Which interior doors are best to choose for an apartment? Which interior doors are best to choose: expert advice Which doors are best to buy for your home

The search for interior doors most often begins with a corresponding request on the Internet. And you don’t know what makes your eyes widen more: the number of manufacturers or the products offered. MDF, veneer, eco-veneer, metal, solid wood - it seems easier to give up and take at random. To ease the pain of choice, the TAM.BY team talked with the Deputy Development Director of the Vist company, Alexey Voitekhovich, and sorted out all the nuances.

Of course, there are tips. If we compare the modern market for interior doors with what it was like 12-15 years ago, we can safely say: now choosing doors of any color, shape, size and finish is not difficult. Previously, buyers did not have this opportunity. Therefore, there is something to talk about here.

The main thing is that the selected doors fit color scheme and the style of the room in which they will stand. Although now buyers increasingly prefer white tones. Mainly because White color- universal. It fits any style and interior, giving the room lightness.

As for design, it is better to choose fully or partially glazed doors for the living room and kitchen. They are also suitable for children's rooms. For greater child safety, you can choose doors with tempered glass. He is not afraid of shocks and temperature changes.

IN living rooms and utility rooms often have blind doors. And the bathroom and bathroom have doors with matte or patterned opaque partial glazing.

By the way, for bathroom doors it is still worth paying special attention to the material. It should tolerate moisture well. Therefore, when giving preference to solid wood, ask the seller if there is a moisture-repellent coating on the door.

Solid wood, veneer, MDF - how to decide on the material?

Array. Everything is simple here. These are doors made of natural wood. They are durable, high quality, environmentally friendly, but quite expensive. If you spent money on renovations and decorated your apartment in a classic style, then, of course, you shouldn’t skimp on doors. But this special case. As for the disadvantages, doors spliced ​​from pieces different breeds wood may have a non-uniform color, because pine, alder, oak, and ash absorb varnishes and paints in different ways. This is not a defect, but a feature of the materials.

Veneer. Veneered doors have a more complex prefabricated structure. The wooden frame is covered with MDF panels, which save it from deformation. The doors are covered on top with a thin cut of natural veneer. These doors look no worse than solid doors, but they are more practical, easy to restore and low maintenance. Another significant advantage is the wider range possible options finishes: from transparent or tinted varnishes to recently popular enamels. This allows you to use veneered doors in interiors of any style.

MDF. These doors are made from pressed small sawdust. Frame structures- hollow inside. Therefore, they are not as durable as paneled and drawer panels. The first ones are assembled from inserts in the frame of the door leaf (panels). Inserts can be made of solid wood or combined materials. Tsar doors are two vertical posts connected by three or more transverse bars - tsars.

MDF doors are characterized by low cost and wide model range. True, they react poorly to moisture if the manufacturer skimps on materials.

We’ve decided on the material, but what about the design?

It is better to choose the design based on the characteristics of the room. The most popular - swing. It fits into any interior, is reliable, durable, easy to use, quick to install and easy to repair. But for all its advantages swing doors“eat up” a significant part of the space.

To solve this problem, you can install book doors or accordion doors. When opened, they fold in two or even several times. This saves a lot of space. Owners of apartments with small rooms. Also, “books” and “accordions” are often installed in bedrooms and dressing rooms.

Another option to save space is sliding structures. They are often installed in the front area. They can consist of one sliding panel or two sliding panels. Sliding doors made from frosted glass, transmit light well, visually increasing the space. These structures can also be used to zone two adjacent rooms.

Now gaining popularity roto or rotary structures. When opened, the door simultaneously swings open and moves to the side, performing a so-called rotational movement. In this case, the canvas itself does not extend beyond the doorway, but remains within it. A noticeable advantage of this design is space saving. Plus, you can open the door both towards yourself and away from you. True, you will have to spend money on installing such doors and problems may arise with repairing the complex mechanism.

Also becoming popular now hidden doors. Their basis is hidden in the wall metal box, and the canvas itself merges with the wall, forming a single plane. There are many options for finishing such a door: from photo wallpaper and paint, to decorative plasters and cork coverings.

You have chosen the doors, but what else should you pay attention to when purchasing?

In the case of products made from natural materials or veneer, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will not be the same. Each door has its own pattern of annual rings on the cut. Also, unprepared buyers are often confused by the different shades found on the same canvas. But this is not a defect.

The fact is that the density of veneer layers or solid plates may vary. Here it is worth taking into account the multidirectional nature of the wood pattern when stitching. Also, different shades can be seen at the border of the pillars and lintels. None of this is a disadvantage. These are the features of products made from natural wood.

By the way, our expert cited Scandinavian countries as an example, where a pronounced veneer texture with numerous knots is valued more than a homogeneous one.

If you have chosen a door coated with enamel, then pay attention to the absence of chips and cracks, especially at the ends, glazing beads, and in places where fittings are inserted. Also, the enamel door must have a uniform, smooth surface, without foreign inclusions.

In the case of a door covered with PVC film, CPL-pressed plastic or impregnated textured paper, special attention should be paid to the quality of gluing of the covering material to the canvas or base of the product. We are talking about boxes, platbands and additional elements. There should be no bubbles, scuffs, or peeling. A door with such defects will not last long.

Often when selling doors we come across a situation where the buyer, relying on his own experience, tries to take measurements himself, and in some cases even carry out the installation himself. The installation of doors, as in any work, has its own professional subtleties and nuances, unknown to man, who is encountering this problem for the first time. Therefore, hiring specialists will ultimately help save not only time and money, but often also nerves.

It’s absolutely a good idea to ask the seller for a manufacturer’s certificate. It is better to give preference famous brands and manufacturers with a good reputation. Nowadays all information is easy to find on the Internet.

When you compare prices, don't forget about the fittings. Locks, hinges, latches also cost money. When purchasing, do not hesitate to ask questions to the store consultant. The more information you learn, the easier it will be to choose a quality product.

Quality doors require maintenance. How to deal with this?

Firstly, you need to wipe the doors with special wipes suitable for the specific material.

doors by means. Almost all products can be cleaned with an aqueous alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 10. A professional products for washing can be purchased at any hardware store.

Secondly, in no case should you use powders, especially with abrasive particles. They will damage the coating.

To refresh or clean the door, first wipe it with a damp cloth and then with a dry soft cloth. No matter what the door is made of, excess moisture will most likely harm it. Don't forget about this.

If cracks and scratches appear on glossy doors, they can be masked with polish and wax.

These simple rules, will help you for a long time enjoy the purchase.

Buying an apartment in a new building or large-scale renovation makes owners think about making the right choice interior doors. In the huge modern market there is an impressive number of different different options. A smart choice that people will not regret depends on a whole list of criteria. It is not recommended to choose a door just like that, paying attention only to beauty. To choose the right one, you need to pay attention to the fittings, the material from which it is made, the finish, the presence of glazed areas and other parameters. It is also important which manufacturer’s interior door is chosen.

Most choose interior doors, based on price. “The cheapest is not an option, but we won’t take the most expensive ones either, we’ll settle for the golden mean.” This idea has become deeply rooted in the minds of the people, which is why price has become a fundamental factor. In fact, the first parameter is the material from which the entire door or most of it is made.

The most common materials used for manufacturing are:

  • Plastic;
  • MDF, fiberboard, chipboard;
  • Veneer or eco-veneer;
  • Solid wood.

It is known that doors made from solid wood are the strongest, resistant to impacts, moisture and high temperatures. Despite this, options made of veneer or eco-veneer will allow you to choose the most nice option, thanks to a wide range of colors and shades. Plastic and other materials are used to make cheaper analogues. That is, they are several times cheaper than those made from an array, but at the same time they have simple system installation

The second aspect that plays a key role when choosing is the finishing of interior doors. It’s no wonder that economical producers try to spend less resources and at the same time squeeze out the maximum benefit. Expensive options are much more honest in this regard; the manufacturer sets its own price, which is what the cheaper variations are mainly based on. The difference is not only in materials. It may be that cheap doors are made of the same material as expensive options. Then a natural question arises: what is the difference? And the difference is present, first of all, in the configuration. Expensive options are sold not as individual interior doors, but as a whole system called a door frame; an important set of fittings can also be found in the kit. Cheap analogues often come without this.

If you combine the purchase of doors, a separate set of fittings and other “little things”, then the total cost comes out to the same price that was originally in expensive manufacturers. So before purchasing, it is worth calculating the final cost of the selected door.

Let's move on to glazing systems. This is a combination of a door frame and decorative elements from glass. This solution is often used for aesthetic decoration. However, there are also times when this option will play an important role. This applies to children's rooms. Many parents have children who wake up at the slightest noise. And constantly checking whether they are sleeping or not, and at the same time opening the door will be risky. The child may wake up. In such cases, glazing can make life a little easier. If these door parts are present, then it is necessary to check the reliability. In particular, make sure that it is securely fastened so that under pressure it does not make sounds or creaks. In this regard, the solution is in impact-resistant glass, which can withstand more severe loads.

Creaking, reliability of fastening and similar details depend on the set of accessories. In some aspects, it means more than the door itself. Interior doors of any quality will last longer than the period stated by the manufacturer if they are well installed and fixed on the hinges. Various latches, handles and other elements must necessarily correspond to the design and structure of the selected doors, otherwise additional installation work cannot be avoided.

Other parameters, such as color and design, must be discussed or thought out by the buyer in advance. So that later, in the store, you don’t have to complicate the task for the consultant. In this regard, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the opening where the door will be installed and evaluate appearance both rooms that will be connected.

If you think through all this, then the number of possible options will be significantly narrowed. This makes the final choice easier.

Types of interior doors

Here the competence of most people does not go beyond the boundaries - interior doors! And that’s all... Even in a tiny one-room apartment there should be interior doors. It is not good for smells from the kitchen to reach the bedroom, or for the bathroom not to be disconnected from the place where food is prepared. Options for interior doors are considered according to different parameters. You can choose a door depending on its functional purpose, design, and materials used. And here it is also important to understand that the same types of doors are not used for all cases.

Let's first look at what main functions interior doors perform. They not only separate rooms, as many might think.

The first thing that comes to mind is the zoning of a room, apartment or house. That is, there are rooms for rest and leisure, cooking and eating food, personal hygiene, etc.

The second thing that is very important for families with children is the suppression of noise and sounds. Quality door can reduce noise levels by up to 90%.

Indoor microclimate support. People are different, and the most comfortable living conditions vary for everyone. A banal temperature of two degrees may be an ideal condition for one person, but not warm or cool enough for another. Interior doors provide this small effect. That is, in each room of an apartment or house you can adjust the microclimate to suit you.

Another feature will be security. Many people work from home and have set up their own office in a separate room with a laptop, printer, and other expensive electronics. In order to protect them from accidental physical damage, for example, from the careless running of children, you can close the door. It will also save expensive interior items from prying eyes.

Let's move on to choosing doors, based on design features and other parameters. The most common doors will be with one or two leaves. Not only the complexity of installation depends on this, but also the strength of the doors themselves. In apartments or private houses, the most normal option would be interior doors with one leaf. With two doors they are often installed in country houses and cottages.

Solid models or with glazing. This has already been discussed, but one more thing can be added in favor of blind doors. Solid interior doors allow you to create an atmosphere of privacy, which is extremely useful for many people, in particular home workers and writers.

Embossed or smooth coating. On the one hand, there is beauty and individuality when choosing relief patterns, and on the other hand, smooth doors are much easier to care for. The smooth type is an ideal solution for public institutions, offices, social services, banking institutions, etc. Embossed options are suitable for individual home environments, where the flow of people is not so large and significant.

Natural wood has always been famous for its strength and durability, while artificial wood has always been famous for its practicality and price. In this regard, it is also important to consider interior doors in the context of their installation location. If the purchase is for a house or apartment, it is recommended to lay out more money and purchase interior doors made of ash, beech or oak. If the purchase is aimed at office buildings, then cheaper plastic options are suitable.

It can be seen that such a seemingly simple detail of the overall interior of the house has an extraordinary variety. If everything is combined correctly, the selected instance will perform its function for a long time.

Rating of the best manufacturers of interior doors

In order to make the choice of interior doors a little easier, we will consider manufacturers based on materials.

The best interior doors with PVC coating

Not a bad company that emphasizes own production on interior doors with PVC coating. The company has received a European quality certificate, which does not allow you to doubt your choice. Most often, orders from this company are placed by schools, kindergartens and other institutions where there is a high risk of physical damage. The doors perfectly withstand moisture and temperature changes, which is good for owners of swimming pools and other wet areas. The price for them starts from 4,500 rubles.

interior doors with PVC coating KAPELLI


  • Moisture resistance;
  • Impact resistance;
  • Easy installation.


  • Poor assortment of shades and colors.

One of the most famous domestic manufacturers of interior doors. An impressive assortment allows you to choose the necessary doors not only by functionality, but also by design. Excellent moisture retention, do not deteriorate due to temperature changes, durable fastening system. A good and productive manufacturer who spares no resources to create goods. Despite all the advantages, it is not recommended to install such doors in a bedroom or children's room due to the presence of PVC film, which contains chlorides. Also, these doors are easily damaged during transportation. That is, before installation, it is best to inspect all parts for integrity. The price of different options for interior doors starts from 1000 rubles.

interior doors with PVC coating BRAVO


  • Cheap;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Resistance to flammability.


  • Contains chlorides;
  • Careless delivery from the manufacturer.

A special company that does not focus on overall design. Each unit is made individually. That is, there is no widespread production, the client independently tells (shows) his preferences, which results in an individual order. Most clients note an impressive number of shades and colors, patterns and relief decorative elements. Thanks to this, MATADOOR is widely used in homes and offices when it is necessary to emphasize the design of other premises. Holds up perfectly physical exercise, scratch resistant. That is, they do not require any special care. On average, a client will have to pay at least 4 thousand rubles for them.

interior doors with PVC coating MATADOOR


  • Easy installation;
  • Resistant to damage;
  • Variety in choice.


  • Relatively weak platbands, recommended to be purchased separately.

European automated production in factories with the latest equipment shows excellent quality of goods. A rich assortment that combines more than 60 different combinations of colors and shades. Each unit is checked by people; if there is the slightest inaccuracy, the product is recycled. As many have realized, this manufacturer has the lowest percentage of defective goods. Maintenance is limited to simple wiping with a damp cloth. Many users note seals that create the effect of completely sealing the room. Because of complex production and strength of interior doors price from 5 thousand and above.

interior doors with PVC coating YUKKA


  • Strength;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Seals.


  • The hinges are too wide, which is why the design suffers a little.

The best laminated doors

Now let's move on to laminated options. This is a type of door on which a texture or pattern created using printing is pasted on top of the main body. They are made from artificial materials, which is why the shelf life is slightly lower than that of interior doors made from natural materials.

A good manufacturer of interior doors. The combination of price and quality allowed us to quickly and easily reach the international level. They withstand a humid environment and are resistant to physical shock. If we focus on artificial elements, then production meets all quality and safety standards. Suitable for offices and others public places. At home, they are unlikely to satisfy the owners due to the lack of good noise reduction. The price for one unit of goods starts from 4000 rubles.

laminated doors ROSTRA


  • Easy to install;
  • Cheap;
  • Moisture resistant.


  • They let the noise through.

Again, an inexpensive and experienced manufacturer that has been on the market for more than 15 years. Production meets all standards. Careful production control allows defective units to be removed immediately. Easy to install, without unnecessary installation work. Used frequently artificial material, which imitates cherry, beech or alder. You will be able to notice the difference only after several decades of use. Present unique system 3D Wood Look, which conveys the internal structure of wood. Inexpensive manufacturer, you can find doors from 1 thousand rubles.

laminated doors TIN


  • Cheap;
  • Lasting;
  • Easy installation.


  • Subject to physical influences.


High-quality products that occupy a leading position in the production of doors in Russia. All production is entirely focused on environmentally friendly and natural materials. They are fairly easy to care for. Production is focused on technologies from German and Italian manufacturers. The low price, starting from 755 rubles, will allow you to choose a product not only by quality, but also by price.

laminated doors BY ODINTSOVO (VERDA)


  • Lungs;
  • Easy installation;
  • Foreign production technology.


  • Poor sound insulation;
  • Relatively short shelf life.

One of the best manufacturers in the CIS countries. Durable materials in the base, high-quality outer shell protects the doors from moisture and physical shock. Affordable price will allow you to choose the most reasonable solution. The assortment amazes with its palette of colors and decorative solutions. Thanks to their highest wear resistance, BELWOODDOORS interior doors have gained incredible popularity for use in offices and other public places. There are options starting from 2500 rubles.

laminated doors BELWOODDOORS


  • Very durable;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Reasonable price.


  • A high percentage of falling for a fake.

The best veneered doors

This type of interior doors has a unique structure. The whole point is that the coating is attached to a base that is made of non-decorative wood. Externally and in weight, they are inferior to the previous options.

An experienced manufacturing company that is well versed in design solutions. The main direction is the production of custom doors, turnkey for clients. Modern technologies are used in production. The coating is based on a safe and waterproof varnish made in Italy. due to this, TRIADA interior doors can easily withstand any physical influences. On average, you will have to pay at least 3,000 rubles for this option.

veneer doors TRIADA


  • Inert materials;
  • Lungs;
  • Easy installation.


  • Thin, poorly retain heat.

Enough famous manufacturer, which is trusted far beyond the borders of Russia. More than 20 countries are actively purchasing products from this manufacturer. They stand out well in terms of style, durability and water resistance. IN European countries They are placed in plumbing rooms where it is damp. They can withstand minor physical shocks, but are much inferior to other companies in terms of temperature. At high temperatures they lose some of their properties. It should also be noted the special type of care, which is reflected in the instructions. The cost starts from 4600 rubles.

veneer doors MARIO RIOLI


  • Durable;
  • Easy installation;
  • Water resistance.


  • Difficult care.

A varied palette of shades, established wholesale production and high quality - this is all ONYX. Production is based on European technologies, using a large number of machines of the highest quality. The manufacturer fulfills individual work faster than other manufacturers. There is also resistance to shock, moisture and temperature. It is also worth noting the long shelf life. ONYX guarantees the high quality of its products without deterioration over many years. One of the most expensive brands in Russia, prices start from 5,000 rubles.

ONYX veneer doors


  • Moisture resistance;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Strength.


  • There are no trims included.

When it comes to practicality, ease of maintenance and impact resistance, one cannot help but think of PROFILDOORS. This manufacturer is famous for using environmentally friendly materials in production, original design. There are excellent special lines - collections of interior doors in modern and classic styles. Due to this, you can choose the best option for yourself. Despite these features, production is slightly weaker than other manufacturers, which is why custom orders take longer to complete. But all this is compensated by quality, a list of impressive characteristics, including moisture resistance. Prices start from 4 thousand rubles.

veneer doors PROFILDOORS


  • Durable;
  • Easy care;
  • Moisture resistance.


  • Increased production time.

It is worth understanding that this is only domestic producers, or close to the CIS countries. You can also consider interior doors from foreign manufacturers, but this will significantly affect their cost.

Renovation always creates a problem of choice: to hang wallpaper or paint the walls, lay laminate or linoleum, which interior doors are best to choose for an apartment? Finding answers to these tricky questions is sometimes difficult. High-quality repair and a beautiful interior is the dream of any person. But all changes that are planned in the apartment must fit into family budget. When choosing doors, construction or finishing materials, furniture and other integral attributes of a cozy and comfortable home, you need to have a very good understanding of the intricacies of the material with which you have to deal.

An interior door is one of the most important components of the design of any room. Even a small studio cannot do without it. A single living space, often combined with a kitchen, still requires doors to the bathroom and hall. Spacious apartments, where each family member has their own cozy corner, have several interior doors that not only separate the living spaces, but are also an integral part of the interior.

Doors are a must-have attribute of any home and can make or break the unique style of a home. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the living space and choose doors, which will correspond to a single concept for the design of the apartment.

Materials for the production of interior doors

How to choose an interior door? The main criterion should be the answer to the question of which door material is best for a particular room. When exploring various options, you need to familiarize yourself with the quality certificates for the products, since some substances included in the materials, varnishes or paints can be toxic and pose a health hazard.

The material from which interior doors and their components are made affects not only external view products. Such important qualities as durability and soundproofness depend on it. Basic materials for the production of interior doors presented on the Russian market:

solid wood;

There are aluminum and glass samples, but they are less popular. They are rarely installed in apartments. The price of the product also depends on the material. High-quality interior doors cannot be cheap. Even with a modest budget, you can choose an option of acceptable quality that will match the interior of the room and last a long time.

Solid wood doors

Selecting an interior door from natural wood is considered the best because this material is considered the strongest and most durable. However, not all wood is suitable for an apartment. How to choose the right quality interior door for your apartment? It is necessary to take into account the properties of wood. Products from coniferous species deteriorate when exposed to moisture. Such doors quickly become deformed.

The most valuable species are beech, mahogany, oak, and maple. The best interior doors are made from this wood, which are particularly strong, durable, and soundproof. The main disadvantage of such doors is the high price, which not everyone can afford.

Inexpensive, good quality and appearance substitutes for solid wood samples are paneled doors. They are also made from natural wood, but of lower quality. In this case, the canvas is not solid, but consists of glued pieces. Such interior space dividers have a beautiful appearance, but have lower performance characteristics. They are subject to deformation and can delaminate due to temperature changes and high humidity.

Doors made of natural wood must be made in compliance with special production technology. This is especially true for drying. If the selected product was made from poorly dried wood, it may quickly lose its shape. Therefore, it is better to buy interior doors, taking into account the manufacturers’ ratings, in stores with a good reputation.

Doors made of MDF and chipboard

Interior doors made of MDF and chipboard remain popular on the market. They are in the middle and low price categories and are affordable to almost everyone. So which interior door is better to choose for an apartment?

  • MDF consists of ground waste from the wood processing industry. The sawdust is steamed and glued together using paraffin and lignin, forming an absolutely smooth slab with a perfectly flat surface.
  • MDF is used for the manufacture of door leaves and all components: frames, trim, thresholds. This material is cheaper than solid wood, but at the same time retains some operational and quality characteristics natural wood:
  • MDF is safe for health;
  • the material is moisture resistant;
  • MDF lends itself well machining, retains its shape for a long time;
  • a door made of MDF has a beautiful appearance and can be finished with laminate or veneer.

Particle boards are widely used in construction, interior decoration, manufacturing interior partitions and doors. Being a product of processing waste from the woodworking and forestry industries, chipboard remains the cheapest material on the market. The main difference from MDF is that the composition particle boards includes resins containing formaldehyde. How to choose the right interior doors from this material? You need to pay special attention to the markings:

E1 - the product contains a small amount of formaldehyde and can be used in residential areas.

E2 is a material with a high content of harmful substances; it is not suitable for finishing rooms intended for living.

Another disadvantage of interior doors made of chipboard is that they have low moisture resistance. This canvas is not suitable for the bathroom and kitchen. Low price is the main advantage of the material, which determines its great popularity among buyers.

Glass and aluminum doors in the apartment

Fans of unusual solutions are increasingly giving preference to non-traditional materials - glass and aluminum, polished in a special way. Glass has previously been used in the production of interior doors as a decorative element. Today, there are high-strength types of this material that make it possible to make unique door leaves that are distinguished not only by their durability, but also by their extraordinary beauty.

Glass interior doors to an apartment are not afraid of moisture, they are easy to clean, they are fireproof and have excellent permeability. sunlight. It is recommended to choose such products for the bathroom or kitchen, as well as for apartments with windows facing a poorly lit side of the street, or small residential premises.

What doors are best installed in apartments decorated in loft or high-tech style? Aluminum interior designs look great in this style. They are made of aluminum, have good performance characteristics, and can be used in any room. Aluminum doors give modern style any room, but at the same time they often deprive it of home comfort.

When comparing different materials, it is difficult to definitively answer the question of which doors are best to choose. Each person makes a choice of interior doors based on their priorities and financial capabilities. For some, safety and environmental friendliness are most important. Another will decide to prioritize the appearance of the product and its ability to favorably highlight the interior of the apartment. The third, having a modest budget, prefers to buy inexpensive and practical interior doors that will last more than 1 year. And someone is sure that only best manufacturers interior doors are able to satisfy his demanding tastes, and trusts only well-known brands. The modern market is able to satisfy the needs of any buyer, giving him the right to make his own decisions.

Types of doors by opening method

Single Double “Book”
"Accordion" "Coupe" Rotary

Before going to the store, you need to carefully measure the interior space where the installation will be installed. new door. In typical apartments, the doorway, as a rule, has standard sizes, based on which we choose suitable interior doors.

It is more difficult to find a suitable design if there has been which-either redevelopment of the apartment, or the house was built according to an individual project. In such cases, it is better to contact a workshop where the door will be made to the dimensions required for a particular room.

A very important question is how to choose interior doors according to the type of opening. A classic example of the vast majority of modern apartments is the presence of swing options, consisting of a single leaf or 2 doors. Such products are divided into left and right.

For small rooms Folding or sliding doors are more suitable. For this door design, the choice of models is presented in two options:

Book. The door consists of 2 halves that fold like a book.

Harmonic. The product has several doors. When they open, they resemble accordion bellows.

Sliding doors save a lot of space, as their door leaf moves along special guides along the wall. These types of doors can consist of 1 or 2 leaves. They are executed from various materials and give the room a modern and unusual look. By installing such a door, you can be sure of its safety. The risk of injury in case of sudden opening is reduced to zero.

The choice of interior door is always made taking into account the specific interior. If swing doors are a classic, suitable for any room, then folding and sliding doors can only be combined with a certain apartment design.

Door color and its meaning in the interior

The appearance of the apartment directly depends on what color the interior doors are and how to choose the right one harmonious combination with a general design concept. The beige shade is considered universal. Light colors combine perfectly with almost all wallpaper options, highlight almost any furniture set and visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Pastel colors give the apartment a cozy feel. It is suitable for small rooms with low light. White doors are an invariable element of the classic style. High-quality furniture, expensive carpets, crystal chandeliers with big amount small parts, paintings in carved frames on the walls - all these attributes of luxurious life are perfectly complemented by the interior double-leaf white door.

How to choose the right color for an interior door? It must be remembered that all components must be the same shade. If the box and trim are lighter or darker, this may indicate a manufacturing defect.

You should refuse the purchase if the color of the door is uneven, and the varnish on the surface of the door is cloudy or too dark in certain places. Such signs indicate that the material from which the interior door is made is of poor quality and not well processed. Under a thick layer of varnish, the manufacturer is most likely trying to hide obvious defects.

The ideal option is when doors of the same color are installed in the apartment. They become certain reference points of the overall design concept and favorably emphasize the unique style of the living space. But there are exceptions to any rule, and if you are not sure how to choose an interior door, the advice of an experienced designer will help you.

Repair and interior decoration apartments require enormous effort, care, imagination and patience. Each element of the interior should be in its place and be part of the whole picture. Any item that falls out of the general style can ruin the appearance. One of the most important details in home improvement is the door leaf. That is why it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question of which interior doors are best to choose for an apartment.

To have an idea of ​​what and how to select, you need to answer a number of questions for yourself and decide on the end result. It is important to take into account all the details: what the door leaf will be used for and what function it will perform, what it will be made from, what design and color the best way will fit into the interior, what type of design will be most in demand for you.

Main selection criteria

The modern market for building materials and decorative elements is so huge that even experts are lost in the choice, let alone those who have just begun to deal with this issue. It is necessary to find out how to choose the best quality interior doors for an apartment, taking into account the advice of professionals. When purchasing, pay attention to the following:

    Size and constructive solution. Often, the door block is selected to fit a ready-made opening. But there are times when an ideal option is found that differs in size from the existing hole, then, having no other choice, they rebuild it.

    The style and color scheme of the paintings play one of the key roles. Carpentry products are purchased taking into account the general stylistic design housing. The door is not the main part of the entire composition, but only a detail that should fit harmoniously into the overall picture.

    The material of the product is one of the significant parameters. The best option, in terms of wear resistance and environmental friendliness, of course, is natural wood. Well processed, it serves for a long period of time and pleases with its excellent appearance.

    Cost is one of the most important criteria when selecting products, since it is what adjusts the desires according to the buyer’s capabilities. You can choose a door block with a rather modest budget, but then you won’t have to count on good quality. Like any product, high-quality products cannot be cheap.

Sliding models

Recently they have become quite a popular element in the arrangement of living space. Their popularity is explained by the fact that they are very compact and extremely easy to use. With their help, you can not only divide the room into separate zones, but also hide a closet in the wall and separate part of the room. A variety of design solutions allows the doors to be used in almost any room.

These products are mounted on a special mechanism that allows them to move along the wall, thereby making it possible to install even bulky pieces of furniture in close proximity and save free space. In addition, the following advantages can be highlighted:

    Easy opening.

    Long service life - 15 years or more.

    The ability to choose a solution for any room due to large selection designs.

    Safety – spontaneous opening is excluded.

What materials are best for interior doors?

This is the main factor influencing the choice of a particular model. The reliability, durability and final cost of the product depend on its characteristics. The most widely used are:

    Chipboard is one of the most budget options. It has more modest indicators of reliability and durability, but due to lack of resources it can be a good alternative when purchasing. It is undesirable to use it in kitchens and near bathrooms; it does not tolerate excess moisture very well.

    Plastic – today, the building materials market is increasingly being conquered by metal-plastic structures. Among its distinctive properties is a high degree of moisture resistance, it is considered ideal option for partitions of terraces and balconies.

It is worth considering the following materials in more detail.


The undisputed leader in quality and durability. It has excellent appearance and reliability. Models made from precious wood give the room status and luxury. The service life of such products is more than 40 years. They are able to pass air through micro-holes, thereby ensuring a good level of moisture exchange. In terms of environmental standards, they occupy first place among competitors and are the best option for residential areas.

Disadvantages include intolerance to excess moisture and considerable weight, which can provoke further subsidence. But with the right approach, even these disadvantages can be eliminated by high-quality processing and qualified installation. The cost of solid wood products remains consistently high.

For production, pine, solid oak and alder, noble ash and strong beech are most often used. But if the buyer wishes, almost any tree can be used as a material. More budget-friendly samples are made by gluing pieces of wood together (laminated solid wood); they have the same characteristics, but a slightly uneven color and, accordingly, a lower price.


Many people hear this name for carpentry for the first time and are at a loss as to what it is. In fact, almost everyone has encountered this type of opening filling - they are installed everywhere in private houses, apartments and offices. This is one of the most sought after and popular types door leaves to date. They appeared on the market not so long ago, but have already gained universal recognition.

This is an ordinary canvas consisting of a wooden frame, an internal cardboard filler, often made in the form of a honeycomb, lined with thin MDF boards with a decorative coating that imitates wood. The products are very light, and the variety of designs and styles makes it possible to succinctly fit them into almost any interior.


An excellent analogue of natural wood with good performance properties. It is made by pressing crushed wood chips and has excellent environmental friendliness, durability and, thanks to a wide range of colors, is highly popular. When purchasing, always carefully look at the coating layer and the thickness of the panels themselves.

When faced with the task of what material is best to choose interior doors from, pay attention to the characteristics. This solution is one of the most popular in the manufacture of door blocks. The raw materials are quite easy to process and have excellent performance indicators. And the production of slabs itself is less harmful compared to analogues. MDF is made from ground sawdust by gluing it with lignin and paraffin, and further pressing under the influence of elevated pressure and temperature.

The advantages of this product include resistance to deformation when exposed to high temperatures and excellent environmental performance. The disadvantage is poor resistance to moisture, excessive porosity and fragility. This kind of canvas is not recommended for installation in bathrooms and baths without a special moisture-repellent coating.


Glass is usually used as a decorative element in the form of inserts. Products made entirely of glass, unfortunately, are not yet very popular among the citizens of our country. And one of the main reasons is their relatively high cost and the reluctance of people to show the furnishings of adjacent rooms. This problem is relevant only for small apartments, but nevertheless it is present. From a design point of view, this type of canvas can create a unique appearance and visually enlarge the space, making rooms brighter and more comfortable.

When thinking about how to choose interior doors for your apartment, take a closer look at this option. They have excellent performance characteristics:

    Easy care. Glass surfaces can be easily cleaned with traditional detergents and a simple wet cloth. Often a microlayer is applied to them protective coating significantly increasing the degree of resistance to pollution.

    Transmittance of light. The sun's rays easily overcome the obstacle, filling the room.

    Excellent visualization. Even when closed, such a product creates the illusion of complete openness and at the same time emphasizes the separate areas of the rooms.

    High resistance to moisture. This kind of material does not deform at all from water and can be installed in any room with high humidity.

These products differ in opening technology into several types:

    Swing with and without box;

    Sliding coupe type;

    Regular and cassette recoil;


This type of design will ideally delimit rooms that do not require increased insulation, for example, a kitchen, corridor or living room. They will become optimal solution for a sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool room.


Door structures have a number of unconditional advantages and are in great demand both when decorating commercial real estate and in private properties. The main material is very durable, wear-resistant and has a long service life.

The flexibility of aluminum allows factories to produce products different designs, size and design. The main advantages of such canvases are environmental friendliness, increased wear resistance and anti-corrosion base, ease of care, the ability to withstand enormous loads and a wide range of colors and shades. There are practically no disadvantages to such blocks; these include significant weight, considerable cost, and production only to order.

Models in this line are presented in sliding, hinged and accordion-folding types. As an addition, they are inlaid with glass and various decorative inserts. Such products can cover large openings, creating a panoramic view from the room.

Types of construction

A properly selected mechanism is the key to long-term operation. There is a list of possible executions:

    Paneled. A canvas with a stacked structure consisting of individual elements: transverse and vertical guide bars, and less thick inserts and panels. This solution resembles a puzzle assembled according to the style direction.

    Panel. The only difference from the design described above is the use of a single piece of material with the same structure and properties. Modern panel options consist of a wooden frame sheathed MDF panels, With laminated coating. The price of such products is significantly less than their paneled counterparts.

Opening type

Joinery products are divided into several types according to their method of moving the blade. And when you don’t know which interior doors are best to install in an apartment, it’s worth conducting a comparative analysis. They can be:

    Swing doors are a classic design solution. The boxes are mounted to a vertical post on hinges and, when closed, fit completely into the door groove. When installing them, you need to take into account the availability of free space to ensure full opening.

    Sliding – used, as a rule, when limited space. In this type there are no hinges and instead the product is attached on rollers to a guide bar. Opening occurs by rolling back the canvas parallel to the wall.

    Folding - used in large openings and consists of several sashes fastened with hinges. When opened, they resemble an “accordion”. This is an average option between swing and sliding solutions.

    Swinging is a rather rare type of opening, but quite original. Its essence is to rotate the canvas relative to its axis with a shift to the side.

Door blocks are divided into several types:

    A blank canvas is made from a single piece of one type of material, without using any additional elements;

    With inserts - tightly made in such a way that its design provides space for decorative inserts any color and material. A variety of options allows you to create an original solution for any interior.


Dimensions door block are selected according to the existing opening. For most buildings, standard products are suitable, namely 70-90 by 200 cm with a few centimeters of compensation gap. Other options require an individual approach and are made to order.

When selecting the size of the canvas, pay attention to what specific room it is being purchased for and what opening system it will have. This is necessary in order to eliminate subsequent hassles with possible rearrangement of furniture.

Requirements for interior doors

The main criteria are functionality, beautiful appearance, reliability and long service life. Products must open without effort, have a sufficient level of heat and sound insulation, and be resistant to mechanical damage, moisture and direct sunlight.

Use the above tips and the process of choosing an interior door will not cause you any trouble. Focus on your own tastes, attractiveness and build quality of the structure and its individual elements. Buy products from companies that have been proven over the years and have a good reputation. Products must fit harmoniously into the overall style of the interior. Chosen correctly, they will long years decorate your home.
