Infrared lamp for heating the room. Infrared lamp - benefits, savings and warmth Fan heater lamp for animals

Staying at a dacha or in a country house in winter should be comfortable and convenient. Therefore, you should take care of high-quality heating. Among other heating devices available to modern consumers, infrared heating lamps are especially worth highlighting. They will be discussed further in the material.

Although infrared heaters were developed and began to be used at the end of the 20th century, they were only recently appreciated. Currently, heating lamps are actively used for heating small rooms, although they are not suitable for heating the entire house.

What are space heating lamps?

Infrared lamps for heating rooms are in great demand both for use in commercial premises and in private residential buildings. They can replace traditional, bulky and immobile devices running on solid fuel or gas. In appearance, infrared heaters resemble ordinary light bulbs, the only difference being their high thermal power and color - white or red.

Essentially, this is a lamp with a bulb filled with a mixture of argon and nitrogen, in which a tungsten filament is placed. The cartridge for it is installed in standard size E27, but only made of ceramic - plastic will not withstand high temperatures.

You can purchase such heating lamps either assembled inside a finished device or separately. The inside of the lampshade in the heater is usually made mirrored to reflect heat waves toward the room.


The main characteristics of infrared lamps are:

  • incandescent temperature – 600 ℃;
  • maximum operating power – 500 W;
  • mains voltage – 220 V;
  • infrared wave range – up to 5 microns;
  • service life – up to 6000 hours.

When choosing IKZK lamps for heating in your home, you should calculate their number based on the power standard of 1 kW per 10 m2. This standard applies to insulated rooms with plastic double-glazed windows, as well as with insulation laid on the floor, ceiling and doorway. If there are uninsulated places in the room through which the cold can penetrate into the room, you will have to increase the number of heating devices or their power.

Pros and cons of red heat lamps

Heating devices with infrared lamps are quite in demand among consumers, especially if there is no opportunity, time or desire to build something larger and permanent. Therefore, such heating lamps are very often purchased by owners of dachas and country houses.

Let's consider the main advantages of this type of heating devices:

  • heat lamps for heating do not burn oxygen during operation and do not evaporate moisture from the air, unlike other portable devices;
  • During the operation of infrared heaters, no convective air flows occur, which provides residents with a comfortable microclimate;
  • the use of ceiling lamps for heating of the PLEN type can significantly save the usable space of the room and ensure sufficient efficiency;
  • heating devices do not create any noise and are absolutely non-toxic;
  • installation of such equipment is profitable from a financial point of view and allows you to effectively heat a certain area of ​​the room;
  • there are no additional costs for the purchase of fuel materials, so heating costs are reduced by approximately 60%;
  • the service life of film-type infrared heaters is about 30 years or even more;
  • since the operation of a lamp for heating rooms is not associated with the combustion of fuel materials, they do not emit any combustion products, therefore, additional ventilation in the room is not required;
  • heaters with infrared lamps are not afraid of power surges or power outages, they still remain operational;
  • to avoid breakdowns due to overloads or overheating (the body of the device does not heat up more than 38 ℃), heaters are usually equipped with a protective mechanism;
  • such lamps do not cause fires, and the possibility of electric shock is excluded;
  • the use of equipment from this group is very convenient because they can be left turned on even if no one is in the house, while the necessary microclimate will be maintained in the room and there is no fear of fires or accidents;
  • The power of infrared lamps is quite enough to efficiently heat even fairly large rooms, providing optimal living conditions. The only thing is to select the required number of lamps based on the size of the room.

It is noteworthy that, according to medical research, infrared radiation has a general strengthening effect on a person, so the presence of such devices in an apartment to some extent contributes to the health of the body.

Like any other electrical device, an infrared heating lamp creates an electromagnetic field, but it is so insignificant that it is not worth attention. But the ease of installation of such equipment can easily be considered a plus.

Models of infrared heaters are available for sale that can operate autonomously and are easily programmed. For example, if you want an infrared light lamp to heat a room to a certain temperature, and only while you are in it, you just need to install the appropriate program, and the equipment will turn off at a specified time. In addition, such devices are able to remember the entered parameters, so you do not have to set them again.

Among the disadvantages, there is only one circumstance that can become an obstacle to the use of infrared lamps for heating rooms. We are talking about the availability and consistency of electricity supply in the house. However, there is always a way out of the situation - the devices can be connected to a charged battery or uninterruptible power supply, which will ensure the operation of the equipment for the required time. True, in order to avoid surprises, it is worth monitoring the charge level and operating condition of the equipment.

Operating principle of heaters with IR radiation

The peculiarity of equipment with IR lamps is that the thermal energy emitted by them is transferred to the surfaces of objects or people in the room, and is not absorbed by the air. This is the main difference between such devices and conventional electric heaters. Heating of objects is carried out only in the field of exposure to lamps. Thus, heat accumulates in solid objects, such as walls, pieces of furniture, and is then transferred into the room and warms the air.

As already mentioned, a red heat lamp emits heat waves only in the area at which it is directed. In this regard, only local heating occurs.

Some consumers mistakenly believe that heating with infrared lamps is only advisable in industrial premises or office buildings, while their home use is not so effective and therefore not justified. However, it turns out that compared to traditional radiator batteries, convectors or oil heaters, heating with incandescent lamps is more efficient and economical. They do not require a supply of fuel to operate, and they consume much less electricity.

A variety of models of heaters with infrared light lamps allows you to conveniently place them in any room. Such devices are compact and do not take up much space. A very convenient option for placing IR heaters would be installation under the ceiling - this way they can cover a larger area. Thanks to modern technologies, manufacturers produce devices that can be easily built into the ceiling - this approach not only allows you to effectively heat the room, but also fits harmoniously into the interior design.

Film-type infrared heating (PLEN)

Another type of heaters with infrared radiation is resistive foil film. Many consumers know it as infrared heated floors. Although in most cases such film is laid under the finishing floor covering, as an option, it can be laid over the entire ceiling or on the walls.

Film-type heating systems have one installation feature - they should not be placed on top of the walls or ceiling, but between the finishing cladding material and the thermal insulation layer.

Thanks to this approach, the use of film heating will be as efficient as possible and will reduce heat loss to a minimum. At the same time, the heating elements of the heating system will not be visible on the surface, so the consumer can implement even the most daring design projects in his home, in which there is no place for traditional floor or hanging heaters.

Practice shows that equipping a residential building with infrared film heating devices helps save energy and financial resources for the consumer by up to 40%.

We hope that the information provided about infrared light lamps for heating will be useful to the consumer, so that he can independently decide on the type and number of heating devices for his home.

Infrared rays are gaining increasing popularity as a heat source.

A large number of offices, residential buildings and outbuildings are equipped with such heaters.

Not everyone knows that there is an inexpensive alternative to IR heaters - an infrared lamp for heating small spaces. Let's consider this option in more detail.

If an IR heater is a full-fledged independent unit, then infrared lamps for heating are a low-power emitter, similar in appearance to a light bulb, which is screwed into a standard E27 ceramic socket.

The radiation source is a halogen lamp with a tungsten filament, which is located in a flask with an argon-nitrogen mixture.

There are models of lamps that seem to be built into the lamp, thanks to the mirror surface of which the rays are directed in the desired direction.

Technical characteristics of infrared lamps for indoor use:

  • Voltage – 220 V.
  • Power – from 50 to 500 W.
  • Max. temperature – 600 0 C.
  • IR waves in the range of 3.5-5 microns.
  • Service life - more than 6 thousand. hours.
  • Price – from 250 rub./piece.

Some models are made of materials that are strong enough to withstand moisture, temperature changes and chemicals.

Principle of operation

The radiation of IR lamps is like that of the sun, only without ultraviolet radiation. Heat directly affects objects, living organisms and plants that are nearby.

Lamps come in red and white light. Reds give more heat, but are not suitable for lighting. They are often used by livestock and poultry farmers.

Use only a ceramic socket for the infrared lamp. Plastic can melt from high temperatures.


The average statistical indicator for calculating power is 1 kW per 10 m 2. This indicator must be adjusted for insufficient thermal insulation (cold floor, drafty windows, etc.). If the ambient temperature is about +10 0 C, 600 W will be enough for 10 m2.

Red mirror infrared lamp

Lamps are:

  • Mirrored (similar to regular ones). Example: IKZ-500 W
  • Red mirror. Example: IKZK-125 W.
  • Blue mirror. IKZS-125 W.
  • In the form of a tube with a diameter of 10mm. Length 30 cm. Example: NIK-1000 W.

Do not touch a working lamp - you will get severe burns! The surface on which the lamp is mounted must withstand 80 degrees. Lamps should not be placed too close to surfaces to prevent them from overheating.

Benefits of use

They can be used in small spaces - balconies, kiosks, winter gardens, bathrooms, chicken coops, etc. The low power of the lamp will not be an excessive burden on the budget.


  • IR lamps have high efficiency, because heat reaches objects with virtually no loss.
  • Warming up occurs quite quickly.
  • There is a possibility of local heating.
  • The heater does not get in the way, does not take up much space during storage, and does not spoil the interior.
  • The weight of the “heater” is only 160 grams!
  • Oxygen is not burned.
  • No noise.
  • Dust does not rise because there are no vortex flows.
  • Installing a heater is as simple as screwing it into the socket - no more difficult than changing a light bulb!

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Red lamps for heating birds and animals

Infrared lamps can be used to heat young animals in pigsties, goat sheds, etc. Veterinarians recommend warm infrared light, especially in the first hours of life for cubs. Another positive effect on animals is that infrared radiation dries out the bedding.

In a pigsty, for piglets, IKZK-250:

  1. From birth to 7 days, hang half a meter from the floor.
  2. At weeks 2 and 3 – 75 cm from the floor.
  3. Older - at a distance of 1 m from the floor. The heating zone in this case = 1m2.

Chickens under an infrared lamp

Red lamps for heating chickens are very popular. Here are some tips on how to organize heating of a cage with a brood using an IR lamp:

  • The temperature should be 32 - 23 degrees, depending on what day of the cycle. To regulate the temperature, you need a thermometer and at least a simple thermostat (a Chinese one can be bought for 150 rubles).
  • There is still debate among scientists, but it is believed that the red color has a good effect on young animals - they grow faster, the level of stress and aggression decreases. After 20 days of age, it is recommended to replace red ones with white ones.
  • It is better to leave the wiring on the outer walls of the cage, and place only the lamp and feeders inside.
  • It is not recommended to turn lamps on and off frequently.
  • When a batch of chickens grows up, you need to produce “tech. maintenance": after cooling, wipe with a damp piece of cloth to remove dirt and dust. If this is not done, the device may burn out.

Inexpensive models made of fragile glass can be dangerous for chickens, because... their bulbs are pricked due to the ingress of water and blows from their beaks. It is necessary to cover such lamps with a mesh, raise them higher, or install more expensive and durable lamps.

For greenhouses

For a small greenhouse, you can use IR lamps.

They are usually placed at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other.

It is better to make the suspension for lamps adjustable, because the distance to the soil, and later to the plants, should be constant and it is advisable to raise the lamp as the seedlings grow.

This kind of heating is easy to install and regulate, because the design is lightweight, and the light bulbs are simply screwed into the socket.

So. Infrared lamps are an excellent substitute for expensive and complex equipment. They are used for drying varnishes, paints, leather, porcelain, wood, herbs, fish, mushrooms, grains, fruits and vegetables.

For heating food, in incubators, greenhouses, auto repair shops (BMW and Audi factories use IR light to dry newly painted cars), etc. IR lamps are used for medical purposes. And you can be sure that a savvy owner will find many more uses for such a universal thing as an infrared lamp!

A warm floor can become the main or additional source of heating. In addition, it can be installed only in one room, and not in the entire apartment.

Infrared heaters have been used for heating rooms for quite a long time. In this article we will look at what it is and what advantages it has.

Such devices are not yet used as widely as other heaters. Typically, these devices can be observed in office premises, shops with a large area and in similar public places. But time is constantly moving forward and infrared lamp for space heating They are gradually gaining the trust of buyers and are increasingly being installed in cottages and country houses. The only thing that “slows down” their spread is the rather high cost.

What kind of heater is this?

Operating principle - ceramic infrared emitters act as heating elements;

Type - belongs to the class of ceramic infrared heaters (there are other classes of heaters of this type, for example, infrared film), which can be wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted or lamp-mounted, which are discussed in this article.

Typical technical characteristics of infrared heating lamps:

  • 250W - maximum power
  • 600°C - maximum temperature
  • 3.5-5.0 µm - IR wave range
  • 220V - supported voltage. Weight, kg

Types of infrared lamps:

  1. Mirror lamp IKZ-500 W, 220 V.
  2. Mirror red lamp IKZK-125 W
  3. Mirror red lamp IKZK-250 W
  4. Mirror red blue IKZS-125 W
  5. Mirror red blue IKZS-250 W
  6. Incandescent lamp in the form of a tube, 300mm long and 10mm in diameter NIK-1000W, voltage – 220.

The operating principle of an infrared lamp for heating rooms

The operating principle of an infrared heating lamp is similar to the action of the sun. However, their difference is that when the heater is operating there is no ultraviolet radiation, as in sunlight. The radiated thermal energy penetrates the air molecules through incomplete heating from the very surface of the device, after which it transfers heat to the objects on which the work of the heater itself is concentrated. This degree of heating largely depends on the material, on the scale of the angle at which the heat rays fall, and on the color of the surface of the device. So how can you not make a mistake with your choice when you come to a heater salon?

Selecting the power of the infrared lamp

You need to focus on power. The choice of power is mainly based on the following proportion: 1 kW per 10 m2. However, despite this, such devices are chosen with a certain margin, which will make it possible to compensate for heat loss due to factors such as windows, walls, floors. It is also calculated that such a purchase as an infrared heater will serve as the only source of heat.

Nowadays, on the shelves you can see infrared heating lamps with a power of 300 W. If there is a need for intensive heating for premises such as basements or garages, then the operation of these devices can be considered appropriate. Heaters from this series are installed close to people, which gives them distinctive features from more powerful models.

When going to the store for an infrared heating lamp, be sure to focus your attention on the mains power. Most imported devices are designed for 240 V. However, when the model is connected to a network with a power of 220 V, the IR lamp will produce less heat. Although this factor is not considered an impressive minus, and if everything besides this pleases you, then there is no point in denying yourself the purchase of this device.

The installation process for an electric infrared heater is quite simple. They are often installed by attaching them to the ceiling, and the mounting device itself is a special bracket, which is included with the kit as standard. To install it yourself, you do not need to have any special technical skills or education. Anyone can do this. The most important thing is the location of the installation itself, where your heater will be located.

Infrared heating is one of the home heating systems. Used both the main and auxiliary methods of heating a home.

Since thermal energy is not dissipated in the surrounding space and reaches people and objects directly. Infrared heaters are called “direct heating devices.”

Infrared heating at home

Infrared heating is gaining more and more popularity these days.

Operating principle

IR radiation is based on electromagnetic radiation, similar in physical properties and qualities to the sun.

The device consists of two layers:

  • metal, carbon or quartz layer, acting as a heating element, the material affects the heating power;
  • aluminum foil, heating up from the metal and giving off heat to the surrounding space.

Both layers are hermetically sealed into a dielectric that emits waves.

Modifications of infrared heaters:

  • Film— heated floors are installed only with film.
  • Panel- installation of ceiling, floor, and walls.

An electric current passing through a heating device is converted into heat waves with a frequency 9 µm, which heat surrounding objects and planes along their path. At this time, there is no displacement of cold air and no concentration of warm air above: the entire room is heated evenly.


  • economical - saves money compared to other types of electric heating up to 50% electricity, service life up to 25 years;
  • quick heating of the room;
  • preservation of area;
  • easy installation;
  • Ease of Management;
  • quiet operation;
  • environmental friendliness - promotes the disappearance of fungus, dust, does not dry out the air;
  • safety - heaters are installed in damp rooms;
  • allowed even when heating verandas and summer verandas.


  • high price of equipment;
  • duration of heating of large rooms;
  • prohibited use in rooms with ceilings below 2.5 m;
  • high cost of creating key conditions for effective work: insulation and waterproofing of the house, creation of heat shields;
  • low mobility;
  • maintaining the required distance to objects;
  • the likelihood of getting burned if you are too close to the heater;
  • low temperature control range;
  • smell from heated objects.

Types of IR heating

Differ by:

  1. Energy source:
  • electrical;
  • gas;
  • electric gas.
  1. At the installation location:
  • ceiling;
  • wall;
  • floor
  1. By wavelength:
  • Shortwave- for small rooms, with ceilings up to 3 meters, temperature up to 600 °C.
  • Medium wave- average area, ceiling height from 3 to 6 meters, temperature 600–1000 °C.
  • Long wave- for large spaces with high ceilings from 6 to 8 meters, heating temperature 1 thousand °C.

Ceiling heaters

Heating devices are mounted on the ceiling - infrared radiation diverges slightly to the sides and goes to the floor, the main heating surface. Because of this the temperature at the floor is higher than at the walls or ceiling.

Photo 1. Infrared ceiling heater for heating a house. The device is similar to a regular lamp.


  • the radiation diverges in a cone, capturing maximum space;
  • fasteners allow you to choose optimal direction of radiation;
  • can act as a “heat gun” when installed near windows or doors;
  • ceiling panels imitate designer coatings.

Attention! When connecting several devices, maintain parallel connections, and install a separate circuit breaker in the panel, to avoid overload.

Distance from heater to ceiling at least ten centimeters.

Heating with infrared film

Warm floor mounted only with film mats. Flat heating elements connected in series are sealed into the dielectric.

Matami the floor is covered under the finishing coating or mounted on the ceiling. The emitted waves heat the opposite surface and objects.

Film heaters are different several advantageous features:

  • the minimum thickness of the film mat does not eat up a single centimeter of area;
  • any finishing coating is laid on it;
  • installation can be carried out independently without special tools;
  • safe.

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Installation of film coatings requires the fulfillment of several conditions:

  • Ideally level base. Before installation, it is necessary to carry out work to level the hydro- and thermal insulation of the base.
  • Infrared bands laid with a gap of 0.5-1 cm to a space free from furniture and connected to each other with thermal insulating tape. From the wall the mats recede no less than ten centimeters.

Important! Heating strips can only be cut according to special markings. These places are covered with bitumen insulation, which comes with the floor.

  • bend heating elements more than 90 degrees is not allowed;
  • connect infrared strips in parallel copper multicore cables not less than 1.5 mm. sq. sections;
  • on the wall for temperature control The thermostat is hanging, and a heat sensor is placed under the mat in a special recess;
  • After installation, start-up work is carried out so that check serviceability mat.

The sensor is placed on thermal insulation, otherwise it will not show the real base temperature.

Reference. The area with film mats should be not less than 70% for heating efficiency.

Wall-mounted thermal IR panels

Infrared panels mounted on the wall with special brackets And heat the opposite wall and objects, located in the path of thermal waves.

Photo 2. Infrared thermal panels installed around the perimeter of the room. The appliances serve as the main source of heating.


  • Panels combine the properties of emitters and convectors.
  • The heater is made of metal ceramics. In this case, the device is a solid panel with a connected cable.
  • Wall panel models equipped with thermostats.
  • Quartz panels after switching off retain heat for a long time.
  • Quartz heaters replacing central heating in garages.

Infrared heating using baseboards

Infrared skirting boards or “warm skirting boards” - a type of wall-mounted infrared heaters.

Photo 3. Infrared baseboards for additional heating of the room. The appliances warm up the floors well.

Behind a special aluminum profile imitating a plinth is laid carbon-based fin heating element. Heat rises by natural convection.


  • warm baseboard is a low-power device, so it is used only as an additional means;
  • skirting boards heat the floors and part of the walls;
  • dries the walls, eliminates fungus and mold;
  • when placed on walls in special boxes - avoids injury from furniture, the laying area is not limited by free space.

Gas infrared heaters

Autonomous type of equipment that does not require electricity. This feature makes gas IR heaters suitable for places where there is no electrical connection or where there is a possibility of power surges. Heats up up to 800 °C, and quickly heats the area up to 60 squares. For work Requires propane or natural gas in cylinders.

Gas IR heaters are not intended for constant heating of a home.


  • Ceramic— a ceramic plate is used as a heating element. The gas cylinder is located in the metal base of the device. Most often used in dachas, gazebos and outdoor establishments.
  • Catalytic- uses both gas and electricity for operation. It is based on the principle of oxidation of substances. Used for heating residential and industrial premises. This is a safe look.
  • Street— designed for heating terraces, sports and playgrounds, cafes in the form of an open umbrella with a heating radius of six meters. Gas cylinders are located inside the heater.

Operating principle

Same as electric ones, only gas is used:

  • in the heater chamber gas mixes with air;
  • the mixture passes into the holes of the ceramic plates and burns, heating the ceramics;
  • heated plates emit heat waves.


  • Availability of a built-in sensor for monitoring the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. When the level is 1.5% will be exceeded, the sensor will turn off the heater.
  • The room is periodically ventilated.
  • If large-sized heaters are used, then it is necessary to additionally equip the room with a chimney.

Infrared lamps have become widely used relatively recently, confidently gaining popularity in various areas of life. They are used in drying, medical devices, there are even infrared lamps for.

Infrared heating lamps

Heaters based on infrared radiation lamps are compact, economical in energy consumption, and quickly heat the room. The principle of operation of such a heater is not to heat the air, but to transfer thermal energy to surrounding objects at which the lamp is directed. If you direct the heater towards yourself, you will feel the warmth almost immediately.

An additional advantage of infrared heaters is that they do not dry out the air or burn oxygen.

There are several types of infrared lamps for heaters, depending on the wavelength of the light:

  • long-wave – low-temperature models, mounted on the ceiling, ideal for apartments and private houses;
  • medium wave - suitable for large premises, such as a restaurant or store, have a higher heating temperature;
  • short-wave - the highest temperature models, capable of heating a large room such as a warehouse or production workshop, are also used when drying fabrics in dryers.

Infrared lamp for treatment

In pharmacies you can sometimes find infrared lamps intended for home phototherapy. Treatment occurs with the help of outgoing light rays, which have a healing effect.

The benefit of an infrared lamp in this case is that IR radiation, when exposed to the skin, helps improve blood supply to this area. Metabolism in tissues accelerates, resulting in improved overall human health. The lamp can be used for complex therapy for various diseases.

Why do you need a healing infrared lamp:

  1. Treatment of colds accompanied by rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis. Quite effectively copes with diseases of the nose, ears and throat.
  2. Relieving muscle pain. The rays specifically heat the problem area and help eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. The procedure usually lasts 20-30 minutes, unless redness of the skin or other unpleasant sensations occur.
  3. Treatment of joints. Joint pain is a very common phenomenon, especially in old age. For arthritis and other similar diseases, it is advisable to use IR lamps along with other treatment. The heat emanating from the lamp relieves muscle spasms, normalizes blood flow, and normalizes blood circulation.
  4. Reduced blood pressure. For people prone to frequent increases in blood pressure, infrared lamps help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertensive crisis, and atherosclerosis.

Contraindications to the use of infrared lamps

Despite their excellent therapeutic properties, IR lamps are contraindicated for certain diseases and conditions. So, you cannot use it if a person has cancer, purulent inflammation, or tuberculosis.

The lamp is completely contraindicated while taking hormones, cytostatics, and immunomodulators.

To exclude the negative impact of the lamp on the body, it is better to undergo an examination and consult with your doctor before starting to use it.
