The best games with choice. The best games for the computer with an interesting and exciting plot

High quality interesting story has always been an advantage for computer games. Difficult quests related to moral choices and their consequences are what give the player the opportunity to identify himself as much as possible with his character and feel the atmosphere of the game universe. Projects with a thoughtful and interesting plot are, as a rule, client online games in the MMORPG genre that need to be installed on a PC. But our list also includes browser-based projects. If you value the story component of a game, then pay attention to this list.

Client-side MMORPGs and shooters with a fascinating story

In online games with a client, as a rule, there is a large-scale backstory and a detailed description of the game universe. Although if a project is focused primarily on PvP, then it happens that the developers do not pay special attention setting, but this, of course, rarely happens. Therefore, in most cases, client MMOs have good stories.

Neverwinter - Next Generation MMO

Universe of Forgotten Realms for long years existence was overgrown with such an impressive history of the world that Neverwinter Online was doomed to become a game with a high-quality interesting plot and quests. As is customary in MMORPGs, the narrative unfolds as major story additions are released, which, in addition to new quests, contain other interesting content.

Blade and Soul is a game with excellent graphics

Futuristic shooter Warframe

Runes of Magic - step-by-step plot development

Runes of Magic is a classic MMORPG from the studio Runewaker Entertainment, released in Russia in 2009. The main story is presented gradually, revealing itself over several chapters (in Russia there are now five, and on Asian servers there are even more). Explore the bright and colorful world of Taborea, discover ancient secrets, collect powerful artifacts and become a great hero!

Kingdom Under Fire 2 is a very complex and confusing story

Tera Online - a simple story

The history of the world in the MMORPG Tera Online is not distinguished by sharp plot twists. You will become a representative of one of the six intelligent races inhabiting the planet Arborea. In ancient times, they were in a state of permanent vendetta with each other. Now a new danger has forced former opponents to unite into the Valkyon Federation. At this point you will join the story.

Black Desert - war for the Black Stones

The world of the MMORPG Black Desert is divided between two warring states - the kingdom of Valencia and the Republic of Calpheon. The former represent a theocratic state, and the latter are materialists who value the first priority technical progress. Their lands are separated by the Black Desert, on whose territory endless wars take place.

Classic MMORPG Aion

MMORPG with ambition - Revelation

A monstrous MMORPG in its concept from the Chinese, who at one time localized WoW and Diablo. There is a huge world inhabited by different races. Magic and technology, swords and firearms coexist here. The game has many interesting story quests. The incentive to complete them is the experience accrual system: you can only level up normally by completing tasks.

Browser games with a story

In projects that do not require downloading a client, most often there is no detailed history of the game universe. Here the developers focus more on the current state of the world, plot and narrative. In addition, there are often cases when in browsers most of the information is presented in the form of text, so you have to read a lot. However, if the story is really interesting, this will not be a burden.

Shini Game - a story based on the famous series

Pride of Taern - an unusual browser-based RPG

Dragon Hunter - 2017 game with beautiful videos

Storm Online is a browser localized in 2017

In Storm Online you will again find yourself fighting evil, dragons and ghosts. The plot, of course, is not outstanding, but it is quite popular. Beautiful locations, an abundance of activities and, of course, the opportunity to build your own virtual family await you. Well, for those who like to look around from different viewing angles, the ability to rotate the camera is available.

Good day, dear readers!
Now the time has come to draw a line under the next material from the “TOP 10: Your Choice” series, the topic of which was games with the most exciting plot. If anyone missed the beginning, let us remind you that the selection of the top ten was done exclusively by our users, who first proposed their options on the forum, and then voted for the best one. Our task now is to talk about the results in this material and, in fact, show them in the video attached to the article. That's what we'll do.
So, let’s meet – games with the most exciting plot according to our users!

Endless rain, loud impacts on the water, a dark and complicated story with kidnappings, murders and sudden twists and turns... Well, how can you get past this? Quantic Dream always takes a very long time and carefully studies each dialogue, verifies every word in the angry tirade of the villains and does it at a quite decent Hollywood level. From Heavy Rain It would make a great movie!

“Interactive Drama,” however, also turned out great. First they paint us an almost ideal American dream - big house, high paying job, happy family. And then they sharply hit their face against the rough wall of reality, take away all the benefits of civilization and abandon the poor dad Ethan Mars to the very bottom of suffering and constant questions “Why did everything go wrong?”

Each scene with self-sacrifice is literally filled with that very “psychologism”, which more than once forces one to empathize with, albeit not real, but convincing virtual actors. Just cutting off a finger is worth it! It’s only for these “deep” and memorable moments that it’s worth playing Heavy Rain.

The French pioneers of the “interactive drama” genre are not destined to reach prizes. But it’s still nice that there are two games from Quantic Dream hit the top ten. So the studio is on the right track!

Fahrenheit touches your soul from the first minutes. The camera sweeps over cold and snow-covered New York, looks into an ordinary American diner - the performance begins! The main character’s hands are covered in blood, a corpse lies nearby, and his memory is gone! The screen, in the best traditions of modern cinema, is divided into two parts, showing how a policeman imposingly enters the cafe.

The nerves of an innocent "murderer" Lucas They are slowly giving up. Having hastily cleaned up the crime scene, he flies out of the restroom, leaves money for lunch and runs like a bullet to a taxi. Opening scene Fahrenheit makes your jaw hit the parquet loudly, fill it with saliva and demand to continue this very second.

Alas, towards the end Fahrenheit lowers the quality bar, throws up some kind of “Matrix” with battles for “ main secret in the universe,” but... But this cannot overshadow all those bright moments that he gave David Cage and the team in Fahrenheit. Why should he in particular and Quantic Dream Overall, thank you very much.

Frankly speaking, the main plot path in Fallout was always not that important. And what, in principle, is interesting there? The destroyed world with sparse cities and a small population, which always has a couple of tasks for a lonely wanderer, looked much more important and larger-scale.

This is what captivated everyone about the first two parts. I am proud of this and Fallout 3. Traveling around the world and completing seemingly optional, but very nice side quests here captivates you much faster than the search for your father.

Handy people from the shelter will come in handy everywhere - one wastelander will ask for help to neutralize (well, or blow up) atomic bomb. Another will instruct the letter to be delivered to relatives, without warning, however, that the search for relatives will turn into a whole investigation. Almost a drug! Although there are not many quests, wandering around lifeless lands does not become any more boring. Fortunately, the constantly changing trees of dialogues and choices with the obligatory decrease/increase in the character’s karma help to maintain interest.

Poles from CD Project not only managed to please a loyal fan club "The Witcher", but also to make a game that would appeal to people who are far from the novels of the same name about a gray-haired hunter of evil spirits. The world and mythology created by the main “witcher” Andrzej Sapkowski, was dragged CD Project into the virtual world, flavored with a scattering of polygons and a fantasy spirit that captivates all those who like to wander through medieval villages and castles.

The rich system of forks in the dialogues also came in handy. What to do and which side to choose in a confrontation between several factions? We give answers to all these questions over the course of several chapters, wandering around the town of Vizima, checking the sewers for the presence of monsters, or wading through a disgusting swamp. Along the way, naturally, trying to unravel the tangle of intrigue and understand all the chaos going on around the royal throne.

In a word, it’s captivating. "The Witcher" from the first minutes and does not let go until the very final battle, where fate will be decided Geralt of Rivia.

That it’s hard to tear yourself away from the canonical “Godfather”, that Mafia- both treasures of modern culture offer a plunge into the criminal world in which Italian mafia in the 30-40s of the last century. And at the same time, look at the ascent to the heights of the “family”, which quickly becomes dear and unique, from the very bottom of the hierarchical ladder.

After all, everything starts small. Apparently he helped a couple of bandits escape from their pursuers in his taxi and even earned some money. The idyll, however, will quickly fall to pieces and will not leave the main character Tommy choice. As they say, either to the coffin or to the family that will warm and protect.

For several years, the boy will be engaged in robbery, contract killings and searching for moles who do not sleep and are always ready to stick a knife in the back. And playing cat and mouse and searching for black cats is always exciting! Honestly, Mafia is worth going through just for the strong and stunning ending. A little bit of life, truth and very impressive. There's still time before release, so if you missed it... Mafia– believe me, it’s worth spending time filling in the gaps.

BioWare has always differed from other studios in that it can not only work out the smallest details the main storyline, but also to create full-fledged worlds. With its own mythology, with its own rules, races, inhabitants and orders. Worlds in which you don’t just spend an hour or two after “hard work,” but in which you plunge headlong. You live, if you like.

Labor Banner did not drop and continued the holy fantasy work begun by the Canadians back in Baldur's Gate. Influence of the Universe Forgotten Realms is felt from the very threshold, the kingdom of Ferelden pleases with its scale, and the wicked, as befits in “dark and terrible” worlds, try to frighten and tear to pieces the unwary wanderer. Several warring races only add color to the local universe and the relationships between the characters. Don't fall in love with Dragon Age: Origins very, very difficult.

All representatives of the squad GTA- similar ones always have one plot - a difficult ascent to the criminal Olympus. Over the heads of competitors, over mountains of corpses and through dozens of robberies. The plot may be the same, but the difference is in the presentation. Some games manage to convey the atmosphere of dashing chases and gangster shootouts, others - not so much.

Undoubtedly, GTA4 belongs to the first category. Tell an immigrant story Niko Bellica at Rockstar Games It really worked out. The story has all the elements of a good crime drama. Chase? Available. Large-scale shootouts and clashes of interests of various gangs on the streets? That's right, it's on the list. Convoluted relationships between characters and obligatory betrayals? That's it, the obligatory set of plot moves is in place!

Well, don’t forget about the acting. For dubbing Rockstar spent a lot of money. A stern and cynical Niko Michael Hollick plays one of the best characters ever. GTA. This means something.

Bronze this time goes to theoretical physicists who are madly in love with saving the world, armed with one crowbar. Valve Software composed an excellent story about a scientist who became an icon for a whole generation of players, and the attack on Earth by evil alien invaders, who soon enslaved weak humanity.

It seems to be not the most original story, but coupled with innovative technologies in 2004 Half-Life 2 massively stole the hearts of more than one million people. But success, in fact, was built on the same silent Gordon Freeman and constantly chattering friends. However, coupled with dynamic and well-staged cut scenes, constant action and a very active narrative, literally driving forward and only forward, the second part H.L. has become something more than just a game. You think what you want, but with Half-Life 2 A new era in the development of shooters has begun. No more, no less.

Second game from BioWare I had much better luck at the top. Several hundred grams of silver go to Canadian astronauts who study and sometimes save the galaxy from various misfortunes.

Commander Shepard in two and a half games he managed to fall in love with millions of serious fans science fiction with elements of conspiracies on a universal scale and a war of interests of each of the races living in the universe. Mass Effect 2 grabs the player by the chest while still on the starting line. A quiet and calm beginning in one minute turns into the destruction of the Normandy and the death of the entire crew, leaving us with our jaws hanging to the floor and the question “What the hell is going on here?” on our faces. Meanwhile, the Cerberus organization is brought onto the stage, the deceased Shepard is revived and they begin to throw new questions at the players.

A bunch of answers BioWare has been ready for a long time and no one doubts that in the third part all the threads will definitely lead to a logical ending. All that remains is to wait. BioWare So far it has never let us down.

Fanfare, confetti, congratulations and a personalized golden cup are once again sent to offices Ubisoft. Assassin's Creed 2 was awarded high ratings and millions of sales not for her beautiful eyes Ezio. The detailed recreation of 15th-century Italy, the corrected acrobatic component, and many more small strokes on the huge canvas played a role here.

And one of the strong points is the plot, which has matured and become stronger. If in the first part the entire narrative part quickly slipped to the level of “sat on a bench, killed, listened to a couple of meaningless phrases,” then in the sequel, watch the story Ezio it became much more interesting. His path to becoming an assassin is paved through decades of honing his skills. A bully and a bully, as depicted Ezio on the threshold of youth, over time he turns into one of the central figures of the brotherhood of assassins. He grows stronger, acquires new uniforms and takes revenge for his family, following in the footsteps of the Templars. Whatever you say, revenge as a plot motivation sounds better than “find and bring back an artifact.”

Well, that’s all for today regarding texts, but there is still excellent video material ahead, which you will find just below. All we can do is say thank you for your participation and say goodbye until July 1st. I was with you today Evgeniy “Mumby” Molodov.

In addition, we remind you that the first stage of preparation started right at this moment next material from the series “TOP 10: Your choice”, in which you can take part. The theme was the best adventure games.

Everyone knows that the success of a computer game lies in several parameters at once. One of them is graphics, since a gamer always wants to see a bright and colorful picture in front of him. Physics are also important because realism has always been highly valued in games. The development of characters and the possibility of their comprehensive development is also very important aspect, without which some games can lose a lot in the eyes of users. But few projects can do without a quality storyline. AND we're talking about about those in which it is not even implied. For example, in a game belonging to the sandbox genre - "Minecraft" - there is no plot at all. But its meaning lies not in it at all, but in complete freedom of action. In most cases, you cannot do without a plot. And the better it is, the more fun the gamer will get. Therefore, games with a good plot, both previously and now, are in great demand. This is especially true considering that many stories have already been told and retold more than once. So developers have to try very hard to surprise anyone. And if you don’t know which game to choose, then you should pay attention to the top 10 projects with the best plot, compiled according to user voting.

Tenth and ninth places

In tenth place is the Alan Wake project, which tells the story of the famous writer. Games with a good story usually offer interesting characters right away. As well as the settings where the process will unfold. IN in this case you will play as writer Alan Wake, who wants to return his missing wife. But at the same time he will have to go through a real nightmare in which reality and imagination are mixed. You've definitely never seen anything like this before. The Fahrenheit project is in ninth place; it became a real breakthrough in its time. Here you will have to take control of a character accused of a murder he did not commit. The game itself takes place in interactive drama mode. That is, you need to make decisions that will affect the further development of events. Games with a good story often offer the player an alternative, which allows them to achieve one ending or another. This makes such projects special.

Eighth and seventh places

The Fallout series, which was one of the first in the field of computer games to offer gamers the opportunity to plunge into a post-apocalyptic world, deservedly took eighth place. Like all other games with a good story, Fallout offered alternative solutions And interesting development events. Like a good wine, it only got better over the years. And the third part of the trilogy already shines with incredible plot twists, well-developed characters, as well as locations in which the events unfold. The Witcher series continues the trend of high-quality role-playing games, based on the works of Andrzej Sapkowski. Here you play the role of a Witcher, who will have to protect himself, his dear people, as well as his native kingdom. You will have to experience betrayal, unexpected help from those from whom you did not expect it, a bright love affair and much more, right up to the appearance of dragons. It is unlikely that The Witcher will be able to leave anyone indifferent, especially when it comes to role-playing projects. As you can see, the top games with the best plot are saturated quality options, so you'll definitely find ones that suit your taste.

Sixth place

On the sixth line of the hit parade is no longer a role-playing game, but a third-person shooter (more precisely, two parts of it), called “Mafia”. Games with a good storyline are released on PC much more often than on consoles. Therefore, computer users can rest assured that they will always have something to do. And one of the games should definitely be “Mafia”, since its plot immerses you in the thirties of the last century, in the very center of the criminal world. These are impressions that you could hardly get in any other way, and you won’t be able to convey them in words, so you should definitely try this project on PC. Games with the best stories always impress gamers, even many years after their release. Graphics are becoming outdated, engines are being improved, and capabilities are expanding. And a competent, well-developed and interesting plot remains good and relevant at any time.

Fifth place

Another example of a game with the best story is Dragon Age. Here it is also worth taking into account a whole series of projects, since they all have a well-developed and catchy story. You never know what will happen in a few minutes, who will be on your side and who will betray you, who you will lose and who you will establish contact with. This game can also be used as an example for any developers of role-playing projects, since it is here that you can develop your character to the maximum not only in terms of combat characteristics, but also in terms of personality. You can build relationships with many people at once, show your emotions, and all this will influence the development of events. These are the kinds of projects that any list of games with a good storyline should consist of.

Fourth place

In fourth place on this list is the GTA series. Naturally, the first parts cannot be taken into account, since there was practically no plot in the original game. This project was close to the sandbox in genre. But over time, the storylines began to emerge more and more clearly. A main merit series is that the “sand” elements were not only not lost, but also gained new strength. The freedom of action from one game to another increased, which resulted in the epic fourth part, in which there is an incredible plot of the rise of a former prisoner from the very bottom of the ghetto to the top. But at the same time, right there you can do absolutely whatever you want: ride cars, join conflicts with people, complete side quests, get tattoos, create new hairstyles, buy costumes, houses and shops. And all this within one project. This is what quality games with a very good story look like.

Third place

The first to rise to the podium is the legendary Half-Life series, which tells the story of Dr. Gordon Freeman, a silent physicist. He turns out to be the only person capable of saving the whole world, while wielding a crowbar and other tools. In the first part of the game, he tries to get to the bottom of the research being carried out at the Black Mesa base, and then escape from there. And in the second, he already finds himself in a post-apocalyptic world, captured by strange representatives of the authorities. And again you need to save everyone and everything. These projects are recognized as legendary and masterpieces; without them, modern game development would be completely different.

Second place

The Mass Effect trilogy, which tells the story of Captain spaceship and his team, who are trying to save not just the planet, but the entire universe from the invasion of terrifying ancient creatures. All this happens in the process of traveling from planet to planet, performing various missions that add up to a common chain of related events. The game itself is an RPG with action elements, and you won't even notice how you'll be immersed in the process.

First place

According to most fans of computer games, the best plot is in the series called Here it talks about various assassins from the Order of Assassins, who find themselves in the thick of historical events. Naturally, this game would not be in first place if it were not good in absolutely everything. This is a stealth action game that offers you great dynamics with big amount ways to defeat the enemy, incredibly exciting stories that you will unravel as you progress, and much more: gorgeous graphics, a great soundtrack, and so on. Therefore, if you want to experience what a truly great story is, then you should definitely try one of the games in this series - they will not disappoint you.

Video games provide a truly unique experience - the best ones make the player forget about real life and immerse yourself in the virtual world. This effect cannot be achieved without a well-developed script and atmosphere. To introduce you to the best examples genre, we have prepared a selection of games with the most exciting and unpredictable plots.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

You say your world has collapsed. Fine. Let it collapse, and you have the courage to mourn it. Raze your world to the ground! And only then, having been born again, will you begin life anew.

At the center of "Hellblade" is the story of the Celtic girl Senua, who went to the Scandinavian hell for the soul of her lover.

The game captivates with an atmosphere of incredible darkness and madness. It is not surprising, because the death of a loved one destroyed the inner world of an already mentally ill girl. Senua constantly hears voices in her head, and the more her mind is damaged, the more frequent and intrusive the comments of the legion surrounding Senua become.

The project impresses not only with its atmosphere and script development - “Hellblade” captivates with its powerful, almost theatrical performance. During story cutscenes, Senua literally looks into your soul, hinting that the player is just one of the many voices in her head. Thanks to this, immersion in the gameplay is incredible. We truly worry about Senua, and the ending, with its emotionality, can make us cry our hearts out.

Dark Souls series

Yes, you can travel sometimes, but you can’t wander the world forever. Even for you, there is probably someone waiting at home.

Dark Souls- a niche series of hardcore games that suddenly found the love of millions. In addition to the well-balanced and exquisite gameplay, Dark Souls attracts with its unique fantasy post-apocalyptic setting. The atmosphere is off scale: this world has long died, it is inhabited by the undead and even main character- a hollow shell, suffering to re-ignite the fire of life.

At the same time, the plot is not presented head-on: you can complete the game without even knowing about its existence. But attentive players will have a lot of fun connecting the pieces of the story puzzle in their heads. Despite the completion of the series and the army of fans, the puzzle has not been fully assembled, and those elements that are already known lend themselves to many interpretations.

Spec Ops: The Line

Killing for oneself is a mortal sin. Killing on the orders of the government is a feat. Killing just like that is harmless fun.

Everything about Spec Ops: The Line is great except the game itself. The fresh setting of destroyed Dubai, the music of the 70s and the plot in the spirit of “Apocalypse Now” were ruined by the weak shooter component. The game was a sales failure, but remains remembered by players as one of the best stories in video games.

The plot is truly worthy of the level of Copolla’s legendary film: despite the banal premise, the script gradually gains momentum, and then turns out to be not at all what it seems. It seems that no one was expecting a plot outcome a la “Fight Club”.

Combine that with multiple endings, and the result is one of the most surprising plots in gaming.

Occam's razor may cut, but it is a good tool to remove the tumor of deception and pretense.

Many gamers consider Planescape: Torment to be the pinnacle of the gaming industry. Legendary Black game Isle Studios gets into the soul with its plot and characters.

Planescape breaks the mold from the very beginning: if in other games we try not to die, here the immortal hero himself seeks the embrace of death. Traveling through various planes of reality, the Nameless One encounters many colorful and slightly insane individuals, such as the lustful flying skull Morte.

The game is famous for its unconventional plot twists, dark humor and brutality - the hero often has to kill himself and chop off body parts.

Planescape also has a magical soundtrack - it’s easier to listen to than to describe.

Mass Effect series

You see, captain, everyone: me, you, all the soldiers are rough pieces of metal, and war is our blacksmith. We cannot choose what form we take after processing.

Rumors and ideas about people sometimes take on a life of their own. First you create a legend, then it enters the public consciousness, and then it begins to change and distort at the slightest rumor. Before you have time to look back, people already see only phantoms.

Any part of Metal Gear Solid can rightfully be considered one of the games with the most complex plot. There is everything here, and despite the “grand pianos in the bushes” and some anime-ness of what is happening, the MGS script manages to regularly break the mold - the plot skillfully combines realism and fantastic elements. Vampires and ghosts are just a small part of the evil spirits found here.

In addition, the games in the series are famous for their drama, cinematic presentation, controversial characters and historical references - for example, about the war in Ossetia. And also, the brainchild of Hideo Kojima regularly breaks the fourth wall - for example, reading information from the console and through the mouth of one of the bosses saying something like “Yeah, so you’re playing Castlevania...”.

Alas, with Kojima’s departure from Konami, we can put an end to Metal Gear Solid - the story is over, and even if the publisher intends to revive the series, without the control of the founding father, hardly anything decent will come out.

Bioshock series

There is always a lighthouse. There is always a person, there is always a city...

The plot of the Bioshock trilogy is perhaps the smartest in our selection. The first part criticized Ayn Rand and the philosophy of Objectivism. The second examines the problems of fathers and children. And Bioshock Infinite, with the help of quantum physics, tears apart space, time and the brains of players - it is the third part that brings the plot of the series to a level worthy of the best science fiction books. The ending of BI at one time blew up the gaming community - gamers built theories and tried to put the plot puzzle together, and soon the Bureal at Sea expansions released further complicated the already twisted plot.

Not a single game in the series is a direct continuation of the previous one, but all three parts are inextricably linked by a million threads. Find out for yourself how.

Half-Life series

The right person in the wrong place can change the world.

One of the best games in history could not enter the TOP: despite its venerable age, Half-Life remains attractive to this day. And not least - thanks to the plot and atmosphere.

The structure of the script is in many ways reminiscent of Dark Souls - most of the plot information has to be gleaned from the environment and hints from the characters. By putting together a picture from scraps of information, players became increasingly immersed in what was happening - this is the main genius of Valve, and this is why fans are still waiting.

This also includes the Portal duology. The latter expand the Half-Life universe and smoothly lead to the third part. Which probably won’t happen - the main writers left Valve, and the plot of the failed threequel was leaked online. Fans are already creating their own version, but the patient is more likely dead than alive, and we are unlikely to see a full ending to the trilogy.

You can't run away from the past and you can't hide. It will overtake you in any case, because it is part of you...

The Last of Us is the main reason to buy a Playstation. The game depicts the most convincing post-apocalypse in gaming. Do you think the end of the world is fun? "Mad Max" and "Fallout" romanticized the end of civilization, but in reality there will be no Western-like prairie and freedom. Instead of them - gangs, disease and death from hunger. Only bastards will survive and " The Last of Us" is a true illustration of this.

Most of all, Naughty Dog's masterpiece is reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's story "The Road" and its film adaptation of the same name. The main difference is that nature is still alive. Moreover, greenery has grown through the concrete jungle and is gaining its position from the cities.

And in the midst of this - a battered man and a still naive girl walking through a destroyed America. There are many obstacles on the path of Joel and Ellie, and only by preserving their humanity will the heroes be able to find their place.

She ordered to call him Christian, and herself Anastasia... One day she said that he was her stallion. Buttercup took this as a compliment... But then she took out the bit and harness, and the poor fellow escaped through the window.

"The Witcher" - modern classic and a new RPG icon. The plot is the cornerstone of games of this genre, and the game adaptation of the famous book series copes with this above all praise.

Continuing the plot of Andrzej Sapkowski's books is a difficult task in itself, but CD Project RED succeeds in everything: The Witcher has the most colorful characters, some of the best dialogue in video games and unique quests that can bring you to tears with both drama and humor.

The production of the Mass Effect level gives the events the proper intensity, and the music and design take us into the world of Slavic fairy tales. It is not surprising that the game was so loved by gamers, and the development studio received its place in the alley of stars of the gaming industry.

The success of the game was so enormous that it ensured the book. Well, in our selection “The Witcher” takes an honorable first place.

IN last years Game developers are increasingly forgetting about the plot and going into MMOs. Their desire can be understood - to survive they need money, and online games are the best suited for monetization.

However, for hardcore gamers, the most important thing is an interesting plot and immersion in the game world. There are fewer and fewer games with a good single-player campaign, but as long as projects like "" and "" are being released, video games can safely be considered a full-fledged art form.

I decided to write my first entry in this section about my favorite plot-oriented computer games. Although not only the plot was evaluated, but also its presentation, atmosphere and even, a little, the gameplay. Because the good stories a great variety, I described only the most memorable projects and those only released for personal computers.

10. Whispered World

The only representative of the genre on this list. To tell you the truth, I'm not a fan of classic quests. I think the gameplay as such only gets in the way of the story, with sometimes absurd puzzles. I prefer the increasingly popular interactive series: products from , although the latter is closer to the classics.

So why is this project in the review? It's simple - the story told here touches the soul, but you need to go through it to the end to catch it. This is a story about a sad clown who is trying to save a magical land from complete extinction, but the script is not as simple as it wants to look at first glance.

9. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Mafia- third-person action. The gameplay is incredibly annoying, especially that car driving thing. Several important tasks had to be completed for many long hours, grinding my teeth so as not to break the keyboard. I think everyone who played remembers the races. I had to learn every turn and bend of the track in order to win the competition. By the way, now you can choose the difficulty of the mission.

All this torment pays off in full great script, in the spirit of " Godfather“- a simple taxi driver begins to work for the mafia and subsequently becomes a member of the mafia family. Made in the style of the main character's story about his life. 2K They have already tried to repeat this success twice, but it can only be called a worthy continuation.

Portal— a first-person puzzle game. The idea created by the students was embodied in this test product. It wasn't a full game because it was very short. The public reacted favorably to this creation and Valve took it seriously. — already out big project, the studio's latest masterpiece to date. The number of substances with which we can interact has been increased. An interesting story has been added and a separate one for the cooperative mode.

Atmosphere, plot, humor - all this came together harmoniously in this project. The puzzles attracted everyone with their novelty and low barrier to entry. What we have is a weapon that can open two portals connected to each other and the ability to carry small objects and that’s it! The challenges that it throws at us Portal, are performed by these three actions, physics and devices capable of influencing its laws. You can describe it in more detail, but why? If you haven't played yet, then I don't know what you're waiting for?

7. Deus Ex Human Revolution

Human Revolution— RPG and stealth action. We have a choice between stealth and regular shooting. It recreates the atmospheric world of cyberpunk, where artificial improvement of the body has become everyday life.

The plot revolves around Adam Jensen, head of the security service of Sharif Industries, a large company producing cybernetic implants. During an attack by an unknown group on a corporation, Adam is seriously injured, and a person he cares about is kidnapped. Thus, Jensen acquires a partially robotic body and finds himself drawn into a story full of conspiracies, intrigues and secrets.

An excellent, intelligent script, atmosphere and non-linear gameplay with a developed dialogue system provide this project with an honorable place in the review. A sequel was released not long ago, Minkind Divided, which is even better in places than its predecessor, but the piece of history that we are offered for a full-fledged script spoils the whole impression.

6. Dishonored

The second stealth action game on our list. To be honest, I don't like this genre. As in the previous project, we are given a choice of style, but it affects the ending. This is one of the few stealth games, the hidden passage of which I enjoyed. Not only because it had a good ending, but more because of the dialogues that I was able to overhear. Killing bosses without being noticed is another great feature Dishonored. It’s made simply gorgeous, you neutralize each individual differently and with a degree of non-linearity.

The place where the events take place is beautiful and very atmospheric in its own way. Excellently drawn faces, caricatured and speaking. The style is unique. The gameplay is varied, given that we can not only carry bladed weapons and firearms, but also use a kind of magic that we upgrade as we progress. There are many DLCs and even a full-fledged one is being prepared for release in this universe.

When I met Half-Life, I was still young enough to appreciate the plot. I was more interested in the network component. And later it didn’t hook me, but I really liked the second part of this first-person shooter. At that time the engine Source was a real breakthrough in graphics and physics. The developers took full advantage of this. The possibilities for interacting with the environment are simply enormous. In addition to the usual reprisal against the enemy, we can throw something heavy or sharp at them, break the support under them, and so on.

The animation is also excellent. You can’t say this now, but then it was a pleasure to look at Alix’s face. The atmosphere of a world invaded by aliens and the script are excellent. In addition to shootings, we will have to solve physical problems and drive various vehicles. The first and second episodes also did not disappoint and I am still waiting for the third or third part, like many other fans of this masterpiece.

A great RPG with a space theme. The story stretches over three games, in which we have to explore planets, complete dangerous tasks and reveal the secrets of the universe. You will learn that the world is in danger, try to try on warring races, gather an army and save everyone. Each member of your crew is an individual with his own biography, character, desires and ambitions. Every decision you make affects how your teammates treat you and even their lives.

Here is everything you need for a good role playing gameBig world, many side quests and dialogues, exploration of populated and desert planets. The battles are third-person shootouts using futuristic weapons and biotic abilities such as telekinesis. Cinematic productions of truly Hollywood proportions.

A lot of time passed between the first and third parts - Bioware was no longer the same as before. The dialogue system became flatter; the state of affairs in the universe was influenced by points in the network component. The ending was not what was expected. Overall, though, the trilogy was excellent.

In fact, the previous series became the studio’s last projects Bioware worthy of attention. The fantasy RPG has a number of excellent qualities. An interesting, long, epic and sometimes unpredictable and non-linear plot that will require us to gather all possible forces to save the earth from the impending threat. Only first we will have to help future allies, and in each individual case something unique awaits us.

When creating the main character, we will be allowed to choose a race and even several options for origin, which will affect the introductory chapter and later on the attitude of other intelligent beings towards us. The dialogues, the characters of the comrades, their biography and motives are even more developed than in the previous project. For example, in a conversation we are offered a whole range of answers, only knowing the interlocutor can we determine his reaction to a particular phrase. No stupid wheels where it is clearly visible whether we say good, bad or something else.

The combat system is a tactical battle with an active pause, during which we give orders, push through and look at the result, and the higher the difficulty, the more often we will need to use it. A large number of abilities gives free rein to the imagination.

This game already has three parts, but none of the next ones came close to this one, both in terms of the plot component and in some aspects of the gameplay.

Original Bioshock about an underwater city had a good script and atmosphere, but still inferior Infinite And although the gameplay hasn't evolved much over the years, it can be forgiven for its deep and amazing story.

A beautiful and at first glance simple story immerses us in a charming floating city, but the further we move through it, the more questions will arise. As a result, in order to fully understand what is happening, you need to fully study the environment and possibly go through Infinite more than once (or just look on the Internet). When the picture forms in your mind, you will be shocked by its depth.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / Witcher 3: Wild Hunt



Witcher was just a good game. The gameplay did not impress with its variety, but the story was interesting, although it partially repeated the events of the book of the same name authored by Andrzej Sapkowski. The second game was more original and it had its own and rather non-trivial plot, and its graphics were not inferior to other projects, and the culmination of this work was The Witcher 3. The Poles jumped above their heads and not only their own.


Awesome open world with a non-linear story - a hot cocktail. Moreover, the plot itself is great. It begins with Geralt, the main character of the story, on the trail of his adopted daughter, Ciri, a girl of imperial blood with unusual abilities. Its exact location is unknown, but you will have to look for it in three provinces - Velen, Novigrad and Skellige. All this in the context of a military conflict with the empire in the south and the kingdoms of the north.

Velen is a swampy plain through which the war has just passed. It has its own atmosphere with ghosts and witches, the long-time mistresses of these lands. Small settlements with superstitious people. Novigrad is contrastingly different - a large city that both warring sides dream of taking over, under the rule of crime bosses. Skellige is an island inhabited by “highlanders” with their own morals and customs, druids who protect nature and a ruler who has just died. We also face a struggle for power over the islands.

The story is amazing in its scale and epicness. According to the staging of some scenes The Witcher can surpass the trilogy combined. In addition, our actions influence the environment, and it changes under this influence. Side quests, sometimes, are not inferior in depth to the main story, they are also non-linear and sometimes even change the balance of power. The gameplay is rich in its capabilities both in terms of the combat system and world exploration. About beauty and positive sides games can be talked about endlessly.

Additions and other information

Later to To the Witcher Two more additions were released, modestly called by the developers - DLC. “Hearts of Stone” had an excellent script, second only to the main one in length. And “Blood and Wine” added not only an entire continent with its own contingent of people, whose characters, morals and customs were just as different from the population of the rest of the world as Velen was different from Skellige, but also new monsters, new gaming capabilities. Great amount additional tasks, the quality is still not inferior to the main ones and another interesting story, like the previous two. Yes, what can I say - other developers, without a twinge of conscience, would call this addition a full-fledged fourth part.

By the way, good news for fans - a movie adaptation based on the book universe ““ is being prepared. It will be attended by Netflix, the director of game videos from the game, Andrzej Sapkowski himself and many other famous people and companies. I hope they come up with something worthwhile.

If you are interested in fantasy literature in general, I recommend reading it.
