Where to get an insurance certificate. What is snils and what does it look like, where to get a certificate

In order for an individual to obtain the right to a pension in the Russian Federation, it is necessary that SV () be paid for him. In this case, work experience plays practically no role.

When a person begins working, the employer opens an individual account for him for regular accrual Money. This system precisely serves as confirmation of the employee’s labor activity. Based on the paid pension benefits, the amount of the future pension is calculated.

It is noteworthy that even a child can receive this certificate.

In this article we will talk about what an insurance pension certificate is, why it is needed, what is the procedure for obtaining it, how you can find out its number, and also how you can restore the insurance document if damaged or lost.

What kind of document is this

So, what is a State Pension Insurance Certificate (SSPI)?

This is a document (in the form of a plastic laminated card) that confirms the state registration of an individual in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPI).

SSGPS issued by the Pension Fund to all individuals who are registered in the individual (personalized) PF accounting system.

It includes following data:

The SSGPS is in the custody of the insured individual and is valid only if a passport is presented.

Purposes of receiving

SSGPS is required for employment, including when concluding a contract.

An individual is obliged to provide the employer with a pension certificate in order for him to transfer the personalized information of his employee to the Pension Fund. Then this information goes to his personalized personal account, which is stored in Pension Fund throughout the life of the insured individual. This information, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is classified as confidential information.

Pension certificate also required in the following cases:

General procedure for registration

For a person entering work for the first time, this certificate is issued through the employer.

To get it you need write an application and fill out a form standard form, after which the employer will transfer information about his new employee to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and also order the SSGPS.

The application form and other documents must be transferred to the Pension Fund by the employer within two weeks from the moment the employment contract was concluded. He will then deposit the CB into his retirement account on time. A similar procedure also applies if a citizen works under a contract - the customer is obliged to issue an insurance certificate in in the prescribed manner. When independently paying for pension benefits to the Pension Fund (for example, when an individual is registered as an individual entrepreneur), the citizen must personally contact the Pension Fund institution.

In turn, the PF body at the place of residence is obliged to formalize this document within three weeks from the date of receipt of the employee’s documents. During the same period of time, the employee a personalized personal account is opened. The issued pension certificate is then handed over to the employer. He is required to make a copy of the SSGPS within a week of its submission and hand over the green laminated card to the employee.

How to find out the number

Insurance certificate number(SNILS) can be found out in the following ways:

Recovery rules

If the SSGPS is damaged or lost, or if any changes are made to the personal data, you must obtain a new plastic card. Wherein SNILS will remain the same.

At the same time, there is two recovery options certificates:

  • the first is intended for persons who are officially employed and, accordingly, have the right to receive this document through the employer;
  • the second is suitable for citizens who are temporarily unemployed, as well as for private entrepreneurs.

If you have official employment To restore your pension certificate, you must follow the established procedure:

When paying for self-service(applies to individual entrepreneurs), or if a citizen is temporarily unemployed, it is required to submit an application for restoration of the pension certificate to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Find out which Pension Fund body you belong to.
  2. Submit an application to this institution regarding the loss or damage of the SSGPS, as well as the need to obtain a new one.
  3. You must have a passport with you, as well as documentation that confirms the changes that have occurred (for example, if you change your surname due to marriage, you must provide the appropriate certificate).

A month from the date of application, a duplicate of this document can be obtained from your employer, or by personally contacting the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and paying the SV yourself. In this case, the data in the duplicate of the SSGPS will completely coincide with the data of the previous one, except for personal data in which changes have been made.

If the information contained in the application changes, the individual must submit new information within 2 weeks to the local Pension Fund branch through the employer or independently. After this, the PF must exchange the card for a new one within a month.

About the compulsory pension insurance system, see the following video:

Every citizen of the Russian Federation, including children and teenagers, receives an individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) upon registration in the compulsory pension insurance system. When issuing a so-called green card, there are some subtleties that will be useful for every Russian to know, and we’ll talk about them.

To obtain SNILS, you need to contact the nearest branch of the pension fund; you can find out the exact location on the official website. Go to the “Personalized Accounting” section and the “Insurance Certificate of Compulsory Pension Insurance” subsection. Click on the map or select a branch for your federal district. Be sure to bring an identification document, most often a passport. The department employee issues a form ADV-1, which you fill out yourself in block letters. If you write an error, you have the opportunity to indicate the correct data on a new form, which is issued again and completely free of charge.

On our website.

If you are officially employed, contact the HR department at your place of work, and an employee will provide an application form, see above for an example of how to fill it out. After three weeks, the employer will receive and give you SNILS.

The same registration procedure is followed for obtaining an insurance certificate for a child. If the child is under 14 years of age, the document is drawn up by one of the parents or an appointed guardian. To do this, you must have a passport of the person who plans to issue SNILS and a child’s birth certificate. For other details, see the article.

A citizen's registration document in the pension insurance system is issued for life and contains all the information about the owner, which can be changed as necessary. For example, when changing place of residence or surname. SNILS is the key to receiving many government services, the list of which can be viewed and immediately issued on

On the list mandatory documents for a citizen of Russia there is an insurance certificate of compulsory state pension insurance.

Without it, it is impossible to form a pension and receive some government and banking services.

In this material you will find the answer to the question of where to get a pension insurance certificate.

So, where can I get a pension insurance certificate? Adults receive SNILS when applying for a job.

The employee fills out a form, which is sent to the nearest branch of the Russian Pension Fund.

After three weeks, the employer receives the insurance certificate, and he gives it to the employee. If at that time the citizen no longer works in the organization, he must be notified that the card is ready.

They receive SNILS independently by registration or. At the department, you present your passport and fill out a form. Registration will also take three weeks, for ready-made document you need to go to the department. Picking up SNILS can help.

For children

Where and how to get a pension insurance certificate for a child?

Children, at the initiative of their parents, can receive SNILS at any time.

One of the parents takes his passport and, together with the child’s birth certificate, applies to the Pension Fund.

There he fills out a form; there is no need to take the child with him. The review period is two weeks. Children 14 years old undergo this procedure independently.

Recently the state obliged educational establishments provide SNILS for your students. Therefore, if a child has started studying at a college or university, he will be asked to complete this document.

A pilot project for interaction between the civil registry office and the Pension Fund of Russia has been launched in several regions of Russia. the information is transferred to the Pension Fund and after some time the child receives a green card.

For a foreign citizen

A foreign citizen will need to obtain a SNILS to work. IN Russian Federation he cannot do without fulfilling two conditions:

  • an employment contract with a term of more than 6 months is required;
  • SNILS are not issued to highly qualified specialists.

A foreigner must fill out the form exactly as indicated in his document, which serves as an identity card. It must be certified by a notary and translated into Russian.

Citizens who do not have SNILS include military personnel, as well as minors whose parents did not provide this document. At the same time, it is impossible without SNILS; on government service websites, an insurance certificate allows you to participate in social programs.

List of documents

To successfully obtain SNILS you do not need many documents. The most important thing is the passport; any other document officially recognized as identification will do instead. Such equivalent replacements are:

  • international passport;
  • document confirming your residence permit;
  • seaman's passport;
  • diplomat's passport;
  • military serviceman's ticket;
  • officer's identification form;
  • certificate of release;
  • refugee certificate.

Second necessary document will be a questionnaire. This is a special form ADV-1, it is downloaded on the Internet, it can be obtained at work or at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The following data is entered into it:

  • the applicant's full name, date of birth and gender;
  • full name of place of birth according to passport and citizenship;
  • postal code and address according to registration;
  • actual residential address - not filled in if the citizen lives by registration;
  • phone number;
  • details of the document acting as identification;
  • date and signature.

Only the citizen himself must fill out the application. If the applicant is working, the form can be filled out by an employee of the personnel department. In some regions, this form is filled out by a Pension Fund employee.

Registration with the Pension Fund

If lost

Let's figure it out.

The SNILS number is assigned to a person for life, regardless of a change of surname or loss of a document.

When restoring a lost green card, you need to contact the HR department, where an application for issuing a duplicate is written.

If a person does not work officially or belongs to categories such as individual entrepreneur, then he independently applies to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of registration. To do this, download the necessary form from the Internet. Within a month, the application will be considered and the citizen will receive new document with the same number.

It is important to remember that in case of loss or theft of this document, you must contact the Pension Fund with a statement within a month from the date of loss. Due to loss or any other reason, there is no need to pay a state fee to obtain a duplicate SNILS, everything is done free of charge.

It is necessary to carefully check the newly issued document; an error in the letter “e” or any other discrepancy with the passport data makes SNILS invalid. If there is a discrepancy with the previous number, then an error has crept into the system and you have been assigned a new personal account. This is immediately reported to the Pension Fund employee.

You only need to keep this document with you. The employer and other authorities only need a copy; they have no right to store the original.

When residing not according to registration

If working citizens are issued a SNILS regardless of registration in a given region, then if they obtain it independently, the lack of registration becomes a problem.

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How to get SNILS?

The pension system in Russia is structured in such a way that every citizen, upon reaching retirement age, can count on receiving a pension. For this purpose, it is envisaged to allocate unique individual numbers for each citizen of our state. Briefly, these pension account numbers are called SNILS.

The employee must present the SNILS number to the accounting department upon employment; it is to this account that pension accruals will be transferred from wages. Over time, pension capital is formed on this personal account.

The SNILS card itself is a certificate of assignment of an insurance pension number. IN last years The SNILS number is required not only for pensions, so its registration has become mandatory. If you did not issue it for your child immediately after birth, you can get it later by contacting your insurer. A child over 14 years old can apply for it independently, and his employer can do this for an adult citizen. You will learn about how this happens and all the nuances from our article.

SNILS is a unique insurance number of a citizen’s personal account in the pension fund database. Pension contributions that form a future pension are accrued to this account; in addition, the citizen’s work experience is recorded in the register using this number.

In addition to pension functions, this account is used for the provision of medical services (registration of compulsory medical insurance), when a person is admitted to educational institution, to receive various benefits, benefits, etc.

Because of this, it is important to obtain a pension account number in a timely manner in order to enjoy all benefits from the state.

What people can receive SNILS?

Who can receive SNILS?

Who can open a personal account in a pension fund is a question of interest to many citizens. So, not only a citizen of Russia, but also a foreigner staying in the Russian Federation for work can receive an insurance pension certificate. At the same time, even a non-working Russian citizen must have a SNILS card to receive various government services.

Both the citizen himself and his employer can issue a certificate of pension insurance. Also, his authorized representatives, parents, guardians and trustees have the right to register SNILS for a person. If a child is 14 years old and still does not have a certificate, he can apply for it independently by contacting the pension fund department with a passport.

A foreigner, in addition to documents confirming his identity, will need to provide a residence permit or temporary residence permit.

Where do unemployed citizens receive SNILS?

The first thing you need to know is that if you are officially employed, then your employer should be responsible for issuing a pension certificate. He must begin processing the certificate no later than two weeks after hiring you.

If a citizen is unemployed, then you need to apply for SNILS yourself or through legal representatives at the Pension Fund.

If a parent wants to issue a SNILS for a child under 14 years of age, he can do this alone by contacting the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. From the age of 14, the child must receive the certificate in person. Just as in the case of a working citizen, for a student child SNILS can be issued by an educational organization.

Registration procedure

To register a citizen in the compulsory pension insurance system and receive SNILS, a person must contact the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of residence with a passport or other identification document of the person for whom the certificate is issued.

If a citizen works, he submits an application for registration of SNILS through the employer to the personnel department, otherwise, he submits the application directly to the Pension Fund.

Then the insured person’s questionnaire is filled out. After submitting all documents, questionnaires and applications, the citizen is assigned a day to receive SNILS. On the appointed day he needs to come and pick it up. It usually takes 1-3 weeks to issue a certificate.

Documents to be received

Documents to be received

To obtain SNILS you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport or birth certificate;
  • Questionnaire in form ADV-1;
  • Residence permit or temporary residence permit (for a foreigner).

The questionnaire indicates:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen;
  • Passport details;
  • Citizenship and so on.

Registration via the Internet

We would like to immediately warn you that it is not possible to register SNILS via the Internet. Such a function is not yet available either on the website of the Pension Fund, or on State Services, or on other portals. The only thing is that you can order the registration of SNILS through various companies, for which you will issue a power of attorney to receive documents on your behalf. But this method is not the safest, and it is also expensive; on average, companies ask about 2.5 thousand rubles for this service. Therefore, we do not advise you to use such services; besides, the initial registration of SNILS in person is free.


The Pension Fund is currently developing a project for registering SNILS via the Internet, so it is possible that this will become possible in the coming years. But today, such a function does not exist.

Cost of SNILS

Like an individual taxpayer number, registration of SNILS is free. This number cannot be replaced and is given to every citizen for life. Of course, it is possible that you will have to pay for the execution of this document, if drawing up a power of attorney on your behalf for another person or organization is a paid notary service, but the certificate itself does not require payment upon execution.

SNILS - insurance number of a citizen’s individual personal account in the system compulsory pension insurance. SNILS is unique and belongs to the individual personal account only one person. All data on insurance premiums accrued and paid by the employer, as well as the insurance period throughout the citizen’s entire working life, are entered into this account, which are subsequently taken into account when assigning or recalculating a pension.

Cancellation of SNILS: rumors are exaggerated

The State Duma has adopted a law which, among other things, involves the abolition of the issuance of an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS) to citizens. But in fact, this innovation is not as revolutionary as it sounds.

The change, in fact, only concerns the abolition of the so-called “”. Instead, the Pension Fund will issue a document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system. Such a document will be provided to the citizen upon his request in paper or in electronic format, confirming registration in the personalized accounting system. It is this document that will need to be presented to the employer when applying for employment or when concluding a civil law contract.

Previously issued SNILS “green cards” will remain valid along with the new document.

Why do you need a SNILS number:

  • at absence of SNILS it is impossible to officially get a job;
  • SNILS is necessary for the correct reflection of information provided by employers (policyholders) about the earned pension rights of insured persons (accrued and paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund), length of service (including those giving the right to early pension provision) on the personal accounts of insured persons. Since 2015, insurance premiums and work experience are reflected in the form of points on the citizen’s individual personal account in the Pension Fund;
  • for correct accounting of voluntary payments to the Pension Fund.

Correct and complete reflection of data on insurance premiums, voluntary payments and length of service directly affect the size of the received or future pension.


  • Without SNILS, it is impossible to receive state and municipal services via the Internet. Registration on the government services portal is possible only if SNILS is indicated;
  • when receiving a number of government services, SNILS is used to create registers of citizens entitled to government services and benefits (for example, such as receiving free medicines, including for children);
  • to reduce the number of documents when receiving various government services. SNILS serves as an identifier of information about a citizen in the system of interdepartmental interaction. With his help government agencies independently request documents for the provision of public services (for example, for maternity capital).

By the way, for schoolchildren and students who work part-time during the holidays, the presence of SNILS is of particular importance, since insurers (employers) pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for earnings (income) and these amounts, as well as work experience, must be reflected in the personal account of the insured faces.


Write down your SNILS in your notebook. Or take the form with you. Because you won’t recognize it anywhere on the Internet. They can tell you only at the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using your passport.

To whom is the insurance certificate issued?

How to obtain an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance?

You can obtain an insurance certificate for compulsory pension insurance yourself or through your employer.

Independently at the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence, if an interaction agreement has been concluded between the Pension Fund of Russia and the MFC.

You must present your passport and fill out a form. In this case, issuing an insurance certificate with SNILS takes three weeks. The same procedure goes through those who voluntarily make contributions to their future pension to the Russian Pension Fund for themselves or for another person.

SNILS For registering children in the system of compulsory pension insurance and obtaining an insurance certificate, parents (legal representatives) must contact the office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence with a passport or other identification document of the child and fill out a form (for registration of children under 14 years of age, have a certificate with you about the birth of a child and the passport of one of the parents or legal representative).

For working citizens The most common way to obtain a certificate of insurance is through your employer. If there is no insurance certificate when starting a job, the employee must fill out a questionnaire for the insured person. Then the questionnaire within two weeks from the date of conclusion employment contract or a work contract is submitted to the Pension Fund authorities for registration of the employee in the OPS system. The territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, within three weeks from the date of receipt of the insured person’s application form, opens an individual personal account and issues an insurance certificate.

The policyholder, having received insurance certificates, issues them to employees within a week.

An individual who pays insurance premiums for himself receives an insurance certificate directly from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of registration.

Note: Questionnaire of the insured person

For how long is the insurance certificate issued? What documents are needed?

The insurance certificate is issued for a lifetime.

What documents are needed to obtain an insurance certificate?

For persons under 14 years of age:

Child's birth certificate;

Identification document of the parent or his legal representative.

For minors over 14 years of age:

Passport or other identification document of the child.

For adults:

Passport (or any other ID).

What information is contained on the insurance certificate?

The insurance certificate contains:

  • individual personal account insurance number (SNILS);
  • Full Name;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • date of registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.

How to find out your SNILS number online

Often you need to find out SNILS, for example, it is lost or you don’t have it at hand. If lost, it will have to be restored.

The easiest way to find out your SNILS number is to find your pension certificate and look at it. At the very top is the required number, which consists of 11 digits.

What if you have a card, but you don’t have it with you, and you need the number urgently? In this case, the best way out of this situation would be to find out SNILS online. What do Pension Fund employees recommend doing?

Find out SNILS by TIN?

It will not be possible to find out your number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the taxpayer’s INN, because these are completely different details!

How to find out your SNILS from your passport?

If you were unable to find a “green” card, then you can come to the territorial Pension Fund. Contact the responsible employee who will tell you the SNILS number. To do this, you will need to present your passport.

Find SNILS online via the Internet?

You cannot find out your SNILS via the Internet. This opportunity is available only to users of the State Services website. Unfortunately, there is no special service for providing information about the SNILS number on this website.

But you can submit a request to receive information about your status (in the Pension savings section). When you receive a document containing the specified information, you will be able to find out not only your SNILS, but also information about your pension.

SNILS can be downloaded from the Pension Fund website

If you lose your Pension Fund insurance number, it has become even easier to restore your certificate. A service for submitting an application for a duplicate of a compulsory pension insurance certificate has been launched in the Personal Account on the Pension Fund website. The service generates an insurance certificate indicating your SNILS in electronic form, which can be immediately printed or saved in pdf format.

To obtain a duplicate certificate in the form of a regular card, you need to contact any client service of the Pension Fund or MFC.

All services provided by the Pension Fund in electronic form are combined into one portal on the Pension Fund website - es.pfrf.ru. To receive PFR services electronically, you must have a confirmed account on the government services portal.

What to do if you lose your “green card” of your SNILS insurance certificate?

You are obliged to apply for restoration of the insurance certificate within a month from the date of loss of the insurance certificate:

  • To your employer, if you work under a civil law contract, the remuneration for which is subject to insurance premiums in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The employer must submit this application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund;
  • To the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence in case of lack of work;
  • If you belong to the category of self-employed people (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact Pension Fund at the place of registration as an insured with an application for a duplicate.
  • If the lost document was issued for a child, i.e. a Russian citizen under 14 years of age, then the parents (or guardians, or representatives) of the child should contact the Pension Fund for all questions regarding the restoration of the certificate.

The application form for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate was approved by Resolution of the Pension Fund Board of January 11, 2017 No. 2p “On the forms of documents for individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system and Instructions for filling them out” and is available in any legal search engine. An application for the issuance of a duplicate insurance certificate in form ADV-3 can be filled out at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or you can fill out the form at home and bring the already completed form.

The territorial body of the pension fund will issue the citizen a duplicate insurance certificate online. When applying through an employer, a duplicate will be issued within 3 days.

Errors in SNILS of employees

At the beginning of 2017, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation transferred incorrect accounting data to the Federal Tax Service of Russia: many employees in the Federal Tax Service database had incorrect SNILS. Because of this, insurance payments for the first quarter did not go through for many organizations the first time. How to fix these errors?

There are several ways to prove to tax inspectors that your employee records are correct and thus avoid fines:

  • carry out a reconciliation of SNILS, TIN and full name of employees through Personal Area taxpayer on the Federal Tax Service website (for those who have it). In it, you can manually generate a request to check the data. Sign the request electronic signature and send. The answer will come within 24 hours. It can be downloaded in PDF. It will show whether the number is correct;
  • send scanned copies of employees’ SNILS cards via TKS to the tax office using informal document flow.

Some organizations, in order to prove the correctness of their data, send the SZV-M and the Pension Fund of Russia protocol to the Federal Tax Service using an informal document flow. But in order to use this method of proving the correctness of the accounting data, agree with the inspection in advance.

What to do if your personal data changes or you lose your SNILS or change your last name?

If an employee’s personal data (for example, last name) changes, the policyholder is obliged to submit new information to the Pension Fund within two weeks in the form of an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate. The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation reflects all changes in the individual personal account of the insured person and issues the latter a new insurance certificate with the same insurance number of the individual personal account.

Unemployed insured persons must submit an application to the Pension Fund authority at their place of residence.

In case of loss of the “green card” from SNILS

SNILS is provided to each citizen once and forever and is assigned only to him. But the “green card” itself can be lost. If such a problem occurs, restoring the certificate is simple:

  • If you are employed, contact the HR department to request a duplicate.
  • If you belong to the category of self-employed people (individual entrepreneur, lawyer, notary, etc.), contact the Russian Pension Fund at the place of your registration as an insurer with an application for a duplicate.
  • Unemployed citizens must submit an application for the restoration of a “green card” to the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence.

Within a month from the date of application from a citizen or employer, a duplicate insurance certificate will be issued based on the individual personal account data.

Note: Download the application form for a duplicate insurance certificate

A duplicate of SNILS can be obtained on the Pension Fund website online

If you have lost your SNILS green card, you do not have to go to the Pension Fund office. You can apply for a duplicate through your Personal Account on the Pension Fund website.

Getting a duplicate (which will be generated in PDF format), takes literally a few seconds.

To do this, you need to log into your Personal Account using the password and login from your account on the State Services portal, and select the item “Submit an application for a duplicate insurance certificate” in the “Individual personal account” section. A duplicate will be generated immediately after clicking the “Request” button. You can save the generated document to your computer or receive it on email and print if necessary.

If you want to receive a duplicate in the form of a “green card,” you will still have to contact the Pension Fund or the MFC.

Replacing SNILS when changing your last name

If a citizen has changed his passport data (last name, first name and/or patronymic), he needs to re-register SNILS. Otherwise, his pension savings may be lost. Because from the moment of changing personal data, in particular, full name, the previous certificate becomes invalid. Therefore, deductions are no longer transferred to the citizen’s personal account at the Pension Fund.

Usually in such a situation, PFR employees will, of course, try to contact the “renamed” citizen, but this is not always possible (for example, in the case where the Fund has outdated data on the citizen’s place of residence and telephone number).

In the case of hired workers, the issue is easier to resolve. The employer will receive a notification about the invalid SNILS, which will send the employee to change the certificate. True, the employer himself may have problems with the presentation of “pension” reporting.

For individual entrepreneur who has changed his first or last name, the timely replacement of SNILS is his sole concern and delaying the receipt of a new certificate is not in the interests of the individual entrepreneur.

Note: Download Application Form for exchange of insurance certificate

Access to information, whether to give it for storage

If the employer violates the two-week deadline for submitting documents for such an employee, he may be brought to administrative liability under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
The procedure for transferring to a non-state pension fund is given. A comparative table of NPFs is provided.

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