How to set up a balcony door for the winter. Adjustment of plastic windows and doors - we carry out adjustments before the winter season. Why the door requires adjustment: causes and prevention

In most apartments, the layout provides space for a balcony - even if it is not always used correctly, it is at least possible to store a mountain of old things there. But what to do if the plastic balcony door sagged, how to adjust it? Such issues have to be resolved independently, which means that this requires some kind of scheme.

Is it possible to solve the problem on your own?

In fact, in most cases it depends on the type of problem that has arisen. That is, the question that concerns you will not be “How to adjust the plastic balcony door?”, and “Why doesn’t it close?”

Almost every happy owner of a balcony faces such problems - metal-plastic doors can become unusable over time. This is mainly due to the sagging of the hinges under the door's own weight. So now you will learn how to properly adjust a plastic balcony door, while avoiding many unpleasant problems in the future.

Why don't the doors close?

First you will need to answer this question, and you can start working later. As has been said before, common cause the door may sag under its own weight, but this is not the only reason.

The balcony is exposed to climatic and temperature influences, and therefore the fitting hinges may become unusable. If this is exactly what happened, then you will have to look for the answer to the old question: “How to adjust a plastic balcony door?”, because it is the adjustment in this case that will help solve the problem.

Diagnosis of the problem

  • The balcony door may touch the threshold - in this case, you must make great efforts to close it, lifting it by the handle. Here the problem most often occurs in the hinges - metal-plastic structures in general often suffer from such problems. However, balcony doors are prone to such unpleasant incidents more often, which is logical, given their dimensions.
  • Also, the door can cling to the middle part, which will indicate the deformation of the mechanism - it takes the shape of a “barrel”. Sagging hinges may also be involved here, but more often the cause is thermal deformation of the mechanism.
  • If your door does not close completely, then you will have to ask a slightly different question: “How to adjust the pressure of a plastic balcony door?” It is the clamping mechanism that will be the problem.

In some cases, mechanical damage to the lock or door handle occurs. In this case, you will simply need to replace this part yourself.

Tools required for work

As for any repair work, here it will not be possible to make do with improvised means; it is best to have a real set of tools on hand (however, every second man today has one). Here are the tools you'll definitely need:

  1. Wide flathead screwdriver.
  2. Crosshead screwdriver.
  3. Pliers (it is better to have round nose pliers on hand).

In addition, you will need to select adjusting wrenches that fit exactly the adjusting screws on your doors. Such information can be obtained either by self-inspection or on the manufacturer’s website.

How to eliminate sagging?

If the problem found is caused precisely by sagging hinges, then solving it is quite simple - you just need to pull the upper corner of the sash to “your” hinge. It sounds like you have a lot of hard work ahead of you, but it's not. The door just needs to be lifted. But in order to avoid problems, you are given an answer to the question of how to adjust a plastic balcony door with a diagram and a certain procedure:

  • The first step is to install the door in a pivoting position.
  • The second step is to turn the screws on the top sash (they should be near the hinge). You need to turn clockwise, since you need to pull the sash to the hinge, and not vice versa, to release the pressure.

The third step is to lift the door itself. To do this, you need to use the lower screws - they are also located on the sash. The screws at the end are turned until the door stops clinging to the threshold.

The door should open and close easily, without any effort. When checking, light pressure on the handle should be enough - if so, then you did everything absolutely correctly.

How is sash displacement eliminated?

This is the second most common problem with balcony doors. In this case, the door will cling to the middle part, and therefore it must be moved closer to the hinges.

Most metal plastic doors you can do this without removing the entire door from its hinges - Maintenance provided for by design.

  • Door adjustment begins with the bottom screw. It is located near the bottom hinge: you turn it with an adjusting key until the door is in place.
  • The same procedure is repeated with the top screw. As a result, you should get a straight door.

This may not solve the problem, for example, the hinges may be completely deformed, or even with fine adjustment, the door continues to cling in the middle part. In this case, you should contact the manufacturer or installation company- the latter often introduce such problems in cases with free repairs.

How to eliminate blowing?

In addition to the two already described reasons for all problems, there is one more - no less common, but considered more a consequence than a cause of the problem. The third situation that requires your intervention is blowing under the balcony door. This can happen when the door is closed position loosely pressed against the frame, leaving a gap between them - often imperceptible, but sometimes quite material. So here is a diagram of how to adjust a plastic balcony door that is blowing:

  • You can adjust the pressing of the door to the frame from the lock side either with an adjusting key or with pliers - you just need to rotate the pins that lock the elements.
  • On the side of the hinges, in turn, the pressure is strengthened by attracting the hinges to the frame (how this is done was described above).


By now you should have realized that you can fix problems such as sagging hinges, misaligned sashes or blowing on your own. The main thing here is to remember that each company makes balcony doors according to its own design, and therefore this must be treated with the utmost attention. However, the principle remains the same for everyone. So, we found out how to adjust the Rehau plastic balcony door.

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is a process during which you can eliminate various minor problems that mar the operation of this system.

If you want to learn how to adjust the pressure of balcony doors with your own hands, then read the article.

More information about the operation of double-glazed windows

Plastic windows and doors are an excellent alternative to traditional wooden window and door structures.

They reliably block street noise, protect the home from drafts and fit well into any, both classic and ultra-modern interior.

The main disadvantage of such structures is the fact that they require frequent adjustment. During operation, balcony double-glazed windows may become loose.

What to do when the balcony door does not close well? Is it possible to fix this problem yourself, without involving third-party specialists? Absolutely yes.

How do you understand that you should adjust the pressure on a door made of plastic?

This should be done when you have to make excessive efforts to open the door or when the handle that unlocks the locking mechanism does not do its job well.

Timely adjustment, carried out with your own hands for preventive purposes, will protect the glass unit structure from serious damage and significantly increase its service life.

Carry out a simple test that will allow you to understand that the design of the balcony door needs to adjust the pressure.

Open the door ten to fifteen centimeters and watch its movement. If the selected interval remains for a long time (in the absence of drafts), then there is no need to worry.

If the door closes on its own or, conversely, opens completely, then care should be taken to adjust the clamping mechanism.

Pick up a building level and use it to measure the position of the bottom and top of the glass unit relative to the floor.

If there is even a slight misalignment, the door should be repaired by adjusting its pressure to the jamb.

If you neglect this work, you can achieve a significant distortion of the structure, which will lead to the appearance of drafts.

It is worth noting that adjusting the pressure of the balcony door can be carried out not only in the presence of certain problems that arise during the long-term operation of this structure, but also to increase comfort.

For example, in summer time you can loosen the pressure on the structure to create natural ventilation of the room, and winter period, on the contrary, strengthen it to ensure the absence of cracks and drafts.

The instruction manual for double-glazed windows contains information on how to do it yourself at home.

In addition, you can learn how to adjust the door position yourself, using only available materials, by watching several training videos on the Internet.

How to adjust a plastic balcony door?

To independently adjust the operation of the plastic balcony door mechanism, you should use certain tools and materials.

You will need:

  • screwdrivers different sizes, equipped with flat and cross profiles;
  • pliers or pliers;
  • hex or star keys;
  • roulette;
  • a simple pencil or erasable marker;
  • high-quality rolled gaskets made of PVC and equipped with an adhesive layer.

In some cases, repairing a balcony door may require liquid plastic, which hardens on contact with air.

The position of the balcony door, made of plastic, can be adjusted both frontally, horizontally and vertically.

During horizontal adjustment The gap that forms between the glass panel and the hinge post is also adjusted.

During vertical adjustment, the height of the suspension is leveled relative to the door leaf. During the frontal adjustment, you can adjust the pressure of the glass unit.

The adjusting screws with which the door structure is equipped are hidden under special decorative seals or panels.

You can remove them by lifting them with the flat of a thin knife or small screwdriver, or by unscrewing them using a small hex key.

Instructions for use of plastic door design contains information regarding the adjustment of its operation.

If using it, you cannot eliminate existing problem, then you shouldn’t try to fix it with your own hands at all costs.

Otherwise it may be damaged door leaf or disrupt the operation of the structure’s clamping mechanism.

The need for frequent adjustment of plastic balcony doors can be reduced by such details as microlifts and opening limiters.

They are able to evenly distribute the weight of the door leaf over all fasteners and ensure smooth operation when opening and closing.

Common problems with plastic doors and their solutions

In this paragraph of the article, you can familiarize yourself with the most common problems that arise during the operation of plastic door structures and learn how to fix them with your own hands in a short time.

If the balcony door opens and closes poorly and during these processes clings to the doorway on the side of the latch mechanism, then you need to loosen or, conversely, increase the tension of the hinges.

To do this, turn the lower, middle and upper adjustment screws one or two turns in a clockwise direction.

If the door sags and touches the threshold when closing, then only the tension of the upper and middle screws should be adjusted, and the tension of the lower one should be left unchanged.

To adjust the position of the screws, use a 5mm hex or torx wrench.

To adjust the position of the connecting strips, you need to use similar keys with a diameter of two and a half millimeters.

To adjust the door pressure, turn the eccentrics located on the reverse side loops

Please note that some door mechanisms They are not equipped with eccentrics, but with trunnions, which can only be turned using pliers.

Incorrect position of the door leaf can cause problems affecting the opening and closing of the door.

What to do when you have to make a lot of effort to open the door? The adjustment work described above should be carried out.

If the door is installed correctly and all adjusting screws are tightened, and the handle still turns with force, then it should be replaced.

To strengthen the loose handle of the balcony door, you should tighten the screws responsible for attaching it to the plastic structure.

This can be done using a plastic screwdriver. The screws connecting the handle and the door are located under the plastic trim.

A deformed door seal made of polyvinyl chloride fabric can be replaced with a new one. Please note: there are several types of these seals.

To understand their differences and buy exactly the one you need, you should come to the store with either a sample of the seal or technical passport, issued by the door installation company.

You can remove the deformed seal yourself using a flat-head screwdriver.

The groove in which the seal was located should be cleaned of residual glue and debris, degreased, and a new layer of glue or liquid plastic should be poured into it.

After the glue “sets”, you should apply a new layer of insulation to it and wait for the structure to fully adhere.

Adjusting plastic balcony doors is a simple process that you can handle yourself.

To reinforce your confidence in the success of adjusting the door structure, you should watch several thematic videos on the Internet and be sure to read the operating instructions for the plastic product.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 4 minutes

Plastic doors are a well-proven competitor to classic wooden construction. They are known to everyone due to their use in shops and offices, but there is also a place for such doors in an apartment - they are installed in the balcony opening. Plastic doors are not so difficult to deliver to the owner big problems. But, like any mechanism, during operation they may also periodically experience minor malfunctions that require intervention. Adjusting plastic doors is a simple process; you can do this work yourself, but you need some knowledge to help you do it.

Malfunctions that arise during the operation of plastic doors

If the door closes tightly or a strong draft is felt from under it, this is already a clearly expressed problem that requires elimination. There is no need to bring it to this state, because the presence of obvious problems leads to great difficulties during adjustment, as well as to wear of some parts. Eat simple methods checking the correct operation of the doors, which will allow you to promptly determine whether adjustment is necessary.

Checking the door to frame pressure

The condition of the door will first tell you whether the door is pressed correctly. sealing rubber. If it is crushed from some angle or its thickness has decreased, this is a clear sign of improper pressing.

In addition to taking measures to adjust the door, the deformed rubber seal will have to be replaced.

Method for checking the uniform pressure of the door to the frame:

  1. A sheet of paper should be placed between the frame and the door leaf.
  2. The shutter must be closed and, remembering the applied force, pull out the paper.
  3. The previous steps should be repeated around the entire perimeter of the frame.

If in some place the paper is pulled out without effort or, conversely, it is impossible to remove it, this indicates the need to adjust the pressure.

Detecting door sagging

The door leaf may sag, the presence of which can be determined using a level or a simple pencil.

  • When installing the frame and door leaf, installers must use a building level, since all elements are aligned strictly vertically or horizontally. Using a similar tool, you can quickly determine if the door is sagging.
  • If there is no level, an ordinary pencil is enough, with which you need to draw a line along the entire canvas at closed door. Then the sash needs to be opened and the line parallel to the edges of the box must be determined. The difference in the width of the resulting strip should not exceed 2 mm.

Self-adjustment: tools

After identifying a defect, the metal-plastic doors will need to be adjusted, which, if there is a warranty, will be performed by a called specialist. However, after the expiration of the warranty period, a wait for a repairman is required, which sometimes drags on. If you take into account the cost of adjustment in addition to this, it makes sense to configure the correct operation of the door yourself. To do this you will need a simple set of tools, including:

  • pliers or pliers;
  • two screwdrivers - flat and Phillips;
  • hexagons - L-shaped keys with dimensions from 2.5 to 5 mm;
  • plastic gaskets;
  • roulette

Pressure adjustment process

This process eliminates the resulting cracks through which drafts leak.

Most often, you can adjust the clamping force only by rotating the eccentric screws, which are located at the end of the door leaf. Near the hexagon socket screw there is a special mark - a point in the form of a small recess that helps determine the clamping density. If it is necessary to weaken the clamping force, the screw is turned with the mark towards the frame, and when strengthened, vice versa, towards the room.

Difficulties may arise due to the fact that there are usually three such eccentrics - top, bottom and in the middle. Therefore, it is necessary to act through experimentation, turning the screws at the same angle. After each installation of a new position, it is necessary to monitor the result.

Please note: these screws only provide good clamping near the handle. In practice, additional adjustments may be necessary near awnings. In this case, adjustment is made using hexagon screws located at the top of the two hinges (top and bottom).

Important! The design of the doors may differ; sometimes the pressure adjustment is performed using a special pin, which is rotated with pliers; to increase the clamping force, it must be positioned perpendicular to the door leaf.

Elimination of horizontal and vertical displacement

The door may deviate from the desired position horizontally or vertically. The adjustment in each of these cases will be different.

Vertical offset

At the bottom of each hinge there are adjusting screws with a 5 mm hexagon recess. They are responsible for moving the canvas vertically. In this case, to move up or down, all three screws must be adjusted.

Rotation to the right (clockwise) raises the door. Two turns are usually sufficient for adjustment.

If you need to adjust the strikers and install them in a new position, moved up or down, you will need a flat-head screwdriver and a 2.5 mm hexagon.

When adjusting the main striker plate, if moving the striker plate is not enough, a Phillips screwdriver is required.

There are times when there is not enough screw travel to complete the adjustment. In this case, you need to “pull out” the door. To do this, you need to remove the plastic beads and insert pre-prepared plastic spacers into the space between the profile and the glass unit, without applying much effort.

If the adjustment process cannot be understood, then it is better to call a specialist and entrust him with this work. In this case, you will have the opportunity to watch how a professional performs the adjustment, so that if problems arise again, you can perform the adjustment yourself.

PVC balcony doors have become so commonplace in life that many take them for granted. Therefore, the appearance of problems in their operation is a complete surprise for the owners. Many people are in a panic and are urgently looking for phone numbers of repairmen. Experience shows: in such situations there is no need to rush. It is not difficult to identify the problem yourself and fix it, because adjusting plastic balcony doors with your own hands is not such a difficult matter.

For those who are dealing with this type of repair for the first time, we present detailed instructions How to adjust the plastic door on the balcony yourself.

When do you need to adjust the door?

In the world, only accidents and disasters happen instantly. All other problems mature gradually. This thesis fully applies to the balcony door. As it is used, its geometry and clamping force gradually change, which over time, if appropriate measures are not taken, can lead to the replacement of fittings, either completely or individual elements. Diagnose and resolve problems on early stage quite simple.

1.The clamping force can be checked in several ways:

  • bring a burning match or candle to a closed door. If the flame begins to sparkle, it means there are drafts between the frame and the door;
  • insert paper into the gap between the frame and the door leaf. If it easily pulls out from under the closed door, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments. Each side should be checked.

The ideal option is if the paper sheet is pulled out with the same force on all sides of the sash - the geometry is not broken, and the pressing force, if necessary, can be easily adjusted.

2. Most difficult case, if the geometry of the door begins to change. There are also several methods for early diagnosis:

  • open the door 45 o and leave for a short time. If it spontaneously, without the help of the wind, completely opened or closed, the door sagged due to the weakening of the upper hinge;
  • go out onto the balcony. Close the door. Along the inner perimeter of the door frame, using its edge as a ruler, draw on the door a diagram of its fit to the frame profile. The lines should be parallel to the edges of the door, and the width of all drawn stripes should be the same. Any deviations require a new adjustment of the door hardware.

Attention: different vertical strip widths, for example, on the handle side 5-6 mm, and on the hinge side 3-4 mm, are more likely to indicate a manufacturing defect than the need for adjustment work.

  • carefully inspect the seals. If the geometry is broken, some of them will be deformed (crumpled) differently.

If time is lost, For successful repair it is necessary to establish the cause of the malfunction:

  • the lower part of the door began to cling to the door frame threshold. The reason is always the heavy weight of the door. Door fittings are designed for weights up to 120-135 kg. The door together with single-chamber double-glazed windows weighs 35-40 kg. With an increase in the number of chambers, glass thickness or glazing area, the weight of the door approaches 60 kg, which is critical for hinges from any manufacturer. The metal of the canopies simply gets tired during the operation of the door, as a result of which the sash sags;
  • the door leaf clings to the door frame in the middle. There are two possible reasons for this: the door profile has been deformed outwards or it is moving to the side under the influence of high temperature(the door leaf expands, and the hinges push it onto the frame from the front side);
  • the door doesn't close well– in the pressed position, the handle does not engage the trunnions into the striker (in the language of specialists, the striker). There are also two reasons: the door has settled, as a result of which the eccentrics (hooks) of the locking plate do not reach the grooves of the striker; the profile of the door leaf was deformed inward, pulling the hooks along with it - they stopped reaching the answer, or the frame bent outward with the same result;
  • the door leaf does not fit tightly to the frame. In order not to blow, it is necessary to adjust the trunnions and the response;
  • the handle is jammed– the door was opened too quickly;
  • the handle is loose or broken. This happens when the door leaf is used intensively;
  • glass cracked in double glazed unit– there is a misalignment of the door leaf profile;
  • the plastic of the door frame or door leaf is cracked– the reason is the shrinkage of the house, not the door.

Adjusting balcony doors

Regardless of the reasons for the problems at the doors to the balcony, to adjust them you will need:

  • furniture keys No. 4 and 5;
  • slotted and Phillips screwdriver;
  • construction square;
  • pliers;
  • plastic gaskets.

Tools available. Now let's look at how to adjust a plastic balcony door in each specific case.


It is not possible to adjust the balcony door using the handle. It only removes the locking plate pins from the strike grooves (opens the door) or fixes them there (closes). Intensive use often complicates this process: the handle does not work well. Problems can be easily corrected by do-it-yourself repair. The main thing is to figure out what happened. Pen:

  • loosened;
  • broke;
  • jammed;
  • turns hard.

She became loose. A weak fit of the handle on the door (it wobbles in your hands) indicates loose hardware holding it in place. The problem can be resolved very simply: the bar covering the fastening plate must be slightly pulled towards you, and then turned 90 o (see photo). Using a screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver, tighten the screws until they stop. Return the bar to its place.

The handle is broken. The technology process is similar to the previous type of repair:

  1. the bar is pulled back and turned to the side;
  2. the screws are completely unscrewed;
  3. the broken handle is removed;
  4. a new handle is placed in the same position as the old one (depending on whether the door is open or closed);
  5. the mounting plate is attached;
  6. the cover is returned to its place.

Jammed. Due to careless, or rather, hasty opening of the doors, the locking mechanism does not always have time to work, after which the handle cannot be turned - it jams. This situation is not uncommon, but is only possible with doors that open in 2 planes.

The lock protects the locking mechanism from further manipulation of the handle. open door– if you turn the handle on the open sash to the “ventilation” position, you can damage all the fittings.

The locking mechanism is attached to the end of the door immediately below the handle mechanism (a number of manufacturers produce fittings with a lock at the bottom of the door leaf). At the same time it may have different type and a method for removing the blockade from the handle, which is clearly visible in the photo above.

For Maco fittings, you need to press the latch and move it to the “vertical down” position, and then change the position of the handle. For other hardware manufacturers, it is enough to press the locking tongue holding the handle against the end of the door and also turn the door handle.

Difficult to turn. The problem of a hard-to-turn handle arises in one case - preventive maintenance work on the fittings was not carried out for a long time. Due to accumulated dirt, the locking bars are difficult to move. The repair is simple - just clean the fittings and then lubricate all metal parts. The process of lubrication of fittings can be seen in work: “” - it is the same as for a Euro-window.

Important: if the handle is difficult to turn when the door leaf is pressed tightly against the door frame, the problem is in the trunnions and strikers. The repair is simple - either switch the trunnions to summer mode, or place thin gaskets, no thicker than 1 mm, under the strikers.


The simplest type of adjustment is to set the pressing force of the door to the frame. During door installation, installers install the standard (medium) option for the sealing rubber bands to fit each other. Over time, they wear out and the balance is disrupted. You can adjust the pressure of the balcony door in 2 ways: rotate the locking bar pins or adjust the strike plate (Euro windows do not have this option).

The axle (eccentric) can be found at the ends of the door:

  • two or three on the front side;
  • one or two on the back;
  • 1 – top and bottom (if a tilting mechanism is installed).

Different manufacturers have different appearances, which can be clearly seen in the photograph:

  • locking eccentric, regulates the pressing force - the first one in the photo;
  • anti-burglary locking eccentric with adjustable clamping force – medium;
  • locking anti-burglary eccentric (adjusts the lifting height of the toe and the clamping force) – the third.

The trunnion can be in 3 positions:

  • neutral or standard, with medium downforce;
  • summer – weak pressure;
  • in winter - the pressure is as strong as possible.

You can determine the clamping force by the mark on the eccentric or its position. For an oval, a vertical position means weak pressure (transferred to summer), at an angle - standard, horizontal - strong (winter). The round eccentric has a risk. If it is facing the street - summer option pressing, into the apartment - winter, upward - medium.

You can change the position of the trunnion using a hexagon (furniture wrench) or pliers. Sometimes the eccentric needs to be pulled towards you to make adjustments. Pliers ( wrench) will be required for Maso products, where the eccentrics are oval.

The mechanisms of the Roto fittings are adjusted with a furniture key. Some models of balcony door fittings have the ability to adjust the pressure through the strike plate. To do this, it has an adjusting screw for a hex key (see photo, option “A”). Turning it clockwise strengthens the pressure, turning it counterclockwise weakens it.

You can also change the tightness of the upper corner of the door in the hinge area using the adjusting screw on the folding scissors. To do this, the door leaf must be opened in two positions at once. First, it swings open, after which the lock latch is pressed against the fittings, and the handle is moved to the “ventilation” position. After this, the door closes a little and leans back.

The plate of the scissors has an adjusting bolt for a furniture key (see photo). By twisting it, the downforce is increased, and by unscrewing it, it is weakened.

When sagging

Eliminating the problem of a door clinging to the threshold is carried out using adjusting screws in each hinge, which are responsible for changing the horizontal position of the door. At the same time, we note that a sash with two opening modes has 2 hinges, and with one - 3. Therefore, with three hinges, adjustments must be made on each of them.

To eliminate the problem, you need to raise the lower corner opposite the upper loop. To do this, the top of the door is pulled towards the hinge, and the bottom, on the contrary, is pressed away from it. If necessary, the sash can be raised slightly.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • the door opens to 90 o (a smaller angle is possible, but adjustment in this case is quite difficult);
  • Use a hex key to tighten the adjusting screw 2 turns;
  • on the middle loop, tighten the screw half a turn;
  • Unscrew the screw on the hinge at the bottom of the door one turn (counterclockwise);
  • close the door and look at the position of the lower corner, as well as the position of the hooks in relation to the strike plate.

If the door still clings to the threshold, the adjustment process must be continued, but the number of revolutions must be reduced. Often, after aligning the door, the hooks of the bolt either do not fit into the striker at all, or do not secure the door well. In this case, the counterplate is rearranged. The problem can be solved by lifting the door leaf upward.

To do this, the screw located in the lower loop (responsible for the vertical) must be tightened as the clock progresses. To have access to it, you need to remove decorative elements loops. The hex key is inserted into the loop itself from above.

Attention: from the companies "Rehau" and "Veka" door hinges different. To configure them you need different instrument. But the adjustment technology is the same.

When touching the middle part

Now let’s look at how to adjust the balcony door if it touches the frame with the middle part. Step by step order The work is as follows: using horizontal adjustment screws, the door leaf moves towards the hinges. First you need to tighten in the area of ​​the bottom loop, then the top.

Here the opposite problem is possible: the hooks do not reach the gaps in the strikers. In this case, using horizontal adjusting screws, the engagement of the locking plate hooks into the grooves of the strike plate on the front side of the door is adjusted. From the back you can:

  • eliminate deformation of the door leaf by using a gasket between the double-glazed window and the door profile;
  • adjust the strikers for the hooks in a new way - place plastic pads under them.

How to switch a balcony door from one mode to another

Balcony doors, like plastic windows, need to be adjusted for pressure twice a year. Unfortunately, the vast majority of owners forget about this.

For winter mode

There is nothing complicated about how to adjust a plastic balcony door for the winter:

  1. open the door;
  2. we examine its ends from all sides - the locations of the eccentrics are determined;
  3. with a furniture key (pliers) all eccentrics are transferred to winter mode. Oval in a horizontal position, round with a mark towards the room.

If everything is done correctly, during cold weather there will be no blowing into all the cracks and holes.

For summer mode

As the weather warms up, the pressure on the seals must be loosened. Otherwise they will wear out quickly. To do this, the trunnions on the open door are adjusted. They must be set to “summer mode” - oval vertically, round with a mark towards the street.

Preventative maintenance of the balcony door

In order for plastic doors to serve for a long time and not create problems for their owners, they need to be installed regularly at the beginning of winter and summer:

  • Remove dirt and then wash. First the plastic is washed ( door frame and door leaf), then double glazing. It is necessary to wash the balcony door both from the outside and from the outside. inside. Cleaning solutions should not contain aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis) and abrasives. A variety of cleaning compounds are used for glass. homemade or purchased in a store (“Seconda Super”, “Synergetic”, etc.) Wipe plastic parts better soft cloth or a sponge, and the glass unit with special napkins or a rubber scraper;
  • Wash, dry and then lubricate sealing rubber bands And metal parts shut-off valves;
  • Adjust the eccentrics for the coming season.


Problems that arise during the operation of a balcony door are mainly eliminated by various types of adjustments:

  • poor sealing pressure can be eliminated by adjusting the trunnions;
  • the sagging door is raised with horizontal adjusting screws;
  • you can lift the door without changing the location of the corners relative to the frame using a screw inside the lower canopy;
  • deformation of the door profile is removed by installing a side gasket under the double-glazed window; frame deformation is removed by installing a gasket under the strikers.

Video on the topic

Currently, plastic is one of the most practical materials. Wood is considered environmentally friendly pure material, but at the same time difficult to care for, moreover, wooden structures difficult to adjust after they sag and lose their properties over time.

In order not to be afraid that one day the balcony door simply will not close, or, on the contrary, will slam so that it cannot be opened, modern building owners install plastic balcony doors, which can always be adjusted.

When does a door need adjustment?

As a rule, it is impossible to say the exact date or time that is optimal for adjusting the structure. This usually happens closer to the cold season. In summer, the door is often open, so the fittings may become loose, and then adjustment will be required.

You should think about how to bring your door back to normal if the following signs appear:

  • Draft
  • A crack appeared in the glass unit
  • The handle is difficult to turn or, on the contrary, rotates too easily.

Do it yourself or call a professional?

The answer to this question is ambiguous, since on the one hand, a reliable master always knows his business, especially if he is an employee of a company that door block installed. But sometimes it happens that it is better to take everything into your own hands. Experts say that coping with such a task on your own is quite possible and there is nothing wrong with it. The main thing is to take necessary tools and get down to business.

What tools are needed?

Before you begin the adjustment process, you should make sure that you have everything you need for this at home. The set is simple, but without it the matter will not get off the ground.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Pliers
  • Hex screwdrivers
  • Roulette
  • Flat and Phillips screwdrivers
  • PVC gaskets

Adjustment directions

If you have everything you need ready, you can begin the adjustment process. This can be done: vertically, horizontally or frontally.

Adjustment screws are easy to see when removed decorative panel. To do this, you need to open the balcony door and use a 3 mm hex key.

Instructions for adjustment directions

Horizontal is the movement of the door leaf to the right or left. Most often it is used when the door stops closing smoothly, and this is due to temperature changes outside - either thaw or frost affect the structure. In order to adjust the door, the hexagon is inserted into the side adjusting screw, which is located in the side surface of the lower hinge. Simple actions the screw is tightened, so the sash is attracted to the hinge.

The vertical direction is when the door hits the threshold or when dents appear on the seal at the top or bottom. Here, for adjustment, you will need various screwdrivers - these are both 5 and 2.5 millimeter hexagons, and a regular flat-head screwdriver. To displace the main locking plate, you will need a Phillips screwdriver, which every owner has.

And the last direction is frontal. This is a more complicated procedure. It is necessary to remove the glazing beads that regulate the glass unit. Then, gaskets will need to be inserted between the glass unit and the plastic. This is not an easy task, since you need to choose the right thickness and size. Therefore, generalists often resort to this type of adjustment. They can both work with doors and adjust sliding aluminum windows, if they are installed on your balcony.

Does it close tightly?

You can do this yourself, using a regular sheet of paper. Absolutely anyone will do. It is inserted between the sash and the frame. If you need to apply force to pull out the sheet, then everything is in order with your design and it does not require repair or adjustment. If the sheet that you inserted comes out easily, then a gap has formed and the door needs to be adjusted.

If you have done a simple test with paper and it shows that you need to intervene to keep the winter cold, then you need to purchase the necessary tools. They are sold anywhere hardware store. There are such kits in companies that install windows and doors; you can call them and ask the manager. The tools may not be in specialized stores, for example, in departments where they sell bicycles, you can always find sets of hexagons. They cost 400-500 rubles and will always come in handy around the house.

Specific problems

What to do if, for example, a double-glazed window is warped and comes out of the seal?

This happens on one edge of the sash and is visually noticeable. Experts advise removing glazing beads from the frame. This can be done with a sharp object, for example, a knife or spatula. You should not be afraid of damaging the glazing bead; PVC is known for its flexibility, this will avoid deformation. Now you can center the glass unit and insert plastic spacers (their thickness allows you to adjust). Now the glazing beads need to be returned to their place. Here you will need a rubber hammer, which will allow you to drive them back in without damaging the structure.

If condensation appears, does this mean that the door is faulty and requires adjustment?

Condensation occurs when there is not enough ventilation in the room. Plastic structures quite dense and not blown from the outside. In Soviet times wooden frames There were cracks that were sealed with cotton wool for the winter. This is not the case with PVC. So if your balcony block located next to the battery, you can put a special one under it supply valve. The door should be installed with a micro-ventilation function; it will open a few centimeters and air will penetrate into the room. You can also use a door comb to secure the door and allow air to circulate. All these devices do not require additional care, function for a long time and can be easily adjusted at home without a specialist.
