How to kill bedbugs at home. How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment. Means for combating adults

  • Temperature 20-30 degrees Celsius;
  • There are no sudden temperature changes;
  • A sufficient number of secluded corners;
  • Presence of food sources (people, warm-blooded animals).

Methods for exterminating bedbugs in an apartment

Remedies for house bugs

Aerosol bullying

This method is the fastest and most effective. The most effective products are available for customers to choose from in stores:

  • "Raptor";
  • "Combat";
  • "Microfos";
  • "Raid";
  • "Clean house".

Using aerosols, they poison pests in the most inaccessible places.

ATTENTION: When spraying, some of the toxic substances enter the air, so it is necessary to carry out the treatment in a respirator.

Application of powders and solutions

The use of powders and solutions will help achieve high efficiency in the fight against bedbugs. To achieve a lasting result, this procedure must be carried out several times. From exposure to solutions:

  • "Insecticide";
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Executioner";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Foresight";
  • Get - “Get.”

All adults and young individuals, as well as their offspring, die.

How to remove bedbugs from your home:

Folk remedies

Security basics

The insecticides produced today are completely harmless to humans. Disinfestation in residential premises is permitted using products classified as hazard classes 3 and 4 in terms of toxicity.

REFERENCE: There are four hazard classes of toxic agents. The most toxic drugs belong to the first class, the safest to the fourth.

When carrying out disinfestation in a residential area, it is recommended to follow the following safety measures:

  • It is necessary to poison insects when there are no people or animals in the apartment;
  • When working with toxic products, wear rubber gloves, special clothing and a respirator;
  • Before processing, seal and remove food, dishes, and personal hygiene products;
  • After the drug has expired, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment well, the entire wooden furniture and wash other surfaces using a baking soda solution.

If bedbugs appear in your home, you should take the advice of professionals. Their recommendations:

Although there is no reliable information about the possibility of contracting diseases, the possibility nevertheless exists. Moreover, the list of possible infections includes such serious diseases as smallpox, brucellosis, tuberculosis, anthrax, and hepatitis B.

How to kill bedbugs at home yourself: choosing a method

The effectiveness of the method used for extermination of bedbugs, directly depends on the implementation of the order of a number of activities based on knowledge of the biology and behavior of insects:

Important! Having discovered at least one individual, you should not delay processing and wait until the population grows: every day the female is capable of laying up to 5 eggs, which will turn into full-fledged individuals in just a month (if favorable conditions). If the process is delayed, it may be necessary professional extermination of bedbugs.

How to destroy bedbugs in the house: temperature influence

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment: mechanical method

Mechanical effects on insects include:

  • Cleaning furniture and beds with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Destruction of bedbugs manually by crushing;
  • Application double sided tape or adhesive strips.

All these measures are among the most environmentally friendly and can be used for safe destruction of bedbugs in an apartment with children. However, their effectiveness is also high only if there are only a few individuals.

How to destroy bedbugs at home: traditional methods

If pets live in the apartment, then it is best to use one of the folk remedies that have been proven in practice:

All these methods do not give 100% results, therefore, for a stronger effect and for the purpose destroy bedbug eggs use more effective formulations:

  • Boiling water 150 ml, turpentine 15 ml, kerosene 20 ml, green soap in solution 40 g;
  • Ethyl alcohol 300 ml, turpentine 300 ml, camphor 15 g;
  • Turpentine 80 ml, phenol 40 g, salicylic acid 6 g;
  • Kerosene 300 ml, turpentine 300 ml, naphthalene 60 g.

How to quickly destroy bedbugs in an apartment: chemicals

All of the above methods can help with low levels of infestation or if insects accidentally enter the home. To completely destroy bedbugs in the apartment, you should use one of the synthetic insecticides offered by the industry:

Among the other most popular and effective drugs includes:

  • Executioner– oily liquid of medium toxicity class, destroys larvae and eggs;
  • Hector– powder with hazard class 4 (safe for people and animals), successfully destroys insects with resistance to other insecticides;
  • Insect Control– the drug is odorless, available in the form of capsules, after spraying and infecting insects it is transferred to the nest, causing the destruction of all individuals;
  • Empire 20– a product from a Spanish manufacturer with a pleasant citrus scent, approved for use even in children's institutions;
  • Cifox– concentrated liquid with insectoacaricidal action, used in residential premises using personal protection, remains effective for up to 3 months. ;
  • CIMEX– a Finnish product with high efficiency, requires treatment of the entire room, regardless of contamination, guarantees destruction of eggs and larvae of bedbugs in the apartment: one bottle is enough to treat 100 m²;
  • Ecokiller– an environmentally friendly drug, safe for people and animals, produced from natural raw materials, available in the form of powder and liquid;
  • Fufanon Super- a drug from Denmark, similar in action to Karbofos, has a medium degree of toxicity and is produced in the form of an oily liquid, insects are guaranteed to die within 3-4 days. ;
  • Get– Russian liquid preparation, safe for people and animals, does not contain allergens, does not leave stains, the effect lasts up to 6 months. , is not destroyed by temperature changes or exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Cucaracha– a concentrated solution of high efficiency, requires dilution 1: 100, one bottle of 50 ml is enough to treat 70 m², used for disinfection of residential and non-residential premises, catering enterprises, children's and medical institutions;
  • Combat– a product from a Korean manufacturer, available in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to treat hard to reach places And destroy cockroaches and bedbugs in the apartment, has low toxicity and prolonged action.

Important! Effective drugs include such products as Raid, Fas, Bug Pomor, Forsyth, Raptor, Clean House and many others. Therefore, choosing the most suitable remedy in each specific case will not be difficult. If the drug cannot be found in the retail chain, then online stores, professional companies, as well as sanitary and epidemiological institutions can help in purchasing the necessary product.

How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

  • Concealment from a person;
  • Average humidity level;
  • Temperature not higher than +27°C.

With a high probability you can find masonry behind baseboards, in cornices, bedside tables, under rugs, within the frames of photographs and paintings, and sometimes even in the folds of woolen clothing.

To effectively kill bedbugs and their masonry, it is necessary:

  • use long-acting insecticides that ensure the release of substances toxic to insects for several months;
  • treat the laying sites with hot steam or boiling water - high temperatures are guaranteed to destroy the eggs, only the water should be above +50°C;
  • wash areas of possible masonry (plinths, floors, walls, cornices, etc.) very hot water, to enhance the effect, add soda, potassium permanganate or peroxide;
  • If possible, additionally freeze the things where the eggs were found, since low temperatures are just as destructive for them as high ones.

Important! For guaranteed destruction of eggs and larvae of bedbugs It is recommended to repeat the treatments after 7-10 days, since it may not be possible to detect all the clutches the first time.

Professional extermination of bedbugs in the apartment

Getting rid of bedbugs is not easy, therefore, if there are children, sick or elderly people, or pets in the apartment, you should choose the safest and most effective method- turn to professionals. Even the use of the most powerful insecticides if used incorrectly (not treating all areas, diluting too much, etc.) can have the opposite effect and worsen the situation. Bedbugs can mutate and develop resistance to chemicals, making them difficult to eradicate in the future.

In specialized bedbug extermination companies will conduct a preliminary consultation on preparing the premises for disinfection. To do this you need:

  • pack dishes, food, toys in sealed bags;
  • fold clothes, linen, hygiene products separately;
  • push everything drawers and open all the doors in the furniture;
  • spread out the sofas, turn off the hood;
  • close doors, windows and ventilation;
  • remove the pets and wrap the aquarium with film.

After treatment, it is recommended to enter the room no earlier than 4 hours later. Open all windows and doors and ventilate until the smell disappears. Use a soap and soda solution to wipe table surfaces and door handles. The premises should be used for residential purposes no sooner than every other day.

Important! It is recommended to postpone general cleaning to prolong the effect of the drug.

Methods for professional extermination of bedbugs

Depending on the degree of infestation and customer requirements, professional services offer several bedbug extermination methods:

Security maximum efficiency achieved by specialists not only by using the most modern drugs, but also using the latest equipment, helping to solve the problem in the most short time. During disinsection and disinfection closed premises are used:

  • Manual pump sprayer SHTIL SG 31. Used in processing small areas (construction cabins, city apartments, trailers);
  • Backpack manual sprayer SHTIL SG 20. With a large capacity and built-in pressure gauge, it allows you to process large areas with pressure control in the tank;
  • Cold fog generator(fogger). Allows you to treat surfaces over a long distance (up to 10 m), while simultaneously ensuring high penetration of the drug;
  • Hot fog generator SWINGFOG SN 50. Thermo-mechanical aerosol generator of compact design, providing a high degree of efficiency at .

Important! A drug “Master” for killing bedbugs– one of the highly effective drugs that are used in professional pest control and in combination with specialized equipment giving a guaranteed result.

How much does it cost to exterminate bedbugs in an apartment?

For those who want to get quick results, regardless of price, “hot” fog is most suitable. Those who want a cheaper method can order a “cold” fog treatment, although its effect is slower.

The most effective will be a complex effect, enhanced by barrier protection, but it will also cost more.

Approximate cost of exterminating bedbugs in Moscow for a 1-room apartment is up to 2.5 thousand rubles, for a 3-room apartment – ​​up to 3.4 thousand rubles. The price of the service is influenced by the method of treatments and their quantity, the drug used, and the area of ​​the room.

Which company to choose for bedbug extermination

If you decide to use the services of professional exterminators, then there are two options for the development of events: resort to the help of a local sanitary and epidemiological station or choose a good private company.

Sanitary and epidemiological station: extermination of bedbugs

A government agency has several undoubted advantages:

  • Affordable prices;
  • High professionalism;
  • Availability of all necessary documents;
  • Quality and safety guarantee.

However, with all these advantages, getting urgent help with extermination of bedbugs in the apartment(which is almost always necessary) is often problematic. But private organizations provide services upon request.

Private companies for the destruction of bedbugs

In a company with a well-organized process for providing services, first of all they will find out all the circumstances of the problem, as well as living conditions, the number and age of residents, and inquire about the client’s requirements.

Signs of professionalism also include:

  • Availability of licenses and quality certificates for drugs;
  • High level of service: polite treatment, clear organization, free consultation;
  • Prices for services are in an affordable range, not much higher than state prices;
  • Guarantee for work performed with the possibility of re-processing in case of relapse.

IN private organization you will be offered services such as urgent call for bedbug extermination and providing a range of services that increases the efficiency of work.

Destroy bedbugs and cockroaches with a guarantee can be both public and private services. In any case, the work of professionals will give results an order of magnitude higher than with independent attempts, and with maximum safety.

Anyone will agree that the appearance of bedbugs in the house is an unpleasant event that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. However, it can happen to anyone. But, as you know, it is not so easy to reliably and quickly remove bedbugs from an apartment.

The most likely routes for bedbugs to enter a person’s home:

  • with old furniture, things, bed linen, books;
  • with guests, strangers;
  • with pets;
  • from a neighboring apartment, basement, through windows, balcony, ventilation grilles.

There is an opinion that most often bedbugs appear in places where hygiene rules are not followed. You can also purchase an apartment on the secondary housing market with bedbugs. Moreover, at first it will seem clean, because in the absence of food, bloodsuckers hibernate for up to a year. When a new victim appears, they are activated.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs forever?

Bedbugs can and should be eliminated forever. These insects, with their bites, deprive a person of peace and normal rest. Their bite can cause not only severe itching and allergies. If you scratch too hard, the wound can become infected.

To combat bedbugs use:

  • insecticides;
  • folk remedies;
  • thermal impact.

What smells do bedbugs dislike?

Bedbugs have a strong developed sense of smell. This helps them quickly find a food source - human blood. Therefore, insects always react to odors and do not like highly concentrated aromas. This was discovered a long time ago and was used to scare blood-sucking insects. To the smells that are afraid bed bugs, include herbal aromas:

  • wormwood;
  • tansy;
  • calamus;
  • chamomile;
  • wild rosemary

The perfume aroma of perfume and cologne can also drive away uninvited guest. But only if the smell is very persistent. Among the chemical agents to repel bedbugs, you can use ammonia, vinegar, turpentine, wiping the legs of the bed and the floor around it with their solutions.

Comment! Repelling bedbugs with an unpleasant odor is only a temporary measure. A very hungry insect will still attack a person to satisfy its hunger.

How to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies

Traditional recipes are recommended to be used if bedbugs were recently discovered in the apartment and their number is relatively small. In this case, there is a chance to remove bedbugs forever, without using toxic chemicals and without resorting to the services of special services.

You need to treat furniture, carpets, and curtains by spraying them with a spray bottle. Floor, corners, door jambs, bed legs should be moistened generously. The cracks, the space behind the baseboards, and peeling wallpaper must be spilled with the treated liquid.

After treatment, the room should be tightly closed and not entered for at least a day.

How to remove bedbugs from your apartment with vinegar yourself

One of the most famous folk remedies to remove bedbugs is vinegar at a concentration of 9%. Stronger vinegar is not used - it is dangerous for humans and animals. It is used both in a single state and in the following mixtures:

  • solution of 9% vinegar, alcohol, naphthalene;
  • vinegar, naphthalene tincture;
  • a solution of vinegar and turpentine in equal proportions.

How to permanently remove bedbugs from an apartment with turpentine

Turpentine is a product of the distillation of resins coniferous trees. It is toxic and must be handled carefully, protecting the skin of your hands. Strong smell turpentine causes bedbugs to avoid places where there is vapor from this product. To combat insects, mixtures with other substances that have a strong odor are used:

  • 10 ml of turpentine, 15 ml of kerosene, 40 g of green soap, 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 100 ml of turpentine, the same amount of kerosene, 25 g of ammonia;
  • 50 g ammonia, 50 g laundry soap, 150 g of turpentine.

The components are mixed. This product is used to fill the habitats of bedbugs, treat the legs of the bed and the floor around it. After this, the room is tightly closed and no one enters it for 24 hours. Treatment with turpentine is carried out again after 5 days. This method is unlikely to remove bedbugs forever. But you can temporarily stop their bites.

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment with kerosene

Kerosene has an odor that bedbugs cannot tolerate, so it is widely used as a means to remove insects. Someone advises using kerosene in pure form, others recommend making a mixture of kerosene, naphthalene and ethyl alcohol.

Use this product to treat places where insects accumulate behind the baseboard, in crevices. doorways. Under no circumstances should you spray it on furniture, including the bed, sofa, and nightstands. This is a flammable substance. Its main advantage can be considered accessibility; it can be easily and cheaply purchased.

How to remove bedbugs from your home using wormwood yourself

If it is noticed that bedbugs have appeared in some specific furniture: a bed or sofa, as well as in carpets, and it is a frosty winter outside, then you can take this furniture and things out into the cold for a couple of days. Contaminated clothing should be placed in freezer also for a few hours.

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment using steam treatment

Removing bedbugs using high temperature treatment is the most safe way. They die within 5 minutes at a temperature of +500C. Exposure to boiling water leads to the death of insects, their larvae and eggs. Boiling water is poured into corners and crevices. Sofas, armchairs, mattresses, and carpets are treated with a steam generator. After this, conditions should be created for complete drying of the treated items.

Attention! It should be remembered that high temperature treatment can damage some types of furniture. Therefore, not everything can be poured with boiling water and treated with a steam generator.

How to effectively remove bedbugs from an apartment with hydrogen peroxide

To remove bedbugs, you can use hydrogen peroxide by treating the legs of a bed or sofa. Or you can water the places where insects accumulate using a mixture: combine hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol and salted water in equal proportions.

How to remove bedbugs from a room using special means

Attention! When using aerosol products, remember that they are under pressure and should not be sprayed near an open fire or a running electrical appliance.

Features of removing bedbugs from various places

You can remove bedbugs different methods. They should not all be used always and not everywhere. You need to understand when it is better to do heat treatment and when to use chemical insecticides. There are cases in which the problem can only be solved with the help of special services. In another situation, a person can cope with such a misfortune on his own. It depends on the degree of infestation, sources and the desire of the person to try to remove bedbugs for a long time and painfully or leave it to specialists.

How to get bedbugs out of a sofa

To remove sofa bugs, you can take the furniture out into the cold or treat it with a steam generator or chemical insecticide. This will require patience and painstaking work. It will be as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to disassemble the sofa as soon as possible.
  2. Remove the pillows, unzip and uncover them, wash the covers at the highest possible temperature.
  3. Vacuum all parts of the sofa, corners and folds.
  4. Treat with a steam generator or chemical agent all possible places of the sofa: ends, back, seams, corners, bottom, tray.

After using chemicals, the sofa should be ventilated and not used for several days until the smell completely disappears.

How to get bedbugs out of clothes

To remove bedbugs from clothes, you can use one of the listed methods, taking into account the type of clothing, so as not to spoil it. Outerwear should be taken out for 2 days, in the cold or treated with a steam generator. This method will preserve the appearance and quality of the clothes. For other types of clothing, cold heat treatment outdoors or in the refrigerator is also recommended, as well as heat when washed in hot water.

Bed bugs can live in bedding, as well as in the mattress and its seams. To remove bed bugs yourself, just wash your laundry in water at a temperature of about +600C. You can also keep it in the cold for a couple of days for greater reliability. First vacuum the mattress well, especially the seams and folds, and then treat it with a steam generator or keep it in the cold for at least 48 hours.

How to get rid of the smell of bedbugs

You can tell that a room is heavily infested with bedbugs by the smell. Behind the insect's front legs, on its abdomen, there are odorous glands that produce a substance that easily evaporates in the air. The concentration of the released substance depends on the situation in which the bloodsucker is located. When in danger, or when a crushed bedbug is crushed, it releases the most smelly substance.

  • choose chemicals without smell;
  • after killing bedbugs, carry out a good general cleaning using scented cleaning products;
  • do redecorating those places where there was the greatest concentration of insects;
  • ventilate the room well;
  • remove furniture and other items to fresh air for ventilation.

Attention! There are methods for eliminating persistent odors in an apartment by neutralizing the sources of such odors. One of the methods is dry fog treatment using a special generator. This operation is carried out by specialists whose services you should contact.

Preventive actions

Measures to prevent the appearance of bloodsuckers in the house will help avoid this scourge and all the troubles associated with it. To do this you need:


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As soon as bed bugs appear in an apartment or house, household members immediately call a pest control service to clean them up. This solution is certainly effective, but also expensive. It is not uncommon for bedbugs to disappear for a while after cleaning an apartment, but after a few weeks or months the problem returns. Bedbugs are once again beginning to drink blood from household members, causing them a lot of trouble and health problems.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment

In addition to calling special teams, you can fight bedbugs using more adequate methods. In addition, such methods are tens of times cheaper, and their effectiveness depends rather on the correctness of the disinfestation work. Each person, thanks to the variety of methods and options for fighting bedbugs, can choose the most optimal one for himself. Now the question of how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment is much easier to solve, and also cheaper.

Having visited a specialized store, you can simply get confused by the variety of species and methods of combating these nocturnal bloodsuckers. Naturally, to find out which insecticide is the most effective, you can ask the seller. But sometimes sellers do not always know about the effectiveness of a particular product, since they themselves have not encountered the above-mentioned problem. Therefore, the most reliable option is to familiarize yourself with all possible ways products and insecticides that allow you to overcome night bloodsuckers in the form of bed bugs.

How to make sure there are insects in your apartment

Household members may not even suspect the presence of bedbugs in the apartment, and for a long time. In order to make sure that nocturnal bloodsuckers are present in the apartment, there are certain recommendations. The main habitats of house bugs are:

  • bed;
  • armchairs and sofas;
  • bed linen and towels.

The main place of localization of colonies of quiet insects are baseboards, heating systems and other hard-to-reach places where the air temperature does not drop to +15 degrees. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the bugs leave such a room or die out.

Bedbugs go out hunting at night, so humans do not react to insect attacks. In addition, bedbug saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

Most of the bites are caused by females, and males are less active in this regard, but cause no less harm than females.

Known methods of fighting bedbugs

The disadvantage of all types of aerosols is the possibility of human poisoning with these insecticides. The poison is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. In order to properly exterminate bedbugs using an aerosol at home, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Remove all food products from the kitchen, as the poison may settle on them during spraying. You should also hide utensils and personal supplies, which will increase safety.
  • All family members and animals should be removed from the premises where disinfection will be carried out. It is necessary to close all doors and windows, as well as ventilation ducts.
  • The person who will perform the aerosol spraying procedure must wear goggles, a respirator, gloves and a gown. Clothes must be washed after disinfection is completed.

To completely destroy bedbugs, it is necessary to thoroughly treat with insecticides all places where bedbugs can make their nests

Now we’ll find out what aerosols exist to control insects at home.

  • Raid. This aerosol is intended for the treatment upholstered furniture, for example, if you need to destroy bedbugs in a sofa or bed. The raid is due not only to the effectiveness of the impact, but also to the lack of unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears. The cost of such a product does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • Mikrofos +. If the first two preparations have practically no odor, then Mikrofos + has a powerful aroma. This aroma gives high performance indicators, but finding Mikrofos Plus is quite difficult. The cost of a Mikrofos canister will cost 1,500 rubles.

Bed bugs live in cracks in walls, in parquet floors, and near heating systems, so when using an aerosol, be sure to spray poison in these places.

Using aerosols, you can also destroy bedbug eggs by spraying any of the above drugs on them. In addition to aerosol preparations for killing bedbugs, there are also powder types.

A selection of the best 5 means to combat bedbugs (video):

Powder insecticides

This applies only to powders that are based on intestinal poison. Such powders are cheap and practically ineffective. But another thing is powder, in which the main destructive substance is a contact poison. The use of such means increases the likelihood of killing bedbugs, but this process is extended over time.

In the store you can find the following types of effective insecticidal powders:

  • Chlorophos. Presented as an organophosphate insecticide that must be prepared before use. To prepare, you need to dilute 15 grams of powder in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic and dangerous to humans, so follow all safety rules when using it. The result when using Chlorophos is almost 100%.

You can also find liquid means for killing bedbugs on the market, but there are very few of them. To use liquid insecticides, you will need to acquire special equipment, which is quite expensive. Moreover, liquid products are almost similar in effectiveness to aerosols and powder preparations.

Temperature treatment

Using this method, do not forget about the heating system, which can freeze, and this threatens the development big trouble with the housing office and neighbors.

If you need to remove bedbugs from a sofa or chair, then in winter it is recommended to take this piece of furniture outside, leaving it for several hours.

Traditional methods

Towards effective folk remedies against bedbugs include:

  • vinegar;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • ammonia.

Wormwood and tansy can cause the development of allergies if one of the family members has an individual intolerance to one of these herbs. Before using this method, you should make sure that other family members are not allergic.

  • Cleaning carpet using a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you need to set the vacuum cleaner to full power and carefully walk it over the entire surface of the coating.

  • White vinegar. Use a brush to rub white vinegar into the carpet. It is recommended to repeat the procedure over time, which will increase the effectiveness of this method.


Knowing the basic measures for exterminating bedbugs in an apartment, you can draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of each of them. You will be able to answer the question of how to destroy house bugs yourself after you have completed the task.

To choose correctly effective remedy, first explain the complexity of the problem. Do you need to destroy individual individuals or an entire colony? In any case, you should start with aerosols or powder products, which are due to their complex effects. If the methods and methods you have tried do not bring the desired result, then there is only one way out - contact a pest control service.

Domestic bedbugs are a real disaster for humans: even cockroaches cannot compare with these insects in terms of the amount of harm they cause. They and their larvae mercilessly bite the entire family at night, literally eating small children, after which the skin itches and breaks out in a rash. How to kill bedbugs is the first question that worries a person if he has found “happiness” in the form of bloodsuckers in the house. Let's look at the main ways to get rid of biting scourges.

Bedbugs and their features

  • After spending the night in a hotel, hotel, with friends and relatives (they can crawl into things).
  • From neighbors - insects easily move through ventilation or even crawl into doors.
  • After bringing things from dry cleaning, wardrobe, storage room.
  • When purchasing used furniture.

Before treating the apartment, carefully inspect all secluded places for the presence of insects.

Attention: The consequences of the appearance of bedbugs in an apartment can be serious - in addition to allergic reactions, constant bites at night cause lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, neuroses and even depression!

When is it time to take action?

If you find bites on your skin, you need to think carefully. You shouldn’t immediately think about how and with what to kill bedbugs - you need to make sure of their presence. First, you should carefully examine the mattress or sofa, as well as all the nooks and crannies in the bedroom. It is almost impossible to notice small eggs, but adult insects usually sit side by side during the day in their nest, without running away from there.

There are other “symptoms” of the appearance of bedbugs:

  1. Blood stains on bed linen.
  2. Black crumbs (excrement) near the bed.
  3. The presence of skins that are shed by the larvae.

Bites on the body are also quite unusual. As a rule, the bug leaves a “path” of 3-5 bites, this is the only way it is completely saturated. Typically, such marks can be seen on the neck, arms, chest and other open places.

What to do if bedbugs are detected?

According to experts, insects can appear in any house or apartment, regardless of the sanitary condition of the home. However, cleanliness and the absence of places where dust accumulates and uncleaned secluded places will be the first step in getting rid of bedbugs. Cleaning will help kill bedbug eggs and captured adult insects, so you need to wear gloves and mechanically destroy all identified insect nests. You need to vacuum the carpets and immediately take out the trash, wash the cracks and corners, clean up all the loose pieces of wallpaper and linoleum.

In parallel with cleaning, you should wash linens, blankets, rugs, or treat things with hot steam. You can also take furniture and things out to the balcony to freeze or, on the contrary, leave them in the sun. Bedbugs can only live when room temperature!

What is the easiest way to kill bedbugs?

If there are a lot of bedbugs and you yourself are not able to cope with the insects, there is only one way out - calling a professional pest control service

Whatever tool is chosen for the job, there is important tips for working with it:

  • Before starting work, carefully read the instructions.
  • Correctly calculate the consumption of the drug for preparing the solution.
  • Preliminarily do a wet cleaning of the room, move the furniture away from the walls.
  • Pack food, toothbrushes, and other personal belongings tightly, or better yet, put them on the balcony (food in the refrigerator).
  • It is good to treat all places where bedbugs may live, trying to maintain the approximate consumption of the working solution (this indicator is also indicated in the instructions).

  • After applying the chemical, leave the room immediately.
  • You can return to your apartment or house only after the time specified in the instructions has expired, and immediately ventilate your home well.
  • After 10 days, disinfestate again. Thus, the larvae of bedbugs that appeared during this time will be killed.

When using any insecticides, you should follow safety precautions - wear a respirator, gloves, goggles, and thick synthetic clothing on your body.

While treating a room for bedbugs, people with serious illnesses should not be there. chronic diseases, children, elderly, pregnant women. Animals also need to be removed or removed from the apartment.

Tips to help get rid of bed bugs:

What remedies are there for bedbugs?

Here are the common brands of anti-bedbug medications:

  1. "Raptor spray." Includes poison from the pyrethroid group, paralyzes insects.
  2. Spray "Raid". Ideal for processing upholstered furniture.
  3. Aerosol "Combat". Equipped with a nozzle for penetration into hard-to-reach places, quickly kills bedbugs in nests.
  4. Aerosol "Dichlorvos". Easy to use, cheap, familiar to everyone and quite effective.

Powders, concentrates or microgranules for preparing solutions are usually more effective against blood-sucking insects. They contain one, but more often 2-3 active substances, and their effect is prolonged. This will help destroy those bedbugs that appear 10-30 days after disinfestation.

Some products can be scattered over bedbug habitats, others can be applied diluted with a brush. Powder preparations include:

  • "Klopoveron"
  • "Executioner",
  • "Insecticide"
  • "Diazinon"
  • "Chlorpyrifos"
  • "Neopine."

If the drugs deal with bedbugs very quickly - they penetrate the chitin and paralyze the insect - then their eggs are almost always preserved. But modern means designed for long action, so after hatching the larvae are doomed. Only when the room is highly populated with bloodsuckers is it better to re-treat. Dead insects should be swept away immediately so that children and pets do not touch them, and treated areas should not be washed for about 20-30 days.

Attention: It is practically pointless to purchase crayons, traps, and sticky baits to kill insects. They only eat blood and will not be interested in other food offered.

Other measures to eliminate bedbugs in the house

  • Freezing. If you manage to take a bed, sofa or things with bedbugs out onto the balcony or outside in winter and leave them there for at least a couple of hours, all the insects will die. It is also possible to “freeze the apartment” by opening the windows, but there is a danger of bursting the heating pipes.

  • Steam treatment. By pouring water into a household steam generator and walking through secluded corners with steam, you can kill most of the bedbugs and larvae. Some people also water insect nests with boiling water, which is also unfavorable for them.

  • Pouring bedbugs with a solution of vinegar, turpentine, kerosene. These methods are less effective, they will have to be carried out many times, and damage to furniture and things is almost guaranteed.

Having decided to get rid of parasites in any way, it is important to warn your neighbors. If they crawl to them through the ventilation, it will be a matter of time to get them again. Therefore, it is better to do a high-quality disinfestation once and forget about the problem, than to suffer forever from bedbug bites!
