Horoscope from October 16 to October 22, Sagittarius. Luck and money are repelled not only by certain actions, but also by negative attitudes

Fortune prediction for the week of October 16 - 22 for all zodiac signs

On October 17, Mercury moves into the sign of Scorpio. This celestial aspect awakens our curiosity and desire to get to the bottom of things. In some places this may be good, but it can harm personal relationships. Are you sure you want to know all the ins and outs of your significant other? Should you wake up a sleeping dog?

October 17-20, conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter against the backdrop of the opposition between the Sun and Uranus. Days that can be called “nervous”: the likelihood of unnecessary domestic conflicts and domestic injuries increases.

October 20 - New Moon in Libra. The beginning of a period of renewal, ideal for making plans and making wishes.

From October 22, Mars moves into the sign of Libra. At times when Mars does not show its best qualities, people in whose natal charts it is especially strong should be especially careful. Traditionally, the time of Mars in exile is considered a period of car accidents and street conflicts.

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Twins
  • Cancer
  • a lion
  • Virgo
  • Scales
  • Scorpion
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Fish



How convenient it is to pretend to be the famous king from “An Ordinary Miracle” and say that all your shortcomings are solely to blame for your relatives. It was from them that you inherited some traits, but here your parents did not educate you, and here you became a victim of circumstances. In general, pretend that everyone is to blame for everything, but not dear Aries.


On Tuesday, representatives of the element of Fire will literally be burning at work, devoting all their strength to their loved one, or simply to their cause. And until everything is finished, the fire sign will never calm down. True, this means that he will not give peace to those who are nearby either. But this can be attributed to production costs.


Sometimes it is useful to remain silent. Even if you categorically disagree with some point of view. There is no need to demonstratively prove that you are right. Nothing will change anyway, but you can seriously ruin your reputation in the eyes of influential people.


A wonderful day for various fun repair projects. You can joyfully wave a grinder or make a pleasant buzz with a drill. And if you don’t want to make noise, then why not meditate while gluing wallpaper?


You shouldn’t become sullen and sour when you hear the phrase “healthy eating.” It doesn't have to be raw celery you munch on instead of steak for lunch. Healthy menu involves normal meals (not on the run and not when necessary) and the rejection of all smoked meats and snacks, which are famous for the racks at the checkout counters in supermarkets. In general, think about the time to transfer your menu to the “healthy” category.


It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and regret the missed chance for the rest of your life. So don’t be afraid to admit your feelings, make dates, do things that will just blow your mind. Be reckless, perhaps this is exactly what the one you have feelings for is expecting from you.


Be more attentive to your health. Try to avoid crowded places today and not get too cold. A cold insidiously follows you on your heels. So take care of yourself.



Being a sports theorist is undoubtedly interesting and even somewhat exciting. But it won't do you any good. So that's enough, it's time to move from theory to practice. Lay out the mat and start doing a set of exercises. Moreover, the back and neck have been asking for this for a long time.


Today the stars advise Taurus to allocate their time. Plan this day so that even the smallest things are taken into account (otherwise they will steal precious minutes). And even if there is a very pleasant company or a very cozy atmosphere somewhere, don’t stay late and don’t run out of schedule.


Set realistic goals. Then everything will work out. And if you chase something invented, then the result will be from the world of fantasy and dreams. Basically, be serious today and just do your job.


Even your incredible love of communication has its limits. Today it will come, because on Thursday Taurus will have to endlessly meet, talk, listen, communicate and be constantly in the spotlight. After lunch, this will greatly tire out the representatives of the Earth element.


Buy a lottery ticket, take part in some promotion, or argue with someone, even if it's just a click. Luck is on your side today. And if you decide to test her, she won’t mind.


A great day to visit a beauty salon. Why not get a bright manicure “away with the autumn blues,” or dye your hair some blue or crimson, or simply get a fashionable and interesting haircut?


On Sunday, do not listen to any advice, make decisions entirely on your own. Even if you are scared and hard, and even if it seems that you are moving in the wrong direction.



This day could be called successful, if not for Monday evening, when troubles gather in a bouquet and for some reason decide to present themselves to a representative of the air sign. Try to maintain external calm and do not give in to provocations.


On Tuesday you will have to do things you don't like. The Geminis would be happy to postpone them until better times, but the authorities demand it. So you have to do something that you absolutely don’t like. But anyway, sooner or later you would have to take on this work.


Try not to touch money issues this Wednesday. If your work is related to finance, avoid making important decisions and concluding serious transactions. Yes and not work time cancel your shopping trip and don't plan your home budget.


Thursday morning will be truly successful for many representatives of the Air element. Everything is going as well as possible, as if some huge puzzle has suddenly come together and all you have to do is fill in a couple of empty cells. Well, enjoy the moment.


On Friday, the stars strongly recommend Gemini to get some sleep. Cancel parties and guests. Spend a quiet and relaxing evening, take a relaxing bath and drink soothing tea. And go to bed, as they say, with chickens. You need to regain your strength.


Why don't you think about buying New Year's gifts? Maybe it’s worth taking a walk through shopping centers today, and not storming them on the eve of the holidays. Go shopping, you will definitely find something special and unusual for those closest to you.


Dedicate most of this Sunday to the younger generation. Be both a friend and a mentor, listen and advise. Yes, maintaining a balance is not easy, but you will definitely succeed.



Cancers will not meet the first day of this week in the best mood. And the Sun is shining in the wrong way, and for some reason the clouds are covering this very Sun, and the rain will start inappropriately, and it will be dry, not like autumn. In general, Cancers have grunts for every taste, they don’t even need a reason.


Remember the song “If I get sick, I won’t go to the doctor”? So forget it immediately. Today, if you suddenly feel like your body isn’t working properly, hurry up and make an appointment with a doctor. And don’t even think about hiding anything from a specialist, tell us about all your ailments, this is what will help make the correct diagnosis.


Cancer on Wednesday morning is like that king who drove the hero to an unknown place for unknown reasons. The water sign itself does not know what it wants. So he harasses his loved ones with his claims and demands. However, by lunchtime you yourself will feel embarrassed for such behavior.


Today you are likely to receive important news. Just don't act right away. Think it over carefully, pay attention to the nuances. If you follow the lead of your first emotions, you will break even more trouble.


A good, calm day awaits representatives of the Water element. You are already tired of quarrels and showdowns, of all sorts of news (even with a “plus” sign). And you want the most ordinary silence and the simplest peace. So today they will become your companions from morning to evening.


Saturday is very favorable for real estate transactions, discussing inheritance issues and opening bank accounts. But borrowing money and applying for loans is strictly not recommended.


Today, the stars give the go-ahead to show off a little and show off their talents to the world. Indeed, why bury them in the sand when you can surprise and delight with them?!

a lion


You should start Monday with a review of your wardrobe and a critical approach to your appearance. Why? Yes, because today the old rule “you meet people by their clothes” will work. And even if you are a genius, but your appearance turns out not to be presentable enough, nothing will work out.


Today, representatives of the element of Fire will demonstrate their leadership qualities, even if you have to choose that very “weak link” and remove this interfering factor in order to achieve a great goal. Not everyone will like this policy, but when have you ever listened to someone else's opinion?


On Wednesday there may be a misunderstanding with your loved one. Omissions and understatement, half-hints and no specifics. In general, everything that Leo cannot tolerate. It is not surprising that the fire sign will literally explode, demanding an explanation.


On Thursday, the stars recommend that representatives of the element of Fire take risks and try themselves in the art of cooking, even if before that you didn’t really know how to fry an egg. And if a white cap is your uniform, you can safely enter some competition or act as an expert in culinary master classes.


On Friday, everything interferes with Leo. Fire sign He can’t even really concentrate, because everyone needs him on the most insignificant issues. Actually, don’t plan anything serious for Friday, and there will be nothing to distract you from.


An interesting day awaits representatives of the element of Fire. Leos will clearly feel the wind of change, which will fan such a flame in the soul of the fire sign that Leo will be afraid of himself. The main thing is not to rush and not to try to get ahead of events; at your command, the wind will not blow stronger.


Don't keep ideas to yourself. Be sure to share with your loved ones, ask their opinion, listen to criticism and take it into account (just don’t snap back, otherwise the interlocutor will not want to listen to you further). And start making plans!



Monday may be overshadowed by a conflict with someone close to you. Without thinking at all about the consequences, you will rush with your saber drawn into the fight for justice. And as a result, you will only aggravate the situation and everything will end in a quarrel.


If you suddenly feel unwell today, this does not mean that you need to immediately run and buy the entire pharmacy. Allow the body to fight the uninvited guests-bacillus. And in general, there is no need to panic so much about a common cold.


On Wednesday, be prepared for someone to interfere with your plans. However, it will be more of a positive intervention. That is, the same offer that cannot be refused and which will entail both financial profit and professional growth.


Sometimes it is useful to remember the good old folk signs and simply follow them. Isn’t it difficult for you to cross to the other side of the street if a lady with an empty bucket comes towards you in the morning (and why isn’t she sitting at home)? Here you go.


On Friday, your absent-mindedness can turn out to be very dangerous, because ill-wishers will seem to feel that the earth sign has lost its vigilance and will try to put a spoke in your wheels.


If you lend money today, you can immediately forget about it. Therefore, if you cannot refuse, borrow exactly the amount that you do not mind losing. In the first half of the day, the stars recommend visiting the pool or going for a light jog.


Sometimes there are not just too many events, but too many. Like, for example, this Sunday, when Virgos do not have time to switch from one to another. However, you yourself complained that you were bored, so the Universe heard you, you definitely won’t be bored today.



On Monday, emotions run high and do not allow representatives of the Air element to control themselves. That's why Libras do impossible stupid things, say things they shouldn't and simply act as if they weren't them at all.


Tuesday morning promises to be hot. Air sign He won’t even have time to notice how it rushes by. And all because the volume of work and tasks, concentrated for some reason in the morning, could easily be distributed over three full working days.


Wednesday will become a day of pride for many Libras for their beloved child or soulmate. And even if a prize or award, medal or certificate is presented not to you, but to your loved ones, the joy of the air sign is no less from this, rather the opposite.


Sometimes it’s useful to change some little thing or detail, and everything will suddenly open up from a different angle, become simple and understandable. For example, go to work, study today, or even take your child to kindergarten on a different route. This simple method will help you cope with a problem that you have been trying to find the answer to for a long time.


Oh, and even the simplest and most familiar things are difficult for Libra today. People around you think that you are doing your usual work, but in fact, representatives of the air sign are performing a feat, overcoming and fighting with themselves. Who would know how hard it is!


Someone is deliberately trying to mislead you. Therefore, on Saturday you should be especially attentive to everything you hear. Until you make sure and double-check everything yourself, do not draw any conclusions, they may turn out to be false.


On Sunday you will have to act as a toastmaster. Well, or at least the speaker. In general, in public. So be prepared and don't hesitate! You will definitely succeed. Just don’t overdo it, there shouldn’t be too many good presenters.



Today, Scorpios can devote themselves to paperwork. For example, registering transactions and documents with a notary, obtaining certificates from various institutions, checking documents and concluding contracts.


On Tuesday, Scorpios are very nervous because someone misses deadlines and does poor quality work. Firstly, you are responsible for this, and secondly, this also affects the result, and you put so much effort into ensuring that everything was in the best possible way.


The water sign on Wednesday is similar to Chinese fireworks - there is no way to guess what the next salvo will be. However, Scorpio himself does not know this, but only shows the world his constantly changing moods. I must say that the world will not like this too much.


Why don't you do auto training? Just make the thought that “everything is good in the world” your own. Repeat it and enjoy everything that surrounds you. You'll see, this simple method will paint the sad gray world into bright and happy colors.


Friday - best time to visit the dentist. And even if this is not the most pleasant date you have made recently, you still shouldn’t postpone it. It’s better to get by with a light one-time treatment than to go to the doctor later like going to work.


A very pleasant Saturday awaits most representatives of the Water element. Today, surprises are quite likely, pleasant ones of course, and even gifts that will raise your mood by several points.


Scorpio will suffer most of Sunday. But don’t worry, nothing serious, just the agony of choice that is so exhausting. On the one hand, you want to buy or do something, on the other hand, it seems that all this is completely unnecessary and you can completely relax or save money. In general, not a day, but sheer torment.



Monday will be more reminiscent of a chess game, Sagittarius will have to think through so many clever logical moves, so many combinations to run through their heads. But you only need to choose one thing, the right direction.


Sagittarians are gloomy and joyless. All the fire sign wants is to pupate, close its shell and hide from this world somewhere deep and far away so that no one will find or touch it. Not your day, in a word.


When did you sign up for the Salvation Army? Don't you remember? Then why, throughout Wednesday, people with problems of varying degrees of complexity flock to Sagittarius and not just ask, but demand immediate participation in their destiny. And if at first the fire sign tries to resist, by lunchtime he will understand that he has nowhere to go and will begin to help.


Today Sagittarius will wake up already tired. Sometimes this happens to you too. The fiery engine of a fire sign is still not a perpetum mobile and cannot constantly operate at such speeds. It's time to think about a vacation or at least take a day off.


Don't grab the kettles, pots and pans today. Before you put your hand under the tap, carefully check whether boiling water is flowing from there. And it’s better not to turn on the iron today either, it’s in cahoots with them, waiting for the moment to burn you.


Who said housework is boring? Some people may have sadness and melancholy, but not Sagittarius. The fire sign will come up with a thousand and one ways to turn the disgusting Saturday spring cleaning into something enchanting and amazing. The family will remember this show for a long time.


Be careful with new cosmetic products. In general, it would be better to do without experiments and use only what has been tested and tested for a long time. Because very serious allergic reactions to any cosmetics are possible, from facial wash to mascara.



A day of increased romantic danger. Why dangers? Yes, because an earth sign can literally lose his head from the feelings that wash over him, forgetting about everything in the world.


Tuesday will be very difficult for most representatives of the sign. However, you will cope with all the tasks, even if you have to sacrifice something that you have long thought about and what you have long wanted.


Be attentive to the little things, it is some seemingly insignificant detail that will become that very thread, by pulling which you will be able to untangle a complex and very tangled tangle. So record everything and remember it.


Capricorns cannot tolerate poor quality work. They demand excellence not only from those around them, but from themselves, first of all, in order to inspire and set them in the right mood by their example. It should be noted that this is a very exhausting activity; try to be almost perfect all the time.


Friday for many representatives of the Earth element will be a day of summing up. Of course, Capricorns will rejoice at how well done they were (and will not forget to boast about it), but at the same time they will have to admit their mistakes, and this will somewhat ruin Capricorn’s mood.


Even if you really want to buy yourself some new things, think about whether this money was intended for general family needs and whether your family will be puzzled by the fact that a significant amount has disappeared from the budget. Otherwise, you will have to answer unpleasant questions.


On Sunday, Capricorns will decide to come up with activities for the near foreseeable future for all family members, plus they will include distant relatives and friends. And even if any of them tries to resist, the rebellion will be suppressed immediately and mercilessly. Well, the representatives of the earthly element are ready to fight for their plans, as if they were some kind of lions.



Today, most representatives of the air sign, like that famous knight glorified by the great Cervantes, fight monsters, they are also windmills. You complicate everything so much that those around you try to retreat, just to avoid falling under the hot hand, otherwise you will inadvertently pierce you with your spear.


A successful Tuesday for representatives of creative professions. But those representatives of the sign whose activities are related to numbers, especially finances, should be more careful and double-check everything several times.


On Wednesday, many representatives of the Air element will unexpectedly receive an offer to change jobs. Moreover, representatives of the air sign may be offered to try themselves in a role that is completely unfamiliar to them. Don't refuse! You'll see, this will be the very chance you've been dreaming of for so long.


Remember the old one social advertising“pay your taxes and sleep well”? So, paraphrasing it “repaid the debt and sleep well,” you will understand what the heavenly office expects from you today. Debts can be either monetary or, for example, old promises.


On Friday, most likely you will witness an unpleasant quarrel. Don't try to interfere in the conflict. Let the parties decide for themselves who is right and who is wrong. Otherwise, you will still find yourself guilty of something you didn’t do and didn’t even think about.


Workaholic Aquarius is on a roll on Saturday. The air sign manages everything and everywhere. Makes plans and immediately puts them into practice. And in general, he looks more like a cheerful, hard-working bee than a person who actually has a day off today.


Why not have a cozy party with your closest friends? Nobody talks about a noisy holiday or a luxurious feast. So, gatherings with tea, sweets and intimate conversations, because you have been missing the latter so much lately.



Your critical meter is going through the roof on Monday, don’t you think? You are too generous with your comments. You will find shortcomings everywhere and report them immediately, and so caustically that the mood of the person being criticized will be irrevocably spoiled.


On Tuesday, representatives of Water, to their own surprise, will manage to do more than usual, without making any special efforts. Of course, you will be pleased with this. Just don’t turn your nose up, because it’s not your merit. This is a favorable coincidence of circumstances and nothing more.


It would be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist today, take care of your skin, and think about an “anti-stress” program so that even on gloomy autumn days your face looks fresh and youthful. Just let a specialist handle all this. It’s not worth creating a program for yourself using magazine clippings with masks for all occasions.


A day of surprises and surprises. Just some endless miracles on turns. One has only to exhale and try to relax, and Pisces is again carried along by a rapid stream. Need I say that by the evening the water sign simply won’t have any strength left?


On Friday water sign has to play the first violin. And who, if not you?! Be prepared for everyone around you to follow you and listen to your every word. Yes, the task is not easy, you will have to comply. But how nice it is when you get that same leader’s jersey.


On Saturday, Pisces will want to be in charge. Rub the pans until they shine, arrange the ladles “according to height” and, in general, grind, wash and rearrange everything so that you can feel like you’re in a completely new home without any financial outlay.


Try not to plan any activities on Sunday. Spend this day off as calmly as possible. Let your motto for today be “quieter than water, lower than the grass.”

suddenly something good was predicted for them too...

At the beginning of the week they will be prone to impulsive, ill-considered actions. Perhaps you will begin to strive for independent behavior and begin to perceive any different opinion as an encroachment on your freedom. However, with this approach, you will harm yourself and the people you love. On Monday or Tuesday, a conflict with a loved one is possible. Your harsh and sometimes unceremonious behavior will cause a natural protest. Try to be softer and more tolerant, and in relationships with children do not demand unquestioning obedience from them. The second hot topic of the week is finance. A lack of money can be caused by material losses, equipment breakdowns, or damage to movable property. The second half of the week will bring peace and tranquility to your personal life. Your relationship will be built on the basis of love and mutual understanding.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Taurus

In the first half of the week, Taurus will fully demonstrate their stubbornness. If you are planning negotiations with business partners or have a serious conversation with your marriage partner, do everything possible to avoid dialogue on Monday and Tuesday. This will save you and your interlocutors from unpleasant emotions and disappointment. These days are not favorable for doing any chores around the house. It is better to postpone repairs, cleaning or rearranging furniture to the second half of the week. It develops much more harmoniously for carrying out any household work, directing perfect order in business.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Gemini

Gemini will face a lot of trouble in the first half of the week. However, it is at this time that you will experience an energy decline and your level of performance will decrease. The stars advise you to put work aside and, first of all, think about your health. Try to avoid heavy physical activity. Take care of your energy, do not waste it on unnecessary disputes and conflicts. It is also recommended to limit your social circle. Try not to be in crowded places. This will adversely affect your well-being. The second half of the week will develop in a more optimistic manner. This is the time of blossoming love relationships. Communication with small children will also bring you a lot of joy.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Cancer

In the first half of the week, Cancers will want new experiences, something joyful and cheerful. You will be inclined to spend idle time, which may adversely affect your work. The stars advise not to forget about the saying “Time for business is time for fun.” Monday and Tuesday are unfavorable times for visiting a club or a friendly party with your loved one. Avoid excessive drinking. Now it will affect you more than usual, which may lead to adverse consequences. The second half of the week is going well for communicating with your family. You will feel how pleasant it is to be surrounded by loved ones.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Leo

The first half of the week will be quite unfavorable. There are several reasons for this. You will be prone to rash actions, which risks creating problems for yourself. If you are studying at a university, refrain from contacting teachers and try to reschedule exam assignments to another time. There may also be a lot to do at work and at home. Trying to do everything in time, you risk making mistakes and mixing up something. It is recommended to systematically approach the accumulated issues. The second half of the week is favorable for expanding the circle of acquaintances and regulating partnerships in marriage and business.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Virgo

In the first half of the week, Virgos should be more careful when traveling and when moving along the street. Due to haste and carelessness, you may fall and twist your ankle. You should also be more careful when driving a car. If you are studying at a university or any other educational institution, then on Monday and Tuesday try to reschedule exams and not take test assignments: you are unlikely to be able to concentrate during this period. The second half of the week is favorable for resolving any financial issues. These days your income level will increase, you will be able to spend money on things that you have long dreamed of purchasing.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Libra

In the first half of the week, the stars advise Libra not to plan anything together with a marriage or business partner. At the very last moment, it may turn out that circumstances have changed and your plans are disrupted. Another option is possible: your personal plans will have to be adjusted due to your partner’s behavior. In any case, try to rely only on yourself. These days you may experience a tense financial situation when there is not enough money to meet your daily needs. Also, material losses due to breakdown of household appliances or Vehicle. The second half of the week will allow you to discover your talent as a teacher. If you have children, then you will be able to find mutual understanding with them and achieve obedience without resorting to punishment.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Scorpio

In the first half of the week, Scorpios will most likely have to conduct a tense dialogue with their marriage or business partner. It will be possible to resolve this relationship only if you agree to give in on something. At the same time, it’s worth considering whether you are losing something fundamentally important to yourself. If yes, then it is better to simply postpone the dialogue until a more favorable time, and for now avoid a showdown. This is not the best time for professional activity. Relations with superiors and colleagues are now extremely unstable, and maintaining a work schedule will not be easy. The second half of the week is favorable for therapeutic and preventive procedures and visiting the bathhouse. Plan more time for sleep: you need to restore your strength.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Sagittarius

The stars advise Sagittarius to focus on health prevention in the first half of the week. This is currently the most vulnerable topic. Defensive forces During this period, your body weakens and you become more susceptible to infectious diseases. Use traditional methods prevent diseases, avoid contact with people who can infect you. To replenish energy, it is recommended to eat more fruits, drink special balms and spend more time sleeping. At work, it is better to reduce the load as much as possible. This is an unfavorable time for tourist trips and holiday romances. The second half of the week will allow you to restore relationships with neighbors, friends, relatives with whom you previously could not find mutual language.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Capricorn

In the first half of the week, the stars do not advise Capricorns to visit friendly parties or clubs accompanied by a loved one. Otherwise, conflicts cannot be ruled out. It is best to give up any entertainment on Monday and Tuesday. If you have children, then complaints about their bad behavior are not excluded. Your previous educational measures may turn out to be ineffective, and therefore you will have to come up with something new. Also this week it is worth paying attention Special attention for the safety of real estate. The second half of the week will bring you success in your professional activities. Most likely, your superiors will notice and highly appreciate your work. Perhaps you will be given an unscheduled bonus or a salary increase.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Aquarius

At the beginning of the week, Aquarius may be asked to act as a mediator-peacemaker in resolving a conflict situation. Try not to get involved in other people's affairs, since you are unlikely to be able to fulfill the mission assigned to you. In addition, any communication with people at this time will be fraught with complications. This is especially true for contacts with partners, neighbors, and relatives. You shouldn’t promise anything, and don’t trust the promises given to you either. You shouldn't expect positive changes in your career. It is better not to collide with your superiors unless absolutely necessary during this period and not to have any conversations. The second half of the week will open up new prospects for you personal growth. This is a great time to study and travel.

Horoscope for the week from October 16 to October 22, 2017 Pisces

In the first half of the week, the stars do not advise Pisces to plan new acquaintances and refrain from traveling. This is also not the best time for exchanging information, correspondence e-mail and communication on forums and in social networks. If you drive a car, try to refrain from long trips during this period: the car may break down. The second half of the week will bring you many joyful situations. You will feel strengthened psychic abilities. Perhaps you will be able to achieve the events you need through an effort of will. This is also a great time to communicate with your loved one and have intimate contacts.

Name day this week

October 16: Denis, Elepherius, Ivan, Hesychius, Pavel, Peter, Rustik, Theagenes, Theodosius, Jadwiga.

17 October: Ammonius (Ammon), Anisim, Barsanuphius, Virinea (Veronica), Vladimir, Guy, Gury, Davikt (Adavkt), Damara, Domnina, Eudemon, Eusebius, Erofey (Hierofei), Jonah, Callisthenia, Napoleon, Nektarios, Paul, Peter , Pior, Prosdoka (Proskudiya), Stepan (Stephan), Faust, Herimon, Elladius.

October 18: Alexey, Hermogenes (Ermogenes), Gregory, Demyan, Denis, Evdokim, Eremey, Jonah, Kuzma, Mamelfa (Manefa), Matvey, Peter, Philip, Kharitina.

The 20th of October: Adeline, Alina, Bacchus, Eusebius, Caesar, Leonty, Mark, Martinian, Pelageya, Polychronius, Sergei, Julian.

October 21: Gaspar, Dorotheus, Dositheus, Isidore, Pelageya, Petronia, Taisia, Tryphon, Ursula, Julian (Ulyan, Julian).

22 of October: Abraham, Andronicus, Athanasius, Diocletian, Evventius, Lot, Maximus, Peter, Poplia, Jacob.

Pavel Globa's advice will help you make this week more productive. In every area of ​​life it is important the right approach. An astrologer's instructions are an excellent source of information about the influence of stars and planets.

Representatives of each Zodiac Sign will experience something pleasant during these seven days, but what exactly they will have to find out on their own. The Woman`s day portal shared Pavel Globa’s opinion on what should be a priority in the period from October 16 to 22 for each of us. Autumn is in full swing, as is our desire to drop everything and cover ourselves with a blanket until spring. You must not lose vigilance and faith in yourself, because the most persistent people will be able to get ahead while others are bored and lazy.


Fortunately or unfortunately, your energy peak will occur at the end of the week, namely on Sunday, October 22. The most unfavorable day will be Wednesday. Try this week to learn to learn from any troubles. On Saturday and Sunday, be careful with your expression of emotions. Weekends are good for planning.

Control your emotions, but do not tolerate bad behavior towards yourself. Your victories and success can provoke a flurry of discontent from your enemies and those who dislike you. You will have to become wiser during this period, but in critical situations you can fight back and fight with those who want to see your tears. Be strong and don't be afraid to say no to people. This week, problems may arise in love relationships, and at work your work is unlikely to be appreciated.


Give yourself plenty of personal time during these seven days. and care about it more than about the past. Don't remember what happened. Now it is better to concentrate only on what will happen next. At work, you may have to deal not with current affairs, but with what you have already done, that is, correcting mistakes. You will need a lot of patience on Friday, the most unfavorable day of the week.

October 16 and 17 will be the most productive days for you, but not in work and attempts to get rich, but in love. This week is perfect for making new acquaintances, romantic dates and intimate meetings. You can get the most pleasant emotions from communicating with your loved one. Be yourself, but be willing to change and be flexible.


In love, everything will be quiet and calm for Gemini, because the stars and planets will be in harmony. The only dangerous day for you in the coming period is Monday. This will be followed by a sharp improvement in the situation, so that October 18 and 19 will be the most positive days. It is during these two days that you will find complete harmony within yourself and in your relationships.

This week there is a chance of meeting distant relatives or forgotten friends. If the meeting is scheduled in advance, try to get your house in order. Keep your home clean to increase and maintain your energy. At work, you may also encounter pleasant changes - a new source of income, for example. You'll need to feel good for everything to go well, so dress warmly and go for walks often.


During these seven days, Cancers will have to learn to look at things more simply. This is a great time to relax, unwind, and enjoy activities that you enjoy. You don't have to go out of your way to get what you want in love or at work - for example, a raise or promotion. You just need to choose your words more carefully, think ahead more and learn diplomacy.

In love, everything will work out well, because you will have many chances to meet someone with whom you will subsequently be able to create a strong relationship. This will be a good time for making new acquaintances and spending time with your soulmate, even a newly minted one. The best days in terms of energy are October 16, 17 and 20. The 18th will be less suitable for a change of scenery. On other days, it’s good to start repairs, moving, etc.

a lion

Leos will have to live these seven days in such a way as not to move away from their loved ones. The more time you spend with family and friends, the better it will be for you. Do not argue with anyone or swear, do not prove that you are right. Everything should be calm. When you are alone, go shopping, change your image, change your environment. At work, it is also better not to be afraid of change and strive to improve your skills and gain knowledge.

Get creative, try to find yourself. These seven days are perfect for experiments, for planning, for all things that can make your life easier in the future. Adventures are welcome, but only painless and safe ones. October 18 and 19 will be better days weeks, because your energy will become especially powerful.


On October 20 and 21, Pavel Globa advises Virgos to activate all their internal resources. This way you can increase your chances of success in any endeavor. On Monday, the 16th, the most negative day of the week, you better monitor your health and the health of your loved ones more closely. Any quarrels can greatly spoil your mood. This week is good for visiting doctors and for examinations.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is do things like cleaning, repairing, rearranging furniture. Relax and enjoy every free minute of your time. You need to now concentrate on yourself and your needs, which make you spend a lot of energy and time. Now you need to be strong and brave.


It's time to increase your activity. Libra will have to live this week as if it were the last seven positive days. Work with increased dedication and relax more brightly. Active recreation in nature, at the dacha, or just a walk with your loved one will help you regain your strength. This week is your chance to impress yourself. Avoid communicating with people who cannot keep their mouths shut - they will tell everyone about your plans at work and in business.

In love you will need all your wisdom. Perhaps the Universe will present you with a serious choice. If a loved one offends you in some way, then do not rush to answer him in kind. Apologies will come as quickly as insults. Rash actions will not free you from anything - success will be with you, but only with increased patience. Don't say hurtful words to those you value. Otherwise, you may be left alone.


Sunday, October 22 is the most positive day of the week. Friday is the most dangerous. Such mood swings in the last three days of the week will not do you any good, but this does not mean that you will be left without money and love luck. Perhaps you will learn about a loved one, friend or soulmate, some not-so-pleasant news, but this will not be a reason for swearing and quarrels. Calm and only calm is your motto for these seven days, especially on Friday.

Avoid conflicts everywhere and always. Don't make too big decisions. Now you better just don't make mistakes. You don't have to rush forward trying to succeed in everything. Calmness and caution are the key to your success. You'll be lucky if you rule out the opposite. Demand this from yourself on October 20 and at the beginning of the week.


October 18 and 19 are the most positive days for you this week. Pavel Globa advises to exercise maximum caution only on Monday. You can always change your destiny, but now it’s very difficult to do so, so enjoy life and don’t swear at it. This is a good time for flirting, making new acquaintances, and eliminating feelings of selfishness. People will subtly sense your hidden intentions.

At work, it is advisable to adhere to the belief that everything ingenious is simple. The most unexpected and difficult tasks and problems can be solved with a cool head and patience. Impulsive Sagittarius will have much fewer options than reserved ones. You can end up completely alone if you don't force yourself to learn to think about other people. As for money, it is also better to postpone purchases for now. You can plan for the future, but there is no point in spending now.


What you definitely know how to do is work. Your bosses, colleagues and business partners will see this and also become more active. In many ways, people will try to follow your example. People will also be able to appreciate your help, so when asking you to lend a helping hand and come to the rescue, try not to refuse anyone. Even your enemies will become friends with the right approach.

Follow a daily routine and don’t forget about rest, because hard work is exhausting. October 18 and 19 will be the best days of the week for you. Don't look for answers to difficult questions- just watch for the signs of fate. Everything will work out if you become wiser and calmer. A measured life will be an excellent way out for you. Work and rest, but carefully, without flashy behavior.


The astrologer recommends to Aquarius to be themselves this week. All yours secret desires will come true if you believe in the power of thoughts. Visualization is a powerful tool for achieving goals in life. Tell people what you think, but within the bounds of decency and morality, of course.

In love, you better take the initiative into your own hands. This will be especially relevant on October 18 and 19, when the stars and planets become most harmonious. Go on a trip together if you need to bring something new into the relationship. Love is work. On October 21, you will have to work doubly hard, otherwise your friends and significant other will suspect you of indifference.

Which will mark a new stage in your life. You can safely decide on unusual adventures, invest cash into real estate and experiment with image. A time of accomplishment, you will feel a surge of energy that should be directed in the right direction. Fortune will be on your side; you should definitely buy at least one lottery ticket. From October 17 until the end of the week, the Moon will gradually wane, time to reconsider your views on life.

Weekly horoscope from 10/16/2017 to 10/22/2017 for all zodiac signs

Representatives of this zodiac sign constantly commit rash, impulsive actions. It seems to Aries that those around them are oppressing their freedom and are trying to do everything possible, just to inject more painfully. Try to be softer and more tolerant, not to blow things up conflict situations, but on the contrary, smooth them out. In the second half of the week, a financial crisis may begin due to equipment breakdowns. Devote all your free time to your family and friends, and do not pay attention to the weather outside the window.

Those born under this zodiac sign are not ready to meet people halfway; they provoke others and behave stubbornly. Serious work issues should not be resolved on Monday and Tuesday, which are bad days for negotiations. None general cleaning And repair work, it’s better to put household chores aside and just enjoy a free evening in front of the TV screen. The Feast of the Intercession on October 14 should be celebrated in a close family circle with family and friends. Money is attracted to you like a magnet, all you have to do is figure out where you can invest it profitably.

Your level of performance is practically zero, you have become hostage to numerous problems at work. It's time to take a few days off and just relax, get your health in order and set off with renewed vigor to conquer the vastness of your career horizons. Try to avoid conflict situations, they will bring you nothing more than a nervous breakdown. The second half of the week will bring more positive emotions, and life will sparkle again bright colors. If you have been planning to start a love relationship for a long time, but still couldn’t decide to take a responsible step, now is the time.

Are you tired of boring and gray everyday life? Do you want to please yourself with new emotions and impressions? Then it’s time to get off the couch and start acting, because everything is in your hands and depends solely on decisions taken. At the beginning of the work week, it’s better not to test your boss’s nerves, not to be late, and especially not to show up drunk after yesterday’s party. Try to minimize your consumption alcoholic drinks, otherwise it will lead to unpredictable consequences. Spend more time with your family and friends; you should definitely organize a family dinner on the weekend.

Try not to make any strategically important decisions this week, and especially not to quarrel with anyone. You should do your homework, put your thoughts in order and write a to-do list for the next month. Leos need to be very careful, they risk making a mistake, and then they will have to start all over again. The second half of the week will delight you with new acquaintances, as well as interesting events in your personal life. Don’t even think about just opening your heart to the first person you meet, take a closer look.

The stars advise avoiding traveling and moving around the city in the first half of the week. Virgos are used to behaving carelessly; they should be more careful and look around carefully. The level of income will increase only by the middle of the week, you can safely spend money on things that you have dreamed of for so long. Cupid suggests going on a date with new suitors for your hand and heart. A favorable time for dates, going to the cinema and meeting with friends is closer to the weekend.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are not advised by the stars to plan romantic dates with a partner. Circumstances may change at the last moment, and your plan will not be realized. Libras are used to relying on other people's opinions, it's time to learn to accept independent decisions. Be prepared for the fact that in October you will run out of money and none of your friends and acquaintances will be ready to help you cope with difficulties. The second half of the week is ideal for bringing your innermost ideas and plans to life; the main thing is not to be afraid to take confident steps forward.

Colleagues at work smile in your eyes and actively discuss things behind your back. Be prepared to “catch them in the act” and have an educational conversation. This is not the best time for Scorpios to try to establish relationships with them; it is better to stay away. You can't concentrate at all, and a busy work schedule depresses your psyche. Try to rest more time; the second half of the week is the ideal time for therapeutic and preventive procedures and massage. You can even take a vacation, at least for one week, and spend it in harmony with yourself.

Those born under this sign will feel psychologically squeezed out at the beginning of the week, like a lemon. When in last time did you sleep more than 6 hours a day and spend time with family and friends? Sagittarians need to stick to proper nutrition, exclude fried, fatty and spicy foods. An unfavorable period for new novels and travel abroad. It’s better to get together with friends on the weekend and go sing karaoke, you really miss the warmth and communication with positive people. It's time to catch up, you can get bogged down in work.

The beginning of the week promises to please you with fruitful projects; it is better to give up entertainment and immerse yourself in work. The long-awaited bonus will be paid to you, the boss is in a good mood. It's time to invest all your savings in the business you've been dreaming about for so long. Add as many interesting activities and events to your weekday and weekend calendar as possible. Don’t forget about your relatives; a family dinner will allow you to exchange news and spend free time in the company of dear people.

At work, you will have to try on the image of a referee and help your colleagues find a common language. The most important thing is don’t play around and don’t lecture anyone, otherwise what you say may turn against you. Aquarius likes to mind his own business and often provokes conflict situations that are fraught with complications for himself. Nothing interesting is happening on the personal front yet, it’s time to reconsider your views on life and decide how to proceed. If you have long wanted to write a letter of resignation, but were afraid, you can take the risk.

Try to refrain from traveling in the first half of the week, even if your boss sends you away for work. The likelihood of becoming a victim of an emergency is high; it is better not to provoke fate. The second half of the week will definitely delight you with interesting events; intuition will help predict the present and future. Perfect time for new acquaintances, meetings, correspondence and communication with representatives of the opposite sex. Remember a simple truth: dates must be original, otherwise, why waste your precious time on them?

This week will be quite troublesome. There is a risk of not submitting an important report on time, failing a public report, or signing a deal that is obviously doomed to failure. You can avoid all these troubles if you are completely and completely focused on your work. Yes, it’s not easy to forget about your personal affairs for a while, but a little later you will say “thank you” to yourself more than once for these major sacrifices. Moreover, the weekend will more than compensate you for it (this weekend will have an unprecedented scope, and therefore it has every chance of being bright, fun and simply unforgettable).

Also, the current zodiac and the next one.


Aries will have to shoulder a heap of difficult professional responsibilities all this week. They will be “pinned” on you by a person who suddenly quit your company. It’s difficult to say why the bosses will entrust you with the duties of this person, but such a situation obviously will not please you. By the weekend you will be completely exhausted, and therefore decide to spend your legitimate leisure time very passively. It is possible that your relaxation will not extend beyond the sofa, on which you will lie with the remote control in your hand or with your mobile device to use the Internet.


This week Taurus will be very tired of communicating with their new colleague. The worst thing is that the person you will be entrusted with will try to become one of your close friends and surround you with inappropriate care. You, as a well-mannered person, will endure these antics for a long time, until one day you get tired of this whole farce and explode in an angry tirade. A scandal during work hours will not contribute to the growth of your business reputation, but you will get rid of an intrusive “friend”. You are not in danger of any other troubles, except minor quarrels with your significant other.


For Gemini, this week will be a period of real triumphs. You will achieve great success in official affairs (it is possible that you will be appointed to the very position that you have dreamed of for so long). No less success awaits you in the area of ​​personal affection. A person for whom you have long had great sympathy will turn his gaze on you, and a little later he will decide that you are simply made for each other. If you already have a permanent partner, then in the coming days a beautiful and very romantic stage will begin for your couple, during which not a hint of past grievances and quarrels will remain.


Cancers are advised to devote this week to working on their mistakes. Think about what specific issue constantly poisons your peace of mind, and then immediately begin to eliminate it. If you need the help of your friends in this difficult event, do not rush to seek their support. The whole point is that one of your close people will pursue a selfish goal, pretending to be your devoted friend. It will not be difficult for you to identify Judas, because he is a man who has more than once become the author of dirty rumors addressed to you.

a lion

Leos should take extra care of their body this week. You are not a machine that can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you don't allow yourself to rest, it will end badly. Already on the weekend, a serious illness will confine you to bed, and you will have to abandon your vacation plans. To avoid this threat, give yourself periods of emotional release throughout the work week. Make a list of the activities that appeal to you the most, and, with justifiable selfishness, leave aside all other activities in favor of these enjoyable activities.


Virgos will be able to make a long-awaited acquisition this week. This purchase will not devastate your family budget, and you will even have enough money to organize a noisy event for friends and your close relatives. You will schedule a holiday on a weekend, and you will have to work diligently throughout your working days. Your boss will show increased interest in how you cope with your responsibilities, which means you can’t relax! But you will be very pleased with your regular partner, because every time you return home from work, he will pamper you with some pleasant gift.


Libra will be overly dreamy and romantic this week. You will imagine yourself as the hero (heroine) of some beautiful film telling about happy love and about implausibly lyrical relationships. Alas and ah, this weekend you will finally take off your pink glasses and you will be able to see that your new partner is not as ideal as you thought. But this will not stop you from wanting to be with him every minute of your personal time. Moreover, this novel will absorb you so much that you will completely forget about work, bringing yourself closer every day to inevitable dismissal.


For Scorpios, the number one problem this week will be the lack of a suitable interlocutor. You will have a lot of creative ideas that, for a number of good reasons, you will not be able to voice to your conservative friends, or to your always busy relatives, or indeed to anyone else. At the same time, keeping all your plans to yourself will become more and more difficult every day. For this very reason, you will share them with one of your new colleagues, and in the end you will not go wrong. Your colleague will like your ingenious project, and he will agree to provide you with all possible help.


This week Sagittarius will be able to get rid of all unresolved problems in the area of ​​their personal affections. You will have a heart-to-heart talk with your regular partner, after which your couple will make a number of very important decisions. You and your significant other intend to revive your love affair, giving it the features of the period immediately after you met. This will become task number one for you, which, despite all its complexity, will not distract you from full-fledged work. You will return home from service as if on wings, since a person whom you love even more than in the past will be waiting for you.


Capricorns this week will demonstrate increased conservatism in every life sphere. This will not be a fear of change, but rather your desire to protect your usual way of life from outside intrusions. For example, you will prohibit your significant other from changing the interior of your shared space. While at work, you will be very reluctant to learn new device, which, by the way, will have great functionality. You will be able to find more than a dozen such examples in the coming days, which says one thing - whether you like it or not, changes will still burst into your life.


Aquarians will suddenly lose faith in their own abilities this week. You will begin to compare yourself with one of your more successful friends or, even worse, with some media person. Dissatisfaction with yourself will firmly settle in your thoughts, which you will not rush to get rid of. Excessive self-criticism can hinder you in career matters and in everything related to your personal relationships! Unless you really want to become an outsider, don't let yourself get depressed. Better get down to business actively, and this will help you change your life for the better.


This week will bring several reasons for delight for Pisces. You will love the fact that people of the opposite sex surround you in a tight circle and that they shower you with the most exquisite compliments. However, if your main goal is to start a truly serious romance, you will be slightly disappointed. For your many admirers or admirers, you will be just a beautiful “trophy” that they will want to win only for the sake of sporting interest. If you are disgusted by the idea that you are just a trophy, feel free to turn off the army of your admirers.