Games for training reaction speed. Training and development of reactions - exercises, games, secrets

Flash games - The latest reaction and accuracy training for gamers.

Counter-Strike (CS 1.6, CS Source), Warcraft, Quake, Point Blank, etc.

I would like to present to your attention a site for training speed, accuracy and reaction.


The point is that all these exercises are not as interesting as the game itself, but they improve the quality of the game much faster. And if an athlete wants to become a professional, then he has to fulfill them. This is the harsh reality!

Now let's figure it out - what is aim? and what does it consist of? After all, in order to start training, you first need to know WHAT EXACTLY needs to be trained. Aim is actually pointing the mouse cursor (sight) at the desired point on the screen and pressing mouse1 in a timely manner. It doesn’t matter what color this dot is or what background it is on (as long as the colors are different) and the smaller the dot, the more difficult it is to quickly and accurately hit it.

It happens like this: first you see your opponent, that is, your eyes notice a model on the screen, send information about the image they saw to the brain, then the brain processes it and transmits a signal to the muscles of the hand and fingers so that they move the mouse as quickly as possible Right place. All this happens in about 0.14-0.24 seconds. And whoever does all these operations first wins the shooting match (mistakes associated with shooting during strafe or in flight are not taken into account, this is a separate topic).

That is, you need:

1 - move the mouse faster than your opponent.

2 - this movement should be more correct and accurate (without unnecessary wave-like movements).

3 - pressing the button should be earlier (especially for cases when an enemy model suddenly appears nearby).

Total - three parts.

During the game, you run around the map, communicate with your teammates, your head is filled with tactics, choosing a position, incoming information, etc. And you don’t even notice that at the moment you are moving the mouse across the rug. But all the game control is done using the mouse and keyboard. All. No further actions are needed to play. It turns out that everything you see, all the action, is just a keyboard + mouse movement on the carpet! And spending hours playing the game, you practice the same movement of the mouse on the mat. Only, for example, in 2 minutes of time on the “meat” or when playing 5x5, you will have good quality shooting with the enemy (that is, you will train your aim) at best 5 times. On a good DM, at best 30 times. And when playing online flash games on this site - more than 250 times!!! Do you feel the difference? This is exactly the same exercise that allows you to train pure aim, discarding other elements of the game.

So! On this site I offer you three games. For each component of the aim, respectively.

1 - for the quality of aiming: “Exact aim game”.

2 - for the sharpness of mouse movement: “Fast aim game”.

3 - to the press reaction of Mouse1: “Press reaction game”.

Playing them constantly, every day 20 times each (in general, the more, the better), over time you will not recognize yourself. You will be a terminator =), shoot quickly and accurately at everything that moves. If you play Warcraft, StarCraft or any other strategy game, the control and micromanagement will become crazy. In KS you will react to flying grenades. Not to mention the enemies running out or jumping out. And shooting in CS, as you know, is 60% of the game. And if you cannot shoot the enemy, then training tactics is pointless, because in the end the enemy will run out and kill you. It just hits the model quickly and accurately. Faster than you. And after that, thoughts and puzzles begin: “What did I do wrong?”, “Perhaps I took the wrong position?”, “Perhaps I should have waited?”, “Or should I not have shot?”... I should have! So be patient and shoot to your heart's content! =) There will be results!

To make training more interesting, you have the opportunity to earn in-game money (aimbucks), play duels, aim cups, buy various badges for the collection, open a secret picture and increase your status. The site maintains general and personal statistics of records by which you can monitor your progress. Upon reaching good results you can get into the table of elite players.

Published: January 6, 2014 in the category

Reaction in games: physiology of cyber sports

In previous articles I talked about how they are connected. Today it’s the turn of another popular question among gamers - how to increase reaction speed in games.

Visual sensory-motor response in games

Of all types sensory-motor reactions to computer games mainly visual. Olfactory, gustatory, tactile, etc. for obvious reasons are not applicable. As for sound, it is auxiliary in shooters sensory system in relation to vision (its role in MOORPG will be written separately below). Having heard the sound of footsteps, a person is still forced to turn towards them in order to obtain more accurate visual information. I have not met people who are capable of distributing headshots while shooting at the sound. Although in CoD there are skilled players who can perceive body heat through walls =)

Stages of sensory-motor reaction

As the name suggests there are 2 stages:

  • sensory (also called latent, i.e. “hidden”) - stage of analysis sensory information, making decisions on response actions and forming a system of commands to manage these actions;
  • motor - the movement itself;

Sensory response

According to the degree of complexity of the sensory human reaction can be divided into 3 types:

  • simple reaction (200 ms) - carried out under the conditions of presenting one pre-known signal and making one specific response in response to it;
  • discrimination reaction (240 ms.) - produced in conditions when a person must react only to one of two or more signals and a response action must be performed only to this signal;
  • choice reaction (280 ms.) - occurs when two or more signals are presented, but on the condition that you need to respond to each of them with your own specific action;

All 3 types of reactions are present in games.

As can be seen from the data in brackets, the rates of these reactions are different.

Physiologists distinguish another type of reaction - reaction to a moving object (RMO). This refers to motion recognition and capture of a moving object. In games, it usually precedes the reactions listed above; in cases where the object is relatively motionless, the time of this reaction stage tends to 0, we instantly capture it and begin to recognize it. If the object is moving quickly, it will take longer to capture it.

Is it possible to increase the reaction speed?

The logic of players who want increase reaction speed, is simple - a faster reaction will give an advantage over your opponent in a cyber battle.

There's one problem with this, guys - the speed of sensory response is almost impossible to increase with any training.

However, the rate of the overall reaction can indeed vary over a very wide range.

Then what's the matter?

Anticipation is the queen of reaction

The reaction in the physiological sense of the word is not really trained.

But what about the reaction? we're talking about, when we see, for example, a boxing match, during which one or the other dodges lightning strikes?

Think about the meaning of the word “reaction”. Reaction to something... in order to make any movement, for example, to dodge, it takes time.

If the boxer starts to react when the punch is thrown... you know that this is absurd.

This means he must react BEFORE the action is performed.

The ability to “predict” events is called anticipation. It would be more correct to use the word not to predict, because we are not talking about guessing/not guessing, but to calculate with a certain probability. And this ability is very well trained and it is precisely this ability that is responsible for what is usually meant by the word reaction.

In other words, You can’t learn to react faster, but you can learn to start reacting earlier.

How to increase reaction speed in games?

All of the above forces us to accept the fact that we cannot increase the speed of our sensory reactions.

But we can also notice that the speed of these reactions is not a constant value, but depends on many factors.

This means that by controlling factors we can still influence the speed of not only our reaction, but even the speed of the enemy’s reaction.

1. Camouflage

Take a look at this screenshot. Even in static conditions, it takes a fatally large amount of time (on the scale of a game situation) to notice a player from the Russian national team.

Analyzing maps and finding similar places where you will have an advantage over your opponent greatly increases your chances of winning.

Factor 2 is the ability to keep a battle map in your head.

The difference between the choice response and the simple response is as much as 30%.

Imagine a situation where you are holding a certain sector at gunpoint and a player comes into your field of vision. You need to make a choice whether to shoot or not, and to do this you need to recognize whether it is the enemy or your own. This is an example of a choice reaction - the longest reaction.

If before this you looked at the minimap and understand that there cannot be “your own” in the area where you are looking, you automatically switch your reaction mode to simple and receive a 30% bonus to speed.

Factor 3 - the amount of simultaneously analyzed information.

Imagine the situation - you suddenly run out from around the corner and in an instant a huge space appears in front of you, every centimeter of which is UNanalyzed information for your brain. Like a computer running a heavy application, you will experience lags and slowdowns, and the speed of reaction and recognition will decrease.

If at this moment the enemy is looking in your direction, then the situation will be much more advantageous for his brain, 95% of the video information will be familiar to him, only you will be new, and he will analyze this 5% much faster than you analyze 100%.

Factor 4 - strive to minimize the number of zones in which the enemy can appear.

If your brain is forced to analyze 2 directions of the enemy's expected appearance, your reaction speed will be much slower than if you keep one direction.

Factor 5 - keep your sights and eyes on the place where the enemy is most likely to appear.

This point may seem trivial and obvious, but despite this, most players do not use it as effectively as possible. In this matter, it is better to see once than to read 100 times - just record 5-10 minutes of your game, and then review the gameplay, focusing on analyzing this particular factor. I am sure that you will immediately find moments in which you could speed up your reaction.

Reaction training

There are many different “gadgets”, third-party programs that are supposedly designed to increase reaction speed.

In fact, they can only train certain motor patterns. With the help of these programs, you can learn to aim an object faster, click faster, and shoot more accurately.

But the reaction in a specific game is directly trained ONLY by this specific game.

The most the best way training is, as I wrote above, reviewing your own replays. The only moment. For maximum effect, the game situations that you analyze should be short and there should not be many of them at a time. After all, in order to correct your mistakes, you will need to go into the game and purposefully strive to play as much as possible in the position where you noticed your mistake, in order to consolidate in practice correct actions in this game situation.


Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that the greatest contribution to victory is not the speed of the sensory reaction, but the player’s ability to think and analyze information, and act tactically more competently than his opponents.

The key to victory is not in increasing the speed of your reaction, but in the ability to impose and take advantage of situations in which YOUR reaction will be CLEARLY higher than the reaction of your opponents.

Have the so-called “ extreme situations"? In such cases, some people suddenly discover some “superpowers.” For example, when running away from a dog, they develop incredible speed, or jump over high fence, or climb a tree very quickly, and then they themselves don’t understand how they managed to do it. And other people in similar situations, when the speed of reaction is important, “fall into a stupor”, and only after some time they can somehow react, but... it’s too late.

A striking example of the importance of reaction speed is driving a car. If you are a driver and the brake lights of the car ahead come on, you need to quickly press the brake pedal. If you hesitate and do not react with the necessary speed, you will get into an accident for which you will be to blame. That is, in in this case Your life, health, and financial costs directly depend on the speed of your reaction.

Reaction speed is the ability to perform simple tasks under time constraints. This ability is necessary as a reaction to a certain stimulus. In the example described above, such a stimulus is the brake lights of the car moving ahead. Before you press the brake pedal, a certain time will pass, which includes 2 components. The first is the so-called “latent reaction time” - the time it takes for information to travel along the visual and motor nerves. On average, in humans it is 0.1-0.3 seconds. This is a physiological feature of a person and, unfortunately, it cannot be changed in any way.

But there is also a second component. In order to respond correctly to a conditioned stimulus, the brain needs to process the received information and accept correct solution. And this is a mental process that can be trained. Online games that develop reactions can help you with this.

On Bitraynik you can train your reaction speed using the Schneller simulator. The irritant in this situation is the plates different colors, which you need to hit with a gun. The difficulty lies in the fact that, firstly, it is important not to hesitate, and secondly, you need to shoot only at these plates, without reacting to other objects that appear in front of you. And, of course, the number of cartridges you have is limited.

Play Schneller regularly, and you will learn to suppress the first, reflexive, incorrect reaction and be more quickly guided by your thinking when you need to make quick decisions.

Want to train your brain? Register! You can choose gaming simulators yourself or use a special brain development program. In the statistics section it will be convenient for you to monitor your progress.

E-sports is the last step in the evolution of sports, and therefore the laws of big sports have accepted e-sports as a sport. In all sports, there are various exercises designed for the athlete to quickly learn movement techniques, certain elements, strikes, techniques, etc.

You don't need to look far for examples. Let's take basketball. Any professional basketball player is highly likely to hit hard and accurately in the right place in the basket. After all, this is necessary to score a point =). During a match, a player makes only a few shots at the basket, and in order to train a high-quality shot in this way, a basketball player will need a huge amount of time. But to speed up the training process, special exercises were invented - a basketball player, when making a throw, places the ball in different positions and makes throws on an empty basket, repeating them thousands of times until he reaches perfection.

Naturally, with the advent of a new sport, there are no exercises for it. They are invented over time and later improved. In the early years of basketball, there were no exercises for it and therefore the quality of the game was much lower than the level of our days. You can easily verify this by watching any video of a match at least 15 years ago.

Let's take tennis. To learn how to correctly execute a shot, a tennis player plays with a wall, rotates special training wheels, hits balls fired by special guns, etc. all this is repeated a huge number of times. Not to mention general physical training exercises.

Yes, sometimes you get tired of training, but the point is that you need to train to become the best, otherwise there will be no point. And if an athlete wants to become a professional. then he definitely needs to train

Let's return to eSports. This discipline is the youngest. Sets of exercises, standards and training methods have not yet been invented for it. There is none of this. But this will happen as eSports gains momentum and becomes more professional. And by creating this guide, I decided to take the first step towards exercises for eSports, and in particular for using a mouse. After all, the mouse is the main element in all computer games, both in strategies and in 3D shooters.

Now let's figure it out - what is aim? and what does it consist of? After all, in order to start training, you first need to know WHAT EXACTLY needs to be trained. Aim is actually pointing the mouse cursor (sight) at the desired point on the screen and pressing mouse1 in a timely manner. It doesn’t matter what color this dot is or what background it is on (as long as the colors are different) and the smaller the dot, the more difficult it is to quickly and accurately hit it.

Now let's think - what does it take to shoot your opponent? You need to first aim at his model and, before him, click on Mouse1 at the moment when the mouse cursor is exactly on the model.
What do we need for this:
1. That is, we need to move the mouse first than our opponent.
2. This movement must be precise and true.

Total 2 parts.

During the game, you run around the map, communicate with your team, your head is filled with tactics, choosing a position, incoming information, etc. And you don’t even notice that at the moment you are moving the mouse across the rug. But all the game control is done using the mouse and keyboard. All. No further actions are needed to play. It turns out that everything you see, all the action, is just a keyboard + mouse movement on the carpet! And spending hours playing the game, you practice the same movement of the mouse on the mat. Only, for example, in 2 minutes of time on the “meat” or in a 5x5 game, you will have high-quality shooting with the enemy, at best, 5 times. On a good DM, at best, 30 times. And playing online flash games on this site - more than 250 once!!! Do you feel the difference? This is exactly the same exercise that allows you to train pure aim, discarding other elements of the game.
