How to replace a double-glazed window with a plastic window. How to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, video. How to insert plastic windows correctly

Possible damage to glass in a plastic window:

  • Crack,
  • Skol,
  • Through hole.

First aid

Crack or chip in glass unit
If the glass unit has received minor damage and the integrity of the structure is not compromised, try not to use the window sash with damaged filling. This will avoid further destruction of the glass unit. However, in order to use the window properly, broken glass must be replaced.

Through hole - a hole in a double-glazed window
In some cases, double-glazed windows may be damaged through and through. In this case, the first thing you need to do is attach to the window, for example, with tape, a piece of cardboard or other material that prevents the penetration of air from the street - which is especially important in the cold season, and begin the process of replacing the broken glass unit as quickly as possible.

How to replace broken glass in a plastic window

For those who value time and want to entrust the work to professionals, we offer the service of professional replacement of double-glazed windows in apartment and country house windows.

If desired, you can replace the glass unit yourself. Next we offer detailed instructions.

Important: The double-glazed window changes completely: the individual glasses within the double-glazed window do not change, as they are glued together.

Instructions for replacing a broken glass unit yourself

Steps for replacing broken double-glazed windows

  1. Measure the glass unit
  2. Make a new double-glazed window to replace the broken one
  3. Install a new double glazed window

To replace a double-glazed window, perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Remove the beads holding the broken glass unit. First long, then short. To pry, use a flat, sharp object - a spatula or knife.
  2. Carefully remove old double glazing. Make sure that the linings that spread it out and on which it rests are not lost.
  3. Install a new double glazed window. Spread it open with pads. How to do this correctly - see GOST 30674 Window blocks made of PVC profiles.
  4. Install the glazing bead in place: first the short ones, then the long ones. Use a hammer with a special “soft” tip to avoid accidentally damaging the glass.
  5. Dispose of the old glass unit.

Cost of a new double glazed window

The replacement of ordinary wooden windows with plastic ones was carried out almost everywhere. Indeed, new window units do an excellent job of retaining heat inside the apartment and protecting from street noise, but, as in the case of the “previous generation,” problems occur with double-glazed windows, the solution of which sometimes requires partial or complete replacement of this element.

Thus, there is often a need to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window. To solve the problem, it is not necessary to completely change the glass unit in a plastic window - just remove the damaged element and install new glass. You can do this yourself or hire specialists from a company that installs window systems.

If the owners decide to engage a company, it should be borne in mind that in most cases Replacing glass alone will cost about the same price as installing a new double-glazed window, and therefore glass should be replaced with the involvement of professional installers only in the following cases:

  • if it needs to be replaced stained glass;
  • if you need to change the glass in a multi-chamber (triple or more) package;
  • when the inner glass is damaged, and the outer glass is a particularly durable and expensive triplex.

Instructions for replacing glass at home

To replace broken glass in a PVC or aluminum window frame package yourself, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Remove the defective glass unit from the window frame. To do this, you must first remove the glazing beads by prying them up with a sharp and durable tool: a knife, a chisel, a screwdriver. Dismantling begins from the side surfaces, then the lower and upper beads are removed. At this moment, it is advisable to involve another person who can insure the technician against an accidental fall of a double-glazed window.
  2. Lay the material out on a flat surface and place the glass unit on it with the damaged glass facing up.
  3. Cut the sealant around the perimeter of the broken glass and detach it from the overall package. For double ones, a cut is made in the middle; for packages with a large number cameras - carefully separate one glass without affecting the lower layers.
  4. Clean off any remaining sealant and wipe the surface of the entire glass using a special product.
  5. Cut the new material exactly to size - it is advisable to entrust this process to professionals.
  6. Apply a thin layer of sealant around the perimeter of the base and install the glass on it.
  7. The joint should also be filled with sealant to completely eliminate the occurrence of voids.
  8. Insert the finished double-glazed window into the base, performing fastening in the reverse order.

Instructions for replacing glass units

In order to change a double-glazed window in a PVC window, it is not necessary to invite craftsmen and spend money on paying for their labor. It is quite possible to replace a double-glazed window in a plastic window with your own hands. Any owner can handle this simple task himself if he follows the following sequence of actions:

  1. you need to start with the selection of tools;
  2. Next, the dimensions of the package are taken;
  3. a new design is ordered;
  4. the damaged package is removed and a new one is installed in its place;
  5. adjustment is made.

Materials and tools

To replace an old double-glazed window with a new one, you will need the following tools:

  • yardstick;
  • calipers;
  • rubber mallet;
  • flathead screwdriver or strong spatula;
  • pure matter, the size of which is larger than a glass unit.

Measuring and ordering a new double-glazed window

To find out the dimensions of a double-glazed window, it is enough to find a marking on the spacer frame indicating the height, width and thickness of the package, as well as information about the quantity and thickness of each element. If the information cannot be found, you will have to do the measurements yourself.

The easiest way is to measure the dismantled double-glazed window, but in this case you will have to put up with the window opening covered with plastic film for some time while the new glass is being prepared and the double-glazed window is being restored.

To take measurements without dismantling the package, you will need to take measurements between the profile of the sashes: you need to measure the distance from the outer edge of the bead on one side to the outer edge of the bead on the other. It is necessary to subtract 20 mm from the result obtained, since an adjustment gap of 10 mm is provided on each side.

The parameters that have a significant impact on the operation of a double-glazed window include the ratio of glass thickness and the gap between adjacent glasses (chamber thickness). If these values ​​were not found on the frame, you will need to remove them yourself. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Use a tape measure to measure the thickness of the profile;
  2. Measure the thickness of the inner and outer bead;
  3. Subtract the thickness of the glazing bead from the value of the profile thickness and get the thickness of the double-glazed window. Next, based on the number of chambers, find the distance between the glasses, taking into account that glass units with a thickness of 4 mm are usually used in double-glazed windows.

Removing old double glazing

Removing a glass unit from a frame is not particularly difficult even for a novice craftsman. For dismantling to be successful, you must follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Before starting work, you need to seal the broken glass with tape to avoid injury during dismantling.
  • Lay out the material on the floor or table.
  • Remove glazing beads using a knife, screwdriver or wide chisel. Since long slats are easier to remove, you need to start with them (for window frames these are the side surfaces, for transoms - horizontal). The top bead is the last to be removed: it serves as insurance against falling glass. It is necessary to pry the glazing bead in the middle part and, using the tool as a lever, lift it, pulling it out from the fastening point.

If you can’t pry the glazing bead off, you can use a rubber mallet to slightly knock down the chisel. In this way, you need to achieve a gap of 1–2 mm along the entire length of the bead, after which you can remove it by prying it with a tool and grabbing it with your fingers.

  • If the edges of the glass unit are strongly stuck to the frame, you need to pry them off with a sharp and hard object.
  • Transfer the dismantled package to the fabric.
  • To make it easier to dispose of an old bag, you can break it into smaller parts and, wrapping the fragments in cloth, throw them into a container.

Installing new glass and adjusting

To install a new double-glazed window you need:

  • Check how well the outer seal holds.
  • Place the straightening plates on the rebate - a special place for placing the package, located along the perimeter of the frame. In different window systems, the number of plates may differ, so when dismantling you need to write down how many there were and in what places in order to arrange new ones according to this pattern.

  • Install the glass unit on the gaskets. The work must be done carefully and accurately, since it will be impossible to correct the position of the package in the future.
  • Place the inner seal around the perimeter of the bag.
  • Secure the structure with glazing beads. Installation of glazing beads is carried out in reverse order: first - top, then - bottom, then - side. When the glazing bead is properly fixed, you can hear a click.

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows

Some window designs have features that should be taken into account before replacing the glass unit.

In a wooden frame

The nuance of a wooden frame for installing double-glazed windows lies in the method of fastening the glazing beads. The glazing beads themselves look normal, but instead rubber seal sealant is used in wooden windows.

When dismantling the package, remove the glazing beads and then remove the old sealant. The installation procedure, on the contrary, begins with the application of sealant, after which the glazing beads are installed.

In stained glass

From the instructions described above, it is clear how to change ordinary glass in a double-glazed window; however, you will not be able to replace stained glass yourself for the following reasons:

  • often stained glass windows are installed with outside, therefore, to dismantle the package with a stationary sash, you will have to hire a tower or use scaffolding;
  • high-quality replacement of glass in a double-glazed window is possible only in a stationary workshop;
  • color selection also needs to be done in the workshop to avoid tonal differences between adjacent glasses in the frame.

Is it possible to increase the number of cameras?

Replacing a double-glazed window in a plastic window is a good reason to think about increasing the number of cameras in the window, but here several conditions must be met:

  1. The size of the fold should allow the installation of a package from more glass
  2. The quality characteristics of the fittings installed on the window block and on the profile itself must correspond to the new load: the weight of additional glass can significantly increase the pressure on the frame.

These conditions are important both when installing a two-chamber package instead of a single-chamber one, and when changing a two-chamber package to a three-chamber one. Taking into account the degree of strength of the profile and fittings in the first case is much more important than in the second, since the weight of a package with three chambers is only a quarter greater than the weight of a two-chamber package, and the weight of a two-chamber package is almost twice that of a single-chamber package.

The discrepancy between the width of the rebate and the width of the new package can be eliminated by selecting a narrower bead, and internal reinforcing aluminum plates can be used to strengthen the frame profile.

You won't be able to do all the calculations yourself. Therefore, when a window breaks and the owner has a desire to improve the package when replacing it, it is better to trust the professionals and order this service from the company.

How much does a double-glazed window replacement service cost on average in the market?

The cost of services for replacing or repairing double-glazed windows is quite high, but we must take into account the fact that it is not profitable for craftsmen to go out for “penny” repairs. On average, companies that install PVC windows charge for replacing broken double-glazed windows from 2500 to 4500 rubles per sq.m.

This cost most often includes delivery. If you need to replace glass in a double-glazed unit, you need to be prepared for an amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles per sq.m. excluding the cost of material and delivery of glass to the customer.

Video on the topic

There are two reasons for replacing glass: its mechanical damage or initially incorrect installation of the product, as a result of which the tightness of the window system is lost - its key property, without which the design loses its meaning.

Loss of tightness is not always indicated by obvious signs. The presence of a defect can be determined by the following signs:

  1. By a sudden decrease in air temperature in the room and the presence of a draft.
  2. On foggy windows.
  3. On glass that freezes in the cold season.
  4. By increasing the noise level in the room.

A thorough visual inspection can reveal poor-quality installation, the presence of cracks, through holes or poor quality material.

Note! If even a minimal defect associated with a violation of the system’s tightness is detected, you should not postpone repairs, since subsequently the entire structure may need to be replaced along with the profile, and this is a more significant cost.

Prices for seals for plastic windows

Sealant for plastic windows

Modern MPO manufacturers offer various ways to improve the plastic window structure:

  1. By replacing a single-chamber glass unit with a double-chamber one, you can increase the thermal insulation properties of the system.
  2. Anti-resonance double glazing increases sound insulation in the room and prevents increased external noise due to resonance.
  3. Using energy-saving designs, you can retain heat indoors.
  4. More reliable protection provided through the use of Triplex glass.


The process of replacing a double-glazed window yourself involves performing several steps:

  1. Freeze. Performed for the manufacture of new double-glazed windows.
  2. Dismantling the damaged element.
  3. Installation of a new double-glazed window.

For each of these stages, it is important to be careful in work and adhere to technology. Working with glass requires compliance with safety precautions.

Taking measurements

The first thing you need to do is take the measurements correctly. The dimensional accuracy of the new product depends on this. The following measurements are made using a tape measure:

  1. The overall dimensions of the glass unit are its height and width.
  2. The thickness of the glass unit is measured as accurately as possible, down to a millimeter.
  3. Air chamber width (distance between glass panes).

The parameters of the arched glass are determined using a template made of cardboard or thick paper.

Table 1. Taking measurements

The dismantling of a double-glazed window begins with the removal of glazing beads and PVC linings (plates). To remove glazing beads, use a chisel, spatula, or other sharp flat tool. First of all, the side elements are removed, and then the lower and upper ones.
A special spatula is used to remove the linings.
To measure the height and width of the glass unit, carefully tilt it.
Having removed the glass unit from the grooves, measure its thickness, consisting of the thickness of the glass and the air chambers between them.

After measurement, the product is inserted back and fixed using linings and beads. The production of double-glazed windows according to the measurements provided is carried out by companies offering MPO installation services. If you are not sure that you can take the dimensions yourself, then it is better to contact a specialized company that will provide a measurer and carry out subsequent installation of the product. In this case, the company will be responsible for the work done. If the measurements are taken independently, and the manufactured product does not fit as it should, then you will have to pay extra for the rework. Therefore, the sizing step must be approached responsibly.

How to properly dismantle a double-glazed window

When installing a new double-glazed window, the old one must be dismantled. The design of the plastic window system is such that the glass unit is fixed to the frame using special profile elements - glazing beads.

The plastic strip is hollow inside - it also has a practical purpose, and not just a decorative one, due to the air chamber.

On the outside, the glazing bead has a different profile, creating a decorative appearance window design.

Note! To avoid confusing the previous location after installing the new glass, it is recommended to make marks on their surface. Otherwise, you may end up with noticeable gaps.

To work you need to use the following tools:

  1. Rubber hammer.
  2. Rake as a lever, thickness from 5 to 8 mm.
  3. With a knife or thin spatula.

You need to start by removing vertical elements. This is done by placing the blade of a knife or spatula between the frame and the bead. Gently tapping with a rubber hammer, the tip is driven slightly deeper. Then, the bead is bent, applying minimal force, and pulled out of the seat.

After the side beads are removed, remove the lower and then the upper element. When removing the last bead, the glass unit must be supported.

After removing the bead, remove the seal located around the perimeter of the glass.

In addition to the glazing beads, the double-glazed window in the window opening is held in place by PVC spacer plates - they are installed between the window block and the frame. They are pulled out at the same time as the glass unit.

It is necessary to remove the glass unit carefully by tilting it. If the dimensions of the product are large, then it is better to do it together.

Taking out window unit, wear gloves to prevent the glass from slipping out of your hands.

The process of installing a new double-glazed window

At the final stage, a new double-glazed window is installed. At correct installation the room will become warmer and quieter. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order - no new tools or manipulations are required.

Before installing a new unit, the frame must be inspected for contamination.

Before installing the block itself, it is necessary to correctly distribute the folding and leveling inserts inside the frame.

Seam inserts snap to the frame around the perimeter.

In order for the plate to fit correctly, it is better to place it at an angle on the folded liner, and after installing the double-glazed window, tuck it in.

The block is installed at an angle of 45 degrees, resting on the lower plates, then placed completely in the sash opening.

The top bead is fixed. To ensure that it fits tightly into place, it is tapped with a rubber hammer.

To facilitate the installation of a short bead, cutouts are made in the center of the element in its invisible part to reduce the rigidity of the product and make it more flexible.

If the length of the beads is less than 400 mm, installation is carried out sequentially around the perimeter, starting with the short element.

At the final stage, when the operation of the sash is checked, glazing beads are installed. The bottom element is installed last.

After installation, you need to make sure that the structure fits tightly into the frame and the sashes function correctly. They are adjusted if necessary.

Replacing damaged glass

Sometimes you may not need to purchase a new double-glazed window. For example, if one glass is damaged, but the second is intact. In this case, it is enough to make the replacement yourself.

A double-glazed window consists of two or three glasses with an air chamber between them. They are separated by an aluminum frame with silica gel inside, which acts as a molecular sieve. Often the thickness of the glass is 4 mm, and the width of the chamber between them is 1.6 cm. The glass is fixed to the frame using butyl sealant.

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the block from the frame, remove the sealant and measure the dimensions of the glass, including its thickness.

Table 2. Instructions for replacing glass

The glass unit is removed from the frame and placed with the damaged side up on a soft substrate.
To make the black sealant holding the glass easier to cut away, the block is left in the room to reach room temperature. The work is carried out using a stationery or construction knife.
Damaged glass is carefully separated from the structure. Clean the remaining sealant around the perimeter using a sharp spatula or knife.
The surface of the aluminum frame is degreased. Silicone is applied on top.
New glass is installed on the frame.
The glass is lightly pressed around the perimeter and left for about 1.5 hours.
After this, silicone is applied in a circle along the end of the block in the area where the new glass is fixed. The product is left for a day.
The block is installed in the previously described way: first, the lower liners and linings are laid, the block is installed, the side and top spacer liners are fixed, and the beads are mounted.

Temporary conservation

If one glass is damaged and there is no through hole in the block, then a crack will occur while it is being manufactured. new element, must be preserved. This will help temporarily reduce heat loss in the room, prevent drafts and reduce noise levels.

To do this, use a transparent sealant specially designed for use with glass. With its help, the crack will not grow further. Apply the composition twice, maintaining a technological break of 2-4 hours. Detailed information on working with the material is indicated on the packaging.

Prices for silicone sealant for windows

Silicone sealant

You can also use optical glass glue, which will strengthen the crack and prevent it from spreading further.

As practice shows, independently replacing a double-glazed window does not cause difficulties, provided that the basic technological requirements are met. It doesn't take much time to work. Not counting the drying time of the sealant, the entire job will take an average of 2 hours.

To ensure installation goes quickly and efficiently, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Work is carried out in daylight or high-quality artificial lighting.
  2. Sometimes it is not possible to remove the entire block if, for example, it is severely damaged. To simplify the process of cleaning up fragments and to prevent damage to the floor covering, old fabric is laid on the floor, which is then thrown away. The rags cannot be used in the future, as small glass fragments may become stuck in the fibers.
  3. If it is necessary to remove splinters from the block structure, it is recommended to use a rubber hammer, which does not produce as many splinters. This tool will be useful later when installing glazing beads.
  4. If the glass is large, it is better to call an assistant.
  5. It is not recommended to touch the glass with bare hands. There are special suction cups for this.
  6. If one glass is being replaced, then before applying it to the frame treated with sealant, the remaining initially solid glass is wiped well, removing fingerprints and other contaminants from its surface.
  7. Before installation, a new double-glazed window must be inspected for defects, so that later you do not have to redo everything again.
  8. During work it is necessary to observe safety precautions. If splinters are likely to form, you must effectively protect your hands and face.

A crack in the glass is not a reason to spend a lot of money on a new product. You can limit yourself to minor repairs to window system continued to function as normal.

How to adjust plastic windows to winter mode- This frequently asked question among users. Let's look at ways to independently adjust windows to protect yourself from drafts and extraneous sounds.

Prices for stepladders


Video - Sequence of actions when replacing double-glazed windows in a plastic window

Video - How to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window yourself

With the emergence innovative technologies ordinary residents were given the opportunity to equip their homes with great comfort, comfort and warmth. Plastic windows play a significant role in this process. Finally, we can get rid of wooden windows, which dry out in the summer, dry out in the winter, do not retain heat well and become sources of drafts.

Double-glazed window modern type has absolutely no listed disadvantages. It is durable, strong, safe for human body, has a beautiful and attractive appearance. PVC windows will delight you with their functionality for a long time, but with only one condition: installation of double-glazed windows must be carried out in accordance with GOST and compliance with all the nuances and rules of installation technology. How to install plastic windows correctly if you have never done this before?

Trying to install double-glazed windows yourself is quite problematic, especially if you live in multi-storey building. This will require a mountaineer's skill, which you won't have. Therefore, the easiest way out is to hire specialists. But even if workers come to you who deserve numerous good reviews, who have recommendations, you should check that they are installing your window correctly. And for this you need to know the main points of installing plastic windows, which you must control on your part.

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Features of cladding MDF walls panels can be found in this article. Professional advice craftsmen will help you get the job done faster and better.

How do double-glazed windows work?

A modern double-glazed window installed in a metal-plastic window - quite a complex device. consisting of several parts.

The heat and sound insulating properties, the procedure for repairs and the possibility of replacing it with a double-glazed window of a different design depend on its design. Taking all this into account, let's try to understand its design.

Double-glazed window- this is a product consisting of two, three or four sheets of glass, which are connected along the contour by spacer frames using internal and external sealing composition. The spacer frames are glued to the glass sheets with a layer of internal sealant, and the ends of the glass are additionally sealed with external sealing mastic.

Inside the aluminum profile from which each spacer frame is made contains silica gel granules that absorb water vapor from the space between the glasses. Hermetic chambers between glass sheets are filled with air or argon.

Thus, by the number of air spaces between the glasses double-glazed windows are:

  • single-chamber (two glasses with an air chamber between them);
  • two-chamber;
  • three-chamber (four glasses with three chambers for cold northern regions).

Double-glazed window area makes up approximately 80% of the area of ​​the entire window, so 4/5 of the heat and sound insulating properties of the entire structure depend on it. The properties of the structure can be changed not only by increasing the number of chambers, but also by changing the properties of the glass.

Ordinary window glass with a thickness of 4 mm is designated by the symbols M1. The symbols K and I denote glass with hard and soft low-emissivity coatings, respectively. Replacing one glass in a package with type K or I glass reduces heat loss by approximately 1.6–1.8 times. In summer, such windows absorb bright sunlight better, reducing the air temperature in the room.

Improve thermal insulation it is possible in another way. If you widen the gap between the glasses, heat loss also decreases. If you replace a regular double-glazed window with an expanded one with low-emissivity glass, the heat loss will decrease by about half.

This article will help you answer the question: which parquet to choose.

And in this article about grounding a private house.

Is it possible to change

When replacing a damaged double-glazed window, in many cases it becomes possible to change the number of cameras in it.

Single-chamber double-glazed window to double-chamber

Replacing a single-chamber window glazing with a double-chamber one is possible if two conditions are met:

1. The width of the sash rebate allows the installation of a double-chamber double-glazed window. There are two options here:

  1. a package of three glasses is the same in width as a single-chamber one - no problems arise;
  2. the new package is wider, but due to the narrower bead (you will have to buy new ones) it fits into the sash.

2. The window profile and fittings can withstand the weight of a heavier sash (increases by approximately 30%). If it is necessary to reinforce the reinforcing plate inside the profile, it is easier to change the entire window. If the problem is only in the loops, they change.

Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to carry out such a replacement yourself.

Two-chamber double-glazed window to three-chamber

A triple-glazed unit is installed instead of a double-glazed unit under the same conditions as given above. The only difference is that the three-chamber package is only 25% heavier than the two-chamber package, which in many cases does not require strengthening the frame profile.

What is a double-glazed window and why should you resolutely refuse the services of some repairmen?

If there is even the slightest suspicion that they are trying to impose a service on you, the result of which will be the replacement of damaged glass on the spot, resolutely send such craftsmen out. They will not be able to ensure proper sealing of the package, as a result of which the windows will “cry” and freeze in winter.

One ordinary glass can be replaced only when the following remains intact:

  • energy saving glass;
  • glass with a special or exclusive coating, one of several windows in an apartment or house.

The glass will not be replaced on site, but during the production of a new double-glazed window. In addition, if it comes to replacement, take into account the shortcomings of the previous product and think about what improvements would be useful in your case.

The glass in the window can be energy-saving, sun-protective, anti-vandal (high strength) or even bulletproof. There can be different glasses in one double-glazed unit. For example, the outer glass will protect from the hot rays of the sun in summer, the inner one will be energy-saving, and ordinary glass can be installed in the middle. There are fireproof glasses that can withstand significant temperature increases.

Removing old double glazing

It is important! Dismantling begins by removing the glazing beads in a certain order.


  • plastic hammer or mallet,
  • roulette,
  • curved special knife(for silicone in wooden frames Oh),
  • wooden (plastic), chisel, or regular spatula
  • marker, pencil.

When a new double-glazed window is manufactured and delivered, the broken one needs to be dismantled. Masking tape placed on the frame will help protect it from scratches. First of all, you need to remove the glazing beads. A corner of a chisel (you can use a plastic ruler) or spatula is inserted into the gap between the frame and the bead. Having slightly tilted the chisel towards the frame, you need to lightly tap on the handle of the tool, increasing the gap. When it moves, remove it from the groove.

Mark the beads by removing them and then putting each one back in its place. Don’t forget to carefully collect the gaskets from under the glass and also mark them so that you can then install them exactly where they were. They regulate the structure, ensuring its rigidity.

The order in which the beads are removedso that the package does not “fly” out of the frame:

  • left first
  • then right
  • then the lower one
  • the top one is always the last one so that the glass unit does not fall out of the frame.

Next comes the installation of a new double-glazed window. First, place the gaskets on the frame in the required order. Then the double-glazed window and sealing rubber. Carefully inspect the window before finally installing the glazing beads, make sure that the rubber is pressed tightly against the glass unit and that the gaskets are not visible from under it (their displacement may disrupt the geometry of the window). Place the beads in the reverse order: top, then bottom, then vertical.

Finish the installation, again, with glazing beads, only in the reverse order

The glazing beads are slammed using a plastic hammer (or mallet), it is better not to use a regular hammer, the likelihood that the glass will break is too high

Be careful not to damage it. Movements should not be strong and careful, from top to bottom

First insert one corner of the bead, then the second. The bead will bend, it is “slammed” without hitting the middle part too hard.

Replacement of glass unit in aluminum profile produced in the same way as in plastic frame with the difference that the internal glass seals are installed after the glazing beads are put in place. Some aluminum profiles use a brush seal,

The most difficult thing to do is replace a double-glazed window in a wooden window. It is difficult to remove old glass from such frames. It is filled with silicone around the perimeter. When installing windows, glazing beads are nailed with nails without heads and, in addition, they are glued around the perimeter with sealant. You must first cut the sealant with a utility knife, pull the glazing bead away from the sash, and carefully remove it, as the wood may break.

If you have mastered the double-glazed windows, then it won’t cost you anything to install a shower stall.

And then start creating a dressing room.

We got a taste for it and decided to continue the renovation, find out

The new double-glazed window is installed in place of the old one, wedged and fixed in the same way as in a plastic frame. Glazing beads, if they are broken, need to be replaced by installing them: on nails, sealed with silicone. When painting a window, you do not need to paint over the fittings and sealing rubber. Seal them with masking tape.

Replacing double-glazed PVC windows in a company can cost from 3 to 8 thousand rubles. Repair of other types of windows (wood, wood-plastic, aluminum, wood-aluminum) will cost more. Take care of your double-glazed windows so as not to replace them.

Repair and replacement of old double-glazed windows with new ones

From all of the above, we found out that modern double-glazed windows are a rather complex design. And it will not be possible to replace one damaged glass with another, preserving the integrity of the entire window, otherwise you can break its seal. Therefore, repair and replacement of a double-glazed window can be carried out by dismantling the damaged one and installing a new one.

A new double-glazed window must be ordered from the company that installed your metal-plastic windows. Order execution is usually carried out within several days.

Attention! In order to order glass, you need to know the dimensions of your double-glazed windows (they are indicated in the documents during installation, if the measurements window openings performed by a window company specialist).

Measuring is quite easy, but requires special attention procedure.

You need to measure the width and height of the entire window opening and subtract 1 cm from the resulting dimensions.: This is done to provide clearance for deformation.

Thanks to the gap, in the future it will be possible to adjust the double-glazed window without unnecessary difficulties, thereby further extending its service life.

Don't miss out on something important

In general, replacing a double-glazed window is not as scary as you initially think. The procedure will take a couple of hours (excluding drying of the sealant). The main thing is to wait for the glass unit to be manufactured. Here are some useful tips that will definitely come in handy when replacing:

  • make replacements during daylight hours - if the panel breaks, the fragments will be in your field of vision;

    It is better to replace glass in a plastic window during the day, then all inaccuracies will be visible immediately

  • when replacing at the breaking stage, be sure to lay something under the structure, preferably fabric. Let it be an old sheet that you don’t mind throwing away later. Further use of the product for its intended purpose is undesirable.
  • It is better to break glass when replacing it with a rubber hammer - it produces much less fragments. It is also convenient and quick for them to put glazing bead parts in place.
  • Call an assistant to replace it if the glass itself is very large and it is extremely difficult to hold it alone.
  • Try to touch the glass as little as possible with your bare hands - only touch the edge protected with tape and use special suction cups to hold the system.
  • Before replacing, carefully inspect the “fresh” glass to see if it has any cracks, bulges, or holes. If there is even the slightest suspicion of imperfection, refuse the installation so as not to have to redo it again in a month.
  • Your own safety should come first - do not work with the frame suspended, be sure to protect your face and body from small fragments.
  • If one of the cameras on a two-chamber or three-chamber glass breaks, you will have to replace the entire glass, otherwise the structure will quickly break again.

Replacing a single-chamber double-glazed window with a double-chamber one

This question arises if the thermal insulation of a single-chamber double-glazed window is insufficient. Having studied the relationship between the number of cameras and heat retention, the apartment owner seeks to install a window with two or three cameras. However, multi-chamber packages are usually thicker, so you have to install them with a new frame and pay accordingly. Is it possible to avoid unnecessary expenses in such cases?

If you carefully study the standards for plastic windows, you will notice that single-chamber double-glazed windows come in regular (24 mm thickness) and extended (32 mm thickness). But there are also two-chamber packages with a thickness of 32 mm. Additional glass is installed in the middle of such a package, and the total space between the glasses is reduced from 24 mm to 20 mm.

Thus, it is not at all necessary to replace a damaged single-chamber double-glazed window with the same number of cameras. It can be replaced with a two-chamber one of the same thickness, reducing heat loss by almost 40%, and new frame it won't be needed. But this can only be done if windows with extended single-chamber double-glazed windows were first installed.

The replacement technology is the same. If additional thermal insulation is not enough for such a replacement, you can order a double-glazed unit of the same thickness with one K- or I-glass. Heat loss will be halved.

And here you will learn how to trim window slopes.

Here you will find many more informative articles about the safety of your home.

Measuring the installed glass unit

Many people believe that in order to measure an old double-glazed window, it must be removed from the opening, but this is not so. There is a technique for determining dimensions without dismantling it, and the essence of this technique comes down to the fact that we need to measure the distances between the boundaries of the beads, which will give us the basis to calculate required dimensions. You can familiarize yourself with the location of the measurement locations by looking at the figure.

The red arrows indicate the places where you need to measure the width and height of the glass unit that requires replacement. After taking these measurements, all you have to do is simply subtract 1.5 centimeters from each result. These will be the finished dimensions of our package.

In other words, if, according to the measurement results between the points indicated in the figure, you get a height of 100 cm and a width of 50 cm, then you need a new bag with dimensions of 98.5x48.5 cm for replacement.

So, we have decided on the dimensions and they brought you a new double-glazed window, which you want to install yourself, and the first thought that arises in your head is, what tools will you need? And you will need very little, namely, rubber hammer And chisel which you probably have in your toolbox, or someone you know probably has.

Main scope of work

What do we need for work?

First of all, prepare the following:

  • New double glazing.
  • Spatula or thin chisel.
  • Plastic plates (specially designed for PVC windows).
  • Other additional elements (linings, seal, etc. - depends on the manufacturer).
  • Gloves and glasses.
  • Rubber hammer.

Removing old double glazing

First, we remove the damaged element. This is done in the following sequence:

  • We place a spatula (chisel) between the bead and the frame.
  • Lightly hit it with a mallet. This will increase the gap between these elements.
  • We take out the glazing bead. Such procedures will need to be repeated three times (for each side). When you reach the last bead, hold the glass as it may fall out.
  • Carefully remove the glass unit. We do this with gloves so as not to injure our hands.
  • Having taken out the element, we take its dimensions, according to which we order a new one. It is advisable to do this from the same company from which you previously ordered the PVC window.

If the need for replacement arose in the winter and living for several hours (or even days) with a missing window is not an option, contact the company from which you ordered the windows in advance. They have exact measurements, according to which they will make you new glass.

How to properly install a new double-glazed window

Replacement of glass in a plastic window is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We insert the straightening plates into the frames. In this case, you need to maintain an indentation of 8-10 cm. Only the bottom plate can be installed on a regular frame (which does not open).
  • For opening sashes, we install plates in two opposite corners (on top next to the hinge and on the bottom diagonally). The use of these elements allows you to maintain the correct geometric location.

Please note: the number of strips varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. . Place gaskets on the bottom seam

At the same time, make sure that they fit as tightly as possible. Otherwise, the seal will be broken and, as a result, cold air from the street will begin to enter the room.
Carefully insert the glass unit onto the gasket. Make sure it is in the correct position! It will no longer be possible to correct this in the future.
We fix it in the bottom fold

We do this with extreme caution, as there is a risk of damaging the seal.
After making sure that the installation was completed correctly and there are no distortions, we fix it. To ensure that the glazing beads fit securely into the grooves, we hit them several times with a mallet (lightly, so as not to damage anything).
If scratches appear on plastic elements, they can be smoothed out with fine sandpaper (sometimes special putties help)

If more visible damage occurs (for example, if the blows with a mallet are too strong), it is better to replace it, because the sealing and strength of the structure depend on them.

  • Place the gaskets on the bottom fold. At the same time, make sure that they fit as tightly as possible. Otherwise, the seal will be broken and, as a result, cold air from the street will begin to enter the room.
  • Carefully insert the glass unit onto the gasket. Make sure it is in the correct position! It will no longer be possible to correct this in the future.
  • We fix it in the lower fold. We do this with extreme caution, as there is a risk of damaging the seal.
  • After making sure that the installation was completed correctly and there are no distortions, we fix it. To ensure that the glazing beads fit securely into the grooves, we hit them several times with a mallet (lightly, so as not to damage anything).
  • If scratches appear on plastic elements, they can be smoothed out with fine sandpaper (sometimes special putties help). If more visible damage occurs (for example, if the blows with a mallet are too strong), it is better to replace it, because the sealing and strength of the structure depend on them.

Order all additional elements (linings, strips, rubber bands, etc.) from the same manufacturer. This will avoid any hassles (they vary from supplier to supplier).

…… … …

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How to insert a plastic window

How to insert a plastic window?

Video for the article

Your decision to install a plastic window yourself is absolutely correct! Of course, you can invite craftsmen, but a penny saved is never superfluous, despite the fact that the window installation procedure does not require any specific knowledge. Our article will tell you how this work is done in practice.

How to insert plastic windows correctly

You may be surprised, but installing a plastic window is not much different from the same operation with a wooden window. The process is not too labor-intensive, however, it will require you to take a responsible approach and some skills in working with tools and materials.

During the work, you will need to dismantle the old window, prepare the window opening for the installation of a plastic window, install a window frame and a new window, and also adjust slopes, window sills and ebbs. Finally, you will need to install double-glazed windows, secure the sashes and seal the window.

Let’s say right away that it is quite difficult to insert a plastic window alone, so before starting work, it is advisable to have an assistant.

So, the work begins with dismantling the old window frames and windows

The procedure is quite cumbersome and can even be traumatic, so the main thing here is to do everything carefully and carefully. After dismantling the window frames and frames, it will also be necessary to remove unnecessary, old window sills and ebbs

We clean the window opening and prepare it for installing a plastic window in it. We remove garbage.

Next, we remove the sashes from the new window, remove the double-glazed windows and insert the bare frame into the window opening. This moment is the most crucial - together with an assistant, try to perfectly align the frame in the window opening. The frame is fixed with anchor bolts and wedges or mounting plates and securely attached to the window opening. The frame is leveled both horizontally and vertically.

In this case, you should focus not on the window opening, which is often very uneven, but on the appropriate tool, in particular, on the level readings.

Gaps will certainly form between the frame and the window opening, which must be carefully sealed with polyurethane foam. It is necessary to ensure that the foam fills all cracks and cavities. We remember that polyurethane foam not only firmly holds the window frame, but is also a good insulator. Next, you need to install the low tide, which is not difficult.

The next step is installing a window sill

First, you need to measure the opening for the future window sill. Then, using the obtained dimensions, we cut out the window sill of the required configuration, insert it under the window frame and securely fix it.

There may be a gap up to several centimeters in size under the window sill. We foam it thoroughly. Gap bigger size it’s more rational to lay brickwork or seal with cement mortar.

If the window we install will overlook the balcony, on the other side, instead of the low tide, you can install another window sill.

Upon completion of installation, it is important to once again fill with foam all detected holes and cracks, including the outside. Winter comfort and warmth in the room directly depend on the quality of this procedure.

So, the main work has been completed. But the window takes on a finished look only after installing the slopes. Here you should take into account some features of human vision. In particular, installing a slope at an angle will provide visual increase our window.

Now you know almost everything about how to install a plastic window. The work of installing a plastic window ends with the installation, fastening and adjustment of all kinds of fittings, as well as the insertion of double-glazed windows into the frames. Correct installation and proper operation of the window is a guarantee of winter warmth and comfort in your room for many years. Now you know how to insert a plastic window; a video to reinforce the lesson can be viewed at the link below.


Replacement of plastic windows

If the glass in a plastic window has burst or broken, it is advisable to replace it as quickly as possible. For minor cracks, tape will help, but it should only be considered as a temporary measure. Let's talk about how to change a double-glazed window in a window structure according to all the rules.

Reasons why windows deteriorate

Before you begin, you need to find out the cause of the glass breakage. This may be an unscrupulous approach to the production of plastic windows, a negligent attitude to product quality control.

One of the main reasons is incorrect installation. Errors during installation can affect the result: the glass “leads” from incorrect load distribution in the elements of the window system.

It is important!

The service life of the window will also be reduced due to poor conditions for storage and transportation: microcracks are inevitable, which are not easy or even impossible to notice upon purchase

Therefore, before buying a plastic structure, it is better to study the features of the local market, collect information about the most popular and reputable stores and window installation companies. The most important recommendations are, of course, reviews from customers and clients.

Double-glazed window

The initial stage of replacing double-glazed windows in a plastic window is taking measurements. This can be done using a standard tape measure or a regular ruler (but here you need to remember that in this case you can easily make mistakes and errors).

If you have documents for the installation of a window structure and a contract for ordering production, then it’s even simpler - they contain all the necessary information.

So, the formula 4*12*4=20 means that we are dealing with a single-chamber double-glazed window. The thickness of the glasses is 4 mm, they are located at a distance of 12 mm from each other. The number 20 is the thickness of the entire product in mm. The cost of replacing a single-pane glass window is low.

Before removing the glass from the frame, it is necessary to remove the glazing beads. To dismantle them, you will need a certain set of tools:

  • plastic hammer or mallet;
  • knife for working with silicones;
  • chisel;
  • putty knife

Replacing double glazing in a window

The glazing beads are removed as follows: using the corner of a spatula or chisel, which is placed in the gap, the gap is made wider until the glazing bead becomes movable. Then it can be easily removed from the groove.

One thing to consider important point: all glazing beads must be marked with a pen or pencil; it is also worth marking the window itself.

The next step is to remove the glass spacers, whose task is to regulate the rigidity of the structure. Mark them too. Marking is necessary so as not to accidentally confuse beads and gaskets, because each has its own strict place. If you disturb the order, the glass may soon crack again.

Installers who do not have great experience in the field of replacing glass in plastic structures, they can watch a video that clearly shows the whole process.

Builders have another way to remove glass from a plastic window. A chisel and spatula are not required; you can arm yourself with a regular ax. Its thin and wide edge will help distribute the load around the perimeter of the glass unit more evenly; when removing beads, the risk of damaging the structure will be minimized.

Now it's time to pull out the glass. For these purposes, it is better to have an assistant - the double-glazed window needs to be supported, otherwise it may accidentally fall and break into pieces. It is not entirely convenient to cope with the task alone.

Replacing window seals

After the damaged glass has been removed, it is necessary to remove the seal (later replace it with a new one). Glass can be handed over to a special collection point, which can be found in any city.

Now the only thing left to do is to equip the window with a new double-glazed window. The same set of tools will come in handy here, and the execution order is in reverse order.


We glue the seal onto the frame. We install a double-glazed window

We insert the gaskets, making sure that they are securely hidden. We install glazing beads using a mallet or wooden hammer(under no circumstances should you use a heavy carpenter's hammer!).

We do this carefully, controlling the force of the impact so as not to damage the glass. The final point is to check the reliability of the design and the natural operation of its mechanisms.

Is there gas in the double glazed window?

Using a candle you can find out whether the glass is really energy-saving

Whether or not there is gas in a double-glazed window is not possible for an ordinary consumer to check. Therefore, if a company claims that the space is filled with argon, you will have to check its word. To check, a special device is required - a gas filling analyzer for double-glazed windows. Quite large companies produce double-glazed windows without violating the technology, and fill the double-glazed window using argon (less often, krypton, which is more expensive) or dry air. The package is filled 60-85 or 90% with gas; all inert gases have reduced conductivity of heat and sound.

Gas is pumped in when energy-saving glass is installed in a double-glazed window. It protects the coating from destruction by preventing the silver ions present in the special glass coating from oxidizing. As a rule, it is not used in ordinary double-glazed windows. You can check what kind of glass was supplied to you. Bring the flame of a candle or match to the glass. One of the flame reflections should be a different color: its shade (lighter than the others or slightly lilac) will tell you that it is energy-saving glass: i-glass or k-glass.

What you need to know about double-glazed windows

This is what a typical double-glazed window looks like in cross-section

Double-glazed windows, which have gained incredible popularity over the past decades, are a relatively complex hermetic structure. It may contain 2, 3 or even more glasses. The glass is installed in an aluminum frame with perforation. It is filled with spherical granules of dry silica gel. It is placed there to absorb moisture. Due to this, it is possible to get rid of condensation on the glass. The glass unit can be filled with both dry air and inert gas. The result is a somewhat sealed chamber.

If you need to replace double-glazed windows, you should first check how much glass there is in each of them. There is no way to do this with the naked eye. But there is a fairly simple way to independently verify experimentally whether there are two glasses or three. To do this, light a match and bring it to the glass unit. If 2 double flames are displayed, it means there are 2 glasses installed. Accordingly, 3 double flames will indicate that there are 3 pieces of glass in your double-glazed window.

How to insert a glass block into a plastic window frame

Plastic windows are good for everyone, but without certain knowledge their maintenance is impossible - they are controlled by complex fittings, and there are many little things that are simply unfamiliar to their owner. Many breakdowns - a broken handle, replacing a seal and a number of others - are easy to fix with your own hands. This type of plastic window repair does not require calling a specialist. We will consider below how to eliminate the most common “sores” of PVC windows.

The procedure for replacing glass in a window depends on the frame material. If you are the happy owner of modern plastic windows, then to replace the glass unit it is best to contact the company that installed this window. However, if you have certain skills, you can easily replace the glass in a PVC window yourself.

More details: www.kakprosto

Handmade replacement of glass in a window with a wooden frame. To replace damaged glass in a wooden window frame, you can do without the help of specialists, but do it yourself and with your own hands.

If the upper part of the window frame is located quite inconveniently and far away, it will be more convenient for you to work by removing it and laying it on a flat surface. When working with glass, follow safety rules.

Try not to place it on the floor surface, as you may crush it without noticing. Place the glass against the wall and cover it with something bright.

How to insert glass into a window? The question is simple in principle, but still? Let's take a look now! MarkingCuttingInsert

Double-glazed window

Marking First of all, keep in mind that if you just bought glass, and at the same time, the temperature outside was sub-zero, then it is better to wait a couple of hours for the work, and let the glass remain at room temperature for now.

Today, the design of plastic and aluminum double-glazed windows is considered quite complex, and few people will undertake to carry out repairs on their own if the glass is damaged. However, when the right approach You can do without the participation of specialists, which will save a considerable amount.

The need to replace glass in a window does not appear very often. This can be caused by several reasons, such as glass rattling in an old window frame or a crack appearing. The most radical and most common cause The repair is, of course, broken glass.

There is an established opinion that glass replacement is only possible for a wooden window, and when using plastic windows, the entire sash will need to be replaced.

This is not a completely correct point of view, disseminated, among other things, by the manufacturers of these products and companies providing glazing services.

There may be several reasons for replacing glass: if the old glass began to rattle from passing cars, and the second, more annoying option, if a window accidentally broke. Glazing of wooden frames is not difficult process, so it’s not at all necessary to call a specialist, you can do everything yourself. And if you don’t know how to insert glass into a frame with your own hands, let’s look at the steps to replace it.


How to take measurements

The first step is one of the most painstaking, but also the most important. For this we need a simple tape measure. As well as manual dexterity and dexterity.

What do we need to measure?

  • dimensions of the glass unit;
  • its thickness (indicate the indicator to the nearest millimeter);
  • the distance separating one glass from another.

In order to determine required parameters for an arched model, you need to create a template. It is done on paper or thick cardboard - just take out the structure and trace its contours.

This is the theory, but here is the practical part:

  • First, we dismantle the double-glazed window. To do this, remove the glazing beads, plastic plates(linings) and take out the structure itself. After the measurements have been taken, we insert it into place, performing all the steps in reverse order. We remove the glazing beads using something sharp and flat - a spatula or chisel. First we remove the left and right parts, and then the bottom and top. You may need a special spatula to remove the pads.
  • Having pulled out the glass unit, carefully tilt it. After this, we measure the main parameters - width and height.
  • To determine the thickness of the structure, you should remove it from the grooves (you can remove it partially).
  • In addition to these indicators, you will need numbers that are substituted into the formula and indicate the thickness of the glass, the values ​​of the air chambers (the distance between the surfaces) and the general indicator.

After all the numbers have been written down, you can insert the double-glazed window back into the window opening. We do this extremely carefully. The values ​​obtained during the measurements must be transferred to the employees of the company engaged in the production of profiles. All you have to do is wait and hope that they will bring you exactly what you ordered.


Sagging of the sash when the liners are installed correctly can be caused by insufficient wedging. To fix this problem, insert a plastic or wooden spatula between the glass unit and the sash profile and, using the spatula as a lever, press on the glass unit.

Insert an additional straightening plate into the resulting gap between the rebate liner and the glass unit.

You can use any plastic or polyethylene plate of suitable size and thickness. Additional adjustments may be necessary after this operation. How to adjust a window. described earlier. After wedging the glass unit, if you check with a protractor, the angle near the lower hinge and the opposite upper corner of the sash will become sharper (87 - 89 degrees) than the other two (91 - 93 degrees).

If suddenly for some reason (human factor, for example) the inserts with plates are installed incorrectly, carefully remove the glass unit and install them as described above. In order for the double-glazed window to stand straight, temporarily place another liner with a plate perpendicular to the sash,

which do not forget to remove ( Necessarily!) after installing the side bottom

and top plates.

How to install a double-glazed window with your own hands

If the temporary straightening plate is not removed, the bag may burst when wedging. That's all, now you know how to install a double-glazed window with your own hands and how to wedge it. Install the beads in the reverse order (short first, then long), carefully driving them in with a wooden or special silicone hammer.

installing the glazing bead with a silicone hammer


RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH лопакеÑ, нÑжно ÑÑоÑниÑÑ ÑазмеÑÑ ÑÑаÑого. СделаÑÑÑо можно, даже не ÑазбиÑÐ°Ñ Ð¾ÐºÐ½Ð¾, Ð ´Ð¾ÑÑиÑоÑно замеÑиÑÑÑаÑÑÑоÑнР¸Ðµ Ð¼ÐµÐ¶Ð´Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑжнÑми ÑÑÑками ÑÑап¸ÐºÐ° и оÑнÑÑÑ 15 rubles. RESULTS °ÑÑ Ð¸Ñ ÑазмеÑÑ ÐºÑаÑнÑми неÑколÑким Ñа ok, ok, ok

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How does the replacement take place?

One of the most important elements of any window is glass. These are the most fragile parts that require more careful attention than the rest of the structure. Sometimes it happens that the glass in your window or interior door may crack or break. In this case, urgent replacement of the glass in the window is required.

And this is required not only by the aesthetic side, but also by safety, since glass falling out can injure both your loved ones and strangers if the glass is located on the outside. Therefore, replacing the glass in a double-glazed window is simply necessary.

Also, during the operation of windows, both plastic and wooden, a situation may arise that requires urgent glass replacement or minor repairs to the double-glazed window. This may involve inserting glass in case of accidental damage or breakage, or, if necessary, simply installing a new one.

Glass insert

Wherein different kinds windows are equipped with glass of different thicknesses, which can be attached in several ways. Each of them requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is better to entrust glass replacement and glass insertion to a professional technician.

Since replacing glass in a plastic window requires not only compliance with dimensions and accuracy, but also complete tightness of the glass unit, we recommend that you contact our company for a call professional specialists, who will replace the glass unit on the day of placing the order.

The craftsmen will select the right glass, even if you make a mistake, since most windows have standard sizes. In addition, our specialists have extensive professional experience, which allows us to determine the type of window based on its approximate dimensions.

If necessary, glass can be cut and installed from your material. The master will perform all operations on site. Our professionals can not only replace glass in a window, but also change it, for example, in a door.

Interior wooden doors with glass elements or all-glass doors are increasingly gaining popularity. They allow light to penetrate into darkened corners of the apartment, and also look more elegant.

Despite the fact that such doors are equipped with tempered glass, which is distinguished by greater strength and safety, drafts or accidental mechanical damage can compromise the integrity of the product.

It also happens that after repairs or changing furniture, you want to “update” your door by changing the pattern on the glass, replacing smooth surface to embossed, or change the color of the glass. Our company’s specialists will take into account all your wishes and replace the glass in your door quickly and professionally.

Our craftsmen will provide you with professional assistance if you need glass unit replacement. After all, not only if there is damage, it may be necessary to insert a double-glazed window - you may want to improve the sound and noise insulation characteristics by inserting instead double-glazed window- three-chamber, etc.

Our company guarantees high quality and accuracy in performing all types of work related to glass replacement and glass insertion. The cost of work depends on the volume, prices of materials and remains at an affordable level. You can get more detailed information by contacting our employees at the phone number listed on the website.

Types of double-glazed windows in plastic windows

A metal-plastic window consists of three main parts:

  1. Frame. Assembled from a metal-plastic profile. The latter inside is a hollow structure of several air chambers. It is due to the presence of air in the chambers that a metal-plastic window allows less heat to pass through.
  2. Sash. Assembled from the same material as the frame. The sashes are rotary, tilt, or turn-tilt.
  3. Double-glazed window. One of the main parts of the window. If in wooden windows While glass was installed one at a time, double-glazed windows are produced for metal-plastic windows. It is a kind of sandwich of 2-3 glasses soldered together.

We will tell you further about how to replace broken double-glazed windows and their types.

Many consumers do not think about the design and functionality of double-glazed windows.

The only characteristic that buyers pay attention to is the number of cameras. According to this parameter, double-glazed windows are:

  • Single-chamber. Such a double-glazed window consists of 2 glasses connected to each other. It has low noise insulation and average heat loss. The advantage of double-glazed windows is its low price. It is mainly used for glazing secondary rooms, where there is no particular need to worry about heat conservation or sound insulation. This could be a balcony, summer kitchen, veranda, etc.
  • Double-glazed window. It consists of three glasses, which, when connected, form two air chambers. This double-glazed window has good energy saving and sound insulation properties. Excellent for installation in residential areas. The only drawback Such a double-glazed window is due to its high weight. To withstand it, reinforced fittings are used. Due to its high weight, it is not recommended to keep the sash with double-glazed windows fully open for a long time so that it does not sag under its own weight.
  • Three-chamber double-glazed window. It is quite rare. It is distinguished by its heavy weight and high cost. These windows are mainly used in places where security needs to be ensured.

According to their functionality, double-glazed windows are divided into:

  1. Conventional double glazed windows. These are mainly single-chamber models that do not provide much functionality. They have average noise and heat insulation.
  2. Soundproof double glazing. It is used in buildings near intense noise sources: highways, airports, and also for the construction internal partitions in offices or glazing of music schools. As a rule, this is a double-glazed window using sound-insulating materials. The most efficient models can reduce noise levels by up to 35 dB.
  3. Multi-system double-glazed windows. Models that can combine thermal insulation, sun protection and noise insulation properties. Such double-glazed windows are quite expensive, but are in great demand.
  4. Energy-saving double-glazed window. Recently, this type of double-glazed windows has been the most in demand. The most important advantage of such models is their low thermal conductivity. This effect is achieved through the use of special glass. It lets the sun's rays inside the room, without releasing heat outside.
  5. Solar control double glazed windows. The main feature of such a double-glazed window is that it is designed to protect the room from harmful effects sunlight. Especially if it contains objects that are susceptible to the harmful effects of sunlight, for example, paintings. There are two types of solar glazed windows:
  • absorbing. They absorb rays, turning them into heat;
  • reflective. Due to the application of a special coating, such double-glazed windows reflect rays. Unlike the first ones, they do not heat up, which increases their service life.

For the production of energy-saving double-glazed windows, the following types of glass are used:

  1. Selective glass.
  2. K-glass.
  3. I-glass.

The most effective is considered to be a double glazing unit based on I-glass. It is a well-thought-out system of many components:

  • I-glass. Installed on the outside of the glass unit.
  • Glass inside. Installed inside the glass unit.
  • Reflective coating based on silver ions. It is applied to the inside of the glass. The purpose of the coating is to reflect infrared radiation that comes from inside the room.
  • A layer of inert gas. Before sealing, the space between the glass is filled with an inert gas, most often argon. Unlike air, it has low thermal conductivity, which has a positive effect on the energy-saving qualities of the double-glazed window.

In the future, the structure of an energy-saving double-glazed window is no different from a conventional one.

Do-it-yourself replacement of double-glazed windows

To complete the work, you need a rubber hammer and a shoe knife (you can use a chisel instead of a knife). The first stage of replacing double-glazed windows in windows is dismantling the previously installed ones. To protect the frame from scratches, it is recommended to cover it with masking tape.

The sequence of dismantling a window element when replacing a double-glazed window with your own hands:

  1. You should insert the tip of a knife or chisel into the hole separating the glazing bead from the frame. In order to separate and remove the glazing bead, you need to carefully tap the knife with a hammer. You should start from the middle of the canvas, gradually moving to the edges. All operations must be performed as carefully as possible to prevent accidental damage to the base.
  2. First, the glazing bead located with right side, then the one on the left, then the top one and lastly the bottom one.
  3. Removing old double glazing. It is not easy to perform this action on your own, so it is advisable to get outside help. Special suction cups designed to fix the canvas can make the operation easier.

Measurement of plastic windows

Before you go shopping for a window, you need to take measurements. window opening Based on these dimensions, place an order or buy a ready-made window. The advantage of ordering a window is that they will make a window for you according to your dimensions, as regards the purchase finished windows, then they are made according to standard sizes, which do not always fit perfectly into specific window openings.

So, the window must be measured as follows. To begin with, the window opening is measured from the inside in width, from the base of the wall, so if you have slopes on the windows, they must be dismantled in order to make an accurate measurement. Then you need to measure the height of the window opening, taking into account the type of window sill. If the house is panel, then in such houses the window sill, as a rule, is part of the slab, so the new window will be installed on it, but if the window sill is removable, then it is necessary to take measurements from the base of the slab itself. After this, you need to try to measure the depth of the window opening; for this, you may need to knock off part of the plaster or remove wooden plank from the sides of the window.

As for measurements from the outside, here we first measure the width and height of the window opening, then again you will need to knock off part of the plaster or cement in order to use a knife to measure the depth of the opening between the window and the wall. If possible, also remove the lining: check whether there is a trim on the bottom of the window opening or whether the surface is solid.

As you understand, the window itself cannot fit flush into the window opening, since it needs space to contract and expand, depending on temperature fluctuations. As for the gaps, their minimum size should be as follows:

  • For windows up to 1m 20cm – indentation of 15mm;
  • For windows up to 2m 20cm – 20mm;
  • For windows up to 3m – 25mm.

When measuring, also take into account that the window itself should fit into the window opening only a few centimeters, that is, so that there is at least 4 cm from the edges of the double-glazed window and the sash, so that the double-glazed window is not in the wall, and slopes can be made normally. Having received the dimensions of the window and the so-called window edging, we take into account the specified nuances and obtain the size of the window profile. After this, order the manufacture of the window, or buy a ready-made one, and also order: a handle, a mosquito net (fastenings), a window sill and ebb.

Repair and replacement of broken double-glazed windows

As you can see, the design of a modern double-glazed window is complex, so it will not be possible to disassemble and assemble it yourself at home. It is also impossible to replace one broken glass yourself without changing the remaining one, since the tightness of the entire structure is broken.

In other words, there is only one way to repair a broken double-glazed window - dismantle the damaged one entirely and replace it with a new one. And you will have to order a new one from the company that installed the windows. Typically, order fulfillment takes 2–3 days, but if the order is urgent, one day is enough.

To place an order, you need to know the dimensions of the glass unit. It is not difficult to measure, and there is no need to disassemble the window. We measure the distance from the joint of the bead with the frame on one side to the same opposite joint. We take two measurements - length and width. Subtract 10 mm from each size. We got it required sizes. For manufacturing, you also need to know the thickness of the bag.

When the package is ready, we proceed to replacement. For this you need the same tools. as during installation:

You will also need mounting pads.

First, we insert a spatula into the joint between the bead and the frame and carefully expand it around the entire perimeter. When you can insert your fingers into the joint, grab the glazing bead and carefully remove it from the window

The last bead to be removed is the top one. We mark each glazing bead, indicating where it was taken from.

Using a spatula, pry up the edges of the damaged glass unit and remove it from the frame. After cleaning the opening from dust and debris, you can begin installation. We place the new double-glazed window on installation pads, use a spatula to set it in place so that the gaps on all sides are equal, and fix it with gaskets according to the installation diagram.

We hammer the glazing beads into the places from which they were taken using a rubber hammer. After assembly, the window should close and open without any extra effort.

At first glance, the design of a plastic Euro-window seems complicated. Therefore, if a double-glazed window as a whole or one of the glasses is damaged, many people immediately look for the phone number of repair companies. In this situation, there is no need to rush: you can replace the glass unit in a plastic window yourself, thereby saving several thousand rubles.

A double-glazed window is a complex hermetic structure consisting of several sheets of glass separated from each other aluminum frame, under which silica gel balls are poured - they absorb moisture in the bag chamber. Between the glasses, a double seal is installed from butyl tape, located under the spacer frame, and thiokol, a special mastic that connects the entire structure into one.

For reference: you can read more about the structure of a double-glazed window in the work “”.

This system has a very weak point - glass. The material is very fragile, capable of cracking or breaking at any time. If this happens, it is necessary to immediately replace the glass in the double-glazed unit, since due to depressurization of one chamber quite quickly consumer properties loses not only the package, but also the window as a whole:

  • moisture appears on the glass, and the desiccant flows down in the form of yellow resin;
  • street sounds are clearly audible;
  • drafts appear;
  • heat retention is poor.

In addition, glass unit replacement is required in cases where:

  • the bag's chamber has lost its seal (there may be different reasons), which is why the glass sweats in the summer and becomes covered with frost in the winter;
  • it is necessary to insulate the room, as a result, the usual flood glass is changed to i-glass or a single-chamber package to a double-chamber one;
  • The sounds of a noisy street began to penetrate into the room - noise-proof double-glazed windows were installed.

Is it possible to replace glass in a double glazing unit?

The most frequently asked question when contacting a company that installs and repairs double-glazed windows is: “Is it possible to replace broken glass in a double-glazed window without changing the last one?” Depending on the level of the company, there may be several answers: “No”, “Yes”, “It is possible, but with a visit to the customer.”

Let's look at each of the answers in detail.

"No" a reputable company will tell you. Here they value their reputation and will offer the client the best option: dismantling the broken package and installing a new one.

"Yes" you can hear from people trying to make the most money. They will come, remove the window, take it to a workshop, where they will remove the damaged glass and install a new one. After which they will bring the repaired double-glazed window and install it in place. There are no questions about the quality characteristics of this repair - everything was done in accordance with the technical regulations.

Questions arise regarding cost repair work(this only means replacing the glass in the package itself) - they cost 100-200 rubles. more expensive than a new double-glazed window. Plus, the company that carried out the repairs will install the double-glazed windows, which costs an additional 2,000 to 4,200 rubles per m2. Therefore, it is better for apartment owners with their hands to refuse such a service (the recommendation does not apply to those who are not used to counting money).

“It’s possible, but with a visit to the customer.” This type of glass replacement should be described briefly: a knee-jerk repair. For those who like to learn from their own mistakes, at the end of the work we will provide detailed instructions for such a replacement with your own hands.

Why is glass in a double glazed unit not replaced at home? After all, remove the double-glazed window from the sash, cut sharp knife mastic around the damaged glass, removing the fragments and cleaning the camera from dust and dirt does not seem difficult.

There are no difficulties when cutting new glass to fit the spacer frame. Indeed, there is no problem here. They lie in a different plane: at home it is impossible to recreate the technological conditions for assembling a double-glazed window: dry, warm air, without dust while sealing the entire structure.

Carrying out sealing outside the chamber will not work:

  • thoroughly wash and dry the glass so that the smallest specks do not fall on it during drying;
  • keep silica gel in working condition - its balls will have time to absorb moisture from the air in a short period of time (the air in the chamber is dry);
  • apply the mastic in an even layer, as a result of which, when installing the package into the window sash, damage to the sealant may occur;
  • Thiokol is difficult to find on sale in compact packages - mainly in two-hundred-liter barrels.

In what cases is it permissible to replace glass alone?

  • There is stained glass in the window. Replacing one sheet is much cheaper than replacing several expensive glasses;
  • A three- or four-chamber package is mounted in the frame;
  • An expensive thick triplex was installed in the door from the street, and the internal glass was broken.

In these cases, the cost of repairs is cheaper than the price of a finished double-glazed window.

Instructions for replacing glass units

For those who are friends with tools, self-replacement double glazing in a plastic window is not an insoluble problem. The whole process consists of several sequential operations:

  1. a set of tools is being prepared;
  2. the glass unit is measured;
  3. an order is made;
  4. the damaged glass unit is dismantled;
  5. new glass is installed;
  6. the sash is adjusted.

Tools and materials

Replacing a broken glass unit is carried out with a minimum of tools. Needed:

  • roulette;
  • calipers;
  • rubber mallet (mallet);
  • spatula or a simple screwdriver (you can use a large one) kitchen knife, but this is not entirely convenient);
  • gloves;
  • an old sheet or piece of other fabric that you don’t mind throwing away.


To order a double-glazed window, you must indicate the number of air chambers and the dimensions of the double-glazed window: height, width and thickness. All this data can be found on the spacer frame (see photo), where the package formula (the number and thickness of each glass) and its dimensions (height, length and thickness) are printed. If for some reason such an inscription could not be found, measurements can be made by the owner himself.

Important: the easiest option is to remove the glass unit and measure it. But with such an organization of work, the window will remain without glass for several days - it takes time to make a new double-glazed window. Therefore, measurements are taken directly in the sash.

To take measurements, take a tape measure and measure the distance between the profile of the sashes with broken glass along the width and height of the window. A number of publications say that the distance between the external dimensions of the beads is measured, which is the same thing. 2 cm is subtracted from the results obtained - 1.0 cm on each side for the adjustment gap.

An important parameter is the glass unit formula, which indicates the thickness of each glass and the distance between them inside the chamber (for example, 4+10+4+10+4, where 4 is the thickness of the glass in mm, 10 is the width of the frame in mm). These numbers must be written in the window passport and printed on the spacer bar. If your passport is lost and there is no inscription, you can take your own measurements. A tape measure gives an error of up to 1 mm, a caliper measures with absolute accuracy. Work order:

  1. The thickness of the sash profile is measured (for example, 70 mm);
  2. The thickness of the bead and rubber seal (located indoors) is determined. To do this, the end of the measuring tool rests on the glass and looks at the distance at which the plane of the sash is located (approximately 14 mm);
  3. A similar procedure is carried out on the street side (20 mm).

A second grade student can do the rest: from 70 we successively subtract 14 and then 20. The resulting result of 36 mm will enable specialists to create a formula for a double-glazed window and use it to make new glass.


To produce a double-glazed window with angles of 90 o, it is enough to indicate in the application form the thickness of the package, its height and width, as well as the number of chambers. The manufacturer's specialists will independently calculate the formula and use it to produce new glass for the window. Everything is much more complicated if there are curved shapes or non-rectangular angles (glass in the form of a circle, triangle, rhombus, etc.). How to change the glass unit in this case?

Here you cannot do without dismantling the damaged glass (how to do this, just below). Removed glass placed on whatman paper and outlined, after which the shape of the damaged package is cut out with scissors. Sometimes the template is cut out immediately using a razor blade. Based on the finished pattern, a new double-glazed window will be manufactured within a few days.


There is nothing complicated in the instructions for dismantling a broken double-glazed window. The whole process consists of a number of sequential operations:

  1. An old sheet or other fabric, larger than the glass unit, is spread on the floor in front of the window.
  2. The broken glass is carefully taped in several directions with tape so that the fragments do not fall out during the process of removing the bag and cause injury to others.
  3. The glazing beads are removed. To do this, you need a sharp and hard tool, such as a chisel, flat screwdriver or spatula, as well as a mallet (rubber hammer). You need to start with longer glazing beads, usually side ones - they are easier to bend when removing them from the sash grooves.

Attention: almost all instructions for dismantling double-glazed windows indicate that disassembling the sash must begin with removing the side beads. However, they cannot be removed from the transom without causing damage. Therefore, we focus on the fact that the longer glazing beads are initially removed - in the transom this is the top and bottom.

To remove the bead, you should:

  • Insert a spatula (chisel or screwdriver) into the gap between the sash profile and the bead in the middle of the window;
  • Holding the tool strictly horizontally, hit it several times, not very hard, with a mallet until a gap of 1-2 mm is formed. Further, the technology varies slightly among different specialists; Some make such a gap along almost the entire length, and then return to the middle, others, immediately tilting the tool down, knock the bead completely out of the grooves of the sash in its center;
  • When you can grab the glazing bead with your fingers, it pulls towards itself and to the side - it will come out easily;

Important: when removing the glazing bead with a pencil or marker, you need to mark the grooves on the sash so that in the future you can easily install a new double-glazed window, especially if its thickness changes (you will have to buy new glazing beads and cut them correctly).

  • The top latch is the last to be removed - it protects the glass from accidental falling. Here you need an assistant to support the glass;
  • The package is removed from the sash. If difficulties arise, the sealant of the bag has stuck to the plastic of the window, the glass is pressed away from the frame with a sharp object;
  • The removed package is placed on the fabric and carefully broken;
  • The broken glass in the sheet is thrown into the trash.

Installing new glass

Installing new glass involves the following operations:

  • Check the fastening of the seal on the outside of the window;
  • Straightening plates (also called spacers) are installed in the sash rebate: two at the bottom for a blind window (see photo), four for an opening sash. In this case, they are installed one on each side diagonally, at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the corner of the sash (see photo).

Attention: the number of strips may differ from one manufacturer to another, so when dismantling the glass you need to remember the location of the spacers.

For reference: the rebate is a plane around the perimeter of the sash on which the double-glazed window is mounted, which is clearly visible in the photo.

  • The glass unit is carefully placed on the gaskets. Here you need to check its position several times, since it will not be possible to correct the geometry in the future;
  • The seal is installed with inside double glazed windows;
  • The beads return to their places in the reverse order: first the top, then the bottom, and only then the side ones. They are driven into the grooves by lightly tapping with a rubber hammer from the edges to the center. Fixation is confirmed by clicks.


The new double-glazed window may have a different weight, which will require additional adjustment of the sash. To do this, use a “furniture wrench” to tighten the adjusting screws on the hinges, which you can read about in detail in the material “How to adjust plastic windows.”

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows in a wooden frame

The wooden frame of the euro-window is attached to the double-glazed window in the same way as in a plastic window - with glazing beads. However, there is small difference: instead of a rubber seal it is used silicone sealant.

Therefore, in order to remove glass from a wooden sash, you first need to remove the glazing beads and then remove the silicone mastic. Accordingly, when installing new glass, it is necessary to re-treat the joints of the bag with the sash with silicone.

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows in stained glass windows

There are several points in stained glass windows that do not allow do-it-yourself repair and replacement of damaged glass:

  • It is much cheaper to replace broken glass than to install a new package, and such work can only be performed by professionals in a specialized workshop;
  • The glass is placed in special “stained glass cells”, which are removed outwards and not inwards, which requires aerial platforms or the installation of scaffolding;
  • It is impossible to make a pattern based on the color scheme. It is necessary to deliver the whole glass to the workshop, where the necessary measurements will be taken using instruments, on the basis of which the glass will be reproduced.

Is it possible to change

When replacing a damaged double-glazed window, in many cases it becomes possible to change the number of cameras in it.

Single-chamber double-glazed window to double-chamber

Replacing a single-chamber window glazing with a double-chamber one is possible if two conditions are met:

1. The width of the sash rebate allows the installation of a double-chamber double-glazed window. There are two options here:

  1. a package of three glasses is the same in width as a single-chamber one - no problems arise;
  2. the new package is wider, but due to the narrower bead (you will have to buy new ones) it fits into the sash.

2. The window profile and fittings can withstand the weight of a heavier sash (increases by approximately 30%). If it is necessary to reinforce the reinforcing plate inside the profile, it is easier to change the entire window. If the problem is only in the loops, they change.

Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to carry out such a replacement yourself.

Two-chamber double-glazed window to three-chamber

A triple-glazed unit is installed instead of a double-glazed unit under the same conditions as given above. The only difference is that the three-chamber package is only 25% heavier than the two-chamber package, which in many cases does not require strengthening the frame profile.

Instructions for replacing glass in a double glazing unit yourself

For those who like to do everything themselves, here are instructions on how to change the glass in a double-glazed window at home.

To work you will need:

  • glass;
  • butyl tape;
  • silicone based sealant;
  • chisel;
  • rubber hammer;
  • acetone (any other solvent);
  • construction gun;
  • diamond glass cutter

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The glass unit is removed from the window block (you can see how this is done above) and placed on a flat surface with the damaged glass facing up;
  2. Using a chisel or knife, remove the broken glass from the bag, after which the aluminum frame is cleaned of sealant and debris;
  3. The cleaned areas are degreased with a solvent;
  4. New glass is cut;
  5. The newly cut glass is washed and dried with warm air. The same operation is carried out on the glass surface where degreasing was carried out;
  6. A layer of sealant is applied to the frame of the bag with a gun, after which new glass is laid down. You need to lay it down with a partner and immediately and accurately. It will be very difficult to fix;
  7. Absorbent is poured under the spacer frame;
  8. The package is sealed around the perimeter of the glass;
  9. After the sealant has hardened, the glass unit is placed in the sash.

Let us emphasize once again: “knee repair” does not provide a long-term effect. The best option- glass unit replacement.

How much does a service cost in organizations?

The final price of the work is determined by many factors. Therefore, we present the average lower and upper limits of the price lists of several companies in St. Petersburg and Moscow as of December 15, 2018:

  • Replacement of a double-chamber double-glazed window - 2,000-4,200 rubles/m2 (delivery included);
  • Repair of double-glazed windows - from 1,000 rub./m2 to 2,300 rub./m2 - work only. This does not include transport costs and the cost of glass.

For reference: the cost of a new double-glazed window starts from 1,300 rubles/m2 from little-known companies. For recognizable brands it starts from 2,050 rubles/m2.


Window glass tends to break. It also breaks in double-glazed windows. In this case, it is considered the most rational:

  • replacement of not individual glass, but the glass unit as a whole;
  • Carrying out the dismantling and installation of a new package on your own - family finances are saved.

It is possible to replace broken glass at home. But such work gives an effect for a very short time - at home it is impossible to recreate the conditions of the chamber in which the double-glazed windows are assembled.
