How to bend a profile pipe with an arc with your own hands. Self-bending of profile pipes. Using welding and grinders

When performing construction or repair work Around the house of various levels, the problem of bending profile pipes regularly arises. This is usually necessary when constructing greenhouses on summer cottage, installation of gates, various designs For winter garden, at home, as well as when arranging terraces. The profile pipes themselves have a high strength index, and in order to give them the required shape, you need to put in some effort.

In this article we will describe how to bend faster and more conveniently profile pipe independently at home using special equipment - a pipe bender or using a conventional angle grinder (grinder) and a welding machine. We will tell you all the secrets of proper pipe bending and describe a number of problems that you may encounter in this process. We will also tell you why using special equipment you cannot bend pipes with a square cross-section.

Pipe bending technologies: how to bend a pipe correctly?

How to bend a steel or copper pipe correctly? Is it possible to do this without losing the properties of the metal? There are several different technologies, one of the most convenient and fastest is the use of a special machine designed for bending profile pipes. In professional language it is called a profile bender, but the cost of such a device is quite high, so you need to have many good reasons to purchase it.

In case you plan to bend pipes a small amount of times, then in specialized stores you can purchase special manual pipe benders, with which you can bend pipes various shapes, but this is most optimal for round pipes, because all the elements have a semicircular shape. The cost of such equipment is relatively low, usually about 3-3.5 thousand rubles.

For bending pipes at home, you can use more simple ways, based on the use of a welding machine and an angle grinder. This technology will be described a little later.

Often copper, steel and polymer pipes with a small cross-sectional width, it can be bent using available means and physical effort, but in this case it is difficult to control the bending radius. This method is best for copper pipes, since ordering it bending in a workshop is not cheap at all.

Features of bending using a pipe bender

The priority of using a special pipe bender in household It’s worth taking this into account when purchasing products if you decide to take such a step. Most often, special equipment is purchased to work with big amount profile pipes, for example, in the construction of houses and the construction of fences. In this case, you need to immediately take into account what type of pipes can be bent this device, because often inexpensive models can only work with round profile pipes.

It is quite easy to bend a round or square pipe using a pipe bender yourself. In this process, you only need to take into account the wall thickness, the diameter of the pipe section, the radius of the future bend and the material of manufacture. During operation, bending is carried out in accordance with technical tolerances pipe wall thickness and cross-sectional size, while during work you need to ensure that kinks do not appear on the inside of the product, as well as flattening cross section profile.

When working with pipes square shape When you need to bend a small radius, the force must be applied closer to the ends of the product, because in the central part the pipe will be very difficult to bend.

How to bend a profile pipe?

To bend a pipe not independently, but using special equipment, you need to use devices whose operation is based on cold stretching technology. In this case, stretching the profile leads to the fact that the neutral axis of the entire structure shifts towards the required bend, so the probability of obtaining a corrugated part is practically zero. The pipe remains smooth throughout its entire length, kinks and other defects simply cannot appear on its surface, strength and other important characteristics remain the same.

The pipe bender grips the product very tightly, bends and stretches at the same time with an absolutely precise movement of the bending template.

Using special equipment, the profile product can be accurately bent in the desired direction and at the required angle, maintaining all the characteristics of the pipe and preventing the walls from losing stability. The secret of this technology is extremely simple: bending is carried out in the presence of hydrostatic pressure inside. Special plugs are installed at the ends of the profile pipe, and liquid is supplied into the system. Then the bending template is brought to the center of the product, and required form achieved through applied effort.

How to bend a profile pipe without a pipe bender

You can bend a pipe at home quite quickly and easily, without resorting to using a pipe bender. For this you do not need to use expensive and bulky tools and machines, but the bending quality is quite good, and the profile remains attractive appearance without losing its properties. You can do this yourself using a welding machine and a grinder. Work is carried out according to the following instructions:

  1. Initially, you need to correctly calculate the radius of curvature, optimally prepare a preliminary diagram that will significantly simplify the work process, make it high-quality and fast.
  2. On the surface of the profile product along the length of the section that needs to be bent, it is necessary to make uniform transverse cuts on three sides. This can be done independently using an angle grinder.
  3. Next, you need to apply some physical effort and bend the pipe in the required direction. Many professionals recommend carefully fixing it so that the bend is neat and the pipe is located in the same plane. This can be done, for example, in a vice.
  4. Using prepared welding equipment, all cuts are welded in accordance with safety precautions.
  5. Now the welding areas need to be sanded and carefully processed.

With this technology, you can achieve the most accurate results without using complex and specialized equipment, which is a pipe bender.

Pipe bending using internal pressure means

Profile pipes of various sections can be bent using means that have an internal effect on the structure. To do this, you first need to make a spring with a square cross-section from steel wire, which has a thickness of one to four millimeters. The value must be selected in accordance with the thickness of the profile.

The prepared spring must be carefully wound, and the size of each section of the spring should be 1.5-2 millimeters less than the internal diameter of the cross-section of the profile product; in this case, the spring should be freely located inside the product that needs to be bent.

Now with the help blowtorch the area intended for bending is heated. This must be done extremely carefully, using pliers and protective gloves. After heating on a specially installed blank with a radius, equal to the radius profile, the pipe is bent.

If the pipe needs to be bent in winter period or in a cold room, a slightly different technology is used. To do this, the pipe is initially filled with water, and plugs are installed at its ends. Afterwards, the profile is set in the cold until the water inside the product completely turns into ice. Now you can bend the pipe yourself on a blank without applying any serious physical effort.

Dural and brass pipes can be bent according to the same principle, if this is possible, then the profile product will retain its properties and integrity.

How to bend a profile pipe at home

Any of the above methods can be used to create a pipe bend. All technologies are different necessary equipment, process time and required physical effort. Of course, it is best to carry out this process using special equipment, but if this is not possible, you can use classical methods of bending profile pipes. A manual pipe bender can significantly simplify and speed up this process; you can find it in any hardware store at a fairly affordable price. However, if you already have welding machine and an angle grinder, you can use them. The main thing is not to forget about safety precautions, always wear a protective mask and special gloves, only then the process of bending pipes will not be difficult. special labor and will not lead to possible problems.

A profile pipe is a pipe that has a square or rectangular section. Therefore, you may think that it is almost impossible to bend it. Although in fact, knowing how to bend a profile pipe, this process will seem almost trivial to you.

However, when starting work, you need to know exactly what you want to get as a result. Bending a pipe, as they say, “by eye” is a waste of both your time and physical strength.

Carelessly applied forces can destroy the profile pipe, even though it is made of metal.

Pipe bending machine

Since the profile pipe must be bent very carefully so that, if possible, its cross-section and, of course, the associated properties (rigidity and strength) do not change, it is best to use a special machine for these purposes, which is called a profile bender. It is not financially profitable to buy such a machine for one-time work, so you can simply contact a company that already has this equipment and its employees will fulfill your order quickly and efficiently. The cost of such work may vary, but in any case it will be much cheaper than buying a pipe bender for personal use.

When using a machine, the pipe is usually bent evenly along its entire length.

You should act gradually so that kinks do not appear and the profile does not flatten, which can no longer be eliminated.

With the right effort, you will also be able to avoid such defects as the appearance of corrugated areas. The pipe will remain smooth, since the pipe bender simultaneously stretches and bends it, while the compressive force also arises gradually and acts constantly, and not jerkily.

However, to achieve improved quality of work, it is worth using the bending method using the advantages of hydrostatic pressure. To do this, the profile pipe must be completely filled with liquid, then closing both ends with special plugs. When bending such a pipe on a machine, you should start from its center, and not from the edge, gradually reducing the bending radius until the desired shape is achieved.

Bend by hand

Another option is to use a hand-held pipe bender that is suitable for the pipe size you choose. Unfortunately, the use of this device requires significant physical effort, which not every one of us can handle, since bending a profile pipe, the walls of which are several millimeters thick, is quite difficult.

In addition, if the profile pipe has a large cross-section, then you will not be able to bend it manually, since a manual pipe bender is designed only for strictly defined pipe sizes.

Home option

If you don’t have one of the above pipe benders (either manual or machine-made), you can use another method - bend the pipe at home using a grinder and welding.

In this case, the process will look like this and will take quite a lot of time:

  1. First of all, you need to calculate the bending radius of the profile pipe that you need.
  2. Mark the pipe with marks along which you will cut it so that you can bend it to the desired shape. Remember that the more often the cuts are made, the smoother the final bend of the profile pipe will be.
  3. Using a grinder, make cuts on three sides, always leaving the fourth side of the section untouched.
  4. Carefully bend the pipe to the desired shape. To facilitate the process, you can use a kind of pattern cut from wood, the outer edge of which will repeat the required form bending Attach the edge (the whole fourth side) of the profile pipe to it, secure it and begin bending it to the desired curvature.
  5. Use a welding machine to weld the cuts. The seams must be fairly neat and durable.
  6. Sand the weld areas so that you end up with a smooth surface.

Since you won’t be able to quickly bend a profile pipe in this way, it is better to use a grinder and welding only for single jobs or for bending large cross-section pipes. If you need to make a fairly large number of curved profile pipes, it is better to first make a homemade pipe bender.

DIY pipe bender

Creating a pipe bender with your own hands is not very difficult, if, of course, you know the principle of its operation and the main design elements. You can use this video as a guide:

Pipe bending spring

Masters know another way to bend a profile pipe. To do this they use a specially made spring square section, made of steel wire 2-4 mm thick. External size springs should be 1-2 mm smaller internal section profile pipe.

The finished spring is placed in the pipe. Then, using a blowtorch, heat the section of the pipe that needs to be bent (not forgetting about special protective gloves and pliers), apply it to a blank that has the required radius, secure it and press until the required bend is obtained.

If you are building or renovating a home, you may find yourself having to bend various metal structures. Arranging an arch for grapes or a greenhouse cannot be done without bending a profile pipe. This is not the easiest or simplest task. After all, the pipe can not only deform, it can simply crack, and in the worst case, flattening will occur. You will either have to do some welding or just get rid of this pipe.

Technologies for bending profile pipes

There are several basic technologies for performing deformations. Let's look at each of them:

  • use of profile bending machine;
  • use of a pipe bender;
  • use of traditional methods.

Using a spring is to some extent similar to the method with water. It is specially compressed, twisted, for example, onto a metal or wooden rod, and inserted into the pipe. The thickness of the wire from which you will make the spring should be about 2-4 mm. Just keep in mind that you will have to remove it later. Take a soldering lamp and thoroughly heat the required area, then quickly begin to bend. In this case, it is advisable to use some kind of stop (template) of suitable sizes. After reaching the desired condition, the pipes wait for it to cool and, if possible, remove the wire. This way you reduce the likelihood of accompanying deformations, avoid cracks, accordions and other undesirable processes on the pipe.

For bending square pipe folk craftsmen successfully use unusual way. The pipe is sealed at one end and filled with ordinary tap water, taken out into the cold or stuck in the freezer (if size allows). After complete hardening, the product is carefully given the desired shape. This technology is suitable for copper, brass and duralumin pipes.

And the last, environmentally friendly way to give the product the desired shape involves bending with sand and salt. As you know, they are used for deep heating for bronchitis and inflammation of the joints. These substances have the property of retaining their heat for a long time and are characterized by infrared radiation. If you took sand, then you need to prepare it well: rinse, sift, remove foreign impurities. This way you will avoid incidents. The pipe is sealed on one side, you can use wooden block and filled with heated sand. You can heat it in a frying pan, with a blowtorch, or in any other way. Close the pipe on the other side and again, using a suitable template, deform the product until desired angle. If things don’t work out, heat the pipe with sand with a lamp. The effect of this substance is similar to other fillers. This softens the pressure, and the product more easily takes on the desired shape with less loss.

As you can see, there are a great many ways to bend a profile pipe. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to use expensive equipment.

How to bend a profile pipe yourself? Every dacha owner or country house I have repeatedly encountered the problem of bending profile pipes, which are indispensable when installing greenhouses, carports, gazebos for relaxation and other similar structures. Tetrahedral metal bases, unlike round ones, have a wide range of applications and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Methods and features of bending square pipes

In order to bend the corrugated pipe at a certain angle, you can use several methods:

The pipe bender is designed for cold bending with tension. This method significantly reduces the possibility of the formation of a corrugated surface on the pipe bend.

  1. The use of a special machine - reliable, proven modern way, requiring the presence of such professional equipment, which may not always be at hand. Profile bender - that’s what this machine is called, it will bend metal elements any section, but it is not possible to find it at the right moment.
  2. If bending a professional pipe is a one-time job, you can use pipe benders for round pipes. The pipe bender has a small but significant drawback: the work will require a gigantic effort to bend a corrugated pipe of even a not very large cross-section, so this option has to be discounted.
  3. If you do not have heroic strength and a large amount of financial resources to purchase professional equipment, then you can contact one of the many workshops where you will quickly and inexpensively be provided with services for bending any metal, including profile ones. This option is optimal and will allow you to bend the pipe to the desired radius or angle the first time and not damage additional pipes during training.

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Working with a pipe bender

Profile bender is a special machine designed for professional bending of profile pipes.

The lack of professional workshops within walking distance leaves no other choice but to bend the pipe using a pipe bender. The quality of the result depends on the diameter and section size, wall thickness, desired radius, stiffness and hardness of the material being bent, etc.

During operation, it is very difficult to avoid pipe deformations and small cracks in the walls. It is especially difficult to bend a corrugated pipe in the center; closer to the edges, bending is much easier and is less deformed.

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Bend a pipe

If you have a regular pipe bender on hand, you can try bending a corrugated pipe with it.

It would be better if it were a tool designed to bend while stretching. Stretching the pipe will avoid assemblies on inner surface bending and unnecessary deformation of the pipe.

If it is necessary to change the shape of stainless steel, which is fragile, which can cause a crack to form, water is allowed into the pipe. Water creates hydrostatic pressure when in a confined space.

The bending hose is applied to the place where the bend will be and set in motion. A corrugated pipe filled with water is easier to change shape; it can be bent at your discretion.

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Using a grinder to bend a pipe

Another simple way to work with a pipe is to use a grinder, which many people have among their household tools. In addition to the grinder, you will need a welding machine of any type.

Stages of work:

The radius of the blank on which the bend is made must be equal to the internal radius of the bending profile pipe.

  1. Before starting work, the required radius of curvature is calculated.
  2. At the bend site, using a grinder and a metal disk, make cuts across the corrugated pipe, leaving one fourth of the perimeter untouched. The number of cuts can vary from two or more, depending on the desired result.
  3. A corrugated pipe with cuts can easily be bent in any way, and it can be given the desired angle or circle.
  4. After the pipe has taken the desired shape, the holes from the grinder are welded and carefully processed with a grinding machine.

This method is one of the most popular for bending elements at home.
