwind G-160GV”.
  • The ZUBR ZG-160EK device copes well with metal work.
  • Those who are looking for a multifunctional device that can engrave, grind, and drill should take a closer look at the Bort BCT-170N model.
  • For engraving in hard-to-reach places, it is best to choose the Sturm GM2317FL.
  • If you plan to work a lot and do not want to depend on electricity, then the best solution would be to buy a Dremel 8220-5/65.
  • For those who plan to travel frequently with an engraver, the most interesting option would be the Hammer AMD3.6

When choosing the best engraver, you need to focus primarily on your needs, and also take into account real reviews buyers. This will allow you to choose the most reliable, high-quality and useful tool for you.

In the decor of the premises, elements with engraving have great importance, create new directions and styles. Regular drill or an electric engraver is suitable for this purpose. Almost anyone can work with it. Of course, without the necessary skills and expensive tools, it’s not worth talking about high quality work.

Structurally engraver– grinding equipment small size, which is used for small jobs such as grinding, milling, cutting and drilling products made from different materials. An electric motor is installed in its body, a collet chuck in which the necessary attachments are attached. Some models are equipped with a flexible shaft that transmits rotation to the nozzle. The functionality of the tool is determined by the number of attachments used. In a set their number can exceed 100 units.

These devices are mainly used by precision equipment repairmen, designers and jewelers (they are also used to perform other small jobs). The tool is whimsical, for this reason it must be selected individually for certain work and material.

An engraver will help you make patterns on exclusive gifts, souvenirs and jewelry. Now you can use it to process any material. It is only necessary to take into account the hardness of the material and use suitable nozzles for it.

Types of engravers

The design of an engraver is not much different from a conventional electric drill, only its dimensions are smaller and it has more capabilities. The electric drive of the mechanism, in addition to creating the necessary torque, provides required amount nozzle revolutions. Most engravers work using the principle of rotation, but some devices convert electrical energy into kinetic impact energy. The nozzle, made of a very durable material, knocks out unnecessary areas of the workpiece, forming the desired inscription or design.

A quality tool from a well-known brand costs big money. Engraver's most famous manufacturers and their main characteristics:




Sturm GM2317FL

Diameter of nozzles 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 mm, device power 170 W, 8-32 thousand revolutions, weight 700 g, 120 nozzles and additional accessories DIY Tool

Dremel Hobby Edition F0130290JJ

Includes 2 nozzles, device power 35 W, 6 thousand revolutions, weight 310 g For needlework

Skil 1415 LC

The set includes 25 nozzles and additional accessories, device power 125 W, 15-35 thousand revolutions, nozzles 2.4, 3.2 mm, weight 730 g Optimal cost-quality ratio

Dremel 3000 – 1/25

Includes 25 nozzles, power 130 W, 10-33 thousand revolutions, nozzles 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 mm, weight 550 g Designed for precision work

There are also mini drills that can do the job of an engraver.

A small mini-drill differs from impact engravers in that it can be used not only for engraving work. It allows you to polish, deburr, drill and cut material. Before purchasing, you need to find out what is sold complete with the tool, otherwise for some types of work you will have to buy the necessary attachments separately, which will be expensive.

Choosing an engraver - what to look for

The main qualities of engravers that need to be taken into account when choosing:

  • Tool weight;
  • Shaft rotation speed;
  • How many attachments are included in the kit?

Craftsmen often choose a lightweight engraver, with a working part speed of about 20 thousand per minute, with a large number of attachments. The weight of the engraver should not be more than 1 kg, otherwise your hands will get tired when manually processing parts. A lightweight tool will allow you to do more work without stopping to rest.

The variety of attachments affects the range of functions of the tool. For this reason, the number of possible operations depends proportionally on their number. The accessories included in the kit may include:

  1. Cam clamps, couplings, collets;
  2. Nozzles intended for engraving;
  3. Polishing and cutting wheels;
  4. Small size drills;
  5. Various burs.

Additionally, in addition to attachments, you can connect flexible shafts to the engraver, which, due to their length, allow you to perform work in hard-to-reach or inconvenient places without experiencing inconvenience.

Listed below are the main criteria to consider when purchasing an engraver.

Frequency of use

How often do you use the engraver? If you need to carry out work every day, then you need to buy the most reliable model. And for professional work, it is advisable to provide a power reserve of at least 250 W. This will make it possible to use low speed in work due to high torque.

Processed material

When choosing a tool, you need to consider what material you will be processing. Wood and glass products can be easily engraved or sanded with a mini drill at a speed of about 20,000 revolutions. Durable steel, high hardness alloys and gems It is better to process with a tool with a speed of 30,000 revolutions and the ability to adjust them. Otherwise, it is better to use an impact engraver.

When you decide for what purpose you will use the engraver, you need to decide on such characteristics as the weight of the tool, speed and power. On last stage Before purchasing, a selection is made based on the cost of the model, workmanship, ergonomics and noise level.

Engraver size and weight

Choose a tool of a size convenient for your purposes. Engravers are manufactured with minimal weight and size. Their small dimensions become possible only in the absence of a cooling system. As a result, the device heats up, and when using them, you must take a break from working after 10-15 minutes. This must be taken into account when purchasing a small device.

Engraver power

Engine power is very important when choosing an engraver. This characteristic affects the cost of using the tool and its price.

For use at home or in a small workshop, you need to purchase an engraver with a power of no more than 200 W and a speed of 20,000 rpm. Professional models produce a power of 250 W.

Shaft rotation speed

Also, when choosing a suitable tool, first consider the maximum and minimum shaft rotation speed. This characteristic is the most important for the quality of material processing. Polishing and grinding are performed at low engine speeds (otherwise the surface of the product may overheat). And cutting and sharpening of the tool is carried out at high speeds. The number of shaft revolutions in modern models is in the range of 15000-35000 rpm.

Check the possibility of adjusting the number of revolutions. Inquire about the presence of an engine speed controller. Good products are equipped with electronic regulation, and cheap models are made with a device that simply reduces the motor voltage. Such tools cannot be used for high-precision work.

Engraver attachments

Find out how many different attachments are included in the kit, find out if there is a flexible shaft. Sometimes it is more profitable to purchase a high-quality engraver with a minimum of attachments, and, if necessary, acquire them gradually. This mainly depends on your wallet, the brand of the tool and the manufacturer of the device.

There are a huge number of varieties of special attachments. Among them there are devices with diamond coating, cutting wheels, polishing discs, and grinding devices. They process glass, metal alloys, stone, and other hard and soft materials.

Attachments for metal work. There are several varieties of such devices; they are made on the basis of high-speed steel or aluminum oxide. The shape is individual for different types of work, there are cone-shaped nozzles, spherical, round, cylindrical.

Metal bits for engraver

Diamond bits designed for processing hard metals, they are often made with
using diamond sputtering. To work on stone, nozzles made of silicon carbide are used. Dimensions and shape are the same as diamond tools, allow you to work with tiles, marble, glass.

Diamond engraver attachments

Nozzlesfor grinding material made of rubber interspersed with abrasive crumbs. There are felt rollers, they are used for polishing the material using a special paste, which is applied to a felt disc. The paste is sold separately or comes complete with polishing attachments. Nozzles made from sandpaper, allow you to work with metal products and wood. They sell abrasive grinding stones for processing ceramic, plastic and metal parts.

Sanding attachments

Usually the most popular attachments are included in the engraver kit. Replaceable attachments are secured using a small quick-release chuck (it makes it possible to quickly measure the working tool). The collet chuck requires more time when changing the nozzle, but in it the nozzle is precisely centered in the collet. For this reason collet chucks Optimal for precision operations. For different types of work, it is advisable to have both types of cartridges.

Additional accessories

The capabilities of small engravers have been expanded with the help of various additional components. Here are just some of them:

  • Angle nozzle necessary for doing work in inconvenient or hard-to-reach places, it can turn your engraver into an angle grinder;
  • Flexible shaft with a special bracket or vice makes it possible to work in comfort;
  • Special rack will turn your engraver into a drilling machine.

Engraver noise and vibration levels

Most device manufacturers do not indicate this characteristic in the model description, but you can turn it on and find out the level of its vibration and noise. Most often, medium-priced instruments have minor problems with noise; cheap and weak devices practically do not vibrate or make noise due to their low power, but in expensive instruments this deficiency is necessarily solved by the manufacturer. Please note that compared to the usual grinding machine and drill, the engraver makes very little noise.

Engraver cost

In most cases, close attention is paid to this point, but each person has his own cost-quality ratio. For one master it is more important to choose a productive and handy tool, while for others, brand awareness or, conversely, low price comes first.

By purchasing a device from a well-known manufacturer, you receive service maintenance(any tool can break), and the opportunity to read customer reviews. Here you need to understand that not everyone needs a multifunctional device at a high price - it depends on the purpose of use and the time of continuous operation. Remember that it is impossible to buy an instrument from well-known manufacturers inexpensively - if you find such an offer, then it is probably a fake (most often made in China).
