How to improve the opening after installing a metal door? Decorating the doorway of entrance doors with your own hands How you can decorate a doorway with your own hands

Depending on the dimensions and layout of the apartment, the doorway can be designed using a door or an arch without a door leaf, which will look advantageous between the kitchen and the dining room, between the living room and the corridor. In any case, the passage between rooms plays an important role in the interior, attracting attention and, in some cases, adding convenience and functionality.

Doorways without traditional doors surprisingly transform a room

If for a number of reasons you decide to leave the doorway open, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

The advantages include the following points:

  1. Allows you to add functionality to adjacent rooms. The most suitable option is this design between the kitchen and dining room.
  2. There are no hinges or fittings in the open arch, so nothing will fail.
  3. Finishing the day opening will be carried out without difficulty, since construction stores have a fairly wide range of facing materials.
  4. Decorating an open doorway does not require large financial investments, effort and, in most cases, time.
  5. You can do the work yourself.
  6. An open arch will harmoniously fit into any interior and design style. Its shape can be any - square, triangular, curved, arched.

The disadvantages include the lack of sufficient sound insulation in adjacent rooms and the free penetration of odors, which is especially important for the kitchen.

An opening without a door is a win-win solution for visually combining adjacent rooms: living room and hall, corridor and dining room, kitchen and living room

All doorways can be divided into several main types:

The design of doorways, depending on the purpose, has some features. In particular, bedrooms and children's rooms should provide peace and quiet, so it is not advisable to leave them without a tightly closing door leaf. Kitchens, libraries and living rooms, on the contrary, can be equipped with an open doorway - this will add convenience when moving, expand the space and allow sunlight to easily enter small rooms.

Light doorway decor will highlight the beauty and complexity of the room’s interior

A wide edging, on the contrary, will highlight the complex shape of the opening and place a visual emphasis on it

IN small apartments with low ceilings, arched openings will look best. This type will visually expand the space and add height to it. In this case, the arch should be flat and have a large radius.

How to design a doorway?

Popular design options:

  1. Decorating with curtains or drapery. Will serve ideal option for the passage between the bedroom and the loggia. We recommend using high-quality dense textiles that prevent the passage of sunlight. For a lighter option, curtains made from threads of beads and beads are suitable.

    For a bohemian style, curtains made of dense material in rich colors are suitable.

  2. Also suitable for decorating doorways are various vertical blinds. Their range is widely represented in construction stores. You can use folding wooden, glass, fabric or plastic partitions.

    Vertical blinds as a decorative partition

  3. A more classic option for decorating open doorways is cladding with plasterboard and wood. The convenience of the first is that you can build almost any shape from it and cover it with a finishing material - decorative plaster, paint or wallpaper - the choice is yours. Patterns and ornaments can be carved into wood decor. The tree will look more “chic” and will last a long time. When changing the color scheme of the room, the wooden trim can easily be repainted in a different shade.

    Wood paneling will be a good decision when you need to highlight the edging against the background of the walls

  4. IN classic interiors A small decorative cornice called a “sandric” will fit in harmoniously. It may consist of columns or stucco moldings and contain elements of statues.

    Decorating a doorway in a classic style

  5. If the interior is made in the Renaissance, Gothic or Baroque style, you should take a closer look at the decorative stucco moldings and columns. This technique will definitely add chic and aristocracy to the room. They are not suitable for rooms decorated in high-tech and modern styles. The surface of the stucco moldings can be painted various colors, decorate and apply gilding. It is not necessary to use natural natural materials, polyurethane will cope well with this task. It is much lighter and stronger than plaster. In addition, it can be used to imitate finishing with natural stone and marble.

    Decorating the opening with stucco molding will make the room elegant

A glass door will appeal to those who do not want to completely separate and isolate the space. You can use stained glass, frosted or tinted glass. Apply an ornament to it or leave it completely transparent.

A glass door is relevant when complete visual isolation is not needed, but it is necessary to protect yourself from noise and smell

Sliding doors are suitable for owners of large premises with the ability to equip a wide opening. Their convenience lies in their versatility. If you need to delimit space, just close the doors.

Sliding doors can be selected to suit any interior style

An excellent and convenient way to design doorways in small apartments would be an accordion door. Can be glass, plastic or wood. It takes up absolutely no space and does not require free space.

The accordion door folds compactly, so it is very appropriate in small rooms

Decorating a doorway with stone

Cladding of doorways decorative stone will appeal to connoisseurs of natural materials. This type of decor is quite expensive and labor-intensive. Selecting a stone will not be difficult, because the palette of colors, shades, textures is very wide - from smooth gray, black to brick-colored relief elements. This material may be found in various sizes, forms. Using artificial stone, you can imitate shell rock, malachite, sandstone or any other.

If you choose finishing with natural stone, remember that the idea must be really worthwhile and supported by similar details in the design of the room

Doorway cladding with “ragged edges”

Typically, small elements are used, placing them along the edge of the opening, creating either even or torn edges. The stone can be used in the same color scheme as the interior, or it can be used to highlight the finish using contrasting shades. Stone is combined with both textiles and wood. A fairly durable, low-maintenance way to design a doorway. Since the decorative stone is heavy, it is important to attach it tightly to the wall. To do this, you should use specially designed adhesive-based compounds, liquid nails.

Brick tiles are often used instead of decorative stone. This material is moisture-resistant and fire-resistant. Can last for several decades. Just as in the previous version, it is laid out scattered along the contour of the opening or smooth edges are formed. It goes well with both plaster and wallpaper.

Option for designing an arch with tiles to resemble old brick

And here the doorway was lined with real brick

To prepare a section of the wall for laying tiles, you need to remove all previous finishing materials and degrease the surface. If the wall has rough unevenness or cracks, it is recommended to level it with putty or plaster. The obligatory stage is priming in two stages.

At the end of the drying process, proceed with the installation of the “clinker”. Tile adhesives and liquid nails are used to attach tiles to the wall. It is important not to allow glue to appear in the seams between the elements. To ensure that the joints are perfectly even, it is recommended to use special crosses. They can be found at any hardware store. The last stage There will be the use of grout, which can be similar in shade or contrasting to the tile.

How to decorate a doorway using plastic

A quick and budget option for finishing a doorway. The installation process is simple. You can do it yourself. Quite durable, flexible and easy to care for. You can run wiring under the material and backlight it with small lamps. The plastic is secured using glue for plastics.

Before gluing the panels, the planes should be leveled with putty and primed

Corner elements are used to seal gaps between panels and walls.

With the help of an open doorway you can radically transform a room. It will add space, light and lightness. If the apartment is small, this option is simply irreplaceable, as it will save money usable area. It will serve as a win-win option for combining a kitchen with a dining room, a bedroom with a loggia, a library with a living room, a hall with an entrance hall.

A wide range of finishing materials and a variety of shapes will allow you to choose the design of the doorway for any room - from country cottages and huge mansions to modern apartments in new residential complexes. If you are going to combine a sleeping space with a loggia, do not forget about the various methods of blocking sunlight such as curtains, drapes or blinds.

Arch of original shape in the bedroom

Decorating a doorway with wooden columns

Whatever option you choose - finishing with decorative stone or wood, plastic, brickwork, wallpaper or drywall - it is important to maintain a balance. All interior elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

An original solution - built-in open shelves

Video on how to decorate a doorway with stone

The correct design of a doorway can highlight the interior and add zest to it. Therefore, when creating such structures, designers often resort to the most unexpected tricks. In order for the selected finish to fit harmoniously into the design of the room, it is important to clearly understand the best way to highlight this part.

Regardless of the type of structure, doors are required to enter it, as well as for communication between its rooms, which are usually installed in doorways. At the same time, to create a presentable appearance of the entrance structure and to treat the slopes, it is necessary to use extensions and platbands. They are panels that are designed to fill the missing width of the box and mask the slopes in the opening. Such products are attached to the frame and fill the space that is formed between the door frame and the other side of the wall. To complete the complex finishing of the wall, platbands are used. The immediate task of such elements is to frame and create a holistic design.

Advantages of interior openings without and with doors

In the table we consider the features of each option.

Opening without a door Opening with a door
More spaceNoise insulation
The visual effect of separating the rooms still remainsThermal insulation
More lightPossibility to install a lock if necessary
Suitable for small spacesPossibility to choose the option of doors with glass or plastic inserts for greater “lightness”
Frees up space for furniture
Can be decorated in an original way

Options for finishing a doorway without extensions, trim and doors

Often the opening is finished without installing a door leaf. This design move allows you to simultaneously erase the boundaries between rooms and at the same time visually make the room more spacious. To create a reliable and effective interior design without doors, it is not necessary to be guided by standard options.

To design an interior doorway, you can use any material used for finishing walls and slopes.

In this case, decoration can be done using the following materials:

  • drywall;
  • clinker tiles;
  • decorative rock;
  • siding;
  • plastic panels;
  • textile.

To improve the internal perception of the interior, they are often used arched structures. At the same time, if the room has standard ceilings, then arches with slight curves will look better here. Design an interior passage without additions and platbands in houses with high ceilings better with classic arches in a non-standard design: trapezoidal, elliptical and asymmetrical. You can decorate the slopes with brick, wood, stucco, plaster relief overlays, sandstone or artificial stone.

Framing slopes with plasterboard

The option of decorating slopes with plasterboard is simple and budget-friendly. This material is easy to process and does not require large volumes. preparatory work. It has good adhesion, has a long service life and looks great on the wall.

The design with plasterboard is laconic

Decoration with clinker tiles

Due to the variety of colors and ease of use, clinker tiles are often used for wall decoration. It is convenient to tile the corners of doorways without platbands or extensions. This option is suitable for designing rectangular, arched and semi-arched structures.

Tiles give the room a special style

Decorating a doorway with stone

In the interior space, decorative stone allows you to hide all the imperfections of the wall, as well as transform the interior. The material is highly resistant to external influences, durable and has excellent aesthetic properties.

Through the use of stone entrance structure becomes more interesting

Plastic panels

Using plastic, you can imitate the appearance and texture of natural stone, wood and expensive materials. Framing a wall with plastic can visually increase the size of the interior passage and ceilings. Cladding in this way can be done independently.

Plastic can imitate expensive materials

Siding finishing

Due to the textured surface, lining the doorway with siding looks advantageous in any interior. This material is distinguished by a variety of models and colors, ease of care and installation.

The textured surface of the siding fits perfectly into any interior

Use of textiles

For decoration interior designs Expensive and dense textiles can be used. This technique helps to hide the opening, distract attention and lighten the space a little. In this case, the textile fabric can be of any type, the main thing is that it ultimately harmonizes with the overall style of the room.

Finishing a doorway with a door

For some rooms, a clear delineation of space is very important. Therefore, it is customary to leave doors in them. When choosing the option of designing such a passage without additional panels and platbands, the designs should be selected in accordance with the color and texture of the door leaf. For this the following can be used:

  • blinds;
  • ceramic tile;
  • tree;
  • laminate;

Shutter doors

This idea has a double practicality. Firstly, shutter doors are very original, and often cheaper than standard doors. Secondly, the slats from the blinds can be used to decorate the doorway, which gives the entire structure a unified style.

Blinds in the opening add lightness and airiness

Ceramic tile finishing

Tiles have a number of advantages, such as ease of maintenance, big choice colors and patterns, durability.

The most important - beautifully trim and join the edges, for which you will need a special tool.

Tiles are the most practical option

Wood - an eternal classic

If you want your opening to look classic, and at the same time you are for naturalness, then wood is your choice.

Natural wood adds warmth and suits many design styles

Laminate - looks expensive

If you want something custom, durable and practical, laminate is a great choice. It is as easy to install as regular extensions with platbands, but it looks much more expensive.

At one point, every owner of an apartment may think about how to decorate a doorway. I want everything to turn out not only beautifully, but also of the highest quality. What is also interesting is that many people want to decorate a doorway without a door. different rooms X. There may simply be another room behind it, and the opening in this case is simply an element of the interior.

Selecting the shape for the opening

A doorway is a part of the interior that can simply separate two different rooms. Door to in this case It is completely unnecessary, so it is not installed.


This design definitely needs additional finishing. It is necessary not only to install cash, but also to use frames.

And now in more detail:

  • Trim rectangular doorway You can use wood or MDF. When you have to work with such forms, these options can be called the most attractive. Designers often advise decorating a rectangular opening in a business-like, strict style - it’s up to you to decide whether to listen to them, or whether it’s better to act differently.
  • To decorate a doorway, decor or stucco is often used. This is necessary so that people’s attention is attracted to these exquisite interior elements, and the bare walls remain to the side, “behind the scenes.”

Watch a video on how you can decorate a rectangular doorway yourself. Surely, the material will give you “food for thought” that you will use productively in the future.

Arched openings

Many people like arched openings; every owner has thought about doing something similar in their apartment.

What can you say about this?:

  1. Finishing an arched doorway is a completely appropriate task. This design will help to effectively separate the rooms, especially if they are decorated in the same style - it will turn out very worthy;
  2. The width and height of the arch in this design depend not only on the wishes of the owner - the total volume in the room must be taken into account. The width of the walls must be taken into account in any case.

When finishing a doorway in the form of an arch, it is important to remember the main thing - the cladding should in no case make your opening heavy or too bulky.

Imitation arch

When you become the owner of any room, a doorway made “off topic” immediately catches your eye - everyone will agree with this. But it is not possible to remove an unsuccessful design in all cases.

The optimal way out of such a difficult situation is to imitate an arch. Simple arched segments are attached to it, without drawing additional attention to the structure. This design will fit perfectly into any interior style, so no need to worry.

How to draw attention to an arch and highlight it

Since we are talking about how to decorate doorways, it’s time to think about an important question - how to focus a person’s attention on the arch. After all, the finishing doorways This is often done, among other things, to attract. This business has its own tricks, a good owner must know them:

  • In any situation, the decoration of the doorway with stucco will attract attention (you should choose only high-quality ones). Attaching this material is not so difficult; it can be easily purchased at retail trade exactly the one that suits you. With the help of such a simple decoration, the desired style will be set in the room;
  • If you have the opportunity, be sure to use moldings in your work (overhead panels that are easy to select in desired color, in suitable forms). In addition, many people use sandriks when they want to draw attention to an arched opening - this is something like a pediment that protrudes slightly at the top. Imitations in the form of columns are also often made today - this is a common practice;
  • Another common solution is that if there is a doorway (which you don’t know how to finish) and no door, you can always use a mosaic. With the help of such elements it is possible to decorate the structure very effectively. They produce modern mosaics in different colors, so you can get a truly unique, impressive design - if you give free rein to your imagination;
  • Finishing a doorway without a door with wood is another popular option that will also attract attention. When performing work, panels can be placed not only horizontally, but also vertically, which gives a certain scope for action. Wealthy people can choose products made from expensive wood, which will give the arch a special charm;
  • If you live in an old building apartment, most likely free space is not enough and you need to save it in every possible way. To optically enlarge the space, you can choose tiles for cladding the arch. For example, the entrance to the kitchen, made in this way, will look quite impressive. Buying tiles today is not a problem, as is choosing textures and colors. Imitation of stone or other material is also not a question.

How to divert attention from a doorway

There are often situations when the owner is interested in hiding some kind of doorway, not highlighting it against the background of the overall interior. There are also some wisdom here, we'll look at some of them.

How to finish the opening, so that he doesn't stand out too much:

  1. Finishing the doorway with plasterboard will come to your aid. The work should be carried out discreetly - then nothing will be “conspicuous”. A cornice is often hung on top, and some kind of curtains are placed on it. Experts advise choosing beautiful curtains; the option looks decent when they have a pattern on them and have fasteners. With such decoration, the decor of the opening is unlikely to interest anyone;
  2. Wicker framing is also often used to distract attention. It is performed in the lambrequin format. Thick threads are perfect for this task.

How can you decorate a doorway - options

Before making your final choice, be sure to look at photos and videos on the topic - this will make it easier to choose the optimal configuration for your space. And we, in turn, will consider below the most popular materials for finishing openings - both without doors and with them.

What you should pay attention to:

  • Drywall is an excellent solution; it allows you to hide any errors on the main plane. The result is a high-quality, even and smooth surface. Then you can safely attach anything you like to it. finishing elements. Drywall is also good because it can be given any shape - arched is no exception;
  • PVC panels - this material is available for sale with any structure, in any color. This finish will emphasize the strict style of your room; the contrast of the wallpaper will be highlighted. The good thing about the panels is that they make the structure more voluminous, and in addition, the opening will be slightly expanded. The practical side is also present in this finish - hand marks and fingerprints on the material are invisible. You can install all this and trim the doorway with plastic without any problems on your own;
  • Use of decorative stone. Perhaps this is the most stylish option for finishing doorways. However, this process requires costs, but doesn’t beauty cost money? It is better not to use too massive, large parts as decoration - because of this, the structure becomes heavier.
Before finishing, you should properly prepare the base - otherwise, even quality material won't last long.
  • If the arch is located in the hallway or even on the street, clinker finishing will look great. This material famous for its beauty and durability.

Review of design solutions

Let's consider the tips, given by design experts on the design of door openings.

  • If the ceilings in the room are low, you should choose designs in the form of arches. In this case, it is advisable to choose the radius to a greater extent from the width of the opening. The rounding should be done gently. The arch in this design will look much higher - due to this the ceiling will rise optically.
If the arch is made in a classic style, you should choose the radius that will be half of your opening. This design looks ideal in rooms with high ceilings.
  • When the owner wants the room to look original, you can completely abandon generally accepted standards. Feel free to use an ellipse, or even a slope - in any direction. But there are caveats here: it is better not to make hasty decisions. Weigh all the pros and cons, think again.
If you plan to use expensive types of wood, you should not worry - this is a very common practice. To prevent the material from aging too quickly, various chemicals are used.

About the choice of materials (why you should abandon stone)

When choosing materials to decorate a doorway beautifully, conservative decisions are often followed. This can be explained by other requirements that good decor must meet.


  • The finishing must be completely safe for children, and the same protruding stones are dangerous;
  • Simplicity is welcome, but in order to dismantle the stone decor, one way or another you will have to make serious efforts;
  • You also need to remember the aesthetic component - if the room is not too large and filled with furniture, the stone will only create dissonance.

Where would a stone be appropriate?

However, there are situations when the lining of the doorway (or window openings, walls) with decorative stone is an excellent choice. Such the finish is suitable for:

  • Spacious premises;
  • Rooms with little furniture;
  • If you need to hide any defects on the walls;
  • When there are plans to style the space for certain design tasks.
With all this, you can choose a compromise - an intermediate option. This approach to the matter will satisfy your desire to cladding with natural material, without creating any inconvenience.

It's simple - for example, use special wallpaper, or polyurethane foam panels of a suitable texture. Today there is a material on sale that is coated in the form of a thin layer of natural (or synthetic) stone.

Yes, this technique cannot be called ideal, but it is perfect for understanding the style. Moreover, if you get tired of the decor, you can dismantle it at any time without any difficulties.

Decorative stone for finishing

The finishing stone used today is can be of two types:

  • Natural – natural rocks are processed. Expensive solution;
  • Artificial - performed in a factory; natural materials are used for production. The result is obtained by a method that is somewhat similar to making concrete structures. That is, cheap natural materials (for example, gypsum) are combined into one - plus different pigments are added.

Advantages of artificial stone

How to decorate a doorway with stone? Let's talk about artificial material - it is accessible to everyone and affordable. This material is often chosen for finishing because construction work it is easy to use. Artificial stone has standard shapes; manufacturers willingly make many different shapes. These products have different textures and colors; you can find an option that will imitate natural rock, brickwork or other surface.

Let's look at the arguments in favor of use artificial stone to decorate doorways– both in residential and public areas:

  • The material is neutral and does not affect the microclimate in the room. Must be accompanied by a quality certificate (hygienic);
  • Much easier when compared with natural materials;
  • In terms of fire safety, it shows excellent results, however, combustion is not excluded;
  • It is stable in a humid environment, suitable, for example, for decorating a bathroom or sauna;
  • The best examples of artificial material are not inferior in strength to natural ones;
  • During production, natural pigments are added; they are integrated into the structure of the material at the production stage, so that the color of your artificial stone will remain unchanged under any conditions;
  • They produce artificial stone with smooth edges, the products differ in standard thickness. That is, using all this in finishing is easy and convenient;
  • Even if a person does not have construction experience, he can decorate walls or doorways with artificial stone - thanks to its lightness. There is no need to equalize the thickness of the layer of stone attached to the wall, and the rows of fastening can be leveled without any problems with a regular level;
  • A damaged surface can always be restored or restored.

Rules for finishing using decorative stone

Covering doorways with decorative stone must be done in accordance with generally accepted architectural rules. Only when they are followed will the finished finish have the correct proportions.

Learn more about these rules:

  • The doorway must be finished with stone evenly - this applies to the entire surface of the wall. Places near the opening or in its lower part may be slightly more massive. The upper part of the decor is not made more massive than the bottom. Example in Everyday life– mountain. Its base is wide and its top is thin. On a plane, this rule also works great;
  • The laying of stones is carried out taking into account the curvature of the edge of the doorway. It is necessary to strictly monitor the tile seams or their relief pattern - the products are positioned symmetrically relative to each other. Ready project in the end it will look natural;
  • The decor of your door opening will look complete if the wall decoration is symmetrical on both sides: especially if door frame not in the opening;
  • Wood products go well with stone, especially if it matches the style. The rough surface of stones, for example, can be combined with the texture of wood (if it is rough). Polished wooden panels, in turn, look impressive together with the smooth surface of the stone.

Tools and materials

When finishing a doorway with stone, you should have at hand necessary tools:

  • Brush to remove old paint;
  • File, liquid nails, hacksaw for metal;
  • Sprayer or airbrush (to do final tinting);
  • The artificial stone itself, acrylic primer, concrete contact;
  • Plumb and building level, tinting paste.

Sequence of finishing work

Now let's look at it step by step - how to decorate a doorway with artificial stone.

  1. The site where we will work has already been chosen. Most likely, you have prepared this place in advance for upcoming procedures. That is, old paint there is no, the surface is leveled and primed. If any of this is missed, preparation will need to be done. The old layer of wallpaper or paint is removed with a brush; synthetic paste is perfect for leveling the surface. Skirting boards must be removed from the floor, platbands must be removed from doors (if any);
  2. It is necessary to make markings on the wall - exactly how the surface will be covered with a decorative layer. We remember that there may be a little more stone on the bottom and a little less on top. The selected area of ​​the wall is primed with a brush or roller (it is better to consult the store about the substance for this procedure). When the composition has dried, carefully read the instructions for your primer.
Concrete contact, for example, is excellent for processing. We are talking about an adhesive, modern material that contains particles of mineral chips. Thanks to its presence, grip improves significantly.

They use concrete contact to improve adhesion - not only in production plastering works, but also when the tiles are laid, other work is carried out.

  • Stone tiles should be laid out on a horizontal, flat surface - this is necessary to select the ideal color combination. If necessary, the edges are trimmed. It is best to lay out horizontally in front of you what you plan to see in the end on the doorway;
  • The tiles are usually fixed from the corner - always from the bottom. Since all the plinths have been removed from the floor, even the place where there might have been a plinth before is being laid out with stone. In future this element will return to its original place - it is more advisable to put it in its entirety rather than in parts;
  • Using a level, determine the horizon; in this case, you need to retreat 30-40 mm from the floor. The flat edge of the stone is attached to the wall - liquid nails, tile adhesive or another composition suitable for such purposes help with this. If necessary, parts are cut off from the stone; it can also be broken - if this is necessary to realize your creative idea. To erase sharp corners, the edges of the stone must be polished. If the material is laid out along the vertical edge of the door, the stone is applied flush to the border of the casing. The place where the stone and wooden frame are located is leveled very carefully.
It is better to abandon the combination of MDF trim (or other synthetic-based materials) and stone. This material looks very bad with artificial wood (even when it itself is not natural).

  • When facing with decorative stone, the corners of the walls are made in a special way. They choose a “butt-to-butt” type connection, where everything is done at an angle. The connection is made to a wooden base. Often they also choose to join the end-edge tiles - that is, one side of the corner is attached to the edge of the tile of the other corner. Watch about this below in the thematic video on how to trim a doorway.

  • When the work is completed, the glue is given time to dry. Afterwards you can start decorating the stone. A composition is made that can be sprayed onto the surface of the material - this way it will look more natural. This composition is made from a special tinting paste, which is darker than the main color of the tile. There is also acrylic lacquer, water. Special attention- to the periphery of the wall that was framed with stone;
  • The final stage associated with finishing a doorway with this material is that plinths are attached to the floor, and trims are installed around the doorway.

The interior of a house will not have a complete look without modern doors - beautiful, comfortable and reliable. And in order for the door to be opened conveniently, the doorway slopes must be correctly installed and finished with high quality. In addition, a fully finished slope can be attached to the door frame. In this case, you will not have to spend time on finishing work.

MDF door frame

The door slope is part of space. located between the door leaf and the wall, which can be decorated using:

  • MDF panels (finely dispersed fraction);
  • drywall;
  • plastic;
  • laminate

According to the repair rules, the installation of slopes is carried out at the final stage of door installation, and the finishing method is chosen based on the type of door frame. So, if the door is located at the entrance, then it will need to be insulated. Interior doors, as a rule, are not insulated, so their door slope serves only a decorative function.

In general, there is a general requirement for all slopes (external and internal) - they must be perfectly smooth and neat .

If you choose from different finishing methods, then an MDF door frame is the best option. The great demand for MDF panels for finishing the opening can be explained by:

  • the advantage of finishing material made of MDF;
  • affordable price;
  • many variations of style solutions.

Advantages of using MDF in finishing doorways

MDF door frames are often chosen for finishing door openings made of wood. This is primarily explained by the beautiful texture of MDF panels, and the positive characteristics of the material are added to this:

When finishing with MDF panels, experts recommend do not use the material in conditions of high humidity. Therefore, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to its quality. There are cases when door slopes, finished poor quality material, quickly lose their aesthetic appeal due to swelling, delamination or damage to the outer surface.

Finishing the door slope with MDF panels

The process of finishing MDF door slopes consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation and insulation of the opening.
  2. Plastering.
  3. Preparation of MDF fragments for finishing.
  4. Installation of panels.
  5. Installation of platbands.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

The initial stage of arranging a doorway consists of from door preparation and the entire adjacent space for finishing work.

To do this you need:

To prevent the cold from outside from penetrating into the room, along the door slope lay a layer of insulation from:

  • mineral wool;
  • isolona;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • padding polyester;
  • foamed polystyrene.

It is also possible to spray insulation, which will cost more.

Plastering slopes

To facilitate further cladding, as well as to eliminate remaining gaps, you should carefully plaster the slopes. It will be quite sufficient to apply small quantity plaster on them, and it is not necessary that the surface be plastered perfectly evenly. At the corners of the slopes, you need to install special profiles that will not only help make them even, but also strengthen the corner segments.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

Before finishing the opening slopes with facing panels, it is necessary to take measurements and then cut the material into fragments of the required size. In order to take measurements correctly, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • templates for creating patterns.

Panel installation

Installation facing material performed in the following order:

The cladding can be nailed to wooden planks using small nails without heads or glue with liquid nails .

To complete the finishing, the protruding foam is cleaned off with a painting knife. If necessary, it will need to be puttied to prevent the damaging effects of external factors (temperature and humidity). At the same time, the new door slopes must remain clean, and therefore they will have to be carefully covered with masking tape.

Installation of platbands

The doorway becomes ideal in appearance after the final finishing stage. This includes:

  • installation of platbands (they are installed in the upper part of the door opening);
  • masking material joints on door slopes. The nail heads are carefully covered with mastic, matched to the tone of the finishing material (for this you can use furniture stickers).

The simple technology of lining door slopes with MDF panels will especially appeal to those who are trying to fulfill renovation work with your own hands.


Finishing door slopes MDF panels fully comply with the basic requirements for arranging a doorway according to:

  • strength;
  • protection from external influences;
  • improving thermal and sound insulation performance.

Finishing a doorway with MDF panels: technology for performing the work

After installing metal entrance doors, the question of finishing the opening on the side of the apartment certainly arises. The door is placed flush with the outer wall and decorated with platbands on the entrance side. And the internal arrangement of the opening is considered additional work and not all installation companies do it.

When installing modern metal entrance doors, the installation of extensions is also provided.

Opening design options

Opening after installation metal door looks unpresentable and requires finishing work.

The most common types of decoration are:

  1. plastering the opening with regular cement mortar;
  2. forming edges using drywall sheets;
  3. finishing doorways with MDF panels;
  4. plastic linings;
  5. wooden extensions;
  6. an opening trimmed with decorative stone.

Plaster work on the design of openings is considered the most common.

These elements have their own characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing an installation option.

The entrance door slopes must meet the following requirements:

  1. should serve as a beautiful detail that goes not only with entrance group, but also with the entire interior;
  2. must have good thermal insulation properties, preventing cold air from entering the apartment;
  3. must be strong enough not to be accidentally broken;
  4. Such a characteristic as resistance to scratches and mechanical stress is also valued, because they often cling to the slopes and touch them with objects brought in and out through the door.


The plaster solution is applied in several stages and rubbed in well.

The most labor-intensive option is considered to be plastering the opening with cement mortar. But it also has its advantages. Such slopes are monolithic and completely cut off the possibility of cold air penetrating through them.

The plastering process is carried out in several stages and can take 3-4 days, since it is necessary to wait for the previous one to dry before applying the next layer. After finishing the plastering, you can paint the surface or stick any material on it.

Important. If you already have metal doors with MDF finishing installed, then take care of their safety during the plastering work. We recommend covering them well with film, securing it with tape so that drops of the solution do not fall on the front surface of the doors.


The photo shows the process of applying glue to the back side of drywall blanks.

This option is used quite often when there is no time or desire to do plastering work.

There are two options for working with plasterboard sheets:

  1. glue installation;
  2. installation on guides.

For doorways, adhesive installation is more often used. Special glue is diluted thickly and distributed in cakes in the form of beacons on the back side of the plasterboard blanks. The strips are then glued into place, leveling is done by pressing the sheets until the glue dries.

Important. The disadvantage of this method is that there is free space under the plasterboard strips, and the plasterboard can be accidentally punctured during operation.

MDF panels

Facade option for entrance doors made of MDF.

The benefits that come from finishing a door with MDF panels and designing an opening from them can be felt at the installation stage. The opening does not require preliminary preparation or plastering. The registration process is accelerated, and doing it yourself becomes quite possible.

It’s interesting that even with an old metal door that you wouldn’t want to replace, finishing the doors becomes possible MDF panels with your own hands. You can choose sheets in the form of door facades and similar sheets to decorate the opening.

Installation of facades

More recently, it was difficult to imagine a different finish for a metal entrance door than upholstering it in leatherette. Today, manufacturers provide us with a wide selection of different materials.

The most interesting of them are products made from MDF. The price of such facades is slightly higher than the price of leatherette, but the result exceeds all expectations. And this applies not only to the appearance of the doors as a result of finishing, but also to their acquisition of excellent performance qualities.

It is not at all difficult to decorate the front door with MDF panels yourself.

You just need to perform the actions in a certain sequence:

  1. first of all, thoroughly clean the door of the old coating;
  2. remove the lock and other fittings;
  3. metal sheets must be treated with products designed to combat corrosion;
  4. carefully mark and cut out holes for the lock on the MDF panel;
  5. we attach the panels with glue, securing them in several places with self-tapping screws; we choose the screws of such a length that they do not damage the door panel on the reverse side;
  6. install locks and fittings;
  7. The finishing of the MDF entrance door from the inside is complete, let's move on to the design of the opening.

Installation of slopes

Opening design diagram.

Before you start sealing the opening with panels, you need to completely seal all the holes and cracks and cut off the excess foam around it.

The sequence of work on finishing the slopes of the front door is described by the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. We fill wooden guide strips on the edges of the openings according to the level;
  2. we apply the platband on the outside of the slope and measure the distances to determine the width of the workpiece;
  3. when measuring the distance, take into account that it will be necessary to install a decorative finishing corner on the edge under the casing;
  4. Using a jigsaw, cut along the workpiece for the upper slope;
  5. attach the workpiece to top bar self-tapping screws;
  6. proceed in the same way with the side blanks;
  7. glue a decorative corner along the top and sides of the opening;
  8. we close the corner with platband;
  9. in the places where the slopes join the door frame we also glue thin decorative corners;
  10. small gaps between the slopes themselves can be sealed using a special wood putty.

Advice. To make it easier to complete the opening design work, you can use cardboard templates. Before turning on the jigsaw and sawing off the workpieces, try on cardboard templates on the slopes. And then cut out the parts using them, so you will protect yourself from damage to the material.

In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

DIY door decoration with MDF panels

Door design techniques

Finishing doors with MDF panels is gaining popularity and is displacing from the construction market the finishing materials made of leatherette and laminated chipboard (chipboard), which have been recognized for years. What does the abbreviation MDF mean and its full name?
Tracing paper with in English- Medium Density Fiberboard translated as “wood microfiber” or Finely Dispersed Fraction and abbreviated form in Russian (MDF), meaning the name of the new material and panels to which these three letters are added so that they cannot be confused with other panels.

Sequence of operations when finishing doors

The practicality of the appearance of the MDF panel coating and its beautiful appearance put them on a par with elite finishing materials.

  • The popular finishing of doors with MDF panels harmoniously combines a presentable appearance, high resistance of the material to mechanical damage and the absence of properties that interact with the environment.
  • The best sound and heat insulation of a room is determined by the thickness cladding panel, instructions can be obtained directly from the store, as well as the price of these materials.
  • Any work can be done with your own hands and your own tools, but it is better to entrust something to specialists who have the necessary equipment.
  • Manufacturers have brought closer the possibility of having beautiful entrance doors without replacing them and provide construction market consumers have a large selection of manufactured MDF panels.
  • Finishing doors with MDF panels of standard sizes does not take much time. When finishing metal doors in an apartment, paint and wooden dies are often used.
    Now there is an opportunity to have steel doors With MDF finishing and even on both sides.

Installation is carried out in several stages:

  • Pre-treatment of metal surfaces with anti-corrosion agents that protect the metal from dampness and condensation.
  • Marking and drilling of holes for door handle, lock and other fittings, if present on the doors.
  • The panels are fastened with special self-tapping screws, the length of which does not allow damage to the door panel on the other side.
  • The panels are secured, fittings and locks are being installed.

Ready-made standard steel doors with MDF panels have a basic size of 2050 x 860/960 mm. The effectiveness of installing MDF panels on doors with an external steel sheet thickness of 2 mm is enhanced by the presence of two reliable locks and a built-in peephole with an almost all-round view (120° viewing angle).
Of particular interest are MDF panels lined with plastic, which is highly durable and does not scratch. Exterior finishing Doors made from MDF by other manufacturers are made by lining panels with veneer made from valuable species with a panel milled from solid wood and coated with varnish.

Finishing work of openings and slopes

After graduation installation work and installing doors, recycling old slopes, a not very attractive picture opens up that needs to be corrected. Finishing door slopes is a labor-intensive, although necessary, process.
A quality finish guarantees an aesthetic appearance.

Attention: Please note. Companies that install doors usually fill the space between the installed door frame and the doorway with foam, and then the finishing work is carried out for an additional fee, which you can do yourself.


Plastering is complex and long process which requires certain skills. Finishing MDF doorways greatly simplifies work and reduces the cost of time, effort and emotions.
Independent work implies the presence the necessary tool, improvised things:

  • MDF panels;
  • Platband,
  • Decorative elements - a strip and a bending corner, all in the amount of three pieces;
  • Liquid nails, dowels, screws and preparatory work. Seal cracks and holes, level the surface surrounding the door opening, level with wooden blocks those places where there is no possibility of quick leveling with mortar.

After preparing the tools and material, you can start working:

  • Wooden guide strips are placed onto the prepared opening. The thickness of the slats (slats) is 10 mm and the width is not less than 30 mm, along the perimeter their length is not less than 9 meters.
  • They are fastened from top to bottom and controlled by the level where the deviation is observed; a piece of wood is placed there or a plank is pulled to the wall. The upper strips are strictly fixed to the corners of the door frame.

Attention: Before installing the guide strip and adjusting the MDF panel, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the decorative corner so that the platband fits tightly to the wall.

  • To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to lean the platband and determine the gap; perhaps the thickness of the corner does not need to be taken into account in this particular case and it will not have to be cut and adjusted flush with the wall, but it will be enough to glue it.

Sectional layout of materials

  • A decorative corner is necessary for fastening the outer and inner sides of the panels, and it is almost impossible to obtain an ideal cut at home.
  • After adjusting and installing the upper slope, you need to attach it to the top bar with small nails or short screws; their heads will then have to be hidden
  • When marking guide strips for side slopes, this difference is taken into account and the thickness of the strips is adjusted.
  • We measure the height and width of the future slope on the left side.
  • In height, one measurement is taken from the upper slope of the outer corner to the floor. The width measures the distance from the metal frame to the outer corners of the top and bottom of the doorway.
    Finishing the slopes of the front door with MDF panels comes at a crucial moment in order to correctly and immediately cut off the upper corner of the side panel on the left. You can't do without a template here.
  • It is preferable to prepare a template from a thick sheet of paper (cardboard), which slides upward along the guides. The corner is marked and the excess is cut off sharp knife to get a straight line.
    The operation can be repeated several times until the template fits completely and tightly.
  • The finishing of door slopes with MDF video clearly demonstrates that all doors have an offset to the left relative to the doorway or to the right, no matter how they are aligned, and the opening angles are therefore different.

Panel adjusted to size

  • The slope is attached from the side of the frame with glue or small nails, which can then be covered with a decorative strip; the outer side is secured with self-tapping screws.

Attention: To ensure a tight fit of the panel to the door frame, adjust the end angle between them.

  • The final finishing of the entrance door slopes with MDF panels includes filling the gaps between the slopes with putty.

All that remains is to creatively approach the design of the outer part of the slopes:

  • The bending corners are glued and the protruding parts are carefully cut off to create a straight line with the wall.
  • The trims are attached; experts recommend starting with installing the side ones and finishing with the top. Practice shows that even a 1 mm offset to the side or a mounting error in height leads to big problems with top casing.

Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Penza State Institute of Architecture and Construction. Over the past ten years, he has been a leading specialist in a large construction company in Penza, engaged in the construction of multi-storey residential buildings. Total work experience in the specialty is 18 years. Consults on design issues, selection of materials for interior and exterior decoration, and technology for finishing work.


Interior design will not have a complete look without a comfortable, reliable and aesthetically pleasing door design.

MDF slopes will allow the interior decoration to become complete. But, it should be noted that installation requires compliance with recommendations and standards that contribute to achieving the durability of the structure.

Advantages of building materials

Finishing a door opening is a labor-intensive process that requires precision and following advice. Therefore, it is possible to make this kind of cladding yourself. Slopes can be finished with panel materials, the variety of which can satisfy any needs. Often finishing work is carried out with plastic, wooden panels, plasterboard, but MDF panels are considered the most successful.

Advantages of MDF panels

Since this finishing building material has numerous advantages:

  • Availability of material.
  • Easy to install.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • The density of the material creates additional sound and heat insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Fiberboard is made by pressing wood chips under the influence of temperature and pressure. The core binders of the fibrous material use carbide resins, which are harmless to humans. Consequently, MDF is an environmentally friendly building material that can be safely used for cladding both exterior and interior structures.
  • The color palette allows you to satisfy any request. You can choose the colors of the panels from wenge to bright shades.

Doorway lined with MDF slopes

But like any building material, MDF panels are not without disadvantages:

  • Weak resistance to mechanical damage. If the MDF panel is deformed, the damage cannot be restored.
  • Does not withstand significant levels of humidity.

Therefore, finishing door slopes with MDF panels should not be done in conditions of high humidity.

Do-it-yourself MDF front door slope (video)

Preparatory moments

All the benefits that come from lining the slopes of external doors with MDF panels can be demonstrated during installation. Therefore, before starting work, you can study a video of exactly how slopes are made at the front door. Wood fiber panels come in 2 options:

  1. Designed for finishing work (they have an L-shape).
  2. Wall panels.

Measuring the doorway

Most novice craftsmen have a completely natural question about how to sheathe the slopes of an MDF entrance door correctly. First you need to do some detailing. To make door slopes from MDF, you need to take the dimensions of the opening, which should be drawn on paper. Based on the transferred data, each element should be schematically depicted. It is recommended to take into account the following points:

  • Presence of a threshold.
  • The order of placement of parts.
  • Opening width and angles of inclination.

After installing the door, all gaps between the wall and the frame must be sealed with foam. After the foam has hardened, all excess should be cut off.

Installation of slopes using a frame method

Installation wooden slats

Slopes from fiber panels can be made using the frame and glue method. DIY installation of slopes from MDF panels frame method produced using the following technology:

  • Along the edges of the slope, both internal and outside Using dowels, fix the wooden slats, which need to be covered over time with MDF panels. The bars should be level. To avoid distortion of the structure between the skeleton and the opening, wedges must be driven in.
  • Cut 3 sheets from MDF (2 for vertical mounting and 1 for horizontal mounting).
  • The parts should be attached to the opening and points for cutting should be marked.
  • Trimming should be done strictly to the size of the door opening.

Installation of wooden slopes

  • Apply liquid nails to the inner edge of the panel and attach to the frame.
  • The panels should be aligned so as to achieve a minimum gap between them.
  • Fixation can be strengthened using self-tapping screws that are screwed into the upper and lower parts. The screw caps are decorated with special elements.
  • The final point is attaching the platbands.

If the depth of the opening does not exceed the width of the MDF, then in this case it is possible to fix it in a seamless manner by installing it vertically.

Installation of slopes using the adhesive method

Plastering a door slope

If preference is given to the glue method, then you should familiarize yourself with the tips for installing the front door and MDF slopes. Work algorithm:

  1. First of all, for the glue method, you need to plaster the slopes.
  2. It is recommended to treat the prepared surface with a primer. After priming, the surface must be waited until completely dry.
  3. Install beacon profiles according to level. To install profiles on slopes, apply a solution and level the beacons in all directions. Give the solution time to set.
  4. The solution is applied to the slopes and leveled along the beacons with a spatula. After the manipulations, the slopes should be left for 2 days until the solution completely sets.
  5. Covered with glue inner side parts and presses onto the surface.
  6. When all the elements are installed, the resulting joints are sealed or covered with overlays.

Important! After completing all the manipulations, you can proceed to exterior decoration door design. For this purpose, it is possible to cover the surface with platbands or level the surface using putty. In the vastness of the Runet there are photos, videos and reviews that describe in detail the whole step by step process frame and glue method.

How to bend MDF

Sometimes it becomes necessary to trim elements of a round or semi-oval configuration with wood fiber sheets. Naturally, the question arises of how to bend the material and whether it is possible. It should be noted that it is possible to bend MDF if thin panels are used (the average value should not exceed 3 mm).

How to bend an MDF panel at home

To bend the panel, perform the following steps:

  • Manufacturing blanks from fiberboard.
  • Make notches in the sheet across the bend.
  • Cut pieces of MDF to the required dimensions.
  • At the bend points, apply lines at intervals of 5 mm. The undercut should be 1 mm.
  • The resulting shavings must be collected and mixed with glue until a paste-like mixture is formed, which fills the holes.
  • Place the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. The nails do not need to be driven deep for ease of removal.
  • The last stage is removing the workpiece, sanding and painting.

By following the recommendations, you can effortlessly sheathe slopes with MDF panels or other building materials yourself. Anyone can do all the manipulations with their own hands, despite the fact that finishing slopes with a material such as MDF is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

Photo gallery of finished works

One of the common options for visually increasing space in a room is dismantling interior doors. This solution allows you to visually expand the premises and create a single space in the interior. In this case, an important task arises - finishing the doorway. In this article we have collected the most popular and non-trivial ways to solve this issue.

Preparing the opening

The process of preparing the work surface varies due to the materials chosen as finishing.

  • If it is decided to decorate the opening with a decorative mixture, it is necessary to carry out a rough finishing using ordinary plaster. After this, all surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned using fine sandpaper. This will avoid peeling of the plaster layer. Using a building level or plumb line will save on finishing material.

    Leveling the opening with plaster using a rule and metal corners

  • In the case of using overlay elements (stone tiles or PVC panels), leveling the opening is not required; it is enough to hide obvious defects - tubercles and pits.
  • If a sheathing is being erected, there is no need for rough finishing: everything will be hidden under a durable wooden or metal frame.

    Drywall on frame

  • Drywall is another option for covering a doorway, which results in a perfectly flat surface. Does not require additional processing; you can paint or glue wallpaper immediately after installation and grouting of joints.

    Leveling with plasterboard without frame using glue

Types of finishing materials

The choice of materials for finishing a doorway on the construction market is extensive; there are both economy-class options and expensive alternatives. Everything depends directly on the needs, desires and capabilities of buyers, as well as several important aspects:

  • you should not skimp on the quantity and quality of fastening elements (for example, if you make a sheathing from wooden blocks, you need to check them for the presence of mold, rot and large cracks);
  • when purchasing materials packaged in different boxes, you should check the delivery batches; if they differ, then the shade of the contents may also differ;
  • durability of the material, its ability to withstand daily contact with various external influences- this is what all masters should think about first.

Using the example of the most popular options for finishing a doorway, we will consider in more detail the workflow for each of them.


This option can be called the most popular due to the simplicity of the work and the practicality of using the finishing material.

The only thing you should take care of before starting finishing is to cover the floor with film or newspapers so as not to damage or contaminate the surface.

  1. Work begins with preparing the opening: removing old materials and priming the surface.
  2. Installation of beacons (you should mix a little mortar and fix the perforated corners on the walls, aligning them to the building level).
  3. A masonry reinforcing mesh is attached between the corners.
  4. The building mixture is prepared in the required quantity.
  5. Using several spatulas, the mixture is applied to the walls in a chaotic manner, after which it is smoothed over the surface using a rule.

It is important to remember that the thickness of one layer should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise voids or cracks may form, and this will negatively affect the durability of the finish.

If everything is met, all you have to do is wait until the surface has dried, and you can start finishing: painting, wallpapering or applying decorative mixtures.

Clinker tiles, mosaic

This material is intended for cladding a variety of areas of a residential building, including the doorway. There are no special installation rules; options are offered depending on the interior design:

Covering a doorway with tiles or mosaics does not require any special tools or special skills; the work process consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. after the surfaces have been cleaned and plastered, it is necessary to apply markings according to which the tiles will be located in the doorway;
  2. prepare special glue (liquid nails are used only in cases where the surface is perfectly flat);
  3. apply glue with a spatula to the back side of the tile, spread it over the surface, remove excess;
  4. Press the tile against the wall and hold it for a few seconds, applying force.

Scheme for laying clinker tiles

To ensure that the products are fixed evenly on the surface of the opening, you should prepare plastic beads in advance, which are inserted into the seams between the tiles. It is removed after the adhesive mass has hardened, no earlier than 24 hours later.

It is very important that if glue gets on the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately, since the hardened mass is very difficult to remove.

When the opening is completely ennobled, the seams between the tiles are sealed with special grouts, the color of which is matched to the tone of the walls or finishing materials.

Decorative rock

Another option that is used as an alternative to clinker tiles is decorative stone. It has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • an exact imitation of natural rocks, while there are a lot of varieties of textures: marble, limestone, jasper, brick, cut wood and many others.
  • tolerates high humidity without consequences;
  • easy to care for, because does not require application special means to remove dirt from the surface;
  • resistant to mechanical damage if installation rules are followed.

The installation process is very similar to laying clinker tiles, but there are several important points that should not be forgotten:

  • depending on the thickness, the weight of the products may vary, which may increase the consumption of the adhesive mass;
  • When purchasing finishing material, inspect several pieces from the back; if there are many pores on the surface, they have a low density, which will affect the strength of the stone.

This finishing material comes in two types:

  1. Natural. Made from natural rocks crushed into crumbs. Such products are distinguished by their heaviness and strength under direct mechanical influences.
  2. Artificial. It is based on gypsum, to which dyes and polymers are added. The main advantage is the low price, which fluctuates around 300-800 rubles per square meter.

Wooden panels, MDF

An equally popular option for finishing door slopes are wooden or MDF panels laminated to resemble wood, which harmoniously fit into the classic style. The advantages include:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • no visible defects upon contact with water.

The process of installing panels made of wood or MDF will require you to purchase additional materials - wooden slats that will be used as sheathing:

  1. The slats are cut to fit the width of the opening and attached to the walls using dowels and screws.
  2. The panels are also adjusted to fit the opening with a small indentation, to hide which an end corner is used.
  3. The starter panel is secured with finishing nails.
  4. All subsequent panels are attached through a tongue and groove (connection system present on the products).
  5. From the end, the structure is closed with a side panel - a platband, which is attached with nails to the sheathing or with an end angle.

Photo instructions for finishing the opening with MDF panels

To hide the fasteners, you can use a special furniture wax or adhesive plugs, matching them to the color of the panels.

This finish will look rich, even if inexpensive MDF panels with a textured pattern imitating exotic wood were used.


Many finishers love laminate for its flexibility, which allows this material to cover almost any openings, corners and nooks found in residential premises. The only thing worth worrying about is that it does not tolerate moisture well and after contact with water, swelling may form at the ends of the products, and such defects cannot be eliminated.

The laminate is attached using self-tapping screws to the sheathing in the same way as finishing PVC panels or MDF.

If the walls are relatively smooth, then you can use liquid nails and spacers, which will press the material to the surface of the walls for several hours.

Stucco molding - gypsum and polyurethane foam

One of the most interesting, but in its own way capricious materials is stucco. When using it in the interior to decorate a door opening, you should maintain a single concept of the overall design, fit it into the style of columns, pilasters with capitals and other similar decorative elements.

The stucco molding on the opening should be combined with other interior elements, for example with floor and ceiling plinths

There are two types of stucco on the construction market:

  1. Plaster. It is impossible to imagine interiors without it country houses, made in Venetian or classical style. But in small apartments such products seem too bulky; interior openings narrow not only visually, but also actually. Plus, gypsum is a very heavy and fragile material; under mechanical stress it will not last long.
  2. Artificial, or rather polyurethane, is an affordable analogue of gypsum.

The advantages of polyurethane foam decor also include:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of installation: products are easy to cut stationery knife and are attached to liquid nails;
  • variety of ready-made forms;
  • The polyurethane surface is suitable for painting.

Stucco molding looks ideal in the frame of a doorway with an arch, especially if the width allows the erection of monolithic column supports along the edges.

Doorway shapes

Finishing openings between rooms without a door is complicated not only by the choice of material used, but also by what shape this very opening will be.

The solution to this issue will affect the harmony of the transition between rooms, the lighting of the rooms, the combination of styles in the interior and the practicality of movement.


A common option is rectangular. Such an opening remains immediately after dismantling the door frame and it has its advantages:

  • suitable for all finishing materials;
  • no additional structures are required;
  • clearly delineates two living spaces, for example, a balcony and a kitchen, while visually expanding both;
  • Great for modern interior design styles.

A wide rectangular opening allows the slopes to be used as niches for interior items


The arch has an interesting ability: in rooms with low ceilings it visually raises them, and in cases with high ceilings, on the contrary, it lowers them. Moreover, the wider the arch-shaped opening, the lower the ceiling appears.

Many people prefer this option for its softness and lack of sharp corners, which makes transitions between rooms more invisible. The arch fits perfectly when exiting the hall; if it is wide enough, the movement between rooms will be imperceptible.

The absence of massive doorway decor emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the rest of the interior

A nice addition are ready-made solutions– arched-type extensions prepared for installation in doorways.

Extensions and developed edging of the opening emphasize the complex shape of the opening, placing a visual emphasis on it


This form is used very rarely, due to the fact that in small areas such a solution has the opposite effect: the room does not expand, and the ceiling visually lowers. Especially in cases where the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid is too narrow. It may seem that when decorating the opening they wanted to make an arch, but did not have enough strength and skills.

Such an opening looks good when it matches the shape of the room located behind it, as in this picture

The polygon will fit well into the passage where double-leaf interior doors were planned or installed. Using drywall, you can easily and effortlessly turn a rectangular opening into a smooth trapezoid by securing it at the corners of the opening.


A doorway that embodies the fantasies of the owners of a living space is an asymmetrical shape. Designers love it for its ability to bring the most amazing solutions to life. The opening ceases to be the boundary of two rooms, it turns into a decoration of the apartment, into an element that attracts the eye and emphasizes the given style.

An asymmetrical opening is the highlight of any interior

However, there are nuances here that many people forget about and encounter difficulties during the work process:

  • you cannot undertake the expansion of the opening without creating a project where all the possibilities of load-bearing walls and ceilings will be taken into account;
  • sharp corners and sharp shapes have a negative psychological impact on others; it is necessary to minimize the presence of irritating factors so that ennobled openings serve as an advantage and not a disadvantage.

Decoration with curtains

Simple but very interesting option decorating a doorway with curtains is a look into the past. Several decades ago, people demarcated their living space in this way, decorating the passage with wooden or fabric curtains. The desired effect was achieved: the boundaries of the room were visually outlined, without creating a closed space.

Curtain - a simple and effective solution

But similar solutions are still popular now, but the variety of shapes and materials has become much greater. The most commonly used are bamboo sticks, which are very durable and produce a pleasant sound when colliding with each other. You can paint them yourself in the desired shade or choose a ready-made option to suit your interior.

You can use curtains anywhere, even on the border between the hallway and the bathroom, although this is a little intimate, but if home owners are interested in this option, then why not experiment.

When refining the entrance opening or interior door take into account the peculiarities of its design. The presence or absence of a sash affects the choice of material. There are many options for finishing a doorway, but when implementing a design idea you need to take into account harmonious combination with the interior of the entire room.

To choose the right solution for a doorway, first think about its shape. The front door is traditionally associated with a rectangle. In the absence of doors, interior rooms are given shaped configurations.


Technology classic style allows you to refine the passage between rooms without affecting its shape. A traditional rectangle, with or without a sash, is lined with platbands. Extensions are used to finish wide slopes. You can glue a decorative corner as platbands. The stained glass windows above the doorway, made from multi-colored glass inserts, look beautiful.


The arched shape is considered the most popular way to decorate an opening without a sash. Its advantage lies in smoothing out sharp corners. Smooth transitions of the upper part of the door structure allow you to play with your imagination. IN low rooms the arch visually makes the ceiling higher, and in high ones - lower. The effect is achieved due to the size of the structure. The more the arch expands, the lower the ceiling appears.

The arched wood frame looks rich doorway between rooms. In a budget option, you can use plastic or MDF. Arches usually separate a hall from a kitchen or hallway, and are also used when combining an insulated loggia with a living room.


Not a very popular form for decorating a passage in a partition, especially in a small apartment. Sharp corners will make the room uncomfortable. The trapezoid is suitable for a wide doorway in a large apartment, and the best cladding option is materials of light and warm shades. In a house with low ceilings, it is undesirable to make the upper part of the trapezoid narrow. A small jumper will visually lower the ceiling, make the room smaller and give the interior a heavy look.

Asymmetrical shape

For achievement modern interior, the design of a room is often associated with the idea of ​​arranging an asymmetrical opening on interior partition. Construction stores offer ready-made kits. When implementing your idea weird shape They are created with a galvanized profile and covered with plasterboard on top.

The asymmetrical configuration involves the formation of smooth transitions in different parts designs. It is better to avoid sharp corners. Finishing is usually done by painting or wallpapering.

Decoration with curtains

Free passage between rooms without a door is decorated with a screen or curtains. This is the most affordable way to decorate. Fabric curtains look cozy. Thread curtains create an unusual interior. In the “eco” style, the room is decorated with bamboo curtains.

Materials for finishing the doorway


Gradually losing popularity, plaster is used as budget option when you need to decorate a doorway for painting or wallpapering. The disadvantage of this method is the complexity of the work and the large amount of dirt. If the technology is violated, cracks may form and even fall off. In stores, plaster is sold in the form of a mixture. The composition is different. The method of preparation and application to the wall depends on the type of plaster.

In general terms, finishing work consists of the following steps:

  • Mix the solution in a container. The quantity of one batch is calculated for half an hour of work.
  • The solution is poured onto the surface of the wall, spreading with a rule and a spatula.

  • When applying a thick layer of plaster, beacons are used. The guides will help you perfectly level the surface.
  • To prevent a thick layer of plaster from cracking, after applying a 1 cm thick mortar, a reinforcing mesh is laid.

Decorative plaster can be painted. If this is a rough finish, then the surface is covered with textured putty.


The doorway is finished with plasterboard in two cases:

  • when changing dimensions or shape;
  • if you just need to sheathe the opening instead of plaster for subsequent finishing.

To create shaped openings, galvanized profiles are used. First, a metal structure of the required shape is assembled, and then it is sheathed with plasterboard.

Drywall can be used to correct large irregularities without changing the shape of the opening. The slopes are sewn up with sheets, and the corners are leveled with a profile.

After installation, the surface of the gypsum board is primed. Seams, protruding screw heads and other defects are sealed with glue lined with serpyanka. After the surface has dried, a layer of starting putty is applied. If you plan to paint the opening rather than wallpaper it, apply another layer finishing putty. After drying, the surface is rubbed with a sanding mesh.

MDF panels

The advantage of finishing a doorway with MDF is that there is no need to additionally prepare the surface by applying plaster or covering it with gypsum board. Wide choose colors allow you to choose the material even for an old metal door. When covering a door slope with MDF panels, the total thickness of the cladding is taken into account. It should not interfere with the opening of the sash.

Installation is carried out on the frame. The structure is assembled from metal profile or wooden slats. They are attached to the wall with dowels and self-tapping screws. Sheathing begins from the top crossbar, then moves to the side slopes. The joints at the corners are sealed with a decorative strip matched to the color of the panels.


Door trim PVC slope plastic panels similar to MDF sheathing. However, the disadvantage of the material is its fragility. The sheathed frame creates cells with voids between the slats. Near the door, someone will definitely press their hand on the slope and the lining will break.

It is better to glue PVC panels with liquid nails. The color is selected to imitate natural materials, most often wood. Classic white works well. Glue the panels onto a perfectly flat surface, previously finished with plaster or drywall. Before installation, the back of the plastic is sanded with sandpaper. Roughness will provide better adhesion to the glue. Joints on internal and external corners hidden in corners.


To beautifully decorate a door slope with laminate with your own hands, you need to choose the right material. The color of the panels is selected so that it matches the shades of the doors, flooring and even baseboards. A slope that stands out in contrasting colors looks tasteless.

The laminate is fixed in three ways:

  1. The panels are glued to a perfectly flat surface using liquid nails. The process is identical to installing plastic. The slopes are first plastered or sheathed with gypsum board. The laminate begins to be glued to the top crossbar, then moves to the sides.
  2. Installation on the frame allows thermal insulation to be placed in the cells. Simultaneously with finishing, the opening is insulated.
  3. Gluing polyurethane foam occurs similarly to the use of liquid nails. The difference is that there is no need for a perfectly level base. When the foam swells, it will even out the imperfections on its own.

High-quality laminate cladding will last up to 20 years.

Decorative rock

In modern apartments, it is fashionable to decorate the doorway with decorative stone, which does not differ in appearance from natural material. It is optimal to perform cladding with small elements with weak relief. Decorating doorways with decorative stone with a deep texture inside the room creates the effect of a bulky structure.

The variety of materials allows you to embody bold design ideas. The imitation brickwork looks good on the entrance door slope. Lovers of the classics are offered elements with the texture of clinker tiles. To finish the corners of doorways, there are special corner trims that eliminate the need to cut stone.

To get a beautiful door slope you need a flat surface. The elements are glued with liquid nails. The resulting seams are covered with grout.


The polyurethane elements used to frame the doorway completely replaced plaster stucco. Lightweight and durable material adheres well, does not break when dropped, and is resistant to moisture. The resulting seams are covered with putty, and after drying, they are rubbed with sandpaper. Polyurethane stucco Suitable for rooms with high ceilings.


To decorate the doorway with extensions, buy a kit. It consists of wooden or MDF planks. When assembled, the result is a product that hides slopes protruding beyond the door frame. The result is a solid structure.

There are three types of door trims available:

  • simple;
  • with an edge at the end;
  • telescopic.

The first option is a plank with a raw edge. Additions with edging tape allow you to hide uneven edges in case of installation flaws. Telescopic boards are equipped with mounting grooves.


Finishing a door slope with tiles is justified if the material is harmoniously combined with the design of the walls. The option is optimal for the bathroom or kitchen. The tiles are released different shapes, which allows you to veneer not only rectangular areas, but also arches. For styling ceramic tiles You will need a flat, hard surface. Installation takes place using adhesive. The joints are covered with decorative grout.


Decorating a doorway with plaster stucco is rare. The material is quite fragile and heavy. If the fastening is poor, the falling element will break and can also injure a person. To make it work beautiful design doorway, there should be a lot of plaster, and one style should be followed. This can only be achieved in a large, spacious room with high ceilings.


The simplest and oldest way is to hang wallpaper on the slope. Moreover, the door leaf itself is often subjected to pasting. The wallpaper is selected to be of high quality, resistant to abrasion and dampness. If the finishing is done with photo wallpaper, the opening can be designed in the form of a living corner. To hide the doors from view, the slopes and panels are covered with the same wallpaper that was used for the walls. To highlight the contrast, the sash is partially covered with patterns. Acceptable geometric figures or fragments of a drawing.

Doors and adjacent objects are considered the hallmark of the house. There is no point in saving on the design of this area, because it is the first thing that catches the eye of guests.
