How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside. Insulating the ceiling in an apartment How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor

Preface. If you have set yourself the task of creating warmth and comfort in your apartment, then you should think about how and with what to insulate the ceiling on the top floor of the house. Exactly for apartments on top floors this question is relevant. In the article we will analyze the methods of thermal insulation of this structure, and also show video instructions on how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor from the inside on your own.

Ceilings in apartments on the top floors apartment buildings are the place of greatest heat loss. Up to 50% of the heat from a room can escape through the ceilings, especially if the attic is poorly insulated Management company. Therefore, with the approach of cold weather, the question of how to insulate the ceiling and floor in an apartment, what thermal insulation material to choose for these purposes, becomes especially relevant for residents of apartment buildings.

Is it necessary to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside?

If you do not make high-quality thermal insulation of the room, heat will escape from the living space through the ceiling slabs. There are many ways to get the job done efficiently and inexpensively. Today there is a wide variety of thermal insulation materials on the construction market. In this article we will consider the materials and methods that are often used for this.

It is quite simple to carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling in an apartment from the inside yourself. The main thing is to accurately calculate the quantity required material, calculate the thickness of thermal insulation using a calculator. It doesn’t matter what material your ceiling is finished with - plasterboard, clapboard or painted water-based paint. All these materials can be finished with thermal insulation materials.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside

For insulation various designs Today they use penoplex, polystyrene foam, mineral wool and the most inexpensive option– foil penofol. Foam boards are the most convenient option for mounting on the ceiling, but do not forget that polystyrene foam emits harmful substances, so it is more suitable for insulating the facade of a house. Extruded polystyrene foam boards are denser and more durable.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Plates of polystyrene foam or penoplex are attached to the ceiling using polystyrene foam glue, and for reliability they are secured with dowel mushrooms. Next, a painting mesh is glued onto the slab thermal insulation, and the entire surface of the ceiling is puttied and painted. The mesh is glued onto the surface of the foam so that it is completely covered with a putty layer. Afterwards the surface is covered with finishing putty.

As soon as finishing putty Once dry, the entire surface is primed and painted. Now you are already a little familiar with the question of how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment from the inside on the top floor with foam plastic. If the ceiling height in your apartment is sufficient for installing the frame, then you can use glass wool or mineral wool to insulate the ceiling in the apartment from the inside on your own.

Insulation with basalt wool

When choosing mineral wool slabs to protect the structure, do not forget that basalt material absorbs moisture from warm air and should be protected with a vapor barrier on the side of the warm room. Vapor barrier film used when insulating any surfaces with mineral wool, for example, insulating the ceiling in a bathhouse. After laying the insulation, lining or drywall is attached to the frame.


1. Seal the cracks in the ceiling and apply liquid waterproofing;
2. We mount the frame on the ceiling in increments smaller than the width of the mineral wool slabs;
3. Laying basalt insulation between frame guides;
4. We cover the entire structure with insulation with rolled waterproofing;
5. We cover the ceiling with plasterboard, or order a stretch ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling in an apartment inexpensively

If you do not want to mount a frame on the ceiling or this does not allow low ceiling in the room, then you can insulate the structure in another way. Penofol or decorative foam boards may be ideal for this. Both of these materials are very easy to glue to the ceiling; anyone can handle this task. At the same time, penofol and decorative boards do not hide the space in the room.

Before starting work, apartment owners should determine exactly which method of ceiling insulation is most suitable for them and which thermal insulation material will be appropriate. Otherwise, through ceiling Heat will continue to escape from the living space. By tradition, we have posted video instructions on this topic and you can become more familiar with the technology of doing the work yourself.

Video. Insulating the ceiling in an apartment on the top floor

From the author: Hello, dear reader. Tired of being cold? Today we will tell you how to solve this problem in an effective way. We all know from physics course that warm air always strives upward. Therefore, quite a lot of precious heat escapes through the ceiling. This is especially true for those living on the top floor and in private houses. Today we will look at how to insulate the ceiling in an apartment.

Before getting started, let's say a few words about the choice of material that can be used to insulate the ceiling from the inside or outside.

Material selection

The modern building materials market offers a great variety of insulation materials. It will be more convenient to present what you can find in construction stores in the form of a list:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • polyplex;
  • mineral wool;
  • ecowool;
  • penoizol;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyethylene foam;
  • expanded clay

And this, by the way, is not yet full list. The choice of material depends on the budget, personal preferences of the homeowner and other factors that need to be briefly discussed. The fact is that insulation from the inside involves lowering the ceiling. In apartments where the ceilings are high, for example, in “Stalin” buildings, the understatement will not be felt. At least, not as significant as in a Khrushchev building or a standard nine-ten storey building.

In such houses, the ceilings are not particularly high, but the insulation will take a few more centimeters from this height. Whether this is critical for you or not is up to you to decide.

In general, the option in which saving height would be appropriate is the option in which it would not be used suspended ceiling. It is logical that in in this case you apply a layer of plaster to the ceiling, after which you install a mesh that will, in the literal sense of the word, be pressed into the insulation. Then everything follows the standard, “classical” scheme: leveling, priming, painting.

If the deadlines, as they say, are “burning,” it is worth insulating with polystyrene foam. When working with this material, things will go as quickly as possible. But compared to alternative options, insulation with foam plastic is quite expensive. Now we’ll talk about various insulation materials, their properties, and also find out how to work with them.

Installation methods

Just first you need to say a few words about the methods of insulation on the top floor. There are only two of them. You can insulate yourself:

  • from the inside;
  • outside.

In apartment buildings, the first method is most often used - from the inside. Certainly, perfect option- lay insulation on the technical floor above the apartment, but often this solution is not possible. The fact is that there are communications laid on the technical floors, which must be accessed by an employee of the housing maintenance office. Therefore, communications cannot be touched - there are rules fire safety and so on.

In what cases can installation be done from the outside? - the residents of apartment buildings will ask. But homeowners living in the private sector have probably already guessed that the attic of their home is the most suitable place for this. In your house, you are the only owner, that’s why he belongs to you. By the way, one of the options for insulating the attic in your home is sawdust. It may not sound reputable, but do not underestimate this method.

We have successfully resolved this issue. Let's move on.

Choice of material. Insulation from the inside

The problem of choice for people of the 21st century is quite acute. This also applies to the choice of building materials. So we come to one of the main questions of today’s article. Now we will briefly familiarize ourselves with the materials offered by modern market and, most likely, this will help you make your choice. So, here we go:


This is what is called a “classic of the genre.” As we have already noted, there are several ways to use this popular material. Its main features are low thermal conductivity (which is very useful for insulation), as well as low vapor permeability.

The material is non-toxic (unless, of course, you set it on fire) and is easy to install. To work with this material you will need: foil-coated isolon, polyurethane foam, a gun, a knife for cutting cardboard, a jigsaw/hacksaw, a drill, a hammer, dowels, glue, a screwdriver. Well, actually, polystyrene foam. The room temperature when installing insulation should be 5–30°C - special conditions not required.

Fix the isolon (NPE/PPE). In this case, the foil, “mirror” side should be directed inward. Now we install the foam. There are no recommendations on which corner of the room to start installation from. This is not laminate or parquet, so start where you like. The main thing is to cover the entire area.

Fastening is done using glue and subsequent fixation with dowels at five points on the sheet: four in the corners, the fifth in the middle. You can, of course, rely solely on glue, but for a more reliable fixation, you should use dowels.

Delatation gaps are not needed here. Again, polystyrene foam is not flooring. The gaps that remain between the sheets must be filled with polyurethane foam. Now we wait for the foam to dry, after which we cut off the excess that protrudes beyond the edges with a cardboard cutting knife - and you can begin finishing the ceiling.

When finishing, as a rule, they use decorative panels, which are attached to the slats. Where the ceiling comes into contact with the wall, a PVC skirting board is installed. Yes, this is a fairly common finishing method, but personally I know a better way.

The ceiling plinth is, of course, a great invention of mankind, but it has one significant drawback: sooner or later there will be a need to wipe it down. But it has such a structure that the more you wipe it, the dirtier it will become. In addition, it is quite easy to damage.

There is a worthy alternative to ceiling plinth - this floor plinth white. Simply mount it on the top in the same way as if you were installing it for its intended purpose - on the bottom. In addition to the fact that it will serve you significantly longer than ceiling plinth, it has cable channels where, if necessary, you can hide a wire that does not need to be visible.

Basalt/mineral wool

No less popular insulation. Sold in slab form or rolled into rolls. The cost will be slightly cheaper than the previous option, but be prepared for the fact that during installation the cotton wool will not be as convenient. Although I think it's obvious.

When purchasing the material, check with your sales consultant to see if the cotton wool requires special conditions when working with it. For example, is it necessary to provide a vapor barrier (usually it is necessary) or something else. If you have chosen mineral/basalt wool to insulate your home, you will need to do the following:

Make wooden frame, glue the cotton wool itself into the “interprofile” space. For this it is better to use glue for tiles. Electrical cables are laid along the surface of the material. On final stage Sheathing is done using plasterboard. To fix the sheets, I recommend choosing self-tapping screws made from hardened steel. Such fasteners have increased strength, so they are more reliable than conventional self-tapping screws.

There is another installation method that is applicable to hard types of mineral wool. For example, this includes cotton wool type PPZh-200. After fixing, the mesh is installed, then puttying/leveling is performed.

After the “rough” layer of putty has dried, you can apply the final layer of putty. Afterwards you need to sand and prime, and then start painting. As we can see, theoretically, nothing complicated, but this process itself is quite labor-intensive.

It would be appropriate to say a few words about what problems and misunderstandings, dear residents of the top floors, you may encounter when working with mineral wool.

In no case should mineral wool be pressed or wet (even by accident/even a little/even if you really want to, etc.) - because of this, the material loses its thermal insulation properties and becomes unsuitable for use.

If you plan to install spotlights in the ceiling, then, naturally, use energy-saving lamps and leave a gap between them and the mineral wool itself.

Insulation from outside

Now information useful for homeowners living in the private sector. Well for avid summer residents Same. The good thing about the option of insulating from the outside is that you can use literally any insulation - it does not require fixing to the ceiling. In the first half of the article, we briefly mentioned sawdust as insulation. So, this is from this series.

But those who have not heard of sawdust usually use the same “classic” materials: mineral/basalt wool, polystyrene foam, and expanded clay. Now we will look at how the installation process itself occurs.


  • we take measurements;
  • clean the surface of any debris;
  • lay polystyrene. Be prepared for it to hit your pocket. In principle, they can do without it;
  • we lay sheets on the attic floor and then fix them;
  • fill the gaps with foam.

Ready. Now you can begin installing the attic floor, because it is not designed to be walked on. Lay down boards or OSB - then you can fully use the attic as warehouse. Or even arrange a recreation room or billiard room there. Lately, many homeowners have been converting the attics of their homes into living spaces.

Mineral/basalt wool

Everything here is similar to the method of insulating a room from the inside. Only even easier. There is no need to attach the cotton wool to the ceiling. Therefore, we build a frame and lay a vapor barrier layer. As a rule, glassine plays its role. Then we lay the mineral wool itself, after which we install the attic floor and implement our bold design solutions.

I would like to say a few words about preventive measures. Whatever material you use for insulation, be sure (!) to check everything bearing structures for the presence of rotten areas. The check should be carried out very carefully - using an awl with a long edge, since the board may be intact on the outside, but rotten on the inside. Pierce each joist along its entire length. If you find a rotten area, it must be replaced. Be sure to check the roof. If it leaks, fix the leak. We remember that mineral wool cannot be wet under any circumstances.

And further: wooden structures must be treated with an antiseptic. Fungal colonies(mold) are not only harmful to your health, but they also gradually destroy your home. So .

Expanded clay

Same a good option. Expanded clay is based on low-melting clays. It has a porous structure and relatively light weight. Although, when compared with previous options, it is not so small. This is a universal and reliable insulation material that has been used in construction for a very long time.

So, let's get to work:

  • . For this, regular film and/or roofing felt is suitable. If necessary to cover large area- more than 15 m², the material is laid overlapping - ±15 cm;
  • We glue the joints of the roofing felt with rubber bitumen mastic. The film can be glued regular tape;
  • layer 15–20 cm;
  • Fill the screed/install the wooden attic floor. You can, of course, do it without this, but for the sake of full use attic space It's worth trying.

That's all for today, dear reader. Good luck, see you again!

One of the problems in a private home is heat leakage through the ceiling. If in apartment building above warm apartment, then in our case above the head only cold attic, or even just a street. How to insulate the ceiling from the inside in a private house if, for some reason, it is not possible to do this from the attic?

Selection of materials

Let's start with the insulation structure. It will be multi-layered; we have to do it sequentially:

  • External steam and waterproofing insulation;
  • Lathing for filling with heat-insulating material;
  • Actually thermal insulation;
  • Internal vapor barrier;
  • Finally, the ceiling must be hemmed with any finishing material.

Vapor barrier

Glassine is most often used as a vapor barrier - inexpensive material with quite acceptable consumer properties. However, if you need additional insurance against leaks - best choice there will be good old plastic wrap. It is absolutely impermeable to water and has a service life of at least fifty years.

Vapor barrier sheets are laid with overlap. If the ceiling is sloped (for example, in the attic), the film is laid in rows from bottom to top so that condensation cannot flow under the lower sheets. It is better to additionally seal the inner layer of vapor barrier with tape. This will ensure absolute tightness.

Why are all these measures needed? The worst enemy of mineral and ecowool insulation is condensation. Wet mineral wool greatly reduces thermal insulation qualities. And the humidity indoors in winter is always much higher than outside (see).

Please note: if we insulate from below reinforced concrete floor, upper layer no vapor barrier needed. Between the moisture-impervious concrete and the insulation, the water simply has nowhere to come from.

Thermal insulating material

Two materials are most often used as insulation::

  1. Styrofoam. Aka polystyrene foam. The slabs in which it is sold are quite large; The recommended thickness for temperate climates is 5 centimeters, for Siberia and the Far East - 10.

The main advantage is that this insulation is non-hygroscopic, it does not dampen. If so, with any fluctuations in humidity, the quality of the ceiling’s thermal insulation will not change (see).

  1. Mineral wool (glass wool, ecowool, basalt wool and other variations on the same theme). The material is noticeably cheaper than foam plastic with the same degree of thermal insulation provided.

In addition, it is considered more environmentally friendly: mineral fiber does not emit anything into the atmosphere, and heated debates about the possible harm to health continue regarding the properties of expanded polystyrene.

The debate about which material is better can also be endless. On any construction portal you can meet convinced adherents of both methods of insulation; Therefore, we will not impose a certain position on the reader.

Let's just say that polystyrene foam changes its properties over time to a lesser extent, not only in a humid environment: mineral wool cakes over time. Even if perfect vapor barrier is provided.

If you choose polystyrene foam boards as thermal insulation - inner layer vapor barriers are also useless. It is enough to simply glue the seams between the plates with wide tape (see).

Sometimes the foam is simply placed on glue. From below it is covered with a layer decorative plaster- and the ceiling is ready.


Two types of lathing are used: wooden and galvanized profile.

The wooden one is a little cheaper and a little easier to install. But the galvanized profile does not deform with fluctuations in temperature and humidity, is not affected by fungus and does not serve as food for insects.

Nuance: if we're talking about about insulating the ceiling from the inside wooden house- you can safely make the sheathing from a bar or slats. In fact, what is the point of making the suspended ceiling stronger and more durable than walls and floors? Of course, it is worth treating the material for the sheathing with an antiseptic.


Everything is in your hands here. Most quick way hem the ceiling - Wall panels from PVC. In addition, they are easy to clean.

However, drywall will provide a smooth surface without seams; can be built and slatted ceiling, and hanging tile... The choice of material is solely a matter of personal preference and the budget allocated for repairs.

Basic Operations

As an example, let's consider insulating the ceiling from the inside in a private house for the case when there are beams overhead with a plank ceiling attached to them. The climate is temperate; We will be insulated with mineral wool 50 mm thick.

  1. Armed with a stapler, we attach it to the ceiling plastic film. It will completely stop the flow of moisture to the boards from the room and extend the life of our ceiling. An overlap of ten centimeters is required.
  2. We stuff the sheathing. We will hem the ceiling with PVC panels; a thin mounting rail is sufficient for them. But let's not forget about the thickness of the thermal insulation and take a 50x50 block.

We will stuff it across the future panels in increments of 60 centimeters: in this case, the panels will not sag, and the mineral wool will not have to be cut to width. Most rolls are of this size.

  1. We fill the gaps between the bars with mineral wool. It is better to wear textile gloves and protect your eyes and nose: cotton wool fibers are volatile.

  1. Armed with a stapler again, we hem the sheathing from below with a second layer of polyethylene. Additionally, we glue the connections of the sheets with adhesive tape: the greater the tightness we provide, the longer the insulation will retain its properties.
  2. Finally, final stage: we hem the wall panels from below. We won’t focus on how this is done: installation methods have already been described hundreds of times.

Hem the panels to wooden sheathing- the task is more than simple.


Our goal has been achieved: the room is insulated from the inside. You don't have to be afraid of winter. The downside was that we lost about six centimeters of ceiling height. Unfortunately, the sacrifice was inevitable... Good luck with the repair!

Insulation of the ceiling surface is important not only for private houses, but also for apartments. This is especially true for premises located on the top floors. As warm air rises, heat loss through the ceiling and ceiling reaches up to 20 percent. Ceiling insulation solves the problem low temperatures in an apartment in winter time and heat in summer. In addition, the thermal insulation materials used absorb sound waves, therefore increasing the comfort of living in the apartment and protecting from noise coming from above.

Principles of insulating the ceiling in an apartment

Before you properly insulate the ceiling, you need to decide on the material.

When choosing a heat insulator, pay attention to the following requirements:

  1. The material should be light in weight so as not to unnecessarily load the floor.
  2. Insulators must be environmentally friendly and harmless, that is, they must not release toxic substances into the air.
  3. It is good if the product is not susceptible to mold and other microorganisms. This is especially important for apartments with frequently leaking roofs and for rooms with high humidity.
  4. The heat insulator must be resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.
  5. For installation in damp places It is better to choose moisture-resistant insulation.
  6. Fire resistance is also important. The insulator should not emit caustic smoke and toxic compounds during a fire.
  7. Consider the ease of processing and installation if you plan to do the work yourself.
  8. Choose insulators that do not interfere natural air exchange ceiling surface and ceiling. This will protect structures from condensation accumulation and subsequent destruction, as well as a decrease in technical characteristics.

All thermal insulation materials used are physical condition They are divided into solid, sprayable and fibrous.

Basic methods

Insulation of the ceiling in an apartment can be done from inside and outside the room. The latter option is only suitable for housing located on the top floors.

The first method has two disadvantages:

  • after installing the insulation on the ceiling, the height of the room will decrease;
  • internal insulation is not as effective as outdoor installation heat insulator (this is due to the collection of condensate on the concrete floor and its freezing).

However, if you lay the insulation outside concrete floor If it doesn’t work out, then the only way out is to perform internal insulation.

Insulation from inside the room

Insulation concrete ceiling the inside is made using expanded polystyrene (foam plastic and its extruded variety), basalt wool and mineral wool. Depending on the density of the material, frame or frameless insulation technology is used. By frameless method basalt wool and expanded polystyrene are installed, and assembly of the sheathing is required if mineral wool is used.

Expanded polystyrene

The following types of foamed polystyrene are suitable for thermal insulation measures:

  1. Pressless foam- most cheap look expanded polystyrene. Its structure contains granules and pores different sizes. This material has high water absorption and different densities. His thermal insulation characteristics not as high as subsequent varieties.
  2. Pressed polystyrene foam It has closed pores, so it better protects against heat loss. The material is durable and dense.
  3. Extruded variety of polystyrene also has small closed pores in its structure. This is a product with the lowest thermal conductivity.

Insulating the ceiling in an apartment with penoplex, that is, extruded polystyrene foam, provides the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation efficiency;
  • ease and speed of installation;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • acceptable price;
  • waterproof;
  • due to the low weight, the floors are not overloaded;
  • durability (will last up to 30 years);
  • the surface is not affected by mold and rot;
  • impact noise absorption.

The disadvantages of expanded polystyrene are considered to be their easy flammability, although extruded products are self-extinguishing. In addition, polystyrenes are not chemically resistant, so when choosing an adhesive for gluing to the ceiling, you should not buy compounds with solvents that are aggressive to the foam. Foamed polystyrenes do not protect against airborne noise and have low air permeability.


  • water absorption - from 0.4% to 4% (the highest for conventional foam);
  • vapor permeability – from 0.019 to 0.015 (the best indicator for extruded polystyrene foam);
  • strength – from 0.4 to 1 kg/cm³.

Mineral wool

There are several varieties of mineral wool. Only two types are suitable for insulating apartments:

  1. Glass wool is considered budget option insulation. Since the material releases small glass fibers into the air, it is not installed indoors. But glass wool is suitable for external insulation of floors.
  2. Stone wools have a higher density than the first type and are characterized by mechanical stability. Rocks, such as basalt, are used to make them. Basalt wool Due to their high strength and density, they can be mounted using frameless technology.

Important! Because the stone wool They are fire resistant and are allowed to be used in places with a high fire hazard.

The minimum thermal conductivity of mineral wool is 0.041, the density of the material is in the range of 20-220 kg/m³. The vapor permeability of the insulator is 0.48.

Advantages of mineral wool:

  • waterproof (this only applies to basalt wool);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the material does not interfere with air circulation;
  • the product is resistant to chemicals;
  • high thermal insulation rates;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability;
  • harmlessness and environmental friendliness.

Only non-stone mineral wools have disadvantages. So, the disadvantage of glass wool is its strong dusting. In addition, when these insulation materials get wet, their thermal insulation properties decrease.

External installation of thermal insulation

External insulation of an apartment is carried out if there is a higher technical floor or attic space. It is important that the communications laid in the technical floor do not interfere with the implementation of this insulation option. Otherwise, you will have to abandon external installation.

Insulation of a concrete ceiling from the outside is most often carried out using expanded clay, but the materials listed above are also suitable. Usually they are laid between rows of joists, the height of which is equal to the thickness of the insulation. Vapor and waterproofing must be used. The heat insulator is covered with a boardwalk on top so that when walking on the technical floor or attic the heat insulation layer is not damaged.

Expanded clay

This is a product of processing shale clay. The granules are exposed to heat, after which their surface is sintered, and the material becomes porous from the inside, which gives the product high thermal insulation characteristics. Typically, expanded clay of different fractions is used to insulate a concrete floor from the outside. Optimal size granules 10-20 mm.

Advantages of expanded clay insulation:

  1. The material is not flammable and does not support combustion. The granules do not emit harmful substances during a fire, do not melt or drip. Therefore, we can say that expanded clay has absolute fire safety.
  2. Expanded clay is very light, so after installation there are no unnecessarily high loads on the floor.
  3. The product is resistant to mold and other microorganisms. It is not damaged by insects and rodents. In combination with hardness and strength, this ensures long-term operation of the heat insulator.
  4. The material can be easily laid on the ceiling without using special devices, which allows you to carry out installation yourself.
  5. Reasonable price is one of the advantages of insulation.

Among the disadvantages of expanded clay, it is worth mentioning the dust that is observed during transportation and installation. The hygroscopicity of the granules is also considered a disadvantage. Because of this, after getting wet, they lose some of their thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, after laying expanded clay, a waterproofing layer must be laid out, which makes it possible to level out this shortcoming of the material.

Cost of insulation

Prices for ceiling insulation work vary and depend on the materials used and installation method. Since laying insulating material involves various preparatory and basic work,

Premises, regardless of their functional purpose.

In order to retain heat in the room, it is necessary to insulate the concrete ceiling. For insulation, you can use special materials that are produced specifically to retain heat.

But, in any case, in order to insulate a ceiling, including a concrete one, you simply need to attach a heat-insulating material (insulation) to its surface.

The difference lies only in the properties of the heat-insulating material.

The ceiling can be insulated with polystyrene foam. It is the cheapest and retains heat well.

One of the fastest and cheapest methods is gluing on ceiling surface foam boards, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store. The most important thing is that gluing such tiles does not require special construction knowledge or experience. In 1 day you will be able to special labor cover an area of ​​up to 25 square meters. m and thereby insulate the ceiling, for example, in the hall.

At the same time, insulating the ceiling with foam tiles in terms of heat retention quality cannot be compared with the same plasterboard or mineral wool mat. At the same time, the cost of work and the time of applying tiles are negligible.

But know that the better you insulate the ceiling, the more heat you will retain in the room. Therefore, to choose insulation material need to be treated with the utmost care. In any case, you will need:

  • the insulation you have chosen;
  • waterproofing material (glassine);
  • wooden slats (beams);
  • polyurethane foam (for sealing seams and gaps);
  • nails or screws.

The first tools you need to have on hand are:

  • bench knife, hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • grinder and electric drill.

This set of materials and tools will be simply necessary for high-quality insulation ceiling.

Insulation of ceilings in a private house

Thermal insulation of a concrete ceiling in a private house allows not only to retain heat, but also to significantly reduce energy consumption. In order to insulate private homes, it is best to use materials such as: mineral wool, expanded clay, polystyrene foam, ecowool, penoizol, as they have not only heat-insulating, but also vapor recirculation properties.

A private home begins with installation thermal insulation material between . In order to securely attach the material, it is better to cut it into strips 5 cm wider than. After this, polystyrene foam is laid on top, and the resulting gaps are filled polyurethane foam. Next, mineral wool is laid to the upper edge of the beam and finally boards are laid on top.

One more effective way, which is used to insulate the ceiling of a room, is the use of expanded clay. But to do this, you first need to lay a vapor barrier layer, on top of which a layer of crumpled clay is poured. Next it is poured from above cement strainer and the boards are laid.

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Insulation of ceilings in an apartment

Residents of the upper floors are mainly interested in insulating the ceiling in an apartment. But still, if your apartment is located on the lower floors, then insulating the ceiling will improve both noise and vibration insulation. Since those currently used practically do not prevent the penetration of sound and vibration from residents living on the upper floors. Therefore, when choosing materials, one of the main criteria, in addition to low heat transfer, is to ensure good sound insulation. However, for residents of the last top floor the problem with sound insulation disappears; they only need to use materials with good thermal insulation.

It is very important to know that with a large number of layers of insulation, the ceiling level decreases.

To insulate an apartment, you first need to install guides from wooden beam or galvanized metal. The insulating material will subsequently be attached along these guides.

If, of all the methods of insulating the ceiling, you prefer to stick foam plastic, then there is no need to install guides.
