What is a traffic generator. What is adult and how to make money on it? Create a Facebook page for your company

Any Webmaster has a dream - to create a "wonder button", clicking on which visitors will immediately run to his site. Of course, any sober person will say that this does not happen. That, they say, it takes a long time to create a semantic core, promote the site in search engines, communicate on forums, blogs, create your own mailing list, spend money on advertising and do other well-known things. And he will be right in some ways, but in this article I want to prove the opposite, and even if the "cherished button" is a slightly idealized representation of my idea, nevertheless, I have not seen anything like it yet, and in this article I want to talk about my method traffic extraction.

I came up with this method quite by accident, when I, I needed to order a header for a freelance site (I hope everyone knows such services). I just wrote a task that I need a header for my site, gave a link to my site to see what to work with. And finished with it.

Attention! During, 10 minutes I was visited by 50 people And I didn't pay a dime for these people. Now imagine if this task is left not for 10 minutes (I quickly found the performer and closed the task), but for a day. Can you imagine how many will come? What if it's automated? In particular, you can easily add a task with one click by writing some script. And do not forget that there are a lot of visited freelance services.

In general, attendance can be guaranteed to be huge. Of course, you now say that they will come a couple of times, and then they will already know this site and no one will covet it, moreover, the Freelance account will be banned very quickly. And you will be absolutely right! BUT... After all, no one bothers you to create an empty page with a redirect to your site and place it on some free hosting, like the People. This way you can say: "Make a hat for this site on the people." People follow the link, the redirect instantly works, and they are already visitors to your main site.

Of course, you will constantly have to register new and new domains on the people, either on ucoz, or on some other free hosting. Moreover, you will have to constantly change freelance accounts. But let's imagine for a second how this can be automated? In the end, this view without automation does not make much sense.

Let's go through the points:

1) Write a script for automatic domain registration on Naroda.

2) Write a script that will connect to your free hosting (the simplest, via FTP) and load your blank page with a redirect.

3) Write a script for automatic registration on several Freelance services.

4) Write a script to automatically add a task to all these Freelance services.

All that remains for you to do is to enter captchas in paragraphs (1) and (3). And that's it! I am sure that 200 (maybe more) people can come from one service and from one task per day. Now imagine that you have at least 5 such services. And imagine that you posted at least 5 tasks. Due to automation, this will take 10 minutes. Just imagine how much traffic you will get. As you can see, everything ingenious is simple!

But the main question is: Why do you need such dirty traffic?". I didn’t find an answer to this question, and therefore I don’t use this method and I’m not going to use it (that’s why I’m talking about it). But if someone participates in all sorts of affiliate programs where they pay for showing banners, then probably this method will be "good" The only problem is to write such a powerful script, but it is absolutely possible to do it (I declare as a Web programmer who knows PHP quite well).

And when you create such a script, it will be possible to move further, in particular, so that tasks are generated independently (for example, based on other people's tasks). In addition, you can also automate captcha entry (yes, imagine, this is also real). And when this will be created, it remains only to congratulate you, as the first creator of the "wonder button" that everyone dreams of. Only now, "Thank you" is unlikely to be said by anyone.

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How to create a website page that will generate traffic?

Each site owner faces problems in promoting a new page or a thematic section. The reasons for such problems are completely different, and may go to the root of the development of the site.

Sometimes the creation and promotion of a separate page opens the eyes to the global problems of the site. We will identify them, and show you how to avoid them at the initial stage, as well as attract as many customers as possible.

What problems arise when creating and filling a new page

Creating a website page is a complex process. It is important to think about design, usability and content. It depends on how dense the traffic flow will be and how much profit the page generates.

Accordingly, the following problems should be highlighted when creating it:

  • outdated and uncomfortable design and usability;
  • non-unique or irrelevant to user requests content;
  • incorrectly composed advertisement for PPC campaign;
  • unhelpful to potential customers reline.

How to identify design and usability issues

It is necessary to determine how the page is adapted to the needs of modern users, and what flaws make them leave the site. For this you can use woorank.com.

Enter the name of the site and get the total rating. We see problems that create inconvenience or hinder the user. In the screenshot, one of the main problems is not rationally optimized pictures.

In addition, the service determines which information on the site is not correct, and which should be added. This is implemented using multi-colored labels.

Such a comprehensive analysis shows what problems in usability, SEO and design prevent the site from occupying top positions in search. It is important to pay attention to those problems that have the highest priority. Their solution will allow you to reach a new level of development and attract more traffic.

How to write quality articles

After search engines have significantly complicated their issuance algorithms upon request, webmasters are forced to create relevant, useful content. It is utility that is the main priority in the formation of the top 10 search results. Let's analyze how to optimize posts for the needs of potential customers, while making them interesting and informative.

In the event that the page is created, the design is defined, usability is tweaked, it is worth considering whether it will meet the user's desires. In order to find what motives drive potential customers, we use search tips. They are useful, because users refer to them every day.

To determine what questions the user most often has with a particular request, we use the Serpstat service. We enter a key query (in our example, “samovar”), select a search engine, and get to the “Summary report” page. Go to the "Search Suggestions" section. We see here all the search suggestions that users use for quick searches.

However, we are interested in the questions they ask the search engine. It is easiest to write demanded material on them. We click on the “Only questions” button, and we get all the clues we are looking for.

Now you need to write a unique text on the topic “How to choose a good samovar” or any other of the presented ones. Often at this stage, a number of complex tasks arise that are related to the quality of the texts. For example, how to get rid of junk words, or where to check your text for uniqueness.

In this case, a professional copywriter has a few tricks up his sleeve. We mean special services that analyze the text and determine which words should be deleted.

Checking for the presence of stop words is done using the site Glavred. One has only to drive in the text, and we get a summary assessment of its information content, and underlined stop words. Note that this site is not a peremptory role model. You should not bring your text to 10, otherwise it will leave a boring dry skeleton.

In the event that there is neither time nor desire to come up with their own unique text, webmasters compose a new article from several strangers. In such a situation, you can spend a little time to increase the uniqueness of such a post. Thus, the trust of search robots increases, and the user will not convict you of copying other people's materials.

There is a service for checking for uniqueness text.ru. We insert the finished article into it, and we get the analysis. If the uniqueness of the text is low, it has a lot of water or errors, the page will not rank highly in the search.

How to make links on the page useful to the user

Hyperlinks play an important role in navigating the site. They not only help the user, but also convey the weight of the page in the eyes of search engines. Properly chosen anchor phrases and the optimal number of links is the key to successful linking.

The most reliable way to get quality anchors is to use the experience of competitors. To do this, enter the domain of the rival site (in our example, samovary.ru) and select a search engine. Go to the "Keywords" section.

Switch to tree display mode. We get a list of all keywords that relate to a particular page on a competitor's website. Now we select the one that is most similar to our page, and put down anchors with the received keywords.

Do not overload the page with a large number of links. An adequate amount is calculated depending on the overall size of the site and article. It also makes no sense to make a large piece of text or a title as an anchor.

Which competitor pages are the most successful

A necessary touch in our article is to identify the pages of rivals that attract the most traffic. Using the example of their chips, it is not difficult to break into the top.

To do this, enter a key query, select a search engine, and go to the “Leading Pages” section.

Pages are grouped based on the number of keywords they rank for in search. We are interested in another sorting - by the level of potential traffic.

We click on the name of the indicator, and we get the pages with the most traffic when we get into the top 20. It's probably enough to research the first 10-20 pages on this list in order to understand what phrases we need to add to our page to get more traffic.

How to write an ad for a PPC campaign

To attract the maximum influx of customers, when creating a new page of the site, contextual advertising is used. This tool is reliable, and not too expensive if used correctly.

It's no secret that the key to a successful advertising campaign is to create a cool ad. The number of signs that are displayed is strictly limited by search engines, so a quality message is primarily informative and original.

The main source of inspiration for creating such ads is the most successful competitors. It is not necessary to borrow ideas from one person, it makes sense to analyze dozens of advertising messages in context.

This will help us again. Serpstat. We enter a query, select a search engine, and go to the “Announcements” section. We analyze the received ads by content. The title contains the name and a brief description of the product. Only in essence: what it is, and its important features. Below is a subtitle with the main characteristics.

For a full-scale analysis of headings and subheadings, we upload data in a convenient format using the “Export Table” button.


When creating a new page, a lot of problems arise, from design to content. To deal with them, it is worth using an integrated approach.

It is necessary to pay attention to each element that is important for promotion. We start with design, analyze usability, which is important for user convenience. Next, we determine user preferences and popular trends through search suggestions.

As you can see, each element takes its place in the chain of creating and promoting a new page of the site. If it breaks, don't expect a quick influx of traffic.

Generating traffic to a website requires perseverance and dedication. Many traffic sellers provide their services in order to attract more visitors to your site. But this practice does not work with search engines...

It's better to do some work to attract visitors so that your site is listed in the major search engines and optimized for the main keywords and phrases. One of the quickest ways to be included in the Google index is to register your site with Google Webmaster.

Of course, this does not mean that your site will automatically rank highly in search results. In fact, the correct use of keywords is very important for website ranking.

The keywords you choose should be relevant to your site's content and should be widely used. Using the Google AdWords tool, you can easily find popular keywords.

You should select at least 10-20 keywords that are frequently used in search queries for sites with content similar to yours. If, for example, you have a website - an online store, then you need to find the words that people use to search for products.

You can get some ideas by typing in search engines and see what results you get. You can also look at the meta tags of your competitors.

Page titles are also a very relevant thing to attract visitors. Each page should have its own title, and it's best to include your keywords and phrases in it.

Another consideration to be taken into account is the links between the internal pages of your site. Do not use JavaScripts or images to link pages. A good link should contain one or two words. And better these words will be keywords.

Organize your page content to be search engine friendly. The page must have at least one H1 heading and a paragraph. Depending on the structure of the page, you may include headings H2, H3, etc.

Titles are very important when a page is crawled by a search engine, so they should contain keywords. However, keep in mind that saturating a page with keywords can cause the search engine to consider your page as spam. For good content, keyword content should be no more than 5% of all the words on the page.

The main logic in generating traffic to the site is to make the site attractive not only for visitors, but also for search engines. Once you've created your site, page validation becomes very important. You can check by visiting any website that checks for errors on your pages.

Read more:

  1. Generating traffic directly to a website will require tremendous perseverance and incredible dedication...

  2. In website promotion one of the most important roles are keywords....
  • contextual advertising
  • teaser advertising
  • Targeted advertising
  • RTB (from English Real-Time-Bidding)
  • PR (Public Relations, PR)
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Incentive (from English incentive, stimulating traffic)
  • Doorway (from the English doorway entrance door, portal)
  • Email marketing
  • ClickUnder/PopUnder (popup banner)
  • Broker traffic
  • Coupons/Promo Codes/Cashback
  • SMS mailing
  • Mobile traffic

1. Contextual advertising (from Latin contextus - connection connection) is an advertisement, the content of which depends on the user's interest. The ad will match the query in the search bar. Such ads are popular in search networks. Advertising fits well into the engine of search networks and an ordinary user cannot distinguish advertising from ordinary search results.

  1. tumblr.com
  2. livejournal.com
  3. liveinternet.ru
  4. blogger.com
  • Bulletin boards and catalogs
  1. market.yandex.ru
  2. avito.ru
  3. irr.ru
  4. dmir.ru
  5. irecommend.ru
  6. pulset.ru
  7. cataloxy.ru
  8. rosfirm.ru
  9. web-plakat.ru
  10. openrussia.ru
  11. www.sravni.com
  12. barahla.net
  13. rokvel.ru
  14. smito.ru
  15. irrv.ru
  16. jcat.ru - service for publishing on many boards at the same time
  17. spec-board.ru
  18. metrodoska.ru
  19. farpost.ru
  20. go-doska.net
  21. topserver.com
  22. linkfinest.com
  23. info101.ru
  24. www.gde.ru
  25. bizpages.ru

5. RTB (from the English Real-Time-Bidding) - auctions, auctions and more auctions. These are real-time ads that are shown depending on the preferences of content consumers.

If search ads are just the tip of the iceberg, then RTB is the bottom. Due to the widespread popularity of teaser advertising, search giants (Yandex, Google, etc.) have launched their own display networks, where webmasters are allowed to install an advertising module on their site and earn on ad impressions and clicks on ads from their site. Usually, after searching on Google or Yandex, you will be haunted by advertisements of “these windows” or what you were looking for earlier all over the Internet. Noticed? So this is exactly what ad networks are. For example, this is how the YAN ad block looks like in Yandex mail.

The visitor will be shown only those ads that will potentially interest him. This technology increases the effectiveness of ad impressions. The advertiser pre-specify socio-demographic parameters. Also, the advertiser can specify the cost of an impression or a click. Unlike teaser networks, this type of advertising is relevant to consumers of the site's content.

RTB sources:

  1. Yandex
  2. adfox
  3. Adriver
  4. Begun

6. PR (Public Relations, PR) is a set of measures taken and tools used to increase advertising coverage and brand awareness. It can be an informational stuffing, a viral action or a video, an article on a popular resource. PR affects traffic indirectly, but still affects.

7. SEO (search engine optimization)

A number of techniques and techniques for optimizing a site for search results. As a rule, these are relevant topics for search queries, the correct layout structure, link mass, and many other rules. SEO is a whole science. With all this, it is worth remembering - write powerful content for people, and traffic will come with time.

Tools for webmasters to help optimize your site:

  1. google.com/webmasters/tools/home
  2. webmaster.yandex.ru
  3. sbup.com
  4. pr-cy.ru/analysis
  5. cy-pr.com

8. Incentive (from the English. Incentive, stimulating traffic) - the people also call motivated traffic. To find resources that trade in such traffic, simply type in “boxes” into the search. This technology is designed not to sell a product or service, but to draw attention to the Internet resource itself. On such aggregators, users are paid either for viewing your ads or for visiting your resource, installing an application, and so on. There are also services for cheating subscribers in social networks. It's all in one basket.

Sources of motivated traffic:

  1. socpublic.com
  2. seo-fast.com
  3. seosprint.net
  • vktarget.ru - you can buy subscribers for social networks here.

    9. Doorway (from the English doorway entrance door, portal). This is the dark side of SEO. The main task of a doorway is to create one Internet resource in order to redirect to another. Doorways are optimized for multiple search queries to be displayed in the first positions in the search result.

    10. Email marketing - the main thing is not to be confused with SPAM mailing lists. This is an automatic distribution of content and promotional emails. You can send out not only on your own but also on someone else's database (only with the consent of the owner of the database). With a good base - good traffic.

    1. epochta.ru
    2. unisender.com
    3. smartresponder.ru
    4. getresponse.com
    5. rumailer.ru

    11. ClickUnder/PopUnder (pop-up banner) - quite annoying, but also a working technology.

    PopUnder (popunder) when the site is opened, an advertising banner pops up when closed, which opens the advertiser's site.

    Clickunder (klikander) when you open the site, there is no visible banner, and when you click anywhere on the page, the advertiser's site opens.

    1. en.popunder.net
    2. wizard-traffic.com
    3. propellerads.com

    12. Brokerage traffic - Traffic collected on the webmaster's own questionnaires / forms, where users are attracted from various sources (contextual advertising, mailing lists, smm, etc. Such traffic is collected, stored and processed on the side of the webmaster. Traffic is also considered to be brokerage traffic collected offline.

    Sources of brokerage traffic:

    1. tak.ru
    2. www.ruclicks.com
    3. linkwmr.ru

    13. Coupons/Promo codes/Cashback - These are affiliate link aggregator sites. On such sites, there are offers from different partners (online stores, real stores, service companies and other entrepreneurs). On such sites, users are given the opportunity to take advantage of one of the best offers or discounts.

    A powerful way to monetize e-commerce traffic. Cashback services are also a variety. Which return money to users from purchases. In fact, this is just a webmaster sharing his income from affiliate sales with the one who bought it.

    Sources of coupon traffic and cashback:

    1. kupikupon.ru
    2. couponator.ru
    3. groupon.ru
    4. biglion.ru
    5. kopikot.ru - cashback service.
    1. epochta.ru
    2. smsaero.ru
    3. smsc.ru
    4. mainsms.ru
    5. redsms.ru

    15. Mobile traffic. - wap-traffic, traffic from mobile devices. Smartphones, communicators, telephones, tablet/tablets and other portable devices are considered mobile devices. It can be generated from various sources (own applications and websites, advertising networks, social networks, targeted advertising).

    Mobile traffic sources:

    1. wapstart.ru
    2. airpush.com
  • How to generate website traffic with zero marketing budget? This question is asked by both bloggers and startup founders. Quora users are discussing this problem.

    The startup ran out of money two days before launch. There is no place to wait for investments in the next three months, there is no longer even hope for family members - they gave everything they could. How to achieve sales growth in these conditions?

    Reaching the target audience without investing money - isn't this the dream of every aspiring entrepreneur? In this case, strategies should be considered that involve the promotion of products using the advantages of social networks (for example, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube).

    They are different from traditional marketing strategies. The most interesting strategies for free website promotion are discussed on the website by Quora users:

    1. A good way to promote is to be the first to master a new consumer acquisition platform: when a new marketing channel is launched, users are still trusting and pliable, which gives them a chance to win them over to their side, turn them into their followers.

    This is what Yelp did with SEO, and Zynga used the "magic" of Facebook. Later, as both users and interested entrepreneurs become more aware of the new channel, these strategies become more difficult to implement.

    2. You Can Use Other Sites: There are many niche classifieds and e-commerce sites that compete with Craigslist. Many of them started by posting ads on Craigslist and later redirected traffic to their site.

    3. You can get hooked on an existing network: Connecting to a thriving network is possible if your platform is contextual and aligned with that network. An example of such a promotion is the StumbleUpon project, which was originally created as a plugin for the Firefox browser and subsequently it "grew" along with the browser.

    4. Content marketing is amazing free marketing: a blog about everything that the target audience of a particular web resource needs, will help them get to know its main product better.

    5. Scalable Search Engine Optimization (SEO), i.e. turning user-generated content into search engine optimized content. This is an excellent promotion by "foreign" hands, that is, by the forces of other users.

    6. Active use of widgets is even better than Facebook sharing, which is a great way to spread the word about a product but lose reader interest over time. Instead of Facebook, you should choose niche blogs and forums.

    For example, YouTube gained momentum because users of the then-popular social network MySpace (musicians in particular) needed to share videos of their ideas, and Youtube offered them a simple solution to do so.

    7. A bit of cheating won't hurt: there is nothing seditious in creating artificial noise around the resource, for example, in the appearance of "fake" readers and commentators on it (only the owner of the site knows that they are fake). Users prefer to join active discussions rather than initiate them.

    Users may not talk about the resource itself, but they will definitely share their successes related to the resource, for example, achieved with its help. For example, viral videos on Youtube bring glory and benefit not only to their authors, but also attract traffic to this service.

    9. It’s worth targeting micro-markets at first: Harvard students were Facebook’s first audience, Yelp’s early adopters were tech-savvy San Francisco residents, and Silicon Valley venture capitalists and startup founders were the first to show interest in Quora and LinkedIn.

    To promote a product, it is recommended to find a micro-market, a “habitat” for its target audience, which will be interested in it from the first days. The second way to guarantee attention is to focus on influencers. For example, BranchOut went viral the day it was downloaded by TechCrunch blog co-founder and co-author Michael Arrington, who has a huge following on Facebook.

    Each startup should have its own list of opinion leaders who should be invited to test the product.

    10. It is guaranteed that the creation of a viral product will lead to success - one that is distributed at every moment of its existence. Examples of such solutions include SurveyMonkey, Eventbrite, MailChimp, and the original Hotmail, all self-advertising products. At the same time, to achieve organic virality, it is worth using non-monetary incentives to reward users who distribute the product.
