What types of aquariums are there? Aquarium fish photos of aquarium design ideas

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Ever wonder how people manage to make their aquariums look breathtakingly gorgeous? Do you want to transform your aquarium into an equally beautiful one? This article provides some tips and steps that you should take in this case.


Creating a natural looking aquarium

    Choose gravel or sand that is naturally colored. Not only will this imitate the fish's natural habitat, but it will also be much more pleasing to the eye than a garish pink or blue. In a great way To create a truly "natural" look, use ½ part coarse aquarium sand and ½ part play sand (what is usually poured into sandboxes). Sand from the nearest beach should be thoroughly washed through a fine sieve to remove all soluble substances. Be aware that fine sand in saltwater aquariums will promote the growth of diatoms, and the sand itself may not allow the roots of living plants to grow and thereby keep their growth to a minimum.

    • However, characin fish (many neons) native to the Amazon and labyrinth fish (gouramis and bettas) prefer dark-colored substrates. Also, if the sand is too fine and deep (more than 3.5 cm), it will form anaerobic processes within itself and become a source unpleasant odor, the roots of plants growing in it may begin to rot. There is nothing wrong with using a thin layer of sand, but it should be in the form of half a pea sized gravel or larger, and preferably have an organic layer underneath for healthy plant growth.
  1. Using live plants really brings the aquarium to life. There is something in nature that cannot be replaced artificial materials. Live plants are recommended not only because they produce oxygen and improve water quality, but also because fish respond better to an environment that truly replicates their natural habitat. There are many plants that are easy to care for, but you will need to do a little more research to ensure they thrive in your aquarium. If you don't want to use live plants, look for elegant artificial plants no sharp edges that could injure fish, and no dense brush that could entangle fish. Commonly occurring colors in nature are green and red, and in fact, they look best. Try to create enough variety in the shades of these flowers and the height of the plants. Think about what you like best. Do you want an aquarium with a large open surface of sand, or do you prefer it to look like a magical underwater garden? Most fish enjoy a jungle environment and are more comfortable in a heavily planted tank, but there are some fish that will eat all your plants, so think carefully about your choice of fish according to the look you want to achieve in your tank.

    Choose your scenery. It is better to use natural decorations: driftwood, halves of coconuts, as they will not harm your fish. If you decide to use artificial decorations, then select artificial driftwood and stones that will really look like real ones, and they should not have sharp edges, and should be made of non-toxic materials. The safety of your fish should always be your top priority.

    Purchase a black background for your aquarium (you can also use black trash bags or black cardboard). The black color visually adds depth and makes the aquarium look much better than if there is no background or if the background is overly loaded with details. Think of it like a photograph: would your portrait look better against the backdrop of all sorts of activity going on behind you, or against the background of the normal surroundings of your home? An aquarium with a black background will stand out both in photographs and just in your living room.

    Start placing decorations in your aquarium! Try making slopes on the surface of the substrate to simulate hills and depressions. This creates a wonderful appearance that is much more interesting to contemplate than a flat surface. If you combine this with a specific idea and do it right, you can create even more depth in the picture.

    Place the largest decorative object (whatever it is, it should attract the eye or be the center of the whole idea) in the center on the left. This will be better than trying to balance an aquarium scene with two mirrored parts or placing the main object in the center. If you have a whole bunch of large stones, try organizing them so that they are picked up from the left or right to the center. Make sure you give the fish enough space to swim around the rocks and hide. For decoration, you can use broken pieces of clay ceramics, which can easily be hidden with a layer of living vegetation (there is a wide variety of moss that you can look for in pet stores).

    Distribute the plants as planned. There's no such thing as too much depth, so to add even more depth, place taller plants in the back and shorter plants in the foreground. It will also make it easier for you to observe the fish.

    Try it Various types lighting. Different light has a surprising effect on the appearance of the aquarium. You can try a very interesting moonlight effect.

    It is recommended that the aquarium sit without any fish, with all equipment running in it, for at least two weeks. Periodically, you should sprinkle some fish food into the empty aquarium. This period is called the establishment period of the aquarium cycle. At the same time, beneficial bacteria develop in the aquarium filter (they help control the ammonia released by the fish). It is important not to skip the setup step of the cycle, it is highly recommended that you become familiar with additional information on this issue.

    Creating a blue aquarium

    1. Follow the above tips except for the background. Replace it with blue.

      Measure your aquarium.

      Cut a matching piece of blue polyethylene or fabric.

      Attach the outside of the aquarium to the back.

      Add colorful stones, decorations and fish as you wish.

      Buy some blue. Drop 15-20 drops into the aquarium to turn the water blue.

    • Delimit individual areas of the aquarium. For example, leave open space for feeding, create dense thickets for hiding. It's also a good idea to create places where smaller fish can hide from larger ones.
    • Before stocking your aquarium, make sure you have at least the following items:

    1. Filter with any combination of mechanical, biological and chemical filtration. For medium and large aquariums, the most popular filters are external and canister filters, and for small aquariums - sponge filters.
    2. Vitamin-rich main fish and, if possible, additional food sources.
    3. According to the fish species you choose, you may need a water heater and an air compressor.

    • Living plants can have great importance for the overall appearance and health of your aquarium. Caring for plants takes time, but it is worth it.
    • Always check that the fish you are planning to purchase are compatible. Certain types of fish do not get along with other types of fish and bite their fins, and sometimes even eat them.
    • The aquarium should complement the fish swimming in it. If the fish look good, then the aquarium looks good. If the fish does not fit into its environment, it may become stressed, feel out of place, and the aquarium will be less attractive.
    • Place taller plants at the back of the aquarium and smaller plants at the front. You should also use the foreground for planting, rather than planting them exclusively in the background.
    • The darker the color of the gravel or sand, the more vibrant the colors of the fish will appear. Light gravel and sand make the other colors lighter. But again, it all depends on the species and colors of fish that you are going to buy for your aquarium.
    • Choose cute pebbles to decorate natural look aquarium Avoid adding marine decorations such as seashells to your aquarium as they can change the water conditions, especially the pH level.

The first aquarium: which one to choose, where to start, how to continue and what will happen, as well as what not to do. Dedicated to beginner aquarists.

Read straight away about what shape and size (volume) of an aquarium is best for a beginner to choose >>>

Getting your first aquarium is not easy at all. Whether a regiment of aquarists will arrive or not usually depends on how its fate turns out. If the fish in it begin to get sick and die, and the water turns green, cloudy, or smells unpleasant, then the aquarium neophyte will leave this hobby for a long time or forever. Indeed, a hobby should bring joy, but the illnesses and deaths of our pets, even if they are just cold-blooded fish, are quite upsetting.

In this series of articles we will talk about how to choose and equip an aquarium correctly so that an indoor pond on glass banks becomes a stable, prosperous ecosystem radiant with living energy, and not a prison cell for death row fish.
PWhy do difficulties usually arise with the first aquarium? It's not at all difficult to explain. And although the text at the beginning of this article may seem too gloomy to some, it immediately points to possible problems, which in most possible cases become real. A novice aquarist must first of all realize one obvious thing: the water in an aquarium is strictly limited in its volume, and this volume is extremely small compared to the vast majority of natural bodies of water. Accordingly, the most important resources on which the life of an aquarium, a miniature but rather complexly organized and easily vulnerable little world in which fish and other inhabitants are forced to spend their entire lives, depend, are extremely small. This circumstance creates problems that are atypical and unusual for ourselves and our land pets. For example, a canary in a cage has a much more favorable situation than a fish in an aquarium. The cage limits freedom of movement, but air flows freely through the bars. The bird is not at risk of suffocation. But death from suffocation at night, when the owner turned off the compressor or filter to get rid of the noise of gurgling bubbles, is quite common for aquarium fish. There is very little dissolved oxygen in a limited volume of water and it must be constantly artificially supplied there, or a strictly limited number of fish must be kept in the aquarium so that they always have enough of what passively dissolves in the water. Usually, newbie aquarists overpopulate their aquariums.
But It's not just about oxygen. Beginners do not realize that in an aquarium, fish are simply forced to live in the waste products of their vital activity dissolved in the water. If the concentration of this waste exceeds reasonable limits, then an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the water, and this is not at all a rare case. But even if there is no such smell, the fish can still feel very bad, since they often live in a state of chronic poisoning. The fact is that one of the metabolic products of fish, which they release into the water in considerable quantities, is . And this is a very strong poison. In natural bodies of water (unless wastewater is discharged into them), the concentration of ammonia is never dangerously high and usually tends to zero. It is consumed by aquatic vegetation and oxidized by the multibillion-strong mass of nitrifying bacteria living in bottom sediments.
It is also impossible to do without nitrifying bacteria in an aquarium. These bacteria can get into the aquarium along with aquatic plants, but it is better to purchase them at a pet store special drug. There are many such drugs and they are produced by different manufacturers. Here are the most famous and accessible in Russia:Tetra SafeStart (Tetra Safe Start),Sera bio nitrivec (Sera bio nitrivec),JBL Denitrol (Denitrol), .
However, the secret to the success of an aquarium lies not only in the fact that a suitable bacterial preparation must be poured into it in a timely manner. Beneficial bacteriait is necessary to create suitable living conditions and ensure that they reproduce sufficiently. For this a quarium it must be properly equipped and arranged. Only then will the fish be freed from the threat of poisoning. In this regard, we note that a common design stamp, which can often be seen on advertising posters, on the pages of websites on the Internet, on television in programs dedicated to apartment interiors, looks quite comical: in a small aquarium without any equipment, or even without soil (for some reason the aquarium is almost always round) a fish swimming is a quarter the size of this aquarium. Usually they take this role (a fish that is not adapted to life in small quantities, but is quite tenacious: it will not die immediately and will have time to “please” the unlucky owner). And once, one well-known retail chain, in its advertising posters, put a very demanding fish in a similar “aquarium”. What can you do? Illiteracy in the aquarium hobby is common.
In fact, this cliche - a fish in a small round aquarium - is not so much comical as cruel, because the fish, in fact, finds itself in a gas chamber, which will be steadily filled with ammonia day by day. They are doomed to an inevitable and rather painful death. People who are far from aquarium hobby don’t think about this. However, it’s worth thinking about before buying an aquarium. So, how to choose and equip an aquarium correctly?

Photo 1. Oh, those aquariums at exhibitions! Here is one of them. People watch and then copy. But these aquariums are designed only,in order to last three exhibition days. The fish are not fed here; they sit in water with the addition of water treatment products that neutralize the toxic effects of ammonia. But in fact, p Here is an example for goldfish. Never repeat this at home!

However, if you lay down suitable soil and plant unpretentious plants, then 30 red neons with several otocinclus catfish would live happily ever after in such an aquarium. On our own. It all depends on correct selection fish Only those that can tolerate the low oxygen content in water and have relatively low level metabolism.

Photo 2. Never give such a gift, and do not buy a goldfish for such an aquarium yourself. To be honest, even in the advertising picture she looks sad. The bottom filter built into this aquarium will not provide the required biofiltration intensity. But small fish can live in such an aquarium, but it will be inconvenient to watch them.

Video 1. This is what a typical first round aquarium looks like for novice aquarists and goldfish in it. Still want to have this as your first aquarium? And you can find out more about this aquarium and the fate of the fish.

What sizes and proportions are most suitable for the first aquarium?

First you need to purchase the aquarium itself. An aquarium appears in a house in different ways. It can be given as a gift, it is good if the gift set does not immediately include fish, the fate of which in this case will be predetermined and unenviable, and the aquarium can be bought by the future aquarist himself, either as a result of an impulsive act, or as a planned and carefully considered action. Good chances there is a chance of success only in the latter case.
The first and most common mistake is buying an aquarium that is too small. This is either the notorious ball aquarium (often serving as a gift option) with a volume of 5 - 25 liters, or a stamped aquarium of a different shape, but of the same small volume. The smaller the aquarium, the more difficult it is to establish processes in it biological treatment water () and the more difficult it is for a beginner to cope with this task. We would not recommend experimenting with a volume of less than 30 liters at first. But since such an aquarium is in the house, it will be necessary to treat it very restrainedly and thoughtfully. Several small fish: cardinals, rasboras, and also several shrimps from the genus Neocaridin can live quite normally in such a container. If a small-volume aquarium was given to you along with, then add it to some large aquarium as soon as possible, otherwise with almost 100% probability the forecast will come true that this fish will die within the next one or two months, and, most likely, much more earlier.

Perhaps, the optimal aquarium for a beginner would be a medium-sized aquarium, that is, 60-170 liters. In principle, if there is free space in the house and financial resources allow, then you can immediately buy a large aquarium of 250-500 or more liters. The larger the aquarium system, the more stable it works and the less hassle it is. But this is only when everything goes smoothly. Well, if there is a failure and you need to change 200-300 liters of water at once in a large aquarium, what should an inexperienced beginner do in this case? But the water also needs to be prepared - as a rule, it cannot be poured directly from the water supply in such quantities. To avoid failures, it is necessary to equip the aquarium with reliable and efficient, and therefore quite expensive, equipment (although it cannot guarantee complete well-being, since beginners sometimes make mistakes that even the most expensive and “smart” equipment cannot correct, and even the most efficient water conditioners). In a word, if you are not ready for large financial costs and labor feats, then best choice there will be a medium-sized aquarium. It is the easiest to maintain. But if you choose between 60 and 170 liters, then the latter option is better. Oddly enough, with an almost threefold difference in volume, these aquariums will occupy quite comparable space in the room. The choice of fish and plants that can be kept in 170 liters and design options are incomparably greater here.

Photo 3. One of the “gift” options: a cute mini-aquarium with a miniature lamp. If you put a goldfish in such a container, then only a plastic one (See photo below). Although... there are quite a few who want to imprison.

Photo 4. Live goldfish cannot live in miniature aquariums, no matter how aesthetically appealing the idea may be. Its implementation is possible only with the help of a plastic goldfish.

Photo 5. Of the normal living fish, only (Betta splendens) . The photo shows one of the still rare breeding forms: "double tail", or Siamese Fighter Double Tail.

Photo 6.
Photo 7. The volume of these aquariums is about 15 liters. They are equipped not only with a lamp, but also with a hanging external filter of the “Waterfall” type. Despite their small toy size, “waterfalls” effectively purify water and saturate it with oxygen. An aquarium with live plants (photo 6) is quite suitable for life small quantity small fish, such as various varieties, cardinals (photo 7), small rasbora species (photo 8). There is no dispute about tastes... and, nevertheless, an aquarium with live plants will create incomparable benefits for fish Better conditions and, unless the aquarist overloads it with fish, for a long time it will be beautiful. An aquarium with toy houses is an example of short-lived “beauty” and here’s why. A holy place, as you know, is never empty. If there are no living higher plants in the aquarium or there are few of them, then their place will immediately be taken. Soon they will cover all the decorations with unpleasant furry fouling. Therefore, if you succumbed to the persuasion of a child and suddenly bought such a “toy,” quickly plant living plants there. And what plants will not create problems for a beginner are described in. But I repeat once again: managing small aquariums is more difficult than managing medium ones.

Photo 8.

Photo 9.Cardinals (photo 7) and various types of small rasboras (photo 8 - Hengel's rasboras) can live quite happily even in very small aquariums, with a capacity of 10-20 liters.

Let's say a few words about the proportions of the aquarium. When choosing an aquarium, its aspect ratio turns out to be very important, and not only from the point of view of its aesthetic perception. This determines what fish and in what quantity can be kept in the aquarium. The most fish-intensive is an aquarium whose height does not exceed its width, although its name among aquarists is not very poetic - “trough”. However, in order to clearly understand what we're talking about, we will first need to agree on terms: what is considered the length, width and height of the aquarium? To do this, you need to look at photo 9.

Photo 10. Currently, it is customary to list the sides of an aquarium in the following order: length - l , width - d and height - h . Sometimes in publications on aquarium science the term “depth” of the aquarium is used. Moreover, the word “depth” most often means not the height at all, but the width of the aquarium, that is, the depth of perspective. A narrow aquarium will not allow you to create a composition with perspective inside, no matter how hard you try, and the picture will always turn out flat. In addition, many fish find narrow aquariums stressful.
The photo shows an aquarium of the PRO Aqua Plus series
with length
830 mm, width 450 mm and height including the cover-light 560 mm. This is a wide aquarium with an excellent perspective.

Photo 11. The wide aquarium effect in action. Design by Elena Mazurek. A beginner should not be confused by the word “Pro” in the name of this aquarium. In fact, in an aquarium with such proportions it is easy to create biological balance, it is easy to care for and keep a wide variety of fish in it. Fish feel great in such an aquarium. I recommend watching a living example of this. Click on photo to enlarge.

Do not buy an aquarium that is too narrow (a screen aquarium with a small distance between the front and back walls) - without special equipment it will be difficult to maintain the oxygen concentration necessary for the fish. The aquarium is too high (above 60 cm), even if it is wide enough (it is advisable that the width of the aquarium be at least⅔ from its height) will also create serious problems. They will be due to the fact that through such a thickness of water it will be quite difficult to illuminate the bottom brightly enough. Many aquarium higher plants will not be able to grow under these conditions, and lower algae (in this case -) will quickly cover the entire bottom with nasty brown growths. In addition, it is not so easy to plant plants in such an aquarium and clean the bottom. It is simply difficult to reach the bottom with your hand. In general, tall aquariums are not for beginners. Another important question that you need to decide for yourself in advance: what shape of aquarium to choose, because it can be not only rectangular, but also panoramic, angular, and even more intricate in shape.

When choosing the shape of an aquarium, decide what is more important to you: appearance aquarium or its contents. If the appearance, and the aquarium itself, is simply part of the interior of the room, and nothing more, then we can consider aquariums of the most different forms. But if the contents of the aquarium are more important, and you want to admire the underwater world without interference, then you should choose a classic aquarium rectangular shape. You can also choose a panoramic aquarium with a curved front glass (and not very much curved: see photo 12), but a hexagonal panoramic aquarium should be decisively rejected. This last design narrows the view and makes it difficult to perceive the entire composition created in the aquarium.
A corner aquarium allows you to squeeze it into the corner of the room, and if you can’t find another place, then you can agree with the choice of this shape. However, it is quite difficult to decorate a corner aquarium beautifully and organize a space in it that is convenient for fish to live in.

How and where should an aquarium be installed?

Before purchasing an aquarium, be sure to decide Where, And for what exactly You will put it. The simplest thing is to buy an aquarium along with a stand. Otherwise, you need to carefully prepare the place where it will be installed. Firstly, the table or bedside table must be strong enough and not deform under the weight of the aquarium. And this weight can be very, very significant. A hundred-liter aquarium with soil and equipment can weigh 150 kilograms, or even more. Aquarium soil is quite heavy! Secondly, the surface on which the aquarium can be placed must be absolutely flat, otherwise the bottom may crack. And yet, it is advisable to first lay on it some kind of elastic material that smooths out local unevenness: a rubber mat or a mat made of synthetic “foam”.

Photo 12. Correct installation of the aquarium. Aquariums can only be installed on a very flat surface, and shock-absorbing material must be laid between the aquarium and the tabletop. Aquariums with a volume of over 100 liters should be installed on a special aquarium stand.

Photo 13. Panoramic aquarium with stand and lid-light. Such a purchase (all assembled) will cause the least amount of hassle. The front glass of the aquarium is not curved too much, so the distortion of the picture of the underwater world is insignificant. Areas of the bottom covered with white soil look very impressive, but they will not remain so for long, as they will become overgrown with algae and will turn green or brown. You can keep the color unchanged only by adding fresh white primer. If you are ready to periodically remove overgrown soil and replace it with new one, then these aquarium design techniques are for you! And about choosing the right aquarium soil has been written. Read, a lot depends on the properties of the soil in the aquarium.

The aquarium should be placed no closer than a few meters from the window. But there may be many exceptions to this rule. It is only important that direct sunlight does not enter the aquarium for more than three hours a day and that when the room is ventilated, the water in the aquarium does not cool down significantly.Residents of the northern regions, placing an aquarium too close to the window, run the risk of encountering the difficult problem of water blooms when white nights arrive, when, due to microscopic green algae rapidly multiplying in the water, the water becomes unpleasantly cloudy and turns green. These algae love diffused, long-lasting light, while higher plants prefer relatively short (8 - 9 hours) daylight hours and bright lighting. If the aquarium is located near a window and the water in it persistently blooms, then the aquarium must be screened from excessive light. However, if there are no other options for placing the aquarium,then you can take a chance and put it by the window, because all problems can be solved. Also, you should not place the aquarium in close proximity to a steam heating radiator.

If you are still thinking about which aquarium to choose, then read on our forum: " "

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What is the correct aquarium?

More than 7 thousand people a month ask this question: “Which aquarium is the right one?”, “How to create it?”, “What is generally correct in aquarium farming and what is not?”

So let's try to understand this issue.

To begin with, let's define the concept - the right aquarium.

After all, you must admit that there are a lot of nuances and criteria for correctness: What shape should the aquarium be? What volume? With what fish? What should be in it and what shouldn’t be?

We think that in this matter we need to start from a certain constant, an aquarium is a closed ecosystem, an imitation natural conditions fish habitat.
From the above, we can make it simple that the CORRECT AQUARIUM is a body of water that is as close as possible to the natural habitat of the fish. That is, such an aquarium should have:
- all water parameters for a certain type of fish are met;
- the landscape and design of the aquarium should be as similar as possible to its natural habitat;
- there must be sufficient filtration, aeration, lighting;

Now, based on the definition, you can easily derive the main parameters

1. VOLUME OF AQUARIUM. Everything is obvious here - the larger the aquarium, the better! And this is not because you can show off a huge aquarium or it will look rich. No! Simply, the larger the ecosystem, the easier and better biological processes occur in it, such a system is easier to set up, and it is easier to care for such a system. We can say that such a system is more stable than in a small aquarium.
Many aquarists on the Internet give an example that in a small aquarium it is much more difficult to maintain stable water temperature than in a large aquarium. And it is true. What if we go even deeper?! We can say that in a small aquarium it is more difficult to adjust the water parameters, it is more difficult to maintain a colony of beneficial nitrifying bacteria, you need to remove and change the water more often, etc.
Alas, living space and financial constraints do not allow many people to acquire a large aquarium. But still, for a beginner aquarist, we can recommend an aquarium of 100 liters or more. So to speak, this is the initial volume of a proper aquarium.
2. AQUARIUM FORM. Here in this article - WHICH AQUARIUM IS BETTER, examples of various forms of an aquarium are given - there are countless of them. However, the most correct shape for an aquarium is rectangular. At the same time, you need to take into account the characteristics and characteristics of the fish.
The worst shape for an aquarium is considered to be round. Such an aquarium is not convenient for placing equipment, it is not easy to maintain, and the spherical glass itself distorts the image of the reservoir.

3. EQUIPMENT FOR AQUARIUM. Properly selected aquarium equipment is the key to success. The heater, aeration, filter, lighting must be of sufficient power and quality. Based on the characteristics of a particular aquarium and specific fish, you need to select equipment with certain specifics. For example, filters can be internal or external, multi-compartment or single-post, with or without a ceramic (biofiltration) compartment. For more information about filters, see the article - good filter for aquarium. The same applies, for example, to lighting. If there are plants in the aquarium, then the aquarium lamps must be of sufficient power and the required spectrum.

The habitat of fish varies. Some fish live in the thickets of Vallisneria, some live near rocky shores, some even live in standing water rice fields.
Therefore, when arranging a “proper aquarium”, first of all you need to start from the needs of the fish and their natural living conditions. For example:
Angelfish- These are South American cichlids that live in reservoirs with rapidly growing underwater and surface plants. That is why, as a result of centuries of evolution, the body of the angelfish has acquired a flat shape, so it is more convenient to swim among the “underwater forest”. Obviously the most the right design for an aquarium with angelfish, there will be an aquarium densely planted with a variety of vegetation, especially long-stemmed ones, tall plants, For example, Vallisneria.

Proper aquarium care

An aquarium is not a painting, hang it up and admire it. This daily care and care. It is difficult to call an aquarium correct if the fish are fed only with dry food and the aquarium plants are not fed with macro and microelements. Don’t forget about caring for the aquarium: changing the water, cleaning the walls of the aquarium, siphoning the soil, washing the filter, etc.
There are other nuances that indicate the correctness of the aquarium. For example, the presence of a UV sterilizer, ozonizer, cooling system or CO2 systems. Many aquarium devices can be made with your own hands, for example.

Based on the above, we can derive a certain formula

This is an aquarium from 100 liters, rectangular in shape.
With the right equipment.
The design and arrangement of a “proper aquarium” is as close as possible to the natural habitat of a particular species of fish.
In a proper aquarium, the rules of compatibility of aquarium fish are observed, water parameters and conditions for keeping aquatic organisms are controlled.
In the right aquarium, there is more specific equipment that improves the life of the fish.

And most importantly, aquarium keeping, and any other human activity, will always be correct - if it is done with love.

see also:

Fish aquariums come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, many of which require special installation and maintenance. A beautifully designed aquarium that fits well into the interior will complement your design and also emphasize the individual style and taste of the owner of the house.

When arranging a room, there is almost always an empty corner into which an aquarium would fit perfectly.

The corners of the room are usually darkened. It must be remembered that exposure to direct sunlight has a negative effect on the vegetation and inhabitants of the aquarium, so it is advisable to eliminate this phenomenon by choosing right place installation of an artificial reservoir.

Choosing a corner aquarium

Corner aquariums come with panoramic (convex) and straight (trapezoidal front view) glass. Panoramic glass distorts the actual size of the fish, and also glares during daylight hours at any viewing angle. Therefore, aquariums with panoramic glass are best installed in the very dark place rooms. When choosing with straight glass, you need to take into account the width of the edges - the narrower they are, the larger general form for review.

In a corner aquarium, the weakest point is the far seam, which is outside the viewing area. If there is a leak on it, it will be discovered at the very last moment. Accordingly, the aquarium and its seams must be of high quality, eliminating any leakage.

Accommodation and arrangement

The side walls of the aquarium are decorated with a background with various images or decorative walls on the inside according to the aquarist’s taste. All equipment (heater, aerator, filter, etc.) is hidden in the far corner, only the thermometer is installed in a place convenient for viewing.

Visually, the far lower corner seems lower and deeper than the bottom, so the soil (in fact, as in other types of aquarium) is laid in a slide with its thickness increasing from the view glass to back wall.

Plants are planted in the same way: small ones at first, and the largest ones towards the far walls. They will create a forest that will help hide all the equipment, which will bring the pond closer to the most natural appearance.

The aquarist selects the inhabitants according to his preferences.

Aquarium built into the wall

Installing an aquarium in the wall allows you to fully reveal its beauty and add originality to the design of the room.

Types, Types and Installation Precautions

Wall-mounted aquariums have views of one, two or three sides. If an aquarium is initially planned to be installed in the wall, then it is necessary to take into account the laying of power wires for aquarium equipment, water supply and drainage, as well as placement external filter. It is recommended to invite specialists in the arrangement of the reservoir so that they can make their corrections at the wall design stage. But you can build an aquarium into finished wall, taking into account its design. At self-installation It is worth considering that:

  • as the height of the aquarium increases, the load on its bottom increases, so the installation surface must be made of materials that do not shrink, bringing it to an ideal, horizontal plane (unevenness will lead to chips, and shrinkage will lead to distortions, as a consequence of a sharp decrease in service life);
  • installing an aquarium without a lining under the bottom is strictly prohibited, because due to the heavy load, any grain of sand can cause the glass to crack;
  • strength and reliability of the design for installation in plasterboard walls provide special welded metal structures;
  • At the top of the aquarium, space is allocated for equipment and its maintenance (at least 50 cm), which leads to an increase in the opening in the wall. The greater the height, the larger the technological gap should be.

Selecting fish for a successful review

When choosing inhabitants, it is necessary to take into account their lifestyle and behavior. So, if you have a through-flow freshwater aquarium, then it is better to choose fish that do not dig in the ground, because it will seem that the water in the aquarium is always cloudy.

When choosing sea fish, the water will always be clean and clear. Today's equipment makes their maintenance not very troublesome, and living corals and reefs will certainly attract the attention of guests and emphasize the beauty of the water landscapes.

Decorative aquarium with fish

The main purpose of decorative aquariums is to belong to the interior, i.e. it is not an ordinary jar of fish, but becomes an object of increased attention. If an ordinary aquarium is characterized by bringing the conditions of detention closer to the most comfortable existence of its inhabitants and, as a result, to reproduction, then decorative aquariums simply delight the eyes of those in the room.

Types of decorative aquariums

Decorative aquariums can be either small (from 1 l) or large (from 500 to 2000 l). Small ones have the shape of glasses, paintings, lamps, sneakers, TV, etc. Large or huge aquariums can be designed as living tables, portholes (if the room is decorated in the style of a ship), dog houses, etc. Moreover, huge decorative aquariums can be a bedroom, a room or a corridor. The decor inside brings them additional originality: driftwood, glass rock, design of the back wall in the form of a waterfall and other unique features.

In general, a decorative aquarium is, first of all, an unlimited flight of imagination. Designers are invited to design such an interior element. Decorative aquarium is made in a certain style: sunken Atlantis, an apartment reduced in size, a base on the surface of the moon, a forest clearing, etc.

When selecting fish, they are guided by color, various combinations of their shapes and sizes, without paying attention to relationship, origin and compatibility with various types plants. General recommendations on fish settlement:

  • It is better to keep schooling fish in a group;
  • you need to select fish of the same size;
  • It is advisable to make the number of species smaller and the number of individuals larger;
  • one large fish often looks less impressive than a school of small ones;
  • When keeping several species, the color of each of them is selected with maximum contrast.

When arranging a decorative aquarium, a black or dark background is used, which illusorily increases the depth. The soil is selected in dark colors, sometimes using bright shells and stones that stand out on it (it is not advisable to place freshwater elements in a marine aquarium and vice versa).

When caring for a decorative aquarium in the same way as for a regular aquarium, use necessary equipment- lighting, filter, aerator, thermostat, etc. Only it is very carefully hidden so that the aquarium looks as close as possible in appearance to a living area, pond or something else, according to the intended style.

Species aquarium

This type of aquarium is interesting for more experienced aquarists. Its presence implies the study of a specific species or several species of one genus of fish at all stages and stages of development of their life activity.

Design and creation of conditions for fish

  • selection of soil and plants according to conditions natural environment a habitat;
  • compliance with water parameters (density, acidity, etc.);
  • availability of good filtration and aeration.

When arranging, you need to take into account the nature of the inhabitants, living conditions (number of plants, driftwood, shelter or free space for swimming), and the brightness of the lighting. Feeding also needs to be organized according to the preferences of the living fish species.

Life activity and observations of the species

The behavior of fish in a species aquarium is very different from their behavior in general. Due to the absence of stronger competitors, they need to fear less for their safety, while they occupy the entire habitat. Relationships are clarified only between individuals of their own species.

If you take young specimens for stocking, you can observe the stages of formation of adult spawners from juveniles. The stages of sexual maturity (formation of secondary sexual characteristics, development, color change, etc.), birth or laying of eggs and the emergence of fry, growth of young animals and other components will become available only when maintaining a species aquarium.

Over time, fish can be distinguished individually by their physical characteristics (a speck here, a different fin there, etc.), as well as by their character. Many aquarium keepers, if they have children, give the fish names, and the children always correctly call the fish by name and perfectly distinguish it from other representatives of the same species in the aquarium.

The more an aquarist works with his fish, the better he understands them. Some species play with their fingers through the glass, others rub their backs against the fingers, recognize the owner, and know perfectly well the feeding time. These and many other observations will allow you to make only a species aquarium.

If you really want to have pets, and not just decoration, then this type of aquarium is perfect for these purposes.

Round fish aquarium

Round-shaped aquariums have been popular for more than 50 years; they look beautiful and fit into almost any interior - from a children's room to a business office.

Difficulties in choosing for an aquarist

  • small size of aquariums (from 1 to 50 l);
  • placement of equipment (filter, aerator, heater);
  • incorrect selection of inhabitants (many species of fish require much larger volumes).

Small volume aquariums have a fragile biosystem that needs to be consistently maintained to ensure optimal conditions living fish. Due to the small size of the container, the water quickly changes its parameters (due to the vital activity of the inhabitants). Balance can be successfully maintained with the help of aquarium equipment.

Basic principles when choosing equipment

Aquarium equipment must be selected specially for round aquariums, and it should not be bulky, occupying all the space in the sphere. In aquariums up to 15 liters it is better to keep shrimp or a frog.

It is worth installing a bottom filter, which will remove dirt from the water through the gravel, and further clean it with the help of a filter.

Lighting built into the lid (the lid will prevent fish from jumping out) is available to the entire habitat. The main thing is that it is not very bright, causing discomfort to the inhabitants of the aquarium. They try to hide the aeration near the filter or behind the plants (depending on the location of the reservoir in the room).

The choice of fish is the most important thing for a round aquarium

When selecting fish for a round aquarium, it is very important to know the required volume for a particular species adult and the minimum number of fish in a school (keeping group). The most common misconception about a round aquarium, which has become the dream of many novice aquarists, is keeping goldfish or angelfish in it.

The aquarium for goldfish should be at least 70 liters, and for angelfish - at least 100 liters, while the water column or height of the aquarium needs to be more than 45 cm. Of course, a goldfish can be kept in 10 liters, the only question is how long it you will suffer in agony until death. If you want to keep a goldfish, then purchase an aquarium of 100 liters or more. And don't worry about the large capacity. If you like the fish, you will soon have to purchase a much larger aquarium.

Some hobbyists say that their goldfish live up to three years. But they probably don’t know that the average lifespan of these beauties is up to 15 years, and long-livers delight their owners for about 20 years. Moreover, in a year with sufficient displacement gold fish grows up to 12 cm, and when small - no more than 4 cm.

It should be noted that leading manufacturers of aquariums and equipment offer a range of complete round aquariums, which already have a backlight, filter and thermostat. They are easy to maintain, and they also have the optimal parameters for fish life support devices.

Closed aquariums

When racing space weapons A number of studies have been carried out on systems that do not require external recharge. As a result, more than 20 years ago, aquariums with a closed ecological system appeared that did not require special equipment and care.

Description of the sea aquaworld

Currently, manufacturing companies offer closed aquariums in the shape of a ball, pyramid, amphora, and ellipsoid. The main inhabitants in them are shrimp (from one to three) and filamentous algae. The system is selected in such a way that algae produce oxygen through photosynthesis, and shrimp eat algae and produce carbon dioxide and various microelements necessary for green growth.

When creating a closed ecosystem, sea water is used. Watching shrimp is very entertaining. They pinch off algae and eat it, sometimes moving grains of sand. The color of the shrimp is red, but if they are frightened, they become transparent, and after a while they return to their permanent color.

The maximum lifespan of an aquaworld is 12 years, although the average is 5 years. Shrimp do not reproduce in a closed aquarium, although such cases have happened.

Terms of content

Room temperature and lighting are quite suitable for a closed aquaworld. This version of the aquarium can be found in children's rooms and offices. The algae should be green, and if it darkens and becomes closer to brown in color, you need to add light. You should also avoid direct sunlight on the aquarium so as not to cook the shrimp. Sometimes aquariums become overgrown with small cell algae. To remove them, use magnetic scrapers.

A useful video from which you will learn what aquariums you can buy in Russian stores today:

Some good advice will help beginners and even experienced fish lovers turn a boring glass box into a real aquarium, which is not just filled with plants, roots and stones, but filled with all this beautifully.

Number of plants in the aquarium.

The number of plants determines the purity of the water and the ecosystem of the aquarium as a whole. Their roots absorb mud particles, an excess of which may indicate a lack of green organisms. But too many plants are also not considered correct. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the fish will feel uncomfortable. Secondly, plants produce oxygen during the day and absorb it at night. This can lead to a lack of it in fish. Most the best option It is considered when plants occupy no more than one third of the area of ​​the aquarium. This is enough to maintain the ecosystem, while the fish will feel at ease.

Rules for placing plants in an aquarium.

Aquarists, when placing plants, primarily pursue a decorative goal. They want their underwater world to look as beautiful as possible. There are basic rules for placing plants in an aquarium. Among them:
- it is customary to place low plants in the foreground, medium-sized ones at the side walls and in the middle, and the tallest plants at the back wall.
- It is best to plant plants in a checkerboard pattern, not too close to each other. Then they will look most harmonious and natural.
- large plants It is better to plant them individually, and small bushes in groups. This is how they look best.
- it is best to choose plants for the aquarium that have similar needs for light, soil quality, water temperature, etc.

Rules for placing decorations in the aquarium.

When decorating an aquarium, one should not forget about the principle of minimalism. The main decoration of the underwater world is its inhabitants. And the function of the decorations is only to emphasize the beauty of the fish.
In an aquarium whose inhabitants are small, you should not place elaborate, bulky decorations, including piles of stones in the form of grottoes. Despite this, fish love shelter and need it. They especially like caves. They can easily be made from porous rocks or pebbles. At the same time, aquarists combine the useful and the pleasant: they decorate the aquarium and create reliable shelters for their pets. All decorations for an aquarium should look not only attractive, but also as natural as possible. At the same time, one should not forget about the convenience of the fish. The scenery should not embarrass them, much less injure them. Therefore, you should not place decorations with sharp edges, which could injure the fish.
You can also use pieces of wood or small driftwood as decorations. Stems of bamboo or reed will help create an exotic flavor. They are often used to create synthetic stones, driftwood, corals, and plants.


One of the old ideas - the so-called amphitheater - is that the front and middle areas provide free space for fish. Only low ground cover plants can be located in this zone, and driftwood and stones should be placed behind and along the edges. This filling is sometimes mockingly called a “dance floor.” It is known that there is a rule for creating scenery: they should not have repetitions and symmetries in the case when they imitate reality, because such techniques will seem artificial.

"Golden ratio"

Many people will not place a large rock in the center of the aquarium, but will place it on the right or left, oddly enough, but this is more balanced. The best position for perception is the ratio 1:1.618 (or the “golden ratio”). It is as follows: the segment must be divided into 2 parts so that the larger part relates to the smaller one, just as the entire segment relates to its larger part. All this seems complicated until you have a compass in your hands, i.e. the problem must be solved geometrically. There is a simpler proportion: 10:6, or even 8:5. In the latter case, you need to divide the distance into 16 equal parts and mark the point where the ten will be located.
With an aquarium width of 60 cm, the calculation looks like this: 60: 16 x 10 = 37.5. Thus, the calculation showed that a “strong point” is located 37.5 cm from the side wall. This point provides the most harmonious effect of the decorative element located in it. For an aquarium with a width of 80 cm, the calculation of the “golden proportion” looks like this: 80:16 x 10 = 50. Therefore, “the strong point lies 50 cm from the side wall. You can measure from any side, you can also mark all 4 points at the very beginning of work . But you shouldn’t occupy them all, as the decor will be overloaded. It is good to place bright, clear elements at “strong points”: stones, driftwood, and solitary plants.

The rule of "revitalizing contrast"

There are other rules for decorating aquariums, for example, the rule of “revitalizing contrast”. According to this rule, a large solitaire plant should be planted in the rear left corner of the aquarium, and the front right corner should be emphasized with several small plants, you can also add a couple of small roots or stones here.

"Leiden Street"

There are also much newer specific tricks for decorating aquariums. One of them is a group created from stem plants. This composition was called “Leiden Street”. The plants in this case are arranged in a narrow group, directed backwards and at the same time rising. The plants used here are Saururuscernuus, although other species are also suitable. “Leiden Street” will bring a lot of trouble, since it will have to maintain a strict shape, the plants will have to be trimmed weekly, and new plants will also have to be planted.
An important principle when decorating an aquarium in this way is the direction, or more precisely, the direction of view. The best thing to do when starting to decorate is to sit in your favorite chair and look at the empty aquarium. Let the groups of plants go to the back wall along a conventional straight line (line of sight), and not crookedly; in this case, there is a feeling of depth, which is an optical illusion, but which is very effective in small aquariums, where this depth is chronically lacking. Although, if decorated inappropriately, even a very large aquarium can look like a flat display case.

N.B. It is clear that to decorate an aquarium it is not enough to plant several plants at “strong points”. It will inevitably be necessary to expand the botanical scope, but we must remember that too large a herbarium, consisting of different species, resembles a vegetable garden. To suppress the growth of algae, at the very beginning of the design you need to choose plants that grow quickly, they will suppress the algae. They will have to be replaced later. Echinodorus, which quickly produce leaves, are also good to start with.
Filters, sponges and heaters, often painted in inappropriate colors, are best hidden behind plants. It is also good to use plants and roots to hide straight lines and angles, so uncharacteristic of nature. Gradually, an understanding will come of what is more suitable: smooth transitions or sharp contrasts; which plants go best together? Films and photo albums with species of fish’s native places are very helpful in design, because nature is always the best example.
