How to read characters in Japanese. Three types of Japanese writing. Japanese characters tattoo on arm

Most people who start learning Japanese sooner or later also start learning Japanese characters.
The Japanese have a saying: “How you sit while writing a character is how you will write it.”

That is, the posture while writing the hieroglyph must be correct: the feet are on the floor, the hips are on the chair parallel to the floor, the back is straight.

By the way, when writing hieroglyphs, the elbows should not be placed on the table, but should be gently lowered from the table. The distance between the notebook on which you are writing and your eyes should be sufficient - you do not need to lean forward too much.

There are rules in writing hieroglyphs - they must be written in a strictly defined order, line by line.

Let's look at other rules:
1. It is very important to write hieroglyphs harmoniously, that is, all parts of the hieroglyph must be arranged so that these parts form a single hieroglyph. A common mistake that beginners make when learning hieroglyphs is that they write the parts that make up the hieroglyph at a fairly large distance from each other.
Hieroglyphs should be written compactly:

2. Hieroglyphs should be written from left to right or from top to bottom.
Let's first look at what types of hieroglyphs are written from top to bottom.

3. follows from left to right.

From left to right, the following hieroglyphs are written:

Also, small lines are written from left to right, following each other at the bottom of the hieroglyphs:

4. There is a sufficient number of hieroglyphs when one line crosses the entire hieroglyph.
In such cases, this line is written last:

5. should be written vertically.

Beginners learning Japanese often make a common mistake - writing characters slanted either to the right or to the left. Of course, there are Japanese who write characters with an angle, but they should still be written strictly vertically:

So, we looked at the basic rules for writing hieroglyphs.

I hope that they will help you write hieroglyphs correctly and beautifully!

In today's article we will take a closer look.

You will learn:

  • How did hieroglyphs appear in Japan?
  • Why do hieroglyphs need “on” and “kun” readings?
  • How many hieroglyphs do you need to know?
  • Why the Japanese won't give up hieroglyphs
  • How to read the symbol "々"
  • What order of writing strokes should be followed?
  • And much more!

At the end of the article you will find copybooks that will help you write several Japanese characters yourself.

Japanese characters and their meaning

For writing, the Japanese use special characters - hieroglyphs, which were borrowed from China. In Japan, hieroglyphs are called “Letters (of the Han Dynasty)”, or “Chinese characters” 漢字 (kanji). The system of Chinese characters is believed to have originated as early as the 16th century BC. Japanese is the language until the 5th century AD. had no written form. This was due to strong state fragmentation. Japan was a weak state, consisting of many principalities, each of which had its own power, its own dialect. But gradually strong rulers came to power, the unification of principalities began in the country, which led to the adoption of the culture and writing of the most powerful state at that time. It is not known exactly how Chinese writing ended up in Japan, but there is a widespread version that the first hieroglyphs were brought to the country by Buddhist monks. Adaptation of Chinese writing was not easy, because... The Japanese language has nothing in common with Chinese in grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics. Initially, Kanji and Chinese Hanzi were no different from each other. But now a difference has appeared between them: some characters were created in Japan itself - “national characters” 国字 (kokuji), some received a different meaning. And after World War II, the writing of many kanji was simplified.

Why do Japanese characters need multiple readings?

The Japanese borrowed from the Chinese language not only hieroglyphs, but also their readings. Having heard the original Chinese reading of a character, the Japanese tried to pronounce it in their own way. This is how the “Chinese” or “on” reading came about – 音読 (onyomi). For example, the Chinese word for water (水) – “shui”, taking into account the peculiarities of Japanese pronunciation, turned into “sui”. Some kanji have multiple onyomi because they were borrowed from China several times: in different periods and from different areas. But when the Japanese wanted to use characters to write their own words, Chinese readings were not enough. Therefore, there was a need to translate the hieroglyphs into Japanese. Just as the English word "water" is translated as "みず, mizu", the Chinese word "水" has been given the same meaning as "みず". This is how the “Japanese”, “kun” reading of the hieroglyph appeared - 訓読み, (kunyomi). Some kanji may have several kuns at once, or may not have them at all. Frequently used Japanese characters can have ten different readings. The choice of reading a hieroglyph depends on many things: the context, the intended meaning, combination with other kanji, and even the place in the sentence. Therefore, often the only sure way to determine where the reading is on and where the reading is kunnoe is to learn specific constructions.

How many hieroglyphs are there in total?

It is almost impossible to answer the question about the total number of hieroglyphs, since their number is truly enormous. Judging by the dictionaries: from 50 to 85 thousand. However, in the computer field, font systems have been released that contain encodings for 170-180 thousand characters! It includes all ancient and modern ideograms ever used throughout the world. In ordinary texts, for example, newspapers or magazines, only a small part of hieroglyphs is used - about 2500 characters. Of course, there are also rare hieroglyphs, mostly technical terms, rare first and last names. There is a list of “kanji for everyday use” (“joyo-kanji”) approved by the Japanese government, which contains 2136 characters. This is the number of characters a Japanese school graduate should remember and be able to write.

How to quickly memorize hieroglyphs?

Why don't the Japanese give up hieroglyphs?

Many students of Japanese or Chinese often wonder: why does such an inconvenient writing system still exist? Hieroglyphs are classified as ideographic signs, the outline of which retains at least a symbolic, but similarity with the depicted object. For example, the first Chinese characters are images of specific objects: 木 - “tree”, 火 - “fire”, etc. The relevance of hieroglyphs today is partly explained by the fact that ideographic writing has some advantages over phonographic writing. People speaking different languages ​​can communicate using the same ideograms, because an ideogram conveys the meaning, not the sound, of a word. For example, when seeing the sign “犬”, a Korean, Chinese and Japanese will read the character differently, but they will all understand that it is about a dog. Another advantage is the compactness of the letter, because one sign represents a whole word. But if the Chinese, for example, have no alternative to hieroglyphs, then the Japanese have syllabary alphabet! Will the Japanese give up hieroglyphs in the near future? They won't refuse. Indeed, due to the huge number of homonyms in the Japanese language, the use of hieroglyphs becomes simply necessary. Even if they sound the same, words are written in different hieroglyphs depending on their meaning. What can we say about the Japanese mentality, which implies loyalty to traditions and pride in its history. And thanks to the computer, the problem associated with complex writing of hieroglyphs was resolved. Today you can type Japanese texts very quickly.

Why is the symbol needed?»?

The symbol "々" is not a hieroglyph. As we already know, any ideographic sign has at least one specific phonetic correspondence. The same icon constantly changes its reading. This symbol is called a repetition sign, and it is needed in order to avoid re-writing hieroglyphs. For example, the word “people” consists of two characters for “person” - “人人” (hitobito), but for simplicity this word is written “人々”. Although Japanese does not have a grammatical plural form, it can sometimes be formed by repeating kanji, as in our human example:

  • 人 hito - person; 人々 hitobito - people;
  • 山 pit - mountain; 山々 yamayama - mountains;

It also happens that some words change their meaning when doubled:

  • 時 currents - time; 時々 tokidoki - sometimes.

The character "々" has many names: the dancing sign 踊り字 (odoriji), the repetition sign 重ね字 (kasaneji), noma-ten ノマ点 (due to its similarity to the katakana characters ノ and マ), and many others.

What is the order of writing traits in hieroglyphs?

Along with Chinese, Japanese characters have a certain sequence of writing strokes. Correct stroke order helps ensure that characters are recognizable even when you write them quickly. The Japanese reduced this order to several rules, which, of course, have exceptions. The most important rule: hieroglyphs are written top to bottom and left to right. Here are some more basic rules:

1. Horizontal lines are written from left to right and parallel;

2. Vertical lines are written from top to bottom;

3. If a hieroglyph has both vertical and horizontal lines, then the horizontal ones are written first;

4. The vertical line that intersects the hieroglyph or its element in the center is written last;

5. Horizontal lines passing through the sign are also written last;

6. First the slash to the left is written, then the slash to the right;

With the correct order of strokes, the hieroglyph turns out beautiful, and it is much easier to write. All kanji must be the same size. For a hieroglyph to be balanced, it must strictly fit into a square of a given size. Now that you know what order of strokes you need to follow, try writing a few simple hieroglyphs, which we have already encountered in this article:

人 - person

山 - mountain

水 - water


火 - fire

I hope that you learned something new and interesting from this article. As homework, write down the above several times. I think that everyone who is familiar with hieroglyphs has their own favorite hieroglyph, the one that was immediately remembered or liked. Do you have a favorite hieroglyph? Share in the comments about completing your homework, I will also be glad to hear your impressions. Second part .

Want to learn more about hieroglyphs?

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Tattoos in the form of Chinese and Japanese characters are very popular in European countries. Tattoo hieroglyphs carry originality and mysticism, since their meaning is practically unknown to anyone except the owner himself. But despite this, a seemingly simple symbol can hide deep meaning and powerful energy. In fact, only Europeans apply Chinese and Japanese characters on their bodies, while residents of these Asian countries prefer English inscriptions, which are written with grammatical errors. Be that as it may, hieroglyphs are very difficult to translate.

Before choosing any design you like, take a little time to find out the exact meaning of the symbols. Otherwise, you can end up in an unpleasant situation, for example, the one that happened two years ago to a German teenager. After paying 180 euros, the young man asked the tattoo artist to infuse him with Chinese characters meaning “love, respect, obey.”

Having got the long-awaited tattoo, the guy went on vacation to China. Imagine his surprise when Chinese waitresses in restaurants constantly paid attention to him. The young man decided to ask why his tattoo had such an effect. Having learned the correct translation of his hieroglyphs, the young man was shocked. On his arm was the inscription “At the end of the day I become an ugly boy.” Returning home, I discovered that the tattoo parlor was closed. The unlucky guy had to undergo laser tattoo removal for 1,200 euros.

If you decide to get hieroglyphs as a tattoo, find out their meaning in advance in authoritative reference books, or choose from the most popular and sought-after symbols.

Meaning of hieroglyphs

Chinese characters tattoo

Zi is the name of the traditional Chinese script used to write official documents in Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Chinese settlements. The Chinese “alphabet” (let’s call it that) contains 47,000 letter-symbols Tzu. In order to improve the literacy of the population, the government passed a law to simplify the writing system. Many dashes, sticks and dots have disappeared from use.

The Chinese themselves say that to speak and write fluently in Chinese, you only need 4,000 characters. Yes, hieroglyphs are really difficult both to write and to translate. However, a certain trend has already emerged for tattoos. The most popular and sought-after tattoo hieroglyphs are considered to be symbols meaning love, strength, family, luck, peace, fire. This doesn't mean your choices are limited to just these words. With the help of Chinese tattoos, you can express your positive or negative emotions, inspire yourself with encouraging words, or capture a pleasant moment in your memory.

Japanese characters tattoo

Japanese hieroglyph tattoos, like Chinese ones, are popular almost everywhere except these countries themselves. Writing in Japan consists of three systems: kanji, katakana and hiragana. Kanzi is the most common of the three. The symbols from this system come from Chinese writing. However, Japanese characters are easier to write. In total, the alphabet has 50,000 characters, most of which belong to nouns. Katakana is used primarily for loanwords, internationalisms, and proper names. Hiragana is responsible for adjectives and other grammatical phenomena. Tattoos based on the symbols of this system are much less common than the previous two.

Many celebrities have chosen Japanese characters as tattoos. For example, Britney Spears chose a symbol that translates as “strange.” However, in reality the singer wanted to get a tattoo with the words “mystical”. Melanie C, the ex-peppercorn, has never hidden her girl power. The phrase "Girl Power" was the group's motto. It was these words that Mel C tattooed on her shoulder. Pink expressed her happiness with a Japanese tattoo of the same name.

Would you get such a tattoo for yourself?We look forward to your comments!

Various hieroglyphs, especially Japanese ones, are among the most popular designs for tattoos in many countries. They are characterized by mystery and originality, because the meaning of this design is not known to anyone except the owner of the tattoo. And under the image of an elegant hieroglyph, both deep meaning and strong energy, and ridiculous nonsense can be hidden.

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos in Russia have spread relatively recently. They have become quite popular due to the rich history and unique culture of Japan. Such painting on the body is incredibly beautiful, and with the help of skillfully applied marks you can tell a lot about yourself.

Experienced artists make sure that a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph is not just a beautiful picture, but carries a deep meaning. The meaning of such drawings is so diverse that almost anyone can choose an image that suits them.

Such tattoos are popular because they look harmonious and stylish on any part of the body and in different sizes - from large to small.

How to understand the meaning of a tattoo?

Such tattoos theoretically belong to the category of “inscriptions”. But if we consider the hieroglyph by analogy with the letters of the alphabet, then it does not have such a specific meaning.

It always has a certain verbal meaning:

  • Love;
  • health;
  • happiness;
  • life;
  • family.

One hieroglyph can represent a symbol or an entire sentence. To minimize the likelihood of an error and an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to choose well-known and popular hieroglyphs that will not have a negative meaning in any spelling.

An important point is the placement of strokes over the HIEROGLYPH - Depending on their location, the same signs acquire different meanings.

How to choose a sketch

A tattoo requires an idea for its implementation, and not every person has a specific idea about their future tattoo. And the selection of a sketch of a Japanese hieroglyph must be done even more carefully, since this is not an arbitrary combination of lines, but a symbol with a great semantic load.

  1. Decide what kind of hieroglyph pattern you would like on your skin. To do this, you can look at different images on the Internet and print out the ones you like best before meeting with the master - a clear example will best explain your wishes and preferences.
  2. You should speak clearly and specifically about which hieroglyph needs to be made, having previously found out its meaning and the possible nuances of its application.
  3. You need to consider the size and location on the body. For a small tattoo, it is better to choose a simple hieroglyph with thin lines and without going overboard with too small strokes.

Since after some time the patterns on the skin lose the brightness and clarity of the lines, it is better to choose marks printed in black.

Tattoo location

Hieroglyphic signs require not only the correct definition of their content, but also careful selection of the place of application. Despite the fact that they look good almost everywhere, you should clearly think through the composition of the desired symbols on the skin.

The most popular for this are:

  • neck, back of the head;
  • back (along the spine);
  • arms (wrists, forearms, shoulders);
  • hips.

The most difficult parts of the body to apply are:

  • face;
  • fingers;
  • ribs;
  • Feet;
  • genitals.

Composition and color scheme

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are usually done in black. But there are also symbols using 5 primary colors, each of which carries a specific meaning.

Color Meaning
Blue-greenIn Japan it is a single color and is represented by the word "aoi". It represents the wind and is considered the most fickle element, which can embody both the calmness of the sky and trees, and the destructive power of a hurricane.
RedSymbolizes fire, sun, energy and development. According to the Japanese, this color protects from evil and brings joy, tranquility, and good luck to the home.
YellowAssociated with earth, gold, constancy and prosperity.
WhiteThe most controversial in the Japanese color scheme. It simultaneously personifies both mourning and a talisman against the other world.

In tattoos, the above-mentioned shades are used to give greater expressiveness and energy. For example, to increase its favorable meaning, the hieroglyph is outlined with a red line. You can make the tattoo unusual and original by carefully inscribing the symbol into any pattern or image.

For example, decorate the hieroglyph in different colors or draw it in three-dimensional form.

What to remember before applying

The key point before applying a hieroglyph to the body is to carefully study its meaning and combination with other signs. Incorrect use of a symbol can lead to its opposite meaning or leaving the owner of a tattoo with a stupid or obscene message.

Therefore, before contacting a master, you need to consider the desired design in detail and clarify its content in specialized literature or from people who know Japanese calligraphy. You should not shift all responsibility for the concept of such a tattoo to the tattoo artist.

The master is responsible only for the technique and aesthetics of execution; knowledge of all unusual symbols is not his responsibility.

Features of tattooing in the form of hieroglyphs

Before performing a tattoo, you need to provide the artist with a sketch and decide on the area of ​​skin to perform it. When everything necessary has been selected, preparation for the process begins.

It consists of the following:

  1. Removing unwanted hair from the skin if necessary
  2. Applying anesthetic gel or spray.
  3. Treating the skin with an antiseptic.
  4. Transfer the design to the skin using special paper or a regular pen.
  5. Driving paint into an image using a needle from a special tattoo machine.

Video about what you need to know before getting a tattoo:

It is important to remember that a tattoo is made for life, so before getting a tattoo in the form of a hieroglyph, you need to study and weigh all the pros and cons. Also, a sketch on paper will always differ from the original, so this needs to be discussed with the master in advance in order to avoid disputes and unpleasant situations.

Popular Japanese characters

Few people know that Most Japanese characters are taken from Chinese writing. Now there are those that were invented precisely in the Land of the Rising Sun. They differ from Chinese signs in their greater simplicity and conciseness.

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are not just drawings on the body, but real philosophical symbols that can become talismans for their bearers. Most of them contain a positive meaning, which has become another reason for their popularity.

For example:

  • Happiness– this sign denotes harmony, awakening inner strength, openness. It should be applied in an oriental style, using traditional Japanese symbols.
  • Double Happiness- one of the most popular signs. Known as a powerful talisman for fulfilling your most cherished desires. It is recommended to fill it to obtain happiness and mutual understanding with your loved one.
  • Love– most often means mutual tender feelings. It also helps resolve external and internal contradictions, so it is recommended to stamp the sign in the area of ​​the heart.
  • Luck- such a hieroglyph really brings luck and positive changes in life. Many people use this tattoo as a personal amulet.
  • Eternity. The literal translation of this symbol is: “Joy and happiness will be eternal.”
  • Force– strengthens physical strength and spiritual energy, also suitable for improving relationships in marriage and family.
  • Fire– the sign schematically depicts a fire with tongues of flame. Since ancient times, people have feared and respected this element, so the application of such a hieroglyph should be treated thoughtfully and carefully.
  • Water– a strong key sign, vaguely reminiscent of a branched river.
  • Air– for the Japanese it is, first of all, an energetic flow of thoughts and information. The meaning of this hieroglyph is multifaceted, and it will embody various meanings - air, steam, wind, mood, state of mind.
  • Earth– has some resemblance to a cross and resembles a hill or mountain.

More you can get a tattoo with a Japanese proverb or quote, but about this you should consult a master in detail, and not independently compose sentences from hieroglyphs.

Japanese characters for men

Representatives of the stronger sex like tattoos that evoke associations with strength and courage.

Therefore, the following Japanese symbols are a common choice for tattoos among men:

  • fire;
  • wind;
  • victory;
  • force;
  • samurai;
  • warrior;
  • courage;
  • honor;
  • independence.

Guys are also often attracted to signs that evoke animal strength, courage and bravery.

Such as:

  • the Dragon;
  • tiger;
  • bear;
  • wolf.

Usually men do not hide their tattoos. On the contrary, they often show them off by tattooing them on visible parts of the body - on the arms and neck.

Japanese characters for women

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are of great interest to women as well. These images are the best option. After all, girls don’t tend to wear tattoos that are too large and noticeable, and such symbols look beautiful and stylish both on open areas of the body and those hidden from prying eyes.

Most often, women choose hieroglyphs with positive feelings and positive characteristics for tattoos.

For example:

  • Love;
  • family, home;
  • loyalty;
  • soul;
  • eternity;
  • dream;
  • happiness;
  • beauty;
  • sea.

Signs symbolizing the constellations of the zodiac, seasons, various flowers and plants are also popular among the fair sex.

Animal designation

Representatives of both sexes often wear hieroglyphic designs on their bodies that represent animals. In Japan, such signs have a sacred meaning, therefore, they should also be stuffed thoughtfully, and not as a tribute to fashion. Some representatives of the animal world have found special love and popularity in tattooing in the form of Japanese characters.

  • The Dragon– one of the most popular Japanese symbols. Denotes ancient wisdom, nobility, power and courage. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this mythological creature is a harbinger of happiness and good luck. After all, the dragon is filled with frantic vital energy, activity and fire; it is incapable of meanness and duplicity.
  • Tiger– symbolizes leadership, courage and steadfastness. In ancient times, it was revered by the Japanese as one of the sacred animals along with the dragon.
  • Wolf– is considered a magical beast and personifies justice, freedom and fearlessness. He is also the embodiment of devotion to his family, as he is loyal only to the wolf he chooses.
  • Cat– in Japan this animal is especially revered, both in ancient times and in the present day. This is one of the most diverse representatives of the animal world in terms of meanings and symbolism. The image of a cat is associated with independence, mystery, grace, as well as home and family comfort.
  • Fox- often mentioned in Japanese legends as a magical and mysterious beast. They are considered spirits, not related to the forces of good or evil, and their main task is to monitor the balance of light and dark. This hieroglyph will reflect magic, cunning and patience.
  • Snake- this creature in mythology is called a small dragon, but it has both positive and negative qualities.

In a positive sense, the snake symbolizes wisdom, talent, and justice.

Mystical hieroglyphs

In tattoo parlors, Japanese signs are in demand, which denote worldview, lifestyle, and mystery.

Such as:

  • Karma- according to Buddhist philosophy, it depends on what actions its owner committed, righteous or sinful.
  • Eternity- in its outline, this hieroglyph is very similar to the sign for “water” due to the fact that the Japanese personified its flow over time.
  • Eternal wandering- this phrase consists of four hieroglyphs, in which the sign of eternity is also based on the symbol of water. At the very bottom of the inscription there is a red calligraphic seal of the author.
  • Emptiness- a hieroglyph quite rich in semantic load, despite the first impression of the meaning of this word. Denotes attachment to illusory things that have no real value.

It is believed that mystical symbols leave a certain imprint on a person’s life path and his development.

Japanese characters reflecting the state of mind

There is a small group of Japanese characters that can be applied to any part of the body. They reflect a person’s state of mind, his emotions, desires, goals. Such tattoos, despite their general meaning, will not be banal, but, on the contrary, will add individuality to the style of its owner.

These tattoos include:

  • faith;
  • good;
  • harmony;
  • joy;
  • calmness.

Japanese characters tattoo on neck

Tattooed hieroglyphs are tattooed on the neck more often than on other parts of the body. Here, in any case, a tattoo will not go unnoticed, so here it is applied by bright and confident individuals.

A neck tattoo can be placed in several ways:

  • a large symbol representing a single word or meaningful phrase;
  • 2-3 hieroglyphs placed in a vertical sequence and denoting wisdom;
  • from 5 signs, which are composed into a well-known aphorism or parable.

There are several hieroglyphic images that are recommended to be applied specifically to the neck:

  • angel;
  • wealth;
  • update;
  • purity.

Tattoo of Japanese characters on the stomach

The stomach is a hidden part of the body, so a tattoo with a personal meaning should be applied here, which can become a talisman and protect you from troubles. If the tattoo does not serve such a purpose, then you need to choose a hieroglyph with a positive meaning and energy.

According to philosophy, the abdominal area contains many sources of vitality.

Japanese characters tattoo on arm

On the hands and wrists, especially of girls, the following hieroglyphs look very stylish and expressive:

  • beauty;
  • dream;
  • Love;
  • harmony;
  • happiness.

There is a sign that the sign of “double happiness” in the hands of a childless husband and wife helps them become parents.

Japanese characters tattoo on back

The back is another popular place for tattoos. Masters often associate this part of the body with the canvas, which provides much more opportunities to express imagination.

Several significant advantages for choosing this place:

  • freedom for self-expression;
  • a tattoo on the back is easy to hide under clothes;
  • you can create a composition with symmetrical hieroglyphs, focusing on the spine as an axis.

With the help of a tattoo you can both hide the flaws of a figure and show its advantages.

Japanese characters tattoo on leg

Tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs are most often tattooed on the leg by girls. and order the design to be applied mainly on the thigh and foot in the ankle area. The first version of the image embodies the combination of chastity and severity of Japanese symbolism with the eroticism attached to the selected part of the body.

The marks on the foot emphasize beauty and fragility.

Japanese characters tattoo on shoulder

The owners of shoulder tattoos are most often representatives of the stronger sex who in this way seek to further emphasize their masculinity, strength and courage. Any hieroglyph is suitable for a tattoo on this part of the body, provided that its meaning and composition are chosen correctly.

Japanese characters tattoo on chest

The chest is also an advantageous area for applying voluminous tattoo images. Due to the fact that this part of the body is not as smooth as the back, the pattern may turn out to be voluminous. Therefore, this is where applying a hieroglyph in 3D form will be successful.

Japanese hieroglyphs for tattoos are usually done in black

It is also believed that Japanese symbols, being close to the heart, protect and protect. After getting a tattoo on your chest, you need to follow some rules for caring for it, namely: wear loose clothing, do not sleep on your stomach, and women will have to not wear a bra for a while.

Tattoo of Japanese characters on the lower back

Drawings in the form of hieroglyphic writing on the lower back will primarily evoke associations with sensuality and temptation, despite the meaning of the applied symbols. After all, the lower back is close to the intimate areas, but does not belong to them.

Such tattoos arouse erotic interest not only in girls, but also in boys. In addition, the lower back changes less than other parts of the body as your figure changes, and the image will not lose its attractiveness.

Japanese characters tattoo on forearm

Tattoos on a man's forearm are usually black. and reflect strength, uncompromisingness, sharpness. In this case, the hieroglyphs will not be an exception to the rules and will be selected according to the same principles.

For women, a tattoo in this area is an opportunity for decoration and self-expression with almost no unpleasant pain. Girls usually try not to cover the entire skin of the forearm with the pattern. Their favorites in this regard will probably be Japanese symbols on the front or back of the hand.

Japanese characters tattoo on the spine

In the East, the spine is considered the center of human energy and the most powerful energy channel. The hieroglyphs applied to it can enhance vitality without revealing their true meaning to others. In addition, Japanese symbols along the vertebrae look stylish, impressive and unusual.

Celebrities with tattoos of Japanese characters

Britney Spears chose a sign for herself, the translation of which means the word “strange”. Although the singer’s goal was to get a tattoo with the inscription “mystical.” This situation once again proves that the choice of oriental signs for a tattoo must be treated carefully and scrupulously.

The symbolism for a tattoo, made in the form of hieroglyphs, primarily reflects the inner world and individuality of its owner.

Japanese culture is characterized by external restraint and deep internal content, therefore one should be extremely careful when applying such a body pattern, since the East does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards its traditions.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about Japanese characters for tattoos

A story about the history of the appearance of hieroglyphs:

In the modern world, Eastern culture is very popular. People study the Japanese language all over the world or simply use Japanese characters and their meanings in various areas of life.

History of Japanese writing

The origin of Japanese writing is directly related to the introduction of Chinese traditions into the life of the Japanese. While writing was already developed in China, in the history of the land of the rising sun there was not a single mention of a written version of the language.

In the 6th century BC, China and Japan began to build close diplomatic relations, as a result of which the Japanese began to borrow Chinese writing and, over time, adapt and modify it to suit the grammatical and phonetic features of Nihongo.

Structure of the Japanese language

There are three main elements in modern Japanese language:

  • Kanji are characters borrowed from Chinese;
  • Hiragana is a syllabary of words and names for which there are no hieroglyphs;
  • Katakana is a syllabary used to write words borrowed from other languages.

Kanji and its readings

After Chinese writing entered Japan, it was greatly modified and adapted to the peculiarities of local speech. The Japanese began to create new kanji or give Chinese ones different meanings, which led to significant differences between the readings of the same kanji. There are two main types of reading:

  • Onyomi (Chinese reading);
  • Kun'yomi (Japanese reading).

Onyomi is also called onyomi reading. It consists of adapting hieroglyphs borrowed from the Chinese language. One kanji can have more than one onyomi.

Kun'yomi or kun reading is used to reproduce native Japanese words.

The same symbol can have one type of reading, or several at once. There are a number of kanji that, depending on the type of reading, completely change their meaning.

Using Japanese characters

Japanese characters and their meaning in Russian are of great importance. Examples of their use:

  • tattoos;
  • talismans with kanji;
  • gifts (homemade cards, cups and T-shirts with kanji, etc.);
  • decoration of interior elements (wallpaper, pillows, curtains, etc.).

Japanese characters and talismans Omamori

In the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun, there are a large number of traditional talismans. Among them, a talisman called Omamori plays a special role. Mamori is translated from Japanese as “protection”. These amulets are made in the form of small bags of silk fabric of different colors and stored in wallets, pockets, hung in the car, on a bag or mobile phone.

You can put money or herbs inside the bag, and so that the amulet does not lose its power, after its creation you cannot open the bag. Symbols are often sewn on the outside of the fabric that have meaning for those for whom this amulet is intended. They are used to attract money, luck, love and so on.

Popular Japanese characters

Hieroglyph of money

The kanji for "money" is written as follows: 金. It is read as “kane” (kane). When used in conjunction with other symbols, it has many meanings:

  • Metal, gold;
  • Rich man;
  • Price;
  • Debt and so on.

Hieroglyph of love

Another popular character is 愛. Translated, it means “love” and is read as “ai” (ai). In combination with other hieroglyphs it takes on the following meanings:

  • To love or appreciate;
  • Darling, lovely, beloved;
  • Passion;
  • Attachment;
  • Patriotism;
  • Fan and so on.

Hieroglyph of happiness and good luck

Nihongo uses a single kanji, 幸, to represent important words such as happiness and luck. This word is read as “ko” (to). Meaning:

  • Happiness, luck, bliss;
  • Gifts of the forest or gifts of the sea;

Hieroglyph of health

Health is written as 健康 and read as "kenko". This word is made up of two separate kanji. The kanji 健 (ken) has no meaning of its own and is found in words such as "healthy", "many", "hardy" and so on.

Japanese names and their meanings

Female Japanese names

For women, names are often chosen that contain kanji that signify the character trait that parents would like to give to their daughter. One of the most popular in this case is 美 (mi), which means “beauty.” It is a component of such names as:

  • Akemi (meaning – bright beauty);
  • Kazumi (harmonious beauty);
  • Miho (beautiful bay);
  • Menami (beauty of love);
  • Natsumi (summer beauty);
  • Herumi (beauty of spring) and so on.

There are quite a lot of such kanji. A popular component in a girl's name is the love character 愛, which is read as "ai" or "ai". Kanji such as “mind”, “calmness”, “wisdom” and so on are also used.

Often, a woman’s name is based on a symbol with the meaning of a plant. Among them are the following kanji:

  • 桃 means "peach" and is pronounced "momo" (found in names such as Mommo and Momoko);
  • The female name 菊 (Kiku) means "chrysanthemum";
  • The name 藤 (Fuji) means “wisteria” and so on.

Japanese male names

Reading male names is one of the most difficult parts of nihongo because there are different readings used. There is no single algorithm for pronouncing a man's name. Therefore, the correct pronunciation of the name should be checked with its bearer.
