Interesting things on the web! Bans around the world

When going on a trip to another country, it is advisable to get acquainted with its laws and local habits. Knowing them, you can bypass incidental situations and not get into trouble. Considering that some of the laws and prohibitions may cause you, to put it mildly, a little bewildered. Here are some examples.

A lot is known about the celebration in Britain: lights, Christmas trees, wreaths, turkeys, guests, cookies, sweets... But it turns out that eating Christmas gingerbread is prohibited in England. This only applies to Christmas Day itself. The rest of the time - please. So unusual law has been in effect since the reign of Cromwell. He considered the holiday of Christmas immoral and banned it altogether. All attributes accompanying the celebration, including pies and sweet cookies, were sanctioned. The ban applied only to “holiday” days. Time has put everything in its place - little can be achieved with prohibitions. However, the document prohibiting eating sweets remained without refutation and has been in force as a law since 1644 to this day. Therefore, every Englishman or guest of the country commits a crime by enjoying cookies on Christmas. Although today no one pays attention to this anymore.

In the same UK There is also a prohibition that you cannot touch any mammal swimming within three miles of the British coast. In this case, there is a special law stating that all marine animals in coastal waters are royal property and touching them is unacceptable. It’s probably better this way – for the safety of the animal world.

Once in China, do not be surprised that no one will rush to the call of a drowning man for salvation. And we don’t recommend it to you either. According to the mysterious eastern soul and its philosophy, interference in a person’s destiny is immoral. Therefore, a law was passed according to which it is prohibited to save a drowning person. Perhaps the Chinese government has resorted to a trick: in this way it is trying to reduce the number of its constantly growing population?

Since 1910, France introduced a law prohibiting couples in love from kissing at the railway platform. In those days, drivers could not leave the parking lot for a long time, waiting for the end of a long farewell kiss, which disrupted the order of train movement. The law is still in effect to this day. Only now there are special areas at train stations for lovers where they can be alone.

Feeding a piece of bun or bread to a pigeon is a sacred thing in any city. But not in Venice. There is a ban on feeding pigeons, violation of which carries a hefty fine. The reason for such strictness is the desire of the city government to preserve ancient sculptures, which constantly attract flocks of birds that damage art monuments.

Surprisingly, the famous “Kinders” - chocolate eggs with toys, have been banned in the USA since their appearance. Literally until 2013. The ban was caused by public concern about the small size of the parts inside. It was believed that at the age for which the toy was intended, a child could accidentally swallow a piece of the product, thereby causing harm to himself. Permission to sell "" on store shelves in America was permitted only on the condition that the toys placed inside would be large in size and whole.

Starting a coin box in Canada is pointless. You won’t be able to pay off the accumulated amount anyway. In 1985, the country passed a law according to which it is impossible to pay only with coins for products and things that cost more than 10 Canadian dollars.

Interesting laws exist in a small state in the middle of Oceania. The set of rules is quite large and unique. For example, one of the laws contains strict punishment awaiting a spouse who forgot his wife’s birthday. A fairly large fine becomes the property of the spouse as the injured party.

Thailand's banknotes and coins feature images of revered Thais. By stepping on them you are committing a crime. So watch your step as you walk through this exotic and unique country.

There is no country where something is not prohibited. It's just that some of them, in our opinion, are quite funny. Let's find out in more detail in which country what is prohibited.


  • On Sunday afternoons it is prohibited to appear in in public places wearing pink trousers.
  • Only qualified electricians have the right to change a light bulb. Otherwise, fine!


  • Shaking and cleaning carpets on the streets is prohibited. Attention, just in case: if you decide to do this at your leisure, you need to do this only before 8:00 am.
  • It is prohibited to graze cattle on the street from 7:00 to 22:00, except with permission from the police.
  • You can't kiss at train stations. The installed signs indicate this. The authorities fear that due to the long goodbyes, all the platforms will be overloaded.


  • Since 2008, in Venice it is illegal to feed pigeons in Piazza San Marco. This is because pigeons damage historical buildings and monuments. And also these seemingly harmless birds are carriers of dangerous diseases.
  • The town of Eraclea, near Venice, has banned the construction of sand castles on its beaches because they could “obstruct the passage” of people strolling along the shore.
  • In Ebola, couples are not allowed to kiss in the car.
  • On the Italian island of Capri, there is a ban on wearing shoes with wooden lasts, as well as any shoes that make noise.


Those who chew Orbit without sugar will be punished. After all, it is prohibited to transport and use chewing gum here. This rule has been in effect since 1992. In this country, they believe that chewing gum can greatly ruin your health and pollute the environment.

In Canada, by law, from 6:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, 35% of radio airtime must be occupied only by national content.


In 2008, the country decided to introduce annual monitoring of the waist size of its citizens aged 40–74 years (no more than 86 cm for men and 90 cm for women). This is how Japan is fighting obesity and related diseases. In 2015, those companies that “did not meet the targets” were fined.


Continuing the theme of the fight against excess weight, in 2016, the Indian state of Kerala introduced a “fat tax” - 14.5% on hamburgers, pizza, donuts and other fatty foods served in restaurants.

Our world is beautiful and amazing, each culture has its own customs, traditions, rules and laws. Some prohibitions are justified and fair, while others seem strange and ridiculous.

1. Walkers are illegal in Canada.

Walkers interfere with the normal development of the baby; the load on the child’s joints, bones and muscles is distributed incorrectly. If a walker is found in the house, the family will be fined $100,000, which could even lead to six months in prison.

2. In the state of Iowa, USA, it is illegal to wink at strangers

If you don't know a woman, don't wink at her

3. In Oklahoma you can't make faces at dogs.

People who make faces at dogs may face fines or jail time.

4. In Australia, men cannot wear strapless dresses.

In Melbourne it is illegal for a man to appear in a public place wearing a strapless dress.

5. Loud shoes are prohibited in Capri, Italy.

Two tourists were arrested on the island of Capri for wearing flip-flops that were too loud. The ban is intended to "protect public safety."

6. It's illegal to share your Netflix password in Tennessee.

In 2011, the governor of Tennessee signed a law that prohibits the sharing of passwords to entertainment services such as Netflix. This crime is equivalent to theft.

7. Chewing gum is banned in Singapore.

The sale and purchase of chewing gum is prohibited in Singapore. For leaving chewing gum on the street, the offender is subject to a fine of $500.

8. In the state of Delaware, USA, women are prohibited from proposing marriage to men.

9. In Alabama, USA, it is illegal to blow your nose in the wind.

On the streets of Alabama, it’s better not to blow your nose, much less pick your nose.

10. In Florida, USA, unmarried women Skydiving is prohibited on Sundays

Single, divorced or widowed women are prohibited from skydiving on Sundays. Violators face fines or even imprisonment.

11. In Eboli, Italy, it is illegal to kiss while driving.

Kisses in motion vehicle prohibited. Fine for violation - more than 500 euros

12. In Washington, USA, it is illegal to ride scary horses.

In the city of Wilbur, it is illegal to ride a "scary horse" in public. A fine is issued for this. But who can define what beauty is?

13. In New Jersey, USA, you can't loudly sip soup in a restaurant.

No loud noises while eating soup

14. In Utah, USA you cannot carry a violin in paper bag

In Salt Lake it is illegal to walk down the street with a violin in a paper bag.

15. Camouflage clothing is prohibited in Barbados

It is illegal to wear any type of camouflage unless you are part of an anti-drug organization or the Barbados Armed Forces.

16. In Alberta, Canada, you can't shout in public.

In the city of Taber, shouting and swearing in public places is fined $150.

17. In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to listen to music in public places.

Here they don’t teach music in schools and institutes, and you won’t be able to listen to songs in music stores either.

18. In Germany, you are fined if you run out of gas on the autobahn.

If you run out of gas on the autobahn, the driver will be fined for creating a threat to other participants.


19. In China, reincarnation is prohibited without the consent of the authorities.

The Chinese government has banned Tibetan Buddhists from reincarnating without government permission.

20. Scrabble is banned in Romania

In the 1980s, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu banned the game and described it as "overly intellectual" and a "destructive evil."

21. In Manila, Philippines, Claire Danes is banned

In the 1990s, the actress told reporters that Manila “smelled of cockroaches” and “there were rats everywhere” when she was filming the film “Broken Palace.” The authorities banned the actress from entering the city and almost all films with Claire’s participation were banned

22. Spying with Ferbies is prohibited in the USA

In the late 90s, when the Furby toy became incredibly popular, the National Security Agency banned this electronic toy due to concerns that it could be used for wiretapping. The ban was later lifted when it was discovered that Ferby was not suitable for espionage.

23. In France, it is forbidden to eat ketchup during lunch.

In schools and colleges, students are prohibited from eating ketchup during lunch. This campaign aims to reduce sugar consumption and also to protect traditional cuisine. Meanwhile in the USA ketchup
is a vegetable

24. It is illegal to invite foreigners to parties in India.

The Karnataka government recently issued guidelines prohibiting foreigners from participating in parties and social events in the state. According to the government order, event organizers must "obtain permission from the district committees" for foreigners.

25. In the UK, hospital workers are prohibited from drinking tea at work.

In three hospitals in Leicester medical personnel banned from drinking tea or coffee at work because drinking the drinks gives the impression that they are not working hard enough

26. Jogging with friends is prohibited in Burundi

On the streets of the capital of Burundi, Bujumbura, jogging in “groups” (two or more
Human). Running with buddies has been described as a "rebellion" and a "rebellion."

27. In Vermont, USA, women are prohibited from wearing dentures.

In Vermont, women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear
implanted teeth.

28.V North Korea It is forbidden to wear blue jeans

Wearing jeans is considered a crime due to hostility towards the United States.

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Our world is beautiful and amazing, each culture has its own customs, traditions, rules and laws. Some prohibitions are justified and fair, while others seem strange and ridiculous.

1. It is illegal to wear blue jeans in North Korea.
Wearing jeans is considered a crime due to hostility towards the United States.

2. Walkers are banned in Canada.
Walkers interfere with the normal development of the baby; the load on the child’s joints, bones and muscles is distributed incorrectly. If a walker is found in the house, the family will be fined $100,000, and it could even go as far as imprisonment for six months.

3. In the state of Iowa, USA, it is illegal to wink at strangers.
If you don't know a woman, don't wink at her.

4. In Oklahoma you can't make faces at dogs.
People who make faces at dogs may face fines or jail time.

5. In Australia, men cannot wear strapless dresses.
In Melbourne, it is illegal for “a man to appear in a public place wearing a strapless dress.”

6. Loud shoes are prohibited in Capri, Italy.
Two tourists were arrested on the island of Capri for wearing flip-flops that were too loud. The ban is intended to “protect public safety.”

7. It's illegal in Tennessee to share your Netflix password.
In 2011, the governor of Tennessee signed a law that prohibits the sharing of passwords to entertainment services such as Netflix. This crime is equivalent to theft.

8. Chewing gum is banned in Singapore.
The sale and purchase of chewing gum is prohibited in Singapore. For leaving chewing gum on the street, the offender is subject to a fine of $500.

9. In Alabama, USA, it is illegal to blow your nose in the wind.
On the streets of Alabama, it is better not to blow your nose, much less pick your nose.

10. In Florida, USA, unmarried women are prohibited from skydiving on Sundays.
Single, divorced or widowed women are prohibited from skydiving on Sundays. Violators face fines or even imprisonment.

11. In Eboli, Italy, it is illegal to kiss while driving.
Kissing in a moving vehicle is prohibited. The fine for violation is more than 500 euros.

12. In Washington, USA, it is illegal to ride scary horses.
In the city of Wilbur, it is illegal to ride a "scary horse" in public. A fine is issued for this. But who can determine what beauty is?

13. In New Jersey, USA, you can't loudly sip soup in a restaurant.
No loud noises while eating soup.

14. In Utah, USA, you cannot carry a violin in a paper bag.
In Salt Lake, it is illegal to walk down the street with a violin in a paper bag.

15. Camouflage clothing is prohibited in Barbados
It is illegal to wear any type of camouflage unless you are part of an anti-drug organization or the Barbados Armed Forces.

16. In Alberta, Canada, you can't shout in public.
In the city of Taber, shouting and swearing in public places is fined $150.

17. In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to listen to music in public places.
Here they don’t teach music in schools and institutes, and you won’t be able to listen to songs in music stores either.

18. In Germany, you are fined if you run out of gas on the autobahn.
If you run out of gas on the autobahn, the driver will be fined for creating a threat to other road users.

19. In China, reincarnation is prohibited without the consent of the authorities.
The Chinese government has banned Tibetan Buddhists from reincarnating without government permission.

20. Scrabble is banned in Romania
In the 1980s, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu banned the game and described it as “overly intellectual” and a “destructive evil.”
