Let there be light: the law on lighting the adjacent territory of an apartment building. We do lighting in residential entrances of houses according to all the rules. Should there be round-the-clock lighting for the entrance of a microdistrict?

Many of us have had to return home in the dark more than once. At such moments a person understands how important lighting is inside. apartment building and around it. But what to do if there is no light either in the entrance or in the yard? Who should I contact and who is responsible for this? Let's look into this issue

In this article:

Entrance lighting

With the onset of darkness in the entrance and on stairwells In a residential building, the lights must be turned on. First of all, this is necessary for the safety of residents. Lighting in the entrance of an apartment building must meet the following requirements:

  • in public spaces a general lighting system is used;
  • if the house has more than 6 floors and more than 50 people live, then the building must be equipped with evacuation lighting;
  • evacuation lamps are installed in the main passages and in front of elevators;
  • It is allowed to use incandescent lamps, halogen and LED lamps;
  • It is recommended to cover the lamp with anti-vandal, impact-resistant glass or metal mesh;
  • The light intensity must comply with established standards.

Illumination standards are regulated by special regulatory documents, SNiP and GOST and standardized according to VSN 59-88. Lux values ​​for public areas are presented in the table:

Residents have the right to complain to the management company not only that there are no lamps, but also that their light is not intense enough.

Lighting in the basement

There are special requirements for organizing basement lighting due to the special microclimate inside the room. As a rule, it is always humid there and dampness may occur, so lamps must meet electrical and fire safety standards.

The power must be reduced to 42 W using a step-down transformer. The lamp body must be grounded. When laying cables, it is not recommended to connect copper and aluminum wires, which react when exposed to moisture. The wiring is placed in special corrugated pipes, which are called a sleeve.

Lighting of the local area

Before you figure out what standards lighting must meet local area and the courtyard of an apartment building, you need to figure out what is included in this concept - “domestic area”. According to the law this is:

  • the land plot on which the house is built, its dimensions are determined by the cadastre;
  • landscaping elements (this includes, among other things, lamps);
  • objects intended for use at home ( heating points, transformer, children's and sports grounds, car parking).

Directly lighting the courtyard of an apartment building can be done in three ways:

  1. A lantern under the canopy above the door to the entrance. This is convenient because you can take a low-power lamp and you won’t need much light. The disadvantage is that only a small area in front of the door will be illuminated.
  2. Lantern over the entrance canopy. It is advisable to take a lamp with a luminous flux of at least 3500 Lm and a circular luminous intensity. Placed at a height of 5 meters at an angle of 25 degrees to the horizontal. But, despite the fact that the entire yard is illuminated in this way, the area next to the door remains in darkness.
  3. A combination of the two previous options. Most the best way lighting the yard, but it consumes a lot of electricity.

Standards have also been developed for lighting the surrounding area, which are presented in the table:

Some residents insist on installing lighting fixtures with motion sensors in order to save energy. It makes sense to install such lamps inside entrances, whereas on the streets they will not work quite correctly. On the street, the sensor can be triggered by the movement of an animal, and the light will turn on when it is not required.

Who is responsible for lighting the house?

According to Federal Law No. 131, local governments are responsible for the lighting of streets, roads and courtyards. But maintaining the functionality of the lamps is the responsibility of the residents of the house.

According to the Housing Code Russian Federation Responsibility for light inside residential buildings and in the local area lies with the management company with which the residents entered into an agreement. The text of the agreement states what services the management company provides, what it is responsible for, and what the procedure is for dealing with problems or controversial issues that arise.

What to do if residents find that there is no light in the entrance, common areas, basement or adjacent area? They need to take the following steps:

  1. An act is drawn up that describes the problem.
  2. The act is signed by at least 3 people. These could be neighbors, a senior person in the building, or the chairman of the house.
  3. Evidence of the existence of the problem is attached to the report. For example, a photo of the absence of light in the evening.
  4. The documents are transferred to the management company.
  5. Within seven days, management company employees check and analyze information, troubleshoot problems and draw up their own report on the problem.
  6. A document detailing all actions taken to resolve the problem is handed over to the applicants.

If the management company fails to fulfill its responsibilities and refuses to fulfill what is specified in the contract, residents have the right to terminate the agreement with it and enter into an agreement with another organization.

Who pays for the lighting of the courtyard and entrances of an apartment building? According to the Federal Law, the area around the house, like the entrances, is common property. The costs of lighting and troubleshooting are borne directly by the building occupants. Moreover, the costs are divided for each owner depending on the area of ​​his apartment.

You should pay attention to whether it is documented that this particular local area is the common property of this particular house. If there are no such notes, then inclusion of payment for it in the receipt is unlawful.

Lighting of multi-storey buildings is strictly regulated by laws and sanitary standards. If one of the important parameters is not met - there is no light at all, it is not bright enough, the lighting is organized without taking into account the safety of the residents, then the residents of the house have the right to apply to the management company, the local administration or even to the court.

In order to find out exactly who cares about the performance of yard lights, you will have to turn to Federal Law No. 131.

It clearly states that all streets, roads, and alleys are under the auspices of local governments, just like courtyards.

The organization of lighting in the courtyard of an apartment building at night, in the evening, and also early in the morning is a matter of local importance. Thus, the district administration is responsible for this.

But despite this, the immediate responsibility for maintaining lighting fixtures in working order falls on the shoulders of the residents themselves.

It is citizens interested in lighting that must necessarily enter into an agreement with the administration or other organizations that are able to organize electricity to power the lanterns.

As for the repair, operation and maintenance of power lines, these issues are dealt with by the same companies that specialize in this. They will properly fulfill their duties if you conclude an agreement with them on time.

However, the courtyards in question are not public areas. They fall into the category of local area, and this is a slightly different concept.

If you believe Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, then the residents of the house enter into an agreement with a certain organization with a role, which can be played by the management bodies of a housing or consumer cooperative, or the developer.

The last case is regulated by Article 161 of the RF Housing Code.

Such an agreement specifies the responsibilities of the organization, which include various services and actions for proper care and maintenance property belonging to the house. Utilities may also be included here.

All these services are provided for a reason. Residents must pay them monthly. This is also regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, namely Article 154.

Thus, the maintenance fee street lamps in working order is included in the receipts that residents receive every month.

Lighting standards

Lighting standards for the local area of ​​an apartment building are established in accordance with, namely:

  • there must be at least 6 suites at the entrance to the building;
  • there must be at least 4 suites on the pedestrian path leading to the building;
  • main passages running in microdistricts should be illuminated at 4 lux;
  • driveways secondary type, as well as courtyards and various utility areas should be illuminated within 2 lux.

In addition, there are pre-designed lighting options. They provide for a specific placement of lighting fixtures and their corresponding type. The options are as follows:

When residents are faced with the task of designing lighting for their yard, in addition to the financial component, they must take into account such factors as the resistance of the lanterns to hooligans and protection from falling icicles in the winter.

Whatever option the citizens living in the house choose, they must first of all be guided by the lighting standards that are adopted in Russia.

They were invented for a reason, and failure to comply with them can result not only in liability before the law, but also in some human casualties.

What to do if there is no light?

If there is no light in the yard for any reason, residents of the house who are dissatisfied with this state of affairs can legally come with complaints to the local administration.

Before making fiery statements addressed to employees of the above-mentioned administrative body, you need to carefully read Federal Law No. 131, which states that Local governments and no one else are responsible for organizing street lighting.

Even in Russia, there is a special GOST, which sets out the requirements for the order in which lighting is organized.

Complaints must be submitted in writing to the administration in charge of the municipality. Oddly enough, they are the ones who should be responsible for maintaining street lighting.

When drawing up a complaint, you must be guided by the Federal Law, which was mentioned above.

It clearly lists all the responsibilities that are assigned to bodies involved in local self-government.

It is among their responsibilities that the organization of energy supply for the entire population is included.

For greater persuasiveness, the written complaint must be accompanied by the signatures of all residents of the dissatisfied building. This will give it collective order and within a month it will definitely be reviewed and action taken.

If the administration refuses to take action, then residents can immediately apply to the court. Such a statement must indicate the very fact of inaction of local government bodies.

You can also add that they refuse to fulfill their legal duties. However, in such a situation it should be remembered that the inflated empty space Nobody needs a conflict with the administration, especially if it promises to drag on for a long time.

But if the power supply magically disappeared, in general, then something should definitely be done about it, and a statement to the court would be a completely adequate response on the part of the residents.

The same should be done if the lighting equipment is completely faulty.

In the case when the question concerns several burnt out light bulbs, it will be enough to simply contact the Municipal Economy Committee under the Administration.

Most often, they respond very quickly to signals from residents and ensure that the yard is illuminated as required by law.


From everything that was written above, we can conclude that organizing the lighting of the local area and maintaining the lanterns in working order is essentially a simple task.

However, there are also pitfalls here, and in order not to stumble upon them, you need to carefully study the lighting standards and the Federal laws that were discussed.

High-quality lighting in entrances apartment buildings is the most important factor comfort of residents. In most cases, ordinary incandescent lamps are used as a light source. But this type of artificial lighting has recently lost its relevance due to the fragility of use, significant consumption of energy resources, as well as a high degree of incandescence (up to 360°C), which can cause a fire. Today people are looking for alternative light sources.

Lighting in the entrances of residential buildings according to SanPiN standards

First, let's study the basic lighting standards that apply to entrance premises.

According to the sanitary and epidemiological rules and SanPin standards in force in Russia since August 15, 2010, Section five “ Hygienic requirements to natural and artificial lighting and insolation" (clauses 5.4., 5.5 and 5.6) states that:

  • Each entrance and other premises of a residential building must be provided with general and local artificial lighting.
  • Illumination where they are located landings, steps of stairs, elevator halls, floor corridors, lobbies, basements and attics, should not be lower than 20 lux on the floor.
  • Each main entrance to a residential building must be equipped with lamps that provide illumination of at least 6 lux at the entrance area, for horizontal surfaces - from 10 lux, for vertical surfaces - to a height of two meters from the floor. It is also necessary to illuminate the pedestrian path at the entrance to the apartment building.

Moreover, in accordance with clause 7.62 of SNiP 23-05-95, every building with more than six storeys must be equipped with evacuation lighting. This ensures safe evacuation of people from the building in the event that the working lighting disappears.

According to clause 7.63, emergency lighting must illuminate stairs with at least 0.5 lux on the steps. In this case, it is important to observe the condition that the difference between the maximum and minimum illuminated areas does not exceed the ratio of 1:40.

Don't forget about mandatory availability evacuation lighting on the street. Here the illumination level of the ground should be only 0.2 lux.

  • Do not confuse emergency and evacuation exits

Lighting sources in the entrances of residential buildings

According to numerous observations, the light sources in hallways and other common areas in multi-story buildings are light bulbs with an average power of 60 W. Lamps are usually installed without shades, which is a gross violation of the requirements fire safety. In its turn fire danger Incandescent lamps are usually considered in 2 aspects:

  • the possibility of fire as a result of contact of the lamp with flammable material;
  • the likelihood of fire when hot particles of a light bulb, formed during its destruction, come into contact with nearby combustible materials.

The first aspect is due primarily to the fact that the temperature of the incandescent lamp bulb after one hour of burning reaches 360 ° C (provided that the light bulb power is up to 100 W). This is why dark, smoky circles form on the ceiling above the lamps.

The second factor is improper operation, when, in addition to using a light bulb without a diffuser, permissible distance to flammable materials. This phenomenon is relevant for cramped apartment vestibules, which residents of apartment buildings use as improvised storage rooms.

Safety cannot be guaranteed by sufficient distance alone. A fire hazard can occur due to hot metal particles that are formed when a light bulb burns out. The falling particles can ignite even when falling from a 10-meter height.

Quite often you can encounter a violation when aluminum wires are extended using copper wires with twists. This creates galvanic steam, which destroys the contact (electrochemical corrosion occurs and the contact resistance increases). All this can lead to a fire due to overheating of the wire connection.

The following main power supply systems are distinguished:

  1. the entire system without the use of diodes;
  2. the entire system is turned on when diodes are used;
  3. various combinations (diodes are partially installed in light bulbs and switches).

The diode is electronic element, which has varying degrees of conductivity depending on the direction of the current. In apartment buildings, it is used to reduce the effective voltage on incandescent lamps and, accordingly, reduce energy consumption and increase the life of the lamps.

Diodes installed in the lighting system in the entrances of apartment buildings lead to flickering of incandescent lamps, which in turn creates additional discomfort.

In this case, the voltage decreases from 220 to 156 V, but it is important to understand that an incandescent lamp is a nonlinear element, so its energy consumption will be reduced by only 42%. In this case, the luminous flux, which is the main parameter of the light source by which the level of illumination in the entrance is assessed, can decrease to only 27%.

This is how incandescent lamps lose their energy efficiency: if a conventional light bulb is characterized by a luminous flux of 800 lm and a power of 60 W (the luminous efficiency indicator is 13.3 lm/W), then as a result of connecting diodes, the luminous flux will be 216 lm and the power will be 34.8 W ( the luminous efficiency in this case is 6.2 lm/W).

In order to compensate for the reduced luminous flux, residents of apartment buildings install higher power bulbs (up to 200 W), which in turn provokes an increase in electricity consumption when the lighting in the entrances is turned on.

That is why it is recommended to install energy efficient sources Sveta. Today the market offers a range of the following energy-efficient light sources (ELS), which are used as lighting in entrances residential buildings: fluorescent lamps (which include KLE), LED bulbs and lamps.

Fluorescent lamps have one significant drawback - they contain mercury vapor, so it is necessary to follow the rules for their disposal, and there is also a switch-on delay (the light bulb, as a rule, reaches the rated luminous flux after a certain period of time). The service life of these devices for lighting in entrances is about 25 thousand hours, but in practice their service life is shorter due to the fact that tungsten electrodiodes often burn out. The switched-on light bulb heats up to sixty degrees, and in the case when it is used as part of closed lamps, heat generation leads to overheating of the electronics and premature failure of the lamp. These devices do not have a warranty period. Also, you should not lose sight of the human factor: cases often arise when light bulbs are stolen by residents themselves in order to then use them to illuminate their own apartment.

LED lamps have one and only one significant drawback: high cost. But this price is justified due to economical energy consumption, even in comparison with CLE. But when you use this lamp in a standard lamp, the quality of light distribution on the illuminated surface may decrease, since it produces a narrow beam of light. So, it is advisable to install LED lamps in chandeliers.

If you are thinking about what to buy as a light source in the entrance - an LED lamp or a lamp, then it is better to give preference to the second option, since an LED lamp is subject to the same human factor and the possibility of overheating of electronics (as is the case with CLE).

The modern market offers two varieties LED lamps, which can be used for lighting in entrances: based on a driverless circuit, as well as using a driver. The main job of the driver is to convert alternating current and high voltage primary circuit into constant stabilized current and low voltage, which are acceptable for powering LEDs. Thanks to reduced voltage secondary circuit safety is ensured during electrical installation work of lighting in entrances.

A characteristic feature of the circuit without the use of a driver is that the lamp uses 2070 LEDs low power(up to 0.3 W), which are connected in series to power them with high voltage (more than 70 V). Reliability of all technical systems is inversely proportional to the number of elements used. Burnout of any LED can disable the lamp in the entrance. There is no protection system.

The absence of a driver causes incorrect power supply to the LEDs, which in turn reduces the lamp life from 50 to 30 thousand hours. Another significant drawback of such a lamp is the high pulsation coefficient.

  • Energy-efficient renovation of apartment buildings in Russia: myth or reality

Automatic lighting in the entrances of apartment buildings

Today, a wide variety of automatic lighting systems in entrances are being developed and implemented. Each entrance has its own lighting scheme, based on the location of the entrance, the number of floors of the building, the integrity of the homeowners and many other factors. Below we will take a closer look at the most common and successful options:

Option 1. Automatic lighting in entrances, controlled using push-button posts.

This method of controlling lighting in hallways is especially suitable low-rise buildings, where conscious citizens live, since this method makes it possible to save cash. But how this will happen depends only on the residents of the entrance.

Its main advantage is its simplicity and cost, which is much more profitable than other options.

Thus, there are various ways to control lighting in the entrance:

  • The first option is represented by a push-button post located at the entrance to the entrance and on each floor. The process is as follows: a person enters the entrance and presses a button to turn on the light: due to this action, the lighting in the entire entrance is started. When entering the apartment, the button is used to turn off the lights - and the lighting goes out.
  • Another option is to turn off the lighting using a push-button post, not in the entire entrance, but only on the flight of stairs. This method implies that the light is extinguished on each floor corridor separately under the influence of its own starter. This option is somewhat more economical, however, more complex and expensive to implement.

As a rule, push-button posts can be replaced with “pass-through” switch circuits. Electrical diagram in this case it will look much more complicated, but may save money. But such lighting is not suitable for everyone.

  • The third method allows you to control lighting in basements, attics, as well as outdoor lighting from different points, which can be selected separately.
  • In the case when in your apartment building You cannot rely on the conscientiousness of the residents; you can organize the switching off of the lighting in the entrances using an appropriate timer.

Option 2. Use of light sensors in entrances.

In the case where the entrance is well lit due to natural insolation, light sensors should be used. Of course, this option does not provide significant savings, however, it can be used as an alternative to the switch.

In order to this method implement, simply install and configure one light sensor, which should be mounted in the dark place entrance.

This device is activated in the dark, provides an impulse to turn on the light using a starter or through its own contacts. In this case, the lighting can work not only in the entrance, but also outside.

Light sensors are usually powered through a regular switch.

Option 3. Use of lighting motion sensors in entrances.

Automatic lighting in entrances is gradually becoming more popular. This option provides significant savings without requiring any action on the part of residents. The main factor in this matter is competent organization, taking into account the characteristics of the entrance.

In order to ensure the normal functioning of this circuit, it is necessary to install a sensor on each floor. Sometimes such a device is also installed at the entrance to the entrance. When a person enters the entrance, the sensor located at the entrance is automatically triggered. After which the lighting on the stairs and the 1st floor is turned on. If an elevator is installed in the apartment building, then an impulse is also given to illuminate the passage to the elevator. If necessary, the staircase is also illuminated.

After the sensor is triggered, the countdown begins until the lighting in the entrance turns off. This time period is quite enough to slowly climb to the second floor.

In the case where there is no elevator in the house, man walking up the stairs and finds himself in the range of sensors located on the second floor. This device is triggered and gives an impulse to turn on the lighting on the stairs and in the corridor of the 2nd floor. So, even after some time, the light on the stairs will not go out.

By the same analogy, lighting is turned on on other floors in the entrances of the apartment building.

In the case where elevator equipment is installed in the entrance, it will be somewhat more difficult to independently create an optimal lighting scheme for the entrance. This is only possible thanks to integration with elevator equipment. It is desirable that when the elevator call button is pressed, an impulse is given to turn on the lighting system. But this option quite difficult to implement. It is much easier to connect lighting to a limit switch so that the elevator doors open automatically. However, this requires hiring specialists.

That is why the most often used scheme is to turn on the lighting in the entrance using a motion sensor when a person leaves the elevator.

Option 4. Combined lighting schemes for entrances.

As a rule, a combined method is used to illuminate entrances and basements. At the same time, the choice of lighting scheme in entrances is influenced primarily by the assigned tasks and the type of room. Some lighting methods can be called universal, which are suitable for many rooms.

For example, a light sensor is the main option. When the light level drops, the device reacts and gives an impulse that turns on the main starter, which in turn powers the motion sensors and activates the lighting of the corridors, elevator, as well as insolation outside the house and evacuation lighting. The main lighting of entrances is provided by motion sensors, and in other rooms - by means of ordinary or walk-through switches.

  • Repair of apartment building entrances: procedure and responsibility of the management company

Expert opinion

How to save money on lighting public areas

V.D. Shcherban,

Chairman of the HOA “Moskovskaya 117” (Kaluga)

In 2008, an electric meter was installed that takes into account the consumption of the entire volume of electricity spent on equipment located in public areas - from lighting of entrances, equipment of communication providers to automatic gates. Alternative options for MOP did not yet exist at that time. The equipment of communication providers was installed in the apartment building, and an agreement was concluded with them, according to which they had to pay for the electricity consumed. Motion sensors were installed in the entrances, and conventional incandescent lamps were replaced with energy-saving ones. Thus, there was a serious saving in costs for lighting of public areas - about 150 kW/h per month.

Who pays for lighting in hallways, and how is the amount determined?

General house needs mean a whole range of services - from lighting in the entrances and elevator operation to wet cleaning premises and cleaning of engineering systems.

Previously, electricity consumption for general household needs was indicated in the receipt as a separate item and was called “ONE”, but in January 2017 this column was removed from the bills.

Today, there are 2 options for calculating payment for electricity consumption on one-stage power supply:

  1. If there is a common house meter.

In the case when a common building meter is installed in an apartment building, the general building needs are determined by Energonadzor employees and representatives of the building, who were elected during a general meeting of residents. Then calculate the difference between the values ​​of the common building meter and the values ​​of the metering devices of each apartment multi-story building. The calculation also takes into account residential square meters that are not equipped with sensors.

The resulting indicator is distributed among all apartment owners according to the occupied area. Consequently, the larger the total area of ​​the apartment, the more expensive the electricity supply unit costs the owner.

Pay attention to the formula by which the size of one electricity supply is calculated in the case when a meter is installed in a multi-storey building:

Electricity according to ODN = (Electricity meter indicators - Cumulative amount of electricity consumed in non-residential premises, which are not common property - The total amount of resource in each residential apartment where electricity meters are installed - The volume of electricity consumed in apartments where meters are not installed) × Total area of ​​the apartment × Total area of ​​all apartments in a high-rise building.

  1. In the absence of a common house meter.

If a multi-storey building does not have a communal electricity meter installed, then in this case the standard set by the regional administration is taken as the unit of payment. You can view this indicator on the region’s official website. The standard is a limit value, but in the case when residents’ expenses exceed the established value, they may decide to pay a large amount, if they wish. Of course, this doesn't happen in real life.

The formula for calculating one electricity charge for multi-storey buildings that do not have a common building meter installed is as follows:

Volume of one unit = Electricity consumption standard established by the administration × Area of ​​premises included in the common property × Total area of ​​the apartment / Area of ​​all apartments in a high-rise building.

Expert opinion

How to charge fees for general house needs according to the new rules

Olesya Leshchenko,

Executive Director of the Association of Management Organizations "Comfortable Home"

Lyubov Chesnokova,

editor-in-chief of the magazine “Management of Apartment Buildings”

There are 5 steps for calculating payment for one owner:

  1. Calculate the volume of actually consumed utility resources.
  2. Determine the standard amount of communal resource.
  3. The obtained indicators are compared and the largest of them is selected for subsequent calculation.
  4. Determine the cost of utility resources for the apartment building as a whole.
  5. The resulting amount is distributed among the apartment owners.

According to the Ministry of Construction, it is advisable to divide the fee among the owners of apartments in an apartment building in accordance with the area they occupy.

Initially, you can include payment for utilities for general house needs without a decision of the meeting of residents of the house (according to Part 10 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 No. 176-FZ).

Then you should carefully check that the list of services provided by the company and provides in an apartment building corresponds to the minimum list of works and services approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The consumption standards for each utility resource on the ODN are presented:

  • regulatory technological losses of communal resources (inevitable and justified);
  • the volume of utility resources consumed in case of fulfillment of the minimum list of services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

If the number of works and services provided in accordance with the MKD management agreement exceeds this minimum list, then it is necessary to organize a meeting of apartment owners in the MKD to discuss an increase in the amount of payment utilities due to exceeding the consumption standards of certain utility resources at ODN.

Who replaces lighting in hallways?

When there is no lighting in the entrance, you can try to independently determine the cause of the breakdown.

There may be no lighting in the entrance due to:

  • light bulb malfunction;
  • damage to the ceiling;
  • wiring shorts;
  • breakage of switches;
  • failure of the distribution board;
  • accidents at the substation;
  • carrying out scheduled work by electrical network specialists.

After you independently identify the cause of the problem or discover that there is no lamp in the entrance, replace it, or contact the HOA or management company.

Option 1. Independent replacement of lighting in the entrance.

You can replace a lamp or ceiling lamp in a stairwell yourself, but any other problem must be resolved only with the help of specialists.

To resolve any such issue in switchboard be sure to shut off the power supply.

Often, there may be no lighting in the entrance simply because the light bulb has burned out, or due to power surges. Also, in order to understand why there is no power supply, you should find out whether there is light in other entrances of your house and nearby buildings.

If you hear a crackling sound or smell a burning smell in the area of ​​the switch or wiring, then you should urgently contact the electrical service.

In order to promptly provide lighting in the entrance, on the staircase, in the elevator, in the attic, technical floors and other common areas, residents should collectively solve the problem that has arisen. Neighbors can take turns changing the light bulbs in the entrance. This way you can save time, however, it is not a fact that all residents will conscientiously fulfill this obligation.

Option 2. Replacement of lighting in the entrance of the HOA or management company.

Sometimes to decide this problem, residents of an apartment building write a corresponding application to the HOA or management company. The HOA is more efficient, since this partnership controls only one or a few houses, unlike management companies, which service dozens of apartment buildings, and sometimes you have to wait quite a long time for a replacement light bulb.

In both cases, the costs incurred in connection with the data technical work, paid by residents. The electricity bill also includes intercom operation, pumping stations and other electrical appliances that are common property. In cases where tenants live in some apartments, this service is paid minus the amount of money that was charged to the landlords.

  • The law on silence in Moscow and the region from January 1, 2018 and how the Criminal Code can use it correctly

Thus, if residents have a problem with lighting in the entrance for the reason that a light bulb has burned out, then they have every right to demand a replacement from their management company, because if in the dark one of the owners gets injured in the entrance, then the fault will be entirely lie with the management company.

In the event that the HOA or management authority refuse to fulfill their direct responsibilities or ignore the statements of the residents, then you should contact them with a collective complaint and try again to resolve this issue with lighting in the entrance. In the event that the repeated appeal remains unanswered, the owners have the right to take more stringent measures against the HOA or management company. In order to resolve the current situation, they need to file a complaint with local authorities. And if the issue cannot be resolved peacefully, then you can go to court and demand compensation for moral damage from the management company.

  • Residents' complaints about the management company: how to process and systematize applications

What are the possible consequences for the management company if there is no lighting in the entrances?

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2007, the rules for maintaining common areas in apartment buildings mean maintenance and repair work of electric networks of apartment buildings, as well as lamps. This mainly means performing work aimed at creating favorable conditions for supplying electricity to the MOP.

In accordance with Appendix No. 4 of the “List of Works on the Maintenance of MKD”, the list of these works aimed at the maintenance of MKD is presented by eliminating any minor malfunction of electrical appliances (from wiping light bulbs, changing burnt-out lamps in common areas to replacing and repairing sockets and switches and small electrical wiring repairs, etc.).

Appendix No. 1 to Resolution No. 170 of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation talks about conducting a scheduled and partial inspection by the management company, as well as the subsequent replacement of burnt-out light bulbs (with starters) with the regularity that is pre-specified in the MKD management agreement.

In addition, Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 provides for the fact that residents of apartment buildings have the right to submit an appropriate application for the elimination of a particular malfunction of engineering equipment and structures. Applications are subject to consideration on the same day when they are received by the Administrative Office, and no later than the next day, the problem with lighting in the entrance must be eliminated. In a situation where the elimination of a particular malfunction requires a long time or the replacement of a spare part that is not currently available, the residents of the apartment building must certainly be notified about the circumstances that have arisen. The same scheme should be used to process requests received by telephone or dispatch communication system.

Each management company is obliged to keep records of accepted applications to eliminate problems with lighting in the entrance, as well as malfunctions of engineering and technical equipment in residential premises and other elements of apartment buildings and ensure strict quality control and deadlines for fulfilling these obligations of the management company.

According to Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170 on the maximum time frame for troubleshooting in the event of unscheduled repair work individual elements MKD and their engineering and technical equipment, troubleshooting the lighting system at the entrance (implying replacement of an electric lamp, fluorescent lamp, switch and structural element lamp) must be carried out within 7 days after receipt of the corresponding application from the residents of the apartment building to the MA.

The management company is responsible for the maintenance of the MNP, including the obligation to monitor the serviceability of lighting in the entrances of the MKD. Therefore, the management company must replace burnt out lamps if necessary. It is important to understand that lighting faults in the entrances should be identified and eliminated both as a result of a scheduled inspection carried out by the management authority (according to the schedule for carrying out these works approved by the Criminal Code), and on the basis of an application received from the residents of the apartment building to eliminate the damage.

If the management company does not eliminate the malfunctions in the lighting system at the entrance (including not replacing a burnt-out light bulb), which were identified as a result of a routine inspection or on the basis of an application received from apartment building residents, after 7 days after the corresponding application was received by the management company, this is a violation for which the management company can be brought to justice administrative responsibility.

According to Article 7.22 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for violation established rules Responsibility is provided for the maintenance and repair of apartment buildings. In case of violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of apartment buildings, officials responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings are subject to an administrative fine in the amount of 4 to 5 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from forty to fifty thousand rubles.

The State Housing Inspectorate (SHI) is authorized to monitor the rights and interests of apartment building residents and the state in the process of providing housing and utility services to citizens. GZHI specialists and city administration employees draw up appropriate protocols in case of detection of administrative violations under Article 7.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The article is good. The comment refers to the work - the properties of the site. Full or partial copying of materials is permitted only if the source is indicated and a direct link to the site roskvartal.ru is added Source: RosKvartal® - Internet service No. 1 for management organizations There are no objections to this requirement. But why is the site made (arranged) in such a way that it is impossible for oneself to use your materials? Of course, not only your site is guilty of trying to complicate copying materials from the page - copying with normal formatting (text only) is not supported. It looks "redneck". Those who need it will still copy and apply your material, “but a residue remains.” You are getting negative energy from many users, no doubt. Think about it. do you need it? I think that it is much better to communicate with people “humanly”. If I liked the text, I can save it for myself to use offline. If I don’t follow the quotation rules, God will punish me even without you. Thank you for your attention and understanding! Today we will tell you how installing light sensors and motion sensors in apartment buildings will help management organizations save energy resources. OUs learn to save energy. This is required by the rules on energy efficiency of apartment buildings. This approach reduces general house energy consumption, reduces the depreciation load on network engineering. How to improve the energy efficiency of a building Why install light sensors and motion sensors After approval on September 1, 2016 by the Russian government road map increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and structures and after the adoption of a number of regulatory legal acts, the topic of using all possible ways to save energy resources has become relevant again. Installing light sensors and motion sensors in the house, in addition to the listed advantages, will relieve the workload of full-time employees of the management organization, housing cooperatives and homeowners associations. They will not need to change burnt-out “Ilyich lamps” every other day and respond to calls from residents. The person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building, at least once a year, is obliged to develop and bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building proposals on measures to save energy and increase energy efficiency in the apartment building. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the costs of carrying out such measures, the amount of expected reduction in energy resources used and the payback period of the proposed measures (Part 7 of Article 12 N 261-FZ). If you do not save on the use of energy resources, this will naturally lead to a decrease in the energy efficiency class of the house. The state housing supervision authority may not confirm it at the same level. For example, instead of an increased class C, the GZhN body can, after checking, establish class D, which in the classification has the value “normal”. In this situation, the owners of apartment buildings and organizations responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings are looking for all possible ways to save the energy resources used. One of these methods is the installation of light sensors and motion sensors. They are also called twilight switches. What energy efficiency requirements exist for buildings? How are light sensors installed in apartment buildings? Management organizations, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives do not have a direct obligation to install light sensors in apartment buildings. Such an obligation is not provided for by the Minimum List of Services and Works approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 N 290. At the same time, paragraphs. “g” clause 10 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in MKD, which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, establishes the obligation to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency. If the house is serviced by a management organization, then the installation of light sensors will require an OSS solution, unless, of course, the building authority installs the light sensors at its own expense. In the second case, all you need is a management decision and proper funding. Taking into account the fact that the management organization always has an electrician on staff, it does not seem difficult to install light sensors at least on the first floors. If the apartment building manages a housing cooperative or a homeowners association, then prerequisite financing of work on the installation of light sensors must be approved by this item of expenditure in the estimate of income and expenses. This estimate is approved: general meeting members of the HOA, through targeted financing, by including the column “other expenses” in the estimate. The installation of light sensors can be financed from the capital repair fund if the established contributions for capital repairs exceed the minimum established in the region. Remember that in this case, you can spend the difference between the regional minimum and the actual fees for major repairs on any type of work only with the consent of the OSS. The decision must be made by ⅔ votes (Part 3 of Article 166 of the RF Housing Code). What needs to be done to make the overhaul of common property energy efficient What rules must be followed when installing light sensors Installation of light sensors does not require any special approvals from supervisory authorities, in particular, fire supervision. But there is one mandatory requirement that must be taken into account during installation - the horizontal distance from fire alarm detectors to electric lights must be at least 0.5 meters. This requirement follows from clause 13.3.6 N SP 5.13130.2009.

Comfortable living of residents in an apartment building is ensured different ways. One of them is lighting in the entrance. Although many residents continue to use incandescent lamps, their popularity is growing alternative sources lighting, as they are more economical, durable and have a low incandescent level.

High-quality lighting in the entrance is a necessary condition for a safe and comfortable stay for residents.

Entrance lighting can be arranged in an economical way. Innovative bulbs provide soft light that is at the same time more intense and less expensive. This is not done on your own. It is necessary to contact the management company, which is obliged to respond if the lighting does not meet the established requirements.

Currently, many entrances are installed automatic system. Thanks to this, it significantly reduces electricity costs. This also complies with the requirements established in legislation.

Sample application for modernization of lighting in the entrance.

Each apartment building entrance is required to be equipped with lighting fixtures. IN regulatory documents indicates what the illumination should be (in lux). The rules do not provide categorical instructions on certain lighting devices.

However, there is an indication that lamps should be economical, with greater light output and service life.

Both fluorescent and LED lamps, including LED strips, meet these conditions.

Lighting standards for various parts of the entrance and utility rooms

Lighting in entrances different rooms has its own standards and rules (GOSTs, construction SNiP). The main ones include the following:

  • standardization is carried out according to table VSN 59-88, which contains two types of standards: light from incandescent or fluorescent lamps;
  • in elevators, lamps have an illumination power of 20 lux (for fluorescent lamps) and 7 lux (for incandescent lamps);
  • wheelchair spaces are illuminated with incandescent light bulbs;
  • elevator shafts - 5 lux incandescent light bulbs;
  • basement and attic spaces, as well as electrical switchboards, garbage collection rooms and others, are illuminated with incandescent light bulbs with a power of 10 lux.

Incandescent lamps are gradually becoming a thing of the past. And the leading positions are occupied more and more confidently LED devices, as the most economical and durable.

Standards for controlling entrance lighting

Automation undergoes regular modernization. Regulatory documentation does not always have time to change in connection with emerging technologies. Therefore, lighting standards in the entrances of residential buildings are often advisory in nature. IN in this case you need to remember the following points:

  • the automatic system must be turned on and off manually;
  • when installing a system that reacts automatically, the light should turn on with different degrees of illumination;
  • if sensors are used, then emergency lighting is provided, switched on in the staircases automatically and manually;
  • The devices that illuminate the attic are located outside this room.

Who pays for lighting in hallways, and how is the amount determined?

Lighting in hallways is a general household need. If previously the consumption of electricity for general household needs was indicated separately in the receipt, then from the beginning of 2017 this item was removed. Currently, the calculation is performed depending on the presence or absence of a common building meter.

If a common house meter is installed, then the indicators are determined by employees of the supervisory authority together with representatives of the house. After this, the difference between the received amount and the metering values ​​in each apartment is calculated.

Quantity also matters square meters, not equipped with sensors. The result is distributed among homeowners depending on the area of ​​the room. The more square meters in the apartment, the more you will have to pay for electrical energy according to the ODN.

If there is no meter, then payment is made in accordance with current regulations established in the region.

Motion sensor in the entrance - reacts to the movement of objects in its “area of ​​responsibility”.

Who replaces lighting in hallways?

If there is no light in the entrance, then the reason can be determined independently. It could be as follows:

  • light bulb burnout;
  • lamp malfunction;
  • short circuit;
  • damage to switches;
  • breakdown of the distribution board;
  • accident;
  • planned work.

After determining the cause of the breakdown, the management company or homeowners association is reported. These organizations are responsible for providing light in the entrances of an apartment building (the responsibility does not apply to balconies, the decision on lighting of which is made by homeowners).

Expert opinion

Mironova Anna Sergeevna

Generalist lawyer. Specializes in family matters, civil, criminal and housing law

Replacement of light bulbs is the responsibility of the management company. Troubleshooting and replacement are carried out based on the results of routine inspections. They are carried out according to a set schedule.

Where to go if there is no lighting in the entrances

Residents can call or come to the management office and submit a corresponding application. Specialists of the management company must conduct necessary work the very next day after the application. In case of delay, residents have the right to contact the housing inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. In some cases, the period during which work is performed may be extended to 7 days.

What are the possible consequences for the management company if there is no lighting in the entrances?

Lighting in the entrance is very important, because in addition to direct use, it ensures the safety of residents and protection against theft. Therefore, authorized organizations are required to promptly respond to these applications.

If after 7 days after filing the application the problem is not resolved, the management company may be held legally liable under the Code of Administrative Offenses. In accordance with Article 7.22 of the Code, officials are subject to a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles. And the fine for legal entities ranges from 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

Art. 7.22 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the maintenance and repair of residential buildings and (or) residential premises.

The rights and legitimate interests of citizens are controlled by the state housing inspection. Specialists of this organization and administration have the right to draw up protocols if relevant violations are identified.

Automation schemes for entrance lighting

Lighting in the entrances of apartment buildings is carried out in different ways. Each scheme has its own characteristics. They can combine each other or have similar characteristics. Below are the options that are most common.

Lighting control using push-button stations

The method is more suitable for low-rise buildings, whose residents have a conscientious attitude. With its help it is possible to save money, but this depends only on the residents. The main advantage of this method is its affordable price.

Management is carried out in two ways.

The first one is a push-button post located in the entrance hall and on each floor.

The second one makes it possible to turn the light on and off only at the stairwell. Basements and attics have external lighting in the form of a standard switch or a special sensor.

If apartment owners do not show awareness in general house issues, then the lights can be turned off using a timer.

Using Light Sensors

If there is good natural light, using a system with light sensors is a suitable option. This is not the most economical option, but is used as an alternative to a standard switch.

The sensor is installed in a dark place. The device works when it gets dark. In this case, the lighting can be turned on in the entrance or outside the room. In utility rooms, it is advisable to use standard switches.

Using motion sensors

This scheme arose not so long ago, but its popularity is growing every year. When using motion sensors, savings are achieved. Moreover, no attention is required from the residents.

In this case, sensors are installed on each floor, but sometimes - one at the entrance to the entrance. After the device is triggered, the time until shutdown is counted. If there is an elevator, the lights are turned on differently. Most often, the sensor is triggered when leaving the elevator. It is better to equip the utility rooms of the entrance with standard switches.

Combined lighting schemes

Often combined lighting schemes are used in entrances. At the same time, they are guided by the type of room and the tasks assigned. For example, the main starter is a light sensor that is activated in low light and sends a signal to motion sensors mounted outside, in the lobby and in the elevator.

In another example, a motion sensor is used as the main one. Other rooms can be switched on using standard switches.
