What is better kefir or fermented baked milk. The difference between kefir and fermented baked milk. Ryazhenka recipes

In the intestines, pathogenic bacteria. However ecological situation today is unfavorable, which affects health; as a result, the microflora of our body is constantly depressed, which means it needs to be replenished. The first products of this kind appeared in the fifties, then Soviet dairies produced “Mechnikov’s yogurt”, acidophilic milk, which was obtained using certain types of microorganisms, kefir was fermented with a fungal culture. But these products were perishable and were stored for a maximum of three days. Therefore, over time, their production had to be abandoned. And only when it was possible to create a starter from bacterial associations that allow products for a long time stay fresh, kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk appeared on the shelves again.

What is healthier: kefir or fermented baked milk?

The cleanest and useful product- fermented baked milk. It is made on the basis of milk, which has been “languished” for a long time and there is practically no foreign bacteria left in it, and then it is fermented with thermophilic streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus, which are very beneficial for health. In the West, by the way, kefir is especially popular. Kefir is fermented with a combination of yeast, lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria and also benefits the body. The microflora of fermented baked milk and kefir, entering the human body, produces lactic acid, which prevents the proliferation of unwanted, pathogenic microorganisms and neutralizes them.

Plastic containers are worse than glass, but better than cellophane

Does the quality of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk depend on the packaging? They say that plastic dishes harmful to health?

Of course, the best packaging is glassware. But when using glass containers there is a possibility that during production it may be damaged and a piece of broken glass will fall into the kefir. Of course, plastic dishes are not the best option, but now they use plastic for products that is not harmful to health as packaging for kefir or fermented baked milk.

What is better - plastic or a bag?

A product in soft packaging quickly loses its consistency, because... First, these packages are loaded into factory containers, then they are rearranged in the store, then buyers repeatedly rearrange the packages on the counter and this, of course, affects the quality of the product, which is why it is cheaper.

Unsanitary "grandmother's cottage cheese"

They say that grandmothers at the market have much better cottage cheese...

Grandma’s cottage cheese really tastes better because she uses full-fat, undiluted milk to prepare it. But this does not mean at all that it good quality. Not a single housewife can stand it sanitary standards. Therefore, homemade cottage cheese is stored for only two or three days, and then such a fluff appears on it - acidum lactis, so your body has absolutely no use for it. But at enterprises, cottage cheese is made from pasteurized milk; it is stored longer because there are no pathogenic bacteria.

A common belief is that it is harmful for adults to drink milk because there is no enzyme that breaks it down. This is true?

This is bullshit. Milk is a healthy product at any age. It contains very necessary for the body calcium, vitamins, amino acids, in addition, milk protein is easily digestible. And lactase, the same enzyme that breaks down milk sugar that you are talking about, is present in all people. But with age, the digestive processes in the human body weaken and the breakdown of lactose too, but this does not mean that milk ceases to be absorbed and becomes harmful to health. Everyone should listen to their body. E. coli “loves” lactose, so some people experience discomfort (bloating) after drinking milk.

Many people are very suspicious of T-milk, saying that it can be stored for a long time, and apparently preservatives have been added. This is true?

Another misconception. In fact, T-milk is the milk itself High Quality. There is no foreign microflora in it, because it undergoes heat treatment for 1-2 seconds at a temperature of 150°C. This allows you to destroy all harmful microflora and at the same time preserve vitamins, calcium and protein.

Expert opinion

Don't go on the kefir diet! You need to lose weight with kefir very carefully.

Endocrinologist Yulia Buldygina does not recommend going on a kefir diet, since as a result, along with extra pounds, the body loses the necessary proteins and carbohydrates. According to the expert, kefir will be more gentle fasting days. About once a week, no more than two days.

Drink at least two and a half liters a day if you want to lose weight, it is best to kefir with 0.5% - 1% fat content, advises Yulia Buldygina. – For people suffering from colitis and pancreatitis, kefir days are contraindicated, since kefir increases intestinal motility and colic may begin.

Lactic acid drinks have been known for a long time; they have a beneficial effect on health.

Which one is most useful? Let's figure out what is healthier for the intestines and the body as a whole: kefir or fermented baked milk, yogurt or katyk, Varenets or snowball?


The drink is prepared from cow's milk with a low percentage of fat using kefir grains.- coexistence of several types of microorganisms.

Each manufacturer's starter differs and is kept secret. Kefir has ethanol .

Effect of the product on the body:

  • helps to lose weight;
  • prevents and treats health problems;
  • improves immunity.

Taking kefir daily for a week improves your blood condition. Casein is easier to digest from kefir than from milk.

It is not advisable to drink kefir for people with high stomach acidity.. It enhances tonic contractions of the intestines and has a mild laxative property, so patients with colitis and fecal incontinence need to drink it small quantities.


The drink is fermented with baked cow's milk, baked cream or sour cream.(in a ratio of 3:1) for 3-6 hours, which is why it becomes brown-yellow and “soft”, pleasant to the taste. All bacteria remain alive.

The amount of nutrients in the product is the same as in the raw material - milk, they are better absorbed by the body compared to kefir, and protein is absorbed more completely than from milk.

The drink contains more fat than kefir, so you can’t lose weight with it (you can’t gain weight either).

Ryazhenka, compared to kefir, copes better with thirst, after a heavy meal it helps overcome bloating, it contains more protein and nutrients.

Curdled milk

The preparation of the product is based on fermentation of milk with lactobacilli, Mechnikov's bacillus or yeast. Depending on the bacteria they produce different types curdled milk.

The fat concentration in the drink is the same as in milk - 3.2% or lower (if low-fat milk was used as a basis).

Curdled milk – a product for diets, since it is completely absorbed, has a high energy value, and has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

1 cup of fermented baked milk and yogurt contains a quarter daily norm and 20% of the requirement for vitamin B2 and. Both normalize hormonal levels.


The product is made from the milk of goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes, which is evaporated and boiled for a long time to make it more concentrated and fatty, then filtered through cheesecloth.

For fermentation, add yesterday's katyk or yogurt to fresh milk at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of milk. The older the mushrooms, the stronger the drink.

Fermentation is carried out in a warm place for 6-12 hours. After this time, the drink is taken out into the cold to compact the clot.

The benefits of katyk are expressed in:


To make snowballs, whole milk with 7% sugar is heated to 85 ° C and kept for 10 minutes, then crushed under pressure so that the fat droplets are distributed throughout the entire volume.

Place the starter and wait 4-5 hours, then mix and cool to 5-7 °C. At the end, up to 10% syrup can be added.

The drink can be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer., but not during an exacerbation. He:

  • useful for people with low acidity, intestinal inflammation, and for those who adhere to a gentle diet;
  • normalizes the balance of water and salts, which is important for gallstones, atherosclerosis and other metabolic diseases.

Snowball contains minerals and vitamins found in kefir and fermented baked milk, has low calorie content and pleasant taste, does not increase stomach acidity.

Sugar or berry syrups are added to it, but you shouldn’t abuse it.


This is a type of curdled milk based on baked milk.. Sourdough - sour cream or cream. Baked milk is made by slowly boiling cow's milk until it reduces in volume by a third and turns red.

The resulting raw material is seasoned with sour cream at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter, the container with the mixture is closed and kept for 3-4 hours in a warm place.

No sugar is added to Varenets; it is less fatty and high in calories than fermented baked milk, but still gives a feeling of fullness.

Positive effects on the body manifests itself in the fact that it:

  • normalizes the functioning of blood vessels, bones, sebaceous glands;
  • rejuvenates;
  • heals the lungs after tuberculosis;
  • reduces the effect of drugs on the liver;
  • as a mild laxative, cleanses the intestines.


Comparison table for fermented milk products:

Product Fermentation Bacteria Milk Compound
Kefir Fermented milk, acetic acid, alcoholLactic acid bacilli and streptococci, 20 types of yeast, acetic acid bacteria, bifidobacteriaFresh, P, Ca, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, H, PP, amino acids
Ryazhenka Combination of lactic acid and alcoholLactobacilli, Bacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacteria, Bulgarian BacillusBaked, creamCa, P, Na, K, Fe, vitamins A, B, C, D, PP
Curdled milk Lactic acidLactic acid, acidophilus, Bulgarian bacillus, milk yeastFreshVitamin B, C, fatty acids, amines
Katyk Lactic fermentationBulgarian bacillus and fermented milk streptococci in precise proportionsBoiledFe, Ca, P, Cu, Si, vitamins A, B, D, E
Snowball Lactic acidHeat-loving lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillusFreshFe, Cr, P, I, Ca, vitamins A, C, D, PP, amino acids
Varenets Together lactic acid and alcoholLactic acid streptococci not afraid of heat, Bulgarian bacillus, yeastHigh fat gheeK, P, Cl, Ca, Na, S, Fe, F, Sn,

Milk fat acts as a choleretic agent. All drinks fermented with lactic acid bacilli contain lactic acid, which increases appetite and promotes kidney function.

Kefir better than all other fermented milk drinks, it restores beneficial intestinal microflora.

The champion in digestibility is fermented baked milk, but it has the highest calorie content. The benefits of lactic acid drinks are determined by what point of view you look at them from.

Kefir and curdled milk do not simmer; they retain beneficial bacteria; During heat treatment (ryazhenka, Varenets), not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria die.

Curdled milk is better than kefir: Raw milk sours on its own, without introducing a culture of microorganisms.

Everything made by “nature” is better technological process. There are health restrictions for taking kefir.

All products are healthy, choose according to taste. Doctors prefer fermented baked milk, because the microbes in it are the most useful.

In contact with


Supermarkets offer a wide range of fermented milk products. However, new products do not displace two popular drinks from their leading positions: fermented baked milk and kefir. Everyone knows about the beneficial effects on the body. But not many people can answer the question: fermented baked milk or kefir, which is healthier. Fermented milk products are used for weight loss and for a healthy diet.

Kefir: benefits and harm to the body

Kefir is a fermented milk product obtained from milk by fermentation. Fermentation is divided into fermented milk and alcoholic. Kefir grains are also used. Useful components of the product include:

B vitamins;


Useful qualities:

  1. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Kefir has a low calorie content per 100 grams - 41 kilocalories, and is used for weight loss.
  2. Maintains healthy intestinal microflora.
  3. Quenches thirst in hot weather.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, fights insomnia, depressive disorders and chronic fatigue.
  5. Used as a laxative for constipation and a diuretic. Removes toxins and harmful substances.
  6. Strengthens the immune system, therefore useful for nursing mothers.
  7. Positively affects the functioning of organs.

Contraindications for use:

  • allergic reaction to lactose;
  • peptic ulcers and gastritis;
  • urolithiasis.

Accept healthy drink nutritionists and doctors advise at night.

Ryazhenka: benefits and harm to the body

Ryazhenka is a product of fermented milk origin, produced by fermenting fatty baked milk. The creamy drink has a number of positive properties:

  1. Improves the immune system.
  2. Fights hypertension, normalizes blood pressure.
  3. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract, is good for the stomach and kidneys.
  4. Relieves the feeling of hunger and thirst due to the fat content of the product.
  5. The drink is good for the intestines. Collects and removes waste and toxic substances from the intestines.
  6. Helps to better absorb calcium, strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel. It is also beneficial for hair, enhances growth and strengthening. Useful during pregnancy and for children.
  7. 7. Normalizes the functioning of the female reproductive system.
  8. 8. Fights hangover syndrome.

Negative sides of fermented baked milk:

  • Do not take if you have high stomach acidity;
  • with protein intolerance;
  • at overweight, because fermented baked milk has a high calorie content per 100 grams - 66 kilocalories.

Only fresh product is useful.

What is the difference between kefir and fermented baked milk

Let's look at the differences between the two products. For a correct comparison, let’s study the parameters: color, method of production, number of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

  1. Kefir white, while fermented baked milk is cream-colored. The first product is fermented at 23 degrees, and the second at 45. To taste: kefir is sour, fermented baked milk is slightly sweet. When preparing cocktails, sugar is rarely added to the second drink. The consistency of the products also differs: in the first there are visible lumps, and in the second there is a slight foam.
  2. The first criterion that interests people who follow proper nutrition and health – this is the calorie content of drinks. Fermented baked milk contains many more calories than kefir, so the second product is used in diets.
  3. Ryazhenka contains 3.6 grams of fat, while the second product contains 0.9 grams. These include both saturated and polyunsaturated fats.
  4. An important component in a drink is the amount of carbohydrates present. This component is the main source of energy. Kefir contains 4.48 grams of carbohydrates, and the second food product contains 4.8 grams. Carbohydrates have a positive effect on the digestive system.

What is healthier for weight loss: kefir or fermented baked milk

Kefir has no big number fat and calories, which is why it is considered a diet drink. The product quickly burns fat, and unnecessary kilograms are lost. Nutritionists include the product in the diet of overweight women. Weight loss occurs quickly, but the body is tortured, because the feeling of hunger does not disappear. Not every woman can survive on such dietary food, only those who are determined to change.

You can satisfy your hunger with nutritious and satisfying fermented baked milk. Is it possible to replace kefir with fermented baked milk during a diet? The fat content of the second product is much higher, so after eating, hunger is more satisfied. Doctors say that with the help of a second drink, extra pounds are lost, just choose low-fat fermented milk products. Ryazhenka - a good option You can use seasonings for vegetable and fruit dishes instead of high-calorie and low-health mayonnaise. Those who do not like the sourish taste of kefir can also resort to a sweetish product.

You can build a diet based on either kefir or fermented baked milk. The result will always be if you follow the recommendations of a nutritionist and adhere to proper nutrition.


Ryazhenka or kefir, which is healthier? for the body? There can be no clear answer to the question. Kefir contains less fat and calories and is better for weight loss. Ryazhenka has a useful chemical composition, therefore it is important for humans. The choice of drink depends on needs and taste.

There is a wide variety of dairy products; it can be difficult to make a choice. The most common fermented milk drinks include kefir and fermented baked milk. How are these products different?

Origin of products

Ryazhenka has long been known in Slavic cuisine; in the old days it was called “ boss», « beater" Ukraine is considered the birthplace of the product (Ukrainian curdled milk). In the 17th century, thrifty housewives put in the oven clay pots with milk and sour cream, they were left to simmer for a long time until they acquired a creamy hue. Sour cream was added instead of sourdough.

The place of invention of kefir, which is called the drink of longevity, is North Caucasus(Ossetia). It is widespread in the European, post-Soviet region, and the USA.

Methods of obtaining

Kefir is obtained from whole or skim milk, in which fermented milk and alcohol fermentation are used. The process occurs using various microorganisms (streptococci, rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeast), called kefir “fungi”. The product is fermented at 18-23 degrees. Temperature is determined by the microbiological composition and time of year.

Ryazhenka is produced from baked, fairly fatty milk by lactic acid fermentation. The factory process is similar to home production of the product; instead of sour cream, streptococcus bacteria and a culture of Bulgarian bacillus are used. Before preparing the drink, the milk is kept for 2-3 hours at 95 degrees. For ripening, a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees is required, the process lasts 3-6 hours. Such heat treatment makes fermented baked milk the most clean look fermented milk products, since there are no foreign microorganisms in it. Refers to one of the varieties of yogurt; fermented baked milk contains no flavoring additives.


  • Kefir is a fermented milk drink, homogeneous, since the microflora used is stable and white in color.
  • Ryazhenka is also a fermented milk product with a yellow-beige, creamy hue.

Kefir and fermented baked milk have similar products.

  • An analogue of ryazhenka is considered to be matsoni, Varenets (origin - Caucasus), Katyk (Turkic product). Yoghurts without bioadditives from Western Europe have similar properties.
  • Kefir is similar to kumis and ayran in terms of the method of production; they also use special fungi. During manufacturing, the final result is the formation of lactic acid and ethyl alcohol. The products contain alcohol in a small dose (0.2-0.6%).

Calorie content

Ryazhenka contains more fat than kefir, which means it contains more calories. Most often, this product is sold with 4-6% fat, the minimum proportion is 2.5%. Kefir can have a wider range of this indicator - 0% (low-fat), from 1.5 to 6% fat content.

Some consumers prefer fermented baked milk because more delicate taste, uniform consistency. Kefir is characterized by the formation of clots and gases, while fermented baked milk is characterized by milk foam.

Kefir is more suitable for combination with dishes made from meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other products containing proteins. Ryazhenka goes well with berries and fruits, vegetables, and bread without yeast. To prepare a cocktail where fermented baked milk is used as the main component, there is no need to supplement the drink with sugar or honey, compared to sour kefir.

Beneficial features

Both products have a beneficial effect on health, they contain microorganisms that improve intestinal microflora and metabolism.

  1. When dieting, kefir will be more useful, since it is characterized by low calorie content. The drink is not suitable for people with stomach problems due to its gas-forming properties.
  2. Scientists have proven that the healing properties of kefir are provided by a special leaven. It can be used by people regardless of age.
  3. Helps restore the natural balance of the human body, as it contains a large number of microelements (iodine, fluorine, copper) and vitamins. With their help, energy is generated, balanced nervous system, metabolism, skin improves.
  4. Kefir contains a sufficient amount of calcium, it is well absorbed and promotes the absorption of other foods, helping the body's activities.
  5. The microorganisms contained in it are able to stop the proliferation of putrefactive microbes. Thanks to the drink, toxins are removed from the body. Lactic acid promotes antiseptic effect.
  6. The disadvantage is that kefir cannot be consumed by people with high stomach acidity due to its gas-forming properties.
  7. Concentrates in fermented baked milk more quantities useful substances, since during prolonged heat treatment some of the water evaporates.
  8. Ryazhenka is rich in various vitamins and beneficial elements (iron, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium). The drink is distinguished by the fact that it contains a large amount of calcium and has a positive effect on the body.
  9. Consumption of fermented baked milk strengthens the immune system, restores intestinal microflora, and stimulates metabolism.
  10. The product has less acidity and can be consumed by people with high stomach acidity.
  11. Ryazhenka contains a lot of calories, so the product is not suitable for those who have decided to lose excess weight.

Thus, kefir and fermented baked milk are fermented milk products; they differ in the method of production, color, taste and calorie content. Both products have beneficial properties, kefir is a more dietary drink.

Ryazhenka and kefir are fermented dairy products that are beneficial for the human body.

Both products improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the risk of early cardiovascular mortality.

In this article we will figure out the difference between kefir and fermented baked milk, as well as which of them is healthier.

Due to its narrow distribution (only among Slavic peoples), it does not have a strong scientific base and, from the point of view of modern evidence-based medicine, cannot be considered kefir is healthier A.

But kefir is a very popular drink in the world with a strong evidence base. Scientists from many countries have studied it and many discoveries have been made.

The main advantages of kefir from a scientifically based point of view are:

  1. Powerful probiotic effect. Scientists claim that kefir contains a more diverse spectrum and a larger volume of microorganisms that retain their vital activity in the intestinal lumen much longer (30-40 species versus only 2 in fermented baked milk).
  2. Slowing down aging. According to Japanese scientists, kefir inhibits the course of chronic inflammation in the walls of the large intestine. It is this process that is associated with the high frequency of genetic mutations and shortening of telomeres during cell division in the body. There is also a direct connection between the intensity of inflammatory changes in the intestine and the frequency of clinical manifestations of type II diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Pronounced antibacterial properties. According to research, kefir is able to block the proliferation of salmonellosis and dysentery pathogens and inhibit the growth of E. coli. Long-term intake of kefir prevents the development of gastritis associated with the persistence of Helicobacter pylori.

From a scientific point of view, kefir is healthier than fermented baked milk, since it has a much more extensive scientific base. It has been proven that kefir contains more.

6 healing properties of both products

Although kefir has been better researched, both drinks are powerful, affecting almost all systems of the human body:

  1. . Drinks improve intestinal microbiocenosis: they inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, and increase the number of beneficial representatives of the microflora. Both products accelerate the breakdown and absorption of nutrients (also effective for lactose intolerance) and normalize the motility of smooth muscles located in the intestinal walls. The products prevent the development of a number of dyspeptic disorders of a functional nature (nausea, belching, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea).
  2. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Taking fermented milk drinks has a beneficial effect on the course of any infectious-inflammatory (salmonellosis, dysentery, etc.) and autoimmune (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) diseases. Fermented milk products not only reduce the symptoms of the described disorders, but also contribute to the rapid onset of remission.
  3. . Systematic addition of probiotics to the diet leads to the activation of local and general immune factors, accelerating the proliferation of cells of the immune system. As a result, both local (ARVI, skin candidiasis, etc.) and generalized (sepsis) inflammatory processes are less common. They also prevent malfunctions of the protective system and the appearance of autoimmune disorders.
  4. Maintaining skeletal strength. Both kefir and fermented baked milk contain a number of valuable macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) and vitamins (B2, B12), which regulate the mineral composition of bone tissue, which leads to. They provide reliable prevention of osteoporosis and fractures.
  5. Reducing the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Probiotic substances have a complex effect on all interrelated components of the metabolic syndrome: hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension, obesity, gout, diabetes Type II, lipid profile disorders and atherosclerosis. When taken, there is a decrease in blood pressure and blood sugar levels, normalization of body weight, glucose and insulin metabolism, and lipid profile (increase in HDL, decrease in TAG, LDL and total cholesterol). With the systematic addition of fermented milk products to the diet, more low frequency the incidence of such fatal complications from the circulatory system as myocardial infarction, thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary arteries, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.
  6. Maintaining mental health. Fermented milk products and general emotional background, and anxiety, increase tolerance to the effects of stress factors. Probiotics also delay the development of Alzheimer's and Pick's disease.

It is worth noting that many have the listed effects, such as yogurt, yogurt, Varenets, katyk and others.

4 main differences

Kefir and fermented baked milk differ from each other in many ways: taste, color, consistency, production technology, etc.

Let's look at 5 main differences.

1. Origin

Ryazhenka is considered national dish Slavic cuisine. Currently widespread in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The first mention of the drink dates back to the 15th-17th centuries.

And the birthplace of kefir is the North Caucasus. The product gained popularity only at the beginning of the 20th century, although cases of its preparation and use are described at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries.

2. Organoleptic characteristics

  • Color. Kefir is white or pale gray in color, while fermented baked milk is rich cream or light brown. Such differences are due to the peculiarities of preparation of each of them.
  • Taste. Ryazhenka has a slightly sour aftertaste, sometimes sweetish. Kefir is always an acidic product with a slight yeasty taste.
  • Consistency. In terms of consistency, kefir is most often a liquid suitable only for drinking. Ryazhenka (depending on the fat content) can be either thick (creamy) or liquid.

3. Fat content and energy value

The standard fat content of kefir is 0%, 1.5%, 2.5% and 3.5%. The average calorie content is about 30-55 calories per 100 g of product.

Ryazhenka (according to technological standards) can have a fat content from 2.5% to 6% and a calorie content from 58 to 100 calories.

Thus, fermented baked milk is usually a higher calorie product.

4. Production technology

Ryazhenka is made from baked milk. Fermentation occurs as a result of mixing lactic acid Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. The duration of the process is from 3 to 6 hours, and optimal temperature– around 40-45 degrees.

Kefir is made from milk through two types of fermentation – lactic acid and alcohol. Interaction occurs between a wide range of bacteria and yeasts. As a result, the drink can contain up to 30-40 strains of microorganisms. The number of bacteria is also important - there are more of them in kefir than in any other fermented milk drink.


Thus, both fermented milk products have a lot of beneficial qualities for the human body. Due to different production technologies, products have different organoleptic properties and qualitative composition. The effect of kefir on humans has been much better studied, so it is considered a more preferable dairy product.
