Lunar calendar and weight loss. Rules and menu of the lunar diet Favorable days to start losing weight


No matter what the weather is outside, the idea of ​​losing weight takes over the minds of beauties. But how to lose weight if instead of your diet there is some kind of chaos? This is why there are diets and nutrition systems. And today we will talk about one of these systems - the Lunar diet.

No, you heard right. According to the lunar calendar, you can not only plant tomatoes, but also eat.

Lunar energy can influence not only the ebb and flow of the ocean, but also have an impact on the human body as a whole, its mood and physical condition. A diet according to the lunar calendar is nothing more than matching your nutrition to the lunar phases. If you want to lose weight while being in harmony with nature, then nutrition according to the lunar calendar is just for you.

Lunar Diet Basics

An unusual method of losing weight is based on drawing up a diet in accordance with the characteristics of the lunar calendar, reflecting the beginning and end of the 4 main phases of the moon for 7 days. The duration of the entire cycle is 28 days. Each phase is characterized by certain physiological processes and chemical reactions at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. It was they who served as the basis for drawing up a diet according to the lunar calendar.

This amazing nutritional system takes into account the peculiarities of changes in the human body during the lunar cycle, and is worth nutritional recommendations based on the advice of nature itself. Some people use the lunar calendar diet to cleanse the body of toxins, while others use it to lose weight.

  • Full moon. This period is indicated by the presence of a bright round ball in the sky. It is generally accepted that it is at this time that the cellular and intercellular space of the body is filled with liquid, and tides occur in nature.
  • Waning moon. The night luminary looks like an inverted letter “C”. During this period, excess fluid and metabolic products, including toxins and wastes, are removed from the body at a more accelerated pace.
  • A new moon is characterized by the absence of the moon in the sky. The time is especially favorable for renewing the body. Damaged or depleted systems are better restored. Great time to normalize your diet.
  • Waxing Crescent. The night star looks like the letter “C”. The period when the body is able to fully absorb all the beneficial substances from foods and respond well to physical activity. At this time, all metabolic processes intensify, wounds heal faster, and overall tone increases.
  • The lunar diet calendar for weight loss for 2018 was developed taking these features into account.
  • It is generally accepted that it is best to start losing weight during the waning moon and finish when a new phase arrives.

Nutritional Features

The diet according to the lunar diet for weight loss is compiled taking into account the characteristics of the physiological processes occurring in each of the phases. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve harmony between natural phenomena and human nutrition. The result is not only natural weight loss, but also cleansing and healing of the entire body.

To achieve the maximum effect from the lunar diet, you must adhere to certain nutritional rules:

  • Completely abstain from alcohol, smoked meats, pickling, marinades, and confectionery delights during the diet.
  • During the full moon, it is recommended to eat unsalted, low-calorie foods (cereal porridges, vegetable dishes, fermented milk products, green and herbal teas).
  • During the waning phase of the moon, you should adhere to five to six meals a day, while limiting the consumption of salt and sugar. You will have to forget about fast carbohydrates and alcoholic products during the lunar diet. Daily calorie content should be about 1200 kcal. In addition, you should drink 2 liters of plain water per day. Don't forget about physical activity. After all, our goal is not only to normalize the diet, but also to lose weight.
  • During the new moon, women following the lunar diet should pay special attention to protein foods - meat, cottage cheese, cheese, seafood. Vegetables and vegetable salads are allowed. It is better to completely exclude carbohydrate foods.
  • During the waxing moon phase, appetite usually increases. Excess weight gain occurs precisely during this period, so it is especially important to ensure that the daily calorie content does not exceed 1000-1200 kcal, primarily due to a large amount of vegetables, fruits, and protein foods.
  • Do not forget about moderate physical activity, and on the last day of this period, arrange fasting days. Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid.

Nutrition program according to the phases of the moon

The lunar diet menu for 1 day may look like this.

Lunar diet menu for 1 day

It begins in the evening before the full moon, lasts exactly one day, until the next midnight. Regular clean water, as well as mineral water, sugar-free juices, and green tea are allowed for consumption. Apart from the listed drinks, you cannot eat anything else.

Such daily abstinence from food will give tangible results: swelling will disappear, the body will be cleansed, immunity will increase and you will be able to lose up to 1 kg. weight per day.

It should be remembered that the diet proposed by such a diet is far from balanced, so it is better for patients with metabolic pathologies and blood sugar disorders to avoid such a diet.

Lunar diet menu for 6 days

This diet should begin 3 days before the full moon and continue until the third day of the new moon. There are no restrictions only on the consumption of freshly squeezed juices, green tea, and still water during any day.

On day 1 - you can only eat raw, steamed vegetables - cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, etc.

Day 2 - fresh, not canned pineapples and nothing else.

3rd day - only boiled mushrooms are allowed.

On the 4th day, any foods are excluded again. You can only drink freshly squeezed juices, green tea, and still water.

Day 5 again only pineapples

Day 6 – boiled mushrooms

By adhering to such a diet, you will be able to get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight.
If after a six-day lunar diet you managed to switch to proper nutrition and subsequently stabilize your weight at a normal level, then there is no need to continue the lunar diet.

Menu for the waxing moon

The waxing moon menu for one day might look something like this:
Breakfast - 200 grams of cottage cheese, 2 boiled eggs or vegetable salad;
Lunch - Vegetable soup without potatoes, a piece of boiled chicken breast;
Dinner - vegetable salad and 100 grams of boiled fish;
Second dinner (2 hours before bedtime) - a glass of kefir.
You can snack between meals with cottage cheese or a protein shake.

Menu for the waning moon

For breakfast - oatmeal and green tea
For lunch - boiled rice and fresh vegetables
for dinner - a light salad
You can snack on fruit between meals.

Our neighbor Luna will become an excellent assistant in the process of losing weight only if you follow certain tips.

  • Nutrition is an important part of any weight loss program. Weight depends on the ratio between the amount of energy consumed and expended. If more energy is expended than consumed, then the hated kilograms disappear.
  • In order not to consume too much, someone needs to count calories. However, each body is individual. You need to listen to yourself and monitor how much you need to eat so that the weight goes off.
  • It is recommended to do everything gradually. To begin with, it makes sense to reduce portions, try to eat smaller meals, and reduce the calorie content of the dishes you eat.
  • Of course, you need to cross out unhealthy foods. It's better to do it gradually. You can allow yourself to eat something fried occasionally, but the main thing is that it is not for dinner.
  • Use a trick: before you eat something harmful, you need to eat a healthy dish. In this case, you will want less unhealthy food.
  • It is best to make a meal plan for yourself for a month in advance, detailing what you will eat. A systematic approach will help you achieve results faster.
  • You need to go to the grocery store with a ready-made list so as not to gain too much. It is best to purchase products several days in advance, ideally a week.
  • In losing weight, it is very important to find motivation, that is, to clearly know why you need it. Moreover, it is important to be able to maintain this motivation, without allowing weakness to get the better of you. If you decide to lose weight, then you need to go towards your goal. And the lunar diet will help you with this.
  • The right products are half the battle. It is very important to learn how to cook them correctly so that they do not gain calories in the process. For example, oatmeal will become much higher in calories if you flavor it with butter and sugar.

There are an endless variety of diets in the world, effective and not very effective, classic, exotic and others. It has been noted that the same diet can be ideal for someone, but for others it can be completely useless or even harmful. This is explained, first of all, by the individual characteristics of the body and the person’s lifestyle.

But there are also objective factors that influence the effectiveness of any diet. We are talking about the influence of the Moon and other factors when choosing the day to start a diet. The lunar cycle has a huge impact on a person's daily life, much more than we can imagine. Moreover, the influence of the Moon on women is simply irresistible, what is women’s intuition alone worth! In addition, a woman’s body is subject to cyclicity in the image and likeness of the lunar cycle. The conclusion from here suggests itself: you need to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature, using the lunar calendar to improve your body and diet.

The day of the new moon is perfect for a little fasting and a short-term diet. But 3 days before the start of the full moon it is good to start a 4-5 day diet. You should also take into account some features: it is very easy to gain weight, since increasing the amount of food consumed is a natural desire of a person. Therefore, it is very important to limit yourself a little in food and give up “junk” food. During the period of the flawed Moon, on the contrary, appetite decreases on its own, and if you devote these days to a diet, the result will exceed all expectations. Ideally, these days should coincide with the passage.

Favorable days to start a diet in 2020

January - 14, 15, 22;

February - 10, 13;

March - 11, 18, 22;

April - 3, 5, 7, 13, 14, 18, 21;

May - 3, 13, 16, 19;

June - 1, 8, 15;

July - 21, 23, 24;

August - 1, 20;

September - 15, 16, 18, 29;

October - 11, 12;

November - 10, 12, 18, 19;

December - 5, 9, 10, 16.

Fasting is contraindicated

January - 2 - 11, 16, 23, 26, 29;

February - 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 15, 17 - 29;

March - 1 - 10, 13, 16, 21, 23, 26 - 29, 31;

April - 1, 2, 12, 15, 22 - 26, 28, 29;

May - 5, 11, 14, 20 - 22, 25, 26;

June - 4, 10, 13, 16 - 30;

July - 1 - 15, 18 - 20, 25, 29;

August - 2, 8, 10 - 12, 15, 16, 18, 24;

September - 1, 6 - 8, 10 - 13, 17, 22, 30;

October - 4 - 6, 8 - 10, 14 - 31;

November - 1 - 7, 14, 20, 24, 27 - 29;

December - 1 - 4, 14, 19, 23 - 27, 29 - 31.

The lunar diet is based on the changing phases of the moon, which are believed to have an effect on our body. As you know, a person consists of 70-80% water; astrologers are sure that the Moon, by controlling the ebb and flow of the oceans, also affects the human body.

The essence

The desire to stay slim and eating according to the lunar calendar is the most comfortable combination. The person does not involve himself:

  • In risky experiments on health;
  • A completely unnecessary expense.

After all, nature has long solved the human problem of rational nutrition. Observations of the Moon, intertwined with legends, tell us a simple algorithm for choosing products and a reasonable regime of cleansing, physical activity and relaxation. This is nutrition according to the lunar calendar for every day.

Days of bread, milk and meat

  1. Nutrition days;
  2. Days of cleansing.

The first, in turn, are divided into days when animal food is mandatory, and days when its consumption weakens the body’s immunity, affecting the subtle bodies of a person. On the third and twenty-fourth lunar days, the symbols of which are respectively the Leopard (speed and pressure) and the Bear (strength and power), it is simply necessary to eat meat, poultry, and dairy products. They help build the body by participating in the synthesis of collagen, which is so necessary for the heart muscles, skin and nails. On other days, no matter how many eggs, cottage cheese or meat dishes a person eats, his physical body will not become stronger. All efforts will be spent on processing material that is useless at this time, and even your nails will remain brittle. The lunar diet does not limit a person on the physical plane, and is very demanding on order on the subtle plane.

Dairy products and nuts are considered astral foods

A person's ability to control his emotions depends on the integrity of his astral body. It is impossible to unbalance and destroy someone who is in harmony with his feelings. Somehow, it is dairy products that strengthen the astral plane; it is not for nothing that in India, the land of yogis, cows are revered this way. The diet according to the lunar calendar devotes only two days to milk: the fifth and twenty-third, when milk and cottage cheese are simply necessary. And if the favorable fifth day (of the Unicorn) activates the process of alchemical processing of dairy food into astral energy, then the twenty-third, with its unfavorable tendencies, threatens the astral body with complete exhaustion. This is when you can put the dough and bake cheesecakes with cottage cheese - a symbol of our Ego (Sun). All the calories will be swallowed by the Crocodile, the sacred Hero of this day. Fairy tale? So we'll see.

Dreams of slimness and the smell of fresh bread

“Food separately - pleasure separately” is a rather primitive approach to losing weight, just like eating without bread. The lunar diet for weight loss, with its gastronomic diversity, really devotes only two to three days to bread. Only in the mystery of the 13th lunar day, a hot crispy crust is not so much calories as the quintessence of painstaking work, through which a person can participate in the turn of the Cosmos in the direction of Good - salting. You can lose weight before your vacation without bread, but systematically violating the recommendations of the 13th lunar day, when all living things cross the symbolic threshold between death and rebirth, would be unreasonable. At this time, thanks to enhanced intestinal peristalsis, Qi energy is easily included in the processes of cleansing and renewing the blood, transforming the power of grain into the energy of an evolutionary leap.

Willful self-restraint can result in weakness and stupidity

Cereals, as mood conductors, regulate the balance of male and female energy in the Man-Environment flow. Wheat flour saturates baked goods with YANG energy (hot, dry, gravitational), leveling human energy on cold, damp, frosty days. And rye, oatmeal, and corn bread are Yin foods, cooling, and in the cold season exacerbating the unconscious desire to warm up with high-calorie foods. In summer, such bread is simply necessary. Of course, on certain lunar days: 13, 22 and 29, of which only the twenty-second day is initially harmonious, although it is considered a turning point (Ekadashi day). Its symbols: the Elephant, which consumes a lot of plant food, and the Scroll with the Golden Key as the personification of book wisdom. The only day of the lunar month on which flour and sweet foods are strongly recommended.

“When people bake bread, demons run away to the mountains”

If the thirteenth is evolutionarily critical, then the twenty-ninth is simply a satanic (Hydra, Octopus) lunar day. The house should smell like bread and pancakes. The waning moon diet is part of a ritual of protection against rampant evil spirits, which are destined to disappear with the appearance of the new moon. Refusal of food is a contraindication for 3, 9, 15, 19, 23, 24, 26 and 29 lunar days, when such asceticism causes more harm than good. This warning does not apply to therapeutic fasting for more than seven days, during which the body switches to endogenous (internal) nutrition.

The lunar diet is not so strict, it only outlines trends. Effectively managing your own weight is as simple as managing the formula: “You can’t starve, don’t eat” based on our tables:

Table 1 “STARVING. You can't eat"

DayMain SymbolAdditional SymbolColoring and tasks of the dayPreferencesTolerances
Hecate Day
Creation of mental images.
Beginning of 2-day fast
2 Cornucopia.
Hecate Day
The degree of purification corresponds to the expected abundance.
Shank-prokshalanaNo hunger
day of silence
RodRose of Wind.
Don't talk too much
You can starveCleansing the stomach and intestines.
Don't eat eggs or chicken
day of silence
Receiving a hidden name
Total dry fasting changes the worldThe presence of open fire is required: lamps, candles, fireplace
family nest
Genealogy studies will point to your purpose.
Strengthening family and traditions.
A successful start to a multi-day fastSteam baths
powerful turning point
Labyrinth with the Minotaur.
Ekadashi Day
Fire swordYou can remake yourself - turn Matter towards the Light.
Ability to complete.
Do not fall for dirty provocations in the astral plane.
A successful start to a multi-day fast.
Lots of water and juices
17 Bunch of grapesBellJoy.
Mysteries of Shakti.
Uncontrollable energies.
Weakening of the kidneys.
Sleeping a lot is not recommended.
Feasts without alcohol
It’s better to fast and cleanse your intestines.
Sauna combined with rejuvenating treatments
Prefer plant foods to meat foods
18 is unfavorable.
Day of Silence
Weakening of the kidneys.
oil (it is better to rub in)
Victory over yourselfIdeals.
Practice of growth
25 TurtleTwo vessels - living water and dead water.
Clear Awareness suggests a way out of old problems.
Activation of Sidhi - higher psychic powers: everything works out the first time, on impulse
Therapeutic fasting
26 unfavorableToadWise
False wisdom.
Don't talk too much
FastDon't eat animal food
27 TridentNeptune.
Round table
Collective wara.
28 Lotus
Hecate Day
Awareness and correction of karmic mistakes by hunger
Juice hunger

Table 2 “You can’t go hungry. EAT"

DayBasic symbolAdditional characterColoring and tasks of the dayRecommendationsTolerances
3 LeopardWeaponActive.
Speed ​​and pressure.
Suddenness and speed of reaction.
Useful for sharpening knives
All foods that help build the body: meat, milk, poultry, eggs, liverSauna
4 Tree of Understanding Good and EvilAdam's applePassivity.
AllDon't eat animal food
5 Unicorn
Showing emotions
Transformation of the subtle body from food energy.
Homemade baked goods fill you with goodness
Milk, cottage cheese.
Follow your tastes and preferences when it comes to food.
Get full, but don't overeat
You can't go hungry.
Don't eat animal food
Working with odors.
Cleaning activities are not recommended
Eliminate dairy products.
Light favorite food
A small feast without alcohol
BatMilky WayAstral dirt.
Satanic filth is being introduced.
Mental imbalance.
Spiritual resistance to negativity - resetting karmic programs.
Controlling emotions neutralizes damage.
Don't look in the mirror.
Repayment of debts.
Best for steam bath.
Cleansing with food.
Danger of intoxication, poisoning
You don't have to go hungry, but don't overeat.
Don't eat animal food
12 BowlHeartPure prana.
Cosmic love.
Cleansing the bronchi.
Dehydration is deadly.
There is a lot of water.
All juices except apple juice as a symbol of enrichment.
Everything that builds the body.
The stomach can and should digest food quickly.
Less rough food.
Wheel with Swastika inside, saltedSpinning wheel.
Clean energy for generations.
Correction of the past through the scrupulous implementation of personal plans.
Teaching about the path.
Working with thread
Nuts, pickles.
It's good to bake bread.
Load the stomach
Limit sweets and bitters.
Less water (internal fermentation processes must be activated)
14 PipeManipuraCleansing.
A brilliant start.
An end-to-end perspective opens up.
Almonds, salted.
Bitter and sweet are not allowed
Full moon
JackalAstral battles.
Carnal temptations.
Correction of the pancreas.
Protection of the astral plane from destruction by asceticism.
You can do stupid things out of instinct.
meditation - Emptiness.
Fasting is a Warrior's weapon.
Lunar energies connect to the energies of food and strengthen it + and its -
Hot spicy or lean food.
Barley and legumes.
Viburnum tames instincts and strengthens memory.
You can't eat apples.
Don't eat animal food.
ButterflyStairway to Heaven.
Blood purification procedures
Moderation in foodDon't eat animal food
Single creator.
Avoid annoying ideas and people.
Postpone response to cooperation proposal until another day
Simple food.
Round vegetables
21 HorseChariotActive.
Voluntary sacrifice.
Revolutionary perestroika.
Colon and rectal cleansingSimple food.
Round vegetables
22 Elephant
Ekadashi Day
Golden Key.
Discovery day.
Secret knowledge.
Life force flows with delicious food
Lots of plant foods.
The only day when sweets and starchy foods are mandatory
Milk, cottage cheese, nuts.
Don't eat animal food
Center of Dynamics in the lunar calendar
Using sexual energy improves health and improves the spirit.
Men's Energy Day
Load the stomach.
Less liquid
Not to starve
Hecate Day
Openness to energetic negativity.
Cut off false connections. Active protection
bake pies and pancakes at homeDon't eat animal food.
golden swan Cleansing.
Harmonious celebration
LightDon't eat animal food

The accuracy of the choice is proportional to the amount of information collected and taken into account

Each table contains preferences and tolerances, sometimes contradictory. The final choice depends on your mood and personal plans. Additionally displayed:

  • Measures to cleanse the body.
  • Symbols of lunar days, explaining the essence of phenomena and hidden motives of personal behavior.

If the lunar day is marked as critical, this means a turning point, the possibility of choosing between ascending to a new level of evolution and getting stuck in old habits, in an old circle of circumstances. Light ones provide a person with the opportunity to rise above himself, while unfavorable ones indicate the danger of degradation. The coloring and tasks of the day can prompt you to make the right choice. On magical days, every little thing affects the balance of power.

In the fight against excess weight, all means are good... even the Moon! The lunar diet is the easiest and, perhaps, the most effective way to keep your appetite in check and your weight within reasonable limits. This is one of the few diets with proven long-term effects. In addition, it helps to remove from the body all the harmful substances that have accumulated in it. And, most importantly, it awakens feelings and clears consciousness.

The essence of the lunar diet is to coordinate your nutrition with the phases of the cold star. And there is something to try for: in a month, 2-3 kilograms of useless weight disappear forever. Losses per year can amount to 24-36 kg!

How to lose weight on the lunar diet

  • New moon. The moon is practically invisible in the sky.
  • Growing (phases 1 and 2) - if you mentally place a wand on the crescent of the Moon, you will get the letter “P” - growing. Full moon. A bright round pancake in the night sky? Everything is clear - it's a full moon.
  • Defective (phases 3 and 4) - the crescent resembles the letter “C” - the aging Moon.

Let's start from the beginning - with the New Moon

These days, the body is in a decline in vital activity, the immune system is weakened, and chronic diseases may worsen. On the other hand, there is a renewal and release of the burden accumulated over the past lunar month. It's time to start a new life. Help your body, because it is set up for maximum cleansing. But excess food can slow down or interrupt this important process.

Therefore, fasting during this period is very beneficial for health, is easy to tolerate, prevents many diseases and promotes weight loss. A good alternative to fasting is a fasting day (apple, kefir).

At this time, it is very important to drink a lot - herbal decoctions, clean water, freshly squeezed juices. Thus, you will speed up the removal of waste, fats and toxins from the body.

There is a strict taboo on sugar and salt during the new moon.(be careful with store bought juices which may contain both, just don't buy them).

Waxing Crescent

The 1st and 2nd phases of the Moon are an excellent time for general strengthening procedures, vitamin and drug therapy. It’s not for nothing that naturopathic doctors recommend starting any health course immediately after the new moon, for example, introducing fasting days on Fridays. There is a high probability that such undertakings on the waxing Moon will become a useful habit.

But it is recommended to reduce physical activity (reduce, not eliminate) so as not to waste energy potential. The lack of physical activity can be compensated for by breathing exercises - the benefits for your figure are significant.

And the best part: during the days of the waxing moon, you can, with a clear conscience, allow yourself... real gluttony!

New moon

The full moon is a difficult period for the body. It is at this time that he moves from accumulating strength and energy to actively spending it. Energy is in full swing and can become uncontrollable. And all because the body experiences stress at the most subtle levels. Your task is not to succumb to the lunar tricks and remain calm. Don’t fuss, put aside all things that require stress, tune in to a pleasant wave and... another fasting day.

In the diet, “dry food” should be excluded, i.e. all kinds of chips, crackers, crackers, dryers and bagels. And at the same time, everything is salty, spicy and smoked. In general, everything that retains water, since during the full moon water “leaks” from the body, and with it the extra pounds “float away”.

And your appetite is on your side - usually during the full moon it decreases by itself. On the days of the full moon, everything is useful “moon” vegetables - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. If you urgently need to part with 2 kg, then it is better to limit yourself to these vegetables.

Waning moon

Make it a rule to cut down your usual portion as the moon wanes. It’s not at all difficult to do this, for example, instead of a whole chocolate bar, eat three quarters, then gradually switch to half the dose, and after another week limit yourself to a couple of slices. Perhaps by the next new moon you will learn to do without chocolate altogether!

When the Moon is at a loss, eat vegetables(except potatoes), fruits(except bananas) and porridge(except for manna).

Meat dishes and fermented milk products are acceptable. Seafood delicacies are desirable, especially cabbage, i.e. kelp. In general, the diet is normal, but in half the dose. Having tasted such a lightweight menu, you will certainly feel a pleasant lightness in your body: you will want to run and jump.

Don't hold back! In addition, physical activity is essential for your thinning body. The most simple exercises will consolidate the results achieved over the entire lunar cycle.

On the flawed Moon, visit a cosmetologist, because the period is important for health and rejuvenating procedures. It has been noticed that at this time, cosmetic manipulations almost never leave scars.

Just before the new moon, make an appointment with your psychologist (if you have one), because these days are conducive to intimate conversation, “digging” into yourself and solving psychological problems.

Immortelle, rosehip, sage and nettle, brewed as tea, improve fat metabolism and speed up metabolism. Drink tea in 2-week courses on the waxing Moon - and the result will not be long in coming. Published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The moon can slow down the process of losing weight and cause cravings for harmful things. Find out which days are most favorable for starting a diet, and also get 7 lunar diets and lose kg with the help of cosmic forces!

The lunar diet is a weight loss process, the schedule and diet of which is compiled depending on the phase of the Moon and its stay in a certain zodiac constellation. Since ancient times, people have used the lunar calendar to treat illnesses, conceive a child, and plan certain things. Losing excess weight in accordance with the movement of the Moon also turns out to be very effective. The connection between diet and the influence of this constant satellite of the Earth has long been proven by scientific research and allows you to achieve maximum cleansing of the body along with healthy weight loss.

Essence and features

This technique is based on following a diet in accordance with the location of the Moon relative to the Earth, the Sun and the signs of the Zodiac. For this, two types of lunar calendar are used, one of which reflects the main phases of the night star depending on its illumination, the second - its passage through a certain zodiacal constellation.

The lunar calendar diet has a number of advantages compared to other diets:

  • does not require switching to a special diet or preparing special dishes;
  • allows you to get rid of 1-3 kg per day;
  • has a positive effect on health - strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, improves well-being.

In addition, the celestial diet compiled according to the phases of the moon has no contraindications, but in the presence of chronic diseases, the inclusion of a particular product in the diet must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Proper adherence to this method of losing weight requires following simple rules:

  • it should be started only on the corresponding day of the lunar calendar;
  • choose products and menus depending on two factors: the phase of the moon and the zodiac sign it is passing through these days.

In addition, you can use ready-made diets developed by nutritionists together with astrologers. But first of all, you need to “arm yourself” with the lunar calendar.

Diet according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is a type of time calculation system based on the periodicity of the moon. It is based on the period of change of lunar phases - the synodic month, the duration of which is 29.5 days.

You need to start the fight against extra pounds and weight not on Monday or the first of the month, but in accordance with a specially developed lunar weight loss calendar.

Like the traditional calendar, it is different for each year.

Choosing the day to start the diet

This item of the weight loss program can be carried out using the lunar weight loss calendar for 2017 or the table below.

Month of 2017Favorable period when it is better to start a dietUnfavorable dates for losing weightA suitable day for fasting mono-diets, removing toxins and excess fluid
January1–11, 29–31 13–28 12
February1–10, 27, 28 12–26 11
March1–11, 29–31 13–28 12
April1–10, 27–30 12–26 11
May1–10, 26–31 12–25 11
June1–8, 25–30 10–24 9
July1–8, 24–31 10–23 9
August1–6, 22–31 8–21 7
September1–5, 21–30 7–20 6
October1–4, 20–31 6–19 5
November1–3, 19–30 5–18 4
December1–2, 19–31 4–18 3

Based on this table, a monthly diet is compiled, always taking into account the nutritional characteristics according to the phases of the moon.

Features of nutrition according to the phases of the moon

The lunar calendar is divided not only into days, but also into 4 main phases. Each of them is characterized by certain influences on the human body and the physiological processes occurring in it:

  1. The full moon is the period when the Earth's satellite looks like a bright ball. Its effect causes tides in nature, as well as filling of cells and intercellular space with fluids in the human body. It is necessary to introduce more cereals and fermented milk products into the diet.
  2. Waning Moon - at this time, the night star resembles the correct letter “C” and promotes the rapid removal of excess fluid, waste, toxins, metabolic products, and other harmful substances from the body. It is recommended to give up sweet and starchy foods and drink more clean water.
  3. A new moon is the absence of the Moon in the sky, which has a beneficial effect on healing, renewal of the body, and restoration of damaged organs. Protein foods are recommended.
  4. The waxing Moon is the stage when it resembles an inverted letter “C” and at the same time helps the body to more fully absorb nutrients, respond to physical activity, accelerate all metabolic processes, activate its own forces to heal wounds and raise general tone. During this period, appetite increases, so you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition on the lunar diet is selected taking into account the lunar days in each phase. To do this, you need to carefully monitor when they change, and also take into account the recommendations below.

New Moon (1 lunar day)

The first lunar day begins at the new moon and ends with the sunset of the moon. Its duration can range from 1 hour in the dead of night to a whole day. It is important to use this time to set goals for yourself and think about their implementation. During this period, thoughts have great power, therefore they can help in achieving what you want. To ensure effective weight loss, on the first lunar day it is recommended:

  • outline an action plan for the month;
  • set specific goals for yourself - how many kilograms to lose, to what volumes to reduce problem areas;
  • clearly formulate and present what you want.

You should not just think about losing weight, but create in your imagination your future slim figure. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan of nutrition and physical activity for the next 29 days.

Regarding the diet, on the 1st lunar day it is advisable to stick to lean foods and give up heavy and unhealthy foods. It is best to switch to a raw food diet or a vegetable menu.

Phase 1 (2–7 days)

These days are considered the most dangerous in terms of weight gain. As the Moon grows, an increased craving for high-calorie foods appears, and extra pounds begin to grow with a vengeance. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to completely eliminate any harmful foods, especially fast food and sweets. The diet should be healthy, balanced, rich in fiber. In addition, it is advisable to exercise more actively, give yourself more exercise, or at least move more in order to expend energy faster.

On the waxing Moon, weight will come off slowly, despite all efforts. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this - the main thing is that it decreases and not increases.

This phase is characterized by a particularly strong feeling of hunger, so starting a diet will be quite difficult, which significantly increases the risk of failure. It is better to simply reduce the caloric content of your diet without strict restrictions.

Phase change (8 days)

Another crisis moment during which the Moon enters its second phase. This day must be spent on a lean diet, excluding, as on the new moon, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs. Ideal time for unloading.

Phase 2 (9-15 days)

You should also not overeat during this phase of the lunar month. It is recommended that the menu be composed of healthy foods and dishes that should be prepared without fat so as not to increase calorie content.

Full Moon (16th day)

The full moon often falls not on the 16th, but on the 15th lunar day, so it is necessary to check them according to the calendar. On this day, it is useful to unload - eat plant foods, drink a lot of clean water. If the full moon occurs at night or early in the morning, then you should switch to a lean diet on the previous day.

Phase 3 (17-21 days)

During this period, the Moon begins to wane, which contributes to faster weight loss. To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is necessary to increase physical activity and reduce the amount of food consumed. Moreover, on the waning Moon more strength appears than at other times, since they were able to accumulate over the previous days of the month. But you need to spend them correctly, as well as replenish reserves: it is better to consume all high-calorie foods before lunch in moderate quantities.

Phase change (22 days)

Another fast day, during which you should switch to plant foods, preferably raw. You should also drink a lot of clean water to ensure maximum removal of all excess from the body.

Phase 4 (23-28/29 days)

This last phase of the lunar month is also great for rapid weight loss, especially if you help your body shed unnecessary pounds. During this period, there is already a little less energy, but you need to eat so as not to overeat - only to the point of slight satiety.

Last day of the lunar month (29th or 30th)

After 1-2 months of losing weight on the lunar diet, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also learn to listen to your body, and also notice how the night star helps you lose excess weight faster and normalize your well-being.

Moon in Zodiac signs

In one lunar month (a little more than 29 days), the Moon passes through all the signs of the Zodiac, remaining in each for approximately 2.5 days. The transition to a new zodiac constellation occurs at different times of the day or night. You can find out the sign in which the Moon resides by using the corresponding lunar calendar.

Depending on the location of the Moon in a particular sign, it is recommended to choose suitable foods for food.

Aries: Fire – squirrels

The Moon in Aries makes a person more active, increases his interest in new things, and makes him move more. Therefore, protein foods become very important for the body. The main thing is not to eat it together with carbohydrates - dumplings, egg pies, other flour products with animal protein or similar dishes. It is advisable to create a menu of easily digestible foods that will not create heaviness in the stomach, eliminating the desire to move.

  • lean fish, steamed or grilled;
  • skinless chicken, eggs.


  • any fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • strong alcoholic drinks;
  • flour and sweet products.

You should also give up snacks on the go, since these days you will be especially craving them.

Taurus: Earth is salt

The moon, entering the constellation Taurus, increases the craving for sweets and other harmful things. When the Moon is waning in Taurus, you are allowed to add some sweets to your diet, but without harmful ingredients, preferably homemade with a minimum amount of fat and sugar. Dark dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa is also suitable. With the waxing Moon in Taurus, you need to completely give up sweets, replacing them with dried fruits, fruits or honey.

  • lean meat;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • red fruits, bananas, citrus fruits;
  • sauerkraut, homemade pickles;
  • seafood, seaweed;
  • soy sauce;
  • unsweetened homemade compotes or lemonade.


  • cakes, pastries, and other store-bought sweets;
  • any products made from wheat flour;
  • strong tea, coffee.

During this period, it cannot be transmitted and it is strictly not recommended to fast. It is best to think through the menu in advance to prepare dishes that will be tasty, but at the same time beneficial for weight loss.

Gemini: Air - fats

When the Moon is in an air sign, a losing weight body especially needs healthy fats. However, they should not be mixed with fast carbohydrates. In combination with sugar, they form a very harmful mixture, which immediately turns into fat deposits if all the calories received do not have time to be spent.

During Gemini days, you need to move a lot. On the waxing Moon, everything sweet is completely excluded. If you really want to, you can eat dried fruits, a little honey or homemade jam.

  • vegetables with a high content of potassium and B vitamins (eggplant, zucchini, cabbage), as well as carrots, beets, broccoli;
  • nuts, figs;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • lean meat;
  • lactic acid products;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seaweed.


  • animal fats, including butter, fatty meats and fish;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • any sweet and salty foods.

The best food during this sign will be all kinds of salads seasoned with a small amount of healthy vegetable oil. They should be added to the diet at every meal or used as a snack.

Cancer: Water – carbohydrates

The Moon's passage through the constellation Cancer leads to a strong feeling of hunger and increased cravings for harmful carbohydrates. To muffle such sensations, you need to eat often, in small portions. This will allow you to reduce your appetite, avoid eating too much, and eat small amounts of your favorite foods without harming your waistline. In this case, the diet should be well thought out and generally low in calories.

During this period, the digestive system becomes too vulnerable, so it is necessary to rid it of junk food. The body is especially sensitive to artificial additives - if you do not give up products with dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, and other similar ingredients, you may experience not only discomfort in the stomach, but also nervous disorders, including depression. To satisfy the craving for sweets, avoiding fermentation in the intestines, they are consumed separately from the rest of the food. Even sweet fruits are best used as snacks rather than as dessert as part of the main meal.

Particular attention should be paid to the expiration date of products - on Cancer days it is very easy to get poisoned by stale food. It is best to adhere to the diet indicated for gastritis during this sign. It will reduce the load on the stomach and eliminate the consumption of extra “empty” calories that add weight.

  • cereal porridges, baked goods made from whole grain flour;
  • vegetables, fruits, other foods rich in fiber.


  • smoked, fried, and other dishes cooked at prolonged temperatures;
  • sweet soda;
  • too hot spices (especially chili pepper);
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is very harmful to fast or eat with long breaks during Cancer days, since the likelihood of breakdown and overeating increases.

Leo: Fire – squirrels

When the Moon enters the constellation Leo, there is a craving for hot meat dishes with spicy seasonings, because Leo is a predator. It is advisable to choose grilled dishes for your diet. The intake of a large amount of animal protein will help the body restore strength and serve as building material for muscle tissue for those losing weight who are actively involved in sports.

During the days of Leo, the heart and blood vessels are subject to increased stress, so the best diet will be that prescribed to those with heart problems. It will also be helpful to follow a diabetic diet.

  • grilled meat, fish and vegetable dishes;
  • vegetable soups in meat broth with legumes;
  • red fruits and vegetables;
  • hard cheese;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • homemade jelly;
  • fish caviar;
  • mustard.


  • fried dishes, including meat, fish, vegetables;
  • sugar, any sweets;
  • products made from white flour.

During this period, proteins are perfectly absorbed. Leo eats mainly meat and fish, so you need to make these foods the basis of your menu, reducing carbohydrate intake to a minimum, especially in the evening.

Virgo: Earth is salt

During the Moon in Virgo, the digestive organs become very vulnerable again, so you need to carefully monitor your diet. Constipation and bloating become frequent companions, especially in those who are prone to such manifestations. During this period, it is necessary to exclude foods that provoke such problems from the menu, as well as drink a lot of water, eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.

  • any foods with a lot of fiber;
  • homemade pickles, especially sauerkraut;
  • celery, carrots.


  • fatty animal products;
  • smoked meats, sweets, canned food.

On Virgo days, it is easy to follow strict diets or other strict dietary restrictions. Therefore, there are usually no difficulties with the transition to proper nutrition.

Although you should not starve - meals should be regular and frequent, and portions should be small.

Libra: Air - fats

When the Moon enters the sign of Libra, it is necessary to reduce the load on the kidneys by eliminating alcoholic drinks from the diet, reducing the consumption of salt and foods with oxalic acid. It is best to create a menu of stewed or boiled dishes without frying. During this period, you cannot use diets with a strong diuretic effect, for example, watermelon or cucumber, since the kidneys become very vulnerable, and cleansing them is contraindicated.

Fats become useful on Libra days, but only vegetable fats and in small quantities. The best food option would be vegetable salads with olive or flaxseed oil dressing.

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • lean meats;
  • any vegetables in salads;
  • sunflower seeds, raw nuts without additives;
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • egg yolks;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • sprouted wheat.


  • any (even weak) alcoholic drinks;
  • salted, smoked, fried foods;
  • fatty meat;
  • marinades, hot seasonings;
  • spinach, sorrel (due to the content of oxalic acid);
  • canned food, sausages;
  • margarine, mayonnaise.

It is very important during this period to eat in a pleasant environment and in a good mood. If there is nervous tension or a stressful condition, you should refrain from eating in order to first calm down, relax and rest.

Scorpio: Water – carbohydrates

When the Moon is in Scorpio, carbohydrates become in demand again, and the risk of poisoning also increases significantly, so you need to choose high-quality products and check their expiration dates. It is advisable to avoid seafood and raw fish dishes, which often cause intoxication of the body.

This period is characterized by an increased craving for sweets and starchy foods, which can negatively affect your figure, especially during the waxing Moon. You shouldn’t completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, but you need to replace all unhealthy foods with honey, fruits or dried fruits. It is also allowed to eat pasta made from durum wheat and bread made from rye flour or with bran. To expend energy from carbohydrates entering the body, it is recommended to increase physical activity.

Carbohydrate foods are always consumed in the first half of the day, then you can switch to vegetables and fish, which contribute to the rapid burning of carbohydrates.

  • fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereal porridge;
  • oat cookies.


  • Sahara;
  • white flour products;
  • alcoholic drinks.

On Scorpio days, the amount of food consumed is of great importance - you should neither overeat nor starve. It is highly undesirable to be on strict low-calorie diets. If a full meal is not possible, you need to snack on dried fruits, fruits or nuts. Sandwiches, buns, and fast food should be completely prohibited, otherwise weight will be gained with a vengeance.

Sagittarius: Fire – squirrels

When the Moon passes through the constellation Sagittarius, a balanced diet becomes extremely important. The most effective diets during this period will be those that include all food groups. The diet should be designed so as not to burden the liver. Proteins of plant origin are very useful - they are perfectly absorbed by the body and are quite capable of replacing animal protein.

  • low-fat dairy products, especially lactic acid products;
  • natural soy products;
  • tuna;
  • eggs;
  • any legumes;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.


  • meat, meat broths;
  • radishes, radishes;
  • hot seasonings;
  • sour fruits;
  • strong alcoholic drinks.

During Sagittarius days, a craving for exotic foods often appears. But trying something completely new is not recommended. It is better to choose proven delicacies that do not cause allergies or side effects.

Capricorn: Earth is salt

Nutrition during the Moon in Capricorn should be aimed at strengthening bones, so it is necessary to include foods rich in calcium in the diet. Herbs and spices - parsley, mint, basil, anise, nutmeg - will have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Breaks between meals should not exceed 3 hours, which will help activate metabolic processes and speed up weight loss.

When choosing a diet, pay special attention to portion sizes. To avoid eating too much, it is better to avoid large plates and not put a lot of dishes on the table, avoiding the temptation to reach for more.

On Capricorn days, it is necessary to make up a diet of easily digestible foods - stewed vegetables, boiled dietary meat, dairy products. For good absorption of calcium, it is necessary to supplement the menu with foods with vitamin D. It is most found in salmon, sardines, and tuna.

  • beets, eggplants, carrots;
  • milk, fermented milk products;
  • peanuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • beef liver, fish of the specified varieties;


  • any products with preservatives;
  • strong tea, coffee.

An excellent food option during this period would be freshly prepared juices or smoothies as snacks. Moreover, smoothies are much preferable to juices, since to prepare them, vegetables or fruits are crushed whole in a blender, so they turn out very thick and contain a lot of fiber that is useful for weight loss.

Aquarius: Air - fats

The moon in Aquarius is dangerous because it provokes stress eating with something too high in calories and harmful to the figure. Therefore, you need to prepare for the appearance of such a desire and, at the slightest nervous tension, distract yourself from thoughts about food. It is important to completely exclude fast carbohydrates contained in sweet and flour products from your diet, replacing them with a small amount of honey or dried fruits.

Despite the fact that on Aquarius days the body absorbs fats best, it is better to exclude all fried and fatty foods from the menu, and also stick to a low-calorie diet. In addition, you need to reduce the amount of salt so as not to retain excess liquid, and focus on foods rich in iron.

  • apples, quince, pomegranates, plums;
  • cabbage, spinach, melon;
  • fish, beef liver;
  • pistachios, peanuts;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • peas, lentils.


  • any confectionery products;
  • fried meat or fish dishes;
  • fatty dairy products.

During this period, it is best to switch to separate meals, eating foods in groups without mixing proteins with carbohydrates. So, meat is eaten not with potatoes, porridge or dough, but with vegetables or legumes. Any carbohydrates, milk or fermented milk products are best consumed separately.

Pisces: Water – carbohydrates

The Moon in Pisces makes the body too sensitive and significantly increases the likelihood of poisoning or allergic reactions. Therefore, you should carefully choose products, refuse everything new, as well as semi-finished products and products containing artificial additives.

  • any cereals, especially cereals;
  • seaweed;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • bananas, apples, pears;
  • vegetable salads.


  • alcoholic drinks;
  • foods high in sugar or fat;
  • seafood;
  • conservation;
  • dough products.

The most useful diet will be cereals, vegetables and fruits. Don't snack on the go or skip main meals. When creating a menu, it is better to use products that do not cause fermentation in the intestines.

Eating according to the lunar calendar, along with reducing calorie intake and drinking enough water, will help you quickly lose weight without harm to your health.

Lunar diet menu

Losing weight according to the lunar calendar must be planned depending on the characteristics of the body and the goals set. If you need to quickly get rid of a significant amount of extra pounds, it is best to switch to a strict diet.

Strict version

This diet is suitable for those who cannot withstand long-term food restrictions, but want to normalize their weight in a short time. As a result of a strict lunar diet, you can lose 4-6 kg in 6 days. You need to start it 3 days before the full moon. All of these products are divided into several servings and consumed throughout the day. Their quantity is not limited, but you should not overeat; it is better to eat until you are slightly full.

Sample menu:

  • day one – vegetable: any vegetables are allowed, except potatoes, raw or steamed;
  • day two – fruit: only fresh pineapples (canned ones cannot be used);
  • day three – mushroom: boiled mushrooms of any kind;
  • day four (on the full moon) – drinking: freshly prepared natural vegetable or fruit juices, herbal decoctions, green tea, clean water;
  • day five – fruity with pineapples (like the second day);
  • day six – mushroom (like the third day).

The strict version of the lunar diet is the only one of these weight loss methods that is not balanced, and therefore has contraindications. It should not be used if you have metabolic disorders or high blood sugar levels.

In any case, before you start losing weight using such a strict method, you should definitely consult with your doctor to choose the appropriate vitamin and mineral complex to support the body. If you have any problems, it is better to create a diet together with a nutritionist.

If there are no contraindications, a strict lunar diet can not only be an effective way to lose excess weight, but also have a positive effect on your overall health. Such nutrition, combined with exposure to night light, helps remove toxic substances from the body and normalize the water-salt balance. In addition, the fourth (drinking) day of this diet can be used as a fasting day every month during the full moon to cleanse and improve well-being. And to lose weight, you can resort to a less strict program with a varied menu, compiled depending on the phases of the moon.

Gentle diets according to the phases of the moon

The diet of each lunar diet is based on the characteristics of the physiological processes occurring in the body in each of the phases, and is compiled so as not to interfere with their flow. This ensures harmony between natural phenomena and human nutrition. As a result, cleansing and natural weight loss occurs along with the improvement of the entire body.

The most effective are lunar weight loss techniques associated with the full moon and new moon. Such “werewolf diets,” as they are often called, with the right approach help to get rid of up to 3 kg in 1 day.

During this period, the Sun, Moon and Earth line up, which leads to various changes in nature, which in turn affect the metabolism, activating the elimination of toxins and fat.

There are two main Werewolf Diet plans:

  • short (24 hours on a full moon and 36 hours on a new moon);
  • long-term (4-6 days).

Each of them can have several options, but always includes liquid cleansing.

On the full moon

These days, any food is quite difficult to digest. It is best to use a drinking or salt-free low-calorie carbohydrate diet.

Blitz diet for 24 hours

They begin losing weight at 19:00 on the eve of the full moon, and finish at 19:00 the next day. The diet should be strictly drinking - you can only drink clean water and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables or fruits with a diuretic effect. Great fit:

  • vegetables - carrots, beets, rutabaga, cucumbers;
  • fruits - pear, pomegranate, apricot, watermelon, persimmon, peach.

During these days you can lose up to 2 kg of excess weight.

For 6 days

The six-day diet begins 3 days before the full moon and ends 3 days after it. During this period, you must adhere to the following diet:

  • first day – fresh or steamed vegetables, green tea;
  • second day - boiled mushrooms with 1 tsp dressing. olive or flaxseed oil, fresh pineapples, green tea;
  • third day - boiled mushrooms with dressing of 1 tsp. olive or flaxseed oil, fresh pineapples, green tea;
  • fourth day - only water;
  • fifth day – fresh or steamed vegetables, green tea;
  • sixth day - boiled mushrooms with dressing of 1 tsp. olive or flaxseed oil, fresh pineapples, green tea.

Every day you need to drink at least 1 liter of clean water. Weight loss in 6 days can amount to 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight.

On the new moon

This phase is unfavorable for severe dietary restrictions. Protein foods and plenty of drinking (from 2 liters of clean water per day), as well as avoidance of vigorous physical activity are recommended.

For 36 hours

The diet begins on the eve of the new moon at 18:00 and ends at 6:00 a.m. one day after it.

  • breakfast (6:00 – end of the diet) – 200 ml of vegetable soup without potatoes;
  • lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and dinner - the usual diet (without harmful foods and overeating).

For 4 days

This technique is used immediately after the new moon and involves eating according to the clock.

Sample menu for 4 days:

  • 8:00 – green tea, 1 tsp. honey;
  • 10:00 – 2 boiled eggs;
  • 12:00 – green tea, 1 tsp. honey;
  • 14:00 – 200 g of boiled chicken breast or other poultry meat;
  • 16:00 – 1 glass of kefir;
  • 18:00 – 1 apple;
  • 20:00 – glass of red wine;
  • 22:00 – 1 glass of kefir.

Between meals, drink at least 2 liters of clean water. During this period, weight decreases by 4 kg without much stress on the body.

For 6 days

The diet begins on the eve of the new moon at 18.00. Sample menu for 6 days:

  • breakfast, lunch, dinner and afternoon snack - the usual diet (without harmful foods and overeating);
  • dinner (18:00 – start of the diet) – 200 ml of meat or fish broth.

  • breakfast – 200 ml of meat or fish broth;
  • lunch – 150 ml of meat or fish broth;
  • lunch – 150 ml of meat or fish broth;
  • afternoon snack – 150 ml of meat or fish broth;
  • dinner – 150 ml of vegetable soup without potatoes.
  • breakfast – 200 ml of vegetable soup without potatoes;
  • lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and dinner - fresh vegetables, fruits, green tea.

For the remaining 3 days, the diet should consist only of fresh vegetables and fruits. In 6 days of such weight loss, weight decreases by 4–6 kg.

On the waning moon

This period is best suited for losing weight on cereals. Sample menu:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with water, green tea;
  • lunch - apple;
  • lunch – rice porridge with fresh vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - any citrus;
  • dinner - vegetable salad.

In one phase, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight on this diet.

These days, you feel an unprecedented surge of strength, which helps you quite easily endure the hardships of a strict diet along with active sports activities. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (from 2 liters of water daily).

On the waxing moon

This phase is characterized by a significant increase in appetite, which significantly reduces the likelihood of losing weight. In addition, weight loss slows down under the influence of the Moon, so in one phase you can get rid of no more than 3–4 kg.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad or 2 eggs;
  • lunch – 50 g hard cheese;
  • lunch – vegetable soup without potatoes, 100 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • afternoon snack – protein shake;
  • dinner – vegetable salad, 100 g of boiled fish;
  • at night – 1 glass of kefir.

The most important thing with this nutrition system is to avoid breakdowns and overeating. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal. Moderate physical activity is allowed.

Popular lunar diets

The most famous diets based on the phases of the moon are Anita Tsoi’s “Lunar Ten” and Vasilisa Volodina’s nutrition program. Both of these methods give really excellent results, as they allow two famous women to keep themselves in great shape.

“Moon Ten” by Anita Tsoi

The popular Russian singer uses her own weight loss method according to the lunar calendar several times a year.

There are no too strict restrictions in it. You just need to follow a few simple rules:

  • switch to separate meals, do not combine proteins with carbohydrates;
  • give up sweet and fatty foods, significantly reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed;
  • play sports every day, giving the body moderate physical activity;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day;
  • last meal – until 20:00;
  • During the phase, do a fasting day.

The diet is designed for 10 days, during which up to 6-8 kg of excess weight is lost. This program shows the greatest effectiveness on the waning Moon.

Diet of Vasilisa Volodina

The famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina independently developed a weight loss system lasting 6 days, during which you can lose 6 kg of weight. The diet begins 2 days before the full moon.

Detailed menu

  • breakfast - hot tea or coffee without additives;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, seafood salad;
  • dinner – stewed vegetables.
  • breakfast – tea without any additives, 2 eggs;
  • lunch – vegetable soup made from root vegetables;
  • dinner - boiled mushrooms, chopped vegetables.
  • breakfast – green tea;
  • lunch – sliced ​​vegetables, beet broth;
  • dinner – 1 unsweetened fruit.
  • breakfast – natural yogurt;
  • lunch - stewed vegetables, rosehip decoction;
  • dinner - a glass of bifidoc.
  • breakfast – 2 eggs, hot tea or coffee without additives;
  • lunch – cabbage soup with root vegetables;
  • dinner - seaweed seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • breakfast – orange, apple;
  • lunch – boiled vegetables;
  • dinner - salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Volodina’s diet is a fairly effective and strict, but harmless to the body, method of losing weight. After it, it is very important not to switch to an unhealthy diet so that the lost kilograms do not return again.

Any weight loss program compiled according to the lunar calendar allows you to lose excess weight much faster than conventional diets. This is due to the fact that all physiological processes are activated not only due to the body’s own forces, but also under the influence of the Moon. Therefore, even without severe dietary restrictions, you can get very good results. This approach to losing weight is absolutely harmless and is fully approved by nutritionists.
