What is the difference between the lands of individual housing construction, SNT, DNP: what is the difference and what to choose. Buying a house in SNT (garden non-profit partnerships): pros and cons

DNP and SNT plots, what is the difference, this information must be known to a citizen who decides which area of ​​land is best to acquire as a property.

When choosing, you also need to consider whether you need to build a house on the property, whether you want to actively engage in gardening, etc.

Among the available forms of acquiring real estate, lands and buildings located in the tracts, are:

  • non-profit partnership dacha type– DNT;
  • non-profit dacha partnership - DNP;
  • non-profit gardening partnership - SNT.

All these types of ownership belong to the form of dacha cooperatives. They have a unifying principle - the use of land.

When buying a dacha, citizens are guided by price, considering it correct to choose solely based on whether the plot is expensive or cheap. When choosing, you need to take into account other factors, among which the category of land plays an important role. Since these are the moments that can cause many difficulties in the future, for example, reduce the possibility of using land or buildings.

For example, when purchasing a plot for gardening, you should pay attention to the possible use of this particular territory for such purposes. If it is intended exclusively for the construction of residential buildings, then it may be difficult to plant a garden there.

That is why, when choosing a plot to purchase for certain purposes, you need to know how they differ from each other. In particular, their legal and factual differences.

DNP territories include those areas that belong to a legal entity from the owners of land plots in a specific complex. The person, in this case, is the founder or one of the members of the cooperative.

The founder acts as an intermediary between land owners who have joined the cooperative in order to use the land. It is he who coordinates all important and necessary points with the local administration. If citizens have not previously privatized land plots, then they have every right to engage in privatization in relation to the rented plot.

Important! How is it different from SNT? Such plots have a lower price because the land on them is less fertile. Typically, such areas are purchased to build a small building and grow a garden. According to the new law, it is allowed to organize DNP on the lands of settlements.

Pros of DNP:

  • low price, in comparison with lands for individual housing construction and SNT;
  • there is no need to conduct a technical examination of the building that was erected in order to recognize its status as residential;
  • a citizen, purchasing a plot of land in the DNP, becomes a member of the partnership and receives the right to participate in meetings;
  • when a land plot is located on the land of a settlement, the issue of registration will be much easier to resolve than in the case of a gardening non-profit partnership.

Read also List of documents for the dacha that the owner must have

Disadvantages of DNP:

  • erect a building large sizes, For permanent residence it won’t work in such a territory;
  • on such lands there is no provision for gas and other communications to the buildings; if a person wants to do this, he will have to pay a lot of money;
  • in the vicinity of the DNP lands there are no buildings necessary for the normal residence of citizens and objects;
  • sometimes it can be difficult to register for such areas;
  • the purchase of territory obliges the construction of a house, and its further registration as property, since it is not intended exclusively for growing plants.

Banks in Russian Federation are cautious about processing and issuing a mortgage loan in relation to DNP plots. Therefore, it is worth preparing for a long journey when purchasing land with a mortgage.

The lands on the territory of SNT differ from others in their high fertility and are allocated only for summer cottages. The quality of the soil is strikingly different from categories such as DNT and DNP. They are located outside the territory of populated areas and have the status of agricultural land.

The right to own a plot of land for the citizen who bought it is determined by membership in a non-profit partnership. The subject of ownership is the founder, but it is also possible to allocate him to ownership through certain procedures. Among them:

  • setting boundaries;
  • obtaining written approval from the administration or the main member of SNT;
  • registration of ownership;
  • redemption work;
  • privatization procedure.

The basis of such a structure is its corporate spirit. Actions that are carried out only with the common efforts of the members of the partnership:

  • conduction of electricity;
  • drilling of the wells;
  • road expansion, etc.

The advantages of SNT include:

  • located with rural areas;
  • Very good land for development Agriculture;
  • There is no need to build on this type of site Vacation home, you can simply engage in farming;
  • is cheaper than land for individual housing construction.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • bringing communications to the sites requires certain efforts;
  • It is difficult to register at the site; you will have to collect a package of documentation and contact many authorities.

Read also The procedure for registering a house in SNT in 2019

What is the main difference between DNP and SNT? The fact is that on the lands of the gardening non-profit partnership, the soil is very good for growing crops.

Advantages and disadvantages of such lands in relation to other categories

In addition to DNP and SNT, there are other categories of land, how do they differ? Advantages of DNT and DNP lands over the categories of individual housing construction lands:

  • lower price for territory;
  • simplified object acquisition system.

Among the disadvantages is that it will be more difficult to obtain permission to register. On the territory of the DNP and DNT plots, in contrast to private household plots, it is allowed to erect capital-type buildings on them. But these areas are not suitable for raising livestock and poultry.

Compared to SNT, areas of DNP and DNT can be classified as budget options real estate, with similar use of plots. But, at the same time, despite its price, SNT lands have better quality soil.

Is it possible to build a house on the territory of SNT? Yes, such areas can be used to build a house. In order to register a building, you will have to perform some administrative and legal actions that are not necessary when registering buildings in other territories.

Moreover, the price of a SNT plot is almost identical to the price of a plot for individual housing construction, but these lands are always allocated outside settlements and towns. The construction of a house on the territory of a garden partnership is not supported by the standards that must be observed when constructing on the territory for individual housing construction.

Based on the differences between DNT and SNT, a citizen must decide which is more profitable for him to purchase. SNT or DNP, which is better?

It is better to choose a site in DNT if:

  • there is no desire to garden and garden;
  • there is an intention to build a country-type house on the site so that you can live there comfortably for a long time, as well as the opportunity to register there;
  • It doesn’t bother me that it will take a long time to get to the city, as well as to the infrastructure.

A citizen should choose a plot on SNT land if:

  • you can afford the financial expenses for communications;
  • there is an opportunity and desire to build a small residential building;
  • the house that will be built on the site is not planned to be used as the main dwelling;
  • has for you great importance gardening and various plant growing activities.

Country house management or cottage village often entrusted to associations or partnerships created by the residents themselves. Of course, making all decisions by the community of summer residents is not an easy task, but all accounting is transparent and you can control how the money contributed by residents was actually spent (the problem of control usually arises when working with a management company).

Which option should you prefer when organizing such management or choosing a village with an already established system?

The familiar abbreviations SNT, DNT, DNP differ from each other in the organizational and legal form (partnership, partnerships, etc.) and the purposes of creation (for gardening, horticulture, etc.)

Forms of legal entity

Associations of citizens in dachas and garden plots may exist in the form of partnerships, partnerships or cooperatives. These are independent legal entities - non-profit organizations who have property and money on their balance sheet and are independently responsible for their debts.

Main differences between in different forms consist in the regime of the property disposed of by the given entity.

In a cooperative, funds are formed from entrance and share contributions of its members, with shares in the mutual fund (something like “ authorized capital» cooperatives) are not allocated to shareholders. When leaving the cooperative or the death of a shareholder, the entry fee is not returned, but the share payment is paid to the shareholder or, accordingly, to the heirs. Heirs will not be able to participate in general meetings if they have not independently become members of the cooperative.

In a partnership, contributions can be entrance and membership, from which the property of the partnership itself is formed, as well as targeted (the property acquired with them is owned by the partners in common joint ownership, i.e., without the allocation of shares, even ideal ones). In addition, the partnership owns property purchased with income from its business activities.

In a partnership, all property acquired with the contributions of the participants is the property of the partnership.

The main issues in all listed legal entities are resolved by general meeting: this is the election of the board, the purchase of a common plot of land, changes made to the Charter, approval of expenses and income for a certain period. Current issues are dealt with by the executive body (chairman or board).

It is necessary to take into account that the laws on gardening and vegetable gardening associations, on consumer cooperation, regulating the activities of the above legal entities do not provide for all the details. Issues such as the size of shares and the procedure for their contribution, the choice of an organization’s management system, each SNT or DNP decides independently, providing for the corresponding rules in its Charter.

Activity goals

Based on their goals, non-profit associations of this type are divided into vegetable gardening, gardening and summer cottages.

Of course, participation in a gardening association does not prevent you from planting garden crops on your plot, or planting a garden in your dacha.

The fundamental difference is not this, but the availability of the opportunity to build a permanent residential building on the site, as well as register in it at the place of residence. This depends primarily on the permitted use of the land.

Dacha and garden associations are usually located on agricultural lands, in rare cases “for individual housing construction.” The status of an agricultural plot for the construction of summer cottages, gardening and vegetable gardening ensures low taxes compared to the lands of settlements or commercial organizations. But it also limits owners’ use.

If the status of the site is “for gardening,” then the maximum that can be built there is outbuildings and non-permanent residential buildings (i.e., not closely connected to the ground, without a real foundation poured into the ground).

Permitted use “for gardening” allows you to build a residential building and register ownership of it. Here's the registration permanent place Living in such a house is impossible.

The greatest freedom is provided by dacha associations of citizens and plots “for country house construction": they allow you to build residential buildings and obtain permanent registration in them. However, it is better to check with the city authorities about the possibility of registration. There are summer cottages without the right of registration (those for whom the local administration has not provided for the possibility of permanent residence, and therefore is not obliged to provide communications to them). If the village you have chosen is “without the right of registration,” then, most likely, you will still be able to register in it, but only through the court, which will have to prove with the help of an appropriate examination the suitability of the house for year-round living.

Not everyone knows how individual housing construction differs from SNT, and this often leads to a large number of problems. This could be the construction of a residential building, registration in it, or the impossibility of running a subsidiary farm. Therefore, purchasing individual housing construction land or SNT, it is important to consider what the difference is.

What is individual housing construction

The land plot of individual housing construction is intended for individual construction of a residential building and one family living in it. It follows from this that on such land it is possible to build:

  1. A private house. At the same time, the legislation imposes a number of conditions that must be adhered to during construction. For example, the building should not be higher than 3 floors and should not be attached to other residential buildings.
  2. Hotel. If all requirements are met, a hotel can be located in a small residential building.

Sites for individual housing construction have some features:

  1. In a house located on such a plot, the owners can apply for registration.
  2. Individual housing construction is always located in areas with well-developed infrastructure.
  3. The construction of a building involves the preparation of a large number of technical documents and building permits.
  4. The owner of a plot for individual housing construction does not depend on various non-profit structures and is not required to make contributions for maintenance.
  5. The owner has the right to expect to receive a tax deduction.
  6. Individual housing construction can be issued as a bank pledge.

Individual housing construction sites have their own disadvantages, among which the following are important:

  1. Size of plots. It is limited, since the land is used for construction, and not for independent farming.
  2. Arrangement. Construction or renovation of a house must begin no later than 3 years from the date of receipt of the site.
  3. Tax increase. If the construction of the building is not completed within 10 years, the land tax will double.

Help: when purchasing a plot, you can independently find out the type of permitted use. This information is contained in the cadastral passport or certificate of ownership. Knowing what individual housing construction is, it will be much easier to decide on the choice of site.

What are SNT and DNP

The abbreviation SNT stands for gardening non-profit partnership, whose activities are aimed at farming. In other words, this is a legal entity that has management, Charter, etc. SNT enters into contracts with contractors who provide the supply of various resources, and participants are required to pay a fee for this.

The advantages of a garden non-profit partnership include:

  1. Possibility to build any building and obtain registration.
  2. If the construction of a residential building is not planned, the site can be used for growing various crops.

Read also Rent of land from the administration for individual housing construction

But the disadvantages of using SNT land are as follows:

  1. If not all participants of the partnership pay for the provision of utilities and other services, then the debt is distributed among bona fide payers.
  2. It is quite difficult to register an SNT plot as collateral when applying for a bank loan.
  3. Residential buildings on such sites are considered country houses.

An adult owner of a plot of land can become a member of a gardening partnership. As for membership fees, all members of the partnership are required to pay them. These funds do not go to the maintenance of the board of the cooperative, but only to the needs of the participants.

The procedure for collecting these payments has not been established, so the SNT management is developing it independently. In practice, each member of a gardening partnership pays the same amount for one hundred square meters of his plot. Therefore, the total payment amount depends on the size of the plot. In addition to standard payments, the Association's Charter may include an entry fee.

In addition to SNT, there is also a DNP (dacha non-commercial partnership). The status of this association is practically no different from a garden partnership. DNT and SNT differ in that the price for summer cottages is much lower than in gardening partnerships.

In addition, it is assumed that the owners live on the site only in the summer, so there will be problems with the operation of light and heat in the winter. Registration in the DNP is also not easy. Therefore, when considering SNT and DNP for the acquisition of land, you should take into account all the existing nuances.

The difference between individual housing construction and SNT

So, what is the difference between individual housing construction and SNT? The difference between these two areas is as follows:

  1. Plots located in SNT are used for farming, but individual housing construction is used only for residence.
  2. Land for individual construction is located exclusively in populated areas, while SNT can be located on.
  3. Obtaining DNP can sometimes be difficult, while in individual housing construction such problems never arise.
  4. Individual housing construction sites are much more promising, as they have a developed infrastructure. And such an individual residential plot can be sold very profitably in the future. But the owners will most likely have to develop the infrastructure in SNT themselves.

You should choose a non-profit dacha or gardening cooperative only if you are running a private farm. Then all the shortcomings of these categories of land will be compensated by the receipt of agricultural products. It's important to know what to do entrepreneurial activity on SNT or DNT is prohibited. But the owners are allowed to sell the remainder of the products produced on the site. This is the only thing that unites individual housing construction and SNT, since in everything else they may differ.

More and more people today are seriously thinking about construction own home Location on. Specially looking for suitable land, make plans, draw up projects, order estimates, but do not always think about the legal side of the issue. Where did the abbreviation IZHS come from? What is its decoding and meaning? What is the purpose of land? What are the main differences, pros and cons in comparison with DNT and SNT? You need to answer these questions for yourself, since there are many options on the real estate market, and from them you have to choose the best one, without compromising yourself.

Individual housing construction: decoding, definition

I - individual (for one family), F - residential (house no higher than 3 floors), C - construction (carried out on our own or at our own expense). This is the definition in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Land for individual housing construction - for which use is permitted land within the city, in towns and in rural areas (in other words, on settlement lands). To build a house requires approval from all authorities, obtaining building permits,

DNT and SNT, individual housing construction. Land plots: differences in terms of rights and obligations

Dachnoye or (DNT and SNT, respectively) have their own characteristics in terms of construction rights. In the first case, the law obliges to build country house, in the second there is no such need. Today, you can build anything you want on agricultural land. There will also be no problems with registration of rights thanks to " dacha amnesty" - federal law. However, it is almost impossible to reimburse expenses with maternity capital or receive a tax deduction (local authorities often refuse). If it is more important for the family to return the money, live in a developed infrastructure (so that there is a kindergarten, school, shops, entertainment and training centers), then it is better to look for individual housing construction plots. If there is no fundamental difference for you in the purpose of your land, if it was inherited or gifted from your parents, then agricultural land is suitable for living. You can register in a house built in SNT, DNT, or in individual housing construction. This is not directly prohibited by law.

Choice of a young family

Since in our time young families, as a rule, do not own anything, but they have the opportunity to purchase something (through savings and maternity or housing certificates), it turns out that they are faced with a choice of what to buy. And in this situation, among young people, land plots for individual housing construction are a priority. However, when placing a bet on them, you should imagine in detail what awaits you.


Having decided to build a private house, having found the required amount, we begin searching for land. The advertisements contain the familiar individual housing construction (the explanation is not always given), SNT, DNP and even private household plots. When choosing the first, you should know:

  1. To build a house, permission from local authorities is required. For this purpose, a whole package of documents is collected: gene. plan, passport of a residential building project, certificate of land title, etc. in accordance with Article 51 (its 9th part) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. The house must be built in accordance with all the requirements established in GOST and SNiP. This includes requirements for the presence of the following premises and their minimum area: a kitchen of at least 6 m2, a bath of 1.5 m2, a living room (8 m2 for a bedroom, 12 for a common living room), a toilet of 0.8 m2 and a storage room . There is also a requirement for heating, ventilation system, water and electricity supply, sewerage. The required distances from the road and neighbors must be observed. There is also a requirement for the size of the plot: no more than 25 acres for villages, 15 for towns, 10 for cities, but not less than 4.
  3. Upon completion of construction, permission to enter into operation must be obtained.

Registration of rights

And the last formal procedure: both in the case of individual housing construction and in the case of construction on land in the DNP or SNT, it is required state registration rights to the construction project. To do this, technical and cadastral passports for the building are ordered from the Inventory Bureau (BTI). A specialist comes to the site, takes measurements, after which after a certain time (the speed depends on the amount of payment) you will receive Required documents. With them and a certificate of land title, as well as a passport and permission to commission, you need to go to the registration authority. You can sign up via the Internet, if there is such a service in your city, or directly through an electronic queue, as is done today in banks.

Thus, the abbreviation IZHS (its decoding) speaks not only about the purpose of the land, but also about in a certain order construction, enshrined in legislation. At the same time, the construction of a private house for permanent residence on the lands of a gardening partnership or country house is much simpler and does not require compliance with restrictions on the size of the house. Even the only negative - the lack of developed infrastructure nearby - is a big plus for many, namely for those who prefer the silence of the countryside to the bustle of the city.
