How to make a glowing cloud from cotton wool. DIY cloud-shaped LED ceiling light. Required materials and tools

A night light is not just a source of illumination, but also important element decor. During the day it may be practically unnoticeable, but at night, when all other lighting devices go out, it is the night light that comes to the fore. And if it’s not just a light bulb under a lampshade, but something more inventive, then the night room takes on a special solemn atmosphere. With a little effort, you can make a spectacular and stylish night light with your own hands. Its shape and features will be limited only by the imagination of the creator.

Why is it needed?

To shine at night is the most obvious answer to this question. But far from the only one! A good night light performs a number of useful functions:

  • creates a pleasant and unusual atmosphere before bedtime;
  • saves electricity - a light bulb in a night light consumes several times less electricity than a chandelier;
  • decorates the interior of the room;
  • eliminates the need to turn on the main light and wake up household members if you need to get up in the middle of the night;
  • allows you to install a light bulb of any color and even create shaped lighting.

In addition, a night light in a child’s bedroom is reliable means to combat the fear of the dark. If the lampshade is decorated with patterns and drawings, then the light from such a night light will have a beneficial effect on the child’s imagination. Any psychologist will confirm that visual effects, which the baby watches - an important and useful element.


There are many good ideas for homemade night lights. They differ in the degree of complexity of their manufacture, but most of them can be handled by anyone.


You can cut out the name of the person in whose room the night light will be placed

There are countless options for making a wall night light. It can have any shape and consist of any materials. Here is one of the simple and at the same time impressive-looking options. To create it you will need some boards, a sheet of acrylic and light. diode tape any color:

  1. Take 2 planks same size. The thickness should be small - this will make it easier to work with them. Process the material sandpaper or in any other way to give a presentable appearance.
  2. Cut out a rectangle from acrylic the same size as the planks.
  3. Take one of the boards and draw a pattern or inscription on it.
  4. Cut out the pattern or inscription so that it becomes end-to-end. If you don’t have a CNC machine at hand, this can be done a regular drill or a jigsaw. Light from the night light will pass through these holes.
  5. Make 4 corner holes for bolts in each of the boards and in the acrylic sheet. Also create a hole in the empty board for the cord from the LED strip.
  6. Cut a groove on the acrylic sheet slightly wider than the LED strip. The strip should be at the bottom of the workpiece and run lengthwise. Place the tape in the groove.
  7. Assemble the night light using bolts.

The lighting fixture can be screwed to the wall with the same bolts with which it was assembled, or it can be glued or carefully hung on a nail.

Made from plexiglass

Plexiglas is made from acrylic resin and is widely known under the names plexiglass, acryplast, acrylite

Organic glass and acrylic are practically the same thing. That's why key principle making a night light from plexiglass - the same as in the previous version. The only difference is that plexiglass can not be hung on the wall, but, for example, placed on a table or even on the floor in the corner of the room.

One of simple options creating such a night light:

  1. Make 3 rectangular blanks from plexiglass. The size can be arbitrary, but each piece should be slightly longer than the previous one.
  2. Draw any pattern you like on paper. Place paper under the blanks and trace the pattern onto the glass with a scalpel or other tool. It is best if there is a plexiglass protective film. Remove it after finishing work.
  3. Cut from thick wooden board a figure of the desired shape - it will be a stand. Make another figure of the same shape.
  4. In one of the figures, make slots for acrylic blanks (you can use a regular drill), and in the other - a recess for LED strip.
  5. Place the tape in the recess and glue the wooden shapes together. Then insert the plexiglass blanks into the slots. The spectacular night light is ready!

In order for the night light to shine well, the recess for the LED strip must “cover” all 3 slots.


Do-it-yourself night light made of paper is one of the less expensive ways to make it

Paper is a very pliable and flexible material to process. You can make anything out of it. Here is just one of the many examples of paper night lights:

  1. Take a sheet of thick multi-colored paper and draw any image or pattern on it.
  2. Using an awl, punch out this image along the contour. You can also make continuous slits with a blade.
  3. Roll a piece of paper into a tube so that the outline of the image is inside. Glue the resulting cylinder together.
  4. Place a small flashlight or candle on the table, covered with an inverted glass. Hide the light source under a paper cylinder.

Night light garland

There are many options for such night lights, because... you can choose a garland of any color and shape

A night light made from a garland is one of the most simple ideas. Girls often make such night lights for school lessons labor. To make a lamp you need to do the following:

  1. Take a glass container. It can be a jar, vase or bottle of any shape.
  2. Place a garland inside the container. It is better to use LED as it does not heat up and is therefore safe for glass.
  3. Pass the cord from the garland through the hole in the container and place the resulting night light with the hole down. To make it stand better, you can cut a small notch in the edge of the hole for the cord.

Use containers with dense frosted glass. Then the wires of the garland will not be visible - only bright multi-colored light bulbs.

With starry sky effect

You can try to make the sky realistic, repeating the contours of real constellations, or you can depict schematic constellations that are not at all similar to the real ones

This is one of the most popular ideas of all time. The romantic lighting effect leaves no one indifferent, and the area for experimentation when creating is simply huge! In order to make such a lighting device, you need:

  • regular glass jar(or unusual if you want more beautiful lampshade) with lid;
  • thick foil (plain kitchen foil will do);
  • flashlight small sizes(to fit in a jar);
  • marker or felt-tip pen;
  • awl and scissors;
  • hard surface - a board, tray or the like.

How to make a night light like this:

  1. Using a marker, draw stars on the foil.
  2. Place the foil on a hard surface and pierce the stars with an awl. If desired, the resulting holes can be carefully modified with scissors, giving them a pentagonal shape.
  3. Cut the sheet of foil so that its height is equal to the height of the jar. Then roll it into a tube and place it inside the jar, smoothing it along the walls. It should work out glass containers, tightly lined with foil on the inside.
  4. Insert the switched-on flashlight into the jar and turn the structure upside down.

To give the night light a “heavenly” color, you can use a decorative jar from a home improvement store, and for lighting - a garland or light bulb with dark blue glass.

With infinity effect

Preparing materials is the main difficulty in creating such a night light

To make an impressive night light you will need:

  • acrylic mirror (regular or double-sided - it doesn’t matter);
  • translucent glass;
  • aluminum strip;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • any wooden block.

The process of making a night light is quite simple:

  1. Make grooves in the block into which you can insert a mirror and glass. Cuts of the required width can be easily made with a jigsaw or a regular drill, selecting the drill according to the size.
  2. Fold the aluminum strip into a rectangle and secure it with bolts to the block between the cuts, as shown in the photo.
  3. Wrap the aluminum with LED strip. You can attach it with glue or wire.
  4. Insert the mirror and glass into the grooves. The night light is ready! Place it on the table with the glass facing forward.

The moon night light will become original elements decor for any room

To make a real glowing moon for your bedroom, you need the following materials:

  • balloon round shape;
  • roll of paper towels;
  • glue (regular PVA is best);
  • sponge with large pores;
  • paint (preferably acrylic).

Choose paint to match the color of the Moon (pale yellow or shade Ivory) to achieve maximum effect. You can also mix white paint with ocher - you get the desired shade.

Making such a night light is quite simple, although it requires a lot of free time:

  1. Trace the balloon knot with a marker. You should get a circle with a diameter of about 6–7 cm. This area does not need to be used in the future; it will be removed.
  2. Dip a round balloon into a container of glue. If there is not enough glue, the ball can be painted with a brush.
  3. Cover the ball with paper towels. Wait until the glue hardens. Next, apply another layer with a brush and repeat the procedure. There must be at least 3 layers of towels so that the ball comes out hard and dense.
  4. After complete drying, paint the ball with acrylic paint.
  5. Take a large-pored sponge, dip it in the same paint and carefully “stamp” the ball on all sides. For realism, you can “copy” an image of the real Moon. It is this stage that is important for creating the lunar surface with craters and seas.
  6. Wait for the ball to dry. Then cut a hole along the outline made with a marker and remove the balloon with tweezers.
  7. Place a light bulb in a socket, a white garland inside, or use the moon as a lampshade for a floor lamp.


A cloud-shaped night light is one of the simplest and most cost-effective options for a homemade night light.

To make a night light in the shape of a thundercloud, you will need a round or oval lampshade, cotton wool, an LED lamp (or several multi-colored light bulbs) and glue. You also need to prepare a thick thread to hang the product from the ceiling. The lampshade can be replaced with a wire frame, giving it a round or oval shape. Such a frame will need to be covered with a thin translucent fabric.

The process of making a night light is as follows:

  1. Make a hole in the lampshade and insert a light bulb into it. Pass a thick thread through it. If the light bulb you are using is powered by electricity, the lamp can be hung on a cable.
  2. Cover the lampshade with cotton wool. You need very little glue - a small drop for each piece of cotton wool. Try to create a cloud shape using both small and large pieces of cotton wool.
  3. The hole in the lampshade can also be sealed with cotton wool so that it is not visible.
  4. Hang the resulting lamp from the ceiling. During the day it will look like an ordinary summer cloud, and at night it will “rage like a thunderstorm.”


To make such a night light, you can choose any color of paper that matches the interior

Making a beautiful glowing rose is quite difficult, but the result justifies the effort and time spent. To make this night light you need cardboard, corrugated paper, acrylic paint(pink, burgundy or yellow - depending on the chosen color of the rose), glue stick, and wire.

And here is the manufacturing process itself:

  1. Cut out a template in the shape of a rose petal from cardboard. It is important to give it realism, to make it look like a real petal - this way the lamp will look more beautiful.
  2. Cut petals from corrugated paper according to the shape of the template.
  3. Use scissors to round the ends of the petals until it looks similar to the photo. Applying scissors to the edges of the petals, iron the paper, and after several such ironings it will become round.
  4. Glue the petals in the shape of a pink bud, place an LED inside to match the color of the paper. You can, however, experiment with different shades.
  5. You can also make a stem, as in the photo, and glue a green LED to each leaf. But a rose without a stem will look good as a table night light.

Such a night light can be either small, fitting on a table, or occupy a distance from floor to ceiling

Wooden nightlights are very popular because working with wood is much easier than working with glass or metal. From it you can create the most fancy shapes. And varnished wood looks amazing and successfully complements any interior.

Materials that may be needed to make a wooden night light:

  • wooden boards, bars or logs (depending on the selected lamp model);
  • paint or varnish;
  • a light bulb or LED strip (it is preferable to use a strip, since it does not heat up and is therefore safe for wood);
  • glue, nails or bolts (depending on the chosen fastening method);
  • sandpaper.

Tools needed to make a night light:

  • small saw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • screwdriver;
  • a machine for processing wood (needed when making complex models of lamps).

Step-by-step instruction

The process for creating all wooden night lights is quite similar. Let's look at it using one very beautiful example:

  1. Take a flat log about 0.5 m long and about 15 cm in diameter. The exact dimensions do not matter - the main thing is that it is not too large.
  2. Saw the log into washers, make 2 of them slightly thicker than the others - they will be located at the top and bottom.
  3. Drill a hole in the very center of each washer. The holes on two thick washers should be blind, and on all the others - through. If there drilling machine, you can make wide openings, but no, narrower ones, slightly widened with a chisel or jigsaw.
  4. Sand the holes with sandpaper to remove any splinters. Then lubricate them from the inside with glue: this will allow the future night light to maintain its shape and not “dry out”.
  5. Coat the wooden washers with varnish and let dry thoroughly.
  6. Thread the washers evenly onto the strip or metal rod across the width of the hole. The rod can be pre-wrapped with LED strip, or you can install individual LEDs after the structure has been assembled.
  7. Try to distribute the lighting so that each gap between the washers glows evenly.


If you are making a night light for a children's room, you can use your favorite cartoon or book character

LED night light is best option for handmade. After all, diode strips and light bulbs never heat up even during continuous operation, and therefore they are safe for wood, paper and all other materials.

Required materials and tools

When making LED night lights, you most often need:

  • diode lighting element (diode strip or light bulbs);
  • base for a night light (lampshade, frame made of wire or improvised means, wooden stand and so on.);
  • glue;
  • scissors, awl or other tools.

Step-by-step instruction

Model LED night light It can be absolutely anyone - whatever the author’s imagination is enough for. Let's look at the manufacturing process of one of the simple lamps, requiring very little time and effort:

  1. Take a sheet of plywood and draw a picture of a cat on it. Simply print and trace the template. You can draw any other animal or anything at all - it depends only on your imagination.
  2. Carefully cut out the image with a jigsaw.
  3. If appearance If you don't like plywood, cover it with varnish or cover it with the same wallpaper that is used in the room. Then the silhouette of the cat will merge with the wall, which will add spectacularity to the night light.
  4. Glue the LED strip to the back of the figure. Place it closer to the center - then the light will be soft and uniform.
  5. The night light should not fit tightly to the wall. It should be hung on any fasteners that you have. To do this, glue a small wooden block to the back side of the plywood figure, and fix this block on the fastener.

From improvised means

In order to make a night light with your own hands, just dig around in your pantry or closet

To make a nice lamp, you don’t have to go to the store for materials or look for suitable ones at the dacha wooden blocks. There are many ways to make night lights from any available materials.

What might be useful?

To create you will need:

  • any materials you found around your home (in our case, a wine bottle);
  • old New Year's garland;
  • drill;
  • clay (if it is not there, sand or earth from a flowerpot);
  • multi-colored threads;
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction

Making such a night light is very simple:

  1. Remove the label from the bottle. To remove it easily and without residue, place the bottle in a container with warm water for a few minutes. After this, the paper will come off on its own.
  2. Drill a hole at the bottom of the bottle, at a distance of 1–2 cm from the bottom. To prevent the glass from overheating and breaking, stick it on required area bottles of some damp clay, sand or earth. Drill a little at a time, pouring water into the hole from time to time.
  3. Once the hole is ready, wash the bottle and wait until it is completely dry.
  4. Push it inside the container New Year's garland, and pass the cord to connect to the outlet through the drilled hole. You'll have to tinker here, given the narrow neck of the bottle, so be patient.
  5. If you want to decorate the bottle with something, wrap it with multi-colored threads soaked in glue. The quantity and density do not matter - you can make a small pattern, or you can cover the entire bottle. The main thing is to leave holes through which light will flow out. The night light is ready!

Creating a handmade night light is a fun and easy process. It is not at all necessary to know how to handle wood or buy any special materials to make a beautiful and stylish night light. Design ideas are limited only by the author's imagination.

The key purpose of creating a night light with my own hands- not saving at all. Lighting They are not that expensive, and anyone can afford to buy a model to suit their taste. The main beauty of handmade is to feel like a real creator and create a very real reminder of the creative process. When looking at the night light " own production“A person will definitely experience more pleasant emotions than in the case of a night light from a store.

Everyone probably dreamed of frolicking in the clouds as a child. Despite the fact that in reality such a desire remains a fantasy, nevertheless, to some extent, the childhood dream will come true. To do this, you should try to make your own lamp that resembles a cloud. Making such a decorative light source will not be difficult and will not take much time.

You can even organize a whole sky under the ceiling in the children's room so that the child feels as protected as possible. Such clouds will also provide excellent light decorative decoration at the wedding. During the day they will be white and fluffy, as in clear sunny weather, and when it becomes dark and only the light bulb is burning inside them, you will get the effect of a raging storm inside the clouds with sparkling lightning.

Cloud lamp

In this article:

Design features of the Cloud lamp

To make a cloud-shaped lamp yourself at home, you will need the following consumables:

  • shade;
  • cotton wool;
  • special glue gun;
  • nylon thread;
  • LED light bulb, for example, a bicycle flashlight.

For your information! If you don’t have a lampshade from an old unnecessary lamp at hand, then a frame of any shape is made from ordinary wire (depending on the planned size of the cloud) and covered with transparent fabric material.

You can make a whole cloudy sky. To do this you will need a couple of frames various forms and size, then the finished products will look more believable.

Recommendations! A DIY cloud lamp will look most impressive if you use multi-colored light bulbs instead of a standard light source with white light. As a result, the nursery will be filled with a simply fabulous atmosphere - the dream of any little girl.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you need to think about is the option of fixing the decorative light, since then it will be quite difficult to find a place in the cotton wool to hang the product from the ceiling base. To do this, it is recommended to tie a nylon thread to the lampshade or frame of the light fixture, if a lamp with a cable is not used.

  1. We glue the cotton wool. Using a special glue gun, you need to glue cotton wool to the lampshade. It is important in this procedure not to overdo it with glue. Just a small drop is enough for each individual piece of cotton wool, which is best made small, then the finished product will be more natural and fluffy.
  2. Give the cloud the required shape. The ideal shape of the cloud can be formed from the very beginning by gluing each individual piece of cotton wool, but you should not devote much time to this, since the final shaping will be carried out after the entire lamp has been completely pasted over.
  3. Insert LED light bulb. The main thing is not to get carried away with the procedure of pasting the lampshade so that there is a hole for the light bulb, then you can cover the hole with cotton wool.

Cloud-shaped lamps are ideal decorations for theme parties, children's birthday rooms or children's rooms.

Ideas for decorating a table lamp to look like an atomic mushroom

Table lamps decorated with a cloud look look quite impressive. And if they still have a long thin leg, they resemble an atomic mushroom after an explosion. Such an unusual lamp can be used to decorate not only desk, but also a bedside table.

All you need as materials is any old desk lamp, which just needs to be covered with cotton wool. IN in this case no need to look for a lampshade, stand, power source, light bulb or make a frame yourself.

Important! To create a thundercloud, all glued layers of cotton wool must be of different thicknesses, otherwise there will be no sufficient effect.

In this way you can decorate floor lamps, ceiling chandeliers, that are ideal solution for small rooms. You can use several lamps at the same time, make them from different forms, color shades. It all depends on the preferences and fantasies of the owner of the apartment or private house.

Well, since it’s not cool to create weather phenomena at home, now we’re not talking about the coolness from the split system, but about the wonderful clouds floating in the room. Of course they are very beautiful, but their cost is such that it is easier to make them yourself. Indeed, why not make such beauty with your own hands? The girls from the blog “Like a Riot” just asked themselves this question. They not only hand-made a cool glowing cloud with snowflakes, but also composed detailed instructions how to do the same with your own hands.

This is what this beauty will look like in the end, and now is the time to find out how to make it yourself

To create a cloud you will need:

Round lamp (sold at Ikea);

2 foam balls (or any other light white balls that hold their shape);

1 kg of cotton wool;

White garlands (to create a storm effect);

Garlands in the form of snowflakes (just for beauty);

Glue gun;

Nylon thread;

5 screw hooks (for attaching the lamp to the ceiling);

Transparent cable ties.

The first step is to screw the screw hooks into the foam balls, having previously secured them with glue, since the foam is quite loose

After that, use a glue gun to attach the balls to the lamp (make sure the hooks are pointing up)

After this, you can begin to apply a layer of cotton wool.

To do this, it is best to use a glue gun so as not to wait for the glue to dry.

Done, now it’s time to place garlands in cotton wool, simulating the effect of a storm and hanging it from the ceiling using nylon threads

After this, you can apply another layer of cotton wool or try to fluff the first one

This is an option suggested by the girls, so no one is stopping you from trying to attach the garland first and then apply cotton wool over it.

It already looks cool, but that's not all

To create the effect of a snow cloud, the girls bought a garland in the form of snowflakes, the bulbs of which they fastened together in 2 pieces for a more spectacular “snowfall”

Garlands do not have to be in the form of snowflakes; if you don’t like the idea too much, then you don’t have to attach this garland at all.

After this, all that remains is to secure the snowflakes to the lamp using transparent ties

Latest improvements

The result is really impressive

And the snowflakes hanging from the cloud also turned out to be very impressive

Unfortunately, there is no video with the storm effect, but it’s not difficult to imagine it yourself, just remembering how the lights of the garlands run.

How to make an awesome cloud lamp. The fluffy clouds exude an extraordinary feeling of relaxation and relaxation. Their unique shapes and movements are truly fascinating. It is no coincidence that many people find the calming atmosphere created by clouds.
Bring nature into your home by making an adorable cloud light.

This small project, inspired by the recreation of a thunderstorm with blue-green flashing lights. The lamp is equipped with several motion sensors and is sensitive to environment. It also features high-quality speakers that play music and different sounds. The price of this interactive lamp is quite high (around $3000) and not many people can afford it.

The truth is, however, you can make an alternative quickly, easily and without significant expense.

Necessary materials:

paper lanterns – size and quantity depends on how big you want your cloud to be

incandescent lamp
wooden slats
transparent cord
glue gun
LED bulbs (you can also use standard Christmas lights, but you have to plan where to plug them in and how to hide the cables)
C-Hooks with Screw

Since most paper lanterns are sold folded, your first task is to remove them from the bags and unfold them to their full size. They must be different sizes. This will make your cloud more realistic.

Place the light bulbs in the lanterns. As a color, blues is especially suitable. As for the type, LED bulbsthe best option. It is important to choose a model that does not generate heat to prevent a fire!

Using the gun, start applying hot glue onto the surface of the lanterns and attach pieces of cotton wool. Continue with your desired shape.

Attach C-shaped screws to the ceiling.

Tie a cord in two (or three) places to a wooden lattice and hang the lamp.

Using a string, hang each lantern from a wooden pole. Assess the height of each person's personal taste and vision. It's your choice whether to leave space between individual lights and get multiple clouds, or pack them tightly and create a large cloud.

Lower LED lights also hang on wooden plank. Arrange them so that they are of different lengths. Their little flashing lights will have a fairytale effect.

Now you have to wait to go crazy and enjoy the stunning fairy lights.

As was well noted in one well-known hit, the most important thing is the weather in the house. And also comfort. You'll have to try hard with the weather, but create cozy atmosphere Nice interior details will always help. For example, one look at this cute cloud lamp enough to clear the clouds bad mood all day. And the best part is, it's not difficult at all. do it yourself.

If you're looking for a budget-friendly yet effective way to decorate a nursery, prepare your home for a holiday, or even make a backdrop for a play, arm yourself good mood, a couple of hours of free time and let's make a magic cloud lamp.

For the magic you will need:
One or more paper Chinese lanterns(depending on the desired shape and size of the “cloud”);
Cotton wool, batting or padding polyester for “fluffiness”;
Battery-powered LED light bulb or inexpensive night light;
Glue gun;
Fishing line for fastening.

Step 1

Apply glue to a small segment of the ball and immediately press a piece of cotton wool or padding polyester onto it. This should be done as quickly as possible while the glue is hot. Press down for a few seconds.

Step 2

Segment by segment, cover the entire flashlight with a thick layer of cotton wool. This is the longest stage of creating a “cloud”.

Step 3

To make the ball more cloud-like, apply a second, third, or any required amount layers of cotton wool or padding polyester. Glue large pieces of filler to each other in a chaotic manner to make the cloud more shaggy. And don't forget to leave the hole for the light bulb uncovered.

Step 4

When you are completely satisfied with the shape and volume of the cloud, insert an LED light bulb or battery-powered night light into the middle of the paper lantern. This will be the source of soft, unobtrusive lighting.

Step 5

Don't forget to attach some fishing line if you plan to hang the light.

The cloud is ready!

And in this video famous DIY blogger and jack of all trades Tiffy Quake will show you how to make another version of the cloud lamp. Tiffy uses several paper lanterns different sizes , and as a light source - garland.

A creative lamp will definitely please everyone at home without breaking a hole in the family budget. The same cannot be said about its prototype, which will cost lovers of originality a tidy sum.
